Mast 1935-1936

Post on 18-Feb-2016

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j.J'?'L. �f. )�-) >')�. J ....


Don" Leave All Your Sludyinl{ Until the

. Eighth Week!

New Drama Qfficers Name·Group Leaders In '" ,II." Jo .. , m.,o �"""' .. � -

the Moorln& Mut and file" All 1935 Giadua' Plu� For Fall Semesterl�'-'''''-(''-Oh ... n H,,,,ld . • oombln" Former Gradu�le.


Support- Your' Foottiall Team' ·.t -Llnrol'n' .. ,

80)\'1 Saturdaj:

• _____ .. __ -' Director Edwards.· Announces 1935-36 . 'Choir . Personnel

Thespian Club'· Schedules Two Pla,ys Each' Month Under'

Diredion of President

Teaching Positions Mast. and Mr. J;dvin Tlnrel- According to Dean Philip E. H, .u, •. dent.ll have comple�

inland Empire.' Trip With Pos-d anI.I'I!r of the Herald .sible Rocky Mountain :Area a

�he msubscrlptlon rate ro� rqistrar. �ve�y Pacific Luthel'lln Col. all departments.. :wh1Ch MO .... S Addition [s Tentative Plan

lone Madsen , hM �n one doUar each. lege No�al'department graduate from II. le� ;:M'r cent InC1ftlloe: o\'er last For Spring 1�lnerary. or elt-her paper are urged to the J:lass ,or 1935 has acctpted It. teach- . , .' .

. I���·a:r= 1;�:;


.��r which I�g po&itlO�l. If' addltr�n. graduates Delta . Rho Gamma Al

���h :������:':' �;:

the appolntm�nt of group l.ead�rs, FrI· , from fQrmer e1�. who hav� pt:evlous· Ent taO '\'cmiigJlt,t l :'Cholr of!. the W�.e.t." Prof, JOIIeph 0, da} .. October 11, .,,111 �robably be the • S ff' Iy fot. taugtit.. hav� �n uataned to er Ins .l Ednrd&. ,alre<:tor . "IYea th� names 01 rI�t Drama Night to be schMultd, ac· MoorIng Mast ta 'schoolS', The PI",�m�nt �ncy of th� ' .. � , those who h�"e d� been·.dd�. cording to Ion� Mad�n. newly el�ct� A . ta t Named COIl;ie has iln ex.c�l1�nt repl1tat.'..on for .Club .. Initiates, Are Honored are to be ,announced In the nex.t. president. " 1": ' SSIS n S . . I� success; and this. year hAS ,reatly GU,ests Rot Supper


. . publlcaUon of the Mooril'l, Mast.

At the Initial meeUng. whlcty- wa., . -- . . --. The �Ito aeeUori is to be a\ll1MDtecftc:

held Monday. tl\L-t�

IO"'1ng ..officers Hagerup To Be Associate Editor; strengthen�.!.t. ') ... In honor of . the InIU�tes. the ("'·elve'. in comparl5on wlin the nine r" "'ere elected: Helen, ja . .... ke.presi. Bergstrom Gribbohm .Wilt Follo,,'lng L, a list ot 1935 placements: Rho Oanuna., da� girls . that were UMd lut year. N", alto·. dent.: E\'el�n Ecklun r_�ry: Alflnn Hold Bu';iness Positions Alice Barnum, ��n Schools. Mor. will Bi,·.e a supper party . membe ... Include Anita Ball. 'Sylvla Arne, treasurer; and �IW Hendrick· __ ton. Wash. Dl5t 214: �rguerl� Bod- ba.sement . Miller. and F..iU'I�r N orpE"� ;t.lto son. l\brn.rlan. Ray , d, ..who 5e .l'\'ed Hazel Hllgerup. Normal d�partment rero. Rhodes Lake School. R. F. D ... Eleanor Sy,�:�; a::v�tI:

� a:

t�:!�'�r:I� ��� as slage manager last year. was �\'en sophomort. has been a-ppolnt� a.s.sOcl. PuyaJlup. Wash.: .�Irgtnla Boen, South ::::;VI:! initiation

the same duty for lhl.s year. The dril.- ate edlOOr of the Mooring Mast.. For_the Be� Wash.; .Nancy Bu�ett, Lakebay. p borg Norby. Helen . H;el�n mattc coach for the year Is 00 be Mr. J)lJSiti�n or assistant. business manager. Washl (lower grades): �nsy Collier. nlng. LilJa. Edna Tobiason: EllubeU\ Stuen,

. Ktlth Reid, commcrclal Instructor. Berptrom. third: year normal Port Orchard. Wash. (prln:tary); qarl . Joanna ManOUl106. chairman. Norma Preua. 'anc: Judlth""BenllOn·. Instead' or glvlng three one·acts each has been chosen: _ whlle the Coltom. F\.rgrove School, Principal. R:

mon!-h. as was done' last. yeaT. It. has L, to be managed tiy Harry F. 0 . . Puyallup. Was.h.; Rachel Flint. been decldtd to tuwe on1}' two plays at

. East Stanv.:ood. Wash.: Sydney 01a.sllO, --- �--�-===�� There will be tour group lea4,ers. two last. �meste.r. and while In hl,h school, <7th grade and mwlcl; Evelyn Irwin. tollows: 'n�:r��:'���dl��;m,,: son. Margaret Rorem, Romola Rust,

or whom will pre�net plays one month, she worked on the .AsOOr ��. Asto.rla Prll)clpal, Lakebay, Wash.: Oertrude leis. Louise Margaret Cn.rt. Mildred MonllOl1. nlel.

son, Eugenia Spencer, and Alma Stolle. Returning- to this group are Kathryn �etchlon. Aids Johnson, EVelyn S"yver.

and two at the next. O.roup leaders High School newspaper. Jllcil:son, WoUochet. R. F. D .. 01, Har. ler; '",m,,", .. ,,=_ ma Daniels. Mary Machle, and Ellel:1 have tleen appointed a.!I follows: Mar· Appr.oved by 'Prof. N. J. Hong. Moor· bor, Wash. flower): Esth"r Jahr. Yelm. gartt Crart. Bob Monson. Evelyn Eck: Ing Mast .ad\·�r; "Edl�r Helen Holt· Wash:; sena. JOhnson."\lI�. Wash.; 5On: lund. and Paw Armstrong. These win camp appointed Jean Marie Fowler for Lyell Kreidler. Kapowsin, Wash.: Vlr_ 1I0t be assl.sted by Ed S\·lnt�. VoUy Norby, the position of teature edlOOr, to be Binla Mahncke, ROchester. Wash.; An- The Marie Heggerness. and Eline Bensen, assisted by . lone Madsen' IUld Robe.rta gelo ManoUso&, White Bluffs, Wash. flClat.eduuu,,,u,�<uuu.,,.,,"

� ger. 011" O.t"8nde. and KenneUi Anm-

respei:tlvely. \' . Tomson: Bob M�ln W.11I act as sports <H. S.. Fr,ench and EngUsh): MnI. Rorem, son will sing I� bAM .8!CUOD. The Last. y�ar �'e-Orama Club pve a ltor and write a. sporta colunm dur· MalHe E. MatUMn. SlX'Clal teat-.h ... ". 1 N"""," """,,", . '"r., At .... " men return!Nf to .cholr ���_ ChnstmAS.cantata. ana In toe spnng tt l inK IUOlO.u1 �n. "l't�'l rT}'e KIlU Willard 'School Taeoina' MarjeJrle � !' Emmett Thompson, Lloyd .'nl.oplpilOll. presented an open:lta. No definite. plans Vern Knutzen wlU also write sport Meade. 'Pe Ell. 'Wash,: �rtla MIller. ".. Bert Myhre. Robert Monson. John Stu· as to the posslblUty of Bivlng such en- s


torles. Stt"8lght- news reporters Include Tracyton, Wash.: Mary Nash. Pearson. New KlCkr,ng Post. en. Paul PreU5. Ver.n Knutun, Orvllk tertalnment have yet. �n made. Tht'lma Dnnlels. Joanna ManoUSQ.S. Ir1.s Wash., Cent-ral Valley Scl)ool Ilowt'r): J2J_

,SchlanbuSCh. RP,lph.BoI��d, R8.y Hn·

. Evans.. Norma ?reus. Elva Bergman. Ruth Newberg. Mt. View &hool. R. ? Auu.ed to. derlle. Harold, O'Connor,. Harry Grlb· Ken AnC1l80'o Chosen

Gary Pflueg('r. IUId Margal't!t Larson. D .. Puyallup no ..... er gra.dt'S); lice No- -__ bohm. Clyde OrlmstvMth. FrlthJof Taye!. business manager. Ian. Clneb�r. Wash. (lower); Olaf Or· 'For man}' lrears In the past. Mr. Victor A. Elvestrom I s enroute

Frosh Class Presirlt'nt chose �far-gn.ret Craft tor the .duUes of dal. South Bend. Wash.: Marie Peder- been the custom for P. L. C. . for the. Inland Empire' and RociI:y

-- Circulation manager. to be assisted by �n. Porks. Wash.: Marian .Peterson. to make II. pllgrlmfLf;e toward the set· I MOi.lnta�n area to InvesUgate carefully Kenneth Anenson. ot Burlington, ha., Lenore Wthrow and Knthryn Ander· Silverdnie. Wash.; Dillie Qut\le. McMU. Ung slIn. or. more often. toward the pale an extended 'cholr tour. He has been

been ntlml'd Freshman president. so!'!. The ad soliciting department Is lin. Wash. (Jo!-'en; Lila Rudd. Olen. moonglow. . authorized to make as extensive a trip as a rt'sult of t.he rtnal elections held comprised of Harry McCormick. Em. CO\'e S�hOOI. Lakebay, Wash.; Janet Now the object of t�k Into the as PGoMlble. which will � taken soree­Friday. ' . ":,l'tt Thompson. -lflsper Joh�SOn, Elua· Runbeck. Issaquflh, Wash.: LyalSander· night Is to pay all due respei:ts to our time rn Ma)' or April by �he fifty Pa·

For tilt' office of vlce.presldent.. bl'th FrI�'" lind -edna Kelsey. Prof. O . . n. :Yelm. Wash.: Shirley Savage, SII· ever lrndlUonal "Kicking Pl'>St" which cUlc LuUleran College s.lngers. Eu�enltl Sp-cnCt'r. who Is a gmduate of J Stu('n I� thl' buslnes.'l staff ad\'lscr. v('rdale. Wash.: Alice King Swinehart. was stolen the night ot

. . -----Longvlt'w High School. W'as chosen. Milton. Wash

. Hower): John Van Leu· last June 3 ' A Mrs. E(�wards Working

Ruth SCIII('. of MI. Vernon. Is to be the' Romola Rust ?s0sen \'en. Principal. McMillin. Wash,; Jane t�e young' Ilnd carefree T I 'I ' D clas.'! scribe. while Ida Fox., of Kapow. .• Wlillam.'l. Unlverslt.y Place. R. F. D., millllr placl'. 'the s.hrlne lPwarf I' aster fI egrec s.ln, will assume the duties of treasurer. Pep Club Pr sldent Tacoma. exprer.slon of lovely �nUment Is Mrs. Josepl"! 9. Edwards 15 le�vlng


With a members�IP �f 41 girls. !.hr' L. D. R. Business IUeet �I�� :�I�=�:n':e�

source and termlna.. Octolrer 1 tor the Unlv.t'rslty of Wash_ ington In Seatt.le to conl"lnue her study

As },.et no plans have been made for Pep club held Its Initial meeting ot the Daled Fo.r Octoher 17 tOward securing her MMter of Arta de. the f'l'Jlllar class activities. year ThurWay evening. Septem�r 12. us by some person In a gree In the Department ot English and

to ('Iect officer.!! tor the first semester. I Mrs. J. U. Xlwier and Mrs. Paul A. mood. and that an object was destroytd Drama. .

First Lutheran Church Romola Rust. so!)homore In the Nor· Preu." at the home ol·Mrs. Xavier, will which l& as vllal OO'OIl! life here now, as During the nn;� six weeks of the .

Will Be Host For Rally m

��:�ao�:c::' :��e�

h��: �7;:�e;s\ � ::



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a: :e:� :::�: ;���S�;��tI�� �� ;:ic�: .

. -- vlce·presldent, Kathryn Anderson: sec· -meeting to be held ThUrWay afternoon. as the "Kicking Post" can not be dls- drama. Por the :.ast hal! of the sum • . With the theme, '.'In League With retary·treasurer, Aida Johnson; and OcOOber 17. The business ot the meet. pensed with for very long. mer guarter she jolntd her hwband,

Christ." an all-Tacoma Luther League firechle(, Beatrice ·Sldders. Ing Is to ('lect officers for the ensuing With Stanley Ford, appointed by the Prof.-Joseph O. Edwards at the Unl· rally will be held next. Friday evening In honor ot the blrthday of Mrs. year. Board of Control. In charge, a. n�w \·erslty.

. at 8 o'clock at the First Lulheran Lora B. Kreidler. Dean of Women. n A program hR.'l been planned Which "Kicking Post" Is being located at tl}e Ch

:e:��m Myhre. new circuit prtsl. �:;r:V��lo::a�:�;:be:

a:9.held Thurs· ��I��:.


f b�h: �O:��;i�� �u::�; :.

d L�I�. ':n;�tha

S:I�i�:�a�':o!o:� Mission Society Elec� .

dent.. urFS all Luther Leagut'f"S to hear Under the' genet"81 arrangement of plano solo. Norma Preus; readings. the end of the path through the stately First Semester Leaders the dl.scusslon and to enjoy the social Mabel Heggem. plans are being tor· WBydeen Col�\'Rn: convention. report. firs. entertain a hope Iliat thls n�w hour. • J muJated ·Ior a skating party to be held Helen Holtcamp: and ,'ocal �lo. Eve- "Kickhlg Post" will remain tor genera· Ralph BoIt.t.s.d was elect:ed pnsident

be <>;:el���:���!�' ;':�e��:�e��.:� sometime In the near fp�:.ure. lyo Syverson. tlons to come:

��gt.�� ::-:�e:�


a�: ��= =�

�:es �e�h1:�;dR1::

u1�h:: . ev�rend C�rl Rydell Speaks On Church"s Outside Activities �:C�I:;


� BeatUe. " at JesUs" Is to be . .. It a church school I.s' to exist It campus.' His point df view l.s well in Rydcll gave one of the most Inspiring the reUrlni pre Sident. lhe convention theme. Reverend N. M. must be a .deflnlte center of real line with that 'of p, L. C. and Its and enthusiastic addresses the student For the oHice ot \'Ice·presldent. Y.lvlsake� �rom �nea'polls. Minne •. ClU'lstian culture" �v. Carl E. Rydell, motto. "Build for Character." body hIlA heard in recent years. H� Kathryn .Andersoll was chosen. Esther sota will be one of the guest speakers. "It was the church who started edu- laid empha.s1s on young people grllSp. NOra. and Warren Hok'enatad wilL �81nn1ni" th�1r faU work with a rally, of Bnn DIego. pointed out on belng caUon, charity. and who more ucent- Ing the righteOusness �t God. fill tre offices of RCl'e·t.ary and treu-the Luther League of South Puget Interviewed alter his address in chapel Iy. has started 'the move for chorus Should Rev. Rydell accept his caU lirer, respecUve1Y. . Sound Circuit met Sunday afternoon, Monday morning. September 16. singing. M' a reswt of th� Chureh's 00 First Luiheran Churcll, he will be The air!'. trio, compri&1ng Mildred September '15. at. Trlnl.tT· Lutheran R.ev . Rydell came north to visit the famous chOirs which ,InsPIre' and thr1U with Ita co�Uon In January. He M:onaon. "idA Jobn.on, and Irene Odell, Church, ·Parkland. Rev. J. P. PfIuepr' First Luthet"8'l Church ot Tacoma, the nation. many choruses of secuJ.8r was gradua� fi�m OwtaVIlS Adol· acoompanWd by Edna Tobiason. tur­of Parkland;-Misa sitlv�1g Ba.thre of from.whlch he had recelvtd a call. He � bel� formtd," explllJned .phUS College at 8t.. Peter. M1nnesota, in �ed'a voea.I number. SeatUe and Mr. TheOc1� _Iverson of Is keenly Interested In Paclf1c Luth· Rev. Rydell In dl.seuss1ng the chlirch l�H'� Since then he ha.s aUended tbe At \he aUlPlUon of Rn. T. O. 8van, PuYall�P d15c:USIed the � topiC. eran COllet:e and Dr. O. A- TlngeLstad, �d Its pf'Oll"tSS in cwton:. He spoke- Luthet"8n Bible �Itute In St. Paul. Oollep· paAor, a' nUmber 01 M1aion ' "Beacon Light,s,"' lIu.s1eal nUmbers In· of whOm h.e" .!!,ad heard much Jlr&15e. of acme particular eastern Cht:1Stlan and was enrolltd at A�t.ana 8emln- BodetJ membe ... liave' volunteered to cludtd a vocal trio by the Peterson sIa- The. speaker Isla strong supporter ot edueaUonal cente ... and the' excellent ary at' �k Ialand1 Illlpols· for �ree 10 out to �be KGunLLlnVlew sanitarium . ten from 6e'aUle, a piano solo by Nor- Ctu1stlan educaUonal �tuUOllS, and Cl!J:l'1cuta .�d opportunIties which' �ey yeara, where '�e recelv� th� deeree of 'every KoDday evenln, to take part. In rna PreUs of·Par.lI:iand, and a'vocal solo he defln:!tely aaaerta �t character offer. Bach�lor'of DIVInity �d WB& ordained the � Rev. Svare hu 'bee'n ar-b)' Mr. R. S. Ranson or Phinney Ridce· lsD't bu1ltj,y at.t.taCUve ed1Ilcea on

.the On the basis of the f'irst Pialm, Rev. in 1925. , � ran,tnc for the" Invalid&. -

� ' . . -.- -- - ---- ._--- - -

" .

PAOE �O · 2

Wl,e tI,&ktng .fflast Publlsht'd e\'ery t"'·o ""His dllrlng the school rear

by th� students of Pacific Lutheran ColI�. Parkland. \VA-VlllIgton

Office: Room US Telephone: GArlnd 0517· . SIIb<lcrlptlon Pr1ct-S1.OO Per Year

1\ ' , , )

""" , "


' � �.-Y�.O "":'B �"O �"�ON � � lighter Than

Air O�:�:.' ���!u�� �(e'¥!.� To you fellows 1II'ho last year took you.roe wrorll it you thInk Ihl'l�

your' "d.les�· Into .!.hat ,rHUlurant o� fo�r days \ll'tTe better than the': .. Pacific. ftfH'r the e\:t>nlng's enttrtatn- : .There Isn't II thins in the world that 'mel,lt .. ,tay , clear .. IVs under new man· You can't m�and the thin, most,

Goodly! There are Illa�)' nationalities ... .-orlllng Oil thl' llIIt'ment. "od the �nIY. Ihm.s �ourW1 .. misused la the. Bible. Mooring Mast thl� }:�a.r. B!"S'tdt's funning "�mo· Ing � ,the pll!.� IIrt',the toothpicks.. The . \ . . Prof. J. U. Xavier

Entered a.s .second class matter, October. 2, 1925. at the Post orn«. at Parkland. Washington.

under the Act of March 3. 1879.

pOlilan ne.wSp8J}E'f we could !tRrt 1\ " .. orld WIlr all of ?ur walfjl.�s· bring their own luncheS.r J u.;$I!.nt out dl8clpJes to &ho ... men . own . • . and probabl}' .'i11 belo!'!:! the tent.lls o\'er . . We order t! last out the week: The pro-hO:: to live'and how to thlnlt.

could ellact th� ba}t1� of Copenhagen \er) ellSlly W� prl�toi:' hlm...�It, I� fat and looks heal; A spirit of d6palr may !lOW the lIf'td3

ha\� the "eW,S '/' IUld plent) of S"edes Am .... 'a} U�y, b tl t.hlnk he geLli.that w�y from of au!J1i:ra�, re. ... olutlon, arid death. I "


����E�.:o�R jean 1�::r!eH��I:

·SPORTS EDITOR Bob rotanln TYPISTs . Marie tJell, Irene Odell

REPORTERS-TIlelma Daniels. Joanna Manous­os. lrl" Evan.'. Norma Preus� EI\·a Bergman. Vern Knutu.lI. Oar)" Pflllf:'ger. Margaret LAr.<on. lone MadSf'II. RIL';.<ell Fr}:e. Robf'rta Torl·1so1I BUSISI:::SS STAFF DUSINESS MANAGER Frlthjor Tay"et

�������ER -�:!y Grlbbol�m . CIRCULATION MANAGER - J\largaret. Craft CIRCULATION A.SSISTANT S - Lenore Wlth"'w.

Kathr}TI Anderson AD SOLICITORS - Hl\rr)· McCormleil., Edna kel­

_(" st'y, J8.5I)1;'r Johnson. Elizabeth Fdis. 'Emmell '"Thompson FACULTY ADVISERS - N. J, Hong. O. J. StuC'lI --:) / i�'/ 1--------------' \"-1'/, 'Vlwt Are We Going

1'0 Make This Com;n/Z Year? ,

As Ihis n.rSll'dilinll (If till' �Ioll .. il\g �Iast g)Il'S lu pn's:-, thl' slaff is Illllil"iJlatill� U most stln't'SS­ful \"l'IH· for Padfit- Lutlll'l":lII Culll'gt,. Il1t"·t'I·Y depilrlllu'lit (If adi,·ity tllt'n .. '-"" is a ll1al·\"l'II�tls uprising.I'nlhusiaslll. whit-h is l·CHlpl" Ii wll


that ('Il'all, whult'soll\t, spiri t Sll l·1I1ll1111111 III tl,IIS illStilutitlll:

(inulua\h· till' tit'sin' 'It" Pal"ifil· I.lltherull ':01· lege foundt;l·s, Ihut this sl"huu.1 hI' !l strolll-! rally­ing !luiul fill· Chr isliuu udi\"lly in Ihl' 'Vpsl. is Ili'ing rt' ·111'ruugh the .t'ffur t.!'> uf till' (Ut:-· ully ulltl (:ulll'ge fl·.iends, a. 1

.11 lIl"h Wllll'." ITI:llglll­

lioll u( this school in lilt' ;\orthwl'st 1:-; \'\"IIIt'I't. U "hJL...i ncrcusc II( l'lIrullllH'lIt ill till" la:-;t (t'W Qr s IS 1"('lIlurkul!ll'. and "huil'llls ('Ullll' 11I'I·t' frulIl Alaska, Easit'rll slates. alld Cilliforniu.

� � �Yl�k �.\ .. � 1��,lr�I'.'.' i �T�i 1�111:�s �

l rl�( �:�� n�

'll�, I � � t� � 11�11�·:;.t 1 �11-

Th(' outlouk is par lit'lIlariy fa\"orahll' this

r :I�!�s :��t��,:tr· : :�� �:���I\



l' I::� g� Il�� ;tlwtlwr yt'ar of pn'pal"ing )·UUII/-! 111('11 ;lnd WOlllt'l) fur tht, pr uft'ssi'lII Ilf t'llut·alillll. In llu' n:a I III' of l':.:lrli l·tIITil'ula,· al"li,·itil's. is In ht· uuli('l,d Iht' large Im·utlul fO!· rhuir IIIl'mlll'r· ship. Th(' llIuit'riul tUl'hotls( , from is gout!, allll a gr.t'nlt"l" :-;tln·t'ss fOI· tilt' "Choi!· of Iht, \\'t'st" is hupt.'d fnr. I.asl Yl'm· tilt' P. I.. C. (ila�liutl lrs mad,' a fille n'l'ul·tI ill (ootball, ,'\"('11 pulllllg tht.' Bpl lj nghum Stall' ;\01'111:11 \·iki llgs Ull tlu'ir lis·t o( ddt'aled. \\'ilh Ihl.' rl'ltll·II'" II( tw('h·y- 1t'l1.1:1·­mcn anti sOllie ('xt.'dlent lIew 1lIt1leriul. it looks like a !Jig st'asolt (ur uur IHI)·s.

Tht'II, P . I.. C. 1('1 liS llIakt' this tllIt.' grllnd y,'ar! \\·t' know thai l'wl·X--�ltltl{'ril will gr·asp tlur \"igor. a lit I I'nter inlo -sehoul lift' whult,­h('urit'tlly. The �Iullring :\Iasl ll\)pt.-,s to pul olil· sdwol lift, in a salisfUl"\on· \"l'rlml fOl'II1. \\.1.' wallt our paper tn II(' ulle·whkh is frel' frullt l!l'tty gnssip anti pn'jmlil·p. \\"l' \\lIllt it to ht, Iht' official sOlln·e uf sdtnollll.'WS (0 .. our I1lUIl\" rl'lltiers. \\\' w:lnl it In hI' illuslruliw tI( sl"hmil life ut its ht,!,>t. Slmknt hllih·, '\"l' ft,,'1 assw"('d Ihut you ur,' with us!


We Love and Take Pride in Our Chapel'

One of Ihe most IhrillitlJ.! anti illspirinl-l 1tIt1-IIlt'lIls in our sdHHII life is Iht, dlUpl'\ period. whidl is hcld ft�r ()Jl('-Imlf hUli r ('\"ery scl,Hlul Illorning.

Who can 11l'I-p (('('ling thrill('" in 11 gather ing uf enthusiastic youth, singing su whole-heartctL­·1), the Lord's songs? Whp could hclp but he

::;���ri�� . ��;

I���f. �p��� .. �����I(ls ·rIOt�ttl fl����

the lurge attend.llll("(,. which is entirely volun­tary. is evidcnce of the wonderful school spirit· fur which Pacific J.ulhcrnn College can feel ,·cr\" proud. Also. the bCAutiful flowers so kind-

�'a���18��b��at�� a����:!������s/)ji ����il;i>Cl�i.

\Ve invite friends ·und �quailll!lnces of the school 10 ,'isit our c.hapel exercises .. Each morn­ing we look forward to our chapel service, and lake especial pride ill maintaining the largest 1,oss1ble atlendan

_cc_, __ _

"'If u house be di\"ided against itself, Ihat liuuse cannot stulid�'-Murk ;1:25.

�------ ---

'lie rt' going to h.i� a manll"rly of(lct> this �RSOI; bt> . ealln be�,.,.een meals at otber J;Utau-Th�rI� �f llber�y Is et.emal y\gll._ cau� It. Isn t dignified for a Ind} editor to lJark her fef't. Mints. IU not. nally t.hat bad, �ut.- With thl.! liberty come.! ", . n-

O" the desk .. There an w mallY new 'f:..lces at. I;(hoo,," Walt· uptll you get to the ··Bug." =�lbIUty to us u Chrtst,laM thllt .. ·e thaI Iho Old. studenL� look . !l1rnnge -:.,; . The I)I;'PP)' glr\:; l'nret-e 15 ·good elltlng then. It 15 no�

haye often neglected .0r-eYlUted. from Inst year. who are back to nnl!l� Normal. all act. M the bug It.wU, but the food which Is . The ChdSt!M Is obedlJ!nt IUld r� ... er­though the Cubs had �o!;t til!! pennllilt. ... W:! thollght Inside of It. At leut the coffee lso·t ent to Ole powers that be. U he wtAhes it. \\"a!I time enough to change In the .sprlnlJ (just bf'lore SQ weak that It fa.1ls down the. throat . h the constitution he does so II.pplylng, for JObs, . . .• There Is Il� renson·.for a studeln·.,; wlthollt' your !Ieed or" swallowtng. �� �o:�I;t1Phal means. �Io!-&tlnl th� noe·belng able to "get. to c)ass cr. ume afte; all the IIChcd- . Thlklng about food,. ylsltors at P. L. ·constltutlon \5 t�MOri lIot only agRinst I-Ilel!i that we� made Ol:t �me IImt> ago. C, who �I:t\"e been to other boarding ·mall, but Rgt\lnst 000. �gr·· "' ;" '.'.

·C � · . .. " : � .

----'-- -----

- When a man \lIars on our gra\·el football field. he 60011 . �!��



l� :�: ;::etl:�etx;�;� ·a·r;lo�S :I�;'

5Ch�I'. say that o!-,r meala � Mgh .00<1 sUIi sits In the seat of g�yern� class compared to numy other tabl�s: ment. . . and that·s 110 ¥IOfI1lY. 000 ..... 111 take care of all InJustice-

III town. the other �al', Wto saw a Oed doe.s.lI't forget. us. man· mistake a little girl In wh;lte for Rrof. J .. P. pnueger a drinking fountam. �e nearly got It 1lI more blessed to ·lIye M Indl-his race-.ba5h.ed In by �L..:Dlls vtctuals in aceorda.nce � God's Word. 15 really about lIS. Jar-fetched" a.s the Let lIS lIye OOd's Word. . stu<jent.; mlstakh� clnAArcOm chaiN! for . Prof.. A. W. Ramstad tree tronks. It you can seto Qlln!fS here In thlll

In the recent drama. club t'lections. world· In �helr true ptrspedlve, you will the boys �ere Jeft·oot In the cola. One walk In humHlty and glorify your Clod: was elected. but he.had to be-the !;Ither Arise and walk with the dignity ot a �andldate� were ot the AAme sell! Two child 6f God··


others were put In capacities, but 110- . . Dr. O. A. TingeLstad body wa.<; opposing them. WomRn·s sutrrage? Who's surrerlng! 1;::======.====

. of" his suiJslllutes for thn;e hert.y, linemen ... . TOUOH LUCK: for OUnr Ludlow. We wrrf:' in hopes of $('elng . the Puyallllp Plunger pull·erlze the· opposition agRin thls fall . . . Art.d. gt'tUns back to $:lIgllIg-al\ ",'ho make· the Choir must be able to sing. That"5 one rule the mR.nage­ment ha.s to make. If }:ou call hit high ··C· ·Inot w11h a rockl. lhe dlrcctor will probably hade pTact'6 with you. At. left!3t. rOil w�1 be called by your (Irst lID.m'l ... Singing Is a rUml)· business. If )·im I're good. people call It rell-Ing: if you are poor. )·ou ate crooning: and Usou dOIl·t .I'REXY'S CnRN-'�R Patronize, Our Advertisers--

Defore going to town' read this column. The following fli"ma are frle;�d<; and adyertlsers In the Moor­Ing Mnst.

!<Ing. they rlltye about your posslbllttles.. An Apolol!" and·u Correction

ha�;:l:""'�l�eS::I\�:"�II�lre 1:;�n��I�g S��d��:��

th� :I:n:��, 'I On May 20� 1935, Sergeant George

·em .. We walll hnppenlngs for new� . . Try 1iRS51ng a W. Anderson, at the request. .ot the profl's.-.or. ar:d then lea\"('· YOllr name with us (and the President of t1"!e Collete. addnMed the telt'pholle nlUnben. ur 11"0 walking wlt-h HAL JO- .�tudents and the�faculty at lhe chapel HANSEN ... tha!"s new� . . You might bite som'ebody. exercises. Sergeant ".nderson'� address bllA" anybody. bite BERT MYHRE .. " he won·t mind was an· earnest and effectlye plea for ,It Margflret !sll·t around). Anyth.lng lo lIll uJ1-&I)�Ct'- a mOl'e sympathetic Interest In the en­Like notebooks that are filled With leetu�e notes 17 the listed man, particularly · tl1e new re-

AlIslrum Printing Company Boynton·s Oarage

fall and cartOOlls by the Um� 6prlng rolls aroup crult 01\ the part of our Church In FOR ENTERTAINMENT a�k Marv Jensen to 11I'-y _�Star- The "foarlnr Mast for May 31 1935 t' ... �t on the plano and for Indigestion ha'9'�E the addrt'ss Is reported in words which BARRET cook dinner for YOIl \lIot tha'.. �Il-knfi'w blfl the speaker did not lINt and in a man­lie surmise because she s balchlngl \ '-........!!.Sr which calls for an apology to the

We have heard some Jaw-breaking ter�. but sPeaker the army and the army the)··11 ha\·e to go some to beat Mr. Hlghby's lulu, to-wit: chaplaincy: A typical cell contains chromatin. centro:o;ome enclosed in a ('rllltOSllhere. linin. mltlll't.oodrill.. IlUCleUli, nucleolw. lllnsUd�. and vocuolC' .. . WE'VE NOTICED: that HELEN SeOl·!' hns 8. slnUe that wOlild make any guy turn cart­wh«'ls .. TOE-NAIL DESCRIP'"nON: Ellen Betrstrom. lhe t ..... o-room sr.hool marm. y,lth the hickory stick alld ('\('rrthlllg

The undersigned hereby In aU sln­c'erety orrer this apology. We are con­strained to take the tCsponslblllty, be­caU!ie guidance lapsed during ell8.mlna.­lion week. In particUlar do we wish to repudiate the following statements, In which the Inexperienced reporter mIM­ed, the spirit of Sergeant Mderson's loyal and manly pieR. for our 'deeper understanding of the &Oldl�r's religious need. !,nd the Chaplain's dlfllcult work:

·'Thc aYera(!! soldier deserves hJs bad reputation·'; "The type of life Is· very degenerallng to personality"; "The army chaplaincy Is not a satisfactory rell810us ornce'·; and "Not aU are do­illg their duty." The addres.s cast no

BrookdRie Barber Shop Brookdale Orocery Co. The Bugaboo Club-Rate Cleaners Conrad:S- Corree Shoppe Dahl Qroeery co. Daniels' Service Station

. Dengler '" Tone ... Dollar Studio •. F\sber's Hanso:1·s Jewelry HartsoOk's Jt>tlund & PalegruU Johll5On-Cox CO. KlmbaU's Lien & Selvig Lou Johnson Lutheran Brotherhood C. O. Lynn Mortuary Parkland Confectionery Parkland Oarage Parkland aolf CoUf� Parkland Mercantll� People·s Store Peterson·s Studto QllallW Knitting Co. Ret!d·s Foods Rhodes Brother.; Schoenteld·. Sprenger & Jones The Stationers Inc.

It Is said Umt. the \lrlyUege 01 being (. \lerywhcre 0.1 ease ls. the pret'()@:atlve of gl81I05. confldcnt \!len and profeAAOrs . . so we can see how a lA"acher can retain his composure with all the Ycnn1l1ion. rooge, and . brll· Iiantlne staring him In the face every c1,1lSS period . What with fountain pens. lipsticks. c1garet lighters: teeth and stomachs, llt� ror the :werage Pe-Ell-CetM Is Just one nflll after another ... When Ril.\ph Bolstad 5peakB of himself he 5IIYs '·We" (mellJll:11: he and his mustache) · . . Barney has one, too. Be careful about perspiring. Barnel', or )'ou·\I find your mustache runnIng down your chl� . .. TOE-NAIL DESCRIPTION: lone Madsen, the dream .glrl slxt.cen-year-o)d boys Imagine In a kJtchen with an ·apron and cook book.

. ,!'5perslons: It.--was an attempt to brtng home to the Church Its duty toward the army, and the �nllsted man's need of Christian oontacta.

The man In unttorm wtll be more than ever welcome among us a.s the result ot the plea: and we trust that those conceme� wiU accept thls apology. o. A. TINOELSTAD, President N. J. HON�, :A:'dy1ser

Tacoma Engraving Co. Tacoma Martne Supply co. Ted Brown Music Co. Tschunk.o·. House of Plowers Washington Hardware

You should hear What the gJrls In the dorm are saying about Ken Anenson tThey regard you, boy)) ... Esmer­alda Oyldla Ton·end Is a tongue-twbter .(the name, we mean) ... but Paul Armstrong wrote It on three letters one week.. . We wonder It Johnny-wanney Stueti 15 Jo OJarde's �t d\s.h . .. you blow, !.he guy on the foot.-­ball squad . . . You might t.hlnk AI JacObs and Otls Orande f1!re landscapes by the way the girls h�re gaze at them ... The co-cds in the dorm play� hoats to a num- . ber of mIce the other evening ... they probably studIed standlng on chairs and slept on the wardrobe top . Bouquet: to Ruth 80111e-by popular demand--on general principles . • . Alvtnna Larson vWta the Kitchen at all tbne.s or tb.e day-to ret a drink o! water, buh? . , . 'the . . FreshmeIJ. Inlt�on showed up those 1'1:10 � under t1n:, and those who fry ... By the way, SolJe and Pont didn't tum out for choir t.hla year • . . � who &rei

· frettlnr oyer the prune trees being picked, bide Your time and cet them In aauce� REMD.mER: Don:t carve uP

· the new cba1rs, boys and Ilrl&: .. unleu you can etch deslgru:. .

West Coast Grocery Co.


life earnings from 14 to 6O---about $45.000

THE AIGH SCHOOL GRADUAi'E­·life· e<!rnings from 18 to 6O---about $78,000

THE COLLEGE OR TECHNI.CAL SCHool GRADUATE­life earnir1gs from 22 to 60-$150,000 arid up

HAROLD C. HOEl. Seattle, WashinglOll Represenlinl

Lutheran Brotherhood·


Herman L. Ekern, Pres. .

608 Second Ave. S. Minne.po!is, Minn ..

t -. L


li o

I �. " J o ) \ rAOE THREE

Luthe a�s Open . Se&son Saturday

With Army Squad

With Bob �ar1.fn Twelve GI�diat�;s� Me;,'s Gymna,i�r� Girls AJld �tam . ' . Return For Season Get Large AtUll1wn Bal��t LIst

BETWEEN Coadi 0.180n'8 (;ohor(s Plun�e With tt1t' f!nancl� oooper'a�Ij)� of W. A�. A . . Counc�1 Appoints Ath·

TH·E Into Tough SE-,-en Ga"rrie . Uncle SlI.m. Rnd:und'er the dl��lon 'Qf . lelic Manarers For Year

f;tadiators .to Ft>aiure Speedr· Bal·kfield' ·With Return or Football Sc'hed.ule · !VIr. JacksQn. Mr. Lunde and' OLson. CRptain 81\11 selUOn. a new sport ft,t . "l -. -'-, � And' by means of the wor,3 or l\ Ilu'V P.: L. C .. wUI com;-"'lence �ext Mon· • Vot�w, O·C:onner. Mot' GOAL.POSTS With the return of lwe!\'e lettermtm �roup of F. E. R. A. stude-nt.\, th .. CoI- day ,for ,women . . Mn., Adah Raisin!! the- curtain on their strenu- cnd fI w('altn of nt'w mill-erial. PL.C:::. leg�--hllS� prQ\'ideod th.e men's ' athleti{' Dapper, c;oaeh. and fone Madsen. man-

OilS eight gnme grid schP<lule. the po- . . ' . • looks ·fqrwa·rd to one of Its �rt�h�St. department with new combined drt'S!!- ilger. are laying i:>lans for t�e schedule

::t��:d s����n�Ut

t t��l

t;��t ��:�� w��n tl��;;;8���in�i5 n:leu)! t!ln::I�� ::k �=:�

Sa I���:�

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di:��:�: ���':;�:��e�' r=


l\t room. or

er·. J)f.::::�·s AlhleUc A.�I&tlon. elec-tion Snturda�·. $(>ptember 28. In the fr.Jm. Coach. 000':1 may be pardoned unexpected 'return of Ha�otl\w. fleet- B('sldes mN!t1ng. the Ill"ed for -larger. tion.'J have been �mpleted with the l;in�1rI Bowl at 2 o·clock. when they for �portlng a broad s.mlle these days. footed eXl-captain. lU"Id Diltch....¥oe.: athletic dressing quarters It has also IHI-mlng.of '�rt�ude Stenberg Ii.!i secrt'­l'ngngt> the bruisIng f'ort Leu'l!' Army as he dou·n to the annual buslneRi ·heady rle1d general. I made It $SIble to transrer the !\th- lary. Alice .Cook"" � l\er£eant-8t-8nn . •. ·,·Iel·en. of turnmg out a u'orthy oggregat��n to ·Co:Captaln Bucky O'Connor and letes and�elr .troubles froni th(' !irst· lind EulR 1'-18e Goff ItS �porler.

In n)eetJng the A�rm' sq\lad�n t.he ��r�:��a�.a�n�t

Luther�n College In " Pug" Ludl.ow rOillld ?ut lh� . bac�. floor Of . th� maIn bu!ldlng to tJ:"!e base- The ne�ly elected omcers, P�s-

GI:lds ..... 1I1 be tackling II. team that u·1Jl po . ' . flE'ld. which. remains Intact· fl'om last ment 'of the Gymnnsl�m where thl')' Ident Enid Hutson. and Spon Managers

.bE' In tip·top shape. 11.<; the\' have b�n • I-I year. However. It is doubtful Ir rE'ally belong. Basketball players ",111 wU1 cOI,stitute the. W. · A. A. Council 'Jut �11l("f' August I. and w'lIl have thE' :'''.d .1rh,..t I, more .the ooach Is po� Ludlow will be . tn shape for the �speclanl' bE' In a position � -Apprecl- f�r the corning ye-ar. added adnntage .of one tough tussle worried especially about the eleventH Fci;t; Liwl!'i ·gRr.le. as.he L<; a.J pr:f!st'nt· ate the closer proximity or the showers 'Sport managers for thl' 'year have with thl' C. P. S. Wgg('rs under Ihl'ir <;po! Roldlng down tl�e \'ncant tackle nursing a badly Injured arm. ' to the basketball noor. .

. been ajlpolnted as fOIl.ows:. Captain' bt'lts. Howen'r. Coach Olson and thE' bl'rth In .capllble ra.won . Is Kenn('th HeanY, .former Ab-t grldder. has taken '. Started last winter as II- Federal Aid Ball. tone ·Madse�l ; Basket ·Ball. Edna. Luth('Tan s'upportl'rs bl'lIe\'e that If Anen!'pn. former Burlingto]l star. who over Ludlow's' duties. lI�d wtll un- projeet the lob WIIS 'rushed to com- KelS('l' : Volley Ball. Ruth Froyen:, the Norv.·eglan.� get Into ;.he proper tips thc scales at I�I pounds. doubtedly start the' Ar�Y game. There Pletlon

' in tlh,e for' the fall opening of C�lt. R?bert-a Torrlson; Tennis, Louise pl.J..)'slcaLaud...mcuta.l-coudIUon-there----ls. :... _____ L-I __ ls-the..possIbUltLtpat_.such stellar per- school I\nd t:he .football season. ThE' WllI!ams: H1klng. Marie Johnson and no rt'a�n why they ciln110t hurdle Ih.e !lI:�����eR�;U: ��;::l�7���' s:� fOrmers as SOlie. Tom��iU:oos. project COiTi�'-tiMer the f't'de",I-r� �1�!...!�hn��;�13l1sebal� . Lolilse Hend� �oldlf'r cle\'en and carry on where they . . p Y and Unger may oust the regulars be- aulrelflents which state that financial rickson. l'ra� Thelma N-eSS-:---llnd-Fo-Ik I'-'n off aftl'T last year's successful sea- �\�'����� ?"��:�\.���:I

I�!� a:n�



�� fore game time. "j �id ")11 be givril. to so�e project only �ames. Helen Lilja. "Oil . • 1 pnlsent two. co-captains In the persons At the wir-g �tlons Coach Olson whlcli would n.ot. ordinarily be under- +--_______ M_� __ ;

:\·e lineup pll\ces nIne vcter: �f- Rus.<;· Fr�'e and " Bucky" O'Conner. hot: Nilsen. si"."(l'('t. four Inch star end. taken by the schCJlI n.t the time. . '1 :--. 1 l!;m iii the first-elew'n. with �any Ilew I_I and .NOrm Frye. former P .. L.C. an� St. Mr . . Olson, the College enginet'r. Is I ;! Parkland. Mercantile Co_

tHen thr('atelling to wrurpc any !lrst. OO!le. observers noti('e-d that "Sakral- , Ma

. rtln's Wlngma.!"l

.' �.a·nCiS Archbold recelvl�g both bouqllet.s a

.nd brlc�


b'" I I p. arkl<lnd. W


�st"nglon �\rlng playcr whose performance is not: Fel't NII9l'n:' cloudseraplng end. was- and Stan ford are also Qut for an end for his Ingenious feat- of carrying ?"'e l' EKpert Photo F,nlshlng: Photo up to par. tn allY ('vent. Coach Olson cOII.�lderably handicllpped during 'the job. The right tackle position Is .be.: hot wat�r. ror the showtrs and the .$uppites. promPt. Md Courleou� Is as.'!ured · of a hustling outfit wlt.h first. (ell' days of practice. It. developed ing. w('11 taken care of by " Iron man" steam for the heating Of !.h.e gymrias- ServIce

. . ' �!rOllg reserve!;. the lock or which has !.hat he was being crippled by trying to Svlnth. t", letterman. At left. lum through the SRme pi�. The seal- ,---------b!'C1l II serious weakne!<.� with P. L. C. wear a .polr of number", 12 EE �oes. tackle Is Kenneth Anenson. an out- lions come [rom the afuletes who. In +--_� _____

._-+-_-;. !ell-illS In thl' past. . The manage'rs came' t-o his rescue In �tandlng new !-iJle . prospect who tips Uielr tired. gloomy mood. find It a 'I o · TIlt' Glads were dell It � serli?us blow t�llle. however: and fitted him Up with the Warns lit 1�t::peurid8. For �sen'e little annoylng . to turn on .the hot L!E� & SELVI.C . \\'Iit'll Ludlow. chunk), fullback, �hlpped aJ pair large l'nough. tackles Coach Olson ha.s Otis Granije. shov{ers. �nly to receive hot steam. l' D,,:;e�:�'t:s �;Utt�S��nest . a lX)J1e III his elbow ond will probably :_\

. Ralph Bolstnd. and Mose Lyons. Bob SOme of the stars. more dlrricult to Norwegi<ln Cod liver Oil I be out of the Army tl�t .... RunnIng In ,\nother Gladlalor hoop slat comes Martin and LfIwrence Grrnler. a pair �lItlsfy. hll-\'e even gone so (ar to show Cor. I I rh <lnd Ta-com<l Ave. I h�!; place Is Fred Hean)". n('�·oomer from alont to prove his versatility In ath- of hus.kles have taken over t-he guard Ihelr Ingratitude as .L9 return to using Phone MA,n 73.14 _ Llllcoin High. �'ho if he [It..<; into 01- letics In Arnold Tummervik. This. positionS. and bode no good for the the old l5howers In the Main Building. --------­,«JIl'S comblnatlon will Inject a tre- f1nshy gliard . ..... ho sclntllnted on 'the (lppo.�itlon. Simon Anderson and !Jar. HOWe\'er. lest the reellngs of the es­II\cndous a!lloun� of speed Into the maples III.<;t year. Is turning out for the (lId Andersen are al,so promising guards. teemed l'nglneer bf) InJured. we hasten b:lckrtl'ld. Besides b('ing a track man rougher outdoor sport- and Is making a At cente.r • Coach Olson has sta.tloried forwaid with the mollifying opinion Hcany seems to be big E'!lough to take determined bid for one or the half- Russ F'rye!.!n and last year·s that those few disgruntled persons were

ca:et o;r:�:�


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comer. Is

also i;;:t::IY:��:O��d

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drillh"ig his squad 'to st.op the Army h·lm a valuable !lSSet In Coach.Olson·s Conch Oloon �rno doubt start nine nil. the assoelatlons and memories of


DISTINCTIVE I 257 So. I l lh Sr. , �acoma. V/n. I

!. Watch Re� __ l IUl1<.<;ing threat. McDonough, whose backfield. lettermen .In thETSt me, alLhough yean cannot be· broken and .cas.t Mund-tll.<;.SeS to Martinez. big fast end. have I-I at the p�nt IIpe It would be 1m- er In one snort. year. Howev:er. the 1-0-----------

bc<.>n respomlble for the majorIty or in the fGlds .pin alter a, two poMlble to ( a�1.3rt ng_�up. The coach and managel"S have high hopes " I (hell long gains �eaTS absence during which Ume he !lnal selections probably will be made of gradually weaning the boys away T�HUNKO'S In planning his oHenshe the Gla.dl- picked liP both athletic and c1!1SSroom after a practice scrImmage with the rrom the old showers 1 House of Ftowers

awr bo..o;s ",III build his attack around knov'\cdge at St Martin s College Is College of Puget SOund or a local high T"_�'I L.�dl"' flow.' Shop I !:�p���a�a�l


yfe����;e: :�: :I�

r:a::::t:�� �� ��e


w��i I SC��SChedule Is as follows I 'kERSCHBAUM -, S P<lC Ave al 50Th GAr 0514

open RRzzle-Dnzzle t.)pe of orfen-;e \\ho is just as adept In pack.lng the ball


SePt ::!8 Fort LewLs at Lincoln Bowl I SUIT.S..AND OVERCOATS ----------and utilizing the sP€'<'d which Olson His n;turn should solve some of Ceach Oct 5 MonmoutJJ Normal at Lincoln 1 For ule eKc/uslvely at I _______ ____ � l)(JI;S{'sses In ilL'! backrteld In abundance. Olson s problems. I I


Bowl letland &. Palagruti I f' , . . The line Is not botherll)g Olson very .- Oct. 12: E1lensberg. Nonnai at Ellens- 9 12 P<lcific Ave. ! PEOPLES STORE I much as It Is experienced althvugh light. ThIS department SIlSpe<"'tI! after listen- burg \ ----+ .

IInti If thr.y can open up thl' holes In Ing to a recent radio Interview of Coach Oct. 19.: Albany COllege (Portland " First in Tacoma"

the Army line and shake hiS small fast �::: t:t��:eh�e:

l;o:17�1��0��: :�� branch) at �rtland r . . � I , ' th & Pacific backs Into the ol)('n, the Coach believes . g

Oct. 26' Unlv. or Brltll'h Columbia at I Quality Knitting Co. . that It will be a wide Ope!l soorlJlg game. I\n�l-femlnlstic grid mentor In regard

Vancouver _ . I


n ���l�'lt: �:tU

S��:e��� ��,��:ss�����e o:o!:��ll

u�;e����:e� Nov. 2: Be!llngham Nonnai at Belling.

lAtter Swe�te" Our Spe(l�lfy I .Fr"""""""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''\il \'Ictory ror his team but Is only con- declared that it wns hIgh time that hom , 40.3 1 1 th 51 .. T<lcom<l. Wash 1 something was done when one of his Nov. 9:. Linfield College at Lincoln L.. _________ _





u::d �;t�; players I\bsent-mlndedly called him Bowl (Homecoming)

into good condition a� Is leaving It to ·'honey.-· Perhaps It might help to close '." . . '- I+---- l the men to do the r�t� In the game. the kicking-post path to football .men SWlmmtng Party I Wrecker Service ' �=========,;;: before each Important game. I!ut then Mrs. Adah Dapper. women's athletic I' 1 " . D<lY and Nile

r SPECIAL-P. L. C. Stud.nh Only again don't forget Coach. that to some coach. Is arranging. ror a swimming I BOYNTON'S SERVICE 60c Gretsch Harmonica men. women ru:e just those creatures to party to be held next Tuesday night. i GA 0145Rl , 25c InSlruction Book whom they relinquiSh scats In a crowd· October 1, at the Y. W. C. A. In Ta. .

�th 44c and �his ad ed !;treet-car. coma. CAS REPAIRINC OIL I


S1.W Student .monthly rate SL50 Ladles rate· monthly S2.OO Men's monthly' rate

Parkland · Golf Course TED BROWN MUSIC CO. H 1 /2 1 - 23 Broadway Russ Frr�, dou1"bty Co·Capta.l.n, re_ '����������� !lentl! rumors that his being shifting '" from' tackle to center was In any way r-- caused by the a.rrlval of any new man

P.-\TRONIZ�.OVR ADVERTISERS f I ·�======::== r---;;';:;;;ON STUDIO I' l" 'You, :��:�, Sw.·· I, �� I FOR JOB PRINTINC ���

e��at�;e :




: pertence and Is only re�urnlng to his ! STUDENT ACTIVI.TIES first. love.

I I Alistrum p::ting CO. I I 940 Commerce MAin 6788 , r CYM TOCS ,i Official eray Shirt

Pant and Supporter $1.59 . .

_ Washingto·n

Yell Leader Tryouts

Tacoma's Largest Home.Fumishings Store

! Goodrich Cym Shoes I I . 790 p •• and up


. .

o�.rdw ... Co. I

.924 Pacific Avenue �--------� ��----�--� I


�����hY � l O I S Pac.f,c Av�. MAIn 9237 St Helens at 91h St i Ta-coma Washl"gron

BROOKDALE CROCERY AN-D .MEAT CO. PHONES: GA.rlaoo �'0714--GArla�d-;0 1 93R3

·Groceries. Flour. Hay. Crain, Feed. etc. . .... �.)

.. /'(

· 1



T rke Instructors Our High fnter� dical Group atum,d notll6 D� III emInbers

hip d ���:



School � ��




;;��:�:.[;\���:'���::;r;:� Hn;I���� ��I;�����'" . , . • By G"� pn�... ..0i' dllalion Sought for P. L. C. " \",,,1,,"00 D C '::e08on : Other Oili,,;,

. Professor Franck of HungaTinn , ._ --

Rhoda HQk{'llstad\ Lloyd RoLl. �l __ . Diplomatic Sen'ice .Ac('epts HeJlo. lind another Hello ' Meeting for the first �e In l\\O Moe Qn.d Roland f}IIiRnson. aU�dU. According lo Mr. Throoore Nell!6O!l. · . Instructing Position . Agllin the HIgh School begil1.5 II proE!- rears. the 'lnt,e�:modlcRI Comml�te1! \lll -Rt�s ,of '35. are re.\stcrlng R�'the Unl- Dean of Men. me,",iber� .I?f the Men'� -- pectl\'{' year of worthy recognition In COQperRUon COll\'t'lled Mondll)" In t,h

t' \'ersily ot wllShingU:m. · . ' Oormlwry 10tRI fifty thlll 5emt"SIN. Thrt'e nell.' members ha\'e bE'en added PAcific LuthfrA.l1 Co!VsI> acU\·\tlell. Old �rn�e of Rt. RE'-\'. R.' L. �it

�ldent �\'eral·grad)Jat�iba.\'e tra.vel� east this III An approximate Inert-aN' of to thl' co.lIf>8e teaching this fall. you notice hUIII' mat6' of us turn£'d Ollt of Ihe Pacific t?ISlrlct o! t


for school. -Paul. HvlddlnlJ-'35 . .ls At twenty per cent rrotn lft.';._t Yellr's mC'nI· WIth tht' Rppolntment of Dr_ Harold J. for the C'holr? We h'ln'e the old �hOO.1 Lut.hC'ran c

�urch of All1e Cll . to COil_

Luther Colleg·e. while J� Pflutaer. �rshlp. . ��:�. Rnd Prof. and M�. Michel �plrlt. and we !!.lte


,10' u� It .

��:I�e��ln���l:;��r;��� r!. =c�� �:pp ����

a:l:d �!�



5�� .

. �::�� Se�;::rn:.�� r���!:�'I�

el:������ Mrs. Ruth Swanson Fram:k f('"C('lv- Virginia Smith halls from the farth. der the a\lS

�ICeS 0 -the kmerlcan te;ldIJ" 8 Capitol UnlversllY. at Coll).in- sen as pre.'l-ldent for lhe coming 5t'nu'�'


o�o����:: �;:\:;slt

l�.� est place Ihls year, coml.llS from Cor- ���::n�:�:;;

I:;SlstS of five buth- bus. Oh·IO. ·

. ter.· Roy Lundquist 'w\ll aSI!.lst 95 VICt'.'----

""' Nel\' York, a)1.d hC'r M. A. degree fro�l dO�·A. A.laska. Cl}.e.rU� .Leaske. Howard erRn ' synods. four of IO\hlch '!ore repre- Wedding bells rang for E\'elyn Olsen. p�dellt. Chester 5011(' will be t�e the Unh'erslly of Washington. Pre"I- HudS?Il. �d DennJs "Ia�d�ne come scl1ted on this �('Onunlttet. .1\5 follows: ':jl: and Alfred Anderson. '26. on �uly secretRry-treasurer. "nd Russell f'r)1' OilS to this she attended t.he College from 'Metlakatla Lsland. also In AII\.�a. Al1U-'rlC9-n Lutheran Church. repre-sent- 24. with their re!Jde!,ce gl\'en A1· Ta-. w�� nlUll�d. M'rgeAnt-at-arms.

cd FI:� or ?llge! Sound for 'two yeArs. Shc' ��:�I:t�td:�'�e��:

e ��� !r;;, �o!:�l� ed by Roe\'. L. Ludwig of �rtland. COmA. . ����c��t��I:n.

l� be perform � taught Engll�h for se\'eral years in the : I ' ,Ized ' Orl'gtln; who is Preslde)lt �f' the North_ . Elizabeth OfIhl. high .school. gradua�

. committee In chnrge 'of boys: Thcoma public schoob. and for stx fa\orab } recOIl, • . • . . west Dlstr.lct. and by Re\'. Amos. Mln- of ·35. ' is at.tending Ihe State Teacher 5 11l��IOIl heid ' IAs't' f'rlday, Included �'ears was an English Instnzctor fO.r HArry McCormiCK was elected p�l_ ne:mal� of Balem, . . Oregon: August&l!a College at MII�ot .. Mlnnesot-a, _ Roy Lundquist, Harold Johan;>en. "IU�d the College of the city �f Nell.' York. i:ll'llt of the High School Benlor. Class Synod represented by Dr. C. R. Swa.n_ Tr.A\'e.lIn8. st. Olaf-ward this fall were Vern Knutzcn. For .the evening'! en­For two �'enrs Mrs. F'ranc.k h8:'l been Frida\'. For '""Ice-presldent, VIrginia son of .SealUe, . "'ho .Is treasurer of th� Man'ln Howi,c�. �: Milton N.esvlg. '35, terltillur.ent,. Chester Bolle. ' Sla.nley connect.ed \\'I�h t·he Tetlchers' College. Davis' was nRmed and Betty B\"are \\'111 Columbia Conference. Alld b� Re\'. Carl .Floyd , Knutzen. and Harold Trulson. Ford lind Arthur HRavlk planned p�. Columbia Unl\"eM!lty , lI:here . she has 'offlclate as st'C�tfl.r}'-:trea..'1urer. Stu-' A. V. Lund of MI.. Vernon: Lutheran who a'ttended P. L. C. In 1934. ' gra�un\bers. assL'>tro by the'pep Club been &. part-t.Ime teache-r. and tlAS .glv_ de-nt ooch' offleers will be elected soon. Pree Church represented by Rev. Joh" , Eldon Anderson. '35. and. Eugene Bur- committee. __ . '- .-'-I'll demonstration course�

.dur�ng Ihe ' . . , • A. Houk�m of Beattie:. N(�,r�'e'g1a.n L�thl.J?���hJ1\·e....bOLb....r1!glst.ered '!-" th .- ' - . summers. _

. The- Inquisitive- eye hOJL.uoLice<l- . �� � College' of Puget SOund. EI ' ___ �of. �nc���cholas f'ram;k_ttt:el\:=... cmatn Profesoor Yashur' lskat1llya b)' Rev· R. BOfIstad of �ugene, Oregon. Idp. Hinderlll'. '31 and Benry Bernt- D, R. G. ectlon. - cd hi!: edUCAtion In, Europe nnd In coaxing girls to go walking In the rain. and Rev. A. J. of Sa�ta Barbara, sen l1ert mnrrled this summer .. <thev As a result of Delta Rho Gamma

America, He was '?om In Consta !ltln- -If you are wise "ou will watch further CAlifOnll�. All, members were present are now 1I\lng at Olg HA�oor eleetlollll held ')'esterday t-!,e following· ople. where hl� fathl'r lII'as In the HWl- dl'\'elopment� of �ur prep boys out for ex�ePt th� California member.. Me�t- ' "/ �����:r ';:'�da��:17. ��es:-:

I��. ��� ���: ����


n�:;;�,:' s��/t�;�� football-Bob S\'flIe. Ot\'· Schl�

nbusch. �l.g L�:��



e:V��I�� FaCility HoIflJol' Alliuml ..... a..� elected at a meetlng . held 11lSt

nllShlm"B�dapest. and at the Superior �:or:I:OK::��I=

l �1;�I�Sl\r�l:;

r �eg:..� M: Krnabel of Portland. who Is prest- . Re�CI)ti()1! 'For Sludt'llt� IIprlng: \·Ice-pres.ldert, Margaret. Ror-

Municlpnl Academy. from which he a8a.ln thiS yC'�r.-It sel:ms CIlA,rlle dent of the College Board of TrUlitees. ' . . L- .('111 : recording' secret.nry. Jeall, Mllrlc

was graduated. HI!; studies wcre con- Leaske Just can't make up his mlnd- President O. A. T1ngelstad, of Pacific As t.he opening social event of the Fowler: corresponding se�retarl'. Alice . thllied at the Unh'ers!ty of Budapest. or- ·ha.� he?-The onl' high school grad Luthera.n College, preslded·at the com- school ycar, {acuIty members of Pa- CO(Ik: . t.reasurer. Nor�a. .Preus. Rlld Mr. F'r8nck later served as A re'Peesen- of '35 that Is mL .... '1lng Is E]!:o.abeth Dahl. .mlttee meeting. CI!lc LuUieran Collf>8e entertained th� sergeallt-�t-arms. Enid Bla�e. tatl\"c of the Hungarian Ministry of -Well off t� �he tOWl'r for a better The committee was unal.llmous In 118, student body�'It.h a recepTIon held In ...--Commerce to B.Jussels. Belgium. and 'Iew support 01 t.he Luthernn Cooperation I the Collt'ij"e recreallon room, Saturday '1 al!;() to the Ullited States. where he \ .

program In the maintenance, s,uPllOrt : evening, Sep�mber 14. Mrs. Lora �, DANIEL.'S SERVICE. recel\ed a Bachelor of Science degree As managel of the high school bllS- conlrol. and development of Pacific Kreidler. Dea.n of Women, wa.s In GAS OIL

i I from UW College of thl' Cit} of Ne" kelball team he 'lias a great sucCt'!iS Luthp.ran College. . charge of general nrrangemenl.8. 1 -

���l�' t��d S:h:�s::r

r :!II�::Il�

e� :,:s






I�� �� bll� t�:


f:�I:U:��; m!:;�

l o�



al:!; t�:es��:�ln�� , _ " B,oOkdale . .wa�hln


York Unlverslt.y Havln� a major In Ia..'>l- year and he holds the Club Cham- ad\'lsed;Fcb,4ary Instead. 'In hope that A triO consisting of Mrs. PhlUp E. ,_� ._w __ --+ f'rl'nch. Mr. Franck Is gl\'lng Illstr�c- pionshlp of the Parkland Golf Course. tilC' rnlly ml,ht be preceded by a Past- Hauge, -Mrs. J. O. Edwa�ds. and Rev. . __ ___ _ ___ _ tlon In that ' department at· Pacific Now we sa,IUle him a..� senior clllSS or's tl'tre,!lY arId culminated by T. O. Svare, accompanied by Pr�f. J' II" ""_ -',,�.' m Lut.heran Gollege. , pre-xy. He hIlS a peculiar way with the Alumni ,Reunion. The final decision O. Edwards. furniShed a vocal· selec- """�D 1 '1lI1 Dr. Leraas

.\\'as graduRled from Luth- �1r1s t.hnt ever)'

. boy in Ihe school would probabl�\,Wl�made II: two weeks. tlQn. President 0. ,A. T1ngelstrtd ga"e J � ? er College In 1930. and after thC'n hc like La learn Although smnll of ' T';Y0AOfsldcr!'-t10ns Influenced the 1\ bHef address. us!!]g the theme. .. �'; .� . attended Nc>rthllo·estern . University. E\'- S19.tllte his heRrt II; 11.8 big 85 a hOUl5e. decision t� post�the Rally until "SUcks In Memory's WoodboJl.."· Ac- _______ M __ ._: ru�ston, Illinois, for a year. during lI.·hlch Rammy cnlls him " Mlckey:' but the Fl'bruary. Qne Is the Educat1;ollal Con- eompanled by, Mrs. J. O. EdwflIds. the r- 1 · .studled for the following three years mel him do so without dela�·. La take. place In SI. Olaf. Northfield. Keith Reid. comme�cial lnstructor, also



e he WIlS an assistant In bIOI08"y .. He fellers cllll him " MICk."


' If you haven't fCl"l'llce for Lutheran College faculty wives' q

.uartelte sang, a

.nd Mr. j ' DAHL. CROCE

. RY C



. at the University of Michigan from Minnesota. November 29. 30. All mld- rendered vocal entertainment. Membl'r U",!ed PUrity ' Stores I ����

ha�� �����

.e�h:nO:�·r!· :;

g�t�l� English Tests Show " . ;�:�t

:�lld C��:C:


ln����:�; ������ In:�8-al.�� ��

d;'�r�� ::�:r�:

o p�:;:� CAr. 3 8 1 BR5 Parkland I of Ph!losophy. For the pa�t year he Frosh Ahon' ,Avcrn"g:{� ar!' Invite.£! 10 Ihls confel"l'ncl-'. Presl- a jllano solq. Mrs. Louise S. Tnylor. _. _______ . __ . __ --+

has been assistant Zoologist at the dent O. A. T1ngelslnd hopes t.hat at COWl!y superintendent Of schools. I , ______ --,. ___ • Cranbrook In�tltut!' Of Science. 810011\- 'n-om a total of '50 possible points. least one or two from P. L. C. may brought a. greeting from thc Plcrce fll'ld Hills. Michigan. Or. Leraas lIIi.1I PaCific LuthC'rll.ll Colleg1' rreshmen attend. and alo;o the IPre�ldent of the Count�' office. fiSH 1ED'£ ��:�� ��a

;�; :I::�' d����t:C':t

lghbrS �;�;r:� ���7:.�� �;t1����c:�

nw�:c ::;I� B�� ��e:I��


. nccredltatlon by thl' we��


g�� ��

f�::��� . "�o-f'-� '3

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 UI IU I I School Printing Is Om Specialty

• PdPers AnnUdls

Annudl (overs Tickets ProgrdmS

�dndbooks Invitdtions (drds

Text Books Booklets Pdmphlets

�.ecord Books Stdtlonery Supplies

• JO�NSON-(QX (OMPANY 726 Pdcific Avenue 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 til I I I

In;�l w�k. The nntlonal median. or Northwest Ass\lClatlon of Secondary aud Mrs.. J. P . Pflueger In charge. The SMART SCHOOL CLOTHES aw'rage score 15 96''.. points. which and Higher Schools was taken up. alld students and faculty enjoyed n social FOR MEN AND WOMEN I plnc(>s Prof, R J, Hong's classes stxk'en It Is hoped thal the po.�ltlon ror-such hour of becoming acquainted. and or "=-�"",,,,,,,��� .... ,,,,,.....I! polllt� above the a\'('rngC'. One lI!udent an accreditation mny be properly pre- I"l'newlng old friendships. ...----------.. ---'1 reached the high mflrk of 140 points. pared by next JanUAry. The College I FIRST CLASS' I\hlle the 10\\ cst score \\ns 83 Or'll' hns been full} ac�redlted for �ea� In [-------------t. cla .... � Alerngl'd a mcdlan SCOI"l' of 12'0 Gur o\\n statio' bllt Ihc financial dlffl- Parkland Barber Shop j Cleaning, Oye,�g an� Pressmg polnl.8 This examinntlon Is a means <;ulUes of the Deprl-'!'Sion hn\e_post- and 1 CLUB-RATE CLEANERS 1 �:ruc:��

h gr:m!

l:d�:�:;I:a���te:: I ��:���n:I

�� petition"" for North\\est RC- ConfectIonery 9th and P�ci/ic BRoadw�y 3068 ," punctuation are measured I Not onl} along the PncUic CGAst Is CEO KNUDTSON Prop . � I

the College rallling Its supporters bul ____ ----. New Chairs Purchased Mr. Vlc"\or A. El\'estrom lefi ycsterday +---1 1 The D'oll�r Studio ! -- . for the Inlnnd Empire and Rocky . REED'S FOODS .. Qu4Ility Photo.uph, , 1 Sixty new university chairs were pur- MO\ln�ln Region to dl-'velop In�erest at RU10fl4lbl. Prien

chased last week from the Northwest and support.


1 Where you get more Ce.nlral Bldg. 931 112 BrOOldway . Chlllr Companr 1n 'Facomn, through 1 . . for your money I Tacom;l, 'Washington ��'



P���e �:I��

tu:��� Gribbohm to Supervise .

.::==;;;;;-�-;,;;,-;-::-:.-�-are of a light maple finish, have been German Club Activjlies &lAND-NIW OINUINI pla�ed in the ma.!n lecture room. 201. -ROYAL PORTABLE .

Mcetlng for the first fall session, the U:tny McConnldr. "" .. de8cribed in Paclflc Lutheran College German Club

the "l�h Sc-hool "Ita�e You Md!" held an elcctlon of officers Tue,sdny [;1 iii noon. Seplt'mber p.

BRoadway 4375 j As a result of the elecUon, Harry

Sprenger 6- Jones Orlbbohm was chosen w lead the club JEWELERS t�js year. wllh�.Mlldred Larson as vice-

Watch and Jewelry Repairing a president, , I!-nd lone Madsen as secre-Spec;;alty tary-treasurer. Mrs. Bondy Is' club

1 1 30 Broadway . Tacomi, Wa�. adviser, while Mary Machle, former I".:::::::::::L===

::::==�· president, will hold a position as assist.-I !I ' ant adviser. �=========# I ! " Youare Most -Likely to ' 1 ' All 'those who have studied German r'

or are Interested are. invited w attend find it at . • ��:a=�� in:'r:s��: �= h!V� : . ' Rho'des Brothers" I fall. IUld to speak as much Oe,rman 811 :. __ 1" poss.Ible in the meetings.



Also U�de:�s, Coron;s OInd Remingtons -1 SPECIAL

AMocAT 'FOOD PRODUcrs j BrOokdale Barber Shop Noonday Lunch •• n . . "THE P�K OF QUALITY" . Welcome 5.tudents S�RVICE

· \�I_, ________________ �_· ._t'_; ��t���� ________ � __ ��� •. 14-______ �----------� ... ____ · _· VV __ i��·_a __

Sm __ il._. _____ J �


The Stationers Inc.

,926 PK. Ave. 927 Commerce 51 . . �A;n 2153 Complete

School CUtfl .....

/ .::--

� , \ ' .

Let's Show Real Spirit ,U the Pep .R,;tlly

Thursday Nile

Sn\"e Saturdll)' E"ening F�r lile Pep Clu b

Skating Pur.ty

South Puget Circuit " Pep RlIlly .Is Planned French Pel' Club Gives Skllting Drama Club Will . -Leaguers to Meet

F"r Ellcl1sburg GaUie Formal �"'''''''''U�'''''"1 l'"rty Saturday Night

" Present Two Plays

IriftiY in Seattle Jr��de���� �




ad��� He:':!::] :���Ige��e��

m t�: ��

g�h�! "Friday O'ctober- 18

N. )1. Ylvisaker. Theo. Huggen- �l��l�ll�t?�.:�. �

h:al�:La::��nl:�r:� �1'1�



a ���e

t:n�h�:�'at��d: 'President lone l\�adsen Names

\·ik. August Werner \ViII day"('vt"fllng. This r�'enillg, s:t 7 ��


g. "Ot-tober 12. from 9:30 to 12:00 . Thespian" CUl� Committees Appear on Various Con- St�ldC1)t.� are to congregate In ,mnt Club wHI Mid a formal

TjC�L. .. mnr bePurG:haSea rromKath_ For-Hea\'y Season or " entiol'l 'Programs :r::t1�I�ai:.o���

d�I�!' .c::���:.e:c= bfflC�rs in the .recept.lon • ryn Anderson. Ellen Bergstrom. Helen ' Drama Adh:iiy Wit.h the genera! theme. "J;sus ��lf�:=.



l��; �::






lea:��king plans FTI.dRY ('"enlng. OC�ber. 18. Is {h�. Only:' IMatL 17:8). the South .Puget hl\\·e been chooeri to give a response: club II

d\'iser. ha.� ·slIpervl'>ed for a HnUowe:cn pllrty for the dorm date · scheduled tor the .flrst Drama Sound Circuit of ·the I.uther League Harold "Buckr·· · O·Connt)r. Russell rang.ements. student.<;. RomolA R.ust .. l>resldent. tl8.5 Night or· th� .school year. M.arg�rN WLIl con\'el)l; this w{'ek-ehd. OctOber :·Mud:· _�·e. Harold "Bis.<;en" Nilsen. The [Jew oWcers to be Ir.stalled Llpl?Qinlrd the following g('neral com- Craft Is sl�n'lsi�g the presentation of I \ . 12. 13 at Rt'\". George Lane·S' chun�h. ··Dutch·· Mot'. Cht't .Solle. E� Svlnth. ·Eula Mae Oot:. president: I<Jte ml

�rf' to n'illkt' armngl"nlents for the

"TIle Marriage Proposal'" and Bob PhhmeY

.Rldge III Seattle. Eliiabet�. 6��fO��

e�s:;}a��}jFr;:c:t'��;1. ��a

at�� .�('n. ·vic(' prE:Sllent:. Romola RUsl. ;:�� ����


rro��:�g:�;��:�� �;::. Monson Is dlrecUng "Hot BIsCuits.··

Stu£'.n. Milpred LarSf'n. and Ralph Bol- hoy. ·wlll a!� bt' cf\lIed o-n to 'mike: r(iLA·r�'-treasilr('r: Marlon Pennie. ML..s Craft, llsslsted by ·Ed Svlnth, . �tnd ha\'e bren chosen to r"pre5r.1lI the remarks. r".��ndillg secretary.; E::Jizabt'th ·'has cho....en Thelma NeS/i. Stanler. Ford. Trinity Luther League oJ Parkland· at Thf' �re$hmlln �II£S is In charge of historian: and· .Mr. ·FTil.nclt. this COIl\'rntion t),e oonfll"f'. A eommltU'('. composed ·

The chairmen lind their Rn. N. M. Yl\·wakl"r. executh·e S('cre- �tw.r;n;:a�.lk�

o�:l;;�,adGri!�I��ac:I�� �\:ho J)la!ln� lind made th�,

lar)" of tll(' Intl'nlalLOnal Young Pco- Verner Bitter arE' to sUPl'r\'lse Its con- sll:;l� arl": program: plf'·s LellRul". will deliver a!l IIddress. �truD)lon. '.



·'Thr Need for the Sa\'lor:' at the open- . . lllg lls.wmb1r Frida)' f\'enlng at 8 07_� Harry McCormick clock. Bert.ram Myhre. clTeult presl. ",llt. wHi be III Ch;"" or ,II b�lll'" Breaks Golf Record m('ctings. Slltllrday morning will be (\rl"oted to a Junior L.ellgue session. A further dL�cu�� ion of thl" convention

High School Boy Shoots 61 Eighteen Holes of Park·

la",d Course

in group after 1n.�t.nllRt1on. with no

theme. a gl'n('ral busines.� �sslon. and cit-ction of officers Is the program schcduled fo·r SaturdllY a!t.etnoon. Hrnl1' McCormick. dlmlnuth'l" nUl:l-


Choir Personne·1 / .

:;�::h .. ::tar.:a�rl::



Selected · in Full cl('\·er ont'�act cqm('�y. the EngHsh·\·er--- . .'lIon wrltlrn by Hlhill!r Baukhl4fe and

.Three-Week Trip"l..l'nlo Montana Barrett H. CIRrkt'. The ctist of "Hot

.'\t Close of Semester Being Biscuits." dlr('Ctt'd by Bob MonSo.n ·and Seriousiy Considered VRll)org Norby. Illcludcs Le�ter I-I.0IW.

Alice Cook. Arnold Anderson. .Ellen 'The choir hll� thc undrrstandi

!U! B('rgstroll1. Roberta Torrlson, Novell

that the SChool cannot guarllntee that Nagel. Rnd FrlthJor Tayet. This play all newly selectl'd· membeL:S may go on 15 wrlLLf'n b)' Le Roy Slahl. th� trip because of the ('xpense� to be Int('rmi��ion numbers are· being In\"olvrd If the long Inp L� made: . statl's plf\nned by the ylce.prclildent . . Helen Pro(

.. J. O. Edwa�ds. director of ·'The LI]Ja. RSsisted by J('an Armour and El­

ChOIr of the Viest · in naming the com- len Bergstrom. plete per.<.Onnel. which is larger than '

Rev Theo Huggel"\\lk IIoho Is profes.- ber on(' man 01' the PLC golf tefUll 1\IN. H. P'!;on GiV('i!'I that of pre\'l�us yellrs. Thrr(' wHi be a candy sale nf which �or of Chrlo;Uanlt) And rcllglon at St burnl"d up th(' local course �f'Sterda) . - Brrgliot Vogan is 1n charge. with a Olaf Collrge Northrteld Minneso

ta IS \\Ith all Ilstoundlng 61 for 1.8 holes to S"C(Ii!!ih 'heolob'Y Bookso Mr. Victor Ell" busine�� mllne comnllttee consisting of Helen SCott. tile guest sp('aker at the bRnquet Sat- break the old rt'Cord of 63 IIohlch was x.� Rgcr of the c.holr. has D/:!t. yel return('(l Belen Stark. and Iris Evans.. Urdll} ('\enlng at '"/ o clock Holy Com- held b\ Joe Grt'llo and himself Par Mrs H P JOhnSOn( IIoUe of the I from his t�ip to lay plans for. the tour. Other Drama Club COmmJtteffi have mUlllon for dell'glltes Rnd others wish- for the course Is 68 IIohlle the mark for Rev H P JOh�n SWedi$p pl\!ltor but It Is definitely proposed that the been Ilppolnted by president lone Mad-' lilll: to nartlclpate will be conducted by profl'SoSlonals Is 62. PortlRnd, .h8.5 _ilw1n the school Ubrary InlAnd Em.plre . trip be made. If the �n for th\S �mf'_"ter a.s follow,,: Play RH. Geo. Lane Sunday morning at This brilliant display of wood con- some thiTt)' volUmes In Swedish. mosily choir goes 8.'> tar east as oreat P'aIL�, pro!\rams. Vern· K-nutz�n. · chalnn·an. 8:30. The convention Bible class will trol Rnd mRstery of putting' wa.� wit_ theological books. Montaua. the trip \\:ilI e.xtend oVl"r . a El�le Barrett. Louise WillIams. CII� assembll" al 9:30 o'clock with Rev O. nes.�ed by Professor J. O. Edwards of Mr. O. Bull. formerly of period of three weeks In \\'hlCh case It Haugen ; wardrobes. Novell Nagel. L. HRavlk Officiating. Rt'v. Theo Hug_ P. L. C. and Wall1(' Ca.rr. managl"r of dOliated nine volumes of Ved will be started in January at thc close chalrm8:ll. [,('Ilore Withrow, VIrginia Rt'nvik wI\! address the convention at the club. · who watched with amaze- and one volume of Folkeblad. of the f!�st �mester. Week-end trips 011\·15. Elizabeth Friis. Harry Orlbbohm. 11 o·clock at divin(' services.. ml'l\l as Harry colll.'"Cted I"lght birdies The library has IIlso




es. Emmet Thohmp

,son: PU

vbllclty, �, "


At 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon the Thr Gladiator mashie wielder took only latest volumes of the Standard Tornson. c a rman. ernA u:g an . ChorRI Union concert will begin. Prof. 29 �trokl's going Ollt on t.he fIrst nine logue for public libraries. the The f'ntirr list of choir members Is Thelma Dlillil'ls. Paul Preus. 'Bert August Werner. a masl('r of Music at and 32 coming In . Even more significant th·e Book Index lind th� n.s follows: sopranos-Evelyn Syvers0t:l. Myhre; chairs. Ralph Bolstad. Chet the University of WflShlllgton. will be wa� the fact thllt hr had no holl"-In- Guide Mildred Larsen. Virginia Da"ls. No\'ell Solie. Paul Estrem. Lester Hol�: make-featured as soloisL. The closing adctrt'ss OIl(,S to brtng. down his avemge. but Nagel. Evelyn Monson. Eugenlll Spen_ up. Norma ?reus, chalrmlUl, Gertrude

�::�g�Vi�('ll\'('red by Profe.��or Th('o ���;.


e g��



t :Ub����� Yarn. and Football ��:'r���;:lr:r:�c��ol�]


s;;�� ��



ld MI�d���

rsor:���I:: ----


O��t�������n:��e has £I sound

Impire Ingenuity ���:el�r::��r

M��;��e.::���:St:�':. :::7' :e1�1




le-Educational Institutt· For Football Yarn. lone Madsen. Jean Armour. AlmR

To Meet Oct. 28� 29 Dormitory Auxiliary :�:I�:�;IY �:�l�

n. ;�

I���S ��:��:. L. D.

·H. Yearbooks

District mceting� of the Wa�lngton Will Spoll!'or TCil By Paul E�t�m �li�


H;::�::�� �


Out Next Thur8�ay �ld';:c�:�.1 Oc�;'a����9.��I�\h�l' J:� DQrmitory Auxillary L."l.dles will give upG


. �::�.

('r ::��::

edp:;:��� Judith B�nson. Anita BAli. 'Sylv'la Mil- On ThUTsda�'. October ]7. the Luth-

Lee Int('nnedlare SchooL The ·general a silver tea In the tea rooms of the hither. thither. Rnd ylther In the I(,T. ' F..sther Norgaard. and Va:�Ma eran Daughters of th(' Refonnatlon w1l1 �t's.�ions are to be called Monday mOrll- �I."-hl"r Ocp.artment store Saturday for glory £1m:!· incidentally. victory: M()(>hnkl:: tenors--Arnold Anderson. hold th('lr regula'r business meeting at illg and Tup.sday afternoon. while the afternoon. October ]9. from 2 until 5 this on the gMdlron. Emmet Thompson, Bud Lehmann. the home or'Mrs. J. U. Xavier, with l'ecUon and dl"partment COnferences are o'clock. All students and faculty mem- A silky. yello,,! head bends eagerly L

R�bY,d� . • Lar,;oM:llL"�



B· ,:��,:

'1,",n"lnP, .. A. Preus and Mrll.·Xavler enter-,

!lChedul� for Mondlly afternoon and bers £Ire urged to attend f I! hi h k I I I U ,� v �... ..,' Tu('sday �ornlng. Mr�. P. E. Hauge and .

Mrs. A. S. Berg �;:r'fl�g;S'



e:r. ��I\�!�. Na�� basses-Clyde Grlmstvedl. Wa I t I' r Th(' main buslnt'ss of the meetll}g

Monday morning th(' opening speak- hAa\�.





d :v:� yHher In the pursuit of a dropped Schnackenberg. Vern Knutzen. Orville will be t'leclLon or o!f1cers and the dl8-ill be M B F KLz f th S �titch: this In the grandstand. Schlanbusch. Edward Machle, Otis trlbutlon of the yearbooks which are 'p�'.n·n· 'n, C'U',·" ,', . • ·nd M",· •.•

O ... "" '"'In"" str�m have tRken charge of the re- Grandc Paul Preus Ralph Bolstad v .-,., 'VLIO. A punt! And the all Important ball .• Ray 'HI�derl1e. Harold O'Connt'r. Har� no\\' cc.mpleted. These booklet5. which

Veverk�. from' Los Angeles. At the f.r�:

e��mitOry Auxiliary Is an or- ��


s. g:

ne C��e:I��

at d�a�;

h�:� ry Grlbboh�l, Kenneth Anenson. and ��:��re �r:c��:�y�e�;�e!s�:r:;l�;� �:;R ;;,��


nl����� ::�IZ::I��� ����


fto;��:��es��� are all admonltlous pep talks: one

Gerh"'Rrdt Pflueger, Ing thl" trefoil Insl�la. ot the society. :��i :�:n�

fr. George Yantis. of Olympia, wives of th� ' faculty mt'mbers. It I� thought fIll� It. that of recovering the .Delta Rho Gammas ��:�l

t�a������:'�:e W��::


their purpose to pi"OmOte Interest to- ··Lost .BRll." A .lIvely laudltory dls� . . prlsed the yearbook committee: As hIlS been the custom tor several ward the building of a new girls' dol'm· cU!lSlon of "Top Hat" Is· left sllspended Meet . Tom' orrow reaT!;. Pacific Lutheran College repre· Itory. and UJ help ·1lS llJuch as possible In mid-air by Fred Astll.lres· P.L.C. The following program ·has been ar-scntativt's to the Institute will gather .In furnishing thc present donnltory to gtrl fMendt. who walt with batt'd breath ,ranged : the L. D. R. song, by a group lor a luncheon In the parlors ot the make It more pleasant and comfortable. the outcome 0' t.hls crItical pIAy.-The Delta Rho Gammas will meet to- or girls; plano solo. Norma ?reus: read-First Lutheran Church, Miss Irene ' footbnl\ players ·V:·alt tense and expect- m.orrow At 1 2 :30 In ·tht'lr club room for Ing by Wac!ene CaJavll.n: convention

::��I��: :�l� ��nc�:r


·� Highby Assiilin� a\ ���'w��:�le���I;edl:��I�ea��::

:.t��: ��;. regular bi-monthly buslne!lS meet- ���;� s����n�

oltc�mp; vocal solo.

. ��innesota UniVf�rsity the pages. the newspapers should have Definite plans will be formulated for gotten the story but didn't, ye scribe a cake saie h(,!d at Rhodes De- Hal h Hutchison

T t EI t d H d Professor Paul R Highby' on leave did.-To bre\"ltate a lengthy narration. partmellt Store sometime soon. lone P . aye .ec e ea of absence Crom �e SCJen� Depart- Mlladv reco\'ers the ball and with It Mlldsen has been named chairman for Nanled . PreSident

Of Graduating cras� mt'nt, h8.5 Sent greetings to the stu- her poise. e'.:en as P.L.C. fans roar arrange�ents \\.'Ith Dorothy Kapphahn. . -- ' dent body. He Is·studylng at the Unl- their approbation of "Blssel's" touch· Alice Cook. and Louise HendMckson High school department oftlcers were Composed ot third year normal and versity of Minnesota. tor his MllSte� a5.�lsUng. " elected last Thursday, ·October 3. Ralph

second yenr liberal" art students. th·e degree In the Department ot SCience. The·ima settles down to her knitting According to Eleanor Raudebaugh. Hutchtson. or �rkland. w1ll assume Ule graduating cla5S completed 1t5 election In addition to his studies. Prof. again f.O the tune of hlke!--(lne. two. preSident. the girls plan to remodel the dUties of president. .,. 01 oltlcen laM. week. FrlthJof Tayet Highby h/:!Ids a teaching as&s�nt5hlp three---:-knlt. purl, purl. knlt-Oh 'dear! Delta. Rho Gamma room, makJng It .. Cllllord Haugen, of Pearson, was was chosen president.. . In the science department. and he b.1\S the gladIators fumbl�and the flaxen recreational room Instead ot a study named vice-preSident. F r e d e r i c k a

Otht;r newly named officers are:. vice- been chosen ScholasUc Counselor tor haired mtstrelloS of the fireside has room a.� I t now is. I n dtort& to .make Schlanb.usch. ot . Parkland, 15 the new presJdent. Marte Jobnso�: secretary, t.\I.'o tl"Ate'mlty houses. wh� hts duties dropPed a·sUtch along the I1ne ot play. It Ulhter, a ·r�eeoraUng Is plBnned. secretary-treasurer, while Jac� Wall of Jean.�e Powler, and. treasurer, John are to help approxima.tely seventy men · I ;", too late" kI t;eCOver, It now-Won't The girls hope .� give a party once.a Bremerton, Is serjeant-At-arms. St�en. � yeT the c:lass adviser h� not malpt.atn. a high standard of schqla.r_ baby ,wonder whert'. the dlckerul that month, and a party Involving·both day . The OTlalllUltion will hold reguJai been selected. ship. hy draft com� from? girls and �ay boys 1$ PT'Ppo6ed. business meetings twlce ·a month.




,�P'�'?�' ��_�"�='==================��'����







.:,_"�,� . n � P�ClF1�


ll'ghter Th.1n .::on. PC> DR'... . . . . .. "., COR. "

m�e ttiOl1ttng ma�t Published e\'ery t"'o "'ff'U .duMng the school year

_ b)' 1M &tutlents of Pacific Lutheran eoll*, PIlrkland, washington .

Office : Room liS Teleph,one: GArlnd OS7'l Subscription Price-$l.OO per Year

Entt'rt'd I\S second elMS matter. OCtober 2. 19�5. at the Post Office at Parkland, Washington .

. under the .... ct of March 3. 1879

u r. � B, -1kotnI« This \$ue. of. Lht MOORI.NG MAST

A· \... � Lest we ro�t,"�ll�t' \5 • place of. Man �h" dal" of OctoWr 9.�1f F.r1k. Ir " giAn,our. That glamour Is tllrlely due SOl' Da)'

to 'the 1,lI\lque gplHt th:tt per, .. des the Wt' honor I,.t>If Erikson ,1'$ .. h"rd� B'II' BOB MONSO:rrrl . CRrtlPUS; It hy not a .SPI�� Of 'ho�' And inln'pld Il"llder. e:olplorn. dl�"t'I't'r

DIZZ1' DISCOURSI::-,play ,,11 of U�. Unle. a�C It fs not. an

and pioneer. lit 999 .he esUlbli$hM till' all' of diinll)' Il!l Of '�e !I:�


:r I��: lIew trade route directly IlC� Ih'" The lIbrn�' � l\ tempt'�amem9.·l .room


' �ml'tlme!l you different and ·relre!oflinK a enland to Non,'IlY can sit and REID a book Imq nearl�' FR� to c!ealh: \t's I\nte. 1');1\$ 15 reA.l!J:ed Il��t asutel)' aft- Atlantic from I rc KOHLE8 thnll I�C frigid tone Then. aga.!n. It Is Uke e� olle hn.:., lc'ft the cnn1iiu!t. ha� tMed to In 1000 he sall� lI.·esl,. fI:om OI·�l1h\.nd

. a KITCHION-'-hot enough to FRYE a OOFf ball, )iAU- Ih'e ag'atu III Its style. and h'ft.S f?Urfd to the North Americall COI.JUnenl: III' GEN the students stand such erT'n�ra�m'e? You:U thRt Ihe world look!! upo� the RCrt"lIntaJ introduced Chrlstlanit} In GreenlAnd BARDON me, but It's cas)' to ell:plaln when one knows that collegln\e I\� R m!ld form. of �nsanlt)', a.fte1; King 0111\'. TrYIfIl.vasoll 01 NorwR� the studenl's moods change ' the same �'Ry, Some dllYs

NlnNy-fh'e pl-r cent of those 'who hnd persUAded him �o rect'1\·c"\....,till' EDITORI .... L ST .... Ff'

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Hell:'n HoltcamlJ

. the)' Af\MOUR' reeepth'e.' to stud)" a.nd keep RUNNING �'rlle the followllll[ sentence from dlc� Christian fRlth. Hi� SAIlIt Inspm', I , In and OUt of the, UbraD.' IIke,water In a leaky CR.A,.F'!T, tAUon mlSlx'1l At let'St one ,"'(lrd: .. ·It ls those who read It. . Other dll}'.5, ogaln. 'jwe could keep thls up for hout:l-) they dlAAgn'eable to �'ltneM the ,\Ri.baH�-, P'l\clfi1: L'lthemn College ""'M IIIIlOIl� just sit and wlll� not be Interested In sc,hOOI. NORBY . ml'nt of a haNl� pt'ddler gauiling the ,h� "'ho petilioned for the :nacttoll ASSOCIATE EDITOR Hazel H�rul)

FEATURE EDITOR J�al� MaMe Fti�'ll'r SPo8TS EDITOR Bob Martin TYPISTS �1ario: lJen. lrl'ne Odell

REPORTERS-Thl'lm3 Danlds, Joonna Manous-0Ii, Iris Evalls. Norma Pr�us. Elva Bergman. Vern Knutzen. GU)' Ptlu�'I'. Margan't lArson._ 1011(" �1adO(!II, RUlS .. �dl Prj'e. RObl'rta Tornsoll

""" , _BUtil�ESS _�1'�.'.'_


. Margarct Cn,ft

CIRCULATION A$SISTANTS U'llorl' Withro,,' KathrYIi Anderson , AD SOLICITORS - Harr}, McCormiCt· Edna - KI'I- I l'Cy. JIL�I>t'r Johnson Elizabeth F,'!is. Emmett

Thoml)son FACULTY ADVJS� - N, J . Hong. O. J . SlU�t'


\\'l' fc·c·1 nlUE'(' lInti IIW1'l' I II(' lH'l,t! uf a sl l'�lIlg unilt'd ululllili !-('·OIlIJ . By Ihis w(' do 1101 nll"1II l u imply Ihut Ihl' l'Ulll'gl' hilS 1101 an alumni assodll liull. hilI silllply titut it l'uult ! nlHl �II\Jtlicl play II more' impul'tunl liar! in III(' ColI('gp:s m'­

li\'ilic's. If il funl'tilJlwd flrtlpedy, sud, II grtlUp c'otlld c·usily pili 0\'1'1' 111\' alum lIIalt'l" s ulhlt'lic' ,l.!liIlH'S hy I ic'kc'1 sdling tiri\'l's, An c'xl'l'lh'nl l'xllIllpk of wlllll 1I !-(I'lldualr group nUl dn aloll).! Ihis lim: C'UII Ill' Sl'C'1l ill 1Ilf' slll'n'ssf�1 lTl'\\' driws S)lt)llslll'l'd hy thl' l"ll iVl'l'sity of \\'lIsl \­ingloll, whil'h lIu\'c' sl'nl t he ir w i llllill,l.! lTC'W!" (,lIsl 10. I'oughkcepsit· c'udl Yl,lU·.

\\'l' 1I!',I.!I· 11\11' OWIl alulllni. mqsl of whom phl�' all impol'lulll purl ill Iht' ctJlllllltJnily in whkh Ille\' Ii\'(' unci \\'tJl'k , to uni lt' and 10 sponsor 1.11(' hOl;lt· ganH'S of I'al'ifil' i.ullwnm Cullf'gl'. \\' ith 1I1l' high I.\'p(· of h'HIIIS \\'hich COllch Cliffol'Cl OISOII has h"c'n turning tlU\' il \\'oilid hl' a com­pUl'uli\'t·ly ('as,":,' IIHlllt-r . ltI llI,uk(' - �llhlt'li

,l'.s !"Ut'­

n'ssful alsu frolll a f llHlIIl'U11 \" l'\\'j}()II l t . It would hc' c'lllin'l" ft'llSildl' for this j.,f'J"nup 10 is, I Sll(' S('uson tid'pis Sill'l l lJ,S many otilC'r collc,l.!('s do, liIus making it possil,ll' Itl hrill/-l lllol'(' first ­l'Iass C'Ulil'/.!C' It'UIIIS 10 Tm'ollla. :\lhll'tiCS al't' t'xpaflding rnpidly III P. I ., C. Ilul 1��I'Y ellllllut do su prtljlt'rly withoul s.lrolig J�ul�klllj.! fl'�l1n .11 ,l.!rtlllil sud I liS tl\(' "\IUIIIIIl :\ss(I{'mlloll, whlt:h IS i .. a posilioll Iii Ill'lp pU,ciril' Lutlll'I'H.n Collc�l' mill ",hidl should1J1' ",lIl11g 10 ('oIlIIlHll' Ih,'lr lIt'li\',' sllppIIl'1 of Ihl'ir ,\ l lIIa 'lalPr,


\\' I I if:HEAS, :'\ol'lh :\nll'l'it'1i was clis(·CI\',·,·I·d I,,' Ill(' illll't'l�itl \,ikin g, I.c'if Eriksoll, ill til(' yt'lir !iNIO; unt!,

\\'I I EHEAS. f ) d ohc'!' 11th hilS 1Jt't'L1 sl'lt'dt'cI as til(' duy Upt lll \\'hich Le if EI'ik"o!l <Iisl'lJ\'c'!'l'eI Alllt'riea; Ullt!,

W I I EHf':AS, I ILI ' ['J't'sidl'1I1 IIf Ih,· l'nilecl 'stall's. l'olllplying wit h ' tI resolulion 'passcd hy Ihl' CUlIgn'ss. lIus isslll't! 1I pl'uclalllllllCln to eles­ignuh' (klolll'!' !lth, 1m:), as I ,{' if El'iksoll I)I1Y : aud,

W I I EHEAS. Ihe Seuntlinu\'il.lll I)('uph' of Il l(' Siule or \\'ash ingloll wish Itl hCJllor Iheir IloI1-linllu! hl'ru. Lt' if Eri ksoll, unci are making plans 1'111' 1.1 su ilable IHenlOriai: and" .

\\'HEHEAS. lite spirit of adwll iure UIH.I the \'isiCln tlf hmllc' huilding \\'hich in.spired \.cif E" ikst ln und his l'olllrllties has been disl)luyed b\' I hUIIStllHls UpOIi thousunds of his kinfolk' �I I silel'ec«ing generatiolls \, 'ith marked eCOIlOIUJl', s( ldul ulicI spirituul h,eflefils 1.0 uur Cumlllon-wl'lIllh nncl Iht, l'nited Stules; , '

:\,()W. T1IEREFORE. I. Clurcnct: D, Marlin. ( ; 1 1\'('1' 1101' tlf \Vushi nglcU\� do hcrcl�� designate alld p!'ul'iuim Ocl!lhcr !lIl,I. l f13a: as Leif Erik­Stili »u\, in \\'USIUlI gtull. III honor,. of the mem-1)1'\' of 'I he disco\'erer of America. and I cull t 'lioll th{' propt.'r orficiuls tu displB')' the f1ug of IIIl' Uni ted Slutes o,\�all stutt'. cUlinly and other publ ic huildings; IIl1d, . ' � , .

FUnTHERM�I:'E. " ill\'itc,-, JJ �e pcop.l� of \Vushinglon .tu JOlllpur fello\\' citizens of Scal�­clinu\'ian ancestry III the 9bser\'an�e o� Le


Erikson Duy. nol o�ly 10, share their �r�de 1.n

doing honor to the' (u'st Norseman t� yl�!1 thiS l'unlinenl. but a lso 10 show our appn;.clahon of their conirilllll ioll to the progress of our Com­IllclIlwcnlth,

Cr.ARENCE D: MAR:rIN, Go\'ernor of "rashingto�.

in'terested In books, To their studies the), say: "WITH- s)'mmetl')' of a ])I'E'led potato:" of the 'lqlslaUon In vlr�ue o. �'hh:h ROW \l,ith yOu:' and jU!lt sit thf're '$.nd( A.UST. So )'(l� . "

Prrsldenl .. R()().<!If\·elt I)roclalmed OClObl'.l �. a thermome�r that h!l.s dropped to "!l and. CLOMB Niue oul of ("\'en' tll.'enty collere MU" ninth Il.5 U'if EMkson ORy '. It I� 11 to 80 shouldn'!. bother 5U�h a gang 1 f<SPCClall)' with n!lmes dt'llts. according to the Eyesight Con- pleasure to ackno ..... ledge ,(Ill . thl, fh'st Il);e tht;SC,l .$enation Cou�cll, develop eye trou,bles LeU Erikson Day the prom!)t re�I)I)I\.�f' "'hlle In .schOOI. OlarlllK,lIghts, 50 �he)' of senator Homer T. Bonf'. SenalQI' s.ay. are mort" to blame th�n dim lights, U:�'ls n, 5ehweilenbllch, t;lnd Cougrl'S.'-5emHndlT'Ci:t lighting Is looked upon -Mall \vesle)' Lloyd to our plelt for: 'up,

fM'orllb])' no ..... , If IIghtlng' ell:l'erts are pori of th:� If'glslatlol1. nghl. here,u. cue "'IlY to Mlel)CC. fore\'er O. A. TINO,ELSTAD lhllt· old gill!: Ilbo'lt nOl being aole 'to

.StOO)' 1\1 the library beclluse dim Ifg1\ts lire so Ifluch belt!!r for other ..1)Urposes, LUTIIERAN E?,CUANOE

, . College enro.llment., have bf'ell !In'lIt, I Ch P l r: 1 n 'ng's I), lilcrelL-.ed' this Ifl.�l year. S�. 01111 a ,e ,' ';;/ tea t C<>Uege. a four-year LutbOl'flll l\chool IIC . ' . Northfield, Mlnne!lOla. rejlotU lin In ,

IChrls'lal�\..tY T\Ol only permits joy. but c.:..clLwd e'nrollment 01 "bou! Olll' is th� on I)' religion lhllt has elented hundred students. TIlelr total Is 110\\

jO),. or plellSure. to a virtue. _ 950. and 366 of th.l� Illllnber an' In'sh-DRIPPINGS FROM THE RooF-

If all the yl1wns were counted that ,,'e� sWfied during the Inst paragraph, Il 'would require an· addlnK machine . 1'0 be FRANCK "'I' don't blame them . . It·s easy. enough to put 'em In a STUEN �rive the whole bunch CTllt}' 'stop It, �'ilI you?, . The guy, whoc\'er he Is. toot­Ing the MX C\'l'ry nlghl after study hOun. should be given ne ... · music or something , . . The dorm girls find iJ)at the lI�mber of boy friends around school are Shy . . and we don't mCKn scarce U'8.U the football coaches In the United States were la)'Nl end to end. the boys wouldn't h8\'e to worry about m'Gsrht,out on ti'le e"ening meal . . , Nobody cares, but th.e �:i,tlon a robot feels Is probably the biological erg . � . S/ .. _�E : than ),ou can ·say

IUi:::�� �e7:!t=u;e:)'�!:�

I�� �:�cordla college. M�rhel\d. Mltll;('"

in one form of unhapplnes.s after all- lIOt.a. report.� an enrollment of 418 11\11-ot.her. dents, 148 of which are (re!lhn18n

In ChrlStlanily alone is found the so-lulion to the problem of pleasure. In Lhasa. TIbet, sugar,ls !I(lld In tiny

Jesus had all power�):v

�I:'I:::��ng ��:;3�h



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good tlme-� they nre. h�I"g. an! when they talk about the poor tlmcs. t.hey �peak JOY{UIlY':"------"7


After listening to the average quartl\rback In the grand­l;l8nd. you'd think thDt running a flXltbal\ team would be

really great In the eyes of the "'odd, . lie went about doing good: healed the sick, fed the hungry. pr!ached the go.�pel of S1Ih·atlon.

He creAted ali. supports all. and died :or u� a\l, All 'sha\l bow before Him: and 1111 sllRlI be judged by Him.

-Prof. J. U. Xavier Among the sons of men there are

alwa.ys two k lnds-th06C who are worthy and those 'l;'ho are unwortliy.

The beauty of the parable of the two unequal SOliS Is th"t It shows thllt all m"'y beeome true- sons of God.

Our sOnshlP does IIOt rest upon our claiming to be the sons 01 GOO, but upon God calling us His sons.

-Prof. J. P. Pflueger like directing one car through a one-way Intersection with BOOK REVIEWING the gr�n light on . , , TODAY'S FABLE : Once upon a "The Green Ught," written by Lloyd lime a freshman said to Mr, Hong. "There seem.ed to be C. Douglas, a minister who left his sort of an anthropoomorphism-a superpersonal omnl- pn'achlng career to become an author. pr ..... ....encc that compelled me to write such !dl(5)'nCNlCles is a storr \I,'ltll a deepl)' moving spirit­as "ain't" and "have saw," In that last theme." TOE- unl ell:pcrll'nce for all . who cannot o.c­NAIL DESCRrPTION: Emmet Thompson. a politician cept Sermon.>;; in the orthodolC fashion. with the cigar. "congres.slona\'· stomach. and diamond The rtol')' concerns a young doctor stud . . Alwa)'s like a boy putting a watch -together, "'ho becam£' re-.!Iponslble for the unt1me­Browl;('r has a few pieces of clothlnll left over after he Iy death of a wom'a.n paUent. The young dresses III ttle mornIngs . . Give II college boy an In£h . . man WM disheartened \,() the extent and h£,'l1 cat all of your candy bar . . . It was mUler dls- that he left the medical Ilrofesslon and tractlng to sit In clllS.$ last week. listening - to the radio hid hlm'>Clf In a IIman town under an broadcast coming from upst.a.lrs. and then have the tellch- assumed name. Here he became Inter. 1'1' spoil It all by talking , . . FOR AMUSEMENT: Usten ested In helping people to find lhclr to the soprllnos. crackle around high "C" in "Qlorlflca_ right vocntlon.,. Won" . . If wc had Novell N�el's hair. Syverson's e�'es. Phyills Dexter. the daughter of tho:! Fowler's VOice. Lllja'S !smlle; and Nilsen's capacity Jor' , dead woman. ft'turned· from a v1s.\t work. It would be none of your bu&lness . . . and if we abroad, but she seemed unsaddened by had Arule Anderson's .guffaw we'd be ashamed .. ' . It's her mother's death. The mother had been saId thll.t the Girls In the dorm wouldn't"''lh1nk of explained a stran� spiritual experience going out lI.'lth a fellow unless the)' knew his first na(lle she had had In which It. was revealed , . . the reason the boys and girls can sing with their that life Is one Long Parade, and each mouths open the way they should, Is because the director person, being a part' of It. must see that has them grinning at his antJes most of the t1me', , , We the Parade g'Oe5 Oil, Thus the daughter would close with a "crack" about 'Ernie's girls, but he has became reconcUed to her mother's dekth: one now , . , that's the first time a fictlclous character F'tnally PhylUs bcc.omes a teacher in �'ver came to life. the toll.T\ where the doctor baa. become

a sclentlst. The story from thls point concerns the doctor and the girl. and how lhe-y reach an understapding of one another's spiritual p'roblellUi, "TIle Greel1 Light" 15 a gripping piece of U,:"rature--get this book and enjor I�.

�dtrollize Our'Advertisers--Befoll! going to town read thls

column. TIle following fIrms are fMends and advertisers lil the Moo.r-ing Mast:

Allstrum p�lllUng Compan)' H. D. Baker & Co. Boynton's OaT"ll.l!:� Brookdale Oolf Course Brookdale Grocery Co. Brookdalo Lumber Co. The Bugaboo Conrad'lI Coffee Shoppe Dahl Orocery co. Dnnle\'5 SCn'lce Station Drake's Haircutting Shop Dollar Studio Green Acrl's Hartsook Hy Mandles Jetland & Palagrutl Johnson-Cox Klmball's Lien & SCh'lg' Lou Johnson L�thera;' Brotherhood

, C. O. Lynn Mortl;tary McCormIck Bros. Mezio StudiO Parklnnd' Confectlonar},

. Porkland Garage Parkland Mercantile People's. Store Peterson's StudiO QualIty Knitting Co,_ Reed's Foods Rhodes Brothers Rialto Tailors

5ehoenfelds' Smith & Gregory The Stationers Inc, Tacoma Engraving Co. Tacoma Marine Supply Co. Tschunko's House of Plowers Washington Hardware West. Coast Grocery Co. WUllam's ServIce Station Dr. J, T, WlI.son',I)entlat


BI-WI::EKLY 8OVQVE�(aepl&dn.- Have You Met) � JOANNA JoIMfOtTB08: .A smUe for even the ne�.sboy,

She wW graduate. amid the howls of thOR who will m1s5 her. �DOTCH M.OE: He could take all of the bouquebl you could heap on gracefully, 'I'bJ,t, fellows, 1a 1\ virtuel EVELYN ECKLUND: RefUlar, ready, right, wlthout res.­ervaU�at'. herl QOORGE BROCKWAY: U all boys were centipede&. they would atW nna tt hard to see hlm, m�t hlm. catch h;1m, and know ��'

When you buy your life ... insl.lrance consider these fadors: the feputa­tion of the ccmpany, �he.character of its .. /nanagement, and .the service - rendered WE INVITE YOUR ,INQUIRIES HAROLD C, HOEL, Sea"le, WWlin810n Represent;n8

Lutheran Brotherhood LEGAL RES£RVE LIFE INSURANCE HCf'man L. Ek.em', Pres, 608 St:c:ond Aile. S, Minneapolis, Minn:

./ '

I \: "-.: " \

, 0\) \


Lut�erans CI�sh With Ellensburg

With Bob Martin Gladiato�� Topple GI"diHIO

. ;:".

Win Fro·lII .

. Monmouth 14-0 . ' Army �Iev .. n by 7·0 W. A. A.


� .

Held at Gym Frolic . Wildcats Friday Scoring III the first qu'artf'r of th� .. . . . .

BETWEEN Lutherans Turn in Spednculai game �n ' 8 'sustAlned drive fl"9l1i . th�lr MOll.dR.Y il.ft�moon the Won�en'5 Ath_

('�ach Olson Will Depend Up�n Spe-ed and ' l>ecepth'e Plavs To S.ubdue Teachers. '

Virt-on' O\·er H�avy Teacher own thirl�-f!ve Ylud IIne .. P. L. C. de- le�lc' A..�llI.tlOn �"�r� Ill! InlUAI

THE Oiltfit by' Route . rf'lI.t.t-Q II. h�;'·Y F'ort·�W"i5 eleven 7-0 to gYIfl rroth! . . Jri-ttit:h Bforuon And ElIIR -- . �ueet's.."fully open thelr grid selison Sal.- M.� Gof,r w.�re in char�e. under th.t"

GOAL POSTS Although huvll�' outwelg.hed !l.nd u«lay. Se5i!,el lber 28' aL. Lincoln Bowl. dir�!lCIl of Mrs'


Adllh DQ.p�r. women � dO�

1) lOSE' by severa.� t?uehdO'lY"S: t·ht' Coach 01 n's grlastpn;. pla),.ltll under' phJo'!;I.CRI educatlO!l Instructor. . F'te�h f�om· their sparkling vIctor), c�� GIl)""bed Gladiators of P.L.C. WrAps. ·dl · ot OPeIl up with Any trill\. The Ilrr,,�gan with 1\ �Ilnd mllreh


r;:;� �:tmh.',1

. . turn ' in a surprisl�g al"\d complete orrensll'e.� but ",:rre cootent to sel(\!' led b�' Ju . Bel:,.son (,lI.n.d Ellla Mae .". >'ttin,t Off on thf" RIJ[ht. F� ",.Ith 14-0 I'\elory Ol'f!r Monhlouth Normal do,wn \0 sl.r!l.ikht defen.s.lve ball \0 pro� GMr. which ....... !l.� fOliO 'I'd by thl' in_ powerful I!'!l.m in tht' ElJensb�rg N..or_ tll"O hard-won vlctor\l's In ' as m!l.�y S.ltturda)' In Lh\coln Bowl. Icct:-t:rn04r...on!' {'ouchdown lead. st.allalloll or officers;. ,

11H\1 gndders. . stllr!.s. the Glnds now find th:l'msehes. Arter devotlniJ .the first quarter to . . Hl'len Lilja. lAst .year·l! �rge"nt�"t-The Tellchf'rs hll�l' "lw"v.� beell III the Ihlck of the toughest gnd sched- solving Ihf intricflte "nd un-orthodoX I . rhe l'cormg pl"y was 8 (hrt'(' yard artm. Installed F,nid HUI&ln. pre!!l:ldent known rcor tht'ir' strong grid I!'�ms. and ule Ihnt allY SQuad 'has t'ver ��}"Ie of drtenSt' u� b)' the Monm(jUlh l lmt' buck by " [Ailch" MO!'. af.t-er th!' 1 who In turn Installed JOllnnll ManolL'<O!' .

. nilS �·f'!lr .'>t"ems to be "1)0 exception A$ J cncountered . While not wmturing an)' !'kvcn·. "tt"Je Luthenms went .to work In �Rll Sf't In SC?r.h�g .I>OSJtlon by I I.iel' pr"!<ldl"nt : GertrudI' Stenberg. S('C-11l

, Ih� past. tht' GladiaLors will be I :lctual ptogllostieati�ns. COO�h 01.'<On the s(o.cond quarter and scort'tI twiet' on fI S('f1es of . p,,-'ises Y>;, ... '<t'd b�' Moe to ! ret:tq'; Judith 8e115on . . tre�.�url'r; �ula •

"u . ","elJ.�hNl and outnumbered. but believes that-n the teRm .as. a whole can �peclll.culilr plays. Taking� Ildvl\ntage NIL�en. Fryt'. and O Conn.t'r. Whllt' Mac ·qoff. report\-r : �Uce ·Cook. 'se�­COllch. OlsOI1 hopes .to offset trns ad_ cOlltinue to show the Improvement. or- of a clipping penal.t.y which them threatening se�er:al tlme5 thr�\Ighout gellnl-:d-urms; 1I7Ilf Mad5('r" taptain

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keYIIUI(' ur the Ellellsburg attack. but Ill'ed not be outclas..-;ed by' any oppon- Illl\� pa.!'S from Dutch Mot' wh.lch 'Nil- te�_ Lineups'. baH managl'r: U)1l1Sf> W!lUllm!'. tennl� Ihe strnng Lutheran for�'Rrd waH Cllt :hey rna}, face. gen gather<,.d in a;" lit' stepped Into the P. L. ('. ,'II {e) A"",. mflnagt'r: MRrie Johnl!Oll Rnd AldR shlJuld �ta\·e ofr lhe IWRlwllrd mRrch pnd lOllp. . Nilsen LE . Ma�·tlne.&. JOI,;lson. hik!ng manfl·ger.l: .. 'Robert./!.

