Mathis Class Kingdoms

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Kingdom Project

Mrs. Mathis’ 4th Grade Class

The land of arrows

Welcome to the land of arrows. You will have a lot of fun when you enter this land.

You will see a lot of animals such as boars, turtles and more. But sometimes

the animals will get made at you. And will eat you all up. Or they will be very nice to you. if you see ugly stuff do not got scared

they are very nice.By Alex

Kingdom of the cats

Welcome to the Kingdom of the cats. MY kingdom is cool because it has

cats in it. The reason my kingdom is so cool because it has all kinds of

things in it like cats, people, birds, rooms for the people and animals. The best

part is it has an in door pool. The reason way my kingdom is so cool is because it has princess and princes.



WELCOME to the land of VENOSIADEN. We could ride a slizard. We could learn how to have magic and use it in nature. We could learn how to touch the moon, clouds, star and sun.Leamatoads and

spiderfin are near the ocean and waterfall. The antree will be in the forest and a fire horseand a sayxtra.Thats a goat come

you’ll have fun. YEAH! -Brandon

My House Kingdom

Welcome to my kingdom.

My kingdom is fun and

I have horse and food.


Kingdom of chocalandia

Welcome to chocalandia where everything is made out of chocolate in my kingdom there are frogs,fish,servants,bears,birds

and rabbits. Of activities you could


Kingdom of Catsville

Please come to catsville you will meet Caylin Sarra and 2 cats named Samson and Sophie it is 6 foot tall 5 foot wide it is blue and purple wile your there you will save cats feed cats and keep little kids out if you like that then you better come

here no other place is the same as catsville it cost nothing except promise you will like the cats that live there if you are coming call now and you

will get to feed the cats at 817-933-5880


The Kingdom of Sugar Land

Welcome to Sugar Land where all your candy dreams comes true! You can jump in gumball machines, swim in chocolate lakes, and most of all eat candy! You’ll

have fun!!!


Kingdom Of Ice land

Welcome to the ice land . You will love to go to ice land . Your kids might like to play with all the ice . I think that you will like it and you will not want to leave of that little country called Kingdom Of Ice land . Then

your kids will not want to go home.


Kingdom of fun

Welcome to the kingdom of fun you should come to my kingdom you will have a feast and you will be welcomed to my kingdom then you can have thousands of money and that is why you should come

to my kingdom.-Jayson


Kingdom of Jonathan

You should come to my kingdom because you will have a grate time. The food is very

good and the desserts. There are fun games and there is a lot of money.

Everything is made of chocolate frosting.

-Jonathan R.


Hey welcome to abnega how about lets go to my restraint there is really good food come on what are you waiting for. Look over there a money tree and diamond

plants every 6 weeks we diamonds from the plants and pull money from the trees

also we camp every Monday that is about it.

-Jonethan A.

Kingdom of Kelsanator

Welcome to Kelsanator kingdom where you can do anything you want. Play, play

football, eat, build you can swim in chocolate and a whole lot more. We have candy trees, candy grass and a king who

loves to play.


Kingdom of Fun

Welcome to the Kingdom of Fun all you do is fun fun fun. We could ride down

chocolate mountain and go fishing. Train fish and raid on dolphins backs. Feed

sharks and fish we will make a parade.



Welcome to the little house.This house is so fun because

You can eat all you wantbecause is a land of candy and

you can play with anything like if. Iwant a car to play you need too.Said three times Mendoza ok.


The Land of Starcom.

Hey, thank you for reading this. I really wanted to tell you about my kingdom I have been living in for a long time now. Let me tell you what I’m talking about. Here,I live in the imaginary land I call…Starcom. Starcom is the land I rule all creatures in. There are dragons, wolfs, centaurs, things like that. Wouldn’t you like to come rule the land with me!-Michael

The Land of Vampire’s

Welcome to my land . If you come here we will suck your blood, and you will be one of

us. We will have lots of fun once we are both vampires. We will fish ,hunt ,shoot

hoops and sleep in the dark. There are lots of animals live there like bats ,monsters

and vampires of course.


My Ice Kingdom

Welcome to my kingdom. In my kingdom you can have fun. In my kingdom you can play with wolf’s, eat ice-cream, go to whatever room you want to go and ice skate. In my kingdom theirs just one rule have fun. In my kingdom it is cold

but the best thing is you have fun. If you are cold I have jackets for you. My kingdom is the best. You are going to like my kingdom. So come to

my kingdom and have fun. You are going to say I’m having fun. Well have fun.


Kingdom of Fire

Welcome to my kingdom you can have a piece of candy and some fish. You may

also go find a troll and you probably want to see a night fight a troll or a beast. So

come to my kingdom to have a great time.


The Kingdom of Wild Horses

Welcome to my kingdom. The kingdom of wild horses. I hope you like my kingdom. We have lots of weird animals. We have dragons, centaurs, dragon eggs, unicorns,fariys

and lots more animals. We do these activities there kind of like games but there not. We these dragon quests it’s a lot of fun saving hurt animals. We teach baby unicorns how to fly. We also fight off goblins with there swamp dragons. My

castle is a sparkling castle. With beams of lights coming out of it .My kingdom is a lovely place. I hope you will like it

so much that you will come back again thank you bye. Hope to see you again.


Land Of Butter Cup

Welcome to the land butter cup’s . I am the leader of the butter cups. Let me tell you about us we love people to cuddle with . But make us mad snap!! We will bite so don’t mess with us other than that we love you .Thank you hope you

come over!


Kingdom of Candyland

Welcome to candyland! Candyland is a very fun place to be. In candyland you can do fun activities like swim in chocolatefall, climb on money and marshmellow trees,

eat all kinds of stuff and sleep a lot. There are loving animals and people that care about you. That’s why I think you should

come to my kingdom.-Takesha

Kingdom of shark land

Welcome shark land.

Shark land is a grate place to stay. We serve good food. We have a lot of sharks they will eat you if you look at them. if you go on the roof and you see a shark and the

