May 8, 2017 | Vol. 2, Ed. 12€¦ · Abdallah-Boehm, Aidyn Abdallah-Boehm, Myrah Avery, Devin...

Post on 05-May-2018

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Message f r om t he pr incipalWelcome to the last few weeks of school and a ver y exci ting time for al l grade levels. The year culminates in what are and w i l l be class tr adi tions. The sixth grade embarks on i ts annual Manners Field Tr ip to Durango where they have a formal f inish to their year of tr ansi tion into middle school. Seventh graders have been reading Dow nr iver by author Wil l Hobbs and w i l l connect the book?s themes of self-r ef lection and overcoming challenges in l i fe to a f inal ending ?challenge? on a r aft tr ip. Eighth graders complete their middle school years and celebrate w ith a Continuation Ceremony, dance, and a tr ip to Pagosa Spr ings.

I have spoken w ith students throughout the year about ?coming together ,? and these f inal weeks and events are ful l of these oppor tuni ties. Just l ike the ski tr ips and Epic Days ear l ier this term, we continue to help students encourage each other , work together , and challenge self and others. These are not just activi ties for fun but extend cur r icular and social emotional needs. I t is a tr ue pleasure to watch the proud and smil ing faces of Bayfield Middle School students as they gain a sense of accomplishment.

Have a great week.

Tod Lokey, Pr incipal

May 8, 2017 | Vol. 2, Ed. 12


Tod Lokey, Principal | 615 East Oak, Bayfield, CO 81122 | P: (970) 884-9592 |

NewsletterMay 9

- Li fe Ski l ls Field Tr ip- Track @ Bayfield

May 10- Late Star t

May 11 - GT Parent Gather ing @ BMS- Community Suicide Prevention

Summit @ Mil ler

May 12- Track League Championships- Music in the Park

May 15- Yoga Field Tr ip

May 18- Spr ing Band/Choir Concer t

May 22- 6th Grade Manners Field Tr ip

May 23- Spr ing Spor ts Assembly

May 25 - Last Day of School- 7th Grade Raft Tr ip- 8th Grade Continuation & Dance

Dist r i ct Accountabi l i t y Meet ingBSD DAAC has been rescheduled to Monday, May 22.

3r d Quar ter Honor Rol lPlease see the attached l ist of Honor Roll students.

Par ent cor ner

` Announcement s2017- 18 Cal endarThe Bayfield School Distr ict Board has approved the f inal ver sion of the 2017-18 school year calendar. Please see the attached copy.

GT Par ent NightThe BSD GT Challenge Program w i l l host i ts f inal parent night on May 11 in the Bayfield Middle School cafeter ia. The focus of this evening w i l l be talent area GT identi f ication. Please br ing a potluck desser t to share. See attached f lyer and contact Ms. R. Henderson i f you have any questions.

Cont inuat ion Venue ChangeThe Eighth Grade Continuation Ceremony w i l l now take place in the Bayfield High School gymnasium on Thursday, May 25, fol lowed by the Dance in the Bayfield Middle School gymnasium. There are near ly 130 eighth graders, and we need a venue that can suppor t al l of the attendees and suppor ter s.

Suicide Pr event ion Communit y SummitSan Juan Basin Public Health has been organizing a community event in Durango this Thursday, May 11, from 5-8PM. Community members and organizations w i l l be on hand to share about suicide prevention r esources. Join keynote speaker Dr. Susan Becker as well as other breakout sessions for this impor tant topic. Please see the attached f lyer for more information.

Smar t phone Saf et y Inf or mat ionAttached to this newsletter are a ser ies of r esources from NetSmar tz (w w for students and parents about smar tphone safety. These include tips and r isks for teen smar tphone use, social networking safety, and sexting. Parents can also r ead about modern tools for suppor ting and monitor ing tools from PC Magazine. http://w w ticle2/0,2817,2346997,00.asp

Communit y Conver sat ion on Anxiet y and Per f ect ionismOn Wednesday, May 17, San Juan BOCES and the Bayfield Challenge Program w i l l be hosting Ar i Groobman, a public speaker on managing per fectionism and anxiety. This fr ee presentation w i l l be held in the BHS l ibrar y, and is open to al l students, parents, and teachers. We hope you can join us! Please see attached f lyer.