.... f the Teacher.: Item Satllrda� October S 1935 Mo�- Tho plavs IRter HRI Votaw inter. Anenson LT Uebe Torrlson. golf manll.l{er: Hdlen LiljA. • Proot Ihat Ellt'n�rg wa." �orrlt'd I mouth !>uUered the flrs, defeat by an� cepted'a Monmouth pa� on the Ore_ Matt1l1 LO Mahr 'folk games: Thelma Ness. t�....£!t m!on-noout the gRIlle 1119.S plldenced b} the C"Qllf'ge opponent ot.her thlln Oregon or goman � 35 VRrc! line and follo .... mg R Fr e �C.....J....:...;-_·: Nell� I!.gef _ _

-- :�I�n:�


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��:�� �1�:t'�:�.�I�' �::;lc��a��e�e��/: �:��fte� 'H'r the PRrkland bO\s �tlJl have II '- (OuchdC\\1l dash OConner kicked both N Frye RE Gibson bfl.l1 reIRY. -lind fl. cent.ipede relay .. for frn trrck Illa}� up their sleple thnt ,\ddlnJ: II LltHf' Varll'ly to the inevl- conler�ron� to keep his booting average Moe Q Brown which Wl"Te &,ven 10 the "";Inner!!-lhl' E I��burg seoUL." halen t �n labl .. repartt'e thaL Is ex("hanged over I perfect for the season Votfl.W Clark of the v1\rlplls relays. L--""o. If .... tiif' Lutherans should "'In this 1m (ht' 111lt' of �cnmmllge III ever} footbfl.U While the. s�rong Lutheran defenSt' OConner RA BabiC\{ r Evelyn MeplI110ugh: Lou!se Hendrick-'1_ Iy�ant. gllme. thc}" would be


weil o


n �nllw II"RS (l. rllther limited conversation kf'pt till'" ·:Woh·es·· out of �rl'.lg terri· HI\.IIIIY F Gla!.tly son . .Knthr�n Anderson. lUld Lenore

\ �)���:�r


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g;��:. ;;�r�n�\ahd;a:;�

� :��';:Ol�' \\'('ff' In charge of th� refresh_

.,..J' �lImblirlR block 10 GlacilaLor �tld P. L. C:s sides ot Ihe lint'. While some o11d half and had the ball on the W. A. A. COUNCIL .\1�ET.S .\ . hfJllt'S. R.� P.L.C. has }"f'I to .... ·111 II. foot_ or the strictly English sJ)('aklng Gladl.- Monmouth ' elevf'lI yard marker as the Council members-or the W. A. A. will II � �. I'Rti gamF from the Teachers 9.tors could not follow the .drlft of the o;::ame ended. ml'et this afternooll aL 3 :30 ill the Re- "��J. F.:u"t'pt for n f�w' minor Injuries slIf- cO)lfRb 'the�' sus�led that they werl' Lineup: ct'ptlon Room. for th:e purpose of- ar- J.!.,.B ._

" '1"1.'(\ 111 the MOlllllouth game. the tJf II di�couraglng l1!1.ture. Olle remark P. L. C. )fonmouth ranging athlellc schedules and decldln I �='=::" ==. ,= ... ,;=�=·;e=<O=;;:A=·;=·�!::·�· 4 Gladiator� should be at fuB strellgth that this reportt'r L" st!1l Inulling over '

Nllsen LE Ystad as 10 polnt 'llwards toward winning let-I � lur . . F'rldny·s game. I.': ··Kolll. du v�slp Norske sl1d!" Anenson LT .

K'II".k, ���:. o�rr



I�g.H::::���." �

r�� I TSHUNKQ'S Coach Olwn �'111 leave at ten o'clock I - I Martin LO �n I H FI Frlcln�' morning with two full tpRms Still on th!' Sub�t or th!' Monmouth R. F'rye C MRrkln Dapper. W . . /\.. A. ai:lv�o;er: will olltlin� 1 . ouse of . owen Tltt' .<quad \\'111 return l"rldny evening Gamf'. onf' illlpresslv� reaturl' of the Grenier RO' Preece briefly methods and procedure to be Tac_a', LWin, FI_., �hop

. ga


me was the genuine re�l>l'Ct of' th" SV.lnt.h . RT . Nel..son rollowed 'by sports managers. S. Pac. Ave . .:at 50th GAr.' 0514

. Oregon (('achers for the Lutherans' hard N Fry� RE �dllJ +-- _. __ , _______ .. . Facts in Football '�:::�;rg ���





nam��:I: �:w �: �I

ha? i. KERSCHBAUM ' . " .-------.---. __ � •

-- les." beef Rnd II. little more drive courn O·Conne.r LH B� l SUITS AND OYE.RCOATS . t

th� �con's of gridiron IIclivily t.hrough_ doubt. Conch Olson hns · mueh Lo tie Substitutes : P. L. C .. G"Tan<te_ea�ps. Jf) 9��. p:iI�a��:utl' I ."'First in Tacoma"

Gladiator fans are closely wa tching be used in their own backfield. Without Ludlow . . FB Y<ymce FO;, said

eKclus'vely at. PEOPLES STORE . J ���. �:�it'�:�I�::et\h�OI��I��Cet'�;lth�tra� �:�u�l:k�: t:l:d




e�� ��


nn:� -===z_____ . I 1 1 th & Pacific •

nggregation -tlRS developed' to be as hell vier men. Chis tmlt L� not always Pratt. Corvoll. Schnell. Scovlng-.

r--Q--ua'it-y K�-nit-ting CO. ]' ::-------------l·

�t.rong ns nil}" Normlll schOOl or Ilny R compolll'nt pnrt or a fa.�t backfield. ....--fOlfr "t'lIr "<'ollegt' in the Northwest con- i-I r I ' B II S , ,\ Firm Bf'lIevc-r In Condltioni", fI!� ... ap Din. a l"" ea�on Lett.r Swut .... Ov, S,.c:ialt, LIEN & SELVIG Men Cor each n/ld every game. Coach Brglnnlng Ilext we{'k' the women's PreSCription Drugg,sls

Bellingham NormnL who will pIny CIUf Olson is in n fair way to having alhletlc ·dep�rtlll'�nt . ..... 1ll oppn Cap�ain 403 I l lh 51 . . TacomO!\ Wash. I O'r���,;:a�IC�ofL:�est P L C on the Vlklnl/: fIeld November hl� Idea." lindlcated His men have I Ball S€'a.<;(In ThIs IS R new sport at L _____ _____ :.. ______ 1 Cor. 1 1 th and Tacoma Ave 1 11011 rrom the VlctorlR Athletic Club come of their first t .... o games "'lth I Pacific Lutheran Colll'ge and It will be · Phone MAin 73 14 ' I a scor� of 2 0 U B C fell to the onl\ ler} minor Injuri{'S and those .... ere l under the sUlX'rvl�ion of Mrs Adah +---1 --------1 . clutches of the VIkings to the tune or of n natllrE' which RI"e Inevitable such a.� Dall1)t'r .... omen S IIthle\lc cORch !l.I'd \ Wrecker Service r----71 0 TIll' Normnl Grldslers arc com- stOll� bruises and scmtcht:s Elmer lon(' Madsen sport mann.ger I Oay and N,le 11111: 10 Taeoma Saturda} to bnttle the La\den h('od coach at Notre DRm� had An Intcrclas.� schpduic of games .... 111 BOYNTON'S SERVICE BROOKDALE {' P S ('ll'l en his men go through stiff ralesthenlcs ���:������s -::�s:�;�t:h:Ol�V:�,

s 1 GA 0_145R I :;J COLF· COORSE NIl' Portland brllnch of the Un Ivers- e�rr) nIght In the sellson and went I'H ever stn.ged here .... llh the return CAS REPAIRINC OIL The Publ,c C01Jrs.e w!lh Ihe

II� o:f AlbAn). who will rnN't the Glad_ .,.. � of nellrlv all of IMt yt:ars sport stars. ou .... try u m� ere through a '''nJor schedule without a --------- I ( (I b A, h

1 .. tor.. orlober 1'9. are �eduled to ::��� I�U:y�a�t

U��l �::C:I:�I�C��I��� The en�ol1menl or numerolL� athletes r--:-------------] 8 Miles' South on Mountain play �fonmli'ulh Coll('ge nexl Saturdll}". I'\'f'r�' modf'rn mentor. In thl' fr!'shman cla.<:;s promLo;es 10 \ltO' THE BUG Highway ' "'hol11 P L.C. downcd hy 14-0.

'"I' _, ::�:

e�i 1::�




h:o��: _ Noonday�Luncheon 1 mile East on

Linfield Collegl' lost It.s rlrst game l Thr Leath .. r :\oledal Awa.rd from this omore Rlhletes who were champions in SERVICE Clover Creek Road 11'ltlt Orl'gO!l State by 1-0. but IIdt:ht- depnrtml'nt ror the toot ball team'5 most .

. I d d i .

WITH A SMilE "lled IL.< footbllll splrlls by scoring 6-0 nrdent supl)9rter gO!'s to P. L. C:s pop_ �;;:�;5 rvery SI)()rt cnrr e on IIr nil. � ___ • ___ '

____ GArland 0 1 92J I

oler \\'hllman College last "'eek ' I ular orchard nurse Mr Monson who

I .':===::_==�==:;:=� b{'stdes gendlng hiS to�r children to t"-----------TIll' College of Puget Sound Loggel1! P L C has made the lIIelfare of the J KIMBALL'S IUNI)-NIW OINUINI

\\"Itll whom P.L.C. would l!ke Lo ar· SQuad R matter or his personal pride GREEN ACRES ROYAL PORTABLE ����: e�{',.��

e. scored 12-0 ':lver the nnd concern. And .. evidently the piay- . �C�;�rsGA�o't;:;E· "Your Sportini Goods Store" WITH TOUCH CONTIOL

___________ :��)=�.:�iat�lsh��p::�:�te;�dto m�rn� Mr.' Highw,ly Spa .... away ' · 1 01 5 Pacific A'/e. "

PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS iHtIl' deeper than the' usual Interestl�:=


=:::;I I�==


===� that II college attache displays In I� 1 1 I �

Monson typifies to a marked degree the Tha Newett Thinp in Men·, �nd I FOR JOB PRINJ,lNG school spirit and loyalty for which Youn, M.n·, H�tI, Shirts, Tiet, �"d PARKLAND CARACE

Shell G.lsoline and Oil OJ!pendable . Greasing

r--------·--. teo,",. In ou, own hum'" opln:on . .. ,. ,---- ]' ] 'I on Pacific Lutheran ColJege Is becOhllng HOle d known. Rnd which Is Instrumental In McCORMACK BROS, ' GENERAL REPAIR i STUDENT ACTIVITIES the sucet'ss ot her athletic undertaklngs

. 901 Commerce Tacoma I�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� I I Hu" C;j�h,"' Rep. r TACOMA'S 'LARGEST ,: ·.Parkland Mercantile Co_

'j .It . Home-Furnishing'. Store Parkland� Washington

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" Allstrum Printing Co. C&>'1 �"A.I L:EKPl'rt .photo Fin .. tshing. P

.ho'O M� Gt.... Suppli� .. Prorropt and Courteous I 940 Commerce MAin 6788 ..... e' .. " . . ...... ... . ...... -. ........ I Serv'ce

I "', _________ -'" __ I ,---�'-----i· '!' """." ..................... " .. ".""""""""'.'.' ..... "'.".� r Ol�:'� C����i,t i Pant a

$d1 �5u:porter

PETERSON STUDIO PorlrailS by Photography

Ernest Peterson . 9237

St Helens at 9th $1. Tacoma. Washinglon




The Stationers eo" • .. 5f::� o.l:fitNrs 926 Pac. Ave. '9�7 Commerce St . .

MAin 2153 i .

Coodrich Gym Shoes . I �-.' 79c pro a�d up


1 _ Hardware cO;) 924 Pacific Avenue . "--________ to.,;"" •• ",·"" ········· .. ·······. 8

PHONES: GArland 0107J-4-:-GAriand 0.1 93R3 Groceries, Flour, Hay, Crain, Feed, etc.

t .

OCTOBER 9. 19�

m n ConsUl Will Speak-at Club Meet .

. e:ts Spon .. , 01lr HiUh ,-_o·"::-:=::="' ·�I· rn;UfttHi 1Jote6 AI�School . Mixer S h I -- Elmer TH'ter graduate of the 28

_ 0 ) To Dnce. O .. chc�lru ° 'N° h c, 00 Mr George Johnson emmell! , lolLll- hIgh school elus:; .i'" (\ chemist kI the J)r Otto Reichell Scheduled To Las,t Friday Ig t 1st of Taconm will aSS\.<;1 In the nlUslc St.andards l)epa.rtl11ellt at washington •

He Guest Next Tuesd.RY . Grid��n l\�our Used

' in Decorat··

By GJIXY Pfhtepr


Oln iuC=:$.U:�I�g ���::�: 0 M� and M : Arllnil; Sllhll�rud {Vlc- With Or. Otto �lchel1. new (Jerman

irig Gym; -Entertainment HI. Folks,! Here v.e are agllill ",,1111 Up to dalt' orchestra mt;mbe-rshlp totals Loria RRsmu�CnJ ,boul gl1lduat.e� of Consul to se�tt.le. -1\.5 g\lest speakrr. Includes Games. Program nell's both Lmportant and unh�lportant. Jifteen. accor.dlng to Professor J. O. Ed.- 28 are resid ing In Seattle _ Mr SRn- Der Vereln \\1\1 meet Tues-

-- and unpleasant. If you. an; wards. head of the mlslc department. nrrud. fom1erl)' II. teacher In Belli:! da�' e\'enlng. OCt�r 15. II.t 1:30 U\ The Associated St.udrnt Bod)' held 11.5 not plea..-.ed. ttf'linc fonns al m�' right. Vi�lInil;lS are E\"elsh Syvcrson. Nov- Ortgolk Is allendLIIg' UN! l1nil'er.1ity of the

' reception « allllual fall miser 1Mt Frida�' e\"cnlng. "V • • I'lla Ross. Sylvia ·lI.II!ier. and Emmet Washington cr The club wlU sing German songs and

OCtolx>r 4. in the College gymnasium. We really do hao,:e talent; In the high Thompson. _Other orchestral players In- Am�' Gilbert. 35. I:; \\orklng In the light r.dreshmenLS will be S('f\ed TIl!' wit� j'.:llen Bergstrom acting. as general" �hool after aU. Hn\'e )'OU ever betore elude the f�t�·ll.!![. fi4.te:. Lois. M�e Tacoma Pu,?Uc library. . _ . .

c<immlt,tee for arrangements 11l(;lud<'� cllalrman. The footban motif was clev-Il'een a I\'ater-bo)' so efflclem? Thret! Morton: Clarinet. Stanley Ford; trum-. .Bob Le\·I�l50ll. ".34. who last year wa

� Mildred Larsen. paul . Estrem. and Hf'I. erly carried out In the decoration , .cheers for Jack WaiL , p�t: �arold O'COnner: alto AA:l:ophonr. co."ch or midget football �� 8ellarmlne. en Stark. . ' \... scheme 1,10�'d Lan«Jn: mellophone. Harry Grtb· Is nOI\" ttachlnG at. TUm1u.ler. . After a brier bu�ln�!\5 meeUng or Ihl' The e\'cnlng's entertainment consist- i WIth da�� I\·a? hnir and big lr�h ttchm: trombone: Marvin JI'Ilst'Il-; 'i)allS NOTnian Hoken:.tad. wha attended P.

German Club. held TUl'5day. Oc�ober .. 1 I'd of games al1d a program '" hlch In_ r eyes she LS a hit wlIh Everyone she' horn Ralph Bolstad' drums Le�ter L. C. In '32. Is .el!'PIOred In .seat�le � a progr'nm'conslsung of Ll German reaa eluded the follolO.il1g numbers a pLllno I met'ts She s not tOO tall and }et tdl Holte, marlmbaphone \o)adene Cala� chemist for lhe .Washlngtoh Co:oper- Il)g " her Erlkonlgen" by Ruth John and saxophone duet b>, Man Jehsen clLough She Is acth� !tt-..most of the \an tenor saxophone and clarinet atlH' EGg AssocIation He "'as a m�m-

son a'nd a plano solo Beetho\tJl � and Kfn AJlenson a song and ULp school organizations h:,lng "'on her Kenneth AnenSon ( planl�t Thelma bu of the 1935 graduating cla.<;s or Moonlight. Sonata b) Norma Pre).l� dance number featuring Alice Blue letter In W A A If'St yellr This �ear Dallleis Wa�lngton State Colll'ge \\a� given GO\\ n b\ Aida Johnson ThelmA Ness s.he Is \ Ice-prc�ldent of the senior class • Clifford Opheim 1olho attended P L �_=--_--=======;; . rind H�len UIJa \ocal solos b) Emmet I�Hlde the choir and also plays the pl. C In 1933 Is attending the Unhe�l .y IP , " • 'tl Thompson a skit b} Bob S\are and ano She has al",a)s been an honor I"r�. Kreidler Dpclines of Wnshlngt.O,l • Not 100 Urly to Ih",k �boul

�i:;s �r��ge:lda







b���� :�


��t; ����fL:e��s\S

h��! ::�h!� �:�: Question Box Position da

��:� ��':�Ie�: Ir:



find Mildred Monson accompanied b\ in Lhe bOOk-slore so �he could be no UntlJ .she had hadtn private ta� with I,e \\ \11 !ltU'lld 5t Olaf Collrge MEZZO STUDIO Pegg) Ramsta.ll !ltld a �ocal solo b) one but-Vlrglnla Davis th(' )leRn of won'kn one new'comer Millard QuaiI' 32 is te�hlng at. MA 3104 . Arnold .. nderson • • • dldn't realize Just what were the Yelm t!I • F,delo,IY. Bldg '" � . Refreshment. ... COns.L�tlllg"Of elder and Did }OU kno\\ Itlat.--Jo I Porky ) �tandards of Pacific Lutheran College ___ ...,...___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ·--doughnltlS�KCre,.. SIT.\ed (oU0"'2..n�!. G�� break rules- On-heF--flr��(tHdtOO};-the-yum,trl .:iopb Class EICcts 7 + 'f . grand march w.hlcll Il'rmLnnled thc Flash ! ! Bob Svare \\·a.'< se-en at the lad'!' In ,q·u.eSIiQIl ' stepped up to . Mrs '1 - ] . VICE' I ('veulIlg's entertaillmenl. _ football�gamc with th.nt .dIlZZllng AJlce lK�ldler and very SI\'�llY asked he� , Slun _For�1 Prc!';'nt D��IEL'S SER .1

co�:�;���:.n�n ��:���. :e

�� ��;.

1:1��� �1:



ll;O�:��':/ ���. :�:r�I:�� �=�n��

auon or, the ladles' s


mOklllg As a result ��.soJlhOmort' cJkSS GAS Q I L

I PrI!hJof Tayet. Laura Hauge: program: tf'llded.-Jus! imagine-Gertrude 'I'tng- All who have attended P. L C. I ' election hl'ld last week. Stanle)' Punt Th('lmll Dalllcis. Emmt'l Thombson. el�tad not s1Ud�'ing-!ony A.�Pl'r trying the PRSt kno\\' thai the schOQI pro\'lde:'1 IHIS namf'n. p�esldent of Ule CI

�"'�, ami Brookdale. Wa�h;nglon ----+

EUg('nla Spt'llc('r:. Im·It.Alions. Va.lborg hard to be a lRdy.-Paul Xa\'ler really no such room: they kllOw. too. that Louise Williams. vlce-presldpnt Norby: decorations. Eleanor Raud.e- �xpeCtlllg to be a six·footer some day smoking is discouraged even on the F:or Ihe office or wcrl'tary. Edna To_ baugh. Ray Reid. '�tall FO�JUne Wal_ -and now Hal'T�' McCormick is wrlth11l:' c:lmpus. and most surely In the bulld- blns6n ","as chosen. whl!e Louise Hen-��s'm' .ve

::"l:", .



:�m�:�� note� to' Virginia Smith In! • . !:'It'

dn',�:. �.l


ll:.: .. th��!��·



dricksol1�'as elected .treasurer. A fac- Brookdale Lumber Co. v .-.� ... v "v-, .. '" " "" """ u.... ... " g ulty ad\'I�t'r will be "oted upon at the al Brookdale on Mounta.n Biller. lren� o<\('li. Arthur Haavlk : Ferdinand Bondy hilS beell chosen a.� P. L C .. kno"," that U.s conception of !If'xt I�eeling. . games. Helcll Holtcamp. Joanna Ma- First Alj Instructor fO;r !.he Parkland conduct Is high and that It.s .. motto Is nousos. Mildred L,m;en. Vem Knutzen : Boy Scou16. and also for all adult c1a.<;.�. "Build for Charflcter." Either thl:; girl .'RESIfMEN PETITIONS GA"'lid 38J 1 15

cleanup. Paul Preus. Lloyd Thompson. He reeeh'ed his certUicate IlLSt year dldn·t·know the criterion of the school. -- .. ... , Lf'.�ter Holte. Arne Strand T�I' following high .'<Chaol students or �meone dared her to ask �he quI's sc�::�::::

s �or


�:;r� C!�

SSC��� _________ �

SAGA IS FIRST CLASS arf' in the choir :his yt'ar: Elizabeth tlOii'-sJl� did. . .

must be handed In for approval ' bY ' DAHL CROCERY CO. II First class raLing was g!\'pn the 1934-5 Stuen. Virginia DlWLS. Orville Schlan- . No mttI,:Cr which. after a special ses October 15. Each peUtlon_ls required •

Saga by the Associated C�llegla\.l' Press, I busch.", Gerhardt Pfiut'ger. and Alice �lonY;

lt.h Mrs. Kreidler. the. new stu.- to have the signature ot orie-thlr"d of I .

d den went her way. a sadder but M •• U , d P , StOfU Thl� news wa.� received ,'csterday but �rargllrt'l Rall)st.ll . . . ___ , '� the I me be d �I tI III em...." nl e urI y . w�r girl er mind awakened to the c n.s.� � rs. an ec on w the t'xact scoring ha.� IIOt )'ct been . re-

idials of t e Co\]ege and the fact that. ·take placf' Octotx-� 23. Thus far peU- GAr. 38 18RS Pa.rkla.nd I cch·ed. Miss Thelma Oanirl� wa.� edl- Prof. RUlllstud III \til lions for Verner Bitter and Harry j tor of the yearbook. ���d ��


s� �o�;��nt' for . .Grlb!>ohln are the only olles In 'elr- '------�------@ To determine the cause of serious Mrs. Kreidler If more questions would culaUon. � •

Drake's Haircutting Shop \llnes.';(·s occllrlng frequently during Jhe go unll-�ked. She Is asked all types orr l ] t .. ==:::::=======:tj The Dollar Stud'io t past two weeks. Profe.'Isor A. W. Ram- questlon.s from wht're the brooms are O,f'dun Codt $S 00 .. Qulii- · .hotolraphl

' , . Open Week Days submitted lasl week.-end to a .thor- kept to the Ume the last street ca.r Rubber Shoe PUt $3 2S lip II .";:Oftlbl. 'ric.. II I mile soulh of Parkland on ough phys.lcal f'xuminalion !n the of- leaves for town. Tacoma Marine Supply Central Bldg. 931 Vl Brc»dwily 'h, M,o",,," H,.hw" ��;; ::, '::,,�,��So�::�:�'.��n·';

B",- ,,��:�; ��:


i:,;';,�::, �:::'r:��: ___


Ta.coma. Washington 1 � ........... " ..... " ............................ ...... . .......... � Hf' ha� bl'en Lhe gLIt'S!, of his broth('r- sht' Is not the Janitor and can not r .__ _ Soulh 1 1 th & A 5t I I __________ , in-�aw. Dr. SclL�. who Is the father Of l PlenlSh the papc� towel holders In the I r Smith & Gregory Tt'If'SU SPlJs. n'st room; .she is not the cook and can [--- I' QUICK SHOE REPAIR not ha\'e the dinner warmed for you Parkland Barber Shop LADIES READY TO WEAR MISSION SOCIETY :'ltEET if you come in late. " and 3 1 1 1 .] 50 1 1 1h 51 Tacomd . - She con tell you "}'es" wtien you ask Confectionery � ................... ...... � w��:�e�I�;�



1��eei�l Il��� ��

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s��; GEO. KNUDTSON. Prop. III I I I I I I I IJIICI I I I'I I I I I I "",,, '",,,,",

n "'m. p", J. U. ,III" pi",,, .nd "'oold not '" "",d by --__ _ speaker. while other program numbers dorm student.� only In the e.venlngs.

-Xavier is scheduled to be the guest IIllyone during school hours and by [------- 1 S", hool PrOlntOlng Includl' a readmg by Beatrice It everyone.'�:ou�d remember that Mrs REED'S FOODS .

COMPLETE L I NE OF " vGcal duN. Iris. Evans and Margaret Kreidler Is Dean of Women and not a Where 'YOU get more ACCESSORIES Is Our Specialty ��:�;' : and piallo �eleetlons by Irene , :;�;�.I


bureau: she ",;ould for your money I IL-'"--------",--'

• Papers Annuals

Annual (overs Tickets Programs . �andbooks Invitations (ards

Text Books Booklets Pamphlets ' . �ecord Books Stationery Supplies

tf(M' and}l\s= !Williamsoll Addresses r----·-� I"" "" """"""""·''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''·''''''''·'''' • r � Community l\:1C('tiilg CONRAD'S Bonnedlle Beluty .��. L. ,_Sb. .. � . �J.fa k- COFFEE SHOPPE ShOl' _- � _ .-� tr1..�t e\·enlng. members of thc Par

::�� ���Cun

���I�b \\��I�

a���� �� SpecialiZing In Steaks Parkland GA. 0 1 45-R-2

"""'··""·""" .. · · ............. · · ...... · ...... · .............. · ...... 1 Pfilleger In charge. and A l l Lines of Beauty Work Mr. Harry WlIllamsoll. regional dl- Permanent WaveS RADIO REPAIRS rector of the P. W. A, .• was the nta




� I roasted Hamburgers E ' (b t ) Th, K;"d y,o '.pee< ,peo",. d"''''''ng >h' "Q"lrem,"" u . venrngs y app .

Rosso's for Service �� ���o�:eP���I�I�gU�r



MRS'. F. W: CONRAD Creeting Cards for All 5. 38th & G GArland 0704 a.udltorlum \\:hlch would be sponsored

Brookdale. Wa:r,hington Occasions by 'the Community Club and the Park- --�--�-------t land School Board. IP ..... " ...... , .. " .. " .... , .... " ...... ,,, ........ , ..... ,, ................. .... , ..... ".Iil

Have your Suit made ilt the ' Carl Osplund . . representing the Park- ; 1 land ' SchOOl boa.rd. urged all r.;sldents 1 RIALTO TA I LORS of the community to vote when. the i question comes up the latter part of � 305 �����15�.e---:PRE���� 969 1 t,hls month. �

Ten Days Free 'trial .

, .,' ,. - " � It \\"ill�'puy you 10 investigate the I

!.�I��:�:�IN\IJ�{1�216�;�f�i;�il�\�is�I:�r�{�IA�I;�;�I���=_y::O:::::::::::d_;=;�M::: O::�::�o::�::;:::::=I=O:.� .

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, I' ��. , L��!:��:·�����=,��?�J

I I-t

Dr. Harold Lerass _ Will Be Married

Friday Afternoon }o:a�ulty, Stud'ents In\"ited

Wedrling Ceremony at Trinity Church

MIss Helen SI'tin. of Ann Arbor. MichlgRl.l. wll! b{'('ome the brIde of Dr. Uarold J. Leratll'>. Pacine L,uthcnm College SClehct' Instructor. Ft1qA�: 1\1.


... . .

"' '

--...---------�-...... -

Hell) Our T(,lITll Iknl The-Ill !


Scheduled -, -November 8

GI�diator8 To Battle Linfield Saturda'y at 1 2:30; Drama

Club Plays, �Ii�er Are -Enning's Aclh'ily

[\I1IHIRI affair. With Enid Hutl;on In chargt". pla�

Frida)' 7:30;---,-�

the ceremony "',,-pn�ld.,i,,;_ " whll' l �!:�I:.r��;:;I:t�! ���:Ctlon of S�I:� .

Mis.<; Norma Prl'US tlnd Mr. Stanley Dahl. who ht'l\'c bf'('n ch06E'I\ to be the

Ford, wlll go townrds SOuth Tacoma when' It �'lll mC<'t l\ motorcycle esCort nl the city IlInlt.s. , From thefe the caT!I\,un will proce(:d through the bu51-1l1'!\''1 !'{'ct1on of South TlIcollll\ on to

IS III charge of nlll.�ical numbers for the

[hI.' cltv -center, III the !;qultre In front

AI, tne October ftll.'l.'tlng of [1:1(' L, D. uf UH: Roxy Theatre the group" wUl stop. where YI'U lelideTll Irene Odell.

H..J.d 111 Xavier

ncca..�ioll Mis.� S\('ln ha.<; Trcril'ed the B. A. de- In . chargE' of decorations.

R.. held aL the home of Mr�. J. U. Eugl�JlIIl Spl.'ncer. and Gary Pflueger l\l\'itAliom; for alt Delta Rho girls Xal·ler. thl.' rl'lIlolnder of the officers ".'111 t.nke charge Of. songs Ilnd _yelL�.

10 AI>PeaT promptly at 8:30. In cp.<;.tume. - , I'\(,'cteq" Helen Holtcnlllp WIlS Slllurday aften100n I\t 2:30 In .Lln. Iml.1.' bern ls:sued by Louise Williams. chosen vlce-I)resldent. whll� LouisE' coin BoW�. the football grunc .�tw�n

!}()I;illon of If'cimlcian aL the St.. L..'lW. rt'llce ho,<;pilal h1 Lansing. Michigan

. Hl.'lldrlckson lind Norma Preu5 will P. L. C, ami the �trong Linfield .College

1'11'1'l'n of Oregon. which L� always the tlOln thl' oHlcf's of :;ecrctl\ry and Ireas- hlghllght of the thrre.dny homecom-Dr. U>rfuis is -n graduate· of Luth('T for the part.y I'lltertRlnmrllt. Evelyn bnd

COl1rgp: 111 Df'corah, 10\111\ HI" ha.� rl" S}"vel"soll. C'i1alrmall. Kathryn Anderson. Ing Cl'll'brallon. wIll be held. A hard tought Rnd excitIng game between the e"H'rd the ,11.1. S. drgrer Rnd Ph. D H."lrll 51'011 , St�.,n Ford: rdre�hml'nt�. of ", n. -M"I,--,,,,.-I.,,,

from the Unll'f'fslty of MlchlRall. Last Aida Johnson. chairman. ldlt MI'T"l. and Mar Goff. rl'ar, Dr. LeTaa.< Inl.� a..<;.�lstRnt loolOfl:I�t Emmrt Thomp.'«in


h:h����� f�:;et���I� fit CranbrOOk InstilU!r of Scirncr ----

RVt'nge ll\st year'!; '-2 loss t.o the W·lld· Bll'Omficld Hills. Michigan Suu., SocCI Plannt·tl l"1'nding. cats .. However. the OregO!) college ha�






t htHllr In For Trinit�' tl'a:,!lH' �!:r����. ·;:;:�dred and El'elyn . 0111' of Utf' �t-.:ongc�t WRms of recent � rr3ding. WRdene enlal-an : yeAI'!>, as was shown In the 6-0 win

Fn'n('h CII II, "Till Tr�!I�:;���l l�:·;;ll��;IIt�I'°I;:n;�::·lS��;n�

h� �;�


g�.\. F����

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T!I.IlT�I::'ger as �;::� :�




1\'I(.t.t NO'·I'lnIH'r (}. , �nllp soeml III lilt' ("\mreh parlnrs GBllles wtll be pillyed uudrr as.�lst.lug hostess. ProgTllm uumbers GladiAtors thl� year also have n pow-__ I �fildrf'<1 LarSlln is ("\l:llrman of the

Il"l'Clion of J(){lllnn MrulOUo'iOS, i will ,inc!Udr hymn.� by the group: a erful outfit. \1'hich has been making

LI' Circle FrancaIs·· will hold :. r.-g. prngram cOlllmi![rr. Inth Norma Prells. Hr!1dl"!cksou. MRrgur('[ Rorem. and violln' solo. Syh'ln Milll'r: tnlk. Mrs, a successful record and ,w\IJ be primed ular busine!;.� m('('ting Wednl':<day. No. I :l lld Brrdtn(' KnllT_'\01l n."-�iSlinf,J: Wndenr Cala\'an. In chargl' of thl' R)'l111lng: , plallo dur\. Edna Tubl(lson l to do thl'lr share In making Home· I-ember 6 1111' monthly '<OCial nw('!- Non'ml)/': ]7, Ihl' LU(\I1'r Lrngur ··Flsh Pond·' ar!' Mari1' John.�on, Rub}' nml Irene Odell; aud A. rrRding by coming II. real cause for Jubilee. mg Is ,-;ch('dulrd for \VNllll'.�(1n\", No. from Our Sadnr·s LlIttll'rnn Church of Moorl'. :1nd Hel(,1l Scott \ Llmbt' Hl'lldrlckl'On. A.� has been the custom Ifor lIlallY ,.rllll:M'r 20 Ta(-om� \\"1\1 prl'�1'nt Il. progrll.[l1 fI! Ihl' Concluding 1lH' PI·(,lllng. refreshments .\'E'nTS. the Dram!! Club will again en·

Commlttl'cs for I1l1' .<<"Clal nffnll" 11:1'·l· Trlllllr Chu·rl"h in P::.rklRnd for lhe Inll br S{'T\'f'd by Enid Blake, /\.farll' t,'RE!'IU1AN Mt;ETING terlnin the visItors with Lwo one·nct b('f'n appointed as follows: \lro�ra11l InC':l1 I.ullwr 1 .... ;ll:urrs Rf'\" Alvin G HaR"nl's.�. Laurfl Han�r. and ('rl'rlrudr T . t 12.40 th Fr I plays !O be given 11'1 the gYIll on Satur-, Ion(' Ma.dSl'll. chairnllu1. J·OSl'pll RUIl· LI'I>"1.< wl1l b.' thr main �1}f'll.ker or till" Strnbrrg - e1a�


o�OI: a. b�ISllles.�

e me('���;lRn




cl:�i p


'. hml? FrlthJof TRYI'\. Jo.'lnna MfnoIlSO!:: eon.�ldrr plnns for a cla!;.� IlRrt�'. "Oawk,. Twelve Dlld Frecklcd_ ." w1lh invitations· Q('rtru('\1' Bru:Hll'r. chalr_ ' ---- �t·ni()r ( :IH!'i!'i (:otllll1ilh't' the cn.�t Including JudIth Benson, Gary man. ,�ll"!nll. Larson and Elsie BaTre\!: 1,llllu'roll D('(I" o"(,,,�1O .

���7.o;:;:�n�i1�I��d �f�t;��. �:�ii�I:1;:1.

'S/Jf'ol;$ ill r:ho/Je[

To CllOo�t· fSmoke Get.� ill My Eyes'; �f:I�'!���l

Fl'r����� ���



frt'shments . Mar1aTet Dcmrr�. chalr- F'Tithjof TaYE't. Reporter Is Ellnl' Bel1son. "Pin II. �n on Me:' will

IIlnn, Hl'll'n St.'lrk. and Lois Ma!' Mor- Dt-:1C'011f':s.� Ingl'borg Sponland, Mo\h· appointed cOllllllittrl's to be glvl'll by Helell Scot�, Marlon Pen· Inn rr SU]lrrior of the Luthl'rall Df'acones.� of senior cla.,,-� Actll"ltles. nif'. Francis -Archbold, Mnrvln �ensen. Till' Frt'llrh club ".·ill hold Il. candy HOI11E' Il.nd Hospital in Chiengo. while the picture committee. whle:h year, for the ulltainted. WaIL Schllackenbe'"!!. and Joseph Run·

.�nle al. Drama night. NOI·ember 9. The on her tour of thl' Pacific Coast, visit .. LauTa Hauge.. ('hairman. Frnne\s Arch. mosphere of nn ern frel' nlng. commiu('(' naml'd to t.'lke charge In. eo PacifiC Lu!hernn Colll'gl' Oc!.ober 4. bold, Arnold Anderson. and Marie fCOIIl"gr vlsitcd upon us by Sir Immediately following the plays, the eludes

' N,el"a Olson. Marir Johnson lllld S11� \\·as aC'co:·np:lIlied by Miss Mabel Johnson. I;; accrptlng bids from which Rah::igh and his collegiate contempor- Board of Co�trol Is sponsoring a ged· Hl'dvlg.Dnhle Thon:I!'IlSO

Il. who Is a fi('ld worker for Ihe photographl'f will b<' chosen lifter II'S. Yea verily. 1 do r�rer to the de- eral mixer wlt.h Judy Benson In charge.

thC' Dt'aconE'ss Homl' and Ho all bid� are Jln mOil Tpbacco, I'spl.'ell\Uy when served Assl�tlng her arc the' following com·

Tacoma Ch·ic 1\1usi� H:��ta�u::e::�l:::


a�,� .�:::t::

o:tr��:�t �o!; ��:��:\':I� �����:d


lng. belching

bowl · of nn :��c;��I:::,ta;�e�:


e:d :��

AnnOlll1Ces Loncert the .Lutheran Church. At present there be arranged by Jean-Marie Fowle�, "So very comforting," salth the sage DrlebeJbls; refreshments. Eleanor Rau .. are 4O, .COIlSC'Crated deaconesses in the John DrelbelbL�, and Eline Benson. A scholar. debaugh.-4:.hairmlm, Ger�rude Stenberg.

ElI;o;abl'lh Rl'thberg. Metropolitan home. In connection with the social Sf'nlor social function Is being planned '·So very mascuHne:· trl1!eth mine Rnd F'aul Preus: decorations, Jean-Opf'ra HoU5(" sopNlno. will appear In s.t'n·lcc work done by the deaconesses. under the direction of Enid Hutson girl friend Marle Fowler, chalnruln, Thelma Ne5S, the Initial concert of the season for I,hrre is an 'accredlted school of nurs- Volly Norby. John DreIbelbIs. and

' Lhe Tacoma CiI·le: Music AssociAtion at ing. which has 50 studrnt nurses. this Lundquist.


thr First Baptist Church FrIday. NO\·· yrar, Class dues, which are to be collected I believed arid so bit. ember 8. at 8:30 P. M A day school Is run for \.hose chlld_ by John Stuen, Eula Mae QQlr. And back and had b;een doing so

Thls world famous artist was born in rell whose parents .work. Regular Evelyn Ecklund. an: nltl" cents tor week ot expe.rlment. dl""",I.,nm;nt: Saxony. and she ·has worked under .t.he routine study and play- cach semester: � . . and chagrin. batons of such conductors as Tos- f::round Instruction Is given lhe child- ' After each fullsome meal I



k��. ��::s�

l'r the supervisIon of �e deac� Choral Society Will -pulling. faithfully ( ! )

106 grand operas and 1000 songs In In addressIng the faculty and student Present '·'The 1\lcssiah" Ihl'lr original languages, body, the Mother Superior <stressed the

. lragtant Juices steam I

n('ed for youth "to build Its life solidly M�tlng every Wednesday evening. I call lor tIme out, It Men"s Quartette upon the rock which Is Jt'Sus Christ," t.he P�rkland Chora.l SOCiety is prepar- reel! The bell rings. I call It a

, She pointed out that the onl' way of Ing for the presentation of "The Mes- and stagger oft to elass. ,�ccordlng 10 Prot. J . . 0, Edwards, d<;lillg this Is to serie the Lord, it_being slah" to be glwn Sunday evening. De- The otrlela1 date for�our first

head of the Music department. the the greatest thing !n the world. cember 15. .

lie appearance together (my men's Quartette Is dertnltaly organiZed MIss Thorstenson ·gave an Insp1ra- This organl.tatlon was formed last n must· necessarily be set an� Is getting prepared for, lts .season th:�nal talk based on I Cor. 17:13. "Quit !!prtnk, aud It now includes 50 singers, If ·eVer, Until I am equlPj)Cd of request performances, you. llke·men! Be strong:' She caUed many of whom are trained vOcalists. pair of leather lined, nicotine

ArMld Anderson. first tenor: Bob our aUention to this cha1lenge and In addlUon to the plano 8.ccompanl_ lungs: 1 re1use to expose my Monson, second tenor: Emmet Thomp- enthusla.sUcally declared that "To" do ment to be played by MIss Thelma. tiated smoking t:ec.hnlQue to the soit,1t�t bass, and Kenneth Anen5on, to dare .tor Christ .15 not the ewest, Daniels and Mr. Joseph Rwmlng, ·sev- ga� of the' public eye. .second' bass, cOmprlse the Quartette, but by far the most joy,ous and satls- eral weU.tcitown soiot&ui are being 6e- Yours for a puff, M chosen by �f. Edwarns. ' f�t:t.ory ·wort .one can do." I . cured. - - ,

,.. Disenchanted.

"Amateur Hour" To Be Sponsored By Guild

A� eight o'clock, Saturday -evening. November 2, In the Trinity Lutheran Church parlors, a Junior "Major Bowes" Amateur Hour will be. spon­sored by the TrInity Junior Guild,

Appearing on the program are such famous perso'nages . as the "Ooon Girls·' Ilt the pia_no:, Iv�n Awtullteh. re-nowned basso profundo, and those red­headed wngblrds, Ima. Yowra. Wera PilI.


Hallowe·en retfeahm�nt.s wilt Be serv­«l_ The Junior Guild has 6een recently

organtied by the young ladles of the Trinity Lutheran Church, who w1ahed � use their _combined efforts to eid In lurtherlnll �he wort. of the- church,


ID�e flouring ,ma1it Publishe-d evcn· two WCf.'ks during the school yt'ar

by the ·st1.ldents of Pacific Lutheran College'. Parkland. Washington

Offlce: Room 1 1 5 . Telephone: GArlnd 0577 SubscrlpUon Prlce--Sl.OO per Year •

�"":::':::":::'dC".-,-�-"'-n-:-d -C"C"M-' -m-.«--.-,.--:<k:-'-Ob:-e� . the Post Ornce at Parkland. Washington.

Ul1der the Act of March 3. lR79.


EDITOR· IN-CHIEF Helen Holtcamp ASSOCli\TE EDITOR , Haul Hagerul) F'EATIJRE EDITOR Jean-Marte Fowier SPORl13 EDITOR . Bob Martin TYPISTS Marie LIen. Irene Odell

REPORTERS--The]m� Oan1eI�, Jor,nna Mllnou.'i­os. Nonna Preus. Elva Bergman. Gar}' Pfluegcr. lI,Iargatcl Larson, Ton� �flldsen. Rl�«sc!l F'TYI:. RO­

�a TorTIson Bl'SIXESS �1· .. \t·1"


Ellen Bcrgstrom linrr\' Grlbbohm MnrgatC� cran

Lenon' \\'lthrow Kathr;m Andl'rson .... 0 SOUCITORS - Hllr,·y Mccorrrill'� . Edna Rd-St'y. Jasper Johnson Elizabeth Friis. Emmo:!t Thompson

FACULTY ADVISERS - N. J. Hong. O. J. SU!t·" I ------------------------� HOMECOMING SHOULD ATTRACT .4.LI. ALUMNI RACK T6'P. I., C'.

I )ueirit' l . ullwl'llli t:ollt'gl' i�stJt's a tuust 1'l':lI·tY -\\·t'lcOlllt· II) all alull1ni and rlJl'lIll'j' slu­dcnts or thi� · institut ion. tll he pI'esl'nt al


I l ulll('(�llllling festivit il's pl:.l IIJ1t·d rill" till' Wl'd. · I'nd of :'\tJ\·l'lIlhcr X-I0. Ti:�;:�I'� °11�I\hll .. ll�i(�':II�\\��::� :��. I;. (���t�:��)��tt:

I��'(�\.: ::

bl'gin tlrt' cl.'h-hraliOll. \Yt, IWgl' all { aadiatol' frillS to cOllie oul. i l l .. iew ·uf Ihl' hig hOIlll' ganfc with Linfield Cullcg� whit-h is sl'ia.'tluled

�;::�tl7It,t t �::�dW;�, 1:�;���'s�lt !�t\I::::.t\l'�:�1 ):�� is

(S�:::�I\ Olson's .!.!I·idstt'I'S :lJ'(, une ur till' strongl'st, rast­t·sl l'It'\"{.!.lls thut 1'. 1,. C. has lunil'ti out. \\'(, sincerely l'Xpt'l'j all loynl alul1IlIi. ill mldilioll In 0111' IIIl1l1y fril'lIds. \0 gi\"l' all ptlssi/,Ie Slip­pori to those' IIll'lI who will fight Iht'il' hanlt'sl 10 hrin.!.! hOllle a yidOl'Y rol' tilt' alllla lI1:lkr.

Tht, Sludpllt Clltlrwil · has plalllH:(t a lII i;o.;t'l" uncI· tht' Dmllla C1uh pn'sl'lItalion SatlinblY t'n'lling, \\'t' m't' Yl'I'y l'agl'!' lu i't'yi\"{' tht' 01;1 sehool spit'it that 1'. I.. C. is �() notl'd rol'.

.\lulIIlli. wc I'XPl'l"! t·\'t·ryOlIl' or you 10 play all l'lltilusiaslic I'llll' ill Ihl' I llllllt'l'lIl11ing res­livil it's. An' you. as a lo�,tli alulllni. making your pluns In P" OYI' t o tiS Ihat \·1>11 an' slill !I PIII'I of Pacific I , l I lhl'l'lIIl Coll{'gp·.,

I n 1)('lIal)" of l�ll' IlH'IIII1('rs of Ihl' .\s�Ol"j·!lIt'd Sludt'lIt Hod�' ,'-nlt, '1(IlU·illg 'Iasl wish('s III t'X llrt'SS 11 freling IIf l·mlllolt'IH·(' 10 I\Athn'lI :\lulprs(IlI " jn 11t,I' IIl'rl'/lvPIlH'1I1 rIll' lilt, .·p{'(:nt passing of h(,l· fllllwl'.

AN UNENDING FRONTIER ' Youlh Oftt'll f(,t'ls diseolll'agl'd lutla" as he

fli('�'s the ruture. Countkss lIumhel's,' Ilf age. IIlId highly cdueu!t'tl. find Ih('ms('I\'(�s in n world Ihul Slot'IllS to IW\'e 110 lis(' for them, Fonnerly tilcrt' were always ' new rrontiers, t'ilher in til(' 1'01'111 of new lerrilon' to he deve­lop<'d or lit'\\" incluslriul ('.\p:JlIsit;n, At least fOI' Iht, lime. I Iwse frontit'rs sccm· to he ex­hllustt'd. Is IIl(,rI'. then. 110 lIew horizon?

There is the ulIl'ntling frontier of Ih<, -aesthe­lil'. Evell though it were thinkahle thai the world hilS r('adled the safurution point of util­ities in induslry, which is. at I('ast debatahle. therl' will IIlwuys be the ta�k of making life ' 11101'(' hcuutiful. This field has .been so lillie l'lIIphasizccl in our utilitar.ian civilization that i t i.s almost Hkt, II ncw contincnt awaiting oc­t·upation. Besides. hy Ihe nnlur� of the case, it is ilu:xhulistihle. und unending. Unlike utiliw t.ies. tI!erc is 110 suitlrlliioll point for beauty and nOllc for vul,le on nI'l. Let youth turn h is eyes lowurd this unelldill� h:onlier. hoth for leisure und livcJihood. and there opens before"

him an unlimited 'field of opportunity, . ' ,

It seems oJso likely that �lis ,,'orld wiJl never hI' whoJly �ood lInt il it is wholly beautiful.

, ........ Prof. .J:.P. Pflueger.

The big�est room in . Ihe worJd is the room fur improvement.

Speak clearly, if you speak at all; Carve e".cry word before you let ·i t fall.

-Oliver "rendell Holmes.

\ " \


DRIf'Ts • . . . PRKH'S CORNER It 13 811 ol� saying that "blood l!\

II is not old-fam16nM to ooll�-m- ��I:�;; ��:;l =�. a�:'l: S�:I1::�� plate- subJl'cU Wh,lch pro\'oke thought, f'l\mUy ties manlfrst en!1.l "t-t!ll"r ('\'en !.holfgll we are lust cal'(.�f�e· coJ- strt'ngth ",,'here love ret81l1'l. ';Yht'n 1('gjal�S. serlo� pursuits ,are not ai- Christianity hl'lltow5 this lo\'t!'. lift- :..

The new chairs ,bl\\'('I1'1 been: ntnrke-d-up so fat, but wilYIi tl'se""'ed '--tor men ' and. women strongest I.h.'s blild hf'R·rl.'l togeth('t rou should '5et' the ,gum wads underneath.-,1ack FISher about 40. - So I�ten to the . " �y" of We' SJ)('nk or those I\'ho ha\'(' beeoll1\'

. noticed thl'rn whl'll he parked h16 0,,'1 �aw lI:agglng Il V(',ry Im!e -gentleman, Mr. H:M. Rob- conut'ctt'd with Pacific Lutheran Col, , has gowm 10 � the thl� around here

. 1 .�Vhe� · tht'y·re inson. on fducal\on. cf . ' " Irg(' as n family group. Wlttl what not using their .Jav .. s to munch peppermints, they are To eltpn'ss his views, MI1 �. B. educa- m(,Mure of JW!tlflcai.l oll do .we thu� t�lklng " . . How about the dlfj�r the oolumn was Lion Is an assortment of tradl�lonnl. .5p('ak? ' What " .. e obst'r�'e e\'err dny promised, .you female bachelors? . , :-We-eat ·anythlng ·statlc. and unrein ted fncts which ate at the school offers SOIllC jU!'ltlf!caUoll bu� hot ·blscuits! . . . We dori't set' ho\\' some of the salted down In memory l!k� SO 'mn�lY .The atl�ndan� at hOllll'ColI'llngs /lud stu'des 111 GeOgraphy class can draw the map of North chunks of corl1ed beef. These chunks Alumni rcunfoll! offers 1Il0re. Thm Amertca o·n the bin kboard arid t I everythlng b t lire to be. jerked o.ut of their 6rlnc -are Dlso other forms of evidence. the. F:odunk Slough �nd, the wart �� t��' mayor of But-' \i·hent'\·er and wherever an · aU.dlmce It Is wlt.h gtnulneness and with lit'Cp . falo's neck . , Tl)elma Ness e\·eB had the boundary \\'111 IIs(('II. then plppped back (nto the nH('CtlOll that \\'e Who Ilre at tht' Col­bel�n right and wrong· on hers-Geography mar be ltmk till neltt tlm.t'; If the>' ;;Ink-to l{'ge now. b.ld graduntes and ff'TIlll'r hot soup to some like Nonn �ye and .1ot�'·Machle. but . th� bottom ahd nre '.le\'er �en a8"aln- studPnts lind frlcnds Wekon� lI�t! It's curdlcd ·clltsup to Ihat BrowSt'r guy . . . He-thlnk� . the theory t11.1l5-they form a rich , Mu), we · pull 'together! May 0\11 Novn Scotia 15 an opera s!ngt'r . " and Puget Sound Is solution Of . wculture·· tll!!t hl'urt.s (,\·t'r beat I\S onc! . .. . n pipe organ . . To him ADDIS ABABA mlgh� be- a \'Itnllzes the life Rnd personnllty of O. A. TINGELSTAD . ])t't namc· for his girl friend. the stud�nt who ,forgets them

. F'urther nccon'lIng to H M, Po tile E-- --: ... ' � "-:_. f � =1���OI�e:;;�I�cJ::n��h�:e=� __ D��B�X � ! ((f�- �. . -

. that can ue displayed like a Mlng \!lSe DR l T WILSON DENTISTS I ' � ,, -----. ) or a World s Fnlr Ay,lIrd for Cocoa

I J /�1�� �:::�':,:� ':,,:,:'��',:�:�':,: :';';:.'

. ' ' 3�':::'�:'

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� �) . .;:;.;' cutlon Is ba



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tn- �c JUS1 10 BE S,\YI!'IiG SO�{ETIII/£1 ��


orary knot.s and . 'close-gralned "AME�i�A


Now and �hcn the crush som� fellow hn.� on n co-cd :nll� Is probably a duB subjt'ct Oil Ted Brown Music Co, around . school turns out to .. be a lemon·s crush . . . A M!)":h !l nice r.a.ln}· day, but Ihen-Re- 1 1 2 1 -2 3 Broadway .

SR. 32 1 1 \nend III need Is one who stJ'ung along with P. L. C. m 'mb r the philosophy about the Flux l'J��========:::: ;�I:i�i:�:r�:i::;:�����;���f�{:f���,:� ��I���,::��}�;;:f:t�:;:;�:3��� 1- :�:�,Lu::.�p::� ::: .. �I ����:. d�:r

l.S 1��


d!S b�a�=;



ejS� ����e��. tit' 'r�:�


or� h:�ll;��;: ":�:l;; GAr 3 8 1 8RS' '


adn')"'Uslng? . . RHYME: Now little freshman dOIl't �'ou I lhlng 10 know when you stnnd In a I __ err· You·1I be un a clean-up committee bh and by'e flowing gutter and "'rlufrle YOllr brend_

TODA Y·S FABI:.E: Once· upon a time- play programs 11m' soup. '\'{'rc printed \'1th' c�{>ry � rendabie " TOE:NAIL ___ _ DESCRIPTION : Ed S,·inth. tfif lendt'r of the Rlnkldlnk

h I l lIl!l'Y gnng . . FOR Fu:N:�k Into the drenmy orbs of C ape. r: eanm.· 'OS PRED HEANY lind CHES SOLIE. Impasslonat.n! ';/ O·

� We hal'e crIpples among us-not only BI-\\'t:t:KL1' BOUQUET§,� ! NOI'}o � taken too M'rl- ph.l'�!c!lllr Rnd rnelitally. bUI splrltual-

oll."lyl ' - \ � I}' GERTRUDE STENBERG \. Incol\�1"6Uo\!S in actioll. Therl;.' Is a cure for spirit URI cripples .

prOI'en by result.s-somethlng \0 be proud of. IjENRY -it Is Christ HImself. He Is the Great OLSON: Any compliment this column could give �'ould Physician not bt' good t'nough: ELEANOR RAUDEBAUGH: Alwa>·s It Is snld that Darwin himself. when



:nl:��;. ����



l����;�; ���� �:

ek:;�; �:d

b�l�;m�i���n:I�·g�·I!l �

nlY wish I 'r==========::/ n guy whom. YOII would like to slnp OIl the bac-It and tell things to. HAZEL HAGERU"P: A rootlu' tooUn', hon­e�l-to-hfl�h . bonafide cooed. Anything more. Ilnd we'd become !:entlmentAI


The one you feliows were asking-about Is ANITA BALL. You're welcome . TOE-NAIL DESCRIP'l10N: FRANK UNGER, Ma..x Bfler·s kid brother . PRESS NOTE: The girls plan to remodel Ihe Delt.a Rho Gflmmn room. making It a recreational room Instead of a study

The ten cotllmnndmellts are fulf1l!ed only. when we fear And ]o\'e GoO.

ChrIstianity and holiness are !loi n matter of 1I0t doing things-it L'! a matte'r of our hearts , Whate\·er I do---wlth the SpirIt of Christ ruling my life-Is good.

-Pflueger Thl're 18 a continual spirItual war-

f[lre going on. l1wre Is an Inner unity · which binds

1111 Chrlst"lans together Do not look outward-nor Inward·

look upwRrd for the strength you need. Let our allegIance be His. not man's. Let us thank lhe Lord for Pacific

Lutheran College. -Dr. Tlngelslad.


HENRI JACOBS Winthrop Hotel Bldg.

� �oo

: ��!tll;;' h����� ��:h

���r�� t:: �,:� ���� �m: 1,.,0'. =====,,,"", ,," . ... ,, . ... "",,,,"",,,",, .. "CC .... "".,,,, ... 'iJ�. 1 Costumes for H.llow.'en . W. H ... n...

' GRANDE , Among the girls. JEAN ARMOUR : Thomsen's Health · Foods Also TuJoledo Irw:! Dress Suits

NEAL E. ' TKORSEN We're glad to see MR. RfMSTAD around and about "again . . . and who isn't? CALAVAN Is a regular con­

cert stage name , . . So 1t·s getting to the point where her folks come to visit you now, eh, Rolph? . . . Anyjray, we're glnd tha� Rudy Nebb In the fwmy paper has a good-looking, nurse and will regain hIs mind shortly . You rollcs with things and stuff In your attics had better look around and see If all Is present and In place. qe_ cause the property committee might. have been around,


Old )'Ou know that Lawrence Grenier, Glad-he:ate-her gll;8�. �.t055 (toss?) a football nigh ont,o a hundred yards? . , , Why doesn't solJleone catalogue Mr. Edward's puns and sell 'em to Irvin S. Cobb or: the Tacoma _police force? . . , If PEGGY RAMSTAD, NORMA PREUa. ELSA ARNESON and IRENE ODELL played !.he flute ... we wouldn't have many plano solos on our programs. would we? , . , The point Is. wc wouldn't have to llsten to 50 many a 'those soloists If the aooompanlment were mlss1ng . . , With' a' radio you c�n always turn the dial . , . As It· Is, we tum 1l11)1u1d 1n our seaLs , , • Thru' the · glass of the buIleUrt boilrd, many a poster has been

. read , , , I!bd many a face has � 1nsJ>e:cted. due to ��ll:ro�� :v�:�=��w:u O�th=d :: It 1nstead . _ -, Wouldn't It ,be �e 4ew;:e to see the class t.alb posted Instead ·or spOuted? . . , Or have .." student say to �other: '''O<:iwanl I'm not Stuck-up, I aaJd hello to �ou this mo�g-on the ·bulletin board."


MAin 9082 Tacoma, Wn.

Cenuine Eng.r�yed Social Stat.ionery

100 Sheets of "aper. 100

Envelopes-$2;OO STANLEY BELL

P·rintin, Co. 10 12 A St. MAin 7 1 3 3 TA.COMA . .

Pylnian Temple--Second Floor 926 V2 Broadway Tacoma Phone MAin 4861



ALP'VINNE ARNIE School RepresentaUve

TACOMA'S LAUNDRY Pantorium CI.a�.,..


I;.:===:;:=====::::·" ·" " " ·" " ,,,,,,,,:-,r,;;-;; .... ,,,,,":..:.,,,,,,,,,,," '." " ' .. ' .. " " .. " '�

.J lumrji . . . Subscribe . . .

The Mooring is YOUR Piper Support It .

SubscriptiOn-$ I .00 Per Year Address Communications to:


la ... , .. ',,, .. , .. ,,'", .. , .. ,, .. ,, .. ,, .. ,,'''''', .. , .. ,, .... ,,'',, ..... ,, .... ,,''''''''''''' .. "" ......... " ..... " .. " .. '"' .. ''''' ........ " .... '''' .. , I 1

PAO!l ·TH1u:E

. Gla I8torlS to Face Strong Bellingham Squad Frid�y Night .

WUh Bob MartlJ:t; Gladiators Swamp . Ellensburg Down.. Captain Ball Will . U. R CSquad 41-0 Gladioto.-. BY 7·0 Start Next Monday

BETWEEN Showing the- strnln of i.h·�e tough . . --

. , . . Lutherans Tally. at 'Vill in One- !!lImes In ·su�t'!;$lve wt'lek-ehds. the ManaKer Announces· Sctf1!du!e . Sided Tilt ",i�h Line�n .

Pacific . LutJ:l",""n olti.flll\lors .fouhd . ·For Inter· Class Games I.utherans ,,! m Be UnderdogS

Against Viking Mac'hine THE SCOflHlit their welll]Ons dullf'd. t�r armor sXow. -- . -.-

. I !Jg wt'aknes.'I. and i.helr·offensfvt drivel!. ·Capta in Ball selll!Oll. under the guld-In Crucial Contest GOAL POS·TS . Pacific . Lllthernn S .. faSt steppx�np; grid Ilot lIS efrecth'i! as usual: with the reo IUlce of MnllRgrr lone Madsen Md

_ F'3cmg one- QI t.he hardest games or . . . . mnchlne lOJI�n.ered .to v!\nco�vft B. c:. �ult thnt ·they Iql'll· a d�ef wltI,!L the, Mrs. Adah DR·pper. physical e'd\lcatloll

the t93:; grid schedule 0:"1 F'rIda�. \.. last Sat�rda} and rttumed wit 11. 0111'_ Elll:nsbutg "Wildcats" by 7-0 on QktQti_ Instructor. will open ·Monday, No�em-

lllgh! . the Gladiators started off the Coa('11 f:)l'<On and hh (,n',," of wndr:_ 'Ilded. 41-0 victory OVf'r the heRvy but �r II. ill Ellensburg, The Luthf'rans. ai- ·ber 4, · Tryouts for all' t1"'$� t�IlIn.'I

, 1I"\'ck·$ pr.l\cticc �'Ith a bRng. a!1d a tl"!i, Ilft("f a ·sllght derailment ·at :�:x��;:.�:s�t,�·a:It.)�:i3�a.�::bi:f though . outplaying I�e tf'�h("T'S ·In ��ere

. h�ld yesterdAY·



l�UbtO\l:; about ��:�i�Sbl��'


r ;��::�e;:


. ��i\C

h Cliff Olwu used all the mel� ��:;l:t ������ft���:eso�:=

eei�::� ���; ;1I::�:�'::� A�.��l:O;t ";�:

Ir=c!��r �:�� 1.!Jt'�utC"Om(' of the �me but WRS COIl- C. at th", expense' of the tJn'I\'erslty : ��\'t'�i5c�

U��s Ct��!�' �:C�:k tha�o:�'o fO� opponenL'I t(i push over one score as normal , squad. After· which the ·hlgh ::dH1t that his boys would gh·e thl' of British Columbia, {toO. Vsing all PP , , � o a r�S\llt of one of their misplays. sclwol girls w1ll contest the Sf'COIlI.I year \:fkings a real battle. Because of the hi;; resen·e:;.. Olson did not al�etnPt to th�l:�!�· ;ately after thl" f!r�t touch.

, The sC€Jrlllg play WAS (U� end run norn. Jtlll�es. Th�sr games. belIlde-s be­

f.!J"lIsbu:"g defeat. Bellingham will. no run . �he score up . too high. altfough down b; O'Connl'r III the first frill.' from the five-yard IIn� In

.I.he Sf"C()nd� illg a new t}"Pf' o� FopOfl for P.L.C.

doubt, be. f!\\'o�ed to \\'In. Howe,·er, �pectutQ�S at I.he game were of the .mlnutes o( In\', t.he Luthe:r!ln m . quarter, by Taylor. Ellensburg quarter- girls. promlSl' SOllile .re

AI .Ught, due to ' hl' r,,\·orHl' doesu't AlWAYS win. AS oplnfon t.hat. had they d�slred. the be-gnn send�lg' · In !? 18cemenk 1.'�I�or back . .!\ftl.'r . the �all . !lad been set In the fRct that these .three t�8ms appear .'ndl'llced by lAst )"('nr·s game In which Gladja�rS could hA\'(' . mntched Bell.

· althou h threa tt-� s: '.era I. tim . �. scoring position b�' a Lutheran fumble to bl' fairly we.1I matched In strength

P L C won b�· A 5-3 score. The Bell, IngJlam s 77-0 win Incidently Belling_ Ing t:e rest of the �ort ha;; d�� dt'tP III their O",'U territory. The The schedule of game:'! fOf Lhe �e- . 1l\�hnm players hA\'l'n·t for�ott'('n lhls hAIlI 811� P.L.C. wI!! meet next Frlda.r . Glads did \lot s�ore agahl In t.he

' IIrs:

teachers .Il\Rdt' ,the cOllverslon !!ood 1l1;llu�c.r of till' �t'ason Is. as follows:, dd(·nt. [1m! according to reports arl.' l'\·l'nmg' lIl thl.' NOT\hprn ... 1\tetropol�s to half . - with a place kick, . . . Wednesday,· NO\'ember' 6--thlrd year

�:�:r���:�o cHorts· ln pre�lIrnt!on . fnr �::I�a�,��.I I:I:�I�tr:n��I

�� ��:r'�r��! A�. the stArt of the second half, ho�'. aIlF�:��::;

g'·I\����:r�e�.:� O�:(��e!�

U��:� :


ll l\:::.����S:.�:

I�o�;��:�: �i�;� . . . e\·er, lhe Lutheran machine shifted Into . -- . _ '- _

Coached by Ctnn.:k Lappenbush. for- of thl' .swaggerlng Vikings and they Are .Il ILspeCd,...8nd-�rt'd-twice71n""""iffilC'C cOli!,dn.:.t� qultc-punch the- bftll -over;- 1'ear nOtl'naT:-nfst yelfrnof'ffial vs. llIgh mer U�!\"t'rs\ty oj Wa.�hlngton . st:\r :\\l0��. nJ� .��L.Qut..:..t.o.....!-'6hootJ--t;hr-

sl:t:cf's.<;!lm befqr/: IIlI' '"Thunilt.'tb;rds" FOltl- 101lR drlyes wpre launched d('t'P. �hool: Wednesday. November. 13-

I:llar,�t"y.!!dngs prl'rellt A pO\�7l'rful ,:,·0Tk!< . ngain�t Ihp Glnds. It should t::ot �ettled. \\'1111 Votaw IHld Solie ca�- Into �he opponenls territory but t.her high 5.chool v!<. liberal IIrts: Monda}". llllllllllg nttack fcnturlng the Notre b.e a. onltll' rU�'lIl as tnl' Pnrklnnd 0111.- ;ylllg thl' b�1l the line, In th

Wl'fl' end!'d with InCOllJplete tll\sses NOI·rmbcr 18-;-st'cond yrRr .llormal vs .J)am.� Shift. Se\'ernl ne\\.' pliiyl't"S ha\'e fit 15 cq�fllI�' fllJ)clo\\!; to �rove that 111.�1. quurter Archbold cOllttnutd lh: (l1·tor the f'llcm)" gonl or by pass Inter, ibcrni arts: Wednesday, .No\'cmber 20-

:�::�:l'�n���\�h;h�l'����;�l��::I��: r::�; .I.���"'����'.i.� I\�I� !.\ot Just o�J

e of .scUI·lnR �\'Ith a�ln.e ·elid rull for riftem �:�t�o::sl l:�lr


f1t 7Uld .:;:I\�

d �:.r(,:l\::�Ja�:;�t:�:Nly


t.s�::=�� ynnls. TllI.'n hecdlng Ihe pll.'fiS of flls . .

�1!l1::-�ll�;I: �t��:



r r��: The Suddrn Can��lIation of the AI.

�1I�IOIlS lIntimen, Coach Olson 'sent h� r -�--� . ' '. til \.,< Ihlrd yellr normal. . .

"tht'r COlll'gc�. , .

b:mv Trip and Illcldf.'nlaliv. tl'f.' gallle ,r�'l' at ·lrft lIalfbRck and MRrtln lit T;ln ";lb;lrdin. trene� ;lnd "in j ------------:l

On the Hilt'. CAptain Fr(·}\dl'r lind la;<;t· we�k.end . cau.St'd'.qllit'e II. '\llllllber ::�Idh:ll!b�\��h

I:�l� b��l

se�h;·I�:.� :��� . ep;lh. for ",e�$,3.95 I [ MORE AND MORE


\'lIin. , """d. =m " be "<p,,',II, or


h"""d " h"" "II,. md, ",d ,,,. , , ,I£H EInt, F Ik A C . . .h "ul.�l!lndillg. while In the · b�Ckfleld: lers to r·x·pectam friends, ,etc .. In and �::� \.A!:�I:�l��::.!tl:���


e tI;��t' n��; . . .�� Oem .r��'.:7 0 . S , re omln!C 0, e:

DZlJlich. a C.P.S. Iransff'r. alid Ougll. "I"Ound PortJllnd. ;\t pre!:'l'nt It looks F�I·e ·ploughed thl"OUgh the IInl' for a , . . .. . . PEOPLES STOftE . 'no a ncwcomer. lI·ill bcllr ""·atchlng by n� If thp game will Ix' piflyed a week �corl.' to ha,.c It duplt.catcd a little \!i__ �� !hl' Gladiators. � . flon.l Homecom lnR : � apparent ly Ille latl.'f by Martin wit II II. Une.�\lck fro I Perso ... al Seryice All Day AI! Nignt -------------------

The Glads ha\·e \>!,('n sln-ing a rew bo�·� Will ha'·e to wliit until NO\'('mber Ihf' four.yard 11111' BoLh �res weYe' , +--_______ �

p .. -I pbys tor BellIngha,lll and plan .16 to gl'1 togl'ther with Ulelr .hftbY- lcOlll"f'rted· DRIVE - IN - MARKET 1 LIEN Cr SELVIC

�.C:�:�. t�:r:;���'�:�te�.


talkl'rs ThaI Isn.·t ,r.o 101lg. ··Hal ·· The scoring wfI:S closed with a satl.'t}. Fre� F��t:A��� T��getables Prescropt,on Drugg.sts

lh.' attack . Pacific' �Olhe�n:; lIopes ror an Un· :�����I; I;:\l k�I�I:ga.�::�t :;l\�I���:l

gOfC�:;.� 3308 Soutn G SI D,r���:a�IC�fL�




Coach OlwlJ probably will take Iwo �rfr:lled Se:l..'<On wrnt glimmering IIft('r T' � Cor 1 1 In and Tacoma Aye 1 I b �ame \I' Brlt�"h Columb ia team Pn MA 13 14 _., ,"" ",. ,-" 'h"_ � ' ''' ""'"''''-''' - ''''�" ' " , , " �-�l _ .

!lme FridA} momlng burg Normal but N\e\.....8tlll hale a good I�IIS ne\er It. t 1 1}J \l' ut. I.'ran 40 \Rrd 1

W k 5 ---_________ chaneI' of ha\ jng a high 1) �llcce�5flll

n;hf' LllleIl Ps /�


r�a� !�d ��;ce ----------------

I KERSCHBAUM f �I\l: te�\ic�ll�;s





I:� P L C \ ( U DC BOYNTON'S SERVICE BROOKDALE ! 5UITS AND OVERCOATS thl.' £Rllle IncludlnR fumbles the Glads N!l�ell L;.ER ,--?Wllrnkew GA 0145Rl COlF COURSE

I For S'ale e)(clus.�ely al found It too much of an ullhll! battle Anenwn LlIR YO\lllg CAS REPAIRIHe OIL Tne Rubloc Cour�e Ine I I d & P I . Martin LOR Boe . l et an a agruh 10 bl.'at Se\('rl fllmbl!'s lind I'aml' out Ccu"'lry Club Atmcnpnere

TO • .,..... u g"".. t 8 M i les South on Mounlain 9 12 Pacof,c Ave I nn thf' shorl ('nd 01 the ('ollnt Just RA" d���� ROCL H "

dV��� , ----------------.

--------.----+ as the brraks of thl.' �ame \\ere \\ lth IS\ lllth RTL l)(' tford THE BUe J Highway '1------ I Ihe Glads \\h{'n the} be-at Monmouth N FT)e REL M:HU h Noonday Luncheon 1 mile East on Q rt K ·tf C I c\en more so 'H'fl' the} against thf'm Sot Q

g SERVICE Clover Creek Road : ua I y nl Ing o. : III that RamI' All 1.00 often In foolblll! I Vott :", LHR

pa��I; ' WITH A SMilE : Letter Sweden Ovr SpK" lt,. I thiS thll rl I'lement ('an f'ntl'r a �allll' O C RHL GArland O l 92J I , JI and control IL� resllits Ollner Parkinson ---------------, Ludlow Klrb} : 403 I I ," So. T"om,. W"h. E

·�---�-3--. --�-

Pln('h-hittlnr for f'oa<'h Olson dUI"- ........ ,.." 0IHtHNI : - . j ill!! his recent business trip to Idaho KIMBAll'S ROYAL PORTABLE j TSHUNKO'S ""as Ed BRfosk! former Wisconsin grid U��a�s :;'�R:aSrh "Your Sporting Coods Store" WITH TOUCtt 'CoHTlOL Ii HQ�SE Of

, FLOWERS' (' ::l::;�tlt�e

e f�:




l� SICNAL CASOLINE 10 15 PaClf .c Aye

T;leOC�!;I�:d�n�::i:l-;';' Shop a mRnner Ihnt brought a nod of ap-MI H'gnway near Spa ...... way . _______ _ I _S . Pac. Aye._al 50

_In CAr. 05 14

pro\ al rrom thl' Glad mentor Dllrlng +---------'-'t � � - � :II�: ��11��: :o


t:�� r----------� j PARKlAN[t.CARACE r F�:��NBT �������E�

I 2���;:";:��:::�:�7�:

or:�!���� Y."'���:�:::�':�:: .. , , S��:���::�":�'�:�� I See of the Gridiron'" and against NoIre 901 Commerce Taccma

: H, • ..,. Cribbohm. Rep. Damr at the time when the "Four I _ I --�---

• Horsemen" were pinning down th!! I !�:� � : . . .. ...

. '

. . WiA9 (Q, 1'




:I�l:.\"e:?� Ct��!��e;:: ::r U:��' ll Pa�kla"d Mercantile Co. j

j i¥ .. '. _' _ '940 �.

'. J��:zj( ;�;����

.t�f I:i

�::�;. M�eB��1 \\�

�� s�;:;::'��:::����i�i::t;:�

s : � TAt.COMA. U.S.A. tn the breach at the time when the Seryice ; M�jn 6188 flbsence of the Coach was necessitated. J

PETERSON STUDIO Portraits by Pnolograpny

Ernest Peterson

MAin 9237

St Helens at 9th Sf Tacoma. Washinglon

Also Large Macn ines LOWEST p,RlcES EASIEST TERMS

The Stationers Comptet. SchOol Outfltten 926 P;lC. Aye: 921. Commerce St,

MAi" 2.153

PAY AS YOU USE IT! r � l : .�=�::::,] wS:.:� Sh��oo BROOKDALE CROCERY AND M EAT CO.


Croceries, Flo"" Hay, C!.in. Feed, etc. 1,1 ��)] J�e����th��:.�e Mens

. $3.45 · [ I . gcA�M.� 1 1 29 BROADWAY

!I BSasu· kpeptl·l�eaSll ii. . .................................................................... "



N=· i=ne=


l=es� '�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!' STRENCTH - CHARACTER - SERVICE .$ I . ;: When you buy your life ins.urance.

:'1 See tIoe New No. 55 Shoe �. ,. .


. . i,,· .,�., For 18 Holes cons;de, these lac'o,,; .he ,eputa·

� tkm of the comp.;lny� the character

I light - Fast and Duraple , . $1.5Q StUdent Monthly Rate of i!s manager��d!�:dd the service. . . l �1.50 Ladies' Rote Moniftly WE INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES

I WASHINGTON · �< $2.00 �en'l Mdnthly R.te HAROLD C. HOEL, Se,ttle. Washington RepresentinB

I Hardware Co. .. Rus. Md;ng Parkland Golf Lutheran Brotherhood ,


924 Pacific Ave. ' � urse

608 Secot'ld Aye, S, Herman L. Ekem; Pres.

Minnupolis. Mlnn, +-_________ + 11 ....................................................................... ,.,'--_--'----.---/ '

( .


( �. c ( \ , ,.. ) ) " ' � /

30, "1135

Girls Are 'E�tending 1�"H8tions �o Dormil!lty Boys

'" With In\'ltatlons extended 1.0 or thf' Boys' Dorm Union. the Ptop Cl ub w111 ltin' an I,ntorma] Hallowl"ell pllrty tomorro ..... ('vening at 9:30 o·dock . Ruth Fr('ren rs general ot !.he at­rAlr

Th� HaUowe'en motif ,,·m be care­fully pursued throughout the entertnin- I men! Marh.' Lien, chairman. '",ne Od('�l. E:.�mt'ralda. Ton·end. and Roberta. I Torrlson. who are In charge of decOrA_ ' lions.

hAve deverly planned the u.w.of OrRllgt' and blACk str(,Amt'ns, bA�. a.utumh leaves. pumpkins. com.�TAlk.�. illul other Articles traditIonal 10 tht' HII.1l0\\·e·en festivity. E.<;tht'r �orgaard. chnirmllll of \.ht'

f'nterta.lnment commlttl't' . . Is not an­nOUncing thc program numbers. As­'btlng her In the plans are ('Ida John'­.'<011. Connie Clumb. and Mtu'lflTet Craft.

The- re(�liments-wlil IncIUde... fa\·or­itc Hallowc·en . foods. Thelma NeS.'!.

$.niCi - \l(Df"M •• tfli_ - Q ... lity

Lilndis Shoe Re-Iuildiftl Co. 706 51 Hell'''' Ave.

Prop,ietOf" R. TROVANI Phone·

MA", 63 I S

Instrumeats and Accessories

TACOMA MUSIC CO. George Gteen�laU of '-24

9 1 7 Com",e,�e MA: 0822

SPRENCER & JONES IIWIURS Watch and lewelry Rcpalr,ng

• Specialty 1 1 30'Sroad":"ay SR. 4375.

, . Not 100 early 10 Ihirll.,. a�t XMAS .SPECIALS

-'- MEZZO STUDIO Fidelily Bldg. MAin 3704

:h���;o�� t�:e:n'

l�f:.k!ebust . . nre In Mrg 'Preus Returns


chl\lrman. Euge:1la Spencer. Dor


y 1 �::�s���:�=����������=n���������1i Tht' cleall-up commlttec hM becn A,,"'"';II 'I.·.I for Year . From E'astern Trip named IlS follo ..... s: Alma SloHe. O"lrlla 1 ,�==:3==�==:::�", 1 4.�---------+ Bnugf'. a.nd Ruth Solllt' c1R.� presidt'nt.. has r � ...... � l'm�m�d·",on,m".'H' to Take charge Yenrs I..('a\·e Includes Travels STUDENT WITIfDRAWS

Because ot the Ulness ot h�r sisler, Solvelg Fosness has \\1thdrll.'I\'n from �chool . HOI\;p\'er. she plans to fe-enter

_ Throu2"h Thi�ty States PIANO STUDIO Jaaeph O. Edwards c�n College 10' Sat. 'i\ppO,ntmt!nti

Brookdale Lumber Co. a' B,ookdille 0... Mountain

Highway .

GArland 38 1 ' j 5 next semester.

-Patronize Our Advertisers- hom, 'n. P"",onO R. RESCH. TAILOR . The Dollar Stud,o :

. Is Ilcccpting brds from which 1(,I\\'c (If I\b�ence [or the past· yellr. rf' .I �

==1 3�06=F�,d�e�I ,"'tY"'B"'




.. ::.: ... :� CIII."'; pr!")grnm.� to b(' pr(,Sf'nted lit Mr Pre-us has .s�ht his tLmf' in the Suits M:lde to Order - .. Qu.lit'y PhotO',rlph, I 10 · ···········""' ,·······,··,·",·:·,······,··,·,,,,······ .. ' ....... � 1l!'-�!lIt('d student bod�' lIlf'('tmgs will EaSlr 'Uo'hf'rf' he has been uolling OUI Cleaning. Prf'Ulng. Alteultion§ .t A ... 001."'. Pri(et I b(' Ilrmng('d b�' Je-nn-Marle Fowl('r. property �)or II manufAC'Turing For Ladles and Genllemen Cenlral BidS. 9� 1 Vl BroadwilY Smith & Cregory John DN'�_twlbis �Il(l Eline Benson. A ill \\"hr.;C he formerly h

.e1d � _____


_' ��5


hlngIOn __ J QUICK SHOE REPAIR :«'lll<>r fllt:.�s :<oeHll function Is twing 3 1 7 So. 91h 51 Tacoma, -Wash. _ __

planl1f'(\ under thl' tllrf'ctlon of Enid Alii �hC other thmg'. 3 1 1 IIJ So 1 1 1h SI Tol�oma Butl'O

Il. Volly Norby. John Drf'Ib('lbl�. sold �Omplf'u.. equipment IUld . nd Roy Lundquist t'ry ti> !.he s !�{f'''' of Maine lind

__________ for 1l11l1(-�g Illf'l�n lIcensc plATes REED'S FOODS You get it for Less --.------j r------------T m,," " '''' '"' of ,h"" ",,'

All WOOL Have your SUII made � I the I Visillng Ilt'RrI�' IhlrT.y state�. he df'alt Hunting Coats $1 0,50 I 1l1(,�II.\' with prison Alld state +, ___ , __ �_-'--_. __ . __ +

Sleeping Bags $5.95 RIALTO TAILORS I �l'l1lnl pllrtiul equlpn1('llt of .

South I l lh £, A �----+ ���� __ -:...���� f h�;��� �!�i���I.� ��IIT��Sdif�:r(,llt

Bonnadele Beauty.

Shop Parkland CA OI45-R·2

All Unes df Beauty Work Permanent Waves Evenings ! by appt I Greeting Cards for AU


Tacoma Marine Supply I · CLEANING -PRESSING 1 ,",',',";,'.' .. " �npo�',' ,';'








· '


n' f
















AMOCAT FOOD PRODUCTS :;:f'I:lh�no�:�f��:�t('\!�nod�. nnd I SpecIalizing In Hot Soup I " THE PEAK OF QUALITY" prnl:res.� of Pacific I and I"�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� Oist .. buted by 10----":....:======0;1 : H M d p' I I

WEST COAST CROCERY CO. Oe Luxe Sandwich Shop I ome· a e les

�------'--�--.------------� I sPc�I��" ;.;'ag��lJ:���n�a:;�����'eak !' ___

_ M








_ [--l�----;;�; ;AN�N�-������----l-;--!,

L'gh l 1..���hcSh:�:� Malted __ �rOOkdale. �:sh,n!!ton __ 756 SI Helens Tacoma

3 scoop�' of ,�e c.eam .. ladle of �t .... YIx>"v I "=:=======:==�I "' ................................. , ..... , .. , ...... ,.",." .. " .. " .. , ..... ., I '-, hUll. and �r�';���1 ��I�'��������"ub�nana ,���o'led : r I I You Are -Most Likely 10


<--___ ��So������ __________ l Rhodes Brothers

{iJ� Days v

COLLt'cE MEN know they are. correctly styled when they wear

Day's Tailor-'a Trousers , and Blazers

The latest styles in models. in the newest materials and pa�terns at popular prices


. }


buncan's Beauty Shop and College

]01 B'Oildway. Temple Bldg. MAin 1 606

RADIO REPAIRS The K.'nd YOI' Expec' .

ROllO's for Service S. 38,h ('; G GArland 0704

Brookdale Barber Shop. ART DANI ELS. Prop.

Srookdale, Wash.


Complete Creuin; SOc on Mounlilin Highwily


9 1 5 Commerce St

�tWt'ap a-t'ouHd

modee'· The Season's Smartest

Overcoat Ha",'li-" two full pleaTs 'ro the back which gives Ihl! fullness and freedom in Ihe' sk irt. English Raglan shoulder with set coll/lr for pe,fKI fit and distinction. Come in and try on one of Ihese �nappy cwercoilTs. Complete i" • all of 'he populil' fall colors: B,own, blue. srey . • "d mixtures

with sm.1I ChK.ks. .

A Real Value--Only $22.50 DENZLER and TONE

940 Pacific: Ave.

Ten Days Free Trial CORONA

II will (lUY YUli to invc!itigate the only purfablc Iypewrit�r that has " floating shift" and "touch selector." Tefms down to �1

. per week ..

Day's Tailor�d Clothing, Inc� UNbERWoOD .n:IR'OYAL PoRTABLES MANUFACTURERS Parkland Ba�ber Shop

' ...... in \hi_ �rHr st..


Parkland, Wash.

All makes of rebuilt machines from $20 H. D .. BAKER & CO.

1 09 South 10th . • . BRoadway 4062 ' Tacoma, WashIngton '

. ./

� \ t ( 1------...:...., w.

Prot M. N. Franck Addresses Chapel On Armistice Day

Former E u ropean Diploma.t Tells Need for' Internation­alism to' Destroy Frictlbri

Among Nations "If all Engllsh &peaking �ple would

unite In 11 common front. they could �upprus any wRrrtng nations and con­st'<Iuentl)' end these \'ui. unne<:eSS8T}' human destructions." believes �fes-

( -:;- '-. i . )-1 . ' .

. . "


Educ�ional Meet To Be- afSt. Olaf

Pc ... Club Will· Have

Tingelstad, Pflueger Will At- Tomorrow �ven1ng the PeP, Ciub

tend Christian 'Conference hold a regular buslftess -:neetlng In

No\'ember 29. 30 :.II�lln�


uve PI�.ns rOF a Dr. ,0. A. Tingel.$ld; Colle� Pt'esl- After the busln�ss meeting the

' . �torRI Suppurt Will Help

&lIt Albany


New Administrative Office Arrangement Is Under ' Progress

PIlu1 A, Preus Retur�8' From. Ohio With Large Gift of

- Offir"e Equipment For . . 1'. L. C. dent.. and Prot. J.\p . . Pf1ueger. Christ·· iO'A'ing prtliTam'wlll'be prdented:

lanny Instructor, a.rfl'- maklng plAns to solo, Lois Mae Morton: two vocal attend the" Educallj)Jlal Conference to !.lma Stolee, accompanl� by Contrlbutlng numerous pltees of of· be held November: 29, 30, at St, Ola'f Bartlon ; reac:nng, June lice fumltu�, Mr. Paul A. Preus. 001· Colll'ge 'In Northfield. Minnesota., Dean Refrbhmenl.6 will be serv� , lell"e 'field ag.ent on leave of absence, Philip E. Hauge Is CO'nsl(1erlng the pos. nore Withrow, Hell'O

:::e ��



re:f�� " -;o;o"- MtChel- Nlcholas ':'Pnlflek.- fonne� slbillt)' of also attending th1s,c:onven- Odell. Edna Toblttson, MlU"la�t

European diplomat.. who gflVe the ... r- tlon .. O. H',-,,-rulo-" ' ;;", d��Of

' Pub- �and Ro�rUl ��. th�:


I;g�iPped from C1evtr-' mL'ttice 01.)' address' In \.hapel. . and Reuarc.h Comm1&slon on land, Ohio-:tndudes-se"f"en off'"" Iksts, Prot. Franck. \\'ho �came a mj:!mber

��o:�� C:�I·l't�l'e

f����:' :; t�

P::d�:; �I���;r:a���;n:�:�:' m�:��; Lutheran Cir�uit Meeting ���ln:u��I��

y ::�:t:. ::; ���. body. In his chapel s�h, a \'I'ry co}or-

���r�:�b:�I'':a� ::u:a�:n�

al�r;;� Being Held' �n �:: ���.:!�tOO�;:�� ;


�u� !���:f o�o�,��!���, ���

I.d as ��

r� 111.1 attenUon' will be given to the bu"lld- Convening, 'for I� Pall 5e8ll10n, placed In the buslneS& ·otflce, and the I !;;;;ili.;;;;;;;:;;cJ;;-;;I��-'-

l lng ot II. curriculum tor Lutheran C91. "'-u" Pu,., '-und C" 'u" 01 'h. other III uzed In the oft1ce 01 Dean day \\'hen the legitimate mflSS murder � w, ou of ele\'l'n million human beings came :�chC: ::d:a: :e aL:��n

O�tu�; weglan tuthel"8n Church opened �����c


r :fto��


rtous to �� :��g Inten'lewed. Prof. Franck. !troup which was held last summl'r at terday morning at the Trinity The reorganlznUon of the offlus are who sen-ed as il. represfiitath'e o(the Ll.lJa acting M' general {he UnJverslty of ·Mlnnesota. under the er&ll Church In now under way. Prof. N. J. Hon,', Hungarian Ministry of Commerce. ex- the sophomore class ts ar- direction of Director Pannltoke. ·In- ventlo", wtll Thunday . present office will sen'e 811 the private pressed a slrong sentiment toward In- a treasure hunt party to cldentally. QT. Pannkoke \\'81 In charge Yesterday morning at 10:30 office of President 0 . .... 'I1ngelltad and In preference to nation· eve{ November 22. �I! It� p. t. q. endowm�nt. campaign the op�nlng sermon was flven by . L!I a conference room for Dean HaUl"! allsm. HI; knowledge of the various \\'1Il take place In Parkland. . K. S. Michelsen of Tacoma. Rev. . and the President. Between·Dr. Tl:ngel-types of Europeans gives him a broad wl:1lch the group will go to the In connection with the -co,nference O. Salveson was In charge ot Holy stad's office and (he tiuslne511 oftice !.s outlook on differl'nt peoples. He em- of Evelyn Syverson In South Ta- Is U:te special meeting of the Chrut- Communion. In the afternoon Rev, '1'. that . of the general aeeretary, M15II phaslzed the "gemutlichkeit .. ot the . for refreshments. , I�nlty teach�rs of I.uthel"8n Colleges T. Ove of Aberdeen spoke on "What Berdine KnOuen, The oHlce of Prof.

cominlt� In charge ot enter- ��_ will be call�d tor the purpose is COO\'erslon?"; the address for thl' N. J. Hong. high school principal, I.a Includes Evelyn Syverson. of u�uss!.ng the training ot the work- evening meeting was given by 'Prof being arl"8ng� In the room fonnerly

Austrian �ple . . whlch Is their attitude of courtesy, klndneMo ease, and }Ovlal­Ily; he 'Inslsted that they are truly a char:rnlng Pl'Dple. In contrast: he de­�rlbed the Prusslans as a people who are more dl5tant or less Intimate In t.helr . contacU; .and he spoke of the S\\'!ss Il.5 \'I'ry IndustriOUS and certain­ly Ule rnost. int.ernauonally minded pe0-ple In Europe.

Helen Scott. Stanley Ford .. ers,!7. the local congregat�ons. J. P. Pflueger on "Prl'serrt Conditions oc:cupieil by Or. 'I1ngelstad. "'nderson. Aida John- I of Ihe Church." · The 'old Mooring- Mut office Is to

by ' Ida Men and Emmet �ev:- Lewis Will Speak Thill morning at 10 o'clock Rt:v. M'I be a room for faculty women who ·do

Is to be In charge of re- \ At<!:UI!ler League l\leet 1� Nesvlg of Seattle spoJr.e on '"Means not ha�'e admlnlstraUve �utl�, .llVh.Ue \. of Conversion:' "Fruits of COnversion thl' office formerly held by COacl\ ClU_

to attend this party, eac� On \Sunday e\'enlng, November 17: In the Individual and In the Ch�rch'� ror� Olson wui be a room for faculty mu:\t have paJd hili claM the League of 'Our Saviour's was dlscUMed by Rev. S. J. Floren ot men who IIJr.ewise do �ot hav� ad. Lilja wlsh� to urge th06t Luthel"8n Church In Tacoma will pro- Paulsho, . TOrJlght at 8 o'clock Rev. M. mlnlstratlve poe,ItlOIl.S: Th!! new Moor·

to attend the party to rJgn vide the program tor the Luther League Lono of Tacoma will speaJr. on "Four Ing Mtut office has been e5labllah� In thl' bulletin board b.y next meeting In the Trinity Church parlors, Hundred Vears of Light In the English the old Saga room,

because of their clO6t contact with each Rev. Alvin J. Lewis Is to spellk on Speaking World." In addition to this rearrangement, a other. It Is Important for all nations I -- -.-- "Ve Shall Be Witnesses.'" and other Tomorrow Rev. O. L. Haa.vlk. ot· Be- certain amount of genel"81 renovation of the world to get In contact with Ralns •. ad to Address membel"":'l of his league wllJ furnish attle. who Is president of the Clrcult will� out In .all offices In the all others. We can rid the world of ' .. • • mUSical selections.

. ""111 s�ak on "Conversion In Its Rela- line of painting, paperhanging, and new

frictions I( we wUl lessen this strong i\lllSslon Society :Meet A social mee�ng \\'9..5 held 'last Sun- tlon to Social Problems." The final light fixture!. nationalistic feeling and lea.rn to en-

P f A W Ra tad discuss!. th d3.}· evening, NO�'ember 10. In the address ot the com'entlon wUl be given ----.!Oy and benefit from the arts and cul-

M �o . . �Iss;ru ill be th ng

I I' Church parlors. Ml1dred Larsen led by Rt. Rev. H. L. F0811 of Seattle. who Is Girls Win in Linfield ::\�� �::;; �;t���;gn

F:n�:gei�; s�a::;S:;��

e Mi���nwSoclelY �e:uan: :ymn�SI�glng

l and �orma. Preus con_ 't11e district president. on "The Task Ticket Selling Conaest

;m�rtan�. 50 that we can acquaint 10h

be held _ ,tonight at seven o'clock In w���

e Mar:;:

tJ��50n :s


b ac:�::

� of E\'angellsm In our District." ourselves mo� Intimately with the Ufe. t e recreat on room. 1st.. played a saxophone solo. and Miss As a result ot the contest. ·sponsored._ the customs, the thinking. of the "arl- Oth:e-r numbers on the program wiD Prggy Ram.stad fa.vored the group with • by Advertising ManRler Enid Hutson ous peoples. It Is only through such Include "ocal sele�tlons by Romo� Rust a plano �Io. Under the direction of L. D. R. lUem'bers W.II = C07:1I���


. �: ����I:� knowledge that we can understand and and a reading b)' Ellen Bergstrom. AI_ Rolph Boll;tad. game� were la·ed. 1\1 t N b 21 appree?te each other." fvinn Arne \\'11\ lead the group In p y ee ovelu er game, the college gir!.s, who sold the

19::.��et����k"::CI�:��:·r�::� :�

scripture. Nesvig's Church To Hold Mrs. T. O. �are and Mrs. J, p. �:::� n:�:: �:!C�:� Wi�I_�:�

this �ountry. He .ls now taking out W. A. A. Hik«- P. L. C. Day ' Sunrlay Pflueger wUl be hostesses to the L. D. P,art,m



§.!!en December 13 ,!n the ' natura illation papers. R. Society at Its �gular meetlnlJ, u""'"

With Marie Johnson and ... Ida John- Next Sunday has �en chosen to be Thunday, November 21, at the home 'The gtrla .have turned . In approm.-Thompson Is Chosen



r�I�: ��:�I:IY��� �



L·i:· !�t�e:

Rev. �. M. orp::��

v::e buslne511 meeting, the :��!�a:� ��le� :'

:uebo:-e!: Advertising �ssi"tant charge. plan5 ha\'e been made for a Preaident O. A. t1ngelstad will ad- group will be entertained with the 1.,.1- total leS.'l than S10. .

h1lte tomorroll·. which >;1,'111 Include both dljl'ss the congregation In the morning, lowing- prognm: vlolln solo, Sylvia The following committees have been Emmet Thompson, 6OPhomo� In the day and dorm girl .. , The group will while studenu and other colleg'e offl- Miller; talk, Mri RYflnlng; plano duet, named io make arrangements for fbI" nonnal department, has been named lea,,?-----school for the aJrport at 3:30 clals wiU 1wn1.5h the program for the Irene Odell and Edna Tobiason; ar:d I. aoc:ial event: general chairman � Assistant Advertls1ilg Manager ot the o·�ock. four services held durlng the day. reading by Louise Hendrickson, �arae ot 8l'l"8ngemeni.ll, John Drttbel-MOOring Mast, as a result ot the ad- Is; entertalnment: Ted Hemld, chair-vrrtLsement contest ,ponsor� by Har- ff'W' B 'k d T B k d O' h 'W'. • tTt'h Fl' h " man, Ray Hlnderlie, and Vern Knut.-.,. Grlbbohm. Ad.<rtbIng Mana,,,. � urn . ac war , urn ac war - � ,me ,n �_ .. :y 'g 'r un; ·rer'�hm.n"'; Bob >!""'n. "'.,,-This contest, which cJOIed Monday, man, Iva.n Lal'8On, and-Jack .WaU; dec·

"'as started In September and the pot;l_ 8,. Marpl"d R.o� self. '.'if the old P'ord will ' start this and the steer1n.g wheel, that a i:i�- oraUoJlll: Ernest Johnson, chal.nnan, tlon was to be given to the solicitor Maybe nobody but me· realizes It, morning?" . s:crlptlon here would be endless. . The Paul Preus, and Harry Grlbbobm; who brought In the greatest number but the aut;omotlve Industry Is malt-, The nrst thing you did was test the chances. though, were two to one �Iean-up: Ed 8vinth, chairman, LesteT of ads during this two-month period. Ing a bunch ot nambY-l?ambles out of gas supply. There wen! no neon lights against you that you could, get away Holte. and Ernest Haugen,

In addition to the manager, the us. I went 'to the Automobile Show or ?ther gadgets to teO you, What \\1th It without brealr..lng your arm Mooring Mast ad soUclUng staff con· &orne time ago, and what I saw there you !lad � do was yank 'up ltie front or wrist, or having the back. of your F h w'iI H slsts of Edna K.elsey, Jasper John&on, made me teel that .perhaps we shoul,d seat fthrough the bottom of which hand gash� by the mulish crank. 11l1a res -:nen I ave _ Harr:.' McCormick: and Elizabeth FrIis. have stuclt to the .horse, or at leut always protruded two or Illree coD' kept you out of the office. for several Class Party Dec. 6 . � called a halt to Improven1ent.a wh�n .sprlngsl. untwlrl the cap (which al� days but .was sca«:ely worth wbile --=- � Senior Class Sponsors ' �::o:a:��e: f=7ro:asth:


I.ght ::;��:� I:: :: t��t

::a:, o�� o:�anned up, With the spark Ji:\=�aa��ee=�::�=d O!

Chap�1 Program !X�i:!:�t th;:

d::S ::!�.,

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unt::r ::a:r:� l�oll��


thf:::!·b;:���:eD�; ��.


d:';:���h�� "

Under the direction , of !.he senior weren't any such things as 'automatlc stick (an old 12-lnch ruler c&.Ir:� with Pord usually ltept 'golng, but there appotrited 'tO make arnngement.a for ctass, a program' will be p�sented/dur- starting, knee-action whee� airody- dirt. and (rreue) which you dropped "ere. Incidentally leatures that kept the party are: decoratlon, Marie Lien: Ing chapel, eurcisd. tomoirow. It wUI namlc bodies. synchro-meah '�an, Into Illl' tank opening . • ,U two Inches. alive the delllJhtlul feeUrtg of uncer- refreshments, 'NevelIa Roll; enterta.1n_ Inc:lude the follow1ng numbers: scrIp- blow-out. proot tires. aCcurate tnstru- 01 the ruleT came up 1Jet you ·d,Idn't talnty-Ures, tor ·iralance. When one ment ' and program, <Walt SehnacJtm_ ture reading, R9lph Bol&t&d; a .plano menta. and other sotten1ng InfluenCes. '.fOrry about It. not unW later 1Jhen of them ble\i' out, you lOt more exe«:1&e bera; dean-up, Edward MaehJe. solo. lone Ma�; vocal aelectfona by You went out to your Drage In the you ran put of It In' the .m1ddle . of out ot 1JTeStUng wltll those old cUnch- &CRuse ot the withdrawal from . a trio CODI!I1atInI" of WJdfect, Evelyn, morning, with a hIch .sense of adven- tratfie. . ·er rlrns tb� you would today wresUinIJ achool of Ida 1"01:, clau treuurer, Uarv and Bob Monson; a "readinc by � tuft, There .... a latent ch& In' The nut. step In atai-t.tng ....aa ' th .J1m Lond05, arid the [aat t.h1Ile Jenson w .. unanLtnouslJ elected to no Benaon, accomPanted on OrpD. b)' the angular old Pord that mAde In- cn.M,the.ear, an operaUon tba� some- you .dkI before'pumplnl' air lnto i. de1J th!.s 'paCUon, C\ua: dues have been TIil'ima o..nJels; and a vocal solo b)' divldual t.ranaportatton , an exciting times' became I!IO In'i',,lved, 1Jha� 1Jtth tube waa to plraeb a hnle In It·With a decld� upon to be � centi per Amol(AndeTllOn, p.mble. "I wonder," you'd w' your- ru�g tD and .rro between eranJr:, l�ttaaed on Pace ·f) semester.



. ' J l ID�t t100ring �a�t PubILshed' e\'ery two wteks during the school year

by the ' students 01 Pac1!ic Lutheran COu*. Parkland: Washington

Office; Room 115 Telephone: OArlnd 0571 Subscription Prtce-$l.OO per Year

Entered as second class matter. October 2, 1925. at � PQst Of� at...Parkland. Wash1Dgton.

under Uie Act qf March 3. ·1879.

EDITORIAL STAFF _. EDITOR·IN·CHIEF HI.'Il'n HoHcam" ASSOCIATE EDITOR mllCl Hagerup . FEATURE EDITOR Jean-Marie Fowler SPORTS EDITOR . Bob Martin T¥PISTS Marie Lien. Irene Odell R�PO'TERS-Thelma Daniels. Joruma ManouS' ( os. Norma ?reus. EI\'8 Bergman. Ga.ry Pflu�r. Marga"ret Larson. lone Madsen. Russell Frye. Ro­lJerta Torrlson. Lenore Wlthro...... .


Emmet Thompson CIRCULATION ASSISTANTS . Leonore Withrow

Kathryn Anderso�-( AD �ITO�"" Harry McCormlc�. Edna Kel.

��m� ,

Johnson. Elizabeth FrIIs. Emmet

FACUL� ,;t;VISERS . N. J. Hong. O. J. Stuell


Armistice·! \Ve puuse n. IlIU·IllClit to ask our­sl'h'Cs the signifieance of such u day. Sl'\"ell-

. t{'en years have come and gone since mankind hegun to'pull its(!jf (�lIt of the dUlOS into whkh . it huc! driwll itself. These Sl'venteell years Imve bC'{, II' yea'rs of l.uljust'IJ1('nl and rC'jldj"lIsl­men!. 'nICY ha .... e heell years (If regret and struggle.

\\'hell tht· Al'Illist in' was siglJ('" al \'l'rsl.lillcs 4111 Xo\"ember 1 1 . it hrought Ull {'lid lu olle

war, and the beginning of anolher. 11 �easetl to be a baltic of bloodshed, and it hecanH'" n IlUtile for souls. Mun had to fight for tilt' faith he' had lost. and. for Ihe spirit which Im!1 lieen hroke ll .

Ar:{ lilt: world louks buck 011 thuse glmslly experiences, it sees bo<iit!s hm'rihly iuulil alC'd, hearts turn apart. and suuls murdl'rC'd. Thl'se facts ,·hut llien 'faeed were rcal i ties, nut fnIl­Ucil'S of ,·ision. It took :'\)CII tu fuee them. \Ve pay humage to all Ihosl' who ill t il('Sl' s('n'lIte('n yeJlrs have fought the good fight of faith and helped to build up the . hOpt�s for pC'acc and harmony mllung men .

\\'(! should like to juin Pruf. l\lichel :S. Franck,' t h e Annistke Day Chapel speuker, in h i s plC'a for world peace. \Y{', as YOllng Amer­ica. IIllist educule our generation to reulize the futility of. ·thul thing ('alled wur. lind to work for a peacC' among 'lIIitions which will mean peace at home and in our )lClIrts\

AN EXPRESSION OF THANKS \Vords of sim:(�re gra'liIude Urt· exlended 10

7\lr. Paul A, Preus for his generous gift to Pa" cifie Lutheran \.ollege. '

This large contribution of furniture has

lIludt' it possible 10 rearrange the offices so that all college administrutors will have their offices in the mllin building. This will bri�g the .College President in closer' conlact wilh the students, OCCliUSC in tile past he 'has done most of his work in the privute stud�: of hAS residence,

Also, Mr. Preus' gift brings the question of development clearly to mind. and we feel that we are definitely making progress in that . re· SpCl.'t.

cv Chapel Gleanings r() \Ve' kuO\y the sun will rise again. hecause

(iod said. "Let there be light." It is by God that the Heavens were made. The Lord of Hosts is with tiS; the word of

God is our n;fugc. .

Whcre'"er the Bible has been translated into the language of a pcople� there God has begun· to work.

. .

This year: we look back to the ·year . 153;; whicl� put the Bible into the hands'of men anel /-!8\-"e them Christ.

-�rof. J. P. Pflueger. . People are speaking well of P. L. C.. and .

we must live up to. that reputation, Christianity is �methirig that is r,tal and

·vital. . .

. Lei Christianity be a soothing atmosphere that sQrrollnds you ·and supports you,

· Let people continue to say these�� thin�s . of our college. , I

. �Dr, Tingelstad.


Lighter Than Air


The Orriculas, the F·nmkensteins. !.he Zombes from now on for the seniors a-re BTUEN. GOFF and ECK_ LUND . . . �he�'re .collecting class· ducs . . . It·& getUng so a guy can't C\'en OWl' money 'these days Without b;elng asked for It . . . This year at the q.RO. Ha\lowe'en altair nobody was asked to .take aU her mask ..,,"hen she dldn't ha\"c one to take oU ... . . They havc a nice lot of magazine·covet girls In the club this term' . Beauty is only skln-tleep -(If that·s the case!. Browser should take his girl out and skin her) . . . The French" Club membership list looks like the names of Swedish Immjgrants . . . Not a French hahdle there. except MARGARET DEMERS-:--and she �ay be something else

. . . . -For date?>\who might go Duteb-treat. see ROMOLA RUST. LOUISE HENDRICKSON, and FREDERICKA SCHLANBUSCH . . they're treasurers of their respec· tlve organizations. and could well nftord It . We'lI

'omit BI-WEEKLY BOUQUETS this week, becauSe STAN "fORD. ROY .LUNDQUIST. MABEL HEGGEM. and MARIE JOHNSON don't like compllments . . The roses we had picked tor you wllre lulus. HAVE YOU IIEARD-

Rolf Preus. '35. dldn't get back tor Homecomlng-he's busy up In the Roc�y Mountains �ra�lng II renl he-man heard that flows to his chest . . . The wal;nlng to all !tIrl donners : " Lock your doors at night. lest Pork�' � on the loose" . . . CoopcmUOIl In all school work Is the motto of Knutzenvll1e. II"-VE SO:'1£ POISON-

A throaty three cheers (aud a bench) to DR. LERAAS for taking .. the leap" . . . The cigars haven't reached us yet . . . but. then. every groom thinks he· has the best woman In the world. and then turns around and passes out the worst s:.ogles In the world . . . � luck! from an Innoccnt bystander . . . ED SVINTH told us not to put his name In the column any more . . . See that we don't, Ed . . TOE·NAIL DESCRIPTION; Bucky O'CON. NER�thc banty r:JOst"r. \vho can lick. any two cocks In the barnyard . . . Once upon a time a guy looke.cLat EUGENIA SPENCER and dldn't say: '"['\'1' seen that gal some place before" . . , They got the notice mixed In a town paper. an.d the squlb read: " LOIS MAE FLUTE WILL PLAY THE MORTON" . . . Some of the fellows when gl\1""ng a--report in class look funny. sorta klnda.­Ray Hlnderlle talks lower than low to scare himself lnto believing he Isn't scared; HAL VCYrAW shifts from leg to leg like he's on an open-tleld run; JOHN DREIBEL_ BIS keeps pulling up his trousers like they had come loose from their moorings; and we know a red-headed sissy who always gets a frov In his throat, and for fear of collapsing. never clears It . . . P.B. BOB MARTIN Is now glvlng RU8&- FRYE lessons on the tuba�by ap_ pointment.

. .

IN THE WAY OF CLOSING-A certain blonde In our mldst Is still the object of an

Eastern college 'boy's affliction even tho)Jgh a mountain ra.nge .separates them . . . It·s romance like that that gets us. Gosh heck I . . . With all of Coach OlsOn's dreams ·comIng true, let's hope that one at these nlghta he v!.slons us sitting In class on a hammock. with a sandwich toaster In our ·lap . . . Becau.c;e rain fell on I�t Friday's caravan. couldn·t we caU ll, the Wet Parade? (Or dGo·t you thInk so?) . ' . ' U you ever hear VIR­GINIA DAVIS recite the piece abqut the White Swan, and then don't get a lump In yow: throat, you're .a gorilla with Innards or plglron . . . OPEN LETI'ER; MlI­ton N�vlg. St. Olal College: As last · year's editor at the M.M .. please "advise me. My edItor says I am absent­mInded. and infers that I W85 weaned on thlst·les. I used to tell you to shut off the draft.-:-but It:s ,8 she this yearl�-"

. IN CAS.E THEBE'S RooM- I ,You can kick MR. BARDON In �l1. shins, or make f8Ce5 at hlm�he won't mlnd; but take the hook art the stick which he uses to pull down the maps. and you'll .see an Incarn�t1on ot Buffalo B1.11 over the p�lrle with a bee 'sting . . . We· hear rrom MR. REID aga1n and again: ''I'm oat ea.s11Y affected by trifles. but Just th� same, It burns me up."� And YR. · IJ.AMSTAD: "You can't> take ttl"' And MR. nONO: UVa a 111'1) ''1 iJ.n't got noth!n· ·to say," . Then. from MIt.. "EDWARDS: "We had perfect atteQdance �ay-by the way. were y'oil there?" (It·s not euctlJ ria:bt to .. uSe the profes&Orll' names In' such a Iow-bro"' CO!�but you're' being raked from stem to stem becauae of eum. week; 110 we might as �eU follow:. su1�),

hard to adjust one·s.selC to th'e change. .. Anyway." growing up has Its drawbacks. VOlunr�ers are oomlna now. judging by �me of the alumnl-bless From 'evc'ry 11111 and .dale. 'em' ' . . From f�rest. pia-Ins; along the sea; . If' you can derive any aesthetic salis. They aU are brel\klng trail;

faction from Oertrude Stein's writings. l��e are resolved that poverty If You a're able to unde�nd'some at Wt1d vlce .. s.h� be�n� � _ Heorst:s Idlas on politics.' If It !.s �h.- shOU� our battle cry on high possible tor YOll to squeeze spleen out It sound.!! (rom !>hare to sh�re. o( a brick. you are . then qualified to

. _ .• say t.hat iI.ltelllgerice Is. 'In ' part. ad- we .. henrd the cry of sl:�f'rIJ\g ones, ..

jlL�tlng on{"s self to his em'lr'Onmeht.. In Slough of pcspond caug��: It this Is absolutely true. can we say W{' owe a duty to our race, that some of our alumni friends are TIlls battle must be f.ought; n bit v01d of this gray substance') �� ;:::�Z�

t �� ��;a�


Alter all. you know. they are educat...XI ' . .1.1 ' and thry must be blessed with a 1itil� UIlS(>lflshness In everything. -sense to .comma.nd respomtlble jobs, 'Now sound the stirring caU . even I.hough they can't adjust them. sel\'es to thl'lr environment. o.A Student JI7 rites . . . �����-����� I I'd like to be a. bank IJrcsldent • �. � ::;. Utmo. ng'

. But never an ,,(rIce boy;

.:;:. � ,I'd like to save a million bucks, .- - = �.ooks But spending a dlme's a joy . .

I.·d like to write a lovely book. But writing a page Is a. bore;

For a stoTY;;' f' gripping Interest. Mar. I'd llke' to. get all A's In school. gatel Ayer B 1'5-' " Wlthln This Pres- �ut that takes hours more. _ eill'" IS It tudr. of modern America I d really like to.get ahead. that . hOldSVlhe rm,der trom start to But a. step at a time is: .slow; .

flnlsh. /Be1ilflnlng pstcnslbly with 1914. It Is v':l.talnIY true. tha� I'd like to

it ne\·erthelesl\. CRrrleL.Ol)C back as far ani . as th�, �IVII wlh- and the great Chicago But thl'�e

, is .only aile road to go.

fire through means of personal family And I don t care for Its ups and downs. remlhl.scence. b[lnglng alit the great One must drive W.lth �utlon and. care national spirit that was the shining So I guess I'll not lnconvenlence myself Illeal toward which the pioneers kept And just not go anywhere. their taces turned. By a gradUAl pro-cess of biography. It shows a weaken- No� this really. Isn't my moHo, Illg. a crumbling of that spirit that. I hope you �derstand, was' the foundation for the nation we For I like 8 road that Is full of thrills. :\Te today. The events th,at are woven And requires a lIteady hand. around the .Sewall family are the events But how true I.t Is. that we tancy our-that have made history during and selves since the World War. The theme ot At the head of Important things, the �k Is Marcus AureilUS' "Re- Yet avoid the eftort that puts u.s there member that mon'S life lJes alt within And the Joy th·�t real work brlnp. this preset;lt; as for the rest. the past -Evelyn Syverson. Is gone, the future yat. unseen:' It Is I i';;::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=.j '��I��ra��


y f�O�hg��

h�n:u���� I STE.WART'S 1

became excited about, !Ji the t�entleth Orthopedic Shoe Store century. It Is an lncredulous memory 154 St. H,I".' Av,. ��

l h=


I:!�o;r:!��,we h�ve , TACOMA. WASH.

Ini a smll;lI way It b concerned with I the history of this family. enlarges Window. Pane Check to contain th� hbtory of Chicago, ot Coat Sweater ��


n��l�:h::�:�h�! ��:� $4.95

War. the eVen more fooUsh J)C(lple re- . . "KLOPFENSTEIN'S 'sponslble tor the great· econOmlc de- f!i . 935-3"7 I"*,w.ll, .� pression rrom which we are emerrtng, iii'" ....... ""." ..... """"", .. " .... " .......... "'." .. ; .... ,, .. Is Its sad. often disheartening, tale=- � . DRAKE'S ��:e



a :!�f; ::tl:� a

:l�: I � HaircuH;n, Shop desires; a mad raoe for mone.y which � Ope .. W .... _o. ... had no meanlng·and no use for them': i One Mile South of Pirkl.nd on an age or acquisition. . Mountlin ·Hiahw.llY .

o/�S:::�:� ���:l� '�=�: '::::="'il:;OO;;;:;;%:;:o:;V;:;.�I;::'u::::.�. ==� note· of a new e�· ot hope that holds mm- . ®) a limitless promIse for the futare it j 1 ; " I I · the people are only' big enoua:� to ful- � IDIII" ;'UlljI fill It. . . �


I no . .... So . ..... C ... Be Obt.ined .t . A. LEWIS .

