McBooks Press Historical Fiction Catalog 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 McBooks Press Historical Fiction Catalog 2009


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    Billy Boyle WWIIMysteriesby James R. Benn

    Engaging . . . The World War II

    atmosphere and history are expertly

    handled. Denver Post

    1. Billy Boyle

    Billy Boyle barely made detective back inBoston beore the U.S. entered WWII. He

    lands a job on the sta o Eisenhower,

    who wants him to investigate the

    Norwegian government in exile. The

    invasion o Norway is being planned,

    but Ike ears theres a German spy

    amongst the Norwegians. Billy doubts

    his own abilities, but hell have to pull

    out all the stops i hes to survive.

    U.S. Trade Paperback $13.00

    2. The First WaveBilly must help arrange the surrender o the Vichy French orces

    in Algeria. But dissension among the regular a rmy, the militia,

    and DeGaulles Free French allows blackmarketeers in league

    with the enemy to divert medical supplies to the Casbah, leading

    to multiple murders. Billy must nd the killers while trying to

    rescue the girl he loves. U.S. Trade Paperback $13.00

    3. Blood Alone

    Billy Boyle awakens in a eld hospital in Sici ly with amnesia.

    In his pocket is a handkerchie with the initial L. Gradually he

    remembers: he has been sent ashore in advance o the troops withthis token rom Lucky Luciano to contact the head o the Sicilian

    Maa. But he must a lso thwart a murderous band o counter-

    eiters led by Vito Genovese. U.S. Hardcover $24.00

    FourHistorical Novelsby David Liss

    A Conspiracy o PaperBenjamin Weaver, a Jew and ex-boxer,

    tracks down elons or the aristocracy in

    18th-century London. The son o a r ich

    stock trader, he investigates his athers sud-

    den death and enters the deceptive worldo the stock jobbers, gliding between coee

    houses and gaming houses, drawing rooms

    and bordellos. The more Weaver uncovers,

    the darker the truth becomes. U.S. Trade Paperback $14.95

    Tremendously smart, assured, and entertaining . . . An

    intricate mystery, a colorul rogues gallery and, improb-

    ably, a history lesson on the birth o the stock market.


    Sequel to A Conspiracy of Paper!A Spectacle o Corruption

    Benjamin Weaver is awaiting death in Newgate gaol. Mysteri-

    ously convicted o a murder he didnt commit, he is suddenly

    oered the means to escape. As he slinks into the London night

    on a mission to clear his name, he steps into a labyrinthine plot o

    double-dealings and dockworkers, plotters and politicians, power-

    brokers, crime lords, assassins and spiesand at the apex o it all:

    the Hanoverian King. U.S. Trade Paperback $14.95

    The Coee Trader

    Amsterdam, 1659: Miguel Lienzo, a sharp-

    witted commodities trader in the citys

    close-knit community o Portuguese Jews,

    has suddenly lost everything. Miguel enters

    into a partnership with a woman who oers

    him one last chance at successa daring

    plot to corner the market o an astonishing

    new commodity ca lled coee.

    . U.S. Trade Paperback $14.95

    The Whiskey RebelsAlexander Hamilton is engaged in a bitter power struggle with

    political riva l Thomas Jeerson over the U.S.s rst real nan-

    cial institution: the Bank o the United States. Ethan Saunders,

    once among General Washingtons most valued spies, and Joan

    Maycott, a young woman marr ied to another Revolutionary War

    veteran, nd their lives intertwined on the western Pennsylvania

    rontier over a daring scheme to distill whiskeyand reap the

    power and wealth that comes with it.

    U.S. Trade Paperback $15.00

    (available 6/2009)

    Veil o LiesA Medieval Noir

    By Jeri WestersonCrispin Guest, disgraced knight, has lost

    everything and must live by his wits on themean streets o 12th-century London. He

    takes odd investigative jobs, but when his

    client is murdered, Guest draws the unwanted attention o

    the Lord Sheri o London who has a grudge against him.

