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50 Years of Adria Brand Inspiring adventures for fifty years

50 Years of Adria Brand Inspiring adventures for fifty years.

6 About the Number 50

9 About Olden Times

15 1965–1975: Birth

25 1976–1985: Growth

37 1986–1995: Maturity

47 1996–2005: Rebirth

61 2006–2015: New Horizons

79 About the Caravans

95 About the Motorhomes

113 About the Mobile Homes

117 About Research and Development

125 About the Design

135 About Memories

145 About the Distributors

173 About the Numbers

177 About the Tourism of the Working Classes

181 About People

187 About the Adria Mobil Group Today

206 In the Authors' Words



For us the number 50 is not some ordinary number, as countless stories, memories, work achievements, hopes, creations, development, design, labour, innovations, efforts and much much more is hidden within this number. The number 50 means for us simply a success. It means the right way. The right choice. It signifies Perseverance. Knowledge. Power. And we are very proud of all this. All of us and the generations before us. Let this number represent to the future generations a shining example of our reputation, as nothing comes out of nothing. Nothing is self-evident. We all know this. And that is why the number 50 is not just an ordinary number for us. Or in other words: number 50 are us, the employees and our business partners as well, all who have ever had any business dealings with the Adria brand name, as without a single member of the family we would have never been able to reach the number 50. We all together and every single one can be very proud of being a part of this beautiful caravanning story, which has enabled (again the number 5 but this time accompanied by many zeros!) over 500.000 users in 50 years to experience the beauty of caravanning.

This anthology book thus reflects the birth, growth, maturity, rebirth and new horizons – or simply put, the life of our Adria brand name. And it is only appropriate and right that the most important facts and some individuals as well are exposed and their stories put on paper. For us

About the Number 50

50 to remember, and for all others who have in any way been touched by our brand name to remember. Adria's path, namely, as any path in life has not been always a primrose path. But we could and did unify to preserve a healthy core and to get only the best out of it. And that best has been throughout the years enriched, upgraded with the final result this brand name, which today is considered as one of the best in the caravanning industry. Even more: we have become a global brand name, already known on three continents.

Thus we can face the future with optimism and with our feet firmly on the ground, as on the basis of 50 years of experience we know what success means. It means finding a solution, whenever a problem arises. It means to keep on pushing, when the only logical alternative would be to desist. It means to say Yes, when everyone else says No. It means to let the inner power and feelings of success take over. And we all know that we can. For us and for the future generations, who will continue creating the Adria brand name after us. Let this anthology book be their guide and their textbook. Let they exceed us as the best students exceed their teachers.

50. I see the whole world inside. What about you?

Mrs Sonja Gole,General Manager of Adria Mobil


Whenever we think about olden times, which have left an indelible imprint on the giant success story, we wish with the help of all available facts to imagine how it all really started and what it really took to come all the way from modest beginnings to a long-lasting success story. Were the beginnings easy? Difficult? Impossible? In all probability, they were not easy, but with the proper people they became ˝only˝ challenges and thus also the greatest problems turned into solvable, controllable and beatable solutions. In the following article we thus present the facts, which can help us describe the story regarding the olden times, innovative ideas and visionary people, while also realising that the best, the most heart-felt story is surely written by the people who have created it.

The Slovenian pioneer in the caravan field was Mr Miloš Jevšček from a well-known family of carpenters from Grm, who in the sixties headed a carpentry company Opremales. In 1960 he had the idea of having his own caravan for fun and his own needs – the frame was made according to his own drawings in the Kovinar company in Kandija, while the chassis was welded together by Mr Stane Lisac. A year later the first series of twenty perfected caravans were made at Opremales, and a year after that, another fifty more which were then also patent-protected.

At that time the former IMV (the Industry of Motor Vehicles) faced serious problems regarding the import of certain raw materials. »Whoever wanted to produce anything more interesting and demanding, for example cars, was mercilessly dependent on imports, as at that time with the exception of strategic raw materials you could not purchase anything else in our country,« says, among other things, Mr Marjan Ivan Moškon, the author of »A Story about a Giant from the Gorjanci,« (1974), while a similar thing was also confirmed by Mr Lukšič, MSc, in the book »My Story Is Adria« (2005).

About Olden Times,Innovative Ideas and Visionary People

It all started with an idea, which was followed by a drawing done on a scale of 1:20 displaying the shape of the first Adria caravan, the legendary Adria 375.

It took just over two months to produce the first prototype of the Adria caravan.

Jurij Levičnik transformed a small workshop into a big industrial company.


All the historic sources quote one glaring fact, namely, that Adria was created as a consequence of a very pragmatic solution to looking for a source of foreign currency, which had to be found in the beginning of the sixties and seventies of the previous century by Yugoslav importers. From this entirely unromantic reality some very romantic stories began to be made especially regarding the tremendous enthusiasm, which thus drove the machine engineer Mr Martin Sever, a great visionary from Dolenjska and Mr Jurij Levičnik, the leading man at IMV at that time, on the path of developing Adria's first caravans.

Thus in the spring of 1965 both of these two men started to exchange experiences, and Mr Sever started to build IMV's first sample caravan for a well-known buyer in Sweden – Karl Willhelm Karlsson. In some two months a first prototype was made, named ADRIA 375. From here on the story is already well-known – it was about a legendary journey by the engineer Mr Sever to Stockholm, where the caravan was displayed at the local fair.

The first part of the task was thus carried out, while what followed, was searching for many improvements, which would satisfy Swedish customers, and which would also mean a step away primarily from caravans, which had already been made in the United Kingdom – which would specifically be stronger insulation, a safer chassis and, last but not least, a reduced weight. This task was solved the following year by Mr Martin Sever and his colleagues in a satisfactory way. Based on the very popular type of caravan OPIA in Sweden, the OPATIJA caravan was constructed in 1966, which opened the door widely for Adria to the Swedish market. Where did the key for success lie? According to official sources, that lay especially in the »torsion suspension, with which we had had a lot of success with delivery vehicles…« Which is also somehow logical, as the caravans production belongs in essence to the automobile industry.

Even the longest journey begins with a single step. Engineer Martin Sever, who designed the caravan, drove over two thousand kilometres to deliver the caravan to the trade fair in Stockholm.

Martin Sever developed a completely new product – the Adria caravan.

Swed Karl Willhelm Karlsson recognised the potential in Adria and became the first sales representative for Adria caravans.


Mr Stanislav Lukšič–Luka joined the team of development engineers and technicians at the end of 1967, at that time still a trainee engineer, who with his knowledge, enthusiasm and dedication undoubtedly contributed a lot to many past and present successes of the Adria brand name. At that time, at IMV they extremely bravely began the development path of caravans and already in the seventies, they started to dictate the tempo to other European producers. Thus IMV was the first to introduce double glazed glass on the windows of its caravans, followed by warm water central heating in bigger caravans, which came as a huge innovation in 1972 for every other producer in Europe. This catapulted the Adria brand name onto the very summit of the biggest European caravan manufacturers. But our story had only just began.

Caravan at the quality control

A view of the caravan assembly line

Assembly line for caravans in Novo mesto

Kitchen block modules from Semič


The caravan industry gave rise to extensive technological and economic development in the Dolenjska region and Slovenia.

Assembly line for windows in Novo mesto

Lacquering of a caravan


The World Events Which Marked the Decade

The sixties of the previous century were marked by the cold war tensions between The Soviet Union and NATO alliance. At that time the war in Vietnam also broke out, while the situation in Cuba came to a boiling point. The symbol of the cold war became The Berlin Wall, which was built in 1961, thus dividing Berlin into the Eastern and Western parts.

These years were marked in Yugoslavia by huge economic reforms, as in the beginning of the decade the so-called little reform or new economic arrangement, which was based on changes in the foreign currency, external commerce, credit and banking system, was introduced. Already in 1965 another new reform was accepted, which was even named the deepest intervention in the Yugoslav economic system since the beginning of the fifties. It was about a change of course towards the market economy and at the very same time it was a sort of a call to develop »self-management and direct democracy,« but all these reforms only exacerbated the economic and social conditions; this reform had only negative effects on Slovenian companies.

The year 1968 became very turbulent. The so – called »Prague Spring« occured in Czechoslovakia, which lead to an invasion by Soviet troops, as well as troops from other Warsaw pact members. Its occupation thus lasted until 1990. Europe itself was rocked by student demonstrations, which were the most radical in Belgrade. During this period, the president of the Slovenian government Stane Kavčič, who had come to this position a year earlier, and who was also known as »the father of the national economy«, played a very important role in the Yugoslav and Slovenian economy. Namely, he was a persistant defender of the market economy and of national interests. Kavčič made many enemies and due to this, a strong political process against him was in the wings.

After 1970 both world superpowers, the USA, as well as the USSR, were economically weakened. In 1973 the first so-called oil shock occured, which is today considered the end of the golden age of capitalism or prosperity, which had lasted since 1950. The whole world was enveloped in the crisis, which showed itself in the West in the form of stagnation, and in the East in many unsuccessful reforms, which later lead to the implosion. In 1974 in Yugoslavia a new constitution with a famous Law on Associated Labour, which should set the basis for the uninterrupted mutual operation on the unified Yugoslav market, was introduced. All energy was supposed to be directed towards the self-managing transformation of the economy.

In the sixties and seventies the world was also shocked by natural catastrophies, while on the other hand the young and old went crazy over the British band the Beatles (their common path ended unfortunately in 1969) and the Rolling Stones, who are still present on the music scene today. The first man walked on the moon (1969). The Aswan high dam in Egypt was finished, while the northern tower of the World Trade Center in New York became the highest building in the world. Joe Fraizer beat the reigning champion Muhammed Ali (former Cassius Clay) in the boxing »duel of the century« (1970). »Black September« hit Germany (1972), when at the Olympic Games in Münich a group of Arab terrorists – Black September – kidnapped and assassinated 11 Israeli sportsmen. The Watergate affair in the States caused the resignation of the American president Richard Nixon (1974).

There were a little over 3,3 billion people living in the world at the beginning of this decade…

First Decade


And There it Was … a Caravan

1965 – The story of the Adria caravan, whose name becomes synonymous with spending free time on the Adriatic Sea, begins in 1965 in the Industry of Motor Vehicles (IMV) in Novo mesto. There are several stories regarding the beginnings, but certain names and facts appear in all of them: the idea and the decision about the development of a new product within IMV was accepted by Mr Jurij Levičnik, a long-time director and also »a giant of progressive ideas, economic thoughts, hard work and respectful results«. The engineer Mr Martin Sever, who is called by people in the know as »the father of the caravan«, was at that time in charge of the development centre at IMV and together with his team of engineers and technicians constructed the first prototype of the Adria 375 caravan, which was later sold to Sweden. After the product's initial coordination and adaptation for the Swedish market, an order for 500 caravans for a well-known Swedish buyer, Mr Karl Willhelm Karlsson, who also became an important link in the development team at Adria, a long-term business partner and an importer for the Swedish market, was placed. In the meantime they brought a caravan made by their own producer Osby, named Opia, to Novo mesto, with whose analysis the development team at Adria deepened its knowledge with the


final result being the Opatija caravan, already made in 1966. Soon afterwards they started to develop new prototypes of caravans under the management of the enginneer Mr Sever: model Adria 305, model Adria 380 and model Adria 450 – they were all shown for the first time at the Belgrade car fair.

The aforementioned three prototypes were developed and produced in the factory and soon afterwards the first generation of Adria caravans, having been made on the basis of the aforementioned three models, was created; all three prototype caravans had the same shape of the frontal and rear wall, while the bent part of the roof remained different with the models on the first three lenghts of the bodywork. The typical oval external look of the caravan has its origins here.

The Adria Caravan Takes over Europe

The success in sales of Adria caravans after 1968 was undoubtedly due to the sensible selling point: »a light and well-equipped caravan at an affordable price«, as well as the fact that the success would be ensured only under the condition if they managed to quickly and effectively adapt to the existing needs of the market. IMV was thus among the first caravan producers, which started with innovations like double glazed windows, central heating, central run-off drain…

The new IMV caravan going for a test drive (1966). The factory needed approximately two years to prepare for the production of caravans. The first 300 units, which were pre-

ordered, were sold in Sweden. The caravan was constructed in the factory and one sixth of the materials used for production were imported.

At the end of the year 1966 a Swedish tourist travelled through Novo mesto with one of the first IMV caravans ever produced – the Opatija.


1969 – The production plan for this year predicted 10.000 units and the Adria brand name showed Slovenia, as well as Yugoslavia and Europe itself that it was not to be taken lightly any more. Caravanning experts all over Europe started to take an interest in Adria caravans, as well as in the factory, where these caravans were manufactured. Thus they hosted scores of reporters and our importers and in this way also presented the Adria brand name to the foreign public. The production capacities at IMV according to the bold plans thus became too small, and therefore a new production hall was finished in 1969.

The management started to realise the importance of the brand name's promotion. For this purpose they took part at various fairs – among others, they were regularly present at the Belgrade car fair, and for the first time they also took part at the biggest caravan fair in Europe at Essen in Germany.

The oval-shaped exterior and white-coated aluminium surface were two of the typical features of the first generation of Adria caravans.

The first prototypes of Adria caravans were introduced to the public at the Belgrade car fair.


In 1970, Adria caravans were first decorated with the now legendary blue band at window level.

In 1970 IMV and the brand name Adria already belong to the biggest caravan producers in Europe, what can also be seen through the production plan which was set at 12.000 units. IMV had its representatives already in nine European countries – in England, France, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, West Germany, Denmark, Switzerland and The Netherlands. In this year Adria caravans were given the legendary blue band.

1971 – That Adria's story is also heavily integrated with the local environment is best attested by the Boris Kraigher award, which was given at the beginning of 1971 to a long-time director Mr Jurij Levičnik for his achievements in managing IMV during 1956 – 1970 period. IMV was also recognised as the biggest Slovenian exporter with more than 3.500 employed people, which was for a modest factory, started in 1956 with no more than 34 workers, an enviable success. At that time they also started with the presentation of their new products in Slovenia – for example they organised the exposition of their new types of caravans for German distributors and reporters in Bled.

The rapid recognition and international visibility of Adria was also given a boost by active communication with Adria's dealers and with journalists. The photograph shows the managing director, Jurij Levičnik, in the new production hall presenting his production programme and plans for the future.

A long time associate distributor of Adria in Sweden, K. W. Karlsson, was dubbed the "Swedish king of caravans" at the fair.



In 1972 IMV has representation offices in 10 European countries with the vastly diverse commercial network, encompassing more than 300 representatives all over Europe and the production plan for 14.000 caravans. As caravan production was constantly growing, the problem with too small production capacities in the factory in Novo mesto arose again. The solution presented itself in opening two new factories: in October they opened one in Brežice not too far away, and two weeks later the second was opened in Deinze in Belgium. They had opted for Belgium as this was one of our most important markets, and beside this the Belgian authorities had offered special tax credits to companies, which wanted to organise caravan assembly in their own country, while the extremely important geostrategical position of the country also played a part in the decision. Beside this the assembled caravans in Belgium could be exported to all members of the Common Market without having to pay export tax.

In Sweden, which has been since the beginning one of our key markets, IMV in this year again received the title »king of the sales«, and Mr K. W. Karlsson, a general representative of Adria in Sweden, received the title »Swedish king of caravans«.

IMV also presented Adria caravans at other important fairs all around Europe, among others in France, in Switzerland, in Denmark, in the Netherlands and of course at the biggest caravan fair in Europe in Essen, Germany.

Between 1973 and 1974 IMV went through an internal reorganisation (the creation of eight TOZDs) and in spite of very difficult market conditions (the ban on driving cars on Sundays in most Western countries and a terrible lack of gasoline), IMV managed to produce and sell a record number of caravans at that time. IMV managed to export more than 18.500 products to the West European markets, thus managing to retain the leading position among the caravan producers.

1975 was a year of many jubilees – 20 years of IMV and 10 years of Adria caravan production.

The geostrategic position of Belgium dictated the opening of a new caravan factory in Deinze.

Since a direct contact with the customers was essential for the rapid international success of the Adria brand, the caravans were regularly exhibited at all major trade fairs in Europe.

The successful sale of Adria caravans was to a large extent the result of adapting the products to different climates.

Deinze, Belgium

Essen, Nemčija


Second Decade


Third in France

1976 – in the second half of the seventies, travelling tourism, »on the outside characterised by a smaller or bigger house on wheels, towed tirelessly on by a car« has become a norm, and the Adria brand name has made a series of milestones.

IMV recognised the new trends in products development, which until then had been known mostly on the American market – the first ideas regarding the development of mobile houses and motorhomes thus appear. The ambitious goals were therefore based upon the ever-growing popularity of caravanning tourism and on the success in sales. The Adria brand name was »the third most popular brand regarding the number of caravans sold in France with more than 8.700 registered caravans«; Adria came just behind the two biggest French caravan producers at that time Digue and Caravelair.

The World Events Which Marked the Decade

Yugoslavia is during this decade rocked by many economic and political events; all forces are directed towards the self-managed transformation of the economy into a consensual one, but it struck an impasse regarding TOZDs (Basic Organisations of Associated Labour/ BOAL). In the mid-seventies, Slovenia was the only republic which was not satisfied with the slow transformation of the economy. The main problem was the fact that the so-called transformation was nothing but a paper tiger – in reality, the content remained the same.The goals of the consensual economy were absolutely flawed and doomed to fail, but in spite of everything, the people, responsible for this, stuck to their guns regarding the manner and system of work until the end of the eighties. In all these years, Yugoslavia was accumulating enormous debts, so that towards the end of the eighties, the total debt amounted to more than 13 billion American dollars. Slovenia itself did not support of this trend and thus invested a lot of effort in the defence of the existing foreign currency system.1980 was a sort of a milestone for our economy. Namely, economic growth and industrial production had become very tepid. And in the following year, these very same indicators worsened even further, as did the liquidity of Slovenian companies in general. In May of 1980, the last Yugoslav leader, Josip Broz Tito died, while disunity and a multitude of views regarding the future of the federation started to accumulate. The following Yugoslav governments faced these problems mostly with failed policies.

The world population reaches 4 billion people. Behind the curtains, revolutionary things in the field of technology, take place. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak thus found a company called Apple (1976). Many a famous person passes away – in 1977 the legend of rock, Elvis Presley, a few months after him, the legend of the silent movie, Charlie Chaplin, follows. In December of 1980 the famous British guitarist, singer, writer and the founder of the Beatles – John Lennon is murdered. Margaret Thatcher, »the iron lady«, becomes the first woman to be prime minister of the United Kingdom in 1979. In July of 1982 the longest lunar eclipse, lasting 106 minutes, of the 20th century is observed, and in December of this year, Michael Jackson launches the album Thriller, which becomes the best-selling musical album in history. In 1983 the Lebanese civil war slowly ends and the American Federal Communications Commission (FCC) gives permission to market the first mobile telephone DynaTAC 8000x by Motorola. A few months after that, in 1984, the company Apple presents for the first time a Macintosh personal computer. Women are given voting rights in Lichenstein, the last European country to do so.

Adria's main advantages were elegance, convenience, comfort and an appropriate price, which enabled Adria to conquer the Western European markets – a photograph taken at a French trade fair.


Adria caravans did not serve only as holiday houses, but also as temporary homes for people, hit by natural catastrophies. IMV thus proved that the care for fellow human beings was an important value, as they sent forty caravans in 1976 to the Tolmin and Posočje regions, which had both been devastated by a horrible earthquake. In 1979 Adria similarly sent 1000 caravans to Monte Negro, which had also been devastated by an earthquake; these caravans were made in one month beside the regular work plan: »You can believe me that everything at home was waiting for me the way I had left it. I am married and we have a child. We are now in the middle of building a house, so that I have not slept a second. Or I tried to make up for it on Sunday for the whole past week. But we have to hold on, you know how it is, when you know that someone, who has been left without his home, urgently needs your work. I surely would not work like this, if only money was concerned, but in this way…,« said one of the female workers for Kurir, the internal magazine of IMV.

1977 – Adria caravans at that time already belonged to the very summit of the European caravanning business, while the company tried to enter many other markets. At the end of 1977 caravans were thus presented in Morroco. »Although we were present there at the fair for the first time and with a relatively very modest number of products on display, we were surprised by the huge interest shown by the visitors for the whole range of exhibited products /…/. This is also confirmed by a fact that both of the exibited caravans had already been sold in the first days of the fair. The number of people, who have shown an interest in purchasing our products /…/, has exceeded all expectations.«

IMV recognised and consequently also communicated all the advantages of caravanning tourism, so that caravans were also available to the employees, who could go on holiday to the popular Dalmatian resort of Pakoštane: »Holidays in a caravan have numerous advantages to other forms of spending holidays. The caravan is like a house, but at the very same time open to the beneficent effects of the sea climate and air, which revives the pulmonary system. /…/ At the same time it is also as comfortable as a hotel, as it has a handy kitchen with a fridge installed in it. A bedroom can be quickly and easily transformed into a small saloon for an evening of relaxation.

With the ever increasing popularity of caravanning, the Adria brand was also starting to gain international recognition and the blue-band caravans could be observed with increasing frequency on the highways and byways of Europe.

Dakar before Dakar – Adria 380F completed the challenge with flying colours in the harsh conditions of Morocco and Sahara.

Adria caravans ready to be transported to the Friuli region, which had been affected by a massive earthquake.

We had an enviable sales record on account of offering a wide range of caravans, and the level of demand actually surpassed our production capacities at times.

