Massive wealth-to-success (1.93MB)

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© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 1

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 2

Massive Wealth to Success

Discover The Most Cutting Edge Strategies and Formula to

Create Massive Wealth, Supercharge Your Success & Attract

Unlimited Abundance Into Your Life!

This could be is a gift of possibility…. share it with everyone you care about!

- Anthony Robbins -

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 3


Because my mission in life is to inspire and instruct others on how to

improve their life, business, career and achieve their goals , I’m granting

you the rights to give away this special eBook (worth $47) to anyone

you see fit, as long as you do NOT alter the content in any way!

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in

the creation of this eBook, notwithstanding the fact that he does not

warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate

due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet.

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in

this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors,

omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any

perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are


In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no

guarantees of income made/results. Readers are cautioned to rely on

their own judgment about their individual circumstances and act


This eBook is for informational purposes only and is not intended for

use as a source of legal, business, marketing or financial advice. All

readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal,

business, marketing and finance fields.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 4

Table of Content

The Secret Ingredient...……………………………………………………………………5

How to Unleash Your True Wealth & Abundance……………………………6

Achieve Anything You Want Faster & Easier …………………………………10

Massively Increase Your Income in Any Career & Business…………..17

Attract Unlimited Abundance & Achieve Everlasting Happiness…..21

The True Meaning of Success and Abundance Life…………………………31

Further Mastery………………………………………………………………..…………….33

References ………………………………………………………………………………………35

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 5

The secret Ingredient

Suppose there was a recipe book for a successful life. What kind

of recipes would you find in it? Is there a secret recipe to achieve

happiness in your relationship? Peace and inner joy? What about a

recipe for physical health and emotional well-being? What are the

ingredients in the recipe to financial abundance?

In my line of work and businesses, I am fortunate to work with some of

the most highly successful individuals and leaders, from financial

industry, bestselling author, CEOs, directors and international

speakers around the world.

These people are not only highly productive, they built several multi-

million business starting from scratch, at the same time they are very

passionate about what they are doing and living in an abundance life


In this book, I would like to share with you several specific recipes for

creating enlightened wealth. I’ll share with you which key ingredients

are necessary and how to combine them to achieve unlimited wealth,

abundance and prosperity.

I hope these strategies and ideas help you as much as they have helped

me and thousands of others. In fact, I hope that this book changes your

life forever. Thank you for downloading and I hope you enjoy reading it.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 6

Unleash Your True Abundance & Prosperity

Wealth and abundance must first be created in the mind before it can

be manifested into physical reality. You must first be mentally wealthy

before you can attract physical wealth.

It has proven time and again that people who have the abundance

mindset are able to attract and create massive wealth and happiness

even though they had started with absolutely nothing.

So… what is this million dollar mindset?

Well, it is the way we perceive our world. It is the way we frame, filter

and make sense of an event and experiences in our life. 2 people may

experience the exact same event, but they will invariably perceive it

and think about it very differently because of their different mindset.

Their different thoughts will results in different actions and different



© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 7

So, Let’s get started by exploring how to unleash your inner wealth and

abundance by activating your million-dollar mindset.

Step 1: Understand where you are right now

Most people set limits on how much they can achieve simply because

they believe they lack the resources needed for successful outcomes.

They believe that they just don’t have the mental discipline, intelligence,

luck, opportunity, creativity energy or talent to live at a level they can

only dream of.

Remember, we all have the mental resources we need to succeed. We

only lack the ability to control and direct these resources. So, where are

you right now? What do you desire to achieve?

Your mind will conceive what you believe; your body and behaviour will

act according to what you focus on, and ultimately shaping your destiny.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 8

Step 2: Reprogram Your Conscious Mind to Success

If you want to create massive wealth breakthrough and attract

unlimited abundance into your life, you have to first adopt the identity

of a successful person! You must be someone who is motivated,

resilient, decisive and passionate. You must see yourself as a leader and

a role model.

Here’s how you can do it:

a) Write down your new desire identity

b) Visualize yourself as that new person

c) Consciously act according to your new identity.

d) Consciously reinforce it through positive words. The more you speak

about it, the more you commit yourself to it.

e) Make physical changes by changing your hairstyle, your makeup,

your clothes and your accessories that are in line with the new you

Remember, the process begin with you consciously taking action,

writing down the identity you want for yourself. So take as much time

as you need and write down all the parts of your new identity.

