Masterthesis - Adaptive Methods for Data Management in RFID

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Adaptive Methods for Data Management in RFID-based Supply Networks


Ulrich Kraft

Matrikel 7179197 FernUniversität in Hagen Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik Lehrgebiet Kommunikationsnetze Master-Studiengang Elektro- und Informationstechnik 10.08.2007 Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Herwig Unger Lehrgebiet Kommunikationsnetze Prof. Dr. Jörg Keller Lehrgebiet Parallelität und VLSI



Figures........................................................................................................ III

Tables ..........................................................................................................IV

Formulas .....................................................................................................IV

Abstract......................................................................................................... 5

Zusammenfassung........................................................................................ 5

1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 7 1.1 Supply networks ................................................................................. 7

1.2 Motivation .......................................................................................... 8

2 Business scenarios........................................................................... 11 2.1 Counterfeit products and illicit trade ................................................ 11

2.1.1 Transportation safety................................................................. 11

2.1.2 Patient safety ............................................................................. 11

2.1.3 Brand reputation and image ...................................................... 12

2.2 Product tracking................................................................................ 13

3 Supply network infrastructures .................................................... 15 3.1 RFID as key technology ................................................................... 15

3.2 EPCglobal Network.......................................................................... 17

3.3 Global Data Synchronization Network............................................. 19

3.4 ICE peer-to-peer information system ............................................... 20

3.5 Research initiatives........................................................................... 22

3.5.1 SToP.......................................................................................... 22

3.5.2 BRIDGE.................................................................................... 22

3.5.3 IT FoodTrace............................................................................. 23

3.6 Drawbacks ........................................................................................ 24

4 Supply network simulation setup.................................................. 26 4.1 Simulation platform (Layer 1).......................................................... 26

4.1.1 Routing algorithm ..................................................................... 26

4.2 Encapsulating the platform's routing method ................................... 27

4.3 Supply network model...................................................................... 28

4.4 Party implementation (Layer 2)........................................................ 30

4.5 Product movement (Layer 3)............................................................ 33



4.6 Pedigree movement (Layer 4) .......................................................... 33

4.6.1 Electronic data exchange .......................................................... 34

4.6.2 Forward movement ................................................................... 34

4.6.3 Backward movement................................................................. 35

4.7 Dedicated query station (X Manager) .............................................. 35

4.7.1 Wildcard searches ..................................................................... 36

4.7.2 Querying pedigrees ................................................................... 36

4.7.3 Querying remote information.................................................... 39

4.8 Definition of supply network structure............................................. 40

4.9 Definition of dynamic behaviour...................................................... 41

4.10 Deployment of network configuration graph ................................... 42

5 Definition of protocols and data units .......................................... 43 5.1 Message format................................................................................. 43

5.2 Message types................................................................................... 44

5.2.1 Data elements............................................................................ 45

5.3 Party Interaction Protocol................................................................. 46

5.3.1 ProductDelivery ........................................................................ 47

5.3.2 PedigreeDelivery....................................................................... 47

5.3.3 PedigreePropagation ................................................................. 48

5.4 Data Query Protocol ......................................................................... 49

5.4.1 Querying pedigrees ................................................................... 49

5.4.2 Querying remote information.................................................... 50

6 Pedigree construction..................................................................... 52 6.1 Technique ......................................................................................... 52

6.1.1 Construction steps ..................................................................... 53

6.2 Communication effort....................................................................... 56

6.2.1 Upstream ................................................................................... 56

6.2.2 Downstream .............................................................................. 58

7 Pedigrees in practice....................................................................... 61 7.1 Case studies ...................................................................................... 61

7.2 Defective part identification and vehicle recall ................................ 61

7.2.1 Note on centralized approaches ................................................ 66

7.3 Tracking a product in the supply network ........................................ 66

8 Conclusion and future work .......................................................... 69



A Appendix ......................................................................................... 70 A.1 Supply network structure.................................................................. 71

A.2 Resource CD..................................................................................... 74

Bibliography ............................................................................................... 75

Statutory Declaration ................................................................................ 79

Figures Figure 1: Simplified supply chain.................................................................. 7

Figure 2: Closing the media-gap.................................................................. 16

Figure 3: EPC format (General identifier 96-bit) ........................................ 17

Figure 4: Querying EPC item data............................................................... 18

Figure 5: Key components in GDSN........................................................... 19

Figure 6: Building the 2D routing mesh ...................................................... 27

Figure 7: Determining routing direction ...................................................... 27

Figure 8: UTHPeer and ContentHandler interface ...................................... 28

Figure 9: Layers in supply network model .................................................. 29

Figure 10: Interaction between party and simulation platform.................... 30

Figure 11: GUI for examining party input and output queues..................... 31

Figure 12: Simple process-deliver cycle...................................................... 32

Figure 13: Simulating product delivery ....................................................... 33

Figure 14: Pedigree movement .................................................................... 34

Figure 15: X Manager - Queries, Results and PDUs ................................... 35

Figure 16: X Manager GUI for querying pedigrees..................................... 37

Figure 17: Pedigree visualization as tree ..................................................... 38

Figure 18: X Manager GUI for querying information ................................. 39

Figure 19: Information response.................................................................. 40

Figure 20: Sample supply network configuration graph.............................. 40

Figure 21: Behavioural properties ............................................................... 41

Figure 22: SuppNetMessage class diagram ................................................. 45

Figure 23: Supply network's EPC format .................................................... 45

Figure 24: Product delivery ......................................................................... 47

Figure 25: Pedigree delivery........................................................................ 47

Figure 26: Pedigree propagation.................................................................. 48

Figure 27: Querying pedigrees..................................................................... 49



Figure 28: Querying remote information..................................................... 50

Figure 29: Types of nodes............................................................................ 52

Figure 30: Pedigree/propagation data for different spreading factors ......... 58

Figure 31: Generated data during downstream handling............................. 59

Figure 32: Model (1-1-4) Minimizing structure .......................................... 63

Figure 33: Model (2-2-4) Medium structure................................................ 64

Figure 34: Model (2-4-4) Maximizing structure.......................................... 64

Figure 35: Messages for identifying supplier .............................................. 65

Figure 36: Number of withdrawal notifications........................................... 65

Figure 37: Conventional status website-based tracking............................... 67

Figure 38: Integrated tracking over company borders................................. 68

Tables Table 1: Overview of message types ........................................................... 44

Table 2: Pedigree construction example ...................................................... 54

Table 3: Propagation in detail ...................................................................... 55

Table 4: Overview of SF, depth and parties in upstream............................. 57

Formulas Formula 1: Determining total parties in upstream ....................................... 57

Formula 2: Determining total pedigree data in upstream handling ............. 57

Formula 3: Determining total propagation data in upstream handling ........ 57

Formula 4: Determining total pedigree data in downstream handling ........ 59

Formula 5: Determining total propagation data in downstream handling ... 59



Abstract Modern infrastructures for supporting supply network interaction realize

purely centralized approaches with global services registering data related to

product flows along the supply network. It is in those service's nature to

become performance bottlenecks or fail in some situations.

This thesis gives an overview of centralized infrastructures and identifies

their main drawbacks. It presents the concept of product pedigrees,

representing a product's history and future and how product related data can

be moved from central to local storage at party level.

The approach consists of pedigree construction techniques, a production

feedback concept and all related protocols and data units. It is implemented

as proof of concept on top of an existing P2P simulation platform where

correctness and communication effort are examined.

The concept's effectiveness is proven by investigating its use in the business

scenarios product identification/recall and product tracking.

Zusammenfassung Moderne Liefernetzwerke basieren auf Infrastrukturen, die zur Speicherung

von produktflussbezogenen Daten durchweg zentralisierte Dienste anbieten.

Diese Dienste können oftmals Engpässe darstellen oder in manchen

Situationen ganz ausfallen.

Die vorliegende Abschlussarbeit gibt einen Überblick über solche

Infrastrukturen und identifiziert deren Hauptschwächen. Sie stellt das

Konzept des Produktlebenslaufes, der die Vergangenheit und Zukunft eines

Produktes enthält, vor. Weiterhin zeigt sie auf, wie durch das Konzept

produktbezogene Daten in teilnehmerlokalen Datenspeichern abgelegt

werden können.

Der Ansatz umfasst Mechanismen zur Erstellung solcher Lebensläufe, ein

Rückmeldungskonzept sowie alle zugehörigen Protokolle und Meldungen

um auf beim Teilnehmer vorgehaltene Daten zuzugreifen.



Um die Machbarkeit aufzuzeigen wird der Ansatz auf Basis einer

existierenden P2P Simulationsplattform implementiert. Daran werden

Korrektheit und Kommunikationsaufwand untersucht.

Abschließend werden die Vorteile des Ansatzes an den Anwendungsfällen

Produktidentifikation/-verfolgung und Produktrückruf nachgewiesen.



1 Introduction

1.1 Supply networks

Almost every item which we get in touch with in our daily life has

undergone certain construction, distribution and delivery processes before it

has become part of our environment. Those various business instances which

have taken part in the item's handling form the so-called "supply chain"

which is "…the aggregation of value-adding processes…" (translated from [FRA06])

and represents product flows from raw material suppliers to final distributors

and shops (see Figure 1).


raw materialsuppliers


manufacturer wholesaler




scope of supply chain management

Figure 1: Simplified supply chain

The first half of the supply chain, from raw material suppliers to the

manufacturer, is called "upstream" path, whereas the second half, from

manufacturer to the final customer, is denoted as "downstream" path (see

[GS107b] bottom figure).

For supply chains do not exist separated from each other, the term "supply

network" is commonly used to describe a whole group of supply chains -

often in a domain specific field like consumer goods, aviation, automobile,

pharma and so on.

One of the traditional disciplines in the supply network context is to

orchestrate the business parties behaviour in order to increase the overall



benefit and to lower the risk of negative interaction results like the so-called

"Bullwhip" effect [GIL07], where small changes in customer demand lead to

extreme changes in order behaviour at the beginning of the supply chain.

This discipline of coordinating business interaction is referred to as "Supply

Chain Management" (SCM) and covers "…planning, steering and controlling of

processes and the respective information…" (translated from [LOG07]). It is done

on an inter-company level.

Information exchange within the supply network is also very important when

it comes to the efficient implementation of use cases like tracking products,

recalling items from within the network and the containment of illicit trade

and product piracy.