/…/ But spending the holiday in the camp, is especially nice for the youngsters, as they live in direct contact with nature and can freely surrender themselves to different games.«

With Research Institute to Innovative Solutions

In 1978 Adria presents a second generation of caravans. The economic boom of the European economy had also caused a growth in the European caravanning market. Thus Adria kept growing, while also enlarging its range of products, which in 1978 already boasted of »five series, which included fourteen models and twenty–two types,« thus reaching enviable results in terms of sales, which also showed themselves in so-called »sweet« troubles: »This year's caravan sales is again very successful, as we have problems in supplying the caravans to our buyers in the required quantities. /…/ In order to satisfy the market's demand, we have to also work on Saturdays in May and in June. Thus we estimate that in this way we will be able to produce the necessary number of caravans.«

In order to successfully follow the rapid growth and to manage the growing complexity of the production programme, the IMV Research Institute, lead at that time by the engineer Mr Martin Sever, had set very ambitious plans, thinking about further industrial development: »The Research Institute has been boosted with new people and with new tasks and obligations during the latest reorganisation.The scope of work, which the Institute will have to undertake in the future, has enlarged dramatically. Beside the existing departments there will also be a construction production, technological group, the technological metal and non-metal production project group, central technical library and technological archives etc. /…/ In this way we intend to refresh in the near future the caravans production programme, where the new emphasis on the concept, much more appropriate for industrial production, will come to the fore. Presently, IMV produces 360 variations of caravans. For all these caravans it is necessary to change a series of components each year, ranging from design to technological solutions.«



Taking into account the fact that innovative approaches regarding product development, as well as process organisation are the key element in successful business operations and thus in the creation of added value, the company started to encourage innovations on all levels: »The important component of innovative activity is its volume, especially regarding technical improvements and useful propositions… are the top-level economic factor, especially if they have a massive appeal. Economic theoreticians value the share of innovations in the growth of productivity at more than half compared to other factors, like the improvement in the organisation of work, conditions at work etc.«

1980 – After 15 years Adria reaches one of its peaks, because in this year 26.757 caravans were produced. The path to this result or in other words »the recipe for success,« had been described in minute detail in Kurir, the internal newspaper at that time: »High productivity and quality are the two most important weapons, with which we at IMV have managed to successfully defend our position among the western producers of camping caravans. The IMV sales organisation, which with 500 points of sale covers practically the whole Europe, is the source of all information, without which it is impossible to correctly evaluate the trends in the caravan branch, which is not only full of various products, but is also a subject of various oscillations, caused by the unstable conditions in the world. /…/ A close connection with the sales organisation enables our development departments to »guess« the customers' desires and to satisfy them to the best of our abilities, but which also differ greatly from country to country. This causes us the most problems, as we have to make a high number of different types of caravans, which also reduce the production series of an individual type. /…/ The greatest innovation in the collection is the Adria 580 Grand de Luxe in different variations. With all the already mentioned new features of a functional and trendy character (the kitchen block has been aesthetically and functionally remodelled, internal installations have been improved, while the external signalisation is unified in accordance with the new regulations), it comes equipped with some other details, which can be seen for the first time in our caravans. Among these, the greatest interest has been caused by our »service center«. This is a central command

In 1980, Adria reached its highest production volume in the history of the company exporting no fewer than 26,757 caravans to the European markets.


console, with which it is possible to control the distribution and setting of all electric devices, including a radio receiver, antenna block and similar. Briefly, this is a caravan for the most demanding buyer.«

1981 – The exponential growth in the sales volume of Adria caravans was followed at IMV with the reorganisation of the development process: »To achieve a closer connection and easier coordination of work in caravan production, the field organisation was set up in the previous year. The main characterictics of this type of organisation are common development and the preparation of the construction and technological documentation, common planning, purchasing materials, connection with the contractors and a much easier synchronisation of production from the production of parts and joints to the finalisation. This type of organisation has significantly shortened the time needed for the preparation of the documentation for the new season, as we all know that the caravan is a trendy item and is thus changed yearly.«

At that time the more visible role in the products development within IMV Development Institute was being slowly taken on by Mr Stanislav Lukšič – Luka, MSc, who in 1981 presented the concept of Adria' s future products development: »In the next middle-term programme we have given ourselves the task of developing a new generation of caravans and to also enlarge the caravans' activity programme. The new generation of caravans should keep all the values of our present caravans, while also trying to achieve the following goals: to ensure the mass serial production of caravans with the construction concept, which would suffice and which would emphasise our /… / specific technological and spatial capabilities; to introduce a modern technical solution and a complete shape of all the composite parts and the caravan as a whole.The programme of caravan activities must be enlarged to encompass the load bearing caravans for personal cars, folding caravans, tent caravans, mobile homes and motorhomes.«

The First Motorhome on the Road

In 1982 Adria develops its first motorhome, which has its premiere presentation at the Belgrade car fair, where it was the main attraction: »Under the leadership of Mr Stanislav Lukšič, the workers in the prototype workshop managed to build two models of this vehicle in a record-breaking time. The design is the work of our designer Mr Georg Gedl. The technical data is the following: the driving part of motorhome is based on the Renault delivery vehicle with 68 kW power and a total carrying weight of 3,5 t. The total length is 6,2 m for model 420 and 6,5 m for model 450. The width of the vehicle is 2,2 m, height 3 m. The equipment in the living area is similar to the one in our caravans.«

A new, third generation of caravans named Mistral, which was designed by a French designer Mr Joel Bretecher, is about to be built at IMV: »A new family of caravans started to be created, following the latest demands and needs. It has a modern and aerodynamic shape, complex and light construction and enables a higher level of comfort.


The first Adria motorhome became the star of the Belgrade car fair, which was very popular at the time.


/…/ The new shape gives an impression of aerodynamics, which also has a strong commercial effect because of the high price and shortage of petrol. /…./ The majority of European caravan producers have abandoned the classic way of building the bodywork and have moved onto a »sandwich« system; the same system has also been used with our new caravan.«

1983 – For the development of the Adria motorhome Mr Stanislav Lukšič, receives recognition from Novo mesto Municipality for development and innovations, which was the sixth time that such a recognition had been given to the best innovators: »As has already been mentioned at the award – winning ceremony, it would be very difficult to ennumerate all the projects that he himself or with other colleagues has made.« In the interview, Mr Stanislav Lukšič said that the motorhome was a logical continuation in caravan development. Because of that it is not unusual that »the caravan with its own propulsion has been included in our development programmes. In a little more than a year and a half, both prototypes have been tested, more than 10.000 km have been made and we can say with certainty that no major flaws in its design, construction or equipment have been noted«.

The third generation of Adria caravans was designed by a French designer, Joel Bretecher. Typical features include a modern and streamlined design and the introduction of the "sandwich structure" technology in the production of body shell components.


With the onset of an economic recession, Adria responded by developing new products. The photograph shows a trailer (Cargo) for transporting various goods and mobile vending unit.

The year 1984 was characterised by the first Olympic Games in Yugoslavia, in which Adria was also included: »The caravan, which we as sponsors gave to the organisers, is already in Sarajevo, where it will undoubtedly be constantly used. The photo was taken in front of the Zetra Sports Hall, where the contests on the ice rink and in front of which the olympic fire will be burning, will be taking place.«

In 1985 the general manager of IMV became Mr Marjan Anžur. In September of the same year the contract to sell Adria's products in the Netherlands was signed, while the company itself was abolished.

There were already signs of a new economic recession on the horizon, which contributed to a giant decrease on the west European caravanning market, where the sales fell by 50%. The caravan is recategorised as a luxury item, a symbol of prestige, high standard. The changes on the market dictated the development of new models, with which Adria wanted to refresh and differentiate its sales programme and thus to dampen the negative trend on the European market. Thus in 1984 the third prototype of a motorhome on the basis of Renault Trafic chassis was produced, while in the following year, a whole range of new products were introduced – from the prototype of a super light caravan weighing 390 kg, two prototypes of mobile dwelling units (MBU 500 and 860), to a prototype of a mobile office and the Cargo caravan, intended for the transportation of different types of load. In 1985 Adria caravan, intended for the specific Scandinavian market, which had for the first time a Primus warm water heating system installed, experienced the greatest number of changes.


The World Events Which Marked the Decade

This decade was certainly one of the most turbulent ones in the recent history of the former Yugoslavia and modern Slovenia, while important events also took place worldwide, which all to a certain level had an impact on our lives. The financial world experienced one of its darkest stock exchange Mondays, when the value of stocks virtually took a nose dive; in Ljubljana's company Litostroj (the turbine factory) the workers started a famous strike under the leadership of Mr France Tomšič, which marked the beginning of democratisation proccesses in Slovenia (1987). The Russian leader Michael Gorbachev signed into action a set of new policies called Perestroika, which announced the reconstruction of the Soviet economy on new economic foundations (1988). George Bush became the new president in the States; the last Soviet

soldier left Afganistan; the Japanese emperor Hirohito died. Slovenian poet Tone Pavček read the so-called Declaration of May, while Janez Drnovšek became the last president of the presidium of SFRJ (1989). The Yugoslav Communist Party at its last 14th congress in Belgrade voted for the abolition of the one-party system, which also represented the official disintegration of Yugoslavia; its economy was already in its death throes, inflation was at an historic high; the citizens of Slovenia took part in a referendum and with a vast majority of votes voted for the secession of Slovenia from Yugoslavia (1990). What followed was a declaration of independence, a ten-day war (1991) and the beginnings of new stories – social, political, economic, cultural, social – in this or that way connected with the Adria brand. The world population reaches 5.6 billion people.

Third Decade


A Time when Caravans Were on a Side Track

The whole period was characterised by IMV fighting to receive adequate financial means, especially to finance the production of caravans, as the banks had no understanding that this was a product whose sales depended heavily on the season, and on the on-time delivery of materials, for which it sometimes had to wait for several months, as there were no monetary means at the disposal to pay for them. The agony continued from 1985 on and lead at the end of the decade to the disintegration of IMV and its consequent division into three parts.

In 1986 caravan production was finally moved to a new factory, where the essential novelty of working in it were the introduction of the production line for the bodywork elements and the introduction of automatic conveyor belts in the caravan assembly section. Firstly, only the production of caravans was carried out at this location, but soon the production of motorhomes and mobile houses also followed and lasted for almost 20 full years (until 2005).


In 1987 the company was accepted into the ECF (European Caravanning Federation) and a year later Adria became the main organiser of the assembly of this association, which took place in Bled, while at the end of the year, its engineers were present for the first time at the meeting of the ECF Technical Committee in Paris.

In 1989 they started to build a new factory in Črnomelj on the 4872 square meters of land, while on 20th December the referendum regarding the transformation of IMV into joint-stock companies Revoz, Adria Caravan and TPV was carried out. IMV thus became a holding company.

In 1990 Adria Caravan became an independent company with minimum capital and overindepted companies abroad.

In 1991 came the company's internationalisation and Adria International was created, which was supposed to unite all the subsidiaries abroad, and through this company, foreign capital was to come to Adria. The story did not go this way, so the management found a new partner, Eurofinance company. The latter became co-owner of IMV's network with one intention, as was confirmed by the management of the holding with Mr Marjan Anžur in charge at that time, namely, to organise the cash flow to Adria Caravan. And not to – as the employees at Adria Caravan claimed – carry out the illegal,

"black" privatisation and thus to only take care of its own interests.

In 1992 the story about Adria started filling up the newspaper columns, but this time not about the record orders from the western markets, or increadible sales results like ten years ago, but about the growing problems. All the domestic newspapers reported about this, and especially the local Dolenjski list. The titles of newspaper articles could tell the reader a really ominous story, which predicted in the first year of the independent state of Slovenia an inevitable end to a once famous and successful company, to its visionary period of gradual


In 1986, caravan production was relocated to a factory at Belokranjska cesta in Novo mesto where it remained until 2005.

In 1987 IMV joined the ECF (European Caravanning Federation). The picture shows the participants of the ECF conference in London. The conference was also attended by Marjan Anžur and Jože Sagadin.


creation and the growth of the brand name: »When the Hard-Working People from Podgorje and the Dolenjska Hills Lose Their Minds,« »Will Adria Become the Pride of the Foreigners?,« »Adria Workers do not Trust Their Management,« »The Strike has Ended, but Where Is Work,« »In Adria Caravan, Work has Finally Begun,« »The First Steps on Adria's New Path,« »Paris' Strike Adria from Novo mesto,« »Adria to Be Kept Afloat at All Costs,« »Adria Caravan has Received 7 Million German Marks,« »Workers do not Know for Whom They Work,« »With a Hunger Strike to Get Salaries«, »Adria is Running Out of Time.«

The following newspaper article also denotes the sign of those times »The Appeal to the Slovenian Public to Help Adria Caravan, Plc«, dated 11th of April 1992, about which the first signee of the appeal, Mr Stanislav Lukšič, MSc, also wrote extensively in his book »My Story Is Adria«. Thus we shall only state the key facts: the appeal was signed by 17 directors and managers of Adria Caravan, while the signees explained in details the reasons, why they opposed the foreign capital, while also voicing their justified worries of losing the


In 1988 Marjan Paternoster designed a new logo, which represents a foundation of the corporate visual identity of the Adria brand.

1988 saw the introduction of the fourth generation of caravans called Forma, which featured an aerodynamically improved design of the front part and a new striped multicoloured graphic.

company. At the same time they also expressed a clear opinion that they did not oppose the privatisation process, as they themselves were of the opinion that this was essential, but demanding and insisting that this be done with the Slovenian partners. They again expressed their clear opposition to the company's management, demanding its replacement. »A caravan is a product of the regional knowledge of men and women from under the Gorjanci hills, their know-how, abilities and diligence, while this product is one of few truly Slovenian products that is sold in Europe and can compete with any other producer of caravans on a completely equal footing. This product has been made by us and us alone, while proving all the time that we do know how to make a caravan. What we and our children are being forced to accept as a solution is like taking a pencil from our hands, while offering us a screw driver,« – as were succintly explained the reasons for the appeal and the struggle of the employed people at Adria for its future by Mr Lukšič, MSc, in an interview for Dolenjski list in April of the same year. In this year the ownership of Adria Caravan is transferred to the Slovenian Regional Development Fund.


The Phoenix Rises from the Ashes

In 1993 the Slovenian Regional Development Fund put in charge of Adria Caravan, Plc the team from the company Novoline, lead by Mr Dušan Plut, Adria Caravan, Plc. soon after that founded the Adria Mobil, Plc company. Mr Dušan Plut is replaced by Mr Danilo Plesničar, who had already managed Adria Caravan in 1992.

When Slovenia gained independence, the sentiment was well captured in the Dutch catalogue of Adria's products. The picture shows the front cover of the 1993 catalogue with the slogan "Adria, a sense of freedom".


In 1992 seventeen directors and managers of Adria Caravan signed a written appeal to the Slovenian public asking for help in saving the company.


1995 is simultaneously also the year of the Adria brand name‘s 30th jubilee. In July the caravan production was transferred from Adria Caravan to Adria Mobil, which managed to produce only 1.315 caravans until December – the lowest number in its 25-year old tradition. In October Adria Caravan's bankrupcy proceedings were initiated. And the Phoenix rose from the ashes…1995 saw the development of the

fifth generation of caravans called Unica. This generation saw the introduction of a modular system of measurements, which provided a greater standardisation of bodywork and furniture components.

The Pössl project was the first time the van product line was introduced to our product development programme.


The World Events Which Marked the Decade

The independent state has changed the nature of the Slovenian economy. Socialism was replaced by capitalism (private ownership, market economy). Self-management, agreement and planned economy morphed into the market economy, regional industry has become national with its own national currency and fiscal system, its own constitution, which has clearly defined the new system as a social market economy. The wars on the Balkans, which started with Slovenian and Croatian independence (1991), more or less ended with the Dayton Accords (1995), while sporadic confrontations lasted for a few more years (2001). The wars in general have caused enormous economic damage.

In the Roslin Institute in Scotland a sheep, Dolly, was littered, the first mammal, cloned from a grown cell. IBM supercomputer Deep Blue beat the world chess champion Gary Kasparov in a rematch, while the young and the old went bananas over the best-selling book Harry Potter by an English writer J. K. Rowling. (1997).

The new European currency was introduced in 1999 – the euro. In Russia president Boris Jeltsin resigned and was replaced by Vladimir Putin in 2000. On the

first of January 2001 the official 21st century or the third millenium began. Only a few months after that the American president George W. Bush and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin met for the first time in Brdo pri Kranju. On the 11th of September the world was shocked by a terrible terrorist attack on multiple targets across the USA; the symbols of the »Big Apple« – the famous twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York were demolished. At the end of the year, another affair of gigantic economic proportions struck, namely, the Enron affair – the Enron company declared bancruptcy, the worst bancruptcy in American economic history.

Slovenia became a member of the European Union in 2004 together with nine other states: Poland, Cyprus, The Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta and Slovakia, while the Kyoto Protocol (2005), the international agreement regarding the reduction of the greenhouse effect causing gasses, but without the support of The United States and Australia, came into effect.

6,4 billion people live in this world…

Fourth Decade


Foundations of a Successful Future

1996. In spite of modest new beginnings in 1995, the company with only 186 employees already proved that it had not given up all hope yet. The long-serving director Mr Danilo Plesničar passed the baton to Mrs Sonja Gole, who had been prior to this in charge of the company's successful financial operations. With her knowledge, dedication, her work and endurance the company slowly stabilised, having made 3.553 caravans already. Her thinking in one of the internal newspapers proves that she has been from the very beginning strategically oriented with forward-looking ideas, while at the very same time being fully aware of the importance of every working individual in the company: »With the reorganisation of our marketing network in Europe we have managed to stabilise our points of sale, which gives us new options to increase sales and to direct our activities into new challenges.«… »The future and viability of the company will be ensured only if we can listen to new demands on the market, and because of this, many activities in the development sector are already in progress.«… »The credits for the realisation of the desired goals will be attributed to all, as the success is dependent on all factors and segments of our business life.«


1997 – In spite of unenviable market conditions in the caravanning branch, Adria Mobil with a little more than 240 employees managed to make 4.017 caravans, as well as 177 vans. The European field of caravanning was at that time in crisis and thus we had to fight for every caravan sold, while at the same time giving special attention to adequate quality and competitiveness, so that our products at any given moment were interesting for the demanding European customers. The ECF (The European Caravan Federation) analysis regarding caravan sales showed that 102.050 caravans had been registered in season 1997, which meant that the drop in sales had fortunately stopped above the magical limit of 100.000 units. In this period, the most important markets for Adria were Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy and Sweden, while on the other hand, at home in Slovenia we were again recognised as an important economic player, as we took the 66th place among all Slovenian exporters, or the 6th

place in the Dolenjska region. Beside this we also finished project ISO 9001 in December with considerable success. In the two years of the project, the company managed to reconcile with the requirements of the ISO 9001 quality standard and in this way also improved its competitiveness.

For the first time, a fair was organised in the Italian city of Rimini, where Adria presented its Adria Van and Adriatik motorhome, both still in their prototype versions. Our Italian importer, Mr Armando Antolini, was exhilarated with the reaction of potential buyers.

In 1998 the company employs 300 people. The entire production of motorhomes moves into a factory in Novo mesto, where in the entire yearly production structure (more than 5.000 units) they already represent 5 % of total production.

In December of 1997, the company successfully completed the ISO 9001 project. The photograph shows the general manager Sonja Gole accepting the quality certificate.

By 1997, our company had once again developed the prototypes of alcove motorhomes, which had been eagerly anticipated by our distributors. The photograph shows an advert from 1998 announcing the comeback of Adria motorhomes.



Let us sum up the story about Adria motorhomes. The first prototypes were made in 1982 on the Renault vehicles (Master, Trafic), while serious production started in 1986 in the factory in Belgium, where the production in 1991 already exceeded 1200 units per year, but was later terminated due to the factory being shut down. As the Adriatik motorhomes had gained the reputation for quality on the market, our sales network demanded all the time to restore their production, which in the end really happened during the 1998–99 season in the factory in Novo mesto. Here lie the origins for the slogan in the magazine PlenAir: Sono tornati (They are back)… We were also visited by Swiss reporters from the most popular Swiss daily Blick. The Swiss market also started to show a trend of increased sales of our products with the simultaneous sales decrease of the competitor caravans by other producers, which all meant that we had a product, which was highly sought after and appreciated on that market.

We have developed an integrated frontal wall for the C caravan series, which meant the beginning of the 6th generation of caravans, while we also managed to enter the far away Japanese market, where we sold two caravans.

Among the 300 biggest exporters in Slovenia we find ourselves in the 42nd place this year (57th the previous year).

1999 marks Adria Mobil in several segments – the company goes through the ownership restructuring process (the employees buy 13,24% of Adria Mobil shares), and beside this we are making successful steps forward on the production level, constantly creating new products.Thus we have launched the Aura caravan, which was considered a caravan for the new millenium. It is in fact an upgrade in functional and design terms and as such has been placed into the top price class. It offered luxurious living for two persons, and it was presented at two fairs – in Parma and in Düsseldorf. We were very satisfied with the presentation, as we achieved the main goal, namely, to attract attention, to show that we think ahead and to increase the Adria brand name reputation even more. Another production innovation was a semi-integrated motorhome, Coral, which meant a welcoming upgrade of the existing range of Adria motorhomes.

Caravan Aura – a new caravan for the new millennium.

Adria's position in the Swiss market was constantly improving, which caught the interest of journalists from the most widely read Swiss daily newspaper, Blick.



This year we also managed to successfully expand to Japan, Norway, Finland and Ireland. We managed to increase the quantity of exports with the increased production plan of Adriatiks and Adria Vans – for the 2000 season the planned number was 644 Adriatik motorhomes and 444 Adria Vans.

If we summarise the year in numbers, we can say that the company with little more than 400 employees has produced 5952 caravans and motorhomes, while its market share from 3 % in 1995 has increased to almost 6 %, which is, considering the fact that the market has only recently started to show the weak trends of revival, an enviable success.

New Millenium – New Story

2000 – Entering the new millenium, is marked by the 35th anniversary of the company's existance and by the presentation of a new caravan l‘Aura at fairs all over Europe. At the end of the year a little more than 500 people were employed at the company, while 6.021 caravans, 817 Vans and 1080 Adriatiks were produced.The Slovenian Development Agency sold off 86,76 market share to 49 Adria Mobil employees as pre-emptive beneficiaries.

2001 – In the local environment Adria Mobil is recognised as a successful and powerful economic subject, while its general manager Mrs Sonja Gole is recognised as the driving force of this successful system. So in March 2001 Mr Anton Starc, the mayor at that time, awarded her with the Municipal Recognition for the successful management of the company. We constantly prove ourselves with new products, as well as with the total quantity of manufactured products at the end of the year – we produced 9000 products, thus achieving 6 % market share in Europe, consequently achieving 15 % production growth compared to the previous year.

2002 – This was a highly successful year in all aspects. General manager Mrs Sonja Gole, received recognition for achievements in economy at the municipal anniversary. »Adria Mobil is today considered among the biggest companies in the region and also among the biggest exporters, as well as one of the most successful companies«, was written, when receiving the Novo mesto Municipality award, by a reporter for the local newspaper Dolenjski list.Mrs Sonja Gole and Adria Mobil with her as well, left another imprint in the local environment, as we received a Gazela award for the fastest growing company, as we had taken the first place in the Dolenjska – Posavska region, and also taking the 3rd place in Slovenia among 500 finalists.

In the production segment, we developed and presented the van Win, a semi-integrated motorhome on the Mercedes-Benz chassis Stargo and the prototype Adria Home. In total, we produced 9.800 products.

In May of 1999, one hundredth alcove motorhome left the factory in Novo mesto.



In 2002 the general manager Sonja Gole once again received an award for economic performance from the Novo mesto Town Municipality.

2003 – In this year we received the environment certificate ISO 14001, we developed Adora, representing the eighth generation of caravans and a mini motorhome 3–Way on the basis of Renault Trafic' chassis, rounding up the year with 10.717 products sold.

For the year 2004, it could be said that it is a winning and inspirational one. This is again a year full of awards, a year of record production and at the end of the year we finally became totally independent and we started building a new company. In January The Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia awarded the general manager Mrs Sonja Gole an award for outstanding achievements in economy.

In March the agreement between Adria Mobil and Begrad for the construction of a new factory is signed. The foundation stone is put into the ground in July, denoting the beginning of the construction.


Adria signed a contract with a construction company, Begrad, thus setting the foundations for the new factory at Straška cesta 50 in Novo mesto.

Adria Mobil ranked third among the quickest growing companies in Slovenia.

In September The Manager Association of Slovenia and the magazine Manager named Mrs Sonja Gole manager of the year 2004. The award was justified with the following words: »Under her management the former company in bankruptcy grew into a very successful company, which achieves in a very tough competition environment outstanding business results, while increasing the scope of production, as well as its market share on the European level, also constantly increasing the number of employed workers. The team work encouragement, the care for the personal growth of all employees, as well as the management team, effective communication skills, incredible dedication to her mission, are just some of the qualities of the general manager, Mrs Sonja Gole, who has strongly contributed to the amazing business success and to the company's development-orientation. All this only bodes well for Adria Mobil's business development in the future.«

In December, the company Autocommerce, d. d. (today ACH, d. d.) becomes the majority owner of Adria Mobil, while the year finishes with the fully realised scope of production with 13.000 products.


