May/June 2012 - Rugged Cross Outdoors

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Making a Difference in the Lives of Outdoors Enthusiasts

1733 North 9th Street, Sheboygan, WI 53081 Email:

In This Months Issue

Rugged Cross Outdoors

"In ! Beginning God created ! Heavens and ! Ea"h" Gen. 1:1

Livin' The Dream

RCO Team,

I just wanted to tell you about our opening day and send you this picture. I have waited 13 years to share this day with my son Hunter, and it was awesome! This was his first year to carry a gun in deer season. At about 7:30 am he noticed some deer moving along a tree line 200 yards to the west of our blind. Six or seven does fed easily and since he has a doe tag I encouraged him to get lined up and ready. When he was in position, I told him to pick a spot behind the shoulder and take her when he was ready. At the shot the deer ran in every direction and I couldn't tell which one he had shot at. I commented, "I don't know if you got her son, I didn't see any of them react like they were hit." He came right back with, "I know I hit her dad, I was holding right at the point of her shoulder". We waited about an hour and than six or seven more deer came into the field about 50 yards

closer. This group included a 3 point buck who was chasing the does around the field. Hunter got ready and when the buck stopped to feed broadside at 150 yards, he touched it off. I saw the buck hunch and I knew it was a good hit! The buck ran to the edge of the woods and went down! In the walk over to the buck I was telling Hunter how nice it would be if we could find the doe that he had said he hit. Hunter said once again "dad, I know that I hit that doe." When we reached the buck I looked around and Hunter was right, he had hit the doe and she was laying only about 20 yards past the buck! What a blessed morning I had with my son! I was so proud of him, a doe at 200 yards and a buck at 150 yards. I thanked the Lord for Hunter's patience and calmness in trying to make the best shot he could, but most of all I thanked the Lord for His bountiful goodness to me and the privilege of sharing this experience in the outdoors with my son. Dan (Quest Expeditions)

Thank you Dan for sharing this hunt with us!

Livin' The Dream 1

Father/Daughter Hunt 2

Spring Turkey Pictures 4 Prayer/Praise 5& Financial Report

Window of Opportunity 6 & Schedule

Volume 4 Issue 2, 2012

By RCO Executive Directors

Find us on the web

Hunter with his buck and doe Harvest

Page 2 Livin' The Dream

"Fai#, Hope and Lov$ But ! greatest of #ese & Love" Cor. 13:13

Father/Daughter Hunt!

Pater hoc audiens non potuit filium arguere ulteriusCont. on page 3

By Jim Duflo

Father/Daughter Hunt!

My hunt with 14 year old Taylor and her father Todd began Friday afternoon. It was a beautiful fall October day just outside Dayton, PA. The event was RCO's third annual youth doe hunt hosted by the Barrett family. The evening hunt always starts off the same, we get into the stand and we get to know each other. As we discuss many different topics the sun finally begins to

lower in the sky. We watched deer begin to funnel into the fields along the wood lines. We had deer all around us but found ourselves waiting for the right one to come within range. This is the true test of patience. Finally a group of does worked there way to within a 150 yards. Taylor took aim as dad provided instruction as he looked on through his binoculars. It isn't long before I see Taylor take her safety off and before you know it I hear that sweet sound of her rifle as it echoes across the country side. Looking through the camera I could tell that the first shot was off its

mark, but Taylor didn't give up, quickly racking another shell into the chamber as the deer stood looking around in wonder. Again, the sound of her gun echoed in my ear as another round headed towards the mature doe. Again, the bullet misses the mark. This time the does did not stick around and the deer scattered for cover. It was exciting but you could tell that Taylor was very frustrated. As the sun quickly fell below the horizon and the first of darkness was coming over the field, we watched yet another group of deer about three hundred yards away. However, Todd excitedly exclaimed that there was another group of does to our left at about 100 yards. By the time we repositioned, the does were at about sixty yards. It wasn't two seconds after I told her to take the doe that her rifle shook the wooden box blind. The shot looked perfect from my vantage point as the doe ran about eighty yards and stood. Then she ran another sixty yards or so and stood on top of a knoll. We thought for sure she would drop right there but to our dismay she began to walk over the knoll and disappeared. At that point we didn't know what to think. We waited until dark to get down and look for signs of a good hit. Our hearts sank as we found nothing that solidified that the deer was hit. Since it was cold enough, we decided to come back in the morning to look for her doe. Taylor was deflated and frustrated but insisted that she hit that deer. We watched the video time after time, studied the lay of the land as well as the travel route the deer took and we still could not find sign that the deer was hit. We searched for over an hour that next morning and nothing. We eventually ended up in the woods, which was three hundred yards from the stand. Within ten minutes, Taylor's father confirmed she had hit