Abdallah-Boehm, Aidyn

Abdallah-Boehm, Myrah

Aver y, Devin

Barnes, Deegan

Bayles, Hunter *

Begay, Payton

Brow n, Keith

Byrd, Kenasea

Campbell, Ri ley

Car lson, Cayanne

Caselles, Kyra*

Caselles, Zane

Chenow ith, Liesl

Cooper , Jaden*

Cuellar , Gabr iela

Cur tsinger , Anthony

Deming, Emily*

Donelan, Caleb

Edwards, Crosby*

Eidem, Maggie

Farmer , Aubree

Fischer , Alyssa*

Fischer , Autumn*

Forsythe, Noah

Frank, Kaylee

Frank, Keianna

Fur long, Grayl in

Fusco, Annette*

Gallegos-Scott, Giana

Garza, Jamaica

Gor ing, Geron

Gosney, Kar yssa*

Gottl ieb, Natasha

Gottl ieb, Raissa

Hight, Ayana

Hi l lyer , Kendal*

Hinojosa, Royce

Holl ingswor th, Summer *

Hooks, Adi

Hovenstine, Xander

Ion, El izabeth

Jenkins, Kor i*

Kennedy, Landon*

Ki l lough, Payton*

Ki l lough, Sage

Kopf, Elsa*

Kopf, Lainey*

Lake, Caleb*

LaMay, Lindsey*

Ledvina, Donald*

Lister , Jacob*

Loveday, Halle*

Lovejoy, Karah*

Madonna, Arabella

Mar tinez, Bai ley

Marx, Kaeli

McInroy, Madison*

Merchant, Brooke

Mer r i tt, Michelle

Meyers, Max*

Mil ler , Greer

Mi l lward, Jaden*

Monger , Andrew

Moore, Brooklyn

Moore, Macey

Moore, Madelyn

Naw rocki , Matthew *

Nelson, Emily*

New man, Jacob

Nistler , Braxton

O'Connell , Ryl ie

Owen, Shaylee*

Owens, Br inlee*

Perkins, Andrew

Poulton, Madison

Pr ior , Kobe*

Quinlan, Hutch

Randolph, Kassidy

Ratzmann, Madelyn

Rober ts, Melissa

Rodstrom, Helen*

Russell , Andrew *

Sarnow , Chloe*

Saw yer , Emaliah

Scavo, Stephen

Schaefer , Cael*

Schulz, Macee

Sears, Alexander *

Sears, Nathan*

Shocklee, Mi l l ie

Shoup, Mikel la*

Smith, Bai ley*

Smith, Morgan

Sneed, Ava

Sower , Ashley*

Starkebaum, Marshal

Stephenson, Linda

Strain, Aiden

Stratton, Hannah*

Stubbs, Alysha

Talbot, Paige*

Thayer , Abr ia

Under wood, Freya

Valencia, Kaden

Vaughn, Kyla*

Wells, Madison*

Wennerstrom, Paige

Wilbourn, Si las*

Wold, Alexia

Wood, Br yan*

Wursten, Matthew

BMS 3RD QUARTER HONOR ROLL The fol low ing students have received awards for their academic achievement dur ing the thir d quar ter of the school year. * Indicates a 4.0 GPA for the quar ter.



MAY 11, 2017 5-6:30


Please join us on Thursday, May 11, 2017, for our end-of-year GT Parent Night. Our final evening for this school year will focus on talent areas and transitions. Feel free to bring flyers for any summer activities you know about. Please bring a dessert to share and your utensils. We will provide bowls, plates and drinks.

Hope to see you there!

Howareyou?Durango Office

281 Sawyer DriveDurango, CO 81303970 247 5702

Pagosa Springs Office502 S 8th StreetPagosa Springs, CO 81147970 264 2409

Thursday, May 11, 2017 | 5 to 8 p.m.Miller Middle School

2608 Junction Street, Durango

For more information contact: SJBPH Communications 970 335 2044 |



An opportunity to learn about suicide prevention resources for all ages and connect with community members to create

a locally-based support system for those in need.

Breakout Sessions | 5:30 and 7 p.m.

• LGBTQ youth• Seniors• Women• Men• Parents of elementary-aged youth• Pre-teens/teens

Key Presenter | 5:30 and 7 p.m. Susan Becker, Ph.D. Colorado Mesa University,President-elect Rocky Mountain Psychological AssociationTrainer with LivingWorks Education

Dr. Becker will present Brief Suicide Intervention Training (BSIT)

Key Presentation and Breakout Sessions | 5:30 and 7 p.m.

