
Post on 30-Nov-2014

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• The following slides are sources for the ideas for the primary school production of the lion king firstly from the original movie and then the existing masks from the musical version to find inspiration for my own

• Simba once the lion cub the strong adult male destined to be be ..needs to be regal


• Timon a meerkat a comedic character with a philosophical side the mask needs to reflect his caricature personality


• A warthog …slightly dense but with humble caring quality


• Pretty lioness but with a feisty quality that should be reflected in the mask


• Stern and regal father of simba


• Caring and concerned mother of simba will do anything to protect her cub


• Comic , mouthy, bossy, if slightly annoying


• Old,Wise and mischievous mandrill


• Simba's uncle, twisted, sly and bitter, with a sarcastic nature and a vendetta against Simba for being born

Shenzi banzei ed

• Shenzi is the sarcastic female leader with a cruel nature the smartest of the three..banzei the greedy agrees with everyone a real scavenger follows the pack.. Ed is the dim-witted pack member really really goofy


• Lioness of the pride nalas mother strict and stern

The jail broken mask (After this point we were given complete creative freedom to design and construct our own mask )

The following slides are those of masks that I liked and wished to take inspiration from for the creation of my own mask

• This mask stood out to me due to the levels and layers of leaves which gave the mask tone and shadows and a more three dimensional effect whilst still moulding and highlighting the key features of the wearers face…the realism of the leaves also surprised me

• Again a leaf shaped mask the reason I wish to have a leaf related mask is the fact the textures and layers would present me with a challenge …this one is a classic volto mask I liked the way the maker had moulded the shape of the facial features

• On this mask the point which stood out was the shades round the eyes adding a classic dramatic effect to the mask

• The effect of this mask impressed me with the textures and the angling of the leaves along with the seamless blend of colours

• Another example of a volto mask the introduction of charcoal to add tone and shadow

• First concept, the only issue I had with this mask was the colouration if I made it I may not have been able to make a good enough cream to do this mask justice though I did like the contrast between the green/cream, and the black

• Concept 2 the issue I had with this again was the cream also the fact there wasn’t enough contrast or tone in the red to make this mask a viable option in my eyes

• Concept 3, the design I was happiest with that I planned my mask off. The contrast between the black the red and gold. And the shaping of the leaves around the facial features

• After choosing the concept I decided to look closer at the mask at the finer details and painting styles/tones

The making of the mask

• Stage one• To begin I drew out a basic concept design

from this conceptual drawing I them printed out an outline for a venetian mask, which I then edited to appear more wolf like in shape

• Stage two • I then blew up a balloon and stuck the outline

to said balloon

• Stage three • I then layered newspaper over the outline so

the mask started to take on a three dimensional form

• Stage four• After several layers of newsprint, I then

deflated the balloon leaving me with a thin newsprint mask

• Stage five• After which, I added layers of plaster of Paris

to give the mask structure and strength

• Stage six • I then made a paper templates of the leaves

for the mask which I then drew round on white card to make them structured and make them more robust.

• Stage seven • I then plastered over the mask and arranged

the card leaves on top before plastering them on top and smoothing it over using water

• Stage eight• I then applied base coats of paint to the mask

to start give it form

• Stage nine• I then blended tones and shadows into the

mask to create definition

• Stage ten • Adding flecks of gold paint to add the classic

venetian air of wealth and splendour

• Stage eleven• To finish the mask and give it a professional

smooth/shiny finish I then sprayed the mask with a glitter graffiti spray