All these disciplines rely on an intense exchange of automatically registered

real-time information on products.

One of the enabling technologies for barrier-free automatic data capturing

(see [FLE01]) these days is "Radio Frequency Identification" (RFID). By

tagging items with RFID labels, they get a unique identity which gets

readable by machines in a fast and efficient manner.

Researchers speak about the "Internet of things" [MAT05], where every item

is equipped with its unique RFID identity and is represented by a kind of

homepage in company spanning information networks.

1.2 Motivation

Modern systems for data management in RFID-based supply networks suffer

from their centralized approaches. Data or references of data are usually

stored in global database services. These concepts still lack efficient

mechanisms for discovering product related information, which is usually

spread over company borders and different ERP systems. Simple following-

the-chain approaches are in place, but those are far from offering adequate

performance or failure-resistance.

This thesis aims at developing a technical infrastructure concept for

supporting supply network interaction, which follows a distributed approach

instead of relying on global services. It implements party interaction



protocols for a step-by-step construction of a product's pedigree as the

product moves through the network. This pedigree information is also

handed on to parties, which have handled a particular product at an earlier

stage. Thus enabling fast product recall and product tracking capabilities. For

that purpose a data query protocol will be developed, which allows querying

of remotely held data from parties along the product's path. The new

approach no longer relies on central services to look up a product's pedigree

or data but can utilize a key-based overlay routing service from the

simulation platform for fast pedigree and data discovery. The following

concepts form the basis of the new approach:

• Introduction of a peer-to-peer-based interaction model without the need to

have centralized infrastructure services in place.

• Aggregation of all parties that handled a particular EPC and all parties that

contributed parts, components, ingredients, transport services etc. to that

EPC, in a graph-like structure (pedigree). With vertices representing

parties and edges representing business-relations and product movement.

Each pedigree is further completed while the product moves through the

network and is handed on to the next party in the chain, using a party

interaction protocol.

• Backward propagation of production events enables parties to keep track

of their products.

• Parties offer interfaces for querying product information through a data

query protocol.

• A party can choose not to hold data locally but to put inline data to the

pedigree structure.

Chapter 2 will come next and present some real-life business scenarios like

product piracy, illicit trade, product tracking and product recall. The latter

two will be used in Chapter 7 to prove the decentralized data management

approaches efficiency. Additional legal business drivers will be presented as


Chapter 3 will start with a short technical overview of RFID as a key

technology in the supply network context and present the status quo by



looking at three selected business infrastructures used today. It will further

give an overview of three important research initiatives and close with

outlining the infrastructures' and initiatives' drawbacks.

Chapter 4 will introduce the utilized simulation platform which will be used

for simulating supply network interaction and present the logic which is

implemented in our supply network party to enable this interaction. It will

also show how the product and data flow can be examined by using a query

station. It closes with the definition of the supply network's structural

definition and its behavioural properties.

Chapter 5 will present the protocols which have been developed for enabling

the distributed data management and present the protocol data units' XML


Chapter 6 will describe the technique of pedigree construction in the forward

and backward direction in detail so that it becomes clear how that important

structure evolves. It will also investigate the amount of data that needs to be

handled when such pedigrees are constructed and present the communication

effort in relation to the supply network's structure.

Chapter 7 will have a look at the advantages of the data management concept

in real-life scenarios like product recall and product tracking, compared to

centralized and following-the-chain approaches.

Chapter 8 will give a conclusion and some notes on future work dealing with

product authentication.

The appendix contains the supply network structure XML definition as well

as all source-code and software resources necessary for running the supply

network on CD.


Business scenarios

2 Business scenarios

2.1 Counterfeit products and illicit trade

Fighting against product piracy and illegal trade with law-regulated products

(e.g. pharmaceuticals) is one of the main business drivers for using RFID in

modern supply networks. Almost every industry has to deal with that

problem, ranging from machine spare parts for the automotive and aviation

industry, over consumer goods for everyday use (gasoline, beverages,

cigarettes, electronics, music, even food) and luxuries (perfumes, handbags,

clothes of luxury brands) up to pharmaceuticals. These goods are mainly

produced in the countries of Eastern Europe, especially those that emerged

from the former Soviet Union, the Middle East and the Far East, with China

being in the first place [RFA05].

Some aspects of the impact that product piracy and illicit trade have on

business today will be presented in the next chapters.

2.1.1 Transportation safety

This issue is one of the main concerns for the aviation and automotive

industry today. Spare parts in this sector are often high priced and so there

exists a great number of counterfeit parts on the market. Another aspect is

that formerly stolen parts are usually re-entering the supply network and help

illicit dealers to make profit out of them. It is important to note, that the

impact of counterfeit safety critical machine parts is not limited to these

industries, which we get in touch with each day. Even spare parts for

military submarines and aircrafts, nuclear power plants and NASA's

(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) space shuttle are subject to

faking [GAO90].

2.1.2 Patient safety

The same as for aviation spare parts applies to pharmaceuticals. Here it is the

patient to suffer from counterfeit products with no therapeutic or even with

harmful effects. As the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) stated, the

number of investigations concerning counterfeit drugs has risen from 5 cases

in 1997 to 22 in 2003 [FDA04], 58 in 2004 and 32 in 2005 [PW06]. This is


Business scenarios

quite much for the American market, due to its intensive supervision by law-

enforcement agencies and very strict legal regulations. Figures for the

European market are different. Media regularly reports disclosures of

industry-grade production facilities, which sometimes could produce an

output of half a million tablets per day [PSM05]. Loosening the border

controls towards Eastern European countries makes distribution channels

open to flood the European market with counterfeit pharmaceuticals from

Asian laboratories. It is reported that more than half of anti-malaria drugs in

Africa are fakes [FDA04], resulting in a number of 200.000 suspected deaths

from effectless treatment each year [NYT07].

FDA has issued a report on containment strategies for counterfeit drugs in

2004 [FDA04]. They introduce the structure of an electronic document (so-

called "ePedigree") accompanying a drug from its manufacturer, through all

involved wholesalers, up to the point of sales. It was RFID to be selected as

the most promising technology. The ePedigree therefore contains

information on all parties from the pharmaceutical item's chain of custody.

Two parties in that chain establish mutual trust by signing the data that is

attached to the ePedigree through their business interaction. FDA has made

quite optimistic forecasts and stated that manufacturers and wholesalers will

have such systems in place by the end of 2007. In the meanwhile they have

gotten enough feedback from the industry, which persuaded them to loosen

their expectations in terms of timeliness.

The State of Florida's "Drug and Cosmetic Act" [SOF05] has been amended,

so that from July, 1st 2006 on, any party involved in the distribution of drugs

needs to handle such ePedigrees. That State is the first governmental

authority to insist on the measures proposed by FDA.

2.1.3 Brand reputation and image

A trend towards improving the quality of counterfeit products can be

observed but they usually cannot compete with the original goods, which

often had yearlong development and testing cycles before being released.

Those low quality products of a certain brand lead to a lowering of customer

satisfaction for the overall brand. With prices for counterfeit luxury goods,


Business scenarios

which are offered as such, only being a fraction of the genuine product's

price. Thus the brand experiences broader distribution and this leads to

diminishing the brand's character as a luxury good manufacturer, and hence

will lead to a drop of sales among the targeted consumer group.

2.2 Product tracking

Information on a product's state and its current location is used to coordinate

business efforts and product movement in a supply network. It therefore has

to be made available for access to every party, which is engaged in the

supply chain process. Product tracking stands for a type of application,

which discovers product information from data sources within the supply

network and presents that data to a user or a system. Most people have

already come in touch with these systems by using web portals (e.g.

[UPS07]) for querying the shipping status of their order before leaving the

manufacturer and afterwards, for tracking packages and freight being

transported by logistics providers. Interaction with tracking applications is

not limited to people. It is also common for a companies information system

to do automatic tracking of freight that has been announced by a supplier, for

example. The challenge for tracking applications is how to gather the

response data for such a tracking query. In general a certain identifier is used

for that query and within a few moments, information must be returned to

the caller.

The European parliament and its Council back in 2002 issued Regulation

178/2002 [EP02, especially paragraphs (28) and (29)] defining procedures in

matters of food safety. Experience from past incidents made it necessary to

declare the tracing of food and feed mandatory for all parties involved in the

food supply chain, so that:

• In case of contaminated feed, cattle, ingredients, or irregularities in the

production process, any food items that emerged from these ingredients or

processes can be tracked down and efficiently recalled from the supply

chain or the customer.

• In case of any conspicuousness related to food items along the supply

chain or at the customer, the party or ingredient can be tracked down.


Business scenarios

Tracking down the initiator of problems in the food supply chain is very time

consuming because most of the parties still rely on paper-based shipping

tickets and following-the-chain is the only procedure possible in most of the


RFID-based IT infrastructures promise to be an effective instrument for

enabling fast responses in cases of food recalls by creating an ePedigree,

which accompanies animals, feed, ingredients and food items. The same

concept can be applied to other non-food goods as well.

After having presented the real-life background of this thesis, the following

chapter will outline the reasons why RFID is regarded as the key technology

for improving supply network interaction. It will give an overview of three

current network centric infrastructures for supporting that interaction. They

represent the current information technological basis for the business

scenarios just mentioned. It will also outline the drawbacks of these

infrastructures and present important research initiatives.


Supply network infrastructures

3 Supply network infrastructures

3.1 RFID as key technology

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is among the technologies, which are

in the center of attention of consumers as well as the industrial and academic

community today (see [GIL07] Figure 2-2: "Presence of current SCM

concepts in media (Source: Logistik Heute)"). According to the Gartner

Group's "Hype Cycle" (see [GIL07] Figure 2-3) RFID has just left the

"through of disillusionment" and is on its way to the "slope of maturity". It is

regarded as an alternative to the barcode and other similar labelling

techniques (see [FRA06] p. 71 for a classification), which are in widespread

use. RFID offers contactless sensing of information when tagged products

get into the range of RFID reader equipment. Compared to barcode labels,

RFID offers the following advantages (for technical specifications of

common transponders and readers, see [FRA06] pp. 48-55):

• Internal memory with a capacity of several kBytes.

• Transponder tags use radio frequency to communicate with readers. No

line-of-sight contact to the product is needed and tags do not have to be

attached to the outside of a product's package.

• Not only serial identification but also sensing of more than one tag at a

time becomes possible: so-called "bulk capturing" (see [WEH07] p. 2).