Taylor's dad Todd watching the does in the field

Page 3 Livin' The Dream

"I am ! way, ! tru# and ! life" John. 14:6

Father/Daughter Hunt!

Father/Daughter Hunt! Cont. from page 2

Taylor waiting for more does to come out

the deer as signs of blood began to appear. With our hopes rising, Todd and I began our trek following the small signs here and there along the top of a ridge, down the hill and parallel to a dirt road crossing over the road and railroad tracks into a wetland area by a creek. Another hour goes by, we cross the creek into a thick area of cattails and grass as high as my shoulders. At this point we all figured Taylor's

deer was dead. All of the sudden, a deer jumps up and runs up a small draw. We could see that it was Taylor's deer as it was injured. The concerning thing was that it was not seriously injured. We watched it run away hard and on all four legs. It was alive and it was going to stay that way because Taylor simply didn't have enough time to raise her rifle before that deer was gone! It is amazing what wildlife and endure and overcome. We could tell by the way the deer bolted out of there that this doe would live to be

hunted another day. After 18 hours of anticipation, tracking and hopes of bagging that doe, we finally walked back down that hill with a sense of humility on our minds. In the end Taylor and her dad Todd both had a great experience and they will never forget this hunt. The smiles on both their faces exemplified that even though you don't always get a deer, time spent together as family is really what it's all about!

The two stories in this months newsletter are great examples of what spending time in God's great outdoors is all about. It's really not about what or if you harvest anything, the real blessing comes from spending time as friends or family together enjoying all the beautiful things our Heavenly Father has created. Our youth are the future of this country and this great sport and we must spend time teaching them to love, enjoy and respect the resources God has blessed us with. We at RCO spend a large amount of our time in the fields, on the lakes and in the streams with young people who are excited about learning how to hunt and fish. We consider it a blessing that God has grown the RCO Youth Hunters Outreach ministry into the largest avenue of ministry that we do. It's a privilege for us to be able to pass on our passion for God and the outdoors that He created on to the next generation! Please continue to pray for the RCO ministry as we work to make a difference in the lives of outdoor enthusiasts both young and old across the U.S.

Andy KaminskiRCO Executive Director

Page 4 Livin' The Dream

"In every walk wi# nature, one receives more #at he seeks "- Muir

Spring Turkey Pictures

Andy & Tom Kaminski, Buffalo Co. Wisconsin

Praise the Lord for an awesome 2012 Rugged Cross OutdoorsTurkey Season!

Tom DuBois & Jacob, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Steve Metzger, Zumbrota, Minnesota

Ross, Dominque & Tom DuBoisDave, Jim Duflo, Branden & Branden's dadLena Swamp Turkey Hunt - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin Lena Swamp Turkey Hunt - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Jim Duflo, Jared, Dave & Jared's dadLena Swamp Turkey Hunt - Oconto Falls, Wisconsin

Page 5 Livin' The DreamPrayer & Praise Report

Financial Report

Actual 4,714 6,252 $ $ $

2012 Budget $17,140 $17,140 $17,140 $17,140 $68,560.00

* $712,044.00

1st Q 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Q YTD Total

* Overall finacial requirements needed to operate this ministry on a full time basis.

✞On The Web

Prayer & Praise Report

When we pray for people we do not need the details as to why. God know's what is needed in each one of the lives listed below. Please join us as we pray for these individuals this month.

Brent, Crystal, Mark, Austin, Huntin' The Truth Ministries, Truth in Nature Ministries, and the rest of the RCO ministry opportunites that are on the schedule for 2012.

We would like to thank everyone who supports this ministry through their prayers, time and financial donations! Please consider becoming a financial partner with RCO. We are very excited about all that God is doing with the Rugged Cross Outdoors ministry in 2012 and would ask that you please share this ministry with all your family and friends.