    Worse, the Veil o Christ, a religious relic that seems to hold

    all the answers, is now missing. U.S. Hardcover $24.95

    A brilliant tale o survival in a hostile environment,

    where anything can lead to death. Highly recom-

    mended. Library Journal(*starred review*)

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    The Mistress ofthe Art o Death Mysteries

    by Ariana Franklin

    1. Mistress o the Art o DeathIn medieval Cambridge, Adelia, a emale

    orensics expert, is summoned by King

    Henry II to investigate a series o gruesome

    murders blamed on the Jews. The king wishesto save the Jews, as they are a rich source o

    tax money or him. As Adelias investiga-

    tion takes her behind the closed doors o the

    countrys churches, the killer prepares to strike again.

    U.S. Trade Paperback $15.00

    A rollicking microcosm o budding science, medieval

    culture, and edge-o-your-seat suspense. USA Today

    2. The Serpents Tale

    When King Henry IIs mistress is poisoned, suspicion alls on his

    estranged queen, Eleanor o Aquitaine. The king orders Adelia to

    investigateand hopeully stave o civil war. A reluctant Adelia

    nds hersel again in the company o Rowley Picot, the new

    Bishop o St. Albans. Their discoveries are shockingand hint

    at greater danger to come. U.S. Trade Paperback $15.00

    3. Grave Goods

    A re has burned Glastonbury Abbey and

    revealed two skeletons. Can they be the

    remains o Arthur and Guinevere? King Henryhopes so. He wants proo that the bones are

    Arthurs. I the Welsh are sure Arthur will not

    return to their aid, Henry can crush them or

    good. He orders Adelia to examine the bones,

    while the arsonist lurks. U.S. Hardcover $25.95

    The Time-Travellers Guideto Medieval England

    by Ian MortimerThe past is a oreign country. This is your

    guidebook. How do you greet people in

    the 14th century? What would you smell?

    Should you stay in a monastic guest house?

    What ood would you be oered? Explore everything

    rom the horrors o leprosy to the ridiculous excesses o

    roasted larks and haute couture. The result is an astonish-

    ing social history, revolutionary in its concept, inormative

    and wildly entertaining. U.K. Hardcover $39.95

    Barker & LlewelynNovelsby Will Thomas

    Thomas places his cast o likable even heroic characters

    within a complex political mineeld and then waits or

    the explosion. Intense and insightul. Booklist

    All U.S. Trade Paperbacks $14.00 each

    1. Some Danger InvolvedThe murder o a scholar in Victorian Londons Jewish ghetto

    brings detective Cyrus Barker on the case. He chooses Thomas

    Llewelyn, a downtrodden young man with a murky past, as his

    assistant. As they close in on the k iller, Llewelyn is drawn deeper

    into Barkers vigilante world o back alleys and brutal criminals.

    2. To Kingdom ComeWhen a bomb explodes in Scotland Yard, Irish dissidents are sus-

    pected. Barker and Llewelyn go under cover to inltrate a secret

    cell o the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Posing as bomb-makers they are recruited by the group or the ultimate plan: to

    bring London to its knees and end the monarchy orever.

    3. The Limehouse TextBarker and Llewelyn discover a stolen

    Chinese book o orbidden lethal mart ial

    arts techniques. Politics between Britain

    and China are al ready unstable, and

    the two detectives must saeguard the

    book rom a killer intent on gaining

    the secret knowledge.

    4. The Hellre ConspiracyA distraught guardsman consults Barker

    and Llewelyn on the disappearance o

    his 12-year-old daughter. The sleuths

    suspect a serial killer. They must inl-

    trate Londons most powerul secret

    society to nd out, while Scotland Yard

    hampers the investigation in a

    cover-up o upper-class depravities.

    5. The Black HandAn Italian assassins body is ound in a barrel in the East End,

    and Barker and Llewelyn are asked to investigate. Soon corpses

    appear all over London, each accompanied by a Maa Black

    Hand note. As Barker and Llewelyn dig deeper, they become

    entangled in the bloody vendettas o rival Italian syndicates.