• Special readers can write to the tag and in that way add information to the

tag's memory or alter data that has been stored before. Using tags to store

and transport information is called "data-on-tag" technology. Storing data

on external storage systems is referred to as the "data-on-network"

paradigm [DIE07].

• Provisioning of active tags (active means they can initiate reads and writes

themselves) enables the creation of so-called "smart objects" [MAT03].

They have the ability to sense environmental data by using special sensor

devices and initiate communication with other tags or readers through

transceiver modules. A broad deployment of these tags depends on

progress made in miniaturization of processors, communication and sensor

modules and especially power supplies. Although the price for these tags


Supply network infrastructures

is quite high, there do exist some use cases, which justify their

deployment. An extensive presentation of active sensor node's

architectures and protocols can be found in [WSN05].

This thesis will be based on the utilization of purely passive tags, which only

contain a small amount of immutable data - usually a single globally unique

ID for the tagged product.

Using RFID for item identification will be one more step towards closing the

so-called "media-gap" (see Figure 2 taken and translated from [FLE01])

between an item and its representation in a companies information system.

human interaction necessary

no human interaction necessary

media-gap betweenphysical and IT world

=cost of data registration





















physical world-people-machines-products

IT world („Bits“)-information systems (e.g. ERP)-Networks (e.g. internet)


Figure 2: Closing the media-gap Translated from [FLE01].

Although those production and logistics processes are already controlled and

managed by dedicated information systems, so-called "Enterprise Resource

Planning" (ERP) systems (in the SCM context also denoted as "Edgeware"

[GIL07] for they connect the companies inside IT environment with the

outside world), few solutions exist that support the overall coordination of

parties involved in the supply chain for a special product, in order to

optimise their business strategies for increasing the overall benefit. This

thesis will not deal with information systems implementing either of these



Supply network infrastructures

It will instead deal with the technical infrastructure and protocols that need

to be installed in order to provide the data management basis for any higher-

level system, which is offering supply chain management functionality.

3.2 EPCglobal Network

EPCglobal Inc. [EPC07b] is aimed at developing a global infrastructure that

supports information management for products moving through a supply

network. While the conceptual work for the network has been done by the

Auto-ID Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

[MIT07], EPCglobal Inc. is part of Global Standards 1 (GS1) [GS107] - an

organization bringing together stakeholders from industry in order to

develop standards in the field of RFID technology and supply chains. It is

mainly targeted at the consumer goods industry and its goal is to provide a

system, that can be used by industries like aviation, automotive, pharma, and

so on as well. EPCglobal's main concern is to develop standardized

interfaces and formats for interaction with their network in order to achieve

interoperability between different ERP systems and the global infrastructure.

Each item is identified by the so-called "Electronic Product Code" (EPC)

[EPC04] (see Figure 3).

Header GeneralManagerNumber

Object Class Serial number

GID-96 8 28 24 36









Figure 3: EPC format (General identifier 96-bit) From [EPC04], p. 19.

It has a hierarchical structure with the following essential elements:

• Version (in the Header)

The EPC's version.


Supply network infrastructures

• General manager number

This identifier denotes the company that was issued this EPC, representing

the location of item information.

• Object class

States the class, to which this item belongs.

• Serial number

This is a unique identifier in the numbering-space for that particular item

class at the EPC manager.

These three elements make up a globally unique identifier for each item

within the supply chain. EPC numbers are issued and managed centrally by

EPCglobal only.



EPCISERP database

EPCglobal Subscriber

Lookup of local ONS

Query for EPCIS Interface

Query for item information


returns: URL(local ONS)

returns: URL(EPCIS)



returns: Information

Figure 4: Querying EPC item data

The global Object Naming Service (ONS) [ONS03] is the infrastructure's

central element. It is a directory service that maps EPCs (especially the

manager part of the EPC) to the Internet URL of the local ONS operated by

the company, which holds data for the EPC. After having received the URL,

a subscriber can use it to query that local ONS for the interface of the

EPCIS, that holds data for the item of interest (see Figure 4).

The so-called "EPC Information System" (EPCIS) [EPC07] is the

middleware system, which runs in the local IT environment of each

subscriber. It connects the company-specific ERP systems with the global

infrastructure, offering an interface for other subscribers, through which they

can query information.


Supply network infrastructures

EPCglobal also covers standardization on lower levels, like tag, air and

reader interfaces. This is out of the scope of this thesis.

3.3 Global Data Synchronization Network

The Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) [GDS06] initiative was

created as a common effort by the European Article Number (EAN) and the

Uniform Code Council (UCC) organizations. Their distinct numbering

systems have been combined to form a standard item-level identification

number in the European, American and Asian market - the Global Trade

Item Number (GTIN) [GTI04]. It is again GS1 to operate the central

infrastructure components of the GDSN.

GDSN can be regarded as a form of messaging middleware on a supply

chain level, which follows the publish/subscribe messaging paradigm.


ERP database

GDSN party




ERP database

GDSN party

ERP database

GDSN partysynchronization

Data PoolProviders

Operated byGDSN








Figure 5: Key components in GDSN

The following list presents the key components (see their relationships in

Figure 5), which make up the GDSN:

• GDSN business partners

Those are mostly suppliers and retailers, which are publishers and

subscribers to the system. They are identified by their Global Location

Number (GLN).


Supply network infrastructures

• Data pools

This is the physical storage of an item's information, which can be created

and changed by publishing information and read by using the notion of

subscriptions. Subscribers have the choice to operate data pools on their

own but in most cases this service is offered by data pool providers,

certified by GS1.

• Global registry

The central element is operated by GS1. It acts as an information broker

by managing subscriptions and distributing information events to the

target data pools.

Whenever items are registered with GDSN, the data triple of GTIN, GLN

and Target Market (TM) are its system relevant properties. Any other party

that wants to subscribe to certain events, can use any combination of these

identifiers to state its profile of interest.

GDSN's aim is to support information exchange by means of information

brokering in order to assure data synchronization between parties in the

supply network. By supporting unspecific queries, like simple target market

criteria, the role of the system as a marketplace for suppliers and retailers

becomes obvious.

3.4 ICE peer-to-peer information system

Supply network participant's business efforts (ordering, status, production,

delivery and storage) have to be harmonized in order to increase their overall

benefit [LOG07]. Sharing and accessing information is the key to that kind

of supply chain management. There exist various kinds of ERP systems and

other applications, that offer data for other parties to query and that need to

get information from other information systems. Many technologies for

standardizing those information requests and interfaces to access information

services are in use. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) [W3C03] has

become a widely adopted interface standard for that purpose. It heavily relies

on XML formatted documents used to exchange data, hiding details

concerning a service's programming language or platform from the caller.

Integration of systems is done by Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)


Supply network infrastructures

software tools [KEL02]. While integration within one administrative domain

(e.g. one single company) can be an easy and straightforward task, more

problems come up when services across different administrative domains

have to be accessed and orchestrated for fulfilling a special business process

(as it might be the case for supply chain management). The switch from

intra-domain integration with reliable communication links and systems

under the integrator's own supervision on to inter-domain integration brings

up different kinds of problems (taken from [ICE06]):

• Separation of information services from a public network by firewalls

• Dynamic IP addresses for service access

• Communication over unreliable network links

• Integration of systems with unknown uptime and downtime cycles

For these reasons it is hard to do inter-domain integration with software that

relies on the classical client/server concept and so another abstraction layer

(a so-called "middleware") has to be introduced.

The ICE system [ICE06] is such a concept. It integrates SOAP-enabled

services from various domains with full transparency of a service's address,

location and distribution. Functionality in ICE is implemented in three levels

(taken from [ICE06]):

• Application level

ICE here uses a component which does the actual orchestration of the

services that are engaged in fulfilling a business process. It is an engine,

which implements the use case specific workflow steps and manages their


• Services level

Services are presented by their interfaces. They have to be made

accessible for other parties.

• Middleware level

The abstraction which offers the various aspects of transparency is

implemented at the middleware level. ICE uses the JXTA [JXT07] peer-

to-peer overlay network - an industry-grade and mature communication

middleware. EAI client tools are able to access a service's interface


Supply network infrastructures

through the middleware by using service addresses from a unified naming

space that hides the actual underlying network structure, the service's

location and the specific instance of the service (when more than one

instance of the same service is in place).

3.5 Research initiatives

There exist various research initiatives especially on an European level.

What they have in common is that they try to address the modern use cases

like product piracy and food tracking by introducing new or leveraging

existing supply chain management business infrastructures.

3.5.1 SToP

The SToP (Stop Tampering of Products) project was started in November

2006 as an initiative founded by the European Commission. It is primarily

aimed at "developing means to stop illicit trade and counterfeiting products entering

supply networks by establishing ambient-intelligence among trading partners through

providing a network-oriented information system" [STO06]. The following

requirements should be met (all extracted from [STO06]):

• Non-cloneable tags

• Capability to track items along the chain

• User-friendliness

• Cost-effectiveness

• Integration of manufacturers, vendors, customers and other authorities

(e.g. customs)

Industrial project partners for SToP include SAP, Novartis and Airbus. So it

is mainly targeted at the pharma and aviation sectors.

The work package that will cover the design and implementation of a

working prototype for a product authentication network is scheduled for May


3.5.2 BRIDGE

The BRIDGE (Building Radio Frequency IDentification for the Global

Environment) project was set up by the European Commission in 2006 and


Supply network infrastructures

has a broader objective than the SToP project. Anti-counterfeiting strategies

are just some of its objectives. It brings together various partners from

different industries for research, development and implementation of the

EPCglobal network technology in Europe. Among the defined work

packages are (all extracted from [BRI06]):

• Hardware development

• Serial look-up service

• Serial-level supply chain control

• Security

• Anti-counterfeiting

• Implementing the drug pedigree


• Manufacturing process application

• Management of reusable assets

• Management of products in service

The who-is-who of BRIDGE includes five GS1 organizations (plus the

global coordinator and GS1 China), the universities of Cambridge (United

Kingdom), Zurich (Switzerland), Fudan (China) with their respective Auto-

ID Labs and the universities of Barcelona (Spain) and Graz (Austria).

Among the industrial partners are Kaufhof, Gardeur, Nestle and Sony. With

BT, SAP and Verisign acting as solution providers and implementers.

