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Address: Shop 7, 720 Old Princes Highway Sutherland NSW 2232

Postal: P.O Box 66 Sutherland NSW 1499

Telephone: +61 2 8355 2440 Fax: +61 2 9521 7199

Web: Email:

Division of RAMTRANS Australia ABN: 45067491678 RPEQ: 19457

Transport Planning, Traffic Impact Assessments, Road Safety Audits, Expert Witness

proposed Mosque Page 1 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019

29th May 2019 Reference: 18552.02FB

Mills Oakley

400 George Street

Sydney NSW 2000

Attention: Kate Marginson



Dear Kate,

Reference is made to your request to provide supplementary traffic advice for the proposed Mosque

at 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect (proposed site layout in Annexure A), as a result of the S34

Conference which was held on the 11th of February 2019.

This letter is in response to Blacktown City Council’s request for further information with regards to

an accumulative traffic study to be conducted to assess the traffic impact of the proposed mosque

alongside the approved hotel located at 2 Great Western Highway, Prospect (plans reproduced in

Annexure B for reference).

The traffic generation of the approved hotel has been estimated to be 12 vehicle trips during the

evening peak hour period as presented in Winning Traffic Solutions Traffic & Access Assessment

Report from September 2017.

An additional 12 vehicle trips during the evening peak hour can be easily absorbed into the

surrounding road network resulting in minimal impact to the surrounding intersections. Additionally,

the peak traffic generation of the mosque is expected to occur either side of the Friday midday prayer

service (1:00pm to 2:00pm) while the peak traffic generation of the hotel occurs during the evening.

Therefore, the peak traffic generation of the approved hotel and the proposed mosque will not

coincide such that an accumulative assessment would not be required.

Nevertheless, assuming the peak traffic generation of the approved hotel occurs on either side of

the prayer service, an accumulative traffic study has been undertaken and is presented below.

proposed Mosque Page 2 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019

SIDRA Intersection Analysis

1.1 Existing Traffic Environment

Traffic counts were completed at the intersections of Great Western Highway / Blacktown Road /

Clunies Ross Street and Blacktown Road / Metella Road on Friday 22nd February 2019, representing

a typical Friday, and are reproduced in Annexure C.

1.1.1 Intersection performances

Existing intersection performances have been assessed using SIDRA INTERSECTION 8.0. The

analysis is summarised in Table 2 below, with detailed SIDRA outputs reproduced in Annexure D

for reference.

It should be noted that the peak traffic generation of the mosque occurs within a 30-minute period

on either side of the 1:00pm to 2:00pm prayer period and therefore as a conservative approach the

SIDRA has been modelled over a 30-minute period.


Intersection Peak


Degree of





Level of







Rd / Metella



– 1:00PM 0.41 6.5 (11.5)


(Worst: A)


Right from

Metella Rd


2:00PM –

2:30PM 0.59 6.9 (13.7)


(Worst: A)

Right from

Metella Rd




Hwy /


Rd / Clunies

Ross St


– 1:00PM 0.50 37.7 C


Right from



Hwy (W)

2:00PM –

2:30PM 0.71 41.8 C

Right from


Ross St



(1) Degree of Saturation is the ratio of demand to capacity for the most disadvantaged movement.

(2) Average delay is the delay experienced on average by all vehicles. The value in brackets represents the

delay to the most disadvantaged movement.

(3) Level of Service is a qualitative measure of performance describing operational conditions. There are six

levels of service, designated from A to F, with A representing the best operational condition and level of

service F the worst. The LoS of the intersection is shown in bold, and the LoS of the most disadvantaged

movement is shown in brackets.

proposed Mosque Page 3 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019

1.2 Traffic Generation

Reference is made to the MCLaren TPIA which includes the following with regards to the traffic

generation associated with the proposed place of worship:

Typical car occupancy of similar developments can be taken as 1 car per 3 patrons due to the high number of family and friends that will travel to the place of worship together for a specific event or prayer time.

The expected peak patronage for the proposed mosque is now 113 (112 worshippers plus the Iman)

adults and occurs during the Friday midday prayer service between 1:00PM – 2:00PM with the peak

traffic generation occurring in the 30-minute periods either side of the prayer period. Based upon the

above, it is expected that the peak traffic generation of the site will be 37 inbound vehicle trips (prior

to 1:00PM) and 37 outbound vehicle trips (after 2:00PM). As a worst-case scenario, the traffic

generation at the proposed driveway is expected to be 34 (number of spaces on-site) inbound trips

(prior to 1:00PM) and 34 outbound trips (after 2:00PM)

As a conservative approach it has been assumed that all 34 trips at the site driveway occur within

the 30-minute timeframe either side of the prayer period. It should be noted that this traffic generation

is also anticipated as a worst-case scenario for Special Events.

