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MARRIAGE Marriage in Ancient Mesopotamia,

Egypt, Greece, Rome, Canada

ANCIENT GREECE MARRIAGE In Ancient Greece marriage were set up by

their parents. Girls married at the ages between 14-18

years. Men married at the ages 20 or 30yrs. A set of rituals were set for the happy couple. The first ritual started with a bath then the

groom would go to the brides house in a cart. Then they would feast at the brides father’s house. Then the groom would take the bride to his parents house. Then the groom's parents would shower them in nuts and fruit.

ANCIENT GREECE MARRIAGE The father gave the groom money,

goods and estate, her skills Most girls where married at the age of

14 and their husbands were 30 years. There was a three part ceremony which

was 3 days long There was a pre-wedding which was

called  proaulia then there was the real wedding which was called the gamos then there was the post-wedding which was called epaulia

ANCIENT GREECE FAMILY The father of the household was the

head of the house. The wife supervised the house and

the slaves. Most Greek parents arranged the

wedding for their children. Many children wanted to go to

school but they didn’t The majority of the kids who went to

school were boys.

ANCIENT GREECE DIVORCES The men would have to pay the wife’s

family money, goods and estate. If the wife cheated on the husband then

divorces was automatic A divorce can happen in two ways by a

wife leaving or a husband asking the wife to leave.

ANCIENT ROME MARRIAGES Marriages in Ancient Rome were not

very romantic. It was an agreement though the two families.

Men married in early 20’s and woman would be married in their mid or late teens.

The parents would consult their close friends about it.

A marriage would not happen unless the bride and groom were Roman Citizens

ANCIENT ROME FAMILY The eldest man ran the religious ceremonies,

taught his son how to farm, and made the decisions.

Even when his kids got married and grew up he was still the boss.

He was in charge of the problems in the house.

Kids were taught to respect their elders, and be good citizens.

Slaves were also in families households. But they were fed, did all their jobs that they were to do and they wore the clothes that the owners gave them.

ANCIENT ROME DIVORCE A divorce was just like a marriage, simple,

they had to say that they were getting a divorce in front of seven people.

Divorce was common because since a divorce was easy to call then it was very common in Ancient Rome.

The wife would want her money, goods and estate.

The wife would then go back to her protection of her father.

ANCIENT EGYPT MARRIAGE The woman would be 14 or 15 years old

and the man would be around the ages anywhere from 17-20 years.

They were encouraged to marry young because life span was short.

The bride would move her things to the grooms house.

The bride wore a long dress made out of linen that was covered in a long bead-net.

ANCIENT EGYPT FAMILY When a woman was pregnant she would

lay down by her husband. Twins were very special The birth of a child was a celebration as

well as a concern.

ANCIENT EGYPT DIVORCE The woman would move back to her


They could remarry and have more


the man can bring another woman while

still married but woman could not.

ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA MARRIAGE Girls got married at the age of 14 The marriage in ancient Mesopotamia

to modern Canada because they both have the man or woman propose to the woman or man. Then they have the wedding.

After the wedding they both find a house together.

ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA FAMILY Woman could go anywhere and

everywhere with her husbands permission.

Children were respected by their parents.

Big families would have slaves. All the people in Ancient Mesopotamia

enjoyed to eat!!!! Beef, lamb, pork, goat, duck and geese

were the common meat that rich families and ate.

Poor families rarely ate meat.

ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA DIVORCE The woman got all her valuables back. Divorce was usually called by the

husband. men sometimes had to pay a fine. A woman could be thrown out of the

house with no money and naked.

MODERN CANADA MARRIAGE In BC people can get married at the age

of 19 and older, in Alberta people can get married at the age of 18 and older, In Ontario people have to be 18 and older, In Quebec people have to be 16 and older, and in New Brunswick you have to be 18 and older.

Same gender marriages got legal in 2005.

MODERN CANADA FAMILY Children boys and girls can go to school

and have the education they need. Children and families can have a very

comforting home. When families separate then the kids go

with the mother. Children have very much freedom. Children's have many rights.

MODERN CANADA DIVORCE Steps to figure out. Figuring out were the children will go The one another's financial information. If people want to divorce they got to



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