May Specialty

Post on 29-Sep-2015

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Screenings and events for the month!



    MAMMA MIA! MOTHERS DAY BRUNCH (2008)Join us for this special Mothers Day screening, where singing along is encouraged between bites of our themed brunch!

    An independent, single mother who owns a small hotel on an idyllic Greek island, Donna (Meryl Streep) is about to let go of Sophie (Amanda Seyfried), the spirited daughter shes raised alone. For Sophies wedding, Donna has invited her two lifelong best girlfriends--practical and no-nonsense Rosie (Julie Walters) and wealthy, multi-divorcee Tanya (Christine Baranski)--from her one-time backing band, Donna and the Dynamos.

    But Sophie has secretly invited three guests of her own. On a quest to find the identity of her father to walk her down the aisle, she brings back three men from Donnas past to the Medi-terranean paradise they visited 20 years earlier. Over 24 chaotic, magical hours, new love will bloom and old romances will be rekindled on this lush island full of possibilities.

    MOMMIE DEAREST (1981)Whether you want spend this Mothers Day showing your kids how bad they could have had it, or reminding yourself your childhood could have been worse, we present to you MOM-MIE DEAREST, the movie that effectively emptied closets of wire hangers forever. Faye Dunaways performance as Joan Crawford will have you cowering in your seat and eating every last bite of your meal. The Crawford family looked pretty for the cameras, but behind the scenes Christina and Joan spent a lifetime facing off against each other - but we know who got the last word.






    18Monday Night Thread Up: WILD AT HEART




    12Tough Guy Cinema: ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK

    19Staff Picks: RUMBLE IN THE BRONX



    6Girlie Night: PRETTY IN PINK


    20Victory Screening: THE FRENCH CONNECTION







    1 FRI





    2 SAT Mondo X Chiller: SCANNERS









    17Vinegar Syndrome: SUPERSOUL BROTHER

    MONDO X CHILLER: SCANNERS (1981)SCANNERS could be one of my favorite Cronenberg films. Its certainly the most fun, thats for sure. Scanners are social outcasts...a byproduct of a failed experimental drug given to their mothers during pregnancy. An unusual side effect of the drug gave them the power to read and control minds, forcing most to live hidden away from society unable to cope with their mind reading abilities and voices crowding their brains. One such Scanner, Cameron (Stephen Lack) - who is practically homeless and unable to function in normal society - is captured by ConSec, a medical company that wants to harness the pow-ers of Scanners for whatever nefarious needs. Through a power-ful drug called Ephermol, they are able to control Scanners mind-reading abilities and help them live semi-normal lives.

    Unfortunately for ConSec and Cameron, another Scanner, Revok (a career high Michael Ironside), is planning to destroy ConSec and take over the world. Cameron is tasked to find and destroy him, and what follows is basically absolute chaos as the two face off in a series of over-the-top effects work supplied by Dick Miller (another career high moment). The two men liter-ally destroy each other and everything around them very slowly in a wildly entertaining manner. Lack is stoic, barely registering any emotion, while Ironside chews the scenery in such an over-the-top manner, you kind of want him to destroy the world and sit on a throne made of bodies!

    Exploding heads, squirting arteries and some of the most jaw-dropping practical effects youll ever see on the big screen.

    Vinegar Syndrome Presents: SUPERSOUL BROTHER (1978)Move over, Rudy Ray Moore! Cause things are about to get W-I-I-ILD!! Shot in Miami for the price of a dozen doughnuts, SUPERSOUL BROTHER is the one and only starring vehicle for Wildman Steve Gallon aka the most amazing dirty joke comedian of the 1970s chitlin circuit. A midget mad scientist named Dr. Dippy helps the mob develop a formula that makes users super-strong, bulletproof, and, after two days, super-dead.

    Obviously, its hard to get sensible people to sign up for this treatment. So the mobsters grab the nearest wino, played to perfection by Wildman Steve. Steve is ridiculously funny as he ad-libs like crazy and steps all over his costarss lines. He even gives a speech in favor of legalizing pot thats a small master-piece of reason and logic. Part skid-row crime caper, part sci-fi weirdness, and all hilarious, Rene Martinezs SUPERSOUL BROTHER blasts onto the screen courtesy a new restoration from Vinegar Syndrome and the American Genre Film Archive!

    Monday Night Thread-Up: WILD AT HEART (1990, 35mm)In 1990, the world wasnt quite ready for a David Lynch version of The Wizard of Oz starring Nicolas Cage and Laura Dern. Audiences poured out of test screenings in droves, it was booed at the Cannes Film Festival despite also winning the Palme DOr and it found little success at the box office. But, lets face it, they were all clueless.

    Spearheading the gun toting lovers on the run movies that would litter American multiplexes in the early 90s, David Lynchs film would be as much about Sailor (Cage) and Lula (Dern) as it would be about excessand Oz. With an inspired and insane cast of characters played by the likes of Willem Dafoe, Harry Dean Stanton, Crispin Glover, Diane Ladd and Isabella Rossellini, its both the most Hollywood film Lynch has directed while also being the biggest fuck you to the movie industry he could possibly have made at the time. Its violent, loud, obnoxious, terrifying and really, really wild.

    Alamo Victory members are invited to this FREE screening! To sign up for Victory, visit To reserve tickets, you must be logged into your Victory account!

    THE FRENCH CONNECTION (1971)An early high water mark in one of the best decades of Ameri-can film, THE FRENCH CONNECTION centers on two detectives, Popeye Doyle (Gene Hackman) and Cloudy Russo (Roy Scheider) on the hunt for $32 million worth of heroin being smuggled into New York City by an ingenious French crime syndicate.

