Matthew 12:15-21. We find a prophecy of Jesus as the Chosen Servant of Yahweh in Matthew 12:15-21. ...

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Matthew 12:15-21



We find a prophecy of Jesus as the Chosen Servant of Yahweh in Matthew 12:15-21.Matthew uses “Biblical Precedent” in the text—i.e., he uses the Old Testament Scriptures simply to declare that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah.



The original prophecy is found in Isaiah 42:1-4.This is in a lengthy section where we find many prophecies of the “Servant.”

It’s not always clear who the “Servant” is.Obviously, the “Servant” often refers to Jesus, and it’s difficult for me not to read Jesus when I read “Servant.”

However, “Servant” occasionally refers to the nation of Israel as a whole.


In this passage, there are many who see “Servant” as the nation of Israel in Babylon.That could conceivably have some validity.The nation would bring forth justice to the Gentiles by showing great character (e.g., Daniel and his companions)—In v 6, “A light to the Gentiles.”

It’s obvious that these words find their ultimate fulfillment in Jesus.Verses 6 & 7 are too close to Isaiah 61:1-3 & Luke 4:18-19 for this prophecy not to have ultimate fulfillment in Jesus.



Matthew 12:15-21.Again, notice that Jesus healed all those who came to Him.

But, He warned those He healed not to make Him known.He warned others not to make Him known that it might be fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah (v 17).

How did Jesus’ instruction fulfill the words of Isaiah?

Why would Jesus not want these folks to make Him known?


God refers to Jesus as “My Servant” (v 18).How was Jesus the servant of God?

Does verse 18 not sound much like Jesus’ baptism?“My Beloved” and “I will put My Spirit upon Him.”

I can’t help but wonder if there isn’t a direct correlation between this original prophecy and Jesus’ baptism.

Why would Jesus not quarrel nor cry out?


No one would hear His voice in the streets.How would no one hear His voice?Didn’t He come in order to teach people? (Mk 1:38).

What do you make of verse 20?In His name Gentiles will trust.

Again, we find in Matthew a mention of Jesus’ ministry to the Gentiles.

How would Gentiles trust in His name?