2005 – In this year Adria brand name celebrates its 40 years of existence and in order to properly mark the event, a news conference was organised at Otočec in April. The reaction exceeded all expectations, as we hosted reporters from practically all Europe and Slovenia. The story of the company was presented to the gathered reporters by the general manager Mrs Sonja Gole, who described the business results of the company, her vice president Mr Stanislav Lukšič summed up the events that had influenced the company in the past 40 years, while the director of the research and development department, Mr Anton Kastrevc spoke about the development direction of Adria's products in the future. Later the EU ambassador in Slovenia, Mr Erwan Foere, spoke, presenting new opportunities and challenges on the European market.


»I personally see the 2004 Manager of the Year award as a strong encouragement and also as recognition for the entire Adria Mobil staff for a job well done. The award brings with it a responsibility and commitment to continue on our chosen path well into the future. We will strive to fulfil our commitments in the future as we have done in the past,«said Sonja Gole.

The new Adria Mobil factory remains one of the most technologically sophisticated facilities in the European caravanning industry.


The formal opening of the new factory, which had been built in the record time of 17 months since signing the contract with the contractor, followed on the seventh of October. The construction of an investment, valued at 35 million euros, was carried out in very demanding conditions within bold deadlines, but in spite of everything the company managed to move and start production on the new location within the set deadlines, so that no production stoppage or the loss of working days occured.

The complete complex of a modern and technologically sophisticated factory today stretches over an amazing 150.000 square meters.The largest facility is the production hall, spreading 40.000 square meters, while the administration building encompasses 4.000 square meters. All parking spaces encompass 90.000 square meters, among which 60.000 square meters are reserved for finished products, while the rest is intended for parking trucks and personal vehicles. The warehouse for accessories and spare parts, which is supported by modern information technology based on the wireless system of data transfer, encompasses 7.500 square meters. Thanks to modern technology, we have increased production capabilities by 30 per cent. The yearly production in the new factory is 17.000 vehicles.

The jubilee year is also characterised by two products – Action, representing the 9th generation of caravans and Vision, which is considered the first integrated motorhome.

Adria Mobil in this year has also become the general sponsor of the Cycling team from Novo mesto, which thus took on the sponsor's name.

In this year we have made 13.059 vehicles.

We marked the four decades of successfully operating on global markets by developing the first integrated motorhome called Vision and a caravan called Action.


The World Events Which Marked the Decade

The new millenium is marked by many political and economic changes and increased tensions in the west and in the east alike. The Russian company Gazprom (2005) switches off the supply of natural gas to Ukraine due to disagreements regarding the price. Slovenia takes the euro as its official currency instead of its erstwhile currency the Slovenian tolar (2007). In 2008 the whole world almost implodes, as the wheels of economic progress stop turning. The price of crude oil thus hits 100 $ for a barrel, while in September the whole world is hit by a liquidity crisis, causing the biggest bankruptcy in the history of the United States. Namely, the American investment bank Lehman Brothers goes belly-up, which forces a major intervention by the government; the other financial institutions are also heavily exposed to these events, so that more government intervention is called for. The events trigger a global financial melt-down, as the financial institutions start falling down like dominoes. The main result of the crisis is a fall in prices all around the world. What follows is a global recession: companies go bankrupt, unemployment starts rising, economic growth falls and in many places stops entirely, while on the Stock Market the values of shares tumble one after the other…In The United States, the first black president, the 44th in all, Barack Obama, takes office in 2009. A

record – breaking 1,8 million people take part in his inauguration. In June of the same year General Motors, the world's second biggest producer of cars, declares bankruptcy. The next year (2010) the world is rocked by a spying affair; the net page WikiLeaks starts publishing a collection of 250.000 top secret American diplomatic dispatches, which due to their contents send shockwaves through the corridors of world diplomacy. There are more and more political and economic affairs daily, while the economic crisis reaches its double bottom, and the European Union is full of severe tensions among its members.

In 2015 a special agreement between Russia, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, according to which the Eurasian Economic Union is established, takes effect. In January the world is rocked again by a new terrorist attack, this time in the centre of Paris, when twelve people are murdered in the attack on the headquarters of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. The news is soon followed by a financial shock from Switzerland, which unexpectedly abolishes the limits on the exchange ratio between its currency, the franc, and the euro, which again causes a new shock on the global financial markets. There are already more than 7 billion people living in the world…

Fifth Decade


Adria Reaches Peak Again

In 2006 Adria jubilee caravan Action receives the title The Caravan of the Year in the Netherlands. After an eighteen year long hiatus, Adria Mobil organised the ECF assembly in Bled, where it hosted all the representatives and suppliers from the European caravanning branch. At the regular yearly meeting of the association, where more than 80 leading representatives of the companies from all around Europe took part, its activities regarding the introduction of a unified homologation standards for producers of caravans and motorhomes in Europe were presented and discussed. At the end of the year 790 people were employed at Adria Mobil, Plc.


In 2007 Adria was the motorhome top selling brand name in Europe, In the same year Adria Mobil bought the Spanish company Sun Roller, one of the leading producers of mobile homes in Spain. A new series of motorhomes Coral Compact and a new representative in the van class, model Adria 4 Twin, were presented.

In this year, the number of people employed at Adria Mobil rose by 6 percent to 839 workers. The company produced 13.499 products, thus achieving the highest sales volume since its inception in 1995. Just as a reminder: in the 1996 season 3.305 products were produced and sold, meaning that in the 12–year period we realised more than 14 percent average yearly growth in production and in sales. Our main markets thus remain France, Italy, Germany, Sweden and Great Britain, which in value terms represent 78 percent of all exports.

2008 was a year of change for the European economy and the caravanning business, directed by events in the financial markets, the fall in consumers' consumption and trust and consequently the financial oscillations on almost all markets. Adria Mobil awaited this turbulent year well – prepared and thus managed to face all the challenges, which appeared on all business fronts.

As far as development is concerned, Adria Mobil continued with the optimisation of its products, also presenting a new motorhome model Polaris. It is based on the third generation of the Mercedes-Benz base vehicle Sprinter and is, due to its elegant internal and external design, high quality production and materials, placed in the top price class and is the result of the development, technological and design knowledge of workers at Adria Mobil, thus representing the very top in its range of products.

In 2006, for the first time in 18 years, Adria once again organized the ECF convention in Bled.

Coral Compact was the latest flagship range of Adria motorhomes intended for urban nomads and restless travellers.

Among the development innovations of 2007, it is worth mentioning the Adria 4 Twin, which successfully continues the tradition of Adria vans.


In the caravan programme, the Adora series experienced the biggest development changes, and was Adria's main ace in the very competitive medium price class. The new Adora was presented in the market with a whole plethora of new functional and design features – with a new shape and colour of windows, new frontal wall and wider track width (chassis Al–KO vario 3).

2009 The economic crisis was in full swing. The European recreational vehicles market saw the continuation of the trend of falling sales – 155.000 vehicles were registered throughout the whole year, which represented, in comparison to the previous year, 18.5 percentage drop. It is worth mentioning that this total volume was reached by selling off the stock, while production itself fell drastically to half of the volume of 2007, amounting in total according to the European Caravan Federation to around 120 thousand units.

In spite of the economic crisis Adria Mobil managed to entirely realise its development investment cycle. The Polaris motorhome successfully survived all the quality tests and was thus put into serial production. The Supreme Edition was a newcomer in Adria's top-selling Coral series, which added to the well – tested quality and functionality a fresh design and new materials. In this year Adria also presented a completely new motorhome, Matrix, uniting the advantages of alcoven and semi-integrated motorhomes. Another new feature, presented in this year, came from the programme of caravans – Adria Alpina personified 45 years of experience, knowledge and innovativeness, united with a well – thought out design and functionality. In the programme of caravans, the new Adria Aviva was presented, intended for all those looking for a light caravan for summer trips.

2008 saw the introduction of one of the most prestigious motorhomes in the Adria fleet, Polaris, which is based on a Mercedes-Benz base vehicle.



In 2009, the company developed Adria Matrix, which represents the latest »architectural« version of motorhomes and combines the advantages of alcove and semi-integrated motorhomes.

The Adria Alpina caravan, which was first introduced during Adria's 45th anniversary, is a caravan for all seasons offering the most travel comfort.

2010 was the year of the 45th Adria brand name jubilee, which was marked with new, innovative and modern products. Adria Sonic was thus presented for the first time, representing a second generation of Adria's integrated motorhomes; the Adria Sport and Adria Coral motorhome series entered the 2011 season completely renovated and modernised. In the caravans programme, Adora Supreme experienced a complete renovation of functionality and design, while the same also happened to the Altea series, offering customers the highest standards of quality and comfort. The quality and innovativeness of the product development was well – received on the market, so Adria realised sales of 8.700 units in 2010, thus exceeding the results from the previous year for 24 percent.


According to the German magazine Reisemobil International, the Adria brand name in 2010 season received for the first time the prestigious award »König Kunde« (the king of the customers). Its products received top marks in the following categories :

* the best foreign producer,

* the top position in the category »comfort«,

* the top position in the category »quality«,

* the top position in the category »customers's care«,

* the top position in the category »price/quality ratio«.

In 2011 Adria Mobil managed to successfully capitalise on its investment in the development of new products, new technologies, information systems, optimisation of business processes and in the continuing rise in the reputation of its brand name. The sales volume in this year amounted to 9.418 products, which represented 4 percentage points more than the previous year. Adria also presented a new range of renovated products in all the key sales programmes – caravans, motorhomes and vans. In total, five completely new series were developed, while three were renovated, a completely new and innovatively designed bathroom concept was also developed, the use of the ALDE heating system was extended to 30 % of all our products, details in design on all products were also upgraded and, last but not least, new layout solutions were also carefully added, with which we wanted to satisfy the wishes of our customers. Or to sum up – Adria Mobil in the 2012 season covers with its products all the product and market segments in all the most important price classes. One of the most important new items from Adria's is a new model in the Sonic family Adria Super Sonic, which with its attractive design, functional interior and high quality production represents the very top range in Adria's integrated motorhomes series. The Adria Matrix series also saw a comprehensive overhaul, which grew into a family with three models, including Adria Matrix Axess, Adria Matrix and Adria Matrix Supreme. For the latter we received the European Innovation Award (EIA). The rich and successful tradition of Adria caravans was in 2012 fulfilled with the completely renovated Adria Adora, the new Adria Astella series and a renovated and still very popular Adria Action.

The Adria Sonic, first developed in 2010, is a second-generation integrated motorhome and the first choice for many satisfied customers.

For its innovative projects in the field of product development, Adria Mobil has received the European Innovation Award for the caravan industry three times.


Another interesting, and especially functional new feature, was prepared in this year – the innovative bathroom concept, named »Adria Ergo Bath.« Its main advantage is in its functionality, as it unites on 1 square meter 3 elements (modern shower console, innovative folding sink and WC) in 2 positions.

In September we started the introduction of the project World Class Manufacturing, whose main aim is to achieve orderliness and efficiency of production proccesses at the highest, globally comparable level by using modern methods and approaches. The project was started with a very condensed introduction of 5S method, but in spite of that the final results exceeded all expectations, and production reached the level in the same year that visibly exceeded all the industry's standards and was at the very same time on par with the best managed production processes in the car industry.

I as Innovative, Integrated, Inteligent

In 2012 Adria Mobil extensively renovated the sales programme again; beside the traditional high quality of production and innovative approaches in the interior design, the 2013 season's collection stands out in the range integrity of all the »architectural« bodywork variations (integrated, semi-integrated, alcove version and »crossover« models), which with the functional layout variations and a rich range of optional packages adapt to every customer's desires.

Adria also presents a new generation of caravans, during whose construction the following three basic principles had been followed – innovativeness, intelligence and the integrated design of the exterior with the final goal to significantly improve the aerodynamics while driving, ergonomics and the comfort during its use and to ensure an easy and more economical service for the customer. The new generation of caravans thus boasts the so-called »i–shape« design, which brings to the fans of an active lifestyle a new experience of the product, and consequently also a new experience of holidays:

i as in innovative: the joint between the side and rear wall is due to the innovative design almost invisible;

i as in integrated: a completely integrated tent profile; there are chrome handles on the rear wall, completely new Adria's LED lights and completely flat windows, entirely integrated into a new design of the caravan bodywork;

i as in intelligent: the rear wall is modular, i.e. made up of several parts, which all enables more affordable and at the same time easier replacement of a part in cases of possible damages.

The investment into the development of products have not gone unnoticed and thus Adria Mobil receives two of the possibly most important awards in the industry – for the motorhome programme Adria wins the prestigious title König Kunde, winning the first place in EIA (European Innovation Award for the caravanning industry) selection for the development of the caravan Astella Glam Edition. Adria also begins developing the motorhome of the future – this is a concept motorhome, whose main aim is to come up with innovative solutions in different fields, which would lead into the increase in the company's products competitiveness from the technological point of view, as well as on the level of comfortable living and simplicity of use.

In spite of the volatility of the European and global economy, Adria Mobil operated successfully in this year, thus selling on different markets 8.501 products in total. Adria also received the certificate Family Friendly Company, as we had been systematically and for a long time building high quality relationships between the company and its members with projects, which additionally consolidate the ties between the employees and their families.

The König Kunde award is considered one of the most prestigious awards in the industry mainly because of the fact that it is based on customers' votes. The award is presented by the motorhome magazine Reisemobil International, and Adria motorhomes have ranked among the winners of this selection for five years running.



In the same year Adria also received the Golden Thread Award as the best employer in Slovenia. This selection is a unique media-research project, having been created on the instigation of the media house Dnevnik, Plc, with the cooperation of the experts from The Faculty of Economics, Philosophical Faculty and Faculty for Social Sciences at University of Ljubljana. The Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia and the Career Centre for Education and Training awarded Adria with the certificate Learning Organisation on the basis of the realisation that the company successfully creates, acquires, transfers and adapts the required knowledge regarding the strategic requirements and goals.

In 2013 Adria Mobil presents for the first time a completely renovated Adria Coral and a caravan Altea. That is our response to the question, how to redesign cult vehicles in a new way, and in general how to move the Adria brand name into the future, while preserving its basic DNK.

The exterior of the new Altea has been renovated in accordance with „i–design“ concept, which includes an innovative frontal and rear wall and takes the styling inspiration indirectly from Astella Glam Edition. The interior ambience has also been drastically renovated – the kitchen is ergonomically optimised and has a perfected layout arrangement for the preparation of meals, cooking and washing, the cooker and the sink have been designed specifically for Adria, offering maximally used working space. The new Altea has been designed for »a brighter living,« and due to this, innovative lightning is used everywhere, including the LED lights and adjustable ambiental illumination.

The »new Coral« has also experienced a development upgrade – this is a descendant of the Coral series of very successful motorhomes; since 1999, when they were first launched onto the market, more than 30.000 have been sold. Coral has always been appreciated by its owners due to its durability and reliability, as well as its comfortable and spacious interior.The new Coral exceeds these already very high standards. The new interior has an aerodynamic and attractive profile for easier use. It is made on one platform, but customers may choose

The Astella Glam Edition represents a new generation of caravans featuring the »i–shape« design and is aimed at achieving an overall improvement in customer satisfaction.


among six interior arrangements, three packages of equipment, two colour textile schemes, three colours of chassis; there are over 70 individual options available.

Adria receives for the third time in concession the EIA – European Innovation Award – for the development of new products (the award is given by a panel of experts, made up of the member editors from 12 European industry media) and is selected among the top three finalists for the prestigious König Kunde title for the fourth time in a row. Adria motorhomes present themselves for the first time at the most demanding rally Dakar together with the KTM Red Bull Factory Racing team.

The business year 2014 was one of the most successful for Adria Mobil, as all segments experienced growth: the segment of caravans realised 5,7 percentage growth in comparison with the previous year, while segments of motorhomes and vans experienced 6,7 percentage growth; on average the company experienced 6,2 percentage growth compared with the previous year, when it had 5,9 percentage growth in sales.

In this year Adria experiences the renovation of its logo and visual identity, for which a higher symmetry and clearer shapes of all visual elements is typical. The new image and the dynamic character of the renovated Adria logo is reflected in the new interactive digital newspaper Inspirations, which brings closer to its readers the authenticity of caravanning and describes the story of Adria and its development in an interesting way.

Inspired by its new visual indentity, Adria presents a jubilee collection of its products for the 2015 season, among which especially the caravan Altea4four stands out, which with the functional basis and many options of personalisation speaks to the customers of tomorrow. Adria presents one of its flagship products, namely, the integrated motorhome Sonic Supreme, representing the top range of Adria motorhomes. Adria also presents the completely renovated Adora series of caravans, which excites the customers with its huge panoramic window and its now well recognised »i–design« concept.

World Class Manufacturing was the project through which Adria Mobil started introducing the 5S method into its production processes. The basic aim of this programme is to implement modern methods and approaches in order to attain a high level of order and efficiency in operational processes that is comparable to the rest of the world. The project results exceeded all expectations with production reaching a level that notably surpassed the industry standards, placing it side by side with the best-ordered production lines in the automotive industry.

Innovative, dynamic, daring, different, inspired – the Altea4four.



In 2015 we offer our customers some jubilee products, aptly named Adria 50 year Silver Collection: Matrix in the motorhome segment, Twin among vans and in the caravan segment, Adora and Altea are on offer. All four selected models have had some special, jubilee elements added – e.g. we have refreshed the graphics and upgraded certain elements in the interior. The customers have accepted the aforementioned products with excitement, which is more evidence that Adria's products are of high quality, appealling as far as the design is concerned, functional, and that in the world of caravanning the Adria brand name is well – rooted and recognised as one of the most successful in the industry. The production plan for this year stands at 9.000 products, which is at the same time a sort of confirmation of the company's dedication to long-lasting growth and its orientation towards development. We will continue emphasising team spirit, the importance of knowledge and innovativeness and, last but not least, customer satisfaction and the satisfaction of all the employees, which are intangible, but essential values in the company.

The Adria Silver Collection is an anniversary product range, which brings an elegant exterior design complemented by a richly furnished interior.


About Adria 375 Caravan, a Story of a Caravanning Legend

We already know the story about Adria's first caravan so we shall sum up only certain facts from this almost incredible story. The caravan itself was according to Mr Lukšič – a catastrophy. The chassis had the load capacity of 750 kgs, while the empty caravan weighed an incredible 1000 kgs. The engineer Mr Sever towed this first caravan all the way to Sweden with his own personal car, popular at that time, namely, a »DKW«. The construction and the shape itself were not suitable for selling. But in spite of everything, this marked the beginning of a story, in which certain key people recognised the importance of an added value and who also believed that the beginner's mistakes represented only necessary experiences required for the future undertakings. And that is how they started anew. After six months a prototype of a new caravan measuring 375 cm in length with 40 mm insulation and without ventilation was built. This prototype satisfied the requirements of the Swedish buyers and thus the first sale was realised. The problems arose with the second and third supply, when due to a technical glitch, water entered into the caravan, but the team of specialists managed to fix the problem. For the Swedish market, the caravans from IMV were supplied by two traders, namely, Harry Johnsson and K.W. Karlsson, who simultaneously also sold the caravans made by a Swedish company Osby. When these two stopped cooperating with Osby, they sent the last caravan from this series, named Opia, to Novo mesto, which later became a model for the Opatija caravan. And here lies the basis for Adria's new caravan (in terms of development, a successful production and sales) path.

The Action speaks a new design language that still thrills our customers and excites them with a primal passion for travel.

About the Caravans


But back to the legendary Adria 375 or this series of caravans, which after many an adventure is today an integral part of Slovenian technical culture in the heart of Dolenjska and which is kept in the museum of the car and caravan industry in Dolenjska. In essence, this caravan has been preserved for posterity only by a typical Dolenjska stubbornness, as the caravan was faced with a slow, but inevitable end, which is again described by Mr. Lukšič, MSc, in one of the company's internal newspaper editions Adriaš.si a few years ago. This very same caravan had been restored and presented at many European fairs on several occasions, while having served its owner very well, having travelled all over Europe and even over a huge chunk

of Russia. But then it almost fell apart, waiting for someone to remove it from the sun and rain, then to look at its almost totally rotten insides and to renovate it with heart and passion and to finally put it where it rightfully belongs, namely, in a museum. From there the caravan was taken back on the road in Adria's jubilee season 2015. In August of 2014 it was taken firstly to Düsseldorf and then also to some other fairs in Europe.

Adria 375 is today a museum exibit and an elderly »lady«, while also being an important symbol of times gone by, worth remembering with the utmost respect.


Idea, vision, desire, striving for success, knowledge and development – there are many factors which have contributed to the creation of the legendary Adria 375.

Similarly to other caravans, Adria 375 has seen much of the world and was finally showcased in the trade fairs across Europe in 2014. Today, it is part of the Slovenian industrial and technological heritage.


About Aura 2000 – Caravan for a New Millenium

At the turn of the century the Adria development engineers toyed with the idea of marking this historic event with a futuristically designed caravan. The idea was postponed for various reasons to the next year 2001, when Adria celebrated its 35th jubilee, a new caravan, AURA 2000, appeared. To stand out from other caravans, the new one got a more roundly connected roof and windows, newly designed lower bodywork rims, representing the combination between aluminium and vacuum profiles, smooth external bodywork coating from polyester plates, on which it was possible to apply new decorative graphics in 3M scothprint technology. Consequently, the caravan's appearance became softer, while the blue-gray graphics specifically associated not only with the sea per se, but also with the lakes and nature itself. Also the interior differed from all the previous ones with the innovative arrangement of furniture with large fronts, luxurious double bed, bathroom, kitchen, seating area and harmony between the warm colour of the floor, textile and plywood panels. The caravan was intended for the luxurious living of two persons and was consequently also adequately equipped, thusly receiving a great interest from the public, firstly at the fair in Parma in Italy and then also in Düsseldorf,

Germany. Aura 2000 was a slam dunk and a proof that under the Adria brand name products, which reach much further than the competition in this field, are made. At Adria's 35th jubilee in 2001, Aura 2000 was upgraded, getting its own more standard shape and an addition to its name – it became L'Aura, while its technical and design solutions became the basis for a new generation of caravans – Adiva. And the idea about the futuristic caravan? This was postponed for a later time, while getting its first prototype basis only after thirteen years as a conceptual motorhome AM 1000.

About the Action Caravan – Adventure Ready

This Adria caravan was designed for the 40th anniversary of the Adria brand name, while its unique shape was the brain child of the designer Nina Mihovec. It was intended specifically for a younger generation of caravanning lovers, as the interior length of this compact caravan is only 3,6 meters with a very well used interior. Three persons can sleep in it depending on the layout. The Action caravan, distinguished by a modern interior, Adria »Smart Kitchen« and the bathroom Adria Ergo bath is always ready for action regardless of where you want to go. The unique design basis and the polyester construction is built upon the AL–KO chassis, while the exterior is usually in a grey or classical white colour with a blue pattern, tent light and installed external handles. The tiny Action is undoubtedly distinguished by an respectably large storage compartment. Its other distinctive feature is that originally it was regarded only as a product, dedicated to Adria's jubilee, but due to its special shape, »huge smallness« and practicality (and undoubtedly its constant readiness »for action«!) it has become so popular among the lovers of caravans that after ten years its production is still been running. There is another interesting detail worth mentioning, namely, its exterior in the last decade has not seen any significant change. The famous design studio from Ljubljana – Gigodesign, which takes care of the design of the whole range of Adria caravans, has also left its recognisable stamp on this caravan for the last five years.