. Main Floor Cryst�1 Palace M.arket . . Broadw., 4261

.. 1 1 36 BROADWAY



, \ , ,


GI�diatoi's Upset WI.. .... ....... Gladiators Battle Girl. Begii, S" ,a,oll p, t:�ndsSeason Bellingham Normal Linfield to 0"0 Tie Of Cap lain Bull Gam.'. With Albany Game

By SCQr,e _ of ,6 .. 0 Cnplaln DIll season opened Monda)"

BFfWEEN Lutheran Forward \\'all Holds NO\'('mtK-r .4. when tI� iU)t-",.1 IU"U- Coach Olson's Gridslers Out to Hal Votaw Runs 67 l'ardQ to THE Hea,-ier �VHdcat$ S('�r,eless- . h1itj SCh�1 squad M�l"�led t�t\ .nl:f5l. Close SUCCHA(�I Year by

Break up ThrillinJlt Game F'ighllnl \'I\ II�IR1�t " heavy )'ear·l\�ml"lIte.! b)' 8J�� of �-8. 'Th� 'Vin at. P�rtlftnd -For Luthetan Vic.��� -'GOAL P.OSTS :I��df�:�h��·



si�:t{\: �; �:� r:�: nOI::�l



U���� �clfle �Ulhl"nm COllege's'lul tra,'el-

ml�/;;Id�:tl p���;:'te�:l ���


. ( 'blg Linfield 'COllege �k,-en.)o-ll"adl'f'll tetllll th� artl'l'Il�n at· 4 o'clock. '. :'t:�:rt�=��u�O:�nW�: u: :I:�

\"lct�r)· o,·t'r Belllngham·s highl�', touted PIl('.mc Lu�hl'nUl"S well K.uMdt'd goal-:�r���f;

o�.:�� ':::;:. 0:, :�'i:� On Monda�·. �O\.eOlber Is,C\.he �- 0\·1"[ Alban}' Colll'� of Po.rtland wht.n

ell'\l"n last Ftiday nisht. BI"I�g doped line tias remllln�_ untouched in tht II. 0_0 tie and a �;::a��lcloryr:s . ond yl'ltr nOfU-tRI team wtll play the they. met't FrldRY artl'rnoon In . . the • 10 � by LhN'fe or four t.uchoo1!."Tls la�t two gameS against Bellinghfim _ . liberal art.<;-hlgh.lIChool squad. nil: � ClIy d�d'. n ':lher �hl" Gladlatof!';. 9o'ho playl'd Normal, and Linfield. To date, PL.C .• c:��e�:�� f��:'1�

e� :1:;'�I���f�����; compl�\(' 'SChedule "of �e 'gantt'S IJI pod_ . \�Ile the-Oladlll.tor:1 at"!" . doped to

�e:I:I,er �lld


l��:ll ��el;'C:':re ��e CRn bout the re'Yark�ble record , of gllme . und "'�Ite<1 for t.h� �reflks. Late ('0 011 tht' bulietin board In the main �:::u:h:1I K;:';:u�:�h a��:�&t.'<>a.�en�

call .. 'IC! of many fumbles on both sides, �"en �Int$ In six gaml'� ,,:n a,·ersge In thll flnt Quarter Fr);I" . . P. L. C. �IAI\, tal and Il\lysJcal let dolll'n which might HOIII·r\·er. the game wa..s full of thrills of a little O\'er one point. a game. 5ucl;l l"Cnf-t'!. �\'ered R �Infleld fumblt' �n te�1ll plA)"l"rs ·, .. eft' chOllt'n ,by collie 1\., R .re5Un of thdr last. t.w'o for the re�' half-frozen �P£'Ctators. �w�rful teams as Fort Le""1s. Mon- th(' .�.Ir an� carried· It. to l�� ··WlId- M!'llIiger lone MRdsen �nd Coach A�ah toug-ti gru:'\es 1II'llh Bellingham and LIn-The Vlklt'lgl'.., carr)'lng a considerable mouth. Bellingham. and Linfield were �ats 1.6-}.ard line. , .HO�!!\er. , thl" Dapper lIS follo",'s : tint year nomla!: field ··The "Albany ·club! Rre ,wme-

I'dge In the Il·elghl.'i. I>rescnted a nash�' A . Glads could not cfl.Pltallze 0 1 lhe b.reak D�Atrlce Slddt't'S. Esther Norgaard. Hel- thing ot all un\tnowl\ 'Quantlt� In re­rUllnl!lg attack. bul mad!' most of unable to .'\core agai�'it thl" Gladl. lot'S. !\nd �'I!'ldt"d ·the bRlI}o t.he Oregonians en Stark. MelbA Ftnne)'. Alice Cook, gardA '0 football itt"!"nil.h. and as such lhrlr gains in mid-field . . Their one V('rlly. It hM been ·snld that a Ught who kicked �ut of dangtr. • Enid Blake. 5),1\'la Miller. Norma are not to be laken too lI,htly," .Co,"ch . I{oldrll touchdowll opportunity ii,as cut dcfenSl' is a v!!ry good offenSe. OUTing the re.�l\Inder of .the contest Preu.'l:· Margaret Meh·er, Wtn- Olson stal('d. Ho:we\'�r, compara.1lve �OI·t by Ille hlllf·Ume gun as the ball • I_I tile Luth('rans were forced to devote bC.rQ:: 1$CC\)lld · )'CRr normal: Thelma scores gt�' .. p, L. C. the advantq:e. lay on the P.L.C. rOUr-SaM slr�pe. In caSl' ,.ou are int.etested, heft' Is l,htlr ('(forts to turning bac� the of- Nt"S. Hazel Hl\gerup. Ht'lell · Scott. Monmouth beat Albany by two .touch- .

In Ih(' first pia), of the rourth Quar- how a .JX'rrect touchdown play ",,·orks. femh·e drh't'S of the Linfield Club led Wadellt Calavan. Judy Bt'nson. Irene oOIll'ns�hlle Pacific Lutheran defeated t"T. HRI Votaw. s�dy Gladlatol\ back. u.'Iing as an eltample Hal Votaw·s Ift'at by Ted(ller. 220 pound f�lIback. and pdell. Els.le Barrett, Helen Holtcamp. thl! Monmouth e!e\'en by a 14-0 soore.

� ball on his own 33-i·ard line-. "67,)'a�d nm agalrut Be-lIIngham. Start- �:uchelor. tal.conference "jQuartl"tback. Eona Tobiason. ·LoulS(' Hendrte�n: Till.' Glad mentor l\'l\l take a trQvl"Jing and. Alord by .-"plendld Infi'Trcrel'(e�, iW""1'i1rtnn.te- H�ol\o. � Int�- In ('8ch .\ns anec. however. the fighting third )'enr· normal: Evelyn MOll$On, �ql.lUd of 22 mcn and Ilrobnbly will



fO;a� :�I;;


so�����:� :��wa:II:=���� �n�



t:� ���Y�:jl)���;e!::�e J::�� ku\·e l'l�r.'\(11IY lloon.

1011'. the ('nd down.:: O<>lng Into the Viking thr air ard on ·the lround SOli Enid Hu�n Ne\R Olson, Thelma Prom \.hen on Ihe Lutherans chreked !'('{'ondary. P.L.C:s two guard� took III the fourth Quarter Linfield tried Danl('ls Gertrude Stenberg high r--------

" I'rrY d(,.'Iperate Viking threat. Trying the defen�\'e fullback. Votaw thrn a field loal from the Lutheran 21-�ard �hool-llbef1ll art.<; Ruth Sollle Ovldla . "'


Ii:'lntly for a score. the Vikings rid- followed LUd,I09o' unU) ··Pug·· blockNt line_but It tell short.. To"ards the end HnulLl' Eug('nla Spencer, Il'Cne Mykle- MORE AND. MORE,

dl('(\ the air with passcs. but their the halfbAck Hai. was th('n \\lone but of Ul(' game the Lllth('ran linemen �el'C bust Hrd\lg On�le· June Michelson Folks Are Com In, to the pucher:> didn·t throw mn.n�· strikes. the w('lI on his way with olll�' the satety b.rcaklng them and smeartng the Lin- COnnie CI�mb. FrederiCk

, a 5chlanbu,sch, I PEOPLES STORE

Lulhf'rans batting down. 25 out of 31 m£IO' in · his way. The little speedster twld ba�ks for huge I�s, .and Virginia Davis. Virginia Smith. aprlal thrust.'i. '

cle\'etly outfeinte-d him and outraced throughout the game the lighter Glad- · -----:-____ � __ _ The Luth('ran line charged well and him to thM la...'11 white marker. I�tor fOrVo·nrd 1\.;\1\ outcharged the LlIl_ r.8� ,

p!a�·e<1 with InsPi;!J.Uon at tlm(,5. �'hlle \_1 fIeld club, ; th .. backfield played hends_up ball. Once a(rll.ln comes the time of the I LIEN t;, SELVIC knocking down l>asses and backing up ':'Ill when we h"ar rumors of I!- po.ssIble "T. A. A. Swi�1I Party· Prescription Druu·ist.s tilt line In cl'Cdltable fashion. Hal game with that high and mfghty team __ . Direct Importers of tne Finest Votal\' was. the big noise in the Park- from the- .. ·other �de of the tracks:' W.A.A. m�mbers hl!ld thel� regular' �.:��, I Norwegi ... n Cod Liver Oil



t�\.i';:�!: ��er::thm����

trs a:f

m�:: :�:

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. a��::r;!1 �:�I

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� I i (OMPANVI �or. ��!..aMdAinac7o;J� I've.

, FaT BelllnJtha".'. Tarte was oULstalld: espreSSl'd II wll\ingneM to pay their be hrld Decf' ber 6. at t.he Y.M..C.A. �:;kt;:��g o���:n �� ::;:h:.

lde��r�:�' ���:�dm


iMiO\l to get. a chance to play :�l :nc;':I\�air�







� ga,·r a fine exhibition of b:'lJl packing 1--1 fflnJtelllen ,......--,,\ �resh Fruits a"nd Vegetables l BROOKDALE for the losers. . Our Idea of IntimldaJ,ion was Ed TIl('- glrls\are Pfi..nnlllg to close cap- NO SALES TAX ; COlF COURSE l'a�


u��theran &lUnjtham �:::�




ma�: �I�; ���

n �a�1 ����:I� ��: �=: 330S Soulh "G" St . ··The Public Covrse with the ·

N. Fn'e . RE .Smlth Brlllngham gBme. Surrounded by R players. . ........................ "......... .." ................. 6\ �ovntry Club Atmosphere"

Svln\.h RT Frender scort of grim looking footballers. the If 8 Miles South on Mountain Anderson . . RG Tellln reluctance of the BelJlngham roott'r Wrecker Service Highway R. F'r}'(' .. . C Tomco "'M !';JX'edlly o'·ercome. The boys could Day �nd Nite 1 mile East on Capps . .LG Whalen lX'rhaPs hire themSl'lves out as a col- LAUNDRY AND

. BOYNTON'S SERVICE Clover Creek Road Anenson LT Tooley 1('Ct\01l Rgrncy. CLEAN INC SERV·ICE , �. 0145RI Nltsen . .LE . .Alpaugh I-I ... At Extremely Low Prices . CAS REPAIRINC OIL I GArland 0 1 92J 1 SOIlf> . Q Nagrodskl The leather medal all'ard goes to our _________ ' __ Votaw .I:.H Guglomo plucky CO-CaptB1n Buck�' O'Conner. AL ARNE Ludlow ...... .F Tarte his shoulderbladl.' In the Un field game. THE BUC V':;j O'Conner RH Dzurlck who Is w('aring n brace where he broke School Represe'\'.'I" Ve r Substitutions: Pacific Lutheran - It was he who saved the day tor the TACOMA'S LAUNDRY Noonday Luncheon . �� Martin, Grenier. Moe: BeJllngham,- Alma Mat('r by taking the ball I1I\'a)' SERVICE .


:'� Olm.�tead. K\·lnsland. · Holuheimer. from tht Linfield mall who had Pantorium Cleane� � WITH A SMILE POI>o\'lck. Verner. Gall. MilleT', Bogges..�. caught a pass on our 15-yard line. Kruge-r, Charvot. Rice. O\'enell. . Bucky·· has shown the old "never sa), I ����������� t"----------t � 11 P·'�::k��dM�::h�:�'� Co, T ::: ':::n:�:o���, ":' ::'�wt:: DR I

D�' �:��8�:�nsTs- I' j PA������e �!��CE

SPA-L!>DING' Expert Photo Finishing. PkotQ I last. Issue-·s medal to Lawrence Grenier

Dependable �reasir>g

Supplies, P�r!.i:;d Covrteous

" tor his ",,'ork In t.he Bellingham game. 1 1 32lfz Pacific Ave. TaCOt\"la GENERAL REPAIR ··Larry" went Into that game with two I �;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� BasketbaU' ;:::=========:;1 crscl:ed ribs and his whole side taped [- : m S pl' , " 1 to gh·e them support. While hand I- DAHL CROCERY CO. Up leS

KERSCHBAUM capped by this and �rerlng much PETERSON STUDIO 11 SUITS A N D OVERCOATS pal'.!. the courageous "Glad" played an See tf\e New No. 55 Shoe FOI'" ute exclusively at Inspired game and in turn inspired his Mem,be'r United Purity Stores Portraits by Photography letland '" Pala,ruti . team-mates to rise to victory. GAr 3SI SR5 Pa,kland Ernest Peterson

light , Fast and Durable 9'2 ,,,ifi, A", ! �, , , lfIASHINGTON

ASK ABOUT OUR ' d C r Microscope Headquarters 'I MAin 9237

I �:�i::u�i::irnc�_��ty- E�stman Kodak Stores St. Helens at 9th St. ar . ware o. i � ' Inc. STUDENT SPECIALS, T,,�.,,'M 924 Pacific Ave, 910 Broadw .. y MAin .4SI O . � .' I�=========�::=========! 403 I I th St . Tacoma Wuh M I . , 1 [ TACOMA·S LARCEST Portrait Artist ! TSHUNKO'S Home.Fu,ni',hinp St... HENRI JACOBS I HOU$I OF FLOWE ..

BROOKDALE CROCERY AND MEAT CO. PHONES: GArland OIOlJ4-GAil .. nd 0193R3 Croceri". Flour. Hay. Crain. Feed, etc. l TKc:.�,=,:'��� s.... 3.c6.(?:nJ/!!! .. 4.i: Winthoop Hotel Bldg.

I s p� A., .. 50,h GM OSl 4 , r,;. , .. " .. , .. ,.".", .. ,""" ...... " ......... M • ..;;;... ....... "" ..... ,I:."';, =

"=-n=u' =,.n=e=En=,=,=.=Ye=d='

=�'" I'"�::;;::::S;;TR;;E;;N:C:TH:::-::C:H;;;A;;;R;;;A�C;T;ER;;;-;;;;;;;SE;R;;;V;IC;E;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� ..

f �� 1 ..... When 'you buy your life insu,ance







LS I ..

I �! s::;�;t':I�� ����:���¥���i����:�l:; : HAROLD C. HOEl, Se .. ttle, Wlshington Represent!n.

, i' . AlIst,um P,intin, CO. I Rust Building I Prblting Co. ' ,Lutheran Brotherhood , , ;- MAin 4493 - LEGAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE I 940 Commerce MAl" 6768 , I

i 1012 A St. Tacom.. 60S Secohcl Ave. S.

'Hermln L. Ekern, Pres. , •• M ........... " ... , ........... " ............. , ........ --.... -:�· .... --,......-----:--'" Min�upolis, Minn.

'�l'OORC . t .

Franck Addresses " .- PACIP'lC L�N . COLLEOE" .P�ND. WA8HiNo� NOVEMBFJt, 1:S. 1935

Ho.m�qnling Activities . MOTORING � M",,�elin io Speak German Club Meet

alu".,.i 'lJOtfl6 At neighl on Salurll.ay· AI French Cluh �"'cI

Word has oom� from 8t. Olaf Col-.contln� From h{e II

-- . lege in ' Nort!1tle!d. Mlnnt'&ltl!.. , thAt -Aruma! Home-com!ng acth'ltle�' were . Mrs. Alllele Mf'saelln, lrutructor tn

P. L., C: Delegate,s Are Gu�t.s at Mlllon Hl'sv!g. '35. Is onE' or the as- opnit'd Frida)' : t,,:enlng by R bIg p(" t.lrt' Iron. ,'!'de. lolna up ltet'p hll.1.8 Ilmguai/es ."t Llncoln Hlah 8ehool. wIU

University Club Banquet roci8te ed!wl'5 of -"The ManItou Me5- . - . P ror anothfr· ulUnpic. The gas de- addmM the FTench Club at 113 regular

. . ��er

." the school paper. ' Last rear ra1,1), in \'II'\\" ot �e Salurd,flY game with 1IV:f'� 'down to the, catbW'eter by m�tlng on W�nesday evenLnr, No",,'·

Pror. Michel· N. Franck addl't'$!Sed.t.he Milton �'as editor of the Moortng Mast . .L\I.,n�ld. Oregon. A parade .. cONist· gf!.l\'lty �uld comply with the l.w and ember 20. fit seven o·dock. Other' num·

'::.ennan ClUb.

T'ue!day e\,enlng. No\'. �.ten Elia$O

.n. '35. has ga!ned .

. en�f!.I'flce I


ng of a�ut 4() ea� Inclu,dlng the'pcop refu5e t


"o run "llp .. �rd, .80 _that. It. \\'&31"''' ""

. �uled 'tor the progTam are a

{'lJ1ber 12. on VOtll.rt. an'" the ChRrm mlo the � I>eCtion of the famed st.. band Jlnd, yell lea.�e� left the college -often n�ry to dr�\'e . uphlU back· \'ocal !IOlo. b}' Mr, Keith Reid. who ��1l1

of �al7.bUrg, .. He gt"'e a blogT1l.phy or Olaf choir! flbout 8 o·c.IOC);, �t dO'lll'n Pl\rk A\'e�ue _W1\� a IIH� �,�e":' ma..tll.. you Alng "Elell''' by MeMeTll!'t. and 1)11\(10. the life. eS]X'(:lally th(' carCf'r of Wolf. Margaret' essan '34 edltor of the ' iat('.for parties � �",rn..!J. . sel('Ctions by Elleel1 Kent. .

gang AmRndeus Mozart. flnd gR\'C ml\ny 1,933-34 BRgR. 'Is rt�lllhing her courl;e I' lIl

lto South Tacom� and over to Mc. .A-<; for the RCtuRl, rldlo8" quAllf.ies of �

tl\t('restlng remar�<; about Mm:art:� Pot t.tlC .Unh'erslty of 'Washington this K nle)" -H�I� From V"\ere the procca. the CR�. thlll bustnt'M ot. trf�k �prlng

f'\.1tronl'ze Our A·dvertl·sers .. blrthpl�ce. SRI:r:burg. Rnd 1\..\ people, quarter. preparatory to (!lterlng a slon ""ent �the ROxy Square ' do'ilo'll mount1ng�. p�tent shock-absorber&, amJ. Yu

In contrasting the life of that Hun_ nurse'$ training :achool. �r I;lorother. town . . Ilo·here college yells and sOngs \'Ibrationl� motors �as 8Ome.thl�g for

gRrlRn city �'IUI AmerlcRn life he said. U-onard, al$O 'of '34. Is employed. In �l're gl\'en. thl' future. when rn!,n would become Bifore g�lng to town I'flad thl':o;

"They have a dlffl'rent conception of Taroml' l\S 'a'n, Rudltor In the A!a.�kR Oil" �aturda):. the, feature �[ th� R(. �rt and �pongy Rnd .u..�leM. In the column. The following flmtS arl'

""hRt life 1:0; than _ v.'e do. For them. Steamship 'Company: . Il'rnoon Ilo'M the. homCC?mlng game old Ford you, Jolted and .bo'unc:M Ilnd t�ll'�ds iUld adverUsers 1(1 the ¥oor-beRuty Is lif�. They lack t.h.e, p.lonccr WI!!lr.m ZIl'r. ':}4. Is �'orking in R ,"".Ith Linfield whlc.h ended In a s,core. :!hook and ,�ild arounclt;ln �\(Iur .. .5l'at. ' Ing MMt:

spirit of America. To rectlfy the lumbl'r camp at Snoqualmie. WASh. le1lll tie. In the eve.nlng, the DrRma and clung determinedly. and of net',"

enlflty to Mozart during hl�' life. the ington. ' . . �11l� pre.'Jen.led �""o comedies. entitled essity to the .stCf'rln.g w�eel which �I. �lI�trum' Printing CO.

clt�· or SlIlzburg ha.<; Rl; a memorial to l . .Gawky. Twelve. and·. Freckled." dl. brated .so much It made your hands Bohnadehi Beauty Shop

him en'rythlng from eaThedral chimes I HllrRld .. JOhnson. who grr.duated from rected by, E\'elyn Ecklund. Rnd "Pin a Itch. You were Rlso ca�eful to . keep Boynton's ORrage to hot dog�."

' I thp High SchOOl . Depllrtment In I9lO, Pjn on Me," und('r'the directlon . of rour tonglle from getting betw�n your Brookd�le. Oolf Codrl!e'

Professor Frllnf.k has- had an l'xceli- �/�:��IY:��.s:�eJ��f�:



e:: �lIno . Bena;on. 'Interml1lllion num�rs tl'�th. Your muscles nexed .and �- Brookdale Oroeery 'CO

pnt ,opportunity to ob..o;erve th I!f I . . P ) Included a saxophonc ,solo by Kenneth ' Iaxed with thP bumps. and �'hen )"0)J Brookdale Lumber CO.

tht'; cl(\', ha\'ln" \'I.�lted �\'� !;.\c\ltn, HRr�ld r('Cch'ed Ms B. A. de- AnensOn. acOOmpR�led by Marvin Je�- I'('Rcht'd YOUT destination you felt .a.<; Brown &. Haley Clmdy Co.

eral tI�es. � I"( � ': from the Unl\'erslty of .North son: a marlmbaphone solo 9Y }Vadc'le though you had h,ad a workout.. wh1'eh The Bugaboo

Otht'r numlx'r� on 'tht' prQg�m In-D oUt.

. --' Cata_\'RI!... acoo"Y'� ��e Odell: .yoU hRd. TRlk about physical train· Conn..d·s ShOPpe

eluded R piRno soio by lone Madsen F:dna Dagsland, 30, I� t�a.chlng, In l "ld vocal �I{'ctlims by the itrI'Strro. .'ngl "Your: teet I\'�re Lire<! from Jam· Craig Furniture Co.

find R \'ocRI s{'lectioil by .... mold An- �he Kl's.�ll'r School. Rt Lon8v1t'1\'. WRS�� I Aida' Johnson. Irene Qdt'li. Rnd MlI· mlng. pedals. your arm's I\'ere tlreif trom . I)eluxe San wlcn�1!ttop- --_

dt'r.;on ; : mgton . . ' dred MO,nson, a�Ompanled by Ednll ste�rlng. and you were 'pred all over Dl\hl Orocery Co. Arthur O)�n, '30. who ""a.<; grRd- Tobla..<;on. from slamming the dobrs. not once Dollar Studio

lI;t";;'�I:,:rl\'iU\tlon of Professor Ri<;h: I Ullted (rom the . Ll,Ithl't: Theol9iICRI '. Immediately fOllowtng thi.- plays. but,elght times, w�ene\'er a passenger Drl\"t�-IA.Market

1 .�tl\nt G('rman I�struc. Seminary In St .. Paul last spring. was gu('�ts enjoyed games 'and t('freshments got In or out.. R!1d If you had . been D!llke;s HRlrcuttlng Shop for At the Unh·ers1t�· of Washlngkm. ordained Rnd illStal1('(1 In the pastoraLe at a student. mixer sponsored by the so unfortunale a.<;' to �et caught lri ii. ERslman Kodak Stores who spoke here recently. several mem- Ilt Almlville. B. C .. last iUi}·. • boRrd of control. rRln�torm and had been fdh:ed to ra.lse J. 0: Edwards beT:< of the PL.C, German Clu� at· Pnulille LRr.;on 30 Is lIurslng In and flv.,lh·(' Impos..';lble Jigsaw sl,de cur- Or{,(,11 At-res :.:


e� .� banquet gh·en .. b}· the Unl_ the Long\Il'';!; Cit} Hospital "'hlle hf'r r--- - tRln�. you were In R fine condition Hy Mandles

. . t� Deutsche Vlre�n At thl', unt •. si�t('r S}hlfl 28 LS a nur&- In the I' You Are Most Likely to rt'ady to fight anybody. Hartsook's

��:!� ���:I:�' ��������t���A� �

t�;�dren s OrthoPf>dic Hospital In Se· find It at � ::L

g:���. :�� th� :; :;e:I\'��� lil'nry Jacobs

Grlbboh .... m. and Ferdinand Bondy were WI1 OBri 34 I Rhodes Brothers dUng a switch. spins , smoothly to his ����:n�::a



the gtle!<t.�. Harry Grlbbohm. president Beut ;n� s1 on�OIl

' s .atte�.dlng thl.' dt'stinallon. Rnd geU; out Just as fresh Klmball's the IocR I Germlln Club, brought C ill ness ege III Tacoma __ B.,� he go� Il1to the car. The doors lock greetings 1n the German language. Walter Wright . . of Berkeley. Calif· 1,iI" ......... ...................... . .................. 1iI Ilutomlltlcally. the glass Is unbreakable. Klopfensl£otn's

This Is the first or a series of exchllnge orn.ln. �'ho attended p, L. C, from '30 I � 1 and unless he �1lS his keys he gC?£'s Augusb Lewis

���::' 1::\'::::: ::,:\:::':�:: ::�\�Z���c:�;���:i;£I�:: rt- �. Q�7i!�\�o�r���ZR


���:.:� . . �,��:��.:::: . . �.�.:��I���.! .. � .. � ��:�;'��:lh"hoOO

nes.� Ine{'ting� P:L.C. German Club ern Poetry," in. Which he. Is deeply In.IY

I �2 So. I 1 In SI Tacoma C. O. Lynn Co




::�:�� �;r :

o��� :�� 1 1 .. ::: .... · .......... · ...... · .. · .. · ......... .... .......... .... , � S;�a��ty


a;��:�:t7 �:��;�g��n� Oyster Co,

presented sometime In the ncar future. which hl' compo.o;ed. .�\- M dl McElwa4n's

The 'ca..�t has flot yet been chosen, Word hRs come from MeUflkatl;. i \ an QS Inc 5233 5;0. Tacoma Way


��d::e ���:rHu::n r.�o ����: I 1/,(" • \ton> ;n, _ \(1'11 fi!:''' .............................. ... " ................ , ....... ::::.; PArkland , Barber Shop




".and I Produced

P L C dunng the 1933-:l4 }e8rl lire I Q4S Pwiflr ' .... · T .... "'_·".... Parkland OarRge

recchlng cOllgratulaLions on the birth r- I : Buy, a Mountain Bar at the Parkland Me.rcantlle

of a son v.hich ,;!; BS born Septembf'r 30 I � BUCABOO People's Stqre

th:��\\�,.':"" ,

m"'o,"'W' •• h35,n��n

Rtwndtng SER���L���i.ON ' ! Weslern Made by �:�I�

n��:�I�i: Co .

•. , � " "'.... comPle


te,.9 reaSinl SOC', 1 L.

BROWN & HALEY Reed's Foods Frl<nk Elliot. '34. Is employed In Ya· I M H " �,._" '_''''_''' '_''''_''''_'''_''''_''''_'''_'''':''\''''''''''''''''';''' '';'' ...

;,. .. ..

::,;; .. !!i Rhodes Brothers

klma Hardware Co. I on oOnla,n 'gnway I � South Tacoma Bakl'ry Gladys Jorgenson. '30. Is teaching a.t +.---"7"------ Schoenfeld's



��\�S��� yoet rthe

Sh�a.:�a..�s��:= ,I

, II"fJJ" ..... �-".> �. .



Smith & Oregory

" The Statloner's Inc.

e . 940 Comm,R,



.C,'.', Stanley Bell PrlnUng Co.

Oeorgl' Lane. '30. Is studying SOciRI I '_s-. - Stew�Tt'S Orthopedic Shr>e Store r��;��e at Columbia University. New

Th' D


I r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�':� �=:: �:���o�o,

Parkland Barber Shop I e ollar Studio Creenacres Tachunko's

Patroniu Union Barbe, Shops. : .��v:'��OfI�ti:Iii-:!·' USED CARS WashlnglQn Hardware

C AN' D PAR' West Coost Grocery CO. G. P. KNUDTSON. P'op. II entral Bldg. 931 � Broadway . ' TS , Tacoma, Wasnlngton

, . Wllllam's' Scrvfce Station

@i Parkland. Wash. � t;========== . . =M:


:. :H:



'Y="':''='P:'":'w:':Y:::I I •• �



. _w_\""_n_._"'_n_U,-'t __ �_""

@ ···��,�,:::�:i�ii���:·.·�"�···� ' y:�Eg::S;tF:�:. 1 � coW����PE

� .":�!��������;:""'"� +::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 Specializing in Hot Soup : :

Al l Lines of. Beauty Work � !'! and �,,�.i.���:.� .. �.I.��; .................... ��:� ... �.?�.� .. � . Johnson _ " Permanent Waves ' PIANO STUDIO .............................. ".".""'''''''', ... " .• " ..• "."''''!I

Evenings (by app·t.) Joseph O. Edwards _ Home:Made Pies Brookdale Lumber CO.

COX Creeti" .. Cards for All Call College for Sat. Appointments MRS F W CONRAD at Brookdale on Mountain

Occasions . . . Highway

1 306 Fidelity Bldg. , Brook��le, Washinglon GArlanc;i 381 1 1'5 ....... ,.; &======�=,il11 i-_______ -'-.I C I .... ----....:.----�I De Luxe Sandwich Shop r---=-----�-�=========::::!· i!i

. om pan Y ,,,,,i,ll,,., 'n G,o""d Roond St", Olympic ., ��"�'l';�,�' .';�dM;�;:d KIMBALL'S

I!I, ....................... " ................ , ... , ....... .

726 Pacific Avenue Phone BRoadwar 2.238 Jumbo I·�. Cr .. m

, S

andwich Milk Shaku . Latest styles in Ski· Equipment and All WoofSweate'rs

756 St. Helens Tacoma Just the kind you want . You're Welc�';'e 'it KIMBALL'S, 1015" Pacif!c �e • .

JnstrUlTtents and Accessories : !:i! ............. " .. , ................................................ . 5c _ .TACOMA MUSIC- CO, � �.' R' ENT ' or 'BUY Ref ...... V .. tMJf .t 'W' George Greenwood--Clau of '24 � . 'OLYMPIC ICE CREAM BAR 917 Commerce MA. 0822 . :

K.M-', .t P.rt.: Aft. ' . , !

..... ; .................. " ........ :;;;;;;;';; ....... : .... _ ............ ;:-.

. AMOC:�t::V� 11ill; 'M:" TY:�� ", � ! ,----------.............. :,..;.:..:.....�------'-.'-- . \ ."'-'"'-""""""""" .. " .. """""'""""".,,.,,"''',, .. " ",', .. .. .. """" .. "'"'''' """""'''":,,'''''''''',, ...


. \

�lny. Thnnbgj,ving- Day nO R1 .... d And 'Happy

Boys LaY'Plans For AII-Sclrool Social In Honor of Girls

Party Is 'Scheduled F�� 'Decem. . ber 14; Dreibelbis Is


chairman, the men df the corieae are


' .

AU ... nd Stanwopd Choi,: 'Concert Su�dl\)'


N..., Od.n wui ROpr ... "' . P. L. C. At ConvenUo,," Friday, ·Sata. -:day

. Pactne Lutlleran COllep �t

_. __ . ���:��::�f:�:eor� .r=.i-;�;;;


:"" ,

I : " I I I �

defeated them � \he Llnn�'ld tfcket selllna contest. .

InvltaUon� made b� John Dreibelbis, will be iMt(ed P':1day. December 8. They are mad'e on gray �apfi. wl� :the "'ork done III r� lnlt. The. foot.ball mot.1f will be carried out In an decora· tlons. which I\� being planned by Ern­est Johnson. 'Paul �, and Harry Orlbbohm.


The' tntert.ainme� plans �� not complete ytt. but Ted Herreid and hl.II :��e;: KV::�In::!=: g�d;:

POt' the pUrpQ6l'! of colleCting tund6 to --Jinan� the party. the gtiteral chair- "\ NeXt. Slln�ay tvening '' ''gn, o·""",� man has appointed Verntr Bitter to the Choir from Our represent the Day boys. arid Jasper Church In Stanwood. will Johnson to tAke charge of Do"!! Union concert at. tht Trinity

"Tb� . Christl,.n- Faith" ·baa been ch� for the Convention theme. P'r1. day eve�lng at. 5:30 o'clock, the dele­iates wll1 'assembl� ,,1. the Unit.ed l.ouU'l­ernn Church Cor dinner. regtstraUon. and -11 gen�ral mixer. A Cull day of . �Ions Is planned Cor Saturday. Rev. Harry Lundblad. wUl lead the opening devotion. and Mr. Arthur Johnson. president. will give the In�roductlon td the general topic. Rev. O. A. Bremer wOl speak on "The Christian P'Rit.h. what is It?" Rev. A. M. Knl!d&en haa the topic "The Chr1l;Ui\n Faith: how to

IL" After " tour of the UniVersity

-a';1i;.rthe;:;;;B:;:;;-ih.;;t;;.id-'- r ::p;:� .a banquet will be given at 11:30 U'�UUII�.:.. as a final feature ot the convention.

;Ii,eln<l(flel Plan� Annual Last )'e�r this convention was held. In .

J. +- &atUe; Rnd ROland ,swanson and MII-• On S�day evening, December 8, ton N"u\'lg were the P. L. C. delegates.

Redeco���:�Ylses I'!lght o·clOCk. the' Lutheran Brother-

collrcUons. In Parkland. Rev, S. J. N.

__ . hood of Trinity Lutheran Church wUll . . direction -of Joanna Ma- sponliOr Jts annual P'Rther and Boa. Drama �ight Scheduled

, . chairm,im. -a .complete "remodel- BanQuet In the church parlor&. I • For fSr..iday, December 13 Ins of the girls' day room hu �Il "We urge "I] men In !.he... community ' . __ .

Lehmann-Black Marriage S"lemnized Wednesday

planned �y the D. R. Q. Wadenl'! Cal- to attend, even It they mUllt borrow a The Drama Club will pre�nt 1t3 an­"VRn. Novell Nagel. Vema Teglund. �d father or son. We promise a gQed pro- .nual Christmas entertainment on P'tI. the Stanwood visitors.. As Marie Johnson are a.ssIsting In this gram," states Mr. Victor Eivestrom, day evening. December 13, at 7:30 0'-Is the date fcr .a rt'j'umr work which will begl� Immediately fol. pre6ldl'!nt. clock. when two one-act plays will' be

Mr. aud Mrs. A. R. Lehmann of Park. Luther League will entertain IO�: ::I�rT��::,:

n�:��::y�1l be 'Henry Olson Is general chairman, given under the direction of ·Margaret·

land announce the mamagl'! of their Ing choir after the. concert . . AII creAm color And medlwn green. 'wlth with Prot. O. J. Stuen, P'rank Elness. Craft and Robert· Monaon. . daughter. Lvulle Martha. c. graduate. of League members are Invited to be !.Ome brlgh�r touches. The floor and and Geol'1e Knutzen BM1aUng. MIss craf�, aMlst.ed by Edward '30 to Bf:nJamin DIllinger Black. of San ent to enjoy a social hour with woodwork are to be Sanded to a natural Svlnth. 1& directing the cast. for !.he P'rancl5co. The ttrtmony. which took young people from �tlmwood. . color and va.mlsh�, while the lower play "nle Kwic Box" by Jack Btuart place Wtdne8day evening. Novetnber 20. walls '90'iI1 be !1 medium gnoen. The New L. D. R. Committees ' �:::PL.a=, I���e�


:e:::. �� ���y:::�' = :r�=�::h:� ��:



lla�d�:: a;:

n�a: Start December Work Anenson. lone Mad&on, Lenore Wlth-

�_ _ _ _ _ _ M _ _ �:..brlde·s 80"'0 W&II of rose crepe. a Editor and Business Manager of the DraP.M to be made by the club mem- At the lut m�un, of the L. D. R.. Virginia Davia.. • , � of white crJ5&Ilthemums com- Saga. the Collt'j'e yearbook. wlU bers will b6 of yellow .. orange. and (lYren held In the Trinity Lutheran Church. _ Robert Monson 5 ,,

�up I.s presenting , i»letlng the ensemble. Her only attend· In the next IM-ue of the figured cretonne. To !XImplete ttll'! rI'!- committees weN! named to carry out "Just �othtr.Da'y with !.he follow1ng

�:;'��'(a sJ;��'. �:=�YO�:I� Mast. . �=

raat�r: I:�:� �f S:a:=::; seasonal aC,tlv�t�e� Norma Pre�. Ger- �� ::::.

a =:�:��� J!::; Mr. and Mrs. Black left Thursday faculty committee on the stu- colors and a few well-selectesJ pictures. trude nn,elat:ad. and Belen Holteamp Johnson. and Wadene CaJavan. morning for Los Angeles. but they will

���.ca.;!;:k. W�I;� ��t5 . . ' �::' in Ina:�:n�� CC:::":e ��� . return for the Thanksa:lv1ng holidays. C'-- D .

Their first home wlll be utabllshed in O. J. Stuen. Mr. Keith I.U3sroom reamer custom or sending holly to the Deacon- SI b p. . t Will . Ban FmneL5co. where Mr. Black l<; In Theodore Nelsson. has mel to R d by '''' k' , � Home In Chicago. Margaret Larson" urn er at;" y . bu.'IlneM-. candidate! for these poslUons. and the ' escue . � ur ey 0118 HUiO. and Marga.ret Melver will H D Ita Rh '

tina..! selection wlU be made at the (ac- . . I I supervise thl<; work. ODOr e , O S ulty meeting to be held Monday ev,- gl:w ���n!:

e;;:��: :;e ���:S��d��� The n('xt m��ng of the club I.s to ' -_.- .

'Frosh "Barn Frolic" I'lng. Decem�_ colorless but a moment be


j wi!.h �n:e


t �u=

t Q:'::��, � th��� ��.�:u:! �:= : . H-ul S h I S · thumbs In vest and �ou a ar. our

Mrs. D, �rson wU'l � a Joint & liven saturday evenlnl; � 14, in . To Be December 6 Je 1 C 00 et;Uors hero shlft3 &lowly, ponderou.sly, to a with Mrs. nnrelstad. The yearbooks Uie Ifrls'. dorm. Helen Uolteamp ball

--. .

To Buy Class Sweaters �::a,:t::=r;:= .�� u:,�:; show the followtns ProtrraM planned': ���=inted general. � for

December 8 the Prahman cla.a3 "¢lI . --. . A dellahttul .aroma pervades the at- Eusenla Spencer, plano solo: Prof. M.. e .' -

6ponsor a "Bam Prollc" In the gyM- Members of the high schoof � mosphere conJurinc" beforl'! thI'! mind's N. P"nlnc�. talk: � � and Each Pep Club member lI invitinJ one 'nas1um. Th1s I.s the first IOClal eveat ela3s are PJannina". to buy navy blue eyt a de�htful vts.1on, sweepIng- be- Anita Ball. vocaJ duet; and Loll'Mae 'Delta Rho Gamma pi, and. wrlttI'!n In_ the elaas hu undertaken this ytBr. and silver unlfonn cla.s5 sweaten. The

feire It 8.s clouds befon! a breeze all Morton. nute solo. The group wID joI& vt�Uona "l'"iq.'" laued Wednemy, De. 'Pre.sJdent .}!A!nnetb Anenaon an. design. or the emble.m Is to be cbosen consc1ousness or thl'!Orems. phylum." In stnamg Chrl8Cmu �1lI. .Cf:mbI'!r 4.,· ·Alma Stolee I.s � of

. nOUDCel the follOwing committees to soon. . formulaa, and n,ures. the. lnvttaUon committee, wttb �e pl&n tbe party: deco�Uons, Marie Ltl'!n. Prof. Ii. W. �, adence lnstruc- "Cranberries. and pudding, templinlo Llen, Lola. Mae_ Morton, and Roberta

,t,ester BoJte, .Joerph Runn..lng. VIr- tor. _,,·u.named �h sebool department tldblU,'mince and pumptin .pte, stu«- Senior Class Members Torrlson MIiIt1na". _ dwa CUlton: rl'!freshments. Nevella adviser at � �t mreUn&'. · Ina: 'and stuffing, and this but . TtU,. 4!bt-.ta1nment oommJt1oee In-Rosa, Norma Preua, 0yedIa Bauq, It bas been decided to eoa� halo to oUset the JOlden brown v1a1on Plan Tbeat�e Party cluder �ce. C!Umb, cha.lrman, �t. MeIver; pqram; Walter what money 11 made d� the Year oC'-but W&1t.--over eagtr, UD&b1e to de- -- . KaUlryn Andersob, and. 0ved1a Raup. Bchnackenberl, Lots Mae Morton, Dor- to the Collere library for new boc*I. OJ h1a craving p�te any lonaer, he' At a mrettna: held yesterday, the othr KnUfen, Vl'!mer BItter; enter- .

stretches hls hand up in the alr.lD&her Btnlpr Class drclded � hold a theaue • tatrunent..., Pred Bea.ny, Beatrloe Bld- Delta Rho's To Have . roes 1lls band, and '�er mounts· the pa5the date· of wh.lcb·Ja to be IU'- Drama Club

Selling dera, Ruby Moore, Warren Ho�natad; . .

' . vtalon. fut d1550lvtng in 'mJaty clouds rallied . by • committee COIl5� of '. ' . cle�-up, Ed llacbl�, OtIs qraDde, �act: . . New Gold Club Pin ot.d1sUIU5I,�ent. . · Enid Hutson, �ha1rman, VOl]r �orby, Tickets to Pa88ion Play · Odl'!y, Prank UDIef'. ' . Too late YOIlDl bopeful pu.lls bls hand John DrelbeIbI&. mc;! Roy t.undqu18t, ....,. __ . t ' "New Delta Rho Gamma pln.s will be from the. air. The watchful teacher who wtll also make all othl!! arrange- . . Repreae:d� tie Drama Club, Wld-ready. for clUb memben w� �ft ord- has mlstaken It foe ald&nal 01"1 know." menu . . lone M&daen � extended Be red Larson, VUJtn1a Daris, E'¥tb'n J:ck--1i!' ANXOUNCZIIEN1s ered them Some t1me Dl!xt, week." stated "So what would )'Ou say. wold be the Invitation to the c.la8B to hold • roe-'lun� Louise Hendrk:teon, Helen. LUJa, �ub wW meet II.oDdaJ noon. El�or Raud�� president. . obJecl. of 'eaun,.?" LSk&'�. ' otpUOn at her bo:me·after the �. .ltat.bryn R1Qa. and lODe KadIm. an 2 at 1.2:40. 'IbI! emblem. alt..llouah Ih1eld-tJu,ped A suddeD flaah. not ol'tnaptraUon. bQt Last Priday the claa va.ed to wear aellln&" student t1cketa tor the PuIaoa

. ·Club �. bwdnea u focmerl7. wW ·.be ODe third � 0$ �UectIon. brlgh_ the YoUI1&' c&pII .nd IOWD& "\II'he:n haVtna- the Sap Play to be IPYen November .,.&IId'De--tina' n-ta,., December 10. an4 wlU be � Ina&Md Of .tlftr,'a brow aa· he �� repUea. pictures taken. 1be lndi'1dual pboto- cember 3," 5, 8, bJ tbe-BIQ' �tortam.: Club WU1 meet. '-� the with a small nu,mm.:. attacbed to .• ''!W'ke1"I _

. < • rr.pha are to. be 3s5 1Dcbes, ·and. � TbJs is .'benetU pro� the'�

, Uxme In Ita pn:wram, em. roId chain. 'I'bI! p1DS wD1 bef.r the let-. "RlCht.OP bricht itudmtl" � dJa- -:m have a Ucht bacqrounc1. l'olaers, ceeds to be UM4 tor belptnc neectf - ��' � :1" at �.c:- ten D. R. 0: in black i!:IWbeL mJa:8ed. WI after nwwctY1n8"." - tnstea.d ot eue.ts .. wtlI be uaed.. .� � ,�, [� .



\- .

, .



whe tlonring jfta�t� every' two .. "teo durinC UV' l!ICbooJ year

by the studenb oC Pacltlc Lut.h� eonece, Parkland. WashthatOn .

Orrt�: Room il5 Teleph�e' OArlnd 0571 Subscription Pr1�,I.OO per Year

Entered as second clMS matter, Oetoter 2, 19is, at the Post. Oltlce at"Parkland, W�n.

under the Act of March 3. lJ79.


Jean-M'arle Fowler Bob Martin

Marh' Lien. Irene Odcll REPORTERS-Thelma DIulle13. Ja&nna Manous-.

05. Nonna Preus. EIYa Berginan. Gary Pfl1ieger, Marg-aret Larson. lone Madsen. Rlull Frye, Ro­�fta Torr1.5on. Lenart' \\'Ithtnw,


' . ...

, . " . ' . . .�.,


Lighter- Than � . DRIFT. . PREXY'S CfJRNER

A'lr.. &' . � ': ,; ' We a� · lty: , :·:':��� �rlt1; u!:,:,:�:::::';�=' ' ; . . every\hh1a la mockrrl-our elothN, our .. b, Prof, N, J, "IMII",�

-----,--7""" . ' customs, "nct even our thOUl\"lta. We With Ui.e Thant.!(tytna fe!tI�Ue& at -81' BOB ,MdttSON , �ave're"chtd'the a�f attainment the' door. I� .ol not be am1l8 , caU t.o . .....-----..... J In ' apprecIAtion and undenta,ridm., mind the manner In which man of our

Gooday! Many of those 'Nhc. had tnelr "�s" OOok� ' A�erioa' IS In ' the whirl of somethtng pioUS fordathen IHove th�ta . to Oed during exahl weck, ""Jll noi.' 'go home and-ut them" " . �; �)'lIshl)' hew, for_ Hla manifold bleu�np. . not �nly

�.a,tc! �� :on


t. �:�. t:�r:u��:� (6)��

t tr�h:d

I���a�! :�

c�� t�o:,

k O:! ���:h:� ::_a;�':I�;e ;�l'

: when you return t.o sehool . . Don't gna", � chicken IdeJIlIstic plrne of the old bards. Every: of the, followin, lable prll1t'r. written thal's too o� . . . and do�'� aeeept too many Than�vlng ' thinS lIten'lrY I:e now putting on · a by the gnat DanWl hymn_.-rlter. Tho­'"gooses" . . " " the' fttlst I often wonder how 'man� "strip.IlCt" to

. 'prove Its. Pf'OlTeS!!

.. As t.o mas Klnt0, ,bout two' hUl)dred years

JJ«Iple .speculate on how It would be to have hfll! as much ,oeabu";.y, thc ,Writers not only have Ilgo. beRn "rtne&a to th�s. Tn �t"nt­In their httlda as they hll"e III their stomachs . . , Eat uhausted . the dictionary, but ha"� less Lutherait-homes In Denm&r,� And your turkeys " .. . . W�'II have �e Jump on you-... e'�e t"p�. 'for fresher obscenities. the NorwllY lIS wen AS In tho�nda of going to �at rllbblt (set It?), trttlsu� .. of the btlck-fenc;e ijl.csiurus. Lutheran, ploneer homes II"! this cour�-POISONOt ... 'S A.D Ll�S

' No woM 80 }ow' ,but sdme one, today, try as late � forty 'or fUty yean 1IIg'(!, finds It. essentlul to h15 lIierary Ufe, this was a rqular and daily table hymn.

,."Th,' th ... ·,�. thh.', .. :f�.:l-, ,,'u,".'o'.·nh'thn.'h'�'n"

.cu�," .... '.'

We retui the best-sellers.. wc go to the sung �fore meW by the entire fMmlly y" • AbA ........ .,.... movie!, we glance at the tabloids: &nd It lncludea M g�ilt deal. No�nly does

,Last Je&r·s,.))OI5t-falllng eplsode has not been �o�tten. we wonder. whether our f�Ung �f re- it Invoke'·God's bleMlng on the partlcu­and lOme of the mo� lealous 'Ones are still following the volt ilJ sissified: we 10 through college lar rheal bicori the 'amBy. but It la III see�t ', : ' By the· .'ay. the)sa,,' ,,'as:not wielded by a and �"t wondering ,whether we (faily' reminder thAt "every. lood �H -stranl�r's handa . . , . ' ' should deny the .exlstence of God In and every perfect gilt la from abOve.

When she loses a . round or golf. Beatrice (Dolstad's order to be educated: we .enter an art and . cometh doWn f�m the FIIIther Of \ beaut) pay. her partner via the lipstick route, not know� gallery and 'see .1.;"011 portraying thc "LIght&... It i. a praycr .for heAlth 111M

· 'mn"


�_ th




,o hkbno�


,on, ALp.,. vn"""NN! ."

AR' 'N

lEt !lplnt of spring. and leave, marvellng at 5;t�ngth, tor pe'ace and prosperity. for ' ....... ...., rest.t '{II; our ignorance lor not �ing able to see the goVernment, for' the needy, uta tor . ADVERTISING MANAGER - Harry Grlbbohm


Emmet Thompson ' ClRCULATION ASSISTANTS • unore Wlthro,,·

Kathrrn Anderson

.amokcs. the strongest pipe In sc.hoo1.�5 growln& a . 'l- lhau --a.n.:. obe5e- �l'8On-�tan<ti.n:- an- htmat"""'al!'crelil'ili'iltBr lrre:---AbOve _ �14SJeb..e.... to filt4!1"-th!- smoll:e . .- ' -Core gulp� awkwariuy on a aun alai; we find ten All. It Is a p�ycr tor splrltual bleMlng!l

We dO!l't 'belle\'e It, but the story stands that EMMET dollllrll. tum It over to the chief of po_ through Ood'ii lITutest girt to man. the

I � AD SOLICITORS - HRrI"r Mt'Cormic�. Edna Kel­

sey. Jllsper Johnson, Elltabeth FrIIs. Emmet Thompson �ULTY ADVISERS - N': J. Hong .. O. J. SluelL


Frolll ils im'eplioll as H 1IIt,I"t'I�' lontl f('slival i l l I fi:ll. up III Iht' prl'SI'llt day, IlIl' TIHlI1ks�iv­illl-l f('st il'''] has lIl't'li It IIt'Ulnilig lighllll JlISI' of hupe.' ·Il t'llIIstunl re,' l1lin.cll'r to tlu" p('oph' of the lIulillll 111111 our fllt,,1 is ri,., .. hll)· l"Hlkel "hlt'sst" I." ,

. Hlesst't! was Iht, fotlll ,,1" Ol"\uht'l". Hi:l l . I I II\\' �I't'!lt mllst 111.1\"1' IIt't'll thl' timnkfulllt,ss uf 11ft' Pill-lrillls :wlU'n'�'illg h� tht' bounliful "anl'sl "t'IIIK'd, (,tI\'prnll Bnhllonl unit-red a thn't'­clay's fC:Isl tlml 'cichraliun !

As u lIuliullal 1.1Oliday, 'llulllksgi\"il1g dutl's ffUm 18ti:I, wil('li Pr('sidcl.11 Johnsun tll)IWinlpd the IlIsl ThursdllY. in ;\m'elllill'r. Frum ttlt'll ulilil now it hilS h('ell ohser\'l'd h\' !llnltlst nil.

tlll:(\ ;�OII('��\��:�k�g:�� i ,�� ;' I:�I}II �::;�. i 1��r��; ,,:��}���;�; In Ihl' lIlust l I igh," It is w<' ll I n ' l'I'lII('I1IIJl'l" tlmt. \\'hilt, lilt'· faet's IlfUlllld thl' t1illllt'r lalilt· qn Thanksgi\"ing Day slioliid jtist flHliatt· hll]l­pitwss alld jlly, II l'{'rtnill air of s('I'i"uSIH'SS shuuld pre,"ui!. tiS wI'Ii. :\"u OIll' slJullld Wt'('\>: Ill) (Jilt' 'should mourn; 1111 one should ItlllIellt ; till shuultl n'j"it'(', C91llPtlruliwh' fpw t.'UIlSifl­I'� ,it as It /-lirt; must Iwuple r('�anr, Thullks­J.!:I\'lllg as tI llH"r(' tln\' I)f n:'\·elr\". It till" of mirth­Iltuking. As II Chrislillil. it is " our dill\" Itl Ir(,111 Thllllksl-li\'ing Day in a tliff(:n'lII light. I I is �Ipl .ngt'ly ('oilll'idl'ni thul Ihl' wurtls of Iht, SU\'WIII' III Iht' Passu\'t.'r ft'asl shuuld so UI)plv Il('rt, : "Tllke.'. l'ul."

. YI'S; lakl', e.'al. But n'melllOcr, if )"Ull will.

thul little band of Pilgrmts who firsl e.'clehrut('d Thallksgiving Dny, Helllelllh('r, ulso, Ihl" hh'sst,t! priviit'/..ll' you IUI\'p ill l'UIl1I1ll'IIIt1flllilll-l Ihut ('vcnt. TI1('1\ TIltinksgivillg Day cun he e,levlllt'" 10 spiritflul heights,

By Jut'k ·Odey

... L. C. AGAIN TERMINATES A GREAT FOOTHAL� SEASON I Annllwr fuolhull seusun htls becn fini-she.,tI; 1I11t1lher I(>am hmrill'(,11 dishanded, with soml' of i ls pillycrs ncver again to play for' Pacific I,uther::m Cullegl' cx(:<'pl in spirit, and the rec'­(lrt! of tlllolher P . . 1., C. gdd leam htls ocell wrillcn in In Ihe h()()ks, But after a glance into Ihe pust semmn's, we cannot dismiss "this year's accomplishments I).$ "just another season," some of th(' strongest colleges in thc Pllcifie Nurthwesl, Coach Olsoll's Gladialors �)O�l ��)�'I���W;i!�'tI��i:e ���'n��h:i i�I��I��i��� of Ihe ;\orli1\\"l'st conrcrence Title, Added tn �h is :ceord is the acitie\'mcnt,?f holding fi\'e of Its S t X opponents scoreless; III fact, only once was the Black and Yellow goal line crossed all season, In Selling Ithis fine record, Pacific Lutheran College has earned for itself the rat- . illg or heing UlK.:...... Of. the�bcsl smitll college ag­gregations in tlie""'Northwesf.

Pacific Lutherad College is proud of the team,; of its record and'of its coueh, the popu-

. lor Cliff Olson, "\\;ho has not stooped to the pr�c: lice so' common with con�e coaches of re'- . '����� �:�;�):':¥r!:���b��

al:� S�,�io�n

. a team of players w.h� are enrolled at racifi� f Lutherun for the Jegttima�e pw:pose of oblain- l jnWe ��ud':�:

o�y may 'jusU)' feel a thrill of

pride in its fine team. as its whole-hear-Jed ]Dor­aI su'pport hlls done a great deal toward insp·ir· iog the team on to its gridiron tr�umphs,

eil:�Mivc."ly oils the dotln st.a lrs for the pu� of ... It- · it?,' and receive a look of contempt God-,man: Je�ua Christ. " .

nessin, some Or the otnee holders 106e their dignity on froOl (his gentii!mfUl' for being' So tool- We print the foUowlng tfl\n.slaUon of " the gooey stuff . . . When. It gets to the point where �he Ishly honest. this wonderful hymn In the hope thllt dorm girls have to U


5e the bathr�lIght by whiCh. HRve things progres.sed, cr merely !\Orne of· our lIludents wlU take It home to study, It la time to appoint a com . t� . _ . �rry to chAngedt II rOIl �lIeve pro or CO!\,. with . them Rnd help revive the good ha\'e to we BOB l\1ARTlN'S name aga , ul. h15 policy don't say "Amen;" lIay "Whoople"-Ifs \lId custom by singing It around their 01 ne\'er eating lunch befor.e his one o'clock 'Ed Measure. more modern, Thanksgiving table. It can be sunil: to Is too Juicy to let slip . , , The dorm bo>'5 are right when the tune at number 97 In the Lathenn they SRy thai fire escapes are' handy things to have In .

If,.·mnar" CAse of fire . , . This' year the quola of boy-and-girl duets Chapel r:.leanin

. :os Our meal Is �ady. decked our board 1.'1 011 the WAne , . but It's awfuUy hard to teel romantic '::I O · We pray that of Thy mercy: Lord;

III thiS pell-SOUP and fog. E\'eryolle should have a slogan- TI:IOU wouldst 'bleM these victuals so lilTS AND i\I1SSES- Chr\.�t·s slogan: "I serve." That thry mllY health and st�n.lth �_

-XaVier .stow! • Thimks to 811 t'AslE' contributor. dll,l you krfw""'tb6'e ThRt the Lord will come again Is as �:: :;:;:'f� !:!d


h,.;:: I�d::'


:Il��r�;I�� �ltS: �a�'�I�;-::��f�ro��


t:�� ct'rtain as the sun whIch r054! this / ' " morning, 0 bless the earth. the .sea, the_sky!

" �Il �·ou never set! your name_ thl'reln. eh. Evelyn an. d The calendar of the lime 'for grace May peace and plenty multlplyl

Mil i'l'd , . . !just to keep pf!act' In the familyJ . . . DId Is known only to God. Give' us a ChrlaJ,lan government. . yo (resh�

an glris SAy Edna Kelsey was good and rough wi! necd the diSCipline of uncertaln- And �y our sweat our nourishment! III \:aptalll ball. or Just rough? . . . They weren't te�'rs ty: It prevcntIJ Ull from waiting until Our soula be ftd with living bread, " lh'at\ome of thc girls dropped during report-card-week- . a more convenient time. Which Je.sus" purchased whcn He bled! they \\ere I quitf"cuss words . . . We do,:,'! �lieve thal a Olle dAY He will cqme In all reallty-· fl'W or the co-edl presen;e all lhelr old swimming suits He ""Ill come to Judge mnnklnet. When I�-....... .:;" . ..' .&t. by pasting them in their scrapbooks . . IL would require we think of that grea� dAY, we experl� "f"7tD . n�o

.\I�: )����t



\'�� ����f


r:�d e:�I!::: ence awe and fear. Joy IUld exultation. J �':t.-":��

choo� Ihat school u.s our Alma MaU!r? . , . Toe.nail de- "Watch. lor you know ' neither the ,, ' ,.... ,. WA, .. scription: SYLVIA MIT.LER (A low chuckJe In the dark) . . . AD SONO TITLE: Bird Seed I�' The Socks"To Keep Pigeon Toes A>;liIlY Prom My Corns.

Incldt'ntly. lhe !\.dvertlslng· drive of the M. M. hu turned ollt lo � B lOUT . . . Imagine the thoUghtS of those people whom the Bophl}more "party-ers" called 011 and said: "We're on"a SCIl\'enger hunt. and we came dowll \.0 see ),ou:-LUNCII BUCKET LEFT-O\'ERS-

Too bad ANENSON has to mw the hOi-calling con­�Sl In the hoine town thb year . . . The senior glrLoi' team know captain ball backwards-and judging "by the last two games, that's the ";ay they play It . . . BOOK REVJES: TO'"1.hose Interested In raw stories. we sug­gest "The Oreat Reserve-Sheif Mystery," or "Fun and' Frolic In II Library." . . . Even PhilO Vance couldn't 1I01ve this one . . . Mr. Ed Amazements. and Gen. Sike Ology are Illusive guys . With all the drUUng we are getting In choir, It won·t be long before we'll consider nat feet Il sin . . What would the public speaking �Iass do without those fellows Rnd their experiences from Alaska! . . . By the way, you' can teU Browser's girl Is a thoroughbred. bee&use she laugila like a hOr&e.

' .

With all the otllces changed around. a fellow can't tell whether 'he I.s going Into t� lion's den or �e, store­

. . Concentration In the library Is proved by the

dny nor the hOU� when the Bon of Man r - . . -:--0;. CO


��u and I 'I�Vlng a watchlui llte? I HANSON'S JEWELR,Y. ] Are we willing that the Lord should D,iS


come at ahy time? I 257 So. l 1 1h St. Taeom., Wn.

\ -Pflueger I Witch R." '""J-R •• P,ke:- . It you cn�gain a rood goal by a rood r;;;-


:� ���/s� 1:I�hg

�U:���' � honcst 100% .

with )"our Ood: then' you wJll be fair to [In' n 11'1111 everYIJ! else, too. - �_III·'i'u.!_""!.W"""._II:I�.1 -Xavier

The! Lord rules, t 1 136 BROADWAY Let \W not be tempt� to put our-

��::St�� =�� ��d� :��n:c


selves ·to Him '

Christians must obeX their ' magls­trates, save only when the magistrates lead to 51n.

':""'Tlnge15tad Jesu� Bald, "What prortteth a man It

he g'aln the whole world. It he lose h15 soul?"

What good Is education, If character does not stand In back of It?


'Iliay the students snap their heads around when the door -Ramstad la opened . . . Proof at the progres.s made by many of. I ' . the donn bo)'ll la sho'llin In ,the fllct that most of them' � Always hope for the better thlnts In use but .one paper match In lIj:htlng a fag , . ,,��e tutun-thus your, Ute shall be tol-DAHLE shouldn·t lel\D too far Ol'er the s1nk. while wuh- ed with light. '

Ing dlshe's-ahe mIght Call down the draln , . .Did you The best is yet to come.

�u;:� t���re�: at=:"'

N�::;;� t! .�!, of

r:� �: 'c�;:=!,p:���! =::� A student b"'..feUow who knows.a great deal about a lalllting glory.

· very Uttle and, who goes on ma'lrlng more and more God has ordained that Cbr:lsUans about less unUi tinaUy he knows practically everythlna shall stand amoni the hosts. throu&h­

out eternity. a1?out nothing: whereas a professor, on .the other hand, is a mlUl who knows a very uttle about a lITeat deal and keeps on Imowlnl less and less about more �tU, flhaJly, he knows pracUc8.Ily nothing about everything . . , .Bani! And they ea1Tled his body �t.ralihtway to the door-) , U you can see throuah th� one, you're good , . , U· you can't, you'� 'bad;. but try \.9, and you'll be good and ba·d ..

� .some day you go to TIm Tommervtk.'s room and can't find him, look under some' o( the Sunday papei-s; liln& around . . . Openly. we WlUlt to thank those Eastern_ ers'tor the" It1nd ""Orda . . . We're � we a� being read outalde ot Parkland , . . ;nd �t me tell you. It Is a rot dltterent trom bem. �ad and rtbbedJ,haa being read and routed , . . A slap on the back. even Crom a couple at )r&hoC).. 15 enouah to, make a demon. out of .. , darlizla'

��.�-=!�e� 't::�: �':t ;-ur�eg:tl.�.�o:.

, "

-Pfluea:er [ . ' . M�I., Be.uty Shop Permanents 9�"c Com�lete Shlmpoo Ind Finger W .... e 25c

, 1 1 40 'Broadw1V BR. 1420 . .

. IfOO"uP a..'"uHd

m"d41t' Th. s. •• o�'. Sm.rt •• t Overco.t Ha ... ing tWo full' pleats In the back whIch Ii ... " the fullness .nd frHdom in the skIrt". Enllilh Ra,lan shoulder with set coll.r

. for perfect fit 'and distinction. Come in .nc! try on one of these snap;iy oYercoats. Complet. in .11 of the popular f.1I color1:

• Brown, blue, Irey, .nl mixtures .. wl,h small dIcdu. A R .. I"""Only $22.50 . DE�ZLER .lid TONE.

949 P�Cifi"c Ave.

I i I, 1


. Gladiators Close Spor� Stall CommendS . Sophoniore Normal Mo&LSuc'cessful . Graduating Gladiators ' . Girls Are Champs ' ' Football Season PI" Lu<.h ..... foo'ba" ,<an hm . � --. BL"I'llTt'iro .

' .

BaSk'etbaU Season . Opens With Forty

M�nonMapleCourt played their final pIDe for p, 1.., C, M:}d&en Announces . .\:II-Star ,fit" r"ru,

p, L. C. Goal Line Cro�d Only Ntxt year's team 1I1li .feel the I� of Captain' Ban Team ' . THE " Solie, Tommervik. NUsen, Lel,Ak Once As Hard-Ffghting such stellar players as Hal .Votaw, '. -r--' . . To, Form Nucleull of EI H Bucky O'Conntr. Dutch MOe: Bob MAr- Inte�laM C(.Jpt.a1n. Ball season lor GO U .. POSTS even anc- Up Moleskins tin and Iron Man S\�lh .. Be�des bt- gtrb w� closed' last Wednesday, No- ltIJ . . P. L. C. Quintet

1)'ln. Unrield by a 0-0 score- 11) thtir. ��y:r!:\.�I)�u:����:;h�:::;a�

t: vtmbe.,-20, when '�t soPhom�re squad , . "Proe�"t; for anottier cham<,tonshlP


r s:e��. the Oladlators �m- putuilg P. 1.. 6, on. �e tootball map, dtfeaud �ll'Ie-th1rd' year �orma�u-s in W�(lt th� suddtn and, "rather 1:Inet :�:�b��t:a;.:::�: u�d�:�=

, l'C8im seuon in Coach 01- Here Is a brlef resume ot who a fut lamt which resulted In a &core cal can�llaUon of PaCific, Lu.therar .:;� �e. Only one touchdown was have pl�}"ed thel� Clnnl game for the ' of 13-'1, This pme entitled the soptio- football iamt with Alb,ny COUeae out of the fort:. odd candid_: no�

lators Whnen:�t�:::!::� a

O:�' Bl!1Ck1and �ellow.

. more normal girl&. who throUghout tht Portland by that Il),St!tu\.lon, 'Ien I :�t:. C;;� t���� �:k


n;Ohn �_

of sixty eight points. This is a defen- w=o�=�;:��· :;e

C�:'::h::� season .had dO"\'I"ltd e\'ery contending �::a�����to:n


g�: �:I;_:��. �� 'who a� lost to tht �am." ¥r1th



bY .a,ny coll* feet with thrilling runa:. He reoE:ntly team, to �e InUr�laM championship. most succeSsful season .In the hbtori' � su���t���C�I �!�a�:�o:u:;, .

, .Mo�\'er. consldertnl that. the Clad_ "'on the Bellingham game wIth " 6'T' The �a.son w� officially cl� �on- �f t�f' Colltge. . . coming sel\.'!On. · .

iators were outl!.'ela-hed In e\'ery game yard dash. In '34 he' �lal.ned the. day. fO.llO"'ina' t:h: Pay Olrb' vtctory All indications point to the fact tha� As yet. the Luthtran !!:ltntor II.., not. makes tht defensh'e record e\'en more team ft.!-ld pro\'ed to be. an Inspiration o\·tr the Donn team, to the. tune of 8-4. the Portland school ,,'U f11&htened out SlOtted any nt",'c:omers·whO promise to'e. The P; L. C. team featured to all thf! playen, . Olrls ,,'ho m,ade. the all-star team In hy the r:eeord of the LUthtra!l uam. To stpply the' scoring ptllIch that will bt II. wide open style of play "1fh man), Baor-:k1' O'ConDe!," was co·capt.a1n of this new 'sport are announced by !ian- P�\'t ttlls �tatem�nt. I�e say that mly needed. The Indications ar.e rnck plays and numerous forw-ard and this year's tum, and pla� a tine game ager lone Madsen ' and Coach Adah after rf'eelvlng a teJtgnm "almll can- tla\ this year's Oladlator ,live. wm-tM! lateral passE's, at the rlgl'lt qaIt position . . He W&I II. Dapper as follows: guards, Fredrlcka «lUng the .game despite a signed�n- i.dosc cheeklng outJIt when' teamwork With a hard Charllni line .whIeb at splendid blocker. 'an accurau �itr, Bchlanbusch. �dqa Kebey).ioanna !>fa- tract Im'olvlng a guarantee, giving fl· wll '� of paramount Importance,

times played In�'plre;dly on the defense and·a.good broken-field runner, nt!.,WOB, Wad�e Calavan, -Esther Nor.. nanclal dlstreM as the cause,. the ad- Of the returning lettermen. Ohet !Hld a pony backfltld 'whlch was u- Bob ;\lartln-He has played a bang.up ga:ud: and !orv .. ards, Helen Stark', ministration of P. L. C. otftre'd to pay SlUt'. Arnold Tommervllc: . Charlie eep.Uonally tricky and elusl\'e. P. L. C. gam� at, left guard for 'two yean. His Thelma NeM, Irene Odell, Helen Scott, aU eq>enses' incldenta,l to tht uanfs. LHlsk. Harold Nilson &tern to·bt In line w�::�::,n:


l�, ,,111 graduatt- �:


la,;�m;e��U:::�;o: :�,��� :�rt=��,


1s ����::��� a::������a:I���:_ �t

g��� =ill��y���a�H��


Hal Vota"" Bucky O'Conner. Ed·S\'lnlh. at the bottom ot. Ute pUt'. Whtn Bob Is' ny. Enid Hutson, ana Judy Benson, who !iclnls. r' . . Fiussell Frye or Stan Ford may break Bob Martin, and Dutch Moe .lea\·t an graduated this >'ear he leaves " place also played 11 remarkable season of Taken by 8un;:irLse by this unexpected lito �he select five .. A nock ot ne"l­Impressl\'e season-a record for future hnrd to fill ' . games,

'" ' .. �ntn"_ move. the A,lbany Officials went Into a c.mers 90'\11 also be out to gain thelr te::lf\�


r�ucce5Sful season ll:�� :::� ��n:��t�::��:��

o;��� sh�



e oC:��tr;:�l� tI;l�y


tL��:r:n �

ao\;:� ��r:


al:����d���� :t;e:�

IY to pick , shol\'s the (ollowlng scores: . ed to be the toughtst. Ed made up for Calavan. captalp, Thelma. 'Ness, Helen under nny conditions, This, of course, The following men have shown up P L. C. 'I .Army 0 his lack of weight with· determlnaUon Scott. Irene Odtll. Louise Rendrlcltsori, ended matw-rs as far as the ball"game .... 1'11 In pracUees thus far: Archbold, p, L. C, 14 Monmouth 0 an.d fllj:ht. This Is Ed's third rear at the Elsie Barrett. Helen; HUe] was concerned, but In the Intere5t.s of Knut1.Cn, Leask, Ford. Simon 'Ander-P. L. C, 0 Ellensburg 'I rlgM tackle post. Hagerup, Judy Benson, and Edna To- coUeglate football t�ls breach of con- s)n. SOlie, Larson, Strand, Nilsen, Tom-P. L . • C. 41 U, B. C. 0 Dlltch :\1_The smalltst man on !.he blason. ' . tract should be reported to aU colleges rnerv!k. V,otaw. Jtnsen. Prye, and Hu.-P. L. C, 6 Bellingham 0 team "'as especially noted for hl.s ac- The season of games shows the fol- In the Northwut, An InsUtutlon whleh vik. P. L. C, 0 Linfield 0 curate passing nrm and hl.s cool gtntr- 10,,1ng rezsuit.s; . does not respect its contracts should ... separate schedule I.s being planned

a1shfp. At quarterback Dutch had the No\'. 13-60phomore!S \'s. frash ...... 21-18 be barred tro,,? the privilege of �om. for tht high scb901 hoopsters. Men who , abilit), to call the rlght "play .at the Nov. 13 .Senlo·rs \'s. L. A..Hlgh pltiUon ""Ith other college!:. e:(�t t<1 see action In these pmes

ANDERSON'S right time. and he was truly the bra� School . 14.6 The 'Clads are putting football on are. Haldane. Schlanbusch, Oanes, E. COLD 'MEDAL DAIRY ot the team. N," .. 18 Fto&h "�So seniors 2'1-20 the shelf for another year with the Haugen. Lehmann., Hudson.

iii . " . , , • • • , , . .. . , . , .. . .. �v 18 -Sophomores vs L A _ comforting thOUght that thirteen let- PflU!!frer, Xavier, Wall, Knutztn. Wt: Supply tne (olltle ' Pef"$Onal Serv.ce All Day All N'lnl � High School 13-10 termen \\'�II be back n.ext. year. Coach -GA. 0 15 1 ) 5 : HNo\" i SOphomores \s, sentors 13-'1 Olson's chid worry will bt to tlnC!- a Natura.! Milit

�=========�I DRIVE - IN - MARKET ? scoring punch to replace "Hal" Vo-1 . Fresh FrUIts and Vegetables ; law and "BlIcky" O'Conner. ! '/'rkland Mercantile Co. NO SALES TAX 1 �. A"';-Az Will Sponsor Basketball I.s In full swing this week PEOPLES STORE 11 �,::�

r��:! �::ii�;:hoto �... 3308 Souln "G" 51. . .. � All-School' Swim Party ;1



I'I-___ � __ � __

MORE AND MORE Folks Are Contin, to the

Service PA�����e �n���CE the Women's Athletic Association will weekly tripe, If any readtrs have any Ir---

L'-E-N-'-_ S-EL-Y-'-C---+

' Prompl and Courteous l I On Saturda)' evening, Decembcr 7, that Ii new title Is nec:essarYror this bl-

I Depend�ble Greasing sponsor the first swimming party of ���t:�: 'I�,

th��nnek:f a good Utle. OJ j _I the year at the y, M. C. A. " " Prescription Drug,ilts

I KERSCHBAUM - GENERAL REPAIR Th t hi h Ul bt The constanLly growing ·crowds of Direct of the FInest SUITS ANO OVERCOATS I elght

e o���� ;: �n :'CIOCk �

eld f:: rooters who art watching the girl's Norwegian Cod Liver 011

For $.lIe eXclusively �t ope captain ball games are being rewarded Cor, I I In �JI'Id TlIComl A�e, 1 Jetl�nd & Palagruti I I ����; ��I

s�ln:�S W�

dbere�:i�' "11th fine playing, thrilling hard-foulht �_�P..:;hon= • .::..M;.:A..:;; '...:7.;.31". __ """

912 Pacjfic Ave. . Wr�


dS��;ce Tlcktts may be secured from th� ::�:��

h:�h a�



gm��� r : 1 BOYNTON'S SERVICE �07d

mi��� �:arge �Ch Includes until the final whlstlt, Boon It will bt

Q I. ' I CA, 0145RI n e , man: � Cook. Ne- ntcessary to provide seating accommo-: �:-;'



I'" CAS .'.':.'NC OIL �::::re."""" SI''''' MIll". �d Ruby d.U�'" fO' tho ,peola"''''

: 1 �i:;:::�:::�:::�: P�t ;�. �0.42 S��;�' 4052 _4

I TSC I TAILOR � HOUSE���L���SRS 9 1 0 Broadway

nco MA.n 48IO · . 9 16 Commerce SI. Tatom;, Wn. I' TArnu,;-;.�! ... ��!��I . I T,c_,', Leadl", Flow" Shop ,

I!i;....:.....:......:...:::...::: __ ....:........::.......::....:....ii I .. _____ -----1 ��'" tl'«JKAV11'ru ,,-uMt'ANYI ! 5 PK ::';:7;0,:",";:, 0514 r TACOMA'S LARCEST I 1 .C'=================='lil . Home-Furnishings Store DAHL GROCERY CO. · 111 c::S1� I rMU1-' PETERSON STUDIO

P d f CI1� � Member United Purity Stor� ro ucers 0 .... e:' .. 'e ... T .. ......... Nn-o . CAr 3BIBR5 Parkland POr"lrlilS by Photogrlpny

I L!I Ernest Peterson

II :��:�;�:::�: r� .. 5? "�::,��"�,:,, MAin 9237

j 940 C�m .. " MA;, ' 6768 � iii St. Relens at 9th St,

TlIComI. W&shington .

SPALDING Basketball Supplies

See the New No. 55 Shoe �ight - Fast and Du�able


924 Pacific Ave.

T i . ' Rust B,:,ilding : �ortrait Artist "/ � . I I MA;n 4493 � HENRI JACOBS r BROOKDALE CROCERY AND MEAT CO. ­

PHONES: CArllnd 0107J4--GArllnd 0 1 93Rr Groceries, Flour, Hay. Gr�jn. F ..... etc. ��D �C(J.I � .. , .... ; ..... , ......... , ....... : ........ , ... ", .... , .. ,,,,, .......... . J ..... _w_;n_t_h,_o_P_H_o_'e_'

_B_ld_g. __ J

II . . ' . ' ,r.,aUenllampS I .. --C-.-n-u-in-.-E-n-.r

-.-v.-d-----. I�:::;;;;;;;;;;;;STR::E:N�C;;;T;;;";;;-::C:H:A:R:A;;;ct;;;E:' R:' �;;;;;;;S:E;;;RY;;;';;;C:E::;;;;;;;::� �II KilHh: of U ft Do • When you buy your life insurance t ' . ALL LlATHE� SHOIs' Social Statio,

nery ' , consider these factor� : th8_ i,eputa.

HOUSE WIRING "Th. 5'0" witn tne Yellow. Front" CI" SPICIAL,....;-Ioo sneets' wilh tion of the company, the character" , ed mono, am nd 100 of its mamgement. and the service

Buy r our "f._ few ... ht ... 4i_. q.,lltiee er:gr:lVeiopes 'f�r $2�00 . ' rendered

LAMPS " a" .�· 100 En,rlved ulling c&rds $1.50 HAR� lN���'���� .1,�sS����SRepresentln" ..,.. ... ...... .... L h ' B ' th h from us ...... .t!!'��';:: $,2..95 Stanley B!!ll ut eran ro er ood , ) 1 1,1 Broadw..,. • Printing Co. � LECA����VC ��!,�N#r��NCE

. 9 15 Commerce 101 2 A St. Tacoma . 608 Seconct Ave.,S, / '


� . � } . I . r�':tad.Pfl.e ... �".ry •••.• R�- '�I SOIO�I:;��:::�:�m:::U"'''i llote6Jilpep <:iuh t:o::::::. ':" Go To St. .OJaf Meet Invokes NelO I'ogUe In "MessJah" PresenlatiOn �. . . . Silver Ten, JanIlBr). 9 -- In SPOTt and Style . Under .tbe ,dlrectloll of Prof. J. O. In ����r;7::���:}'�t.e::::·;t;'· With MI&s Dorothy Ande�n as geD_ , Lutheran Educators Meet at St. -- Edwards. The Messiah ' will be pre- throp Hotel' office She has been at- enJ chaIrman, the Pep Club Is la.)ln�

Olaf College Fri�a.y. The bearded hermit- is among us', sented at US T'rlnItY Luther'U1 Church tendlr:s- Beutel's �USlnf'SS COllege pllUU tor a Silver 'J!a. to be liven Jan-Saturda} '\ "roudly he struts hl.s flowing fuzz, but In Park:land on Sunday e\-enlni. De- Arftng- Sannenu:f '28 is now attend- uary 9 . I

Educational �ce meetings will II Is not perfect, he 'oH'ot and got a �mber 15 at BdS oclock 'rng·;iht- Ul')hel'�1ty 'ot Wash!ngton He Gommlt::u::ds � �:,� �:t�: . � .

------.r-o�n Friday morning. November 29, at haircut. Formerly. the hea<L.Bf!.d chin Mr Bernhar.t Bronson of seatOe is a member ot Pht Delta Kappa. lows lnv tiona. Miss Eugenia Spenc-

St. Ola! College. Nonh!leld, Miimesota �oss maintained a conslste.nt moU, WhOll:S




In..;, Yglng0IC:e -!'t - Eleanor_Hauke. 'lih9 at�nded sc:hool ro�p.:, M.!s.s MarI.ret. Craft re-

Prof J P pau er Christ . �c: c u-..... ran 0 ese, .." s n f trn last year is �piJ)yed at tJ1e National t'r. �

structor and Or � A. nnge::�y c:- Ith the conditions p,rod.ucUve of bwtone recitathes and airs.. Mr � Bank of 'co�erce in A!OOria She is freshments. MiSS Jenny Bardon 'ti

lege PresJdent.. "lUi represe.l� �acltJ�

hou]der Jength locks and belt length Ra��nd or Tacoma who Is manager also attending the Astoria BtL'lness ' .

Lutheran College at th .

in 'razor breakers. .But no longer need of the Parkland ·Llght and Water Com· College. p"tro·o·lze OUI Advertisers

whIch will continue also �o::tSa� ond moth�rs fear_ Il!e magnetic in- ,pany. and Mr. Paul Link. of 8ou� T3- .Worct, has �n receive·c:i that Mrs. O. U , --.urday. . - luence of Peter the Hermit, Ro.lph Pre- coma. wtu be the �nor soloists. PItre SCOre of Everett passed a'tfay last. wee.Jr.. Before IOInI' to town � this

The conference Is an out&rowlh Df us."nor 'f�ar for ihe .safety. of their Is a ��llItY, that Or. E. M. Hegge o� She was. the mothe� of Stanley 600re ·column. The following finns �

the Lutheran Seminar held last sUn- chlldri:'n. Asaln. he went and·.got a Central Lu�eran Church, In Tacoma who flnLshed P. 1":.0. C. In UI33 and was friends and advertisers In the Moor-

mer at the University' of' Minnesota,. haircut: so, broken is his .well. . :�� sing one ot the dra��tlc tenor graduR.ted from Lueer qoll� tn- UI� .tng' Mast:

which made a study and did retleanb Through the mo�ths he �as_ ltved ' . Burton Kreidler. !S. vJs.1ted at �hool Anderson's De.i.ry work In connection ";ltI� a cWTIcuJ\fll �uggl}' bugged In among mountain Others � "lll'Ul appear as soloists last week . . He .1s now employed by thi!: All5trum Printing Company

tor Lutheran colleges. -Or. O. 3:. heights. To hJm It · is truly ·the b�nd Include M B. Raymond.; Mrs.. A. ¥. American Can Compa_ny in Seattle. HI.'! Bone Diy Shoe MIg. Go.

Pannkoke, direcoor or 'Publlcat.1on aid of n;en and be_aros. Here h,e can com- �man of Brookdale, Mrs. Hltch, �. brother. Myron, a graduate· of '26. 1s Borlnadele Beauty Shop

Research 'Commlsslon on Luthertn mune In pez:rect .�Ison with his pipe. ���O;d Olson. and -Mrs. P�I1IP E. working in Rhodes' Department Ston Boynton's Garage '·

Higher Education, -from Qultmai. FIve othe.r . hennlt.s share RoIP!t's . g: . of Tacoma. • Brookdale Barber"

�orgla. supervised this activity. I !'anctuary. E"ery sin�le one has but a. , . ' Dean and Mrs. PhfHti E. H�oge and Brookdale' oolf Course

The'general 'theme Is to be "The �_ single purpose for endurtng such hard- Ramstad ·WII. Speak �hlloren art! .spendIng the Thanksglv- Brookdale Qrocery Co. ��of-a-Ghrl6Uan-Ed�U.le .shIPS as �e Preus beard. They are At Next lUission Society Ing hoUdays In Portland as Brookdale Lumber Co,

opening meeting FrIday morning. Dr .. 5f'aTt"htng for--gold.� [act they are �.JW . ·Ramstad . Science ot Mr. and Mrs.. Laurence .M. Hauge. Br'own & Haley.

H'. A. Preus will speak on _"The OuUofk actually dlgg!ng for It .. Twq t,unneli Instructor�ctre;s"the-M�SQ.:. Both Mr. and Mrs. , Laurence H�uge The Bug

tor the ,Ghrist{an College." Or. O. I. they have �onstrtJtte.d-one II, little' clet}' at Its next meeting to � held . were-8radU:Bte<L!!Q�.!-' C. In 19:18. Conrad's coffee' Shoppe

Pnrink6ke �'1Il address' the group all hl�her up the mounta�n tllan. the ot.her. Woonesda.y .. December ,4. The tople Mrs. Hauge 'was th� torm�e:E8': -- OrBllJ· fumtture Co. . -

" Thto Answer: Christian General Ed1. E�en th(' powder blasts don t �m to $\1I1 'be "'The Madag&scar Misslon" peseth. ' 'Danlel's Service

caLion." . - affect the s�arch or the bt;ard. . -Romola RuSt will sing a. .solO, ' arW. oender and 'Tone

Frida}' afternoon a number ot colle,'e The home ]lfe or the six herm.lts runs Jenny . Bardon has been nslo:cd to play . p9.hl G�ery .Co.


('ducators will discuss the topic "Inl:t- tis course In two or three log cabins the plano. LAUNDRY AND �Dollar Studio



The Heart of Christian Get:- down the valley. One Is oCcUpied by Thanksgiving baskets ha\'�been pre- .c Orh'e-In-Mar!iet

.'ra] Education." In addition to lhB-. Dangerous �n Flotre. Sup't and Her· pared by the Mission Socl�er LEANINC SERVICE ' Eastman Kodak Store '

Dr. L, W, Boe. president Q( St. Olli' mit r;Jo. 1. Here he superintends the the superVision or Mildred Larson. At Extremely Low Prices Fisher's

College - Northfield. Minnesota, wfil dally consumption pf grub as "":ell as chalnnan. Dorothy �derson AI!vtnn Gallen Kamp's

LUlhl'ran higher schools. At the din. �oylng munlf!c]ent dream.<; at night. In School Representative l-Janson's Jewelry sJ>('ak on the pro!i'ram for midwestern/ welgh]ng nil the golden eggs and en- Arne. . . AL ARNE Happy- &- Ed's MUSI� Shop

�f���a�. ;:I��r:�o��:t

k�u::I� ���k�

t�:: ��e


a:�e���� �bate �:�T�Il�E:!O:egln until TACOMA'-S LAUNDRY ::��!�bS

at �e Unh-erslty _of Minnesota. nnce. Herl' sl.eep (snorlngly. of course) the second semester, according to Prot. Jet1und ,& Palegrutl

Group conferences will be held Sat- hermits two: three, rOUf. five, and slx- J. P. Pflueger, deba'te conch. Pantorium Cleaners Johnson-Cox Co.

urday morning with Or E F Plhlblad Rssls t to Hermit No 1 TIle last ho� The question to be discussed Is Re- Kimball's

presIdent of Bethany College Lindsborg happens to be the!1' Magazine I so]�ed that by a tll.o-thirds "ott', Klopfenstein's

Kansas preSJding Dr Pannkoke will and no one spencl<; more t1mer�her� Congress shail h3\e t.he power to over- Lien & selvig ��:I�'�:S::� of the-conference at th

,e th:a

�;e;;::; men

(II) do live In tJe

I ride a Supreme Court decision Me"'1 ,ud Lldi .. ' H .• in;.utti", ��h�;::SO. B�otherhood 1''' � We cater to tne r.die$

deep dark hills In order to get "--�k f C. O. Lynn Co.

CHAPEL SPEAJU;R after Christmas they will drive t<\,.Mc. THE BUe Art's _ Barber Shop Mezzo StudiOS

e:� ��':re�e�



LU:� �

a\l!r I:��rty�: :�����e: b��

l ::]�� I Noonday Luncheon � � Brookdale, Washington ��I=p��\�:=�

Thanksgiving address in C�apel today ed by a caterpillar Tractor this b\s l --? SERVICE Parkland Barber Shop struggles the thirty miles In three. hours I WITH A SMILE See Our Xmas 1iIj. Pa,rkland Qarage

e ��em:= ;I��


:-rr.Th�:!:� � .. .... " .... "" ...... """" .. " .. ,,,"''''',, .. ,, .. , """"""1i1 Spec'ials . Parkland Golf .Course

miles of snow-cov!!red. hills (moun- Smith & Cregory MEZZO STUDIO :

::::d Mercantile


��al�tar:�: i QUICK SHOE R�PAIR Fidelity Bldg. MAin 3704


n�n���!� Co.






Johnson -


Company 726 Pacific: A,(enue 1 Phone BRoadway 2238

��� �Ik:�';�t:�:��;:g \:,'n,':::' ",n : 3 1 ' v, So. " <h S. T "om. ] I �r:o;,!!ec

triC Co.

@ t!. , • You Arfin��s/ a�jkE::y to r" �hh��;

e��thers " " ������';'�'��" "" " "'''1 r SER���L����ON RHODES j �;,.':;, �'U�,gOry

Happy & Ed's .'. l I Complete Creasing 50c BROTHUS - TAC()(AA ' �:



- I on Mcunlain Hignway f!i 762 St. Helens MAin 7029 � ;;=======�== I I Stanley Bell Print.lng Co. r·--P.-,-k-I.-n-d-B-.-,-b-.,-S

-h-O-P-'· ·_ .... ..,'" r==T::h=e=D::O=I=I.=,=S::t=Ud=i=o==tj ���'�;��'�"".;'�;"' .. ".� �::;;



Patrofllse U"lon Barber ShoPI - at RealOn.lIle Pnee. and be well fed W9.&hlngton Hardware I Quality Photo,'.phl at the BUCABOO Tschunko'S

�. G. P. KNUDTSON, Prop Central Bldg 931 1h: Broadway 1 �:==:::8:::'O:::W:::N=�::H:::Al:::'::Y==

': � :���a;����=

ry co. ""

Parkland. Wash 1 Tacoma Washington

I ij , j§} J. T. Wilson, Dentists

r · ·�����S�.�I"l;�O"·P"�����

'· · . �I REE.D'S

. FOODS l SPREN7'��l::-, -IONES .j� r . �:


" ;� ',;,;, .;:'.:::��. ::;"" .". Watch an: s{:��� RepaIrIng � XMAS SPECIALS :

p .. kl,nd CA. 01 45-R-2 You get tt 1<>< .L,e.. 1 1 30 Bmadway BR 4375 � MEZZO STUDIO '

� All Lines of Beauty Work : FIdelIty Bid, MAIM 3704 j � Permanent Waves 250 Son,.....:--... t SeUera-15e

� . .. ' "'''' ' "' ' '' .. " .. , ."" .. ,", ... " ....... "� Ii """ .... " ... "'''''''" ''':'''' , .. ... "'',,.''''''' .. .. , .. Ii EvenIngs (by app·t.1 ." t,,_ i) DANclAS

EL'S SERVICE :_i �_l · ··' ·��:��':;:'·'�'u'·'m··"··b'·'.'·','·'

·c ... 'o'··.'"''''1

Crecting Cards for All "AMERICA SINCS" OIL � § .t Brookdale on Mountalri

Oc • Ted' Brown Music Co. B cas Ions. .


1 1 21 -23 Broadway BR. 321 ] ' rookdale, Washinate;n � � Hirhw"y .;;!�������:: . @j..;�;; .• ;;;;;;;, ;;';;;;



;;;.:. I II>-r-·'-'··'-'·"·-·�-·:-�-;E-�-·:S-�-�-':�-':P-E-


""""l=,�;.�,��- 'J Specializing in Hot Soup

l�:�g t"d�:;,t ::::!':i.n�� and

1 1 32Yl �itCific Av.e. .


$2.00 Men', Mon.thly Rate . Parkland Golf COurse BROOKDALE GOLF COURSE

• "The PUblic Cou� with the Country Club AtmO$phere"

':"iome.� Made Pies


Brook·cia.le, W"s..,inlton

Window-Pane' Check Coat Sweater ... �.95


. AMOCAT FOOD PRODUCTS: 8 Miles South on' Mountain

Highway . I ll;Iile .. Eait on Clover Creek Road "JOIN KIMBALL'S SKI CLUB-"

!'THE PEAK OF QUA�ITY" DistribUted by- _ , . �


lots of fun and meet your friends at the Mt.- . : !-&s CO-

· 1 "Choir, of the 'Vest"

Concert Is Next Wednesday

-; � )



. Ha\'e you Purchased

A Ti('ket to the . 'Banquet?

===�==�--'---'-- " , " ! ' �'----,----:.-�-==;:::=:=::::::::� VOLUME nyELVE P�. WAsHINGTON. DEel:MBtR 11. 1935 N:) II

Smitley To Speak ,Deill. Rho. To Be Guest. Choir Appearance Margaret 'Rorein At Student Body Of Pep Club S!,iur,ilay To Be December 18 " Is'Chosen To Edit Football Banquet """.lIon, ftm ",!n "'"M to to""

Director 'Edwards Announ,el! 1935·36 Yearboo'k __ . 5e\'en Delta Rho Gamma girls lor Ul� Complete �onc::eri PrOJtl'8m •

Sc\'enuen Glarliator Stars Will PeP . Club, Slumber Par.,t:.' to be held '. FRC,u1l): to Make Appointm�nt Receive Awards ' . Saturday e\'f'nl� in the girls' dor:ml· As II:'" '!rst fo��1 ar2peafallce ot the . or 'Business Manager at

tory nltE'f thl' All-School party. Mrs. school year. t.he paclnc_Luth�ru.n Ch�lr La��r Date ' Tonight Esther DI.\'Is.. n. R. G. IUh'isef. Is the �III t�:·e �uin�t�


tmc�=ce�� M� Margar:et Rorem. 1"'OnftaJ de.: To honor members of the foo�ball honort'd gul'st. . Pilrklan'd Wednesday., December 18, at partment sophomore. ",!as named editor

!'Qua� and Coach C. 0 .. OISoJZl. th� stu. Commlttf0e8 \\'ho are wprking on the 8 o·clock. ' . . "Or the 193.5.6 Baga. pacific -Lu.theran

�:t�a�:�n isue:





1 plans are: gener,1 eh�man. H(If'n Under the direction of ProfeS50r 'J. 'College IlnnuaJ. at the re�lar f�u1�y

hall toni htq at '!:30 O'clOCk� ' Geo g Holtcamp; entertainment. Constance O. Ed ..... ards.. the choir wlll sln� Jhe �tlng held Monday eyenIng.. 'For

g � Clumb. Kathryn Anderson. OvediA follo ..... lng numbers: "'It'$ me, 0 iflrd" the poIIltlO!I of� buslneM manager. np Smitley. mayor of Taco�a. "'1lI give the Haugt>: Im1t3l1ons. Alma Stolee. Roo- by NobTe-..Caln; "0 ':\.,1I1 et FlUa�' by _SeleeLlOn ha.'I-yet-been 'made-, ----main address. �ta Torrison. RuLh-Fro!o'en;-lInd-Va- -Volcll:ona -utstlng: · .. AiffiI15 I:5e!" by Au. ROREM Orfl.duated in 1934 with I).lgh scholas·

____ Brnrum .... Myhre nnd-�rt Monson lerla MO('hnke. . � �uSt Soderman: "Christm'as Lullaby" . . tic honors Irom Lincoln high school 'In have arranged·.t� Pt"Qgram- -�'hICh In- "We Ilre sorry that we can not h�ye by �.ollgang'M:ozart: "0 Sacred Head" Stude;'ts To Hear Coilege Tacomll, Miss .Rorem �as continued to

l \ 1 1 I i !

� ! )

eludes !'otlectloru; by the bo)'s quartet: e\'el")' O(lta Rho Oamma member on by F. M. dhr1:5t1ansen; '�Chll1un COme • • _ . . be an honor roll student during' her and a Ylolin duel by Syh1a MiUer and our guest llst. but lack' of beds denies On Home" by Noble Cain; "Beautiful Chol'rlnChapel'folllorrow enrollment nt ' P.L.C. She has been Evelyn Syverson. us that pleasure:' aSsert.., the general SAviOur" by "f, M. Christiansen; "The

. ncllvr In numerous extra-curricular

vlter '<;\\'eateMi \\'111 be awarded to Chairman. . Spirit Also Helpet.h Me" by J. S. Bach. Chapel hour 'torpOITOW wUl Include I acUYltil's, such as De.lta -Rho Oamma, Sht'ldon Moe. Hal Votaw. Harold "Psalm Twenty-three" by J. O. Ed. short . COrtcett by the college choir. ctiolr. Mooring Mast. Gennan club. and OConner OU\l'r Ludlo\\ Harold Nil· D ' N'

ht W'O wards: "Lost In the Night" by F. M. ' · IL�' Initial appea.rance of the debate. This )'ear the L.D.R is under �n Robert Martin Russell FrJ;e Law- rama 19 I , Chrlstianstn. · school year. her capable guldance. rence Grenier. Nonnan F'r):e. Cheste� F t Tw P·l r.ilss Lois May Morton. freShman nu· Aeeording to Prof. J. O. Edwards. Editorial and business staff work wUl SOUe and Ed\\-ard Sylnth. who have ea ure 0 ays tist-. will accompany the choir in the lhe fOllo


\\'lng numbeu wlII be rendered: \ begin In January. after the buslnell8



r more foolball letters Annual Christmas. Program to "

'cr:�����!��n. who Is the win. :�I;) .�':n���


·�� .. \yO�:!�




d�tuen and

Kenneth Ant'rLwn, Arnold Tommer- Becin at 7:30. Friday ner of the seattle SymphoO:y A.ssoc1a. Cain: "0 FlUIl et F'Ulae" b� Volckona . Prof. N. J. Hong reque.�t at"udents who vlk, OtL, Grande. wlllIa?, Capps. Fred Night"

. tion award for the best,young rimsiclan LelMlng: which will be sung with nute are Inlere:<ted In seeurlng the position

He:m)'. and Harold Anderson \\'11\ be . of the:state. will �Iso �ppear on the accompaniment by Lois May Morton. of busln.eSli manager. to submit appU· �wardl'd their nrst letter. Friday evening at 7:30 o'c1ock the .prOgTam. Accompanied by his sister. c:atlon� Immediately_

o;corntions In 'yellow nnd blllck. Dramn Club will give Its annun.l MIsS'Rut,h Johnsoo. he will play Chr1:5t- �'Messiah" Concert . . carrying out the '>rootball . motU, have Christmas pl't'�nta.tlon In the college mas cart and se\'eral concert numbers. T' B S d N'

ht Kl\10 T.o Ff'ah�rc P. L. C. been p�anned by Enid Huston. chalr- gymnasrum. ;., '

0 e un ay . Ig Broadcast Morulay Nj�h� mRn. Mnrle Johnson. Jean-Mfl.rle Fo�-

Under the direction of Margaret �ll'Sy-bc.{aas To Be -- ' lcr. Evelyn Monson. Roberta Torrir.on. Craft. 'Thc Music BoX." by Jack _ ) \ ( Honored at Tea F.dwar�s i?ireds. Ch�rus of! Pacific Lutheran COllege. will be rep-

::� H�:dne�i�I.S:·nd �:::� B�:;I).�n� Stuart Knapp, will be enacted. This HonO{ Mrs.--Jiarold J. Lemas, who Fifty. I��::

i��:� Nine I resenled In the regular KMO schOOl

",enu committee consists of Mat'8oret play Is concl'med with the story of a recentlY\wa.s married to Prot. Harold . __ �roo.dCASt .series Monday, December 16

Craft, chairman, Eleanor Raudebaugh. �Ith,.. I'rld.elll�ltt.eral man who. on J. Lemas. College Science Instructor. Under the direction of Prof. J. O. �:' p��:m is to last tIlo'enty-nve Ctf'rtnlde Stenberg. Joanna ManolL<;Oc';. the day or Jesus birth, a.nd through the Delta Rho Oamma wlll gi.

ve a tea Edwards, the Pllrkland Choral Society minutes. Under the direction of �f. AU"ln Arne R..1)· Reid and Lloyd the spirit Of Chrlstmns. returns to hi1l tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o clock In [ WIII present "The Messiah " by G F .

hoi III it ' Thompson.

. .



n hl�e,:���

tr� the rccren\.lon room. ,Hnndel, Sunday evening a't 7 O'Cl�k: ��o�� ��:I:;O��.

e �\s.�\':rothy


The following walters and \\·allre!'.o;e.<; ' . Wr:aths. splcey fir boughs. and TM chorus Includes appro�lmately tiny derson and Mr. Joseph Running wUl 'ha\'" been appolnt�d by Judith Bt>n. ��rs�ht'


�I�:nth�:;: cnndles will be uscd In carrying out the voices, n�aturlng nine sololsts. The ac_ piny n two.plano compo.,ltlon, "Opus A

!'oQn Alc;a John!'oQn, Helen Lilja. Mnbel Thornton. \\'hlle the part of �ls wire. �e���:�:;I'�:t:;I�:e �:�f;a�:

e p�� 1 ���,::�



Pi��� and B" from -the 1'scJ\alkoW8kl N.ut-




b:::I. �I'�t't��;� H.ell'n . . 1:< taken by Roberta Tomson. Other cmnmltteos In cha�ge are: pro- I ccln HI�h School In Tacoma. who have


te�y:� :�:;�;n-ette will

Sidders. Helen Holtcamp. Irene Mykel-Virginia Dn\'L� portrays t�elr duught{!r. gram. Anita Ball. Enid Blake. Hedvlg bM.:'n under the dlrecllon of M�. Mar- ' . " .

bu.,t. Ro�' Lundqu


J). k


f'r. Oak

M�r.y. lynn Larson and LI�Yd Larson Dahll'. and Ruth. Johnson: entertain- gnret Rawson Ooheen. director 01 . • Otnt'

!;S. Paul Estro

�, harl

l'l' Left_'k., lake the parts of Thorntons two ser· ment. Evelyn Monson. Alice Cook, E\'e nusic--t\t Lincoln High School. Gerlnan Club Skating \·ants. while the commltlee of destitute h'n Ecklund Ilnd Mildred Monson' reo "The Messlllh" L� dlylded Into three p . t I Friday Night ���:�n. H:I��

ld ROLt' . �k�:�

d C�!:�: tenant,� 1:< made up of Lenore Withrow, ire�hmen(.$, 'Marlon Pennie. Judy �en. part..�. P':--ogram number.> for the flrsl

.Ir y _"__ . . � Johansen. . Ven) Knutzen. and Robert Martin. S'Jn. Laum Ha�ge, and Ruby Moort'. dh'ls1ol\ are IllI follows: Opening ov�r- Sponsored by !.he Oerman Club, a

Clcllfl-up Is In the handll of Bell "'Jusl Alloth�r Dsy(' by Isla pu.s�hal ture .by Ih� orchestra: tenor solos. skating party "ill be held FrtdaY'eye-Johnuson. chairman. Howard Hudson. RlchardllOn. Will be presented by Rob· Fun on. Far,,! Found "Comfort Ye My People" and "Eyery nlng fl.t the King R9l1er Rink in Ta. Paul X:\V"ler. All'ln Lehmann. and Gary ert Monson Ilnd his group. The sto.11' • Valley Shall Be Exalted" by Bernhardt coma. SkaUng will begin at 9:30. PfJ\Jl"gt'r� In chsrgt' of tlckI"L�. \\'hlch

cl'nt('rs around a noted. middle-aged For Fresit,nan Froire Bronson: "Thus ,Salth the Lord". and Prizes, wUJ be a""arded to the \jellt are fifty cents cach. are John Stuen. pianist. who. cold and hard to\\'ard�

Barn frollckln Is something dlUer-"'But Who May Abide the Day of His sknlers and to the mOllt progressive be-

Paul Larson. and Ed Mnchle. IIfl' lind hl'r associates. suddenly, g . Coming?" by Barnhar�t Bronson; glnnl!rs. Gertrude Br.unner. gen�ral . t.l"Jrough unexpected evt'nts. finds her ent In the line or P. L_ C. social funC- 1 Chorus sings "And He Shall Purify"; chalrmlU)., .Is arranging for tlie details . . " hue .self, reallzlng that Chr1:5tmas tlons; and !.hey certainly are a roar, contralto solos. "Behold. A VIrgin .

High School Students mcan!!. more than "just an.:Jther day:' too, IllI Porky would ha\'e It. In fact. Shall Conceive" and "0 Thou that "

C.oml)ile School Tr�ulition� Tht'lma Daniels is cast as the pianist, y� reporter thought It Willi a ... pop ... · Tellest Good TIdings to Zion" by Bo�r� of Trust?es Meets

__ Janl' Blair; Wadene Calayan as her TO.bc vcry pointed. It was definitely Mrs. A. H. Freeman. supplemented by ToDlsClliiO�Pr()JectRel�or18 Booklt't.� containing Information of life-long friend. Agnes McFadden: and a. I!ack-to-the-Barn movcment. ami 8fI Ihe chorus: baritone solos by Paul A.

�hool traditions are being planned by Jasper Johnson 8.'1 the old family doc. the local hayseed:; were there. ' Preu!;, "'For. Behold. DarkneM �hllll PncUic Luthemn COllege Board ot the Pacific Lutheran High School as. tor. Her secretary Is Mm Winton, . Paul Estrom seemed to leel right at Cover the Earth,'· and "The People Trust{!es held Its Initial meeting of ll'Ie soclatlon.

-played by Helen Lilja: her maid. Nettle. hOl'l}e. In facl. he bad �g curtain That Wn.lked In Darkness"; Chorus. 1935-36 SChool year yesterday ",t the

When completed, these booklets will by Laura Hauge; and Jack Marshall. pat.clles on his trousers-someone eyl. "For Unto Us A Child Is Born"; the home ot Dr. O. A, TIngeistad . . contain the storll's of such P. L. C. fa. the young father. Is John Dreibelbis. dently wasn't at home. Who could Tlelp Pastoral Symphony by the orchestra; Reports from Mr, Victor Elvestrom YOI'ltes as the Kicking Post and the EYelyn Ecklund has planned a pro. but enjoy the Sight of our musician four short recitatlyf!S by Mrs. Burt H, on the sale .:Jf debentures. rrom Rev. Fountain of Youth. VIrginia Da�, gram to be gfyen beh,'een the presenta. Joseph Running In gay yellow .. red, and Raymond. sop�o: chorus slflg3 "Glory Thea Hokeru;tad, of Bremerton. on the Clifford Haugen. and Geot'8e Knudtson tlon of the two playa. A toyland skit black! Otis Grande. huge local farm 10 God"; sOlo. "Rejoice Greatly, 0 Paclrre D�rlct COnjrepUonal con· 1'1"(' supervising the project. will be enacted. Nelson Dedrick "'ill hand. spent not a. few minutes reo Daughters of Zion" by Mrs. Burt H. trlbutloru;. and from Mr. Paul A. PreWl

play cowboy" medleys o� the guitar; dining on the Ooor looking for what I Raymond: contrl\lto recltatlye . . and air, on dcvelopment plans with �rUc�lar

L D R eh · ·· t. . 1" t Eileen Kent will glye a plano solo. and thought wft:!l p�ably a needle In tJ\e ·"Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be reference to the next bul1�fI&:.l!OJec!,.8 . : . rl� n� ee Jean Anndut Will give a reading. haystack, but was lnrormed later l? be Opened", sung by M�. Clifford O. 01· w�re . given. �. B. Klldahl, super·

WIll Be Next 1 hundav· · the penny his Mama had given him. son: soprano solo "He Shall Feed His Int{!ndent of the Coeur de Lane Hom'e, -- • Mr. Keith Reid. drama clu� adviser,. Not \'ery well acquainted with- the F'lock Like a Shepherd" by Mrs. Philip discussed the proposed Rocky MountaiJ1

Mrs. .0. A. TIngelstad and )!ra: D. �::, ��ted the groups '" rehearsing �Io. Farmer Hokenstad seemed to E. Hauge. District church paper .as related to Larson will be julnt hostesses to the P ) . have got the patch on his trouserl ' Part two oPens with .the chorus ling· Joint Lutheran publicity on the Pa •. December meeting of the L.O.R. to be seared from some wires; and even Ing ':Behold. the Lamb ot God:' follow_ clnc Co8.'lt with particular reterence held next Thursday at .. Mrs. n.rtgel- Senior Class IUenlbers though he did act like Bltty, the Ban- ed by a contralto air "He. Waa Des- to tho Pacinc Lutheran Herald. Itad's home. • . ty. from then on. it wasrfi hair as run:' plsed" by Mrs. Harr; C. HJtch. The The board considered plans for th�

The! Pl"Ofl"ram numbers will be per·' Attend "The Crusades" ny as seeing the follo..rtng comfortably chorus will then sing "Surely He Hath _second se�ter and acknowledge(t'the yaded by the Chrutmas spirit . . Eug. . seated beneath the sign. "These Are (Continued on Pare 4) recent gUts made by Mr: and Mrs. I'nla Spen::er will play a ' plano solo, . Senior class members held a theatre Contented Co�": Neyella Ross. Esther ' Paul , A. Preus and Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Mary Machle and Anita Ball wUl 8lng party Ilt the' Rialto last Friday even�g. Not'8aard. June J4tckelson, and a ..s�ray Fl\o�n.1 CLASS DUES Eggen. . .. I!. ,'ocai duet. Lois May Morton ls to After seeing "The crusadeS.,.. which kitten, and also Simon Anderson. Kenneth Anenson.}man Authorization WIlI'I wed of further play a Oute solo, Prot. M. N. Franck. starTed Loretta Young an� Henry WU· And �ryn Riggs just couldn't president. has appointed the following cooperation with other Lutheran schoote French Instructor. wU!' give a talk on �xson. the group went to.We'home ot 'whIstle arter eating a cracker -(she stulltnts to collect the semester � In study and development of Ch�an Christmas In Hungary. The group Will MIss lone Madsen ror refreshments,and 'Ihould try birdseed) . But It·t due..'!: . . Ell8enla Spencer. girls' dOrIlJ; general education which has been un· Join In singing Chi-Istmas carols. entertalnmel\t.. . v�ry "'(ann Iltting In the window 5111 Alice Cook, day girl.<!; and Warren der the auspices of tJ\e CommlM1on:

Volly Norby. vlce-pnslaenl o( the, Enid Hutson, 'chairman., Volly Norby, watching .those creshl"nen ha\'lng the Hokeru;tad reprer.entlng all rreshmlU). on Higher Christian Education ot ... the District · division. Will eXplain the or· John � Dreibelbis. and Roy Lundquist time .of their lives so I adjourned to my boys. _ . American Lutheran ' Conference", dl.

ganlzation of the naUonal L. D. R. comprised the committee In chat'le. plnk 'plald blanket.. Dues are nr�n cents per �mester. recled by Dr. O. H, Pan�koke.

Wl1t ttionring ;,ffMast Published ever.y t 1>."0 I\�ks during the school year

by �he students of PacUlc Luthe'ran COll�, Parkland. Washington

OWcp: Room 11� Telcphone: GArind 0577. . . Subscription PTlce--$l.OO p('r Year

En\erffi I\.S second elMS matter.�r 2, 1925, at - thr Post Office at Parkland, Wftshlngton.

under t.he ... ci. of March 3. 1879.


Helen Holtcamp Hazel Hagerup

Jean-Marie Fowll';r Bob Martin

MlU"ie LIen. Irene Odell REPORTERS-11Ielm,1 Oi\nlelo;, JOlilllla Manous-

0. ... Nonna Preus. Eh1\ Bergman. Gary pflueger, ' Margan'! Larson. IOlle Mr.dsen; Ru.ssell Frye. Ro-1:x'rta Torri."Iln. Lenor"t' Wlthroi .... John 9relbelbls.

� __ . R(TSISt:SS ST,U'F � ----sUSn ... ·ESS-M,A;NAG�. - Frithjo[ TayeL ASST. B.USJNESS MGR �lkri(stt:om-'-

- .


Lighter Than . .

Air Rt BOB i\1O!,>"!SO!'>"

DRIFTs . . . . - I'RE:\TS CORiI/ER �J Brenner Out of th� ,,"'rlter of ImpresslolU IRln- .

. Cit'rinRny'� Prot.est�nt �1l!eSsion 3)'- ffi nt. tJle educationftr �onf�renee at .

��at�:l. O .... �:�

l� 1;7u

I��IJ:.:ftl�\�I�I:glU� St. Olaf ColleS-e Novem�r 29-:W emerge

!lOll to come .In and sup ..... Ith you. 'f;vl- n'HI.UY ..... herfflr we are deflnltel)' ,lad.

Well. Thanksslvlng ls O\"l'r No .... ; ..... ' can be dlss<ltls- :::�II�;"\ jlf)�:' ;:C�I\:�Sd::� ��� FO\:�:�f::

le�AI-'E' Ilad to do out WC.'Il. [ted .untll 'nf,'l'Ot Thanksgiving . We had much to �

thankful for . . . ThOl>l' sax H�t'rs tn Ll1e .d.orm .should the�' ..... JIl be ('Il\'!ed by m!i"ny of 'the l\fldw('stern Luthrnm t'dUClltor.! no ..... bE' thankful·they·re !)UU alh·e . . . � t.hlngs \l .. ere aQd zealous Ct;ri�Uans ill Amerlcll . ..... ho Rft' also do: they &It. do ..... n t.ogetht'r to face

lire going on around school . . . Lust week-end the rrosh. looking for'a cause. other tha.n th� mtl- CQIn!non problems. Like us. tOO, they : had a- Bam Frol\e....,..lhe sa:me old STALL ... ge� fl.? I . (criRI to die fQf. . gather h�lp and Insplratbn therefrom.

�ext WE'dnes<! - thO b � d d 'l k If Thef'{' Is Ii hu(' and ('ry RlJ over the TIll' ne;'" emphasis upon the ptoouct · �'(" re paring'o:l

l� ��rty :t'n�:

l��; �1�t-f:�e' O/��e l!�dl- 1:lIld (or (pachers to " !<wellr' to' uphold III the form of Int.ecn-ted ChrbUan

• �:k�,�)� 't� :g'�h�




I\�'An �:�lg�;:\��:�:;IOl BO�I:'

u� :�h j.:: ;:��I�:ng�''''':bo�tU� t�::






" m\�tll-NI. ,·g

", ',',

. """n, . ,


',l� �



� to.JO



�,)' '

,� lor thE' District of Columblll .. but J\ law ilon cSf mt'lIn" and fllCth0d.8 Ilnd extf'r-

" ,,_ J " "'_ ' "" � under ",:hlch tt"aehf'rs' there have to nab al)d .elel'rly establl!hes ChrLst)an CIISt liS a doctor. � sign a sLll.ti'ment that. they did not tent:h grnerftl education RS a lllaJQr hlllclJon

cunHllulllsm bef!'", reeeivillg pay_ 01 our Junior Col!ege · ..... �rk ..

. " OINTED NOTES �1�et;kS. that. city has beeomtJ .storm Thrre Is. Ilc<:ordlngl}' a Ilew emphMl� . To those who hHbitu'RlIl' fn.'Q.u-;;'n� the glrl�' day rpom tt Ilter· of thr struggle.· upon p<"r5PE'cth'e as Il requL�lte for lifter stud),' hours 40r other hour!;l . ""ill know !hlll the Dt'Cenders of th(' ollth say. '·Ne\·('r. stnte�mllnshill. upon t-hc merg.lng of color scheme li

S plllnned will be cr('nm color lind nredlum h:\\'(' Wt' thought that uny public se _ life (student ' IIctivltlelH ..... Ith coilege " �r,'""g>', ,.','I��_ 5Onn



g" �" "'

O'_ P'IO


.' '.J ; .� ,.:hh',.�.



lol�� \'lInt l'f�dang{'rl'd his freedom of l{'amlng. And upon the dally exerclst

" '-'0<: '- " n loA " ",. ''- Ih�ught. or .SJ)E'ech. by Ulklng an ollth of Chrlstilln life. In ..... ardh' /Integration .of that, Bach tlllk." in chOir. chlldrell . . We aAA the .or :llleginn('t' to tht' Constlll .. tlon of th(' with Christi lind out1!.'flrdly <iol-'Ing­\·: 3·tlon�tomf"f's-lmck :....::.Il1cLr.o.l,l ha.\·c a good time?" And- Unl_tt'd St3te�. the very bulllJlrk of frre- kln·dness. frlrndlinei'lS. sincere courteS)·.