    Special 5-book Paperback Set: $55.95(a $70.00 retail value)

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    Killing Rommelby Steven Pressfeld

    1942: Hitlers legions have swept across

    Europe. Rommel and his Panzers stand

    poised to overrun Egypt and the oilelds

    o the Middle East. The British hatch a

    desperate plan: send a small, highly mobile, and heav-

    ily armed orce behind German lines to stop the Arika

    Korps in its tracks. The novel brings to lie the fair, agil-ity, and daring o this real-lie extraordinary secret unit

    as they gather intelligence, set up ambushes, and execute

    raids. U.S. Trade Paperback $14.95

    Available 6/2009

    [A] powerul, thoroughly researched novel . . .

    edge-o-your-seat drama, remarkable battle scenes,

    and strong characters. Bookmarks Magazine

    TheCivil War at Sea Sagaby David Poyer

    Poyer once again displays his expert knowledge o

    seamanship. Library Journal

    1. Fire on the WatersA Novel of the Civil War at Sea

    As the Union crumbles, the crew o the

    U.S.S. Owaneestruggles to provide support

    and relie. Eli Eaker, the Harvard-dropout

    son o a wealthy Maryland merchant, joins

    the navy to prove his independence rom his

    tyrannical ather and to escape an arranged

    marriage with his cousin. Amid shiting wartime alliances, Fort

    Sumter alls, and the Owaneepenetrates Chesapeake Bay on a

    clandestine mission. U.S. Trade Paperback $15.00

    2. A Country o Our OwnA Novel of the Confederate Raiders

    Ker Claiborne, executive ocer o the

    Owanee, reluctantly leaves U.S. service and

    joins the Southern cause. Initially without a

    ship, Claiborne is appointed second ocer

    o a hastily converted side-wheeler and then

    captain o a Yankee opium clipper he man-

    ages to seize. From the helm o this magnicent ship, Claiborne

    leads his intrepid crew on a series o high adventures that nd

    their climax in a stunning sea battle.

    U.S. Trade Paperback $13.00

    3. That Anvil o Our SoulsA Novel of the Monitor and Merrimack

    Union naval engineer Theodorus Hubbard,

    ormerly o the Owanee, begins work on the

    Monitor, while Southern re-eater Lomax

    Minter searches or spies working on the rival

    Merrimack. The climactic March 1862 battle

    o the two i ronclads looms, and Poyers cast

    o characters rom the previous two books nd themselves drawn

    into the epic conrontation which will herald a new age o naval

    warare. U.S. Trade Paperback $15.00

    In this superbly researched and well-written novel,

    Poyer detly intersperses historical and fctional

    characters to re-create an era while presenting an

    exciting narrative o the building o both ships and

    their climactic conrontation . . . an exciting work o

    historical fction. Booklist

    Markham o the MarinesAdventuresby Tom Connery(a.k.a. David Donachie)

    Moves at a crackling pace, alternating between hard-

    ought battles, political intrigue and acts o treachery.

    Aberdeen Press & Journal(Scotland)

    All U.S. Hardcovers $21.95 each

    1. A Shred o HonourGeorge Markham, Lieutenant o Marines, is an

    Irishman, papist, and reputed coward. When his

    ship is sent to help the Bourbon city o Toulon

    against the French revolutionaries, Markham

    must prove he is a worthy ocer o marines . . .

    or die in the attempt.

    2. Honour RedeemedMarkham is up against enemies on all sides:

    his superior ocers, the French, and the dark

    secrets o his own past. His only allies are his

    Scottish sergeant, Rannoch, and Bellamy, the

    Negro marine who is ghting his own battle

    or recognition and honour.

    3. Honour Be DamnedAs the war with revolutionary France continues,

    Markham nds himsel under the command o

    a captain hungry or glory. With both French

    and English enemies around him, and with his

    riend Horatio Nelson ar away, Markham must

    rely more than ever on his own wits.

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    1. Murder on Astor Place

    In turn-o-the-century New York, Sarah Brandt is a midwie

    estranged rom her wealthy amily. When a woman is murdered,

    Sarah must join the high society she scorns to nd the killer.