Local Support Organization Resource Fair and Feedback Gallery | 5 to 8 p.m.

Kids activities provided by Boys and Girls Club of La Plata County.Spanish language interpretation provided.

Come join us for a free community conversation with Ari in the Bayfield High School Library, located at 800 CR 501, Bayfield, CO

“My hope is to help others realize that they can be successful and achieve their maximum potential without putting their physical, mental, or emotional well-being at risk. I believe that life is about the whole experience, and the only way to live it is one step at a time, acknowledging every aspect of yourself and the world.” – Ari Groobman

Ari Groobman is a public speaker on managing perfectionism and anxiety. After personally battling his own perfectionism, Ari seeks to help

others learn to strive for excellence and not perfection.

Am I Good Enough? • What is perfectionism? How does it impact us?

• How can we overcome it or help those we care about? •

Presentation for students, families and educators Wednesday, May 17th from 6-7:30 p.m.

Contact: Deb Nielsen 970-946-3448 Nisia Lawler

Presented by San Juan BOCES and the Southwest West Region of Colorado Department of Education/ Office of Gifted Education

Copyright © 2012 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. All rights reserved.For more resources visit

Lenhart, Amanda. Teens, Smartphones & Texting. Pew Internet & American Life Project, March 19, 2012.

PArenTSGuideto S m a r T p h o N e Safet ySmartphones are essentially little computers, so you might be a little worried when handing one over to your child. Take some time to understand the risks and implement a few safeguards so that you can help your child use smartphones safely.

1. Be a parent and a resource. establish clear guidelines, including time limits and consequences for inappropriate behavior, but be open so your child will come to you with any problems.

2. Set up password protection. This will keep everyone but you and your child from accessing personal information stored on the phone.

3. Update the operating system. new versions often contain important security fixes.

4. approve apps before they are downloaded. Make sure you understand their capabilities and approve their content.

5. Understand location services. GPS features are useful when using maps, but you’ll want to disable location-tagging when your child posts anything online.

The riSkS

▪ CyBerBUllyiNg With the constant connectivity of

smartphones, your child may be more susceptible to cyberbullying or have more opportunities to cyberbully others.

▪ geoloCaTioN A GPS-enabled smartphone can reveal

your child’s location through online posts and uploaded photos.

▪ iNappropriaTe CoNTeNT With smartphones, your child has mobile

access to content you may consider inappropriate, such as pornography or violent videos.

▪ SexTiNg Your child may use the Internet and

social apps to send, receive, or forward revealing photos.

▪ VirUSeS & malware Just like a computer, a smartphone is

vulnerable to security attacks if your child accesses unsecured websites and apps.


5wayS To Be SmarTerThaN The SmarTphoNe!

about 1 in 4 teens report owning a smartphone.

Free Games!


Watch videos and play games at NSTeens.orgCopyright © 2010 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. All rights reserved.

Note: “This resource brought to you by” smallest font size is 8pt. plz use the text in proportion to walmart logo, NCMEC logo, and other sponsored/co-brand logos.

This resource brought to you by

Adults sometimes freak out about social networking sites because they’re constantly hearing stories about predators and privacy. You’re probably there just to socialize with your friends, talk to people with similar interests, and share what’s going on in your life. But plenty of teens have gotten into trouble on these sites by posting inappropriate pictures and comments, and meeting people in person they know nothing about except what's online.

Check, check, check! The most important thing you can do to protect yourself on these sites is to check your profile for anything too risky to post.

Sometimes looking through your entire profile can be annoying, especially with all of those privacy settings. Use this guide and check off each section when you’re finished. That way, you won’t miss anything.


So, how can I be safer?

What do I look for?

Yes, I’m on a social

networking site.

What’s the big deal?

Positive Things You Can Do On Social

Networking Sites

1 Create family photo albums

What better to keep your distant

relatives up-to-date on your activities?

2 Champion a cause From animal rights to bullying

awareness, social networking sites

are the place to go for social activists.

3 Join a group Connect and discuss your interests

with like-minded people.

4 Market a talent

Stars are born every day online. No

need to move to California to pursue

that recording contract; with one hit

video the producers will come to you!

5 Find a college Make an informed decision about where

to go to school by chatting with current

students and faculty.

Your Guide to Social Networking

Watch videos and play games at NSTeens.orgCopyright © 2010 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. All rights reserved.

Note: “This resource brought to you by” smallest font size is 8pt. plz use the text in proportion to walmart logo, NCMEC logo, and other sponsored/co-brand logos.