Check out a couple of Outdoor Ministires that RCO has partnered up with and supports:Huntin The Truth Ministries: www.huntinthetruth.orgTruth In Nature Ministries:

You can stay up to date with all that RCO is doing by checking us out on the web through our website (, our Facebook page and our YouTube Channel.

We have stated a prayer team email list and are looking for more people who wish to pray for RCO while going out on mission trips. If interested, please send an email to

Page 6 Livin' The DreamWindow Of Opportunity

Anyone able and wanting to bless the RCO Ministry, below is a list of needs.

All gifts or donations are tax deductible

Schedule Of Upcoming Events

"Go into all ! world and preach ! good news to all creation" Mark 16:15

• Bibles for giving away• Sponsors: Wondering how you can help RCO and promote your business.

Please contact us, we would love to discuss some options with you.• Field Staff members: If you have a passion for doing outdoor ministry or

hunting and filming please contact us about joining our Field Staff. • We have several mission trips and speaking events planned this year which

will give us the opportunity to share the love of God with outdoor enthusiasts of all ages. If you would like to partner up with RCO and make a tax deductable donation to help support these mission trips please contact us.

7/11 - 7/15 Lifest Christain Music Festival - Oshkosh, Wisconsin 9/15 - 9/22 B uffalo County Buck Connection Whitetail Hunt - Mondovi, Wisconsin 9/15 - 9/16 Big Buck Bonanza Whitetail Hunt - Iola, Wisconsin 10/5 - 10/7 Buffalo County Buck Connection/RCO Youth Hunt Giveaway Whitetail Hunt - Mondovi, Wisconsin 10/12 - 10/18 Three Seasons Outfitters Pastors Whitetail Hunt - Scottsburg, Indiana 10/19 - 10/20 RCO/FCA Youth Whitetail Doe Hunt - Dayton, Pennsylvania 11/2 - 11/16 Iowa Rut Whitetail Hunt - Marion County, Iowa 11/17 - 11/18 Big Buck Bonanza Whitetail Hunt - Iola, Wisconsin

(Please check our web site for the rest of the 2012 schedule) If you would like RCO to come speak, hunt or be part of your next event, please contact us!

Page 7 Livin' The DreamGift Card All gifts or donations are tax deductible

Rugged Cross Outdoors is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization that serves as the platform for our ministry-Mission trips to the Woods, Lakes, Fields and Streams! The organization was created to fullfill the ultimate plan that God has instilled in our hearts-to go out into the outdoor world and share the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to Glorifying Jesus Christ using what He has created to spread the Word of God, while at the same time encouraging fellowship amongst outdoor enthusiasts of all ages. Rugged Cross Outdoors also wholeheartedly values the next generation-our youth! In order for us to ensure God's Kingdom will continue to advance as well as preserve the wonderful sport of hunting, we must reach out to everyone--adults, people with disabilities and/or life threatening illnesses, the poor and less fortunate, and especially our youth!

The Rugged Cross Outdoors team engages in a multitude of ministry activities that supports this overall mission. These ministries include our Outfitter Outreach, Youth Outreach, Speaking Ministry, People with Disabilities and Life Threatening Illnesses Ministry, our Outdoor Media Minsitry, and our Venison Donations Ministry. For more information on each ministry avenue, please check us out on our and click on the "about us" section.

Please accept my one time tax-deductible gift in support of Rugged Cross Outdoors!

$1,000 $500 $250 $100 Other_$_______ My employer will match my gift. (Please include matching gift form with returns)

Monthly Gift $200 $100 $75 $50 $25 $5 Other_$_________ (Please notify Rugged Cross Outdoors should you want to discontinue monthly donations)

Method of payment: Check Credit Card: Discover Visa MasterCard American ExpressCheck #:__________________ Credit Card #:_____________________________________Credit Security Code #:___________ Expiration MM/YY:_________/___________Name: ________________________________________

Address:______________________________________________ City: _______________________________

State: _____________ Zip: ____________ Phone: (_______)__________-_________________

Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________

You can also give by going to and looking for the logo to donate online.

Please make checks payable to Rugged Cross Outdoors

Address: 1733 N. 9th Street Sheboygan, WI 53081 ✃✃