Consciously decide to act according to your new identity until it

reinforces into a habit.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 9

Step 3: Reprogram Your Sub-conscious Mind to Succeed

The great secret possessed by the great men of all ages was their ability

to contact and release the powers of their subconscious mind. You can

attract and manifest all your dreams by reprograming your

subconscious with these simple steps:

a) Create a vision board – Cut and print out all high quality

photos and paste it onto your dream board. Put it somewhere

that you can see them every day to act as an reminder to both

conscious and sub-conscious mind.

b) Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the

best, and your subconscious will faithfully reproduce your

habitual thinking.

c) Imagine the happy ending or solution to your problem, feel

the thrill of accomplishment, and what you imagine and feel

will be accepted by your subconscious mind, which will bring it

to pass.

d) Practise reading affirmations daily. Affirmation is a proven

method of self-improvement because of their ability to rewire

our brains.

The law of action and reaction is universal. Your thought is action, and

the reaction is the automatic response of your subconscious mind to

your thoughts. Therefore, choose life! Choose health! Choose


© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 10

How to Achieve Anything You Want Faster & Easier

After activating inner wealth and

abundance, let us continue by

walking in the footsteps of the

winners, people who are living in an…

Wouldn’t it will be great if there is a

way to cut short our learning curve

and to speed up the whole process?

Wouldn’t it be great if we could achieve our goals in 1-2 years, when it

takes most other people 10-20 years?

If we can model the patterns of excellence they exhibit, then surely we

can duplicate the same outstanding results they have! Is it that easy?

The answer is YES! I discovered that although many successful

individuals may be using different approaches and strategies to achieve

what they want in life, yet all of them have something in common. And

I call these 6 steps towards riches.

There are 6 major steps. Follow this success formula, and you will be

able to achieve anything you want. Miss any of these steps and your

dreams will never become the reality that you deserve.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 11

Step 1: Decide On What You Want

Start speeding up your journey to success by getting clear of what you

want. Take a few minutes to write down the goals that you want to

achieve in the major of your life; your career, your relationship/family,

your finances and your health.

To be effective, your goals have to be as specific and measurable as

possible. The clearer you can envision the outcome in your mind, the

more likely you will achieve it.

My career and business goals



My family and relationship goals



My Health Goals



My Financial Goals



© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 12

Step 2: Develop a Plan & Strategy

Develop a strategy that will move you towards your outcome. Again,

the more specific you goal is, the easier it is to develop an appropriate

strategy. You can have all the drive and energy, but without the right

strategy, you will never get what you want. By the same token, every

outcome is possible, given an effective strategy.

So, taking your cue from the winners, study their strategies. Ask them

how they do it, what do they do differently than others which enable

them to create such tremendous results in their career and businesses?

If you want to be a millionaire, study the strategies of millionaires. If

you want to be a great leader, model the patterns of great leaders. How

do they spend their time? How do they lead others? How did they

make decision when they faced challenges? How did they achieve so

much in such a short period of time?

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 13

Step 3: Take Consistent, Massive Action

The third step is to get yourself to take CONSISTENT & MASSIVE


Using the strategy you have crafted, step by step working towards you

goal. Putting lots of action consistently is what separate the thinkers or

dreamers from the doers.

Here are some additional ideas to help you get started to achieve your

goal 10 minutes a day.

a) Break down your goals into a series of smaller goals and work on it

one step at a time.

b) Guard your physical health and energy to prevent burnout and


c) Count your successes. Acknowledge incremental change and

celebrate to build momentum towards consistent action.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 14

Step 4: Learn To Bounce Back Immediately When Life Knocks

You Down

When you follow your strategy and take consistent action, they are only

2 outcomes. We either achieve our goal, experience successes or we do

not achieve our desire results.

So what do you do when life knocks you down? Do you complain,

blame and give up? Or do you change your strategy, become better and

try until you achieve what you want?

When life gets hard on you, don’t run away. Instead, embrace

challenges and focus on the learning experience; change your strategy

and continue to take action until you get what you want.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 15

Step 5: Create an Empowering Belief System

Whatever we choose to believe becomes true for us. Our beliefs act as

the “ON” and “Off” switches in our brain.

Create empowering set of beliefs by first understand what are the

limiting beliefs you have around that particular area in your life.

“I believe money is hard to make”

“I am too old/ too young to get started now”

“I belief money is the root of all evil”

“I will never find my dream partner in my life”

Ask yourself, what are the limiting beliefs do I have around this area?

Are these limiting beliefs preventing me from manifesting my dream

goal? If so, challenge your old belief by finding counter evidence to

break your false beliefs. Replace new beliefs with positive affirmations:

“What I heard about money and happiness isn’t necessarily true. I

choose to adopt new ways of thinking that support my happiness and


“I release my non-supportive money experiences from the past and

create a new and rich future.”

“My goal is to become a millionaire and more!”

“When you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are right”

- Henry Ford -

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 16

Step 6: Discover Your Value; Align Them with Your Goal

Values are like our emotional hot buttons that drive our

behaviour and action. They are what we value as important in our


Start to discover your own values by asking:

1. What is most important to me in life?

2. What is most important to me when it comes to marriages?

3. What is most important to me when it comes to my career and


4. What is most important to me when it comes to money?

Some values include:

Freedom, security, prosperity, health, recognition, happiness,

responsibility, commitment, money, honesty, team work, popularity,

fun, contribution, love, to be loved, wealth, sense of belonging and


List out what is most important to you in all aspect of your life. Re-

arrange all the values accordingly and make sure your action and value

are aligned with your goal.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 17

How to Massively Increase your Income in Any Career

and Businesses

Money! It’s one of the most emotionally charged issues of our lives.

When I talk about massively increasing your income, I don’t mean a

mere appreciation of 5%, 10% or 20%, I am talking about 200%, 300%

or even increasing by 1000%! All within 12 months! Is this possible? YES

IT IS! And you can achieve this without you quitting your job.

How? The answer is by not just focusing only a single primary source of

income, but by taking action to create additional streams of income.

The True Secrets about Your Income

A person’s income is determined by the amount of value she/he

creates multiplied by the time he spends creating value multiplied by

the scalability factor. In other words,


So, in order to increase your income, you must increase the amount of

value you create, the time you spend creating value and your scalability


Your Income Always Depends on How Much Value You Created For the

Company or Customer

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 18

1) VALUE: Here’s how you can increase your income by increasing

value for yourself and your customer:

a) Upgrade your key skills –improving your main skills helps

improve your overall competency and expertise. Therefore,

you can charge higher fees for your products and services.

b) Do more than expected – While other people do less than

expected or do exactly as expected, you exceed client’s

expectation by giving them more value. Some ideas including:

- Help them to reach their goals faster and more easily

- Help them to solve their problems faster and more easily

- Free 30 minutes consultation, 1-on-1 free coaching session

- Provide regular tips and tools to help clients

- Private group coaching

- Money back guaranteed

- Express 24/7 support and customer service

- Organizing events and networking sessions

- Giving Free assessment tools, software, audio, video courses

when they sign up

- Regularly follow up customer needs

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 19

Besides creating value, you must also think about how you can triple or

quadruple your income in the shortest amount of time!

We only have 24 hours a day, our energy and resources are limited.

Therefore, the best way to do this is by MANAGING and MAXMIZING

your own time and other people’s time!

2) TIME: How to increase your income in the shortest amount of time?

a) Find a system or mentor to speed up your learning curve by

replicating and implementing their proven steps and strategies.

b) Focusing your time on the activity that creates the most value, which

will results in your total worth to your career and business.

c) Delegate and outsource lower value tasks to others.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 20

3) SCALING: Strategies to magnify your value immediately

There are basically 4 MAJOR STRATEGIES you can employ to add

scalability factor to your value.

A. Earn royalties and licensing fees for selling your intellectual

property. This includes CDs, online home study program, books,

information products, home-made recipe, software and games.

B. Magnify your value by reaching more people at one time. This

includes increase the size of your audience from 100, to 1000 and

even 5000 at a time. You can also magnifying your services on the

internet at a global scale.

C. Earn recurring commissions from sales and referrals.

This includes selling services or products that have yearly

subscription fees, membership sites, network marketing

businesses (online or offline) by building your team and down


D. Earn a profits, dividends and royalties from other investments.

This includes profit sharing from your company, rental yield from

property investment, investment returns from stocks and shares


Think “How can the value I create make an impact on many more

people? How can I multiply or magnify the effect of every hour of work

I put in? How can I do something once, and be paid over and over again?

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 21

Secrets to Attract Abundance & Achieve Everlasting Happiness

All of us can learn to experience this wonderful feeling of well-being,

abundance and happiness, on a consistent basis. And we deserve to. In

this chapter, you are going to discover 27 ways to attract, increase and

experience happiness each and every day in your daily life.

Attracting abundance is easy if you take it one step at a time, and one

of the best ways to do that is by starting with just ONE LITTLE

THOUGHT at a time.

If your thoughts about wealth, abundance and happiness lean towards

the negative side, you will find it difficult to experience true happiness.

But, what you can do is start focusing on thought that are just a little

more positive, one at a time and understand how true happiness works.

By doing so, you can create some powerful changes that you can not

only feel, you can SEE the proof that they are working.

For best results, choose one or two positive quotes, thoughts or

affirmations each day, and devote a few minutes by focusing on them,

and applying the concept in your life.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 22

P.S: You have my permission to share this free guide with whomever

you like. Feel free to pass it on – and thanks for spreading the word!

1. Understand that happiness is a state of mind – Happiness comes

from within you. You don’t have to achieve something to be

happy. Instead, you choose to be happy.

2. Adopt the attitude of gratitude. Gratitude gives you health and

happiness. Focus on all the things you are blessed with. Your

health, people who love you, basic food and shelter, your career

and so on. Be thankful that you are living in a free country, the

money that you have – Count your blessings.

3. Appreciate the money that comes to you, no matter how small

the amount. Appreciation instantly moves you into a receptive

state so you are open to all good things, and this works especially

well with money and all forms of abundance.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 23

4. Watch a comedy movie or TV show. Swap jokes with friends, look

them up online, or buy some good jokes books. Laughter is a

fantastic way to boost your vibration positively and attract

abundance into your life.

5. When you spend money or pay bills, affirm that the same sum

amount of money is coming right back to you 10 times more. If

you can create a really solid belief that it is true, you’ll be amazed

as you watch the universe constantly replenish your abundance!

No matter how much you send out, it just keep coming right back!

6. Engage in activities that quite your mind and soothe your soul,

like creative hobbies. Try painting, photography, yoga, sketching,

sewing, pottery, floral crafts, listening to relaxing sounds and

music, swimming, meditating, jungle hiking or ANY CREATIVE

activities that interest you. It makes you feel peace and does

WONDERS on your frequency, which moves you into a state of


© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 24

7. Affirm your love for yourself over and over, every day. I’m a

great person, I designed to become a winner, I accept myself

exactly as I am. I always attract abundance and prosperity into my

life. This helps to minimize the believe that you don’t deserve

abundance, or don’t deserve it as much as some other people do.

8. FEEL as if you are already wealthy. Close your eyes and imagine,

“How would I feel when I had UNLIMITED abundance? Stay with

that thought until you tune into the essence of abundance in

whatever expression pleases you most!

9. Give and receives as many hugs as you can, every single day!

Hugging makes you feel loved and loving, and you are aligned

with abundance when you are attuned to love! If no one is

available to hug at a given moment, hug yourself, hug a stuffed

animal or your pets.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 25

10. De-clutter and organize your home and workplace. Not only it

will shift you into a positive, serene state of mind, but abundance

thrives in positive, orderly, harmonious environments.

11. Make room for more abundance by organizing and simplifying

your finances. Balance your check book; cancel unused

subscriptions and membership; set up a new savings plan etc. All

of these things can help you feel more abundant and therefore

help you allow more abundance!

12. Turn up the music, enjoy and dance when you feel sluggish or

overwhelmed. Dancing boosts your physical and emotional

energy, floods your body with feel-good endorphins and raises

your vibration.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 26

13. Do the work you absolutely LOVE to do! If you don’t know what

you would love to do, or if you don’t know how to transition to

work you truly love, ask the universe to show you. Then pay

attention to anything that you feel drawn to. Ideas and

opportunities can come from people, books, a simple message,

quotes, videos, song lyrics, banners, and virtually everywhere!

14. Spend time on activities you really love to do few times a week.

It soothes your mind, raises your energy, and allows abundance

and all good things to flow easily.

15. Make time to relax and recharge each day. The busier you are,

the more you need this downtime to release stress and allow

your vibration to rise. When you’re stress, overwhelmed or

feeling exhausted, you can’t fully allow abundance because your

vibration isn’t compatible. Take a nap, breathe deeply, quite your

mind and release tension immediately elevates your vibration so

you can allow abundance to flow into your life.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 27

16. Read uplifting books, magazines, websites, inspiring videos or

newsletter. Watch movies and television shows that make your

heart soar. Anything that inspires you immediately boosts your

vibrational frequency and brings you into alignment with


17. Dress you best! Wear clothing that makes you feel good about

your body. When you feel good about yourself, you are raising

your own standard and lined up to receive more of everything

good you want.

18. When a challenge comes up, assume that a solution is already

on the way to you. Say “I know it will all workout perfectly” –

MEAN it. Let go and trust, worry and fear are the biggest cause

of most problem. Therefore, respond with calm and certainty

that it will work out fine, and it usually does.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 28

19. Find something positive to say about everyone and everyone

you see. Yes, even those really difficult people, and even those

frustrating situations! Over time, it boosts your vibration and

strengthens your focus so you don’t become overwhelmed by

negativity. Negativity will always exist; how you choose to react

is up to you!

20. Make it a habit to deliberately quiet your mind in meditation

once or twice a day. Our lives can get very loud and

overwhelming with constant noise, stress and distraction.

Meditation is a simple and effective way to come back to a state

of serenity and clarity.

21. NEVER complain, blame, whine or regret about past decisions.

ALWAYS praise, affirm, and make decisions that feel good to you


© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 29

22. EXPECT abundance to flow to you easily. Say things like “I know

that money is going to come to me easily today. I LOVE it when

money flows easily to me! It’s so much FUN having plenty of

money! I love the fun and excitement that money PROVIDES for

me! And today is going to be one of those fun, free, exciting

abundant days!”

23. When you feel stuck, be pro-active and take action on anything

that empowers you. Taking action helps to dissolve inner

blockages to abundance. Make sure the action that you take is

enjoyable in some way – strive for an easy, fun or interesting

action steps rather than those that are strenuous or unpleasant.

24. Spend as little time as possible with people who drag down

your energy. It is vital to safeguard your own vibrational

frequency as much as you can. However, when you are alone and

in a good state mentally and emotionally, imagine sending those

difficult people the high, pure energy of love and forgiveness.

Imagine this energy soaking them, uplifting them, helping them

to become happier, lighter and more abundant.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 30

25. Spend time in the nature, noticing the vibrant expressions of

natural abundance… the plants, flowers, trees, insects,

animals…this is a rich universe and you are blessed to be part of


26. Never fear of not having enough money. The moment you start

broadcasting those fear, the universe only reflects back that

reality. Keep affirming with conviction that you ALWAYS have

more than enough money for everything you need.

27. Working harder is not the path to more abundance. It may

seem like it works initially, but over time you’re going to burn out,

your frequency will drop, and you’ll attract more struggle and

hardship. The true secrets to effortless, consistent abundance is

getting your frequency HIGH and take action – not excessive,

back-breaking action; just moderate, focused action. You’ll find

that doing this attracts much more abundance for far less

physical effort!

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 31

– Final Thought –

The True Meaning of Success and Abundance Life

Remember that at the end

of the day, success, money

and happiness is not just

about how much you have

achieved or have gained. It is

about how well you enjoyed

your life and more

importantly, how YOU have

contributed to enhance one

or other people’s life.

Your mission is to FEEL AS GOOD AS POSSIBLE every minute, every

hour, every day. That is how you can achieve effortless success,

wealth and abundance.

Living with these guidelines, you raise your energy and steadily

become more powerful. You achieve more and more with less

effort. You also realise that it is not actually you that is doing it.

The power comes through you.

No one is holding you back. No one can hold you back.

You don’t need more information. You don’t need more seminars

or anyone’s permission. You just refine each piece of the puzzle in

your own time and know that it is perfect.

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 32

As we come to end of this book, I would like to thank you for

allowing me to serve you through my written words. I do hope

that this eBook will able to enrich your life in many ways.

I do hope you have realize how much power and potential you

truly have and with the right mindset, strategies and skills, you

can live your life to the FULLEST!

Just before I end my chapter, below are some recommend

resources that I would like to personally share with you. I would

highly recommend these resources to those who want to learn,

continue to master the wisdom of other experts to ultimately

benefit you for the rest of your life.

I look forward to hearing your success story one day and even

meet you in person in one of my seminars. If you have any

questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.

To your unlimited success, wealth & abundance,

Alexander Ang

Certified NLP practitioner, coach & author

email me:

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 33

Further Mastery

Click Here: Law of Attraction. Abundance & Prosperity

Click Here: Getting Your Dream Partner

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 34

Click here: Online Income Coaching Program

Click here: Wealth acceleration & Transformational Training

© 2014 Alexander Ang All Rights Reserved. 35


Abraham, J., The Sticking Point Solution (New York: Vanguard Press, 2009)

Khoo, A., Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny (Singapore: Adam Khoo Learning

Technologies Group Pte Ltd, 2011)

Khoo, A., Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires (Singapore: Adam Khoo Learning

Technologies Group Pte Ltd, 2011)

Khoo, A., Winning the Game Of Life (Singapore: Adam Khoo Learning

Technologies Group Pte Ltd, 2011)

Chew, D., Internet Millionaire Mindset (Malaysia: Kanyin Publication, 2012)

Hansen, M.V & Allen, G.R., Cash In A Flash (US: Harmony Books, 2009)

Maupoint, M., Practitioner’s Handbook (Malaysia: Advantage Quest, 2009)

Robbins, A., Awaken the Giant Within (New York: Summit Books, 1991)

Robbins, A., Unlimited Power (Great Britain: Simon and Schuster Ltd, 1988)

Thompson, M. & Tracy, B., Now Build A Great Business! (USA: AMACOM, 2011)