    THE FRENCH CONNECTION was inspired by the real life battle on the streets of NYC against the biggest drug smuggling operation in history. And, as they saying goes, there are two sides to every story Be sure to catch the European side of the action with Drafthouse Films THE CONNECTION, a stylish new 70s-era crime thriller starring Academy Award Winner Jean Dujardin (The Artist).

    WHAT IS VICTORY?Victory is the Alamos loyalty program, providing members with free movie tickets, free and discounted food, and priority access to special events. This includes at least one free special screening monthly, and the occasional invitation to advance screenings. Sign up for free and start getting perks right away!

    AGFA Presents: BRUTAL JUSTICE (1976, 35mm)Introduced by Temple of Schlocks Chris Poggiali.

    Bullying everyone around him, even his own superiors in the police department, Detective Leonardo Tanzi (Merli) doggedly pursues a shadowy underworld figure named Ferrender and a gang of bank robbers led by a hump-backed slaughterhouse worker (Milian), all while punching, stomping, slapping and shooting any random rapist, pusher or purse-snatcher unlucky enough to cross his path. One of the most popular examples of the poliziotteschi genre from Italy, where its known as ROME A MANO ARMATA, this fast and furious action pic was re-leased twice in the U.S. by veteran Times Square schlockmeister Terry Levene, under two different titles. Most American fans know the film as ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, Levenes 1982 attempt to pass it off as a horror movie (!), but four years earlier it toured drive-ins and urban action theaters as BRUTAL JUSTICE, misleadingly advertised as a domestic DIRTY HARRY clone filmed in New York! Legend has it that Levene even shot new footage in Manhattan to help pull off the Made in the U.S.A. ruse. In order to confirm (or debunk) this rumor, were digging deep into the archive and unearthing a rare print of the BRUTAL JUSTICE release version. Even if youve already seen the movie a few times, you wont want to miss this opportunity!

    Tough Guy Cinema: ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK (1981)The year: 1997. The worlds greatest leader is taken hostage in the most dangerous place on Earth. Now, only the deadliest man alive can save him.

    Kurt Russell is many things: charismatic, handsome, humor-ous...but THE one thing he possesses that all else covet is TRUE CINEMATIC POWER! There are men with more muscles, and there are men who can take bigger beatdowns, but no man will transfix you quite like the perfectly squared grizzled jaw of THE MAN amongst men, Kurt Russell. Hes a man so tough he came out of his mothers womb and snapped his doc-tors neck for looking at him funny.

    Russells first team-up with John Carpenter is arguably his best. The government enlists hardened criminal skull-basher, Snake Plissken, to travel to the blood-thirsty maximum security prison island known as Manhattan, where he has has less than 24 hours to save the President of the United States and get back...or hes a dead man. With a supporting cast of all-around bad asses including Harry Dean Stanton, Lee Van Cleef, Adrienne Barbeau, Ernest Borgnine, and Isaac Hayes, this movie is guaranteed to set your eyeballs on fire. So, grab your eye patch and some candy cigarettes (all included with your ticket) and prepare to ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK, where breaking out is impossible and breaking in is insane!

    Girlie Night: PRETTY IN PINK (1986)This screening is part of our Shiner Soundtrack Series.

    As far as Im concerned, PRETTY IN PINK is the definitive guide to the classification of high school boys. Sure, fashion and hairstyles have changed (was Andrew McCarthys hair ever cool?), but the universal truth of the film remains: if youre a teenage dude, youre either a Duckie or a Blane.

    The Duckies of the world are typically adorable and goofy, but theyre just never gonna make it out of the friend zone. The Blanes, on the other hand, were born to be hot and popular, so of course they take everything for granted and dont appreci-ate the awesome, amazing girls right in front of them. In other words, dating in high school sucks.

    Fortunately, PRETTY IN PINK channels that suckage through Molly Ringwald, light of our lives, and wraps it all up in a fabu-lous 80s package. The music! Ionas wardrobe! Ionas hair! James Spader! The prom dress! Ok, well, not so much the prom dress.

    Slip on your finest pink ensemble (bonus points if you sew it yourself ) and start practicing your Otis Redding lip synch routine now!

    Fangoria Presents: THE PROPHECY (1995, 35mm)Its always a dark pleasure to discover a horror/fantasy film built on a truly original and fully imagined mythology, and such was the case when THE PROPHECY hit screens in 1995. Origi-nally titled GODS ARMY (and not to be confused with the 1979 Manbearpig opus), the directorial debut of HIGHLAND-ER scripter Gregory Widen casts Christopher Walken in one of his all-time best roles as the angel Gabriel, who is embroiled in a war in heaven and has come to Earth to claim a little girl bearing a soul that can tip the battle in his favor. Playing out Widens perfectly pitched blend of chills, theological intrigue and dark humor is a great, eclectic cast including Elias Koteas as a detective who once aspired to the priesthood, Eric Stoltz as a good angel, Virginia Madsen as the girls teacher and protec-tor, Adam Goldberg as Gabriels human sidekick, and Viggo Mortensen in an early, memorable turn as Lucifer, who informs us that While heaven may be closed, I am always open, even on Christmas. Enjoy the rare gift of seeing one of the best supernatural films of the 90s up on the big screen!

    Staff Picks: RUMBLE IN THE BRONX (1995, 35mm)Staff Pick of Matt V.!

    In RUMBLE IN THE BRONX, Jackie Chan plays Keung, a young man who makes a special trip to New York City to attend his uncles wedding. While his uncle is on his honey-moon, Keung graciously offers to manage his uncles market in the Bronx. Before too long, a local street gang starts to make trouble. Keung, the one-man moral machine, seeks to put an end to the disruption before the situation spirals out of control.








    Schedule is subject to change, and more events may be added. Always check our website for the most up to date information.

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