3.5.3 IT FoodTrace

This project consists of a partnership of 30 institutions, under the lead of the

Life Science Center of the University of Hohenheim (Germany) and IBM

Deutschland GmbH. It is supported by the German Federal Ministry for

Education and Research. Its goal is to develop a portal-based information

system which the initiative claims to be the "first sustainable integrated IT system

without structural breaks and barriers" [IFT06] and should - in the first version -

offer barrier-free data management of meat products throughout the whole

value-chain. In later stages, it shall cover tracing of all food which is of

animal origin.


Supply network infrastructures

3.6 Drawbacks

The centralized approaches EPCglobal network and GDSN with global

directory services like the ONS represent a single-point-of-failure or at least

a performance bottleneck as it is the case for most centralized services even

in other business domains, which are mostly made failure-resistant by

replicating the service's hard- and software. This implies additional cost and

higher maintenance effort.

Especially when it comes to access those services through public networks

like the Internet, they are likely to become subject to Denial-of-Service

(DoS) attacks. As the Computer Security Institute stated in [CSI05] DoS

attacks make up one third of all types of attacks in the Internet and can be

accounted for a loss of more than 7 million US$ in 2005.

Failure would result in slowing down product flows in the supply chain or a

halt of all business activities in the worst case.

The infrastructure furthermore does not implement any discovery services

yet, which would be useful, when trying to locate remote ONS/EPCIS

instances that hold information on a particular EPC item, but do not belong

to the EPC manager. The only way to handle this at the moment in the

EPCglobal network is to look for any references to other ONS instances in

the manager's EPCIS and then jumping from hop to hop and querying each

EPCIS on the way. This strategy is called "following-the-chain". It is neither

efficient, nor tolerant to failures of EPCIS instances along the chain. The

ICE system in contrast offers discovery services through the notion of

content-based routing methods. It could serve as a middleware basis for any

higher-level SCM supporting application because it additionally offers

failure-tolerance through service location transparency.

It is open to what extend the research initiatives just mentioned will reach

their goals. However, none of them seems to be directed towards an

architectural change from centralized services towards peer-based

approaches. This is especially true for BRIDGE, as it focuses on the

EPCglobal network infrastructure.


Supply network infrastructures

Now that the main drawbacks of modern supply network infrastructures have

been outlined, the next chapter will give a short introduction to P2PNetSim,

which is the simulation environment that is used within this thesis.

It will also present the components which were developed on top of the

simulation platform in order to create realistic supply network interaction. It

will show the structural definition of the network and give an introduction to

the resulting product and pedigree flows among parties and present a query

station implementation for investigating the decentralized data management.


Supply network simulation setup

4 Supply network simulation setup

4.1 Simulation platform (Layer 1)

Parties (companies) need to exchange data and products to fulfill their

product processing duties. A simulation platform that offers a message-based

transport mechanism for reliably delivering text messages between parties is

used (see "Layer 1" in Figure 9). It also triggers the production process of a

party by granting it processing time. The platform furthermore collects status

information from parties. This makes auditing information accessible in one

single place for analyzing the simulation.

A detailed description of the P2PNetSim simulation platform can be found in

[COL06]. The platform represents a highly scalable execution environment

for parallel peer-to-peer networks and is implemented in the Java language.

So-called "simulation agents" are responsible for a group of simulated

parties and conduct their lifetime management (configuration and

execution). The simulation agents themselves are controlled by a single

instance of the so-called "simulation control agent", which sets up the

simulation agent architecture. This includes configuration and status dumps

during execution. The various instances of simulation agents and the

associated simulation control agent use the Java Agent Development

Framework (JADE) [JAD07] platform for communication.

4.1.1 Routing algorithm

Work is in progress to equip the simulation platform with a key-based

overlay routing mechanism [UNG07]. It fits the needs of a supply network's

data flow very well because it is tailored to use the EPC identifier for

addressing parties. The algorithm therefore splits the identifier of a party into

two equal sized halves. These halves represent the parties coordinates in a 2-

dimensional routing mesh. Every peer establishes routing relationships to the

8 nearest peers in the surrounding (upper, right-upper, right, right-lower, and

so on) of the 2-dimensional space by application of a mesh building

algorithm. Figure 6 (from [BER07]) shows such a mesh consisting of 32



Supply network simulation setup

Figure 6: Building the 2D routing mesh From [BER07])

When a message should be delivered to a peer, its identifier is split into

halves in order to determine the location in the overlay grid.

The message is then forwarded from the source peer to that particular

neighbour, which is (on the mesh-plane) directed towards the target peer by

checking the conditions presented in Figure 7 (from [BER07]).

Figure 7: Determining routing direction From [BER07])

The 28-bit manager id part of an EPC (see chapter 3.2) can be taken as an

identifier for locating the peer in the grid and routing messages.

4.2 Encapsulating the platform's routing method

This work's supply network simulation has chosen to encapsulate the routing

method in order to make it exchangeable since work on the algorithm is still


Supply network simulation setup

in progress. Supply network parties at the moment have an omniscient

knowledge of the other parties addresses, meaning that they hold a hard-

coded mapping from EPC manager ids to the parties IP address. It is just a

matter of exchanging the implementation of the so-called "UTHPeer" class

in the current simulation with an UTHPeer implementation that supports the

mesh building and constructs the neighbourhood mapping not from a static

configuration but from a mesh building process (see Figure 8).







Present: static configurationReal UTH: Mesh building

Figure 8: UTHPeer and ContentHandler interface

Supply network parties are connected to the UTHPeer via the

ContentHandler interface. This makes the way free for using the UTHPeer

with its routing capabilities with other party implementations different from

the supply network context, as well.

4.3 Supply network model

The data management concepts are investigated and evaluated using a supply

network model. It consists of parties that interact with each other by

receiving, producing and delivering goods. The model shall be a simplified

representation of common supply networks, which are much more complex

in reality. A party is a participant in the supply network and represents a

product handling company. Product handling consists of the following steps:

• Receiving, registering and storing incoming products

• Adding value to the product (e.g. transporting it, refining it or using it as

component for a newly created product)

• Fulfilling orders of other parties in the supply network by delivering the

processed product


Supply network simulation setup

The whole production process, from a product's arrival at a company, over

its processing, up to the delivery, is usually controlled by a companies

information processing system. In modern companies, which are about to

close the media-gap, product events are no longer processed by humans but

by RFID technology. It is used to initially register incoming products and

keep track of their state during the whole production process. Products are

equipped with RFID tags (transponders) which contain a unique serial

number for identifying that product. In all the following chapters, the EPC

will be used as a standardized identification number because it is in

widespread use today. A product that is handled and transported within the

company regularly comes into the receiving range of RFID reader

components, which supply tracking and status information about that product

to the central information processing system. This can in turn regulate the

production process and do the order management.

As the supply networking model just exists as software components within

the simulation environment, there is no RFID reader equipment in place. So

the event of a product entering a companies input processing is not triggered

by sensing RFID tags, but simply by receiving a message from the supplier.

It contains a list of EPCs of the products that would have been delivered

physically in reality.

Simulation platform(communication & routing)

Supply network parties(processing and generation of products and data)

Product movement(from supplier to customer)

Pedigree movement(backward and forward along the supply chain)

Message delivery Triggering processing

Resulting flow of products

Resulting data (pedigree) exchange

Layer 1

Layer 2

Layer 3

Layer 4

Figure 9: Layers in supply network model


Supply network simulation setup

Figure 9 presents the simulation's different components as layers. Layer 2 to

4 will be discussed in more detail in the following chapters.

4.4 Party implementation (Layer 2)

A party is an implementation of a company as participant in the supply

network and is one of the most important implementation components, for it

realizes the innovative data management behaviour. It is also designed to

generate the product flow by looping through a simplified "receive-process-

deliver" cycle. Figure 10 shows how the party implementation is controlled

and triggered by the underlying simulation platform.

Simulation platform(communication & routing)

Supply network parties(processing and generation of products and data)

• Deliver incoming messages

• Grant execution time

• Initialization and configuration

• Collect and display status information

• Transport outgoing messages

Figure 10: Interaction between party and simulation platform

The platform most of the time transports messages to their recipients. The

whole message exchange uses a message queuing paradigm. When starting

the simulation, it is responsible for configuring and initializing the party

implementation. It grants a certain amount of working time to the party

during each time step of the simulation execution. In that step the party

fulfills its processing and data management behaviour. The party can

regularly send status information and events to the platform for displaying

and analyzing purposes. Also a GUI has been developed to visualize which

products (EPCs) have been handled at a party. It shows its parties input and

delivery queues. Whether it shall be displayed or not can be configured on a

per party basis in the supply network configuration file. The GUI seamlessly

integrates into the simulation controller GUI (see Figure 11) which is part of

the P2PNetSim [COL06] simulation platform utilized for the simulation.


Supply network simulation setup

Figure 11: GUI for examining party input and output queues Integrated as frame titled "postprocessor" into P2PNetSim [COL06]

A parties "process-deliver" cycle is shown in Figure 12. Through order and

delivery relationships supply networks are constructed. The party has orders

from successors in the supply network and conducts a production process to

fulfill these orders. The party itself has to check whether it has enough inputs

to do a production cycle. The input products are again delivered from

predecessors in the supply network which hold orders from this particular



Supply network simulation setup


Produce new piece(s)





Order left?yes


Choose order

Remove order

Order‘s bunchfinished? yes

Send bunchto target



Schedule in order

Figure 12: Simple process-deliver cycle

The processing cycle's aim is not to be as realistic as possible but to be as

realistic as necessary for generating product movement along the chain, so

that the resulting data management can be investigated. The duty cycle of a

party consists of the following three general steps:

• Handling incoming messages

• Receiving and storing product deliveries

• Receiving and storing pedigree deliveries

• Receiving and attaching propagation triples

• Receiving and responding to pedigree requests

• Receiving and responding to info requests

• Production process

• Producing new products

• Generating propagation triples

• Creating outgoing messages

• Sending product deliveries

• Sending pedigree deliveries

• Sending propagation triples


Supply network simulation setup

4.5 Product movement (Layer 3)

Supply networks got their name from the fact that products are supplied to

one party by its predecessor in the network. That product starts at the

beginning of the network, where raw material suppliers are in place and

stops at the end of the network, where customer buy finished products in

shops. Orders have to be placed by one party during configuration time,

stating that it wants to have a certain amount of products delivered from its

supplier. A party then uses its execution time steps to produces products and

to deliver them to the party which has placed an order until the ordered

amount has been reached.

