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Maths Assignment 2 Survey Report. :)




Mathematics (0103)

Project - Statistic

Names & ID :

1. Muhammad Hasif bin Alias 0316413

2. Mohd Hafizi bin Sidratul Muntaha 0315470

3. Hazim bin Abdul Aziz 0315773

4. Ashley Chow Su Shan 0316141

5. Rajan Kulandaya 0317164

6. Muhd. Rafshan Aiman bin Mohd. Razi 0312320

7. Dinuka Oshidhi Weerasinghe 0316164

Group/Session : Thursday, 1.00pm

Lecturer : Ann See Peng

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Table of Content

1. Introduction …3

2. Objective …4

3. Methodology …5

4. Questionnaire …7

5. Analysis …11

6. Conclusion …34

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We were given the task of conducting a survey that compares any given topics between people from

age group 18-20 and 21-23 for analytic purposes. Curious as to study the differences between the eating

habits between the two age groups, we conducted a survey. The eating habits included places they’d prefer

to eat at, how much would they spend on a meal, cuisine preferences, etc.

The majority of college students consists of people between the ages of 18-23. It’s normal to assume

that the younger age group would tend to have a much larger apatite as compared to the older age group,

hence the amount of food and number of meal times a day would be more. On the other hand, it’s natural

to assume that people of the older age group are more fussy about the cleanliness of the restaurant as

compared to the people of the younger age group. Despite the assumptions, who’s not to say that some

adolescent eat more than young adults?

Therefore, without a proper survey, it’s hard for us to assume whether or not the male and female

stereotypes regarding eating habits are true or not. There are a lot of factors that come into play regarding

the food choices and eating habits of adolescent and young adults of this generation. In conclusion, we

want to investigate the the dissimilarities between adolescent and young adults who attend college in

regards to their eating habits and food preferences.

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The primary objective for the survey conducted was to identify the habits, preferences, and decisions

people make about FOODS that differed between adolescent (18-20) and young adults (21-23). With the

help of this survey, it allowed us to collect data which could be analyzed and translated into statistical data

needed to complete this report. Besides that, we managed to apply the formulas taught to us in class during

the calculation of the data compiled. On top of that, we had one on one contact with the participants so that

they could ask us questions regarding the survey in case they did not understand the given questions which

gave us accurate answers and results. Last but not least, we strengthened our teamwork as a group by

dividing the work equally among each member and communicated information we gathered accurately and


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N, number of data/scores.

∑x , the sum of data/scores


The survey was distributed responded in one day which was during the 9 th May 2014. Data was tabulated on the 11th May 2014.

Survey Areas

We went to 5 places at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus as showed in the pictures in the next page.. We received most of our responses at the hallway because people often walk pass that area. We also chose the areas because the people there were less busy and were more willing to answer our surveys compared to 2-3 place we decided earlier which was inside the library, classes and architecture studios.


We surveyed 118 peoples such as students, lecturers and staffs. This was because we wanted to get an equal amount of teens (18-20) and young adults (21-23). Most responses were from students. We decided chose our participant’s gender, so that we can get an equal amount of gender in order to get a more accurate and fair data.

The Formulas

From the surveys data, we divide both teens and young adult category into 3 which were 18, 19, 20 and 21, 22, 23 respectively. This was for us to obtain clearer result of the statistic formulas we will be using which were Mode, Median and Mean. Before we applied those formulas, we made tables and diagrams for every questions in order to sort and show the data we tabulated.




Median th)2



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5. Block BCDE Hallway

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1. Student’s Life Centre

2. Beside the Library

3. Starbucks

4. Beside the Grand Hall

Questionnaire ( )Soft CopyFoundation In Natural and Built Environment (FNBE)

Mathematics - Statistics

Survey Questions :

1. What is your gender?

□ Male □ Female 2. How old are you?

□ 18 □ 19 □ 20 □ 21 □ 22 □ 23 3. How many times do you eat per day?

□ 1 - 3 □ 4 - 6 □ 7-9

4. Which meals do you usually skip?

□ Breakfast □ Lunch □ Dinner 5. Which of these do you usually have?

□ Brunch □ Evening Tea □ Supper

6. How often do you cook per week?

□ 1-3 □ 4-6 □ 7-9

7. What is your preferred type of food?

□ Desserts □ Pastries/Bread □ Rice/Noodles □ Fruits/Veggies □Meat

8. Would you rather eat in campus/workplace, or go elsewhere to eat?

□ For convenience sake, I eat on campus/workplace. □ I’d rather go elsewhere to eat.

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9. How many times do you eat in campus/workplace per week?