- ,


Emmt't Thomll" on CIRCULATION ASSISTANTS - Lt-'Ilore With rOil,

A����I�I�I���IlHllr:'Y McCormic;':. Ed!13!iCy. Jasper Johnson. Elizabeth ·Fr!is. Emmet Thonipson '

FACULTY ADV1SERS . l"_ J_ Hong O. J. SIuel.

lIwr :iLmwer: 4 roiling ,their �'esl "'Ol\. I'm 1I0t sayrn'Krd!-ffimf. �� for-orie another;.

. . [(nd tlwn titter \ea�lnSb-: the' dopes . . . The s ..... ·eater Th� column SlI}S ,Ihat If .... 1' 10\1' aj Neglected fields Among ���-�\a�. �:����:� ���� :�IIl.���!�ghl�::�,�:-:��I;estlca�I�' ����I:,� frl('nd no 0111' ha� to cOIllpt'1 us W �rt and social studies are mild\. co

Lung SIIr�: " Mllt Po kul tam ap I nl po ke"' . and sml!e lit hlm- Ir lIe dlsllkr llhn there ordinate ", Ith prmel1 fields such liS

bt'lh'\'e r\"t'r�' wor::! of it . . If you're talking to some glr I� no me�n!.llg 1/\ 11 forced smile tlle htulllmlUCF; and the 5I:;fence-mathe-

in (hI' hnll and you get:l fUllllr feeUng. dOIl't be'nlaTlllf,'"d- mnllcs group TIle beau�lful �s recOI!-

II'S probabiy Arnie blowing III your (!Rr . or Strand fllzed RS an abiding \alue alongside of Ch P I t:l . 'h' good .nd >h' "n, ferling In rour pockets for n match a e ';J eanlngs The personal Impact of pt'rsonnllt)

.\II:'�("ALLt:D lUl�("t:LL,\Nl'-, '.vhn� diX's Chrlsllanity nll'an? upon per.sonllllty Is doubly precious In


Fur 11ll' firsl l i l lll' "Thl' �kssialr"

Same ns l>4'fore. the reRson Ille dlf!ert!ll�. clru;.scs are In the home it means kindness' In the setting qf sueh a COllfen'nce. Es_ po�!ponmg tilt' nalllill\! of their ad\'tSl·r.; is ul'cause they

· :lrt' looking for blind anI'S 1\0 usc at parU('s) : JAldglng a L"adi- I by 11ll' �Inrt's that. Johnhy D. got w�en I,ll' suggested the

lillllUi alld a I n lll'l! l,(,lt·l!ntkd CIII{"lmas pn's- N'niOfs go 011 'Il snipe hUIlt. we' are goLng to have cold l..'lIlalioll. wi!! Ill' 1-!in'lI ill Parkland 11l"�1 Sunduy ", .. IHher soon Tfu>--way GEORGE "BROCKWAY and

t'\'l!;:;�g _."

I:'�: ;I:

h�:I l�·�:II �'::��� i�::I· : :rl· lal l(kl is .!!i \"l': '



elr hl'lIds IOgether while study-. � " , . 111(; 11\ the M. M. 0

t��· Oll� might think th",y. were

��:·�;�L';�';;:��t.i,�:, �ll�(:,I\\rU)t�:II ;tl;�.�t"i:�::I; [l

ililt:;::�I'�. '


hiltl.'hm!: Up :1 COIlSPi'119:'-�" Tile closer you get to sollle ,.., of th� guys around h"fl· . Ihe 10rt' plaIn I>' >'ou dlstlngulm

�Itlny sinn'rely hope thaI it "' ill ill' PI'l' St'llkd lIw cliLa on theW1IPi7er Ill . A hllndful of klO'lp to arlllualiv in till' fullln' Iwt'l· al Parkland. !ho� cock-sun>s who \l nve helr7cars around L1le sun

Ev('r;'oll(' is Itl'gt'ti 10 ill lent! lit is affair, dIal 011 the lawtl._ Inmklne dnnkln'g QrRnge rinds. let whieh has a lJt'ulllifli l chorus intnspnscd h�' :lIOIll' sPik{'�!\ . . Evelyn Syvt'rsoll Is [l little AbO\'l' lhose fine urias sUllg hy various soloists. blue" :lnd "YU\I " love" I1nd " do\'p" rhymer!). We en-

'Iudl pn!is(" and l!tanks is dUl' 1'1'01". .I. ( ) Joyed. l_he ,Hnes: " -As If coaxing for tile moon beams to Edwanls wlul is Il in'dinJ..! " TI-1(' "t'ssiah" 1""("- rlljoy Its st.ralght-Iaced charms" \hut. with pipe

S('ll laliol1 11l'1'l', and so making il pussih'" for . organ .. could do thlllg� I'arkland r('sidl'nls to I'nil'\" tllis ("x('('II('111 I'll' It'rlailll]H'I1\. . .

ARE WE VICTIMS OF ILLUSIONS? "any Ik"opll' an' tll(' \"idi lll s uf ill llSiulls.

Tltt·\" ,liT so p'rlain lilat all tlUI" Irollhlt,s !Jlo\\ froril \t ickt·,l. s9U'lIliug "n'ds" Ill'. "radieals"· r\\'I1" rWVl'r 1111Y1!IH' lIth'lleait's ('\"1"11 nuld r('forll1",

Ihese pt'ople 'sh oul "red plol ," and Iry In Iran' Ihe Iltt'odt's which an' llth·am·l·t! III �ll Js(,o\\ . TIU'y !Jl ink in IlTlllS of "plots" allli "sl"iH·nlt·s.'· 411" 1,t(" SUllul wkkt'd'1('ss II[ a r:ul il'al gnHlp.

But Ihps(' }If'opk art' blind, Slllllt'linlt's Inlal­Iy hieking in 1I1ldl'rslarltliug of IIH' "e<ll iSSllt'S nmfroilling Iht' Halioll {·'.llIsl'd lIy Ihl' laq,(ely iIllJlt'I:sOIml slll'ial 011)(1 t'("tlllllilril..· InO\"l'I1U'Il!" and foret'S o\"cr which nobod\" has U Il \" ('lInlrol. Till'\" fail 10 ullllt'rsiand Ihal it i s nu'l till' lwd l)('oj)lc we n(-'('" 10 f{'ar. bul thaI i t is lil(' lmtl l'il izellship of Ih(' sO-.l'nl/cd good pCUpll' IlIu1_ will destroy Ihe lluliOl!. \\'e In'cullIe powl'rful IIIII�' Ihrough. hOlleS'1 and l'OIll1)Cll'nI in\"l.-'sligaliulI. \\'t· loS(' Irack of n'ulily wil(,11 wc fall inlo Ihe hahil.of "s('eing" tilings.

COllling righl dowll to rt':J I .f:Jds, pl'rhups it limy he s:Jid Ihlll IlO lint' is lalkillg ahuul OVl'r­Ihrowing Ihe ;':UH'nJIIH'llt. \\"hal the mass .of Ih('· pcoplt, \\'unl is 1.1 stoJi lo the aillls(' by a nllll­purut i wly smull grlllll) of iJUIi\"iduuls or pri\'-

, ill'� granlt'd !IH'tlI J'�I)I.hl�r�r.\·I��·I,lt



:'>OOBODY CARES RliT-A HAND: 10 Dorothy Anderson for being lhe acme- of '

'Hccommodalimidlty" 'if you like �he ..... ord I . a.nd a flipny facr to our editor . Toe-Nail Description: RUBY MOORE ta Mlng \'1ISe 1 . . . BEST PUN of the week: Mr. Bardon. " The only region I kllOw of Lhllt Is foggier t.han PHrkland IS the region on top of the spinal column .. Tot'-Nail Descnptlon: NORMA PREUS tA mannikin Lurned COoed! . TOOAY'S FABLE: Once upon a time a guy tried to pronounce Cl}"d� Cirlmstvedt"s Ilame �he way it Is spelled and succeeded SCREEN PERSON­ALITY: RAY HINDERLIE: " Doubtlng Thoma...� ··

WE'RE ASKING YOt.:-Ho ..... come Roy Lundquist stllnds out on the por�h of

:In evenIng ..... Ith a coat, while his girl friend ' stands 101-'­ingly by without one? . . . When are the W. A. A. girls going to take their next tramp In the woods? . . . Let me be the ttRmp next time! . . Remember wily back when a school r.omance meant that lhe boy furnished the ro­maneI'. and girl furnlsned aU of his lessons? . How comE' �he teflor-appearlng Ed MachiI' Is a bflss? . . . Did you know tha. Art Haavlk, a(ter Il meal. goes around the tables and picks �p the loose crackers and cookies, and

U carries them to his room? . . . A Pee-ell-sea gull . I'd like to know why the first tenor and the bas.'lOS of the male quarfet act like a trio of dals),bells dancing In 0. daisy pateh whenever the other members has his bllck turned . � Tee! Hee! : . . By the way, \I you want a program number some time ask Anita Ball and Mary Machle to sing . . . and don't let them make you believe that the due� Is really a trio. with lhe third member II! Seattle $t the moment.

,SL"N�S ON "I:HE S�NIORS....., ThE' theatre party-I� was success right ott the REEL

(get It?) . . . Like good cOWltry-folks. the girls collected in one room.' and the boys In' another . The gang

M'('le':�'. courtesy: In business, hOIl(,st.y; pechllly Ir'ue Is this In the c�se of In work. diligence; In piIlY. fnlrlless: In proven friends who meet In a new till' world. peace. To the ","crlk. It means settlJ�g. To the stu�ents I �rlng s1J('e­h('ip: to the penitent. forgiveness': to lal greetings from warm-hearted the unfortunate. sympathy: W the for- friends: Anna Mikkelsen. Milton Nes­lunnte. congratulations 'and not envy: v\g. Howard Hen�rlckson. Osten 'EHa­to the government. �dlcnce : to God.. son. P113tor and Ma. Stavlg. all among

. r{'l·crence. and always' .'nrw. those whom we eount fOn'ver our ?wn J. Xa,'ler O. A. TINGELSTAO



ShOUld 'be our



It': we r' ?' 1 �h

�:�:t f:::: �:s::Sg::�::PaS teachert Moler Beauty

' Shop


�:ht�:dCl; t:!IK:�::� : ��:�e�

OPle Ps��r.:�e�:! F�;fl:r�:��5�e He ..... as a Great Teacher because ht' 1 1 40 Broadway BR: 1"420

spokt' to the people In a language they I'��' ======:::::::-:-=" could_Wlderstand. I '! 1 . Set Jesus as your eXlimple of a perfec� i STEWART'S studel�t� . J " He IncreRSt!d III wisdom and stature. ! Orthopedic Shoe Store

I and In fRvor with God and man."

• Ramstad 7�!t�M��I��4l�.·' How few of us I1re doing 1111 ..... e can . -,

to get nil we can [rom· our fRlth! Within each of us there are unlimited

possibilities for growth and reall:tatlon of ChrlsU!ln falt.h. Take Jesus Into your hearl, and

though all tl)lngs be taken from you. your IUe shall be filled ..... Ith happiness. ,

J. P. Pflueger God comes lo you and me and sa.ys;

" In e\'erythlng gll-'E' thanks. tor this is the 11'11\ or God."

Rel-'erend Hegge

AN IDEAL GIFT New and Rebuilt

G $25.00 Jnd Up


. In this smart new "'all wea.ther"' dress shoe. Cus-. tom styled to look and wear like a much higher priced shoe it's a real bargain at

Vest puckds arl.! ('!ollling intu usc mure and mure. Pcrhaps the limit is rtw.:hcd now, Ihqugh. Xut :Jny mure is il just pocket siz� bouks, Call1l.!raS, ami such, Libraries arc hcing scaled <lU\\"ll !o IIlt'ct the I"l'quir.<'lIlents of Ihe waist--l�(Jat -'locke!. Dr. L. Bendiksoll of the Hunt ingtUll .l.ibrui·y at Sun ;\lurinu. Calift}rnill, has perfected u IJCrll luneilt methud of " cconl­ing hooks o� aslolllH.ling sllIullness. He "Pri nls ·10 to 50 reullced pag-e-photugrulliis Ull II fi\"e hy eighl. ineh fiUnlj can[ By this method it is possihle to store in t h,e usual four-unit fil­ing ' qlbinct .,1,000 volumcs of �OO puges cnch, Another. fc'alurc is til{' llllusuully low co�!.

eouldn't forget their studies even at the party, which Is Tcrms-$ I ,) Week For Hitops - Ski Boo!s and


;:�.I:e�::; ��;; 10nnlrh:I�I: �a�o�:� . 'all outdoor sport shoes Bone

Tlie hest thinw; we'\"e reud latch' are: "You \Von:t I}c Snubhed"; Reader's Digest, Decem� her. ':1;1 ; and " Strikebreaking Incorporalef]'" lIarpcl" s_,�o\,(�llIher, ':\f). '

and then i],e gurgled . . . Bert.'s Idea on women wu ter- Dry has the -style you need ---:;::;s ��

d��:��:\ ��o:e



m� .


;�. H. D. Baker & Co, . at a you are willing heard Eula MIle's talk at a W. C, T. U. meeting once . to �y. H;arold Anderson was the goat of the party for falUng for ��';:;09�50�';:;' o�'"���. ;:;B�R �4;:;06�2��:;:::::::� =d��



'el-'�nl�;: :n



atg:':i=�: [!j i'J

to .sIt. in .It : . . The weather last Friday night wu perfect. 'and you can bet George and Gertrude didn't Jet. !t go to What-Would Be Better For Christmas than 'a ""ute a�te.r �e Plirty . . . Tbe thlni-,that; made the party a LONERGAN FIRESIDE Oil BURNER success wu that no one took notes . . . ' But I stUl lruilat Very Easy ""(erms


then' were some in arioUu�r room work.lD8" Ed. Meuure} menta . . , You can _tAke It from me, Enid, Laura, Marie,

'Eleanor. and Vo�y .. look swell In a ·.drawing room. GAdand 0704 , R 0 S S O ' S . Sou'h 38'7& C

ffffffffff.ffffffffffffff •.• fff.'.ff .•••. �ff •• fffffffffff'



DE MBE.R 1 1. 193� .

.<on Is II!; follows' Dec. 18 Centralia Dec 19 AberdeE'n Jan 11 Jan. 14

17 Jan. 2{) .Jan 25 Jnll . 28 F<,b. Feb. f'(>1l 13 P<,b. 14 F'rb. 19 ", f't>b 21 F<'ll. 27 P(>b. 29

SeBtUe College St. Mnrllns Long ... I(>\\· BE'liInghAIII Mt. Vrnlon Ynklma Long\'j(>w


Yakima MI. Vernon Bellingham Srattl(> College St. MArtin:'; Aberdeen Centralia




A.�"urt'd of plenty of feminine. �u"port. j HOnle at the football banqilet. Pu]-lt'IlLy". 1

,'me Strand Is n pillyer dUflcull lo oU,t - � .• B08 South "C" 51 .• l-:ome" Jllm]) III centt'r. He hll!; e\'crythlng- +-----------1'

but t'XI>f'rit'llce �I Andf'non comes I . , HOllle along to show p, L. C. th�L Sunsetvllie PARKLAt;lD GARAGE

Home: "1It.�1 be reckoned with In basketball. Shell Gasol ine afd (J;( Home This "Onlloplng S" .. t'de'· Is

. II smooth 1 Depend/lble Grusing

Home pla},!'r wHh Ii smoother line. But then GENERAL REPAIR IljtRln. ullin. not ba.�ketball

f i D�'�AM�O�N�D�\-----�W�A�TC�H�E�S� I HANSON'S JEWELRY I Distinctive '1 Home I 251 So. 1 1 th 51. T.)(Qmol. Wn CEO. E. HUFFMAN Home I w.tch Repai,ina-Reno",bl. P,I," 5




�-------- II���� · I� TSCHUNKO'S 1 � ANDERSON'¥! HOUSI OF FLOWIRS Individual Jewelry

COLD MEDAL D'AI'RY T .. com .. ·• Le .. dl", Fktw": ShOp CUNDERSO�'S Producers of

Natural Milk CGru ... · .. Specl .. lty 762 Broadw., DISTI NCTIVE

We Supply the Collelt S. P.c. Ave. at 50th GAr. 0514 I I����=�===�; . CA. 0 1 5 1 ) 5 I t Creeting Cards and Seals

Hig School Squad Opens Hoop Season

LIEN & SELVIC Pre,SCriptiOtl Druggists

Djr�t Importers of the Finest Norweli.n Cod liver Oil Cor. 1 1 In .nd Tole-om. Ave.

Phoroe MAin 73 14

r--- � I .!> 'SPALDING Basketball Supplies .

See the New No. SS Shoe Light - Fast and Durable

WASHINGTON · Hardware Co . .

924 Pacific Ave.

I Par���k�:"���:::�;lt:' Co. j. r��'i I H.��1n�;�!�OP - . I "

AIIS:::a;;�n:;:: CO. l -s:�:'P�:���:;;"��=' i .� I t em, M��u�;� ��.�:�;" d M j 940 co=- MA;"' 6768

--"0- • i Give a Photo for a I ' : . [========::::�========-! ',-----------1 1

�mas Gift UAHL CROCERY CO. BROOKDALE CROCERY A",D MEAT CO. I Christen's Met:J.'s I . . Rust ' Building Member United Purity StorH PHONES: CArl.nd 0I 07)�rI.nd Ol93R3

. Shop - I ! I MAin 4493 Croceri�. Flour, Hay, Crain. Feed. etc. I [Ii""""",,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,.,, •• ,,.,,,.,,.,, ..... .... " ... , ...... II CAr 3B I �R5 P.rkl.nct I Special Christmas · 1 �·�"",,,,,,,,,,;"·""""""""""�;e l ·�-------:------""" " . I Suggesti�ns ·Oa1leh. lIam:p'� ' ''' CiTRENCTH-CHAUcTER-' SERVICE , ' n LJ Cenuine En" aved When you buy y!'ur li� i.nsl.!rance t Putchas�s Wrapped �LL LEATHIR SHOES ·�ial Stationery consider these factors: the reputa-

,I' as' Gifts ' CI" SPECIAL-l00 sheets with tion o.f t� company, _the character /The St04"e with tht Yellow FrOtlt", engr.ved moroogram. and 100 of its management, and. the service

Shirts, Ties, Soc,ks TJSUil \''''''OUI for ouht.Indin, qu.litte. envelopes for S2.C?O .

WE �NVITEey�eU� INQUIRIES :-. Your Taste ' ... d 1tY*" � 1 00 El'llr.ved callinl cards S I .?O HAROLD C. HOEL, St.ttle. W.shinlton Rt?I"esentinl 1o,..· •• d MetI'. Shon

L h B h h d 905 , B�dw.y . TKom. Gil'''' Sh .. $1.45 ��. $2.95

Pl'inting Co. LEGAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE ! 50"". 0. ... ,. F1oo. . $2.95 to $'.'5 . Stanley Btm ut eran rot er 00

1 1 1 1 Broadw.y Herman L. Ekem. PfH. 10 1 2 A SI. . TacOfT'l.ll . 6OB · Second Ave. S, ' Minneapolis. Miron. � $


- I


Boys Plan Unique Entertainment For


�IESSIAH CONCERT �utl;eran Educators Study ... tUum. Hi no. tll6 'Parkland i.;;ti,cr

· League

(ConUnped From P&C"e I)' , Christinn Scho�1 Cllrriculn Plans C-hristmns SQ�iul. �0!'rle Ollt Orl('f,"":. and "And WIth, His _ __ . . • . Mr. and Mrs. O. Mlckt;!5en of Port. __

Saturday Evening Strlpe�\ We are Healrd". and ':"n we.

" A�UI t�r('� J1und� educaton from land. Ort'gOQ, have announced the en- ' C('lebratlng Ctir�'mM I;i the Cllll� . Like Sheep Have Oon(' A5�)' ' ; �8ul ,II. !'Core of LutMran ooll,egei and lIem: gRII'l'meiltl of' their daughter, EUot Ln- 'mary manner. Uie Luther League .�\


.-,- . ' r J. Lln�. will �nd('r R. tenor sololen� hlRrles wert' pre�nt at the Educatlolllil 1('ln,'to �aJ\ MQrk('l'l., of Beattie. son" 'r-Hnl; Luthen'ln Church will enter--All-School I arty HonOring. Girls t�t!t"d. Behold. and �, H There· Be' Confererlrl' held at SI., Olaf College, of Mr. And .Mrt\. H. 0. Morken of Spo- y , . 'Viii Be Gil'en in ' .

. �n}' Sorrow": the chonls will sfn.�.' .Nort't9�ld. Minnesota. NOvembe.r 'J9 and kanl'. �IAA

. �ICkelsen. who I.s leR.Chl�g _ lain us . ml'mbers . with a .chrlst,mlll!

Gvmnasium Lift Up Your Heads. Oh Ve Gate!! , 30." staies Dr. O. A. T1ngelslad .. thl!! yl@f at phehalll'l, WM gmduated ·Ptlrty. to be held Sunday ev�)lng. �-, __ barlIOJl(' solo Wh} Do the Nations So Reprt'SI.'nting Pacific Lutheran Col- from P L C In 1929 '-. cembl'r 22 In Lhe Church pe.rlors


!\n)thlng [rQUI boxmg 10 old r:t.�tuol1- :��IOU�:e ����U.', b� lI��::t

a��gB�; ft>.�l're !>fof J P Pflueger Christ- John Hudson 33 ·more familiar!} Fredr!cka Schilmbuseh Is chairman I"d mc1odn'lma "'Ill be re�turl'd at the

U� Brenk Their Bonds Asunder Innlt.} Imtructor Rev All M Kraabe-t \(l1o\\n as Jack was recently .marrled of a Il!nerAI committee for arrange­all-school froile ghen b} (.he bo}s In

\\ hlch I� follo",ed b) a tenor solo prt'�ldent of thl' Board of Trustees to MIM Dorl:'l Crukshenk of Cot't1lllls ments with J;Jetty {!yAre and Gerhardt �1.O;:�:lg

Of c:�l:rn�ln� a�

lr�� 0 ���I;d�� Thou Sh!!.1t Brellk TIu'm by R-e\ .... E Pre;ldrnt 0 A Tlngelstlld and Prof �rr�on [ Mr

I and Mr.!. Hudson art' Pflueger aMI"Ullg The) will name the _

lhe g\ll)naslum 1 M 'H("gge TIle Chonl� HnlleluJllh ���e :f :�!�b:e �dence Instructor Oil e�ultl� \�:�I�k;1 ����

r t!�Cw.llg



I fo,: r('fl't'shmellt.s games

rf'Quests all \\ho plslll to IIU.('lld the K:!� T��l;�t� R::e::�dLI��;��

lt'!m� CAUO on lhe

llba:'lls of a printed I't'port of lhe Vallconv�r' Wll8hlngtoll schOC'i!, N' . . ' J"hn DI"f'IIx'lbls J<(f}1f r II ch!!.lrll1an I concludf� thl" dh l�loll �

The progro 1 delllt with genel'R! edu- at Aberdeen 'is thl .. }"cllr on the starr nil ecol'Rt on

pllrt} to bring a small Inexpenshn �I or t1� curriculum �tudles made bv a Word has comr of the Dect!mber mar· Patromze Our Advertlsers-� '0\ to be u!;('d for chllrlt} :�:I�H�(,S�: t:���I::��gor nt::lt!:��c:e:::- rrpreM'ntntl\f' group In the Lutheran rlnge of Gladys Jorgen!On lind.. OlaC Or. Bl'fore gol(lg to town read this The entertainment committeE' com· I SInce b\ Ml'1l Clime Dellth by the semlnllr helcl .,nt the Unhersltv of Mln- dnl Gilldys WM Il'Rduated from P L colullln I The 101l09ilng firms are ]lrl�>d or Ted lIerreld RIL} Hlncler- chorus bllrltone recltaUve and air ne!;(Jllt IMt "umllll'r This study wa� C In 1930 Olaf was In 1935 friend.!! IUld'adverUsel'l5 In the Moor-IIr and Vern KnUIl:en ha\e announced Bl'hold t Trll VOli a M}stery ' and under the auspices of the Commission She Is teachlng"tftJ. tile Butlington High Inl Mast • that \\restling and boxing matches by The Tnnnpet Shall &lund by Bern. of Hlgh('r Education of {he Amertc::An School \\hlle Mr Ordal ls a teacher at Allstrum Printing Company P L C amlll.6ur pugilists ",\II be �:1�_ hardt Bronson Rnd Chorus numbers Luth�rRll Conf('1'1"nce Dr J C K South Bend Tho wedd.U:ll ",W take Andrrson ll DIllry , __ Bob MonE(l...J:LJUit�I.Ul.&-U\L..m'-o.::.._ rthY"'1rttte-L'1tmb-" IUlll Idl1t!:, �dw:atlona.J.�oLJ.IlIl.NQt:.. pillce In Silverton ,?"ellon the �� a.-D.-Baker_& Co L--.�_ drama As a special fCAture the com· .. ". . j \\l'lilm Lut.h('ran Church of America. Ihe bride s parents Bob Ganlile I .-nlittce l'l $lxin80rhlg·Q mock-auction for

sO;:�l:!'�:lo��: :r.��.:�:;�.

l�:;� Dr. Grorgl' Svnrdrup,. ]:/re�ldent of .Bon: Dry Shor �g. Co. \

tIJe purpose of ehoo.�lng partn�r:'l. I lll'th Jacob. ... Burt H. Raymond. O. E. Au�sbllrg Colle,le and Seminar a' Mln-

'LAUN ':' RY AND' Bonnlldc\e Beauty Shop OecoraU!lns .super\'�sed by Ernest I Homr�. Rlcka Nlchola�. Ro�' Boyn';'on' l �leapo1\.� .. and D.r. �. H. Pannkoke. dl· LI Ina ·Bowman '-

Johnwll. ?aul Preus. lind HatTy'Orlb- . La ' CUff. ro OlSo L N'ctor of pubtlclt.v !!.nd research,of the . CI.::'EA·N,I.NC . SERVICE Boynton's Oarllge

�hm. will carry out the football motU. ���I:�I�g. A���' G. Lc�\'l", and n'M�:: commlAAlo;l outll�('d :,hc progrAm for Brookdale Barher

1Il !!.ccordllnce with the fact that thiS i'oflldred MonsOn. Romola Rust. Mil_ this cOn\·('ntlon. \ . A't Extremely Low:!prices Brookdale Golf Course

party !.� being given 8.'1 a result of the dfed Larsen. and Vel'R Wl'gsteen: IIltos: '"This confel't'nce un�

' m\dt. AL ARNE BrOClkdall' Orocery Co.

�:�f��!� �.��.

et seiling oonte:'lt . wh�ch Mesdnmes V. A. Eh'rstrom. A. W. Ram- :�����:�t�.a�f ����


�pproAc� to ef��d:� 5ckool Representative .

:�::�e HLa��

ber Co.

A nO\'el b1!ffet lunch will be ser\'ed :��.J:��:�;;



a��:� mentai problems of Lutheran H:Igher TACOMA'S LAUNDRY The 9uI

In the chemlst.ry clAAA room with Bob man Miller. and Ml'SSCs Nelma Oulleson. Education. The coU�e presldl'nt.s. In P.ntorium Cleaner. .��:���·�o�:�'�:o

hp: �l::!�' �:

n h��:�/

aek Wall. 'and


veEV!:; �z

oan��' :;:


e�:�� :f

o�:�ntt:tl:��:�:� ���



ijl--- --�� Alma S�ICl' accept the, Invltallon of AugusLana .. . , \ Do'lIar Studio WIndow Pdne Check l TenOrs Rre RS follo\\s Paul J Link Collc�e Rock Island 1lIlnol� to hold

[ Coat Sweater Burt H Rn)mond W C GregQr} Gco a similar conference there a �ear : The Best In Men s FurnIshIngs �:�I��s :a:�.�ttlng Shop - $4.95 H Rustad Walter B Olson Emmet J hutce remarkrd Or T1ngelstlld . At Popular P-.rlces Gunderson's

Thompson Robcrt Monsoll;-.. .. AJ..vln 0 I The conference l'mphasl zed the In- : McCORMACK SROS Jack Ra.n .. wn·s Barber Shop . KLOPFENSTEIN'S Lc\\ I� Arnold Anderson J�oore.. [ej!ral lon of Christian higher eduCAtion . 901 COMMERCE • 935-37 Broadway , TIl[' bn....s S('ctlon Includes co M \\lLh the life of today and with Christ :;:�:Il�



i!I Dalll('ls Ed W Wegner Mlc I Franck I The goal I" the Intl!grntcd personallt) : " " "�", ' " " , � Harl.sook·s

TACO"A'S. 1 Harold Lcrna.� Paul K Preu�, HRm"""",w .11 the IndhlduaJ pen;on . Jack's Griddle IYI " �ARCEST Colr A 1\1 Freeman Rolph/ A, BoIStk: ir-- --------ctJ More and More Folks Home·Furnlshlngs Store Palll A Prrll!; 0 A TiI1ll<rISUl..,d T( 0 Season s Greetings from Are Coming to the ����::n�o':I�!��


c:.;>� 1-1-1& s\ \ l l' Bernhardt Brons(IIl L('Q Wll- PEOPLES STORE 'Kaufman-LeonRrd Co. c:) � .. c .��� .. ... �.. 1!(1111� Kaufman - Leonard Co. To Do Their Gift Shopping Klmball's FURNITURE 21 .. , .............. ,j!j Klopfenste!n's H.lrold Gr,1\ M.lrrles I Lien & selvig

Miss LlIcill.e Pr;:lce And �r Hl\Told I � Oppos.te the Po�t 011,(1' i!J. 51 .1lI Lou Johnson





Gray Wl'fl' uulted. ln marrlnge Wl'dnes- r--- . See Our Xmas Specials Lutheran Brotherhood day. November 27. at the Tllcoma home , C. O. Lynn Co .

. of the groom'� parl'nt. Re\'. Frank THOUC ' MEZZO STUDIO Mezzo StudiOS Gray. who performed thr ceremony., Noonday Luncheon Moler'Beauty School Charles S. Prlcr of Pu..�a.dl'na. CaJ,.lJor- 5.ERVICE Fidelity Bldg MAin 3704 McCormaek Bros. Mr Ora} 9iho WIlS grnduated from r WITH A SMILE (g Pnrklnnd Barber Shop P L C 11\ 1932 Is teaching at the Mid· L r -

Parkland Garage land Junior HIgh School til ------,-,-, --71i1 You Are Most Likely to Parkland Mercantile 51 Ii] find It at Prople's

ACCORDIONS I Q��d�h SeO�r:�:ZR . RHODES ���I��n�n;�t���

o Co, at . BROTHERS · 'fACClo'o\A Reed's Foods Happy 6' Ed's [ I � 3 1 1 Vz 50 I I th 51 Tacoma. � til ............. , .. , .. ,................ Rhodes' Brothers

762 St. Helens MA.n 7029 : , � ..... .. .. f � RQsso's

I C I C ' 50 Stanley Bell Printing Co.

[ .

..... Parkland Sarber Shop II T SER��'t����ON j : M

.:��:�;�:R r;;F�l�::�:�o�,

PatronIse Union Barber Shop. I I omp ete reaslng c ",'

BROWN & �ALEY Ste",'arls orthopedic Shoe Store

Pro oduced G. P. KNUDTSON. Prop. I

0'1 Mountain Highway Tacoma Engravln� ·Co. Parkland, Wash. i r !iJ Tacoma. Laundry Co.

"' m m ����:��le Be.Oty " � REED'S �OODS �ril j ��I��n HardWa:e

Johnson -:

Cox Comp�ny 72b Pacific Avenue Phone BRoo.dway 2238

� :��a���=r; co. Shop . You . get it .. for L�I J T Wilson Dentists

Parkland GA. OI45·R-2 @j �tO Fidelity Bldg i!l

All ����sa����a��v�ork � �"'."'K"'



O.:::C:::H:::.=IS=T"' .. ::::AS=::i1 :��. ==:"'c:"":"s:"':::"":::'"':::'''':::'O::''j':::L'::::'':::::''''::::'''':::::'''''''

r ' .�����:.�:".�=:�:.;"�.:�' ".�

I Evenings (.by ap�t. .l WE DO :Ei,?r�P���iINE OF at Brookdale on MountaIn Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. Wildin. a �"Iti ¥ ' GArl:�;w;�1 1 15 Creeting Card. for All 910 Broadway MAin 48�0 . SOB�S 'C�RAGE � 1

: Occa�ions . � .� .. " ...... " .. """�:��.7.�.���:, .. �.�,�:,, .... , ..... " ... � rti .. "" .... , . . . , .. ........ " .......... , , ill

"''F'';;;;;''''';;;;;''''';;;;;''''';;;;;''''';;;;;'''''''''''�''''''':-�'�-'''''-''''-''' --"'� I .

�. •. CONRAD'S DR, E, E: BLiX j'


The Gift That Only You Specializing in Hot Soup 1 1 32Vl P.1cjfic Ave. Tacoma

Can Give and Home· Made Pies · Wrecker Ser:ice . 1 Peterson Studio

St. Helens at. 9th�St. MA. 9237 -


':The Public Course with the' - Country Club Atmosphere"

' Day and Nite MRS. F. W. CONRAD BOYNTON'S SERVICE " . Brookdale. Washington . .. GA. OI-45RI cAs RIPAIRINC OIL

-AMOCAT FOOD PRODUcrs 8 Miles,Sou-th on ' Mountain

, Highway -I mile East on :

C} 'Creek Road · "JOIN KIMBALL'S SKI CLUB-" [ .. .

"THE PEAK. OF QUAC':':',' :' . CSi,tribute:d bY ,

DROP IN AND WE WILL SIG-N YOU Up', I GArland 0192) 1 . .

", __ �� __ � __ W_E�S_T�C�O�AS __ T_C_R_OC��_RY __ C_O_' ______ � __ � I �--� ___ -______ � __ J Lots of fun a.-nd meet your friends at the'Mt.- j , LErS Co.- '

) " /. I . '

r i '-- ____ ----:-__ -,

- ,

i I ) j i ' J :1

� �lay You Hu'n.' a \' er.y )h.-try ('hdstmas


Personality Clu� Will Be Organized

For P. L. C. Girls Bergst:-om, Craft t

'o' "Lead nt

First )leeting" on January 16

l'cnLaIl\'{' ' 1'1nl)!1o a� being laid to Of­l.:ani1R n club which will be Opell te­. al! P. L. C. girls who lire lnlercst.ed 111 charm and �rwn!lllty development. "rill' first meeting is "to be ,held" in the collcgt' re-cept!on \rOO�l. JAnuary 16 at �\'('n o'clock.

MR T1;!u..n .... Craft. woo 9o'1II bt> hostesses a! rhl ... first. m('f'ling, the (01)\c 10 be �tudird I ... ·'Prrwnalily, and Ho90' to Oc'oI'I'IOj> It ·· Miss Dorothy F'1::I)[well. a melllbrr 01 tht' Slewart Intermt'dlate �('hool Int'utl}". will gIve a lalk on this Illple.

LOlli"" ' Ht'lIdrjclt�n I)' In r>( rrfrrl'htllCI1t.s. �nd Mrs. Paul ' A. Pr.;:u!i. :Hlcl Thl'lma Nc�� will pour. ! n",,"oratmg 01 thr rrcrpl lon room for I llll): , !'OCi:"l1 IUII('lloI\ will br> ),;U])(,f\·\.�ro by l()1w MadS<'n.

Thr �1It:j('('1 of ehann \l'HI br dl'\.r- I InlWd at Ul(' IW)I;I' m('rtlng which II'< " 'hN\ull'd for Fl'brunry 20, Mrs, C" G W:1lkl'r of Tilcoma WII! It'Ad Ihf' db-

011 March 19 the ' I'<ubjt'ct Will !)(' "Clotht's." And it l .. hoped to have a

" ' . '-':¥ ' , �::i:;,;, ====�:::' . PAciFIC' UfTHERAN COd.EGE

' � , Ut'SI Wishes For

A I'Tosper!lu�

New y'ear


P':KL�ND. WASH.",dN. DECEMBER 20. -,--...:,--.-:...----...';:=======N;��,, '

Pep Club Members To: Entertail\. With ' Silver Te!l Jan. 9

. I DormiloT,,, Auxiliary In,vited .to t Social Artair Gi.\'en in


Dining Hal On Thursday afternoon. November 9,

�he ' Per Club will "give a 51.lver Tea In t he College dining hall. Member!! of t.he DormlLOry Allxlll'ary,- all college Rtrll'<, and thetr mothe� are InvlU'<I. .to

of Dorothy

millM'. which is compr,lScd or- Mar· garel' Cmft, as chairman. BeatrlCf" Siildt'Ts. /l.lld Edlla Tobiason, announce Ill .. followIng ntImbers: vocal solo b)' Aluw Stoke, viOlin solo by NeveUa .Ros.�, plano solo by Norma Preu.'!, read­till-: b�' Ellen Bergstrom, girls' trio In· cludmlt AI(I;) Johnson. Mtldrl'd Mon­SOli, and Irrllr Odell �!IL Sing. and a -]1H1110 solo b�' fhelma Dnnlel."i.

Invitation)'; . .... hleh arc 10 be mad(' by -J.,(.noT(' Wlthro ...... Mabel Heggem. O]"�a Hugo, and, Valarla r.iochnke. will tw Is.'<ul'd Af!er Christmas.

Th� dl'corn!ion cOlllmlltee conslst."i or Eillteuhl Spcllccr. ehllirmall, Iris Evans, EHt'n Berg�!rom, And Kathryn Riggs.

�pring rf'\'ue or �t�'lel\ In the collegt' ___ � ______ :--. __ _

Retrrshmt'l.t.� wIlL be served by Jenn}' Bardon. MnTgllrrt Ml'lver. and ��Ul}' Knlrtf'n. '

I:�';:;;�� Adell" Wright \1.'\11 be ask,t'd lo RCIU'au Cut, Bruiscd_ \ I Travel Gt"rmall Club to Prt'!'O('nl

",,'I S k B 0 . \ PI . J Committees l\1a·ke· Plans :�� �; �'::t����I) Iannd

a��:��·n�Lr.�� lell�c �' Into Montana nf"-i ct �1Il anllar�'

For·Luther League Social Hf'len Clark of Lhe LIncoln Hllh �hool Mjs.� Ot"O �nf'R1\, InUruclor or HI�. 1 -'-- "Karl Hal Zahn Schmertf'n,,,1 a one-fll('ult�·, will talk 011 "Posturp lind ton' And World Lltprature at P. L. c .. Eh'cstrom Announces Plans for nt't romedy. will bl' ]lrt'F.I'n�d by the Under, Ihe dlrecLion of FrederUia H4�\lt�lh'� Mn:( 21 mectllll' 'Pr)'SOtlAl!ty wa� injured Monda)' mo.rnlng. Ot!ccm- I Spring Itinerary OrrmAIl Club somellme In JanUlll'Y, �:�::l:�:�'e������t

a�r���:;��� ��I��

and FrIends" \\'111 be dl.�ewi.'lt'd by MIs" ber 16. wht'n .• hl' \I.'flS �truck by nn A('corcling to Mr. Victor EI\'e.�trom, .Accordlng to Mrs. ElIznbeth Bondy, Ity Luther League "..",111 ente_rtaln I� Ella Mn.clnto�h, Girl R.{'scn'e {\('crl'Ulry automobi!t' n� .�ht' atlt'mpted to 111'('rt I firld ngt'nl. thp "ChoIr or, the West'! IId\'\.�('r . .

Fred Suttt'r And Harry Orlb- members with II. ChrL�lmw; Party Sun-"I thl' TAcoma y_ W. C, A, thl' .strt'{'\ cnr II! Si.'ro:th Avt'nue and ItmrMlry will rxtt'nd over a Jwrlod ot bohm WIll portray tht' mAle lead. Karl. day e,'enlng, Dect'mber 22, In 'the

nate For SluIJlhl'r Pari\' I L:t\\'rel�Cf' 5Ir('('1 111 Tacoma. I.WO wre

\ks. IlIklng the chorus �f fifty I'o'I�h;:�tl:1" :��:

n o;


o;:: E:�:

Ch���iln�a"::��, Bob Svare, and Ralph . I l\ll:<i.<; Rl'\ll'1I1I S

,IlIlPf.'d on thf' ICY �tn.'l't a.<: tar A$ Hane. Montana. TI1t'lIoC pilins whlll' Mary MachiI' I ... to be lhl' cook. Hutchison will decorate with a Chrl5t-

Not Definitt·lv Nanu"cl and rt'll III thr .pnrh of an approarh- :1\\'AII facult�· approl":11 betore. It dt'- lind Ot'rtnldr Brunl'r' aUIlL Fer- mas tree and green!>. In cbarge 01 • In!; autonlobllr FOIl: And r.lippt'ry linitr !\I'ltleml'llt . dlllnnd Bond�' \\·111 play the part of ,<;en'ing rdreshmcnL� are Eleanor Ry-

DUI' ILl tht' epldClhlc or mump..� III pII\'l'ment mHdt' \I InlJ>U"�lblr for the Till' trip \\'m bt'.- t'l.kl'n AS early as l Knrl"l' friend, find Verner Bitler II'< to der, Elizabeth Slucn', Oertrude Tingel-p'Arklflnd, thp Pcp Club �lumber pn.rty dFl\'('r to stall immt'dIAtcly. lind Ihl' po:<i.�tbll', but thl' l'Xact dHte will de- " bl' Herr KrauS('. thl' doc:t(lr. , �tnd, and Helen Olson. 'The entertaln- _ '

�)::g d'����� ��� ����r ��t�:lt'�il�� car skidded, ,'trlkin� Ml."� Rt'nenu �l:��I:�.::f'n��e:r�;




wI�I�: i l\f�h;re�l'�7;� , �!��d�:�:}C�� �e

h;:� ��n�O�%At


n�I;:�I�� ���


dl'finltely . . According to Helen Holt. She i.� a1 Ih(' Tncoma Gt'neral Hos- , rollrgf' .«'ilt'dull' of aC'tivitll'S. coma Sangl'rbund. a.� guest speaker. Sluen, Rnd Stllnley DRhI. The cle�:

�, �:��, ��:��;�'J:�:A�,


lve date Is :.i���dr:::�

·I'::;r�:r::d :r��:::' srAlp

, al:�����h �.:�. P�;;Sa:o


�\�:. I HALL O;:CORATIONS ::r �O���� p�



Formerly plallned for SaturdA}' e\'en- matllrr. II ha.� bN>n decided that the Ullcl("\" the .sulX'n'I�lnn nt the Presl- LIIM;On. ml;, [)(oC'l'm!>cr 14, 8f�r the all-school ChOlf \1.'111 go ,o;oulht'ast 'fro� TacomA drilL EI('anor RnudebRugh, the I?elta party. only R short timl' would ha\'t'

:0115510:0;: SOCIETY to YakimA, on up through Spokane to ' Rho Gnmma glrl.� decorated the ma!n NO�ICE , brl'n nllowed tor '{'nterUlinmtn1. The tclullo. CAst to Livingston. Rnd north I hal! \I.·lth C'M'pt' pApcr ,�trea.mers of . Ot>lta Rho Oamma's are. planning to commiut'e mc.ludlng ConstAnce Clumb. Tht' MJ.s.�lon 5o-::Iety will meet W('d-

I l<l Havre, Montana_ Tht" return trip bright I!Tt'f'1} lind red, The}, ..... \.�h RlI lgh'e 'R ,;kut!ng party on January 31.

OVMla H�uge, And KAthryn And('rson t


lr�dR�' ('\'enlng, Janl\lIr�' 8. The pro- \\"111 be tllrough Olacler National Park j ll.'hO. t'nler lhe frollt hull a Merry Hl'len Scolt, chall11lan, Virginia Davis, art' pinnnmg A tuU ('venlng of enter- l l:ram ha� 1I0t yet bel'll pl!U1ne-d_ , towurd SpokAne.

. In returning from ChrlMmas on lhe post('r plAc('d flbove and Sylvln MJlJer are making arrange· tnlnment. I I S])OkAne, the nortnern routi! through titt' bulletin board, menl,..� for It. .

Former P. L. C. Etlitor SIJellt/s Vacation ill I·ar/...·Ic!nd :��O;::.�:t�m!: �:�y :�I�e�PI��:n'IO : College Stut/ellis Show Trend TOlvard Higher, .


A/ter Two Years 0/ Study at. ROf..'hester Clinic lined up, coneerts _",iIJ bt> gIven In Spo- Scholasticism in Ordering Frutn Santa� kane. Missoula, Lh'lngston. and Hlwre.

Mis.� Marl' Loube Preus. who was I In order to be- Rccepted Into the Wff.k-cnd ehOlr·concer1.� will be gh'_ Christmas l� the time of ... the year not like thr 1864 version or worms and Jl:raduntt'� trom. p, L. C, In 19J� and Nurse'!; training t.chool. One must be en in OIj'mPIII. Tacoma, and s,attle lI.'�ell co!lege students !>tart writing, hCl\daehe!\. who edited tht' Mooring Mast during a high school honor rraduate. TuJtlon at variOUS dates durin&.. the second 51'- hom!-, .more orten t�an whcn they. need II you're R good !Xly, "Dutch". Santa :'::k;



a ���; is fifty doUars, When one first e�- :e:,��_e��a�:I;

r:;i�: �I::P�:O��� �:r�,�:


St�; f::�;:;le:e�;h�: :



a p���


r b:e


land with Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Preus. tl'ts, II slx-II.'Ct'k course of cias.<;room Insula, visiting Port Angeles. Paulsbo, you nre very, very Interested in aU boos even, I During the last two >'ears she has been stu'!y Is lakt'n after wbl� hours ot And Brem('rton. the home-town happenings, and that And t.o Art Haavlk, please "BrinK training at the Mayo Clinic h06pltal IIctual hospital work are gradually . you Are.certalnly very, very sorry that· back his Bonnie to him." At 1�::��� �n�:;o:�y at Roch .. �::��g. S��:��P:;SI:�

n��'��n�� L_ �_ R. Gives Cl.�rislmas th



Oe�:lI the co-eds SII!:rs

dO: t�

l: ,�o;:� r;:ld���

eSler, Miss Preus tIas' spent lelght Chemlstry,'Baeteriology, Hospital Eeon_ Gifts to Children '8 HOUle nnd heroes around school are exclalm- 1I.'0n·t have to bother to dog the belli! months In Chicago, Including trainIng omlcs. and Child Psychology are In- . Ing what they would ha\'e Santa bring. half Ule nJgl)t. • at the tinh'erslt)' 01 Chicago Lying-In cluded Inl'the COW'5e. . i.. 0, R. Chrfstmas actlvlt�$ we� One does hear some humorous. stray Bob SVRn! wnnta a '''Cook!,e''. Hospital and the Children's Memorial "The wurk and study is difficult but (!lIma)[� at the home 01 Mr5, 0, A remarks If his ears wiggle at all. Porky want.s a twin brother for "Jun· Hospital. niere are about t...-o hun_ certainly \'en' Interesting. , One comes ngelstad yesterda�' afternoon when I It Isn't only once that Bill Capps, a lor", ...

' dred nurses taking the tra.Jnlng course In contact v.'lth many wonderful- an the club held a social meeUng. brave lad on tbe gridiron, has been For Ted Nels50n Santa. �ouJd bring at the. Mayo ClinIc. �l..s4 LUI. Olson. ,,·e1I·to-do people," declared" Miss Pre • Small g1tta were e)[changed whlei seep and heard pining for "that South. a- pair of Imeakel'S, and to Mr. Reid, a sister of Coach 'ClIrtord O. Olson, is Sloce entering the Rochester hMpl- will be- sent to the Lutheran ChiJdren'� em accent"-we like Tel:'s, too. razor to give him a shave that wJlJ" Superintendent or the Nunea' achool 'tal. she has worked on n'te , Llnk, eo Home In · Everett. The proB-ram In- Won't tcll-? . Arnie Anderson '8.t:1a last until after breakfast. Rnd M1ss Irene Engl� of Seatye is quarterly student pub!1catlbn. For the ·eluded a plano solo by Mildred Lal'$On. for pink panties most any time of the The M�ng Maat edltorlaJ chid.! tbe Director, Besides the arnup of coming year MlsII Preus has been narli· a talk on Chrfstmas in Hungary b� day, Does Santa.'ClaU.'l have pink pan. want a- new advertising manager that nurses training, there , are over three ed lor the posit on or editorship. �f. M. N. Franck, &_ ,'ocal duet by ties for big boys like you, Arnie? has a ItOOd car. hundred student doctors who have "Arter (raduatlon next No,·ember. Mal')' Maehle and ·Sylvia MUler, and LoLli May Morton want.s a hunUng Ten dining hall sludents want raster t· oome there on scholarships and who I. hope to get a position In Washlog- a Elizabeth Fr11&. ' gun to match her hat. mOvlnlbMllns and legs for Walter , � "0" fo' •

my ",,,U 'mo"," of man.,.. ton. .Em U\ough r U,. " bod th..... At .. , th, ,hole ron=< Wodn""" M�, '-', .... =Id.ntall, lot " out Fey., . ' ' but receh'e excellent Instruetlon t!9m and part.l.culaflY welJ. in Chicago. I am ·nlght. President Margaret Rorem led that the "Dr." has even written three KaUi n RIggs wanta 'IL book on. "De-

I th!" stall or doctors which totals about \ ery happ) to be back at home In the girls In caroling at vari�us homes- letters to Santa begging for &orne new tailed ps)'choanRly&13 with ExpJana· f. � , o


n. hundred , P"kI'nd ' I� p�'kI.nd �Id" ""'."" his Hro.n. ""'" d..,. Uon," (

1 - I ' �. '" .........-tl �-- ----- - - - -- ---. -. -

\ .


\YllI'tlt'\'t'r IIII'n- is a dlillH't' tlf this l"lIu'lIln" Ill'i ll.� ill\'lll\'I,1I jli ';I W:II', 11111' l"tll lq.(\· 'stlult'Il"s ,If .\lIl1'ril'a are t),r fi l'sl I I I call alll-l1lillll I n

:: . :::::: till;;;.�I;rl:l


a�i�i;t, }�.J(I.�:�g:_�·�:�:tI:�:;1 �:�I:;:. I;:'

cOlisilll'lTd i rn'sl'ollsihl(' '<11111 a Irifl(· 1I1l 11tl1;U1C­('d. hLlI· ht" showS l'qllitihri llIH h('n'. :'\ 0 )Ialt!p i:.r m'l"I'plallll' 10 y()lIt'g�' sILHh=llls- LlIllt·ss it is futl!!!!1 ill a slmliullI with rC'fI'I'CI'S ami dwrgctl lullllissiOIlS.


Tht' goverlll1ll'lll is .lmyi.n8 Iwu. 111111(, SllIClt'll�s of SOllthrrn M('lhtKilsl l'lII\'crsl ty a 1ll\Jlllh!y wagc' of ::0 1!i.Oa ror wakhing Ihe gru.wt h

.of a fJ\" fl'OIll t'J.!J.! I II ndult. Thosc in diurgt' ,I!t,·

1i�"'C .111:11 Iht· findillJ.!s of tile two wi,ll he liH.lst \'altwhlt" . If till' 'fly l'uuld talk. its inforlll'a· liol! prllhably \\'lIllId II£' 11\1 11"(' worthwl.lih·,

\ \

. nice word, " drllling:" '

The staId. serlous·mlnded future instructor. B!'rtr:ull M�·hre. sal grBv{'ly observing In a Stewat� school room. , UIHI bingo! a !;.Jllt-wlld s]llllttl'red behind his ('lit . Coming C\'cnts cast their shadowS berort!. Bert true when the)' say that Santa Claus is the only IIlUII who can run a

'round Ibt.h a bag :loll night and not lx'

talked nbout . . . Ray Reid was so sore Drnmn night thnt wht�'nevtr he looked up, the .sc�nery blush'etl . . . Bergllot Vogan 15 the school's perp(!tual note taker . . , Whl:n she's not tnklng noleS, she's .taking notos . Emmet want.1 a wlnl' shirt fOI Chrlstmns, thl' blbtxor even that won:t hide [he ;tnln., , . . And now. there Comes 11 time In' ('very man's life when he must drink. his soda

, and go to bt>d-wlth curses to AmiI' for not Im'ltlng me down to hL� 'house to eat lefse.

--���--'- ---. -. . .. ,


Buy Your LAMPS from us

9 1 5 . C::ommerce

Priced to SS.4S

For Hitops - Ski '6oots and all outdoor. spott shoes Bone Dry ha's the style you need at a price you are will ing.

to pay. '

I·BONE DRY SHOE STnDE I .2 1 5 So. H th ." Tacoma

"""""."" " " " , ,"�'A "�A "�'A fr" " ;" '" " " ,,,, ,A." " , What Would Be Better For Christmas than a



GArland 0704 R9SS 0 ' S South 38th & G "�" ... ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.


. ,

1 . . ) \' "-.: .

) � /


' .


Gladiat�rs Swamp' [� --l ReI''''''''" IT utcllPS II/'/JII I E.' I""" i",' 1I11�' 1),, " " N,·,I ( ; 1".li"llIr Tilt Will

. Centrali'a Jaysees - The ' nuriUM f.,'ut",liu GUllle . l I i!!h S,·h'ool l loop.ll'r> B.· J,""'.r� 1 ill S •. �illp

By Score of 47-24 1 .1;:: 1/ ; • CO!!.�l Ol.�OIl C'Omr� 011 floor "llnl • III 11.1\ t)cC�II\8 tmskt'lbft tl frll.Y Coach \\ 1111 110 !{ftUlr" or �lracll('jl. ;,('�ul� . __ �i 1- . pln\t'r·-Rl!tnC"tS iln:!loush at l\\Idltncr!" W Rn�II�lntts hOOI)SI('rlI 1Oil'rt' I"dged (or thl' Chrl'tmll.s· hohdll)" tht' PArk�

OblUn list. Ill''' t ( h I I IP ( ut OJ tl u -trOlla Eat0111111(' fhr \\'rd · lAnd 1"TI �Hbl (U';..'l'r . ... !11 hll.111{ lip thf'tr ()pemnJ: �CO"f:���:l"C�n�:(' I - to "('(' Just ho .... mllli f('mlllln!' dl�- Ilf" drn fl.ftl"mOOIl on thi' El\toll\ \1I1' Otllflh Imlll J.II'llltn' I I ... Ilt"n th��

Iltr II t: d I \ . j lt u::uon·Ynr ... Sl:'AtE'd \11thln till.' 11�lon f'l'Url bl lilt' �rl' of :t3·!Q onc� lIlor� l!llll' IIw 1ll!l1)1E'� R'C.Ahll!t &>


• ore � row . 0 ff "I 'lh�pI A �' �r1'-Rnd coach -O:tt.h�r1' TIlt- I}ltb�' .Olads wt're. ��iy hundt- �!tlt- Collei/I' fll'(' Otl thl'l� hon.'t- floor Ul<Ulil tJwlr "tarl;UII fl\'!.' IC'S.'!! thun _ j . . b(ly� lIboU� him

. for last "'·oro.

"Takt- it cUPI>I'd �'. tht' :w. .... �. oC Hownrd H\ld�l1. Thf' SeRltlt' CoUPgl' nit pfOlilil'oes to ". .hAlI 01 thl' �allle. :l. powerful Pn. I . • ... ���. til Ihl're gong I qon't ('urI' f'\'i- �1 .. 118r Itu",r�i. \\'hO WUI'. IHIAblf' 10 pl£fy � a clOSE' !lam .. wllh Ihl' Ohtdlawn ,'llll' �Ulh,.nul Olllllt rAil ro\U�h.�hod L- "� Bob Martin lJt.cii\i1Y ir ':"t' win or nOI-not much _ b�('�,

II�f' of IHnt'$." .Bob 5.'art turnffi mlffi �hght 1t1l'0r'itf'1I This KRml'

""'1' Ct'lltra!\lI Junior CoJ!egt' In thl' d, . , • _ , ' . . 1 hl� .Hlkl .. 111 I III' Sf�olld· qunrtt'l-, Af\l'r I PJullge:oo. 1 1l1' f L C llOOP .enson 111-( LIllo It' '!1}m Tllt!'dl\, night t o \lIn their Fa.e ll Olson h il l> schl'dule� nO. snnll's Ke .. p� up �I t'ndy !;trt'1l1ll of Rd\'i('t· of whIch h(' \\'a, rt'lIlol:l'd 'from th(' gnmi:' to " hl'n ... y �hf'd1Jltl...\\'1111 \Ilt' OIRdlil. 111'\ C'l)lllf'n !let IUt QI Ihl' sen.«on 41r durmg Ihl' ChTi.-;lmn.s "aCRlion !'O P which 1II'IIIIrr lit' nor the plfl\'rrs L� Tilt· LUlhl'Tlln" �WI 1\ fl\st PIl(,1' lor Ihl' II [ors ItlSO plR\illlt 61 Milrl!n� IInrl Lolllt­_� Allhough hllndlCllPlll'd b,' the telll- 1, C' hoop 101lo\\l'n ",\11 be mls.�If'lg cunsclou� _Igllore .. plell(\mg look 011 [11"" I hft .. ' qu ITleb. but Inck of TI'· "1t'\I thl' �'UJ\(, l\it'('\( I,or l l ' los.� oJ Nll�n .llId TOllllllcr\Ik

nOlhlng b) rt tumlng 10 Iht'lr re�lIcc, Vota\\ � Incl' u.s P L C II'Rds b) 1\\t'IlI\ M,r\(' Nlrl'llltll\,�lo\\ed �hl' altA(lk ('011 I 'UW:wW:wW:wW:w� ,, " ifill rfltulll"!< \\ ho' "fOrt' confined to lilt' horue->< WI' undt'r;tAnd Ihal the l)()iU1' -Smllt's :t bItter "mIll' 115 JI'I1- 'Id, rRbh III 1 111' ('\0\'<111� 11l1t11tlf''' 01 I h" I!AA"""""'" h'lr b('d� \\l Ih rold� I III' 01ndintoTli 001" ",ill lx' IJI'Tmlltt'd 10 brl'nll ItRl1l �t n s lip.'< nl('1' pl\!<.. .. 10 Oppo!IlIlg IliR)'l'r lC:tmt· � " O ' 11 It. 'S ' , H I Uti ttoubl, lilldlulC II 'Iun,tt'l IhM Ill! t o Ih, t xt('llt 01 IU' OCCtl!;iOIlRI 1I111k.· - ruTl� 10 Valu\I I\no 1lt'llrh la,nts On &hlllnbu'Ch Innk' 10r\\lHd >'4'1 a enJ\.am11 -

\\!I' k.-d 'IIl{Mlthl) III pllll!1t liP :t lIllb- "l1lk(' durIng Ih'lI Wilt· IIl1d m'\\ ('H Il lind lI�k� hIm II hI' � \lhat ' PI'!\.- Ih, p"rt' lut hl� It llmm!th'� \\Ilh t'lghl ,[ .nll ,l I .. In bt'lor. ,..'t!rlllR In Inlor CIlII'I\ Ihls ... ·2' 01 ftl'!' Ihin\; b) �al- 11111" 11' doing ,tt01lg Hnl rel)lIl's J)f'IIlI� Hilth JJ<l1nt IIll1n for th(' ERIon. All UATH£A SHOES

'I Ih. " Nlhd �trll1� IIlIt II hearh Xmas dimlt'r \11t h Ihrlr Ihlll h, "utel) d� -CORCn thankS 111"\ 1 1111' qllllll(1 \\ �"T\ \ltlil {'I('It'1I Tht 510" In 'n y n F 0'" [ h. (." :1�n 11' 1111 :tlh'l Ihl' Ilr"l 1"lk� OL'<OII boheu"s In 1I'lIlng thr IIl1d '"Onm,"e.� 10 "l\lch gam(' Fr}!' ( OUllt(r'

w l' e ow , I ' " 111\1111< IJt� 0) IIlnl !ound Iht Illsches bOll,.' 1:0 Itt. Ol'ct' In a \I hilt' elt'll �()f'S III �nml"-"('Qm('» oul The �ron" I llt �' , 1'(111 ,II. IIw" UII \I',' " 101- t f�mOUJ for ouhhnd.n!l qU;tt."",.

II " "Ilt ll bl I blur ... :., 01 bA"kel� '\H! Ihou\.th It lll('n\lS thlll h. \\111 hlHe the I .. no" \It'd OISf>17 hns (11IIN talk \luh !tm-<. ....... ;t .. d ,tyln 1 1 11111111: b, -( 'I "It 01 :!(l-6 111 tilt' �(' ,lIlfault I a.�k 01 I.;:('ulllil th.I-III bllck Otl FT\l' j" Nrnf'r ')}t' \\ alk ... ... loI\ h to PIs Gel Your Gu, .. Luther Shoe' FO' I ,nd '\Unt l. , ,, 1" '1 l ,, !( h OISOII b'i'!nfl I h l r usual SI)artllll {,lId(' 01 It�J1l1g .. ho\\\r .. Ol�n ,t'lls lit Sotlf' \0 dll�r Frllk""11 tUrll rul! W.nte. Weir �I \ ---"�'I�l- h�"tcIl.�Co.l.uK.- UUiL.Lt ,ul, , \\ lIll1 Illr'. trturn to ",·\1001 P':IT' hI" Inouth bllon h,s le!lmIllUII"" Io.,� E" TI i"T\I ,nl I I I.: 'IJ'� .11t I ' '' 'TI ' ' ( 1 l Th d 'l\1 I.nbl, r tr.lri1","��h .. ____ Ih •• ---� U_.....I{--�I !.£!! U,!Wlt ! I t ll! • ..!...: 2 G���E�!�::"�

_ IU, I h ".1 1 1" I!" I�'''1\ " ,dIll!.! III� )llmllS tip stllillitig ,)1\ Ford " lOt's �lIti RullI \ttlltrll - - - � - - ,--- -

T •• "!tlltl" I ' � \' lIh II P"llh d,,�ly ! ul - I I.. L .,.� lIlt l �lrdlll t�' 111,t1'

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, :. ��1l"':1.�·,�1 3 : " Ih.lI h' l1nmH"" 11111 l( k ntl", ledgt' "lit lllto nl .. 'tlllld� '\ hIlI' OI,:oIl �\\III- I SUITS AND OV£RCOATS 1 :· - - - - - - - - - - - - ·:·

\. ,hOOhl 111 1'1" 2 . .. I, l!Hod 1" "--' " T lIlli' bl II "Jill 011 lu\\" 1)t11(11 Shoul, 0;011\(' IInlll"lllI I Fot ''''e cxclusIVCIV .11 ! I I . I F" l d 1/I1 1 1 d 4 I I I , h . , k ---- 1I1I1",· fU' , ICt 1 0 Jtnsen frnm 1 letland & Palagrutl I 'OI--�""� I 'IIIhr"'llll 1I\l lr(1 0

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[ I \ t n 1<)111 1,"1 f'\ot!t IUI\I.II!i

(I 0 I Ill' I t >m'- Ilull ('llIlIltIt lurn uroUl � ft ' l ( h' l Snlu s fnf'lIds , H lallk .mt I lelte. SWelterlS OUt Sp1l.'c;.alt, I • • t 1!'� 11l1" I C I]lI:tln f t 1 ma kr m lt lt r� � II , "ltl, ' , III I(' t llg 1!l1 1U1I ()f thl' l\\ I '


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Ii I' I IplUhl h' fill' {Inll": fllll �lIllhl !" 1 I ' l! 11 1 1\ Ilf dldn I J.(ft I n plltl I ' . d I \<1 Im� 1: 111<1<1 0 I A COMPLETE: • • 0 1\ '''lit I Cllilid

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II II\! '''I< .. "I 1 ''''llnn" \lll h ,\111 1 .. " !I I I Ih' <Iurll'nh l.:" h ll k II' SCHOOL I11III I • • • for the stu ent for i +. _ .. .. _'_ .. _._ .. _ .. ___ .. _+ 1 "" '

. . . . . , , ' " , " ,,,. '" .""" ANNUAL ' . , . r · :\. : I

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", ,,n crc"ntt e o. j 1 , I I 'hhl. � th' h,,11 < 1""11 T Il' fl,,,., ., I . I I·

'f h \'I • '. f P ... ",�" w"", .. ,,o.. I .,,,,. ". " "" . • ,' .. , .... ' " '''' "" ,.,. ,' PARKLAN D GARAGE 'ACOI4A [NGAAVING co. ,peop e . . • or. t e family I i E�pt'rl Ph,,-IO �,n.�h,nll. Photo : 1: 11"1 1" 11 " I ' I,.· .... h,"II�,h,· P" l h"·II,. \ Shell CaSOltne anu 0,1 i n5CQMMEII:CE ST. B,,4676 i h , i i , Suppl ..... , P.oS�:,�';d COU" �S ! 1 1, " ".;<1 �!.'('d .1 III' I I II lu l 1,' 111'�'''' , Dt'()('ndablt' C,,;:os<"1<: I -- f • • • J e N ,E W ! � ! [ " " ,101 I,. filll1.)'I,..d (,''''''ll Ol�"h I.� I CENERlIl RlPAIR ' I . I

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11�';:: ��,I::u�'I:.'; ':� ! CEO. E. H U FFMA N . !

Spec i a l Chr t stma!::. 'I '! ',II" " .hllllll.: ,h. II ' , (', nl ll1n' ''' � ', 12S S(iu'f, T"ro"" W�, : COMPLETE l i N E or

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5 T:r� I' r--����s-t:::-�:��;i�-g-S--l ! :'.,;: :::",: ,':; :":':.'.';:;: �::;;::,:"�;.� GOLD MEDAL DAI RY LOotor>JtD,!K� ! W i th Best Wishc<i : I ��:::'" ,��:::l;)' � �:'�� J·:r��';��I<:;��

":J05 8�:�





' M;tin FI

O<);JCO>Tl� \Vt' �'�llt;:lI:h���l1tJr:(, , I for the ! I �.n''''''m� m.>'lnl/�",·, ��i . .. .. Tr)'ltl

I : CA 0 1 5 1 J5 [-----------.------------1 ! New Year ! ' The · �::..=:::.::-:::.=-.=::..==+ ' .. - - -- --- - - -- - ':. DAN I EL S SERVICE I :

f rom : ISTATIONERS Inc I � I : HANSON'S JEWELRY : I GAS OIL ' I Alistrum Printing C�. : ,

' •

i �c:: i i DIstinctIve I : 8.oo"d�l(' \V.1�h,nglo.-. I : . ' . : t 926 ?actfic Avenue I �

.� ! J 251 So 1 1 11'1 51 T.1COml. W., , L _________________ J : 940 (om,,,crce . MA,n 6168 I ! 92.6 Commerce Street : �� I i.:���=:��:':!l rl----���-:�;�;;;;-;�--i l;----:::::��::-�-:��E!�-�:D M EAT CO. I � . I i i T.(o:��s�e�:,:,L�I:�:f\hOP t Mtmix". Un,ted Pur,ty Slores I PHONES: GArland QI01J4--GA.I.1�d QIJ:))R) 1 1 SPALDING i 1" Cors;t;:n . Spec;lalty I GAr 38 1 8 R5 P.ukl.1nd I Crocerics. Flou!, Hay, Crain, Fc;d, de .

. I Basketball I � Po< A .. ,' 50," � . ________ J '--;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;�;;;;;��;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;., i , � � � -I Sup�Ues ' .1 . �. ', : . . :



While Sh�p�n��!����11 In lind STR�h���O:-b:��:�cl�f�Ri��:nRc�ICE

See the 'New No. SS Shoe see our large assortment.. af men's consider these factors: the reput<1-

I : Ties - Shi rtS .- Pajamas tion of the 'company. the character Light . Fast ard Durabl.e I ' . '

. �,

S�aters _ Hose _ Hats of its manage;;�d!�:dd t� service

I � -; and many qther fine WE INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES W ASHlN"GTON · 1. 'Merry ·Christ';"as furnishings HAROLO· C. HOEL, """', W"n; .. " o .. , .... "" .. ,; .. , CO. � . arid a T:'!u����

Ec�;��I Lutheran Brotherhqod I 'Happy ('ew Yea, McCormick Bros. LEGAL RESERVE LIFE 'NSURANCE

924 Pacif,c Ave. � Rust BidS MAin 4493 901 Comi'herce 'treet . 608 Second A"e. S, He!man l Ek e ..... , Pres. Minneapolis. Min" +-_________ ++ I!l"." ................. " .. "" .......... "" .... . ... " ... ,," t!i I!i � I.

/ I

� I I

Touch Selector-Floating Shift

-·CUllIl' Dn<;hpr' ('{Jill" PnHll'O'r' 11()\l' 11i'1I\ Anf'IlSOI1 : And " Silent Night" by

Danrl'r' And lht'n

HI' ","hi"1! .. d and <;hfl1l' '''1

Dr,WIl frnm. Ill" "1"ln1AI'

hr(l:od hall


th(' rhmr wHh A trio noup I'eho eom-1'1111 ('AIII'(1 pn>.('d br GMlbfor

Onf'_ of thl' o\U$landinl! Illlmbcr1' of 1 0('''' 11 the till" wholf' conCf'rt WAil the premier Audi.

tlon of Ill" bpnul!fu\ number ··PSlIlm

AL ARNE School! Repre�cntal'vc


I .

Also Royal 6- Underwood Portables d .

All lines of Beauty Work - Permanent Waves

Evenings (by app'U OI ;L··· · .. ·········,·· .. '. I�------.... -.... -, .... -.... -.. ,. ,.....oi .... <iI

All Makes Rebuilt Ma�hines $25 6- Up

Terms $3.00 Down--$1 a Week Free case · Instruction book Buys a Hardwood Type­

writer T�ble I Slightly higher with

cheaper models

H. D. Baker & Co. I 09 So, .. 10th

Bet. Pac: & A North Side


Creeting Cards for All Occasions

I!I .......... " .. " ..... ,,,,.,,, ............................... ,,.

15c For Nme Holes 25c For 18 Holes .

$1.50 Student Monthly Rate $1.50 Ladies' Ra� Monthly $2.00 Men's Monthly �ate

Parkland · Golf Course · .


Eastman Kodak Stores, 'nc. 91-0 BrGidwOly MA," 4810


"The Public CoUrse" wi," the CoUntry Club Atmosphere"


w.ldi ... I SPft:"lty



Specializing in Hot' Soup and

Home-Made Pies MRS. F. W. CONRAD Brookdale. W.uhington

Brookdale lumber Co. OIt Brookdale or'I Mounta;n


GAdand 381 1 1 5

DR. E. E. Bl.JX DR. I .. T. :"llSON DENTISTS

1·1 32 '1.1: PKific . Ave. T,com.

Wrecker SerVic� OOiY and Nite


Highway . . "JOIN KIMB· L . I mile East on . . AL . 'SBKI CLlJB.,." 8 Miles South 'On" Mountain r

Clov", C,.ek Road I . " DROP IN AND WE WILL SIGN 'YOU UP ' . Distribut� � GArI�nd q192J 1 " j Lots of fun and ,meet your friends at the Mt.� _

� ____________ W __ ES_T_C_O_A_S_T_C_R_OC _ _ E_R�Y_C_O_' __ ' _________ ' ��I � __________________ 1 �· ____________ .���L�Fr�S�C�O--� __ ��� __ � __ � ....

�--------�--��--�I ) -�-- - --

I I 1 ,

We're Out To . \Vin � From Lon�'ie

" Friday


, Girls Hold. Initial , ( '

Personality Me'et �/_' Tomorrow Evening Miss Dorothy Foxwell L

"isted on

Program as Gqest Speaker

I � / '

Sunday. P'dIruary 2 . P. L. C. stud"ent5 --

v.'!11 '0 on tbe annual trip to Mt. liain- Saga Head8 to Appoil'!t Assi8t-ler� genr.ral committee compOse<t of ants Arter New Semester

HOlt::�y��:�I���� ,::. Begins ' -

student body m�Uni ·waS Cheste; Soltt'. sophomore In �t Thursday to m¥e inquiries mal department. ""� named definite alTllIllements.· -

to Nara.r;1a Faih for a. ntty': Manager or the 1936 Saga. at st.age will cost Sl.2G per ulty meeting' held Monday

Sklls may be �nted lor one thpr bwineM appointments: a Pair. with a seve� dollar de- to be made by the new Business The bus win leave Parkl�d at Ager and �f. O. J. StuJy� faculty

M, and return about 8 o'clock 'tser, \\111 �. announced/soon,

' -

Girls. Join "erso�ality .

Clu� Tom.orrow


Continuing •. series·. of ,!;eekly eon· Kreidler and M� Stuen �11J be }oInt. certs, "The Cholf or tfie West" 111'111 hostc!¥S. at Central Lutheran Church� . . The, PnlIram Jlumb� to be 'given ' \ at.e<! at 10th and SOuth O. Streets It"!': p:ano �Io by lone Madsen, vocal 1$ Tacoma. SWlday evenlnr at 8 o'clock rolo by. ijoinola Rust, and II. tliadlng where Rev. E. M. Hene 15 the pUtor. by r-.rltrgan;.t Peanon. �ccordlnl to Mr. Victor Elveatrom, ----

the follo ..... lng Sundliy. Ja�u.ary 28, the Bergstrom and Margaret Craft evening: All students who plan . According to Margaret. Rorern, Delta l;lho Gunuil� Plans will- sing ' at Olivet. Lutheran been supervising 'arrangements. the trip are I1sked to s\gil the Edlto�, editorial �taff " ."",,,,mon,, I , P I k S

' iSt.h d K St T\LOOma. of MiM DoroL'ly Foxwell. Stewart In- the bulletin board'lIS soon as will be made' at the begtimill$ or ot lie ll'Pper Party ' ",-

an S. �" 'bM �,

tcnnedla� teacher who has charge of Further committees will' be seCond Applications ar� be-the remedial '\fork and who is ad\'1ser named to make the compltt.e arrlLll{te- ing accepted lor M.alf positions. of n personality club there. will address menu.. 011 February 2. and at· LuU1er thC' group on the subject. " Personality, Memorial church, South 5th Street. on


o., 'c'o:,',-Du, O"'"'

Pugh',', l\1i,ss Tha� Long S


peaks February 16, ... " � .. � ............. ... �.. T S I I S CI man for the affair. The choir .wlll aL10 sing at Ute an-SOund In Tacoma, she WIIS president of 0 e 100 ys.tenl ass �ctlons de\'oted to I;chool lift', E\'elyn- Monson hIlS chnrge ot, the nunl P. L., C. Reunion f'eetlvlUes, I"eb-the Kappa Sigma 1Jheta sorority and ---- fib;, and artistic work.

dinner arrangeml"nl.�. Entertainment ruary 27, Queen at lhe May Fl".�th·al She was MI.':.<; Thnd Long, � .. ho resides at Fem I . .

nnd games under the direction of lone A tentiltive date has been set for II Rwu ... rded the Americlln Association of Hill. spoke to the Public School Sys- . Madsen will take place after the dln- chOir conccrt at "St. Paul's" LuLhero.n Unl\'�rslty Women's Award at gradu- tem class last ,Thursday on the history Luther League To I\Jeet nero Vema Teglund Is the committee church', South 21th and Tacoma Ave. 8llon of pioneering in 1880-90 In southern

S rl . 5 chulrman in charge of gilts. on Mareh 29. \ Th�'re«'puon room' v.'!U be Ta

i�::�;:��n1Sw7�w hc;:

l�r:en�l ���. uo a.y � The dinner celebrates the complelioll Last Sunday night a concert was

iy decorated for this altair. lone I �e'brought In the de\'elopmert of �h� l'rinlt} Luther League will meet lOf thc chAnges which hAve beeo made �����t �e :!r: :�;



. ��Isst ���


ChooIS and high school� � :�::r: ::��:�nT�: �����: �7il

t: :�ou: ��:ISbe:��nr:I��ge

J;A�:: re�:� The program numbers were as follon



ments 1. will be "The first' school in the vicinity was I eld at !lve so thAt P. L, C. chOir mem- vatlons. aSSisted by Wadene Cnl8\'an, "�e

. S.�lrit Also Hel�:' �s"::�' 8: } : ckson . . label . Rt 84th street and Pacific. � tiers m


ar attend. Therq ' "\\'1II be elee- Novell Nagel. VernA Teglund. and Marie Bach, 0 FIlII et � y. . ,�' and No\eU Nagel, Elsa Arneson WIll t1Q,,1l of officer!>. and tunch will be Johnson. ' "Christmas Lullaby by Mo;a:rt, He play sOft music ""hlle refreshment.<; are 1888 the :;chool ha,d gro



/� st'n>ed The collJr scheme 15 green, cream. Is Blessed" by SOderman; " Look Down,

being Iioerved. four room school IUS bu t. e .-(

. H I' Do e" by J: S. Bach.' "Lamb of . No otllcers will be chosen for this school wA..� finished In 1894. The sub\. ,� ----- =1 �h

��:: o�;n �:S:I:�::I�:rve� O�" by vSOderman: '''Den Btore Hvtde

organlmtlon. but It '10111 be under the Ject.<; gh'en in the grade schools In the Fow::::1er Manages drn""s. And aecessories, Flok" by Oriel; "ChlUun' Come On direction 01 girls who are keenly In- 1890's III{'re Quite dlHerent rrom those W JI ,.... Rome" b,. Noble cam. GOlo b,. .. rnntd terested in personality development urre�d todar· 15ucrt 5tudl� � phy"l- Advertising Staff - - -

Anderr.onj ''It:s Me· . . O Lord" by Noble Pacific Lutheran College girls. cal geogrAph}', higher arithmetki, geom- l\fen�!S Quartette Sings Cain: "Psalm '23" by Plot. J. O. Ed� girls are Im'lted to attend this


ge�::I:i:!:��� New Staff Arrangement Being At DUIJOnt P. T. A. Meet wards. solo by E\'elyn Syverson: "0

meeting, Long. Planned for Next ' Arnold Anderson, Robert Monson. !ac= �;��.:' b; c�=�ns:::':so�U:; e\'!�ts ���:�


t;he 7:r�er.\:�n;:;��!

Semester Emmet Thompson. And Kenneth Anen- Alma Stolee: " Beautlful Saviour" by

Member\; of the Dormitory ""IU hold the monthlr buslnC$ Tuesday aftemoon nt the home O.,J. Stuen. Mrs. J. P. Pflueger, elected presld€nt. \\'lII preside.

The toUowlng ne"" oWcers '\fere ed at the December meeting; pres.ldent. Mrs.. J. U. Xa\'ler; <""(irs. A. S. Berg : and treasurer, Victor Elvestrom.

ler \\'111 make will be offered to Lhe best the m06t determined and beginners,

son, who compose the men's QUArtette, ChrL�t1Ansen. solo by MJld�ed MOruJOn. experience.� lit P. 5. U., which was la- .Miss JfAn-MArle Fowler hM been f\lrnl�hed several vocnl numbers at a The choir Includes fltty-four voices ter Illlme<i thr College of Pugrt Sound. Appointed Adverli!\lng Manllger of the, Parent Teacher·.s Association meeting this year.

German Chtb j\'I('mhcrs Mooring Mast to nil the vacancy left v.·hlch was held last night at Dupont. ___ _ b}' Harr}, Orlbbohm. who resigned be- " ThP Drum" by S. Archer Olbson, Tae01na League Choirs Plannin!! Big AetivitieJo' cause of contllctlng ,:ork, Miss Fowler "The Perfl"Ct Day," by Carrie Jacobs • • • • u was promoted from Lhe position of feA- Bond. And several short encore songs Wtll SlOg . In Unmon

At thr Oerman Club m!'l'(ing held ture editor on the editorial st.nff. compri�d their list of program lIum-vestcrdal' in the recepllon room, It WM AI; ,Yet, no new feature editor ha.s bets. Tacoma Luther Leagues will Join in decided to gh'e a banquet :;omctlme in been selected. but a nev.· staff;7�e-

:::�:n:un�:y s:r�ur�oo��:;:' the near future. Thc �n('ral com- :e:ew��!e


m��':� At the g nn ng Two Graduates of 1934

. ��:::h�:t):l�� :��:�:IO:a�� Student.<; who wll;h to work on lhe Class Announce Marriage Ilt:v�


th:�:II�:':� h� =:

cludC':o; Lllura. Haug!'. Vernf'r Bitter. MOOring MllSt .staff dur!�g the nexl accepted the position � pastor a.t the � am! Ruth Johnson. semester are asked ·10 sce Helen Holt- Word Aa.s come that Harriet AugU.s� Flrst Swedish' Luth�ran Church, .wlll .

Officers ,,'111 be t'iectf'd at the next camp, editor. �d FrtthJot Tayet. busl- Schneider and Frank William E).lIot be thp speaker. to be hel� January 28. Nonna nl'AA manager, were married New Year's Eve in Ya- -----

Asper, and Hen- klma. Both Mr. o.nd Mrs. Elliot were TINGELSTA,D TRIP comprise the nominating J\frs. Hallen Will Speak . ::��rsw: ���9:�a�:=�e c:� Mr, and Mrs. Ed nngelstad left yes-At Drama Clu� l\leetmg school departlI\ent and Prank lrom the terday for a two week's trip to Ca11--- liberal arts (TOUp. The young couple fomia, Mr. TIngeLstad Is going on

According to tone Madsen, p�sldent. B� establillhlng their firs\' home In buslnes.\ for the Paclllc Lutheran Rer-the Drama Club will hold a night Yakima. Aid,


___ ::

-_____ meeting January 30 In the recreaUon =_-


___ --::--:

:-____ =-:-


__ _ Notable Note, on Topia or Current Interett; room. Mrs. Junia. TodWh� IWI\


p,or Bicycle Proves to Be Convenient Mode of 'J . Tacoma will speak on " a t e ay .

Varied Source� Provide Crou.Sectionof Opinion Says about the Audience." TraRIJPo�ion for Two P. L. .C. Studen,.. Thls Is the firn night meeting of ' _ -C''-__

QuotaUons vary In J.a.stlng qualIty, The Moorill$ M8o'It must go on , , . . the year. Program numbers are being Four m1les a trip-two trips a daY- I made of thls meana of travel. humor, timely lmponance, sincerity. RUMCII F'r)'l". calter Ilnlshlng hLs eve- I arranged' by Laura Hauge. Refresh- five times a week-twenty Urnes a But we wonder about the romanoe or and a dozen other Utlng:s. It Is fun, nlng's work of v.Tltlng one. headline) me.nts wIll be served under lJ:ie super- month-and so on tar into the night. fun connected with Its oOnstant .em-though to compile a list of the best Tacoma Is proud of PacUlc LuthpJn vision o'f Iris Evans. Kat.,hryn Ander� How many years 01 school would It take ployment, especially on some of these

ones.. and to compare them. Some peo- ll ' S I I Ma son, and Ovedla Hauge. The room 110'111 to go to the moon and back \(In dis� wet, slippery momlnp! (Ho* about it, pie always say thp wrong thing, yet �:O:�:Il'

. . ��

rge m t ey, yor be deCorated with greenerY and candles. lance, 01 CO\lrSol.')? j. ' " you donn students who tumble out of many have furnished .wonderful Ilftle banq Thls work is under the direction of . �r the past year Meta hall, It has bed at five to �Ight?) SQulb5 that we aU need to hear. I can never be serious Prol. J. O. Estl}er Norgaard, cha.lrman. Ruth Sol- been a. com�on sight each tJl(Imlng to This year Mary nas been Joined by 'I'hese are a. few quotes that we lhlnk Edwards. ·(Nov., Post Ofll�) lie, Lester Holte, and Ted Herrled, ' see Mary Alachle upon her tru5ty bl- her brothpr Ed-however, not on a are interesting-more Interesting be- You must .. 'ear It somet.1me . . . Eula The next t>rama Nlght Is scheduled cfc.le come glldini. Into the campus ot "bicycle built for two:' Torether they' cause ot Illelr 60�: Mae Goff. (her generous offer to aU :

r ::!em:: 1'un!:rO �.l�!�ro� wt�� �B��



�� �: �e: :�� �r:;,� w�� r;;:!: :e:: :xo:;t ":! The beSt fOotball spirit In the North-· Who like her clothes) .

Evelyn Eklund and Eline Benson. MIas ceptions peddled her way to school and ocCBJIional deOated tin!. Nor do they 'ol.:e!l In ' 1935 w� shown' by 'PacIfic TWo heads are better than one . . . Eklund' will direct "The Threshold" by home agaIn each .day-a trip Of eight worry about gas or batteries. Lutheran Co� . . . Elllot. Metc.alf, Dr.' O. A. TIngdstad (J0hn.s9n�Cox Clarice Vallette McCauley. Eleanor nille&. • .. It haa Its advMtqea, too, when it Sports editor, Tacoma TImes (Article). Print 8hoP) • , Raudtb&ush, Jasper JOMson. AJda The bicycle has been a very popular seems tbDt the street car has a habn The best ooach1ni teat" of the year: The world is intolerant with anyone Johnson, and John Dapland have been vehlcle ·in Umes :PUt--and. much is of mlsslnJ us, huh? coach Olson 01 P. L. C.' . . . NeIaon who stands In the .... ay ot Its ,dreams named to Compo6!! the cut. MlB:S Ben- heard 01 those most lung "bl,cycle built 'On being aalr.ed how she lUted bl­:r;Ion" Sports· edJtor, News Tribune, ; . • Prof. J. ·P. PiIuepr (lecture). son Is supervlslni Ui� preaenta� of for. two" on 'which rran�p� used to cycling to school, she repUed: "Qh, one (ArtJcle) I don't Ute the nape '01 a girl's neck "Knives of Syria" by Lynn RiftS. M1l� take grandma .a-courtIn'. on SundBY sort ot ,ets used to It, and beitdea It's We beUeve In compeUUon in every- when Iiler tl.ak is bobbed . . : � . 1oI0ns00.. Ruth 8ollle, Emmet a!temooll5. However, t.b1a two-w�led lun!" \. thing aoept 1ti IdMS . : . Prof. P. J, Bert Myhre, student body president. Thompeon. and Gary Piluecer wui conveyance Is IWI popular todaj� Ed says It's O. K., too. More power

·Bardon. (Class lecture) {Conv�na�lon In ham . ' I portray 'the characters. Peel.i.lly In Europe where much use is to you, Mary and Ed. " I



, \

��--�--�. -. --_.--- -=:"'1�' -� /

wQe �oortng Jflagt Pubi ishM f!\'trr two \\�k..s during the scbool year • by thf' .studen� of Padflc Lutheran COlJ� . •

Parkland. Washington '"

OUict': Room 115 Telephone: OArlnd �7'1 . Sub.�rlptlon ·PrI�l.OO per Year

E'nterf'd a.5 second class matter, .October, 2,. 1925, at the Post Ortlce at Parkland; Washington,

under the Act ot March 3, 11179.

EDITO�IAL STAFF , EDITOR· IN-CHIEF Helen .Hol'tc4.nlp ASSOCIATE EDITOR Hazel Hagerup EDITORIAL WRlTER Jack Ode)' SPORTS EDITOR. Bob Martin TYPISTS Marie Lien, Irene Odell REPORTERS-Thelma Daniels, ManGUs­

� Norma PreWi: Eh'a Bertman, Gary Pflueger, Mllrgtlret _Larson, lone Madsen, Russell Frye, Ro­berta Torriwn, Lenore Withrow: John Drelbelbu:


Emmet Thompson CIRCULATION MANAGER • Margaret Cralt CIRCULATION ASSIS'I'ANTS ' - Lenore Withrow'

KnU1ryn Allderson AD SOLICITORS - Hur), MCCo�lc;,:. Edna Kel­sey. Jasper Johnson, Elizabeth Friis, Emmet Thompson '.

FACULTY ADVISERS , F �. J. Hong. O. J. Stuel,


. Til(' :'Ilooring" :'\Iasl makes a s�('cial Hpppul 1 0 a l l slndl'll!s w h o an' graduat ing frolll Il igh SdlUUls Ihis lIlulI!h and 10 all persons who are {'clIlsi(II'rillg a l lt'ncling SHlllt' {'olll'gt, during Iht, lI('xl S('IIl('slt'r 10 sludy Ih(' advanl:.ll,l('s 1IU11 Pacifk I . ul hl'run Collt'gl' off('rs, .

This i'lslilul iulI, with Iht, IIwlltl "Build ftll' Churnd(·r ... · d istind l\" t'ntit'a\"tI!'s tu prollloit. personality dl·\'cli)j)nit·1l1. In l"rain It'utlers, Illlt! 10 eSlahlish 1.1 high Irpnd of Christian thought. p, I.. C. is iI"t'Olllilil-flllorp antl llllln' pnHlli,wllt t'ach year -th rough Ihe SlU.'L(·SS of this purpos(' 111111 hy th(' [all1(' o[ \'urious ('xlra t'urricular nctivit i('s that tilt' ('Ollcgl' sponsors, The .. 'ours .. , .. ur(' heing nrrullgt'd fOI" Iii .. ' h!'llefil o[ sludt'lIls grad uul i ng from high s<'llOllls lit lIliti-st'lllesler,


Th(' most signifi('anl ('tlul'uliilllal lllo\'t'1l1elll in Illlllly yt'ars is fast gelling into slricJ(' on til(' CUIl.IPUS ,of allllost {'\Try large l'olll'gt, and lllli­\'t'rslty III tht' l'oUlllry. Slptlt-nls' Coopt'rali'�(' Assot:iatiolls art' lTll·d.i ng a financial silualion Ihul (" ·erytH1(' knows, and i n acldiliull. art' tak­ing a 'defini te pill'l in rt'making ('clu('atiull lIIul ('ccmHlllidi in Ill(' hiJ.!h(·r inslilulions,

On(' nf th(' outsl:llUling ('�I)('rirn(,ll is was Ihal t'urri(:d ot.11 hy 11 slml(,llt group in lilt' l'n in'rsity uf \\nsillllgiun. In Ill(' spring of I !I:I:I, :,\Ir.

", ��:�=�II�

rllll!�)�I,:!�;�:�;!:.� " ;�i:�·(�/(:t,��:� :i�;rt�l \���I�'r�i:�

husi n('ss prim·ip!t" IIlltl Cush was tilt' opt'rating basis,

TI1l' r(,sulls un' n·nHlr�ublt,. Buard and 1'00111 wus CUi 10 $10 it Illonlh :Inti l' lu thl' Ilt'sl on IIII' ('IIIl1PUS al Ihul. Tilt, iilt'li has now sprctlll liII tlwr(' IIrt' l'ighl "!HISt'S, und Ihe uni­\'t'l'sity puinl!'i \\'ilh pride 10 till'SC; l'oulK'ratiH' "ousps und r('t'ollllllt'ncis thl'IlI, Lusl \"t'ar Iht' nssociatioll kepI two o[ IIll'S(' huust's t;pcn and I'lll'ollt,cI sl tIIl('nls unci Icuciwrs 10 sl ud)' coop('r­aticm during Ih(' sum Iller.

AI Ihe t 'ni\'crsit\' uf luwa the lllu\'cnH'nt he­gun w ith KclloJ,(g l inust' in 1932-:1:1. Now there urt' Icn "Kellogg" hOllscs, ' AI Ihe Uni\'ersit\' of :,\Iichigan $2,50 u wt.ock wus found to be too Illuch for f(J(KI. �hlrlin Luther College qnd the ,-:,ni\'�'rsity. of Idaho han hoth fuul,ul C()opera. tum I Il tclh�(,1l 1 'Und responsihle.

As tht· I1Im'emenl spreads. it tllkes on a deel}­cr and more far-reaching si�nificnnce, Ilncl Ihe schools are quick to point out that at last , the\' ure doing what should ha\'e been done lon�'Il�(;, TIICY arc linking the'!;ollegelto the yellrs ahead of the student. They arc teaching him a way of life. a philosophy which he can take into the ' world with him tlnd use-not for winning, hut for living, , • "

CHERISHING A RE·PUTATION "'VIIO steals my purse steal's; trush. 'lis something. nothing, But he who filches from me my,good nume robs me o( that which not enriches,him. -Mft. makes nie poor indeed,"-So , snys Shakespeare,

Pacific LutlJeran College has a good reputa­tion, Possession requires protection: As in' our hearts we cherish. so in "\\'ord and deed Jet none furget the duly to protect.

. .:-� \ .

lighter lhon .j.:I. L Air . ,�; ,



, ..

8\' .BOB :"!lP"SO"

' . JANUA,RY IS, UI3'1

.. DRIFrs • . . . PREXY'S CORNER . By Bro.ner · IIAPP\' NE\\, YEAR!

Wt�h the \'e,,'po�nt ol stud.ents beU\i Important decisions 100m ,for �' II,{ •• <;al'c-ct fqr more and more In achool5, p, L. C, In lbl.! year of our !:.ord 1936. \ e{amlnalIOn, p"pel'S a� tIt'comtn&" In . .\$, my Ne.,.' Year gl"fttlnlJ to students,: � tlfresuna pieces of reacllng. M06! col- colleagues. and other friends. let. me �ay� Now that' .1


t'S lea�'Mlr, you fellows had better Itge students ha\'e distinct. Idl'as. and pass on to you the following par9KTaph ' ,

IIOt. \'enture out. on the &tree of Parkland after night-· a� not Iwerse··to putting them down lrqm a recent letter that came ,to me;

rail , . . The co,l'<Is should Il\'ite the boys on a party'::" on paper.A-WlIIH the others lack In ·'As t wrote tha� '1936' the U}ought

'w 'em, escort. 'em. feed 'em, bring 'em home, and stutte� Quality th� mllku liP (or in heal, AU suddenly c:a;'lle to me; wouldn't. It be'

around the front. pOi'�bout how. tine the weather Is , , . this protllPt.S e"preSlilons and Idea.s !.hat wonderful It we could all get Into the The onl)' lrouble with sUCh-an arrangement Is tha� the generally makes the .prores.scir's nair cori.sciousnesa that I� 18 the 'Yl'll.r of ollr

men might play. the part true to lite, and order ·on the curl. 'Before tong 'It wU proba"bly oome Lord, 1936'! �y new year'. ,resolution

, right S;ide o� the menu , , . With all the loud-colored to the 1>oln/\ 'Where exam papers will· this time wa.s to try t.<Ueep eontln'Ually

XmR.!l, ties being "'orn around. school, one might think have to be expurgated by Ii stout-h<!art- In the consciousness that every mlnutl'

there waa a lot or throat cutUng going on U�U vacation l'<I board of cerisor.s before being passed or·my time belongfd. (.() RIm: that thl.s

. . . We're glad that "that chubby U\'e�-llp on,th1n:l Ooor on I'!l the teache!!;'t() be·graded . .... ,' this' would truly be Hu year.:' didn't come·back to school married, tho' He threaten- goes to show ho� much potenUal t!�- �othing I.! more ;>ractlcal than c,hrls-. ed he "'ould, but It being �e'ap l'ear, I g�ess he didn't works. every student', mind �as stored. tlanlty, exemplified ill each (orytven ha\'e much to say about It. . ' up since the day! "'hen Ideas contrary sinner's loving sen'lce. Every' waltillft

to the text books were oonslde'red a minute test.s It: even oUf dreams are one-WRY ticket to the dean's oUiee. not .untouche:1, 'An� �w;e It dot'S SOCIAL p, L, C, SOCIETY-

It's a little early to predict, but the Mlq Simmons-Mr, ::��:"::� ':.: ��:k�cl�a;:�s t:� ::



I�e Y��R�

' O!d




nce . Illoming fire, 'they ean 110W Pc set. up, 0, A: TlNOEL$T .... O. SCRE� PERSONALITY : �Sel)a s-;;ns4f;' ''R05e:Ol the printed and be turned Into read-

Rancho" , , ,�r Irene OI!!U's benellt,/a sv,'eet-sr.llllng :�lg:�:��a�h�����:���� c��:��n��:� Glimp�ing , Into Life


h::; ::e�


Ing. As We Go Along , . • . ness . . . F .... BLE; Once lIpon a time. the prolessor tola fda i\ll!rz und Elva Bergman to be quiet In his das.'l­room , . , Harry Grlbbohm, ex-ad manager of the M, M. 1.'1 now working In a garage , what. a. let-down! . . . Ml.sI "Texl\s·' won Il booby prize at. some party a 10 tIme ago, And has kt:'pL It tied to her finger e\'er since: calling It '·Ivy" In her senUmenta�oments ,. . TOE-· �rlptloll; ROY LUNDQUIST (Prince .... lbert on the red can. , , . n just goes to show how a feltow will sacrlflce othrr things (or his studies-We didn't know there WR.!l an Opal Ferdig In school until a short time. ago . He.1l0, Opal , , . Katherine Riggs wants to lIleet Bert Myhre and Fritz Tayet , , We don't know whether she means both or just. either one , . . Bert. has already been met and conquered, while the latter stili has his peaee of mind . Lloyd Lnrson ' asserts that. the · girls down town are so many' wax �mles . . " Does. he mean that the glrl.!l out here are I(\'e i:lu,mmles? , , . We \\111 not have OLIVER LUDLOW and IE SELLS sing a duet entitled: "I'm getting Sent ental O\'er You." . . . BI-WEEKLY BOU­QUET: R :vFR.�lqUlet. quaint, quarrelsome, queer, and qUle' \ . ANENSON-durln6 a concert­moves hl� he'ad :lr u nd all wa}'s, and hI.! eyes play tag with those of ihe atirlrctlYe listeners In the audience Iyou old card ! )


'" ..... orn: ON TnI'.: LOOSE-If all the g-lrl.!l at P. L. C. Join the Personality Club,

I\'e'JI lind thIngs IntercsUng around here alter awhile . BI.' of good qheer, choir members-the ha�est work Is over-the pictures are taken . . . It's hard to'retaln thai angelic expression while waiting for the nash, ,'t It glrl.!l? . . , and listening to BUCKY'S wisecracks at the same time . , , .... blt old. l)ut the moving pictures ol the p, L. C.-Linfield clash revealed that the Oregonians were Offside at least a dozen times dunng the contest, and weren·t CAlled on It! · . , . If �'ou see,a sweat shirt, dirty cords, thick-soled shoes. and a pair of-scarred. hairy legs lying around, It's probably a Gladiator athlete . ' . Imagine the embarraMment 01 a Parkland co-ed, who went to a basketbaJl game. and· i..sked-durlng one of the prelims. ··who·s g!lme?'· , , . nnd six fellows hung their heads and said, "I am:' , , , It ),ou girls play C. p, S. this season, gl\'e me time to get a 'llenna rinse �d n pocketful! of peanul..';, and I'll tag along-the sport Yo--rlters say they have a nice-looking team . . . NOTE, Some' of ihe dorm guys don't like the color scheme In the D. R. G. room­apparently it's too hard on the ·wlnd


Cha�h I r:l . 'rother 'day, as � \l,'1L'I goln; down. to

rre ':I eantngs tile postoU\ce to get my mall, I saw a ' We are 110t only to be hearrn; o( t.he pack of kids teislng RJl Old man

W�;!�I�· ��



d�i:-daily Hle in . face was all scarred Ilnd disfigured,

he things he does and says that he hAl; Well, "you know, It just made my IJI(IOd

a pure religion In his heart. boil LO see thal old codger hobbling The, greatest compliment. a' person along, ·followed by a yelUng bunch of

may recel\,e Is to have It said to him jackanapes. The poor rellow couldn't that he hlU lived with Cbmt, help his looks, so why make him lIuller

-Ramstad doubly? If .... Iexander or Napoleon should, en- Take Zeb Evans. for IMtance. ·Il

ter this room we should aU stand: If (.hert' e\'e.r was a hOmely' fellow, he w� Jesus should enter this room it. E\·erytlme he looked at the mirror, "'e would all kneel. the. glass �'ould crock, W!hy his ean! We call see Him through the eyl'lS o( stuck out on the side o( hili c�um

faith : we can know Him better Ulan like dlshplU"l.'l, and his adam's apple we know our lrlends or our Yen' sel\'es� was as big all a black wainut.. , W0rd5 The birth of Jesus was a wonder, a couldn't descr:1be hI.! uglineM. Nature

man'el: but !-O deny Him would ha\'e must have laughed hencif sick at the been Inlposslble, Joke played U!l9n him, But, you know, ' The greatest marvel ot all Is that He there was the funniest th'in8' about him, l.!I here. Under· that mask was a great big heart.

-�rlueger of purest gol9, .... kinder man .was We should take care lest we bring never seen on God's eart.h than Zeb

harlh unto our 'fellow students-let us Evans. · Th06e little LOti!.. just out of help them In living a Ch"rlstian Ute. the cradle, would cra"";l all over hI.!

Let us try not to do anythln!( that big lonlt frame, Rnd would kiss that wl\l harm anyone, homely map that even Il mother would Take your problems to the Lord In shudder at. Bigger kids would bring

prayer, their toys to ·hlm to be fixed, and then As Christians, we B.II have the SIUlle sit for hours Il.!tenlng to his stories,

responsibility to help one another lead E\'en'body loved him, and they B.II a Christian life, used to call him "Uncle Zeb," He

-Tl.ugeistad finally died at the age of ninety-three, There will never be ·'peace on earth" and you'd though�the president

. had

u���:�: ���a



k�t been taught �;�





us by the gospel: It has been taught us to the tuneral of th� country's "uglJest b� history, man." The town drunlr.ard stayed

Peace will ha\'e to begin at home, sober a Il>:hole day In 'me�on' of this wlt.h ourseh'es a.nd ..... Uh our neighbor, beloved lrlend, In thL, way only may we be led to I ,guess It Isn't. what. we look like, but world Peace. what's Inside of u.s that. collllts. Other-

Let us flll prny lor peace on eal"th. wise a whole lot. o( u.s would iure be -Xavier' put ot luck! '

wo�:�s�:�!�: ��

c:��d �

s ��:� �::� [ ,,,,>,. ::::;::::;======="'.� In your heart and mine there . also

lncons:Qi:iental as It seenu, SI ANDERSON Is simply slu a king: his name Is Selt. How does mad over GfRTIE, and she sort of likes hlm,'too , ' . this king nccept the new-born King In Don't be surprised If O .... GSLANO walks into class wlth- Bethlehem?



the Show

CRIDDL.E out hb pants .some day . . . PROFESSOR; Tnb examina­tion will be conducted on the honor system, Please take seats' three apart and In alternate rows , , , Just In. case our lnatructor 15 115tenlng in, those who had' Bolton and Blbba reserved the last tour nltes were MARION PEN­NIE' BERT MYHRE, RUTH mOYEN" and R. M. MON­SON , , , and If he's stU! listening in, the book was moat Interesting to say the least (like Unde�) , . , Heh! Hehl , , , The boy friend ol the g1rl Who told yours truly he was quite ,lOme anooty, explained that she WLS a little out­spoken-but we don't' by whom , . , II Enid Hutson

Ha\'e we received Him with h.�mage Ill! the shepherds and magi did?

-pnueger · 1 ·1 00% V.lue. . . [O,i@iu..Wliili!Jla . 1 1 36 BROADWAY I

wants to know what a "failing leaf' I.!, she shouJd ulr. ' � Prot. Ronl-he's seen plenty of 'em fall , . ,-, The editor II � Inserted lOme or those BI-Weekly Bouquets last edition ""'D � .

, We respei:t, but w� don't adore anyone to ·the extent I �:::.:=:: ��where we throw our arms about 'em (at. lellSt, not 'fn I L.�. :::;_===T:':�:.!....-=W:.':H:. �". public) , . . Which l.!I the super.senslt]ve, hypercrltlcB.l, fat.- II,; uoullly, fastidious, red-headed detennlnatlon never to be 'THE 'BEST' SEA FOODS pleased with anything, nor to perceh'e a merit where you can be obtained at can'/i'lclr. a llaw, by heck , , , Imagine. the day girls' surprise when'they learned that It wasn't gOod. form to sleep at a sJumber' pariy , , , But. think what a hard time two Cl"OSl­eyed P.eoPI.} have looking Into each other's eyeS . , , Or the dl.scomtlture of a POtato with Its 'eyes full of dirt , , . Can

A. LEWIS Molin Floor�ryl" l P,I,ce MJtket . : . Bro.IdwJY 4267 ,

you the Indliruty ol t)eing a cornstalk and having r your �'Pu1led? , , Can you 1mag1ne C6.thertne K.1tcblon MORE AND MORE �� �rn:�U? ' , Or Ral Nilsen with hu h21.r combed?




























_.1 'N.eva OilOn . hLS deserted the llkes ol us., �d now PEOPLES STORE �

smlles--ob, the sm.iles-on a guy named Carl.

/ .

,. 913 COmmercII 51. T¥omJ, Wn, ifI

OUt Linen and OUt HandJtttcl\lefs FOr Men and Women lilA BOWMAN

Winthrop Hotel Bldg, 769 Broa.dW&y

You Are Most likely to find it at



Spedali';.ing, in Hot Soup and

tiorne· Made Pies


Brookd.ile, Wunington



print Oil Th�ay nlgh,.t: results of the

ri.d:��= Fa« � '-"==�:= ._"- ·=" 2,,,· Ba�ke;�:;�':'

Longview' Quint " 'The' . '

S·ea·ttle by .34--2' 7 B�;� ·,h. '''''nn, ;"''' ,0<, , . .. Season Commences" I ' � In Friday Game ' - III . . basketball'game with St. Marull's -Cal- . .

� T So)ie Slars �in.sr8oys· Collt'ge lege. which .,,'u pl,,-e(j night at High Sthool Team, .Nam'td;

I, rommer\'ik May Be o\.t · for . i . . "IP-. ' . . Saturday Night ' . !::Y·(t�I�C1n;�I� \�\I� In sum· o�h;s!ea'�:d���ll:e Crucial Tilt on Home \ Pacific Luth��'S hoopsters hurdled ! Court ", . 0 ft' another ·?� I.n t�e1r last race for � .

All girls' basketball UKms ..... 111 be . a Iohlrd consecutive conference tlll�. . G J. . . finally chosen Wed�ay. :Iccordln.i Couch Cliff Ol�n's c3gemen. fresh

, � when they defeated the strong Seattie ,Sc,,·t�ral ameS l,.1I1Cd. Up to Edna Kel5l"Y, man&fl:�r Tht' only' I , j:�;I\C�W�\'::!:�lIItr��:��_:

e�o���� 8, BoIJ.· l'lartin COIlt'8���llttt by a.score of 34-21 in 'For High ' School ·-Team :�::

I ��:'I�I�lc�h::�d��\ ���e

h;:; .

. " Ironman" stunt tn the next fortr:lght : . �n::� rl���n��:!a� ���t�;!�unnd� COI\ch A." W. Ramstud hM lined up and Vll'8lnla S�lth. centers: E:liut;teth wht'll OW}' take on Longview. Belling- Ots(Jn'. ""Urrlble S"'e�'" seem ttl 11. - some dl(Ucult games for' his hi h Stuep . a!i.d ·Lunde . . fOrA'Qrds: t �.l��ll::.o��l� .. ���


�a � and be "cln�ere'lce Con.scio�" If the rt'-" Paced b�" the spet'dy lIt.tle fqr;\·ard. S('hool hoopsters wh.en . th.ey meet �t. �:Ia

U:;!5 Rod Prederich SchlRn­F'lid:l.Y. January 11. the stron) i..o�- suits of tberr

, pla}ina to date c'an be "ehet." Solie. "«'ho co':Jllte� f\ft.een Mart.ln·s .. prep8. Lakestde. Kapowsin, . Fln·t.

g·secon�. Rnd thll'd' )"t'nr' groups

I I \ " . ' ! �

1 \ ) I r · j I :1 I I

tor Columbfa Junior ' . . g taken as nn) l!ldlcatlon. When the polnu. 'and With. the valuable services. a.nd Preu&s All Irf the near Juture.. . . I'lew WIll Innde

College fro� Long- Gladlators take. 'side ex.cumons to play 'under the hoop of :'Hal" NUSt'n. lanky Definite daus for th�se games h,ve a,re the only ones from which first an� . 1 h I

the P. L. ·C. maples non-conf�renCE' or pracUct! "games they' ce"nter 1 ... ho ...... a(St-cond with nine polilts. not yet been dr'<:lded ':IDan. �nd teams ..... W be picked. No ;;'utR �1�e

nl:u����tP::�I��O: ;:� Pl�Y like a bunch of ttrt"d b� Coach Olson's C9�ort:\ Jumped Into an - Ll\sl s.'ltUroay night. althougt"! sOme- �r,;t ::r =dsu:�:tes �11I �I n::;

h 01 . gomg \.h.rough the motions In t!\elr early lend which the)' call!fully guard- what. outplayed b)' the more uperl: . .� wt � c ri ad�lI�rs.�111 face In !,heir con- once-a-week gym cl� Howen'r. take ed lhroug·hOUt. the I'ntlre tilt.. .en�d college resen·es. the high 5Chool part time In some tir:"t. ..m games. o�'�r �e:r::�n a�h ';;:;:::�h;

I:�� these same dis�terested Individuals T"he ga-me �:a.5 marked by rough, and nv� �wed II d.l'Cld�pro\·l'l1lent to�!:fn:�� :��� ��:�� :t�� y��� . ga'uon from the .Columbla must rate :::h ':��=tul�a;'s

c:,��;:�::d�:e; fMt. play as the' \'I�tors trh�d �eS;per- O\'����I==h��:�es playing an normal--Helen Slafk. AlIC1! CO;Ok. Ruby :\..'i favorites On paper, at. least, as the hound that basketball like a caceful of lII .. el}· to overcome th� Gl���Rtors slim all around noor �ame lOok sW?Ing Moore. Esther"Nol1laard. BtlatMce Sld­LutherBns �'er"e eXUlpded to squeeze out hungry lions fighting over a lone pOund lead. In t�

lr Jlttempt. �tteen fouls honors for thl' game. �Ith a total of de� Ell'a Belllman. OOldelle. Gerr1lZ.· a tight \'Ietor)' over Aberdeen .before of raw meat. For the sake of P. 1.. C:s � comml ed by the Seattle COII��: �1i1t't points. Coach Ramstad was Enid Bllik�. Mal'8sret Meh'er. Nonna the. holidays and. hai'� not. met the conference chan�s let's'hope that they wbleh resulted In the ejection of St>V pleased with the Impro\'ed ball handl- ?reus. Marie Wenbel'8 .. Me!ba Fen­YRklma t�m. Ho\\·ever. the "Olads" rim remember which are "Conference ernl k�y men. Tobin, of the SeMtie itlg of his nl'c: tmd aOO thl! Imp�ve- ney. S>1vIR Miller. Vll'8lnia Cllfton; 11'111 holt.l a distinct. In play- games a.nd which are not. �'Ith three Col�ge. led .the losers \\·tlh nine count- ment of Gary pnucger� ..... ho played his serond )'ear _nonnal-ThP.\m.t- �e5ll. :��





�a: h'nport.ant tlIts coming up In the next c�� the prellminar:)'. f.. L. �:s n!'servcs best gaml' to <Iar. The �inRI score was ��::� B.�=;. �!�n �1::�:el�:I�:��; l:\..'it )'ear when they played before two weeks. ·We might. call theJp � defeated t.he high school five by a 25 to 15. - . Hele� Scott.. H[!,zel

'lhlgM'UP Ednn TO� friendly races ' ��:dO!��1:��e :


e:.:�:! �:I;:


nn� sc



C25:�!'1 (2

7 ) �_�. nit' Rt'M�'t'lI ' Lineup!! lU,h School blR!IOn. Aida JOhn�n: Ma�l Heggem . . Otto ftoI.>sner. Il'ft handed Longview we meant that the boy!; were profes- . . . . . . Vota\..· ( I I 181 Schlanbusch Louise Hendrickson .. Elsie Bartett, .. who has bet'n perso�ally �;;onals. Solie (l5) \2, Co. Thompson 14) Haldane Marian Kohler; third )"ea.r normal-

sconng mO{C points t�an all hJs 'teRm- Leask (4) Finn Frye (4) C 141 HRugen VoUy NOrby: Eve:lyn MOMOn. Edna Kel .. combined. wlll 'be the boy that Votaw (6) . F Taylor a H 'Ik (21 0 131 prl sey. JOAnna Manousoa. Enid Hutson. Coach Olson will hnl'e to stop FrldRy S�klnr �f "Dead-eyt' Dirk'" In Thompson 12) Bothsteln

A�de�n 0 H�:::� Ruth f'royen. Neva OlSOn, Marie John-nlghJ ... The team has apparently been basketball. �hlch In the language of LArson" F SOil. Gertie Stenberg. Jean-Marie Fow-built around Roesner as was apparent the 11l�'man m.eans those: Individuals Hnal'lk . F Substitute:;;: RCI>erves-Larson 4 .. Ha- It'r. Laura Hauge. Thl'lmn Daniels, in their. Aberdeen game ..... hen he gam- wl;lo are gifted _ by nature with the Nilsen (91 C (8) Tobin avlk 6. Strand 2. LudlOW. Schnaeken- Eleanor' Ra •• debaugh. lone Madsen, ered 25 points In his team's 45-28 \'Ic- ability to stand all}'where In midcourt Frye C . (2) H. Conyne berg 2. R(>�eree-h'an Larseu. Tlmer- Bergllot Vogan: liberal art..,....Henrietta tory. and drop the ball through lhe hoop .Ford 13 ' 0 (21 Phllllp.<; Jensen: Sc'Orer-SoUe. O·Nell. Mildred Monson. June Mlckel-

Three da)'s later the Lutherans will without an)' more than' ��Ung the Jensen G (II T. Conrne .son. Ruth Sollie, Connie Clumb. Eugenia pln�' host to the Bellingham Vlkil�s. hemp. brings to mind none othl'( th}4! �nderson 4 1 ) . Co t4 1 Budnick � ..... ............... """."" .. " ............. " ..... ,, .......... ,,'! Spence�O\'edla Hauge. Lois Mae Mor-po\\:erful non-COnference. M,'als when Hal Votaw. "out_standing" Uttle for- ,,'Referee: Barofsky. GAS OIL � ton. Mildred Larsen, Tessie sells. ' the Normals come' to Parkland MOn- �

ard. It doesn't seem to make . any WE 00 :e��Pt.56�iINE OF

da,y night. January 20. - Bellintham Ifferenee whether Hal Is balanced ,�! W.ldin. a SPeci.lty handed the local outfit one; of their one foot or in the act of falling dO� - \AUNDRY AND 80S'S 'CARAGE

. 40 " -':II� " S few defeats last rear and this year's he just fires the ball In the gelle \ CLEANINC SERVICE BrOokdale. Wash. alJ.CnA"mp contest promises to be a battle royal. dlrecUon of the basket Rnd walU with � !!t". ." .. " .. "."""." .. " .. " .. "",,"""""" ...... t!i JanUAry 25 Mt.. Vernon Junior Col- a smill' for the applause. "Butte.rbnll" \ At Extremely Low Prices . A�L UATHIR SHOlS lege comes to P. L. C. to play a con- modesty says It. La Just luck. but'has no (erence game. and on the 26th the explanation for those Jump shots when Glads journey to Yakima for another some of the SPl'Ctators fl'el like rushing Important conference tilt. Altpough out with a step-ladder to\ .help him

. AL ARNE School Represent.tive

TACOMA'S LAUNDRY Wrecker Service I Oay and Nite


"The Store with th.e Yellow front"' . "fa,"oul tOf' ouht.ildi.n. Cluallriet

and .t,I .... . . Ill! four games wtu be dlUlcult. Olson

CAS ':i'�ll:I�6 OIL [ Wintw W .. , at Pantorium Cleaners gh'es hls men a chance to come through To Stan For'd goes the last genuine

them, especially If TommeTl"lk Ls avall- Morocco covered Leather Ml'dal \.0 be able t?r play.




u:� I ����������� [lIP. " CALLJNKAMP'S

1 I I I BrMdway

. ANDERSON'S �=I:gS�����alt�:n


t I:u� ���: ���: I PARKLAND CARACE 1 : Br��!�!:}��!:�'i�O. : l�j':_,._T��_,._T��_,.:��_,.:��_,._'"-t COLD MEDAL DAIRY man besides beUlg a cJe\er ball hRndler 1 Sheil Gasoline .nd 0.1 : HIghway . � LIEN & SELVIC

. Natural Milk and good shot and his rellable non- Dependable 9"us(ng GArland 381 1 15 � . Pre5Cription DrUIS·sts We Supply Ihe College spectacular playing has bet>n a. st.eady- GENERAL REPAIR : � Di���;�tc�'t,"��:

r f�?�t

CA. 0 15 1 15 Ing m!luence on his team mates Not _-:-_______ ...... III ...... . . ......... • .... · .. . .. .. .. .. .... 8.-Cor. 1 1 th ,nd Tacoma Ave. --.. ___________ ' I the flashy type that "l!.ould attract lm- _ Photie MAin 7314 mediate att.ent.lon. Stan ca ine through p-- '. .1


151 In fine style when Coach Olson needed DAHL CROCERY CO. Drake's Haircutting Shop '"

• . ��. :�I:� �: : v�:�I�o�:: t�;����I� Member United Purity Siores

<?pen Week-days Microscope Headqu.arters .... . alor machine thIs year.

