MBurgess TLt conference keynote

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Educational Technology Intersections: Collaboration, risk and scholarship

Mary Burgess, Executive Director, BCcampusTeaching and Learning with the Power of Technology Conference 2016May 2, 2016 @maryeburgess


Unless otherwise noted, this presentation is freely available for reuse.

Ed Tech Intersections: Collaboration, risk and scholarship


• Why’d you have to go and make things so complicated?

• What do you want them to learn?

• Who else can help you and your students?

• Institutional culture – building support for scholarly inquiry.

• What’s next for you?

Can’t I just keep doing what I’m doing?

My dirty secret…

Collaboration is hard, but the results are pretty astounding.

Shared goals at your institution

Image cc-by from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/3d10_fm_de_vilafranca.jpg

Part One:

Collaborating with curriculumdesign experts on the selection of technology to support learning

Who should I be collaborating with?

What do you want them to learn?

Curriculum mapping to make effective ed tech choices

Image cc-by from https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2422/5857112597_eb3787e9c1_b.jpg

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Working back from learning outcomesSample outcome:Students will be able to identify and explain the significance of the essential literary elements of novels (character, setting, conflict, plot, climax, resolution, theme, tone and point of view)

What will students need to get to this outcome successfully?

Instruction Assessment

Image cc-by https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/5th_Floor_Lecture_Hall.jpg Image cc-by from https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2015/10/13/22/24/test-986935_960_720.jpg

Digital Bloom’s

Image from https://hasnainzafar.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/blooms-pyramid-v11.png.

Choosing the technologies to support achievementof this outcome

Instruction:• LMS• Youtube• Library Readings• PowerPoint• Prezi• Openly licensed digital textbook

Assessment:• Forum post• Video• Blog post• Student’s choice

Students will be able to identify and explain the significance of the essentialliterary elements of novels (character, setting, conflict, plot, climax, resolution, theme, tone and point of view)

Review the results

Part Two:

Collaborating with other support units to ensure you and your students have what you need

Librarians rock!!

Using library technology to support learning

•I need to write a paper on Bill Reid's The Raven and The First Men, but I do not know where to find good articles on art history topics.

•How do I use Business Source Complete database? Can you help me with my search?

•How do I cite class notes in APA style?

•What is the difference between "scholarly" and "peer-reviewed" journal articles?

•I am getting too many results when I use the library catalogue - can you help?

Who else can help?

Part Three:

The opportunity for scholarly work

Engaging in risky behaviour

Would you rather have your teeth pulledthan have to expose your fears?

Image cc-by from https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7209/6792385926_ba8836c77e_z.jpg

Is this how you imagine the conversation?

Image cc-by from https://www.flickr.com/photos/ifl/3926001309

Scholarly inquiry

The syllabus is a hypothesis that if I teach the class this way, if I teach this material in this order, and if students do these things, then I hypothesize that something will happen. Students will learn, they’ll grow, they’ll benefit – Randy Bass, Vice Provost Education at Georgetown University

Valuing the work as an institution

Final Thoughts

What will you do next?

How will you get started?

What will your role in the community be?

What is one, small next step you could take?

Thank YouQuestions?