    Detective Frank Mal loy reluctantly joins her search or justice.

    2. Murder on St. Marks Place

    Sarah Brandt learns o the death o a Char ity Girl. Trading

    hersel to men or lavish gits and glamorous entertainment, the

    girl was probably killed by one o her gentlemen riends. No one

    cares about the deaths o such women, but Sarah vows to nd her

    killer and turns to Detective Frank Malloy or help.

    Fascinating . . . Thompson vividly recreates the

    gas-lit world o old New York. Publishers Weekly

    3. Murder on Gramercy ParkAter a successul delivery, a baby alls mysteriously ill. But mid-

    wie Sarah Brandt soon discovers the source o the babys

    sicknessand a scandal thats paved with greed and deception.

    4. Murder on Washington SquareA mild-mannered banker is accused o murdering his mistress.

    Sarah, who met the mistress earlier, is sure the woman was a

    brash schemer. Now its up to Frank Malloy to prove the bankers

    innocence and determine i the victim was actually the victimizer.

    5. Murder on Mulberry Bend

    Sarah helps out at a reuge or girls trying to escape lie on the

    streets. When one o the girls is murdered, Sarah investigates the

    death. Frank Malloy tries to protect her by tak ing over the inves-

    tigation, but Sarah s passion or justice puts her in deadly danger.

    6.Murder on Marble Row

    New York City Police Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt is con-

    vinced that anarchists are responsible or the death o a wealthy

    industrialist. Assigned with proving this suspicion, Frank Malloy

    turns to Sarah or help in navigating the high circles o Fith

    Avenue society to catch a kil ler.

    7. Murder on Lenox Hill

    Midwie Sarah Brandt and Detective Sergeant Frank Malloys

    most disturbing case to date begins not with a murder, but with

    the pregnancy o a young womanwho is mentally still a child

    hersel. And when suspicion alls on a beloved minister, the sor-

    did aair could take its toll in innocent lives.

    Special 10-book Paperback Set Price $63.95(a $79.90 retail value)

    8. Murder in Little Italy

    An Irish girl marries into an Italian amily and delivers a baby

    that is ull-term rather than premature as expected. Tensions

    between Irish and Italians rise as the girl is ound dead. Sarah

    and Frank must solve her murder beore more people suer.

    Well written. The characters are so real and the time

    period laid out so well. Highly recommended.Mystery Books

    9. Murder in Chinatown

    In Chinatown to deliver a baby, Sarah learns that the mothers

    mixed-race niece is missing, and she enlists Mal loys help. When

    the girl is murdered, they must unravel the secrets o Chinatown

    and Chinese culture to nd the killer.

    New Paperback! Available 6/2009

    10. Murder on Bank StreetIn the our years since her husbands death, Sarah Brandt has

    built a new lie. Now Frank Malloy turns to solving the murder

    o Dr. Tom Brandt. He nds plenty o suspects among the doc-

    tors patients but what he nal ly discovers may destroy Sarah.

    The Gaslight Mysteries by Victoria ThompsonAll U.S. Mass-Market Paperbacks $7.95 each

    Night o FlamesA Novel of World War IIBy Douglas W. Jacobson

    In 1939 the Germans invade Poland,setting o a storm o v iolence anddestruction. Annas ather is deportedto a death camp, and she joins the

    Resistance in Belgium. Her husband, Jan, escapes toBritain. When British intelligence asks him to return toPoland in an undercover mission, he seizes the chance tosearch or his missing wie. U.S. Trade Paperback $16.95

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    Coming in October 2009!Book 10: Invasion

    U.S. Hardcover $24.00

    1. KyddEurope is ablaze with war. Citizens are press-ganged into ser-

    vice. Young Thomas Kydd, a wig-maker rom Guildord, is

    pressed aboard the Duke William. Kydd learns the harsh reali-

    ties o shipboard lie ast, becoming a true sailor and deender

    o Britain. U.S. Trade Paperback $15.00

    2. ArtemisKydd and sea-mate Nicholas Renzi sail to the Far East. To-

    gether they ace shipwreck, mutiny, and a conrontation with a

    mighty French rigate. Then Kydd receives an urgent message

    that threatens to trap him on shore orever.U.S. Trade Paperback $15.00

    3. SeafowerKydd has returned with evidence or the court-martial o the

    sole surviving ocer o theArtemis but soon nds himsel

    shipped to the Caribbean instead. There, he and Renzi ace the

    ury o sea and battle one more time!