Producing a caravan for the new millennium meant gathering all the innovative procedures and linking them together into a product that would rise to the challenges that have yet to come.


Another interesting bit of information: »Action« was not the first Adria niche product, intended for younger buyers. During the era of the first Adria caravans in the late sixties of the previous century the house engineers designed a series of holiday caravans named Junior. This series included three or four models: Junior 320, 380 and 450, and a little later another model 500. A high level of standardisation was typical for the entire series. All models had the same exterior shape, the exterior itself was a white colour, and all models had standard furniture. The speciality of this series was, as attested in his memoirs by its founding father, Mr Stanislav Lukšič, MSc, that for the furniture instead of the plywood plates, hardboard in three colour patterns, namely, blue, yellow and red, was used. The series Junior was then produced in Belgium in the factory in the city of Deinze, but it operated for only two years, as the series was not interesting for the potential buyers, as opposed to its future distant relative, created in 2005, the Action series. The attempts to attract younger customers to holiday caravans did not die though, as they started in the eighth generation to create a product for the young. This story thus created two prototypes, but the project was later abandoned. It remained so until 2003, when the idea was resurrected, and the project was also given a new working name – Young, while the design was entrusted to a young and, with the previous solutions unburdened designer Nina Mihovec. Thusly, the Action caravan was born.

About the Astella Glam Edition – and what Happens when You Unite Glamour with Camping

»Concerning the Astella Glam Edition we can only say that this is truly a new story, with which Adria Mobil has entered the segment of glamorous caravans and more and more popular »glamping«. This is an already known term worldwide, joining together two words, namely, glamour and camping into glamping. We therefore deal with glamorous camping, where the contact with nature

Aesthetics, functionality, comfort – the Astella Glam Edition announced the arrival of a new generation of Adria caravans which are today recognised for their "i-shape" design.



is of the utmost importance, as was explained in the Adriaš.si by Mrs Slavica Šterk, MSc. She also explained that this was a complete novelty, which had taken over the European caravanning market, and had thus become the winner of the prestigious European Innovation Award for the innovative concept of interior and exterior holiday caravan design, and thus had overtaken the entire European competition. For this concept the project group at Adria Mobil also received the golden award for innovativeness from the Chamber of Commerce for Dolenjska and Bela krajina.

Speaking about Astella Glam Edition, which was presented to the public in 2012, this was a product with design and technological superlatives, which had been made possible with the introduction of new materials and equipment and with the implementation of the complete modular dimensional, as well as constructional approach in the new constructions of furniture and exterior. The project's goal was to make a huge step forward design and construction-wise and to shed a new light on vacationing in caravans, which can also be very glamorous. The final result was the Astella Glam Edition caravan. The modular approach when developing individual joints, as started with the Astella Glam Edition caravan and the individual elements, which were the result of the development of individual modules were later transferred to the entire caravans programme and also to the part of the Adria motorhomes programme. Another new feature is a multifunctional and ergonomically constructed kitchen (»Smart kitchen«), a new modular designed bathroom (»Ergo bath«), uniting three functions (WC, sink and shower) on one square meter of surface. Consequently this sort of design of the kitchen and bathroom was followed by the modular arrangement of all other joints in the caravan, namely, seating groups, sofas, beds and wardrobes. An important part of the user-friendly interior was also the heating system. The entire interior arrangement is designed in such a way that it enables warm water heating (Alde), while the customer can also enlarge the living comfort with the wide selection of optional equipment.

Two of the most important recognisable elements, namely, the design and construction exterior elements of Astella Glam Edition are the frontal and rear walls, as a new design. The construction of these walls had been firstly introduced with this model, and were later transferred to the entire caravan programme. The frontal and rear wall elements

are also modular based. Multimodular composition enables easier repairs of damaged elements, and especially an easier and cheaper entry logistics and logistics in the production itself, and finally it also enables an easier assembly. The newly designed frontal and rear walls have been named due to their modular base the intelligent shape or shorter i–shape.The important part of the rear wall are exclusively for Adria made rear lights, which are an important and unique producer's »signature«, according to which Adria's products differ greatly and significantly from all other products on the market. With a new group of Astella Glam Edition caravans Adria Mobil has thus achieved the following goal: it now has an entire range of various caravans with an expanded selection in the top price segment. And this is the main reason for Astella Glam Edition, as this has been a strategically very important project, which has significantly affected Adria Mobil positioning in the higher price range.

About the Altea Caravan – Designed for Comfortable Living

Altea is a caravan designed for – awards, as it has already won the European Innovation Award, which it received due to its innovative design, and the Caravan of the Year award on the Dutch market. There are several Altea models on offer with an interior length of 3,9 to 5,5 meters and various layouts. The award winning caravan is built on the AL–KO chassis with the »i–shape« of the exterior, dynamic frontal and rear wall, polyester bodywork construction (GFK) and with aluminium side walls. This is a modern caravan with a huge seating area and a new lighting system with the ambiental lights, floodlights and LED lights. It enables the accommodation up to 7 persons in different layout arrangements with single, twin single, double bed or French double bed in combination with double or triple bunks. The new Adria kitchen – “Smart kitchen” has a gas cooker with three burners and a cover, the sink and an optimised working space and the storage compartment. It also has 97 liters or 190 liters fridge, depending on the model with the assumed space for a microwave. Adria's Ergo bath offers a folding sink, toilet and shower. It also offers a Truma heating system and the possibility of an upgrade like the



Truma Ultraheat and electric floor heating. It has the new, already mentioned »i–shape« exterior of the holiday caravan with innovative, intelligent features, including positioning lights, LED floodlights, installed handles, tent profile and flat windows. The Altea's interior is also newly designed with selected textiles in graphite and silver colour.

About Altea4four – Created for Dreaming

For the jubilee 50–years of Adria's brand name anniversary, our designers decided to tackle a special task, namely, to create something new, refreshing, encouraging, simply something – dream-like. Thus in the business year of 2014 a star of the 2015 product season was born, the holiday caravan Altea4four, which had its world premiere at the Düsseldorf Caravanning Salon, where it attracted a lot of attention and admiration. It was sent »on its way« with a special hint for the buyers, namely: »create your own caravan«, and with a telling sales slogan: »GoWhite«, »GoColor« or »GoSignature«, which is a complete innovation on the caravanning market, as are many innovative technological solutions in the caravan itself.

Altea4four is in fact a modern designed caravan for four persons, whose layout is so innovatively designed that it has all the characteristics of a big caravan. Its speciality is its external graphics or, better said, its 29 variations of it. And of course the so-called »i–shape« of its exterior with innovative, intelligent characteristics, including the position lights, LED reflectors, built-in handles, tent profiles and flat side windows.

All models of Altea4four are made in accordance with Adria's top standards regarding insulation, reliability and endurance, where the best polyester construction (GFK) for the side walls AluDesign® and the chassis AL–KO for easier and safer control and handling of the vehicle are combined.

The Altea won the European Innovation Award for the caravan industry; it is also one of Adria's top selling caravans.

The Altea4four caravan, which marked Adria's 50th anniversary, has introduced a new energy and freshness into the European recreational vehicle market.


About the Names of Caravans

The first generation of caravans was built in 1968 on the basis of the first prototypes, which had the unified shape of the frontal and rear wall, while it was marked by its »oval-shaped« external look. The names of caravans basically denoted their length (Adria 305, 380, 450), while the internal arrangement was divided into different types. For example, SL type had a typical frontal diagonal bed, the kitchen block was on the left, on the right side was the entrance and behind it a wardrobe and the so-called »diagonal 'dinet' group« at the back (kitchen seating set), while the caravan was without breaks; the next type carried the designation SB (the same as SL, but with breaks), while the SLB differed from the two previously mentioned in that it had the »dinet group« in the front instead of a diagonal bed. In a similar way the other models differed from each other. At its end, the first generation of caravans included 13 models and around 30 types and three series: Europa de Lux, Exquisit and Superior. With this range of products, Adria conquered all markets of western Europe.

The second generation of caravans was created during the 1978–1984 period and its main characteristic was the balanced shape of the bodywork with equally shaped frontal and rear wall. Windows got a blue coloured band. The range of vehicles in this generation already included five series with 14 models and 22 types, while the names of the series differed depending on the market or had market names; in France, the series carried these names: Balade, Randone, Evasion, Horizon, Galaxie, in Germany: Europa de Luxe, Brioni, Kornati, in Italy: Superleggera, Confort, Lusso, Gran lusso, Abitazione, in Sweden: Skandinavia. With such wide selection and the market on the upswing, Adria in 1980 reached its volume zenith – 26.757 caravans, which represented 11– percent market share on a very demanding western market.

The third generation of caravans was created during the 1982 – 1994 period and it had a typical aerodynamic shape of its frontal part, the colour was also slightly changed, and the move away from the graphic decorative monotony of the exterior was made. In this generation Adria made a huge step forward from a technological point of view, as it introduced the so-called sandwich technologies, used in the production

of parts of the bodywork. The prestigious series was named Mistral, while the commercial names again differed depending on the market (Cobra, Tigra, Mystra, Syrana in France. Toura, Optima, Maxima, Supra – in England, etc.)

Until 2005 there were nine generations in total; the especially interesting generation was the fifth one (1995–2005), which had a standardised name UNICA, while the names of series had already been replaced with designations, namely: A (basic shape and equipment), B (medium class) and C (prestigious class). The basic shape of this generation, known as ALTEA, is still in use today. As a matter of fact, denomination of products has since followed a new criteria – the obligatory letter »A« at the beginning and at the end of a name: AlpinA, AdorA, AlteA, AvivA… To this generation belongs an exception to the rule, namely, the already mentioned caravan ActioN. It was about a special edition for the Adria brand name 40 year old jubilee anniversary in 2005, which with its name hinted at its main purpose: the desire for action and adventure with a caravan, appropriate for achieving these sorts of (holiday) goals and »adventurous« feats.

The names of Adria caravans reflect the period in which they were created; they also refer to the measurements and typical features of individual layouts.


About Different Purposes of Caravans

Adria caravans have changed their purpose over the decades, though primarily they were (and still are) used mostly for vacationing. Caravan production in its essence belongs to the car manufacturing industry, and due to this they were generally known as – car trailers. Later they were known as sort of dwelling units, primarily used when going on vacations; only later did they 'get' the international name – caravan, and only after that the aforementioned moniker ‘caravan’ stuck. These products were occasionally also used for other activities, namely, as kiosks or dental surgeries, used in communities, where such medical care was not available as in the standard, 'stationary' form. Here it is worth mentioning that such an Adria caravan prototype was displayed in 1970 at the Zagreb International Medicine and Technology Fair, and such caravans were mostly used on the remote Dalmatian islands. The Cargo type caravan was primarily used for the transportation of different load up to the total weight of 1100 kgs with wing or rolo doors. The Kamper type caravan was a sort of intermediate combination / hybrid between a caravan and an accommodation container. When a catastrophic earthquake struck Banja Luka (in today's Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina) in the autumn of 1969, the old company IMV quickly responded by sending monetary help to the affected area in the amount of 30 million old dinars (Yugoslav currency of that time), while also sending one of its biggest caravans 9–meter long Adria 900 to the town's Accident Reconstruction Directory, which was consequently used as a Civil Defence Headquarters' office. Thus, this product got a new meaning and a new designation – field headquarters, so that caravans used later as offices were not considered as anything unusual.

Although travelling is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear the word caravan, caravans can serve various other purposes (the photograph shows a camper unit – an intermediary between a caravan and a mobile home; a dentist's surgery; a caravan for transporting pets).



The Story Reaches Back to the Sixties

The European story about motorhomes has its roots back in the 80s of the previous century, when they slowly started to move from America to the continent. What is interesting is the fact that Adria's story concerning the motorhomes is even older, as the ideas about developing motorhomes appeared in the plans of the former IMV at the end of the sixties when the Yugoslav Patent Office in Belgrade at the IMV 's specific request on the 16th of January 1969 protected the Adriatik brand name; half a year later IMV achieved the same on the international level at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (Organisation mondiale de la propriete intelectuale), headquartered in Geneve, which was basically a visionary decision, as the product became a reality only twenty years later.

The desire of the former IMV's management was to build the first Motorhome on a Mercedes-Benz chassis, but this never materialised. The production of the first prototype thus goes back to 1982, when the development team, lead by the engineer Mr Stanislav Lukšič, made the first prototype – the Adriatik 420 motorhome, and later in one week only, another one, Adriatik 450, both based on the Renault's chassis, the latter even with a unique layout solution. Both prototypes were then taken to the Belgrade car fair, where they gained quite a lot of an interest and admiration. Unfortunately, the sales never materialised due to several reasons, namely, the difficult economic situation, the reduced market interest etc. Thus the third planned prototype Adriatik 390, based on the Renault Trafic vehicle, was built in the spring of 1984 and presented at the development&sales conference in Portorož. All three types were the alcoven versions (the type of vehicles with the original chassis and the

About the Motorhomes

The first idea for a "self-propelled caravan" came about in 1969 and it was a clear indicator of Adria's long-term vision regarding product development.


driver cabin, while the living quarters were upgraded, the speciality was additional bed places above the cabin in the loft), its exterior was square, contours were sharp, with broken lines, decoration was black and white. As far as layouts were concerned, they took their inspiration from caravans.

Another prototype was built in 1985. It was also an alcoven version, but it was based on the Fiat Ducato 14 chassis with, for those times, a typical broken sharp contour shape of the exterior bodywork. Soon after two new prototypes were built, named only with letters A and B, which were assembled in the factory in Deinze, which also represented the start of the Adriatik motorhome production in Belgium. The production basically started in February 1986, and the next year new versions started to be added to the first two prototypes (different layout, shapes of the exterior contours, decorative graphics, etc.). In 1987 the motorhomes got a new, softer, rounded external shape, while in 1991 semi-integrated motorhomes (a more compact look and without the loft part above the driver‘s cabin) with five different layouts in total joined the alcoven versions of motorhomes. 1993 meant the end of the production of the Adriatik motorhomes, as the factory in Belgium went into bankruptcy. The intention was to move the production to Slovenia to the former Adria Caravan, but due to the economic situation, the decision was never made.

In 1995 the Pössl project was created, named after the German trader, who had suggested the start of the production of the equipped furgon – type of vans (a type of vehicle with the producer's bodywork, equipped for living). The first prototype was made in 1996 and presented at the Düsseldorf Fair, while its commercial name Duo Van hinted at the possibilities of its use – for living, as well as for the transportation of goods, for which you only needed to remove certain pieces of furniture. The production of the zero series started in the same year, while serial production began in February of the next year. The project was economically sound, the great majority of buyers were in Italy, France, Germany and in Scandinavia. Two new models, Win and Twin, were later added to the basic version of Duo Van.

The prototype of the Adriatik motorhome was produced in 1985 in Deinze, Belgium, where mass production of motorhomes began a year later.

The first motorhome prototype from 1982 was designed with an innovative layout.


Adria‘s Motorhomes Conquer Europe

The motorhomes experienced a new development period in the middle of 1997 under the name Adriatik II. The prototypes were built on Fiat's chassis in two layout arrangements and in two lengths. The first production started in May of 1998, followed by an intensive development and the increase in the number of models, firstly in the alcoven version, and later also in the semi-integrated. Mercedes-Benz (at first the alcoven version and then also the semi-integrated vehicle Stargo), Renault Trafic (at first the minature version of the van named 3–Way) and Renault Master (alcoven version and the semi-integrated motorhome named Izola) were added to the original base vehicle Fiat Ducato.

At the Adria‘s 40th anniversary in 2005 a new version of the integrated motorhome was built (it is an upgrade of the base vehicle, which is in fact an easily – recognisable Adria) on the basis of the Renault Master, named Vision. This rounded off Adria's range of products, which had managed to raise its market share above 6 percent and also announced its new development cycle of Adria.

In 2007 Adria's family of motorhomes got a new member – Coral Compact as an answer to the trend of small, but widely versatile motorhomes, which with their innovative concept offer above average comfort. Vans got a model Adria 4 Twin, suitable for »wandering around« and for four passengers. In 2008 Adria presented the semi-integrated Polaris motorhome, while in 2009 it expanded its range with the Matrix motorhome. This is a combination of the alcoven version and a semi-integrated vehicle with various commercial names: Matrix Supreme, Matrix Plus and Matrix Axess.

The first semi-integrated motorhome was introduced in 1991; the S 650 A and S 650 F models featured an original layout.

Stargo was the first Adria motorhome manufactured on a Mercedes-Benz base vehicle.


The motorhomes were soon endowed with a softer, more rounded shape. The sales plans for 1989 envisaged the production of 1,200 units; the largest markets were in Italy, Germany and France.


The Adria 3Way was a real companion for everyday use as well as travelling.

For the celebration of Adria Mobil's 45th anniversary in August 2010 the motorhome Adria Sonic had its world premiere. It is a representative of Adria's second generation of integrated motorhomes, uniting the unique functional and innovative solutions for internal and external elements.That is also the time when Adria's motorhomes start appearing at prestigious sport competitions. Since 2005, when the company became the general sponsor of the Cycling Team from Novo mesto (its official name is Adria Mobil Cycling Team), its products – from caravans to motorhomes – have become an integral part of the cycling caravan all around Europe. Since 2012, when the company signed a sponsorship contract about cooperation with the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team, its products also can be seen at the most prestigious automobile and motorcycling race in the world – the Dakar rally on the other side of the Atlantic in South America.


The Adria Coral. An Icon.

This is Adria's great selling success, as it has been present on the motorhome market since 1999. More than 30.000 of these products have been sold on the European market since its inception. Adria's development engineers and design partners have followed all the changes in trends, thus reaching the desired goal, namely, to give the vehicle a slim line and luxurious interior, or in other words, to offer the customer a motorhome which stands out in its great usefulness and in its aesthetic design.The story about Coral was created as Adria's answer to the trend of increasing motorhomes sales in Europe.The Coral series today belongs among semi-integrated motorhomes with different layout solutions, while two of its special versions, Coral Classic (alcoven edition) and Coral Compact are also among the best sellers. Generally speaking, the Coral series is best described with the slogan »experienced traveller with style«, which was virtually created during the various travelling experiences of the most demanding users. This motorhome is big enough and adequately luxuriously-equipped to enable a pleasant stay and living for its passangers, while at the same time being small enough to reach any place. Some versions of Coral have 6 type-approved seats, while it is also distinguished by its large cargo compartment, and – what convinces customers the most – its exterior, made from polyester, resistant to hail and other damage. A special emphasis was given to Coral in season 2014, which can be seen in the redesign of the whole family, as it has got a new external and internal look, while modularity enables different levels of equipment or the selection of such a model, which complies to the desires, as well as wallets of different categories of customers.

The Coral Compact, which was introduced in 2007, was very well received on the market and remains part of Adria's fleet to this day.


The Adria Matrix. New Motorhome Architecture.

Yes, this is specifically a story about a so-called crossover motorhome, which represents a combination of the alcoven version and a semi-integrated vehicle with commercial names being Matrix Supreme, Matrix Plus and Matrix Axess. Why crossover at all? Simply because it is necessary to give the market the combination of the best, offered on the one hand by the semi-integrated and on the other hand by the alcoven motorhomes with special emphasis on the so-called »cap« or »hump«, located above the driver's cabin where a bed is installed. Adria's development engineers came to an optimal solution with the introduction of this model, namely, the bed is installed partly above the driver's cabin and partly above the living room area, which can be seen today in practically all »crossover« models. In the last 2015 versions, many new improvements have been added, especially in connection with the interior height in combination with the position of the loft's bed. Although we are concerned with a few unimportant centimeters, it is a well known fact within the profession that it is these small details which can make a product more ergonomic, more user-friendly, more functional and, last but not least, more elegant and aerodynamic. Another speciality of the Adria Matrix are the windows themselves, which are placed above the lifting bed, while generally speaking, Matrix also brings an elegant and symmetrical external design. The Matrix family also offers a customer useful space in the seating part of the living room area, and if the need be, there is also a type-approved additional seat, double floor and a whole lot of other details, which make living in a small space extremely well organised.

With its functional and spacious interior as well as dynamic exterior design, the Adria Matrix was an immediate success.


The Story about Sonic – a New King of the Roads

In celebration of the 45th anniversary of the Adria brand name, Adria Sonic motorhome – a representative of the second generation of Adria integrated vehicles, into whose design in addition to the work force in Adria Mobil themselves, a Swedish company KABE Husvagnar AB and a German company DesignQuadrat, which designed one frontal wall for both brand names, were also deeply involved – had its world premiere in August 2010. »The name Sonic originates from the Latin word »sono«,which means to create a sound, also a response. As it is built on the basis of the 45-year long experience and know-how and in accordance with the latest technology, Sonic is the first »sound« of the Adria brand name in the year 2011« – was written by its creators at the birth of this new design-wise and technologically sophisticated masterpiece.

The main goal was to present to the customers a modern design and a motorhome concept with supreme aerodynamics and elegant looks, and due to this, a special emphasis during the developmental phase was given to the design itself and to the technological process of making the frontal wall, which was made with the help of so-called vacuum technology, which was used for the first time in motorhome production. This technology enabled the production of the aerodynamic design of the frontal wall, which reduces air resistance, while also offering innovative ecological solutions, which significantly reduce the quantity of waste material during the production process, as waste material as such practically does not even exist. Sonics' dynamic look was additionally complemented by an integrated roof window, new front lights, which also included the possibility of setting the light beam according to the height regarding the vehicle's load and day running lights with LED technology. The graphic design was minimalistic, but at the very same time also elegant, emanating from the frontal part of the vehicle, creating the truly integrated external look of the 7,5 meter long Sonic. The modern external vehicle's design was followed by the well-thought out vehicle's interior, where nothing was left to chance: systematically designed

A new integrated motorhome, Sonic, was first launched globally during the 45th anniversary of the Adria brand. The photograph captures the highlights of the Düsseldorf Caravan Salon, the largest trade fair for motorhomes and caravans in Europe, where Anton Kastrevc, Günter Holona, Sonja Gole and Matjaž Grm first presented the latest and most important feature in Adria's fleet.


and installed windows and an internal lifting bed, which is specifically well-integrated into the motorhome's ceiling, a sitting group, modern kitchen, bathroom, etc.

As was mentioned in the introduction, a special feature of the second generation of integrated motorhomes is the fact that it was created in cooperation with partners in Sweden (company Kabe Husvaagnar AB) and in Germany (DesignQuadrat).Two motorhomes were created from one frontal wall (brand name Adria and Kabe). In one word, twins (almost) with minimal differences – e.g. the heating system with the Swedish version offers only the Alde system option (warm water heating), while the Slovenian version offers both options, namely, Alde and Truma (warm air).