CAr. 3818R5 'P.rkl,nd I M(�:n�;�n o�(:�r;:�nd on Eastman Kodak Stores. Inc� � Pot-Shots-When cautioned by lhe '":========� �IO BrMdw.y MAin 4810


cooks that he shouldn't e,.t calte, being ,

.. r--.---------, �=======:::;::=� a basketball player, R�Q Almon j KERSCHBAUM' Parkland Me'rcantile Co. ball player-just"Ou.tcr" fOr wle exclusively ,t , '!". ith Shop Puktand. Washington Moe seems to be between two loves Jetland 6 Palltgr"uti I Frye replied that he · ' t a basket: SUITS AND OVERCOATS At Your Service- Bonnadele Beauty

Expert Photo finishing. Photo while watching basketball games 10 the . 912 Pacific Ave. Experienced Craftsmen Parkland .GA. OI45-R;2 . . Service "Tim" Tommervik, oruy his time Is tak- ' ... Modern Type Faces . All Lines of Beauty Work

Supplies, Prompt and Courteous gym.-The same might be said tor -=========::; t en up \\ith the other one at the games. 1 fL � Adequate Equipment Permanent Waves � -Coach CUlt 01aon seems to be much ·-Quality. -Knitting Co. Evenings (by app·t . ) , ' more popular ..... Ith the boys On the Lett., S ... ten 0., Specialty AII�trum Printing �o.

. .11 Ju" "Fal' We .. h" " !".ndo. Coo"" 403 1 U n " .. TK�'

. Wuh. 940 Comm.". MA;n 6768 Occas;on, �'�'{ '''''' "no< "' bou,ht U"t n.w ..... n. . . C, •• ,;n, C.,d, 10' All

. :��:.. r ��?;,�;�� . I;=









:::C:::O:::.:::=. =:

SPALDING Basketball Supplies " . . See �. Ne •. ·No. SS Sho.e

Light - Fast and Durable,

W ASHlNGTON Hardware Co.

924 Pacif,c Ave.

I ��' ======::::::======�� I��;;�;;���:::;�����;;;;���� ........ "."""""."""""""""".""" .. """ ... I� I ; STRENGTH ..:.. CHARACTER - SERVICE l� � . � � ; , LADIES READY TO WEAR


When you buy your Hfe insurance consider these factors: the reputa­tion of the company. the'character of its management. and the sef'(,jce . rendered -WE INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES HAROLD C. HOEL,-Seattle, Washinslon Representln,


Herm,n L Ekern. Pres. � i Rust Slag. MAin 44'13 ...,;;60�8:.i"'�ond�A��:..�S .... ____ ... ___ .:M;;:;n:;;n::"::PO;;":; •. .::M;::I�::... � ____ -_-....j. ...... _ .... _ ..... _._, ... " .... ".,."."::",,,,,, .. ,,,,,.,, .. oi l '-___ .,-'::"'�---" - I


J �J� ' , \ -- ----·4\-��======::..�....:...

I )�:PA;· O�E�PO;;UR�������)���������P�A�C�pn�C�L��.�;;�OQW£O;;;;. E�.�P;AR;�;'.;;�, w;Mm;;�rn�O�TO�. N��������,����·����·�·��J���AR�Y�"�,�"�3. t � "CHOIR OF THE WEST" BEGINS BUSY <:;ONCERT . SEASON


Distributed by


and be well fed S • ....,.KIMBALL'S--First

We Have Just What You Need to' Make Thi. . WEST COAST CROCERY CO. ,..J � BROWN t.. HALEY '

' r FOR SKI EQUiPMENT-Sport a Crand Outin,

@ 1 0 1 5 PACI�IC AVENUE

TACOMA'S LARCEST Home-Furnilhinp Store


THE BUG=J Noonday Luncheon SERVICE


()I' ............... "'''''''''''' ••• '''." •• "."''''''', .. ,.,,., ... ,""" Cf) Person,1 Se ...... ice All D,y·. All Night ;

i DRIVE - IN -.MARKET I Fresh F��t�A��� �e.;etables

3308 South "C" St, " ............. ,�

r �


Our Butte. Is -Churned Frpm Pure Sweet Cream Once , CUllome. AI." I .. Cultomel' � �


"Th. Public Course wilh the Country Club Atmosphere"

a Miles South on Mountain Highway

1 mile East on Clover Creek Road GArland D1. 92J I


CLOW'S GOOD EATS Next to W,shington Bldg:


Ca���l:�_m:':=.!:-�:.. t BroW" W.fHn 24 H"'" _ 0.,' I . -AT....! CLOW'S COoD EATS I




1 0 1 7 P.c:ific AVe: 204 So. NinttrSt. w-. ill Sum. t.t .It ca...­. .....

I 1 � I!I .............. ,,,.,,, ........ , .. ,,, ....... , .•......•...•....

\: ) .

Pacific ' tutheran College , SECONIl SEMESTER BEGINS JANUARY 27, 1 9.16

O�t Two Years of Junior CoI1ele : . ' . et�. · and Three Yeats of Teachers" Tr.ininl Also · . '

Four Yu,.. of Hip School

Co/kge Co�roe. Organj,ied·J�r B�...,/it 0/ Suuk,.".

FirWhing High School .

'at Mid-Year

GI. . ' Patronize OUT Advertisers--Bdore going . to .toWn read thla column. The following firma are frIends aJld advcrtisers In the Moor-Ing Mnst:

AUstrum Printlng' Company Anderson's Dairy , August Lewis F'1s.h Market Bob's Oarage nunnadele Beauty Shop Boynton's ·Oarnge Brookdale Golf Course Brookdale Orocery Co. Brookdale Lumber Co. . Brown & Haley � The Bug Claw's COnrad'!" COffee Shoppe . Craig F'\lmlture CO. Cry!ltal Creamery Dahl Qrocery Co. Drive-ID·Market Drake's Haircutting Shop Eastman Kodak OallenKamp's Oreenacres Hartsook's Ina. Bowman Jack's Orlddle ' Jetlund &; Palegrutl Johnson·Cox Co. KlmbaU'a Lien & Selvig Lou Johnson Lutheran Brotherhood C. 0, Lynn Co. PK.ciflc Lutheran College Parkland Barbel: Shop Parkland Garage Parkland MercanUle People's QualIty KnltUng Co. Rhodes' Brothers Schoenfeld's Tacoma E'nIravlna CO. Tacoma Laundry CO. . Tschunbf� , Washington Hardware West Cout Orocery Co.

r'·'··'··":" '·" ······�:.:::::··�·:':·N ...... � ... ". I � USED CAIS I

Parkland, Washington Phone : GArland 0577. � . :��D �AR� I .... -----'--._-.. '.L-_...;. ______________________ -:-_____ :_Ja:� ... ,,,.��: .. "���;:�� ... !:!�!,, .. .i

�' -- � .-.- .-. . �

� : - '

Attend Mln'ing ,Pidure or "Luther's (,jCe" _ Ilrama (Jub I'resents

HO�'ltlt)' PIIIYs


Pastors' Retreat FRENCI" ('LUB 'U;CT'O' I'fI"c�" r 01" -'1' DeI",lt- PEP CL�CTIO' ' I Drama Club Gives To 'Culminate With l' �I.'W F'Trncil Club ornc�r� "'ere rlf'f\- Sf'1t';;OIl Tl1ioil Wf"t'k t\('conllllg to Romola Ru�[ retiring Two Roya

)ty PlayS " I f'd ;'dterdny noon M rollo,,·�; President·, I prf'�ldrnl the Pt'P Club will mM't

Alumni Reunion F_�t'hrr NorgaRrd: 'f1«.�rffid(,lI!. Can- cO:�:�C��I;o �7':�1 �'lllP :f



1GUl..Q{TOIP. ('\( rJ,mg At 6 30 0 clock fllr This Friday Night __ '_ :�:dt'c�I;:��(';t'{'rll'tRry.t�R.�ur!lr. Orr, I medIa tel ... Rlld practice:; \\111 b(>Sheld R� : :

:: �:I�::; :

n�;�;�nl!. Ill.' .... oUfct'n; for i __

BOitrd or Graduates l\IlIkinJ! _ I oUtn �� 1)()'<,.'Ilblf' OiIl!tc>lng otrrcrr" IIr� \Ic�-pre!;ldent I MUSIcal Skit Is Planne� for

Prul.!ram Plans for' � The foUo"tng membPrs of last \t'lir s Ltn(lre WithrOlI: lind Aldll John!lOn Interml!i8ion Program

Fehruar�' 21.23

. En·I,yn MOIl'ioU Is Nc\\ l :�'��o�


k��I���'f�I�;: r:;- �t'('relllr}-Irt/ll�urt'r ' Number

nt·lta Rho Pr.esident I ��rom Margaret Ror�rge Brock "'c;l --

PHcifie Luthrnm CnUt'ge ..... iIl be the l B R.'I,'ltion ·"otnl� Fnda)' ev�n lng aL 8 o clock !.he Drama hUM Pebru,lIry 20-23 to [l llirge gal her- ehlr.'t'1J liS pre�f the Delta Rho ��l:It".f'r:.

ll:K'rt resemall lind Vern I'" I ' . . I Club wUJ .p�nt..- �wo plll.)'� in the

Ing of vllllto� , Il,'hen l)a�lors or the , GlIl11ma. En'IYI1 MOIl�n , .. 111 helld club The qursUon forfdepat(' i:!!; "R<'ro/l'('(I, Nt'Nrly fhrt·t· HUlulrf'.1 college gymnIlSi �. BecaIlM! �he use . ,\nlt'rifnn LUtllt'rlIll Conf�f('llce hold ntlinlie� for IhE' -"pring seri1eSlr�Sht t.hllL )ollgrrs,s -"haIVha\,(' Ih-i ].)Ower bv . --- , �r the� plft� mvol�s paying roy-

II two_dllY S�lrlt,unl ,Hetrf'al and alulllni 1 �\icc('rd� Elennor Raudebaugh, .two-Ihlrds major!l}' to ove'r�ldl' lil� Accordllltl- 10 Dl'Rn PhIlip E Hauge, alt}' fees. Ihe club ,:,,111 ehftf"ge fln ad- \_. __ ---�.,-p,.....b:-,C�n.rror_tn·e . _ , Wadent' ealalo'all \\'ftS elecled YI�_ · �upreme court." rf'gl:o;trft:. � mld('nt. .. hnve compll'led L�<rn-PT1Cf' for-!ltlJ(1f'nts II.S- wt'll M

, tl'(,;lth anllunl ReunIon fesn\'ltil',� 1 pr('�idenl. Anila �alJ.WIJl fill tht' office I . --.----. � Ihrlr rrg'sLTl u�n for Iht' -,,'prin� �_ ! l'ISI({)rs. . Dl!<Cu",,,lolls for Ih� HetreRI will in- nf !'t',:rrlar�' Rlld Ml1r1red MOIl.�on �s Y . b k M mr:o;trr Thill ill ft lImRI1 il1crE't\.�r ovrr ' Evelyn Eklund Ill. ·dlrectlng the pre_

dud" Ihr hil1o"."IIl!C IJlPlcli 1\1\(\ leRdE'rs; I mllllf'd �orrespolllling I'ecrelar�' .. Ruby ear 00 anag�rs the �lITorimf'lIt · of la�t. \'t'Rr. .s<>nIMloll of ··TIle 'l1lre�hold" by Clar" , TodFlY·:O; V\I;loll of Ihe Kingdom. Dr. T, Moon' . l� IlIr IWW Irea.�urer. Rod JIIIII' A '. t A . t t . ., .

. ' Ice Vallette McCII\IIt'y. Thl� play I", O. Bur1llvedL of Minnellpolls: A Luth- I Wllil l'r� will �r�·\' as !'.I'rge�nL-llt-Flrnl�. ppoln SSI.S ,an s , FigllTr� fnr Ihr \'t\\"IOll.� dl'pnrlmenl_� I WTlUNl In ihe l>uprrnl\lural dep\.cting \'I'lln WOl"ld Vir ...... Prof J P. Pflueger I ___ ' _ I --'\ _ ,t ol al enrOllment. .. II." f()llow� : high 1111 01(1 womlln who wlshl'., thaL she ,,[ P. L C.: The Vilailly of


,Amen.- . . ' H.tzel Hagerup. J. J�� Af'.(' �cl1ool. 49; li

.berM 111"1$ . 64 : normll l. 1 46: I wrre Ihl' girl that might hftve been.

. ClllI ' LulherRn COllferencf'. Prof W. F, Ilclegale:-- Will AII«'llf. ! Asso('iute·

Editors: Sutter �llmmf'r .o:e;;�iOIl, 39. EleRnor HlludebRugh. Jasper John&Qn. Sch.llllc1t of COllcor(lia, College. Moor- I Llltht'run StUd" lIb,," 1\lt ••• ( I fs Ad Manager Slutlenill t('gl�f'rillg for' tl\l' nl'W IIl1d. John Dligsiunci portrRy the char-hend, MIllllrll{)t51: The Outlook for the I __ -.-- IIC(eTll In Ihls one-IICL romance. -ChrlsUan Collegf', Or. HE'rmiln A_ Pr�us Tf'l1 �llIdrnt$ ha\'f' �f'11 nOm !llalf'd J

WUh Ihe 1I1)I)()mtme�t-� of nil ... tRfl �f'llle�ll'.r IIrr offl'rl'll II (l'f'W eO\Jr� , ·'Knive:o; of Syrlll·· b)' Lynn Riggs will of Mhllll'lIllOlis: SlIllllllllry of F'lndillgs, a� {,II!l{lidllll'� f(Of th" election ot a dl'l('- nU"lflber� of Ihl' 511g11 fmi�IINI, work on cil'allng with Cnll1t'llIllOrary Hilltory bl' enftcled under the guldflnce of Eline

, R('\'. S. J. N. YII'!SAkf'r ot Slllnll,'ooc!" ((flIe 10 ' Llle Llllhrran Student-� Union j �h� \'f'lIrbook will -"Inrt imml'dIllICj:y. nc- Thl� .�ubjl'C1 i.� taui!ht by Mi.'\..� Geo.l fkoll."Oll, I� involves a complltAted

Wllshlngl()n , C<lIl\·rllt,itm 10 b(' held III Drcorah, cor�inll: to Margaret ;oreln. editor. and RI'IIf'nu and I" II. slIIdr of the present �fl\'e :O;�Ory, the role" of which are Playtd TII��A)' e\'eliing

. rhl.'. g\J�.t$ Il,'ili l lowa, Febnlllty 28, 29, Mllrl'll I Chester SOlie. b\l.�i�� malla@t'r. Prof. dny problems and I'illlftlioll.' Ihrough- 0)'

ri\��dre� I


nl'On. Ruth Sollie, and h('ar TIl(' Choir of rill' We�t, under I Thl' nllme flf rach . IjOIllIll('P \., I'ub- N J Hoili! and Prof. O. J SllIrll. IId- OUI the .... orld. _

� h qt r u gf'r.

I · I : ���


f�n:L� �or E�W::�:: !;;�j 1:,;�11CI:���V"P�I{::;::�1 �i e�:': l'lm,., · hlll'(, 1I)))lrov('{1 th� 1I�� of Ill'- ---- I Ih:

c::\�" \�l 1���;:


I u which �II fripndl' of P L. C. are l lion . \I


.m dl'cidr · who Ihr dP�l'g. l' In �1�tAllt.�.


. KutJ,lryn Allflt'f!'iOIi ChUSS'Jl prl'sel.t�d al Drllma, should

invited. At thRl thn(' Dr. O. A 'Nngl'l- l ' lll' Cr.nvl'n! lQn fmm P L C lI.'ili br Hllzel lIagt'TlII): former as"i!'lant. I'dt- �f" S ,' P .

I I merlt Ihe IIdmlssion charge. Ray Reid $IlId ... tIl dl:o;('\1l'.� pllllls for Ihe Im- This "

.nIlUn) f'OIWrlllion {'Ill t ��eS-tl l tor of Ihr Moormg MI\.�l....1lnd JI\.�per I' 1�:;OJ(n� • O( Icly rt· ... u "111 III vo'Orklng 011 I'Ornc ' excellent 5U\if'

IIledlllte future of the college. LIl!ll"rfili !'\udcnt.'< of A n�1) � Ln I ����l


n ;;; ���7('�IIl:�

d��;;,; .... :

I:�� Kl1thryn Ancil'rson �M been elect{'d .«'ener),. whpe Ruth �yen Is In charge

\V,llh Ihel1\e ··011, GIlldlatnr�. on.,, \ yf'nr WilliI' Pflll('urr rcpre5cnl� P. . , \:c�

I.�ll1g manager. prl""lcil'llt QJ" thl' MilI.. ... lon SoeINy for Ihe I or .!'t'r.urlng !;Orne unique stftge prop-ulunllli hlll'P .�('\ RlIldr, \hls Reunion 10 C. , t- On till' Mllorlnl stllff. Ellen Brrg- �prll1j!: �eMlon, �\Icc�dlng Rolph BOI� l ert

:, SU


l RS ��e ��tm�n



\ , I " honor lIw ncll'llllce \\'lIlel1 P. L. C. hn�! ----- I �trom. fL.-<si!'\t'd OV Klllhryn Anderson �llId who helcl Lhe pot;ltiOI� 11\8( semes- 10 I ,:se I� .. e t �e� o . ave lI\ad� In the ll�\e of alhlr�lrs. ThC ! Or·.tJlli.l CluI. N.olnilll�«�:O Rnd Hllrold O·C�nne-r, wtll �upervlse l-('r, Ja.'llI'r JO!IIl.�on Is the newlv Nltge- s In

fc urge O

f he COfilu


Ihrrr dny proltrltln will oprll Ftl(lflY


F . . . EL" I ' F ' 1 . , !hr rrJ.tOrl.� on 8.CI\I'IIIt'S nnd I'RrlOIl� rll'cteci vlce-prr.,ldI'lH n l>O�itloll form·. A:noLhcr calure. o , I e cven ng pro-'·\'!.'Illllll:, F'l'brwlr,I' 2 \ . \I·lIh II bnskl'tblll\ .t( f _� �OI1 rH .,� orj.:lllli7.'1 lloll� of Ihe collel(<' : Harold I'rly h<'ld b�' KlllllrYI; And�rson·. I �:;�:I';

I�hl�� 1��I;I: 1::�l




�,I:I�; ���.:�;::�'

I;lIPt1�1' �nI�II,:{


M�;::: > E\"!'I�'.n E('klulld fllld nOb . MO�I.<;01! I :;:��. �:::� g':l:

n B���� \\��t;lnl::��: . Mllrgf�n.t Ml'lw'r !tllil Goldill� Ger- direCI('d by Mrll. Adllh Dt\.pper. Thelma day r\'('l!llI!! Will IIIke li1(' glll:>!'!10 10 till" haw' bl'''ll IlOllllll!ll{'It for til!' Jl{)lIllI"II I I�lllon of girl�. �I)orL� editor. TI,I7. hnl r been rho.�n !lfi:f('tary Alld Ne!<..�. Helen Lilja. If)ne Madsen, Wa· Crr�lal O:ll\ro"111 f1f IIII' Wllllilf"I) ! "f Dmmn Club pT".�ldl·1l1 for till' com_ I Sjl('('lfic cla.<..� mal<'rhd f,� 10 bI' c(",m. l � rll�lIrrr. rl'.�p('ctl\'�ly, while MRrgntet denr CIIIRVRIl. JORIlIlIl Mnnou.o,os, nnd HotI'I III Tflt'OIlIlI , whl'n' IIII' ;1111111al I\lC .�(·nll'sl.'r All 1I0011I11a.IIOII� tHl\"" ll1l'd II-� follo\\.'.� senior.;. Gcrtrudr Crall 1:0; lhl' ."-"CrI'IRr.v of Ihe pocket j ThrlmR NI'!<..� lire tllklng pftrt In this

bllnqlJ!'1 Witt bf'glll nt j ,,·clock be"11 mad!' by t11f' !'.�'·Clll l\'(' ('olll'lcII Ilr�f1l\rr: ."OI)homurr. Loui."t, H(,lIdrick. tr�t"mrnt 1Il0V,'IllI'II1 . act Wilh Chllplaln Curl L Fo.<..� liS gll!.'''1 of till' Urnl.lm Club. which 1:0; COlllpo.�f'd �"Il: fre�hllllll1 . Joseph Runn hlll: : lind AI Ih{' la..�t IIlretin� held Wt'dllesda�',

�1)l'ak'·r. H" lInl"n l'I"T\'irl'� wlil ue Iwld "f IllI' uttlc,'rs who �rr\'l'd dllrlllc Ihl' IlIlIh .o.chool. VIrginia DII\"I:O; In chRr!!e .'''IIIIHr)' 22, n prrn;rnm ll,'I\.' ·prl'!'.I'nted, Choir To l:nllc«'rt Ncxt SlInllll.\' I1\0rn11ll{ III II t.-clock ill thl' fall .�t·IlIf':o;ll'r EIN:'II01\.� of Ih.' 111' ..... of the p!llIe.o; del)icting .-chool life are III which Ihf' fotlo�'lntl O1el11be� look ' • Trillill' Lutl1l'ran Church Fl'l'tl\'llIel' nfllt·"r� ·A·11t Ink,' pln("1' Frhl:,y dllTIIII� J'X11l11!1 Manou.<:oI> and (o;\·elvlI Ecklund 1111T1 E]Jpn Ikrg.�lrom. II f('adlnp:: I At Luther �lemorlal wilt r;ll("Sundny ilfh'tnOon with a 2 SOl til!' hlll�h IImlr

. . _ E\'l'lyn Syverwll '1IIe1 \Vad�l1e Call1\''U; OI'IIII'ICI' Slddrrs: 1'C nIJtllr� n' " (ting : lind t " ,.k,'", I " 10"" h -ru�-',,-U'. w ..... kl' '·Choir nf thl' W"�I·· H" UIIIOII C/I1\{"'r! G:ul.l!cl!ltrs fur I I{'r-lIrr�ldl'lIl nrr r .... t . wlll .o;III)('[\'il«' tile lJ('tWnlleLs. Rotx>rtR Almn Slolrl'. II \ Ot'RI !IO'""JfI." ... • w ,"",," .. ... dln.'"t"tl'd by Prof J 0 Ed ..... ard... 5\·111111. Itulh Prn}"l·n, and Elpllnor Tflrrl�ll. Hrllriel\A O'Nelli. lind Arnold -----. al)pe1HanCI' In SAcred con�rt. the

Membf'r� "f Iht· Alumlli Board who l HlIud,'halU:h : for Sl'crrtnry. lirh'lI SCOIt. , Anderson hll\'e bern nftl11('(1 Sl!gu IIr- 1". rln ' " I (' St I , t ··Cholr of the We. .. t·· was preselllU'd at

ar!' ('omplNlng plulI� fHr Rf'union !lrr '-f'l\or" Withrow. nnd, Edna Tobla,IIIm : : II-�t.�. 'nlr�' $11.1 I.'lftll IIii' cover alld ) t: r • .. ., lit I II lour Savlor·lI Lutheran Church \In Ta-lit'I"ll Thrallt·. '32. of 1'11("01111\. pr('si- I for 1r<·II!'lITrr. Hnberl.'1 Torrt."IlII. Lrl'lrr �II detRllrd IIrll.'<\.\C work throughout • Editin� Til'·OltH.I Papt'r coma. Rev. Alvin Lewis' charge, II\SL dl'lll: Dlrll:!"1" Nt'L"'Hl, ·25, of Sl.'aIU('. · Hr,lll' and Rolph n(JL�tnd: ftor IIbrar- ! IIW book MRrlYlrrt Mc:!I" 'r nnd EHz, __ \ suncta}' night. The--. ntllt concert. i3 '



nl ; Knlhr)'1\ Johnson . . 34', 111111. EII1.n\.lrlh F'rtl�. NO\"I'II Nnl:" l. imd ubrlh l"rl


L� .II(e Ihe {}'


PiSIS. Jnllw.� R Hl'1)m.�, who nllt'n'cled P. L . . <:ehrduled for Sunday evening, F�bru-of Tneom!! �C"Crt·ll1ry . Carl Coltom. '26 ,'Ida John.<'()11 . The bU!'IIlI's. .. :O;llIff Includl'S Ch'{k C clurlllj.: th(' fAil ."f'mr�ler of 1934, 10- ary 16, aL th� Luther Memorial of PRrklllnd, Ir('H�un'r: Rllih Fadnl' .... �, I (;T\mSl\'edt Rl\d Palmer Stlero for nd- gl'tlwr with Cnrl Person I.� Ntlting the Church wher(' Rev. M!kkel Lono Is the 26. fII Parkilllld: Mrs Ii('nry Brrtll..-en i WELFARE BO,\Rn EI.t:CT10!'l \'erIL<;lng solicitors: Art Haavik n,� clr- Tllcomll Soulh Herald, thl' SIICCes,"Or 10 pllslor. , , Idll HIIH:!,'r!lr '. '31. of Crolllwrll: Fred I elllHllon 1Il1l1lf\ger. 1I!<..�i.�led by Aldll Ihe South Tacomll Ncw.�. ··Olorlflcatlon."· compo!l('d by F. Mell-ScllPel. ·30, nf Sentlh': Gcorge Croll . ! Mr. Paul A PI'I'II.�, n 1I1('lIlb�r ot Ih" Johl\SllIl. In'nl' Odell. lind Jean Ar· While attending Lincoln hi!o!h school. us ChrL�L1Rn.<;('n, ha.� bcen ftdded to the q\ll.�t . ·30, at Tncollln : lind Rf'\' J . P P L. C f:u::ull}'. !lnd Mr�. l1uL'I(' 'rIlY- IJWllr; fllld Vern KI�lilzeli for Ih,· office Iw II'IIS .. 'porL�' editor of the Lincoln regular concert. program by popi.tlftr re-PCluf'!!I'T. faCIIII}' ud\'lser. lor. rornu.·r a .... �I-"tllllt rcglslrllr who Is (If flcrOllntant New!I, and .�lnce graduation from Lin- quest. Largc enthuslR..\t1c , audle�ce5

\lOW the Pierce County SlIpcrll1(.('lIdt'lI� coin High school In 1933. he hR.� worked have greeted tlle P. �. C, singer� at fill

Vcrncr Iliner Elt'ctc" fJf SChools. were elected to the Tacoma NOTICE on I'Rrloll.' city newspapers. . or the TacomR concert.5

GCrnHm Cluh' Presidcnt �:I���!:<; ::���:�. Association bollnl of f'r


en:� : �h 2�4�ool mee�inl(

, th�n



f AI��


r��� be 23�IV��� ;;:::

-----------'---------------'-, ______ --'.:..:..:.. _ I members of the choir wtll Join the prell-Vernrr Bitter, fre�lllnan In the lib- W7h h P L e G G Sk ent group of fifty-four In sln(1-ng the

rrlll art-o; depllrtment.. hll-� been t'lected . . . ,." J en t e . . . ang oes iing· .

. . ' . last group or IIOnp. I)resldent of the German Club (or the . spring I'('melltcr. He su�s Harry Hear >'e! HeRr )'e! The trndltionaI IPRTndl$e ! Llnl!' Me-rle pnueger. "Oce" l three hOIlT� They ..... �re skIIng. of ' , A 'r Gribbohm, who served IR.\t semt'ster. P. L. C. Mountain �rlp Is o\'er. but Hauge nnd "Sis" Meh'�r got them- course. ' Oornulory UXI lary

The new vice-president Is Elizabeth I\'hat Incidents we Cft,! relate. To st.a·rt selves Imt first thl�g,

. They managed Virltll1ln Davis, FrIU Schlanbusch, l Plans Valcnline Social Friis while John Btuen 110'11\ ser .... e 9.!i ,of! with. 011 Ihll L earl}' B8Lul'(tRy morn_ to find their way ({) Ihe Inn nearly and Elizabeth Sluen-skling-they call- __ ' 5CCre

'tnry-t.rcasurer. Ing II\.�l i.:eek us donn Cblb ..... ere given frozen. - cd a :>klinK, 1I,Ithout ski pole.�. No rool- According t.o Mnl. ,J. P. Pflueger.

A GermAn Club dinner wtll be glwn rrnl honest -to-goOdnest!. fried eggs' for SpeRking of skis-we like the way il1g, Ihey did remarkably well. prf'sident� members of the Dormitory sometime soon. breakfMt. That Is enough La stRr� HRJ Johansen and Vern ' Knutzen lall. Our friend Tex got a pain 1'0 /ihe Auldllary wlli give a Va..Ientine's party

Verner Blttf'r Is tn chaf"g{' of gen- nn�'.otle out brlgh� and anappy, So graceful! When Buek�� O'Conner might ride down the hill on a t.obog- In honor of their hUAbands, Monday, �rRI Rrt'angemrnts. Aflt"r breakfast. we pulled and tugged decides to &it down he puts one �OOl lIan-wlsh w� hAd thought at it first! February 17,

ror hours tryIng to geL our boots on. and skI wily up In the air. and ker- Bert" Myhre WAS all did out, HI! Mrs. Paul A, ?reus, �t.e<rby Mrts, , Thllt reminds us of Kay Ann Riggs who plop, down he goes. This one Is the skIed over every available trail. . Ludvig Larson will be in cha,rge 01 re-T,rinilY Luther ·League' . bUTllt Into our room· around five o'clock pny of!: of all the solt SIlOW, miles· dttry PflUeger and Ruth Sollie shOUld frCllhmenta. Mr.!. Ciltford Olson .and Progranl Is Arinounc��1 that morning, with teATS In her' eyes and miles 01 It In facl. Eugenia Spen- wear reenror�ment.5 In the . seat o( Mrs. T. O. Svare will arrange the pro-

, and boot.5: In her hand&. ,Bhe couldn't cer plelCs an ICY 's:pot to slide on her· their trousers. Alter all, ..... e can·t ex- grnm, At ,the meeting o� t.he Trln1t}' Luther get them on. We practically pushed tau, l;Ience the black eye. Esther Pect tweeds ':0 wear well when we slide �

Ll'8.i\le to be held next Bunday, Mildred her through the wall and tore all the Norpl\rd, after minutes and minutes down a mile over skJ trails. LUTHERAN WELFARE PROGRAM MOMOn ·will dlrecL the hymn singing rumlt�re to� blt.5, but to no avail. Poor of h'onest labor up a· fl(t.een-loo� In- FtnaJly, RIter we'd had &lightly ... arm-and AlCvlne Arne ... 111 J� lri deVOUon. child, her handa: ,...ere · red and so cl�reaehed the top Just to slide Il;II ed beans. we lett for Our lair town of Mr. B. E. Thorene Is to �aker . A plano 80&0 .. 111 be rendered l;Iy bl1stered�e .had only been t� the way down again�war�, Was Pal'kliUld. TIle home lolb were wor- for the Lutheran Welfa.z:e, 8oc1et)' p� DoroUl., Anderson.. � CraR Ipr an h0lf:' We Uke her c:ourqe. even her (ace red! OUr ebaperon� did rled becaUlie we o;1Idn'L get bu.Ir. unUl 'gram to be bro&d�t Sunday alter"­will rtve '. readlni, and � Rust. though the old boot.5 "'ouldn'L go on, "'eU, too, or cOurse they've had p.rac- 10:30 o·clock, but they soon,forgot It noon at two o'clock oyer 10&0. R1a and Emmet Thompeon will alnC" vocal she went repnllees. An orchid to lice. : \ . "'hen we stan.ed raving abouL the topic ls "1blnp We N'eed," The p, L. I :501(15, 't"he ",mes .� to be directed vivian' Buness. toO! "Bee" �Idders and Rolph Bolstad !rand UmIC- ,we had on that Mount.a1n C. male quart.etJ,e will ami (or thla

• by Virginia Davia, On w!th the trip! Up the trail to weren't seen or heard of for 'at" least trip. • • . I weekly p\ogramf . .�

i l , ' , --- ' , ' 1�:"-' - - � - --



, , IDQe !looring ,mast Published e\'ery two llo"Nks ,dWing ·the �ool year

by the students ot Pacific Lutheran College:, Parkland, Wa.shlngton .

Oftlce: Room 115 . Telephone: QArlnd 0571

lighter Than . D,!!�. . "��;.� !�E�_ A : " � , ' :-. . ing again for a uunlon this m�th, .t.n� -fir

-,-A · champion \1"Qlllan tennis . pia)·er they p�a.n to fe..t.ure alh!�t�C8 Il� Lhe

"?'� __ �' ___ . f .. . out with a rew "snorts·'.concem_ banquet pt"O£Tam. I have �eard, (al·

oX BOB lUOSSON . . ... . _

. � • . IIlg. ht:.r own sex In the ra.ociuet. p:ine. the rally of �ther

. trl�l)dS on

Subscription PrIce-$l".OO per YeM . / - . A�parentl}'. on the tennJ.s court }'ou can same February 22 �11 gil'e them

bU���� �t�·:ao� .:::=;�

bt�= �u:

r. �


a, j


er be���

tI��\�:���Ln s�:

a�:yWQf1lan. :���d

s:�i;�1 ::I=��y a�). Jle

arLlI>: Entered a.s second class matter, October 2. 19Z5, at

th(' Post. Ortlce at Parltland. Wa.sh1nlton, . under the Act of March J, U179.

got our liars crossed. as It were . . . We mistook or she may smash the· ball Having been prese-nt at what w� per- . Gro\·e- fQ.r __ 8 girl ";'·e.onre met at a Walkathon (the one judgc�. She does not admit de- tia·ps the first IHllletic feast at Pacltlc who ran ounJrr so many guys she's now a candidate tor -She explains the caS(' to herself Lutheran Academy. Ma.rch 8, 1902. I the Olympic track teaml AlOng ·wlth this, we linked �hat In a- short. time she .is o�t('r here MIs5' Alice Thorson'� J)O('m.

Larson \lith a gtrl named. Sinunons. when there that shl." has won! How Is It written for the occasion. for. the. deleC"-aln'tLsuch a. persoo in school , . . . The aile we had in mind jusl as easy to explain why tatlOIl at alumni (alumnae) ati"elent and Ih·es in Echo Hollo ..... and has -Il('\·er heard ot our her:o . In Ii bee cololl}, prepare a


EDIT.QR\iI< - - - - j:lel('n Holtcamfl To top "it all off, we said Neva .olson's main dlstrai:t\on cell for �he hatCh!.;lg of a queen PARKLAND NE'\�'S EDI-roR - _ _ Norma Prell!! WAS a fellow named Carl . . . Wbew! And did Harold .wh('n nobod�' .has lpld th�1J.1 wheth_ Upon the Puget Sound th('re is a to'!'{ll.

bU:m! . . . 'pol\t' be· surpr1sed .lf yours �Y comes �p to t�e egg con�lns a drone. worker: or Where hillsides gently slop'c-{stralght BOYS· SPoRTS· EDITOR - - Bob Martin GIRLS' SPORTS· EDITOR - Elizabeth S,luen you sOme day and forgets to forget your right name . . . WlI.Sp. .

TYP1STS _ .... - - - Irene Odell. Marle Lien

COPY READER _ _ _ - Le.nQl"e Withrow SPECIAL WRITERS _ Jack Odey, John Dreibelbis

But for· forgeUuln('Ss, how about the dormer .who forgot. to -go to· bed, and sat up all �Ight. t.rr.lng to. remember what he ·was supposed to do . . . When ·he !Inally remembered, It. was morning . . so he went to bed, forgetting to go to REPORTERS-Margaret Larsen. Thelma ,Daniels.

Elva Bergman. F"re-drtcka 5chlanbusch. No�an Frye, RUssell Frye. Connie Clumb.

his 8 o·clOck c1as.t. . "'\-


K�lhryn Anderson AD SOl;ICITORS - Elil.D.beth Friis. Emmet Thomp­

son. Enid Blake. Alice Cook. Rub}' Moor(lo. FACUL:ry ADVIS� - N·. J. Hong. O. J. StU('I,


TOE-NAIL DIGS;- ; . . . --0!se the wor.i1 Mar-lin In � senlence·: Ul"s. Kr('lcller lea\·('s the room, Jensen ·· . . NORDIS ARNESON makes the column rlgl)t otf the bat. She sa.w m(' in ·the r('glstrar's oJfice. and (')(claimed, .'Qt'(', Irs

n.'dJ You can .

NeveUa. RoSs haI8 been, st.udylng/ traffic rules since getUng a. C&r---6he even holdS out her. orm when she turns 1\ page . . . �UOTE: "Student? Nil\\,. I Just go to college here," . . . I&�t.h� BI�Jos:\ test OTIS GRANDE sale! a bacterj.a WRS the�rch of a cafe­teria or did he? A Handful ot Kelp: to Ferd BON· DY for driving his car a ,mile a mInute In tront Cif the

'Vilb Bel/Ilion sehcduled for tile weck-cnd of sch�1. Not many telephone poles to climb, but there are Pacific ,I.utheran Collrgl' to liegin ('uriS- in mak- plenty of, students . . . and that's thl' catch . . . Layoff! . February 21-2:1. we sugg('s! 10 all grathu.l1es Ilf SCREEN PERSONALITY: Hal Votaw-"DarHng Young ing arrangellwnls for this hOllwcoming f('ll'. !'Itan .'" . . . 'BEAUTY HINT: OOO-goo eye.!! are developed

The faculty and student body eagerly awnit during eXllmlnations . . . LOVE STORY: We· dote on the coming of euch P. I.. C. ah.illlllus. In addi- v:·holesome romance. and we hope that JASPER J�HN-lion, a host of old e1assmull's will 1)(> ·here to SON becomes presldent so�e day tor lhe sake of that gl'Ct'l eycry COI)lcr. \\'c hope that this HJ:\(i . �ong-sU!ferlng IPrl in far ort N. D. who waits patiently Ikunioll will be the largest \·1..'1 to hI..' held lin for. him. to iinLsh school and brtng: home Ule bacon . . . '.his t'UmIHIS.

. �r E-NAIL DESCRIPTION: Clyde Grtmst.vedt. (A hot Arl..' .yoU. tiS an ;Jl(lividual alUIlI IlLIs. llIaking potato ) . . OVERHEARD: Wlllt Schnackenberg WAS say-

plans 10 C()l1le bUl·k to Pacific Lutheran Colieg(' \. ��� �h'� .�e








., rgr.







d. for thcs� fcw days? Will you be here to ex- a3"- ... ..... , . . ., u press your devotion to the college and fllrth�'r \resh� girl standing

, within earshot said, ··Ot all the

nffirlll the old tra<iit'iollul fighting Glutiiutor lIeFe. t"1fii'rd.!y know the man:· spi rit? THE PASSING SHOW-

DO YOU WATCH RUSSIA? It seems Ulat TllCOma can't g('t enough at the Choir.

#' They always ask us to rome Bach. As long as· the 'Ladles· Aids pass out the lunches afterwards, the gang. Is willing to sing, especlaJly Ken Anensan, who can stare food In the .face at any hour ot th.e day . . '; The only orie who didn't. enjoy Sunday·s concert was Vie Elvestrom·. He noticed that a number of us had our ties outside the collar lapels

:-.rake th(' best 01 yours! A:>, there are three tra!>ls around the rno.unta.ln. are three t.rails In one's Jlf('. To succeed. on(' must take the lrall which ends at the top and whlch hns not been trncked by the common people.


, Garn�tt Soverlgn There Is nothlng which people

c ate and recognize more tha,n great love for. humanity. Although God Illustrnl('s his love for his chtldren

Is ouUltanding among pthers '·Ood so loved t-he world that he gave his only begotten soll:·-Rnm.stad

Some at those who see the advance-

In u recellt Tacoma Time!i l'ditorial ' it wus stated Ihat news press rcpol'ls ind!call' thai Russia is doing a ri�ht-about-fa"Cc and is re\·crt­ill/<! to the family life-a life she hasll'l enjoyed during the post few years-and I-hat CH'n Dk­lator Stulin is being cartooned as a smilill�, doliug father . . Quote: "If tI\I..' Greut Sfalin can Ill' happy as a family mun. the rest of the nation nUl he likcwise-that is thc idea."

How about the St. Olaf Choir. Vic? . . . Sunday's audience looked llke a bunch ot P. L. C. studt'S In a class­room. with their pencils · and paper . . . They weren't criticizing . . . probab)y sketchtng the expressions ot pain and ot.tjerw1se . . A physician in the audience commented on the healthy tOnsils we aU own . . . whtch should make Mr. EdwardS feel gtiod that we open our t!touths when we sing . . Once when Irene Odell pushed down too hard on the p'uch pipe, some peop1e in tlle rear row looked &.round to see It there was a car coming· In the· door . Notice sometimes how Mr. Edwards gets his tenors and basses mfud? He �t sure whether the tenors are here or over Lbere . . . He should have a rock In his pOcket. to Ulrow whenever he torgets'rlght trom I('tt . . . Some­times, I'll bet, he wtsh('s he HAD a rock In his pocket to

m('nt Of our world today say we need jolly good fellows, nevertheless, a. new religion. And. beating or bea�n. we would ex-

If til(' r<'port is authentic, there spring frcsh streams of sparkling water from the fountain

All lhe new Inventions and dlscover- press les have not shed a single ray ot Light Our friendliness by a spread of grub

I"" of world affairs; it is music to the cars. Russia has long scctHcd u hard, biting, cold, rc\'olu­tionary nation, without class standard, natural uffeclion, or kindlv emotion. The h'rrible Rus­siull rc,·olution s,vung the pendulum too faT­frum extrCllle 10 extreme.

Into the hearts or men. In the· favorite na.unts ot our boe.rding W(' still need lhe sam(' religion, the club. gospel. the sa�e Savior. O. A. TINOELBT�. Rellgloll Is something God has g'"m I ir========�

us. It Is nOl a man-made Inv('ntlon.

Will the world accept the new trend, if trlt{'? Ih,for£' it does, Russia must provc herself. If she ,-is sincer.-: in her effort to humanize, the world will und(JUbtedly again "nestl(' her undcr th£' wings of Iwart-felt toleration."

. throw . . . In closirig, let. me say that I'll get rtd ot that squeak In my shoe . . . With the noise It quuje, It some­one had yelled "mouse !" there would have been a general


In general, the outstanding factors or quali- 1 H���N:�G�RIPTION: Judy Benson (A Mary tics comprising the Constitution of the United - Roberts Rinehart book character) . . . Since school open-Statcs are five in number: (1) popular so .... er- ed a year ago, Mary MaChle has pedaled her bicycle 8.p-cignty, (2) Constitutional limitation, (3) scp- proximately 1400 miles to and from Parkland-a. lot of

Christ Is still the ollly way "Ot salva-tion. Xavier

.The elooer you come to death. If you die In the Lord. the "greater Is that pellce which descen"ds to your soul.

Let us encol.O'age one another to cling to the staff-e\·en In th(' valley at the shadow of death.

Dr. O. A. Tingelstad. It Ood dwells In our hearts, then He

beeomes a �wer within . us. Our lives become �utllul

they are connected ,"'Ith prayer.

After the Show , lACK'S CRIDDLE

. 91.3 Com"lI�rce St •. T"coma, Wn.

M,n', al!d Ladles'. Halrcutti_iI We cater to the l"dies

Art'. a.;ber Shop Brookdale, Washington

aration of powcrs, (4) local self-gO"\'ernment, somethlng, If anybody shouldcra.wl up to you on hands (:i) Constitution,1l1 supremacy. These comprise and knees and � you . . Chet Bolle has a pest on his (without going into detail) two things: equality ryands In a. little grade school girl who thinks he;'s. the

��e:a�� :us:


o�a:- �

m����:: Ir-:::,;;:�-::=;;::::--'-;

and frecdom. \Vi:! arc informed Omt this s'Ys- top WrinkJe on the crust . . . It doesn't mnke sense, but a telll nf gOn'l'IIlllcnt is anliquated, Ihat it doesn't tew 9t the fair ones want It broadcast tllat AI Arne jumps fit prescnt needs. \Ve nrc told to scr,ap it. trom one pasture to another In his ch91ce 9t co-ed com"

Thc fllult lies not with_ the Constitution, hut panions . . . take the hInt, AI, and continue jumplng-in . the intrinsic interpretation of the various their way . . . The stude who clears hls throat. when he

This receptive-mood Is gotten by prayer. Pray In a. thanktul �d humble mood

as Christ prayed, ·'Nol My �1Il. but thine � done:·

Rev. Enoch Sandeen.

powers which it embodies. Our forefathers raises his hand is the one who has something to say. were by no means stupid. rh�); rcalized Unit accordlng ·to a bald-head in tOwn . . . IJoyd Thompson j . 100% Value. changes would cpme. Lincoln did so when he can certainly razz and'rlb a 'fellow . . . h e even rldes (...'1(' • . stated that if the supreme court containe(i the · street. car 1get. It?) . . . A TOAST: to Bob Moe for being [OJ.. _, ' , In:II'I:III,II',1 , final decision upon any and" all go"\'ernmental the apogee of . . . Mlgl'lt pass on What _._= ......... _ matters the people would cease to become an a C. P. S. listener said about Helen Lilja as) she stood actiye force in government. A correct applica- singing on� Sunda.},....:...she has Egyptian beauty . . II · 1 1 36 BROADWAY tjon of the Jaws of liS7 to fit present day needs have his name on tile; in Case you"re Interested, Helen). I ":;�:;:=====� by meM1S of the amending of certain weak . It proba.lJly Isn't. so. but Mabel Henem sJl('nt .tlle·greater I la\\'s is what we need-not the abolition· of part at last ni ght on her hands and knees looking for t.he

. those laws. Thc form of goyernme·nt contained · . hlnt she drop�the day betore . . . This business ot be-.. in the Constitution is an entity which is perfec- Ing runny Is the �ardest, thing a guy can dO· , . Joe

tion itself. To \"est supreme go"\'ern- Running isn't wearing a full suit any more . . . now, Joe, ·ment would uI.timately lead to tyranny; to vest. you wOn't be cOntused with the ·faculty . . . Punning Is

. supreme power in thc people would lead 10· like running. The faster··you run the ..harder you pant. anarchy, There must he balance: . The faster Connie Clumb and Mr" Reid pun th� hlIr"der

Consider: J( the Constitution V:'ere scrapped weI-rant" ; . . ·Alda,. Johnson wasn't helpmg Thelma Ness and a .ne·v., one invented to fil the' needs, oCto:-:: In that eXllm . " " she was· J�t telllna" her that. her nose da)" s crisis, would it not reflect 'the times and was dripping· on her paper " . . A fQIN of the bQyS In the conscq!lently be of Htlle use· during a Settled donn wanted to be carpenters, 80 they enrolled 1ri .the pe�iod? P. L. C. boarding achOoil .

�--�- -����-

Ii-..,I s.._� T OMA WA�"

MORE AND 'MORE FC?lks Are Co�·i�, to the PEOPLES STORE

{ i


Lutherans Are Tops In Junior 'College Conference Chase

Gladiator Hoop Stars A'head in Third Consecutin Year ' . Of League


Gladiators to Meet- , � The . . - . . ....�. W«ln .... ' nil"' .. . d., .. , .

Yakim_a_. Saturday � First YA"r S,quad to, ,Meet Vir· fo�ht same. Lh� 'SUV�rdale HISh school ),uther(Ut8 Strn·e . to t'roted



Upperclass Normal HiJ!h School BuskethaU Girls Lead in ·Games �lt."'I. Oul.ide Ddea ...

- • .

,Arternoon 2'0 .s;core. . " Opponent's Court . I T'IP torious .Sophomores . This deTeatN1 .lhl' ,p.r1r.l�nd Pre ps by a 2'1 to . ' Co.nferenre Lead o n �

\ 0 ff TOOa}·. a0:30 o'clock t.he und�featf'd The P. L ... p. il.,·e had dlWcu.Jty In Sttrlvhli to k�p a ptrfect �� In �eoond rear normalltes will meet the locatlns th£.hooP durin&" ':he first balf confen'n�e play. the Oladlator tioop·

WashJnrt.on State JunlO!' Collere I�t. al I I I h i d 1 f h f1 IU b t. t Confe�n�� Leane S�OJdlnp By Bob l\lar\Jn rX��9·


s r�� ;al�: o� ��


t�:.· :

r t�� ��nd

Y :rl;:e:�: :�:a �a

��ls::r::; n:'h�

t the Ya·

Pacific Luthera.n w� ";t

HAVE . . th

�l:n::rc�:�. �:

d:�nd }:ear' team.

011uil.alors bejan to cI .ICk . with Et'nle Coach OLson Is expect.ed to I�ve .. \berdeen •

YOU EVER 'WONDERED. AS Including rive girls from lut year's Haugen and On' Sch;lanousch showing carly Saturday mOnlln'�w1th eight or

·Longvle .... · "lOU W�TCHED A�� IN AC·

first teim. hM ..... on Crom l.he'Ubera( art« especiall)' well. HO'A"e\:er. the gun ..... ent ten of his squad accompanying him. Sl. Martln'S TION. Just, ..... hat they \l,en' thinking. and the hliih .school hoopswors. Oirls off ending P. L. ? ·s �rtng drt,·e. . ]'he' t('am .... ' 111 stay,o\'er �ht at Ya· Yakima and If the t�lltgS that thrilled )·oU. 1\1so ..... h� expect to.see action In' this gam� M.acO�gor ..... I�h �12 �lnl4. wu ltlgh klma. and re�rn Sunday. The·Yaklma Centralia thrilled them? This department be� are: second )'I'ftr. Thelma N�. Jud}' .polnt man tor the. �·Inners . ..... h.1le B9b tean) Is kilO ........ to be espe-clally &tJ'?ll8 �tt. Vrmon ]jeres that it � In. Ben.o;o�. E��1i" �Iason . . Hazel Hager- .S\·are with six poh)ts led the ID6ers.

. ��fe�: �:�nl!"-��':;;u� ::�I::e-��_ Br sconng 231 point.5 to their op. nO\'ation to prl'sent the' point or \'Iew up�. Wadene Cala\'an. Irene Odell. Hel- The Lineups there. , . , .

ponent's 123 In the last fh'e confer. of some of ?ncille Lutheran's Ath.!etlc en Holtcamp. Helen Scott.. Louise ",:u. P, L C. SlIftrdale No doubt the Yakima boys wl1l be



hooP squad S£'t'ms Greats. and .... :ith·the Id� in mind has' ��I:�; c���

tMa=�t �:!:.:, �;:I�� :'��:�U�

h � ��ore8?

r I: an"lo� to bE' the' flrst telUtl 10 topple

ionshl of another cham- Ln\'lted, a couple of �ur graduating Fl'nny. Rub), Moore. Beatrice ·Sldden . . Hau�n I the unbeaten Gladiators. Moreover.



I)��� �

niors . to .�eIP th�mseh'C1! to this Eh'a Bergman. E$ther /'iorgaard. Mon. S"an . . 4 �::�� � the Yakima team hain:-t torgut.�n the

th:m one �efrtt In three years of a�:·:��r �::d ot�e�

tl;p=�:' �e��;

fl����II��� �:1 b���: :�e d:; �Ud�

n EddY 2 :!��I:r �:,u���l�.;:;�

nyu�� �� tM


�_-,!���:u�e pia}'. �ntmlia �at. Parkland and opinions gathered. dUrtng'thelr col_. 22-13 � . The P. L. C. Prep6 staged a come_ WUh aU the regulars· back In lI-hape } al'll ago � :etie rnreer "--H&..l vbtaw wlll_ be.- heard Tht" third leur.. team Includes Volly b80Ck la.�t Friday {lIght \\hen the} de- thr Oladill-tors \\111 be a.t full IItn'ngth


_ Aft� first sound\} trouncing St from next .... eek to be follo .... MI b) Shel. Norb} E\el),n Monson Joann,. Mall- teflit'd hall Lards All Stars b} a for this camilli tilt However COil.Ch ..... -:\fanlll s Coliegr and Long\le .... College don Dutch Moe Ill\d Buck} 0 COil' OUS06 Ruth Fro)en Edna. Kelliey Neva 34-32 score Orv &chlanbusch was hit· OL<;(I1l expecta�a close pme with the u\ the scores or 51 to 27 and 50 to 23 ner OL'iOn Gertrude Stenbefi Thelma tlng thr hoop from lilly aJlgle running probable outcome a tossup

respe<:tlvel) P L C had theIr o\\n • • • Daniels Tho:se listed on the liberal up a total of elghU!1!n polnts Vern II'�W�W�W�W�'t Ipple carL upseL .... hen the) ran Into CONTINUING TO RIDE ROUOH urIS are Henrietta 0 Ne�ildred Knuuen scored four\A'en points for the I � '-_ t

�le strong Bclllngham Normal qUllltet SHOD OVER ALL CONFERENCE OP- Monson June MicheL'iOn 0\ a Hauge 4:11 Stars

.. r.allen�amp'S o th(' Pnrklandrr s home court Car· PosITION P L C s wrccklng crev.; Ruth Sollie Connie Clumb ugenla Futun games lined UI) for the High U ft ler Bellinghn.m s ace

"farv.ard per- call rest now and look back oler a 5pe11cer On the high school squad School will be IUlnounceQ b} Coach

�nn.lly accounted, for .3 of their 53 hectic t .... o .... eek s�campalgnlng with arl' Alice Boe Virginia Smith FrItz A W Ramstad popuJar High School ALl:. LEATHER SHOES The Siore ·,he Yellow Front '


h;!; :


lalllMl nine out nrlde In sl" games Coach OLson s out- Schlanbusch Vlrglnla �vb Agnes mentor

In proving thel ch I lShl II fit lost only one conteSL Ilnd that to a Lunde Ellubeth Stuen Thelma Asper l i'�========::l . Famou. for ouhh"d,,,. ",ual" I .. bel' Coach OLson: co���n::lon: :m; �:


g�:: O�l




t Mrs. Adah Dapper referees all games j TSCHUNKO'S ."d .tyl ....

back strongl) In peelshel) deteating The one game that stands QUL In the The schedule for the remainder of HOUSE OF FLOWERS ee, YCHIr c;,.,,, la-a,h., Sh_ F. Mt V('rnon 46 to Z7 on their home fl\f' conference games \\as the first the seasons K8-nles Is as fo]lo�s Tacom.·. Ludl". flo .... Shop WI", ... W .. , at tloor P L C took advantage 0[. an Illeetlng with thf' LongView t,lve Unde. February 10 CO� ... a Specl.lty

CALUNKAMP'S earl) lea_d which they steadily In· feate<! and tied with P L C f0r-.!!.rst Third lear normal \S high school S PK Ave .t 50th GAr 0514 1 \ 1 1 Bro.dw.y creased throughout the enUre first place, the Columbia a81Tegation was February It ' I�",,",",,""",,""",,""",'; three quarters. fUld then the Parkla�d wallOped

. 51-27 by a

. 11 iruplnd bun�h t . High school \,s'


liberal arts � · .. · ...... ·CAS· .... · ...... "·oi·L· ............ ""·�

..... ho also ..... enl on a -SCOring spree. completely the vlsltor'S chief tlng �beral arts vs first )'ear REPAIR WORK . DAHL GROCERY CO . . Still "I"lOt content. the anxious t.hreat ..... as bottled up; Roesne! la\led (February 19 W.ld,,,, • Specialty :

mentor sent In an enUn reser.·e five. Oladlators. To give an Idea ow Fel)ruary 17 WE DO A COMPLETE LINE OF � I I�����tou= ;:�S;a s�:lO;\'�OIl�: ��a�::ew:e:

I;�� �:he:�I111��p

f�� H1gh_�OOI vs. first year normal BOB'S CARACE ' Member U"ited Puri� Siores

team. Solie. NiLsen. and Le8.'>k scored studded �ith substitutes. In a'case like February t4 . &."""."""".""��.�.����""��.�".""I .. ,,,, .... .i CAr. 3818R5 Parkla"d at .... 111. and as the tinal whistle blew. tha�. much credit should. go to the Second year vs. third year "--====::::=::==� Parkland held the lon'g rnd of the seore coach. ' ,.. ' uf 53 to 24. The second game with Wr��k:�l��;ce ]' p' ARKLAND CARACE 1 Longvle ..... proved t.o bt' a thrl1ler. On A MATHEMAT IC IAN COULD LAUNDRY AND their own court. Longview came out PROBABLY. F10URE Jus� what .the CLEANINC SE�VICE BOYNTON'S SERVICE Shell Casoli". and 'Oil of their lair ror revrnge which they mathematical chances ..... ould be for any GA 0145R 1 Depentbble Grusi"g deemed .... ·as theirs. due to the flrst other conference team to beat P. L. C. At Extremely Low Prices CAS REPAIRINC OIL GENERAL REPAIR o\'er'A'helmhli defeat Iluffered at the out of the TItle. As nearly as we can \ Al ARNE \t ........... " ...... . . . .. . .. .. ... ,,"""' .. ,,"' .. . 'I " hunds of the mighty Norsemen. .uP tlgure it oUL . ..... e ..... ould have to 106t' four School Representa.t,ve

TACOMA'S LAUNDRY UlltU the last fe ..... minutes oC play. cut of the remaining rh'e games to do both teams seorcd alterrup.ely. 'then If's.<; than tie. Looks u If the other agnln P. L. C. sho ..... � their metal as schools In the conference ..... 111 have to they slowly but surely outscored their \'lslt our display case ror a glimpse or P.ntorium Cleaners . i

Brookdale Lumber Co. .:It Brookd .. le on Mount.i" .

Hilhw .. y GAd.nd 381 1 ) 5

opponents. to' ..... l n 31 t o 23. the Stale TIlle Cup.

LIEN & SELVIC Presc:ripliOl1. OrvUists

Direct Importers of the FI"est Norwegian Cod lhl.r 011

Cor. 1 1 th ."d Tacoma Ava •. Phone MAl" 1 3 1 4

�;t��:::a:�::2�����::��:; r


� .. : li.l·" '''::�'�'�::'''��",��::,.�: .. '���: .... '� his players had made when the half· -

IEWELERS .. A R C H E R·' S .. time gun was fired. With the referee W.:Ilch and lewelry Re�iring , Open Week·days

CANDIES _ SODA FOUNTAIN and t!mekeeper undecided as to the a Specialty ' .

1 Mile So",lh 01 Parkland on . LIGHT GROCERIES ruling. the Longview coach settled It 1 1 30 Broadway BR. 4375 Mountain Hiihw,y 3817 South Yakim, GA. 9643

-���--'----'�--' by declining the two points. He ' maY I

'��' =========::;

I':====:::::=====: -------�--t be assured of like treatment In thel � r----�------'! IG matter of sportsmanship In the future j KERSCHBAUM from Coach OLson: ' . SUITS AND OVERCOATS

POT·SHOTS-From stray remarks For ule e,.;c:lusiv.ely ',t . dropped by other' girls. ..... e gath�r that Jetland 6- Palagruti . the THIRD YEAR NORMAL GIRLS 912 PKific Ave.

------___ --+ 1:;v:ld




b;:� =========::; �UDY BENSON is considered "tops"

among - the s.Ide·centers In .school. Marv '�curly" Jensen ca� the boy's nen'es before each big game with his plw:w melodies. "Music hath chann."

Quality Knitting Co. s ... t.,. "OlI, �ialfy

403 1 1 th St .• T.coma.

At Your Service­with

Experienced Craft:;men Modern Type Faces

Adequate Equipment

AIJ.trum Printing Co. 940 Commerce MAin 6768

Bonn.dele B.-auty Shop

Parkland GA. 01 45·R:2

All Lines of Beauty Work Permanent Waves Evenings (�y app'U

Greeting Card. ,for All Oculionl

�:�:; �::b:t:d:�.�:8 s�t�� I;:=========�I;;::========��::::::::::::=======::

formIng a College SkI Club at P. L. c. Parkland Barbe�. Shop . [ With 'all the colleges going In for Inter- ' .

collegiate· -U1 competiUon. Parkland. as P,troftiz. UftiOfl B.rN, Shopt


t :!III��e�e�p� ��

M�e= . C. P. KNUDTSON. Prop.

of skiers. I!i, Wash. . i!! . r· .. ....... , .... . " ... � ... " ..... "."." ........ "."." .......... " " T �i

. . ' . . . I Rust Bldg. MAin 4493 ·




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Groceries, Flour, H�y. Crain. Feed, etc:


When you buy your life insurance . consider these- factors: the reputa·

tion of the company, the character of its management. and the se'"ivice . rendered

WE INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES HAROLD C. HOEl. Se,ttle. Wa$hinllon Representing

Lutheran Brotherhood · LEGAL RESEf\.VE LIFE INSURANCE


Herman L Ekern. Pres. 608 Second Ave, S. .Minne,polis. MInn.

/ '


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.: , . . '

l"AGE �UR .'

Luther's Life Will i SI��I;.�� r�'':::b�/,t . Personality Club Thl' <hm ,how, 'h' ",Ung ,I Be Pictured Tonight : . A Iwll.balanced emotional tifc IS Meets Febru.ary 18 . f" L_ c. hooP5tens hi alL cOlifeT'l'llcl' . I \·nstly . morf' i,mportant than n well. Illm�s UI) to dale . � . h II Name \ FG FT TP

' . Ff.BRUARY .�, 1936

Mrs, E. C Maehle Will Talk To L I), R, �ro\l·1'

"�SS;O:e�i�;;�����F'���S I'r.. ���::;ri;�::�����:�:, ±�";�: �H E�!�:��:i�:��r; o�ddrT ��:�', " � -- . _t('"S prople 10 ··take It.ellSy·· and bt\Cks ! �-- . [ F\lrd 22

31 lJlisslonl�r}' thrre f.or over I,,!,·en:,.. y{'a� Undcr l


hC a\l�lllcl's of thC


'�U""'�iOll t:ls st :Hemellt u'p ..... I�.h a ca·sc.hlst.on: .�ttf Ell.a McllltoSh .


Girl ,..Rl\'\(.


. rvel TOIl�niJ.: . The history or the L. D . . Jt will b{'

At Iht: Ilt'xt tllt'{'tiI18


ot. the 1,. D:�. to bt' hcld Febninry 21), Mns. E, G. Maohle will bl' the speaker, She -turned frOIl1 Chilla In 1929 a.fU'.r beirill '

SocIety and through thc ("OOperntioll of tllllt Is \'er�' colll'lIlclng. Digestive St-cretll.rr of the y, W, C. A. of Tncomll. J �n.}rll . I�

20 gh'f'IJ by VoUy Norby. second i'Iet'. OMrge Rustad. a moving pIcture show. trCJ.Ibl('$ of, prnciic:t1!r .aU Sons. are re- wll! be . the gllt'st speaker Rt th,e ncxt rllOml)Son 16 pre.�ldc1l

t. of thf" district. Program ill" " Thc Lifc of Mariin Luther" �'UI portl'd to· be curt'd by relaxtng. ��ersonallty. Club IJ1I2"('tll1g ..... hi� ..... i11 R. F'rye Ilumbt'rs wilt Indllde a plnno solo by he sholi'll In the Collegt' Chapel tonight I (""cnllr four COlumbia

. Unl\·erslt.y profes- bcncld Fcbrual'3"- 18 'n� 7;15 o'cIOC� ill 'V I I ThE- I"I/\ Daniels. a vO('nl solo b)' Mildred :It 7:30 o·clock. sers rE-pOrted that 32 persons suffering tht' rf"Ceptioll room. ' Her'sUbJt'ct \s to , otaw ' 1 "

This plcturt'" cOnJt"s hlghlr recOIll- frol)"l stomach ;llcers 1\:et"C -s�lfrt�lel1tly be " Chllrm:' r �:;r:::;

�'ik : �r:���:�� ��!�r.��Orb)'. and 11 rell.dh�g .'

mt'ndt"d from Ihe Unh'crslty of Mill�e_ i rl'cp\'crt"d 10 drink a gln.s.'-of cold �!ltl'r . ).tnrgnret Craft IIlId. Ellen Tkrgstrol1l S. Alldl'rSon' 3 Till' h(\.�Il's..",,-'s.. will PI' Mrs. Vlct.or A '

.'CIII. It Is lhe


. entlc lI:fe of the

lllrtl'r 'listenlng to \ectur'cs by .a I)sychol- "'!II rCCl'II'e th!! guests at the door. Mrs . Archbold �_

. � ' d O · 01 founder of the LI11!II'ran rcliglon. Thc ?Il tellslons tin!.! relaxmg. That Ph. E . . Hauge and E\'eJrn Monson hal"(' .'-__ -'-_--__ --' �:):1:�111; :1:�:r;:;�:' I�

I:�;rChpr�h .







r:: �!!"::: : ��




I��.� ���e

t��eat��: �{'�II�-��;:e

t:r ::�ralio�ls arc [.('nol\ W (III'., l'o'.Bp"Olllf!.ilOt;J) I'lTS

matloll. hL� work at till' monastery. and [ whaH'\'er tliei'_ lIk�d. . . Withrow. chairman'. RlHh F'ro;·tn: and S/n,-? 'Herp.·s RedJje-'

hl� naihn� of the nll1cty·fh·e theSj's. It A bn of adl'lct 011 how ,to 011.":11 Hugo. Elizabeth Stucn heads t.he __ Tllirty?S�x Stt�dt'IlIS, Do 1", t'!o..,,<,ly correlated ..... ith lhe history 01 rrla)(:,lion t� giren by Ednnu;d Jacob- rdreshnwlll committe(', 10 bf'o a ..... �lstc� . Flushcd from �'ll1ning thcir Intest CUlnpUS N. Y. � . . Work Charh;s ·v of Spain. when Spain was ! s:m' " .� \\01 torr 10 rela.."'( ! _Just· stop by ROlllola Rust. �Ild Virginia. DlWls. 1 conference ga� the ter'ribl{' " SWI'dI'_�" __ , Ihc prt"domll\'ltllll; tmilim of-.Etlroj)(' I tnlng Till' flr.<1 rule of '1 full emo- wert" c!\u!{ht undl'r lil(' sholl{'rs In olle I Under the aU�]llces of tile Fcderal

Laq \\{'ek thiS ""!.I'IC plctuT'l' lIaSI,l10l1al hi: I� lenlll to lIork casll} to Thirty Nortllal Stu.lent... of 1 11l'lr Infnnnni monUll!ts b� }I' rr- [ OOlertlIlWIlI Ihere art' Il(lll Ihlrt} �I:<t ��ILfo\!r-----.!!!� In Tacoma �� ... culthale ,he habit of restlul attention . ' , .. . I.trJllf'r After much picllding and OOal(' studcllt_� (Ilrollt'd III Pnclflc Lutheran

tlt'rformal'lp' drcII a Iargc audlencc $onu more�iU.hlce L'> '--.. ' ) DOlllg f:adet I clIclung �g_ Ihe lell of mod��t} II,I� rllllll} casl Colilgc I\ho lIork on th(> N Y A pro\ A Sll\l'T of{l'rlng 1I1l! be IiHed nnd Imltllll' a restful person -- a�ldt" nllIl P L C � blu�hlllg- .. t�rJ;. toltl...rgrRm _ . thr mOll�\ takcn 111 abovc cxpenses 11111 1 Stllnd up jtnd �tretch af\{'r {'Ier} Sle\\art Intermedlat{', Honicc Mann all In an"lI(r to the qU{,f} To IIhat do In 1tt"I)t'[,1.1 Ilork ha;t,el'll dfVklea film------hI', \I$t'd In the Mad[lgal'Car mis.�lonary 1 h[llf hour of cioS(' ,-,yr work. Fern . Hili. allci Parkland schools IlIlI"e you attrlbUlfi" your SIlCCl'S.� as a 110<)11 1!1I' folloWll1!1; main scc.lions: recrCR-

ficld I Brcak dUrlrult work dOIl'I· illlo, tll.llLS .accepled P. L. C. <;adet leach{'ns for the star? liona! or 111��'I!I'OUlld. Bo), Scout. 11---'---0-_ � �- �-- or


hour cuch: and take "fj\·t"" afu'r spring se.lllt.ster. Thirty Nornlal Stll- Halr\'otllw: J kl'f'.p my.<.l:1;f In condi- ' brllrv. research. derlclI\. and general ',i'-·--·-·�-·--··---·-··:,· . C:l.Ch !�our.

. ' . dcnts :Ire t'ngaged In thLs work at the. lion 'throllgh m.l· b!_W:�kIY tr,jp� 10 call1�lIs. \\'ork, III thl' college deIJR'rt-Ludwlg'-s Drug Store I r�p�. thot\I;JI. b _ th!! advice on ho .... presellt time. _ t P.urt l;lnd. !llr\lt Ihl're are elghll'cll women and , i to I:strn, Ht'rl' It I�,: " Assumc as rest- Those teachllll! at Stewurt JU{llm Chet Solie: Th<N' I)rlcelt'ss le.t1.en; slxti'en meh. 'nH' high school group , So. Tacoma Drug Co. '. I I ful It.slouch lIS posslbll' und cl� your high school arc: . fl'om Mary Grass art' til(' {'xplanllllUn 1 numbers two. The nverag{' amount t I r�es_ Mak{' }ollr;srlf h!'a\'} , be Clllirel} I Alll.old Anderson. gt ograph} (uld for illY InspIred pl:l� _ Bo� ! walt untll [ l'arned by thf'S(' students I� ten dollars' � 5 -10 1 S �olcoma W�y CA 1 295 , snbmlsshe 1111111 \011 an' postlhc \\hRl l lllIIsic H,lTold Anderson locatlollal 'I pla\ Ellcll"bllrg O\er Ihuc a mOllth _ ·:· ----------- -·:· 1 lOll Ilre gOIng to do I chlcs and social Cl\1('S Frallcis Arch- Hal NII�1l To 1\1\ rigid Iht't of b:l_ ====":"�===='<J

(iI ra' 1('Rchers h:llt: ga�lronOllllC dlfflclll- bold gencraJ- �clencc and ph\sleal nallas cake pic IIllllers Rnd milk I �' . . --, II<''' ,\hen ont: PUIlII of a dll�S \.�sumcs l'ducatlOIl John Dn;'\belbls orrtc� Tommenlk M\ r\e1l\lIg lIork hI tilt: Patronize Our Advertlsers--

.r�e���n�sh��;��:�e tlll' po."I' of \lcrf{'ct n-l!lxIIUoll-lIhat I gUldltnce Ha) HlIlderhe mathematics laundr} room takes somf'lhlllg Ollt of BerOfe gomg to town read thls 1101\1(1 rht'l do IIlth ,1 \\hole room full' Rlld Illstor) Harold Joh:lnson remedial me--pttltlonlht; for 11\011.' alld bl'1tf'r column The tollowlng firms 8re c.=>c;4 ,J,.lcI.:... muth('nmtlcs and genenl� science: Hllr- ..... :lsl.1 boards. \. _ , i frilmds Ilnd advertisers In the M<M?r-d': .. <: ,�� .. ... __ • Fc\CULTl" �OTE<';

old O'OOnncr, mathematICs lind Il('ulth: Man' "Hltl('r" JCl1sel�: I found lhat Ing Ma�t l!) . � , alld literature: Robert Martin, ph}'slcal h;!lr Cllt SltCeds lip .my gllow tremelld· Al'lcrlcan Art Co

I .

. __ . ,: ____ � Munou..�os. physlelll ed'ucallon l l lW


1'trl'f1Il1-llnCd effect of my . llltes! Alistrulli Printing Company. 1________________ At a met·tmg hl'ld Feb.rua�y . Prof. education nnd mathemat'ICli : Robert 01'-'\' I recommend It. , W R d i d 'd t Andcrson's Dalr): . ' I A_ nlll�. la was .(' {'cl{' e"'l. '.n 1Io-]onsoll. remedial rl'1lding and hL�toQ' : : LA'ask : r.h.· CX1){'rlrnce In pitching sRI-'THE BUG ! f � I 1 Archcr's Conf('ctIOl\er�' Noonday Lu�cheon �



I;��n 0 Of",

e, rk��;: �;;:



t:��e ����

It:: :;:�:� :'u�)

I.a.'kll mak

t:s pitching b

llSkcI.� :�';�n�:



Shop SERVICE The c�\uI"Ch council .IS an 6rgo�IlIZ� �01l 1 grnllhy: BcrgUot Vogan. Junior busllles,,, Hanvlk_' 1 find T do much 1X·ltcr lI'h<'-11 Boynton's 'Oarage WITH A -SMILE III 11I1Ich all officers of Ihe ('fll�glega�'---it-fllnlng and grammar, illY folks wntch tilt" gallle. I . Brick\t'y Rlldio �____________ IUHt nn' m{'mbers, II' 'F'{'nl -Hili cudl't leaehl'!"" an' : 1c.....Llldlow : My baskctball' hns been suf- Brookdal� Grocery Co. Prof 0, J Stuen .hllS bt'l'n elet:ted � Mllrgaret Craft,. rt'll.dlng Rlld sll.elllnil : fl'rlng becau!<C of m)" stlldll's. Look for I .Brookdale ,Lumber Co .. ........ ... .......... .... , •.•........................... , ...•...........• trus\{'t' of till' Parkland Llgllt ano l 'l hl'lllm Daniels mll.�1c al1d .�pt'lilng: an improl'l'lIlcnt i11

.lllY play. now thnl Brown &. Haley . Persona! Servi�e All Day All Ni8ht Con�pul

.'r, of Parkland. H{' !.� Rll1h Johnson. g

'eograPh}' the exams are ovcr Thl' Bug DRIVE . IN _ MARKET ttl S,·r\·I· fO! fnf' rl'nrs At Horace Mann sch.ool .p((' "Pl'a\luts" Larson My "Earl Ll'lller- 1 Carl�iJll Drug slor


Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Edna Kclsey. geog.rlll)hy: Ion!, Mad· 1\llln"' muscle course Craig Furniture CO NO SALES TAX SCI!. langllage. Rulh Froyen. reading. I Dahl Grocery Co.

BOS South " G" St . I nrlthnll'llc: Laura Hallgl'. InngJJage: !'UOORING MAST STAFF ' Orl\,e:ln-Markl't I r,H'lyn MonS<J(I. geography: Valborl.": Slight changl's hal'e been made on Drake·.� Halr(""uttlng Shop ; Nurbr. history. thf' Moudllg Mast stll.ff for. the sprin� GflllcnKnmp's 1-------

, I Thr following al"l' doing elldet work scmester, Illstelld of havlIlg an IIS- GrCt'naerc� 15 F N· H I I at the Pnrkland school

I socl[llc edHor. n nell'·S editor has been Golden Eagle Barber ShOI) . C Ott-- Jne 0 es I Juil:l Manllckc rending EI1l1e B('n- added. 'The girls' s

.porL� edU.or 'Is to

. Hartsook's ' $C For ]8 Holes I son readlllg Gertrude SWnberg read_ write all artlcl{'s on . . �Irls· alhlf't1c.� Hopf}('r K{'lh:

ing Rnd pCllmanshll) Nordl" Arneson. Tht" nl'W {cature edItor has nol, yet Jack·.s Griddle $1 .50 Student Monthly Rate I You Are Most Likely to I I reading and spelling Gertrude Brull been selected Jetltmd &. Pal_f'grutl

I $1.50 Ladies' Rate Monthly I f ind It at Iler rcadlng l\1r� Phvilis W\l1ne f !f) Johnson·Cox Co. I h I I to KlmbIl.U's· 1 $2.00 Men's Monthly Rate I RHODES la


rt :0:1;; �s

s r:�e1\lng a William's Service Station Llcn & selvig

P kl d G If .... Lou Johnson arC an 0 I �::::R_5_�:-:�_____ I

lat " r Plac{'m��..------

• Complete GreasIng SOc Ludll'lg DTl.g Sto�e

I ourse I I Mount."n H'gohwoly i!I ����



!��__ _, ____ . ______ I "' �I .< AlulIlni Notes A I � - - -.r -.r ...... Parkland ·Barber Shop I �,.. Greenacres Mr and MI s R.'Ilph Kmltzen of Se- Parkland 9n.rage �����������I USED CARS - aLlie are rec;elling congratulallons on MOONTAIN 8:AR ParklfUld Mercantile .: AN'D PARTS thc birth of I\. daughter. born January � at the BUGABOO People's

Students Con Moke Real Savings on Shoes Here

Highll'Ar near splnaway i �;lUt�:�. ���t;:��: ��::I���I:g 0;, �.(,�

I.� ; and be well fed

���\��; =�\t�:�gg

Co. � .... .. . md"at,," lrom h", In 193'. : .ROWN " HALOY Rhod,,· Broth,,, ".--��------IPJ Paul Pteus; '35. left January 31 for Schoenfeld's

Bone Dry CU5tom 5ty1ed dress shoes 'j Luther College in O{'cornh. IOII'a. r· .ilj. Tacoma Engraving Co. Me better lookmil. longer wearing SEE JESS & HAPPY Rhoda HokenstaCl. '35. has been se- CAflLSON'S Tacoma Laundry Co.

�n.,d .. :�ra.:.�a��:� ..


ral��: fO�':��u�

ty leclecl. as Ii member of the University YAKIMA DRUC CO. . Tschunko's

tw,ce the,r pnce Golden Eagle Barber Shop �Iew�:�gto:\o'::��:


s:�:e� 3���r�I.I

O�a��:ilj���. �=;�g�a: H���are As . 7 1 S So. 3Sth ' again5t I.hc Unlv,�!"slty of Pennsylvania. CArland 0400 West Coast GroCerY Co.

I l lustrated' @j . Mr. and Mrs. Burton KJ:<'J.dler have @j - Willlam'S service Station

� <- announced thc birth of a daughter 1-----------1 Januar) 16 Mr Kreidler graduated r------------.. , Electrical Appliances j I fiSHED'£. from P L C In )925 I Printers Stationers , M .... VTAG WASHERS I - " �o-.rt-� 3 I Olga. O\crlie 33 Is teaching at the Engravers I AMERICAN BOSCH RADIOS Eatonville Grade School POTTER REFRIGERATORS I SMART SPRING fROCKS Rolf Preus liberal arts graduate of I P �9.!!�� R HOPP.:ER·KELkY CO. I NEW PRINTS--$5 95 1 35 Is no\\ st.udylng metallurgy at the I MAIM 2 122 12th & A SIs i 164 Broadway 761 St Helens <----------- .:. University of M.lnne50ta �----------!. !!i

V r 2,0 S�� .... SeIl._2'.' ilj I AMOCAT' FOOD PRODu(�fs Ask fo� , "THE PEAK OF QUALITY"

"AMUICA SINCS" DistrIbuted by ... Ted Brown Music Co, WEST COAST CROCERY CO,

i��I!�!!!��II;G:'FTS;�:·:;��������;�i::;RA:E��I����N��O.:JI 1� 1 1







1 r -FO�e!��M�RBIlW!:NT � • ' HAND .PAINTEDCHINA" ... I W. e Have Ju.i-Whit Yo. u Need to· "ok'. Th'I' Fapcy Pastries I m

, 147 B�a� TKOm': Wil. 543 So T�or:a Way . ���;t P�;'���A�I���I ' , - ��--�--������----�--J � 'J � .

1 I

! r I I . 1

. ' I I i I , I l, n

Attend Opening Dehates Agai�s( Grays Harbor.


�-:-�.--. -..:.- , . I ,


' .

We Wish I'. "L .. C. Alumni A Successful Reunion

N'CJ. 10

Pastors' Retreat to--End in Alumni Reunion Lutheran Mtnisters Convene Tomorrow For �o-Day

\"Ided (or the pastor!;.

Sl'nior Play ""ill be presented n.t Night. during Cmduntlon ·Week. In­stead ot earll�r In the spring. as In former ),ean;,. In\Lsmuch as the direc­tor of this presentation ha� not yet bren named. the selection of a play has not been ('ntt'red upon. The reguln.r class night pTOlJram. In­

\'� eluding class JU(' . ..... 111. and propheclt's. I� to be worked In on the �ame pro-

Dele-pw- To L. S. 1.1. Debate Meets Begin Here February 28

ride the supreme court " r and Delbt'rt Brcscman will uphold the nfflmmtl\'c :

. Vern Knutzen and OroTgC

Brockway wil l argue for the negative lIide. Ab:ordlng to Vern Knutten. pr�sl­�CUl CourtfS)" Tacoma "m� dent of the debate squad.' n definite

Bert Myhre Chosen _ schedule \:0; being planned for debates \\'llh the Unh"{'rsltr 'of Washington Frt':o;hml'n. Mount Vernon Junior Col.

To Attend L.' S. ,v .. lr�ir�:l


o::e�·omen·s t{'!lm

" nre: affirmath·f'. Margar('t Rorem and Lutheran Connntion Will or' Mary Machle : . Dpgath·e

.. Elizabeth

Fehruary 29 on Decorah �I� lind Ellen Bergstrom 10\\":\ Campus .. ! Chapel Speaker

E!('ctt'd from n choice of ten studel� Ju"(fg? Ernest M. Card. Sl'nlqr suggested by the Cacult>·. Bert M)'hrt'. oC the Pierce County Superlor prt's.1dent of the Associated Student "'111 speak In chapel 'I'hum.!ay. Febl"\l­body. will rt'present P. L. C. at the RI1' 20 on tht' phases or hl� work annual Lutht'rBn Stud�nt Union ccn- �' __ _ ����:h.


h���t ��t


CO;�eg� Knitrvits in Jlogu.e March J Mr. Myhrt' w\ll leAse ne:tt At. P. L. C.

Wha!"s the fin;t thing The conventlon them(' I� to b(' " One �'e go t() a baSketball g""'--K"liti,og Way to Lh'('_" • The Prt'ss A.o;.sociation What do we see when we ,'!sIt

Conft'r('lIce will ('xt('nd through pal's room? Knitting! What Is Mr. R. E Haugan. Managl;'r of the con,·t'rsalion at breakfast. lunch. Augsburg Publishing House at Mlnnea-

cur.; by !!torm. ... uu. Festivities For Gradmite,s To Commence Friday

"On, GI8dint�rs. On" .Is Tt;eme Chosen For Bariquet at

'�i�t�op Hotel

the features for the pro· Alumni actlvltles I� the ball-

bctwl.'en P. L. C. and St. . College t.o be played In the_

at 8 o'clock: Following the . the alum nne girl athletell the traditional girls' game.

The biggest e\'enl of the Alumni Re­union Is thl!· banquet dated tor Satur­day 'evenlng" at lIeven o'clock to be ht'ld In the CGstal Ballroom ot the Winthrop Hotel In Tacoma. MiSS Hel-

Thrnne. president of the "Iurnnl A.<,.<;oelatlon. wtll act Ill! toalltmllltreM. Member.; of the senior cl� are to be formally receh'ed Into tht; association.

semcster' IIrC beIng Ilia lined \\'llh the and Ihe response' ",'m be made by election of lie'" Officers and ,the ap- FrI�Jor T8YCt, senior c]a.'i8 president. polntment ot new gTOUP leaders. The . O. A. l'Ingelstad will give a tonnal next , Drama Night is scheduled for greeting. to the .A.]umn!.

Monson. new])" clected president. Officers for the spring semester are

a� follows: vice-president. Ed SI/Inth: !'ecretaQ'. Httf'n Scott: trl;'asurer. Ruth Sollie. lind \!brnrlan. Norell Nagel. At a me('tlng held �'e!!terday noon the following group leaders were named by the prt'sldl'nt : Wadene Cn.lavan: with

Heuge nMl�tlng. The first three group leadl'rs \\'111 present one-act plays ilt the coming Drama Night . .

In carrring out the theme. "on, Ola­dlator!;. On." stK'eches will be made by Harold NIlsen. bllSketbalJ captain of the 1935-36 squad : Harold O'Conrer, football captain: OScar Anderson, a former P. L. A. bR..'lketbll.11 star: PJ:of. A. W. RIlmstad. who coached athletlCll

1925-1929: Mr. Myron Ringstad. athletic coach during Hie years to 1925: MLu Lydia SUxrud.

normal supervlser IUld women's education Jnstructor during 192'1 to 1930; and Mr. Oltrford hILS coached men's athletlCll Myron Kreldier and Norris

will be the timekeepers tor

gram. ing \\'111 be FrIday e\'enlng

We noticed thllt knitting was bttom­ing \"er�' popular at Ihe beginning' of the school teMll. Then Interest slack­ened:- lind knlttlngwns a thing ot the past. But. now! It e\"ldently happened over night. For' R little brrd spread the ne"'� rrom door to door. that knlt-

Dramp Club members named tp .>;.Cn·t' 0;1 the properlr committee tor the spring semester are E1�le Ba.rrett.

A. commlttC!t' consisting of Joanna 1 o·o::lock. "Th(' ConsclOu.sneM of Manollsos. Ed Svlnth. and Hatold An- Is to bt' Ihe subjl'Ct of derson hM been appointed by Presl- dres." which Dr. B. M.

chairman. John DagslaJl(1. ting wa� ··the · thlng" being done these 8tuen. and Harold Nilsen. TIloSe In lContinued on Pare ii, C(llumn S) da)'s. Boomlety. Boom! Out come charge of programs are Vefl)('r Bitter, ----

dt'n! FrllhJot TRyet to mllke inquiries Proft'ssor at Atlgsburg ::�:.��


g ��:a�� ���rn�l]e:��:\��� �I��!�r:�:� :����eR���:�:;�

e :]��� High School 'Dorm Boys cOllct'rnlnj;:; cll\.<.S p.ln� and rlng.� neapolis. wl11 make. Thl;'

L. D. R. l\1cctl'O Tomorrow In Lo<,,) Church

Imaginable. Is plied on an,}' available MlIIt'r. as.�sted by Enid Blllke, Ne\'ella Have Organized 51udy lions. After the formal openlni. �pAce. Short �trflnds of wool cling to Ro....-;. and Marian �ohler will super-delegates art' Im'lted to a rc;ceptlon our dark blue sklr!.s whenever we sit \'\se costumell for the pIny presenta- Further aid In the line of evening whIch Luther College Is in charge of. down. 110M. study has been offered the high schoo] During Saturday panel sessions will There I� also thl;' romantic angle. AI Arne L5. !lamed chairman of the dormitory boy!\... In the torm of gov. Tomorro\l.· afternoon MrS. Vicwr be ht'ld. Bert Myhre v>'ill d!.sew;.o; Frlend Dick has to stay Rome and $CaUng commlltee, wIth Obert Haavlk. ernment project. � study hall under the �E:t<��::� M�:,��:�dM;���:� ��f::i:: i��::::U::' I::: ::,.: �;:::�:h:�7::��:E::�;:�= �:�':����b;:y���:�:'=�;' �'�::�::::: :: i:'::�k �� ��I��er



lo�a:! In �1:�es��t�n:

a:::I�:' b::t

n:n :�

v:�: II

f;�c\dentalir. WI;' found a new Kathr)'n Rlggll. Hedvlg Dahle. and InLroduce a systematic period of cpn-

the guest speaker. dress of Prof. Theodore Huggen\1k ber of ollr happ)' family takl�g �d':

d CI:,

o���s:tS ��d "::!:� study which shQuld be great-

I> Volly Norb>' and MUdred Larson rrom St. Olat. Northfield, Mlnne!lOta. In the art of knitting. With a Iii In charge of the make-up committee; to the students " ... takeu

subject is to be "'I1le Traged)' of more 11!SSOn..� he "'Ill probRbly surpass also Included In those duties are Stan-

will piny a plano solo . . will alo;o g!\'e a. talk on the the L. D. R.

the ·Short. Circuited Life:' hi!! teaeher. But ,,'orst.- of all. when ley Ford and Roberta Torrlson. Sunday morning. (ollOwlng Commun- they bring )"arn to lecture classes. It The club plans to· give an opereU1I. Ion sen'lces, Pro!. Carl B. Ylvlsaker. looks as though those guilty ha\'e been �ometlme in the spring. . from C?nCOrdla College, . v.111 preach Inl'ected with R " knlttlng bug,",. or th�:




e B::�

h��;1 appear A.nd when our roomie. who has scof- Conlnlittcc Naillcd Rev. S"arc Will Addres�

In concert Sunday afternoon. Dr: T. fed And phOOt'd at knitting. quietly To Phin Saga Curniva� I\1i�sioll ' Sociely Tonight F. GulUxson, President of the surprises us by learning how to knit,

According to J�per Johnson. vice· !lnal convention address. preslden't, the Mission Society will meet It Is planned' to have a ,greater stu· tonight tit seven o'clock ·In the reerea· dent part�lpation than that made Uon room. previous convenUons. The L. S.

wC! realize then that knitting, which El,ld Hutson hIlS been appointed by Is a tangle of strings tI? us, Is rascinat- the A!ISOelnted Student Boord Ill! gel""!­Ing. It must be a proud .thrlll to hear ern] .chalrman of the committee In

friends Ia.uding the lovely sweater charge of layIng -plans tOI"" the annual or whale.ver- articles we have knitted Saga Carnival. She Is to be MIItSted when we display them.- by Judy Benaon and Verner Bitter. Girls have formed k.nJtUng clubs. and This committee will set the date and

Rev. T. O . . Svare. college pastor, Will pays one·hal! of· the P. L. C. address the group on "MIssions." Oak expenses; the remainder of Ot.ness will give the IICI1pture Is raised by .the stud.ent and lead In prayer: La\l � Morton year WJlllam ,P.t]ueger wlll" ptay a nute solo: Iris Evans and L. C. when the convention Pofargaret Craft will sing & vocal duet. St. Otaf COl

:re. Northfield.

boys' have composed knitting songs, commence &Oon In "'orklng out plans Mr. AUen was educated at Chneva !-nd If It h� inspired them to do this.. for this big affair. the proceeds ot College In Beaver. Pe:nns'Jlvanla, which "'e must admit -'\nIttlng ls tunl At whjch will go toward publl5hlng- the Ls a denominational school (In the same any rate. It ls a worth while }!astlme. yearbook. . general type as P. L. C. , , I



, J r1�';, lIlooring :/

Publish� t\'ery two weeka durin, the 8Cboo1 }'Mr by the students of Pacific Lutheran COUt-re.

Offl�; Room 115 Telephone: OArIni! os7i '8ubl!cription Prlc&--.lfOO per Year

Entered u second malter, 9ttober 2, 192.5, at the �t Office at Parkt'tnd. �Vallhlngton,

un� the Act of March 9, !879,

EDnORIAt: STAFF EDITOR Hele,. Holteamp NEW'S EDITOR Norma �� BOYS' SPORTS' rorroR . - Bob M.riln OlRLS' SPORTS· EDITOR - Elizabeth Stum FEATURE EDITOR COnnie Clumb TYPISTS _ trene Odell. Marie Lien COPY READER - - _ - Lenore Withrow SPECIAL WRITERS _ Jack ()dey, John'Drelbelbls REPORTERS-Margaret LI1�n, Thelma Daniels,

Elv" Ik'rgman, F't'edrlcka Schlanbusch. Norman· F'rj.('. R�11 Frye,



AD SOLlC , n - ���� Alice Cook. Ruby Moore,

FACULTY ADVISERS · N , J, Hong, 0, J, St'ueh

WEI.GOME, I.UTHEUAN l'ASTClUS! Bt'ginning Thllrsduv, is ' lh(' I'aslnrs' Hptreul.

- whidl' \'· ill inctl ltlt' 01;'(' or tilt' mosl important ('tilll'ut ltl11nl l1ll't'lings 1l111i spirilual t'oll\'{'nl iulls Ihnt has t'n'r hl't'll 'Iwld nil this l'1llllp(IS. Quuting President o. A. Tingt'isl:ul, "Th(' pUr(lUSC uf the Bully is tu Ikt'pl'n uur uPllr('l'ia­tiuu IIf Ihe spiritual import of otlr wurk , for tit" l\.ingdllll1 uf our Lurd antI. ut the Halh·, tn visunlizl' the illlllH'ttiute pUr'l of thl' ('olll'gt' ill tht' wl!rk prllgralll IIf our Luthl'rall Chureh 1111 the Pndric Cllast." A lour of . Iht· CIITUPUS will bt, iliaciI' hy the

_ �·;:.i.�il:�,ll���:�'�i;l�t�:.I/ ':�����:::�:i�'t�, 1:1�:',i ft��-, ,! i::: �:� UtiS work or pasturs nml frit'litis nf til(' ("lIlIq.((' in the pust; it is otlr hllpc that this "'lIrk ('un ��)IJ��t. �;"(�,,:lr�;1 ('�����t'::: ��:�d��n�: :�;�·II:;l\III,�:�'.n::: sm'cess of ils tldivitil's, und 'in offering liS II Christian ('lineation whit'h its fotJlul('rs int('nd­('d for us, ROW DO YOU OSE YOUR LEISUUE 1'IME?

Snlllud Smiles, ()II "nut"," OIlC(' said: "�()hle wurk is the true (,thlcl.itor, Idleness is tl Ihoruulolh demuralizer of hody, soul, und ellll­�(:ience, Nine lC'nlhs of the vices and miseries of tlic world prut'('CtI frolll jdlell('ss. \yithout work there can be no activc progress in hUlllun wclfure," Nol Olll�r , i s , stagnancy a rohher of thc soul. hut it olso robs a lire nf truC' enjoy­ment. "'6rk is olle of tht, bles�d dC'men-ls God Ims heslowed upon mun, \Vithout il we would perish. . WI�al llppli,es 10 mankind in a general way, '., lIkewISC !lppltcs 10 ourselves, By neglecting to sludy wh(,11 we should study. by failing to !lC­COIllI,)lish wh�t shuuld he accomplished, und by wustlllg preclClus hours of our timc we nrc failing in our duly tuwards God and mall . Of course, it doC's appear that Ihose neglected hours will never he missed. !lnd that no one or nolJody will ever re{luire an nccount of them. hut !lny stine pcrson who knows God's \Vord realizes that this is unlrue_ It is true that many !oO('off.ut the thought, of a tIay of judgmcnt, and a gWlIlg of occollnt; hut this idea finds its root in the Scriptures. ror we read: "But I say unto yuu, that every idle word thnt men sh!lll speak. IhC'y shall givc uceuulll thereof in the day of judgmen:."

{)h. yes. we shall all give accounl of our timC'o And Ihuse verv hours that arc heing, wasted now will haw -'0 be accounted for. (..('1 liS not deceive ourselves; we cnnnot mod, (iud, WRESTLING SHOULD BECOME A GLADIATOR SPORT

During the long winter m,onths of the ath­Ictic culcndur when' haskelban is the only sport that is purticipated in by Pacific Lutheruu Col­lege lIIen. w(' hclic\'e it couJd easilv he enlarged by inclUding, III Icast one or Iwo· more sports, Inusmuch us p, L. C.'s proximitY 10 Tacolllll enah,lc� it 10 draw mUI)Y athletes 'from Ihal cily, und as wrcslling is u' major winler sport in Ihe Tacoma Public schools, we heartily reCOIll- , mend Ihre tcntativc move 10 introduce Ihis sport. Lest you he afruid 'thal p, L. C. has not Ihc mllterial 10 represent her ,vitti honor against the mat-men of olher colleges and. high schools of Ihe. PURel Sound region, let us remember that there arc mj)fC than half a dozen first class wrestlers in this school. , This year would be' . a good lime 10 Joy a firm foundation for next year's season, _ .

, '

i ... .", "

- , PACIFIC. L� c6�GE. P� • . wAS'kINO�N C

Ughter. Thao .JiIi� 3-D ' Air ' , . '\ , ' ,

BY BOB MOSSO,.. � ' . ,

, '

DRIFT • • • . . , "�Bl """'"


WJ:LCOMI:! The.' types of movlf'S are chang1n.- on behlllf of Pacine Luthenm Col-

and'for the better. � even',body knows. lere as host to" pastors. other friends, " w�tht'r th� �ple are and. alumni and former Itudenta this . � IR� of averAit. or ",'hether the tVl1'r- ml . It d h d i d , TI.II: PASSING SIIOW-

1�ltlng /��I� Is .car�:n� thelr

h view_ :nC:�o "':� y

'I:�to� at ��te;;:�y w

ee�: / po nt;s n mor� W 0 tsome c .. nneb oom,e to conclaves potentially m08t Im-If a �ubJtct like "5tudel1t·��·· can be aired in " high ..... . . s ��t

1t::.6.::.n���:�:1 =���a in

portant. .

bro . ..", classroom. It should be pennlMtble to menUQl1 regArd to the new mode of theatre Tothe- Luth�r".n paaton, who wlD'u·

something about It In-a lo ..... bro ..... COll¥l1n , , , At flnt they ' fllre? Th� popular belief that students <;('mble under Amertcan ,Lutheran Con·

w�ren't pArticular ho�'tri�-boys:came d�ssed In the �hy a�av from anithlr'ig tinged With f('rence auspices, the College torether

�Inlng hall, but when a few of them appeared b�erooted {he �u�atlonal WM pefhap� true some wlth,local trlend_,s In Parkllmd 'Rnd :r--

Rnd 'wrapped In bed sheets, those in charge had to Ul.k� yeArs ago, Today. however. th� aver-�ma extends special "\bospltallty lor

their (i�lgCrs out of,the bOwls long enough ·10 say' some- Rgl' stude knows, wl'lat.he wants In the Thursday and Prtday and expreMe:s the WAy of cnterta.lnmmt, and his pickings

,hope: that Salurdaf's ral!)'. rollowln,g thing about It' . . , It serms that'tAble manners had a part are rtot altogether" bad: " ' th(' splr1tual retreat of the two pre-to play, too (one thing abput eating In the kitchen: If Today the "yout.R and beauty revues," c('dlng days\may abo command ifIlt� , "','", "'I,

n,'O'" ��n,'o

�r � I'�hlln" t,hh'.,,,\?,.

p,' ��, p



�h'.nd) the hlp-CTRCktng rtI·u.le-daule, type 11; ful Interest, ,The Cc;lIIC1j:e. &lnterely

__ . .. .. ............. "" '.)rlni pM.5ed up by the campus boys wishes to put first. thinp f11"l1t. .180 on_


dh'O�:'" :



d .�m�

nn •• ','

,'n, bI,"!�::,to.


, ,::ae •• �,

'no! ' for vehlcles like "David Copperfield " t,hl!' ocxaslon, and to proj«t our edu­

.. " . 4' "" � v """. I , .,.. .. , . "Tnle of T90.0 ClUes:· "Captain Blood> ('al1011:al problem.agalilSt the dlsUnctly eat, In how you ,'I}'nr It and· how you eat It . . , There "The Crusades.·' an(t..d)e like, in other �plritual bickgronnd of a fuller and Isn't a bunch In Ute U, S. who can wear s ..... eatshlrts like ..... ords. they're , � .. Ing up the alle}'s

clea�r ,·IKon of the ,KingdOm of God

p, L, C, studes . . . They ..... ere aSked to show Intelligence, and are going In via the fto'lt..door to I'Imon� us and· In.. u. •. ,While t�e pro-but. the boys were afraid of appear1ng d'l'U : . . � they s.!t In the balcony and not In bald.head !l'ram IS entirely In the h�d' of �erl-


�I:� ���:��nd1:��, ·b·U���: :.

ee::��r�=��k�:,f: row, 1�:�h���



en��I:��' �

th: , :�:;� �':)'�V��:h

o�' t:I�: �;;�::�: �:�t���,

IC: a���� ----- P;:�;;!�"I;s%���";.;'---'c11l.��Umled-to--gtnll'l}' p ace-from the Cfja'�el 7:leaninus \ \)a, ... toral t;Onferenc,e, k!ck!n� POSt ' .to ch'olr practice, lind you're supposed tq r r" 'if 0' T.o friends other lhan pnstOM\, the smile fit the progress the world Is making" , I taJce As children of Ood: the danger is not Collrge rxtend:o: an urgcnt Invlla�!on to my hal off to 'em n'd take my hat oft to anybody who In the world which QQd holds In the 'JC prcsf'nt at 'the Rally on Saturday

· :�u�� ��t. ;�:::g In IL) � �O\�Wo�� ��a�t�:in


�!fd����� �::




We have that danger of building up 1\.1Il, God willing, (orm the subject for It pattern of life. Small wonder that �onsldcr.ntlon, The public III also

there Is such a lack of faith, Then, we hl'ftrtlly Invited to . heflr Professor LUrll to our religious pattern and for- Pflueger's addreAA on "A Lutheran get for the moment that Ood answers WO,rld Vle\li'" Th\lr�RY evening fUld the

R,dd�s or Pnstor Ylvl!iAker "nd PM� prayer, The �lIabilll}' of the world does not tor Elmer M, Johnson at scven o'clock

I.OIS MAE MORTON had a.. premoriltlon that their lie upon an)' lAW, but upon the pro'll� Prlday e'lenlng· Il.'; a preliminary to Sat-

'OERT Bfl,UNNER SA}'.'; whenever she and her friends cat Ice crenm thcy think 01 YOUI'll truly . , , Wonder who the)' think about when they drink coffee ! . , " LESTER HOLTE 1:0: a rural, Andols proud of It. He say.'; his father own:o: 11 farm In the country {which I� a nlw place for 1\ farm to bel , . , 1"11 bet OLEN



namcs \I.·ould '?e found here after meeting the writer dence of Ood. urday's program, dUrll)g, a "cold" walk some few nfghts ago off the campu.\ -the miraCles of Jesus are� just as To all ahimn! and fonner students. . . , 1111\t p!e:c{!. of pottery moulded by HENRlETTA real today! the College extellds the �'/l.rm and ten-O'NEILL, nnd on� In purple and \Ii·hlte design. are ri. prime When blessing! come. let us learn to der greeUr:'g and ..... eloomc of a �other bit of workl�IR�IP , . , SOme of the H. S. ,kids shouldn't say. "It comes from above," to children �'ho return for a· visit. to be so blue a�

.t .. �ot being recognized more by the P. L, C, Prof, J, p, Pflueger, their home. The Alumni , Reunion ls

.studcnt bod)\ 4 blue�lld green don't. go good together) Thcre lire (our mountain peaks of In truth II. Homecoming. T.he COllege , . Just �a�se CIf'lJE GRTh1:STVEDT s90'allo.."ed his truth In,John 3-16. Is again fighting hard for Ita rightful

tonsils IU\d tripped aU o'ler hlrnseJ! when he met MAR- I. Ood's lo\'e tJo\'e worldl place In the sun; dnd the sptrlt of the IAN K<;>HLER 'iq the "tii;)j' da.ys .upon hours ago, Is no 2, Ood'lI gift (gave son) p, L. C: Oladiators is needed In all Olll rel\SOll for linking the two names 'together, Is It? , 3, God'S Invitation (who so e'ler etc,) circles, Come as early B..!, you can, ahd BERT rccel\'oo A. valentine. and· KEN a china. doh from 4, ,Ood's ·prom\.se (everlasting life) stay through the' Sunday meetings 'to unknown admirers , , , and we'll bet that those admirers Kcep your eyes on Christ and you glye and to Insplr.a(\on, were Margaret Craft and Eugenia Spencer! . . . you :o:ly will make R straight furrow t.hrougll To all parllclpants In the programll, lIaie rascnJs! . ' , The pink knit sweater ROBERTA TOR- life, He Is the same now. tomorrow, to the dlstlngu!shed speakers from the

:::'��u�::n��: e:re�:lri� � ,w�:pa�:;;::lh

a h:I

!;� _ Rnd forever, Middle West In particular, and to Ute

doesn't build a nesl In onc of the slee,',', Rev, E, L, Scotvold chaplain preacher at the Reunion Set-

For lock of pr1vaoy, one of the gold fish owned by the D. R, 0, fell sick , , . NOVELL NAGEL gave the thing castor 011, and It dIed . , , that'll the halibut. , , . By the way. those gold fishes are exteos1ve tra'lelers. acoordlng to the official feeder-they travel aroUpd the globe every da}' , , . CHET SOLIE and THELMA NESS will now slni that sentimental duet: "Cheek to Cheek." . , TOE­NAIL DESCRtPTION:.Arnold Anderson (The Difference That a Few Cents Made) . . , SCREEN PERSONALITY: BILL CAPPS ("Anything Goes") , , . TO EVELYN EK­LUNL> roes the little prtze blanket -tor belng the ace cla.ssroom predlcament-getter-outer . , Even RAY HIN· DERLIE or lONE MADSEN could not have 'covered things up SO beautifully as she dId In- that Principles of Ed period , , , From II. mountaln cabin interior to a Chinese joss to an attrae!ve layout-that·s been the progress of the girls' day room, A swell piece at work In spite of my stuttering , , , We'll' bet ALMA STO-

· LEE was In 10\'1' with the photographer who took the picture thot appeared In the TImes a few .day's- back­her expres.'llon was that heavenly ! ' MuTT FRYE, BUCKY O'CONNOR. and HAL NILSEN .are each going to give a two-minute talk (toast, speech, lecture-take }·our pick) at. the alumnJ banquet Saturday , , . who &I',ys ath-letics don't h�lp a guy!

TODAY'S FABLE: Once upon a time l!1e p, L, C. chOir waJlr.� up the stalrwa)' to the scene of action Without

· making a sound . , , POME: Now. IIttJe freshman, don't you cry-you'll ha'le a carriage like HAL JOHANSEN by and by . , , SCREEN PERSONALITY: Th�1ma Dan­lelll I U·You Could Only Cook> , . Our Hallway Wouldn't Be a Hallway Without: LAURA HAUOE'S chuckle, Henry Olson and Kathryn RJggs, Fred Heany's "thick-soled Shoes. Ellen Bergstrom·s hysterIcal giggle, or Bob MarLIn over the drinking fountain , . Miss Johnson should post signs, like the following In her office for the benefit ot thlrd-yearers: "Adoptions Not Considered," "No Camp Fires Allowed," :'Bring Your Own Blankeu," "The Man­agement Reserves the Right to Limit. Vlslts After the FIrst 24 Hours:' and "A Boy's Best Friend Is HLs Moth� er," ,: ' , ' U the school 'should catch fire : VERN �­ZEN would first sa'le his plies of debate no�s; ARCHIE would probably rush down to the receptlon ·room and warn Dutch; , STAN FORD would stop long enough In Beattle to tel�phone and ask ,how the fire 'l!"Ba' COmini; HAL NIL8:EN would dl\'e tnto the kitcheJ). and gobble up the rest ot tbe beam; and I would calmly select a choloe

'coPy from qtt the resenre· sbelC 1n the lJbrary without benent, ot red tape " . . TOE�NAIL DESCRIP'nON: ESTHER NORQAARD (The 8oc1al ·Leader in .JohnMln HOU.ow), ' �

You can lose your health and rep vice, our very 'own, the College tend�rl gain It: you can lose your fr1ends and Its most grateful thanks.


regain them: you can lose your pos. We humbly lm'oke the bli.sslni ot the sessions and reialn them; but never Triune 000 upon all thesc meetings. can lost. time be �galned. ' :0 Him alone aU gloryl '

God says '·Be sUI\ !" Why does He O. A. TINOELSTAD, want you to be stili? That you may k'::n�



o:=� went out Into I r:==PO=T=ASS='U="=.='=OT=H===1 the desert to· be alone with and to pray .nd to QQd, In the present. "hustle and HEALTH SANDWICH bustle" we foriet to pray. lOc LUNC�

"B� sUlI and know 000." Thomlen'. Health Food. Prof, J. U. xavl�


AlIce Cook will be In chal'ie of a til, After tMe ShOW " j candy sale to be sponsored by the·W. A, A., whlch wW be held at the bBS� JACK'S "RIDDLE' ketball game ,FrIday night when St, '" T--., 'Wn,


Martin's ColierI' plays p, L, C, Her 91 3 Commerce St. _"''' asslstanLs will be Enid Blake. Helen @j;'-------�--Stark and Mar1e Wenbel'i

Fouftt.," �!r::,R�h�1 Won J 1 Anything in the way

$1 00 bch HiUOld E. Dahl .co, of Flowers

, Ru" B'd, , Lobb, I Anders Florist II'�� �,_th'_S"_'_M_A_'n,_71_t34

I�, MORE ANO MORE , ,Folk. Are Com inc to the PEOPLES STORE

Sheet Music Musical Instrument

Supplies Radios: Refrigerators '


) ) )� �ARY 19. 1936 PAcme" CCLi.roE. "� WASHlNGro.. /\ ' ; PAGE TI IRE"

) Junio:r�Co�il�e�g�e�Cu


§.§�( G�.�la�d�ia�t�.o�rs�D






. Within Grasp With The f::Mt Vernon, Yakima Career 0;' Coach ()I.on For Champion'Jhip -T.hree Games Left · 1" . . 'Uut iMue.w�-' .-"'-ld-YOU the formula . . T. I . L" �, L08�8�.a�e. t,o Str�:)ng for beromln, " blL5ltetbaU 'stiu;. today High School Sq�ad to Pla�'· Gladiators to, Play Seattle C�l. ! . IP- ' Bell,mgham : !ktnlr Squad we \\'111 tel�b·ou what It taltM to become Lib(ral Arts Todft-y ' lege Fi\'e Toni2'ht on Queen R.v 32 2." Score . II !uCtt55ruf IIthletle . .

City Maples \ 0 ff WHh ali the dlfftcult � garnes Flrs,t, we hied ourself � Cooch' clln tea��I�

t�: :��ocr�r�:



Coming do ..... n lhe home stretch, the i .

' � o\,cr. the O!adt�teif hoop SQuad have Olso,! S oUlce to .5eej., wh�t ad\'lce "'e In another �f the girls' Interclass bu·

Glad!:ttor's han' yet three more hurdles • �trengthened their grip on the JunIor could .get from a �


'\I.·h9 has made ketbaU games, On Monday the cham-to clC'ar before g!llning full J)OSSess.lbn·

Collt'ge Conference, championship. a SUC�5S of this. business of coacl'llng. plon�hlp game will be played betw«n " r the trophy CUI) dQJ\at� by the Ya- �:��


t t: ��� ��



t�set ����e

w:�: :��:��:� the second year normaliles lmd ttie

]mna Chamber of Commerce. This O,. IIa,J "ob.w Ingham Normal last Friday nlght"in (It Job: the �roverblal memory,ot ,the third year sq)Jl\d.




(Guest 'Columnlst) . th� Whatcom gym. elephant. nnd most of the q1!-aliHes of The present raUngs of the-ueams

tale for three )'ears. Sh:�d t::

'c:�;� i��e �',e;,.� ���. :��:� gU��:


b���: .e�:�·po���:H��: :���

ec���:������:: �::n


are: • ,yon

3 ....t

o Tonight P. L. C. hoopsters w�li whet ,f the "TIl) Off," WUh three amotellrs Vikings pre'scnted a _smooth attack. to out casualties. or Injured (tellngs." Third year lhl'lr appetite for the oncoming Con- taking control. It lOOks like 'Bob Martin finally pierce the tight Gladiators' de_ Belle,'e It or not. but a. coach cor. . . Seco�d )'ear trr;ence games when the)' mert the will have to do some cle\'er writing to 'fense "ror a 32"25 fln,

. siders his work nearly done' If he can. High SChool 1

5eRttte Coll�e In a non-conference :egaln the lost prestige of thls column. At the' start of the game P. ·L. C. assefnble hL! players upon locaUon LIberal Arts . - 1 .

lilt on the former's home floor. AttOrd. This little n'st period of six '\I.'eeb "'Ill j�l>ed tnto a 4 t� 0 lead. but field Ilt the agreed upon UrnI" '\I.'IUlout Fitst year ' 0, . '3 IIIg to the .score or their llre\'wus give him tl�e to write to a certain lilLie goals by ...