    U.S. Trade Paperback $15.00

    Continuing the rousing adventures o ThomasKydd . . . Stockwin writes o the nautical lie with

    vivid authority. Kirkus Reviews

    4. MutinyKydd is caught up in the Nore mutiny. As a loyal servant o the

    King, he is expected to turn against his riendsbut how can

    he? Faced with an impossible decision, he must nd a way to

    save himsel and his ellow sailors.

    U.S. Trade Paperback $14.00

    TheKydd Sea Adventuresby Julian StockwinThe vantage point o the common sailor gives the nautical novel a resh twist.

    The Guardian

    I was soon turning over the pages almost

    indecently ast. Independent

    5. QuarterdeckKydd must pass a tough exam or his lieutenancy. Then,

    in Colonial waters, he becomes enmeshed in the birth o

    the American Navy and must use al l his seamanship tothwart the enemy. U.S. Trade Paperback $16.00

    7. Command

    Thomas Kydd takes command o the brig-sloop Teazerand

    races to make her battle-ready. When peace is declared the

    young captain agrees to transport convicts to Australia to

    make ends meet. At the ends o the earth, he must prove his

    seamanship and his humanity against all odds.

    U.S. Trade Paperback $14.00

    Salt spray and the aroma o tarred rigging and

    powder ly o the pages. Tall Ships Books

    Now in Paperback!

    8. The Admirals DaughterKydd is back in command o his beloved Teazer. Ater a mission

    to the coast o France, he must take on smugglers, privateers

    and treacherous seas in home waters. Meanwhile a growing

    attachment to the admiral s daughter promises to bring him all

    the power and social standing he desires.

    U.S. Trade Paperback $16.00

    9. The Privateers RevengeSee back cover or details.

    U.S. Hardcover $24.00

    U.S. Trade Paperback (available 10/2009) $16.00

    6. TenaciousLieutenant Thomas Kydd joins a squadron com-

    manded by Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson. Their

    mission is to scour the Mediterranean and locate

    Napoleon. Kydd takes part in the capture o

    Minorca, the Battle o the Nile, and the Siege o

    Acre. U.S. Trade Paperback $14.00

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    Holmes on the Range Novelsby Steve Hockensmith

    1. Holmes on the Range

    1893: Brothers Big Red and Old Red

    Amlingmeyer take jobs at a secretive ranch,

    expecting hard work, bad pay, and time to

    read Sherlock Holmes stories. Then another

    ranch hand turns up dead; Old Red uses hisHolmes-inspired deduciyin skills to solve

    the case, dragging Big Red along or a wild

    ride. U.S. Trade Paperback $13.95

    Inspired . . . dazzles with colorul language, vivid

    images, and hilarious asides. Sherlock Holmes in a

    Stetson turns out to be a dandy idea. Boston Globe

    2. On the Wrong Track

    Old Red hates railways, so when he insists he and Big Red sign

    on to protect the Pacic Express, Big Red is fummoxed. But Old

    Red wants to try proessional detectiying just like Sherlock

    Holmes, so the brothers end up trapped on a thousand tons o

    hurtling steel with a craty gang o outlaws just around the bend,

    a baggage car ull o deadly secrets, and a hidden killer.