As discussed above the expected peak traffic generation of the approved hotel was determined

within Winning Traffic Solutions Traffic & Access Assessment Report from September 2017 to be 12

vehicle trips in the evening peak hour.

1.3 Traffic Assignment

Reference is made to the MCLaren TPIA which includes the following with regards to the traffic

assignment associated with the proposed place of worship:

Ingress Trips

50% travel northbound along Blacktown Road

40% travel southbound along Blacktown Road

10% travel from Metella Road

Outgoing Trips

50% turn left onto Blacktown Road to travel north

40% turn right onto Blacktown Road to travel south

10% travel via Metella Road

The above traffic assignment has been used to distribute the traffic of the proposed mosque.

The approved hotel peak occurs during the evening and it is reasonable to assume that on a Friday

100% of traffic generation at this time will be inbound trips. The approved hotel plans detail a left in

/ left out driveway onto Blacktown Road therefore all entering traffic will arrive from the intersection

of Great Western Highway / Blacktown Road / Clunies Ross Street. It has been assumed that the

traffic arriving to the approved hotel will be distributed proportionally to the existing volumes along

the Great Western Highway, that is:

proposed Mosque Page 4 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019

• 55% traveling westbound along Great Western Highway;

• 45% traveling eastbound along Great Western Highway.

1.4 Traffic Impact

The traffic generation outlined in Section 1.2 & 1.3 above has been added to the existing traffic

volumes recorded. SIDRA INTERSECTION 8.0 was used to assess the intersection’s performance.

The purpose of this assessment is to compare the existing intersection operations to the future

scenario under the increased traffic load.

Again, it should be noted that the peak traffic generation of the mosque occurs within a 30-minute

period on either side of the 1:00PM-2:00PM prayer period and therefore as a conservative approach

the SIDRA has been modelled over a 30-minute period.

The results of this assessment are shown in Table 4 below, with detailed SIDRA outputs reproduced

in Annexure D for reference.


Intersection Peak


Degree of





Level of

Service(3) Control Type




Blacktown Rd

/ Metella Rd


– 1:00PM 0.41 6.5 (11.5)


(Worst: A)


Right from

Metella Rd


2:00PM –

2:30PM 0.59 6.9 (13.7)


(Worst: A)

Right from

Metella Rd


Great Western

Hwy /

Blacktown Rd

/ Clunies Ross



– 1:00PM 0.50 37.7 C


Right from



Hwy (W)

2:00PM –

2:30PM 0.71 41.8 C

Right from


Ross St (S)

FUTURE PERFORMANCE (Post development)

Blacktown Rd

/ Metella Rd


– 1:00PM 0.43 6.7 (11.8)


(Worst: A)


Right from

Metella Rd


2:00PM –

2:30PM 0.63 7.2 (14.2)


(Worst: A)

Right from

Metella Rd


Great Western

Hwy /

Blacktown Rd

/ Clunies Ross



– 1:00PM 0.50 37.4 C


Right from


Ross St (S)

2:00PM –

2:30PM 0.75 41.8 C

Right from


Ross St (S)


(1) Degree of Saturation is the ratio of demand to capacity for the most disadvantaged movement.

(2) Average delay is the delay experienced on average by all vehicles. The value in brackets represents the delay to the most

disadvantaged movement.

proposed Mosque Page 5 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019

(3) Level of Service is a qualitative measure of performance describing operational conditions. There are six levels of service,

designated from A to F, with A representing the best operational condition and level of service F the worst. The LoS of the

intersection is shown in bold, and the LoS of the most disadvantaged movement is shown in brackets.

As shown in Table 2 above, the surrounding intersections remain unaltered under the future

scenario. The existing LoS has been retained with minimal delays and additional capacity


It can therefore be concluded that the proposed development during the Friday prayer period will not

have a detrimental impact upon the surrounding road network and is fully supported.