The story about Sonic has got its sequel in the jubilee season 2015, as Adria has launched its prestigious Sonic Supreme series, which now enables even more luxurious trips, as it has a completely new interior design, functional layout solutions, and together with other internal and external elements, which are totally integrated on the Fiat base vehicle, give the impression of complete unity. The new external look is made in a very fashionable way, as it is designed in the so-called »new age« design style together with a new rear wall and with the best equipment, in which we can also include the Alde heating (with warm water), while the Truma heating (with warm air) is also on offer to customers. Generally for the Sonic family, and especially for Sonic Supreme, it is justifiably said that it is the new king of the roads. Its interior is designed in such a way that the experts themselves claim that it represents a new milestone without comparison; its exterior, on the other hand, excells with the silver aluminium bodywork, with the Comprex construction and a new rear wall and exclusive lights with LED technology. Sonic also has the exclusive, easily recognisable front grille and a giant panoramic window, upgraded AL–KO chassis, new bus-style side mirrors and wider entrance door for easier use. At Adria Mobil, we are very proud of this motorhome, and its quality and innovativeness is confirmed by numerous awards and especially numerous customers.

About the Motorhome of the Future

In the developed work environment people and companies, capable of thinking outside the box, are a rare commodity. Adria is an exception, as it has upgraded its development department in the last decade. In 2011 Adria Mobil gained EU funds through the so – called SDDC (˝KROP˝ in Slovene) tender (Strengthening of the Development Departments in Companies), whose main goal was to establish a development team within Adria Mobil, also registered with the Slovenian Research Agency (SRA), and which was financed mostly with European funds. Within this project, a new research and development programme was created, whose main goal was to come up with innovative solutions in many different fields from the technological aspect, as well as from other aspects, viz. a greater

With its modern design, excellent aerodynamics and an elegant appearance, the Sonic should appeal to the most demanding of customers. On photograph the lifting bed which upgrades the functionality of a motorhome.



comfort of living, smoothness of ride and the simplicity of use of its products and, naturally, a greater energy efficiency. The programme was named AM 1000. Its main goal was primarily a long term development, the search and the implementation of new potentials, and also the introduction of new scientific procedures and methods, as well as new ways of research and development work. Within the programme's framework, more than one hundred different innovative solutions have been found and the new concept motorhome, the motorhome of the future, was designed. The concept thus takes into account the more demanding expectations on the part of consumers regarding the vehicle's better energy efficiency, as well as a greater ecological awareness in connection with the reduction in the use of fossile fuels and in general a reduction of emissions into the environment.

Within the Adria's R&D team's efforts the prototype project – a concrete result of the previously-mentioned programme AM 1000, having been named the Concept Motorhome 2013 or Moving Lab – was designed during 2013. The production itself and the concrete development of the project from the conceptual design through the production and to the final testing stages was carried out within the project: »The Concept and implementation of a technologically – advanced motorhome with the development and use of the most advanced solutions in the field of the effective use of renewable energy sources, new materials, light construction, ecosolutions, new propulsion systems and comprehensive intelligent operation« or in short »Project Intelligence«, for which Adria again managed to get the European funding, this time within the tender SMER+ at the beginning of 2013.

The purpose of this motorhome was that when using the living quarters, it offers the user lower energy consumption, thus also extending the authonomy (energy dependancy) of the vehicle, while at the very same time also increasing living comfort, and enabling intelligent control within the motorhome itself. Another important area of interest was the reduction of the weight of the bodywork and furniture. As far as the vehicle's body is concerned, they managed to achieve the previously – stated goal by using new materials, as well as by using new construction solutions. While, as far as the furniture is concerned, they have managed to do the same, especially with the rationalisation of materials and with the change in construction. The increased comfort of living is achieved with the selection of appropriate cushioning materials.

As the vehicle loses most of its heat through its chassis, cabin section (specifically through its windows) and through other openings (doors and the window in the living section), the researchers have managed to achieve a significant reduction in these losses by using more insulators in the bodywork, as well as by removing the thermal bridges in the construction. The insulation of the windows in the living area has been improved with a new design of the lateral windows and also with the window blinds. The concept motorhome has also been thoroughly sealed, while for the air ventilation the recuperation system has been introduced, which warms up the external air with the existing internal one.

Measurements and also experience from the field have shown that the motorhome uses less energy for heating, while in cases of two longer- lasting holidays the consumption of gas in a rather mild winter was less than one gas canister during a period of five or six days. Due to the more improved sealing and insulation, the concept motorhome warms up more quickly and cools off significantly more slowly, while there are no customary cold pockets, especially in the cabin at the feet section.The designers of this new vehicle have also managed to achieve its energy independence by installing a highly capable 200 Ah battery, which can be refilled through the sun cells, as well as through the device with the fuel cell. With new materials and a changed construction of the bodywork, they have managed beside the much improved heat insulation to significantly reduce the vehicle's weight and to achieve a better sound insulation within the vehicle. The weight reduction has also been achieved through the optimisation of the furniture; modern recycled materials have been used for the cushioning, which simultaneously get less humidified, are more airy and are also antiallergic and much lighter.

An important aspect in the development of the concept motorhome is also the advanced control system. In cooperation with the Jožef Štefan Institute, Adria's developers have created a modern control system. This type of module should help the user with advice and procedures regarding energy saving, higher comfort, safety, while it will also be able to make its own decisions regarding the aforementioned parameters; thus it will be able to operate according to a set of pre-programmed instructions, while also being able to learn from individual driver's habits and thus adapt the vehicle's control to his/her specific needs.


Innovative technologies, advanced user experience, convenience and low energy consumption are the research topics for the motorhomes of the future.


About the Mobile Homes

A Mobile Dwelling Unit (MDU) is a name of one of our programmes, which was intended to fill a gap in IMV's range of basic products. The name was borrowed from a project, which was in development in 1976 at several faculties in Ljubljana at the instigation and in cooperation with IMV with the final goal to create light objects which would later be used to settle the Ljubljana Marshes. Unfortunately, the project was not carried out in practice, but the idea stuck, and was later revived by Adria development engineers, headed by Mr Lukšič only at the beginning of the new millenia. Even before the creation of the MDU project, IMV company produced something akin to MDUs, namely, the prototypes, which were similar to and also made on the basis of German »mobilheim«, only they never entered mass production. However, what did enter mass production, were the offices, which served its purpose for many years afterwards – e.g. at IMV's showroom at the Zagreb International Fair, and for the needs of the factory's trade union and as a reception office at the factory's entrance.

The true story regarding the MDU begins, as mentioned before, only in 2002, when the first prototype, which bore almost no resemblance to the existing mobile units of various German producers, was made. They made these units exclusively as caravans, while Adria's prototype introduced a whole range of new elements: an exclusive roofing, insulation and vinyl coated bodywork, the exterior bodywork's plastic coating and the entire interior equipment. The first prototype MSE 760 was 7700 mm long and 3300 mm wide, while the usable interior space amounted to 24 square meters. The product was called Adria–Home. The extremely high quality and consequently rather pricey production of such a house, as well as its interior, was unfortunately not well received by customers, as they prefered the more modestly made and equipped products of our competitors.

The photograph shows one of the most modern versions of the Adria xLine mobile home, which was set up in the Adria Village, an up-market campsite located in Pakoštane.


From MDUs to sLine and xLine and a Special Sort of »Sandwich«

In spite of these beginner's problems, Adria Mobil continued with the development of these products and thus offered to potential customers four new models in 2005. In 2007 Adria Mobil became the owner of the Spanish company Sun Roller. Beside motorhomes and caravans this company also produced and marketed mobile dwelling units all over Europe. In 2003 the Adria Dom company, headquartered in Črnomelj, also started with serial production in Slovenia. The company agreed to follow these principles regarding the mobile dwelling units' production, namely: to offer to the customer an intelligent design in external, as well as in the internal arrangement and layout, to install top of the range quality material, to take into

consideration the principles of top quality, endurance and product reliability, to take care of the environment and to offer the best ratio between quality and price.Today Adria mobile units are made according to European standards EN 1647, EN 721 and international standard of quality ISO 9001, which among other things means that the unit's frame ensures resistance to corrosion, that the floor is optimally insulated, that the wall insulation is extremely adequate, as is ensured by using 45 mm or 55 mm wide pressure-designed sandwich panels. The windows and doors are made from PVC material and double-glazed. The construction speciality of such houses are Adria's so-called sandwich panels, which enable not only a high level of insulation but also strength and optimal hermetic sealing with simple maintenance. Depending on the aforementioned sandwich panels, Adria Dom thus markets today two different types of mobile houses called Adria sLine and Adria xLine. The former is made with the so-called PST technology (Piva sandwich technology), while the latter is made with AST technology (Adria's sandwich technology) with unique solutions.

From Adria Dom to Adria holidays and a beautiful campsite, Kozarica, in Pakoštane on the Adriatic coast is but a little step. Which is, naturally, yet another story.


2002 saw the development of the first prototype for Adria Home, which was an answer to the modern trend of active leisure.


The Nine Phases in the Development of Products or from an Idea to a Fair and Back Again

Our own development of products, our knowledge and the experience of our experts represent the basis of success of the Adria brand name from the very beginning. Adria's development&sales conferences represent the nexus of product development, uniting the knowledge of Adria's experts and partners from various fields, which are necessary for the performance of the seasonal development cycle. »The sales conference, the third in this year, had the intention of setting the sales plans for caravans in the next period. It offered the sales network an option of cooperation with setting new models and design. The analyses of the conditions on the foreign markets, of the competitors’ prices, as well as the analyses of the status of stocks, were presented. The markets, where our products are sold, are different, therefore it is necessary to find a compromise between them, and at the very same time to listen to the specifics of individual markets, where different equipment is required due to the climatic conditions themselves,« was written in the internal newspaper back in 1983.

The development cycle has been improved and upgraded through the decades and is today according to the extremely important time components and demands of the market also optimally set. It includes not only the development team at Adria, but the buyers through its commercial or distribution network. The development cycles usually take one year, where the first phase of the new cycle is simultaneously the final phase of the previous one, including also the market and fair analyses, the first proposals of new technical features, finding out the trends, the designers first solutions, the overview of

About Research and Development


new features, offered by the suppliers. All the collected information collated in this way, is then represented at the October distribution conference, where the key directions for the next season are also set. In the second phase, the time plans, made by the product managers, while constructors and the experts from the research and development department set themselves to the creation of technical-construction documentation, are created. In the third phase, the tools are modelled, the models are made – during this phase the most active are the designers and the experts in the prototype workshop. In the fourth phase, the materials are finally selected, the new features are confirmed, in general terms, the politics regarding the models is outlined, the levels of equipment in individual products are selected and the new features are shown to the distributors. The phase of the creation of the zero series and the preparation of the homologation documentation follows. In the sixth phase, the model politics for the new season is finally confirmed, production makes the first samples for fairs, which in the next stage are put to test, among others on the test ground at Ulm, Germany. The penultimate phase is the presentation of the products for the new season to the distribution partners, followed by the presentations at various fairs, the biggest being held in Düsseldorf, Paris, Jonkoping, while Adria's products are also presented at other industry fairs in Europe: in Oslo, Brussels, Lahti, Birmingham, Stuttgart, Parma, Bern, Barcelona and in Herning. Which brings us to the last, ninth phase, which is also at the same time the first phase of a new development cycle. In this very same order, more than fifty collections of vehicles, bearing the Adria brand name, have been created, which constantly find more and more new owners all around the world.

The Caravanning Story Started in Carpentry Workshops

»I am happy to have had an opportunity to actively cooperate in Adria's story for the last 30 years, although the beginnings were anything but optimistic. The industry itself was, at the end of the 80's, in decline, when I got the opportunity to accept the responsibility of manager of products development. It has been fifteen years since then. Simultaneously, the whole caravanning branch in Europe and

the world started slowly to recover and increase again,« says Mr Anton Kastrevc, today the executive research and development director, who, as he himself says, »was increadibly lucky to have learned a great deal from my predecesor, Mr Stanislav Lukšič, who had been creating the whole range of products for many years and who had been with his heart and soul, and especially with his wide professional knowledge and rich experience, immersed in the development of caravans.« The development process in Adria already includes knowledge from many different fields. Generally speaking, the chassis, caravans' and motorhomes' frames with different upgrades are nothing but road-legal vehicles following all the strict demands and standards applicable for the car industry. And not only in Europe, where there are a lot of specific national rules, laws and directives regarding the car industry, but all around the world, where Adria does its best to make its presence felt with its products.

The year 2014 was immensely demanding for Adria in this field. Namely, Europe had been preparing for several years for the new safety standards, so – called GSRs (General Safety Rules), valid for the car industry, to which our products also belong, so we had to adapt to these new rules. Beside this, we at Adria have been investing a lot of effort, knowledge and experience into new markets, like Australia and China, where the demands and specifics represent


Ever since the early start of recreational vehicle development, wood has been one of the more important materials used in the production of furniture components as well as bodywork components. The photograph shows the manufacture of a kitchen block from 1973.


for us a completely new set of challenges. »It is true that our products are road-legal vehicles, but on the other hand their basic use is living, which in its essence is no different than living in a 'fixed' house. Due to this, it is very important that the caravans and motorhomes are safe and conform to all the standards, making the products safe and comfortable for living in different geographical and climatic conditions. In the north of Finland, for example, if the temperatures fall to minus 40 degrees celsius, it must come to us as no surprise, while the same holds true, if the temperatures increase to plus 40 degrees celsius, as in Australia. Due to this our products for free time activities must enable living and spending free time in conditions which greatly differ in different parts of the world, as well as accomodating different living habits, in markets where we have been present or are about to become present,« emphasises Mr Anton Kastrevc, whom we asked questions specifically connected with »the story about wood«, which has been so important for Adria' s early, as well as present products.

»We are talking about an amazing material, representing the primary raw material from the very beginnings of the European caravan industry. Wood itself is extremely suitable not only for making furniture and the internal equipment of our products – as it is a very popular and extremely widespread material for making the interior equipment in normal conditions – and is also very important as a construction material for making the body of composite joints for caravans and motorhomes. In other words: it is suitable as a load carrying construction, for the bodywork, which is made up of the floor, walls and roof. Wood in its solid form (pine/spruce) or plywood sheets of different wood types can also be a basic building material. For example, poplar wood in the form of plywood sheets can be used as a basis for the floor of the caravan or motorhome. Extremely thin sheets, made from tropical wood, which is typical of Indonesia – Borneo, Sumatra etc. can be, on the other hand, used as internal coating for bodywork, that is for walls and roofs. Wood itself is namely very light, it has appropriate construction characteristics and is also available at acceptable prices and in adequate quantities. The fact that it is used everywhere in products for free time activities has its historic reason, also – the caravanning industry in Europe began, in fact, in carpentry workshops, where wood was the most appropriate raw material,« stresses Mr Kastrevc.

Experts from different fields participate in Adria's product development cycle. The two photographs were taken in 1984 and 2014 at a sales conference in Portorož, where Adria's latest products were presented to the distributors.


In recent years, the caravanning industry has started gradually introducing alternative materials for the production of bodywork, whose basis is plastic. The most important advantage of these materials is lesser risk regarding the invasion of moisture, which is basically the greatest enemy to traditionally made bodywork, where the basis is wood. We have known the right answers at Adria for quite some time regarding the protection of wood against moisture and decay, and due to this our products are famous for their quality. Owing to this fact, we have a negligible number of complaints regarding moisture and decay. »But those producers who experienced a lot of problems of this sort in the past, have presented their introduction of alternative, plastic materials for the bodywork with very aggressive marketing campaigns. Due to this, the market today gives advantage to these types of solutions, and the share of these types of constructions will only rise in the future, although these materials are basically much less natural, but at the very same time are recyclable and ecological,« says Mr Anton Kastrevc. But in spite of everything we remain confident that wood itself will still remain an important raw material for the production of furniture and interior equipment for caravans and motorhomes with all the advantages that it gives. Wood is beautiful.

About Quantum Physics and »the Landscape of Possibilities«

Mr Metod Škarja, Phd, became the head of a small research team at Adria Mobil with Adria's first research project back in 2011, which had as its main goal to come to innovative solutions in various fields with the intention of upgrading the level of its products from a technological point of view as well as for their applicability. He is a doctor of physics, while also being an expert in the field of quantum physics dealing specifically with living organisms and other complex systems, where he is in fact one of the leading researchers in the world. And what does quantum physics have to do with Adria Mobil? As a matter of fact, a lot, as this field of physics deals with the research into the behaviour of complex organisms, which can exist in different states simultaneously, as has already been proven. Knowing the principles of quantum physics, can broaden the researcher's horizons and thus also understanding of various problems. »Namely, every problem can be solved in different ways, meaning that every approach can lead us to different results or in different ways to the desired goal. This is a sort of parallel processing of all options, which is otherwise typical of the quantum mechanics systems. Instead of looking for a solution from only one point forward, we can see the

'landscape of possibilities' and can thus find even more solutions more quickly and more efficiently and also different ways to them and thus seek out the most suitable one,« says Mr Škarja, Phd. With this approach Adria can be ahead of all the competition, which naturally tries to follow it, as nothing can remain hidden for too long, but the key realisation is that we can remain a step or two ahead of the others, to be in some sort of temporary lead. In other words: quantum physics is not science fiction and is also not philosophy, like many think, although in its exotic world also deals with the possibility of the existence of parallel worlds and realities. In its essence, this is an exciting way of thinking, opening to the members of the company new horizons in research.


Adria's Comprex bodywork construction derives its strength and stability from wood.


The Beginnings of Design Defined by Technological Abilities

When in 1965 Adria's first caravan saw the light of day, it was, seen from today's perspective, a rather boxy and robust product, having been constructed by Adria's machine engineers – the legendary Mr Martin Sever, »father« of Adria's first caravan model 375, later also Mr Franc Gortnar, (with Adria model 305), Mr Janez Gregorčič (with model Adria 380), and Mr Karel Hinterlechner (Adria model 450). In 1967 they were joined by another engineer Mr Stanislav Lukšič – Luka. It was he who was asked about the importance of design in those times, to which he responded that it did not count for much, that it meant almost nothing, as the design was subservient to technology. As far as the external design is concerned though, they did follow certain trends; thus they unified the external shape with an emphasis on the frontal and rear wall with the first generation, while the bent part of the roof remained different with the models of the first three lengths of the bodywork. The main characteristics of this first generation thus became the oval-shaped look. In 1970 the holiday caravans got a blue lacquered stripe at window height, stretching along the entire edge of the bodywork – the stripe was a symbol of the colour of the sky and the Adriatic Sea, and naturally it hinted at summer holidays. It was exactly this colour that became Adria's most recognisable sign. The Adria caravan experienced more geometrical harmony only with the second generation.

As far as the internal design is concerned, in those times they followed the constant perfection of functional solutions in the arrangement of furniture, sitting sets, kitchen and sleeping areas, to the sort of wood for the production of furniture and to colour trends,

About the Design

The crucial aspect of designing a product is in the attention to detail.

typical of the wood industry of the time. The textile patterns of the seating set covers and beds and obligatory window curtains were dictated by the »fashion trends« of the company from Ljubljana – Dekorativna, a company of decorative furniture textiles. »There was nothing else, but truth be told, we also did not bother with that. We took what was on offer by the domestic, Slovenian company, not necessarily the cheapest at the time, and that was that,« explains the pragmatics behind decision-making Mr Stanislav Lukšič – Luka.

Only later did we at Adria start to undertake things with more planning, thus inviting a legendary designer Mr Georg Gedl and years later the young and talented Mrs Nina Mihovec. They have both left a special imprint on Adria's products’s design, about which the general manager Mrs Sonja Gole once said: »Our products have a soul, which must consume the designer, so that a good idea is created. In my opinion, the design is the icing on the cake of the functionality and quality of the product. It gives a product the stamp of personality, and due to this it must also be well – thought out and recognisable, naturally in the eyes of the one buying the product. At Adria Mobil we

The modern features of the past and the present.



associate the design with the vision of »Story in motion«. The design is surely a combination of different demands and is at the same time also the result of team work.«

A New Approach to Design

Forty years after the creation of Adria's first caravan, we at Adria started to look at design with completely different eyes. A sort of a watershed moment design-wise was the year 1994, when the first caravan Unica was built – it meant a departure from Adria's established forms of exterior, while everything else »was written« later, at the turn of the century, and especially after moving to another company in 2005. In 2009 Adria got in touch with a design studio and one of the biggest Slovenian agencies, today also specialised in the design of management projects from Ljubljana – Gigodesign »We had to take a lot of changes in the design of our products, while we also started to change our own views of the design in our own heads,« says the executive sales and marketing director, Mr Matjaž Grm, who is of the opinion that it was exactly the year 2009 which became the watershed mark in the history of the Adria brand name. Gigodesign thus took the initiative in the design of exteriors and interiors of the whole series of Adria holiday caravans, while the German design studio Designquadrat Gbr did the same with the entire range of Adria motorhomes and vans.

The once typical oval-shaped design has thus not existed for a long time, while the blue stripe has also vanished. The shapes have become softer, lines clearer, the external graphics more unified and especially – recognisably unique to Adria.

An extreme change has also occured in the holiday vehicle's interiors. Adria's products for free time activities have thus gained modern designed interiors, based on the principle »more is less« and with a lot more built-in elements, which can be described with the adjective smart (»Smart«/ »CleVer«). In the first place this is undoubtedly the modern Adria kitchen (Smart kitchen), followed by the bathroom (Adria Ergo Bath) with hidden sinks, toilet and a shower cabin. Then the seating and sleeping areas with bunks or different beds,



characterised by extreme comfort and attractiveness and clear, straight lines. Great importance is also given to the lightning, colours and materials, which visually enlarge a small area.The former textiles from the now defunct company Dekorativna are today replaced by modern materials with graphite and similar modern patterns. And the roof (also panoramic) windows, specially sealed and sun-proof, resistant to high and low temperatures, which are a great proof of how design and technology have started to »live side by side« at Adria, too. And even more. In the words of Mr Matjaž Grm in Adria's products, which otherwise belong to the technologically medium demanding industries, design has become in a relatively short time period the essential and even dominant part of technological development.

With Design to Adria Brand Name Globalisation

»Design of twenty or even one hundred years ago does not exist anymore today. It is a humanisation of technology and is connected with the technological revolution,« says Mr Miha Klinar, the director of Gigodesign. At the same time he is also the founder and first person of the Competitive Center for Design Management, which Adria Mobil has been a supporter of since 2013. What this means in practice, is proved by numerous educational courses, which the employees from different fields at Adria Mobil have been actively attending – from a master, manager of production or an accountant – on the various levels of production with one goal, namely, to raise the culture and awareness of the importance of design in general. It is not only about the final look of individual Adria's products – interior and exterior, according to which these products have become widely recognised in the world of caravanning, but also about the important distinctive component and the competitive advantage inside the industry itself and also as a tool for the conquest of new markets.Design in its modern understanding is becoming an important element in the internationalisation and globalisation of the Adria brand name. This is an important new aspect, which means that design is not only the creation of new products from the phase of

ideas to their arrival on the market, but especially about the fact that design is included into the company's development strategy and into all processes, creating its competitive advantage on the market. So design per se does not suffice any more, but especially design management, representing a long term integration of design as a strategic factor into all phases of the company' s operation, which is the main focus of the aforementioned Competitive Center for Design Management. The path to the highest point will still be long, as the culture of understanding design as a process in Slovenia is still in its infancy, although there are companies with positive experiences, namely, Adria Mobil, which is on a good way of finding itself among the top European companies, which have become through the modern understanding of design unique in the industry and in the international economic environment in general.

