Matthias Bachor - Search engine ranking factors revealed

Post on 09-May-2015

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® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012

Search Engine Ranking Factors revelead

Matthias Bachor Marketing Director Searchmetrics

Diggit 2012

About me Matthias Bachor

•  Marketing Director Searchmetrics •  14 Years of online experience •  Focus on performance marketing

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Search Engine Ranking Factors Revealed

About Searchmetrics Company

•  Founded in 2007 •  Leading Search Analytics vendor with international

focus •  ~100 full-time employees with locations in Germany, US, UK and France •  Largest aggregated database for SEO, SEM and Social data (Searchmetrics

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The New Periodic Table of SEO

09.05.2012 ® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012 4

The New Periodic Table of SEO

Known through…


Companies that use Searchmetrics:


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6/8/12 ® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012

Search Engine Ranking Factors Revealed


SEO – Life was easy

6/8/12 ® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012

Search Engine Ranking Factors Revealed

7 Source:

SEO – Things are getting more complex

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Search Engine Ranking Factors Revealed

8 Source:

SEO – Why bother?

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Search Engine Ranking Factors Revealed

9 Source:

09.05.2012 ® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012

The New Periodic Table of SEO


Take a look into the matrix

What we have done

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Search Engine Ranking Factors Revealed


• Facebook Likes • Facebook Shares •  30.000 Result pages •  10.000 hand picked keywords

Google Ranking Factors 2012 (US Index)

09.05.2012 ® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012

The New Periodic Table of SEO



20.02.2012 ® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012 13

Spearman's rank correlation coefficient The larger the bar, the greater the correlation. The correlation coefficient is displayed on the x-axis. Greater values along the x-axis (e.g. Facebook Shares) have a positive correlation (the more, the better) while lower values (Title Character Length) have a negative correlation. Therefore, we can say that the largest correlation occurs between Facebook Shares and the lowest between the Position of Title Keywords. With negative values, the correlation between title character length can be seen: the shorter the title is, the better the ranking.

20.02.2012 ® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012 14

Correlation Data (causation – correlation!)

The New Periodic Table of SEO

What can we learn from this information?

20.02.2012 ® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012 16

Most important findings: Finding #1: Social has arrived in international markets Social networking site activity correlates very well with good rankings, just as it has in the U.S. for the past year. That doesn’t mean Facebook Shares, Tweets, etc. are definitively ranking factors, but it looks like, as a kind of user feedback, they are very important and they should take part in SEO strategy.

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Ranking Factors – Links


% Backlinks with stopword

% Backlinks with keyword

% Backlinks rel=nofollow

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Number of links in connection with position of landing page:

What can we learn from this information?

20.02.2012 ® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012 19

Most important findings: Finding #2: Backlinks are still SEO gold Regardless of the rising power of social media, backlinks are and will continue to be one of the most critical factors in achieving good rankings. The correlation data supports this – following Facebook metrics, the number of backlinks is the factor that most strongly correlates with good rankings.

The New Periodic Table of SEO

Ads can distract from content

Key Finding #3 - Ads could be a handicap

09.05.2012 ® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012

The New Periodic Table of SEO


There is hope..

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Search Engine Ranking Factors Revealed

22 Source

18.02.2012 ® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012

Search Engine Ranking Factors Revealed


6/8/12 ® Searchmetrics GmbH 2012

Search Engine Ranking Factors Revealed


Recommendations for SEO in 2012

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1.  Social factors are getting more and more important: Start measuring social media signals and motivating users to make your company become more famous

2.  Backlinks are still a key factor for SEO

3.  Become a brand is important

4.  Ads could be a handicap, especially AdSense without content

5.  Classic ranking factors like having keywords in the title and more keywords in the content are less important

6.  Keywords in domains stay a huge factor

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The New Periodic Table of SEO