□ 1-3 □ 4-6 □ 7-9

10. How many times do you eat outside of campus/workplace per week?

□ 1-3 □ 4-6 □ 7-9

11. Do you usually walk or drive to the restaurants if outside?

□ Walk □ Own Transport □ Public Transport

12. How long do you usually take time to eat a meal?

□ 6-10 minutes □ 11-15 minutes □ 16-20 minutes □ 21-25 minutes

13. How much do you spent on food in a day?

□ RM 1 - 20 □ RM 21 - 40 □ RM 41-60

14. Who or what influences where you go to eat?

□ My Friends □ My Family □ My Surroundings

15. Do you often quarell with your friends/family about where to eat?

□ Always □ Sometimes □ Never Happened

16. How do you define expensive food?

□ RM 10 - 20 □ RM 21 - 30 □ RM 31 – 40

17. Do you like to try new food even if it sounds and looks weird?

□ Yes □ Depends □ Nope

18. Which restaurant do you prefer? (Can tick more than one)

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□ Malay □ Chinese □ Indian/Mamak □ Foreign

19. Would the exterior or the interior of a restaurant have any effect on your mood while eating?

□ Yes, atmosphere is important to me. □ Nah, not really.

20. What are the criteria of your preferred restaurant?

□ Great service□ Reasonable price □ Good facilities □ Cleanliness

21. Have you thought about your body weight before going to eat?

□ All the time □ Sometimes □ No

Questionnaire ( )Answered

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The pictures above are 3 examples out of the 100 surveys that were answered.

*We asked all our participants to sign or draw something on top as prove.

Statistical Analysis

1. Gender

Male Female

50 50

2. Age

Age Frequency

18 20

19 18

20 12

21 15

22 19

23 16

Mode (Adolescent) = 18 years old.

Mode (Young Adults) = 22 years old.

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3. How many times do you eat per day?

Adolescent Young Adults

1-3 33 33

4-6 16 16

7-9 1 1

No of Student Mid Pointf×x

1-3 66 = 2

66×2 =132

4-6 32 = 5

32×5 =160

7-9 2 = 8

8×2 =16

Mean, = 3.08 = 3

Mode (Adolescent) = 1-3

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Mode (Young Adults) = 1-3

4. Which meals do you usually skip?









Breakfast Lunch Dinner


Young Adults

Adolescent Young Adults

Breakfast 28 30

Lunch 6 8

Dinner 16 12

Mode (Adolescent) = Breakfast

Mode (Young Adults) = Breakfast

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5. Which of these do you usually have?

Adolescent Young adults

Brunch 30 15

Evening Tea 8 28

Supper 6 13

Mode (Adolescent) = Brunch

Mode (Young Adults) = Evening Tea

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6. How often do you cook per week?

Mode (Adolescent) = 1-3 times

Mode (Young Adults) = 1-3 times

7. What is your preferred type of food?

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Adolescent Young adults

1-3 41 40

4-6 9 4

7-9 0 6

Adolescent Young adults

Desserts 15 6

Pastries/Bread 5 14

Rice 16 13

Fruits/Veggies 4 4

Meat 10 10

Mode (Adolescent) = Rice

Mode (Young Adults) = Pastries/Bread

8. Would you rather eat in campus/workplace, or go elsewhere to eat?

15 | P a g e

Adolescent Young adults

Campus 39 29

Elsewhere 11 21

Mode (Adolescent) = Eat in Campus

Mode (Young Adults) = Eat Elsewhere

9. How many times do you eat in campus/workplace per week?

16 | P a g e

Adolescent Young adults

1-3 16 23

4-6 15 17

7-9 20 9

Mode (Adolescent) = 7-9 times

Mode (Young Adults) = 1-3 times

10. How many times do you eat outside of campus/workplace per week?

17 | P a g e

Adolescent Young adults

1-3 30 20

4-6 16 19

7-9 4 11

Mode (Adolescent) = 1-3 times

Mode (Young Adults) = 1-3 times

11. Do you usually walk or drive to the restaurants if outside?

18 | P a g e

Adolescent Young adults

Walk 8 7

Own Transportation 30 35

Public Transportation 12 8

Mode (Adolescent) = Own transportation

Mode (Young Adults) = Own transportation

12. How long does it take you to finish a meal?

19 | P a g e

Adolescent Young Adult

6-10 10 8

11-15 16 16

16-20 13 14

21-25 11 12

Mode (Adolescent) = 11-15

Mode (Young Adults) = 11-15

Range: 10 – 6 = 4 minutes

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No of students Midpoint f×x

6-10 18 = 8

18×8 = 144

11-15 32 = 13

32×13 = 416

16-20 27 = 18

27×18 = 486

21-25 23 = 23

23×23 = 529

Mean, = 15.75 = 16

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13. Amount of money spent on food per day?

