Max Gurvits -- 18 Mistakes Startup Founders Make

Post on 05-Apr-2017

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Max Gurvits CCC Startups


Do you know who this is?

Paul Graham, founder of YC

Every successful entrepreneur does THREE things right •  Hires best people, usually smarter than

themselves •  Works harder than everyone else •  Is vulnerable

Why co-founders are important?

You know these guys

How about these?

And these?

You have to sell to someone first

GEOGRAPHY is VERY important

Wow, no one is doing this except us!!


No competition = NO DEMAND

Don’t get featuritis

How to find mentors to learn from?

Figure Out Who is Who

Build relationships

Don’t hire these guys

Actually, don’t hire anyone at all. Get a tech co-founder

Everyone needs to iterate

Measure week by week, month by month

Actually, you don’t need to launch at all!

Always research your user’s needs

Great resource for this:

You probably need $$ from investors

Do you know what an ELEVATOR PITCH is?

Persuade someone to TAKE ACTION in 30 seconds

This is ALL you need to be able to do

Remember, the point of the PITCH is to get a MEETING

In the MEETING, you tell the FULL story

My first office (oops)

You can always be more LEAN

This is what happens

Ever heard of Clinkle?

Or Color?

The Investor’s Decision Process

The PERFECT Entrepreneur passes all 4 with flying colors

Learn to say no to possible clients, don’t become this guy

Learning entrepreneurship is like


My favorite quote on entrepreneurship

Remember the movie?

ALWAYS know your numbers

Overcoming your weaknesses

BULGARIA – Emailio (YC)

SERBIA– VetCloud (Techstars)

Croatia – Farmeron (500)


@MxGur @CCCStartups

Thank you! Max Gurvits CCC Startups