Marković Marko 1062/2009 1 of 10.

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Marković Marko1062/2009

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Use of Object Oriented design patterns in game development

Application of design patterns

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Games, one of the most profitable factors in the software industry

Research on this field is in its infancy Distinction between games and other

forms of software Development teams Independent video game development.

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This schema presents an interactive game’s vital modules

Increase the flexibility and reusability of the underlying system

Design patterns are not universally good or bad

Usage in game development is an open research field

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Based on the children's game with the same name

Rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper and paper beats rock

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Applicability of other object-oriented design patterns should be examined

Classes participating in patterns are more change prone?

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Patterns under study has reduced complexity and coupling compared to a prior game version developed without the pattern

The size of the projects has increased in the pattern version

Design patterns should be encouraged

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