Adria Mobil has entered this path with its 2015 season product range, when it offered the global market for its half a century jubilee an extremely interesting sales experience: caravan Altea4four in 29 colour combinations and with a whole series of new technological solutions. This is Adria's elite product – an upgraded, extended, renovated Altea, which has been a superb – selling product for years. At the same time, Altea is also the proof of a gradual, but reliable introduction of the method of design management, which has already



in the phase of the product's creation bound all the experts from different fields in the company, uniting their design knowledge and the management of the entire development and production process. The »output« of this process is undoubtedly the product's attractiveness, being at the same time a story about a brand name, which has today its emotional market value, understood and accepted specifically by Adria's customers, and not only those who buy Altea4four, but also the buyers of the whole range of incredible 108 products to choose from – caravans, motorhomes and vans on three world continents, from Europe, across Asia to Australia.

Design is Passion

When talking about design in Adria we have to mention Mr Georg Gedl, our partner and designer for many years, who is even today recognized as one of the best industrial designers in Slovenia. Today he is still an active seventy years old man, who started developing his talent in the field of car design as a young boy, and who has had business ties with Adria for decades. Before that he proved his worth in the industrial development centres of such car giants as Audi and BMW. He has been internationally recognised for his achievements since 1969, when The Swiss automobile magazine Automobil Revue published some of his concept drawings, which were noted in the Audi company from Ingoldstadt, where he soon got employment. His greatest wish at that time was to go to the BMW company; his wish was fulfilled in the spring of 1971, where as a pioneer in his field he gained a lot of practical knowledge. A few years later, in 1975, he decided to accept a new challenge as a designer of caravans and then arrived at IMV (Industry of Motor Vehicles) in Novo mesto, where he stayed for seven years and, among others, took part in the development of the first motorhome in 1982. From 1983 to 1987 he worked at the TAM company (The Factory of Cars Maribor), where he took part in the design project of the tourist bus, which is considered one of the greatest achievements of his career. The project was exhibited at two important events, namely at the Frankfurt International Motor Show and at the international Biennial of Industrial Design Ljubljana in 1984.

In 1987 he became independent and soon received from the Ministry of Culture a decision confirming his status. His most important projects in the period during 1987 and 1994 are: the design of the Yugoslav express train (purchaser: TVT Maribor; Slovenia), the redesign of the vehicle Renault 4 (purchaser: IMV, Slovenia), the design of the minibus Microstar (purchaser: Ernst Auwärter, Germany), the design of the articulated loader BULL–2, which was displayed at the International Biennial of Industrial Design Ljubljana in1994 (purchaser: Strojegradnja Trbovlje, Slovenia) and the design of the electric aircraft tow tractor (purchaser: Spijkstaal Elektro, the Netherlands). At the invitation by research and development department in 1994, he started to cooperate with Adria again, this time as an external collaborator, where some of his greatest design plans were realised.

His projects in all these years have been diverse, from the design of the internal equipment in caravans and motorhomes to the design of their exterior and graphics. His first major project at Adria Mobil was the design of a completely new generation of caravans, named Adiva, which became the basis for the design of other series of caravans.

His greatest project at the company is the design of the integrated motorhome Vision, which was presented for the first time in 2005 at the biggest European caravanning fair in Düsseldorf. He did not work as a graphic designer only; from 1973 to 2001 he cooperated as an adviser regarding car design with the Slovenian automobile magazine Avto Magazin, while in the period from 1985 to 1995 he taught at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana the subject Rendering Techniques. He still cooperates with Adria Mobil today and takes up new projects with great enthusiasm.

»There is no higher recognition for a designer than to see his conceptual outlines and drawings come alive in actual products.« Georg Gedl



About Memories

In five decades of the life of the Adria brand name a lot of memories must have been created. In the following text, different sorts of memories are presented which, each in its own way, illuminate the greatness of the Adria brand name due to the products themselves or due to the individuals themselves, where the story of Adria has affected a major part of their lives.

A Story about Testing or the Adria 305 Can Be Towed by a Fičo / Fiat 600

It was the year 1967, when under the aegis of the newspaper house Delo the first number of the magazine Avto, specialised for motoring, motorcycling and sport, was published. Ten years later it was renamed Avto Magazin (it is still published under this name today). Its first editor-in-chief was the legendary Delo reporter Ante Mahkota, who has also left an enormous imprint as a mountaineer, as a founding father of a famous project of giving help to Slovenian skiers called »You offer, you win« and as a husband to one of the best Slovenian singers of all times, the unforgettable Marjana Deržaj. It was Ante Mahkota himself who was the author of one of the first tests of Adria caravans, namely, Adria 305 SLB. »It feels that holiday caravans are an image of well-being, saying »travelling by caravan is a sign of the new way of life of modern society.«


We could naturally oppose »in principle« that the caravan is an image of the excessive desire for privacy – on two wheels. The traveller arrives at the remote parts in his »cage«, forgetting about other people. But new people are more interesting than a far away countryside. Or we could praise it, saying: the caravan is a weekend house that you take every Sunday to another place; it changes the whole vacation into one long journey.

Whatever we say, in order to decide: buying a caravan: yes or no, it is more the monetary concern than character that is the final arbiter. Abroad, a caravan costs as much as a good car. You are able to buy

one if you can afford two cars. And before a test drive with the lightest caravan from Novo mesto, I had thought that the house on two wheels could only be towed by a big car.

So we, the Yugoslavs, do not tow caravans yet. But we might, probably soon – like everything that is a sign of prosperity – and not only because »Avto« has organised renting,« was written among other things by Mahkota in the leader of his test drive of Adria 305. As an additional explanation: the management of IMV at that time had announced the beginning of the mass serial production of holiday caravans at the regular spring automobile salon in Belgrade, through

In 1967 the journalists from Avto magazine made the first test of the caravan Adria 305. They went towards the sea side across Vršič.


which this product should become affordable regarding the price for domestic buyers. The magazine Avto, edited by Mr Mahkota, had decided to organise the renting of these caravans, which later turned out to be a great marketing move, as in this way it could be tested by Yugoslav customers at that time, who later also wrote reports regarding their experiences, while Avto magazin profusely published their impressions.

The team from Avto Magazin drove the Adria 305 test caravan from Ljubljana towards the sea, but across the 1611 m (!) high mountain pass Vršič and complimented its stability during the drive in spite of its extreme lightness, much lighter than its German competitors. »The constructors of these very light caravans availed themselves with the experiences of aeroplane constructors. Adria 305 is designed in such a way that the shell does not carry on its own – the frame, walls and the roof – but the furniture, which is embedded in the caravan, itself does the same. Due to this, Adria 305 has the frame only on the front half, while the rear parts of the caravan help carry the rear seats. The small weight of the caravan is very important for the owners of small cars, who would also like to become nomads… Here, people follow experience so that the maximum caravan load is half the weight of the vehicle towing the caravan, plus 37 kgs. Whatever we say, a Fičo (Fiat 600) can tow an Adria 305,« strongly stated Mahkota, adding that for the test drive in the magazine they had used a Renault 8 major for a simple reason: they did not have a Fičo car, which was equipped with a towing hook…

This test does not lack good and wise pieces of advice on the reporter's part concerning driving in general, especially regarding reversing, and advice for the appropriate use of the so-called inertia brake system, advice on how to correctly rotate the steering wheel when parking and so on. Until the last article where Mr Mahkota writes down the following: »When giving advice, let us recommend a small curtain under the air ducting on the caravan's ceiling, or otherwise the sun will shine directly into your eyes at 6 am. Which might bring a swift end to your beautiful dreams regarding the image of prosperity…«.


… is it possible to tip the caravan over…?

Since then at least one of the Adria caravans has been regularly put to the test by the reporters of Avto Magazin, and in 1975 the biggest Adria 700, for which the author of the text and the photos, Mr Marjan Zaplatil, in the article titled »We drive in comfort« in fact stated that he refused the doubts of all those who might have been skeptical about the big caravans due to their dimensions, due to their fear of towing such a weight, and so on, was thus also tested. »To the first pioneers, a few years ago, a new group of owners had just joined them. The Adria 700 had gained new fame as a »mobile residence« – a sort of a weekend house on wheels. There are more and more owners unafraid of big dimensions at the first sight of a rather clumsy »traffic participant.« They might have chosen a tiny bit slower form of travelling, but on the other hand far more comfortable for them and their families, as well,« was written in the article by Mr Zaplatil. In all other published texts by this or other authors, they have


stuck to the same principle: caravans have firstly been technically described in the minutest of detail, regularly mentioning their stability and their behaviour during the test drive, about top speeds (»towing the caravan at 90 kms per hour is highly recommended…«), even about what might happen if the top speed was exceeded, and how the car and its caravan being towed behave on (very bad) macadam roads, smooth asphalt or any rough surface at slightly higher speeds, at sudden breaking (with the usual commentary: »in spite of everything: do not try to do this yourselves…»the caravan might slide off the towing hook…«, »if you take a good look at the coves on the Adriatic Highway, you will spot the consequences of a number of such maneuvers…«, etc.). Only rarely have the specialist reporters carried out a test on the most adequate places, namely, on the testing grounds, away from the regular traffic.

But, in the end, that test also occured! A legendary reporter and also one of the editors of the Avto Magazin, Mr Martin Česenj, in the first half of the seventies, together with a group of colleagues set off to the airport in Portorož. In agreement with Mr Anton Šepec, the commercial manager of the former IMV company, they borrowed a Renault 16, hooked on an Adria 305 caravan, and tried to overturn it all day. In spite of numerous attempts, the caravan proved all the time that it was absolutely stable, so in the end they decided to carry out a daring simulation and finally managed to overturn it. And numerous times, to top it off! In essence, they tried to simulate how to avoid an unexpected hurdle on the road (something that is today taught at Schools of Safe Driving) at higher speeds. »We were increasing the speeds, then suddenly started to break, then we overtook, finding out at the same time that otherwise a very beautiful caravan is very stable, that it sticks to the road well, that it has an excellent centre of gravity, perfect positioning. In essence, we did not manage to tip it over until the last attempt regardless of what we had been doing behind the wheel of the automobile together with the accelerator pedal, clutch and brake pedal. But after that it happened, and the feeling was incredible,« today remembers Mr Martin Česenj, when explaining, how the test was carried out and how everything turned to be so adrenalin-filled, when, while the caravan was being tipped over, the rear part of the car was also simultaneously being lifted up: »… as

The reporters of Avto magazine tested the Adria 305 caravan in the 1970s. They commented: Adria 305 is a very stable caravan. When testing how long it took to over-balance the caravan, they had to apply excessive speeds and sudden braking manoeuvres to finally tip it over.



the towing clutch on the caravan rotated and as the link between the clutch and the hook on the car was so perfect that it simply would not let go…«, remembers Mr Martin Česenj.

The results of the test made the IMV personnel very happy, even more so with its lesson, as the test drivers also advised users how to drive safely and how to react while towing a caravan so that the trip or holiday will end well and not in pain. In spite of this, accidents have happened, in most cases because, as the professionals claim, the drivers (in the past, as well as today) react incorrectly when, due to the speed, hurdles, irregular overtaking etc, the caravan starts to suddenly swing around and when the only solution is – and this might sound paradoxical – additional acceleration instead of braking.After the first caravan tests, testing of motorhomes and vans followed, which is all published in specialised media, although the real testing is carried out by the caravans and motorhomes' constructors and engineers on specialised tracks.

In Ulm since 1994

The first testing of any of Adria's products on the most suitable testing ground occured on the 24th of May 1994 in the German city of Ulm. This is the testing ground of the Iveco Margius AG factory, a world famous German producer of commercial vehicles. The testing ground road is only one km long, while on every 100 meters, there is a special surface, filled with so – called »bumpy« holes on the straight road, with bulges, bends, circles, sudden ascents, unusual bumps, and other sorts of road »traps«. A one km travelled on this type of road equals in essence 100 km travelled on an ordinary road. Briefly, we can see the results on a holiday caravan, motorhome, or van. Namely, how the chassis behaves, how the suspension works, and if there are any consequences, caused by driving on such a road on the vehicle's interior – whether the screws in the furniture get loose and other things as part of the equipment testing. Otherwise, for all these years the roads – from Ulm and later – especially the domestic ones – have been more than suitable for testing, like the one from Šentjernej to Kostanjevica…

André Pons, a French Importer from the Socanor Company

»We Were Really Excited!«

We saw the Adria caravan for the first time at the Paris Fair and Adria's products at that time were not selling well. The opportunity to start cooperating thus appeared. We were contacted by Mr. Bojan Peljhan, a former sales and marketing manager at Adria Mobil, and after a few meetings in Paris we finally came to an agreement. In 1997, between the Christmas and New Year, we prepared a letter of intent, while the contract was to be signed on the first of March 1998, when we were also to visit the existing Adria's representatives. But certain problems arose in connection with the caravans' external design and with the marketing of the products, which was in our opinion somehow cumbersome and slow. We felt that Adria was trying to solve problems a bit too slowly. In February of 1998 we travelled to Novo mesto to take a look at the products which we were to distribute. We did not like the materials on the side walls and we expressed an opinion that we could not accept such a product and that a change was needed. At first, they told us at Adria that unfortunately, they could not do that, but in the end we came to a compromise solution and agreed to cooperate. Before signing the contract, we wanted an insurance document in writing that Adria would beside the caravans also allow us the distribution of motorhomes. Mr Bojan Peljhan could not give us any such document, but he gave us his promise. We took his word for granted and in the end signed the agreement.

I think it must have been a year or so later, as I was sitting in my office and there came a fax with a picture of a new Adria motorhome. We were really excited! And this is how it all began and has continued successfully ever since.

André Pons has remained loyal to Socanor ever since the 1960s.


About the Distributors

Back in the days when in the IMV (Industry of Motorvehicles) caravans were no more than a concept and Adria was merely a name (before it became a brand), the designers of the newly coming programme certainly faced many doubts. However, one thing was true beyond any doubt: the Adria caravan was destined to see Europe as well as the world. And so the first one set off, and was followed by many others. No more than a handful of caravans were left on the domestic Yugoslav market where caravanning, on the one hand, was a synonym for luxury and, on the other hand, the purchasing power was modest. Caravans were followed by motorhomes, vans, mobile homes, tourist facilities and everything related to the caravanning universe. Since then, Adria has grown into a strong and recognizable brand whose products today find their second homes on over 30 markets across Europe, Asia and even Australia.

Obviously, Adria’s success did not just happen overnight – it is the fruit of our long-lasting and constant cooperation with our representatives on the foreign markets. Some of them have been with us for decades, others have joined our team recently. However, only one thing really matters – the awareness that together we are stronger and that we aspire to one common goal: place a top quality product onto the market as effectively as possible. Our widespread commercial network, counting over 400 points of sale across Europe, should not go unmentioned. Dealers are another extremely important link in our chain as the fate of each of our products is virtually in their hands – they are in contact with the final customer.

Our company is strongly aware of the importance of our cooperation with each and every one of our valuable partners. That is why we have decided to include them in this anthology book and ask them to share some interesting anecdotes that they have experienced over the years of their cooperation with Adria. Their stories that follow are different yet each of them is interesting in its own way, and above all, is theirs … which makes it ours as well. We wish to thank all of those who have taken up their time and shared their thoughts.

The stories that follow are accompanied with a brief presentation of all the countries to which we export Adria’s products.



Company name: ADRIA BENELUX B.V.Adria importer since: 2013Director: Mr Marko PlazarNumber of points of sale: 33

NIZOZEMSKA Capital city: AmsterdamPopulation: 16.570.613Area: 41.526 km2

Official languange: Dutch

BELGIJACapital city: BrusselsPopulation: 11.007.020Area: 30.528 km²Official languange: Dutch, French, German

LUKSEMBURG Capital city: LuxembourgPopulation: 480.222 Area: 2.586.4 km²Official languange: French, German, Luxembourgish

When 50 Passionate Years Leave a Deep Mark

In the Benelux countries, caravanning is popular because it offers people the freedom to go wherever they please, enjoy nature or the hustle and bustle of the city, whichever they like better. The social aspect is equally important – when you are on a camping site, you are always surrounded by people, so there is always a sociable neighbour.

Adria has been connected with the Benelux countries since its beginnings. Caravans have been sold in the Netherlands ever since 1968. For some time, one part of the production came from the Deinze plant in Belgium.

Below are some interesting facts about these two countries and their connections with Adria.

• The Netherlands has a reputation of being a country of caravans, yet Adria’s motorhomes hold second place on the Dutch market; in Belgium – the country of motorhomes within the Benelux – there has been a big increase in the sales of Adria’s caravans. The Adria brand is becoming stronger and stronger in all the areas of this zone and in all product groups. In the last decade, Adria has won the caravan of the year and the motorhome of the year awards twice.

• The jubilee year 2015 also started with an award: the Twin SLX won the motorhome of the year award in the van category.

We are convinced that the success of the Adria brand is not a coincidence. We believe that Adria owes its success and its position in the Benelux countries to 50 years of passion and know-how. In the next couple of years, the wealth of its experiences will take Adria to the next step in its evolution. Living in motion with Adria.


An impressive showroom of Adria's products (2014) at the Dutch dealer, Henk Pen.



Capital city: CopenhagenPopulation: 5.639.719Area: 42.915 km2

Official languange: Danish

Company name: ADRIA CARAVAN ApSAdria importer since: 1970Director: Mr Helmer SchmidtNumber of points of sale: 13

Special Mission: Denmark

The export of Adria’s caravans to Denmark started in 1967 through a foreign exporter which remained in business in Denmark for only two years. In 1970, no Adria products were exported to the Danish market. In 1970, the IMV Adria Caravan ApS company was established in Denmark and the first general manager of the company was appointed by IMV.

Over the past years, the Adria brand has been popular in Denmark because of its good price/ quality relationship; in the last couple of years, its popularity has increased due to its unique offer including high quality, adaptability, durability, etc.

Below there is an interesting anecdote from this market.

In 1989, Sonja Gole, at the time the financial manager and Milan Nosan, the sales manager in Adria Caravan, came on a business visit to our company in Denmark. It was not a social visit – their task was to close down the Denmark company because of its bad business results. At that time, Adria Caravan had an 8,7 % market share with only 396 items sold in 1989. But the company did not close down after all. Sonja Gole and Milan Nosan met Helmer Schmidt, a young dynamic businessman, who was convinced that he could turn an unsuccessful import business into a profitable business.

So Helmer Schmidt replaced the general manager of the time and, owing to his hard work and his rigorous approach, managed to turn the business around and to take the company to where it is today – the position of the most successful Danish importer, holding a 31 % market share. Helmer Schmidt still works for Adria Caravan ApS.Since 1970, Adria Caravan ApS has imported over 36 000 caravans to the Danish market.

The Adria brand name has been present in Denmark since 1967. The users considered our caravans as a combination between English and German ones.




Capital city: ParisPopulation: 64.102.140Area: 673.843 km2

Official languange: French

Company name:Socanor SADirector: Mr Anthony PonsAdria importer since: 1998Number of points of sale: 66

Socanor – a Successful Family Business with Tradition

Socanor was founded in 1947 by Maurice Pons, the current director’s grandfather.

The original company specialized in manufacturing rubber products, mainly car tyres and shoe soles. Its first head office was in Amiens, and later moved to Neuf–Marché, where it remained until 2006.

The family’s son, André, joined the company in the early 1960s. Along with his father he started the diversification process of the company business; as a result, the company started manufacturing a variety of car accessories such as ski carriers and snow chains, made mostly of rubber.

In 1997, the company started negotiations with Adria Mobil, as a result of which one year later Adria Mobil became an exporter on the French market. In that period, André’s son, Anthony, joined the company as managing director. In 2006, the head office moved to Beauvais, where a remarkable distribution centre was built.

Socanor created a true renaissance of the Adria brand on the French market, mainly by launching Adria’s motorhomes, which within five years became one of the leading brands in France.

Over 17 800 motorhomes and 3700 caravans have been sold on the French market since the beginning of the partnership with Adria Mobil.

A remarkable distribution centre in France, showing the success and recognisability of the Adria brand name on a very competitive market.




Capital city: BerlinPopulation: 82.438.000Area: 357.092.090 km2

Official languange: German

Company name:Reimo GmbHAdria importer since: 2001Director: Mr Günter HolonaNumber of points of sale: 81

Caravanning is a popular way of spending free time on the German market. A number of changes have taken place within the branch in the last 20 years: whereas caravan users have recently become less numerous, the number of motorhome users has been increasing. The motorhome market share has been rising accordingly (this target group consists of users over 55 years old). The percentage of van users is also increasing (this target group consists of users over 35 years old), mainly because of lower prices.

The Adria brand, synonym for a high quality and desired brand, is the leading non-German brand on the German market. It has won the prestigious König Kunde (King of Customers) award for several consecutive years.

Below is the German importer’s story.

A Tailor–made Adria Caravan

Having been in the caravanning business for over 30 years, Kurt Manowski knows this kind of product extremely well. In 2002, Kurt and his daughter, Julia, decided to make their own caravan in their free time. They drew a new floor plan and after several months of discussion managed to convince Anton Kastrevc, Adria Mobil’s executive research and development director, to send them an Adria caravan with no equipment. In the eight weeks that followed, Kurt and Julia spent the evenings and weekends gradually installing the equipment and technical parts, and were more than happy with their result. A successful cooperation with Adria still continues.

Kurt Manowski has been connected heart and soul with the caravanning story for more than 30 years. When work and passion combine, a caravan is born, which has been decorated according to his taste with the help of his daughter Julia.




Capital city: RomePopulation: 59.337.888Area: 301, 318 km2Official languange: Italian

Company name:ADRIA ITALIA S.r.l.Adria importer since: 1982Director: Mr Adriano AntoliniNumber of points of sale: 23

Caravanning is very popular in Italy as this country has many natural wonders, such as the sea, the mountains and beautiful lakes, which attract and inspire visitors. On the other hand, Italy is a country famous for its outstanding cultural and historical heritage and its arts.Caravanning is an affordable way to explore a country, offering freedom and independence in spending your free time.

Our company was founded in 1975 under the name of Fratelli Antolini. It was a representative company for Adria’s products in the Venice area. In 1982, it became the exclusive Italian importer of Adria’s products, and was renamed Adria Caravan Italia. This was a legendary period when thousands of caravans appeared on our territory and when people fell in love with caravanning. The relationship between the two companies has always been strong and efficient. After a short break our cooperation actually grew stronger; in 1997, we were given new elan and the company was renamed Adria Italia. Close to 28 500 products (motorhomes, caravans, mobile homes, boats) have been sold on the Italian market since the beginning of our cooperation with Adria.

When You Start Feeling Triumphant …

We remember the wonderful triumphant feeling at the 1997 Rimini show, when we presented the first motorhome series, manufactured entirely in Novo mesto. Armando Antolini, our founder, felt that moment as his own personal victory against his Italian competitors and all those who had claimed Adria would never again be able to manufacture motorhomes. This was the beginning of a successful era for our company as well as for the Adria brand in Italy.