Simulation platform(communication & routing)

Product 1 Product 2Product 3 Product n

Physical transportation (delivery)



Message (Product Delivery: EPC1...EPCn)



Figure 13: Simulating product delivery

It has already been mentioned that the physical flow of products is simulated

by delivering messages that state a list of EPCs. This signifies that those

products are being delivered (see Figure 13). This simplification does not

have any effect on the outcome of the data management strategies


4.6 Pedigree movement (Layer 4)

Data movement in the supply network is a direct result of product

movement. Data represents a product's pedigree or parts of it and can move

into the same direction as a product ("pedigree delivery") or in the opposite

direction. This is referred to as "pedigree propagation" (see Figure 14).


Supply network simulation setup








Backward propagation (1:n) Forward delivery (1:1)

Figure 14: Pedigree movement

After a party has received pedigrees, it stores them in its local data store as

initial data or it uses it for completing the incomplete pedigree, which it

already holds on a product.

4.6.1 Electronic data exchange

The simulation environment offers a reliable transport of text message

between parties. Supply network parties use that service for transferring data

and product delivery events. This mimics real-world characteristics quite

well, where companies exchange information in electronic form, too. The

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standard for the exchange of business

related (e.g. orders) messages is an example for that. It is in widespread use

among business parties today because of its superiority over paper-based

exchange in terms of speed and costs.

4.6.2 Forward movement

Pedigrees that move forward in the network are given from a supplier to the

recipient of a product in order to inform the recipient about the product's

history. That means about all parties which have been in the product's chain

of custody up to that point in time. The pedigree can additionally contain

inline information that was created while a product was handled at a party.

This movement is called "pedigree delivery" because it usually accompanies

a product delivery event. In this manner the pedigree is handed on and step-

by-step forms a tree structure, with the tree's root node being the product's

current handling party and the associated EPC identifier.


Supply network simulation setup

4.6.3 Backward movement

Whenever a party has produced a product and delivers it to the ordering

party, the process of "pedigree propagation" takes place. This means, that

each party, which is contained in the new product's pedigree (it consists of

the ingredient's pedigrees) is informed about the fact, that a new product has

been created. Data then flows in the opposite direction of the product

movement (backwards in the chain). The receiving parties use that

propagation message to complete their locally held pedigree with the

information about the newly created product. Please see chapter 6 for a

detailed description of how pedigrees are constructed.

4.7 Dedicated query station (X Manager)

Results of this thesis' new data management strategy are product pedigrees,

which are spread all over the supply network parties which handled a

particular product. Together with remotely held data at those parties which

can be of interest to other parties as well.

The supply network features special protocols for retrieving either of that

information (see chapter 5). It is the parties to use those protocols to query

pedigrees and data. For examining the data management in the simulated

supply network, a dedicated component for that purpose is introduced (see

Figure 15).

X Manager

Lookup pedigree by EPC Lookup remotely held infoby (EPC + Party-ID)

Pedigree Information (key/value pairs)







se PDU: Info





Supply Network(Interacting Parties)

Figure 15: X Manager - Queries, Results and PDUs


Supply network simulation setup

The so-called "X Manager" is a dedicated querying station. It takes user

input, creates PDUs for sending to the supply network and subsequently

presents the network's responses to the user. Its GUI seamlessly integrates

into the simulation controller GUI that is instantiated by the P2PNetSim

[COL06] simulation platform. Just like any other supply network party

implementation, the X Manager takes part in the supply network by

implementing the common ContentHandler interface, which enables him to

send and receive messages through the simulation platform's message

queuing service. Note that the X Manager does not implement any

production process neither does it take part in a supply/order relationship. It

is just a management station that is assigned an EPC manager id because the

UTH mesh routing algorithm uses that identifier for addressing and routing


4.7.1 Wildcard searches

Pedigrees and information can be queried with distinct EPCs or with

wildcard EPCs. The latter take the wildcard character "?" (for a single digit)

and "*" (for more digits) as valid input for the class and/or serial identifier

parts of the EPC.

4.7.2 Querying pedigrees

By entering the EPC of the product of interest into the X Manager's pedigree

querying GUI (see Figure 16), it issues a request to the party identified by

the EPC's manager identifier part. The status textarea shows whether a

pedigree (or more pedigrees, when a wildcard was used) or an errorcode has

been returned or the request has timed out and no response has been



Supply network simulation setup

Figure 16: X Manager GUI for querying pedigrees Integrated as frame titled "postprocessor" into P2PNetSim [COL06]

Pedigrees returned from the X Manager (see Figure 17) are presented in the

form of a tree, with the current node being the root. Directed edges to

aggregate nodes are labelled with "part of" and edges to component nodes

are labelled with "made of". Every vertex is marked with the tuple {D0,D1}

(see chapter 6.1 for details), signifying where the handling has taken place

(party manager id) and what EPC the product, which resulted from that

handling, was given.


Supply network simulation setup

Figure 17: Pedigree visualization as tree

Figure 17 represents the pedigree of the product with the EPC 1-11-31-102

(dark grey) as stored and known to party 11. It shows that the product 1-11-

31-102 has been assembled at party 11 from the components (light grey in

the lower half) 1-10-24-63 (delivered to party 11 from party 10), 1-9-5-101

(delivered from party 9) and 1-7-26-6 (delivered from party 7). All those

components have been constructed from other components as well. This is

denoted by them having again "part of" relationships to other nodes in the


The pedigree's top half light grey nodes represent the handling of product 1-

11-31-102 after it has left party 11 (those are the "aggregate" nodes). The

product has travelled through party 12 where it has kept its EPC because no

form of assembly or transformation has taken place and the product has not

changed. After party 12, the product has gone unchanged through party 15

(top node) and has been delivered to party 21 (this is an instance of

customer) at the specified time.

By returning this pedigree to a querying party, party 11 can tell which

components have been used during production of the product 1-11-31-102


Supply network simulation setup

and which other products have emerged from it. This will be important in

product recalling situations and explained in a later chapter.

4.7.3 Querying remote information

The X Manager additionally offers an interface (see Figure 18) for querying

parties for information which they are holding on a certain product (EPC).

This X Manager component uses an EPC (or a wildcard EPC) as input and

an additional manager id identifier, stating which party shall be queried for

information on that product. This can be used for example to query

information from a set of parties which transported one single product in

order to check whether parameters like temperature etc. have stayed within a

certain range. It is again the status textarea to show the queries status

(success, errorcode or timeout).

Figure 18: X Manager GUI for querying information Integrated as frame titled "postprocessor" into P2PNetSim [COL06]

The following screenshot (see Figure 19) shows information results after

they have been queried through the X Manager on party 12 with the wildcard

EPC "1-11-31-10?".


Supply network simulation setup

Figure 19: Information response

4.8 Definition of supply network structure

The structure of supplying and ordering parties has to be constructed before

the simulation is started and product/data movement evolves. For that

purpose a supply network definition file is created. It contains all parameters

necessary to set up the supply network structure and initialize parties with

their behavioural properties (order sizes etc.).

A sample of such a structure is shown in Figure 20. It is referred to as the

"network configuration graph" in the following.






























1 M8







































Figure 20: Sample supply network configuration graph


Supply network simulation setup

It is modelled as a directed graph.

Each vertex of the graph represents a party (company) within the supply

network. A directed edge between two vertices signifies that the edge's target

party has an ordering relationship to the edge's source party. Putting it the

other way round, this means that the source is a product supplier to the target


The raw material suppliers (R) on the left form the beginning of the network

and supply their raw goods to a set of manufacturers (M). Until this point,

the EPC changes in every party. This is signified by the parties having a grey

filling. After the last manufacturer, there are transport services (T) in place.

They deliver the products to different shops. Customers at the right end of

the configuration graph represent persons buying the product in the

connected shop.

4.9 Definition of dynamic behaviour

Each party in the network and each relation has some configurational

properties connected to it. Their behaviour is derived from those properties

(see Figure 21) in order to generate realistic product streams.

V1 E1/E2/E3

This parameter denotes the production capacityof a chain‘s starting points.




E1 = Order placed from party C on party AE2 = Bunch size for delivery from A to CE3 = Products needed from A to produce one product at C

Number of products to create form one set of input products.


Figure 21: Behavioural properties

Every starting point (R) of the chain produces a fixed amount of products

(V1) that can be delivered to the ordering party. Delivery is usually done in

bunches of a configured size (E1). In order to get products delivered, every

party configures a parameter (E2), representing the ordered amount from the

supplier (E2=0 means unlimited order). Each party configures a third


Supply network simulation setup

parameter (E3), denoting how many product units from the supplier need to

be delivered before a new product can be created. When there is more than

one supplier for a party, each of these "needed-units" parameters has to be

reached, before creation of one unit can take place. The parameter V2

describes the number of products to produce from one set of inputs.

4.10 Deployment of network configuration graph

Each party has to initialize with the data that is connected to its particular

vertex. The network configuration file will be translated into the simulation

platform's own format because it is the platform's task to initialize and

configure the parties. The platform's configuration file and the network

configuration graph file are both in XML notation. So a dedicated XSLT

stylesheet is used for transforming one format into the other.

After the simulation's key components and structural configuration

properties have been presented here, the following chapter will provide an

insight into the design of all messages which are exchanged during the

simulated interaction, together with the corresponding protocols.


Definition of protocols and data units

5 Definition of protocols and data units

5.1 Message format

Messages are in text format and follow an Extensible Markup Language

(XML) syntax. Using XML for structuring a PDU (Protocol Data Unit)

messages is a convenient way for communication because many XML

processing implementations exist and XML has proven to be a standardized

and easily extensible way for structuring PDUs in message-based protocols.

Interoperability among different party implementations in heterogeneous

networks becomes possible. Every message has an envelope-like structure,

consisting of a header and a data part. The header contains any information

needed for the payload independent handling of the message. An example of

such an XML envelope is shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- This message's header -->


<!-- Identifier of this message -->


<!-- Identifier of the message, this one refers to (only used for

request/response pairs) -->


<!-- EPC manager id of this message's sender -->


<!-- The recipient's EPC manager id -->



<!-- This message's payload data -->

<Data type="...">

<!-- Data content will be explained later on -->




The data section contains the actual payload of a message. Please see chapter

5.2 for a description of the data tag's type parameter and the corresponding

data tag contents.