. Can'er, Dombroski. and Van.. 105.". of numbers, It Is Ule P. Last. week the third )'ur normals tr.lcas, this game Is ,looked upon 9.'i JllI i1,l Portland. explaining how he was dergriehd ga,'e the Vikings a SC\'en to L. C. menter'S firm belief tbBt' It he- der�led the hl&'h school 1.enm b), Ule

�me ..... h:lt of a breather for our hoop_ too busy to write becaUse or his basket- four lead. From Ulen on the hUl top- had iMt o�e hair from his head for score of 12-4: The first year lost from "Iers. .

. ' b311 prowess. -Yes Bob, "Adler" F'r)'e pel'S mA-naged to stay out In tront. . e,'ery trme some absent-minded ath- the !Iberal arts by the 'SCore of �6-29.

The .01l0 ..... lng FrIday on, P. L .. C:!! and I n'ad ),our maU. Chet Solie I� the scoring �fh. nine lete forgot to show up on time or mlss- ' rnaples. begins the fll''5\

of the thrt'e The object of the sudden change Of' pol0"l!:.. while NILsjn, Can·er. aqj:\ Pence e<! a tr�ln or bus. his he.nd would be remrunln�

games ..... hen he. Gladiators scribes In thl" column I� to get the per- end; scored eight points,.. • .0;, de,'old of hair as the face on )'our "�allen. . 'II am. p' � --. - �ngle-,.,·iLtl.... SLMartJ�$.cCoUeae....lli.Ls.. sonl'll--pctn�r::--new at so'me 01 the . ..Lind.lQ.�: alarm clock. May. this be a wlemn U � " being the ,homecoming game. Coach thrills and reactions that . occurred Belllnllham

------:-P:""'t:;- C;- ..... arninl to all Gladlal�1'S Illtth� f�ure. AU LEATttU SHOtS Ol'S9�1s decl8:edl}l amdous to have during our athletic careers at P. L. C. Vander:grlend (4) F • Ill) SOlie as our coach's h,!-lr Is even now becom- -his charges In tip· top form. HO�e}'er, I believe my gn'atest t.hrill was when Dombroski (6) ...... F . . . .. III Leask Ing an object of nl,htly sCrutiny and . "The Store with the Yello� Fro"'"

::I�!�:''t�!a�:��drs :f

on����e �.helr cham· "Bucky" O'Connor kicked a field goal, Carver (8) __ ... __ ._ ...... C -.--... --.(8) Nlls�n worry. . .. '

"hmoul for ouht • .,din. quall,l .. bf('aking scoring offell� �:l� :tI�;;

in the Inst few minutes of play to �e- Stutz (6) .. ..-_ . . 0 ...... Tomm���

' And R coach·.s �alr Is not all tha� .nd Ifyl.I"

defl'n�e. the Norse mentor need have ���e

B�!I�:�a::. �

-:�t.�� t:m�lg��; Pe:��:�e;I;�·�h���"J." ;����

) �:�I�=I�t�: �:


e f7���I�':��� c.t. y·our Crain Le.,h" Sh_ Jo,

hnll' ear of disappointing the "grads." �uted Normalltes later defested C. P. Lutheran. Ford. Thompson' (21.. noor. You ha"e doubtless heard the Win'''' .Walr .t . AI

:proxlmntelY a week }ater, Fe�ru: S. 14-0. Another thrill tnat '1 l't'eaJ.1 • . . . . _ e.'\Presslon-"A.!i cheery as a football CALLENKAt.4P·S .lfl' _7. P. L. C. plays host�to Aberdeen wa. .. three seasons ago when I returned 011 the same trip north the. Gladl�t- COllch's household after hIs team has 1 1 1 1 Bro.1dway Junior College. Although previously a for a touchdown 8gRinst Lln- ors swamped Mount Vernon JunIor lost the big game." Not every coach �"",",,,,,,",,,,,,",,,,,,",...-ri defeated ;>y the o\'cr-crnzed, confer- field. I 'don't kno ..... It .tne red.head up College by )1.46.14 score. Charlie Leask has !l wl1e who can calm the wounded .. __ ..,..-______ _ l'

llce-co�scI9US "Swedes." Aberdeen Is in the stands helped to make me feel I('d the barrage of baskets wIth nine spirit. of her 5pouse and e\en make him I 1 of play. which might upset the dope had often dreamed of doing such a Lineups until nellt y�1lr and a dlfterent out- HOUSE OF FLOWERS If the Gladiators aren't up to par thing What football player doesn t" � L. C. , Mt, v�� come a� Coach Olson has. A �ood', Leadlnl Flowe, Shop Dropping the curtain on a nlghl) M� grealest disappointment \lias the So

Ie (8)

F 13J n many coach s wives (lnd the heavy Buy Tacoma-Made Flowet5

. I'xpt'Cled to display 1\ high caliber t)1)e prouder or not but I do know thllt 1 counters believe that after all It \lion t btl long j TSCHUNKO'S

�uCttss.ful season. the p, L, C casaba mablllty or something to schedule a � (9) � (5 ) :)ll�;,

ger footsteps of the defeated coach a slg� S Pac Ave at 50th GAr 051 4 � .

stars Journey to Centralia, \lihlch is game \lilth C P S during the n/ (8) ( cen nal to hide the baby lest it grow up : the scrne of their last game of the t\liO �asons The) tell me It \lias t1- Toz, (2) G (1) Hanson IIolth the Ingrained Idea that Its daddy I

, I·'

year. nUlIcial disagreement but I hale heard Je�:,�

2) L. C �n 6 TIt��:;� Is an ogre DAHL CROCERY CO.

rumors that the C P S COR('hlng staff 4 \�lJe � Ford 2 Mt Vernon, Mat You have all seen the mental and Gym Frolic dldn t think It lIoould be good strategy the,s 1 )(Collon Sprouse Hanson and ph}slcal tortures- a football coach un· Member United Purity Storu

An all.gtrls' gym frolic has been :: schedule a post season game ..... Ith Mcen,\ ... --;> ::7::


e';\.��� �:r:;:

nt!� �����, GAr 3B1 8R5 Parkl.nd

scheduled for Friday. March 13. The Another dlsnppolntment. to me and On their Inva.slon of Eastern Wash- ently doing the wrong thlng�t the right 1....'------,----1 ���A��� ::f��.

will plan. the activities the rest of the SQuad. wa.s our 10M to Ington the Glads were also successful. time. whUe h� feels the remedy for the I 1 ElIrnsburg Normal lhls year. Thls was bringing home a 31-27 victory to fur- situation lies III the power or his good j PARKLAND 'CARAC'E LAUNDRY AND won games to. where our opponents land center. played an outsta.ri:dlng parently has to be a paSt master 10' the Dependable Grfluin(( ��UI�

a�:,.; ����5��t


e :=

a�I\:: �.�;

r ;:p�



ha;a��: :��I�� .


t:e ��::���!t1�=c:I��: Shell Gasoline .nd Oil





e �:;�Is�:I:�� scoring tourtffn points !ConUnued on Pare to Column 4) GENERAL REPAIR .. At Extremely Low Prices One humorous Incident that I ,,'111 Hunt of Yakima also turned in a tine

aJwa)'s rt'lr.ember dur�g my athletic gdome for the losers. The game was Wrecker Service j LIEN & SELVIC AL ARNE School Representative ::�

r. I�




in:o:�o�:� �:� :�':ea;


d �:��g����d�

w�� BOYN���� ��;VICE . Dir�;�����rs �;':'�'��t

TACPMA'S �UNDRY :':7;;:���k:':�:�=!:::�: "�I�r;�� y...... CAS c:,P�I':';:� OIL ;

O��:���xm���' Pantorium Cleaners the head. A lIttle bit groggy at1.e'r the SOUI' (3) ... .. .... .P ... __ ,,(3) ErnsdorU ... ""w""." .... " .. , ....... " ...... "' .... " .. " ....... "" ... " ..... I�==========�

��IIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII��IIIIIII�t! game. he got on the bus and we started Leask (2) . .P ___ (3) B�ennan � . ;; II; .�''' ....... " .... '''' .. " .. , .. '''' .. , .. , .. , .. " ..... "."." .. '''' .. '''18 for Portland. About five minutes later Nilsen (14) ........... ___ C ___ ............. (8) Hunt � Brookdale Lumber Co. ...lIro... A.R C H E R ' 5 ......... � ,/l GAS OIL ; \li'e went through a small town and he Tommervlk (.4') ... 0 .. __ .. ... :i 5) Oilliam � at Brookdale 01'1 """"'" -...;;-� W�OO A COMPLETE LINE OF � asked me what the name of It was. I Jensen ($) ..... ___ ... G. .. ..... (5) Ro&s ! Hia:hway CAND�f�HTsg�&{���TAIN

; REPAIR WORK � told him it was Portland. He said It Subs: P. L. C .• Larson. Thompson. ; GArland 381 1 15 Weldl", . ·Speclalty � sun' took us a long time to get here. Ford: Yakima. Nutley 3. Hogan, : '38.1 7 South Yakima G,A.. 9643

i Brookd����sh�t.��EOI 93J5 i' O�IlY�' a�� Ib h:�e ���:y�

o:y athletic j' 1

i; .. , .. ,." ... ,', .. , .. " ., .... " ..... "', .. ,,., ... , . . . . . .... , .... , ....... tB �=========: ." ..... , .. ".'''' .. '


. '''''., .... , ... , .. , .. , ...................... "'''' 1111 �e: �I!� L��'h

aa�! �:�:;


a�� SUI������:R��ATS At Your Service- ' @. . Parkland Mercantile Co. coaches In the Northwest. not only a.s For sale eltClusively at

Bonnadele Beauty

Parkland. WashlngtOl'l a cOQch but as a real friend to his men. 1 Jetland & Palagruti , . With. '" Shop Su��.p�J�:;t�:,�.:, ;�" ':�" '�'��" ':��" '��:"�::::�:" " " " " " " " ' "l ' 91 2 P,,;fi, A"

I Ex�:::�e�y�;.:;::en :�I'���:S Gf �:au%�:�: J � MOUNTAI� BAR � 1 � Adequate Equipment Permanent Waves � � at the BUCABoo i Quality Knitting Co. . Ever.ings (by app·t.l


mG l···_····.!·········���

,'�FNGR�AVING��_�:��Jl r' ���:�. :��:����:����:: ."

C. p, KNUDTSON. Prop. Croceries. Flour, Hay, Crain. Feed. etc; ' Parkland. Wash.

(,»SauSkpeptli·��as" � ...................................................... ·····

···········'!I I�"============�i!l1 �;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;�;;;;;;;;�-:' S

TR�h���� b:��:!



ICE LAQI ES R.EADY TO WEAR consider these factors: the reputa­See the New No. S.S ShOe

light . Fast and Durable ��'I I

tion o'f the company. 'th,e character COMPLETE LINE OF' . of its management. and the service ., ACCESSORIES WE INVITE

eY�URd INQUIRIES i' HAROLD C. HOEL, �.ttle. W.shlngtOl'l Reprnentl".

. . - l .' �fiA��

924 Pacifu::'Ave. � Rust Bld.g.' MAin 4493 � �I.JO'-JUVU � _____ --'_-'+ !.Ii ......•. _ .•..•.. _ ..... " ... : ..................... , ......... J IL-_______ ---'

WASHINGTON Hardware ·Co. Lutheran B�otherhood.

608 Second Ave, S. LEGAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE Henn'" L Ekern. Pfei,

. I

), 1 , , �


. . n · . PAOE POUR

Council· Pla�ning AII-School Party


"WouJd h. � bettt-r It, the Q·1D.rWr the)' "':Cn! n�t In favor of ieS"("nlnl Its Z. FTt'sh�an Composltloll system ""rre 0M'd at P. l,.. O. Instnd 0; amount", bill tht')" felt a Ix'ttrr dls!rt· J. Hui.19fT of Ch-U.lzatton the pf"CSftlt Se.mesCcT system�M bUllon of the timE' element ccu�d. be of. BloiOfl:Y

BOh )�onson. Ellen Ber�trom The arawer" is "Yes," according to ('(f«ted- by brt'nking courses, down Into 5 .. 0rientAtion . Conceal Theme Fo'!" eighteen out of twenty-On' P. L. C. s�u: the more h;a:lish-e. shorter Pt'rlod. b. I. {ReIlg'lon. '- _

. February 28. · dent.� who wert' MkM that Q,ue!tlon.. . O[ the t\1:enly-flve persons asked the 2; -'Frtslunsll ' Com'posltlon

F'rldR), e\'('nin�lll . 28 Rt I h They btUC\'C that most studt-nu (M'or s�nted qut'stlon, oon(' -ga,'e '" negath·. 3. HistOrY of Ch·UI;uitlon·

. I k II g n · e g l a mOJ"t'. Intensh'e schedule of COUI'&'S am9,"tIr. Sto"ep: "enlured only the opln· of. Biology � c � .

�n a -�hOOI parly. sponsored' thnn Is�o9,' the practice. FI,·e.hour Ion that lh�lrodu{'lloll of the" Qunr· c. I . Rellglon,+ . )" t

h C

�rd of Control. 9,111 be gi"en classes o,·e .. a shorter .period of time tet systelll 9,'ould be more In k('eplng · 2. Biology V . .

:n� r,.1:1• t'�:

SI��mnaslum. Bob M'o�_ are felt by· these .People to better �n'e \\'IUl unh·l'r.;lt�··practlce throughout th'e '3. Art

p f nl of the student their Intl'rests nnd be tonduch'e of bet. cou�l'y_ Notel\'o'rihy Is the fact that t. Prillcipletl at Math b:'i". andl

El en Bt'rgstrom ....are co- ler sludy �Rblt.s. ·than the present nont' Iho�t the demands of. the col- .5. Public Spenklng, c n nnen n charge of arrangements. three-hour da.Mes extending o,'er the Irge upon himself or his Ilml' were u-if Joanna Manou505. Thel�n Daniels. per}oo of clghtt't'n .weeks. one snld: ceMh·('. Each desired only to secure Sf'("ond l!ear al Johansen. and Ed SVlnth are In ··The s)'stem otters R serious the most · for himself arfd to aid In a. 1. Religion

chal"Rl' ot the .entertalnment. Margaret i11dllcemeflt io procrnstlnatlo� on the building a beiter and tont.lnuaUy pro- Z. Hrnllh Education ·

.J � . FEBRUARY 11. 1136

Alumni Reunion · " ' (Cantinai'd f'I·om hie H ., 3 Indudl.ns ClarrnCt'. Robert. Enlyn, 2 and Mildred. ""UI lilli, "The· Spring 2 Sollg" 9,'rlllf'n br J>tor�y Ora.nger. fmd . 1 5 "Ah .SWt'l't tystcry of LIf(''' by Victor l !I Herbert. Mr. l,("wls O. Hllnter . • 'ho was

� :'o�u,a;�e �������n�


a w�(�I: " t'll'Cled aL. the bRnquet.

. . All resen·aLIOlls.for the bRllquet mWIl 5 bI' made by. call1llg the -oollrge off\I'('

.3 1 no lal�r IhRI1 Thur5da),. SundRY morning at Nt"f'n o'clock

2 the Alumni rl'lIlllol1 9,'1\1 conllnue whtll 3 Re,', Cllrl FOM. a f0'll,er P. J... A. IItll­

· 3 d;n\. will deU,'er the formal sermon Craft I:r; plnnning the p:�m num- part of moot �udent.. ... I thlnii. Ihat the gres.�h·e. modem school. 3. F\mdamental.s�bf Mu.sIc \';O�'.".' : �Id n;"lt�tions Is.�ued by re.ductlon of Ihe cours�-perlod from Follo�'lng I;; a .prognun of cou�s ln 4. Introd.uctlon tl} Fine Arts . 5 at the Trlnlt)· Lutheran Churt;\l. !n

, . ,�orb). I'lghll'f'n to t9."f'I\.e ".�k!I. ""ould elim. the Normn( department- arranged Ott 5. Elrc.tI'e 5 Parkland. He Is al!;O a .former Park-TIlf' rrfreshmenl commlttC(' Is head- lnate the lag that I�"nrtably appears Ih� Qu:utf'r system, It Is suggested b�' b: 1. Religion 2 ·Ialld .pl\.'Itor. The church choir'. dl-

("(\ by Judy Brnr.on. who 9,ilJ be a.�lst· for 1-1\'0 or three Wf'f'ks �t the begin- nn' ·of the students who bl'eame Inter. 2. Hulth Education. . 3 rectl'd b)' Mn=. CIIHard O. Olson. will

f'd by Norma Pr�us. Aida Johnson. Bob nmg of the Sl'ml'ster and the same time e1;ted In the original Question. Strtk:lnt; 3. Music Methods - 3 sing " They That. .809,' ' In Tears shall M3rtlll. Che�ter Soilf'. and P3lmrr'l at the,beglnnlug ·of th(' second nlne- "are some �r its futures. First. not . 4. General �YChO� . 5 Reap In Jo)" · fronor the Cl'tntata. "The S.telro. Other committees are: decora- weeks.. For my5('U. I Rm sure the more than fh'e subjects lit any .. slngle 5. Elective 5 Hoi)' Cit)·" Under the guidance of • lions. EnId Hutson.

, Ray �e�d. Stan change ;"ould keep Interf'�t. at 1\ higher quarter: second. thirty 9uarter hours c. 1. Religion .

__ Mr.;. Kenneth Jacobs. Ihe. Junior Choir

:ard. Verna Tegla�d. J�c Walters. 1f" 'f'1 and. in Rdd/tlon. grt'atly Inf)uence of t"lectl\'{'� cQmparl'd \0 .the plt'St'nt 2. EdUcatlon�1 Ps)'chology 5 will also sing . . nd Hazel H?gf'tup. c �an nr.-J'Oll n �d(!"(!lopmCTTt-of-my-� l!.:eo.t..r.:.w::i-n and IImllef! to the St'(:ond . 3. Oeograph} Sunday Rftcrnoon at 2:30 ·o·clock. the SLue

: �IOYd Th�pson. On.ry Pfluf'- habits: thnt Is one of the Ihlngs for .and lhl� -}'t'ars: third. 5S-QtIlI.l'n! 4. Electh'(' _ ___ 5 ··Cholr of Ihf' Wellit" will appear for \ r:cr. Jr,lnne AmI'. And Obert Haavlk. w;,\ch I am going td college." · hours compared to the present. 144' • ThJrd i'ear . l1-�rt:-and Ulwotmer members •

_ ··AIl .pecUlc plAns Are being kcpt Otht'rs rlCpres.sed �lmllA.t rellsons for fourth, brt'aklng the science «lune In� s. 1. ReUglon .;! 2 of thl' �holr W!1� Join In lI��e---�crrt.: WI' ask e�:.en·olll' to comr WCRr· their preff'rence. Some I)('lle,·ed' the (1) .three ·part.,: first qURrter. lectures 2. EdUC,fltlonal M�lISurement.s 5 fln�1 number ·'Beautlful. SRvlor:" He,·. !Ill; ()ld clothc!!. statrd Ellrl1 Bcrg- present systm Is unfAir. especlnlly · In nnd slldffl: second Q,iarter. lectures and 3. Prlnclplri of TCll:chlng 5 J. P .. Pflurgcr. Alh'lsory member of the

regard to elCAllllnnllon.�. nley. claim lnborator)' work: t.hlrd quarter. labora- 4. Elective· 5 Alumni Board. wUl lead In devotion.

Ralph A . . l;Iorr Speaks ·At Chall�1 EX�,r,:ises

that the n\'crngc I\\'o·hour .cll\S.� rl'· tory work : fifth. breaking le ·teach- b. 1 . Religion

:;;�� ��I:�n;:tI:\:


a��e �:�\�� ���. e����cl


t�t� t�:�I:n!;.

st qun� .�: ��:�c\,:�:�I�)"�:��

nIQUell 3 or � Junior Gjrl� ·to Give . lion Is just as estensl,·e I,ll SC9pt"'. AgRln. qllartrr. ob..�n·atlon and tf'chnlques: 4, Electl\'e 5 WafTlr 5llj)per Sundn�·

M Rnl h ' . it was claimf'd Ihll.l most t"'o-hour third q-uRr t�r. cadet ten.chlng. confer- c. 1. Cadet Tf"Rchlng snd D\scuAAion 7 man

r. rro: Sto��t��I\f��=��


g:t�: .courses appear to be 10ng�r onel< con- enCt' nnd discussion c11\.SS. 2. PrincipIi'S of Education . 5 According to Norma Prell!i. president. -

del}t body and faculty during the densed and n�c� .... ltate more prt'para. Fir:5t Year 3. EI('("th'l' 5 Ihl' Trinity Junior Ou'lId III plRnnlnj::

chApel hour IMt Thursday. The sub- tion than Is equnbly fair. All elCpreMect (;o� IIoun a waffll' :r;upper for Sunday evening

jt"Ct of hi:r; !!J)('ech 9,'as Abraham Un- that they weN- 9,'illlng to do the ""ork: a. I. Reilgion 3 155 or 15i from 1h'f' to �ven o'c1ock In the Tri-nity Chureh I)arlors.

CO.I'�err is a guiding spirit Within. Luther · League Election 'Var Council 'Men 11llervielf);1I1l Conch O!sou Pegg), Ramstad and Dawn McCtnna-

:�hl:� ;r:::n:e�.pr�7n:�� I�a:

h:r�:: John Slu!'n. a m!'mi>t'r at- the Collegl! ,Address Students IConUnged FT1)m Pa� 3�1 .

�::la�'�,la��I��:� �:c:�

or:�d -r:�:p�:

10 us that heredity ha.. .. a great deal g��:

at�ng k�IR�

. ,,'a.� cho.�n pre�� . . art of apl)t\!'d psychology coffer Is filtt'ell cenu: fh'e cenu will

10 do 'IIo.tth our lives.. I.t may be 5ll1<\ :l.m�th�� ;:tl�.ut

�:lrd X::��:


� . In compliance IOlth .requests trom How(','er. our Intnvlew wa. .. drawing be chnrgl'd for each additional wafne.

of Lincoln that he was one who dared .of,el �tudents for an In(ormal dlscU5.'Ilon of to n close and I had not yet heard tht' • ThL� supper l, for the spedal bene. to do right Md who was loynl to Dod �:f'


e ���a�:w:iili I�ce. which came as a result of an informAtion that ' ·had been ex�ctlng. 'fit of the alumnI.

. a�:I;pe



M�����;_ as ��reUiry. �nd Relph Bolstad for t�e �Z�:sd��:. f,�b�a� ��.


r �::: ··But Coa�h. how about the Importance I i.�r:. ===.==,==.=.

=.=.=, ==0,. tlon as a compa.s.� on 8 ship to guJde dutIes of treasurE'r \ cro�.-CI1r1�tlan Church pastor at Pu�'· of 1)la}'s And systems; we always Pdtromze Our Advertisers--us and advised that we alwaylS !l8fe- • . RlIup. met with .a group of P: L. ·C thought they were A. necessary tR,Ctor �n Before goln, to town read tble ffunrd thooe prh'lIeges which glvc us l\-flSS l\-lelntosh S)lCftk� mf'mbers last Friday In the reception a conch's lIucces:r; or rallure." column. The followinl nrma are !=�� ;� r��I!�:n



m h:!

To PcrsonHI�ty Group :mN!�IO���O��:ll

w�:r ��:


� ··No�sense:· ISnorted Mr. Olson. "they ���n�U;d advertisers II,l the Moor-

the correct Idea of go\'ernmen�· Amid a colorful room 'dl'corat!on of ��I

I� �pr�:�·t.

the soclt't.y which bath :::c�el:�:


nl:::::� t�e

IlInl:: Allstrum Prtntln, Company

t daffodils. rellow candles. and 811\:er This society. according to Mr. Nor- strays and stragglers In Ume for the Archer's Confectionery German Club Banquet

Win Be Fehruarv 28 ums. the Pl'rSOnallL), Club �eld Its sec· cros.,. seeks but to toster world-wide game who will USlll1l1y win." Bob's Oarage and. socllll mt'('tlng In the N!<:eptlon organization ror peace. It WI\.5 or. IL wall not until we had thanked the Bonnadele s.eauty Shop ��;





;; glln.lz!'d labaut 14 rears ago. and coach and taken our leave that ",.e bt'- :I::;'���;


Ge��d::' c�::

n���. gI�


01 tht' Y. W. C. A. of Tacoma. spoke 10 :;9,a��;�a�: S=;I�

f t���:�o��

m�; gan to wonder Ir our esteemed �ach Brookdale Orocery CO.

which lIme the new officers' art' to be �:: !C7� ��:a��' flft}" girls on the nation. Its platform has three funda- had

.reftl!Y gh'cn us.the k

,lnd of SUCCI'S!! Brookdale Lumber Co.

InSlalled. ' According to Elizabeth F' j , . mf'ntal planks: t I l . ProgT("Sllh'e world stor) that our readers 'ltould demand. ·Brown & Haley




s to ��L ���:n d���:m


�!�:fI:� =::::1:1��1 af:��::��� ��J In���d:t���� �o�


t:� �:;�n: :I:��e�:£:h�t t:: �;I!: Drug Store·

Laura Hauge and Ruth Johnson com- gl.rIs. Ehmbelh Stuf'n. Rom?la Rust.. Rnd at ag'fE'ement: 13' world.wldf' edllca- might. D05.!lbl.y be airing a fe� of a Dahl Orocery Co.

prise the grnf'fal committee In charge I VIrgInia Da\ls"'ere In charge of senlng lion for peact'. coach� grte\'fmces at )'OU folb. Drtve-In-Market

,.of arrangements Other commlttees i f'{'rreshmrnts Mrs Philip E Hauge Theories propagated by both men Ho ...... e\·er. the story ha.s been wrlUen QallenKamp'lI

lIrf' as tollo'llo5 decorations Norma IUld Mrs Lora Kreidler poured Lenore Includl" /the bundlng of rrlendshlp now. and we shall ask you to aceA)! Harold E. Dahl Co.

Prell! Lloyd Thompson Rnd Margaret Wlthro9, RuLh Pro}en and Olga Hu,o rathcr'fhan battleships." and .A vlgor- It 9,'lIh tohe IIlIme trust that 9,'e did. If' !:��;;�ddle Larson kitchen Loul�e Hendrickson v.ere In charge of decorations ous ··crusad(' of cburchf'g' for peace. we thought he gave tL .. this -er-h�r-

Thc plac(' for this dinner has not AccordIng to Ell'm Bergstrom. a style ImportRnt topics brought oul by Mr rangue just to Ret e,'en with us for the, ����::n��l��Utl

�'et bcrn decided ' ' I �;o�a��h�lng plann('d for �metlm(' �'I�· �a�:�a



e�e �t:��I!'I�


I;r P!��:� �e::� .�: �mbaU'1I

R h F EI I 1 UniU>d States. and l!'i prepartng ror Initials are R. F" caused him on the Lewts FL'Ih Market ut roycn . cete.-. Pflucg{�r Again Nanlrff . It : such a war would be fought In In .... t basketball · trip by getting l06t ('110'0 Lien & �Ivlg , New Pep Cluh PresIdent Asia. (2) AC«lrdlng to secretary or three Umes. we would la;e all trust Lou Johnson

__ Lutheran Welfare lle'ad Hull. ··Unless people can u�derstand In the word of certain ot these success- Llttheran Brotherhood

de��t�r ��;



n ����a�

p;:: Rf', .. J. P. Pflueger. Chrtstlanlt�. and �:n:r::

�I�t. �




w tobe

!�� ful coachcs. ���;I��V�. ��mber Co.

dormltOTY acUvltle;e: during the sprlng philosophy Instructor. was named presl- Rway our freedom:' - (3) Our navy de- r· !i1j Parklnnd Oarage

�mesler. She succeeds Romo'la Rust. dent of the Lutheran Welfare Boclet)· partment has the next war planned CARLSON'S Parkland MercanUle

Other n('wl}" el�ted officers are: or 't·a«l�n. last TUesday. February II. now. '4) An Asiatic 9,'ar 9,1lh Japan YAKIMA DRUC CO. People'lI

vice-president. Roberta Torrlson:� Sec- This Is the fourth consecutive time would result In at least t9,'O thlngs: Prt-scription Druggists . · Ploneer PrinUn,

relar)'.treasurer. Mart:.- Lien: fire- t.�at He,'. Pnueger has been elected to rtr.;t. the loss of a large foreign mar_ .3805 So. Yakima Ave. Quallty WtlltUng Co. chiefs. Belt)· Terry nnd Ruth Sollie. head �Is organ·lzatlon. Rev. T, O. kf't: second. the establishment of .�.�=?:'?O: . :



I !it �I:��:!d::;kland 901\.5 el�ted first !��e a::o�


n�} p:�:���

h::r lti _ ., -0 Tacoma Engravtnc Co

TACOMA'S LARCEST The regular Sunday aftemoon Luth- 90ar as never before yet there Pervades 1 ' :;-:oma �( Co Home-Furnilhinp Store eran Welfare program to be broadcast on the peoples or the world either Printers · Stationers I om.sen II Hea th Food 8to� ��_I rMtA_J over IeMO at 2 o clock ",iU lnclude an blind optimism or equa1l7·falllng pes- Engravers 1 Vallees Food Shop • CI1� � address by Rev Orville Running and slmlsm (61 Mere wishes WIll never pI 0 K E E R Washington Hardware

. ... c; ... , .. ... ,. ., ..... .... _"'..... t �ocal numbers bl' a girls trio (rom keep the United States out of war fHCO IIII . O IIIIAT_". W:!St CO&llt'l' Co � 11 Tac�ma We tried that in the last one Q MAin 21 22 12th & A Sts �8 8el'Vlce'Statlon

I' , 1 ,,���7':"n�h�,�i�� :::


;: [, '

N6b!�yE �u��;on Pacific Ave. Lumber Co. cletys platform ' 90orld-wldt' reduc- AMOCAT FOOD PRODUcrs SERVICE STUDENTS. :



rmaments by International "THE PEAK OF QUALITY" , WITH A SMILE took for our Ad In tne Ne,xl Issue DIstributed by

'-_________ ' College Choir Appears WEST COAST CROCERY CO. ,.." .. " ... """"""""":"""""""""." .. ".".,, ..... ,,""'!il r====:::;=====:' ! . At Lincoln Hi�h School l�===�;�:;�;=;.:;:;;;;;;:�====! . PersorUl1 Serviee All Day- . All Nisl:!t � You Are Most likely to -FOR SKI EQUIPMENT-� DRIVE .' IN _ MARKET � find it at At a meeting o( tbe South Divislon � Fresh Fruits and Vegetables � RHO, DES I o( City 'commercial Clubs, tbe: Pae.I1.1c See-KIMBALL'S--First : NO SALES TAX

- Lutheran College Choir &anI at LIn- We J_t Wh.t. You Need to �bk. Thit: � l ... " ......... "'��_�,:,:�::.,��:,� ..... ,." ..... � ... _

._�--::.. ... _._T�A_COMA ___ ..J ::t. High School in . Taooma laat. L-_� ____ • . _ . ..:r":;o:: .. �':;�::f:::,�·:::'��A:::�:! ... =:':.�·':'� __ ..... ___ J

Sf'�· F:l('ulty ' Hoop St:IrS \"!i. I 'r('JI 'Tc:r'm �Ionda�"


?��) ����'����--��������'�� 1;-' 0 /

. � . ' . . , PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE . . /

PARKLAND. WASHl1'lQ¥N " M ARCIl 1 1 . 1936 ' .


Exam W(·t,k ·· . .\,p,vruarltt.g �.t·st Wt' -ForJ.!('t

. No. }1

\ , , ' ---�

i �;AGE ,,"0 , PAClFlC L� Cou.EGE. �ARKiANo, W�JNO:""N !';. " , MARClI I I ,,,.

) �W='=Qe���. o=o=rt=n=g=1M�a5=t='��li�gh�te�r�T�ha�n�����;��, �, D�����=.'=�='·=" �'�=Th��:���:����,:���:N:w��R�� Published every two WM'1u during the 'webool )'Ht A/'r & ""',"0,.. , """",,". wi'" my 1<11 ... Luth,nn ... "''' und.. Am'Qun

by the.students of Pac.tnc Lutheran CoUep, . .. $tl!d�nt.a .and with m,)'5elfr, and the Lutheran COnle�nct: .U!pl�s at PlI. Of1l«: Room liS . Telephone: OArbJd 06'TJ ----,---=-?i . more I ,u�orucIOu&lJ study Lhem ctrlc .Lutheran COIl* on P'ebruary 20 .1

8Ub5erlptlon. Prl�-&l.OO per Y�r BY ,BOB M�SSON �::� er;:;;�/�:.r::.:.o�


v�:: ��m!� '��nl:nS�ru:y ;Iut.o�

e� \

Entel"t'd a.s seeond clau matter. Oe�r 2, Ins, at aOE'.NAIL DIGS FOR TIlE DEMAGOGUES- pl,.Y a big p�' tn. our. attitudes. con- The Rally Sesslon on Saturday mom-the ��

e�r�c; :!t ��=! ��

rtOn. "MR. IIONO of our 'fac�I�; � • stoudent of heads-that' duct, And�errlCltnCY' Old Sol IIUld Ju· In, was An eq>trlmel\'t and command·

Is, the shape ot 'em , , ' AtJlrdlng 'to him, those with the plter hav t�ett, SIly as well &$ the ed only llmlt.ed parUclpaU()n, " � ' ca�·cranlum.s .... P the smart ones. while the ones with teAchel'3 ,ton It ·comes 'to Innuenclna The 'careful .work of the proitram �r ..,....;�n


·���'� Memb&f the billiard ball n�le./l are cO",ldered more lacking In the CflmpWl ,chaps and .chaplnea.., A commlttee 'resulted In a remlU'kable ami • � �o(\l,,'ff:: you know what , , . Ttult'S"the slant. . . . U we-didn't know balm� br�ze or a blanket ot fbg �Ight Insplrlnc clarlflca'Uon ot the penpec_

. • him, }"e would soy our p�lessor had ItOne subJecUve on ,eas.tly disrupt the m�ra!e of a class live lor 'U oar Chrtatlatl'Work" par-EDITORIAL STAFF

EDITOR HeJtn NE\V8 EDITOR Norma' Pnus BOYS' SPORTS· EDITOR - - Bob 'Martin GIRLS' SPORTS·' EDITOR . Elizabeth SrlIm FEATURE EDITOR COnnie Clumb TYPISTS - Irene Odell, Marie Lien COPY READER - . _ - Lenore Withrow SPEClAL WRITERS • Jack Odey. JOh� Dn!lbelbis. Bob Monson.

REPORTERa-Margaret Larsen. Thelma Daniell'!, Elva Be�mlin. Fredrlcka Schlanbusch, -Nonnan Prye, Russell Frye.





Kathryn' Anderson t\D SOLICITORS - Elizabeth FrIIs. Enid I;J1n:ke,

AJice Cook, Ruby Moore FACULTY ADVISERS - N, J. Hong, O. J. Stuel,

AJ.U�INI COOI'EUATION INSTEAD , Till'rI' hilS Iwcll :wnH' tlist'lIssinll IIIHI plun.

lllllg- 1I11l0Ug- a n'rillill few I',I..L AlulIJni 10 ('dil It IIlllnlhly puhlkatiun. I n \"iew IIf this flld Ih(' :\lcHlring :\Iust Ims t'Urdully thllught U\.:� , lilt! ... prlll',itom nlHl wishl'S 10 (';I('Jlrt'ss ,tlH'S(' " I "lIlIlns :

TIlt' filllllwiul stulus III' tlu' pn'selll sl ud('111 hod_\' IHlhlil'lItiolis is 111 11 n'n· satisflldon', alld \\'(' Il"'lit,\" , Ihal .lIlother (lllj)(T. gt'lling -ils fi· 1ItIIlt'ilii sllJlpod frlllll TIlt'Cnlla Ilch'('I'liSt'rs, would h(' tiC'lriult'lIlul III Ill(' s'toP{' of Ihe :\Iollr· iug :\Iasl ,ulwrlisillg (loh·llliulil it's.

III t'Wlirusl, \\'(' tl I'W' Ihat Ih(' .\1 UUIII i gi\"I' Iht, :\IIHlriug :\Iusl wholl'-IH'lIrll'd supporl, So Ihul Wi: roull! IHllJli�h 1\ wl'ekly edition wliil'lI \\'Old<l I", " 1I1(,liilllll f'lI" Illur,' IIIUllllli Ill'WS and a gn'uh'r nti\'l'rliS('IIIl'nl for till' ColIl'W' .

Thos(' affilialC'd willt P.!..!:. pn'ss wllrk f1'I'1 lilt' lH'l'('ssily fill· II clt'finiit' jourllnlistJI <It'lmrl. IIit'il I 0/1 Ilrt, ('11111 pus, \Vt' lin' l'agel· 10 huild tlJI liII' 'rml lt" · i n I I 1Inlily of l·tllllC'llls and \\'1' IIISH 11<'('111 it dl'sil'llhll' thnl, si,ll'(' our Collq.!I' ( ' x Jllllltls ill IIlht,l' udi\"it i{'s, it should aiso huild

G ils puhhn.lilJll slr'I'llglh, '\\(:"lIsk \"011. Alumni, 10 l"/rn'fulh' rt'cullsill('1'

Ihis idl'" " 'hidl s{1Il1(' of you arc : prt'ssing �II rul )idl�·, alld wc' ill\'i �t' yut'. 10 .t:C'I h('hind lIil' :\lflfll'ing :\llIsl ins!t'ml.


t ' l 1�;II:�" 1'!:�:.II�::: lI':·��t I

:·:t� I�! \Y·�:t"I/)�·I1·�tl l'i :;�:'I ,',�ijt��\�i

! :lItllllll" ·('P, I!lsi Thurst!a\", :\I an·h '-1. I! ludlt'd IIpllll Iht, kl'YIIU\to !If a n'till�' sIlCl·t'ssf lll l'IJIII'gt, I'ltn'I'r, I n w'rn'l·a!. Ihl' subshtlln' of Ih(' sPI,t'l'h was ""lI lui,·y,"

Inquir\', as tilt' slll'akl'" brought uul. is om' of Ihl' \,�I'y h{:sl forms' tif mcnlnl q uick('ning­ali(I l'tltwatilln . . \ d.ill! is JJat llrllll\' CIIIIO\\'I'd wilh this stl llt'rh qualily, and if il isil' l l'rllsIH'ti ill lah'r Yt'ars,. 1111111\· filiI.' results will C()llll' frolll thl: prul'Ikc. \\\', us l'ollt=gc·alll'lIdanls, should b\' all IIJ('uns culti\'ah' Iht' allBih 10 ask SUlU' Ull(f t1iSl.'rl't·1 t·,lI('sl itllIS. '

SdlUlll Ulld sOl'ial lifc is d.uek-full of inlri· nt!t' dclails which UI'(' hl'iug l'onlin lJalh' ()\'cr· luukt'd link,s.>; sorncollc' asks ahoul Ihl',it. Thc gumcs, thl' duhs, Ihc plars, and all I.he ullll'r adh'il il's whkh go Ull ahhut l·ullc!-!c arc 1.1 1 1 suurc<l/ u f ('xc{'etIin!-!ly \'aluable information, if Wt' hut IIpply oursel\'es, Likcwise, cCollomics. polil it's, rt'iigiull. industry all uf, · these, 100,

• nlll hi' dllsS('cI as \"aluable suhjt'('ls for (Iueslion­hllXt's. :\ Stuclt'llt wh" asks lIlany qucstions cl)Jl('e rning :tn impurtunl polilical .Iliscussiou_ will I:t'rluinly know Illore abulIl Ih(' pr.utilGtI Ihull hc wht) rt'frllin,s from asking, Thl' sallie l'ol UliliulI 1)I'('\'IIi1s ill _ schoul: he who i!It IUircs IIbUlIl his work usually h'urns morc nlpi�lIy anti hus a hdll·t· "hinl 's l'VC view" uf Ihe whull' Ih:lll Ill(' IK'I'Stlll who ,·clIluiIlS silcnt.

Of ·{'ourst'. illt l uirc suncly; .it lIlust uot he ()\"cniPIll', Qltcsliolls ,niusl be chosen tlisl'rl'c tly. disl'rilllillulin�ly; if hllphazard questioning is l·mpJoyetl, I h l' person usually makcs himself u 1It1�::,�;:thclcss. ask yuul' fricuds, ieadlers, ant! otlll'r UC(lltuilllallcc� aJJOut all impOl:lanl lowcs" of tht, day" Find out what they think; gct their' \"icws about Ihe maHer. By so doing you 1101 uuk wHl he gathering valuable information, hut· \"ou will be broadening yourself'as )\'ell: TIlUi w(IJHlt'rful Bible statement, ·'.Ask. 1.1;1(1 ve shall rl't:ci\·e." cuuld wcll al)ply In.�rc. .

�"�� �::I= � ��:r:'�� �!,:hae :�: �;�.


g� �:tn tpa�:7�:

rb���tI�:U=t.!p:I!�' ���


n�::, �:


h;::� -r;; TROM wouldn't pasa Ule' Frt:Shman CO�p Course ' thoUCht,. , • T. 0, Bumtvedt, 'Rev, Emil Swenaon,

lI.fR, jtAMSTAD kept the spirit alive 'at the alumni ban- �uclng frOlV' quesUon,s utM and ProfeSlOr W . . F. Schmidt, and Dr, Her-quet at least, even though hl5 wlst'cracks were a bit sour �rvatloru ma!1e, the wln�· � man A, Preua. pN!8ent.ed poftrIW and 'o'n 'h''::

esh : .. , , mLea


, "ro' o"" AR�'DS" w, .. "h

. 'tlh.','





seems, to be the , j)trlocl wh� mOl!lt of prtctlcal meA&q:K on the followln, � .. " ._� ftN} � ,the student.! lean towa.rd ,the aeno\l5L- tOJiles respeeUvely: Today', VlsIon at

butcher coa'ltlng m�lc from' a CroWd of Bronx an- their studies, and , the lulflilment 01 the KlncdorD HOn.e J,f.iulons Teda;--' handl� workt;1'3 . ' , All the school uacllel'3 had to shake th�lr ambitions. Perhaps It Isn't .1- and , Tomo� .... ' The Vitality ot the MR. HAUOE'S ,tJand In apprectaUon of their preUnt together �e faul��Lhe weftthe-r, ,But 'Am�rlcan LUthtt..n Contel'ence ' � Jobs . , , If the wheeb In the r�istrar·s office are oiled' who hasn t lelt tilue on a dreary day? 1l'te OUtlook for the Chrtluan' Collece. to perfKtlon come Job-huntln', Urne. I'll shake" both of So, It • p(fSOn isn't complet,ely Joyful. These addrftaes· weff. moat a.bly IUp. , his hands . , Lots of people liked the ;",It COA� 01..- his thought.! aren·t rolng t6- be con- plement.ed by Prole�r J , p, Prluqer·s SON used In his banquet �h . . . bu1 tor real humor . cerned WI� .. th�'�uvenly bUM of Joy �be tbrmulaUon Of' ··A , Lutheran t.)ley s!'ould h1ltr him whth giving hts (earn a pep ,talk! abounding, and the like, ' World View" and Rev, S. J, N, Ylvl_ \

� _--MR.,.S'IlJEN....looU. Jl\oOU.Jike-a-coao)HhaR-he-doM·a-��'PI"1ntJ,-&fld...oo .... �t:MIt- satel's fie.-I'i-=I6ri:h��of-· la,nguage prof, Incld,entally . , . To the dandles of the tum to fancy-all .• beeause of th� weath_ t1ndlnp, It was no doubt the �n�ral . !;qun� ta�l� we �edlcau 'lh� song: "Life Is a Oong:' l'r. Spring has round many a youn, feelln, th.t the over.whelmln, .re� SPICE ASD O�IIERWISE--

' man Wl�h' �he Ita1dnl'Sl of a Park Ave- ,sponslbllIty restl�r upon the Luthefl\n , The f�esh paint YOIl smell in the girls' day room Is not

from_ the newly decorate� walls . . It's frE

the gals lhemselvl's , . , Our o,...n senior damsels loe somewhat dlrterent drl'ssed up, don't (hey? . . .. We snub ' , �e ,of 'cm lit the banQuet betor� .we realized-that they had snubbt"d lis rtrst! . . . You 'can tell by the way the so· ))ran()6 sing those high nOLl'S In the latest choir number that the)" re th� scream of the crop . . . they need more rigor a.nd less mortt.(e' , . In other words. they should pracllc� what they scrrech . . . Joke , , . (and I dldn'l. gt't it .tro'm Literary DIgest"! "Spice of �lre- eltlier) ,

I RAY Rr.rD wore a hair rlbtion from n-oon to 3:30 last .FTidllY all because MELBA. FENNEY dared him to , . he looked like' a bUUl'fctip set Iii a frame of pansy-pink �II " H'A"L"'NILSEN and 'RUSS FRYE spoke beaut!· ,lully Itl lhe2'lQUeL-lhe paraHln statues! Never can 1('11. those � s ·are pountlnl filibusters , . Remember the beauUfu IlCv.':lchairs th


at were bought lor a second· floor cla,!;,sr�? ey're all blemished ... ·Itt, bleml.o.hes , . You cn� �e lh .,:an·ed mltlals: M. B .. A, L .. and A. p, all the way fro�l here--:-? Imagine!

NIGHT SCENE: Twelve o'clock midnight. and ED SVIN11i hops from a halted vehicle, saying, ··Thanks for 'the show, Mrs. WllI1ams" , Has It come to that?

FABLE: OIICl' upon a time KEN met you and didn't say. '·Helin, t-h-f'·e·r-e !" , . . VERN KNUTZEN'S scllrf danct' lit. the ,Pllrty WIIS too perf.ect We �on'L know If he'll be nble to command the .<;.:mle respect from tht' fellows . BOUQUET: to ELLEN BERGSTROM for be-1111{ II \'t:r�' good, long-,<.utrerlng party chairman , On P;.clflc /\\'l'nuf' a ·slgn rekds: "Ladies' Heelo; 20 Cent.�:· I Here in the dorm you can get any of the fellows for nothlllg ' . To Ihat sweet young thing who thinks I'm a Sl)hlnx, t IiMcnoo to an hour's radio version of Peter Pan-and enJored It " , b-a-a-a-! �. ENID HUTSON'S fll\'orlte dish Is Ham, belie\'e It or not , . Add SONG TITLES: JOANNA MANOUSOS ("To be FRANK. t UNGER For YOU"! ' . SCREEN PERSONALITY: Chet Solie I Fang aud ClnwI " . A POX: on the Monson slsteu lor Inking a short cut across the new lawn every morn· Ing ." , . Another fI.o.h has been lost-from lhe girls' da.y room . . . Probably been taken by one of those studes who work In Alaska . Anyu,ay, it's old stuff flOr tlie glrL� to have a "poor fish'· hanging IIround . . TOE·NAIL DE­SCRIP110N: Beatrice Leland 'A Torch Singer With a Sore Throatl,

IT IS WI,ISPERED That K!l.thr)'n Riggs, the little freshman from .Havre,

Montana , JUSt can't make up her mind-A! Arne. Ernie, Jasper. Bllmey, 'or Hank. Is Il fair to the rest of the coeds to let her "Havre" pick like t�at? 'I11at Esmeralda Torvend thinks that p, L. C, Is mln�' plent}' until Kayo Johnson comes back to school.

nul'. nl' and the IlerIOUSl1t:U· Church on the WHt CORst can be dis­of !In opera's Ia..�t act, IU"Id then In the eharged only 'by joint study and con-

��:�;�t.�f rr:tn ����� P�;;hO�";� ��. secrated cooper_tlon. ,

cute little bow that M'ary (or Nan�y. The la.nre group of Lutheran pastors

or Freda, or Mlnnil;l wears on the assembled voted unanlmoWlly � re­

front of her blouse. In his ey·e comes quest the College to arraoae for slmll� a wt,Uul look. whkh suggest.! �e- confe.rences In the future, Many fel� thing more, than classroom attendance. that the word conference should be You can mue fun of him, or curse his use,d rather than the word retreat, fL!'Id ancestors: he won't mln"-It's sprlna, lhat, future conf�rence� net'<! not � But he'lI rem�mbt!r It when Winter fimlfed to putorS, The COllege ,ratdully thanks thest'

vt.qUng brrthren and fathers In the Lord tor their presence. We humbly

Ch P I r:l . dan! to belle\'e &!so that they under­a e ';:I eantngs. sta�d more tully &$ a result of their \'Islt why " .. e ot Pacific Lutheran Col­

The Bible . d6es not undul}' exait 'Iege have permitted OUrSelves to say: men, b'Jt It telill the unvarnished truth "To know this school Is to love It," To ' -the good and the bad. Ood alone the' g�oryl

Like Dnnlel. WI' should be Interested ----III the welfare of our countrl' NOTICE

You and t .re not IItlt,le�m�n, but '1111'1 Women', Athletic AMoctation wh9J-ever IJO!iitloll we hold, ..... e can have hns recently Joined loe Western As­the sarne alttlude 8,\ Daniel-to !itand soct"atlon of Physlcnl Education,

"Pc: i�h::,:h:::�:::���" ::,:':�,, r' :!!E::,R�.

h�I wotic j'" we hn�',' Ugh\. $1.00 b�h

God i'lCnL prophel.<; to Israel thal they Harold E, D�;'I Co. might give '·lIght"· to people, RU$! Bldg, Lobby God ha.'l gh'en us lin eternal light, l!i .

the light leading to eternal life. '-_���;;;;;:;;��;;;;;;;;;;:;-' W, ,hou'd mok, �� 01 'h' IIgh,', rl" "";;;;;;:;;;;: �'

which God glvf'1I us, both til our ci\'U I 'f"ItD� and JOplrltual Jives. I � =---0::- _-..- '

-Prof. A. W. Ramstad, , ;' - '&.:'W,.:; .. �. . 111 the Old Testament there are about . ,

two hundred prophecies which all ap- f ply to Christ. who ts the center of aU hlstorr. The Old Testament sacrifices show that sin culminated In Him who atoned (or our ,sins,


HEAI;.TH SANDWICH 1 0. LUNCH ! Thomsen', He�lth Foods

C;;s�, w

���=��l��a�t::�:it;:�: '�! ';::::C:'Y:":":P:":K::':M::�:'k::":::�

might help man to die quietly, but not iii. !iI triumphantl)' ns a Christian does.

Prof, J. U, Xavier Do. }'ou realize the advantage 'you

have? Do }'OU realize that you can

A her the Show


�:nt�:uU;:: the world with confl- (!) 91 .3 Commerce 5t, Tkom., Wn,

dence In the midst of chR05? 00 .. TOO LATE TO CL,o\SSIFY- If we become as little children. GocI


The D. R. G. pel snail has Just pro,·en to the doubters may see fit to lead WI as a means 'Of that he·s a she , . , The animal is a pro�d parent of three he�pln8 one anot.her out of t,hese �e- " Anyt.hing in the way . . . by Jaust reports, the mo!her is doing as well as can spalrlng times. I be el{pect.ed-conslderin, the privacy she geLs " , I T===::::"'=' ;::







ad:::::Oi I QUOTE: John' Dreibelbis; 'T\'e shone In one_ respect , I �'''·''''· I of Flowers

whlle·at college, et leasL-the seat ot my blue serge pants" ' Per$Ofl.r Service All Day , All N i ght' t

, ,-:-The proposed tour of the choir by automobile has DRIVE . IN - MARKET t Anders Florist ��

I,t:a�" t



i�� I�P:n�


t,h,e. ::i)�na



Fresh F��t:At�� T�getables ,.

(l:ested that the group go by airplane . . . and then when I ' we 'arrived, we'd all ·ball out In parachutes, and soar �,., .......... ,�,�,�� .. �,��,� "G." 51. 255 So. ! J"th 51. MArn 7 1 1 3





\'ebe�a�:t�'�e���� 1[-, -"-O-R-E�A-N-D-"-O-R-E-� -r--------------:.::=---, citizens saw us, they'd know .we weren't angels ,.,. ,.,.

, , , then. after getting a.cqualnted, with us, they·d be Folks Are Coming to the Sheet Music su� ,o! It . . , To the man}' Queries: we won't travel at Musical Instrument night, d�ppolntlng as It seems , , . YOlfll have to do PEOPLE'S STORE Supplies YOW' wheezing In the daytime , . . MIRACLE OF THE Radios, Refrigerators :���t�;:�,::





n,,�� [�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�j Washers '

anything: you like, pan the deuce out of 'whoever you may, and I'll take the blame, and howl" , , , TJ>: To' the pros-ram ,e.tkr-uppers, ask ROMOLA RUST to do her ImpersonaUon Of Cl}aplln wal..k.llJr on a tramway, �r her' apin, 01 an a� swlnginr ,from stA:!m to stem on" a ship wblle scratching his dandruff.


ANYTI�E �'1ie�tfY 5436 So. Tacoma Way

I ; .

·�H II. 19�

Gladiator Quintet Takes Permanent Trophy Possession

P.L.C. WillS CUP ·Donlltt'd bv Yakima C. or C.; Lose but '

One Conference Game

' . PAOE THR.1:� !

B ... ketball, Wrestlii'g Plamicd For Mo

'mhl), -Nit., fi@" ISenior Normalites . . . Th'e ' . I 'f�ke C�ampionsbip ' . P. L.. C. .Wt; ':1 Spon�rt'd b�' thl!' ]ttl�rm.n'lI Club . •

. .


Iff • • IWO b",.tb.U "m" .m! ' .. 0 "3;-


. Girl Athletes to' 5 . Mondllo, ('\'cnln,. The main ftatu ) TIP AII �tnr. Quintet . Ch�se-n FrOj' ��r"d

.�� tI -- 3 - ling malches are " lined up for n ' _ t

\ O· f-f" " , Int�ilas.<l baskM.baf! rer girls .ca�e 3,�,:,n. ��v:,:,','n'non'S � �:n�

t \�e=: ���� ::;

e ��;�Ity�:= IQ l\,lt� �IondflY. Ft'bruary 2� when j . 0 . maple court troL�('!'s. . ' ",

':��:'�'::d '��'�::f��; c;n�.'� 8, 1" •.. ,;.; 0,,,,, Column'",' , ;:�::i=�,::�'�'': ��''�::, '��; C,�; ,,0:,�7,�::�U(�� ::�7 In i.::����,;��:;�:�:�;"��:;'


. AI- nmiounced tw .Ma�ager Et;lna .PlllYf'r PoInls Larson. Leask. and Pry!!. will play a this n'Cord of but one 'loss In three Sln,«' your rn-ul!,r columnist.. Bob Kelsc)' and Coach Adah Dapper. the · Nilsen

Total learn at all :sULr �Igh school· playe� �·ears of Conference play the P L Martln. Is so. taken up with extra cur- all·star team tor 1936 lricludc$ cen- Solie . 1"42 from 9�l1ai'd. Champions gained flnnl

. �Ion·

p. rlc�lar activities SU�h as letloers. t�rs. Thelma Ne� and. Evelyn Monson; Leask 129 The faculty learn. as arranGed by

tile trophy presented by V=a Cha:'� blondps. w�kends. etc .. I"\'e �n ask� guartls; Fredr,tcka Schlanbusch and Tommen'I",,'

.: Coach Olson. II1.U Pr()f. A. W. Ramstad. bt'r of Commuce., .The tro h ' w� to tell .about a fel'" ot"tny bl� moments Edna Kelsey; and ·fonnrds. RU�h Jensen Prof. J. O. Edwards. Dr. Haroh! Leraas. ' I cd P Y in football and basketball games duro Sollie and. Wadene Calann. Olrls who 48 . Prot. M. N. Fronk. and Prof. d. J. Stu-;:�:

t ::���d :: e7.�;�I�ceI

933 and Ing my limited. ear�r nt.P. L. C. : . N'<:t'1(r'd honorable lJIentl?n .... '{'.re �udy �� . :� en. High' .'\Choo! boys ...... ho will 5Ce_ B.C' The Gladiator.; deW)' stro�ed th: a�;:\\.:·

I;.�a:���e:�. ����


;:�� ��:.�. Joanna.

Mllnousos. and Melba Votaw 19 ��m:�n.�:O�����::IC;�v�e:�dson. nnish.lng touches to their basketball Ima J. C clashed on the mapie court Senior girls .... ·ho played tKelr last -:;:rom:on 18

In the WIT.stllng bou13 AI JalOobs .... ·111 �;:;�

pn .. \\� th:i�

h ret',�,,

'.�.m the At tht' �nd of the first half Yali:lm� 'game of Interclas.s .baskotball at .P. L. Has\'lk . "d. 16 take on Ray Reid and 8111 Cap.. .... ·tIl

... s hard was leading us by a margin of about C. are Volly Norby. Evelyn Monson 9 fight Rw., Frye . . A \\Testiln·g smoker l,


�U�ked under their ann. �g points. During thZ' half we wert. Edna Kelsey. Ne\·a.Olson. Ruth �)·en: -... bi>lng. planned f.or:March fll. ' . P . 0 be lI .nlp and tuck mformed by Coach Olson that we look. Joanna Manouso\ Gertrude Stenbf'rg. WOnt.-n Alhlf"l� 8efjtin

���al�f ��lh�

h�h:�at \�I�



so�.n�-. I'd like a bunch o.f SO.��·i\.trYlng and)Enld HUl$()rY.

. holellng the .Iong :nd or the score. 30- to pia}' this and Ibat. .After Coach Second year normalltes ..... ho tied for

Good Po�11lr.. Drivr

Z.f. wood of Centm!ia. held the scor-got that out (If hls s)'5tem. he told u�. �econd Illace Included. · Thelma_ NeS.'!. E!QS1uu..._W�sponso�

�nar.s......v.:i\:.CU,.poLu.ts......bu ? .. hat we could do th If . . r-Bt'n . . aze agm-up. Edna A. A .. WlU commenced Monday and will � rlosd�' followed by Solle and NlIst!n

c 0 ogy personified I. Much � the Sur· 'I·obilison. IreTie Odell. WlUlene, ..cala. con·t.lnu,f to Fi-Iday. Mr. Robert Hager .. !!lllylng \.1.'1\ and eight counter.; re:

prise of Yakima. ourselves. Coach. nnd \·an. Helrn SCOtt. and Hel('n HOlt_I p

hyslca) ed.ucallonp.!" dlrtctor In TR-�pectlvch'.


e ::�


o :��r���ga;� I�aml). .

·eoma schools. addressed �he ChOI)('1 ClC-The prc\'lous cvcnlng. on their own '\ . erelses this morning In eOl")necllon with

Ncw sprong �tyles Me now nere Wn,leS galore I r L

Come ,n and H'C Inern. floor. t he Gladllttor.; checked orr a,n- ��:\���hc�c:�m�I��:r ::r ��: ,;�� Diamond SliCkers \ the ··Good Posture" drive. other win. when they �cfeated the thrll! came \\'hen \\'1.' had !I chance to � . "8ecaIL�e III£' nnd the !n\ldent..� so

. C.-lien K.1mp's hl�hlr regarded Ab�rdeen aggrega- look around mtd ' Sf'e OL"On so happ)' Plan Blg League negligent In �hls phaS(' oJ their ap· ··Tne Store with the Yellow Fron.t" tion b�' the flllrl)" elo.<.(> !;Core 01 .37-25. thal h£' couldn·! talk lind Mr. Hauge . • . I�nranee and health . ..... e thought It 1 I 1 I Brwdway \\·hlch. ho\\·c\·er. cannot bc trrlng to strnlghten out his hut that For Sprlng Sea.sOl' helpful to �rgl\llll:e a drh·e."· states Mr.;. �"'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"" ...... to the relath'e strength of bolh�tenms_ had receh:ed rough treatment durIng

Adah Dapper. women·s physical educa- ".. Chct Solie dlmlnuthe for\\·ard. th£' g:une ·

With a succcs.�ful hoop season a mat- tlon coach r.,---------'--t g:l.rnered flft('en point.. .. outscorln; his During m) athletIC career I It' had ler 01 hlstor} and as such leC! to the Mar) Machle AllIla Ball Thelma I TSCHUNKO'S ll('arcst Ollllont'nt Jef!cT\ of Aberdeen but �\l;0 coaches Coach Olson and nu College hlslorlansdSports Starr) to put Daniels Valborg Norby hale been $C- HOUSE OF FlOWIRS b\ Ih"," field goals hIgh school coach Pop Keene} I clln In permanent rt"Cord the athletlcali} - leeted to head Good PO:\1ure \Vl'ek T.-com.-', Ledlnl Fl __ , Shop

A IH .... ·k earlier f'ebt\l:l.r\ 21 St truthfulh S.:I) that Ihe� 1\\0 men ha\e mmdl'd students both male And fl" ___ Buy Tacoma Made Flowers Mar-tlll s Collcge n.lso fell pre) to the dom' more for me than I cn� do\\n mille Rre marking tim£' until ,the w£'ath' l • . , S PK Ave .n 50lh GAr 0514 hlghh touted Luther.m.'i ,IS the\ drop- ):1 "ords The\ [Ire not o

�great ermnn "III gl\e his 0 K to a deflntte Quality Knitting Co. ,

�d [I r:l.thl'r .'1101\ and 1I11lnte,esting coaches but al!'.O builders of :r:�


But Opl'nlng date for t.he big sprmg sport Letter Swute" Our Spe<I.-1t, 1-- .

. :�m;5�;3 thl'


b}��'�I1��� �;P��:s

d�::�::��ttne up a.� \ elCafll�le In�:�:�:I� ��:�nl�ram Sch('duler

DAHL CROCERY CO, J share<! seorlng hOllors III tall� !ng The 1ll0S! humorolls experlen�e I elr Clift Olson ha.� repeatedly refused to 403 1 1 th St :=-::�__

U eel P S Iwell"l: and l'lCI"l'1l polnl_� :1 plecr had in the Llnfield lgnm('. t lllight co}llmlt himself to any. definite early I Member nit �mty 10tes . 1\\0 daIS prt'\IOIl�I� In St: Ittle III a <;:1\ that this Incident \\!lS 1101 � hll' SClIson start the California weather of I I GAr. 3818R5 Parld,nd

non confpll'T CI Italll� P L C sub- morous at the Ihnl but mOT(' or less the past tl\O I\ceks has rou..� the I KERSCHBAUM ��-------nl('tgt..'(\ tllP Sl'flul(' Coll<'gt' f1,,' to th(' PlIlbarrasslng I 1\ 1\.0, packing tht! ball Bo)s Dorm out of rt..� \\Inter hlberna- SUITS AND OVERCOATS I 1 tun(' of 34-23 Tim Tommcn lk .... a� through rl'tht tackh' al\(I going qultc ticn to pi illS and schl'mes and yes even For $lIe exclusivelv at I thl outst!llldhig �rortr of


Ihe (,lUling \1Icl'h I tho


ughl Imtll Llnlh.'ld s big jlf('dlct lons The unlnltlllted freshman letland & Palagruti PARKLAND CARACE In tflllllllli: I\\ellt· ]>Olnt..� fullbark hit nl� so IIl1rd Ihl1 11\1 gr ind. hears tlHk about the Nlkhl O .... L� the 912 Pacific Ave. Shell Gasohne and Od -R�cord� ShOI� thltl Parlflc Lutheran father felt \I As lu hit Ill(' n;} Iwad. CII) Slickers the R K s anti the .__ .. Dependable GrUSlng ha.� plh'd IIp ,00 polnt.� durmg Ihe gear flet\. off After 1'I'('T}·OIlC untnngled 1 ··llayst·eds Ellerg£'Ue lI\�nl1gers hA\'e , GENERAL REPAIR M'nson 111 cOlllllari.'!.I:1II With thl' 430 I had C T


" '" """",, ", " ". " " ... .. '''''' ._ ", ,." " j _ , lJ"IIlt.' :nadt· b�' confrr('llce appolnt- h£'ad and who should I st'e bllt the big span' tlnw to ·'1\'00' Hunting·' for I fullback Iylng 011 his stollll1('h \\'Ith It promising ne ..... materllli. If \\·ords will BROOKDALE I b!1t grill I 'said to hUll. ··Well. lire you �·It .1 a pem�l1�t. then it lOOks a� If the BARBER SHOP p��!�Ptf:."

S���:i�S . . LAUNDRY AND ;�




.��:C�·a:�::·e� S:;�

h� re�;,I: fu����:y �:�

e;lU�� II�:�� WELCOME STUDENTS Di����tc�fL�::r Fb7�1


S'����':! I:�il: ··bh( fullback W!,O �:I�� �.

e'��·II:.I::�� .. rOI:�I:�d ��� th.�V��;� ----- Cor. ��


At Extremely Low Prices was thc better man I laid nil our lint'- Bully."' Peanuts Larson. lind Clift ··LIl· �.. • • , III •

AL ARNE School

th£' gnm!.' WIIS o\·er the ollly thing he Sllckerl'."· IIlthough somewhat In R j M Brookdale QrI Mountain � . . . ...-tIll..... could smell ..... M the smelling s.fI.lts. alld IfIllddle beclIl.f"<.e !10m£' of th£'lr best l Hignw,y l +- A R C H·E R ' S """'II:"'"

TACOMA'S LAUNDRY It dldn·t hurt me a bit. because I was j)11I}'f'r� are mO\'lng Into the Dorm. . CArland 381 1 J5 . ! C"ND���HTsg�&����TAIN

playing .'illf!' tit the safel}' 1)I)�ltlon some nel'ertheles.� rrfuse to be' ··skeered" by � yards from Hcllon. lht' loud talk of some of their rivals iii ... : ... ....................... �

. 38 17 South Yakim, GA. 9643 . Pantorium Cle,ners

men thllt he slug�ed me. I1nd before Abner" OI.�OI\ In th£' van. Ttle "City � Brookdale Lumber Co. 1 r--------�'-] /iO"==========iii :l.1�1�l


bea:·I:�I�·g ���

h e:�h��

ea :v

e� _______________ � ;,����������I

r Parkland Barber �hop ,r �Ix lellm league. ·dependlng upon At Your Service- lil. i Parkland Mercantile Co, Pltr1)fli .. Unfon a.-rller S"ottl ��:�e;l:.�


ll�l; tU:�t ��:�: s��:� t!: with f E��r��:! ���il�:.'r;hoto G. p pa����:s���:.rop. �or�;l o�

lg�lt �:��=onne�. P��� �Re� Experienced Craftsmen Parkl<lnd

Bonnadele Beauty ShOI) , CA. O I 45-R-2 ' Service �"><:.. • ...... ifj anne 11 t e",:-- �rm y a merger 0 ern ype aces i Supplies. Prompt end Courteous [!I. �=========si!I I d I h '� b I Mod T F

:::=:::::::::::::=.:;:::::;:==;1 ' MOUNTAIN _ BAR � �:r�:a��d�""�;� ��t�:���Sg ,::e����� \ Adequate' Equipment Al l ����Sa�:�:a��v�ork


�n�E B������ . a:��h�'��I��� i :�:u;J\�:�'"' h£' states. "and we wel- Alistrum Printing Co. Evenings (by app't. )

TENNIS RACKETS BROWN & HALEY � Be that as It ' may be. (his opening 940 Commerce Creetinl C�rd. for All .Occasion. �o:E ��:: � ....... "'"."""" .... ".""" .. " .... ".,,,, .... .. " .. ""' ... � :�:;a!:y �� �:

b:!t ��;:�t1:�I�u��

the diamond. with hosUUtles scheduled I ... ___ .....:. ______ �=========: . to .!tart during the latter part of thl.s I' . month nnd continue i.� the mIddle of May wIth onl)' a "vogr Yorgenson" da.r­Ing to take his lite in hi.!! hands to the

WAsHINGTON �I . extent of ... enturln(/: to predict a Wlll-



BROOKDALE CROCERY AND MEAT CO. PHONES: GArland 0101J4--GAriand 0193R3 Croce.ries. Flour. Hay:Crain • . Feed, �tc •

STRENGTH - CHARACTEk - SERVICE When you buy your life insurance consider these factors: the reputa­tion of the company. the character of i ts manage

rrg�d;�:dd the service

WE INVITE-YOUR INQUIRIES CLIFFORD o. OLSON. Parkland. Washiogton Represenlinl


... Hardware Co.. RuSI Bldg. MA;n 4493 ! +--_' _9_2",-.4_P_a_c_if_,c_"'_v_e_. _� '"" "",;" ... "",,, .. _ .......... : ................... ............ J IL ________ --,-'

.608 Second Ave. S. Herman L Ekern.· Pres.

MinneapolIs, Minn.

r I


. MAnCH 11, 1936 A Saga Ca. rnival W.iD Junior C,Q.llege C. h. ahlD, ion, s • � for.'T,hi,r, d· Consecutive ""'Year Suller Heud. Gcrn�un . F· . ', ' . Club VrCSt'.ltu'lOlI t..:a�1 Be GIven AprIl 24 ' ' Enid Hutson Cho:"<'n Gcner:ll '

('ommilll't' HcOld; Rooth . Chairmen· :":nmed

F'rld·.r night. ,\prl] 24 l� the date J . .. dl' ,lult'd for I IV' :1ll11llal Sag:i Cnr- I nnal ''\'hl('11 I .. h ... ld · In the l'Oll<'gc t:�·mn:l.·I'llll Th,' n�:'.IU f(':lt:lfl' <11 thc

" 1 0'1\1111: II III b .. tlw l'auo('\,il1l' floor .. !.nw . R;n JlIII<!"rl!r. 11110 will �, Ihe "reIlI'SII:! It':\{il"r. hal> , b("CIl n:\II\OO ;\Ia'\ " t of C"r" lI�ullh'." (,,(' Ih" {,\·t'mlll; . Till' c{'llt'r:01 l',,;nmIIH'" Il,anll'd ih Tilt' Stud'l)t CI'J\lI1{'ll til ("i>mIlWIll'l' Car-

1:llal li�I'll.1\":lt lon.� .I nfilldt,� Ellld Hut· ·on. Jl1d� 8'·1\.0,(\n V,'rn KnU!$on.

Cht',t" r Sl"I!�t :lllC'l ' ;\bn.:al"f>! Ror('m tn ,u'('f'lrrl:,h('\' \\I:h Ill!' eustlllll of

;J" ' II1l! n1<l111 boolh� lilt' f'll!oll'lng Iwad rlla.rm, n ar',' ll:lmeC'l fortun(.' I('!tillg, Iit,mola Ru�t, I)(':lno. Hal J(,h­i'II'''l!. !lOll ... ' of hOrTon< \V:tlt Selma­. ll('nlx'n:, phrf>lloIOl!l'l , F'rrd Sutler:

"Karl Hat Zahn.sehml'l"U'll. ctl!ttll.(t

b}' Mrs. EJlI�R�th Holm', Bondy, WI" presented 1Mt nliht In 1�l1th!lu . .".. sty 1

. In ttu' colle-ge �Pllol1 room Ftr Sutter portrtt)'t'd Knrl. till' \(':10'

Thl'lmn Dnlll('l� nnd Non,..:1 Pr" II'

pll\�'ed thf' rolt! pI the r�o �1�I�rs Mhl(. Rud EminA. Tlu' Plitt (\{ Kflrr� aunt 11'n..o; pOrtrAyed by "tllth John�nll

�r:lr�' MllChh.' wall Morn I\.� Orunrrt 11\0' 'Cook ; WIlIl:om Zirr. !l r('�ld('llt 01 Park· land, took the plIl'�ol Dr KrRII.'-f' Jo· hIm. Kn,t!'s frlcnd was IXlrtrap,'d hI JIl�r. , ·

The Grrm!l!l club Is pl:Hll1ln� n 'll11. parly 10 the Grrman rum \'0. bl' 1)(1" �cntrd :I: "he T<'llllllc thl':ltl'r IW-.:t S�I'

r;"'.'· nlg�,�

____ . - -Jlln'ior tt.'agm·rs PIau

Third AllIn,HlI Pf'fl1l�' Fail'

A I !

W� Wish the Choir �... I �prin),!' ':atal!on Ol'�n:;; A StttC'(>ssful Trip , , . - j ' , Wl'clnl'sday, April �

==-:-:-__ -'� ____ PACIFlC LUT�ERAN COLLEG�' E:-__ ������� VOLUME TWELVE P.ARKLAND, WASHINGTON, MARCH 25. 1936 6" . . NO": '1 2

. Dramatic Club Names Opera For . May Perfonriance

Tr:,'outs Rl'in),!' Condu('�ed Tod"" For Ca.o;t of Cha�a('ters '

Pt-iday �'I·el1lng. Mar 8. the Drama Club wi!l prc,<.ent "Joan of the Nnncy L('('." a comic -opera 1Il two acts. at the ' tol,!cge gj· Mr. Keilh Reid, Dram;! Chlb nd\,ist'f. will conch the

I'rof. J. 0 .. E,lwartl, Fori-)\si�!-.!\II�CI I� Held Aga inst S. P. C.�'

Last Debate, Will . nt· · With U, IIf W . Frosh Two P L. C, f\cbate teams will mcl'! I rhe Scatlic �CI!IC College deb,lIon at

Scattle thl� art<"rll001l Mltr) and Margaret Harem 1\111

II �rr.


all the n('galh e $Idc



Elwslrom ArrunKes l-�tlJI t:horus ' To Trlin') til' Bu� Printlt·:blr!! . . Choir of the We$t" lenl'l's Fri-

---DtodUCtlO�\� __ .

I Tuesday, April 7. George BI'ockwar, EHtabeth Friis. Delbert Bre"Semann. rmd

call test Jw� [res�in!l-n of WashlngtQn,

. at 12 '30 o'dock for tt\l'.aimual con­tour_ Extcndlng ol'er a, ]lert� 01 wel'k�, thl' itinerary includes. east· Wnshingloll. lI'estl'TIl �dnho, �cl .

) i \ 1 1 i· i I \ I ,I, I

MIl�IC for th(' OP(,NI was compos('d b�' Louis Woodson ' Curt.i�. 'dir�'Ctor of music_ in�t�(' bes Angeles pubHc school -·.�..I"�terr._ and Agnes Emile Pcter.son

Il:;Oott' the' libretto. The cast, of char • . ;!etl'r� I� large, Tryouts (or singmg parts arr bl'llli! held today 111 the re. C'rp!ifJll room; Mr� Lora B. Kreidler. :'>frs. Adah Dapper. and �(r. Keith RI'ld will sel{'CL the cast of \'ocnl pam ' from thl: tryout. TIlO,"C studer-Its ' to be given th{'.�r pnrt.� \\'111 probnbly bP nn.

r-fonday -1"Ifternoon the last home d('· __ ---,---,-_---,-___ _ I b'atc waS Ilelel lIgalnst Se�ttlp. Pacific ��

I��:�I"arg�:;'1�li�� :�Ii���at�:.�

d n:;��� Progralli :,1 Kiwani!"i ( :1111,

Elizllbeth Friis and Tltelm:t\OanieLs, ' ' ---Cut, Courtes): Tacoma

. Times , whll!' James HUT'Sen .and Angl'�J ,'-t ;I\(' wt" 'kl.r dinnl'r of. Ihe South

Will rti""t'l Choir appnranrf''' in llano meet till' P. L. C. affifmatll:e TaC(oIIla Klwams club to be held this annual ronel'rl 'lour 1('(1111. which 'is cqptprl.SCd of D<'lbert I r,·t'nillg �t 6:30 (;'clock. PaCific L,uth-

Brl'scm;!nn and Fred Suiter. <'ran ColIl'gr will lurnlsh the program nOllllceel by Friday G.t'rnHIIl \Vrih'r Atl(lrt's�t.� The Q\H".�'ion for drbate.� t!ll� Yl'ar i� II!1e1rr till' din'clion of Mr Ppul A Prl'-()��i;:l��::; :\II:iC�

h;0�:Cec��P�117iT���� i Pa('j fj(, LullH'r;w Grnll» tllll::�:� .

. b:�I:\II�O��;��;� �����

I:�),I::�:� � USMlr


e���.e�trom will speak ubolll

lisll genlll'man II"ho. has bl'l'n exiled ' Dr Fr{'d{'l':CI(�\'lsnl's! . heac! of I to uI'pf\ulc c!�cislon.� I,nade by the .�u. 1

1 tlte "Cllolr of thl' West'" a�ld Coactt C. ,

from nls native country for political Ih,' O,'rman c!l'partnlt'nt at thl' Unlvl'r •. prt'nll' court - Prof. J, p' . Pflueger. O. OJ�on .1$ to talk 011 P L_ C. nlhl�" reason.". and because his sll'rrtheart _ . Philosophy nnd Chrlstln\llty mstructor. alld til{' ImlJ-emling trip of ttl{' bll�kl'l­Jilts him for the trenchprous Lord �g_ ��!i� ��1 \�����!I�������



� ha.� coached tht! teams in. Ih{'lr prac. : ball It'l1m 10 the middle II"t'sl -

i)l'rt. he bc'comes a pirate. Sir Richnrd m;!n Club m'�:tillj.: Ileid l:lst IIIght9�--....,\Ic{, VPfll Klluttt!1l is chairman. of till' C�mden. :'I.� he L�, cnlled. become$ Cap- Th" SIW!lk<'r I� th,' author of 111(' Gt'

�r- debat" ('lub. '---- Gym Class Will Ulm Dick Of. the Nancr LeI'. the pirnU'\ mlln U'XI wllicll IS u�d In tll{' PaC; ic barge .. Dunng till' courS/.' of el'l'nt� . :"'utllpratl -hl!,!ll schOOl dl'partrlll'nt E'-I<�cllch Cluh Inh'lI,ls G'ive Dance Drama .��:



IP ;;:httle('a:r��

1m' al.'n 1\"T1! tt'n st" 'l'ral oU)I'r �tJ \ / TH Pr('scnl ShHrl Pla\' EI17flbf'lh FnlS lI'I1S In rharge of mn .. ' ' n ' s ' E' h t the stor

.r - L� Quite changed slclII program llllmbl'rs Syll'ja M1Jl{'r�\ . Ln-SZrp"n,'e -;-�ore," n on,'-'1n

1 a !-I{'�r�sr

in tI-r:;e\�'pS;:tatl,I�f' een

-nw hst of charncll'rs IS long. (md Alier Cook. :'Ind Mildrl'd Larson' �ened l '«";11'11' cxel'lIent I'(}('al I�arts are lnclud- rt'{rt'�hn,� t<)nll'dy. \I·tll bl' pf'escntt'd by mem�r.; : Perrormllnrp :1 Ira\"<, for p (""l't\l1'1\ trip to t>ark�

Pel . The tenor ' par\.' Includ{' Jerry. n ------. ��r���l�:I'I::h E�:;ll�'r

ln ��;g:�:;;.


.: Pre5CllIi!l� a ]l�gram of mUSical in. I c��:�r� ��

e�e�'� ��,��


���7t�rl:;�b�etl'�I�:� \h�

t���i�� b��

w�o�� ' Senior Class Play c;pnt ' terprctllllol1, the sixth period girls' 1 church and In the el'enlng aL Rel'_ H

Prol �iehd N Franck. eillb .:,<h:is,'r. ph.l·siml I'ducatlon class will perfonn


,' Stllb·�. Monelay. April 6. Re .... A. K.





d;:��::� Title Is Selected Will dln'ct the pln�'. The cast will bp �Thursday el·ening. April 16 . . Mrs. Adllh I Vlnjl' will be in charge or a concert at

�Ingin!: tearhcr; IInc! Sir Rlchllrd Cam- :lllnnUI1("'c! at a later datl ' ' ' Da]Jpl'r. din'ctor of !<:irl�' athll'llcs. L� his choreh in Everelt. TueMlay a coil-

(kn or Ca])lain Dick of the Nailer LPe, Dal,pl'r "'ill Din't't!:l' ('a�t ----- .�lIpf'n'i.�lng th{' actil'ity cerL I� .'\.Cheduleo for MI·. Vernon under

the 'ma!p lend Edward Brinkley. the Of ('har:tt'tl'rs Rpl}()r/�'" (;1'1,'1 'n,pr,l;if!U' co�:��\\::� b�,




a��1 l�l� ' �:;lsdl;:;\I�� ;:n:��d�

a:lf 7�:1��11�:;;

��:���o��"1.:��I��.t:I:�i�;i:;;t��:t��I�·a�II��: 011("1' Then' Wl"'� " Pnnc,'��. '''TH- (ll f o,.,,,er AI" 1 pa,.hf·" orchc.�tra lI"ill pIny the Ill"f'lude. alter I a.� follow�: Wt'dllesday, Belllnglulm,

Illratt' �"h's lire also baritotll's. Pil'e --- . II"hich the class wtll partirlpflte In " The 1 1l1'1' J Ton'nl Norby'� charge; Thur.s-

'1I1,1I'T Illrat!'� \\"111 c!o �roup singing �_:"::II b::'I,,�.:I;�'1 f��.ll\)t\:�" :;:::::�

klll1�I'I::�; \\"�.�\�::���d :�':ll�� d��:�I.� N;�;�

����r � .:l\(;�I'�·\It�·:::

I:�IIIB;��c����1 n�i�.!\I�!:�� � �.��:. ��Ik::=�

. :e��·��·J.


RY�:i�:�-. • r,,��;lllll�a�I;I"I�I���I'-��ad:�'n

�Oll�I��;I1��� C::b_' play ",hldl Will b(' pH,�pn!ed May k!lo('k '\"lIS ans\\"l'red b�' our frwnd Mr ' bl'r. '-Tn a Wilel Hosl' '' "The Ballroom rhe printl'd pI'ugr!uII' of conccrt--num­

twin bridesmaids; Dolore�. a young 31 CliO,..." Nlgh( Mrs. r\elab Dapper, H,dm�'s He IS wl'll·lmown to mo.�t of I DflnCt·" IIlclutl{'.� S),II'la Miller. Judith tJ,'rs il\cllides tltree groups. The rtl"st

t-:"Irl: anc! Hl'lIrll'tla. th�' maic! to Lady I 'hl'swal ,'rhll'"l\i"n dirl'ctor. Will coach I·",t. hl!! to !\ome hI' Is not fft!lllhar H�'s I Bl'llson. Thelhlfl Danlel�, Anltn Ba.l1. s('l('ctlons Include "The 81'Irn Also tlt� p;'," " 1l 1 'I !'tOiI Trvou\s [01" Pllrts la1l1l'r n .'llnrl man wllh. n lont-:" nO\\,III� •. <\ldn Jolm,'oll. and LouiSl' Wi1lil!.m,�. I Hrlpl'\h US': by J S. Bach, "0 PiIH e\

.. ��"1.I:�I:UI'�:;I:�{:. I:n� �::.� :�i�;:mca��� :m' b" II;" I�" ld (hi.' u·ftt.n�(xlll m tl1�

!l"�IW and a .�m!.!.!! "oatel' HIS hllir " 'Thl' Ildul:l'e.�" will bp portrayed by i Filiae" by VOlckona Leh;r.i!lg, "Christ-n'n'pllOn room.

1" . bt'emllI18 !n11� allc! hI' ha.� tl\{' rllc!· I Anlla Bl)l! . Thclml1 N{'I'>.�. EllId Hutson" l llllt"" Lul!llby" by Wolfgang Mozart. " 'ill 1tp]ll'ar in gmUIJ slng!1l1: til enm]lll'xion or 0111' who 11R� .,«,(,11 1\ I Wadenl' C:"II:wan. J!'all Armour. find "Agnus Dei"' !Ind "He is Blessed" by Tltr �pl':lkhlJ.:" eharflcters art' Sir Wntt,'n 111 Ihrt�' att .... and pl"f'cpded j!"rr.llt deal of lw�lthflll utth'lty dunng ' Thelm!l Danlels_ H('dl'lg Dahle and I AUJ.:u.q So<i(.rman. Group two is -com.

Pet!'r LI'Y!OIl, Lord , Egbert M?r1imer. by n proIOI;\I('_ tllt" ·play !� 1\ del'l'r como ! hi.' lill' tlmp Milclr('d Mot1�oll will figure in "The' pr.lsl'd uf "P�olm Tv.·cnty.Three" and ' :Illd :t S]1(1!1i�1t !Iobl{'woman rc!y. Tht, plot el'ntl'r� around the I F'i��1 hI' c!1�phl�'ed ,'<Ome of !lIs marinr Dllncing Dol l " Thelma Daniels. -No- "Tis !I Good Thin " b' DireCtor Jose h \'Ollllg pnllcl'SoS II'ho nflrr the death of I ral1l1i\!II!., They wcrl' \){'a�ltiful ! Per· I'cll(' N!I!,!:1'1. Louise WllliPtlls. EI'elyn 0 Ec!�·r.rdS. "Chl� I }come on HO�"

P f Pfl .(, . ,,:'11 S ,, 'k lwr I'nnCf' hll�banc!. rrturm to !wr lIaps thl� !.� du(' to .thl' f(lct Illal they : El'klunt1. Judy Benson. and Louise bl' F i\{ Chrlstllln�n, and '"U's Me, 0 ro ' . �H I"'( .r I _: IH .I h�I:II' \()wn 1Il t�\l' ,

U,niled ,Stat('ll wi!h 1 11a\ 1' alwar� bN'n hiS fa\'orite and !�e IHendr!rk,�nn will gll'e the inter]lrct:HIOIl L'ord" b;' Noble C�ln

On W,·ltart· Hour �utHla\" I ILI�IHlOns ,,[ lllmg " qUl�1 hf{'. ;nle i� nbl,' to expres.� his tl\uugMs 111 hiS of "Val5C Tri.�te." . .

__ . - I jll'opic make cxtravagflnt plans to wei· 1 br\l�h Also living on the Atlantic hilS 'The G!lrIAnd," Intcrpretatlng Grleg's sl'�'hI�\l:::�:lr��U��be:c�:� a�e�:�L�,�:��

PrO[I's..'<Or J P Pflul'g{'r will be the I C ]flJ(' l'oYlllty, but




quiet, \In�um.· '11{'fl n laSting


imprl's.�lnr. upon him I "To Spring" will include Mildred Mon- I ' . ' . "

llIain SI)l'nker of the LUlh{,NlII WelfAre Ing way In which stll' lives furnishes Most of his plclllr¢s arc taken from I �CIl. Loul� liendrickson, Sy'l ... ia Mlllcr, �.I�I���f!:��I�:;·" �:o���:��:l:; :a

b ... ��;.:. Society Hour 10 bP h .. ld next. Sunday, I I IlI' mOI"!!m('nt of the dramll. There

Ilhe tnll' eXP

.E'rlence and later rCCl!.lled El'elyn Ecklund, Novelle Nagel. Hed ... lg· ' ,

. . ' .

Mnrch 29. a:'(' tw� love .�Iorles \II1'olved. thAt of :"Inc! pninted He also lot'es to pAint I Dahlt,. and Eula M!le Goff. EXira Numben Learned Mr. F. H. Krug will provide the l·oca.1 1

thl' prll1ce&� alld her childhood swcct- I the rugljed mountains. • Felllurrd. ill "Plerrot and' PielTettel' j The chOir Is prepared to sing "Marlen

numbl'r.\ for the progra.m. His ac�om. 1 h�art. Phil Lennox, and the litormy lo ... e I . A Iitt!1' of hL� ]lrevlous life may be Rrr Eni!1 Hlltson and Wadell!' Cal!lvan. Lied:' II. German number, "Den Star

n�nll':'t Is not elt'flnltel,· known as �.ct. I ·'ffnlr of the . t�'en,ty ),('ar old Ruby· told .In a few words. He lived 111 Con· Anit!l BAil Ifill be the central figure in HOlde Flok:: a Norwegian song. and

The organ 11"111 be Pla.

}:rd by Mr. C: A. ' Bord


and MIIL�1l D ,<\rcY_.

nectlcU! a� II child and later mOl'rd to . "K:lml'inOIl" Owstrow," Ilnd lone Mad. 1 " Flref!k�:: 0' Ru,,;.:.,lan fOlk. sollg.

Pallet I Thl'rc lire 1!lght speaking roles and CAlIfo.mll'.. . His ramU)" mOI'ed to 1 S<>11 will �]\1g "Smilin' Through." I The chOir ;J-l"rsonnel Is as follows: 80-____ Ihree non·spe!lklng parts f.or women. Wa�hmgtoll m 1882. For thl' P<.1st forL�' . 'Dletllla NI's.� and 'Wadene CJ\la\'all Ipranor;, Margaret Crafl. Catherine Kit·

Prof. Edward� AnnouncC!"i I :1:���,�����el�E'�'�� tr:�n�::;� �;���ta�� I �:�.:��:::�:


h�: l:�t :�'� o�


e� :��n


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h:ll:n!l��� ���;�u

g!:� ��

i:�" ��:1:71InS)�,t=:��'M���� =;�:

Piano Rt�cilal Pracli('(�� fl'male char'�ters Includc Mrs. Boyd, cific �utheran Collcge. u\lr own Doc· HE'len Lilja, Enid Hutson, Thelma Ness. son, 10lle Madsen, VIrginia �a ... l!i. Jen-__ _ I Wh� IS abo�\t forty ye�r.; old; Rub}' ler TlIlI;eLs,ta� wa� then a student al l and Aida Johnson will perform the IllY Bardon, Mlldr� .La.r5Cn, Alma $to·

Pillno studellt.� of Prof. J. O. Edwards ! llo}d, the }oung girl y,h� Is pictured �, L: C. Al\\nys---elen .as a ehlld'PIII�t- l llesthetic "Scarf Dance." Icc. Thelmn pallle!s, Aida Johnson,

will be presented In a reciW,i to be lin the se(IQndRr�' lo\'e role; �Rzel &oyd, JIll; has been predom�nfl�t In hL�· life. MllrgareL Rorcm. Mary' �achle, Novell

glvcn Frlda�', May 22. II t ..... elve year old; Mrs. Seaver and Mrs. In Tacoma he �tudled unde.r ..... ell· N . L D R �1

- ,. won Nag�l. AIIOS: Helen Lilja, ElizabcUl

Norma Preus, Joseph Running, Peggy Purrington, neighbors of M;rs, Boyd. "no\\;n artists as' �tewart, Rolhns, and ext . " .' eelln o I Stuen, Esther Norgaard. Sylvia. !"filler, DoI'oth�' AndE'rson: George' TIle cast involves four male';, MyeL Through som.e of their ..... eak- Be Held at Haug.! Honle_ J,ud� Benson, Hl'len Holtcamp, Irene

Brockway, Dorothy and Mhur Larson Phil. Lennox, the male .lead; Milton nl$St's he Improved hiS o ..... n method of Odell. Edna Tobla:;on, EI'ely� Monson,

1�'1I1 meeL with Prof. Edwards In the D:A.,rcy. a tW(,llt}"-YE'ar old:· Mr� �Yd, painting. \�ith Mn;. A. W. Ramst-ad and Mrs. Voliy Norby, Valeria Moencke, Norma

studio tdda\', for the first .scheduled who L� about fort)' years old, alJd Sig- Mr. ,!:!olmes remarked, ."E ... en. though Philip E. Hauge w; hostesses. the L.D.R.. Preus.

]lractice. which will commenCe at four nor Moroni. who appears C#lly i� � a studer.! has graduated from Art ..... 111 m�t Thursday �ftemoon, April Tenors are:� Arnold Anderson, Uoyd . o'clock. pr:���:t.S eUgiblt to Lry out are third-' ��:I��I��t� �a:'l��\�:�


h��� ��u


30 o'cl

ock M

the horn

e of Mrs, :::-'\O��rgAt'�l1.'Jt.a���:�' St::�

VACATION RECESS year normais. gnlduatlng me�bers of man)" �cars to come' so that I �ighL PrOf. J. P. pflueger. college" illstruct- Bob Monl;()n. 'Basses: Ray Hlnderl\e, th.,. junior college department, and learn more. [or It seems as the da�'s go or, ' will be the speaker tor the after.- Harold O'ConnQr, Rolph BoLst.Q(,t Oary

Spring ... acaUon, commFnces Wedne�- se1l10f\of the 'hlgh schOOl class. - bY '1 find myself thinking. "juH how n001l. Further program numbers l_n- Pflu;:gI'r. Otis Grande, Kenneth Anen· day afternoon, 'April 8, at 3:30 o'clock, JudgE'S' at thli tryout.s are Mrs. Lora much do 1 know about art?" A true eiud{' a vloHn solo by EVelyn"""'5yverson. son, Vern Knutzen, Or\tiJIe Schlan· . and classes will be resumed Mond;Y B. Kreidler. Mr. Keith Reid: find Mrs: nrtist. >;\'111 be Interested In on\ or two 11 reading by Eleanor Raudebaugh, and bU8Ch. Waller Schnackenberg, Edwacd mor,ning, April 13. Adah 'Dapper, rConUnDed on Pare 4) a I'ocal solo b�' MlldrE'd Monson. Machle, _Clyde Grlmst?dt .


n7���C--�--�7'�'�'>�>�� J -� P�G,E TWO

,; , / � fT �.,cri'lc WTl!\RAN ,CCh.LEGE: P."'KLAN? WAsHINOTON MARCH " . ! ;,. - ,

) '==�rn=I='=m�=='==' =�====��L�ig�h�te�r�T�ha�n'�����'��y���o�W�e�Il�D�ay�H�?�O�;�' ��PM='�X�Y:S�C�O�H�NE�R� W I' ",onrlUg � ... �t · . 6 Skin R." Wild .n · "� . - ."," .. , . Publtsh� t\'try� n .. o " .. tea dunn, "the school ,.� ,Al'r '" " I � . I' . . - . 1\ ' . has mlln>: ot tht'lJI Alld thertot n are by the students ot Pactflc Lutheran Collere, :', '''prOl''plu alIce glad. . . ' Of!tCt': Room 115 Telephone: GArlnd osn • . . "The Choir of the wt'st" ""Ill be OU

� Subscription PTice-$l.OO pet nat R\' 80B 1\IQSSOS \;>, " Th�)' �e\'t'r COme back!"-Thls hoary pod .. '1Il ambRSSlldora to the Inland EntC'red as �nd c]&S5' matter. October 2. 1925, at <),. tit ot dOI".in"tlc· 5('(lrn which ... hyper- Empire. on the spring tour, berlnnlni

the Ofnct' 8t Parltlahd, WlWUngton. IS W� \' OF PASSJ:\'G- crll!('n"1 \\'orld has' hur'l� D.t Its sports March 27, Surt'ly our heart's .fond, , F'trst of all, did yo� tilt youf'quota of raisins and Sl,ftpl� 5"lnrs of another day, �'as riddled and wlYles go with these,earolers C?f Chris. under the Act ot Man;:h 3, 1m,



BOYS' SPORTS' EDITOR - - Bob Martin omL.S' SPORTS.' ,EDITOR El1za.beth Stuen FEATURE EDITOR Connie Clumb TYPISTS - Irene Odell. Marie Lien COPY READER - _ _ _ Lenore Withrow SPECIAL WRITERS - Jack Odey, John Orelbelbb.

Bob M?nson. .. R!.�RTER.S-Margaret Laf'S("n. Thelma DanI�Is, E\Vft Bergman, �ricka Sch!anbusch. Nonnan .P'r)'e. Russell Frye.


8U&I:\,ESS STAFE 8USI�ESS �tA.NAGER F'rlthjof Tayet ADVERTISING J\1ANAGER - JCl!,ll-M:lri{' F'olli'ler CIRCUI...,\TIC>N MANAGER M:ltgnret Craft CIRCULATION ASSISTANTS Ramoh Ru,<;t.

KnlhT)TI Andl'r�on AD SOLiCITORS - £llUlbcth F'r1l.5. Enid Blllke.

Alice Cook. Rubr Moon' FACULTY ADVISERS - N, J. Hong, O. J, Stuel,



l I'ollor is <In l'.'H·I:III'nl lrait. I n busi ness it� �nt'nlls Irc':l tin� tilt' olll('r ('lIo\\' righ t : III home � I 1IIl'IIns sl'lr-r�'sl)\'d anrl hmll('"..duly; ill sporls II Illt'ans plnYlllg Iht' ,gnllu': in sehoul. selr­I'('sped, fai:llt,ss. hOIlt'sty. s}lurtsmnnship.. It Illt:nns pln,vlllg Ihl' J..(!lIlIt' as i t should h(, }l1:1\'('<I. II IS n fl)(' In dlt'lll ing: it rt'I/nin-'s Ihat lesl� he IlIl-.:t'l\ (ail''''. square h'. hurtt'slI\',

1 1 1 111111' a'lIe! du'nlilig m'e III Ii l'IIIlI I):lniIlIlS in lilly wny. I I IU10r huilds j.!Otlti dl1lt"adt'r: d1('al­illJ.! h�'l'al-.:s. ii , e!I')�\·n . . The III�" neal,'s a favor. ahl" Illl prt'SStoli. ",.lult- Iht· u!lIl'I' :In tlllfnYor� alii" . Tht, 1"01'1111'1' is or !-!I't'al tlSt· afl" " scholll has I"" 'n l'oll1pll'lt'd: the lalkl' I,'nn's 11 stnin 1 1 011\11' .!..!iws sl'lf·rl'spl·d. hut cheating CIIII� ,h-l\�

1!�. TiPI"]1' Il'an's the eOllst'iPlll'l' fn'r' (rulI1 nil lItJUI·�·. "lain, 01' tII-fn'ling, Wllilt' dwullll < l hlnd,.,,,s Iltt.' soul. OIH' ma}.;�'s a man oul I1f � ,voulh, a �\'oll �a r� I1Ut uf a young girl; Iht, Ill hf'I' �p(·I�k.<o; (If dll ltllShlll'SS .111t1 \'\'t' ll I)all\'ishm'ss I n , :,1 wOl'd. hlllHll' is gnod; dwaling, liat!, .

I h�' honor s�'sll-l1l, can'fully I't'gufalt'd anti pl'adlsl'd, might ht, I!st'd willi fa\"lIralrlt' I','stdls :11 Pacific I.ulheran Collegl'. I n lilt ' first p'I;.H't:, !t \\,llulll I't'll'tl\'r' a l l pI)ssilll!' n'slriditlll allli !t·lt\·I' Il1t, mimi fn't' and I'Il'ar. Tllt'll, too. it would tTt'alt' 1','sIWt"! ill tlh' minds of the pupils for tht, 1I':l<'hl'I'. ;\10.<0;1 impol'tant <If all. ho\\"­t'\'I'�', 1111' hOIll.lT' syslr:1lI \\'utdd tll I'O\\' Ihl' pupil " n lll"l'l� 1111 IllS 11\\"11 ,'('spt Illsihjlih·. I t \\'(ltlill lIU1kl' 1 t �"'11 I't'alizt' Ihat i f 11(' \\"isilt'tI In III'('Ilk �1.i IllSt,": hy dll'ating. tlml was his I'ri\'i lf'gt .. and II lit, \\'lsllt'll to I'l'iain his st·lf-n'spf'l'I. Ihlll, lOll. \\'IlS his }ll'i,·i!t'gt'. II \\"I)ul<l shll\\, h i m Ihal tlll're i.' a, dirrt'�" 'IU't' 11t'1\\'(" 'll righl anti wrong by l ot'l"lI�g hJln III n'ly f'lllin'ly upon his (1\\,11 ('{)flSt·lt'llI't· . In oillt'r words, tilt' hOllor S\'slt'llI, ('tII'I'l'dl}' applit'd, Wlluld mak(' studt'nts' Illore splf-n'lianl, s('lf-l'onsl'ious Ilf truf' !lllli'als, 11101'(' sl·/r-I't·slwding, and hf'fh,;1' Splll'tS.


'11(' mort' nrl'hcolngists d.ig. Ihe more' Ihe\' tIlH'O\'('1' what is uf evident lise i n religion. One of IIw latesl rinds arc six ancient lahlels of hing X(,I'X(,S of PI'rsill, dug up in Iran, Persia. aue! wl,kh I'('\'('al the ('xten t uf his kingdom. the 1'('l igious uprisings o( Zoroaster. and the re­ligi��tls s�'nlim('nt of Ihal �ge,

Kill/-!" X('n:('s' empire. as indicated h\' the new Inhl!'ls. indud('(1 Assyria. Babylonia, EJ.lSpl. POllins. �lcdin. part of Greece, land exlen(iing It()rthcost beyond modern Afghanistan. sQulh. ,'asl to the Jndus river in India. and northwest Ihrnugh ,most of Asia Minor, And nol onl\' t{lis, hut these various countries \"('ere firm I)' \\'I'lded log('ther-weld('d into the greates.t em-pir(' o( ancient times, � , .

The lablets ohm reveal the fact that 7..orooster. who held n monotheistic view on rcligi'on. was til(' father of a religious uprising that had im­portnnt Ix-nring on Persia, Zoroaster. it is re. \'t!al('(I, ha(� evidently been influential wHh Dar­ius t he r.rcat. ��r.:\':es· father. and' as a conS('- . (ItI('n('c ZoronslnalHsm gained fa\'or: when the SOil CIlIllC to the throne, Xerxes himself crush­ed the enemies o( Zoroaster when they made nn efforl 10 reslirrect their old deities.

Such (acts arc jnleres�in� to prescnt--day ob­s<>rvers l>Ceousc Xerxes IS often' identified with King Ahasuerus of the Book of Esther i n the Bihl�. ' TIle new finds. therefore. only doul;>l.e the tnteresl of thtH book .and fulh' \\'erify its t('achings, . '

today? , ' , We don'� \\�n�oJle reading this column rl'fllted �a reJuvenated band'of "has lion cheer and deep devqUon."

, ���o

,I� ,d��

IJ;��� ��; ���:


e:� :e:��:,:: beens" IMt, wee'k when our Esteemt'd PI=�re�te;�!

y �:

ar��: ::



vaccination marks":':..,Jlley'U be' the only ones we'll want Mnll:' F'ncully donned,th�lr old totrs and )'enr's ba.sketb�1I ten.m Into the MJ�dle to show, at leILSt . . , � ch'alr It1ds wliJ , be playing , hRn�l:'d the Sta� of ,Tomorrow _ Ihlgh West durin, the Chriatmas vacation as �'GhflSe Me" amid the SAle brush of Idaho when those �.hrol second team) ,a �t1nglni defeat arilb8.M8itors of We�rn rOooww has little wn:ltC,Sllp� of polson appear" . , It's a great'day tor

betOf!! II large an,cl somewhat crlUc':l the appmval of InfluentIAl M1d-weatem . , Why, on report·card ,day many' of the girls ret audlt'nce. M�da,.. �arch 15. friends, with support assured.

Pt'nnilnent wa\'cs . . . A Jot'of the boys ret permanent As was to be eXp«ted at this time of Good will Is l:e"rtalnfy ours in In-wavPs from:em, too:but they're not In th'e halT . . . Happy the school ye., each 'faculty "PlftyeT crelUlng mell.\ure �ause o'f the mes-Is the mosQuito ..... ho PIL!IRS the .screen test. WI\S assured of '1\. certtlln defl'nJte; tol. sages brought In spefl:h and' so"n:t over

FIBS A:\,D F�CTS- ' (' 101!o'lng lunong \.he student . spectator'S. ra�Jo all� In person by uacher.l and It's a good thing youn truly isn't' a scandal writer like

At times It �med as If e\'en t�elT op- s�'t:dents and st�dent groUPl!, by stilf

the "O�r\'Btory H'III" Billy ITom the �t Sound Colle :r::::=;:ea Ul�!� :����


:�;r������l: tonnt'T students, and

acTOM the tracks Life Is too short to be thrown ·t.nto the drink t'\'tr'y' so often, even though your cracks do

Ihe It'ache� fro�e learners. Question for 'ea�h one of us to pon-

mould public opinion . . . hat . . U you glTls heu a. Te�hen NieknadW'd de'r: How good an ,amb .• Mador or good

mODAlng sound In yOUT eu some noon. hour, don·t think WJth· "Slats" Hauge ot dCar old St. will am I? .

Hol!o' true a trlt'lld am 11

o! probllbly SQme..&UY_�_)'ou.. tO,walk to· Olnf and Cliff "Ball Hog" Olson ot " A friend 10\'e1h at aU times, 'and a

.the kicking � with hl;;/, . . which br1np to mlnC! that ' dl.'ar old Luther, twO CJi8cf-�trom brotht'T I, born (or ad1.'ers.\ty':'

It Is more than R coincidence that "school" Thymes ..... lth a\\'ay ... back turning u.p at forwards. 0, A. TINOELSTAD "tool" . ' . , They have put D damper on the noise tn IJlI!' they assured themM'lves ot men who librnr}', but I'\'e l(n.ind that' silence In the library breeds would shoot ple;:t)' In the game. The DRI�Te • . ; "

��I�I�,I��'e 't��c�h�r �:t�::�;e:I!o��:��h�;: ;i=:i� �


n,,:�a;���:� ;�Ir:eg�f/!.�� 8, BrowseT

. On)' nftcr tomoHOW the choir le(w{'s. nnd we won't tlllt:'!t ha\'e been somewhat ot a tramp FUTURE V�TERA.NS

go by c(\ra\'nn. nor will we lra\'el via air Elvt'strom's nthle,t('. Judging from his degrees. ,"Pee- Along with the announcement that

:"Ilrl . . You could have thought that lhe P. C. campus .\ :-'el''' Lctnas at good old Lu�eT and the}' have fOTmcd a �lely called. "Vet·

wns :"Ill Indhm rC5en'aUon by nil the U'aT paint ' e girls ' And)'" Ramstnd of good old 5t. Olnf eralls Of Future Wars:' the undergrnd·

, wcre wcarlng last FridAY when pictures' were being taken flJlt'd lhe guard posts, As 1111 indlca- uates. of Princeton hnve Ulken a tor·

'. We'\:c ne\'er had th{' ph!a.sure of ha\'lng cosmetics, tlon Qf thl.' genernl all around strt'ngth w:"lrd stcp In "putting the bee" on ",:ar.

although we had smnll 1>0" and men..�lell at Ure aRe of nlne. /Of tht' team. Imagine such player! as ,Lea}"I'


It to the tooUn-looters--the col­

HITTER 81TES- , Joe Ed�'ard� and "Wreeker" Franck !eglal1� ! If they find 110 other way to OPEN LEiTER \0 Bomcy Janssen; We u'lII not say S


gU"o"n" "lh,',




ho! r II, .. gn"" '''ould �1�

ti:U�'e l�



lrt bl:h:T��n':�;�

anylhlng about Ellen Bcrgstrom � you asked us to 'do ..... ... ... � SCREEN PERSONALJTY: Alice' C,.ook IMagnllicenl go something like thts.-Hlluge opcned surpnsed If It helps. More thnn one

Ob)<es.�IOII' BOUQUET: to THEU',fA DANI£LS lor till' scoring ..... ith a cle\'er left-handed serIous difference h� been rt'duced to · rn:,'ing the "Acmc of ACCQI11Odatlmlty" Club . . . TO- shot from deep In rnldcouM. OJ while little Importance by Ilght:hearted r1dl·

DAY'S FA£L.E: Onc(' upon a Ume JENNIE BARDON forty Ed. �}"cll. students ro.o;e as one cult'. as mnn)' student. 'I can tesU,fy.

('on front I'd yo}! nnd said: " Ustcn, you hunk' ot, tripe; lIlan to gh'e him a thwlderous O\·OtlOIl. PROLONGED III.EETING

\\'\1)(' the le�6 U �'our Ilnll bl'forc I cut loose and ram a Thl'll Cliff got thc ball and his team- Will P. L. C. and C. P. S. meet on the

1('lephonl' It· down your gllllet" . . . TOE-NAIL DF.- llIat('� Il{'\'er Milo' It until he' had. gridiron next fa ll? If the people of SCRIP1' lq 1'8� lRfNE ODELL (A Tlck.led Gargoyle) ' " drjbbll'd the, le;lgth ot the floor II. cou- Tncomn hM'e Iln)·thlng to sa}' about It.

:-'IARIE JOHNSO� '/\ SccTetary In Any 5mnll TOWill rll .. 01 \lmes and shot O\'er hl� head for they wilt. ·U's a red-hot natural. Both' PnANK\ Surr-.

�A F'Ift�··Ml!e Gale) .

;:}A���f�oa���e�ar���;�'> I:�y

ba�:;�� ::���S(':ll;o

���t�e:::�� 1���::'


t�� ,\ R,\MRI.F, 1!Ii WORD - �corO)d (",1(,0, Ho"'c""r. tht! superior wants to be reckoned with, and �ven.

'la����;:l�Il;;��'t f;�: ��r�:��u�l::;L�.�: ��;n�cd; ��; \\'cJ�ht <If the faculty WliS brglllnJng ({J tunlty wll] be . . So It would be a .good

("I'Op . You'l] hnvc to cuUII'1l1c 'em n lttUc Ilt first. of tl'll Pflllelwr knocked Jnckle Wall Idea 'for thc "p'ret�nt!olls Institutions"

If n flnl' crop dl'])('lld� 011 moisture. then the dOIl'Il. !Ind Phil a{'cldentally Jabbed his to stop petty qulbbllllg abOllt "free 6d-

1!:lI� :In' th\' M{'Cn.l', JudgIng by al! thc 011 the. bo�:s pour fingr'r In Xtll'!er's e�'c, and tht' �rowd vert!slllg" nnd stich. lind mAke room

l\ll�·II·ay. you ClUl stllrt worrylng,.!f yuu know bout'd ItL�tII�', T ..... o of the fnculty wjves for Ihc up and coming Pnrkla:nd school.

.ltHl"rl' Ill ... .. ort of II �Irl YOllr mothcr do('.�ri·t, wnnt ),011 bl'lwn calling for �tlbst ltutlons, lUlU first because It has come to stay, They may

10 n.<;,"OCi:lil' ..... hh We know a gill' in the dortll who Is F'mll{'k l'ntf'red. lind then "Dapper J{)(''' fl.'; well It'an} to tolerate It.

suffr'rint( from A strnm;:e llIalad)' . he hns "high blond{' E!ll'.'nrtl� cnml' In 011 the upbeat. Prom l\1I:�IC. SMILES, ADVOCATE

pn's.�lIre" . pirhaps i\e 'l'."1l.5 frozen by somoone . 1111'11 on thl' game WAS rel)lete wllh com- 111 the humble Olllllion of this comer.

Gl'lwrn!ly. tho', tt'l' thE' bo�'s :lnd not the girls who should bl' .O('offt-d Ill. mrnllJlrlng looks Ilnd nil I,hat . . , In more ' t':lSt'� thrill 0111'. lIlany of tht' SO-C:"IUed "sugar daddies" In 1\11' dorm h:H'1> turnl'd out to b� diabetics . . . Onmtln'� Ihl')"'rl' 0 k . Wl" \

,C Ill'I'!'r �et'll n girl who couldn't el!,t .

Sunl!' Rlrl .. arc so IlImFry they hA\'e to mnrr)' taxidermists In order to gt't stufted . . . WhIch brings to mind the rn.c:t 1l1nt II gtrl brt'nks a dntl.' by going out with him . , 'But you,cAn't blaml' 'I'm for this. nor cl!,n rou blame '�m for IIwlr 01 her "deflclenc\eiI." . . . It·s aU right fOT a woman 10 IInng on to her youth. but she shouldn't do it wl?-lIe hc's at the stl'erlng wheel . Maybe that'soplttng on the compll­mf'11t1l too thick. . . . but It's !lot always prnlse that turns a I;!irt'� hritd: onn' III awhile !i:� peroxid(' . lQulck. J,·,'l't's. Ih� smelling sal1�: the wench has SWOOIIl'd ! 1 \\'II,\T �rRING WILL DO:-

Spring has. crt'pl In . . . nnd the rising genemUon Is content to ,.It , . . This tln:'e of the year t�e average col­Il'glan Ls mOTe Illterest� In where to spend his nlght.5, than he ·Is In where he will end his days . . . Like the donn girl who was IlSked It she IIked:v.'lnteT sports better than spring sports. and she answered only If they had clOlled cars , . . To )'ou guys who aTe abOut to blossom forth In Ice cream pants, I!o')"tlte shoes. and fIImsles. be careful that someone don't come along and pick you . , In the spTlngilme we can act silly and get by with It , In lact, If you act like rou should, ),ou'll become a social

castort , , , Anyv.'ay, that's what Walter Bchnacltentown (pardon. bW'8'> thinks . , anj Joe and Connie , � . In the spring: school beeo�es a resort: class becomes castor 011 time: proteMOrs become objects of pity: and 1 become Inzler than two lat men In a tub of tepid chloroform . A thought oecurred to me. but I hope to recoveT · , , Thls Vo'utheT ge,t.a your energy . . . Cigarette LIfe If yOu don't weaken . , get It? . . , Alter that one, you guys probably figure rve got hall' on my jest,

By· the rollou1ng note that was 'Plcked up In the hall­\\'I!,y. more things ' than blrd3 and' 'nowe1'5 are running t.hf.ough the minds of the third-year normal girls, Lt�len:

"'r\'e heard ot' a vacancy oveT there."