It is worth remembering the great exploits of Piero Ciacchella, the individual trans-world traveller, who travelled across the world in an Adria vehicle – from Venice to Melbourne, from Italy to Mongolia, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, from Venice to Tamil Nadu, India, to support the 2004 tsunami victims.

In 2003, we took a unique opportunity to sponsor a contemporary art exhibition in Milan, supported by the Trussardi Foundation. It took place at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele shopping centre in Milan. One million visitors saw the exhibition.

In 2003 Adria Italia was a sponsor of a contemporary art exhibition in Milan, supported by the Trussardi Foundation. One million visitors saw the exhibition.





Capital city: OsloPopulation: 4.770.000Area: 385.155 km2

Official languange: Norwegian

Company name: ADRIA CARAVAN ABAdria importer since: 2001Director: Mr Peter BlomqvistNumber of points of sale: 22

Adria valued also in Norway

Until 2000, Adria had been represented in the Norvegian market, holding a modest 2 % caravan market share. However, there was no offer of motorhomes on this market. One year later Adria Mobil and Kabe got together to sign a cooperation agreement. This was the beginning of a long-term and fruitful cooperation: within ten years, the Adria brand has become the second best selling caravan brand in Norway as well as the best selling motorhome brand in Scandinavia. Among Norwegian caravanning lovers, Adria Mobil is recognized today as a trustworthy leisure vehicle manufacturer.

The twin–axle caravan from 1976 was popular also in Norway. Thousands of modern nomads travel through their beautiful country each year.





Capital city: StockholmPopulation: 9.110.972Area: 449.964 km²Official languange: Swedish

Company name: ADRIA CARAVAN ABAdria importer since: 2001Director: Mr Peter BlomqvistNumber of points of sale: 45

Adria in hearts of Swedes since 1965

The Adria brand has been connected with Sweden since its very beginnings. In 1965 the first Adria 375 caravan was imported and sold to Sweden, which – partly due to its climatic conditions – was already at that time considered to be one of the most demanding markets. Following the initial adjustments and the optimizing of the product, the first order for 500 Adria caravans for the Swedish market was placed in 1966. Sweden still represents an important market for the Adria brand. Since 2001, we have been marketing our products through the Adria Caravan AB company (owned by Kabe AB). We market the whole range of our products (caravans, motorhomes and vans). As to the market share, we are the leading brand in the motorhome market and the second best selling caravan brand. These results place Adria in the leader position not only in Sweden but also across all Nordic countries.

Alf Ekström, Chairman of Kabe AB holding and Kabe AB Managing Director:

Business cooperation between Kabe, the biggest Nordic manufacturer of leisure vehicles, and Adria Mobil started 14 years ago, when Adria Caravan AB (owned by Kabe AB) signed a long-term cooperation and distribution agreement with Adria Mobil. In this way, the Kabe group extended its product range to Adria’s products, offering the commercial network and the customers the whole range of products in the following categories: mobile homes, caravans, motorhomes and accessories.

Today, most of the dealers thus offer only products by these two manufacturers. In the last two decades, the sales and distribution network have expanded and the product range has been completed with new products. Due to the remarkable success of their cooperation, Adria and Kabe currently represent the biggest manufacturer of leisure vehicles in the Nordic market.

Since the beginning of our cooperation with Adria, over 20 000 products have been sold on the Swedish market.

Adria belongs among the leading brand names in Sweden, as well as in other Nordic countries. The photograph shows a distribution centre in Tenhult for the Nordic countries.





Capital city: HelsinkiPopulation: 5.457.429Area: 337.030 km2

Official languange: Finnish, Swedish

Company name:KABE–ADRIA OYAdria importer since: 2002Director: Mr Bo KarlssonNumber of points of sale: 13

We have been present on the Finnish market since the 1970s. Our cooperation with our current partner started in 2002. The following story comes from a Finnish dealer who has been involved with Adria ever since 1968, when Adria first appeared on the Finnish market.

They Were Impressed by Adria’s White Caravan …

The Caravan Erälaukko company first handled the caravanning business in 1969 by importing Tabbert products to Finland. The first Adria caravan appeared in the FICC rallye in Norrköping, Sweden in 1968. There was a brand new Adria model – white and round–shaped. We were surprised by the beautiful design of the caravan. The interior was German quality, but the price was more competitive. But the Adria caravan surprised us even more because of the Alde hot water heating system, which, at the time, was only ever installed in Nordic caravans.

We made our first business deal quite a few years later, in 1976, and our ongoing cooperation with Adria started in 2001.

Ever since, Adria’s motorhomes have achieved the best sales results compared to all other brands.

In the caravan category, Adria’s caravans have recently acquired a significant market share.

The relatively significant number of Adria vehicles we’ve had in stock in the last couple of years enables us to make quick deliveries to our customers.

An example of the first generation of Adria's caravans, when the external coating of the bodywork was smooth metal sheet painted in white. The photo was taken in 1969.




Capital city: MoscowPopulation: 142.754.000Area: 17.075.400 km2

Official languange: Russian

Representative office name: Adria Mobil, Plc, Novo mesto – representative office for the Russian FederationAdria representative since: 2006Representative office manager: Mr Boris ŽakNumber of points of sale: 3

From Saint Petersburg to Vladivostok

The Adria brand has been represented in the Russian market since 2006. In 2008, we started selling motorhomes and caravans, and exhibited at the Moscow International Motor Show. Every year, our sales increased by about 30 % on average. So far, we have sold about 120 motorhomes, 80 caravans and 100 mobile homes. These figures may appear modest, but considering that this country has no caravanning tradition and a very poor infrastructure, we can rightly be satisfied. There is virtually no competition, so we are the best selling brand in this category. Besides selling on the Russian market, we have a commercial network in Ukraine and Belarus. Our motorhomes travel on the roads from Saint Petersburg to Vladivostok. One of our dealers has no less than 25 motorhomes to rent.

As a point of interest, we wish to mention a story related to the Sochi Winter Olympics, where we delivered 50 mobile homes. We are glad that, in spite of the extremely long distance and the extremely bad infrastructure, our products arrived at their destination undamaged. We did not have a single complaint about the quality of our products from the organizer.

Caravanning has been gaining ground in Russia only recently. What really makes us happy is the fact that Adria's products are getting more and more popular and are frequently the users' first choice.




Capital city: MadridPopulation: 46.030.109Area: 504.030 km2

Official languange: Spanish

Company name: ADRIA DISTRIBUTION SPAIN, S.L.UAdria importer since: 2009Director: Mr Francisco Jover PlanasNumber of points of sale: 19

Mild Spanish Climate – Perfect for Caravanning

Caravanning became popular in Spain in the 1960s. It owes the rise of its popularity to the tourists who started massively visiting Spain when its borders opened to foreign travellers. That is why caravanning became the most popular in Catalonia, in the north-east of Spain, near the French border, where most of the European holiday makers stayed. This is why caravanning is still more popular in Catalonia today than in the rest of the country. This area accounts for 40 % of all the caravans sold in Spain. Nowadays, caravanning is popular in Spain because such a travelling lifestyle fits the Spanish way of life and because of the Spanish climate which allows living in the open six months a year.

Although Adria Mobil had been represented in the Spanish market for several years before, it made significant progress when it merged with Sun Roller’s distribution network. Adria is currently the leading brand in the Spanish market.

1590 caravans and 375 motorhomes and vans have been sold in Spain since the beginning of our cooperation with Adria Mobil.

Everyone knows »the joys« of a several–hours–long–trip, but we can all agree that the view of the sunset from »the first row at the seaside« chases away all the fatigue.




Capital city: BernPopulation: 7.782.900Area: 41.284 km2

Official languages: German, French, Italian

Company name: ADRIA MOBIL Schweiz GmbHAdria importer since: 2003Director: Mr Franco RiscazziNumber of points of sale: 10

Caravanning is Also Popular in Switzerland

The Swiss love travelling and enjoy holiday making. They also like to share new experiences with their family and friends. This is the reason why they choose Adria vehicles: more experiences, more leisure activities, more challenges, more privacy.

People always tell us that caravanning is the best way to really feel the places they travel to. They can stop wherever they want and feel the pulse of the cities and the countries they travel across.

Since 2004, Adria Mobil Schweiz GmbH has sold about 2800 products.

Switzerland is a country with many natural sites – lakes and mountains – just inviting you to various activities, e.g. skiing, hiking, cycling…Caravanning and the whole range of Adria's products, shown yearly at the fair, are a great companion to travellers in all seasons.




Capital city: LondonPopulation: 60.209.500Area: 229.850 km2

Official languange: English

Company name: Adria ConcessionairesAdria importer since: 2003Director: Mrs Slavica ŠterkNumber of points of sale: 28

»As the author of several UK caravan history books and following an industry that had its lows as well as its highs imported brands have never had it easy in the UK market. Strong home competition plus fluctuating currencies have seen many of the brands from Europe fail to capture a slice of the UK market in touring caravans. Some have come and gone as market forces dictated but one brand has been in the UK since the end of 1970 – Adria.

Adria made its first appearance in the beginning of this decade and sought to make its way into a crowded yet then buoyant market sector. During the 70’s I watched Adria grow with its UK customer base increasing each year. They became known as a quality touring range of caravans at the right price, which UK buyers liked. With an owners club being formed in the early 80’s and a growing dealership network, Adria have since become firmly established as an alternative to other touring caravan and motorhome brands on the market.

From their humble beginnings in 1965, 2015 marks the Adria brand achieve half a century of manufacturing for Europe and into Australia to. Adria has become the longest continually imported touring caravan brand in the UK no mean feat especially when you consider the company had only been in existence five years. Today Adria continues to develop new ideas and designs and I am sure they will be at the cutting edge as they have been in the last 50 years.«

Adria has been present on the English market since the beginning of the seventies and is at the same time the brand name with the longest period of importation into this market. In the drawing – the presentation of Adria at the international caravan show in 1971.


The text was written by Andrew Jenkinson, a journalist, writer and historian, specialised in the topic of caravans, motorhomes and mobile homes in the British market.


With presence on the Chinese and Australian markets Adria became a global brand

Products of the Adria brand are also marketed in the following countries: Australia, Japan, China, South Korea, Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Israel, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Czech Republic and obviously in Slovenia, where two dealers manage 1–2 % of the products that are sold on the domestic market on a yearly basis. The Chinese and Australian markets are also worth mentioning since entering these two markets has really enabled Adria to become a global brand and thus an even more significant player in the caravanning business. All the above mentioned markets account for slightly over 9 % of the total annual sales of Adria products.

We are convinced that we will carry on our successful cooperation with our current business partners for many years to come. Along with that, our company is committed to exploring the possibilities of entering new markets that will bring us new challenges, new opportunities and – based on our past experiences – new successes.

Altea4four GoSignature on its way to dealers of Benelux as a representative jubilee model.


The role and importance of numbers in the business world is something beyond doubt, as we cannot imagine a market analysis, a business plan, a currency analysis, »just-in-time« deliveries' analysis, information data encryption, establishment planning and much more without numbers. The basic idea and consequently the history of accounting is also based upon numbers, which are not solely an abstract term. The numbers in companies' balance sheets and income statements can practically tell a company's full story – from its inception through all its development phases. A lot is said today about how someone realises his/her business idea, his/her »start-up«, his/her mission. A lot is also said about whether he/she is only profit-driven, or has his/her »ethics drive«. Regarding the fact that the numbers are the company's business mirror, the reflection of our knowledge, ideas and competitiveness, they can be read as the company's biography – as the result of the work of the employees in practically every company.

The numbers, narrating the Adria brand name story, speak about the idea, which in the beginning was a necessary incentive (»Necessity is the mother of all invention«) in order to develop the industrial basis in Novo mesto and in the Dolenjska region, and specifically in the former IMV. Soon after the first presentations of holiday caravans, the Adria company grew into a success story – the story is also about popularity, quality, innovativeness and design of »houses on wheels«, made in Novo mesto. And which are still made here today. With the same or even greater enthusiasm, knowledge and responsibility as in the past. For all the employees at Adria, who have helped create the company's story, the data in the following text is a sort of a biography, only expressed in numbers and due to this they are not to be taken lightly – they are the result of expert knowledge, trade mastery, innovativeness, vision, and last but not least, of hard work. On the

About the Numbers



other hand, they are also not to be taken too seriously. In life it is a similar situation, or as Abraham Lincoln once said: »Trouble knocked on the door, but, hearing laughter, ran away.«

With the proper interpretation of the numbers, we can understand the competitive potential and see the company's »blood picture«. As Adria's story is so illustrious we will not spoil it with the sort of »details« such as the numbers expressing net profits: you will search in vain for this information in the following text. But what you will find are those numbers showing certain (there are just too many of all to show everything) key facts and other interesting details from the 50-year old history of the Adria brand name, which represent its essence and are the key basis for its reputation. And that is the only thing that matters.

26 757 holiday caravans made in 1980 represents the

highest scope of production and sales in one season alone. Thus

in 1980 with this realisation Adria exceeded 11 percent market share on the European holiday caravan


580 000 products – holiday caravans,

motorhomes, vans and mobile houses – have been produced

in 50 years of Adria brand name existence.

9000 kilometers and

more were travelled by Adria motorhomes

in the world's most demanding rally Dakar.

400 points of sale within the marketing

network, where caravanning enthusiasts

can find Adria's products.

1206 employees within Adria Mobil

Group on 31st December 2014.

50 brand names operating in the

European caravanning branch, offering various

products for actively spending free time.

220 suppliers regularly supply the production in Adria

Mobil, Plc.

559 employees in Adria Mobil, Plc on

31st December 2014.

12 interna-tional awards

have been award-ed to Adria brand name in the first

half of 2015.

12th place for Adria Mobil, Plc

among the biggest Slovenian exporters

in 2014.

5–times conse-cutive prestigious

König Kunde award winners for Adria's


3–times consecutive

winners of the UK Customer Satisfaction

Awards for Adria's products.

experiences offered by Adria brand name to all its users.

6,2 percent market share by

Adria brand name in the European holiday

vehicles market in 2014.

5400 elements in the list of parts for the 3,6 meter long Altea4four caravan.



About the Tourism of the Working Classes

… and the oasis of luxury

»On the Old Continent, the inspiration about caravans came from the Americans. In the beginning, it looked like a passing fad. But people from the Old Continent are inclined towards nomadism, thus the production of holiday caravans increased every year, and it was neither supressed by the energy crisis nor inflation. On the contrary, the sales even increased this year, even in our neck of the woods, in Yugoslavia… The Yugoslavs, as far as caravanning tourism is concerned, are taking over with great strides the technically more advanced nomadic nations. Not only do we have the biggest factory for the production of caravans, supplying the whole of Europe, but we ourselves also partake of this proof of the high standard,« was written by Mr Marjan Zaplatil, a reporter and a photographer for the former magazine Avto (today Avto Magazin) in 1974 in the article »A Lilliputian and a Giant Caravan,« when testing two caravans, Adria Caravan 305/74 and Adria De Luxe 554. He went on with the illustrious story about the creation of the workers' tourism in the former state, which was also partly encouraged (mostly for marketing reasons) by IMV. Namely, it started to offer to the companies all types of caravans (also with the help of affordable credits). »Thus the people from Novo mesto, as an example, organised the sample IMV Adria campsite on the Adriatic Sea in Pakoštane,« writes Mr Zaplatil and in the following text also describes the location of this place, namely in a nice little pine grove, where »sixty caravans are arranged in the shape of a fan, so that they can be easily accessed with cars. In this camp there are all types of caravans visible, including the huge house on wheels, which serves as a reception and as common quarters. Caravanning is intended for the inspection of those companies that wish to get an idea based on this sample on how to quickly and

The numerous sandy beaches and pine forests are a dream come true for anyone seeking some peace and quiet, a lot of of sunshine and the clean blue sea. A photograph of Pakoštane in 1977.


cheaply organise the relaxation of its own working collective with the highest possible level of comfort.«

From this sample camp, a resort according to workers' desires was later created in one of the most beautiful parts of the central Adriatic only a few hundred meters away from a little village, that has today already grown into a town – Pakoštane. The first »neighbour« was the French camp Mediterane, which was frequented mostly by affluent Europeans and into which you could enter only with a passport or under a special regime. »We liked going to Pakoštane,« can be read in the internal magazine Kurir from 1987, when the previous state was slowly but surely starting to die and with it also the workers' tourism. »According to the conclusion of the commission for the holiday activities during the IMV's trade union's and other technical sections' conference, they were eagerly looking for a new location in the middle Adriatic region for another camp with 70 caravans. They were to start an even better organised camp with an optimal arrangement and better equipment. Where we will be lying on the Adriatic in the future, we still do not know,« was written in the Kurir newspaper, also announcing that they were going to sell off eight caravans in the Kaštel camp, which would be replaced with new ones. Thus in the end they sold 29 caravans from this camp at an auction.

Then the independence of Slovenia followed, together with the war, which spread all over former Yugoslavia and which did not leave Dalmatia intact. A lot of places were razed to the ground. The holiday camps lost their original image, the whole inventory was destroyed in this or that way. Not a trace was left of the caravans. After that, the years of the new revival began, and the new thinking that it would be sensible to start investing again in tourism. At the beginning of the millenium, we at Adria Mobil thus decided to »air« the »old« locations. Thus the camps Kozarica and Pakoštane again came to the fore, but this time not only as a destination for rent, a place to where the employees from the company again started to go on holiday. In November of 2003 the management decided to buy the camp, stretching over 60.000 square meters of land. A few years after that, the camp even expanded further. Next to caravans (and some bungalows), mobile homes found their place in a beautiful pine grove; after the expansion of the camp, a new special holiday settlement – Adria Village – was built in the new area. Today the Kozarica

camp is an oasis of luxury, which is light years away from the workers' tourism camp, but still affordable to anyone. The former reception in a big »house on wheels« was replaced a long time ago by a building made of bricks, next to which there is a shop, a coffee bar on the beach, a restaurant with local specialities, an internet cafe, a camping wellness center, children's playgrounds, a Dalmatian horticultural garden, sports playgrounds (table tennis, basketball, bowling, beach volley, waterpolo). In the vicinity, it is also possible to rent surfboards and catamarans, it is possible to play tennis, or to sign into a diving school. Plus a lot of other activities, available to any nomad who, in fact, with the exception of the luxury and all other modern habits, does not differ that much from the one from the seventies; he/she is still characterised by the desire for movement and seeing other places, other habits, meeting other people and cultures.


Kurir (our magazine) had this to say in 1980: »Our campsite in Pakoštane turned out to be a good investment, whilst also serving as a good starting point for future development of this type of holidaymaking for our workers.« On photograph Adria Village in Pakoštane today.


… without whom there is no story about Adria

The story about people is first of all the story about the generations – about all those who came to the company to work during a period, who in the specific context of time and conditions created and realised their own and consequently the company's potential; this is also a story about what motivated them, how successful they have really been in the realisation of their mission and the company's strategy.

Adria's story about people is like any other, a special one, but also full of inspiration because through time it has created a specific culture and values, defining a manner of everyday work and the approach to new challenges and problems. Inspirational, because it has never neglected the individual's needs, problems and expectations regardless of his/her position and function in the company. Inspirational, as in spite of many demanding turning points, caused by economic, social and technological changes, it has led to the company's consistency and stability, thus significantly contributing to development in the region, and last but not least, to development in Slovenia as a whole. Inspirational, because Adria's story has created many individuals, who with their talent and vision have emphasised, which has been a common feature of all the employees at Adria – the will and desire to create superior products, motivated not only by the desire for financial compensation, but also by the desire to show their knowledge, innovativeness and, in the end, to contribute their own part to the common goal. »Adria brand name was created by the local people from Dolenjska with their engineering and technical skills.

About People

Many generations have lived with Adria and helped the company fulfil its vision over these five decades.

The upper photograph shows the team of workers beside the first prototypes of motorhomes back in 1982.

In the photograph below a moment from distributers' conference in December 2014.


With the development and production of excellent products they have followed their vision and created a company which is today among the top performing in the branch of caravanning,« explained her view Mrs Mojca Novak, executive Human resources director.

This story has been written by the great names, from Mr Jurij Levičnik, Mr Martin Sever, Mr Karl Willhelm Karlsson to Mr Jože Sagadin and Mr Danilo Plesničar, to whom a special tribute has already been given in the book by Mr Stanislav Lukšič – Luka, MSc, and to whom we also today pay special respect, as he has been a driving force behind Adria's development, as an expert and a man with a great attention for products, and also for the time in which they have been made. In the end it is he who in the most trying times for Adria (1992,1993) managed to gather the most suitable people around him and who also dared to oppose in public all those who had been steering the company to a certain demise. On the 11th of April the Appeal to the Slovenian Public was written – a public explanation of the events taking place at the former Adria Caravan and the public demand for the resignation of the company's management, following the paths of the wild privatisation and the destruction of everything that had been created through the decades as the result of their own domestic knowledge, innovative solutions and team work. He was the first one to sign under this appeal, followed by: Mr Jože Žlogar, Mrs Darinka Breglec, Mr Franci Štupar, Mr Anton Kastrevc, Mrs Marija Papež, Mr Dušan Skerbiš, Mr Ferenc Bančov, Mr Franci Zupančič, Mr Ivan Jaklič, Mr Anton Kralj, Mr Aleksander Lukež, Mr Jože Gabrič, Mr Franci Gregorčič, Mr Silvester Kramarič, Mr Zdravko Žalec and Mrs Sonja Gole, who were either the managers or in charge of individual sectors in the company. The story has the well – known ending: the company Adria Caravan went into bankruptcy, while prior to this the production of caravans had been transferred in the middle of 1995 to the newly founded Adria Mobil company. In 1996 Mrs Sonja Gole became the general manager and she is today, in 2015, in her fourth consecutive mandate, while her team still includes the names of certain people who in those turbulent years knew a lot about the strategy, development, quality, market and financial currents.

Still today it is the people at Adria who remain the heart of the company's 50–year old story of success. It is not a coincidence that

General manager Mrs Sonja Gole handed the jubilee diplomas to the employees.

the company's base is formed by the employed personnel, who have finished secondary school, or are faculty-educated, even with masters or doctorates of science. In the last decade, many standards regarding professional references have been introduced into Adria Mobil. »We have been working a lot on the competency project and educating the personnel in specific areas – there are more than 210 involved in the programme – from supervisors in the production line to design managers. We have our own school of management, whose main aim is to pass all the necessary knowledge and skills to people responsible for management, so that with their own initiative they can influence the satisfaction, dedication and motivation of their co-workers. We are aware, namely, what the motivation of people really means, what their involvement, and dedication to quality and innovative work stands for, as these are the key factors for the success of the company. Due to this, we pay great attention to young talents, encouraging the employees to be innovative, while their achievements are awarded. We take care of our people in many other ways through different programmes: Health in the work place, Family–friendly company, Adria sports club. In the Slovenian economic environment we are recognised as an excellent employer, thus we have been constantly among the finalists of the project Golden Thread, while in 2011 we even received this prestigious award as the best employer among the big Slovenian companies,« said Mrs Mojca Novak.