Definition of protocols and data units

5.2 Message types

Basic interaction along the chain is realized with seven types of messages.

They are presented in the following table.

Type Data Subclass (details see Figure 22)

Request Response Event Content (details see 5.2.1)

Basic party interaction ProductDelivery Product X List of EPCs PedigreeDelivery Pedigree X Graph(1..n) PedigreePropagation Pedigree X Graph

Info and pedigree queries PedigreeRequest Request X EPC PedigreeResponse Pedigree X ErrorCode,

Graph(1..n) InfoRequest Request X EPC InfoResponse Info X Errorcode,


Table 1: Overview of message types

Only two request/response pairs are defined. All the other messages do not

need any explicit confirming responses because the concept assumes a

reliable transport that guarantees message delivery. Furthermore, an in-

sequence delivery is assumed. The simulation platform's message queuing

assures those two assumptions. The first column of Table 1 contains the type

parameter value of the data tag and is used by a party for determining the

business action to trigger when this type of message is received. The second

column names the subclass, as identified in Figure 22. The next three

columns indicate whether the type of message is a request (that needs a

response), a response to a request or an event message, signifying that no

response is needed. Responses are mapped onto requests by matching the Id

and Ref tags in the message's header.


Definition of protocols and data units


Product RequestInfoPedigree







Figure 22: SuppNetMessage class diagram

5.2.1 Data elements

The datatypes in the last column of Table 1 need some further explanation.


It represents the unique product code used to identify a product. Please see

chapter 3.2 for more details. It will be used in any message to identify the

product of interest. For the simulation environment, a simple structured

EPC will be used. Its form is depicted in Figure 23.


Serial No. Class ID Manager ID Version

Figure 23: Supply network's EPC format

The manager id part is especially important for the UTH routing in order to

determine coordinates in the 2-dimensional grid. Its value will therefore be

limited to a 16-bit integer value that is split into two 8-bit halves. A total of

65.536 peers/parties can be addressed in the resulting grid of size 256*256.


Definition of protocols and data units

• Graph

A graph is a set of nodes, which are connected through relations and

represents a pedigree. In case of a pedigree propagation that is done step-

by-step by each handling party e.g., the graph tag just contains the {NP1,

NX, XP1} triple of propagation nodes.

• Node

Nodes only exist inside graph tags and represent the combination of EPC

and the handling parties manager identifier ({D0, D1}). This combination

is unique. A node can optionally carry an info tag.

• Info

Every party can choose to include inline information in the product's

pedigree and can do that by putting key/value tags inside the info tag of its

node. In an InfoResponse, the info tag is directly included inside the

message's data tag.

• Errorcode

Errorcodes are only used in response messages. They indicate that

problems occurred while handling the request. It is made up of two

integer values, with the major code being the first digit, and the minor

code being the last two digits. Examples are:

• 000 (no error)

• 100 (service error, unknown error)

• 200 (product error, product not found)

• 201 (product error, product no longer exists)

5.3 Party Interaction Protocol

Supply network behaviour implies the exchange of products between two

parties because of their supply/order business relationship. Parties

additionally exchange pedigrees parallel to the product delivery and pedigree

fragments in the opposite direction.


Definition of protocols and data units

5.3.1 ProductDelivery





Message queues


Supplying party Ordering party


Figure 24: Product delivery

The ProductDelivery PDU is introduced for replacing the physical delivery

(see Figure 24).

<!-- Example of ProductDelivery message -->

<Data type="ProductDelivery">

<!-- One or more EPCs for the delivered products -->




Its data tag contains a list of EPCs which represent the products to be

delivered and triggers the parties entry processing (including registering and

storing the products).

5.3.2 PedigreeDelivery




Message queues


Supplying party Ordering party



Figure 25: Pedigree delivery

Whenever products are being delivered, the pedigree of each product is

delivered as well. This approach uses a push model for pedigree delivery

(see Figure 25).


Definition of protocols and data units

<!-- Example of a PedigreeDelivery message. -->

<Data type="PedigreeDelivery">


<!-- A node represents a party and the handled product (EPC) -->

<Node managerId="2" EPC="1-2-66-77">

<!-- Key/value pairs, containing inline product data, which the

handling party has chosen to include -->


<Entry key="temperature" value="-8"/>


<!-- Denotes the predecessing parties and products, which this

product is made of. -->

<Relation type="back" managerId="1" EPC="1-1-44-55" />


<Node managerId="1" EPC="1-1-44-55">


<Entry key="temperature" value="-8"/>


<!-- No Relation is present, so this is a raw supplier -->




5.3.3 PedigreePropagation



Message queues

Producing partySupplying parties




storereceive store

Figure 26: Pedigree propagation

This PDU contains a pedigree fragment to be transported backwards in the

supply network to inform past parties (see Figure 26), that one of their

products has become part of a new aggregate. The fragment is a triple of

nodes (see chapter 6.1 for details) that is packed into a graph tag for reasons

of easy parsing and processing.

<!-- Example of a PedigreePropagation message. -->

<Data type="PedigreePropagation">


Definition of protocols and data units


<!-- Node which shall be added to the pedigree as new aggregate

("node-to-add") -->

<Node managerId="3" EPC="1-3-99-111">

<Relation type="back" managerId="2" EPC="1-2-66-77" />


<!-- Node of the pedigree to which the aggregate shall be added ("node-

to-search") -->

<Node managerId="2" EPC="1-2-66-77">

<Relation type="back" managerId="1" EPC="1-1-44-55" />


<!-- Current node of pedigree which shall be further completed ("pedi-

gree-to-search") -->

<Node managerId="1" EPC="1-1-44-55">




5.4 Data Query Protocol

Data which has accumulated within parties during the production process

and product movement can be accessed via the Data Query Protocol. There

exist two methods of querying.

5.4.1 Querying pedigrees

X Manager

sendpedigree(or error)

Message queues


receive pedigree query


Pedigree holding party

Figure 27: Querying pedigrees

Querying pedigrees (see Figure 27) consists of sending a PedigreeRequest

message out into the network. The address of the pedigree holding party is

determined by the EPC's manager identifier.


Definition of protocols and data units

<!-- Example of PedigreeRequest Message -->

<Data type="PedigreeRequest">

<!-- EPC of product to query pedigree for -->



After the party has received the request and looked up the pedigree, it creates

a corresponding PedigreeResponse message. It contains the pedigree in the

form of a graph tag, which has the same format as the one already presented

in chapter 5.3.2. Note that when using a wildcard EPC for requesting a

pedigree, the data tag can contain more than one graph child tag. Pedigrees

can be visualized in various formats. This thesis uses an existing graph

visualization framework [JUN07] for rendering pedigrees as directed graphs

with inline information shown as tooltips (mouse-over effects).

5.4.2 Querying remote information

X Manager

sendinfo(or error)

Message queues


receive info query


EPC processing party

Figure 28: Querying remote information

InfoRequest messages are used to retrieve data that a particular party holds

on a certain EPC (see Figure 28). Retrieving information needs an explicit

statement of the parties identifier, which should get the request handed over.

This is different to querying pedigrees. It cannot be determined simply by

using the EPC's management identifier part because more parties than the

managing party can hold information on a certain product. Request messages

are similar to those when querying a pedigree. So they are not repeatedly

presented here. An example of the corresponding InfoResponse message's

data tag is shown below. It contains an errorcode together with a list of info


Definition of protocols and data units

tags. More than one of those tags can appear when the InfoRequest was

issued using a wildcard EPC. Each info tag contains key/value property


<!-- Data tag value of InfoResponse message -->

<Data type="InfoResponse">

<!-- Errorcode, in case no information can be returned -->


<Info epc="1-1-1-1">

<!-- A list of keys/value pairs -->

<Entry key="temperature" value="-8"/>



The application of the protocols mentioned in this chapter results in party

interaction and in subsequent pedigree construction. In order to make the

technique of pedigree construction on the product trail clear, the following

chapter will give a definition of the pedigree structure and classify its

different nodes. It will also give a step-by-step example on pedigree

construction in the forward and the backward direction. After that it will

have a look at the communication effort resulting from that construction

technique and how the supply network's structure and the communication

effort are related.


Pedigree construction

6 Pedigree construction

6.1 Technique

From a structural point of view a pedigree can be regarded as a directed

graph. Its vertices represent the pair {D0,D1} with D0 being the EPC

manager id of the party, which created the vertex and added it to the

pedigree. D1 is the EPC of the product which was handled at that particular

party. Note that usually each vertex has a unique D0 (i.e. no party handles a

product twice), but that a sequence of length > 1 of nodes in succession can

have the same D1 (i.e. the EPC has not changed, e.g. during a transport

service's handling). Vertices are connected by directed edges, which signify

a delivery/order relation between a vertex and its successor.

Current node

Component nodes Aggregate nodes

Party AEPC ...

Party BEPC ...

Party CEPC ...

Party DEPC ...

Party EEPC ...

Party FEPC ...

Figure 29: Types of nodes

A pedigree's vertices (the term "node" is used alternatively) can be divided

into three groups (see Figure 29):

• Current node (white)

This vertex is the product, which the pedigree currently represents. It is the

center of the pedigree.

• Component nodes (dark grey)

Those vertices are the history of the product. They represent components

(also denoted as "parts" or "ingredients") that this product is made of.

When going further back in the pedigree, they also represent components

of components and so on.

• Aggregate nodes (light grey)

From the current node's point of view, an aggregate is a product, which


Pedigree construction

contains the current node, or another aggregate of the current node as a

component. It therefore represents the "future" of the current node.

When a pedigree is in storage at a party, it is named by the EPC identifier of

the pedigree's current node at this party. That current node has component

nodes, which represent the components of the product (they were

constructed from the received component pedigrees). Those component

nodes will never change again. At production time no aggregate nodes exist

in the pedigree. They will be added to it one by one, when the product (not

necessarily with the same EPC) further travels through the supply network

and the party receives pedigree propagation notifications.

6.1.1 Construction steps

Every party in the supply network has to implement the following behaviour

for doing proper pedigree construction:

1.) On reception of a pedigree, store it for later retrieval so that it can be

looked up by the pedigree's current node's EPC (D1 entry). This

pedigree is referred to as "component pedigree" PC1 and its current

node as NC1.

2.) When a new product is created, create a single current node NP1,

representing the new product, as well.