1.5 Traffic Generation and Impact outside Friday Prayer

The proposed site will have the following weekly timetable as detailed within the Plan of Management

and reproduced below in Table 3. Further, the expected traffic generation of each operation based

upon 1 vehicle trip per 3 patrons (expected to occur 30 mins prior to and after each activity) is shown










(non daylight


Time (daylight


Fajr 50 17 5:30am –


5:30am to



(weekday) 30 10

5:30pm to


5:30 pm to



Weekend 30 10

10:00am to


10:00am to


Zuhr 50 17 11:45am to


11:45am to


Asr 50 17 3:00pm to


3:00pm to


Magrib 50 17 4:45pm to


4:45pm to


Isha 50 17 7:00pm to


7:00pm to


As shown above outside the peak operation of the site (Friday Prayer), there are a number of lower

scale operations of the site. The assessed 30 mins time periods modelled in Section 1.3 above, had

two-way traffic flows of 569 and 728 at the roundabout intersection of Fox Hills Crescent / Metelaa

Road / Blacktown Road during the 12:30am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 2:30pm respectively. Similarly,

the signalised intersection of Blacktown Road / Great Western Highway / Clunies Ross Street had

two-way traffic flows of 1405 and 1731 during the 12:30am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 2:30pm


proposed Mosque Page 6 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019

Based upon the survey data available as shown in Annexure C, the peak two-way traffic flow within

a 30-minute period occurred between at 4:30pm to 5:00pm. This would overlap with the prayer Asr

and Magrib of which is expected that they are undertaken one after the other. As such there is likely

to be limited vehicular traffic generated by the proposed during this time period as all visitors are

already on-site. Regardless of this, an assessment against the peak 30-minute flows at the

intersection of Fox Hills Crescent / Metelaa Road / Blacktown Road and Blacktown Road / Great

Western Highway / Clunies Ross Street has been undertaken with the following additional traffic:

• 17 vehicle trips from the proposed development (9 in, 8 out);

• 12 inbound vehicle trips from the hotel development;

• The traffic distribution will be the same as detailed in Section 1.3.

The existing and future results are summarised in Table 4 below, with the detailed SIDRA outputs

reproduced in Annexure E for reference.


Intersection Peak


Degree of





Level of

Service(3) Control Type




Blacktown Rd /

Metella Rd



0.71 7.2 (15.5) A

(Worst: B) Roundabout

Right from

Metella Rd


Great Western

Hwy /

Blacktown Rd /

Clunies Ross




0.83 34.9 C Signals

Right from



Hwy (W)

FUTURE PERFORMANCE (Post development)

Blacktown Rd /

Metella Rd



0.73 7.3 (15.9) A

(Worst: B) Roundabout

Right from

Metella Rd


Great Western

Hwy /

Blacktown Rd /

Clunies Ross




0.83 35 C Signals

Right from



Hwy (W)


(1) Degree of Saturation is the ratio of demand to capacity for the most disadvantaged movement.

(2) Average delay is the delay experienced on average by all vehicles. The value in brackets represents the delay to the most

disadvantaged movement.

(3) Level of Service is a qualitative measure of performance describing operational conditions. There are six levels of service,

designated from A to F, with A representing the best operational condition and level of service F the worst. The LoS of the

intersection is shown in bold, and the LoS of the most disadvantaged movement is shown in brackets.

As shown above the intersection of Blantown Road / Metalla Road / Site access and Great Western

Highway / Blacktown Road / Clunies Ross Street remains unaltered under the future scenario. The

existing LoS has been retained with minimal delays and additional capacity maintained. Based upon

the above it can be concluded that the off-peak use of the site will have acceptable and minimal

impacts when assessed in conjunction with the approved hotel development.

proposed Mosque Page 7 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019

Council Car Parking Requirements

Reference is made to Blacktown Council’s Development Control Plan 2015 – Part A: Introduction

and General Guidelines Section 6.3 which outlines the following car parking requirements for the

Place of Worship.

Community facility and place of public worship

1 space per 4 seats or 1 space per 10m2 of seating area, whichever is the greater

Based upon the above requirements, the proposed development would demand 28.25 car parking

spaces. The plans detail 34 car parking spaces (inclusive of 4 x tandem spaces), exceeding

Council’s requirement.

Car Park Design & Compliance

It should be noted that while we have assessed the plans to be generally compliant with the relevant

standards, it is usual that a construction certificate is required prior to construction due to possible

changes after D.A approval. The proposed plans achieve the following:

• A total of 34 car parking spaces including:

▪ 20 car parking spaces of minimum dimensions 2.5m x 5.4m for visitors;

▪ 5 parallel car parking spaces of minimum dimension 2.1m x 5.9m for visitors;

▪ 8 tandem car parking spaces of minimum dimensions 2.5m x 5.4m;

▪ 1 disabled spaces of minimum dimensions 2.4m x 5.4m and adjacent shared zone.

