MCAD 2010 BSV Three Rivers Park Green Exhibit Plan

Post on 27-May-2015

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Team effort by students who planned and realized an exhibit design project in a course at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design using a Three Rivers Parks as their community client, Kevin Byrne, Instructor.


MCAD:Vis StudioGrey Team

forThree Rivers Park District

The Three Rivers Park patrons come to the park to experi-ence the outdoors; their commitment to the environment does not necessarily extend beyond the parkʼs borders into their own homes, they are unaware the negative envi-ronmental impact is a negative impact on the park; care for the environment at home has no borders.


Client Meetings

Objective“To inspire, educate, and communicate the ecological preservation of our citiesʼ park with emphasis on waste reduction delivered via creative messag-ing, and physical displays.”

Goal“Utilizing already available research and conducting new research, Team Grey will engage patrons of Silverwood Park and Gale Woods Farm Parks on the topic of waste reduction.”

Creative Brief


- Family based

- Trails/walking/active

- Arts/installations

Silverwood Park

- Sustainable

- Educational

- Children focused

Gale Woods Farm

- Accessibility

- Clarity

- Purpose


Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

These four words represent our visual goal for the project as a whole:

Appealing, rustic, sustainable, and pristine.

Desired Brand Character:Descriptive Words

Couples were in their 30’s – late 40’s, their likes included: “I love being a grandma” or “I love my kids” indicating their priority is family. Most were well educated, living in comfortable homes, able to a�ord lavish va-cations from school and work. They never missed one soccer game or piano recital. Family always comes �rst.


Facebook and Blogs

Wendy and Michael are in their late 30ʼs and have a child Jeremy who is seven years old. They make the 5-minute trip to the Three Rivers Park for a family outing. The family enjoys spending time together learning and being active. They get coffee and ice cream at the cafe. They join a class at the park to learn about apple cider. The family has some apple trees in the their yard and wants to learn more ways to utilize and collect the fruit. Wendy and Michael are interested in the environment and sustainability. Jeremy likes to mash apples and is getting excited about the prospect of making apple cider at home.The park has been a destination for recreation outings even before the addition to the family. Wendy works as an administrator at an elementary school and the father has an office in the cities. They admire the Parksʼ practice of recycling and composting, but they are not fully aware of all the benefits available in their own household, especially composting. When they go to dispose of their coffee cups to be continued.


Creative Brief, Park Visits


City park sites, Yelp, Facebook Millennium Park (Chicago, IL)

Forest Park (Portland, OR)

Discovery Park (Seattle, WA)

The three options midway through the project were : a puzzle style game, a scale installation and unusual/bold signage. We narrowed down to two options; the scale as our interactive installation and signs that would be used at park held weddings.


The three options midway through the project were : a puzzle style game, a scale installation and unusual/bold signage. We nar-rowed down to two options; the scale as our interactive installation and signs that would be used at park held weddings.

Mechanical Drawings

The weights are separated between positive and negative by color. We chose the Color Red to Represent the negative weights and blue for the positive side. Immediate reaction to red is to stop while blue is a calming color associated with nature. The user sorts through each color, the weights that apply are placed in the appro-priate bucket. The weights symbolize behaviors in every category of the 3 Rʼs and composting. Each weight has a visual symbol and copy.



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KEEPING BALANCED“The mission of Three Rivers Park District is to promote environmental stewardship

through recreation and education in a natural resources-based park system.”

In order to uphold this mission; Three Rivers Park district seeks to protect its natural re-sources with sustainable practices including recycling, reducing, reusing and composting

at all park locations. This is what reducing waste can do:

Source: Recycling Association of MN – RAM Resources


2= =


Throwing a glass bottle, a soda can or an apple core into the trashcan is often an unconscious act. But these unconscious acts have consequences hidden from view:

unnecessary over-use of natural resources, growth of landfills and the expenditure of massive amounts of energy that result green house gas emissions and climate change.

1.3 tons recyclables are thrown out on average every year.

Since 1980, municipal solid waste has grown by 60% - nearly 246 million tons per year.

Source: Green Headquarter U.S. Statistics

What does your family do as stewards of the environment? Weigh what you do at home and discover ways to find balance.

Including a take away pin is a way to continue the lessons from the scale to the household as a reminder and a statement that can keep the message going outward.

Pins: Take Away, Not ThrowAway





Weddings are the parkʼs biggest contributor to the landfill. Owning to the fact they are large gatherings of people where proper waste disposal is the last thing on everyoneʼs minds. The design for the signs are meant to be unobtru-sive but impactful, a gentle reminder that would stick.

Wedding Signs