3.) Create the new product's pedigree PP1 by connecting the current node

of PC1 - PCn (for each component 1-n) as childs to NP1.

4.) Create for each node XP1 from PP1 triples of nodes {NP1, NX, XP1},

which are used for backward data movement, where NX denotes the

current node of PP1's component pedigree (direct childs of NP1), in

which XP1 lies. Those triples are sent to the parties, as stated in XP1's

D1 entry.

NP1: tells the receiver, which new aggregate to add ("node-to-add")

NX: tells him what pedigree to search ("pedigree-to-search")

XP1: tells him, to which node of the pedigree he must attach NP1



Pedigree construction

5.) Deliver pedigree PP1 to the party, which ordered product P1.

This behaviour should become clear by looking at the following example for

the production of products at parties A, B, C, D, E and F (see Table 2).

t12:Propagationfrom Fto A, B, C, D

t11:Productionat F

t10:Propagationfrom E to A, B, C, D

t9:Production at E

t8:Deliveryfrom D to F

t7:Deliveryfrom D to E

t6:Propagationfrom D to A, B, C

t5:Productionat D

t4:Deliveryfrom C to D

t3:PropagationFrom C to A, B

t2: Production at C

t1: Deliveryfrom A,B to C

t0: Production at A and B

FEDCBAStep Party












































































Table 2: Pedigree construction example

The colouring scheme is the same as the one used in Figure 29. Note that

vertices are just labelled with the parties EPC manager id (D0) and no EPC

(D1) is assigned. This is done for visualization reasons. D1 can be assumed to


Pedigree construction

change at every party. How propagation works and how the triple of nodes

{NP1, NX, XP1} is constructed will become clear by looking at Table 3, where

step t10 from Table 2 is shown in more detail.

Result at D:

Triple for D:

Result at C:

Triple for C:

Result at B:

Triple for B:

Result at A:

Triple for A:

Before t10:

FEDCBAStep Party

















Table 3: Propagation in detail

Pedigree propagation updates parties in the product's history with

information about the product's future in terms of handling party and

assigned EPC ({D0,D1}). Every pedigree has the two fundamental


• It contains all components (each tuple {D0,D1}) of the product.

• It contains all future aggregates (each tuple {D0,D1}) of the product.


Pedigree construction

6.2 Communication effort

The supply network will be divided into two halves - the upstream half (this

covers all parties between raw material suppliers and last manufacturer) and

the downstream half (covering parties between last manufacturer and

customers) because communication effort for pedigree handling there is

quite different.

Three assumptions are made for reasons of simplicity:

• There is one single manufacturer in place, which handles all products

before they are transferred to the downstream half of the network. This

manufacturer forms the root of the upstream tree and will be called


• The upstream half is assumed to be symmetrical to a horizontal axis of

reflexion and all leaves of the upstream tree are of the same distance from

the tree's root.

• Nodes in pedigrees are of roughly the same size. This means that no inline

information is contained.

Different downstream layouts have to be studied and so parameters for these

layouts need to be defined. Especially depth and breadth of the tree are

important related parameters. The so-called "spreading factor" (SF) is

introduced and denotes how many successors each node in the upstream tree

has (except of the leaf nodes). This directly affects depth and breadth of the


While varying the spreading factor, the total number of handling parties shall

remain the same for each layout. This makes results comparable.

6.2.1 Upstream

Upstream layouts shall be symmetric with the same number of parties while

varying the spreading factor. Not all spreading factors are candidates for

investigation for they have no such layout with the defined total number of


When defining this total number to be between 110 and 126 (close enough to

do a reasonable examination), four spreading factors qualify:


Pedigree construction

SF Depth Parties 1 126 126 2 6 126 3 4 120 10 2 110

Table 4: Overview of SF, depth and parties in upstream

Calculating the parties from the spreading factor and depth was done using

the following formula:




iupstream SFparties

Formula 1: Determining total parties in upstream

The total number of pedigrees flowing in the upstream is equal to the

number of parties because each party generates one pedigree and hands it on.

What is important to take into account is the fact that pedigrees are

connected in parties and get further completed. This makes them grow step-

by-step with the speed of growth strongly depending on the tree layout.

The formula for calculating the total amount of pedigree data flowing from

leaves to the center is:

∑ ∑= =

=depthi ij


jtotalpedigree SFdata


Formula 2: Determining total pedigree data in upstream handling

Things are different for propagation messages in the backward direction. A

propagation message's size remains constant (usually containing a pedigree

snippet of 1 node and some additional identifiers). The total amount of

propagation data can be calculated using Formula 3:

∑ ∑= =

∗=depthi ij


jtotalnpropagatio SFsizedata


Formula 3: Determining total propagation data in upstream handling


Pedigree construction

This shows that propagation data sent backwards in the chain is size times

the amount of pedigree data because for each pedigree that leaves a party,

each of the contained parties gets propagated a notification for attaching to

their locally held pedigrees. A single propagation contains the node to

propagate and some additional info (the identifiers for "pedigree-to-search"

and "node-to-search"). So the size factor is between almost 1 and 3


642 426 2100






SF = 1 SF = 2 SF = 3 SF = 10

spreading factor (SF)

data Data

Figure 30: Pedigree/propagation data for different spreading factors

The total amount of data to flow through the upstream during product

handling there strongly depends on the tree depth/SF as Figure 30 clearly

signifies. The broader the upstream layout is, the smaller the amount of data


6.2.2 Downstream

Things are different for the downstream half of the supply network because

one product (and its pedigree) moves on a single trail from the last

manufacturer to the endpoint of the supply network (usually a customer or

the last shop). It is therefore the distance between the last manufacturer

(center) and the endpoint which affects the communication effort. This

distance is denoted as dist(center,endpoint) and used in the short cut form

dist in the following.

So parties in the downstream on the trail between center and endpoint handle

dist pedigrees and create a total amount of pedigree data according to the

following formula:


Pedigree construction





distcentertotalpedigree iVdata

Formula 4: Determining total pedigree data in downstream handling

With |V| being the number of vertices of the pedigree right on leaving the


The amount of propagation data is determined in a similar way:





distcentertotalnpropagatio iVsizedata

Formula 5: Determining total propagation data in downstream handling

Figure 31 below shows the total amount of data generated during

downstream handling in relation to the length of the trail from center to

endpoint. |V| is 126 (pedigree consists of 126 parties) because this number

has been used in the upstream case before. The data columns directly

represent pedigree data. Multiplying it with the size factor reveals the

amount of propagation data. Growth is linear for both cases.








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


data Data

Figure 31: Generated data during downstream handling

It has been shown that the amount of data to be handled during interaction

strongly depends on the network's structure. The following chapter will show

how the pedigree-based data management supports the two real-life


Pedigree construction

scenarios product-recall and product tracking from chapter 2. It will do that

by employing the use cases vehicle recall and tracking of products by a

customer. It will show the approaches advantage over following-the-chain

and centralized concepts.


Pedigrees in practice

7 Pedigrees in practice

7.1 Case studies

Two case studies are to be presented in the following to prove how pedigrees

perform in practice. The data management approach which relies on

pedigree construction along the supply chain will be examined in terms of

the amount of data that has to be sent along the supply network and will be

compared to a traditional following-the-chain approach. Product tracking

will be examined in terms of the integrated presentation of status query

interfaces over company borders. Please see chapter 2 for an overview of

more use case scenarios. The following case studies were constructed on that


7.2 Defective part identification and vehicle recall

It has become quite common for car manufacturers to initiate product recalls

due to defective parts which could lead to vehicle malfunction or - even

worse - accidents.

The following situation is constructed:

A customer's vehicle gets involved into an accident because of a broken

chassis. The driver's insurance company initiates an expert's investigation for

the causes of the failure. Soon, a steel bold has been identified. It has broken

just before the accident. Analysis of the material shows that wrong alloy

composition has lead to material fatigue after an extended period of driving

over rough surface.

It is now the challenge to identify the supplier of those error-prone bolds and

to identify all components where one of these bolds was installed and what

their current location is.

For the conventional following-the-chain approach, this means for each party

(starting with the car dealer) to contact its supplier who has delivered the

component, which had the defective bold build in. That supplier in turn

contacts his suppliers and so on. After the supplier has been identified, the

parties actually holding defective components must be informed. For that

purpose the supplier sends messages to his ordering parties, to withdraw


Pedigrees in practice

those parts from circulation. Those messages are forwarded along the supply


This approach has some serious drawbacks:

• Lots of request messages must be sent backwards in the chain until the

defective bold supplier is identified, together with the respective responses

in the opposite direction.

• The total time to identify the defective bold supplier is the sum of the time

to send each data and each parties local processing time.

• Parties in the chain that can not be accessed during the backward search

break the whole identification process.

These points all apply to the recall process as well.

Things are different when there are pedigrees in place. The dealer here in

contrast already holds the vehicle's pedigree, which he got delivered just

when he got the vehicle delivered. He can now quickly traverse this pedigree

structure backwards, until the bold supplier is identified and can contact him.

The supplier subsequently returns the pedigree of the bold charge. It contains

all aggregates that have the bolds built in and their current locations. Those

parties can be directly contacted with a notification message to withdraw the

defective products.

Using pedigrees has the following advantages over a following-the-chain


• Fast lookup of bold supplier with solely local pedigree processing and no

communication effort.

• Direct communication with the supplier in order to receive the bold

charge's pedigree.

• Fast lookup of components or vehicles that have one of the charge's bolds

build in by solely local pedigree processing. Again no messages have to be


• Parties holding those products can be contacted directly.

To do a comparison of the amount of messages that needs to be sent in each

approach, a very simple supply network structure is assumed. With the root

representing the bold supplier and the four deepest leaves representing


Pedigrees in practice

dealers, each having sold a vehicle that needs to be recalled. For the

following-the-chain approach the supply network structure (and therefore the

number of parties along the distribution/production path) directly affects the

number of messages needed for withdrawal. Whereas the number of

messages in the pedigree approach remains constant. Figure 32 shows a

structure which minimizes the following-the-chain approaches withdrawal

messages because there is one single path from the first to the third node.

That results in only two messages to reach that node. The split into four

nodes in done very lately just before the dealer nodes. The vertical cuts show

that 1 +1 + 4 = 6 messages have to be sent before the dealers get the recall


1 1 4

Figure 32: Model (1-1-4) Minimizing structure

Figure 33 presents a medium structure. Here the distribution path is split

right at the first node and again just before the dealer node. The vertical cuts

through the graph show that 2 + 2 + 4 = 8 messages have to be sent.


