Matt Baumgarten Slideshare

Post on 11-May-2015

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Resume + Social Media


Matt Baumgarten

Resume 2.0

University of Nevada, Reno

Marketing Student


Snowboarding, Skateboarding, Surfing, Hiking, Scuba Diving, Traveling

Core Competencies

10+ Years Sales ManagementAdobe Photoshop

MS OfficeSocial Media Marketing

Why Hire Me?

Self Motivated Team Player Positive Attitude Determined Accountability Passion for High Achievement

Photo by Danilo Rizzuti /

Pacific Pulmonary Services

Pharmaceutical Sales Representative

The Luxottica GroupArnette, Ray-Ban, Revo, Puma

Sales Representative – Pacific Northwest

Northwave, Drake, Bakoda

Sales Representative - Pacific Northwest

K2 Snowboards

Customer Service Supervisor

For More Information

Email: matt@mattbaumgarten.comWebsite: www.mattbaumgarten.comLinkedIn Profile:

Social Media Today

A golden opportunity for brands or just another social network, here today and fading tomorrow?

What exactly is Pinterest?

It’s a pin-board style photo sharing social media website.

How can Brands Benefit?

1. Pin Board

2. Leveraging Social Media Presence

3. Daily Pin Marketing to Engage with Customers

Pinterest profiles provide a “board” where users can pin images that are all the same size. Each image has a link back to the origin site. For example, if you’re a brand and you post images of products on Pinterest, you can have the image link back to your brand website. It provides a useful too for increasing traffic to your website. Some sites have seen as much as a 75% increase in web traffic due to Pinterest so it is definitely working.

You’ll also want to use your other social networks to feed into Pinterest to help grow its presence online. Facebook and Twitter have the advantage of having hundreds of millions of users. You can leverage their popularity and expand your web presence by pointing people to Pinterest from your website, Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter accounts.

A good marketing practice is to promote a daily pin theme that engages users and keeps them coming back to see what the next days theme will be. One popular one is to use product discounts or promotions that support a charity event or cause. These types of promotions encourage customers to re-pin the promotion and generate increased traffic to your Pinterest profile and company website.


Facebook’s New Timeline


3 Features key new features that benefit brands:

1. Facebook Actions

2. Facebook App

3. Facebook Timeline


3 Features key new features that benefit brands:

1. When it comes to engaging with customers, Facebook actions stands out as a major improvement on the old layout. Users now have more options to interact with the brands by expressing that they “love,” “want,” or “own” a product. Previously users were only able to “like” a particular brand. This new feature is great for marketers who want to categorize their fans as current or potential customers and develop individualized promotions to attract new customers and maintain current customers.


2. Facebook apps are now much more visible in the new Timeline layout. If you’re a business that creates apps for Facebook then you are really going to like this new feature. The new layout prominently features apps at the top of the users page. All of the interactions with the app are published to the users timeline giving brands more visibility. This new feature can help brands attract new fans and further engage current customers. When using apps to promote your brand remember not to overwhelm you customers with too much content that will crowd their timeline.


3. The new Facebook Timeline is about telling your individual or brand story. Many brands have a rich history that customers appreciate and follow. You can use the new Timeline feature to communicate that rich brand history to your customers using images and rich media content that play a more prominent role in the new layout. An effective marketing strategy involves communicating and engaging with customers and this new Timeline layout provides lots of new opportunities for doing just that.

3 Twitter Tools for Brand Success

1. TweetBeep

2. Twibs

3. TwtQpon

TweetBeep allows you to “keep track of conversations that mention you, your products, your company and anything, with hourly updates! You can even keep track of who’s tweeting your website or blog, even if they use a shortened URL (like or” Consumers today are in control of the conversation. This tool allows you to learn about conversations quickly and enables you to respond and get ahead of a story if necessary to limit any harm to your brand. Keeping up to date on conversations about your brand and products is a necessary component for a strong CRM strategy.

Twibs is a business directory that allows users to find business on Twitter. The directory breaks down the business by largest brands, categories, promotions, and by location. If you’re a brand then this director should be a necessary component of your Twitter strategy for promoting your brand online. If you’re a consumer, it a great place to search for a particular brand or browse for interesting companies that might appeal to you. The directly currently has 35,583 businesses that are on Twitter.

TwtQpon is a service that allows you to create coupons for your business on Twitter. Four types of coupons are available. Online coupons, in-store coupons, percentage discount, and amount discount. You can limit the number of coupons available. There is a unique code associated with each coupon and there is a list of the names of the people who claimed your coupons. The ability to provide coupons for your twitter followers enhances your social media marketing strategy by further engaging your current customers and attracting new customers.

Instagram Brand Tips:

1. @tags and #hash tags

2. Networking

3. Consistent Sharing

For brands looking to get the most out of their use of instagram, the app allows instagrammers to @tag their friends and companies in their photos or #make comments that will link back to certain brands. Create a handle that is obvious and easy to search and use it constantly.

Get involved with your followers and comment on their photos. You don’t have to comment on every follower, just be engaged. Create photo contests with #hash tags and your brand will be instantly linked to the uploaded photos. Just the possibility of getting a response from a brand will increase your followers and your brand awareness.

Don’t overwhelm your followers with photos. The key is to upload diverse creative photos at a steady pace. In the same vein, accounts that only post photos once in a while quickly loses momentum and fan interest. You will have to find that happy medium.