Nly. with scoring bt'lng fel!.' and far be- II uur college ever reaches Ihe ape" It tlV('en, Pflueger Illld f'rnnck {'\'}dently will bt' because ot It-� music. P. L. C. Ir!ed to Introducl' the European. stylf> is nlrl'aclr known J;lS the mu.�lenl !k:hool. 'I! plllY which

fcatured SI){)t passes with Its chOir Is being Imltnted, nnd Its style





nr�� ��

hb��: I �i�lrl

ll��:'tte::f b�f :� :::��iAc�:�;

!Ir) Ihe ('QlIrt Illld Incldenmlly som� cal- l �lIPJl'r of muslclnns coming In every orit'� !llld :innll)' lIcort'd , }"pear. . Prof. O. J. Stuen Is or, the

Fr:lnck Dem:lnded I mind lhat to dwell 011 mu.�lc as a mcans l of Rd\'ertlslng · ... ·ould be the thing to

SI'U 11118 Ihe :<C<'ond half \\'Ith 8 slim I do: he believes, too. that with a studem It'ad thl' Old Timers pulled Awny In body mndt' Ull chien}' or son(p!ter.>, the frOIL! due to sorne good shooting by .01- SC"hool wouid be bound to wIn Its way son ulld Hauge, and e\'en Ptlueg�r sank' i bv l;lnglllll. Itself Into men's heo.rt.5: :)111>. By this time the crowd was de· @ lfj nlnlldlllg Frllnck. lind so Edwards came . , In . Excitedly rushing Into the thickest After the Show of the frny Prot. Edwards was knocked on his ClIde.nza by Jackie Wall. In at-tempting to geL In good Again with hl�


��:. :��c �:�:� \\��:e



l:� � 91 3 Commerce St. Tacom., Wn. ®

Bardon but he mert'ly looked with soorn "'1 -----------+ at �U?51Professlonal conduct. Ram- I �tnd k auge out tor Franck-PhU I ",:ell\. eekly, while his PSYC�. stu�ent.a Anything in the way, I uared In amatement. Just before the I final gt.!11 pnueger nm'lnto the stage I of Flowers j :��: �



n� P.!�a!�:

e��: I .

damage In the morning. The �nclples I Anders Florist of Ed. student.5 who had been busily examining Hlluge·.5 dothes fOT test pa- , pers alTh'ed baCk In time to see the E5550 . gAme end, ,

. 1 1 ttl St. MAin 7 1 1 3 -------. ------ .

MORE AND MORE Folk. Are Comin, to the PEOPLE'S STORE "00 )'OU 'plan 4:J go !;IP te· the place and.apply?

"ShoUld 11" . II�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� "I think the)' want experienced teachers."

"I rtftlly don't think so--I heard ot two vacancle.5 up there." .

Sheet Music Musical Instrument

Supplies Radi,<!)s, Refrigerators


· "I don't know If I'd lI�e to uach up there or not unless I'd know someOne there."

"You cou.Id soon-get acquainted?" "Yea, bor .. ·,



Asaoci.t.d 'hoto" • .,hk S., hte. , 7 14 Mar"'el St. BDwy 2621

(/j'lie�te'l 5436 sO! Tacoma Way

( . \ , ' ,� ' ) ) � - " ./

. " MARCH 25, 1936 'PAGJ!1C LtrrH�� COU.EOE. PARKLAND. WASRIN,OTON " UJ\} I See It--" I

Gtre!rt Columnist. MBII<" Y'" O'Conner. ! It's not so imporl.u'lt ""hAl '" fellow

Loath Olson . Sixns Up }"'our· wrltu,. espt'Clall� II. football player: the Teams For Intramural readers will (orget thE' C()lltent.� Immed.

Hayseeds, Iickers Open Soft Ball

Schedule Today

Competition !!!.(ely an),""",),. Bt'$ldes. If , I clln he,lp ,... . :\fart!n by sharing hls jOllm'al1stlc bur. With • spring wuther bringing :Ien, I'll do so, and let the brlckbat.s thoughl3 of bR.�ebllll lilt{) the minds of fall where they mll:)', One consolaUon . PL.C.'s bllMba]] players. Qo�h Olson Is that even Boo's stuff has bttn for­has me� ... lth student rt'presenlalh'es gOI((,,1l at Urnes by his readers . . nnd dra'llon ulJ a tentatl�'e tour or fh'e It L, really a hard .task to recount II. • learn feaglle t;t,'l!h the first game to person's most thrlll1ng moment.. but If . '



OO�r!�::e�H����: �;




a�r:�:��� ' ThUrsday's softball <.'Oml)ttillon will ally, I shall tf)' to explain my uPf'rl-bt> bt't ..... N>n tht .. Nlght·O ..... ls:· strong enres.

' . pre-,�n fa\'orltf'� and tht Dorm E\'l�I1' gam'e 'or football that I hue Pe[,!," formtr "PK'."" AcCording to playt-d In has contalntd a multltudt ot the schedule there, ""111 be four gamts thrills. The IJIfnute a game starti, un. pla}"'t'(I each ""eek ..... Ith each team play- til the last sOund of the final wh15tle Lng tll.·lce a ..... t'ek. Monday, TUesday, It Is -pa.cked with thrills, Bf'lnr that Woonf'J;day. an� Thursday. . as' ll Is, )'ou can see It is hRrd for a


Five Golf Veterans: ' Form Strong Squad

ComJllete ·St:hedul� or Matthes Is Announced

With tht coming of aprlng, P. L. C:a golf stArs can be �n . almost d"Uy tr�lng '��er the greens or practl.!lng up !.helr drives -and apprOAch thoUJ. The . first makh' is lined .up agalnat Bellingham _ Norm',- to be plAyed In . Bellingham April 1'1.$.�ts .ro� A 'wlnnlng- divot team

ar@ esp�<:I.lly. brl,ht, �nce last year's team con5lstlng or Harry McCormick:, Lloyd Tl;fompSlOn," JQb.n -si.ue�. Ra,.

. Hiliderlle� and' Alvlne r..ehm�n are. all back. Ho�{e\'l'r, Fran.1t. Unltr. former Lincoln hl'h Kh� star. m�,.·oust eme of these fivt; lettermen.

The following schedule of pm'" rQr the season �.i rollo'&5: Apdl l4, UrJ· \'erslty of WfLShln,ton freshman, here: ,,"pril is, ElIt'osburg Norm.aL there; J4a,. , 6. BtllIngham Norm--:t. here: May 9.

Four lelUTlll ha�e been �Iglled up !O mrre, "muscle head" of football to reo:. date ""Ith the strong possibility that count his most thrilling experlen�. another team ",-III be added ..... Ithln the . Rat�r than i?count an IndividUAl next week, or t ..... o. Coach Olson urges eXPerlellCt ' l "'ould rather. tell you of a.Il men Interesll"d In obtalnlni-lheu_ ·�he tMnl-oolleeUvelY. A coach'," gt?at- --<:ut Courtelly' Tacom'a TImes At present a medal tot/marnent Is be. I)h}"Slcal. education credits In this maq� est pride Is a team that can tAke a lick· • I dutt d i d t nnlne the men

Unlvcrslt,y or Washington freshman, tht"re; Ml\y 14. Eli'en.'1burg Nonnal. here.

/�<tler 10 Sign up Rli soon as po�lble,. as Ing and like It ; but only 011 one con. Mr. PaII'l ,:. � f""t'n� ·H.�d· "81�1" Nli!lOn with thl' trophy h�mor. I�:O c;;;1 r�p�f'$e;t P� �, C. In the com-

/' It Is not ytt tpo tAlf' 10 form Imother dHlon;' thllt the opponent Is a better Ea�h ,1Nr thf' name of lhf' l.eam:s mOst valua�lf' play,,; will bt- 1ns<'{Ibf-d on it. Ina/mAtches, -' teRm, team. p, L, C. hns a teRm made up of -----------------____ � il';:U:w;:U:w;:U:w�w;:U:'t I·>.. I Just such mel.9.l, or to use the vemacu- l � , .. , ' ;'n"" n.' fo,"'"d,," 0", of .U TennisTeam

IsHard WOlllt'II', ;\('l1.,· i li(" Li�1 . 'Oallenll,' a> mp'(!

I ! \

i I , ! , 1

j I ,

, Ihe gnmf's played, I h/l.\·e noticed only . • V II I II S 'l.i� ' . � LJ time that the �-e�1ll was IIctually 'Hlt By Graduatton � (�y HI � pt'nUl� rnad Ix>cause thf'Y. had lost. TImt de. _ _' __ •

> JI Anderson rel\l wa� tnfllctt'd by 9. telUn that ,"'/l.S A�cOn11l1g 10 Ruth Froyen. �olleyball Ford. 0, Johli�n. Tommen·ik. Nilsen, IRler d('feau"d by one ot Ihe less lucky M�·hre • . Johansen Are Back To lIl9.nllgf'r. thc c1AS.� 't('lIms 1l.'\11 be ehose-n Solie. Doislad. Archlc, E. Haug�n. AI of P. L. C'-s opponen�. Form Nucleus of Squad bt'forf' Ihf' wNlk commencllU{ April 13.

Jacobs. O. GrAnde. D. CapJ);, F.�UDger utter which tlmf' th(' IIltt'rclas.s games "Hay�cd5": Paul LArsen, Asper. Sluen. -Ihf'y lIe\'f'r sa}' quit. In fae-I I don't Or! thf' tf'nnis court,� prospects for A will be nin oU For the In..�t ·tlllo.'O "'eekll Pflu('gCr. S\'ltT1!. Thompson, Hlnderlle. thrnk Ihl'}" know thf' Illeanlng ot till.' wtrllling team are J1:I.ther poor Hprt the. glrl� hRl'� wn practicing volley-

All Leather ,Shoe. f\:ew 5p"ng \Tylu are "OW here

Wh,tes galore

sehlanbusch. C. Olson. "Pet Club" I ha\'t' S(,(,1l a certain tullbHck Myhre and Hill JohallS('1l t\rt' the only ball dllrlnj( Ih('lr r('g'IIIAr gym clAs.'S . Callen K.amp·� Bob MO(>, Jen�n. SchIlAc);enbf'rg. O. \IIo"('lgh!'; about 150 p'ollnds hit an returnln", 1t'I(ernlt'1I period!'; "The Store WIth the Vellow Front': HIUH·lk. W Hok('nstad. 'K, Anenson, V baek of About 200 polllld� ..... Ith An elimination tournRIr�Ht...hll.s beefl . • W. A. A. SWIM PART\' I I I I Bro"dway Klluut'n, I KnutZ('.'l. D. MO(>. I of I!llIlost bone-crushing nnd �Ulr\t'(1 to dCll'rmlne poSIUOl

f� on the S�nsort'd by the Women's Athletic t �""'''', ........... ".""'""""""'''''''"

Othf'r.< Itnlll)lllu."lng their Intention I I gel \�]) alld smllt. Stlld<:,nts. thill'S teltm. TIlfOUgh grAdliR tloly-P'. L. C. lost AI'.'Iocintion. n 5wlmmlng party will be r--------- ' ,

of playing by !llgnlng 1111 are: George �pirlt In AllY Inn,�lIAgt'! Ihrrc of It..s first four mer}' i�Sjd Gln.�- given SnturdllY night. April 18 at tne DAHL CROCERY CO" :

KlludLson. D. Haldane. L. Grenier, C. Football, uncouth II.� It Is. hIlS b('(!n "0, Gl'IH' Buncoyn('. nll� MR- Y \V C, ,\ AidA Johnson Is the g(,l1- . I lRn.�k, J, DII�sIHlld, Hob MUl!l'll. and 111\','11 lllUl'i1 !I!llf' U}' 111(' during my Stll}' r1011.�0.�

, - ' \ ( l'ml chnlrtnfln In c-hdrge of ArrAllge- 1 J i�ltrOld Hum AI II'Mt one other t(,AI� ilrn'. Hnd I. during the coun;{' of illY The following rn.'11 IIfC $I� wd U-P-fOl7 tllf'!l1:". Ircne Odell Is In Chargt' of Rd- I I Member United Purity Stores

. \\111 b(' organlzc-d, nnd If nt'Ces.'SAr�, pigskin AC


th'lt�" hll\'e developed 11\ the prl'llll1i1ulr�' mntches. MrhJ:.. Johall- vl'rll:<.lm:. lind HeMric!;' Sidders will aT- GAr. 38 1 8R5 , Parkland mu� \/0'1\1 be !!.doed to the league. n ot l� 111111 In tum h/ « 'II. SChlflnbuscll. Hudson. Grrllicr. 0. fnlll;l.' '11\t'rt!llnmcnt tor Ihe Imrty. _________ _ I Influel\Ccd by the t;!lme. Pfhlt'l:!'f, Asp('r, ' 81'111'1". T Larson. J. I

F=========c.r .. _� __ • _________ ,

f'�;;:::III�h�)()P��II�I�r�Il:��;tS d:: �11��('r�o::�\\k.··�:�II:;:;\���:���c�. �\��I:l� KERSCHBA.UM i>ARKLAN D CARAGE LAUNDRY AND

CLEAN INC SERVICE At btremcly Low Prices

AL ARNE 5<f-0001 Repr('SCnTal"l'

TACOMA'S LAUNDRY Panto,rium Cleaners



Complete kl'pl alh'l' and utilized by other� In

I • school llctl\·ltle:<. )I the '·P. L. C. . r I . CIUI ell'mtl' and hl�plrc SUch JJJlj1.rn.trrn II Parkland Mercantile �o, ' r III1M'ntimelltnl peopll' u.s WI' play- 41 t( (Ii r,!!J::::: l Parkland, W.uhinglQn "r� afl'. what could It do tor the rt'�t Qyv ' " L � ! E.:pert Photo F,n,shing, PhOTO uf \'0\1 whl) lire considered more re- cJ

SUITS AND OVERCOATS For ule ,eMc)usively /It Jetland Cr Palagrufi

9 1 2 Pacifl, Ave

Clover Creek Service Station "Julc's sells for len"


Brookdale. Wash

Brookdale Lumber Co. 3t 13rookdale on Moun!ain

Highway GArland 381 1 J5

Shell GaSOline and Oil Dependable Crusing GENERAL REPAIR

LIEN " SELVIG PreSCription DruggiSTS

DirecT Importers of The Finest Norwegia" Cod Liver Oil

Cor. 1 1 th and l'acom .. ,Ave. Phone MAin 73 i <4

THE BEST S(A FOODS can be obTained .It i Supplies, Prompt and Courteous I rllr�d and more rl'n�o\'('d rrom the /'r=======:====,-' Cry�1iI1

, Serv




' ___ .._, 13�\I� _� __ �____ ���2::==:�:=:����:=�::.::! 1::======:::'::===: i I Parkland Barber'Shop At YQur Service-


I H:�s������iRs Pat'Oniae Union 8�rber ShottS TACOM'A!S wi!h 1 Tacoma'. Lead;", Flo .... , Shop G. P. KNUDTSON, Prop, Municipal Experienced Craftsmen

Bonnadele Beauty ShOl'

Buy Ta(oma-M,de Flower, Parkland, Wash. Mgdern Type Faces 5, Po<. A." " SO," Glk 0514 I !�'i========'='� Light System AdeQuat. EQu;pment

Parkland GA. O I4S-R-2 All Lines of Beauty WOfk

Permanent Waves Evenings (by app'·t . )


for 1936 ARE HERE

WASH1�GTON Hardware Co. • 924 Pacif,e Ave. '


and be well fed BROWN b HAUY

RuSt Bldg, . MAin 4493

is making life easier for Tacoma and its metroPQlitan area by providing electricity

at prices all can affofd

Use electricitY in ... every way possible.

I fa S. Davisson Commiss�oner

Tacoma Light- Printing Co. 940 Commerce MAin 6768 Greeting Car. for· All C?ccasions



Groceries: Flour, Hay. Grain. Feed. etc.

STRENGTH -CHARACTER - SERVICE When you buy your fife insurance· . consider these factors: the reput<l­tion of the company, the character of its management, and the service


CLIFFORD 0, OLSON, Parkl,nd, W.uhington ReprMeot;n8

, Lutheran Brotherhood LEGAL RESERVE LIFE IN.SURANCE Hetman . l Ekem, Pres. '

608 Second Ave, 5.' Mione�lIs, Minn

y '

' .


��----"-:--�--:�----C---=l--(-�)-,.-l '" /

MARCH ��. 1936.

Ba etball Team res Petits �. . o.·rceaux l ,uissiou SoeictY '''rcsscs

Will Travel East' �� l'.ic.kct Tcstulllelit Drive

N . Pnlfl'SSlIr$ had Iwik .. mimi tl ll,i .. . \.� ;JIlIl F's fur IllI' \'olll i ll/o: II fj hill . -.

Carnival Chairman Names Assistants

ext Christmas l\'rIn. fur thl' ilion,.' IJfadil'lll IIIIOth'tI shutt-IlIS .of till' ,/o:ullt,W' an.' . IWlIli ,OJ c: y laW).c:h� the 1936 Horem. J. Den8on, V. Knulzl''''

.. armillg thCIIIS(:ln's with a fnl'lllitlahk·luuki llg: \,tllulllc� ('lIlil\1.'\1 Poc�et Ttstamrlll �alu(o mO\'rmrt .at Solie I)ired SlIgn Bene, "

Plans Are "Formed to 'Play East- '"Thl' , PS\Thnlo�' of l;('lIin� t ; ratles.,·· This Sljill·rui litlll Pac:I(lc LWhl'nln CO.I�gt' IUt :--';e I t�e

ern L uth era n Sch ool �k tells In' �lal ll language the devious ; prr�m rolll'giat: R!iycholOfl:I ... ti mad\: �:�I�I��;)�:��e:-7t�:' :��:��. fit Shuw

Hoop Squad� :����1S iI::t�:� ��c�::�: ;��:� nn IIlt.ere�UIl.g study of ..... hy .str'd)', ho ..... bod�·. . . . . ComlllNt' rornmittet's ror the annual

Plnlll' MC' undcr "':1), to !<tmd Ihl' 1935 l ilt ads 10 y�u> of the campus to get :l .��f����o��e�'����:;�I:


t�: :u�rs hl\�flin�Ir;;,�!:��i���'

1;��I:��I�lg� .=I;��� &tga Cllrl1l�·RI. ..... hlch I \\'111 be IlI'ld Fr!-

JUnlOI' COllet-;.c bn,..I;:Nuall chllmpion. unun '\lm,rk. n ..... a.., ..... rllien by 1111 IUlOIl- n I ll' Itrl 0 stu�' ng. �reat. dlMp. m


rmb(>r� among lhc slud('IlM: h'R ' ' .' , I, I(mdc flOO\'e II flunk ..... Ith a .mlnlmum of 1 0 ' I f d I ' .. all'" IlIght AinU 24 In Lho IO'mnn ... Llull

.,h!p \<'am 011 un I'lutrrn lo11r !U'X! I \u\OllS Rll lhor 'A'ho mAde one of the fa. pOllltmrnl looms o\'e�ad Of Edl· Kllu!�n. Elb;Rlx'lh Sluen. Ka'lhn'n .annoullcffl by genl"ntl I.halrrnllll

Chnslmn:s . \'acallon All Lutheran ;1\011 ... fnlernitics In �Ienc.e ,,"lIh�uI tor �oltcamp. She fully expe<:ted P. Hll!g . �Or�11I1 Prt'u5: Ir1.'1 E\·ans. Margar:; Enid .Hutson .• Odlnlt., \'audcvtlll' !lllm­

.;:.chOl'll� 11\ North. Oskotfl. Soulll Os. ! �l\IdYlllg and ""ho gl\'('5 complete' dl�� " �; i�l�sl�:�bl'���ri�u����o

r���l,,�:�� :ncra't. Ralph Bolstad. JI\.'Ipt'r John- tkn,are not }'l't �l'lldY' lor prl�lI

' . 110m;. for "lmprcssil1k the PTof�" .. Ho..... " . Ilnd AIYfinn AnlC!. ' AssiStlnR Miss Hul�n It1 Ij:rnl'nal • kota . Mmlll'S)la. IlHnol.$. Iowa. and to a\'old Ix'ing called on ,br ,\\'haL you of T�ughL. , ' . 'Founded In Englllnd by Mr!!. Charles ' "!;\!jlC;\'islon are Judy Benson. Verll OhIO will b{' NlIlacted for g.1me!>. dOll"L k�ow." "Hoiii' to gel. yuur.leU calii'd "'EL�O)fE SWEET ,SPRING'TllUE . M Alexandrr as R ml'all5 of I �nut.t!'n. CIW!OIl'r·Solir. and MlU'glU'1'1

:Iofr Paul t\. Preus. field ogem. an. on' for ""hat you do kno"' .... � .. Hlulng Spring L ... �prlnging and 'A'as really her. friends for ChrL�t.· thl' mO\'tm�nt I Ro�lil. AdwrlislnK the\'al will 1l01ll


1Ct'd thc;.e ,expectallons at a ban. cxallls." a.nd " Gettlng unfair trrndes' I �olng nl�ely .u.ntll SU'


ndar- . mOTlllng l �1)I.dl}' J:!r��I'S5("d. In ,Igog It �am� I bl' collductt;d b�' Paul' Estrem. Palm('r

qUt'1 gl\o'l) la:;1 Friday e\'tlling. :Iotarch corrreU'<l," Ilnd othl'r valuable, Instruc. l ha�pened In �Ith !' neat pl�e or �Id y,orld·\I;ld� 1('' . ... hlch nov,: Ln- SUI'ro. Vf'rlla �eglun�, Henrietta 0'· .

:!O T"L\ men from thl' Cirsl t(,am '11.'111 lIOIlS. '. f�o."l". Alld "'ere t��, donn�.tol"}"

.�ms chld� more thnn rour million mtmbers' j Neil. ' LL�ki1 on thl' construction ron.l·

t){' • • I Exampl",,, o( advl« (rom �e booit: COI�-eoUld �t ha\e .�n To� Vo- • . mlttff lin.' t\.1 Jacob.'\, Ray Rled. �J?Td

l'(']t't"t�. and the� "'111 � accom- I "And. o( co�. laugh at )'our proles. t81ll In c�arge o(. �he flre·rQOm ? Put· PersonalIty Club ilnd GeorgI' Knutzen. . < 11..111100 b� COII�h CIIf(ord Olson and !'Or'� jokts, E\'en If they are not funn)·. ling a.$ltle all perron.l rererences. , . . . . ' VarlO1is booth and cOllllmrtmrm com· Prof J P Pflul'g('r Thc group 9.111 ! a!' flO' teils them. laugh MY'lt'ay. When ttJOUKh. It does g1\'e. P. L. C. a'new air . To Meet April 2'): mlnees arr named as (ol\o,,"s: �ortun(' . 11':\\'('1 b) train . 0 rOil don't want to recite. sit In a ne- of rOlnance! as soon as spring sends Its , . . :J 1 tt'lIillg . ...4l0111oia Rust. Alice COOk. S)'I- . . A .tt'll'grlllll from J C K P;t'�. ed_ l lllectt'd part of tht class room. It he !I�t . bl�. Tiny buds aepearlng on )'hree 'Speakers \ViII .;iscuss \'Ia Milll'r"; beane, Hal JOhfUlM'Il. V(!rn UCM101l:l 1 dlrt't"tor o( the NO",'l'glan calls �n the dumbells. look Intelligent, �tr) bush ano plant. vl1r familiar ) , . . , Knutl.l'n . .J'rank Unger: Il0Use of hor-Llllhl'i'lm Churcl}. has gl\'el\ llSSUrRlice e\'I'I

,1 i! it Is a strain on ·YO'l. Ne\·t;r maple ' tree doillg I�U o\'er. tennis I osture. C lothes. )I:ake-up I ro��. Waltrr Sl'\mackenbrrg. \Yllrren

nf ellst('rtl flllllnclal S\ISlport. I �a" " 1 don't know." 11 ),ou £lOIn know. rackets brlllg borro"'ed. whitt' skirts . Hok('llsiad Frrd H('uny. Bill Capp�: Mr. Fr;ulk Oilllhlln .. rrpre!;CnlLl�g tht. gU�s.�. OU ..... n·cs or no proposition YOU' :�n�ulll tin�- arou�d "t:he campus. and l lh�O:�



k���l�� i phrenologist. Fred S!-Jttcr. J�lmle Bar­YAI;:UIIA ChAmber of Commrt('r. pre· I hAI"t" IILL t'\'1'1l ch:tllce of guessing right . 11IIe �hoes . pt'et'illg out from uncler · , " . �T don : lett room. Marlc JoluOOn. Eulfl �nl("d tilr ba�kl'lbal1 telllll with Lhe 1n I'lloosing llIooralor), pnrine'rs 11.1. 1 dark. trou5('rs-lhry're all :;prlng In bud. Club Illet'tmg Which .\I'Hl be hrld Wed� I Ma" Ooff.. Emd mitkl'. NeVil Olson: ) t'rmiUlcnt pos.q>s.�Ion of the troph)' \\';;1\'S chooSt.' or .• ' who I� bl'ttl'r Lhnn l UI£ADEft·S NOTE ne�:\y. A:)rll 22 In the.rrccptlon room 1.Iall IIn;1\,·. HlIrold Anderson. John ..... hlCh 11':\.'1 to Ix- n",�rdcd to the hOO� YC\;, B('S! rl'.'I\lltl; from cranunlngs are

I That ��COrdlllg to Oliver �endllll l l'r nts.� ��C��I

BI;I�:I:�7��.I��:I:g�::C=I� : Dalll;luud: icc crl'am. ElIzllbeLh Swell.

"<lund ..... lI\n1l11,: Ull' tltll' for thrl'e COll- 1 00lllillCd from dlslopbutmg agon)' O\'er , Hohlles. Hl'redlty Is '!Ul ommbus In "P 01 . r � ) I I Norllla PrI·US. Fredrrlckll Schlanbusch . . 't't"uU\·1' yl'lIr5 III Ih(' JI1nlor colll'ge 1 ..... 0 nlg�ts prior to the exam:'

. The I which our anceslOrs ridl'. Illld e\'el'}' ,

�u�:�� of "posl�rt'il�ni�n:!�:'�" :� :\'I�lbl\ Fl'llny: rtsh pQLLd. Voll), Norby,

1,·aI;1I1'. :Iofr Paul A. Preus ,,·a;.. the . auth.dr· 1S.�I1CS a gl'ntle warning Ln rs· l, l10", llnd I�en one of them ,�UIS out hls l " l\{akl" Up lor Street and EVl'llln·" wl!l l\tlldr�d Monson, Agllrs LII�dC. Mllr· donor of 1\ JonuS cup 10. Harold "Bls- gard to the practict of dating aMlst· helld and embarrllSses us: ' \)f' I

g ga:rl �ml'rs: beaut)' h'(lSllltal. lrent·

,o,f·r· NIL-.cLl. whom the I('IUII named as ant$ of thl' oppositl' St'X for tht p�rpose Tt .. : �I:'IiGER� ARE OFF : gyn�':U�:���� �:I�I�;:�� �������:�. Odt·lI. Eugenia Sp('nccr. Ell'anor Rail· .

��1;C:�:1:1:���� ;����:�;/�:���:'i��;� :�a:;:r�

g g=:::I}�


I.LIle of \\�h; ;�:::n�


fO;��� I a;ld. by Mis.i Adell' Wright. oWller Ola �::��:�. 'f:�I�:n�I:�ss�U::a\��'lia�:��

the pa�1 ;<l'ason . ' ' "'frs. It I� quite cuslOmal'}' fo� collrge :<IX Ill('mbf'rs of the Choir on the iriP. !


d�OlLllAdf'I('. Beaut)' Shop 111 Pork· . Tlwlma Daniel!;. Kenneth /l.nenson.

____ Il.IPl'rs 10 run arllcll's on "Tl'n Ens) 1 11 \\a" a long tedious for Manager I Cho.�ell 10 pour thai e\enlng are Mrs Ii' 'II I Lt'ssons III S\ud}U11! tt cetern The ehl'Strom to gtt the group off for their T 0 5 a e d R h Fr P I P-tron ·lze OUI AdvertJ'sers Qu.ality Knitting Co. : ' Oak Leaf frolll Sanlll Rosa Junior r IlLlljunl "prlllg lour .PinaU) though Club pr(':I�ellt

n ut o}en ep U �-

Lett,r S .... t ..... Our Sp.d.1 I I Collest' III Cahforml\ rontrlbuled the tht' plnn!; l'I'r.e..J� and 'AI' told our hands The commlUff.'l \11 charge of arrange. Before going to town read this ty I :\OO\e Printed IIlfonnatlon Ushering Hnd :<.6\ :gyes ",here there Is a v;1II IlIl'nU art' decorations &:atrlce Le- I column The folloW1ne rtmu are

403 I I Ih SI Tacoma WISh J 1 111 the ",mttr Q"uarll'r fLnaL� II.( the unl- I tht're:; a 'Aa� It. 'Aas heard that Mrs lJInd Hf'trn Lilja and June Wallers I frIends and ad\.erl15enl In the Moor-'-____________ lersL!\ of Washington the alwa}s· Kreldl('r '" II�OLng to chaPl'rone the rcfnshment.� No\ell Nagel Eleanor Ing Mast

.:- __ - ":' 1 ChOIr lhl� \�f'Rr �use tkere are too RauC!<,bnugh lind ha KllUtson Allstrum Printing Company

UTlRBROOK ,: DANIELS' SERVICE I l1("rd l�klng �1ter'��ht Could It CAMPUS DAl Bob's Garage r "'I i " m!tIlY lefVa\ horn,e In the dorm who I Associated Photographic Ben'lce

Fo",,'a; .. '." For School Worll I 1 1 1M.' thoS<' nauglil\' nO l s), frosh or thOSt' C,lmpu.� D:ty has been schrduled for Bonna,dele Beauty Shop $1.00 Each I . CAS---OIL nl·prl'5('nl studious thlrd·)('Rr norm· Apri l 11 A� yet no commillees hMe I Brickley Rudlo [

__ H'

:�",d .�d�:�_< 'IL�:����::::-! :'''' �::I,�:�: �:�.�:;:.�', "'I'I��2:;:;I· 1 ;g? J.�;:'� �:

I CENUINE Home-Furnishings Store L..;-- .J�. ���';��r�:�f:r;:�:]lStalioll

I ENCRAVEP CARDS C:>oAc>M1�/� �\��I:l lI�.):����


h;�;nt�; . Dahl Grocery Co.

100 for $1 .95 Drive·ln·Market <.!I I �. m tuu 1II:1l:} 1.\"1)<'''' and not p('rfeet one . •

. . I I d� .. " . c ... �� .. - 111111 " ' 1, 10 do tJ",,'thall to' tw IIllcrt'stl'd

IE I DanleL�' Sen'lce

,"c1ud,,,S pl,,'(' : ---- -----: "I Iht'1II �:!.!:�.�amp·.'I

! NOO�!!� �u��eon I ,.It�\.�I\::I!I:�



I�!�I�� i • . . . I ::��"·�,J:;,:


St.anley Bell Printing Co. ! SERVICE I 'IlInt nl tht' lhlllg. One of hili p;U.llt. IlOASTf.D'fA£ E I Hartsook's

10 1:0 A 51 T,lcom;> 1 1 WITH A SMILE ! :��.\I;:d��I��t

,:� ::::::�a�;:;e��;:�:'�I�; !�' ........................... ,. ..... ': ............... ' .. ''' ... '' ..... '''ljj.. Jack's Grlddlt ...

�w:�i:ri*w::.:io:rin:��1 I -----

-----.. I II(' !I'sth'al The colors RTl' blendl'ri � GAS 01 L = JeUund &: Palegrutl

t I t-----------.j lH'rh'l'llr. and nne can UllagUlt' him"'J,.tf i WE 00 A COMPLETE LINE OF j Johnson·Cox Co,

Last year' 1 1 935 I The I Conrad's Coffee Shop taklllK �arl III tht' fl'slival it.<;('lf I w����� �;'�f'f' � i �,\���a�;:h Mkl

Parkland Light and Water I Sandwiches, Pie and Coffee J :'If� Hnl:m's has hL� pamtlllgs �IS. I i , . 808'S CARACE j I Lien &: Selvig Company furnished to Its I Soft Drinks I i tnbutNt wldl'l)" WI' Illay find them : 1 Brookdale. Wash. GArJMd 0193)5 � Lou JohnSon members eleClroC cur rent . ' 0 PARKLAND. WASH ! �: , :;





c���� 'I"'T'':::':·:':::':':':::':·=:=::;::':::�:=::::�:':=''=:.';..fJ'' 1 Lutherlln Brothtrhood

Including 80 Slreel lights. at I "':::.-:------------; l ln.g " , and

. III Washinglon nnd cali


'for· 1 ROSSO'S I �'a��I��n Co.

;�aec'/I�� a����ge I ��

IC.C c��t: r M ' I j 1l11� MWIY homc� 111 Parkland hl\.ve · Pacific Ave, Lumber Co.

per KWH I You Arf·

d Likely to : I illS pllLIlllng!! adorning Ih('lr wallo; for Easy and Tho, I Parkland Blll'bershop

I In It at

I' Yt>!'.. wcTelln truly SII)" that i t \1 '.1\.5 I ', Washers and Ircn�rs Parkland Oarage THE PARKLAND .: RHODES [ fUn aud profitable to vl!'.lt our i . 706 So. 38th 1 Parkland Light &:

LICHT & WATER'CO_ ' I fnlnd "'ho li\'es at the t'nd of thr .:am· .: •. ------------ . Parkland Mercantile

.......................... : BROTHERS ' TACQ.<\\A J pus. . Ii'. .Iil People's , ---

CARLSON'S j Plonm P"niln,

A "KNOX" Like Gad's l..H.At:-ISON·S JEWELRY ·r-::::::"':;�::-·:I· I � YAKIMA DRUC CO' :�:::�!. ��':t,�� Co. DISTINCTIVE a SpecialLy I Pre-scroptoon Druggosts

SPRENCER & IONES I I 3805 So Yakoma "'Yf!: ROI).'iO·s 257 So. 1 1 Th SI. TacOITll. Wn. I JEWELERS GArland 0400 Schoenfeld's �W."h R .... n"r-... _.b1. Pn," OJ ���adW.���;.==-! T-�---------�� I !:::: ;���r:�ng�o. Pf!:tsonal Servoce All Day All Nigh! . I Prtnters �- Stationers I Tacoma Laundry CO

The student in the Gol· DRIVE _ IN _ MARKET Vallee, Food 6hop . ' Fresh Fruils and Veg'etables ; I 'P l�"-.�T-� R I Washington Har'dware

I . � -- West Coast Grocery Co lege Depart

.ment havmg j ' 3:: :t?"��St. � ����_�! � Wt!llams Service Station

record for th.e year wi l l . t:J:; ���r.J��: �ad

�,:�e AM' CAt !.2�PQU��9D'ucrs Dad Has Nothing on "im

There's KNO,X Quality in his hat. too. It's one of those famous "Young New York· ers" models which will be so

popular with college students. .

the .highest scholastic iJ. .. . .. '" . , . .. " . � [

be presen'ted with . a out Addi tional Cost � .

D!slributed by' - -:. , Tailored to Measure .e



T;. C;R;OC;;;

E�R�Y�C�O�.��==:=:: suitable gift by the Suits-By America's Best

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. See-.KIMBALL'S-First McCorm.ack 8ro:o. . I We Have JuatWh_t You Need to'hhk. This 991 COMMERC'E .

. Sport _ Cr_nd Outin,. i.:;;=========;�I .L ______ � __ i9"';==;;;;;;======;;U 1015 PACIfic AVENUE ' _________ J (

' .


f ,


Enjoy Big Night of "�un Sagil Carninl. Friday


. ' , , .


.May Old Man Sol be' . Ge'JlerOU8 May Day PACIFIC,\LUTHERAN C'oLLEGE

��==� ____ -L __________ �" _' �'�'���='==�=' ���J __ �'� _�� __________________ �� VOLUJa; TWELVE P�. '\V¥lflINoToN. APRIL 22. 1936 No. 1, 1 Students Choose Novelle' Nagel to . Be L::\I��Il�e;�a�;,s l.i�\eci Saia

" Benefi� Carnival Entertaimmm�-

Queen of Annual May Day Festivity -�'''';''t Ro,-;;;;-;;;;;; t.ou., H •• d, · For 'Friday Evening Is Kept Secret rlckson. pf�ldent and ·secretary re- ' . �

()t'lta Rho.

G'al�lma'� List:) " �;�\��Y�t �:�I�·a7!:'S:��rc��te.Dl:�;= . Delia P'�i Kappa PI�n� Vaudeville DtrectoN Pht"

. COml)let� ,Choice of�:: ���m�n:el:��:::'. =;7:.1:� . Weekly Bullel�n 'Boards l'lusic, Com�dy, Booths Attendants ,Ret.M:L. Ne�vlg:s Ch�TCh I� Seattle . . Ddta Ph� 'KaPpa hu: bee� adopt�

.of High C3libre :\Ii:o;s :\'u\"cllt, E. :"\agC'1, IHlpU- lie!:: ':;�el��

e H:Jt!::m�' a=v�:; for the new name or the Pep CiUb', the (.ay Illusi(' Ullil ,'ulurful lighls

/; .. : �'Ilillr uf Iht' ::\or mul <lepl.I�l� .Norby at the -Pacific .dl$t.rlc.t meeUn, organization of dormitory &irls. A coin-. will uffer 1I;'t, S(.tIill� fur u vcry 1Ilt'1.11: will rt'ign as Queen uf Yo'hleh Yo'as held at Bellln,ham .I!l J�e. mltt

�compOSe(f of Ellen �rptrom. Ih'l� ly Sugu Cllrnhlil . wliie}1 will

�lay O;IY fl'sli"ilit'S, nt'cording :;:!:,�:rn aL�::::: �6=1�� :'m��� :tti �Orga.ard, a!ld Helen LllJt. worle- ()lx'lI Fr i du)' .Ili�ht l;1 'eight u'-

III Ihe I'('�ull u[ II sludl'lll hOtly lea will be held 1r'! Jun�.at Mlnneapo� '01 :/h� project. wl..l4 the dlrect.\on duck.. :\Iysl('ry pr�'I�il!\, III�w�

C,ll,,·tiu\1 held ' bl�1 Thur sclll;':. IL5 !-flnnesota. )Durtng th� con\'�ntlon Pr . · J. U. Xavier. " wr, III «'�unl i l l lht' ,,:llu«'\'llIc SPfHlSUl'('cl hy Ih(" flc.'lta Hh" a Women's MlMlonary . FPderation ('sldent Ruth Froyen has appotn� IInml)('�. ..... ( ;1.111111.111: Illis IIIII'IUIII sI)I'in;.: ar� meeting will be carrted on. Represen- girls to be In charge of �tlng lnter- Ten names ha"e appeared on the 11.Bt.

.[air wjll " (lllllllt'IIl''' :l.1 Ihr ('(' (1'_ taUyes from all _dlstrtcts are ul\'lted. esUt'ig Item} on the dorm buUetin of performers, but tittle Information . boards. In�charge of the second and has .bt't'n gh·en. out. Ray Hlnderlle', dot'k (lI! Fr iday uflf'rlloon, 'la\' C i t ' p ' I third ,floor bulletins are Kathryn R!gg band Includes Peggy Ramstad at the 1 .

. . omp e e . ersonne . and .'Helen LUJa for tbls · 9o'�k. Betty plano. Marv Jen5en playing the trom. Very decoraU\"c plllll.'l ..... \11 be carried

. O' f D .to CI ' b . Tcrr� and Mabel Heggem lor the week bone. {\lId Ken Anen.soll and Hlnderlle out In the coronation of the Queen. rama Ie u .of "'prll 27-Jl,fay 3. and Beatrice Leland pla)'tng saxophones. Enid Hut.50n. She 15 t-o be attended b�' two senjot\glr�, 0 I S I' t "d and Roberta Torrison for the week May Thelma Ness. Bob Monson. Walt Snack-En'l),n Mon<;(l11 and Margaret Craft. pera s e ec e 4-10. enberg. "'mle "'nderson. Wadene Cala-who wlll be gowned In pale blue; soph- van. Bob Svare. and Jud}' ·Benson ut · "Omores. �na Tobiason and HeJen Ml," No'.elle Narcl, who hall �n "Joan of the Nancy" 'Viii GernIaIl Club To 'Give Play also to perfon:n. ' �cott In pal(' green freshman Nonna I'lect.ed QUl't'n 01 May D." I Be Presented May S; . "'The numerous booths and compart.-Prl'u.� and ... Ilce Cook In �ello" and 0 Reid Directs . For Tacolua Saengerbund ments promise to be very Interesttng," high �hool F'redrtcka Schlanbusch and Commerce Comnuttt'c -- . ' slates Miss Hutson. Their com� Virginia Davis In peach color In:,p('cts P L C COUnl)US SugscsllnK a period of the early ... t the InvllR}� "Or the Tacoma mltlee hl'ads are' M follows: fortune

The cro .... n bearer for this dellghtful _,_,_ . o . nineteenth ·century. elaborate stage :'a


n i�rg;�C

tl:n O

!�;:-. Romola Rust. Alice Cook . . 8yl-pt'rfonnance Is to be Eugt'�1' Knudson At"the In\'l�aUon of Mr. Paul .... Pre- I settings and co:o;tumes art' �Ing work� the German club .'lIi presetlt _ via Miller: beano. Hal Johansen. Vern or parklan�. The train beart'rs named u.". field agent. a subcom lnlttee reine- cd out for the Drama Club opc'ra which act pia)'. "Karl Hat ZahfUChmt't7.en."

Knuben. Frank Ungl'!\; house of hor-

��a:��I!'�II:f!��;r O��� :�:

a�:�: ��

tl��:l�: �:;::��

e ::���\��� l� to bl' Ilresented FrldaL ev�nlng. Mas Wed!lesda)' I'venlng. April 29. at S:15' ;::�ns::!�erFr�

h';;:�;�;:;il �:=� Christenson "'111 be thl' f1o�'('r girls. Ch3�ber of Commerce. VIS;:;t the COl' IS. ��m�

e ... ::�:�It.). hall. 13th aod Ta- p�noJogLst, P"ted Suttef'. Jennie Bar-�

ese little glTt� 1\'111 be dressed In old I. Wednesday. April 15. (�- ... rnold Anderson and Mildred Mon- Those Included In the eMt afe Fred don; tea room, �Ie JOhn.50�

, . ��. asbloned spring clothes. Ribbon bear- The group. which Incl\lded MFl\StS son will be seen as. thl' leading char:- duller KArl' Ruth Johnson the aunt.

Mae OO�f, Enid Blue, Neva. ° n, a cn; are glrl� named from t�e senior Gee. E. Fisher. Herman -:Jacobs. (9. N. "cte� In "Joan or Lnc Na�C}' Lee", Thelm� Da�lels Aunt MI�a' Norm� game. Harold.�n, John Dq&- ' :ass, .Eyel)-'ll EJtluz:td. Marie Johnson. Allstrum. W. A. Leuenberger.�nd v.�tl thl5 comic opera In two acts. Preus. as Emm.; Mary J4a.chl�, Onm- l�d; ice cream, �1i&beth Stuen, NOI'� edvlg Dahle. Mildrl'd Monson. Joanna Honcywdl. viewed the. cramped library Th(> scene of the opera takH pl"ce t thO k' V B1tte th li _ ma Preua,. P.rec1r1cka 8cblan�, _ MAnoUS()l;. Roberta Torrlson. Eleanor and cla:<.�room facilities. They noted on the piratt' ship. the Nallcy Lee. Ray !��thl: C:Ooc�r:

e�::k FI�er.

e r::d Melba Pe�y; tW1 pond, Vo�IY. Norby, Raudebaugh . . Ruth Froyen, Eline Ben- the relation of the campus to points of Reid will have charge of the nne. stagt' Johann. .1I.{\I

�d lI.(onson, AgnC!! Lunde, Mar-

.<;(In. and Evelyn McCullough. Intcrcst such las the municipal airport. !Oetting!; suggested for this opera. En- garet Demers; beauty hOllPltal. Irene Six aesthetic dr 115 will be performed military rcservation. Spanaway Lake. rlre costuming of the cast Is being • Odell, EUI{elll� Spencer, Ell'8nor �u-

by members the mu."<;lc Interprt'tation .the Rainicr. mount.aln hlghwllY. Park- planned. according to Mr. Keith Reid, Personality Group debaugh, Thelma Ness; theater, � daS.'). The Ma}' Ie Dance 110'111 also be land golf course. and thc ptopo5ed ex� Drama Club ad\'I5('r. who is ,cOllchlng WOII M t T 0 h.t Monson. Tessie Sells. Louise William'!, gtvl'n. Judy BenMln hlL'! chargl' of tenSion of the Tacoma Metropolitan the speaking lint's and musleal ph� I . ee onlg Thelma Daniels, Kenneth Anenson" p!ann�ng prot:rr�1ll uetalls. a.<;..sisted by Park District of the production. Mrs . ... dah Dapper. -- Paul Estrem. Palme� Su�ro, Vema Helen Scott. Jf'an-Marte Fowll'r, Joan- Yesterday a meeting of the Tacoma 'Physical educational Instructor. will Outside Speakers To Discuss Teglund. Henrtetta 0 Nell have had nR MRIlOllso.�. and Syh'la Miller. I Chamb<:'r of Commerce YlIL� held. but hl",e chargl' or the special Clothing, Posture, Make-up cha.rge of advertising this bt, atudent. TVo'o booths will be ela�rall'ly deco- no delall� for publication were released scenes. __ ' body carnival. Booth construction

;ted. under the lJuldance of Melba In regard 10 this recent Inspection. The supporting cast Is listed as fol� ... mld a delightful spring set�lng of work Is �Ing done by AI �acobS, Ray


S�;:·cr:�. :;�:�:: • • lOWS: Sir P.�ter Ley ton. Paul .Estrem: decorAtions consi5tlng chiefly of fruit ���' Harold H&rr.. and Qf!>orge Knut-

and ,popcorn wlll be sold. . Practice Begins on Lord �Kberl MOrti�er��ter'n�

n�:� bloMOms. the Personality Club will meet ' . _ . .

. Other commlttf'l's In charge are' S 0 - P tat" enberg, Jerr),. Lio}d pro . In the recreation ;oom tonight. at 1:15 P bl" S k 0 'CI throne. NormA Preus. F'rearicka &hlan� enlor . resen 1011 Brinkley. Kenneth "'nenson: Barn�y o'clock, Mrs. T. 0. 8\'are, wife of the U IC pea log a8S bu."Ch. Verna Teglund. Marie Wenberg: .-- ��':'K�;�en�;I�l



nl\,{a��::' college pastor. and Miss Ruth F'royen. Holds Practice Debates

flowf'rs. Eula Mne OOff. Alice Cook. Thelma Danlel�. Harold Ander- , M ' 61g- Delta Phi Kappa president will pour Vlrginln Davis. Loul� WIlliams: at- son Co-Star in Class Play - M



. s��e; ��;irates: The subJec� of the progra� IS post� In conJunction' with the forensic In-

�:���:� ���een�


et��rt�:ve��tc=: Thelma Danlcls and Harold ... nder. ��hn St4en·. Bert Myhre. Charlie �nd clothes. Miss Edith . B. Ramsey, IItrucllon of the public �peaklnr c1au, Evelyn Eklund: clcan-up, Laura Hl!.uge, son are cal<t to play the leading roles Leask. and Harold NIlsen: Lady Joan· clothing, teacher Ilt. LlnCC!ln High Pror. J. �, Pflueger hM COnf�.uc� a

VirginiA Clifton. Mar)' Jane Dedrlch. In the &>nlor Class play. "'Once There na Ley ton. Mildred Monson: �Iari� School. will speak on .... Proper Clothes series of deb&:tes for. the past two

EliZAbeth Stu�n, Mona Byrd. ;O�Pk


n�:s�re:�te�UI���ss "';!::�� �l��I:�:

an�IO���lt E��:��:

n�pe�r �:rk.���pe����,";�rls' :�lcal


w�::orro\V Ott" Gl'1lnde, Sylvia MI1� "La Surl.rise D'lsadore" ��e


I��l :,e



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c:�d �:�t�:;� ��; :�t��::��

a o�O:h�:;::�n�����

Will B� Given May I 5 ! ha�eC��a�::e��les are ' the Prfncess �:��.


ar:U.:�r:10;::n�:t�.���� ��s.; ;:

a:���. ;!p����' I�

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Friday afternoon. May 15. In Dellatore, and Phil Lennox. Thl' sup· Madsen: �Idesmalds, Wadene Cala- will demonstrate "'Correct �osmetlcs team Includes Edward MachiI', Estl)er the gymnas.lum. the French Club will porting cast Includes the following van. Nonna Prl'us. Anita Ball. and AI� for Street and Evening Wear. . Norgaard. anc� Irene Odell. . character.;: Milton D'Arcy. Gary Pnue� da Johl15Gn. .. Beatrice Leland, Helen Lilja. and Yesterday, debating the question, "Re-present "'La Surpr1.5e D'�dore." a ger; Ruby Boyd. Virginia Davb: Mr&. The 'chorus of bridesmaids Includes June Walters ha�e charge of the deco- solved : That corporal punlahment F'1ench comedy In one act. Professor' Boyd. Valborg Norby; Joe Boyd, John Ma"rt;nrl't Craft. Jennie Bardon, Mar- trllion scheme. Refreshment.'! will be should be relmt.itut.ed In the American M. N. F'rRnck. French Club ad"iser. Is Dreibelbis; Hazel Boyd. Margaret garet Rorem. Novelle NAgel, EllUl�th serVl'd by NoveU Nagel: Elea,:!or Raude� courts." Dorta Olson. Nevllla 'RoM, and dlrecUng the play. CrAft: Aunt Mets Trlmble, EuIa Mae Stuen, Judy Bl'nson, Evelyn Monson, baugh. Roberta . Torrt.son. and Jva Ruth Sollie on the aWnnaUve opposed . Pro!. Keith Reid. Drama Club .ad- oorf: Mrs. Seaver. Jone Madsen; Mrs. Volly Norby. and Edna. Tobiason. Men �ut.son. John Wenberg. Alma. Stolee, and June

Purrington. Ellen Bertstrom: Signor who are chosen to be In the chorus of , Michelsen of Ule negative. \'!ser, In the role ot lsadore, a school MoronI. Ceorge Brockway; The Old, pirates are Ray HlnderUe. Clyde Grim- Eight Pianists Listed Other questions which the claaa has ;:�Ofb�j!��P';:���.,:�!ch

th� prin�

ss. Eleanor Ra�debaUgh. =�

b=� Lehmann, and Orville On Recital Program �;:�� ana;e:'la�'l��::� "O��d�; �c::-. ��::: :�


�;hJ�:ct= Paul ES-trem Will Speak The accompanying orchest-ra under should be s.ubsUtuted tor the "A," "B."

visits the hOspital. IsIdore become. c At Missio.D SoCiety Meet ��e :=�;n ;:'roMr Lo�ld � co�:= SO�J




n�e�:� ���'n �d;�Y:e:



a.lanned when he flnw that the doctor ' . -'-- 6 Ivla Miller Marvin Jensen Joseph department at Pacltlc Lutheran Col�

:::;,: ��d�:!�e=t :.::;;an�� th:S:�:t b�=th;

e::t�, ���:: R�nnlnl' and Nevella RoM.

:�g: r:!���




n� Prof. Pflueger QisCU8Ses

ters, llJe beUeve!> him to be ·mad be· day evening, April 29, In the recreation 1:45 In the College chapel. Church on Radio: �,o�8m ·cause of hJs strfUlge actions. He be� room. Paw &trt'm will give 8. talk on Fowler to Teach . A program of classical and modem Ueves the 'same of her, and tries to .PIa:-- -the �llstOU5 'condltlons and ' miss10n s1 d ,<\Oloz; varied with twO plltrJlO duets 1'!sa Prof J P PflUegeT will be the apt'ak� ute her. The doctol"s mother��lawo work In' Mexico. . . Miss Jean-M',arie Fowler ,has gne been planned. er Jor Ule Lutheran Welfare 80cIety Mme. Duval, �Y.ed by Belen Start, The program, w111 alsi) lnclud� .. a vo- a co�tract to teach the fourth'::� Appear!nl on the progTam are PetrY proeM which Is to be brot.dcut Mer also becomes involved In the mdee of cal solo by Romola Rust:and acr1pwre in the city school system of Ramstad: Qf!>orge Brockway, Nonna 5t&Uon 1040, Sunday afternoon'at two supposedly Insane persons. 0I:lly the reading by Rolph Bola.tad. • o\1lal. Wash;ngton, during the next Preus. Joseph Runnln" Dorothy An� o'clock .. Hi.a topic for dlleuuion "- "Tbe airtval of Or. Adolphe Picard aDd. .su- ACCOrding .to JUper Johnson, presl� school year term. . derscn, Thelma oanleia, Dorothy and ChrillUan Church.'o zanne, h18... wlIe, played by Melba ren,.. dent, the Lenten olf� project de· M yet. no othl'r graduaUn&: smJOrl Arthw Larson. . The P. L. C. mate quartette will rur-ney, put an end to !.he cont\U1on, � vdoped. �ery favorably . . Iva ' ltn� of Ule Normal d�ent-· �ve been LlghUng effects will til' under the nlsh the musical ... numbera; with C. A .. tbe m15t.aktn IdtnUUea art explained. and Ml�� Lanon were in cbaJ'te. placed. care of Raymond Reid. , Pellet at the orpn.

'f I

- '

\ <


wQe tiooring .fJlaJ5t . PubJbh� en'ry two�wetb durlng the K.b()O,1 year

by the students or Pac!tle Lutheran C;:oll�. Office; Room 115 .. Te1ephone� �Arlnd 057'T ,

Subscription 1 Pritt-ROO. per. Year

Entered as second cillM matter. OCtober 2. 1�25. at the Post .Offlce at Parkland, Washington.

under the Act of March 3, 1879.

1935 Membeor 1936, I4ssoc�d CoIiel'!iale Press EDITORI.4.L ·STAFF


Helen Holtcamp Norma Preus

- Bob Martin Elizabeth Btuen

FEATURE EOrI'On. Connie Ctumb ' TYPISTS Irene OdeJl. Marie Lien . COPY READER - . • � LE'nON! WILhrow SPECIAL WRITERS - Jack Q(lcy. John Orelbelbl�.

Boo Monson. REPORTERS-Margaret Lan;en, 'Illelma Daniels,

. Elva Bergman, f'rt'drlcka SChlanbusch. NormM . P'rye, RII.<;'<:('l\ Frye BUSINESS STA ... ·F .

Bt:u;INESS MANAGER F)'ltbjof 'fayet ADVERTiSING MANAGER - J{'an-Marie Fowlf'r. CIRCULATION MANAGER. MlIIgaret Craft CmCULATION ASSrSTA.r.'TS Romola Rll.�t,

Kllthryn Anderson AD SOLICITORS - Ellzabelh f'tll;, Enid -81n«-('.

Allcl' Cook. '. FACULTY ADVISERS - N. J. Hong, 0. J. StU!'h

tighter Than . � . afiS-4J.ettls-�(jx(eaJt)C

Air .� " .,�' . - � l .iln':1I1 l1kinj.! iUld Ih£' f.(t'nl l{' uri (If \>�()I)(:isiflJ.! j's 1I110,tlt "10 bt�. ;, tlisrulltc'CI_frolll its century-old tl'�'hlliqtlt� hy 1)1"'. Cllh�n StOlJ(' (,If BY�OB ,Min/SON . Stanford ('ni"{'rsity (f\(:I' ) . 'Thi� it;tIlIlH:l'lIst pr(}v�s Ihul wl�('n a

. CIIOIR CAT. CALLS-: ) , ytHII1}� mllll swenrs · undying tk\'ulihn. lu.-' shHUltr �l1ol chl�p his tll\lld·o\'ct the heArt. but shoula Instead . " Well. Wl';.re home . , . 'I helli" that SNACK hl\5 hi.! hold his head In -his hands. TI1e heRrt, women \\'I'�r mannish. suits; the an:o;wrt'

baiter)! Ch,rgl'd ,tiP again . that ROLPH' ha...� lost thab �.;aYS the ftocUlr. hll...n't Itnythlng to do Is "No, No, !'lo, We wan� ollr women ' "stray.ddg' look in his eYl$ , , '�d that ��. y,'lth your emotlon. What counts Is Lhe' feminine And -�wf"et and not. all d,re!lSt'd \.J LARSON has quit. iau«hlng Ill. everything you say to .

pltu!tllry glftnd at the base of Ule 'skull, up like A men:� clothing store dummy, her , , . The' p'rpfessor, .. ' theme song, 'now that we've' r.e· although he admlL.'! the helU't might We hate fa.l-.e 5Ophlstlc�t,I

OIi. .Why .

�uffl�(HS."Sh\)w Them No Mercy," . , We saw a lot of -get 'll "1I1t.[e kick" out of being In love don't women relax and try beIng tre.m. beautiful scenery. although. RAY HrNDERLn: says he with A mAnifestation of lncreased blOod selves?" ":We feel embarl"!'-"I..o;erl .llo end saw more bt-auUful �enery In the different audiences �('t;on.' But, thRt'S all whfn our dAle tum.'! ollt to have R

� than 11� did. In the tnl.and Empire , . And 01 all the r I lau8h like a hen's CRckJe, and'Q- never to\\ns we "'tnt t�roiJgh-"'ithout �yen notlc�ng them! �t�;d:�e b ' the st of students con. d.ate A, gnl tWice that ,mR�es lot' of - , It got so we ..... ere saying, "Nice town �'e-re coming" ' I t f> ' 'h � I be ' Ided noise 'In publlc ... · .. We won,t �Ull.ld for

to. wasn't ·It?�· . . . Washington croosl;'d the- DelawlU'e :I�t �hO:\ .:,��'. ;::

an �all

a;�'roll. havJng. OUT w�en go flc�le �n us, eith-

and �w�. anQ Clark cfOl'lScd' the continent, and all of - tj " cr. -We want 'them .to- be tr.ue to u.� .them beCame f�mous . ' . . OTIS GRANDE c'roosed ' his ment and .such 1'1 Inrge number of. ex· al6ne " at a bW1Ch-of �Irl; In Lacrosse, and he became the ��::I;�Tf����. ��:.:It:e

':o�:t 0:'?1I�1:" Th;:<. is only II. Starter .on the l>09r

sensation of the town . . _��uble with the eastern AIllU.'SI!d last Saturda 'nl ht 11 he 'had g!rls. , The Daily constantly runs per­route Wft..; that the cun'l$ made Y_OII dizzy . . . . although . Y

g _ sonn[ fellture articles In regard to youth

grnCefuI_t.:ve� aIWay� . . dld I��ke K�N AN"ENSE�

y �1::1��� �t:C�I::�� ��:�:tI:�d ��= find I-ts' f�n�les: ,Perhaps. i't would be

. . . W n�er what Wldda Warn . MADSEN. ALDA �1(l\'lrig 011 some "drnsUc" RSlilgnment Inter�stlng If the youn� me� In P. L. C. JOHNSON and _l\��ET �OREM""'WIII do. without an given thent: ThirU>en boos to the third would send. In a special flrtlc:e �-Oneem. I\ud[ell �

j whenever t.l Y knit .;, " .rear norma lites or fast year's class who Ing t�elr grlev�nces against women, At

Burlfhgton hft.<; t,he second. I�rgest cheese factory In thought It more ben!'flclal to �'rlie 6ut lea.:t It might give the yOlIllg' coeds who th!' world . . . . but that doesn't say Ilnythlng against the thi1t problem project. after they ' had

hav� Ix>en getting all"gr�e.n wlth ex­pr:x!ucts �he town ser:tds to- P. L. C� _ . . JOHN STUEN.� only hnd t.O dISC\l ..... � It. Woe unto fit. clt!'m(,IH of spring and desire for long pulled'the prize boner of the trip � . he !fat Into trouble � t.ure g!'Il!'Mtions of Princ[ples or- Edu. II'ltlks all .thc pralrle.- and thoughts of for ·'burplng·· [II the Iclbby of tbe "ritzy" Davenport ,.hotel cat[oll just bt-cause of. th('lr Id'ea. . rest/ul hour.; or Jyin� under tbo w�ep· ill Spokane . ' . . Informa,lJty at aU C()l;ts wns ex�essed �hud'der Note: . Ing wlIlow tree by tbe creek with th!' when ARNE ANDERSON overheard a. choice quip during D('nn C. E. Edmundson or the. Unl- n!'west S. p" somethITig to work qn. Or. the private conversation rn;iween H. couple of ,bankers in \"ersit\' of indlnnlf. contributes some- Is thert' no romance In t,he heart of �I;�IY �a�'I�h �h�

I:�:I;o�l );��

r'�:!��i t


. !I. thln�' In tile way, at thought when he these mille school teachers?

HELEN LIWA lives' on a farm, and while enst or the .�uggcsts thaL in the future all stut:fent..� -----

CONCOMITANT LEAIlNIN{;S OF COLLEGE mount.1.l"ns Sill' was -the guest or many farmers, bILL the ��1�1::1 ��I:�'rprinted for klf'nllfl· PREXY'S CORNER

STUDENTS AilE OFTEN TOO NARIIOW kid , ", ",,,d "' 'h, ,II"",,, or . 'ow ELIZABETH -) Colkg!' I'dl\(·;"jou� art' lIO\\" slIp'Hlsel! 10 s;rnEN and MARY MACHL'E cenalnlY' k�Pt n v.·t!at�er 1'ounll: Girl. Stf'P Up People will talk. Wi"! tRI,k. Ot�ers

I"m'h �l lIdc' ld� Itow In tt'�ld a rich,"" t ifc'. cyc on lh!'lr brothers during the cou� of the trip The University of Washington male t.1.[k. Tfllk is Important. It Is wisdom To Iii' tlti� point down . 10 0111' I/wn Pm'ific bllt, it didn't do nny good . We don't know whether S!'lI: g::,ve their view!i Of ' the wenker sex to If'( Iv\'e bridle the· longlle. Htnce

l .t lt IH'rall (:IJI II'g(', i l i� Stft'llI'isilllf, 1111\\' narnlW thltt girl ill Da\'cnport ask!'d Vern for an au\-Ogroph, but In a \'err pointed nrtlc1.e printed In the this' memory gem'from childhood: till' �l'IIP(' or exn·IIt'nt ('nkrlnitllll('nt and worlb- we klloW h� gave her his skull cap. . �prlJ 15 edition of the Da.ily. Says one " If wlsdom's w(lYs you'd wisely �ek, w!tilt, ('olll:id� ad Ulilly. is. :'\Iosl of till' 'sl udcnts Th(' - [!lu�hingf's� girl on Ihe (rip W�L� 'CAT'fU:RINE irate fel�ow. "You can $end onions to F'Ive things observe with care: IIt'rl' an' pH'JlHI'ing for tht. (('aching proft'ss1nn, KITCH ION . . The boy. GARY PFLUEGER . . , The Lil(, g!rl� that whimpers: Why don't yoU . or whom )'OU speak. to whom you .1 1I1I all thl' lihi'l'al arts �Itldt'nl� migltl i lHliyitlu. most sombr�LYDE GRIMS�DT . . The hardiest-- :��\�.sr�:o

sl!�::/.?hn·S? He has one speak.'

ally also a�" t1lC'l1lsel\"t,� Ihis IJ tll'�tion. " A llyl" MILDRED MONSON. . She waddled In the snow In Wh(,11 asked If "'men prefer to have Ol�nt�·:

oc:·ma��n�':;���n:r::;' at :�::�I'�I/.'I;II��:�: ;�lt;ltI:�'II;p�·,���.li�� i �lltl

l,ifri-ll��:�1 a�/::t��� '���(��tl�ICb���7 d���.�


W:i��� �� h

��::� ���� PaCific Lutheran Academy thlrtY.four I t1\"ah 10 the malty inleresting pt'rsOIUlIN,cs l hnd n wll[ing shadow and, body guard In thai husky Chahel t':leanings years_ago the chief stu�eli.t orat

ton bore Wltil:1t r l'0I11:1d. or alii I Ilarrowing TlIyselr to (basso. bilL when she needed him In Bellingham he was r ';:I the _title: " There Is life and death In lilli' �I't('l't group, Ihl' l'IIIl'I'lainllH'1l1 ()f. which -.:-oml1whc�!' . " Lse . . We , trlcd. to geL �methlng' on ' the. power of the tongue." Being youn�. i_� nltTt'''' l ilt, Illo\'i" s or st'llOol .. I hit-lies?" VALERIA MQEHNKE nnd NORMA PREUS, but life Is When twe are �'oung, we especially the orat.or put life ahead of death. The

This �'oJl('g\' is forlullale ill IIt'rilg lornlcd t.oo short to sp!'lId weeks trying 'to spy on such secretive dr!'am of the futur.e. We Vlant to maJee Book or Proverbs offers the Inverse 1It'll!' two citi('S, Tacotna nnd �I'nllh'. wltich mls.."Cs . EVELYN MONSON mu.�t unuerstand farm II nnme for ourselves. We look for 'an order: "Denth b.nd 11'11' are In the 'power

�'fl r l'xCl'l1l'lIt a(TOlllplishlllt'llls in I ltt. way of folks. because ten minutes alter the InLroducUon she and f'xamp[e. The one \\'h.o !IVE'li -ror his of ·{.he tongue." The divine command. rt. dhulla. and Illll�ie. the am folks �'ou[d generally be slapping each other on felloy,'men Is ,the greatest, We can !llE'nt. -says. "Thou shalt not bear false

n 0111' l'\'t'ryday lin'�; .\\'(> might well Iry .lo the back and swapping .. cookie r('cipes . . . It Ule choir ���h��k ��h('� n:OPI:at�


c�0:�YfO�h:� witness_ against thy �e'lghbor." And

c't'owd inlo it a� large a yaril'ly of interesls !IS l� contcmplnllng new gowns next year. why not have all Chrl�t. Those who �ve'IIVed for Ch�st L"I.I,t,h""'·h,ex��am'



mr 'r, .. n.'d· is, pos�ihl,·. Pl'rhap� il i� !lit' fall�1 of our I'dll- til{' girls wear dresses like TIIELMA DANlEL'S pinkish • " ""--' ... � •

{'a lilllwi �y�II'Ill-lhal WI' an' ('ol11 l)('lIell 10 one? It's that grRnd . . . ADD SI!<flLE: As smooth as ;: ",�;��h c���!���e:h���,:sll�:;�I� I ��\'e to God �ht

"t.· the best. construc·

�!�(::�I ��:��I� :� t7;�;'tI:rl:II(�H:�::;:l.::fi::::I' il:";:;'l�:��:�:tCI)I�\� �';;: '�����O\I����:

h::I�e, h���s :�;:'al�

utse;��� Christ. our shall rtse too_ If we I 10;�rO:o


ry:f 17�� let us be gratetul.

('lillllll:tl('d. had heart failure . And If the choir d�dn't have girls ��i��'� l�:�%e�.

rd of our lives. our lives j Word� of death' let us forgive. And Mt I.ift, is Illlll'l' 1111I1] slutlyillg; il i� also ('njoy· like ELI:.EN BERGSTROM and VIRGINIA DAVIS, half us. In love, keep on trying t.o put the

illg Iltl' ('lllIlIral ad\"alltagt'� that llIuke ,Aiving the jokcs the boys pull would fall flat. There' is �Of���e��'�������=� �: �:er of our' tongu�s on the s.1de of

;i',;:::N,;r::�,;:;�;';:;:��r�:�i:,:E�hl':il�:I�;i:f.:,.'r;,!;';,�S �h:�;'::::��':'�: �,��;'I�h;;= ::o���g":: :;;;;",; ��:, ':'r;�:��t��"� :"�:; O. A. TINOELSTAD. . 4 "Hitler's': roommates . "JOlrn NiLEs" [s the best �l ���

hISa ;d::�:�;n:



known I!ctlclous pI'rsonaUty In school this year . . . Last power has greed. ambition, and lust After the Sh�w f'REFERRED TO PRESENT SYSTEM

yenr [t was "ERkTE:"S GIRL," . . . A good way to get an o\'er a man who can't help hlmseU? JACK'S CRIDDLE II is \\'(,11 kl1ll\\'11 Ihal mall\' Illli"crsili�s. and �o���





n�;. i�

at�h:n!:=��IOt�m:�:: ��� �lt�






m:�� stUll" t"ollt'gcs. IISf' til(' qllart(:r sy�l('m or divid· marry Il ,,;oman with a M. A. dE<gree . With RAY conscience from a . man and turn him � 913 Commerce St. Ta.coma. Wn. iii illg tilt', sclmnl y(,llr. in pluet, or til(' semester REID pla�'lng the colored flood lights on ELLEN when smiling to God. . . .

sy�It'lll 1I0W heing llsed in many schools of she made hcr al\llOuncements be�ween acts last "Drill "':-'-'� - We live In Il world 'grlpped in the I· --------- .)- ,. " higher It'arning. Drama," a freshman girt sitting close- 'by asked me In· power of fell-r. � Tltt, I 1m'stioll herore us is: would il hc·prqc· Ilocent!y : "DoeS" Ellen change dresses between_,every

l ieahlf' 10 uti l iz(' Ihe quurler syslem in all act?" . So the dorm g1rls finally got new faucets In It :�� �o;� ��U\::P':I

I;h ��r:s�

t':�� Anyt�ing in the way

t;oll(·gl'�. small or Im'I'W'! Sp('aking affirmali\,l'- their bath tub! , : which will make things more .thor- gh'es us power. I , I,\', il cuulel tit' �:lid Iltat I ltl' dUIIl"l' shuuld he ough, but less playful. I of FI ... E�'en In the mind of the most hum. owers I ::::���; 1.:l'lt:::H�1' 1::i��::u������:r




il�� NIGHT SCEN�around 1 1 o'clock-ART HAAVIK and b[e Christl9;n, faith ls the viCtory. be·

�1"!���'I(;l;1 f�·:;:�!�t:lllttl tl�;,

I;:I��i��I��:!l t::�:�I��,��t

'�I:�i ���!��� d��:g



I:gg�r� O�








r1gtl f��: I Anders Florist


,' usualh' nHlll'S allOut"Ull' liliddle uf the selllcsll'r, around awhile." . . . Thelma Daniels and Norm Frye .... 1 Hul. t!I(T(' art' ;lrgulIll'llls ,nguilist such u chango. ambllhg amlably .away from the bon!lre . , , MR. FAD- Make use of them and receive the eter· , f lUll. One might he the rael ·that such n method NESS leering through the open doorway: ';Comin' In or nal gHt , of everlasting life, 255 So. 'I I th St. MAin 7 1 1 3 would (�Illail tOQ much cramming and . hard· ::���s<?���� he; ��s. �.



t: ':Ye arc the lIg::�f �����I:.�

rl�: 1----______ ,1 work, and in Ihat way hreak down hcalth: . good company . . . VIVIAN BUNESS and VERN KNUT- '


l�1 (1::I�ll��



ll�d��l��d �aacl! ZEN rushing Into the building , . , Wha:t's all the rushing

day . . It might also be said that such a systcm ��;t: ��'I�::I�::::����I

S:I��:��� �

e would he too IInlUttural-too forced--:--"squeez·

" iltg Ihe lehulil until t1H.'rc'� Itul a drop or jui(:e YOU CAN BET your last say that NOVELLE NAGEL wl11 left," so to spcnk. · .make an attractive. May Queen . . , They decided against

Howcver, the raet remains tllat universities a May King, which let JOHN OREmELBIS out·. , . he's nmtinu� to lISC thc quartcr system and �em not so good with a.. scarf anyway . . , The freshmen boys 10 thrive on it. They forCe study, and study-" had a full time on Campus Day t.-:""ce humb)klg- the ing 'ncver hurt Ilnyone, They force concentra. sophs by scraping their shins on the· bottom of Clover lioll. and concenh'ation is one of .lIic best-quali� , Creek. besides being- Ule rlnglca"ders In the wholesale tics that can be poS:SCssed.. In u: \vord • . they duck1ngs . . . Next year they1r' more sense .. and will "kcep their students at high pitch" al) thc time. be more docile In theIr playtuUnesa , ' . . we. hope , .

TIle "question stated is surely one worth lONE received a box ot roses from a 'spendthrlIt in Ta· thinking about. Couldn't" dl- \vider scoPe of coma , . . Por a time she was afraid to OPeD the thing fur

�nowledgc � introduced to the students by ' fear'lt was a bouquet of sagebrush blooms: . A POX: taking threc dirfe,rcnt: shorter courses than on the mob psy<±olO8Y membUs who ruined th.e illy pond two subjects of study? TIlCse (tucs!ion�, 8'1.d _by tos&1ng their vtctF _lntQ it' . � . And a BOU'Qirtr to lunny. olhers, race educhtors of today. Perhaps' the girls'. interpr«1ve demonstration . , , Those g&l.'! are II satisraclon- �\·stem . of standardization will . no slouches' when' It comes to rigure emoting, saying it In he readIed. ' - . tbe words or a lowbrow. I

./ -

more than. light. Christianity is til.e most real thing In

the world. Dr. O. A. TIngelstad. �pr1l,. 20

MORE AND MORE Folks-A", C;:�inl to the


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714 Molr�el Sr. BDwy 2621

DICKSON'S is a good place

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Also complete l ine_ of Accessories and Sport

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for 1936 ARE HERE

'-.-'- ��-'�' -'

Pork land' Barber Shop Patl"Oftl .. Uft� Barber $11.

C. P. KNUDTSON, P,op. Parkland: Wash.

. . . . �i . ' .

WASHINGTON Hardware Co. " Rust

, Bldg . .

.924 Pacific Ave. MAin 4493

�T Y P EW i'Ii�'E"R"fi�"" ''''''':'-j; The· Practical Educational Gift

The STAITIONERS, I�C:. · . 926 Pa'cific MAin 21- 53· _ 9?7 Commerce

. REVERSED CALF • Ia • New Brown Shade A J'C!Il comfort3.ble .pot! shoe, baa the new wiDe . =..� �r:peco!�Ie, d�y. fortabJe, the lUt'-446 w o r d f a 1956 :.�.I nl' . �oo t:.

940 Commerce


PHO.NE.S: CArland OI07 J4-CAr1and 0193R3 Croceries. Flour. Hay. Crain. Feed. etc. I�;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;���;;;;;;;;;;;;:" STRENCTH -CHARACTER -SERVICE

When you .buy your life i.nswranc� consider these factors: the reputa ­tion of the comp"any, the character . of its management, and the service

rendered WE I NVltt YOUR INQUIRI ES,

CLIFFORD O. OLSON, Parkl;and, Waihjngton R�rHenti"1

. Lutheran Brotherhood 608 Second Ave. S.

LEGAL RESERVE LIFE INSUFV.,NCE Hertha" L Ekem. ,.pres. .

Mj�neapoHS: Nllrn ..

, , " ' . C

Delta Rho Gammas Hear Ye Home/olb - , - the Ta� of tile Choir ItiiWFq.ry L. D. R. WiU Give ' _

PI Pir t P t By Bob 'MonsOn ' .

. th'e l\rst mtftl of' spaghetti "'as !otn;�, delicious dinner they present�. Tea For Mothers an a e· ar Y Vartety-.that·s ..... hat the' P. L. C: and where the first �ouceri WIlS gh:en To the IIl'el)" town �f Mount Vernon, . -, - .. .. choir mem�rs su' and expertenCed on SucceM. �umber one. " ,,'he't the. c�lr. -a 'It'ell. sleN late. Com'mitiees Arrange Det"U. ror Horsehead Ba� Lodge Will Be the r;e«nt concert to'.'

r .. VarIet)· In lo� � 00'1}. and ear·ly to. Ln'lston. tnd to tl.1l? ne�t mornlnc Journeyed to .BUrI� Social Scheduled 9�' S(ene of Entertainment cale., in Ji�eople . . In actl\'it)"; hence. an another me-.! of· spaghetp. .tn ttw; Inglon to _tns�t the condensery. Be� May 8

May 15.17 enjo)"ab�ho,,'e\'er fatlgulng;--«lJourn. af}ernool:\·the slngers gave their 5eCOnd sides vie ..... lng t�is hutt: plant, the sinl' . . . . E"en the faUgue had \'Briety. ' ('�mcert-In the Lewiston Normaraudl· ers had Aflother RteMure of tnwel1nJ" Sponsoring. one of"lts oot&�dlng so·

" Plrates"' ha.s been ehoun for the The onh' :!ra ..... back on the otherwlR Ia.rlum. Without as mUCh. as a deep o�r �he scenic ChuciuLnut Drive 'colna cial affairs or the yeat, th� 1.. O. R. �J tht-me of the ho�part)' to be \'tll lo,·ely. trip "'a.s that the slngers had. to breath the stngers !ott ou� ror LaCl'OMe. ink· Bel�.lnghalT,l. In th� afternoon � layIng P�ans for the a�nual . �her ,;

Ilt H h . ,- . g1 sing;. the onlY time acth'Uy didn't orr�r IIfId arrived there Immedla�ly prior to (ore the concert In the Tulip City. se,,� Tea yo'hlch Is to be Ih'en May 8 In tht' by th

O�tad B!l)' Lodge Ma}' 15�17 variety ..... as when the male quarte.!.D.'1g ('on,*rl. time. .Success. numbel three eral of the mon! collrageOus membt!n; recreatlon �. Ladlea of �tie dorml· to th: f't'n�����a�=ma. According

.··�e Drum:' Now and the':l ?fr. Eh'e-- \ .... s registered. and e.verybodS· . repaired wtnt Into' a movl!:!. thereby mlss.ln� the �Ory auxiliary are �lso Invited.

drlc!tso d • I. Hen� 'strom wou1d make il �h. but out· to a dOllmtown resta�nt . ..... here a r:e� I""enlng mea1 and being the last ones Marp.ret Rorem. pre!i�ent. anno�('.

A ld I n. ecoratlons of .... ild flowers side of ·thls dlsturtiance -and a few oth� eepUon ..... a.s gll'en the .5.Ingers-and to receh'e the report cards. f�ly sent cd all oommlnees tn charge at .!lie L

u�al o7:t�e�;'�h=y out a l.fry nat; !"rs. Ihe good o,'erbalanced � the un'· s.pllghetti ! Here,Cllrl ga,'e his malden from .Parkland . . It ""aa In BelU�ham O. R. meetlna which was held Jr4Onda), . plea..-.ant. and el'erybody-ucept maybe spet'(:h; .here lone Madsen that M�er Eh'HLrOm lave- his sixth afternool'l. Mrs.,Ph. E. H.� and Mrs. It Is hoped .. that the girls "'111 be able tlle audlenc�me throUlh It With a do ..... n the house with her "WI�da speech �to the ChOir.

. A. w . . Rarn!ltAd as h05teMe5. Helen .

:m�1 go 011. �� �:45 terry trom Ta· nice red tas�e In the m?o.ttJ,. . \Varns" opus. and ga"e e,·er.ybody the Next: 1Xl Lakewood. It· ..... aa .ai this Hol�mp. vloe·prestdmt. wi}: b:e as·

C on F't1da) aftem�n. �fa}' 15. I Variet}' be8:an breaking ,forJ.h �'hen ��m.�ams ; �ere , Llo}'d :rtaompson point that the strain began ,to ,show stsled by Lenon: Wlthro,,· In planning

omplete commltt.ee5 "orklng on ar· the bus pull!'d out amid· a downpour of .MakUy represented the Junior college I If th ' t


H the prQinm for the tea. 'Ille decor�· :�s

gemr.el1Ls:- are: inlUation. JUIl� Wal� snow; lind by the time �he group' had champs. • ' L�rson�

n Chll�f�::;


nc;,n�ersa��::a� tlon, SC��rTJ.e Is, 'under the direction· of

Ra�de lary Jane Dedrick. Eleanor reach� the mountains. and. �'ere halt· Do ..... n lOr up? J ·io Em;llcott. History complUllon. . He was casting hwlKTY .All� �ook and Marie �nbel'i. Mar·

Henri baugh .

. Vlrglnla Davis,; programs.. ed . by sno ..... slides. "arlety �ad had Its "'lIS made ml�dly }Jere. although �rt tQPIh In the dlrecUon of 'th(' Puyallup laret Melver: and <>:,·edla. .Hauge will

V etta 0 Nell. Dorothy Kappa}1n. day. Judy .Benson and Esther .Nor· Myhre did his bcst, . ..... hen h� caressed printery. Outside of duck.on� pia? the .Iun�heon. "'iblle invltaUon.� erna Teglund. Margaret Demers. NO. 1 gaard ..... anted M:-. Bus DrIver (Carl to his host's gas lamp mantle and crusbed' th k b b 1I -1.l I . hldl d will be sent 'by OOrqthy Anderson and \

��Ie Nale\. Eyelyn S)"'erson; religion. you) to bust right .Into the banks be.:. the thing I�'hls Innat;ence. All the way ('I�i�:� the :Ol� �Id 1��I� an

Olga HUlO..

' . . . rearet R;orem. Laura . Hauge. Alice cause they ..... anted to � slide. Buj to Mosco", fie regretted It. Ed Mach]e - . Cook . . �6rdls Am�n. r.tildred Larsen; by the ,,'ay 'the altos slide. dO .... 'll"·ard and Bud Lt'hmann · ..... ere surprised to Homesickness dldn't affect their ALUMNI NOTES ....

discussion. Ellen BefltStrom. M�aret during t'helr flat mOments "'hlle sing· learn that M06COW ..... as not In Russia. �Inglng. howe,·er. �Wot' the '1E'Xt virginia U)1J Harris. '35. and Clarence

Craft. Joanna Wadene C.ala. Ing. the two �ou]dn't have got.ten e�� 'In this college town the Choir '1slted night I� StanlVOOd the group renderid Wlnblade, of Woodland, were man100 \·an .. lone Madsen. Thelma DanIels; cited o,'er such a little thing a..� ' Iln lhl' beRutifuL Idaho University campus .Its m06t pleasing concert. Pleaslng·be· ""E.l&ter Sundll:.'. April 12. at the hOfue transportation. 'ElIne Ben·son. Hed"ig al·alanche. However. ..... hen Mr. Elve· 4a�'d h�re Snaek got his second wind) . cfuse ' lt �'as t�1" �ast �rhallS. but not or the brldt'" parenUl. Dr, a�d


DAhle. Ida Men:. Marie Wenberg; K .. strom pletured a detour Into the Inland Quite a. fe ..... or Lhe boy; and ' Iris 1.lkl"l�·, Nearly everyone ,,'as panl)'Zed, N. .A. Harrill of Parkland. �f;:::rj���;��, ��: r.�lI1er. Ruby Empire. kll' telt � slide ..... Ithln himself. were teellng III b); the time thl"Y re:c.h. so the rough going wa5!f� relt any more. "fnl Oyen. '23. Is working: on a pri·

son Calhe� . n. . uth John. .Back. to schoo. the singers dined and ed Spirit Lake the next day. !p'I"t wind The chorus passed through.el·ery 1m. I'III � )'acht In Callfomla. ...I

�uliough NO�� �1�n

�E"�I�'n Mc· lmmedlatl"ly Af�r embarked for Port� and dust had a d'llferent t:tf�t on the aglnabll" geographical type of Ioc::atlon. John Wiese. '29. is emPloy

7, b)" the

Volly,... N�rb}' �Id' Wiriu

dial' S p�rty. land. The ,Sign �t read: 350 MILES songbirds than It generally has In the Variety stared,t-hem In the face wher. �tlt' "TIme5 staIf. • . ISO) . Nelella TO KENNEWICK. but the manager. books )·ou. rt'ad. In 'SplrIt Lake the e\'er they turned. But It WIlS the people . 'il Ros..<;. Mildred Monson; party Saturday. read It dlfferenU}' : 150 [x)LLARS TO SIlOW was' Just . cold,.-e.nough to make they met who accentuated the hodge.

. �' ' Jean Marie Fo,,·ler. Helen �tt. Fred· KENNEWIC�. "TIM. the gang ar� ·them coulh badly 'nd .sing well. "f-Odge of interest. From dl(lerent ones • d " riCh Schlanbusch. Eula Mae Goff. rh'ed In the City or Roses. the girls to . In the choir we heard statements Uke Patrontze Our A v , Isers.-Bergllot Vogan; dl"COration. Enid rest. in Lhe Y. W. C. A. and the oo)"s Nex!. to Davenport. an� �ost ot the the follo ..... ln . "There'. not mucll dlf· 1. ' Blake. Elsie Barrett: E"el}11 Ecklund. to roll and t� at the Ho)'t hostelry. group wished they could ha\'e sung sit· g.

." ., . Berore golnl to town . read th1s Elizabeth FrIIs.

. Here. Incidentally. M� Edwards quelled ��I�!e o:�:re


� d:��e:'�:h�� ��=eat

I�e =�i I:;:.!:!e :� t�: �1��;'

an�:v!:W: n ��=-I II dlstllrbance

, �n,

an adJofnlng room �y and "oh'd" espectally 'at Novelle Nagel, ·ru.<;t!cs hold"'-':Ho�w can pl"ople � sat· ' tng Mast: �-Qu�ljty Knitting Co. � I sa�I:��g �� beautUul·'Columbla River Syll'l/\ Miller and Margaret CraH as Isllt'd surrounded by Sageb� and

AUstrum 'PrInting Co pany Hlgh .... a} Lnto table lan�hroUgh pine the trio Jumped puddles along: main �::�)

nogun.:: �����:I�:lals �� � Msociakd Photograp Lc Service . Lette; SWaden O .. r �pe<'-lty groles and finally alo a rolling ex·

��reee�W::a;I': �I:::� p�a:; :h:;� kno .... exactly what s the matter when Bak�r's

e 403 ] 1 ttl St.

, Tatom., WAU.. panse of sagebrush Lh t� joume)ed

older the Ilrb looked than the male you badl) but they know some� Bob s Garag . J to Kenne"lck the !oll�wfng day . .... here things tIo;rong '-' They .... ere SO polite Bone Dry Sh� St�re " :i= members of the choir to me that I actually felt ashamed of sonnad'-Ity Shop I \ '-�j Home next day after a long Int�rest· myself for being &0 Important. Brookdalt bel' Shop

ESTER,BRooK j SO, Tacoma Drug Co. Ing Journey through gorges along dusty Brookda ooery CO Pen For School Won. plains and finally over the chlllk be· L Brookdale' umber Co.

$1.00 Ludwig's Drug Store decked Snoqualmie Pas&--from D!'ven. 1 Bro�n '& le'y Harold E. Dahl Co. I port to bed An Interesllng Jaunt LIEN 6' SELVIG Caswell Optical Co.

Ru\: BJ�I. Lobby 5401 S T3Coma Way GA 1295 .... hleh saw but one attempt at poetl1-D" !t""'m'po'.',',on.,, Do,"''','',''' n .. , Clover Creek Service Station

@j \ ) 0:------------ George Rusted s quantitative narrll· .... ttl Conr&(ri Coffee Shop

7;;;;;;��:";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,� 1 r the on the U� of a first tenor. Norwel"n Cod Liver on S Ii TACOMA'S LARCEST No mention has been �ade of the Cor. �:;tA�K73r4 Ave. �� =�r�o. tore

.B��::e'�d.���r&I!tl!!�i�!�ers Home�Furni.hinp Store cholr's appearances In the different Dickson Bros. �M �:£..: high schOOls. They don·t· count. be� )---------1 EaMern Outfltllng Buy _ lmm TaeO<na's P'(II'Oe!!!' dealer and gd a good buy al oe..11 cause this epistle would be fII]ed with £. � Eaotman Kodak

terms '10'-' can afford 10 pay ..... c ... 'c ... � ..... -., .... �� too many quartet drum beats. fl�H E I Flsher's \!I Stopping off at Parkland. the choir . "�o...:nu.. . 1 Oa.1lenKamp's SpeCIals $1 9.50 1 ' '

Corona Threes $9.50 J trLlded·Toby. Bucky. E\'el}'ll., and Nordls SMART SPRINC FROCKS Hanson:s Jewelry 1 THE BUe for Eugenill. Romola. Jenny and Orv. NEW PRI1'ITS-$5.9S Harold E. Dahl Co. An M.:Il<.e�

Noonday Luncheo" and headed north for Seattle. There, • ____________ HartsoOk'!! H. D. B�ker & CO. SERVICE JudlLnl by the cholr's voca] endeavor Jack's Griddle

I 09 So�R�;:;�el�O:a:. (; A WITH A SMILE �,� t��e �f���:� t:s��!lo�:d I�

PP�; r · .. · .. · .. · .. · .... ·CAS ........ ·· .. · .. o·iL:

·"· .. ' .. "· .. ,, .. ·, :c:=.:Cox Co.

�:m�:m�:m�:m�:m�I t==========l LacTOS;.<;(' and Endicott .� l WE DO :E��ptv�i'NE OF � Lien & Selvig

� lums. HO ..... I"\·er. the evening' con�ert � W.tdi", .. Spec'-'ty l I:.ou Jobnaon Last year ( 1 935 I The I· Conrad's Coffee Shop .... ·as the bes� to. date, and everybody � BOB'S GARACE ' � LUdVlg Drug Store

Parkland Light and \Vater Sandwiches, Pie and CoHee return� to Parkland happy-all but � BrookdAle, Wuh. GArl.nd 0] 93J5 § .Lutheran Brotherbood






: Ell t-: j ==.=�=






� :�:;;�i;�:;;::;��;';;� ·l===��"'''''''':'''''' .. l ���f'��� 00,

fraction over l 1f.2 cents You Are Most Likely to the unsung herp. at this point, writing Eastman Kodak Store., Inc. Parkland LIght & Water r h�'ded for E,·ereu. Rolph Bolstad was Parkland Oolt Course

per KWH

I, find it at his mother Crom east. of the mountains ' 9 1 0 BROADWAY Parkland Wercan.Ule

and uklng the Ladles' Aid please not to People'. THE PARKLAND RHODES seT'l'e h1m and his pals that curly·cue 0 -- Pioneer PrlnUng LIGHT &.WATERCO. BROTHERS .· TACOMA dish The) dldn t and even Snack. r CiI QuaUti, Knlt.UnI" Co.

�����������I calmed down-Under the lnnuence otthe 100% Values j Rhodes' Brothers

THE HAN=:�J��ELRr 2S. "·''A�:o�·'''�2S' -j [I1@jl@liliJillG =�%.'. EASTERN 257 So. ] ' tn St. Tacoma, Wn. T d '


Tacoma Enp'avtnr Co.

Has Your " ,y.". R_;O''-'''_bW Pri,. , ,' ,: ��"�,� .. :�:��':, ,, ��,��:,,,���' ,,

� j'" p,,",.,, _ stat,:n .. , -j gi�:::� Spring Suit , .. ,.', .... Lod_' H"K.H;., i w...,tncto . .......... The student ;n the Col- ' . PIO---R w t Cout O Co Be it one' of thO!!e new sPort : We cat!!!, 10 the ladles ; ''''CO '''��� .w::�'s 8eTv1r:'�tauo'n

models for you young men lege Department having � Art's Barber Shop ! MA,n...2l22 12th 6- A Sts

o� a mannishly tailored for

the Miss We will fit you right We will treat you right We will give you credit

. F?r buying right

EASTERN Outfitting Co . .

933 Bro.dw� HERMAN JACOBS. Mlr.

the �ighest scholastic �",,,;,, .. ,,,,�,:�,����:,,,:,::�,�,I,���,?�,,,,,,· .... "' ·� li':==========�::::::::::::===7====� AMOCAT , FOOD PRODUcrs

record for the year 'wi l l

be presented w;th a

" suitable :gift by ihe

Pacific Avenue Lumber co.

�5c For Nine Holes 25c 'For ' 18-Holes


Distributed by WEST COAST CROCElY CO, $1.50 Shielent Monthly Ibte I I I ��===��;:;.;;�;;;�;;;;;;;:===� $1,50 Ladl .. - , Ra.e Monthly I I $2,00 Men'I MonthIY, Rote .....;FOR SKI EQUIPMENT-

Parliland Golf � __ KIM.ALL·5-FI .. t · ' . £'___ W. Ho!" '''' Who. You N .... 10 'Mak. This

{ ,

- ,

UWrse f �r.;' p�g�:���;. ��--------�IIL�--��,���.�

� �----------� I �------·�����--�--��i _ . .


,\tlend .Dram;.t Club Opua Next Week . . All Girls lR\'ited To

D. It. G. Housepnrty

pARKLAND; WASHIN.OTON, MA Y 6, 1936 No. \4

Expansion Program fDeSi[ned • ' 1929 Is Revived ' m , Drama Club Ope, ' ra I ts Postponed , Until

Thursday., May 14 "Joan of the Nann Lee" To

Include (;a.s( "o( . Forly .

, ' , Mothers'. Tea Will Be Frid�y Afternoon

'Committees, Announce Plans ' " For L. D. R. Annual

Affair '

Mothers of t.h� L. D. "t\: memb�s. �mltor)' Aujillary iadles,JIlnd ..... omen faculty memMr5 ... ·tIl be ruesLs ot the

Tacoma Will Add Library ,Building

To P.le: Campus ' Dr � O. H. Panrikoke DlrKts

Tacoma �8ders of Ad· visory Board '

�lil(ln'�1 '1(1Il�(1I1 Ullt" .\rlllilel ���)��;��::�1811�t���O�;C:C�I�:� - _�\J1d('rsull \\'ill play thl' I(.attin/-! Tnl'UUll1 ,yill t:onlributc ..... . tht' rull's III ".I utili , of Ill(' i'alw\"

. dl:��:i�ns ..... 111 carrY out the color �ilr�::�,:(:�:!


l('('�!i;����1 C��I: :::'('i:, 1�)�::,��,llil�(,�)")(:r-I�lIi;�(II;:��1 :��:::� SCfeme of· pink and white. and many IIlI lIsion prngrtllli which is pru· llilll-(. :'lIllY 1 I. in Ill(' l"ulh'g-t: h"'Ill. sprtng flowers will be used. according pns('d for Ihe ' IH.'�I ('ight Y·('tlrs 1l1lsiulll. Til(' tllIl(' WIIS forlll�'rl\" t.o Alice Cook and Marie Wenbtori. who' IIlui. inll'lIth·tI 10 t'ulminute in the . sdwliuletl . for Fritla�' ('wning, are superv13lng this work. . J.:dJdt'll ullniwrsur�' of Pucific ;\hlY X, hul hus 11('('n pnstpolh'd M::r.:


m. th�



th� }i�I�: I���lt::1 \\\;

·;I.:��:: �;\ .. n�� c��� htTIlUSl' tif dlHngcs ill Ih�' nisI. -

atTordiuJ.: III :'Ilr. Keith Heid, He]en Holtcamp and Lenore .Wlthrow. hilwtl librurY IInti dnssroolll whll as J)ralllH Club Ilth'iSl'r is who are .In charae.· A I ... e]oome wlU be . huiltlilll-( wlddl IUUY be ('Olll-tlirt't'l jng Ihl' prutllll'l itlll. made bS' Margaret Rorem. presIdent of Dr. O. H. Pannlr.oke. of Georgia. who ph'll'd t'arly ill Ihe full.

M.f5. Adah Dapper. girls' physical �_ lhe L. D. R .. and Mrs.. C. J. Se]1s of 13 directing the financial campal,," for Mr. PBul A, Prrus. financial aaent . uciUon .1n.<;trucl.or . ..... 1lI supervlM' thr Lonavlew. mOlhrr of Teresa sells. h� the new library' bulldlna. has lona been con(� with the Ta-InCidental drtll<;. IUld Ellen Bcrgstrom Mr. PAul A. Prrus, nrld agent .

. who �en asked to make the response. A coma Chamber of Commerce, and an-

i!'! coaching thc speaking parts.. . commt'nct'd the building project", as ap� plano quartrtte will be playrd by Tht'I- D R G H . t' nbuncement of Jts support waa gtven Tht' �ene of the opera Is laid In the j)""1intt'd 10 him by Dr. O. A. TInge] rna DMlels. No�n'la Preus, Dorothy An. ' . • • ousepar Y to city �e ..... spapen ]ut week. Due to

I'arl�' 19th century aboard the plratr and the College Board of Trustees. e�son. and Irene Ode]L Ellen Ber�- Will Be May 15-17 Tacoma's proximity to Pacific Luth-ship. " Thr Nancy _ Lee."' Plcturesqur . st om and Roberta Torrison wu! gtve · erRl} COlleae a7ld the consrqucnt ben.e-

;��: :n��:��n�n�:�::��

ht����:: Charm. Group Will f ;����:::S��':.�:

lo;:!�� ��� Camp Life at Horsehead Bay ::cd


ed*.:. ��

1z:;;ILI:' : t:: Ian period costumrs ..... 1Il be dlf"l'(:t� b�' Give Tea Banquet a\"8�WIII play a martmbaphonr solo. 'Viii lnclud� Variety or $20.000 to bto raised by Lutherans of Ra}'mond R.eld. stage t'1E'Ctrlcian. fl __ '_ ,

Mrm�rs of the Dor�' Auxiliary'. Entertainment


1I�lr g�nCt�;:n�

a:dc:�lI�)"o��� ��� Delc�ates From Nea�by ijigh ::�:I�(;�se�r;-�'r �d�:!te������ Leavln, at 5 45 FrIda)', May 15, for have b@en released

British Isles tor pollUcal reasoll5, Schools Are In\'lt�d with gUt bookmarks. ' 01, Harbor on the Point Deflance lerry, COmIna: rrom Quitman, 0e0rIl&. Dr.

throuah the treacher)' or his· cousin, As a grand climax to Its actlvltlrs. Olga Hugo and Dorothy Anderson the Dell", Rho Gammas anc! honored O. H. P8mllr.oke�,. seliCted u: exeeuUve Lord Egbert Mortlml'r. �ShortlY brtore the Personallt . Club. or �nlted In Jan- sent out InvltaUons thIs morning to guests. Delta

.Phl Kappas, wUl com- �Irect.or Of the Tacoma campaign. ar·

takIng leave, Sir Rich fI ds . that b } a the ladll'S of the dormitory auxiliary mence their ... eek-end house party at rlved.ln Portland Sunday·momlng ror

hili f\A.nCff. Lady JOA.nna on. has :-�ar�t ����, ... �::e�e �;:: �n� and the faculty ,,'lve.';. . Horsehead Bay Lodge. Mrs. ,Esther conference with Rev. A. M. Itraabel. jlltf'd him In fa\'or of Lord Egbert. resentath'es from nlllC l\urby hi

Ph Rdrrshments ,,·m be sen'� under Ot.t-v15 and Mrs. Adah Dapper \l;IU act chairman of the Board of Tru.!lt.ees. and.

who has aaln� possession of thf' Cam. schools at an artf'rnoon tea and e\�. the supen'1slon or (h'rdla Hauae and as chaprrones. conUnu� on to In the evrn-drn r�ate and wealth, ning ban uet. Mil. . 21. Margarel Me!\·rr. CarT)'lng out a tradltlonal function, ing, where he IMmedla�ly betran work

Angl'N'd a.nd hurt. Sir Richard bt'- Siadlu�. Llnco:n. Pu 'allu . Auburn. glrl<; "'ho have not prevlou.\ly been on thL1 huge project. This Tacoma

comt'S a pirate and joins a bp,nd of S ) P . • acquainted \I;'lth the camp life will be effort Is the next step toward the reall-

�'ounlt" Eng]ish aentlemen ..... ho also scu:t: ��I�::�O��dll;� E!:: :� Luther League PresJ�lent Inltlat�. June Walters. Mary Ja':le taUon of the campus layout, as de·

ha\·t br-en Jj]t� b}' their swt'et·henrts. thrir senior Iris. accordlnea t.o their Announces SUl).day l'leet Dedrtck, ElelUlor Raudebauah. and Vir· slgm-tt In 1929. which . also includes · Sir ,�Ichar� Is chosen' as " Captaln cla.<;s enrOllmf'

gnl. The smal�er !;Chools --_ gl�la Davis art In charge of this fun- admlnl5trat!on and art.'; buHdlng5, II·

Dick of the " Na!icy Lef'" by hi!; pirates. will be I'xpeet.ed to send two represcn- Concludlna nine months' activity. thc ctlon. This will be followcd by ·a puty brary. sclen� and muslc halls. chapel. who man the .o;hlp. Off thr coast of I Trinity Luthl'r Leagur will hold a spe· and bontlre. which Is belflli: pbnned by girls' dormitory, lounae. kltchert, c!Ch-Eng]and the crew of the " NlUlc), Lee" 1 ��1�1\'��m::��:tr::IO�\3�f

O '���k�'ls!�te� cia] meeting Sunday evening at 7:30 Volly Norby. �Id Hutson. Nevella Ing hall. boys' dormitory, �na.sluin. attacks and captures a ship bearing I which 11 teB wlll be sen'�' outdoors o·c]ock. accordlna to John Stuen. Il'8gue Ross. nnd Mildred Monson. and power house. In addition to three La�y Joanna and her brtdesmalds back neRr the pool on the front of thc cam- presldrnt. To further carry out the outdoor athletic fields: for football. baseball, f�r f'rance. whl're thr}' ha\'r bren 1.0 pu.�_ Mary Jane Drdrlclr. ".ill ha\'e Betty S\'are will conduct dcvotlon. Idu, " Pirates" \1;'111 be the grneral and tcn?ls. Pa I:; buying gowns for Ltoc:l)" Joanna's charge or-de('.Oratlon.�. and Sf:\'en faculty and Rev. T. O. Sure. colle;e ppstor. theme used for decorations and en�r. 'In reaard to th13 first project, Dr. Ilpproaching w�dlna. ....I\.rs will pour Later the girls will will lead hymn stngtn,. talnment. Enid Blake. Elsie Barrett, Pannkoke declares: " The library buIld-

A..� the plot progresses. Lady Joanna be taken on II �our of 'the campus. Participating In the program are Evelyn Eklund, a.nd Elizabeth Pri13 II), Is naturally the beginning or our prt\'rnt& a muuny of the crew. deJl(l6es At 5e\'en o'clock In the. rvenlna. 'a Maraar!'t Craf.�, \\\ho ;,'�U give a read· art (n charge of the decoraUons. program. for It Is the heart. or any htr forml"r Im·er. and makt's herself banquet \I;'ilI be ghcn In the recreaUon Ina entitled Mother , Cllx . Haugen Saturday's actlvltll's will Include dls- educational Inslltutlon. It is to 58fe· capWn of the "NlUlcy Lee:' hall. At this Orne the group leaders �nd Bob Svare . ... ·ho .... >lll g!\'e a humor- Cus.'llon aroup6 . ..... hlch Ellen Bergstrom, guard us from chaOli. tor In It l.s stored

F'lnnlly Joanna and .Rlchard become I for ncxt year will be announced. Girls 005 skit; and Alma Steier, who wm Maraaret Craft. Joanna Manousos.. the wisdom of unturirs. C;>f si,nitl· reconCIlt"d. lind the pirates forswear ..... ho ha\'f' .... rlttcn PRP'trs concernlrur

favor the league with a voca] ��o. All Wadene Caiavan. lonl! Madsen, and cance Is the fact that a library has . their oath 10 hate .... omen. and arc I their plans tor the 1936.37 Person�ll& dclegates who have attended the recent Thelma Daniels ... 111 lead. Hiking. the ability ot l\.t:CumuIallng and �n. sullo� for the hands of the chllrmll]' Club merlina! will be previously care- Nort


h Pacltlc Luther League COnven- swlmmlna. Md boating �'111 also form Unulng culture. With thL1 project wa brldrsmalds. full), conslder� by an advisor)' board tlon In Portland. Mlld� Larsen IUld diversion for the girts.. are entcring upon ,a new ed.ucatJonal Thc lRrgr Cll.St of torty Includes In which \I;'i11 Include some of the speak. Jasper Johnson ..... 111 report on the The Grand Part In the evenln Is cpoch at P. L. C

:· . thE' character roles: Lad)' Joanna Ley- , ers of the past club meeUnas in ordrr phases of " One LI�e to Uve':"dlscussed under the dlrect:On of Jean-�rte The financial campaign lor the Ion. Mildr� Monson: Sir Richard I 10 choose these two nrw lradrrs, at the con\·e�tlon. Rev. Svare will Fowler. Helen Scott, P r r d e r l c kll �ulldlng Is scheduled for May and Camden, Arnold Andrrson ; Sir PeW Th

. f h nfh ill Iso close the �'ears Luther League actlvl· Bchl b h E'u] M OOU d B Junr. so that the building may be

u)'ton. Paul Estt-rm: Lord Egbert M;tr. i!\clu�:=��l °n�m��r andg a

.... s:sk- tics at Trinity Church ' with remarks. allot�OiU:. ·

a ae . an .

er- .con: lPleted as e&:rly 1\& p6Mlble to mak.e

��:�. ';����h;:k��-O;:�e:y.

J�:� er. Ruth Froyen fs In charge or the • • Sunday morning worship win � held :�.

to�t ��I ���:ro!::notf ;��

neth Ancnson: Barnaby Hyde.

Ot13 �:n�uet, a�

d Jun� . wal�ers will direct Var�ety Nunl.bersCompnse In the natural outdoor chapel. under present chapel building. facing Wheel-

Grande; Stephen Lowe. Vcrn Knuurn; c ecora ps 5C erne. � PI.ano ReCital Program the supervision of Ma'rgaret Rorem. er st.rr-et. . Dr. Pannkoke will be at 8m Bloody. Edward Machlr; MonsieUr '-.. j ... . Laura Hauge. Alice Cook, Nordls Arne· work until June 15 to complete FtMcois. Bob Monson; Signor Dpreml, YearbJ6� Will Be . . DuelS of the one and t,,·o.�lano type son. and Mildred Larson. the c:ampalgn in g�ater Tacoma. tCoiitinued GO. Pa..ce 4) Dedicated To Tacoma are to be re�tur� Saturday e\'enina. Programs are being made by Hen- .

Chamber of Commerce �;. �.�.n E���ar��I:� c:,

a:� ;:� �



I.\:::;=: �::���O�:l�; D,elta Phi Kappa Will

Fo�r :More S�ud�nts According to Margaret RO�m. edJ- departmrnt �t the college, presents ten Nagrl, and Evelyn Syverson. l'feet -Tomorrow Night Sign TeachIng.Contracts t.or. the 1936 Saga Is being dedlf"ated plano student.s In the annual sprlna In ,charge or transpqrtallon are Eline ,

Further placements of graduatJag to the Tacoma Chamber of COmmerce, recital. Benson. Hedvlg'Oahhi, Ida Men,-Md Delta Phi Kappas will have a short third �'ear normal studcnts ",re an· A.deflnlte announcemrnt as to the date To add Interrst to the program of Marte Wenberg. Other commltt..�es are: social tomorrow evening, bei\nnlng at nounc� by. Dean Philip E, Hauge. of distribution 15 yet Impooslble. al- solos, novelty duets ha\'e been arrangcd. K, P .. Marie Johmon, Sylvia Miller, 9:30 In the reception room. The pro·

Harold Ander&en has received a po. though It is expected to be ptibl13hed Jack Miller and Arthur Larson . will Ruby Moore. and [)prts Olson; food, gram will be a short, Informal enter-slUon at Ridgefield. Washington, to In appro;ll:lmately two ,,·relts. .

play "Caba]etta" by Theodore Lack; Ruth Johnson, Catherine Kltchlon. talnment. teach elght.h grade subjects. Three ' hundred copies an! bdng Dorot.hy and Arthur Larson'. " 'Song of Evrly1, MCCullough, and 'Norm'a PTeus. The fallowlna_'" will serve retresh·

lone Madsen has been 'placed as printed, The book 15 to be dlstlnctly IndIa" and " Star of Italy" ; AlIce Ram- The gtrIs will return 'on Sunday after- ments: Mrs. Lora B, Kreidler, Alma teacher 1n the primary department at d1tterent from prevIous p, L. C. year_ stad ·and Norma Prrus. "March of the noon. Stolee. Haul Haaerup, Thelma Ness, F'\rgrove 8cbool. . boob. The neW orri;et type or prtnt- Puppets .. by SugllJ1l1an; 'Thelma Dim- Romola Rust, and Esmeralda Torvend.

Enid Bul.6on has signed a cont.raet. lng Is being ued. makina: a ptetw-e leis and Norma Preus. " Da.n.!;e Negre:" BOARD MEETING ror the primar)" wor!t at Elbe. Wash· book ·denptt.e:lY" pou1b1e Without too Ot.hef!i appearing on the PTOBTaDl &Ii Members ot the flnanW:l and ppb· Lutheran BroadcflSt . Ington. - . ' , much extra experUe: The art worlr. 13 solol3ts include Elsa Arneson. Joseph IIclty of the Board of T'nJ.s.-. PTofes50r J. P. Pflueaer will speak on

Thelma Danlrls has been hired as.- a being carrted out. in Q unlQue style Runnina. Dorothy Anderson, VIf11nia tees ml!L In Parlr.l.and ye3teTday. The� '"Man:' at the broadcast given Sunday special teacher at the Grade by Roberta 'Torrtson and Henrtetta Hene. George Brockway. MarIan Tor· regular Bol!J"d or. Trustees III holdlnl at 2 o·cloclr. In the alteryoon by the school. . O'Neill. ' �esdal. and Esmrrelda. �n'end. a 'speclal meeting lA?day. Lutheran Welfue �Iet�.

� /

, wqe imonrtng· :ffla�t Publ1sh� �\'�rr t'!l.'O �Its. durtnr the�ool yH.r

by the studen� of Pacltlc Lutheran College. OffiCe: Room lIS . TelephonE': QArlnd 057'1 .

Sub.,ct1ptlon �-S1.00 pet Year E'tHt'rcd M second dl\.� matter, Oetober 2" 1925, lit

the Post Office at Parltland. Washington. undel the Act C?f March 3, 1m.

1935 Me-niber 1936 ? j:h.ocialed CoIIeeiate Pre .. EDITORIAL STAFF

",,!TOR H�n Holteamp NEWS EDITOR> Norma PrelU BOYS' BPOR'I'B' EDITOR - - :aob J4I.rt1n arnie- SPORTS' 'mITOR - EUzabt-th Stum P'EATU�"[ EDITOR COnnie Clumb TYPISTS - - - Irene Odell. Marle LieD COPY READER _ _ _ - Lenore WIthrow SPECIAL WRITERS - Jadt Odey, John Drelbelbl.5,

. Bob ·��n. .

R.E'POR'J'E:RS:-Margaret Larsen. Thelma Dan1els, Eh'!\ 8!·rgmnn. f'rt'd(>rlc:ko. Sch!anbl'�h. Norman P'rye, Ru.,,�n Prye.


AD SOLICITORS - Elizabeth FrH .. �. Enid Blake. Alice Cook. FACULTY ADVtSERS - N. J. Hong. O. J. StUl'1I


:HII"I" ':Il�IIId.llg a jill;llll'ial handil'ilJl �iill't' l !I.W. P11('IfH' 1,l I l iI" I'an ColI" ,!..!I' is again !'I.-i"illl! I I I l"Ilillpldl' Ih,' ,':lm!1us plan 1!t'sigrwd ill P12!i, Tht'sl' �'ffllrls 1\1'1' hopl'li In III' ,'a; ... i,'d ill tllt'il' .'\I('nl hy l ! t l l wilt'n tilt' I'oll,'gt, ,'I'INu'ah's ils ,t:11ltlt'n Ul1llin'I'Sal" ',

OIH' of the. IlInsi sll'ikill/.( figlln's IJI'hilltl Ihis �llll'\"I'"H'nl is 1 ) 1', f l , .\, Tingplslad. " Illll'gl' pres­�III-nt. �dlt,' 1\;I,s \\',nrkr'd his hUl'llt'st in ,It'wlol'­Illg thiS lustllul.lm, I'al'ifi,' d.ullil'l'lln is in, det'li fortunntt' ill ha,:ill).l sllch 11 111'ogn'ssi\"t, itntl capnhk' IlIII1l CIt lis iwllll,

(;rlllillllie is t ltl(' thl' Tacoma Chumlwl' of (:om l1lf'rt:t' who has promis("d 10 SUppOl't Ill<' first 1"'oJt'd hy �*X( ,INH1, AlolI,l! wilh thi" WI' a�k III(" slnlllg t'l' 'P,'1 Iliull Ilf 1,lIlhf'l"1lns ill Ihis ,,' Ity IIlld thl'OIlgh he lIatiol1,

\\'t' an' indi ll('d 10 Iwlit'H' thai p, I .. c:. is 1,"'\'('101)1111-: inlo all l'xn'lIt'nl ("olll'gl'. whidl will

� a."1 grow ill ('IlI'ollnll'lll lIlld l'{'l"Ilj.(ni lioll. This lIj"sl itlititHI is lilt, IIllly l'ollr-gl' nf its kind ill Ihl' l'lltin' Pal"ifit' Distrid, IIlltl Sll i l is anxiollsl\" ..... "orkd thai il llIay II(' I":lpi<lly l'xpandt,ci. -.


1'h(' r.hapcl · fuldr("ss g!\'cn last \\'edncsdav ,\I)I'il 29, I?y nt'v. Ro>' E, Olson. I.utheran pris: Ull ,:hapllllil from MlIllleapolis, :,\Iinn�ota, cm­

'_, :�:�


�.! HIlt' of th(" most imporlant tOpICS today :

,\s Iht' sp('ak('r hrought oul, i l is w('11 known Ihal .. \IJ1t"rit'a l'xliilJils Ihl" WUI'sl tTillle' I'C'enrd of any ci,·i ("ountr\", The unitcd Stat('s sp(-,Il�.ls apfH'?ximlitcly $i() annually

I.�l fight t i l lS scourf.!('. whil(" it spends on ly �2. ; )OU.OOO.OOO alllllwlly for. education, It is said tllUt nime .is ilH'l'easing at thc rale of Ihr('e pC'!' ('('III per a,nnum, ami. according to Rc\', Olson. Iwo IH"Jsoll.('rs nrl' imprisoned to the fl'('('il1':: of on(' prisoner.

.-. II is l1ol 1� fwl' I ly pidUI'l'. But. ilwn' arC' signs lor hope. Such crusadcs against crime as Rc\', Olson's chUI)C1 lalk nrc' highly desirable, and should he cncollr�gcd,. During the last year Ih('r(' hllvc also heen sIgns 'of a general "turn in l I�e tide." s� ,I? sileak; of ''tm awakenin@ puhhe �csponsll)lhty for putting our house of mornls 111 order." Such an awakening is sore­ly n<'Cd('(1. ',"c rC'nd ahout cnme talk ahout i t, and s('c pictures of it. hut we n�ver do any­thing .uhout it. Churches and courts should l i l("rnily rise ill rc\'olt against this vice of the lIotll'rworld, . - .