Pedigrees in practice

2 2 4

Figure 33: Model (2-2-4) Medium structure

The structure in Figure 34 maximized the amount because splits are done

very early (in the first 2 distribution steps), so a total of 2 + 4 + 4 = 10

messages have to be sent.

2 4 4

Figure 34: Model (2-4-4) Maximizing structure

Looking up the root from a leaf as the starting point using the following-the-

chain approach results in a total of distance(leaf,root) * 2 messages. This

represents the procedure of finding the defective bold's supplier when

starting from a dealer node. It becomes obvious that the number of messages

needed for identifying the supplier grows linear to the leaf's distance to the


For the pedigree approach, crawling the local pedigree does not result in any

communication. So no messages need to be sent (see Figure 35).


Pedigrees in practice




0 0 0 0 002468


3 4 5 6 7

distance (leaf, root)




Figure 35: Messages for identifying supplier

After identification has succeeded, the following-the-chain approach makes

it necessary that from the supplier's node (root) the notification has to be sent

to its ordering parties, that withdrawal shall take place. Those parties in turn

forward it to their ordering parties, who got defective components delivered

from them, and so on. The amount of messages depends on the supply

network structure. So it will be examined by using the three selected

structures mentioned before.

Sending withdrawal notifications in the pedigree approach again results in a

network structure independent number of messages, which only depends on

the number of parties holding parts to withdraw.



4 4 4



A (1-1-4) B (2-2-4) C (2-4-4)






Figure 36: Number of withdrawal notifications

Figure 36 shows that withdrawal for the minimal structure (Model 1-1-4) in

the pedigree approach just needs 66,6% of the messages used in following-

the-chain withdrawal. The pedigree approach shows its advantages even

better for the larger models (2-2-4 and 2-4-4). It just needs 50% resp. 40% of


Pedigrees in practice

the following-the-chain communication effort. For other layouts, especially

networks with a higher depth, the resulting communication effort reduction

gets even higher.

Remember that all other advantages related to the time needed for party

identification and the failure resistance due to traversing solely local

pedigrees are still in place.

7.2.1 Note on centralized approaches

The following-the-chain and the pedigree approach can both be combined

with purely centralized data management. This means that no individual

parties, but a centralized directory service has to be contacted for the

defective bold's supplier identification and identification of current products

with their location.

Messaging effort with a centralized approach can come close to that of the

pedigree approach but the drawbacks that were already presented in chapter

3.6 should be taken into account. This thesis' decentralized pedigree

handling approach is a better choice when failure-resistance and

performance both during production and the use case just presented shall be


7.3 Tracking a product in the supply network

When it comes to tracking products during their transition through the

supply network either by the network's parties or any other third party

instances (e.g. customers, authorities), the pedigree approach has the ability

to offer seamless tracking over multiple companies up to the point of final

delivery. The example of tracking a product after final assembly at the

manufacturer will be presented in the following.

A product transitions through several parties, from last manufacturer, over

several transport services, up to delivery at home. One current approach, like

that of the Dell corporation (for tracking computer hardware) is presented in

Figure 37.


Pedigrees in practice

Manufacturer(final assembly)

Status websiteStatus scope


Transport serviceDeliver


Transport serviceDeliver


Status website

Status website

update update

link link

customerCheck different status websites

Figure 37: Conventional status website-based tracking

After a product leaves a companies sphere of influence to that of another

party, links to the new place where status information can be queried are

handed on to the customer. The customer in turn has to cope with different

status interfaces. The status tracking chain gets broken and tracking is

impossible when there are parties in place which do not offer any status

information interfaces.

The pedigree approach solves those problems and makes it possible to easily

present the product's delivery status in one single status website (or more

general: a status interface) because the approaches backward propagation

method informs the manufacturer about the product's current status. It is easy

for him to visualize the pedigree it is holding and update it just in time, at the

moment he receives backward propagation messages from parties later in the

chain. Tracking information can be presented in real-time (see Figure 38).


Pedigrees in practice

Manufacturer(final assembly)

Status websiteStatus scope


Transport service



Transport service




backward propagation

customer Check single status website

Figure 38: Integrated tracking over company borders

This is a convenient simplification because a customer has one single entry

point for checking the product's status and even parties that have no

accessible status interface can publish their information via the propagation



Conclusion and future work

8 Conclusion and future work This thesis introduced the concept of product pedigree flows that accompany

product flows inside supply networks and showed a technique how these

pedigrees can be constructed.

Pedigree construction along the product path accumulates a product's


Propagation backwards in the chain updates parties about a product's future.

Pedigrees are designed to contain inline information. Alternatively remotely

held data can be accessed through a query protocol.

The concept follows a decentralized peer-based approach and avoids the

need for performance-degrading and failure-prone centralized services.

An exemplary supply network has been constructed as a proof of concept

and has been simulated on top of the existing P2PNetSim platform.

This thesis' data management concept has been compared to common

following-the-chain approaches in terms of communication effort and

failure-tolerance. It has proven to be superior to those approaches by

examining identification and recall speed in the context of product recall and

interface integration for product tracking.

Especially security-related use cases like product authentication and

containment of illicit trade are actual challenges which this thesis did not

deal with.

The supply network simulation and the pedigree concept can be taken as a

basis for developing future security mechanisms because extensible XML-

based communication protocols are offered. This makes the way free for

implementing security and product authentication related features, like

pedigree integrity checks, pedigree validation and revocation, in future work.



A Appendix


A.1 Supply network structure .............................................................. 71

A.2 Resource CD.................................................................................... 74


Supply network structure

A.1 Supply network structure

This appendix contains the content of the supply network configuration file

which was used to simulate this thesis' supply network.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- The raw material suppliers (R). They have no suppliers.

The genEPC parameter indicates, that they issue their

own EPC codes. Also, the "total" parameter is specific to

peers of type R.-->

<Party name="Raw Supplier 1" managerId="1" ip="" type="R"

total="100" genEPC="true" gui="true"/>

<Party name="Raw Supplier 2" managerId="2" ip="" type="R"

total="200" genEPC ="true"/>

<Party name="Raw Supplier 3" managerId="3" ip="" type="R"

total="400" genEPC="true"/>

<Party name="Raw Supplier 4" managerId="4" ip="" type="R"

total="600" genEPC="true"/>

<Party name="Raw Supplier 5" managerId="5" ip="" type="R"

total="300" genEPC="true"/>

<!-- The manufacturers (M). Just like type T, S and C, they contain

supplier relationships.-->

<Party name="Manufacturer 6" managerId="6" ip="" type="M"

genEPC="true" unit="2">

<!-- A supplier tag states the source peer and the size of the

order, together with delivery bunch size and the "needed-

parameter". -->

<Supplier source="1" order="100" bunch="10" needed="1"/>

<Supplier source="2" order="200" bunch="5" needed="2"/>


<Party name="Manufacturer 7" managerId="7" ip="" type="M"


<Supplier source="3" order="400" bunch="5" needed="1"/>

</Party >

<Party name="Manufacturer 8" managerId="8" ip="" type="M"

genEPC="true" gui="true">

<Supplier source="4" order="0" bunch="10" needed="2"/>

<Supplier source="5" order="0" bunch="10" needed="1"/>

</Party >

<Party name="Manufacturer 9" managerId="9" ip="" type="M"

genEPC="true" gui="true">

<Supplier source="6" order="200" bunch="10" needed="1"/>

<Supplier source="7" order="200" bunch="10" needed="1"/>


Supply network structure

</Party >

<Party name="Manufacturer 10" managerId="10" ip="" type="M"

genEPC="true" gui="true">

<Supplier source="8" order="200" bunch="10" needed="1"/>

</Party >

<Party name="Manufacturer 11" managerId="11" ip="" type="M"

genEPC="true" gui="true">

<Supplier source="9" order="200" bunch="10" needed="1"/>

<Supplier source="10" order="200" bunch="10" needed="1"/>

</Party >

<!-- The transport services (T) -->

<Party name="Transport Service 12" managerId="12" ip=""

type="T" genEPC="false">

<Supplier source="11" order="40" bunch="5" needed="1"/>

</Party >

<Party name="Transport service 13" managerId="13" ip=""

type="T" genEPC="false">

<Supplier source="11" order="50" bunch="10" needed="1"/>


<Party name="Transport service 14" managerId="14" ip=""

type="T" genEPC="false">

<Supplier source="11" order="60" bunch="10" needed="1"/>


<!-- The shops (S) -->

<Party name="Shop 15" managerId="15" ip="" type="S"

genEPC="false" gui="true">

<Supplier source="12" order="10" bunch="5" needed="1"/>


<Party name="Shop 16" managerId="16" ip="" type="S"

genEPC="false" gui="true">

<Supplier source="15" order="20" bunch="5" needed="1"/>


<Party name="Shop 17" managerId="17" ip="" type="S"

genEPC="false" gui="true">

<Supplier source="15" order="20" bunch="5" needed="1"/>


<Party name="Shop 18" managerId="18" ip="" type="S"

genEPC="false" gui="true">

<Supplier source="14" order="20" bunch="10" needed="1"/>


<Party name="Shop 19" managerId="19" ip="" type="S"

genEPC="false" gui="true">


Supply network structure

<Supplier source="14" order="20" bunch="10" needed="1"/>


<Party name="Shop 20" managerId="20" ip="" type="S"

genEPC="false" gui="true">

<Supplier source="14" order="20" bunch="10" needed="1"/>


<!-- The customers (C) -->

<Party name="Customer 21" managerId="21" ip="" type="C"

genEPC="false" gui="true">

<Supplier source="15" order="1" bunch="1" needed="1"/>


<Party name="Customer 22" managerId="22" ip="" type="C"

genEPC="false" gui="true">

<Supplier source="18" order="1" bunch="1" needed="1"/>


<Party name="Customer 23" managerId="23" ip="" type="C"

genEPC="false" gui="true">

<Supplier source="18" order="1" bunch="1" needed="1"/>


<!-- The X-MANAGER -->

<Party name="X Manager" managerId="99" type="X" ip="">




Resource CD

A.2 Resource CD

The CD on this page contains all source code, binaries and libraries, together

with a detailed documentation for running and extending the supply network

simulation. It additionally contains a logging output created from a full

simulation run.



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