• Minimum parking aisle of 5.8m.

A number of swept path tests have been developed to demonstrate vehicle circulation within the car

park and are reproduced in Annexure F.

proposed Mosque Page 8 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019

Overflow Parking Assessment

Parking surveys were undertaken on Friday 5th May 2017 between the periods of 11:00 am – 3:00

pm. The detailed results of these surveys are reproduced in Annexure G for reference.

Based upon the results of the parking surveys there was a minimum of 111 car parking spaces

available (inclusive of the on-site car parking availability) within 200m of the site. As such any

overflow parking as a result of the Friday prayer period can be fully accommodated within the

surrounding area. It is reiterated, that the proposed development exceeds Council’s DCP car parking

requirements and the provision of 34 parking spaces is an acceptable outcome.

It should be noted that the use of the surrounding area specifically for the Friday prayer is considered

acceptable given that the Friday Prayer only occurs once per week and is limited to outside peak

parking periods. I.e. is limited to between 12:30pm to 2:30pm. Hence, this is outside the use of the

nearby school and also the peak use of residential on-street parking.

Please contact the undersigned on 8355 2440 should you require further information or assistance.

Yours faithfully McLaren Traffic Engineering

Matthew MCCarthy Traffic Engineer BE Civil Engineering Masters of Engineering Science RMS Accredited Level 1 Road Safety Auditor RMS Accredited Work Zone Traffic Management Plan Designer and Inspector

proposed Mosque Page 9 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


proposed Mosque Page 10 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


proposed Mosque Page 11 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(Sheet 2 of 2)

proposed Mosque Page 12 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 1 OF 2)

GPS -33.80255, 150.92804

Date: North: AM: #######

Weather: East: PM:

Suburban: South: 1 AM:

Customer: West: 30 PM:

All Vehicles

Period StartPeriod End U R SB L U R WB L U R NB L U R EB L Hour Peak

11:30 11:45 0 6 10 0 0 0 2 4 0 5 22 80 0 108 4 8 1044

11:45 12:00 0 6 21 1 0 0 3 1 0 3 11 79 0 129 8 4 1072

12:00 12:15 0 7 16 0 0 0 3 0 1 7 14 83 0 117 7 11 1098

12:15 12:30 0 5 20 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 6 85 2 125 4 11 1110

12:30 12:45 0 5 12 0 0 2 9 1 0 7 12 87 0 130 4 8 1171

12:45 13:00 0 8 19 0 0 0 1 3 0 10 7 86 0 147 1 10 1189

13:00 13:15 0 3 14 0 0 2 1 6 2 3 10 77 0 148 7 5 1230

13:15 13:30 0 3 18 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 9 97 2 171 5 13 1302

13:30 13:45 0 6 12 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 13 86 2 156 3 9 1356

13:45 14:00 0 4 12 1 0 0 1 4 2 2 13 98 1 180 5 10 1480

14:00 14:15 0 2 16 1 0 0 2 4 0 2 15 107 0 182 4 15 1553

14:15 14:30 0 5 22 0 0 1 13 19 2 5 15 81 2 191 8 14 1584

14:30 14:45 0 3 27 1 0 0 10 9 2 2 17 118 0 208 7 15 1637

14:45 15:00 0 4 20 0 0 2 6 10 1 3 19 101 0 226 4 10 1630

15:00 15:15 0 2 16 2 0 4 8 5 0 3 21 100 0 201 2 17 1665

15:15 15:30 0 7 44 2 0 0 2 3 0 2 25 127 0 201 0 18 1739

15:30 15:45 0 11 26 1 0 0 6 5 1 1 18 119 0 200 6 18 1721

15:45 16:00 0 5 22 0 0 1 4 2 1 4 23 137 3 221 2 16 1724

16:00 16:15 0 5 27 0 0 0 3 4 2 2 15 149 1 226 6 15 1734

16:15 16:30 0 7 22 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 23 144 0 198 2 11 1741