Bllt pcrhof1!'\ the mo!'\t imPortant of all cen­tel's for l'orrccliOIl nrc the home and the schoo1. "'roll� hringin�-up hns madc more criminals

:t�I�II�II!��1 o:�II��r �)�l�h�' ('��:;�c���n�s 4��ord:r f�: �{)()(I '!r bud: Tlirough 'the home and,the school.

llYeS ure made belllll ifu1 or arc deformed, Tod�y the s<H:alled "enlightened" c1ass

teaches that children,should be free-willed. and the result has qeen nn increase of disobedience. This "cnlightened" c1ass also teaches ' that a� child should "develop his individual personal-' ity," The trouble with this argument is that :1 ('!Iild'!'\ pers,?nalily cannot be de'.-elopcd cor­n'('lly discipline. \Ve realty n�d more· �Irnps. and fewer fancy theories; more rigid mtej:.,'Tlty rather than namhy-pamby sentiment-

. ;:llism. 'Ve s�all completely crush the vice of (Time in no other way,



' . .


. ught�r lhllll ,..

.f:!��::'����: h������'!:':'" \ ""{O are Int�lIgeril, tftp!lbll', ambltJoUll, and attracth'e lookhig than for tho.<;oo \

BY. BOB MO.NSON / ���� ag7r�'I����



O:�e :���'I:��:m7: ��.(I�� nail 1)()lbh. Imd tt�\'r

nilS TIME OF "EAR- J Th� are fnly" a few outriiht .stAte- � .ThI'. F'ount.aJn ot YOuth' hU been' going to waste th�' l!il'nU m8dt}0!l' t\ ,qul'stlonnAlrt' ,.,'hlch worthy/hill' �urvose.' e ... cn It Il l� Olily . year '<?r 5Om� reason . . ' the b.lI.bbllng brook Is taiklil'l . sl!ll:teen ot thl' f!(:hool"s mo'n! prominent to be A ·school ma'e,m or to get a hu!lo­to I�lt . . . II. cozy spot tor the right man . . . VERNER men aniwe�. . band,"' remarked' 0111' rrank �elllle"18n BITTER and ALICe- -COOK;'lVA' KNUTSON and LEa- PC'rsonality lnlHs �'hlch Illost of lhl'm His OI)lnloll on the 1\'or:U\whlle IlUf!)OS(' �'HOLTE-aU rorn!\llilculat� . . . SprfngUm� milrctles listed include Intt'llI8C'l\ce. general

-ap- was .arnrl1l� b)' aU Ihe other quC'stloll­on! , . . 'I'h�' ,(hlrd-year nonnal hee-hee men haven't penrAnte, seilSI' of humor, 'hlgh morals: ·nah-es. Sol1le said t�t thC')" dtchl"t much Ume to tum.. to fancy , , ., but. we .have. our Ideas Ambition. .consldl''';'U.on, capability, l'Vl'n consltll'r the girl who Idly slAnd!ll: about who's who . . . We think OARX PFLUEGER w�� friendllneM. adaptabUity. !\lId slnceri�y. ,arou


nd In the hal\s .And .. 1l�" .

klddln&" whtn he 58}"!! that last .semester aU the gtrls These qualities ".,:� deslgnat� �. the A number of the boys adn .U� that follow� t;lJ)en mouthed , . , .. How else could .they tra.lts they dl'mallded when choot'll)1.I) the}' art' prone to ILst�n. tq 0 .1er. �Y!ll:· . respond to a .yel� leader?> . . f.. 1f ED SVTN"ryi were run- a girl (or a clO5e fnl'ndshlp. One boy opinions of ce.rtRln glrlll too aslly. nlng thb column. NORM FRYE'S f�cl' v.-ould be red in 1)()lnted out that girls who a� clever The final question, " in general. WhAI.:. Yl'ar 'round . : , but he's got a Par here . , , DEF'INrrrON and vivAcious makl' Jrlend! t'"IlSll)', but Is your Imprt'ss1o� .. of P. -I., C, (llrls?" Blonds are a llaht o\'erhead . . , In � to the ,questkm they art'not the kind ,,.,'hOIll he rated brou(lht In R ral,lUtorm ot remarks.

::�I�h�:t:": ;:��. �Ib�e st�::����:l�

n�'d�:; ' :11�t�e

s:� �


h:. :��: ��:

);U:l':O:�t."I� ':�����:S��l���

on- a streetcar?-the answer Is, "pa.ssenger." . . ' . TIP minded, ilild ' that he · dlslllr:ed. the and unfair. Oue stat� that there arl' Before RCCepUn(l a date, first note the w1d!ll. lh!ckness " fII(1hty !lltll' ftm" type. �owever. only a lew who wouldn't cut their And breRth . . , and },ou v.;pn'£ go wrorl} , . , 6Qrne ot girl,. here Is a tip: one boy said that frll'nds' throa� for the pl�asure of do, th.e guy� thlnk"that there's "loo much chance of . �lng the head should not supersede the 10\'e Ing It. niere are 'too mRny who de·

, taken ad�iUltagl" ot In the spring, so, Uleire us1n(l up of hl'art. Anothl'r stAtement was thal Illand the spotlight an' �hl' time. Too

.th� sunshine ,.,·!th h.orsesh� and porcl:1 Sitting , . � he liked ,,:omen, -,lot \'ocabulatl�. many'ha\'1' a \'er)' shallow personality Gh'e some.o.f our (liris an' Inch, nnd theY','e got a gym Although the fe'lows all admlrl' the SIgnificant, Ie the facl that . the dR,

I costume . , girl "'h6 Clkll Intelll(lently discuss ser- (llrl." Wf're rated hl(:her than the dorm CI'ANG�. A LA PLATO- 10115 �UbJec�. somC' !Wold that too:much g1ris. In genera\. thC'.,. boys called them

_ If .... :e had eompll'tl' charge of organizing a UtopIan of t�at brln(l'" about dullneAA and Oftl'1l .�tooKes. prud�s, queens, ptJla� of chAr, go\'emmcr,'t here(lbout.�. we would appoint our bi:!st friend caWlt's .a womall to become "A piece oC acler. and cliquish. as treasurer . . . we would gl\'e PAUL ESTREM the job (urillturl'."

. But (lirb. don't'get too all(lry becausr of street clennl'r. and maybe he could .plck up a few

. Nearly all the boys seriollsly consider some did offer t·hese rew compliments.

!.hlngs . . . , we would ch� a .commlttee to strongann lhe social statu., And financial stAtus ··P. L. C, glrl� rate hl(lher thal1' the allyone I\'ho persists In makill(l cracks Il-bout te110w stu- of Ihelr girl friends. Some belle'\,l' thill a\"era(lt>" run of girlS. They are 'in. dents' funny looks and "clown.ish clothes" . . '. we would (liris who coml' Crori! too well-to-do dined 10 be A friendly sort. hl(lh-milld: start an "Ice brel\ker7 ' burt'au for the benefit of those families are 'spoiled. and thl'Y Nlther t'd. and clll.ertalnin(l:· tlmld"AlIsls who ha\'Nft the nen'e t!) t�U so-and-so that l"tt'er clear of them, O:;rmpllIng the answers was eXlrem�­so-and-so Is IlUU about so-and-so-:-": . we would ro� ··Conservatlve. good-lookln(l clothes Iy Interesting. Perhaps ml'n have 1\1.,

Ihe profl'MOr.!l 10 use blul' pencils Cor· the good thlnes show good tasll'. Up to thl' minute. wa)"s been dlsgu:;ted with thl' female thf'}" fllld. 1\." �'('Il a.� rt'd pellclls for the mistakes , sparkling clothes scare the a\'ertlgl' man �X. but whal do )·ou girls think of our

I n'l' �:ould banish 1\11 mannish sults . . . We would do a ..... a)". A man lIkerllis (llrls:neat alid men? away .... ·Ith the..��I'\'e shelf In the library . , . we would trim. but not o\'erloade9 like a store ---------�

PREXY'S CORNER Install 0. roda fountain In the main hall, dlnner- sen'lce ..... Indow mannequin."' slat� one proml­Rnd lell'llhonepn. e\'ery room. fl!TTllsh aU the kids with l1el1t ml'mber of our masculine sex.

��I:.�I):�!7r /m all ins�de and throw the key awa) It5


act�: Because of the presence· of Or. Pan-!olTUDJ::NT �(�tn' ) IAFF- girl the), planned to marTY. kok'l' In our midst again, chI' dl��d

Q It f f r bo " A girl should be In college for a our succe55ful ' e�do,",'ment Appeal In InLOUt:ej� ��;!l �0��W

1� ��k�I�����

e�h�:� ________ � __ 1 1927J . ' give the word to. him:

are "A" students , . . It probably Isil't true. but we heard Ch I t':l ' . '<Il Is a rare tribute to our 1n.�t1tu­

that Chet SoUe couldn't eat or sleep all last summer &.ince ape ':I eantngs HOIl that strangers to our church,

Ihe met a la$8le. The reason: she didn't leave him the Co�mol1 Pt'!ollle--whnt does th'at :e��

r:�! .���e; 1l:��l�S :;::c.I�� I��

price of R meal or the price or a bed . . . Via a pupil, phrn..>;Cl menn? It means those people l:'aclflc I.;utheran ColIl'Ij:e all nel(lhbon, via lONE MADSEN (my Pnlouse pa\). via Lighter Than ,,'ho do e\'l'ryday �fks tor a living. should think so much of 'It u to dl'­;�\� .

. a pe


� :��: %UC�n�n �� This time or the yeat we . are . tempted clde to l'stabllsh the (il"lt unit In. the

thal two's compAny and three's a room mate , . . The ��It�e�.lll�f:n�h��: �=


o��� : �:���el:!!:

c t�:

t::n o�





hlk� .




:�: ��r p�hr�� thy e\'eryda)' lI\.Sks! Seek SRUslact!on gatlon to sec that we to whom the In-

IlInd. Rnd then they wouldn't hll\'e to walk SO rar , . �11�:��m'da�)� n���:l


u �:

e.s: ::�I���II�n �

o� ':ut n��U:!li

a:�d d:�

�;:":��:�::�;:�,n�:!:�:;:,�:�;t�= m::: ��?�i� E�":;:::��� ::�:�:: O�h��; �,::"�::,: :;';�';; I\'hen lihe was told that It probably meant eczema. ring- mankind. He ..... as ..... lllIng to sen'l' His these days, In ..... hlch )'our' loyaILy to . wonn. seven-year Itch p.nd l0t;s of other things . . , Osy dl�lpll's and empha.<;\tes the value and Ideals bearS such powerful testimony ��'l:�'d��

:��n�l:'::' �::,;e���;:O:d


�� need or His follo ..... ers kl .sen·c their and exert" so (lreat an Influence! rl'lIol\'nlt'!n. TIlere arl' things In the -0. A. TINGEL8TAD,

�::: i��I�




o� ·Da�:,,��:n�::. :�:W(�II18t cause ow- hurt.' to be I 'lOr. ==========0; ..

but the)' can SCI' better when thcy &quint . . . Wonder In Ihe midst or all Ihe hate of the ..... hat·� gottl'n Into Ray Re-Id laWI)" . Whene\'er a fcllo" �'orld we ha\'� thc sen'lce of 'truc After the Show is down In the dumps. }'OU can bet there's a co·ed at ChrlstllU\S. The Mints of Christ sUCfer thl' bottom Of It . . . TIp to third' year nonnal boYII who because or their faith. He who "'ants JACK'S CRIDDLE' a.�plre to "teach": Fairy lltorles used to begin !Once upon t be t I :��t\'o���;:;::::e �::tI��e�yo� :ro',',':,S"

somethlng . h�" feiJ�e;m:::.,on

�t ";:I\h:

t ��'::e �::: � 91 3 Commerce St., Wn. i'l pra)cr ot all true Chrl<;Ualls that 0. 1

READY FO," PUBLISIUSG , ' (lreater !lumber of peoille will be ot -----------., Before they bej1n teaching. BERT MYHRE ,,111 ha\'e �er\lcl' to 0111' another and truly sene I to find a new slang eXpression Instead of that uncouth I r 11

"ern-a-al) ! "' he keeps .">Il)'lng . . . and RAY HINDERLIE the r I' ��;� Rev A W Ramstl\d Anythmg in the way will have to develop a " classroom (l1nle" In place of Wh that horse laugh he no,,' sports . ' . . ADD-S?.Y1NO: We Il fe ....


do�,,::=� ar:�le

m:n� of Flowers


nm Po;��:;��::!



friendship The only way to (let to , know . Clther people Is b)' workln(l I And . . �


,���: �hS:


U:: �


u:t:�� shOulder to shoulder with them, , . ers FlorIst

It .seems to me that Christian edu- I lecture last.. F'rIday. I never tallr:: -In mYt sleep . , , In calion ha.s suffl'r� a slack. Portland OTIS GRANDE straln� a tonsU In two places I \h . . . he ouaht to lceep out ot such places , . ' WhlJe he tlcle


a�hr;:t':!: :u=�:� , t .. 255.50

. II

th St.

wasrft reading "Pllgrtm's Progress," GEORGE RUSTAD has, been carTI� on. ChrtstJan educa. , ... ------""'"--..J. . :�

o��so:� Pd::�� :

ft���t� :;

r =� � ��::r:��::.s the cen�r of Ole heart Into •••••••••••••••••• � •••••••

�!: =dc::;o�!eB:!�:rh��s::��

h:�f':! h::n


n :�



DICNSON'S ��:'7u:.��b

:�n����: :

O�:d��';W!d�:a;n��:� ot education, TIle beginning of tJ1e is a good place

that was ever Issued trom the mouth of a red-head . denominational a d v a n c I' s In our

EUt?ENIA SPENCER sleeping-HELEN LJI.JA request. ��t� c:::��:a 1:b1�n��d,�:�


. to buy -Ing. Il;1Ilaby� and· Jokes trom the wiseacres In the rear (lot to die, we'll . die �Ith our heads surrs �;��y.�=:U��::!��;


o�e� �o��!.o� uJ>-f1(1hUng."

because I �'t go tar. 'An tnstltutlon such as P. L. C. might

BI:�RE "�ed ra:!; has misinformed. KAY ANN set the l'xa��:y�� ���� ;";::�!�:: RIOOS by describing STAN FORD as "fjl..5t:' but 'lIhe

. shOUld be �ured that she can safely continue to go walking wit.h. him. 'Ford Is as hLnnless as a kitten , . , It ,.,lon·t be long !lntH student body elects next year's ortl­cers. Because of his ,unUring effWU. we pubHcltnoml­nate JOE EDWARDS' as student bodr jl' tor school . ...,.....

MORE AND MORE Folks Ale Cominl to the �


FoCCraduation Also complete line' of Ac�essories and Sport


Dickson Bros. 1 1 34 Pacif;t Ave, .

" " " ', ... " ... , .. ,''''''


Gladiator lioIU·e.o" Defeat Portland, Ellen!Sburg Normal Hud .Lehmann. Harry l\IcCor_

mi('k Set Pace for 'P.L.C. Dh'ot Diegers

UAs I See lt--" , 8., Coach currOI'd ObGn

�J.urtiil :ro Coach, Gla""hl!o'r Golfe ...

'Ailllouncemellt"hib been mad� tJlb ..... tek thRt tf)e P. "L. C. Oolf. Team wIll hR\'e Il$j roach a'na Instructor. Jack MarU�l. LOp:ranklng . pro or t.he e.�clusive .f'lrcust GoI! Count,ry


Bi�m�:;' ��t::10l6o_ ��I�I��

tator Golfers some of the tine" points . thllt should bt' of ,:alue to the men.

and break ('''CIlI! In two Unable to match ' strokes with

Hay�ds, Slickers Run Even in New . Baseball Schedule

BelUnghllp'l luid" �nens- _\ Normal sQ..I..L!l.ds. ".the Gladiators

down to defeat. [ailing to win a. with eltb�r tenm. Howevt>T. the

I �!�I�;e.b:��e��.V���r�;�.� :nC:l;l�el:h::r I"'=========� \'.� :Ire home "affairs. th('se same op­\)()nent.s wlll'bt.>, entertained In the near


FOI'" Hie exclusively at letland 6 Palagr.uti

912 Pacific Ave.


AL ARfoofE School RepresentaT,ve

Pantorium CI •• nen

P.rkland M�cantile Co.. Parkland, WlSh?Bton

Expert Photo Finishing. Photo Supplies. Prompt and Courteow

Service -

WASHINGTON Hardware Co. . Pacific Ave.

At th,e Winthrop Hotel In Women's Athletic Aio;oclation will

"�"1,n" '�� '''''''".' I�;�te: ��;Ybe ��:� Urnt'o lone Mad·

general chair-



Complete Accessories

the minimum of the aoo\·e I:;:=======:=':=�

MAin 4493

student in the Col­lege �rtment having Ir;r------,----� II . . the ,-Pighest scho,lastic

P��!,L,!.N�!A= = record f9r the year will G. PP��

,�,?cr��:rop be presented with a ' suitable gilt by the

�TYPEWR ITER S � Pacific Avenue , Liunber Co.

. The Practical Educational Gift

The 'STATIONERS, Inc. ' 926 Pacific MAin 2 1 53 , · 927 Commerce

All Leather Shoes New sprong styles are now here

Whiles galore Com!! in and see them

Callen Kemp'. "The Store with the Yellow Front" I I I I BrOadway

Brookdale Lumber Co. at Brook���


GArland 381 1 J 5 At Your Service-


Experienced Craftsmen

Modern Type Faces

Adequate Equipment

Alistrum Printing Co. 940 Com".,erce MAin .... 6768


and be well fed

- -c.�. Kind of a Suit ·

Yo� Want...,.Made to


·Special Display of Woolens Tuesday and Wednespay

of next . week. at

McCORMACK BROS. 90 I Commerce

pARKLAND CARACE Shell Gasoline and Oil

Dependable GreasinB GENERAL �EPAIR


Member United Purity Stor�

GAr, 381 6R5

Cloyer' Creek Service St�tion· "Iule's $ells for less" . CAS ' OIL

B"rookdale, Wash,

Bonnadele Be.auty Shop

Parkland GA. 01 45-R�2 Al l Lines of Beauty Work Permanent Waves Evenings (by app't . )

Creeting Card. · for All Occasions

BROOKDALE CROCERY AND MEAT CO. PHONes: GArland 01 071�r1and 01 93R3

. Croceries. flour. Hay. Crain • . Feed.· ebf. �-

STRENCTH - CHARACTER - SERVICE � When you buy your life insurance 'consider these factors: the reputa-tion of the company. the .character

. of its management, and the service .. rendered

WE INVITE YOUR I NQU.lRIES CLIFFORD 0, OLSON, Parkland, Wuhin.ton Representin,

Lutheran� Brotherhood LEGAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE . HernJan L. Ekem, P.res. ... 608 SecOnd Ave. S. MinnupoHs. Miron.'

) .

j" ) MAY I. 1936 PAGE !'OUR

'Seniors To Cruise On "Gallant Lady"

' . May ,Day

, Festivities , at , P�ific .Lutheran Aoreign i..anguag�

, �Night Is Planned' Parh- To Be In Tar'omn Bay Ma�' I I

Held ' Fren('h. German. N9rwej.!ian� For �1ay. HI

Members of the s,"nlor class lire vlan­nlng a crulst' And beAch part\' lor Mon- I dill', May 1 1 . Th�y \l'U! It'a�'e TAcoma


at 6 o'clock on the " GlIlIam Lady," In charge of general arr8.!lg,emE'n�

As afi,',lnnovlI.Uon to ttMo pN'�nt lSI)(" of PL.C. college program!!.. thl' lan_ gllag� club.o; of Pacific LuUlt"ntn. Col· iq't W}1l sponsor a F'tIrell\:n· night. Monday evt'nlng. May 18. at 1-}0 o'1::loek In the r�h'!at,on room.

• are lone Mad�n, George Brockway. M!!drt'd Monso�, and Norris Langlolli', President Frlthjof TarE't has appoinH'd ,,\1!ld Hutson, Eline Benson. and Eula Mae Goff to be In charge of refresh� mellts, Ray H1nderlle, Harold Johan­sen, and. John Stuell Will . arrange

The French Club will PN'stnt " La Surprbe O'ISildort'," II. On\"-Rct Fr(>Il('h comedy. In nine ·.v.�es. dln"cted b\' Preir. M. N. Franck. Pro�Kt'lth Rf'ld

trftllsportation fa.cjJltles, '


will play the ' role of Isadore: JQ.«eph Running, thl' alienist. . .or. Plcjlrd; BI"II.­trl�e ·Sldders. the sen'ant; Helen ::;tark. Madame Duval; SUZIlllne. the dQCtQr's wife. Melba. Fenl1ey. Thl' plot Is cen'. tered about mistaken identlt.lrs and _ the hunlorous s1tu�l.lons �u.� by them.

Bob S\.'are: Clartssa. Buckingham, Eve- AlthO�gh Qle Notse depar�ment, of Iyn Syverson: ' Dorina Harcourt, Eu- ' the college hIlS no ortanlzed club, It g'enla Spencer : Florinda Harcourt, . will be .represen�d by (}fl)rge Rustead, Connie dumb: Mistres.<; Rhoda 'Green- who will give a N�rw,eglan reelt8tlo.n,

:lr�� ��:����)�;: d::

t�c����:� c:'���e w�u





n�p�;:s� ff:; f£§.����:F�M�=t�l�:1�-:=�T�·�T�:R�:;5: �:��;���.��·::9;:�:r.c:it;.����:!-6���r.E�: ��r

� g��e� ;���::'::0e�:' whi


-�I��:S��:�;�GIlo�'�'���I:c��::�!�� By �nore. WHhLow . . rison, Eleanor Raudebaugb: RuQl Froy- May Day. ' spirit of . springtime. She Ch:=te��

t:� �e �:��;lI:

e =�


Jonathan Lumley, Oak Ot1"!ess: Giles Preceded by a court of twenty-three, en. Eline Benson: and Evelyn McCul· paced s�owly �� the throne to Qle AC- clucies Ruth Johnson as the aunt; Mary Rose, CI>'de Orlmst\'edt The Brides- QUeen Novelle Nagel descended the lough-were gowned in pastel stladC5 compflnlment of orchestra mu.slc, and Mflchle, Grunert; the cook; Thelma maids include Dorolhea Walton. Norm� steps o� the main buildlng- ,Frtday that matched the season of the year. a spat.ter 'of whispers was heard . from Daniels, sls�r Mlna: Norma Preus. Preus: Phylll:-; Page. Wadene Calavan: aft.t>{noon, and .marked P. L. C. s third The queen'S court (ollowed, the sen- ' thl'\ crowd. tribute not only to 'her sister Emma: Edward Machle. Herr KIU-y Bellamy. NoveUe Nagel : Louisa �nnual commernonltlon of May Day. , ,KraUlle the homeopathic doctor: Jack Lowndes. Anita Ball: Rosamolld West, Gay spring nowers in, m!lny co�ors lor malds-of:h?nor-Margaret Craft loveliness. but to her charmIDg .per:lOn- Fisher ' friend ·Johann. Mrs. Bondy IUI.� AIda' Johrison. �)chorus of brides- V.tovidw a fitting background lor the and Evelyn · MonS?n gowned ' In pale allty. fU-achlng the throne. she tutned

dlrec�d thll; comedy, whlctl has been _ maids Include Judy 'Benson. Edna To- queen and ,her court. The backdrop blue-leading the sophomores-Edna and smiled .

. Then, crowned by Mayor resented previously at 'the college.

blason. Evelyn Monson. Margaret Lar- had for Its motif a huge flower made Tobla�n and Helen Scott In palt' Smitley who spok;e on the fittingness � seri.--'�Julia Mahncke, Margaret Craft, up ot hundreds. of �t1le narclssl. green. th� freshmen-Norma Prew and of ushering In the spring with youth .

Elizabeth Stuen, alld Fredricka Schlan_ Spreading baskets of Japanese Quince. Allee Cook In yellow. and the high .and bea!-lty and fes�lvlty",- Queen Novelle busch. . lilacs. dogwOO(l: apple blossoms, and s c h ool rE'preSt'ntatives - Fredericka seR�d herself for the program to fol- l\.1tron·lz'e 'Our Advertise"-Robert Momon. Drama Club "'presl- tuUps were arranged fanllo'ise Oil th�, Schlanbusch Rnd Virginia Davis In low. . t'u IJ

Before lJOinI to tolfD read U:i.ta dent, announces that Helen LUja 'Is daiS to display their prtst.ln,e ftes)l- peach �OIOt, . Loyal subjects of the Queer.. pre�nt-general chalnnan for the costumes and ness. �

r____ The petite . flower girls spread lr�- t'd a varied program to QI�lr graeloU5 column. The followtnr flrma U'e , vropertles commJttee. Sylvia Miller, Stude'ht body president Bert Myhre grant white rose petals In !.he pat� at. ruler-foT-a-day -a graceful balloon friends and advertisers In the Moor­ch'alrman of the wardrobe committee, Is rt'ad the formal proclamation that �elr queen. and the crown b('arer In da.ncE'. the traditional Maypole drill. -mg I\liSls -ed b R b M'

. E Id BI k opened the celebration. I Lord Fauntleroy Suit of' whl� satin and other numbers by ..1he Inte'rJ)rda- Allatrum PrtnLlng ComplU"lY Marl�ri K�hle� �eve�lI

re� Gold

aen: Ten girls from the senlo

,r class l� -ea�UIJY balanced the gold crown on tlve �h.Ythm �lflSIS hi.c1Uded "The .. !itUI Bone Dry Shoe Store

�rrltz. Virginia Clifton. 'and Alice the wily down the stairs carrylng �e a �Lln cushion. Dance:� "To a Wild Rose:' a nower Bonnade1e Beauty Shop 'Cook. The properties committee In- !pInk and white ribbons to mark th\ ILnd then-the queen! As the vision drill, and vocal selections. Brookdale. Barber Shop cludes Elsie Barrett, chairman. Kath- grassy aisle from steps to throne. The lin �te7molre taffeta descend�d th.e After the ceremony, refreshmen1,6 Broo!r.d�1!I Grocery CO. ryn Rlgg, John Dags1und, Elizabeth ribbon bearers-Evelyn Eklund; · MQrl: I 'wide stairs, the audience rose to p�y were


obtained from booths on the Brookdale Lumber CO, Stuen, and Harold NIls.sen.


d�gan�!:: ::;;! ���: ��:�� :�::



elreq:=�� �:e:

n . . ,!nd this co�cluded the featlvl- Brown & Haley Assistants to Raymond Reid. on Qle CllAweli OptlcaJ Co.

I I t". a�H 01 ILl S Clonr Creek 8ervt.ce StaUoo stage sett ng comm tt�

enry • lY ission ociety To Meet DRIFT NOTICE COnrad's Ootfee Shop so�:� a:d


e t:e

nuseatl�g plan are Tonight at 7 ,:30 O'clock You can al::ysB=m·�:h:ng new �a���

o;sgo:::::'lt:e =��

t�� ��.=I�



��l:� �;���



aa\'lk, Palll Estrem \1.'111 give 1\ talk on the In a� o�� ne�.

spaper photographer. ;;:;� �;��So��n, Ivan Larson, and

Olckson Bro&. p. mission \I.'ork Rnd the relJglous condl- They re ear;t.h, those fellows. but . East.ern Outfitting Uons In P.:exlco at the meeting of the frank. niey ptople pose every day.

FOUIK.ill ,_ For Sd,ool Won: night at seVE'n o'clock_ in the recreation Unu," to like them! - Oif:;�;!�rs �tf!·�nes' . $1.00 lac:h ' room. "There hasn't been ·a girl I've shot Nor_li.n Cod UVlr Oil Harold E. Dahl Co. A vocal solo by Romola Rust and yet but what she has satd. 'I'll bet I Cor. 1 1 ttl .nd Tacom. Ave. R�M Bldg. lobby


u�: ��:�n!::IPh Bolstad will ::;;dta,:

d a r:�I�le

th��ct��:���e�I �:� Phon. MAin 73 1 4

Eastman Kodak QallenKamp's Hanson

's Jewelry

Harold E. Dahl CO. Harteoo!r.'. Hy Mandie's Jac!r.'s Griddle

fSTIlIROOK j Mission Society which will be held to- and the funny part of It Is, they con- LIEN c,. SELVIC

� . � ��; ��:t1:��e o�ute:�.�r:e�::�

e��� �. . LL O�l.rll :ca1�r::f,�COX co. -Last year ( 1 935 1 The The Bett Sea F�s I peat the Identical !.tat.ement (At the �I'J�.�"L._ Lew\.\ FIsh Market

Parkland Light and Water can be obtained at time Hi! was taking the picture Queen � Lien. & Belvle Oompany furnished to its LEWIS FISH MKT, Novelle and her cohort over . on the " \. Lou Johnaon members' electric current,. Crystal Palace Market BR, 4267 Tlngelstad lawnJ. ' � . Lutheran Bro.therhood including 80 street l ights\ at Tacoma, �.a.shlngton "No matter what you say. glrll;. I've '.:,::=-:.c.��.�

�'c��r� �&. the low average price of a - I he��t =:;;.Hp�::r:��::S S::'in- r ' . Pacltie Ave. Lumber Co. fraction


1 1/2 cents Quality Knitting Co_ . . �::: .

i�ti:;��, �


al�:ey. KODAKS . ; j Parkland Barben;hOp

Lett" s ... t_ 0., Sp«'-Ity Parkland Qarqe

,LI��� :A�����O. 403 1 1 th St" TKorn�, Wuh. ::n


b�a�:=P��eVf:a�� Eastma9� oK:�!


" Inc. ::�:: :!:n�;��� plain that he would come to the May I People's r �;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�I �=========:; Day fete to see t� girls wear _ the !il Pioneer Prtntlnl � ::S:'ls':?O�:. look at

� the dr� 100% Values j '��:!!:. ��� Co

It shouldn t be out ot orcter here to te' ((01 """"', pass on Qle bouquet handed to the l,e'II" i''''';' Sc.hoenfeld . May Day principal by our good friend StaUonets the picture snapper Alter all, one 1 1 36 BROADWA¥ Tacoma EnaTavLna CO ":=========� complaint more or less to the girls I!i Tacoma Laundry CO t now that It s spring matters Uttle He r . "j The BUf

Graduation Suits

THE BUC Noonday luncheon

SERVICE WITH, A SMILE for you young men of the

right kind are here for your choosing--' $24.00 I. $29.00

Graduation Frocks

Conrad:� Coffee Sh'op Sandwiches;' Pie arnd CoHee

�it'Drinb .


sa.ld You girts top CP.S this year- Prrnters - Stationers V&llee's Food Shop In looks I mean, you re all there when Waabirirton Hanl.-are It comes to land..seape " - TIlat and P I a III £ E R Weal Coast Qrooe-ry Co. only that coming from a man who has INCO"P0I!IA-r.ZII WIlliam's 8erv1cf- StatJlxl faced more pans than a French cook Mt'un 2 1 22 1 2M 6 A Sts !!j

arrived-- . • find i t at · ' 1 II';i-':·rrti'lJ�-'" .J '"THE PEAK OF .QUALlTY"

. fo, the M;" have just r=Y�0:U�A;".�M�OS�I�L�; k:.�' y�,:o:;:i I 1"r;no




















""::::::;ij AMOCAT FOOD PRODUCIS $12.95 , ,

' RHODES ... Visit O�r Shop ' .IlOTHE� -TAC� ' I�·· " T� ·�.:;:;{1 WEST CO��c!CERY CO. You 'a�e always welcome ���w�w�w�wtl,k;;;�;;;;;:'�'�'�:';;' .. �===:;;;;;:;;;;::;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:===� EASTER.N HAHSON'S JEWt:LRY >: .. ;;;�:� .. : .. ;::;;� .. ::::-

.... , -FOR SKI EQUIPMENT-o tf" C DiSTiNCTiVE ' • "-,alty Se_KIMBALL'S-Fint U Ittiitg o. 2�7 So, i lt "' S!, . Too""",, Wn. SPREHCER 6- IONES l W. H". lut' Wha. YOlO Hood to Make Th;' HER�N.��SVt-A. Watdr � ... .........-.-.� Prb. :· ' Jewelers . I . . Sport a c. .• .d Otitin •. L!;;;=;;;;:;;==' =='=;;;";;;' =;!I/ m,",",,",",,",m,"",,",f/ � .. �,�,�.:,,:�.�.�,�:,,, .. ,,,.,,,,, .. ,,,,��,.;'�!�.,. 4-______ _ ..;.'�O;.:I5:..;';;;A::.�t;;.";:Cc.:A;.:VIN=U:.:.'__ ______ ..l

./ ' �--�-

r i ,

I ' " i · I

Special Edition - - - Gold;en jubilee Fltnding Cit!!JPaign '; 0- !

$1,500,000 From The U. S. , , '




$100,000 ' From Tacoma\


EXPANSION PROGrAM' UNDER WAY ' THIS WEEK, Tacomans Asked they Are .'�ding t/re. Forward' Drive

F9r $80,000 By ,June 23

, Builclmg for Library An'd Class Rooms In'Prospect for

This Year , Thl' lonJ.(-planlwtl anti 1Iq.�(�li­

ly-nt·\·,I" ,! {>:\ Il:lll!"ioll ilnlgrnm [IJI' Pudfi(' 1 .1lt1"'ran Collt,W' gul Hdually and \"ig')nHlsl�' IIIlft!'r way this w(-'I:k .

Tht· fil's.1 f)hysi,'al n·stdt will ht· a fin·-prouf. comhination li-

till til\' Parkland nllnpus, H. PANNKOKE. D.'D:: I�h, I), rill' 11M' 'parly' in till' �'1I1II41g 1111- J::l(��:a.���( 1 1111111 st.'nil's';'!". '!lit' un·hilt'l·1 ____ _


Paclflt Lathl'ran Collere

' -'-,-'

Asked For $20,000 By June 12'

Special ' Funding t& Be Churchmens' , EVidence of ' Good Faith

As prHtlf of Mootl ("ilh In I .uthl'nlnism III Inq.!t'. undo ",hnl . i.s (,lpllIlly importunt lind innrr prt's(,lllly IIrgenl. os proof IIf

faith 10 lilt.' /olell{'I'ul citizell­. . IIf TIU'IIIl1I1, the ;\';1110 J.lIrh('r-

W�:':::�';'n:n�',:' �:n;I,�I: ::�I The Zel�� �Ir for West Coast Lutherans ;;:�I r.1�::�s;;t T�::::�

t!�f'�rooe!u�� ' ,( An Editorial . I RpuprPM Carl r RVtfllU. Plll� of F'I�'

t)' of th�jr interest In and appreciation . . , . J . • • • • • Lutheran Church. Tl\coma. Rnd wh()6(> of the educatlonRI, cult-ural and flnan- THE G, REAT instI tution of Lutheranism on the Pac ific stope IS Pacific Lutheran Col- par50m

�el RPlX"anl. elAewhere In this

f.Q the' commu · ty. . . . way to Its deserved place In the ('IRI worth of Pa

�i 'c Lulhenl.n Collegl' lege . 10 slArt PAcific Lutheran Collt'ge

An !U:ldillonal .'100.000. with which For nearly half a, century i t has been a �ource of, power, service and inspiration for .1 R�l�n:ull��ral fiun, between.

to ('T('('t 12 more b\lildlngs and pn:",lde the missionary hopes of our Church on the la'st frontier, Ihl't'e alhl("(ic field� on the to_flcre campu.<;: \\'111 be askt>d from thl' 6.000 For nearly half a century\ thousands of our young people have found their chance ��II�:a�II����,�;�i���g�t���O;:ri�� at Pacific Lutheran College for a Christian education, and have proven the value of this !<tArUng Immedlal-<'Iy after' the local school by their l ives. r��:��J�rr��'�b�:���;t� :l �:;I! For nearly half a century the high'est devotion, the greatest sacrifices have cen-the bvUdlng and financial equipment tered on Pacific Lutheran Col lege to· maintain and build it. ot thl' new PaciflC Luthl'ran College by 1944. when t.hl' Institutlon will celebrate Today. Pacific Luthera'n College enjoys high educational rankir:1g. I t enjoys the � !��� :.:�\'�:��h:f����;�I)�Il�;:i:: confidence of the Church and of its home community. The sacrifices of the past have nated '"The Pacific Lutheran Collegt" not been in vain. Every Lu.t.heran can-feel justly proud of �acific Lutheran College.

0<>;l'�h:u��:�111��::' c:

m:IS:�'�ed Pacific Lutheran College is today sta�ding at the parting of the ways,

from t.he local community. 180.000 will its unique and great opportunity, Ix' 5OlIcl�d rrom the cltitens or Ta,. Tacoma, the home communI,'ty. has said : coma during an organized funding campaign dl(ectoT$ are counting on the dr�: ::�:


uI�e :_�t.�o 1��;Je of " I f the Lutheran,S of Tacoma will show the way with gifts of $20.000. we citizens a


I�;;�:� ��':=

THE MOORING MAST. the remaining in general will add ,SO.OOO to it, and buil� a ,Library·class room building at the school.'! and complete rlnanclal re-���=ra�



ro: �:h�'S: What does this unique and generous offer mean? or'JIj general cltlzenry

Tacoma and Pierce Count)'. dur1ng an It means a new day of educatiol).al efficiency and service at our school . Pacific organlud funding dr1,'e &'t for May 18 Lutheran College has achieved its high educatiQnal ranking in spite of woefully inade­to J�:�:::I:'m�� Helps quate equipment, I t has been warned to provide better educational faci l i ties. especial-According to Dr. O. A. ' Tlngelstad. Iy l ibrary fac i l ities. It wi l l lose its pre�ent high ranking unle'ss this need is met soon.

president of the College, and Plo.ul A, I t means a new day of. friendship and co-operation between Pacific Lutheran Col-:;U;; :l���p�����a�=�� ��ol::O-. lege and its home community-Tacoma, '

It 15 due to materially improved bust- .1'1- means a new day pf �ecognition and support in the Church-at-large for Pacific :=t.oo��::,,:�� :dUi��:::':t Lutheran College, "It L� \.he great, opportunity of practJca1 IiUpport by the Tacoma I s i t too much to say that Pacific Lutheran College is standing at the parting of PaclUc Lutheran C?lIege,

=�r:fA�=r;: :��t =.�� the ways:, that its great an� unique opportunity .has arriyed ; that its zero hour is �.r.? tr;��':\y

th��u!O::� :71; program as the present college year The decision rests with the Lutherans of Tacoma and Pierce County more than �rve to obtain $80,000 mon from nears Its close, J • with anyone else, I t is their school, Bonds of 10yaltYJ �ervice, sacrifice, extendiAg over the community,

Tr:�fm::,��:� :: !::n:! many 'decades, ' bind Lutheran hearts to Pa�ific Lutheran Co·lIege. The hour is, here tI�=IPw��1 f�:::� :��:�r;!�:

Iclmun .... on' Pace FO�I when these bonds wi l l be .tested, . ' Will they prove st��ng enough to' lift our' school to new heights of usefulness and

' Campa�gn Headquarters - achievement? I • �. '

' , . .� , • 932 Pacific Ave,

Tacoma PhOne MAin 0169

W,e Lutherans, through Pacific Lutheran Col lege, are on trial before ,Tacoma and Pierc� County. 'As we, in these weeks . . take every opportunity to speak well of our school. as we are eager/to work for its victory. as we show our faith in it by the greatness 'of our' Sacrifices. we can ·coun:t on Tacoma to do its'part, ' . L-____________ �----� , ,

(Continued on P.,.e Twol ,

See Page 2

For Bird'l-Eye , View

Of t�e N�w CiinpUI

., .

. wQe''fionring .mast PublWltd e\-ery two �Its during the school' year

, b)' tbe students of PacUie Lutberan CoDeire-, . .

Orner:: Room 115 ' ,Telephone: OArind 05'" S���Ptlon �1.00 Per Year.

Enttrt;d as StCOIId class matter, Octobe! :l. 1ns, at" the Post Otnce at Parkland, WUh1ngton,

under �e Act 0.' March 3, 11m!.

1935 Member 1936 l4s.ocialed CoIiellioie Pre" ' EDITOJtLU.' S1AJT ""rroR H��n Holtcamp NXWS mrroR Norma PNus BOvS' 'SPORTS' EDITOR - ' - Bob M&rt.I.n OlRLs' 'SPORTS' EDITOR - Elliabeth 'Stuen PEA'I'tIRJ: EDttOR eomi1e Clumb TYPISTS _ _ • Irene Odell, !4aiI.e Lien COpy READER - - - - Len,ore Withrow SPD:lAL WRITEILS - Ja.ek Odey, �ohn DreibelbIS,

Bob Monson.


' . .

. r",· !.u'.her." ','uuculiou ;u. ihc Wesi. WC. Y<H"'� Luthera s Asked for $20,000 by June 12 1M.'tJpic ll.rc growing up to rCnlizc. mor.e lind �('''hUn.ed f'rolll' Pale 1) . . more. �hc iinpcr.1Hvc Ill'C'd .(01' ChriSlian cd.u� aUon betWteD the coll�e "and the r\� throurh dune 5 to 1:l. 'l'tlled Icn,dt;rs; during the 'd(,(,lIcles �lh(,IHI. .)f.;lifc conml unltY. . "If) A! " ,roup Qf veterlUl,,� mpre . is 10 be prosj>el"olls Rlid worlb ·",hill'. fillR}lciltl. " It 11'111 �\'e " slngul .... lnsptra. deepl$ con�rntd In t.tJe sue- ' ,ty. soci81iy�politil·I�lIy. s"iritl1lll1�·. �1(':X'(,ullry tkm k? tM chun:h at I.� IQ ha\'e .ce5! Ilnd futu��f Padftc ,-"uJlsiderations hllvc for : .. ix 1(11l� yell� hl1lh'i1' ����

e� ��q� 5UPpot'"l helfle Luthtnm Coil thlln the

I nll' illan'h of nd'-I�llecmcill; but "110\\', with Ii "It will gi\'e Paclrlc LUlhf'l"Rn Col- :lm:O�:�� a!I�����:h:�� del}r��s('d ccollOrny lurgC'ly of Ill<' post. ' 1l1l' c.'ol- . \f'1rt' u�tnUy !1eeded edVCIlUolial tally ImportArit ex�rlen�

, 11'!,!e i� ll,:u..rn/ssiH'ly on its wny I ly .ac bic\'clllcl� , ·facllItles to enable It to retain lUI lind entl'1i.lstlu�m III the com-� of UI(' purposes and ideo Is \'isiullcd b,' its 181tf h.\gh edUcational rankln/l. munlty c!(nvaMI 'of the rt'.sl-

. founders, " 'Every $OC11l1 an� rellgloUJI artu- denUal dblrlcl3:"'

'nieproposctl CUllIpliS la�'l)ut will . llIukc PlI- :n��\����! �:::n thco���� �: Spee��:I�= :r:::� .·nd

dfic Lutheran Colleftc nn o�tstnlU.lill/-t instilu- socl&!' dlstnlegratlon .01 the last lII!'rmoM...., will feattire next '8und!li'" .>tioll of h.i�her. lenrnin /ot .. Smaller collC'I-ll·s. the!\C , !JI�rs ::�t��;��)�


n O!t;�t�' morning services In all'- LutherlUl

days. arc e\".crywh�rc hailed as �:ital �nils in (mft" economlc� world view. ��:lrh

:� 0i.�����t: :I� :t!. h-:� Ihe higher educational system. Our college hns \:::h�UanH,)' is O'n trial. H cannot hour conc.rt at tht morning ;service' in tlislin�uish('(i itself with ilg "Choir or the aUore! to lUI 'SOurce of pO�'er Central 'Lutheran ' chun:h, and ' Dr. '\'('�t.'" b�( its deHn nnci spirited nthlelic and continuity. thl, .Chrlsllan col- pannko'ke will appear III the pulplta of lll'hiC:YCIl.lcnt s nntl. j..'Tt'tllest of all. by thl' chor- legt. at �el!.St 'our churches and a;& 'many

. ud{'rs of Ihc virile yuung Jl� hns directed "Sow the se�'�IOW"





. 5ubstrlPtlOIl' nnd i s ,directing into the eiluca ti onal nial husi· "(a) Through the enthmhuUc pledge which will be uaed In the Luth.

IlC'SS activitics of the stote n.nd nnti'"On . · far-.\'ISlontd support 01 the eran drive A.5 �'ell as In the gen«;,ral PiLSt& community campaign Immediately (o� -

... · · 1

REPOR'I'ERS-Mafl!lU"t't r..a.rsen. Thelma Di.n1e1.s, £1\'a Bergman, �rrc"kA-Schtll.n�Norman­P"t1-e. Russell Frye.


� to stO)) herr?, Isn�t il post lilllL' thll,_

' -t-_" ,,,,b,-, ;;:Th::-ro;;"",'h";;;",,,,,:;;,,,,,po".:kO'.n�wo�'d:!,.�IOWltlg It, '.Is now ljelng worked out by we slop )�iiliilRJiiilir- lnar.-wc-:ClllCT 'c r� We will arrange two fl\'e-to- ' TCh�6lf"'lI'r CIJmm�Ad�II;or.,.-�riutlsly mlo thc (,�p8nsi(Jn 'prngt'oTH ? ten-minute addreMtS on Board an,d Dr. Pannkoke.


Katt-.rYl"l Andersoll ., . AD SOLICITORS - E11u.belh FrIIs. EnId Bll\k.e. Alice Cook.

FACULTY ADVlSEJU3 - N. J. �bng. O. J. Stue ..

<lim (,Ol'<TlllIIlJTIOl'< To ht'lp hring til{' pidul't· Hf til(' ( ;ultlcn Juhi­h'(' l'onstrudion an'd I'�:P' lsillll prtl).,.Tnlll fO!'

Pacific LUllwrnn Ctllkg 'llraldy [11111 fun'e­fully hcfort' our n'gulat' Vt cit'.rs ant!, pl1rlil'u­Inri\' LJ('fon' Iht' :\,:)110 I ,ulhcnlll l"lIll1ll1uni('unts Ilf 'i'acoma and Pit'reC' Cnunly. this Sp�Cilll ('eli· lillll of TilE :\IOORl:\"(; �IAST is 1'C'SI"l<'dful Jy ch'ni('at('d 10 Ihe grC'al{'r. P. J . . \...,.J It has I l('cll.' quilt' Ilnlllrnlly, a spil'illlni joy :llltl inspiration

' 111lI1 \\'(' Ill1\"(' l)('{'� askC'tI In aid lilt' j:!lval lIlO\"('­

Ih!l; ib::;"I;;:�il


i:i;I:�I;;'i:l;:d��� p�;�g,��lg: t " lc

l E���I:�: 1:��1�,�n� ����:E��:� s;:��:� ��::::��: is fnrltiliatc in hm'ing line of Ihe largest 'clilr" oong�gallon at once. and O\'er the radio. Speakers can be

Icelioll of SC:lIu'lilUl\"inll lit('rnl ure on the cOllsl, · "Reap the han'est: obtMned 011 request 1.0 the clHTopaign .\'('1 il is housed in nn old fire:trop buildiIY�. alstJ "(AI ApPQIIl� a congregationAl lleadquarl.ers. 932 Pacific avenue. Tn-IIset! fol' dormitOl'ies. tHllliinislrnt.iOl\ tl1ld busi· chairman. TIley meet May C01l1a. telephone M�. 0169. III'SS off"ices. cinssroollls, lind' dining halls, 13 .at 6:30 at dinner At the Dr. p�� lIere

W(' shul�nls 1Ilnke n l�rsOl.1U1 pleo to �\"er'y "'!bl ��g��alrman l, 10 chOoSe ca�:;l J·o� · �� pr

��.:;:LOrL���:l� TUl'olllnn and 10 e\"ery Pierce Cnunly Luthe1"tm captains. one (or tvtr)' 100, Church of America. -�'as here from l ' in this primary ('ffurL \Ve nsk that you gh'e mtmbers. They mtf'1 Mill' Mlnneapoll, O\'cr the week.�nd famll. our /-tt'IIt'rniion an UI'portunil:y to mold our 18. larlzlng hlmseU with the plan of the PC'I'solHllil i('s hy .11 Christian patt�rn. nnd thut "IC) Together with a group of local campal�n 50 thllt he may lAY the wc hc gi\"en u physil'ally adC(Jtiote educutiullul outside men. this group ls to ground�'o'rk for the IUser CAmp:lign I"cnJI'r from ,which · to work. Also, we nrc in· carry out the Initial can. which will follow lL, among the 6.000 It·t'('sh'd in the 1l1111l\' studcnts who nrc finishing \'l!-o;1i.: Mil.)' 18 to 29. Lutheran oongregations throughout the high s('h(mls ' anti 'who would apprccint(' Ihe ",di Each caplaln � to choo.'It' United' Bta�. tlt-lIl'fils to ·Il£' ,·t'npcti ft'ulII a' of this �.Ight workel1l. The congre- Dr. Preus Is a orother of Paul A. uniquc typc. i f ollly we (·llIlld. nCCOml11(lIll1h' a �allonal chllirnlall. tht cr,p- Prt'us. college tll.lllllcial Ilgellt .who de-th.·cidt'tlly inl·,·t'lIst'�ltdC'nt cl1rollmc'.11. talus and th� workers to signed the exnansloll program. Anoth-

tll'cJlr i ll_ this IlIllnner. \\'c gt,udents of Pncific I,ulh('rall Colkgc \"it·\\" ,\11 il�

Ihe expansion prQgrnm us u \'i\'id n\\"akcnin� \ t

you. ns a �nldiC'r uf (iod. goin� 10 fi/otltl for It higl-!"C'r anll grentC'r Chri!ootbill

the youth of America?

mt'et Juue 5th ror final In- er brother, ·;'. A. O. PreU.'l. now. of Ch,l­.�trucllon.". cago. is :, lonner governor of . Mlnnt-

",el The final cam'RM to be car- sota.

Bird's-eye · View of the 'Golden' Jubilee Campus

1. - A DMINI�TRATION 2.-ART5 . 3. - lIe.RAAY 4. - SCIENC� .5.-M�Ic. c.. CHAPEL



I I I .

PAOJ: � College Entertains ' . .

. State Educators They Marshall Pierce'County ......................... . ll. or w .. \V. S. C. Presidents Ate

Asked To Attend Af­fair Tonight

To open th� ch'le p'h�. or the P. L. C. construction and endoll .. m�r.t campaign, Ihe COllege 1$ hOISt to two dmners thi! week.

Last night at 6:30 o'clock abou' flrt)' pflstOrs and congregational chairmen 01 Piert't Gaunty ..... ere guests at dinner. Re\', Carl E. Rydell ..... Iil prulde as loastmaster.

Tonight "bout on� hundred alJd fl!t)' Pacltlc North"'est �ucatlonal If'aders� Tacoma civic e<fucatlonal and rilllOrlnl leaders, and' their ""he.s ""III be prellent at anotl}er 6:30 o'clC"Ck ban­quet In the collete dlnlnt hall. Axel H. Oxholm. teneral chairmlll'l of th� ChamlX'r of Com·meree sponsored ad· \ 1500: board. ""hlch is to lalr.e charge of raising the Initial Tacoma Unit of 5100.000. will act. as toastmaster.

Among· the �tate educ�tlonal leaders

KERSCHBA-UM SUlfsJAND OVERCOATS For sale exclusively at Jetlancf 6- Palagruti

912 Pacific Ave.


AL· ARNE School Representative


Pantorium Cleaners


. T1u';'�:C=:!:1a:O���'"

S. Pac. Ave. at 50th CA.,. 051"


and be well fed BROWN &; HALEY


Parkland. Wash.

TACOMA'S LARCEST Ho",e-furni.�in" Store



' Complete Accessories

All Leather Shoes New sprinll style!; "e now here

Wnites galore ' Come in and see them

C.llen'l "The Store with the Yellow Front"

1 1 1 1 BroadwAy

PARKLAND GARAGE Shell Ga$Olin., and 011

Dependable Creasing CENERAL REPAIR

2S0 SoRp-let' S.U.,..-2S, A!k for


Ted Brown Mu·sic Co. 1 1 2 1 -23 BroadwOl., BR. 32 1 1

Brookdale Lumber Co. OIt Brookdale on Mountain

Highway GAdand 381 1 1 5.

" Joan of the Nancv Lf'f'''' Uses ' Unique C08�Um�8. Stage

.1 ·

Sets. Lilhts . � the clever nauUcal · baclt-

Ul,e· comic opera In two acts of the NRl'iCy Lee," tonight at

o.'cloc.k; In the vymnulum. Pro!,' Keith Rela. tn the capacity 01.

Drama Club advber. is dlrecUn, the producUcm� M wom�n'l phyalCf\l edu·' caUon director. Mrs. Adah Dapper ha.s coached the p�rate .drills.

The opera wtll ·be g1ven In colorlul modem ·costumlng---fiPor-ts clothes,-plc­tliiHQue pirate . C05�umea. and nutty bridesmaids' ·IJOWns In putel shades,

Mlldred' Monson and Aroold Ander­chaf.acter In the

paraphernalia, Stage for the opera have been planned \l,:orlr.ed out by Raymond Reid.

electrician and his a.ss1stahts. Olwn and Ororge Knudt.50n. Bergstrom, who actS as promp­the Drama Club productions.

been supervising the speak1ng For costumes and properties 1 Lilja tias been appolnted chalr-

with Sylvia Miller and ElsIe Bar-


for you yO,un, man! is here to suit you

Dark Blue Cheviot Double Breasted Spc.rt Models

With· 2 Trousers

Only $23.00 . A GRADUATION

FROCK for you, youn, lady!

$1.50 Student Monthly Rate I I !:;========� 1I;-:=========�!r:=�=7='�===11 �tgg ����. �:��h�onR�� I I I e At Your Service-

Organdie. Crisp Ne,t. or·

Mousseline de Soie New�st

.Arrivals only Parkland Golf



924 Pacific Ave.

Denzler & 'Tone . w;,h $12.95 SPORT surfs �_ .' " .

Experienced Craftsmen as you l ike them and _ Modern Type Faces want them Adequate Equipment · EASTERN

Out{itting Co.

New low price. Dender & Tone ""-' . . , , 940 �acific Ave.

Rust Bldg. MAin 4493

CHEAP LUMBER­Shiplap. per M . - - - S 9.00 2x". per M _ _ - 12.00 1 x6 Flooring. per M - 12.00 1)1;6 Siding. per M _. 21 .00 LinM!ed Oil , your can,

. :89 .50 I 1.50


galion - - -Odd Sash - - -Odd DoOrs - - -Ix6 B<nrds - - - -CupbOard Doors - -Paint, per gallon - -

.35 1 : 1 9

We can urange. for an ·FHA �n­for you on easy payments-

We D.!liver Pacific .. Avenue

Lumber Co. GA. 0453

Aliitrum Printing Co. 933 Broadway .HERMAI:-l IACOBS, Mgr . . . :;"0 Commerce MAin �168 .

BROOKDALE GROCERY AND MEAT CO; . . PHONES: CAlland 0 1 01J4--GAr�nd 01 93R3

Groceri ... Flour, H8Y. Grain. F�ed. etc.·

. Sl:RENCTH "": CHARACTER·...,. SERVICE When you �uy �ur life insurance consider these factors: the reputa­tion of the company. the character of its management; and the service

. rendered .. . WE INVITE YOUR INQUI R I ES

CLIFFORD O. OLSON, Parkland, Wnhington Representing


.608 s.c..nct Ave. 5: Hmnan L EUm, Pres. .

,Mi�" Mm .

. .

/ I

, .


. Tacomans Asked for $8O;iIQO by June 23 (CoIiUnaed. � Pan. 1)

. . . Numbers For

4'iano .

Recitil1 Are Named with a dictum by the a.ceredltl\tl�n au­,l.hOrlUes .!lr lhe Sia� ot Washington that attreditation or PAclnc Lutheran Colle(l"-()ne ot IUs m"';'-"'"" ·"",,,,. I tJon5-W'ould be

First Feder.lll SavlnSlS &. Lo.!In As-Sociatl6n.


Ab�r R. fttor;enen. cOnlmLo;.sion-I L�----:----''-:7 __ --=::-".,.:-:::-::,:------'-..I 1 Edwards Lists Ten p�piis For

rea5!)nabl}, early start. I.s It"a.rd providing phyl<.lcally educationally f1)ore adequate eflulpment tor the 300 ·student� ot institution,


proving hi ... eom'tctlons or nn almo.'Il uncann\' illg the physlcaJ �nd chanl('li of tlnanqng Lutheran Mnd other institutions. Or. Tlngelstad and Mr. Preus turnf'd naturnlly to Dr. O. H, PRnnkoke ot qUitman. Oa,

er ot Public Works.. e. P. B,,"�, .ttorne)'. �I Anclnw th,rtstorl':f'IOn, sometime­

Cit}C Superlntendeni 'of St-reetS, Henry 0 .. F_ �relar:}'./Pos.<!

Launch &. Tug Boat Co.' J . M\,Jor E.ereU G. Griep, chalr­

mlln of thl' .board. St. Paul &:. Ta­comll Lumber Co.

Llneoln F. G.aJvm�. ArL'I3, . Ca.mpbell &. Oault.

Philip G��nd, manager. Ore-gon-Wuhlngton plywood.Co, "-

Frank E. JerrriH. prel<.ldeik Ta­coma Paper &: Stationery Co.

Erie W. JohNOft, chief enitn�r. Standard Bran(l.� Inc, ' ( . .

J, J. K.�man, 'president. Kauf •.

E. 8, Kine • .secretary-trea.surer, Buckley-King Co.

WalWr A, Leaenkrcer, n('(:.utiye St.'"Cretary. Federation 01 Soclal Agt'ncles. w.

Chrl�Uo" QunU Jr .. M, D. Glef'''' A, ReC'l'I'S. I'lce-president.

Nortl'! Pl'lclflr Blink. Eve".tt Smith. genernl manager.

Rhodes Bros.

R. Roy _ Smith. budgl.'! director. ra:comll. Building Tradf'S Council.

Os.-ar Smith, general m1l.l1ager, Medo.�weet Oalrleli tne,

T 5HARE" SI00,OOO J U NE 15 TO 13, 193&

lIarris Warnif'k, president . Pugf'l This attractive design will be the otrlclal emblem of the PRclflc Lutheran Dr, Pannkoke. during one nine-yenr I Sound Manufacturing Co. Collq:e Golden ' Annh'e�ry Campaign. The figure was � by Thelma period alonl.'. directed 5h:teen- ·Li!th- J. PhillIp Weyerhaeuw-r, execu- Daniels or thL� year's Senior .

�::�d r:e�



;:���t.eP�� ���


re�ldent. Wl'yerh!lel�wr College Choir Sing� With W. A. A. to Award ",,' 'n , d , h d I

Philharmonic Associalion L tt t B t �e h� al: :lIdel�I��ei'r

I:; ������

s� ThtY'-Hc,ar thl' Story __ e ers"a anque ��!;�:





r. �.:� m�!�::

a�r �;;t.��\'I:::r

a: ��. the

In ·:I:ce��o�I:�at;el.'\':��� :��a

��� Thursd$Y. Ma)' 21 the wo:en's Ath-

Luthl.'ran institutions ar� confronted pre!;lrlent.� or kftco� !\E'rvlce club.. ... the Tacoma Philharmonic ' Orrhestra ·1'11 letlc A .... soclatlon will climax Its rear wlth.lunding prOblems. has become al- leading t'dit� and Jl'<lucators ot Ta- Ja...ooon Lee Auditorium ' IIctivlties ,,"'Ith R semi-formal banquet most traditional f'n �erlca. coma... and lhe� ..... Ivc�: ",'!II meet at dln- Olrtcted by Mr, Eugene L1nden . ..... ho in thl.' arm}, and nav)' room ot the Win'

Dr, Pannkoke chanced to be at his ner In the coll�e dormlto;J'Y and listen WIIJI rect'ntly awarded the Sal2:burg'Mo- . -

Georgia home when th� urgent I,'vlta-to a concert by the Choir Qf the �est larttum Academy ScholarMlip, the con-

throp HOI,e1. At that time letters will

tion to take charge of the ilolden Jubl" and,a program of IruplraUonal addre.'!.'1· cert featured' the C Major Mass by bf' awardt'd to the IJlrls who have earyJ­

lee drive In Tocoma reached him. He es b}, Tncomn civic If·aders. outstanding Brethoven ..... Ith ,'ocnl ·q'uarU't. t'lghty.

650 points during thl'l school ElbR ed the problems Involved for Pacific North ... ·est educators and Dr. volct' ChOruS


nnd f.uH orchestra ree day!'; and then ",'Ired he would Pannkoke. �tl1'Mlng the educational. Tht' College chOIr. under the dlrec- Hutson.,W, A. A. president. will

un rtake the task. He Rrr!"ed hert' cultural and flnanciRI valuf'J; Involved Lion of Prot J. O. Edward!';. i>Rng '·The as ,toaslml,tresR. General

late the evening of MR.Y 3. In PaclCic Lutht'rRn College'li Oolden Spirl�' Ali<O Hel�lh US," b}, BaCh. In for the atrllir Is lone Madsen.

Under hl� dynamic luderF-hlp and Jubllee Pundlng Cllmpalgn. The din- t ..... o move.menUs. the andante con . must be made with �Ither

with the active support. ot the execu- ne� lli dl.'.<.igne.d to famillartze the and the Chornle. The F, M. I or lone Madsen.

Solo.,Duet W'orkl . -- ' .

. _ In o';e �nnul.l com'pi.lmentar)' rt'CltIIl Prof. JOIIeph O. Ed�ards will preMlll �n of his plano students at 7:30 o'cl()('k Satumay evenln"i. May 23 In th� Col· It'I't: gymnasium. .

Solo\.st.s wiil be V!.rg1nla ReIN;. pJR�'­InK' "&.cc:hantes" -r\si "Poupee . Val. sante" by Poldlnl; 'Dorothy Andenwn. "Polonaise In 0 Minor" by Choplh 1lnci "Bubbling Spring" by RI�re King: Al\tf' Ra'mstad. who 'wlll pia)' Edward' Grl('lf� "Anltra's Dance" ; JOf;eph Runnlng "Nov(lctte" by Schumann and Choptn'� " Valse C· Mlno�" and " Valse' in E

Unique numbers on the arr do�ble and slng[1' plano duets. Ooroth)' and Arthur LArson will pia)' "Song of y';dla" by Rlmsky-Kor.lakoft rlnd "SUlr or Italy" by Tl.m�nghl. A _ novf'lty numb"r: "Cl.belctta" by Theodon Lack 100m be pIR)'l.'d by Jack Miller and Ar­thur Laroon. Thelma D8.nleis and Norma Pr�us ,,"'Ill be hear playing "Dnnse NI.'8rt''' by Sc9tt·. and Alice Ramstad and Norma ?reus will pla'r . or Ihe Puppets" , -(

Patronize Our Advertisers--BetON! going to town N!"d this

·column. Th� tollowlng firms a� rrle:nds and R'dvertl3ers In the Moor· Ing Mast: Allst.rum PrtnUng Company Arts, Barber Shop Bone On' Shoe Swre BonnadeJe Beauty ShOp' Brookdale Barber Shop �rookdale Grocery Co Bmoltdaie Lumber Co. Brown &: Haley Casw�1I OpUcaJ Co. Clover Creek Service SLatlon Conrad's. Colll!e Shop _ Craig F'Urnll,ure Store Dahl Orocery Co. DI�kl'oOn Bros, Eastman Kodak FIshers tlvt' FotnU of the. Chamber of Commerce ciVIC and educational It'adftTS ",'Ith

and the Lutheran educators and dl- prO(;ram or, which gre\,ter

vines of the· community. detail plaru Lutheran Collegt' L'I launched.

for the tundlng drives hlwe been com- the rall}1ng point from tIo.·hlch

pletcd and are now in prOCeM of exe- coma'lI S80.OOO cont.rlbution to the

cutton. 500.000 construction and

Pl.'rmanent campaign headqullrters p�.nslo� .. ,�und ,,�:�1l be hlwe been Opelled at 932 Pociflc a\'e-nue, Tacoma. telephon� MAin 0169. and Jo.4en', .In" L... .. in· HlIi.c:u"inl [--_ MORE AND MORE OallenKamp"

DAHL CROCERY c;-l Folks Are Comin, to the Haruon's Jewelry I Harold E. Dahl Co.

. . : PEOPLE'S STORE Ra"""'·' Member United Purity Sto,es 1 Jack's- Ot1ddle

CAr, 381 8R5 P.rkl.nd t==========; 1 1 John&on-Cox Co, LIEN· & SELVIC . :�:i::�' 0011 Coun;e

al"i() pre.wn\.f'd.

both the Lutheran and the civic phA.seS WI' ute. to tne I.d,es


ra�: �:��i�:�ooo Art's Ba,be,� Shop Clover Creek Service Station

At the Instance of the Tacoma 8rookd.le,,ngton C�SII!" sell, for I�'IL

Oir:;er:��,:,rs �.f!t�nesl �n &: Selvig Norwelill" Cod l.iver Oil Lou Johnaon

Cor. 1 1 th .nd T.coma Ave. Lutbel'lUl,Brot.berhood phOne MAin 73 14 C. O. Lynn Co' .

McCormack Broa. txor of Commerce. this A:; ! 'f:=========::;1 visor)' Ddal'd ot outstanding on , 8rookdale, Wash,

citizens will co-operate tIo.·lth Or. Panll- Quality Knitting Co. j' KODAKS koke In rlftiing Tacoma'lI S80.000 allol-. ' I �

Aul �:.e �!� =:Ing di- �=:-:03:·::·1::::�:;::�:TK:O�:':::::;':.::.=�.J II�T:��'-"""'::"{. il�f.""h",'",


m",·",;::::, oK",�=:R=�!:::O"�=A:::·;:::·,,,· "'":::<,,,' �I rector. Pacific Forest Industries, .. ��

Pacltlc AV�. Lwnber CO. Parkland Barbenihop Parkland Garage Parkland LIght &i: Water Parkland· MereanUle People', . , Pioneer

general chairman.

In:�� ::!e= ��dent. WMh- THE BUG 80nnadele Beauty N:� �ac�����teP�e;.


NooS�a��ICEheon '( Shop chairman or tt.� board, Pacific WITH ·A SMILE Parkland .CA. 014S-R-2

ESTIR8ROoK '.,." p.,. For Scltool WDriI;

$1,00 Each

Harold E. D.til Co. . Rust Bid" Lobby

Last year ( 1 935) The Parklarfd light and Water Company furnished to its "';embers electric current, including 80 sfreet lights, at the low average price of a fraction over l lJz I.:ents . p.. KWH


. . Conrad', CoHee ,Shop �ndwich_, Pie .nd CoHee Soft DrInks


You Are Most likely to :;: , find it at



257 .so: 1 1 tf, St. TKOmlI, Wn. _,..,.. hi · .......

All Lines of Beauty Work Perman-ent Waves Evenings I by · app't. )

Creetin, Card, for All Occalions

Anything in the way pf Flowers Anders Florist

255 So, 1 1 tf, St: MAin 7 1 1

QuiaJJty KnJtt1nI' Co. Rhode,' Brothers """"., Schoenfeld'. Tacoma Engra vtna: Co, Tacoma t.a:uncUj Co. Ted Brown Muslc Co . . TIle Bur

Printers - Stationers Vallee's l"oOd Shop W� Ha.rd.� West' Coat O� O!:t­WUllam'. � BtaUoa ,

MAin 2122 12th & A Sts.


D!.strlbuted by WEST COAST CROCERY CO.


We Ha.V8 Just What You Need to Wake This

�:;t ,�:,���:::, ' )

t I

.. \ '

" ' Sl1('cess and Sirengt,h'

. To the Class ' or 1936 PACI� L.U'rnEkA�· COLLEGE

Ford Is:Elected Student Pre,xy W,d.n, C'''"'n hm bofn "".'n','«1

F : . ' , the executive 'commlttee o'f the Dei. . ' . , ta Rho Gamma liS candIdates for or 1936 -3 7 pre�dency' of the rail ·.semester, Elec·

morrow ill ' dmpt'l, ' lIi1t'ae! of \'('I'IlI'" Bil lt'r. Iht,

�oI'PIlllt'IlI, hy It'll volt's i n fillUl t'Ollnting of tilt' wlN'li Imlluls lusl \\'t,tllwsdllv. }'nr

1'l,1;1I\\', "·atl,:.;" '1:11 111\';\ 11 is ""' ''' "' I =",mrr=

1I1g1011. O. C Dr. HnnJ;�n given n lifetime of sen1ce at the

rill the po.o;ltlon of commlsslol'ltr wr.;It>' of Wiscon.s.1n. In a.ddltlon nthl('lic.'i . ..... hlch John StUI'll has held work at Ne>;l:berry Librllry In ,9t1.!; }'ea.r. In 19�. with Mr. Charles

The Boo.rd of COntrol thts. rear has tht' Library of Congn-ss. he bt-en comprlM."d or Bert M)'hre. p�s1. qUl'Stro to come to Rome whe-:t' dent; Bob Mon.;son. Vlce-presldent: reorga� Vatican Ubrary

CALENDAR , Sat�,., M&.1 30 , 1:30 p. Night

Sanday, Ma,. II 6�OO: p. ' m.-·�aJaurea.te �. H�r. J"· l · 6:� p" m.-C'o�men�ment

"'C'· "'�n.;n._ NaUlt' Tonio'rrow Cia"" Day r';r Program


See the Senior 1�lay

At Cl,a.u Nlgh�. .

Saturday :l

To Be Graduated ' Monday Evening Rev. H. L. Foss wm Speak at Bacca-, hiureate Suriday ,


�:=::c:� .wc���: ':v��s:k�

te�nother \'e� capable man In "' ���ru-:n�:m�e:

e':o�:\orrl_ th:

O�::-:;':ua::� :=e� :�

���:::�tl����� J::n��n. ::I�� � DI����!:' :tC���h

n�r ..... ��I��: S:��: 5011. Marie Johnson. Fredericka Schian- :�h��O:t

cl�o;�h��ac�y�e an

1920. The Koren library at Luther Is busch, Francis Atehbold, Harold Johan- =:-:-=-===:-:::'=-=--=::-:::===:::-:==:--:-:-:=== omorI' repre.o;entativ('

the bulidlng which m�y �rve tlS Il gen- .�e.��::_�a:�:;��� FrtthJor Tay- GRAD EXPO�NDS-ON SENIORS' .¥tNT,�L STATUS Hauge Announce!'! All eral model tor P. L. C. s new edifice.

et havE' planntd Intermission By Bob M_ . been restlts5 In the claaa room at Umesl t'xpt'rlence WIis gained Ilt the Unl· tor the C\'enlng. which I am a senior. I am now 5Uppoowd but th;'lt Is merely' a nat.ural re&POn&e

PlaCemeDltI .Up to Datl' �;:�� ��dw����:,nun�:'!�l�' �� �: Ings by the' claM president, to know a Jot, Typlc&l of a graduate, �ro


cago. Of interest ty P. L. C. Is the �;� :a�:�:�::n�I:'lldred, �����e

W:::��h�I�. ��p:!:� re!son we looked at our watchea dur. Normal claM hllve stgned fa.ct thal Dr. Jacobsen was Pre�dent derson : and ' resentatlon of the the WO!'ld with the fury ot a Ill( periods .so �uch v:-aa becauae to date, Ilccordlng to Dean Philip E. O. A. nngt'istad's teacher or Hebrew

1ft, FtlthJor p Tayet. There wll1 lion. i am d«k!ec1 to make II WI!' were atrald t,he teacher would not

Hauge, he .. d of the Placement Bur. at Luther College. Or. JaCObsen. Dr. � orEfiestra numbers, under the dl. ripple In the If'Htt tarn ot the have time .to ber Interest.lni' lec· eau. . OJaf Morgan Nortie, and Or. 'l"1nge1.

I f �f J. ° Ed d.s. In short.. I I. to make tb1a t.ure. Nothini more. Mr. Bt>rtram Myhre wu listed on tbe stad were Joint editors of ��Luther Col· r�::e� are n�w on

' saleW:d may be better Place": "hich to 'Uve. U proof ot our ability to do great

Tacoma public sch�1 tt'achlng lege through Sixty Years. which WL' purcha5ecl ftom any membeT ot protMlOl' said be knew how I t.hlngs In th1a world, we invite you to )'esterday, Mw Th�lma Danleb will publiShed In 1921 . ticket cOmmittee. Admiss10n prieta this, but he said he did not i1sten � �e many �n:st.rucUve ldeu ttach at Parkland nut year. 1,'he uecuth'e eommlttee of th� boe.rd thirty �nt.s for adults and rut.een In suiclde: ' . we �ve aii:Luaed dlirini our years of

:;;::at,u�7: ��::n::


M� :U��dl�R

a�� :�e:;, g:er;:a:� of tor chlld�n. 1$ a' � lbat we may find :ru:�' I I =�v:

lle�1 �� �:

tht' primary department, and Miss Eve. tlan, and Ille complete pe-r.;onnel of the • later on. but we an one. I beUne that even shallow litIs Iyn Ecklund In the Intermediate. building committ('e. Rev. AJt: M. Kra- Norma Preus Will , , Cfftm of the crop, 'For can �t a man Into deep water: I have

Mr. Harold Anderson will teach the abel. president of the board, states that H' d' L D R W k haven ,l we read It In m.araz;I.ndl? found that the dw'per .. rti'I's a.ppetite,

eighth grade lit Rldg�tleld and Ii is the definite hope and plan of , ea - . . . or Ha�n t we heard btr men �y that we the more It seelD.5 to dull hu' con&� Ellen Bergst.rOm h� slgnt'd· tor the the execuUve commltl('e and the Board J I..S �l?restnt&t1ve.s of lhLs �neraUon c1ence.. I am . conVInced that cra .... s seventh irade at Rainier. Mw Ora� ob Trustt't's that 'actual construction Honoring ttw .facwty wives, wtw the logic&!. ones to lead the ""�Id meat ill &II.rood as cb1c:lten, tha.t P'reud Card wlll hu\'t' charge of the third a.nd .... 111 begin lri 1936. been hoste.s5e5 to Its of the m� of ijfnoranoe and de· was wrong when be adva.nced the the. fourth grades at Lakt' City. Due to the res.lgnatlon ot Mr. H. E. thrQughout Ille year. the L. D. R. • Of}' t.h&t. people dream too much. I

MIss Jeau·Marle Fowler will Anderson. who was .chalrman of the an 'lnfo�al reception !&st' Thursday this u we tic. we however defy anyone who says Chapman and the third emde. at V(ashollp.l: Tacoma bulldl�g committee. the Board afternoon In the reception room. there are .some In our m1det Counts was not the best baUer In the Minion Pennie' III 1.J''Cfia�e of .the up- or Tn�stet's, and President 1,'Ineebt&d . At that' time Norma Preus waa elect· ne(leeted their 'educaUon, In NatiQn&!. Le�e. M·y beltet runs Joint.-per grades 'Rt Ro6�all!: Miss Gertrude In consultation ..... Ith Architect AIUh. td president 01 the organization for !CIll"den we flnd' a weed or Iy with the statement tha.t ·PsycbolocY Sten�r'I' will be at !lbe. . Ilsch and Mr. Paul A.. Preus, ..... 1II malte next year's work: the senior tirl-yee, .. sen· 'Is that form of conadoua ute wb1ch Mr, Ray Hlnderlle haa Slgnect lor tbe a new .selection.

. Retiring President Margaret Rorem confessed to the writer that �es the continuity of 10111 sleep,

upper (rIld!"s at Central Valley .school The eXe<:utlve committee cons.I.stl 01 jave· words of welcome to the l&d.les. . been k1ued, r stW dO • Now. have I broU&'ht out the fact that In �anon. Rev:"' Alt, M. Kraabel of Po�Jand, who who have been bostesaea to the 1.. whetbu abe was.boutlIl( or the only t.hiIl( we seniors ha.Ye to baCk . At P1�ve MI5a lone Madsen p"realdent: ae'oi. S. J. N. Ylvl& R.. a.nd.)trs. 0, � '�lstad but It Wuatntes tha.t it is poll- Up our InteIJ..temce Is ei'O? Kave I con· talr.e over the primary Instruction, Bt&nWQOd: .secretary; Mr, p, C, lola· ed, Other- program 6Wnben to .. do too much boot "orlr.. . Tlnced you f.hU, we are babes In Edna Kelsey Is to be at Colvin. oi Tacoma,· treuurer; Dr. C. R. �,by Wadene Calavan. a a representative or the III!nion, let wooda? Have I sbO,rn you that we an Tenino, and Mbs Rutb JohnsOn ,f�m Seattle: and .Rev, E. by bene Odell, and· a voca1 that we not been:wuuna not t.a.ktne ounetveltoO aerlOUlly? PIne! Plumb Station, R. Y" 0, Olympia. of Seattle, by Evelyn 8yve�, time, We wlll adrtllt that we bave 'Ibat Is whaf"'fb1.ed to do, --_



. ,� ,(



�I' . � > , /'

PAOlo TWO MAY 27 'U�36

IDITe £'iltonring .ma�t Publbh� e\'ery t\\� weeks durtnr the xhool ,.ear

by �he students of PacUlc Lut.her&n CoIJep, Offl�:' Room 115 TetephQPe� OAr!rid 0&" UQhl%r Than .,::0 ":f�� ?��r::;���:��.� ,"

___ -=_-=..",..� say'ing. but thut's whut l'lllllt' f1yill� ill Ih�" wdlet's fun' after IjC B� BOB


MONSO!lo� . ,.1 c(..Iitio.ll,of1 tjJc' l\rooring MlI)lt \\'hi�'h IHII'(' Ill(' crilk'islll till till' ft'I'I -Subscription . PrtCe--$l.00 per Year Entered as srtOnd class matter, October 2, IInS, at

the Post Office at Parkland, Washlnlton. under the pct ot March 3.'187i .

�ATHETIC PRELtJDE- me:; WlI!> I)ul: �u w(' �U\'l' till" �ids -II dUIIWl', nml they IISt,.1 i . ,Well, In O\'er:'�nd I r�eylikt' II. mg draped over . ulthuugh Ilut us .l'xpl'cssiVt'ly liS diet tilt' !toys.

��:.�:' ��� �O:I��e�� 7:t.hl.� c�;=r:�; :�Y·�=�s� c;:�s�: \II�;j --,-----�--

.. ",",i:If.'l:� from Burru;.-my hel¥t is as hea\'y as iii. bucket Qf plg's you �UCh around, .apparently I�e ... er D�IFTs • • � -� � .'I',;:::�.li-'7::'.f- Ncmbu li\'t'r . . ; I hate to be· a.lOilt'.: 1 want LO be in a crowd I thinkin,' about )'Our personal appear- . 8)' Bro_r ��4SSO{\"'�

:: �:;w��;;l1��d�'�� S::�n!:I:� \�ri:��

n.I�� :;�:IIs�

I:;:.' h'::n,�f �:'n�:U�

lgo� NO,thlnll bere will hav� a!'lYth�:11I t.O 1935 Member t936 . Just. .note the tears and " slrap-breaker" kJ.sIl.eS at. the your adolescent pexioi:l.: and too many '��g \;'��:'�I:;;���:' ��:

I�I�� lO�; l=issocded CoI.Ie6lale,Pre,5� e�d 0: th\!' w�

k, tl.Il:d. see .for )'o�.\'e:u.' . .

�:e::�� :e�� �S::n

n:a?',. lhIQP about us t.hat. :I,e " c-rds l.. few (rlendly dl(t. IL� EDITORIAL STAFF Is, "'"'t re being separated !rom our elJ; . , � , . . 1 , (Ol'�n': 1�,ClUl IUlyliuo"g, but Il nw�· l)(,' EDITOR . Helen Holt.eamp C!les who bummed matches and cloth� from us are The maJo,Uy. of t�� (Pis like 1)o)'S good f,'a

dlns mateflal.

NEWS EDrrOR . Normil })nus !����r·l;.�:

'��k a�� �o�:' �h

:e ��';7f 1�:::g�I��


I�� , �",

�eOnt;e;�1s ���e���:�k�

u�;� �:. Mlt'l lookln8 In Sears lind ,Ro!llIIC� ��, S��, �� � �U:th = a concrete ' studIU�: Maybe �ml' d�)' your �andson friends rather shy. One 'of the� 581d ��:::�:i


n:���fpp�:��,:s,* ��e FEATURE EpITOR COnnie Clumb :::J( �:

e�l; I�

e�. �!:,Y�::�:��

b:l:l�� �';II' k!�:�I���

e ::re::

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r �a::� S'tll!h-iay fe\'�nl!l.g'� )"II:cr. WI' lilld � T.YPISTS - Irene Odell. Ma;1e Ll�n The hails w\]\ contain JlUt ghost&-fl:hos4 of 'Harold him that makes h,er curtous. _ {It-flnltlOn , �f women. Women

I :e

SCpOEPYC'IALREAo�� _ �ac�-0d-ey, ���

r�;:7�1:: Anderson cI�ewing· "gum . . . Ray Hlnderlh.'·S blush . . . Th�hletiC t)'pe o( IenO'w was ::;

at�res ;el.l 1Ivor�� 'M

�y ;�e


e �a�;

Buck)"s hallway strut . . . En.ld. Marie. Nen and Eula ranked four to olle . aplnst the other w- --8111' or '.1OC .- neE' . I' ·:

O���Ma�a.rt't Larsen, Thelma Daniels, Mae walking arm In arm , . . Bert M�'hre ?'elIIng "C-r-r- b:oYs. One . glrl .sta�d....4JuLt 'Il take� �::: .. h��I�\�::: �:\W%: "})


-£1\'11. Q,ergman. Fredericka Schlanbusch, Norman a-a�a-p!" . . . It g\'t� . me . . Ir � don t p.ush In the bra..lns


to play II. 1l00d brand of bait n'O:OI' (1r JOwder� Ali WO::lt-1I ·a.·,. tllIke. Frye. �ell Frye. :�:�


��� havlJ .myself bll\\'ll'ng on t�e, shoulder ��!: ���. ,ra:�:�. :�!et:�II.�

y:,t';; lh,� only

\I�'rf��enct' belnr, �111 lile colot,

BUSIN;;'E�SS�S'i'TA"FF"--'--;++-'A�B..\CK\fA"1fD-m;�2-_ woman tldmlrt's a SLtO\lg, athletic Qf c<l!Upl�xlons they ust'. BUSINESS'M�NAOER F'rtthjot Tayet TOE-NAIL. DE�RIPTION: Ed Svlnth .The Olttclal I)('rson. It w-�, so "tt�I':!hIV ".�,.<Il,uIDn" · ' O

d- " 'OO" .',',.a�.e ,"" ",,e:;,


. ADVERTISINO MANAOER - Jean-Marte Fowler Bounct'r at· the Oreasy Spoon Club) . One of the -It is a wOlJ1.a.ns weakness. - � '" . ! _g g u . g cCrIRCRC?�TTIIOONN ,

MAssANrAsTGAENTSR' - . M=,�l:t ;r�� IrlendJl�st girls In school W6-S BEROLIOT VCXlAN, but Is It/ to, say that many of �al('s. a.s � �o .... �� b�' Ih

�, �

e� u....... her;·KI.s.<;-Me-Hont'�.·· laugh vitrified me . " MR. HAUOE the glrl.s overlook occasional ilnd mod- n l\,('fsltY !l as n�ton. . , y

Kathr)'I1. Anderson L� tops In ,Ill<.' teach ing gaple. bUL his sub(le \\"R.rnlngs erate drinking? But, .severnl of these .u�!lPst ·that .... ·omPIl and mell should AD SOLICITORS - Elizabeth Prlls. Enid Blake, d I redl I t I bout our fate made remarked that the mal� .they married not sIt at thlt sall1e table In t.he libra-

Alice Cook _ _ ��� of ;�:�:r�:�:man: ���Isaat sunrise . . : Mth--. must not drink. Nearly all of the roY: ILOI sit togl'ther In cars: not be

' FACULTY ADVISERS - N. J. Hong, O. J. Stuell gareLC�"""itISth� cutest thing thl� side of Paloose. but questiolulaires a&St'rted that Christian- togt'lh{'r at 1111 during Ih<.' p. m, e"<cepl _


To ttl(' st'nim dass 01" 1�I:m w(' say "Fare­well." Ahout tht'lll, Wl' sa" ")'011 art' un in­spiratiun 10 liS whl) are hl'hiiul." )'t'S, this graduating- dass 'dot,s contuin SOliit' filII' l'Xtlmplt's uf giowillt-( youth, lIluturill� in� II! wUlldl'rful 1}('rSOIlUlilil'S. SdlOlustil"ully,

her h�art is too big , ·The �IEST girl of the year Ity was a necessary tralt ,in their boy f,lday. Saturday or Sundar' hll\'e no -Ger\ Brunner . but It was the way, she asked! . friends. More glris saJd that they did- campus or off�camllIL� dales .eXcell! What will we do ",;thout Ellen's chatter? She helped 'not prefer to go steady with a boy a.t Sl'lurdny afternoons and evefllng, many a tongue-tied boy . . Lois Mae Morton 'was the college Uian vice-versa. It w:\s clear- If !Ill' provisions set forth In Ihe school's snake charmer, beca.use she made eyes at. Arnie Iy pointed out. saJd pfl'Sumably by last Ilaragraph wt're lneugurate..1 Ilere, for nine months . Wt"U !le\'�r forget Laura Hauge. those of experience, that If a girl " goes our s�hool woul(: alose Its door,�, 1111<1 because she loam·d. yours truly rour bits for a cup of steady" With a , boy she soon has her goldt-n rod and thIstles would grow , coffee once . Nor will _1 forget my Palooso Pal. lone 'mind on the boy Instead Of her school around tht- campu.� Instead of ro-Madsen. She lau8hed at all of my Jokes . . . That, girls, work. The glrl.s admitted that their mnnCt's.

::�t�.�:\�:!:�;'ri l�t\II't�:·ltil�·t;�:�' sl:::�:�. l·jN\�iIS;:��� I t!�el�

wJll mllke'any guy brt'9.K out III a rash and, dream about boy frlena,5 act the way they art' pt'r-you . . Vie ",'am to thank Dutch Moe for'smoothing mit� to act.


sludt'lIls urt' -guing un hi" ,·uriotls schouls, hut tht, Io:"ratiuuting ' tl'Udll'I·S Urt' Io:"oing uul into \"ari(IUs (·0I1I1I11lllil il'_S. (.f Ihl'ltl, all W(' ask is thai Iht'\" l"l'IHl'lIIll1'l' Ihcfr alma limier, tlllIl tflt'\" IIlUkl' known lUll' sdlUill and its Illl'rits, ulHi 'thut lIa'�: lx' filll' l'xumpll's of "II that <lU,· Sdlolll slunds for.

PREXY'S CORNER over lh;'bumPy sessions In Psych :wIth ,his under-the- The day boys were described as'more

breathJ�ments ' . ' . Browser was nobody's fool. But wUlIng to cOOperate, more gentleman- What a year this. has bel:n! How I woul,dn't f;;e� badly tl.bout It if I were him. SOme W()o- . Iy, and congen1a.l, fortunate. those who could spend .the mall \l.'Ul getf1lm yet . Les Holte·s girl friends were .Ot course, the girls did 58y that they depression years In· college! They en-

�e�:nk.� ���



th� �;�::e;'�: �� ���t�:t

fe���s '���h:�: : IJ'��l� �:I�/:�����:�_ I���lt:l,


l. ��

biggest pest In Washington ' during the last year. and learn In the way of etIquette. They t>cgln a career at the. upturn: SIH·t·t·ss to the duss of 1! I;�li. the laller the orneriest lillie rascal south of 54-40 '. ' . , aeem to Lack proper respect for elders, . Perhall.� It \..a.kes faith to v£ew pr()f;­

How would those glrls have graduated without their big superiors, and girls. Personal" appear-. pects So. Anyway. the time to lick WE FACE ,TH'E NEED OF A JOURNALlSM:-i>EPARTMENT

Editing tilt' ).Iooring )'Iast during this past year has ht'ell both u I)rivilege nnd pleusure 10 Illt;, It i� a wonderful t'xp('rit' lll'e; it is u pllsilill" whid. 1H,t"('ssihllt'S l·apublt, assistants ir tht, publication is to bl' worthwhilt·. In \"it,\\· of tllt· students who will ('<iit and mUllu!-l(' tht, :'\ltllirinlo:" :'\Iast in yt'urs to l'OIll(', I wish 10 bring to the utll'llt ion of tht, uclmini­

straHoll IIw Ilt'('ti of t'stablishill!-l a (It'finitely fundioning .iolll·lIalism tlt'purtllll'nt in the sehool, With tht' grntiuutioll of Ihis yt'llr's duss. there ure olll\' ahout fiw students left

br��:� Volly told y�u she disliked. }'ou, .the.ifyou were

roundly, disliked . . . If she said she lI�ed you, yO!.! were \'ery much liked . . no two ""ays about It . . . Many a stude wished. whene\'er they were raked over the coke, that the\' could ha\,e had Ruth Froyen's calm,· "Oh, YI'al\ " . Paul E:itrt'm d!dn't "'Tile DRIFTS, nor did Jaspl'r Johnson. nor did Jack Odey It was a red­headed guy ""'lth buck teeth, baggy ttousers·. sickly grin lind an arm full of notebook;,· . ' . . Here's hoping Helen, my edllOreader. doelin't suffer any III ertects from worklng In the same office with .me . To Mar­garet Rorem Koes the bouqut'l for being the moot "gentle-manly'· COoed . ' .

PICK· UPS FROM HERE AND THERE-who hllve hut! nny· jotlrnulistie training, and It seems funny that so ma.ny third-yearers couldn't thl'ir's is sCtlret'iy enoulo:"h. Other students arc ' trust their conduct by being nMural . . . If angelic man-unwilling to shan' the responsihilit ies, und so euverlng means anything, we \\111 all sprout wings by u hurtiC'1l is left for Ihn't' 'II' fOllr stuff IIt'utls, fall . . Funny how professou and boob can Innuence l·llless the writers hUH' had U wcll-I)lnnncd a. person They don't expect Fred Sutter's Republican dassroom truiniog' ill tt", editorial and husi- friend t.O survive his recent accident . . . (He was hit Iless phases of this work, the paper will tcnd by an Idea! . . . HaJ Johansen was the. most staid senior to becollle JlUr('ly an amutcurish monthly of the ")'e&r tHe stayed up later than' anyone elae) . slwet. TIH'refore, h·t'nl" interested in St'einR Jeail-Marte and Fuzzy-Puss Fi-ye have Just start.ed to journaJisln hl't'UIlIP /I \�'\"IJ organized depart- go 8'09<1-, and now the school term Is O,v!!r . . , It's the lIlt'nl of ollr liheral urts sehoul. I make this bunk! isn't It? . , Hal VOtaw was the moot all-around plt'u: thut a duss in juurnulism (news writing boy of the year . , , He was around everybody . . Get-and ud\"ertising lIlethods) he offered next ting personal, Bob Martin has the most lucid patr or Scptembt:'r. Tht' llJ('mlX'rs of this c1u!iS would orbs of any ot the seniOrs . --:-.. IUS pupils at Stewart not only be gi\'en' a book study of the subject. called my attenUon to the. tact . . .. of could 'use "pupLla" hqt they woult! work in conjunctioll wilh the and. "orbs" and malte a 'Iv1.secrack out ot It. but I won't regular ).Iooring )'1'8sl slufr. B�' sharing a re- . . , It's touchy busIness classifYing gIrla in respect to spollsilj,ilily in publishing the puper they would beauty, but a wise old OWl told me that liedvtg Dahle, }l:t't actual eXfX'rit'Il(-'l' in Ihe work. Marian PennIe, and Thelma Danlels co.114 grace any )'Irs. Ruth S. Franck, who is a htraUuute of college campua and make the profs Md Janttors tum

�i�!�7i�:}ail�!:I;�·�:��risl�I::�p:'���n�::t orp�t

ic� . ::�:t�� ���'�ar ��r


te�n:r!n��!: durin� til(' Inst yt'ar. is Ihe tcacher I suggest � . ..a. time In every man's Jl!e when he must be squelched, for this coursc. SIlt' knnws Ult' Illoder.n urt of . and every severe word you spoke \.() r:::te will be catalogued . newspaper work. rued, and pla.ced among my sOuvenJera lIB heirlooma from \Vith thc·colll'f..(l' elH'ullment inert'asing, we 'a big man ... ......gJgned. Now·-You.See-Hlm-N�w--You-Doll:'t should ho\'e a weekly edition. This can be . achie\'e(l only through 0 well orgunized jour- Monson. THE FINAL CRV-

����!?sl ��:sr������'ht. li��'�I��

r:�� hb!��h��!h��

sired outcome., ·-H�len Holtcamp. I hate to IItop . . . Writing this COlum.t;l has been more

, fun than' a day In Chinato\\ll wltll �M1nn1e the Mooc�r . . , Whenever the gang frown{'!:l. on one or my Journal­Ist.1c ectortll. r fel� W()r5e than U' I had Just reCeived a

SHARING THE CAMPA[G� �FFOR�? .... red-penctled "WHATS mE USE�" on one ot my Ed , P. 1.... C.'s new combination' Iibr8I")'-cI�"oom , PII�ch pe.per:t , .'. ;·N...,w, in closing,. � want to'aay-and . building. for which. funds are now being.raised. . don'� atop me-:-;-: It may seem ' 1��lcant, thia haclt seems d.e�inHely on its way. The needed �100.- wriUng. but_ in a very. mysterious mann,er I have leamed 000 requires not only intensive cooperation oil · a:few � about the tlner �ta o.t frlend.ah1p. TIle !he part of the campaign leaders for its raising. explanation of it is a long story . . 'Would it. aeem aUly hut the �ooperation of �II PaCi�1c Lutheran stu- to �,.my. many [r\enda for grinning �hen .my lituff ' well . . Each one of us IS"an example of was rood, � 'Plltttn:r 'm� on : the back when _It was Pacific Lutheran <;haract('r. Certainly, we' '�? ' . . . Now, �� that· off my chest, I wm let �own shouldn't shirk this duty. my hair and have a good cry. 10 .

ance seems to bother them very lit- the dellTesslon, And good, ca:ur-tle." ageow soldiers are welcome. .

Brt'athe boys.--aren't women liars? P. L. C. Is not at'the crossroads, but at the beginning or lhe asce�t of 'a long Gets Told On hill, th�t points the way to a higher One boy that we art' going LO miss plane and gret\�r' service. 'with the

is now-you-see- him - now - you - don·t co�lInu"d support 'and loyal help of MOn&On, a.!I he terms hlms.:lf. His studenl.� and graduates, . with the vlg-' COIUDUl ·'Ughter lhan Alr" has been orous endorsement of Oreater Tacoma read more than any other part or the and Pierce County, our home consti,tu­paper. no doubt. And, have �'ou guess- I'ocy, with lJ:le prayerful interest of ed that Browser, the author of ·'Drifts." Lutheran �upporters. and Chrlsi.tan� is a.Jso th1.s PlLrltland Monson? He Is generally, P. L. C. rightly hopes to one fellow that is dO\1mrlght critical write the yea'r 1936 In BIO letters In and clever. You \ whai 'he gives her- history, ' . !Llld "shud-up," To the Class ot 1936, hearty thanks

for the past. Strength or arm and heart w. S. C. Goes Modern for the futlire ! May loyalty to the The strike that the studes at W, S. Master grant abtdlng pOwer I

C, pulled WI!..!: finally successful. "You . O. A .. TINOELSTAD

strike. I'll strike, lind we'\I all sti-ur:e:t I F'i:iO:uJi:iO:uJ�:uJi:iO:uJ� Now the girls "are treated like grown� up women,"· as they· would .have It: ·OAl1_lI, "w." P, " S" Know What Tbls ·Mea!lS? '�� ... m� ��e

al �SJ!!-y:t,e::nta.

I�;;= AU .... th.r S�"' .

who is graduating and will be leaving our fair campus for her home ·In Call­fomJa. She Is the thinker-upper ot the title, Lea Petits Morceau.x, :which mew "Uttle Snatchell" tn French (deflnJUon given out tor �hf!6e madly curious P. 1.. C. Oree'k majora! . And so, hat a nIce v:.acashlon, :my gude

New sprin, styles' .re now hen v.,;ites " lore .

C�e. in ..,d see them

C.lIon', "The Slor. with the V .. 1ow Front"

1 1 1 1 BI'OIdwI'(

Norsk Frans.. '�'!!�'!!�'!!�'!!�'!!; I . 'A���' CHEAP LUMBER-

Shipl.p, per M - - S 9.00 2x4, per M - - - 1 2.00 J x6 Floorin;, pet' M - 12.00 I x6 _Siding, per M · 2 t.oo Lin� Oil, your (In, " II� - - -Odd Snh - -Odd Doors - -lx6 brds _ . - ­Cupbo.rd Doors p,int, ,per " lion - -

,89 ,50

1 .50 12.00.

,35 1 . 1 9

We (In .rr.inge for ,n FHA LoIo for �. 00 eU'( payments

We Deliv ... - Pacific -Avenue

Lumber Co. 84th & Pacific GA. 1K53

./ -

LAUNDRY AND CLEANINC SERVIcE �t Extremely �w Prle ..

AL A�NE School Reprnent.tiv.

,TACOMA'S LAUNDRY P.n'torium Clio.i.o ..



r '

Girl.' All·Slar Team

TACQMA'S LARCEST Home-Fu�ishinp Store <?cA · _I-.'e£.:... C)�.o,��:"'�



. Complete Accessories

. �' .",," ' . , \ ,

""', n,d Lost ""', eo .. ""',

P,L. C. St'- MfLr�ln's P.L.C Aberdeen Jr. Col. P.L.C. Aberdeen Jr. COl. P,L.C . . Yak1mB P,kC .. . Yakima P.L.C. ML. Vemon P. L.C Mt. Vernon

; ,


' . , . PAGE 'ItJ1tEI'

GAlland 381 1 ) 5

!}f' Your Service--with

Experienced Craftsmen Modern Type Faces

p .. kland M .. can.tHe co, ] ii�.",:t======� WASHINGTON

���n�, �;::;i

i�:,to;noto � Hardware Co. �lies

��i:;d Courteous 924 Pacifi� Ave.,

ESTiRBROOK . ":=========�::====::::===� P.L.C. Ellensburg Adequate Equipment P.L.C. Ellensburg P.L.C Bellingham Aliitrum Printing CO, P.L.C. Belilngham

9040 Commerce MAin 6768 pilft For School WOrk • TSCHUNKO'$ (\ Harold E. Dahl CO.

HOUSE OF ,FLOW�RS \ ; RUst Bldg. Lobby TBu.,OMa;:C=:.I�.:F� .,.-.......,----BROOKDALE GROCERY AND MEAT CO;

'PHON�: CArI.nd OI07J4---GArl .. nd Q1 93R3 Croceries. Flour. Hay. Cr.ln� Feed. etc.

1 $1.00 bch

s. p� A�. of 50,h CN. O,,< r �����t��i�"""'''''·'l l�;;;;;:;;;;;;;.�STR;;;EN;CTH;.�;;;_;;;;;C�H�A�RA�CT=ER�-�SE�R�V�I�C�E;:;;;;;;;;;;-:

Styled for CaUege Men and- be well . fed �:" When you buy your life insurance

BROWN & HALEY consider these factors : the reputa­tion of the company, the character Iii .. "" ... " .. "" ... ,,,,,,: .... , .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . ... , .. ", .. iIi of its management, and the service"

1/)«11'6 TAILOR - D Zipper ,Fly' Trou�ers and

New Sport Jackets Your favorite defIler hM tl.e11J.


. ' rendered r . . WE I NVITE YOUR INQUIRIES . PAIlKLAND BARBER SHOP a...1 FFORO "0. OLSON, p,rkland, W.$hinltOl'l Representing '.t,..iH-·U .... hrhr' '''' L h ' . B h h d G Pp�;:'OP

. ' ut ��'i' �fl�,';.RA�f. . �.� � . 1 �:�::8:�:::A:W:.:S:.:::::::::::::::::- .::M:�:n.:�:":.:M:':M:.=m

Last year. ( 1 935) The Best WisheJ lor the Grucillates

� Made in Taoma by-

. Parkhiild light and Water Company furnished' . �o its members electric cu.rrent� I,ACluding' 80 sweet lights .. at the IQW average p'rice of. a \ fraction. over' 1-'h . cents·

pe. KWH

Day's Tai1or:n Clolhi�g, Inc, . . THE PARKlAND .LlGHT & WATER CO! WashingtON Bldg. I I th & P'acific

! .� .j"

. ,/ .

i i i/ ( I ! I . 1 t t ..


Summer Session .. Commences June 8,

To End August 21 . �orli� Listed on Fn('�lty: "Ac-(i\·ily Program'" Is Spe('-. J ial SUbject Offer __

" . ' . . PAOI:Plo L� �E. p�. W.ABHINOTON

Mooring Mast. Heaw for Past and Presellt Year " . "

!; ' .

MAY 21, 1936

orem, Holtcamp� Hendrickson Wm Lead Charin Group . Girls Submit Papers With Pilln.�·l For Program NU:l

Year Prof. Olaf Morran NorUt", a Ph. D.

from the Unh'crslL)' of Mlimesot.8.. has

Per:qmallty ('Iu� acth'llit's Me 10 boI Jx>.en appointed as a slX'Clal. lnstn.H."tor

In thl.' chars( of Misses MargtU'I.'L Ro,

for thl.' 1936 summer quartet, 'The fln;t rem. Helen Hoitcamp. and Louise Ht'l1_

tNTn commences June 8 and 111111 be drtck.<'()11 �urtng the Ilt'ltl )'t'!lr,

completed July 15: the &econd session 'Mlls ori"lllz�tlon �hich Is Ullt'll \ ..

begins July 16 and IIoill be tf'nnllUltro All glrl� of lhe school III'as fowldro b:.

Aug:ust 21. Prof. N, J. Hong, of tht' r.flsses Ellen Bergstrom and Margun':

EngUsh department. �'jjl ha\'e actl\'e Craft at the beginning of this .5t'mestt'1"

ch� Of the sum'mt'r KMlon. R�adlnC"'t�m It�t to riC"h.t IU'C 1.1�len lfoUea�,p, '1fho has .oitrved � f'CIltor. 01" the paPf'r this yur; lIalttl.IIaC"�nlp, It L'I mt'ant to unite thf' daY and dorm

Tht' college faeuB,y It; .fortunate In nt.·Jy appoin�,d .f'CIllor for nut yf'al"; �nd f1.ithJof hId, r?Urh;:lC" bwdn� �r. ,:0..'0' ont h� brtn appohltf'd to fill gIrls Into one frlentlly, cooptrath�

haling the addition of Prof. NorUE' . . the bU5tnrs. .. mana«t�hlp. - . gJ;OUp. During thE' year. monthly mE't!t-

Who L'I . a promintnt educator of the S E 1 N GIRLS.'TENNIS

Ings hn\"e been .. held . .lind excellent

United Stai� Por t" .. eh·c years ht' 78 G d aga mp oys e\v . speakers fr,!nl . Tacoma. have dL<;C1&e<1

hll$ be-tn V:llh th(' Luther College teach_ ra nates , . . . Ruth Sollie, lr,'lIhtruUl In :11)\�nU ar� . maily pelnl..';. \\ihleh dfill with ".Belng

Ing, 5tMf. being a profes.�r or �'chol_ PrInting Process won the Wis' !'Ing� It'nnL'i Cha.m!)IOIl- a Charming OlrJ." The meet!ngs haw

�'. Prof. NorUE' hlU more d� IContlnut'd Prom Page 1 1 __ IIhlP this Y��!es matches WCI'l' !Ill been \\cll attended I tub·� person 'on the Decorah_ Francls A�bo!d,; !"!ordls Ar- EIg'hiv Page YWbo k D t \\on by ,

.,,�n .aDd'e We are anxJou., that the girls carn

starr. He ts tht most prolific writt'r neson. Maplewood. O�n; Eline "hen- Y - 'buted Vester�a'\ IS r1. Brones;, The "'ttln�J tournament �8S ')11 our effort. ... be-cause \\e feel thal. It-

of any man.ltl ihe Norv.·cQ-tan Luther- son. Parkland: Ellell Beristrom. Ta- " __ . managed by 4»UIst' Williams. s.Jpho- loS a slep toward ha\lllg a I'Iorth\\hl!t'

an .Church or America. Among his roam; George "Brockway . . Olympia: Through the \.I.o;e of the new orrset more- • r organization \\'hlch 1!lclUdf'S all the ...... \\:orks Is thf' rellgtou.� and oHlclal hl$- Gertrude Brunner. 'Wlnlock: Grace. prlnu,ng ·process. .the 1936 Saga Is �r?- .................. "" ...... ,», gir ls of our school,"' nssert the prt'f;('111

��:�t: �� N�r�� :��� �:\�O�� �:!y:���aM

=�, C;':kI��

'�· ���:


t':n:�::l W

I�: ��: Wa.lCt, �nd. Jewelry Rep� ,,,ng ���� ��::t�1l or lhe new (roup ka;

Who Among PnSlors." With RnsmllS Mary Dodge. Tacoma.; John .Drelbel.- dred st.udent copies we;r? dlstrlbut SP.�E,.:C�Ui�?JONES e� wn.s made by asking all gtrls \\'ho,

Malmln. In 1928. tht'y .'rott' "Christian bts. Tacoma: £\'C'lyn Eklund. Tacoma: yesterday. ,JEWELER� are illterest�d in the Pe�nallty Club ' Keyser Pr1>1IS ! I8S2-1921." \ Jrim.Mari.e Fowler. Portland, oregOn; The )"t.'ll.rbook. which hlis bef:on dedi- I i.n Broadway HR 4375 to submit ' 1& �per t.elUu& how Ih(')'

r.1rs. Katherine M. Grlmstf'ad, lI.'ho Ruth Froyen. Port Madison: £ulo. Mae cated La Oreatt·r. Tncoma, '1s one 0' tht would )llan the Rll.'t'ilngl'; tor th,e next has r(,,(;E'h'ed a Master·.s ·IJ.:ogret' trom GOff. Tacoma: Laura Hauge. Tacoma; most attract!\'e anmIa\s evt'r published

year. Among those turned In wen'

!��:::;;s t����n


l�:::;l:e��·�:; ��:�I;ld�::ld�O������:T�:�;· =:

r::ha�� ��:�:�. t�E' J�ve� ,:�:e:� � The Best Sea F'oods m

��� fl�:': '�;�LJI::'ers plan to meet

education. One ('ourse which she wtlJ Mo.rle Johnson. Tacoma; Ruth John- rich blue leather with th(' Lut.heran l (,':1'1 be obtained at occasionally RL private homes In park-g!\'e, "The AC'lhil)' Program a.s Ap- son. Tacoma: Edna Kelsey. Olympia: (:oot�f-arlns In gold and scarlet. The 1 'crYSla�:�leS �!�k�1 M�:. IUl1d and to have a few rUllctlon.�



c;!��; :� �:!�\::rs;'�:I�.rruTac�:�. !�O���PI::I/.s�t.�:���g���

U� ,

m�p 1 Tacoma. Wa�.ngton 4267 � :�::���;� e:��

hew ��!�:


teachers throughout tht' state. Joanna Manousos. 'l'aI=oma; Robert The pales of the- book are made ot : ................................... , ...... "............. : forts tu acquainting �II the Ireshnlall r\1rs. Orimstead L� a member' of the Mn.rtJn. Tncoma; Sheldon Moe.

··Bell· rough.buf.r.paper prtnted with brown Ink. r "'Ith the. older college .students.

Horace Mann Elemt'ntary School fae- Ingham; Evelyn MonsOn, Pirkland; Tht' pictures are unllSually large and MORE AND MORE ulty in Tacoma. Rbben Monson. Parkland; 'Ben.rum clear. an'd are arranged In a novel man- Folk, �re Comi.n. to rile In ecOllomJCS. education, Myhre. Tacoma; NO\'elle �agel. Jra- ·ner. The pictures are placed Lo"';Rke up W . h . English. Pine Arts. �graJlh}". h�!th coma; Valborg Norby. BellllJCtiam; most or the page space. and the print· PEOP�E'S STORE ate es edueaUon. SOCial S(:lences. HbrllT)' SCI_ Harold O·Conner. Aub\ITn: N!f.'� .01- Illg occupies but little room. The plc- I.

' . " . enee. mat..hematlcs, modern language. sbn. Thcoma: Marion Penote. Ta� tures of the raculty and the seniors .... -c---�----J mush::. phHo."Ophy. p5ychology. 3.Jld�scl. coma; Eleanor Raudebaugh. �fcKcnn�i are of tnt- new typt' called haloette, eott are bf'ing ortt'red. Gertrude Stenberg, Tacoma; Ed..,llIard' ::tJa.�g a nat \\'hlte background that

Mt'mbers of the regular faculty who Svlnth. Roy: PrlthJor TaYft. Ta.oofna: outlines the portrait vividly. \\'ij] gh'E' Instnlctlon her? this summer Bergliot Vogan. P�r�d.. Oregon: This nelll ciffset printing dep�rtment w11l bt' named June 8, Harold Votaw. Tacoma ; Phyl�e. ""as Instal1E'd at Johnson-Cox March

F';)T enrollment the\cost of each se- Tncoma. �:II:� �1�1


eT the dlrE'clion of Mr.-J.


:'$��:!I���U�:;I���rs�r�� ��=���. �\�;:t�; �l���:r::� 'Each faculty member ha.s tits name

.summer session. TIle library let' or t"'·o mann. Spanaway: Hed\1g Dahle. Ne· engra\'ed In gold on 'hts copy or. the I t---"c-----..:..-·r dollars wtl! be cha�d et t.he time of koma. NOrth Dakota: Clyde Grlmst- annual. LIEN 60 SEi..VI"C r"g'lstration ,.('(\t. Cincinnati. Ohio; Arthur Haa\1k. One hundred and fifty copies extra Prescrip.tlon Dru,gists

Room rent In tht' dormltorlt'S for thf' $eaWe: Jasllt'r Johnson. Pirl'steel. ""erl\ printed "to use as ad"ertlslng rna. DIrect Importers of the Finesl summer quaJ'U'r is $18.00, and ror one South Dakota; Vern Knul.zton. Bur- terlal during' the building campaign. Norweal.n Cod Liver Oil term. $10.00. Jlnrton: h'an l..aTsen. 'l'aI=oma; £\'elyn This year"s editorial stall was made Cor. �e�A�m4Ave .

• /-Q-u-.,-lity--K-. n-;t-






. � ::����g�d:

T�:�: $e���

d������' :Z�I M':a�:;�� �:�



c:��;. I *:=========.;:tl

, John SlUen. Pnrkland; Fred Sutter. R�late editors: Ellen Bergstr:om. KODAKS I' Utt.r S ....... 0., SI"KWty Tacoma; Sena SWllnson. Portland. KaHTryn Ande�ll. and Harold O'Con-Oregon; Roberta '!'orrison. Vernalis, nor. ac;tlvitle.s; Harold Nilsen, boys' I 403 I I th St .. TlCom., Wah. California. sport6: Elsie Barrett. glris' spori:S: OE'r-. East",an Kodak .Store •• Inc.

High S(:hool: Alice Boe. Tacoma: Fer· trude Brunner. senior class; Louise 91 0 BROADWA":' _

__ I �� M.�


.. �:� .. :�:::�;:��:�'��-. " :r�:�:m�:;tl��u��

n�=; .������C��:r:ah:�=; e�:; V�=: I,t-=========�� We cater to the lad," i ��d

hLSO����::��/��a:� ��� �:;:'w�

g�I�:1 ��::�ut:ebyar:

' . 100% Value. ltlj. Art's Barber Shop 1 Parkland: Charles Leaslt. Mf'tJnklltla . .staff consisting of Roberta Torrtson. nTtI;Itniil'WUiJ:jl'lil, .

; Brookdale Washin,ton 1 Alaslt.a: Ah1n Le11mann. Pllrkland'

Henrietta O'Nell and Arnold Anderson t:JIIiI-.... �

[!J ...... " ....... ..................... , ....... ,.... ' Agncs Lundt'. Parkland: Harr}' Mc- The business stall e:onslsted or Che.s- . 1 1 36 BROADWAY . r ... ' ..... ".� Cormick. Tacoma; Gerharc1t Pffueger. ler Solie. muna,Ker: Arthur Haavtk. clr-



S=�b��a:� ��:�:�.



d � --- i • P.rinters . S. tationers . 1 Betty S\·llre. Parj[land; Bett)· Terry. Sutter. advertlslng ' manager: Clyde

I Member Uniled Purity Stores 1 Tncoma; Esme:'&lda Ton·end. Berkeley, Grlm51\·edt. Dick Oliver. Lester Holte. PIO N E E R CAr. 381BR5 Pukl.nd California.,



. ,,.'0 a R. 0 ";ATIII D

• . 0 MAin 2122 12th 6o .A SI'I.

Clover Creek Service Station Refreshmenh "lule', 5ells for .less" Best Wishes to the CAS . OIL , Graduates Bonna·d.le Beauty


FOT the Graduate Oil Easy Credit Term.s

tit Burnett',

PaySIOOWeekly ·

LADY'S ELGfN $21;00

PaY , 75c Weekly Nalural rolled-gold case. Latest style with gold· filled band .


$i4.75 Pay SOc Weekly New low price ! Round· model in natural rolled gold case


Brookdlle, Wah. . �:::======.===ij ;::=c=.=.=r'=d= .• =eo=n=ee

=Sh=""=:::; All ����sa���;aW�v�ork A

" ·";,��::";::m.n. Burnett ,Bro� . . ���:.� 1'-__ · _7_AUNT_RK_LA_:_<>_.s_:_AS_VI_:_E_-<�1 ,=;;;::;;;:r�;;;:en:;t:;;�;;;:gs:;;;:;:;�:;:;;�;:;�.:::.;;;:.::;.�:;;II:;;1 =JIJF":::4�?'=B::::,�=.:d;��:="d=p:=





CA. OI 45·R·2 Parkland

I�L;;!: :::';�- ����J;�� � T.c:omI, Wn. - '255 So_ J Ith St, .

at '

'. __ ._,.w, ... .. J I�.�.w::;�.�:�::;;�:�ri:�:��,;:�.;,;h�\�.�:-:h;.�·.�ll�::�::._�W\Jn�::71�1:'1 �_� ____ ._':;:o'.;;��I,:;:�::B:.:f;::lc:.:LA::.:Lv::'�::u::;��-,.�� ____ J