Mbulu Fundraiser Pp

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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PP to convey the need to drill a well for clean water to save lives in this remote village.


Regardless of language or culture, all humans share basic needs essential for survival. Food. Shelter. Water…

Did You Know?:

The average water

consumption for

Long Island

households is 133

gallons of water per

person per day……

….In Mbulu the average water consumption is 4.9 gallons of water per person per day….

…We use more than 4.9 gallons in our homes just to:

Take a shower: 2 gallons per minute

Run the Dishwasher: 20 gallons

Run the Washing Machine 10 gallons

Take a bath 50 gallons….

Each flush of the toilet uses the same amount of water that one person in the Third World uses all day for washing, cleaning, cooking and drinking

…On average women and children of Mbulu spend over two hours a day collecting water while journeys of six to seven hours are not unusual in areas on the central plateau.

Children as young as 8 have to stop going to school to join their mothers in the daily ritual of bringing water to their village to survive.

The weight of water that women in Africa carry on their heads is equivalent to the maximum baggage weight allowed by airlines 44 lbs.

In some parts of Africa, women expend as much as 85% of their daily energy intake on getting water, increasing incidences of anemia and other health problems.

More than half of Africa's people lack access to safe drinking water. Their only source of water is a muddy hole that they have to share with animals. The mosquitoes around it cause frequent outbreaks of malaria and other water born illnesses.

Many young children die of illnesses caused by organisms that thrive in water sources contaminated by raw sewage.

Our plan is to build a ring wells schema for the village. The village people will be involved in the construction of their water facility.

The completion of this well will:Reduce the burden on the women of the village as they will not have to walk such long distances to fetch water for their families.

To establish a water project which will build new capacity to generate a small income for the village.

The village will create a village water committee and establish a village fund.

The well will be located near two schools - one a primary and another a secondary school with a total number of 1200 pupils.

This will support and improve the lives of school children who will be able to concentrate on their studies instead of wasting valuable time walking long distances to fetch water.

To date Smithtown School District has raised $4,213.00 towards the goal of $5,500 needed to build a well in Mbulu.

St. James Elementary has raised $1,500.00 towards that total.

We believe we can achieve the goal of $5,500.00 needed to build our well in Mbulu.

Our hope is to surpass that amount and begin a fund for a second well from our school to the people of Tanzania….

The St. James Well…


That’s Swahili for:


…and we believe you will…