Mastermind Webinar · 3/11/2020  · Blog Length and Publication Frequency How long should a law...

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Mastermind Webinar:Exclusively For LawLytics Members

We’ll get started at 11am Pacific Time.

March 11, 2020

For LawLytics Members Only

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Director of Communications




❏ An in-depth look at law firm blogging:

❏ Basic blogging strategy

❏ Topic selection

❏ How long should your blogs be?

❏ Blogging mistakes to avoid

❏ Q&A and suggestions

Why Should You Publish Blogs?

● Declare your stance and opinions

● Become an influencer of people

● Attract followers

● Amplify the rest of the content on your law firm’s website

How Are Blogs Different from the Rest of My Content?

● Example metaphor: A static monument versus a moving river...

● Capture a variety of terms not otherwise addressed in your evergreen pages

● Evergreen pages generally contain information that’s relevant for a long time; Blog posts generally cover more immediate topics.

● The importance of publishing regularly

Adding to the Online Conversation

● When blogs are written the right way, they add to the online conversation

● Helps demonstrate your personality and voice to PNCs

● Sets you apart from your competition

● Can encourage media and influencers to seek you out

Blog Post Topic Selection

● Remember who your audience is and who you’re writing for

● Stories in the news

● Proposed legislation

● Commonly asked questions

Blog Length and Publication Frequency

● How long should a law firm blog post be?

○ Long posts vs. short posts

● How often should I publish new blog posts?

● The more you participate in your blog, the more it becomes a habit.

● “It’s not a brief, it’s a blog.”

Blogging Strategy for Attorneys

● No one-size-fits-all strategy, but there are some general guidelines that make sense for most firms

● Guiding principle:

For every blog post you write, it’s a good idea to have at least one relevant practice area page to link to.

● Brand new website with few pages vs. a website with many pages

● Some potential exceptions for taking an aggressive blogging strategy off the bat

Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

● Hiring someone who doesn’t understand the purpose of a law firm blog

● Regurgitating news stories

● Failing to add analysis

● Forgetting who you’re writing for (your potential clients/referral sources)




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