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Home Account Inbox


InformationBirthday: January 17, 1997Location: Virginia


Photo Album


Beach later!

Worst Day Ever.

Soooooo jealous :(

hang in there!

Awwww, sorry!

Me too!!!!!



This is either your real name or a nickname. Using a real name isn’t bad; it just means you have to look more closely at your privacy settings and contacts.

Account/SettingsThis is where you’ll adjust your privacy settings. Go through each option slowly. Always ask yourself – what is on my profile and who can see it?

Information/ About MeWhat are you sharing about yourself? Delete anything that could be too much information, like where you live or go to school. You don’t have to fill in every empty box!

Comments/Wall Delete any inappropriate comments, and don’t forget to be careful what you post on others’ pages, too.Friends/Contacts

This list may include people you only know online. Go through each friend and decide if you want to give them access to your page. Why do they really want to be your friend?

Photos/AlbumsWhat kinds of photos are you sharing? Who can see them? Don’t post anything you could get in trouble for, like nudity, alcohol, or drugs.

Ads/AppsIf you click on these or add them to your profile, you’re allowing companies access to your personal information. Always read the fine print and decide what’s OK to add and what’s not.

Profile PictureIs there anything about your picture that could get you in trouble, like nudity, alcohol, or drugs? Remember, this picture will be public!


1 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Aug 10-11 New Staff Orientation/Training 28 29 30 31

30 31 Aug 14-21 Staff Work/Inservice Days

Aug 17 Middle School Open House 4-6:30pm

S M T W T F S Aug 17 High School Open House 4-6:30pm S M T W T F S

1 2 3 4 5 Aug 25 Elementary School Open House 4-6pm 1 2 3

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Aug 22 First Day BMS &BHS Students 6-12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Aug 28 First Day BEPS & BES Students K-5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Sep 4 Labor Day - No School 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

27 28 29 30 31 Sep 29 Staff Work/Inservice Day - No School 25 26 27 28

Oct 20 Elementary Work Day - No School K-5

Oct 20 End of 1st Quarter

S M T W T F S Oct 27 Elementary Conferences - No School K-5 S M T W T F S

1 2 Nov 20-24 Thanksgiving Break - No School 1 2 3

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dec 21 End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Dec 22 - Jan 5 Winter Break - No School 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Jan 8 Staff Work/Inservice Day - No School 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Jan 15 Martin Luther King Holiday - No School 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Feb 2 Elementary Conferences - No School K-5

Feb 16 Conference Trade Day - No School

S M T W T F S Feb 19 Presidents' Day Holiday - No School S M T W T F S

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 March 9 End of 3rd Quarter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 March 26- 30 Spring Break - No School 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 April 13 Staff Work/Inservice Day - No School 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 April 27 Vacation Day - No School 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 May 18 Last Day BEPS & BES Students K-5 29 30

May 20 High School Graduation

May 24 End of Quarter 4/2nd Semester BMS/BHS

S M T W T F S May 24 Last Day BMS & BHS Students 6-12 S M T W T F S

1 2 3 4 May 24 8th Grade Continuation 1 2 3 4 5

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 May 25 District Work Day 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Color Key for Calendar 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

26 27 28 29 30 New staff orientation/training 27 28 29 30 31

Staff Work/Inservice Days - No School Students

Start/End Quarters & Semesters

S M T W T F S First and Last Day for BEPS & BES K-5 S M T W T F S

1 2 Delayed Start Days - Students 9:30 - Staff 7:15 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Holidays/Vacations - No School 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences BHS & BMS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences BES & BEPS 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Elementary Staff Work Day 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Secondary Student Days: 169 School Start Dates District Administration Office 884-2496

Grades 6-12 = August 22, 2017 High School Office 884-9521

Elementary Student Days: 160 Grades K-5 = August 28, 2017 Middle School Office 884-9592

School End Dates Elementary School Office 884-9571

Teacher Contract Days: 181 Grades 6-12 = May 24, 2018 Primary School (BEPS) Office 884-0881

Grades K-5 = May 18, 2018 Preschool (BEEP) Office 884-7137

June 2018

August 2017

December 2017

February 2018

September 2017

April 2018

May 2018

July 2017

November 2017

January 2018

2017-2018 School CalendarBAYFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT

24 Clover Drive

Bayfield, CO 81122

October 2017


Calendar is subject to change

March 2018

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