    U.S. Trade Paperback $12.95

    3. The Black Dove

    Old Red and Big Red try to land jobs as proessional detectives

    but end up in hot water instead. Their riend Dr. Chan is in trou-

    ble, and theyre just the men to get him out o it. But by the time

    they nd Chan, hes dead. When the brothers set out to solvehis murder, they put themselves on a collision course with shady

    S.F.P.D. cops, brutal Barbary Coast hoodlums, and the deadly

    Chinatown tongs. U.S. Trade Paperback $14.95

    Our SpecialDrinkwater 14-Book Set: $169.95

    (a $213.30 retail value)

    1. An Eye o the Fleet $16.95

    2. A Kings Cutter $14.95

    3. A Brig o War $14.95

    4. The Bomb Vessel $14.95

    5. The Corvette $14.95

    6. 1805 $14.95

    7. Baltic Mission $14.95

    8. In Distant Waters $14.95

    9. A Private Revenge $14.95

    10. Under False Colours $14.95

    11. The Flying Squadron $16.95

    12. Beneath the Aurora $14.95

    13. The Shadow o the Eagle $14.95

    14. Ebb Tide $14.95

    Nathaniel DrinkwaterNovelsby Richard Woodman

    Nathanial Drinkwater is an ocer in the

    British Royal Navy, the best

    o the best. From his early years as a

    midshipman in the late eighteenth

    century, he distinguishes himsel in re-ghts and takes the initiative in matters

    o espionage. As he is pro-

    moted, he becomes a ghting

    captain to be reckoned with.

    From erce storms to treach-

    ery on the high seas, through

    disaster, near death and per-

    sonal hardship, Drinkwaters

    eventul lie brings him triumph and

    disaster in equal measurebut he

    wouldnt have it any other way.

    All U.S. Trade Paperbacks

    Through the WheatA Novel of the World War I Marines

    by Thomas Boyd

    Thomas Boyd joined the Marines in thepatriotic heat o the spring o 1917. In

    1919 he came home rom the war with

    a Croix de Guerre and a desire to write.

    This, his acclaimed rst novel, ocuses

    on William Hicks who keeps composure under re not

    because he is braver than other marines but because he is

    dead to the world. U.S. Trade Paperback $14.95

    The most bri lliant o doughboy reminiscences.

    New York Times.

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    7. Passage to Mutiny1789: As captain o the Tempest, Bolitho protects English shipping

    lanes in the Great South Sea and aces pirates, savage islanders,

    and mutiny. $15.95

    8. With All Despatch1792: Brutal smugglers ply their trade between England and

    France. Bolithos mission: take three speedy topsail cutters and

    ght the treacherous raiders o the coast o Kent. $15.95

    9. Form Line o Battle!1793: England is again at war. Bolitho

    commands a mighty ship o the line and

    must turn the tables on the French by tak-

    ing a French port. $15.95

    10. Enemy in Sight!1793: Hyperions untrained crew sets sail or

    blockade duty o France; Bolithos incompetent superior jeopar-

    dizes the operation o the entire feet. $16.95

    Full o rousing sea action. Kirkus Reviews

    11. The Flag Captain1797: France continues a bitter struggle or supremacy on landand sea; the Great Mutiny cripples the Royal Navy at home.


    12. Signal Close Action!1798: Napoleon prepares to annex Egypt. Commodore Bolitho

    makes the ateul decision to place his squadron between the Nile

    and French naval orces. $16.95

    13. The Inshore Squadron1800: The scene o battle shits to the Baltic where Britains long-

    standing ally, Denmark, now poses a threat. Ahead looms the

    crucial Batt le o Copenhagen . . . $15.95

    14. A Tradition o Victory1801: Bolitho must attack. Britain must show her strength and

    determinationweakening the French cause. But Bolitho is torn

    between duty and the woman he must leave behind. $15.95

    1. The CompleteMidshipman Bolitho1772-74: Young Bolitho battles erce

    pirates o the Arican coast, joins his

    brother, Hugh, in catching v icious smug-glers o British home waters, and takes his

    examination to begin his true career as a

    Kings Ocer. $15.95

    2. Stand into Danger1774: Aboard the 28-gun Destiny, Bolitho, now a third lieutenant,

    deals with piracy, conspiracy and treason in the Caribbean. Amid

    broadsides and hand-to-hand combat, Bolitho learns to lead.


    Kent doesnt make it easy or his hero. But he does

    endow him with the authenticity that makes these

    adventures the closest thing to C.S. Forester still

    coming o the presses.

    The New York Times Book Review

    3. In Gallant Company1777: The British navy maintains its block-

    ade o American harbors. As a junior

    ocer, Richard Bolitho is caught up in the

    turmoil o American Revolution sea battles.


    4. Sloop o War1778: Amid rebellion in the Colonies,

    Captain Bolitho ghts rebels, avoids a treacherous woman, and

    overcomes the dangerous incompetence o a senior ocer. $15.95

    5. To Glory We Steer

    1782: Ordered to the Caribbean, Captain Bolitho o the Phalaropedeals with a crew dr iven to near-mutiny by the ormer captains

    ill-treatment. In the heat o battle, Phalaropemust prove hersel a

    kings ship again. $16.95

    6. Command a Kings Ship1784: Bolitho commands the rigate Undineand sets sail or

    Indonesia. Tensions reach the boiling point as the bloody struggle

    or colonial supremacy continues. $15.95

    Thrilling Naval AdventureAll U.S. Trade Paperbacks

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    15. Success to the Brave1802: The Treaty o Amiens is collapsing. Britain and France

    wrangle over their colonial possessions. Bolitho, despatched to

    the Caribbean, nds diplomacy insucient. $15.95

    16. Colours Alot!1803: Vice-Admiral Bolitho commands his feet against the French

    now that the Peace o Amiens is ended. But the war has now be-

    come a personal vendetta with the French admira l Jobert. $15.95

    17. Honour This Day1804: Bolitho commands a new squadron sailing to raid the

    Spanish. But when he discovers Spanish war ships in the Mediter-

    ranean he must stop them rom reaching Traalgar. $16.95

    18. The Only Victor1806: Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Bolitho must aid orces to retake

    Cape Town rom the Dutch. Then he takes command o a new

    fag ship and aces the Danes once more at Copenhagen. $15.95

    19. Beyond the Ree1808: Napoleon holds Portugal and

    threatens Spain. Bolitho goes to the

    Cape o Good Hope to establish a per-

    manent naval orce. $15.95

    20. The Darkening Sea1809: Ater a brie respite rom war

    and politics, Vice-Admiral Sir Richard

    Bolitho is ordered to the Indian Ocean

    as war looms. $16.95

    21. For My Countrys Freedom1811: Admira l Bolitho is summoned to

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    The Titus Bass Novels by Terry C. Johnston

    1. Dance on the WindYoung Titus Bass leaves his Kentucky

    home, looking or adventure. Along the

    Mississippi, he nds a violent country o

    riverboat men, bandits, knie ghts and

    Indian raids. Yet beyond the river, the

    unexplored Great Plains await.

    2. Bualo PalaceYoung Titus Bass rides into Rocky

    Mountain country where he learns to

    trap beaver, survive the winter, ght

    Indians and ellow mountain men, and

    celebrate at the summer rendezvous.

    3. Crack in the SkyIn this nish to the rst Bass trilogy, Titus gradually learns whatit truly means to be a mountain man. From a raucous rendezvous

    o trappers to a searing ght with Comanche and an angry chase

    with horse thieves, he grows to become Scratch the competent

    mountain man o later books.

    4. Carry the WindTitus Scratch Bass meets young Josiah Paddock, on the run

    rom his past. Bass takes the brash youngster under his wing, and

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    Kirkus Reviews

    5. BorderlordsThe wounded Josiah Paddock and Titus Bass nd their way back

    to the Crow vil lage, where they are welcomed. Then a misunder-

    standing over a beautiul Crow woman drives the riends apart,

    propelling Bass into the unorgiving w ilderness on a lonely,dangerous quest.

    6. One-Eyed DreamEnding the second Bass trilogy, Bass and

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    stir up a hell o violence. Pursued by vengeul

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    A mesmerizing read that counterpoints the hor-

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    7. Ride the Moon DownAt 40, Titus Bass is getting old. Hal-blind, his body broken and

    scarred, Bass embodies the decline o the once-booming ur trade.

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