And when we reflect back on the last fifty years, we must also think about the future, as we create it daily, building the foundations for a better tomorrow. The future will surely bring new challenges, a change in the business environment, changes in technology, and we could go on. The generations, entering the company today, will in the future affect the business pulse and the success of Adria, and due to this their thinking and expectations are already important for us today. The young today desire more flexibility at work, they desire the time and opportunity for gaining new knowledge and personal development, while the line between career and privacy is more and more blurred, as both are the reflection of an individual's identity, his/her view of the world. As Adria's business model dictates the performance of the whole spectre of business processes – from development, production and sales – this challenge and potential will be recognised by future generations, making Adria Mobil even more successful.


People are the heart of Adria's 50-year successful story. On the photograph a moment from every year's visit of Adria's pensioners.

About the Adria Mobil Group Today

Since 2005 Adria's products have been made in the new factory, whose production is considered one of the most technologically advanced in the branch.


The group with its parent company Adria Mobil, Plc, consists of 13 companies

Company name City Country

Companies abroad

1. Adria Caravan, Aps Kolding Denmark

2. Adria Mobil (Schweiz), GmbH Quartino Switzerland

3. Adria Concessionaires, Ltd. Suffolk United Kingdom

4. Fleetwood Group Holdings * Suffolk United Kingdom

5. Adria More, d. o. o. Zadar Croatia

6. Adria Star, d. o. o. ** Karlovac Croatia

7. Adria Benelux Papendrecht Netherlands

8. Adria Distribution Spain Barcelona Spain

9. Adria Trade Rusija Moscow The Russian Federation

Companies in Slovenia

10. Adria Plus, d. o. o. Novo mesto Slovenia

11. Podgorje, d. o. o. Šentjernej Slovenia

12. Adria Dom, d. o. o. Črnomelj Slovenia

* in liquidation, ** in the process of selling

The Adria Mobil Group developed on the basis of the primary activity of its parent company Adria Mobil, Plc, on the basis of its active generic strategy of growth and investments into the diversification of its products and services. The group has grown from the basic programme of the production of holiday caravans and motorhomes through vertical integration into a group of producers and providers of services in connection with leisure activities and travelling. The companies within the Adria Mobil Group today do business on various markets and on three continents – Europe, Asia and Australia. Adria Mobil Group:

Within the group we have managed to fulfil all the preplanned goals, thus continuing the trend of successful business-making, as has been the case for many years now.

The parent companyAdria Mobil, Plc:

Data regarding Adria Mobil, Plc, business in 2014Net profit: 9,37 million eurosEquities: 141 million euros Consolidated sales turnover: 217,5 million eurosNumber of employed persons: 599

Data regarding the group's business in 2014Net profit: 12,8 million euros Equities: 172 million euros Consolidated sales turnover: 249 million euros Number of employed persons: 1206


Mrs Sonja Gole, General Manager

Representatives of top Management:

Executive Directors: Mr Dušan Černe, Executive Tourism DirectorMr Matjaž Grm, Executive Sales and Marketing DirectorMr Anton Kastrevc, Executive Research and Development DirectorMr Marko Lekše, Executive Purchasing DirectorMrs Mojca Novak, Executive Human Resources and Organisation DirectorMrs Mira Šetina, Executive Controlling and IT Director

Directors: Mr Bojan Hrovatič, Director of Logistics Mrs Stanislava Kastelec, Director of Financial sectorMr Tomaž Kastelic, Director of Operations Mrs Marija Papež, Director of Accountancy sectorMr Franc Štupar, Director of Quality sector

Company´s headquarters: Straška cesta 50, Novo mesto, Slovenia.

The Adria Mobil Group in Numbers


Podgorje, Plc, Šentjernej

Director: Mr Marijan Kostanjšek

Quality standards: ISO 9001:2008, 2013 FSC standard.

The basic activities of the company are: the development, production and marketing of furniture for caravans and motorhomes, while the company has also gained a reputation as the supplier of furniture for yachts and as a specialised producer of furniture for special use.

Its long-lasting strategic goals are to operate as a development supplier and partner to its buyers. With its strategic goals and projects Podgorje,Plc, accompanies the long-term growth and development of Adria Mobil.

The company has contributed for a long time to a permanent use of energy from natural sources and as such also contributes to energy production from renewable sources.

Adria Dom, Plc, Črnomelj

Director: Mrs Marta Kelvišar

The quality standard is ISO 9001:2008 and the requirements of the following standards: EN 1647, EN721 and EN1649.

The company's basic programme is the development and production of mobile homes.

Its strategic goals are the development of innovative and high-quality products to consolidate its position as the leading producer in SE Europe and to become one of the leading producers in Europe.


Adria Mobil, Plc

General Manager: Mrs Sonja Gole

Quality standards: ISO 9001, ISO 14001.

Adria Mobil, Plc., is the parent company in the group, which owns twelve subsidiaries.

Its basic activity is the development and production of caravans, motorhomes and vans.

Its strategic orientations are long-term growth and development, the realisation of its values, team work, knowledge and innovativeness, customer satisfaction, as well as the satisfaction of the employed personnel.

Environmental politics: this is in fact an umbrella document regarding the management's obligations in connection with permanent improvements in its environmental activities and creating awareness of environmental issues by the employees.

A Short Presentation of Companies within the Adria Mobil Group


in camps Rapoće (Lošinj), Zaton, Solaris (Šibenik), Belveder (Trogir), Vranjica. It also offers tourist packages and holiday capabilities in holiday suites and caravans, while in the Kozarica camp it also markets the tourist capabilities in a new complex Adria Village.The strategic goals of the company are the long-term growth of business and constant growth in the reputation and recognisability of the Adria brand name on the Croatian market.

Adria Caravan, Aps, Denmark

Director: Mr Helmer Daniel Schmidt

The basic activity of the company is the representation and distribution of Adria's products on the Danish market.

Its strategic orientation is to reach, through a well-organised and functional distribution network, a high market share for the Adria brand name, especially in the caravans programme in the range from 27 to 32 %, in the motorhomes programme from 20 to 25 % and with mobile homes 20 % market share.

The quality standards, as well as the company's environment politics, are in accordance with the established standards of market operation on the Danish market.


Adria Plus, Plc, Novo mesto

Director:Mr Matjaž Strašek

The company's activity is based on four basic areas, which are mutually interconnected: automobiles with sales and servicing of the Opel, Fiat and Hyundai brand names, operating under the aegis of Avtohiša Adria; Adria Center, which includes servicing and sales of Adria brand name products on the domestic market; the CAM service center in cooperation with Adria Mobil, which is connected with the company as the performer of certain services (vehicle check-ups, special painting) regarding the base vehicles, entering production. Tourism by renting mobile homes and motorhomes as a support to the Adria brand name, which is marketed under the name Adria Holidays.

The strategic orientations and goals of the company are long-term stability and attainment of excellent business results by coordinated operation of all its activities, using mutual synergies and by quality management of all processes.

Adria More, Plc, Zadar

Director: Mr Milan Udovičić

The company deals with marketing and sales of holiday capabilities along the Adriatic Coast. Its range of services includes the inter – complementary products, presented under the Adria Holidays brand name. The company thus markets the tourist capabilities in Kozarica holiday camp in Pakoštani, owned by Adria Mobil, in mobile homes Adria on the Brioni islands (Pula),


Adria Distribution Spain S. L., Španija

Director: Mr Francisco Jover Planas

The basic activity of the company is the representation and distribution of Adria's products on the Spanish market. The strategic goals are to place the Sun Living brand name in the first place on the Spanish market while, in combination with the Adria brand name, to reach a market share that places it among the three leading producers of leisure products.

The company's strategic aims are the same as the strategic aims of the Adria Mobil parent company, namely long-term market stability and attainment of the best possible business results on all operational levels.

Adria Benelux BV, the Netherlands

Director: Mr Marko Plazar

The company has been in the business of the distribution of holiday caravans and motorhomes under the Adria and Sun Living brand names in the Nertherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg since 2013.

Its vision is long term growth on the basis of the management and development of the distribution channel for the marketing, sales and servicing of Adria's products.


Adria Mobil, GmbH, Switzerland

Director: Mr Franco Riscazzi

The basic activity of the company is the representation and distribution of Adria's products on the Swiss market, which is considered one of the most demanding in Europe.

The strategic goals of the company are the growth in the reputation and recognisability of the Adria brand name on the Swiss market and the growth of the market share.

The quality standards and the environment politics are in accordance with the requirements of the Swiss market.

Adria Concessionaires, Ltd., Great Britain

Director: Mrs Slavica Šterk

The basic activity of the company is the representation and distribution of Adria's products on the English market, primarily in the production segment of motorhomes and caravans.

The strategic goals are connected with the vision of becoming the leading importer and distributor of leisure products on the English market. The goal is to maintain the present market share or to increase the scope of sales in Great Britain.



In March 2015 we set the strategic goals of Adria Mobil, Plc, until 2019. These are also followed by the goals of the individual subsidiaries according to the methodology, taking into account the strategic analysis of the previous period, the macro economic analysis of the environment, prediction for the 2015–2019 period and the analysis of the existing and of the incoming new trends, especially in the caravanning industry for the planned strategic period. Regarding all this, it is worth mentioning that the corporate goals, strategies and projects are defined according to viable management methodology in the Adria Mobil group which is valid for the group as a whole. They are defined by the key financial standards for the Adria Mobil company, Plc and the Adria Mobil group, and with the definition of the contents of the goals, as illustrated by the individual strategies and projects.

The corporate goals have been defined, taking into account the financial aspects of business (profitability, achieving market share), the aspect of doing business with customers (their satisfaction, keeping existing ones and getting new ones), the aspect of internal business processes (development, storage, transportation, after-sales activities) and the aspect of learning for the attainment of long-term growth and development. We also took into account an evaluation of our competitive advantages, among which we consider especially the further growth of long-term partner relationships with the company's exclusive representatives on foreign markets, with whom we had already established good business foundations in the past, a diverse sales network on all essential markets within the European Union (EU) – there are more than 400 of those – and the quality and the availability of the work force. Our experience points out that excellent results can only be achieved by well – qualified, motivated and satisfied employees as well as motivated business partners. On the basis of the aforementioned points, we continue building the entire philosophy and strategy of doing business for the future.

The corporate goals have been built on the basis of an evaluation of the market strength and consequently on the further growth of the Adria brand name and on the further strengthening of its market position. We also benefit from the demographic trends and the increase in the average life span and thus the changing life style of the population, turning more and more to nature. Caravanning offers numerous possibilities in answering these trends and in this we see our opportunity for further growth in the future, although this branch of the industry is subject to the political, as well as the economic stability of the world in general. Due to this, our primary goals still remain: achievement of above average growth, a wide regional presence in the EU, productive innovations, excellence in design, financial stability and risk management, where the balanced combination of financial and non-financial goals, emanating from the company's vision and mission, come into play.

Mission, Vision, Values

It is of absolute importance for a company to have a clearly-defined mission, vision and values, showing the way and direction: where the company is at present and where it wants to go.

Mission of Adria Mobil is: partner for leisure time.

Our vision is: the long-term growth and development of the company with the goal of becoming one of the leading producers of products and providers of services in Europe and the wider world.

Values of our company are the common theme in the series of successes of Adria Mobil; they are a thread between people: the employees as well as the customers, they are the competitive advantage and the value-added worth of the Adria brand name. The main values, in short, are: team work, knowledge and innovativeness, the satisfaction of customers and employees, positive communication on all levels, respecting each other, honesty and responsibility.



Managing Human Resources

People themselves are the essential and the central foundation of long-term development and the success of every company, and due to this, our work is concentrated on people and their needs and expectations: especially how to engage and motivate them, how to create the working conditions for mutually useful and rewarding cooperation between them and the company – these are the central questions, around which we build our human resources strategy. The goal, which is followed with this approach, sounds simple, but is, however, not so easily attainable: to create a team of co-workers, who will with their work realise their own goals, as well as the goals of the company and who will simultaneously create the future of economic, social and civilisational development.

1206 people are employed in the Adria Mobil group. 54 percent have a lower–level of education, while 46 percent have either secondary or university–level education. The average age is 41.47 years. In the last decade we have introduced many highly-professional occupational standards, while we also dedicate a lot of time to the competencies project and thus educate our personnel – there are more than 210 enrolled in this programme at the moment – for various competency profiles, from the master level in production to design managers. We also have our own school of management, intended for middle-level management, which has as its main goal to pass on the required skills and knowledge to people so that they can then influence the satisfaction, dedication and motivation of their subordinates. We are well aware what the motivation of people means, what their one hundred percent engagement and dedication to the high quality and innovative work means, as these are today the key elements of the company's success. Due to this, we also look for talent, encourage the employees to be innovative and reward their achievements. We also take care of our workers in other ways, for example, through various programmes, viz: Healthy at the place of work, Family–friendly company and the Adria sports club. In the Slovenian economic environment, we are also recognised as an excellent employer, as we have been among the finalists of the special project The Golden Thread. In 2011 we also won this prestigious award as the best employer among Slovenian companies.

We, the employees at Adria, give its five decades long story of products a new dimension. We are aware that the employees are the intellectual capital of the company, that an individual is a castle of knowledge and innovativeness, that he/she is a foundation, and also that the Adria team is the one leading us to final success. Or, put a little differently: the great Roman philosopher, politician and dramatist Lucius Annaeus Seneca once said, »encouragement comes from the outside, realisation from the inside, but once they meet, we get progress.« In Adria's fifty years old story both have coincided. On this Adria keeps on building.

Committed to Quality

At Adria we have committed ourselves to the permanent development, production and marketing of high quality caravans, motorhomes and mobile houses. Our main goals are the creation and production of safe, functional and reliable products for our customers, who wish to spend their free time in a quality way. In the organisation and performance of all the processes – from the purchase of materials to selling the products – we do our best to prevent errors and flaws, and if any occur, to find them as quickly as possible and to repair them immediately, and to improve constantly all processes in the company. Adria's quality politics is defined with the basic directions and measurable goals of achieving the quality criteria. With this policy we build our basic system, into which we also engage our business partners, our participants. Our motto is: »Correct relationships with our business partners and high quality products for our buyers.« In order to ensure the required and expected level of quality and to remain successful in this era of rapid technological innovations and strong competition, we have, in order to synchronise the system of quality with world practice, selected the standard of quality ISO 9000. For the performance standard we have selected ISO 9001:2000, thus ensuring the basis for the satisfaction of our customers as well as our own satisfaction.


Adria Mobil received its first ISO certificate in 1997 and has managed to successfully carry out all of the recertification testing ever since.



At Adria Mobil we have been designing, developing, producing and marketing leisure products for half a century. We are constantly looking for new ideas and solutions for our »homes on wheels«, whether we talk about caravans, motorhomes, vans or mobile homes. We are fully aware that free time has become a luxury, and due to this we wish to offer to our customers, believing in the Adria brand name, a high quality, comfortable and functional product, also pleasing from a visual and design point. Our achievements are demonstrated by numerous awards having been won on different markets and for different contents. We are proud of them all, as in this way our customers confirm our thinking and business decisions, while increasing our recognisability and the reputation of our brand name. We are also aware that the awards and recognitions carry with them a great responsibility and also great expectations, so the desires and wishes of our customers will always be in the first place when creating new products.

Adria Mobil and the Environment

At Adria Mobil we are aware that the care for healthy and safe living space is a basic condition for the development of our activity – the production and marketing of environmentally-friendly products. Our duty and responsibility is to enable the present generation, as well as future generations, to live in a healthy and clean environment. Adria Mobil, Plc, is an ecologically-oriented, ecologically-friendly company, and because of this the company's management committed itself many years ago to act in accordance with the requirements of the SIST EN ISO 14001: 2005 standard, to fulfil the requirements of the existing legislation of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union and other environmental requirements that the company has accepted. Thus, Adria Mobil has committed itself to carry out the following in the future:

• to include the ecology into its own development strategy, into its yearly plans with the anticipated procedures, means, personnel and deadlines in order to constantly reduce negative effects on the environment,

• to recognise and follow environmental aspects, environmental indicators and measurements and to act correctly in the case of deviations,

• to constantly improve the environmental management system,

• to reduce the quantities of waste created and to ensure its re-use by separated collections,

• to do its best in the rational use of energy products and water,

• to carry out appropriate environmental protection educational courses and to raise the awareness of employees regarding their responsibility to the working and wider environment,

• to cooperate with the interested internal and external customers,

• in cooperation with its suppliers and traders to discuss questions concerning the environment,

• to periodically inform the employees about the results of environmental assessments,

• to limit the use of the environmentally hazardous materials,

• to carry out and support research in connection with the reduction of the hazardous effects on the environment in connection with our company,

• to inform all physical and legal persons, working for the company or in its name, about its environmental policies.


The development-oriented business strategy of Adria Mobil brought the general manager of Adria Mobil Sonja Gole the achievement award for outstanding economic performance (left). In 2012 Adria Mobil received The Golden Thread award as the best employer in the category of big companies in Slovenia.


Social Responsibility

We at Adria Mobil committed ourselves long time ago to a socially responsible behaviour in its widest sense, denoting ethical and moral behaviour in relation to our employees, our business partners, customers, suppliers and other participants in the environment, which could mean a potential competitive advantage for the company in a more and more dynamic business and social context. As we know that successful and satisfied individuals are behind every successful company, we at Adria Mobil regularly dedicate special attention to their satisfaction and consequently to a settled and creative work environment. Thus we prepare yearly meetings of all the employees in order to deepen the relationships among them and with the company itself; especially popular are the summer family picnics and New Year's meetings, organised with the intention to get together in a relaxed atmosphere and also to get to know each other in informal environments. We also support the Adria sport club, which besides regular cooperation in the sports competitions of the Novo mesto municipality, also organises many other recreational activities. At Adria Mobil we pay special attention to our own jubilee workers, while also regularly organising the participation of our retirees, also connected in the Adria Mobil Retirees Association. Meetings with them are always a special experience, as they always respond to our invitations with happiness and enthusiasm, thus proving that in the past we built good relationships and created firm ties based on cooperation, friendship and solidarity.

At Adria we also pay a lot of attention to the children of our employees, as they themselves are also regular guests in our company at the family meetings. At the end of the year there is a celebration for them only, when we together await the arrival of Santa Claus and make the children happy with presents. Here we have to mention the project Family-friendly company, with which we take care of the career development of individuals in coexistence with their family life and thus also literally live the culture of the family-friendly company and families friendly to the company as well.

»With a passion for sport, exceeding the moments of victories and losses, we help create a healthy and active lifestyle for all,« has been the slogan of the Adria Mobil Cycling Team since 2005.


Adria Mobil is tightly connected with its local and national environment, with which it creates and maintains long-term, mutually beneficial relationships. Through donations and sponsorships Adria also takes part in the civil and social sphere, supporting projects and activities, which sensibly complement its mission and vision. Adria Mobil has been actively involved for more than a decade with the Cycling Team from Novo mesto, whose main sponsor and an active business partner it still remains. This is one of the most successful sports collectives in Slovenia, which with its successes and its mission realises the company's vision, namely, to be an active promotor of cycling and sports in general, as the Cycling Team Adria Mobil has been active not only on the level of a professional cycling team but also on the level of organisation of numerous recreational cycling competitions and also in the education of many young talents. In this way, both – the team and Adria Mobil as well, in the role of a general sponsor, – actively participate in creating awareness among people regarding the importance of sport and an active lifestyle in general.

Beside this Adria Mobil is also a great supporter of other sports collectives in Slovenia and abroad. It has been a sponsor of the best volleyball team in the region and in the state, the ACH Volleyball club, which in 2010 was also a participant in the finals of the most elite club competition, the European Volleyball Championship League. With the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team Adria Mobil has been taking part with its products in the most challenging motorcycling race in the world, the Dakar endurance rally, which represents a remarkable test of Adria's motorhomes, which also in the most extreme conditions created by the climate and the terrain of the Latin America, offer safe, comfortable and convenient accommodation for all the modern sports gladiators.


Adria Mobil has been successively taking part in the last few years in the Dakar endurance rally, where our products offer comfortable and reliable mobile living to the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team.


Looking for Freedom

Human nature has always been a mystery regardless to how much and how it has been studied in the past. What makes us unique? Who in fact are we and where do we go? Regardless of all the reasoning, one thing remains certain: in our essence we are simple, we are part of nature, we come from it and we always return to it full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge. We want to feel and admire the world around us, we crave for new adventures – and especially we want to escape from everyday life's shackles and feel – the freedom of living.

And how does Adria touch this story? We just think of the tens, hundreds, thousands of caravans and motorhomes we have sent into the wide world that bring up memories, when they were driving past us on motorways, when they gave the passengers all over Europe a second home – one on wheels. We think of all the stories that have been created in 50 years of Adria, we think of laughter, crying, of friendships that have been made forever, of summer love, of curious children's eyes when seeing the sea, mountains, maybe a city for the first time. We think of how we ourselves travelled in an Adria caravan or motorhome and of our feelings of pride and satisfaction to be part of this glorious story.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do

than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe

harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore! Dream! Discover!

Mark TwainWhy Has Adria's Story Been a Success for Five Decades?

Regardless of whether we move to nature, looking for our sliver of peace, or into the cities to see the people, one thing remains certain: when setting off, we have already reached our first goal: we were listening and even more importantly – we heard ourselves, our needs and desires, intent on fulfiling them. From the heart and for the heart.

Therefore it is no coincidence that the Adria trade mark has been highly recognisable and successful in the caravaning world. And although its beginnings might not have been very romantic, we can claim with certainty that romantic feelings have finally arrived: in theform of top quality products, irreplacable workers and, last but not least, in the form of more than half a million unforgettable stories.

Adria, with all due respect we wish you all the best for your birthday, and to all our users on many more unforgettable adventures – active, different, romantic, innovative and adventurous!


In the Authors' Words

CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji 

Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 

629.014.2(497.4Novo mesto)(091) 

ADRIA Mobil (Novo mesto) 


50 years of Adria Brand : inspiring adventures for fifty years

/ [authors Nina Bančov, Damir Dominić, Ivanka Mihelčič ; images

acrhive of Adria Mobil … [et al.] ; translation Yurena]. - Novo

mesto : Adria Mobil, 2015 

ISBN 978-961-277-087-7 

1. Bančov, Nina 2. Dominić, Damir 3. Mihelčič, Ivanka 


50 Years of Adria Brand Inspiring adventures for fifty years

Publisher Adria Mobil, d. o. o.

Represented by Sonja Gole

Authors and editorial teamNina Bančov, Damir Dominić, Ivanka Mihelčič

PhotographyArchive of Adrie Mobil, Plc; archive of IMV; archive of Dolenjski list; archive of magazine Avto; archive of Dnevnik (photographer Luka Cjuha); personal archives

Translation Yurena

Design Jurij Kocuvan, Studio 300

Printed by Formatisk, d. o. o.

Edition 1000 copies

Novo mesto, 2015

SourcesInformation in the anthology book derive from the following archives: Adrie Mobil, Dolenjski list, Avto Magazin, Slovenske novice, Gospodarski vestnik and books Moja zgodba je Adria (Stanislav Lukšič – Luka. Adria Mobil, 2005) and Povest o velikanu pod Gorjanci (Marjan Ivan Moškon. Klub prijateljev IMV, 2004). Wikipedija, Neven Borak, Jože Prinčič: Iz reforme v reformo. University of Ljubljana, 2007.