16:30 16:45 0 4 26 1 0 0 1 3 0 1 17 144 1 200 4 13 1748

16:45 17:00 0 3 31 2 0 0 1 1 0 3 21 136 2 233 2 16 1753

17:00 17:15 0 7 26 1 0 0 5 3 1 1 28 158 0 215 0 17 1771 Peak

17:15 17:30 1 3 30 1 0 1 1 1 0 3 18 155 0 192 2 12 1694

17:30 17:45 0 9 27 1 0 1 2 2 0 4 31 107 4 207 9 16 1584

17:45 18:00 0 5 18 1 0 1 4 3 1 5 25 153 4 223 7 19

18:00 18:15 0 5 24 2 0 0 3 2 3 2 25 125 0 177 6 11

18:15 18:30 0 4 22 4 0 1 4 2 1 7 20 91 1 135 6 12

Period StartPeriod End U R SB L U R WB L U R NB L U R EB L

11:45 12:45 0 23 69 1 0 2 17 4 1 18 43 334 2 501 23 34 1072

17:00 18:00 1 24 101 4 0 3 12 9 2 13 102 573 8 837 18 64 1771

Note: Site sketch is for illustrating traffic flows. Direction is indicative only, drawing is not to scale and not an exact streets configuration.





Light Vehicles



Metella Rd

Fox Hills Cres

Hourly Total



Peak Time North Approach Metella Rd East Approach Fox Hills Cres South Approach Blacktown Rd West Approach Blacktown Rd

West Approach Blacktown RdSouth Approach Blacktown Rd

11:45 AM-12:45 PM

5:00 PM-6:00 PM



11:30 AM-12:00 PM

12:00 PM-6:30 PM


Intersection of Fox Hills Cres and Metella Rd, Blacktown


Time North Approach Metella Rd East Approach Fox Hills Cres



Blacktown Rd

Blacktown Rd

Fri 22/02/19

Metella Rd



x H

ills C





n R


Blacktown Rd

1 24 101 4






2557 102 13

1 24 101 4






2573 102 13

PM Peak 5:00 PM-6:00 PM

0 0 0 0





016 0 0

proposed Mosque Page 13 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 2 OF 2)

GPS -33.8049, 150.92758

Date: North: AM: #######

Weather: East: PM:

Suburban: South: 1 AM:

Customer: West: 30 PM:

