Marketing Your Business With Videos

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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How to Use Online Video to Explode Your Business

Brought to you by the creators of Content Buzz

The World’s leading Video Marketing Software 2

In this video I would like to explain how and why Video

Marketing is the ‘ONLY’ type of marketing that any

business, small or large, needs to expand their

company. 3

The object of any marketing campaign is to

get your ‘prospects’ to find you, and then get to know,

like and trust you. 4

Hi, I’m Shaun Hurley Creator and Developer of

Content BuzzThe Leading Video and Social Media Marketing

Software 5

…and I want to explain to you why

Online Video is simply the best method available to

achieve your business goals. 6

Once you have defined your ‘target audience’, you can

create promotional material to communicate with your prospects through images,

both moving and still, sound, music and text. 7

So, what can Video Marketing do for your

business? 8

A well optimized video can attract visitors from not only the search

engines, but also from all over the social web.

The video sharing sites are just part of the overall Social Media do need to incorporate videos into a wider Social Marketing campaign...

Traffic 9

You can promote your videos on the Social Bookmarking sites like the

Social Story sites like Digg, Propeller and StumbleUpon, the Image Sharing sites like

Flickr and a multitude of other Web 2 properties for even more traffic and exposure.

Traffic 10

It should be your goal to create a list of prospects in your niche, not only to build a relationship with, but also to entertain and inform

them. By keeping in communication with them, over

time, you can offer them your own and affiliate products to keep the

cash flowing in your direction.

Lead Generation & List Building 11

By creating videos for your sales pages you will convert more

browsers into buyers...Also, you can create videos in much less time than it takes to

write long sales letters.

Sales Letters 12

There are lots of other uses for video in your marketing... tutorials,

testimonials, product demonstrations, the list is endless. 13

But probably the greatest benefit of Online Video Marketing is for

establishing your online presence, your brand, and crucially,

establishing yourself as an ‘expert’ in your niche. 14

So, Video marketing strategies can help you get more traffic to your web properties, help you build a list of prospects for you to build relationships with, improve the conversion rates on your sales pages and get higher search

engine rankings... all at the same time! 15

Online video will become THE most important and indispensable part

of your sales process. 16

Bottom line...if you’ve got something to say, use video to get

your marketing messages seen and heard... 17

I won’t kid you, and say that Video Marketing doesn’t involve some work, and that there isn’t a small

learning curve. Unfortunately there is no magic wand that you can wave to attract customers and

make money. 18

What I can say though, is that there are tools to reduce the pain and the time involved to get your message out there. Once you have planned your video and decided on

what ‘call to action’ you require, you have several options. 19

You can create very effective ‘talking head’ type videos with an

affordable ‘flip’ camera. You probably have tools like

‘Powerpoint’ and ‘Windows Movie Maker’ already on your computer to make excellent presentations. 20

To distribute your promotional videos to the world, there are

submission tools like Content Buzz. 21

Content Buzz is a step-by-step system that syndicates your

videos and other content to all corners of the Internet, and

includes a revolutionary method of enabling you to create unlimited link building campaigns to any of your Web properties... blog posts, landing pages (whether optin or sales), articles on Ezinearticles,

images on Flickr etc. etc. 22

So if you want more traffic to your websites, to generate more leads

and achieve top search engine rankings, please accept our offer

of a Free Trial at: