Marvel comics

Post on 21-May-2015

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Interest and passion for marvel comics and its origin


My Interest toward Marvel Comics

Information about Marvel Comics

Marvel Comics is an American publisher of comic books and related media that started in 1939.In 2009 Disney acquired Marvel Entertainment. Marvels successful characters are Spider-man, Hulk , X-men, Iron man, Fantastic Four etc.


Reading marvel comics brings out the hero within you. Whenever one looks at the marvel movie they want to be in place of the character.

Reason to like marvel comics was due to the characters and storyline.

Feeling of having the superpowers and fight the villain instead of the character.


Interest for Marvel comics and movie came when I read my first original vintage comic strip of iron man.

Reading the storyline gave me the goose bumps and excitement.

The first marvel comic I read was when I was in 10th standard that created the

interest. The interest turned into passion when X-men released in 2000.

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