Adolescent Young Adults

1 - 20 33 20

21 - 40 16 25

41 - 60 2 4

Mode (Adolescent) = 1 - 20

Mode (Young Adults) = 21 - 40

Range: 20 -1 = RM19

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No of Students Midpoint f×x

1-20 53 = 10.5

53×10.5 = 556.5

21-40 41 = 30.5

41×30.5 = 1250.5

41-60 6 = 50.5

6×50.5 = 303

Mean, = 21.1 = 21

23 | P a g e

14. Who or what influences where you go to eat?

Adolescent Young adults

My Family 33 33

My Friends 7 11

My Surroundings 10 6

Mode (Adolescent) = Influenced from Family

Mode (Young Adults) = Influenced from Family

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15. Do you often quarell with your friends/family about where to eat?

Quarrel where to Eat Adolescent Young adults

Always 8 2

Sometimes 27 25

Never Happened 15 27

Mode (Adolescent) = Seldom Quarrels

Mode (Young Adults) = Never Quarrels

16. How would you define ‘expensive food’?

25 | P a g e

Adolescent Young Adults

11 - 20 7 5

21 - 30 20 24

31 - 40 18 26

Mode (Adolescent) = 21 - 30

Mode (Young Adult) = 31 – 40

Range: 20 – 11 = RM9

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No of Students Midpoint f×x

11-20 12 = 15.5

12×15.5 = 186

21-30 44 = 25.5

44×25.5 = 1122

31-40 44 = 35.5

44×35.5 = 1562

Mean, = 28.7 = 29

27 | P a g e

17. Do you like to try new food even if it looks and sounds weird?

Adolescent Young Adults

Yes 30 30

Depends 13 9

Nope 7 11

Mode (Adolescent) = Yes

Mode (Young Adult) = Yes

18. Which kind of restaurant do you prefer to go to?

28 | P a g e

Adolescent Young Adults

Malay 10 7

Chinese 16 15

Indian/Mamak 11 11

Foreign 13 17

Mode (Adolescent) = Chinese Restaurant

Mode (Young Adult) = Foreign Restaurant

19. Would the exterior or the interior of a restaurant have any effect

on your mood while eating?

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Adolescent Young Adults

Yes 45 40

No 5 10

Mode (Adolescent) = Yes

Mode (Young Adults) = Yes

20. What are the criteria for a ‘good’ restaurant?

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Adolescent Young Adults

Great Service 13 12

Reasonable Price 23 24

Good Facilities 3 1

Cleanliness 11 13

Mode (Adolescent) = Reasonable price

Mode (Young Adult) = Reasonable price

21. Do you think about your body weight before you go out to eat?

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Adolescent Young Adults

All the time 8 9

Sometimes 25 17

Never 17 24

Mode (Adolescent) = People seldom thought about weight

Mode (Young Adults) = People never thought about weight

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As a conclusion, the main purpose of this survey was to gather and compile all the data and

information collected into a complete table to understand and examine the differences in eating habits and

behaviors between people of aged 18-20 (adolescent) and 21-23 (young adults). Through our reports, we

gained the findings to our objectives.

By habits, nowadays, young adults food diets are not healthy. 66% of both ages, have meals less than

3 times per day. They prefer to add or replace breakfast with certain meals. 60% of teens skip breakfast

and take brunch while 56% of adults skip breakfast and have an evening tea. The number of meals people

took per day can be generally concluded as less than 3 times. This could be due to budget, time or place.

Unlike adults, 66% of adolescent usually spent RM 1 to 20 per day. Their definition of expensive are

not the same. Over 52% of adults agreed that food that cost RM31 – 40 is considered expensive, so food

that cost RM 1 – 20 which was considered expensive by 40% of adolescent is still cheat for them. Adults

spent more and this may be due to the place the eat. More than 22% of young adults prefer to eat outside of

campus which have more varieties of food to choose of.

The choice of foods that are popular were rice and meat which is more than 27% of both ages favor.

How they decide? Half of both ages showed that family play an important role in choosing food. However,

unlike young adults, about 54% of adolescent had gone through quarrels regarding the place they were

going to eat. Fighting in front of food is a bad manner.

Lastly, the place to eat. 32% of adolescent prefer to go to chinese restaurant which are beneficial in

term of fitness. Unlike adults, 34% showed that they prefer to go to a foreign restaurant which served more

fat content foods. Furthermore, results showed that about 48% of young adults, never thought or cared

about their weight before eating while 50% of adolescent seldom thought about their weights.

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