All Vehicles

Period StartPeriod End U R SB L U R WB L U R NB L U R EB L Hour Peak

7:00 7:15 0 49 9 124 0 70 174 1 0 6 21 19 0 20 416 15 3882

7:15 7:30 0 39 4 142 0 62 204 2 0 3 28 23 0 14 356 20 4007

7:30 7:45 0 58 21 172 0 60 235 4 0 7 26 32 1 19 405 14 4213 Peak

7:45 8:00 0 43 10 169 0 74 236 6 0 3 27 38 0 14 360 27 4137

8:00 8:15 0 62 15 168 0 76 226 8 0 13 35 36 0 19 377 14 4048

8:15 8:30 0 52 13 185 0 83 250 6 0 12 35 32 0 19 391 25 3700

8:30 8:45 0 55 15 155 0 87 233 2 0 10 34 35 0 16 316 20 3244

8:45 9:00 0 46 13 143 0 75 219 2 0 9 33 33 0 15 313 17 3011

11:30 11:45 0 28 13 87 0 65 223 3 0 5 16 16 0 14 209 22 2782

11:45 12:00 0 42 12 94 1 53 183 4 0 1 9 13 0 10 204 21 2749

12:00 12:15 0 40 10 83 0 86 258 8 0 7 11 17 0 14 198 13 2839

12:15 12:30 0 38 14 97 0 61 216 4 0 6 13 26 0 19 181 14 2862

12:30 12:45 0 32 15 94 0 68 207 3 0 6 11 18 0 7 182 25 2932

12:45 13:00 0 41 12 115 1 69 228 3 0 11 17 26 1 17 178 18 3017

13:00 13:15 0 54 20 113 0 68 250 2 0 1 13 25 0 15 190 17 3070

13:15 13:30 0 49 17 100 0 73 241 1 0 4 11 27 1 14 205 16 3109

13:30 13:45 0 40 20 127 0 81 244 4 0 5 15 22 0 10 168 17 3274

13:45 14:00 0 48 23 132 0 72 223 11 0 4 14 24 0 17 199 23 3513

14:00 14:15 0 49 16 140 0 82 252 8 0 6 15 15 0 17 187 20 3740

14:15 14:30 0 79 27 152 0 83 299 1 0 7 17 16 2 13 206 22 3904

14:30 14:45 0 51 16 159 0 85 347 5 0 1 9 22 0 16 252 29 4107

14:45 15:00 0 64 23 151 0 112 353 4 0 7 12 22 0 19 223 27 4163

15:00 15:15 0 46 16 136 0 103 373 7 0 7 20 29 0 11 200 23 4244

15:15 15:30 0 62 16 147 0 108 454 10 0 8 13 28 0 22 232 27 4320

15:30 15:45 0 78 19 127 0 86 376 5 0 4 22 31 0 26 254 20 4319

15:45 16:00 0 79 20 143 0 128 431 14 0 3 12 22 0 27 199 20 4560

16:00 16:15 0 49 12 114 0 90 456 4 0 7 24 27 0 16 223 25 4719

16:15 16:30 0 61 19 144 0 107 480 4 0 4 30 38 0 16 200 23 4920

16:30 16:45 0 52 27 140 0 135 558 7 0 5 26 27 0 34 247 31 5186 Peak

16:45 17:00 0 49 26 121 0 132 591 6 0 4 36 34 0 29 211 18 5101

17:00 17:15 0 48 33 151 0 150 557 3 0 4 32 27 0 29 191 23 5039

17:15 17:30 0 32 20 148 0 152 655 15 0 6 26 29 0 31 245 33 4707

17:30 17:45 0 63 37 140 0 148 491 10 0 4 26 19 0 30 209 27 4208

17:45 18:00 0 34 31 155 0 130 511 10 0 4 9 30 0 28 234 19

18:00 18:15 0 35 28 89 0 114 365 15 0 13 21 36 1 27 148 24

18:15 18:30 0 19 20 84 0 99 368 17 0 4 15 23 0 18 199 27

Period StartPeriod End U R SB L U R WB L U R NB L U R EB L

7:30 8:30 0 215 59 694 0 293 947 24 0 35 123 138 1 71 1533 80 4213

16:30 17:30 0 181 106 560 0 569 2361 31 0 19 120 117 0 123 894 105 5186

Note: Site sketch is for illustrating traffic flows. Direction is indicative only, drawing is not to scale and not an exact streets configuration.





7:00 AM-9:30 AM

Overcast Great Western Hwy 12:00 PM-6:30 PM


Intersection of Great Western Hwy and Blacktown Rd, Blacktown

Fri 22/02/19 Blacktown Rd Survey


Blacktown Clunies Ross St Traffic


7:30 AM-8:30 AM

McLaren Great Western Hwy 4:30 PM-5:30 PM



Time North Approach Blacktown Rd East Approach Great Western Hwy South Approach Clunies Ross St West Approach Great Western Hwy Hourly Total

Peak Time North Approach Blacktown Rd East Approach Great Western Hwy South Approach Clunies Ross St West Approach Great Western Hwy

Blacktown Rd



at W






at W





Clunies Ross St

0 209 52 662







0123 119 32

0 215 59 694







0138 123 35

AM Peak 7:30 AM-8:30 AM

0 6 7 32






015 4 3

Blacktown Rd



at W






at W





Clunies Ross St

0 171 99 542







0116 116 16

0 181 106 560







0117 120 19

PM Peak 4:30 PM-5:30 PM

0 10 7 18






01 4 3

proposed Mosque Page 14 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 1 OF 8)


Site: 1 [Before Prayer EX - Blacktown Rd Round About]

Blacktown Road / Metella Road Existing conditions 30 minutes before prayer Site Category: (None) Roundabout

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

Turn Demand Flows Deg.

Satn Average

Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop. Queued

Effective Stop Rate

Aver. No. Cycles

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m km/h

South: Blacktown Road

1a L1 366 2.2 0.272 4.4 LOS A 1.9 13.6 0.15 0.46 0.15 54.8

3a R1 42 0.0 0.272 7.4 LOS A 1.9 13.6 0.15 0.46 0.15 54.5

Approach 408 2.0 0.272 4.7 LOS A 1.9 13.6 0.15 0.46 0.15 54.7

NorthEast: Metella Road

24a L1 62 0.0 0.105 7.5 LOS A 0.6 4.0 0.62 0.70 0.62 52.2

26 R2 26 0.0 0.105 11.5 LOS A 0.6 4.0 0.62 0.70 0.62 52.1

Approach 88 0.0 0.105 8.7 LOS A 0.6 4.0 0.62 0.70 0.62 52.2

NorthWest: Blacktown Road

27 L2 36 0.0 0.413 4.6 LOS A 3.0 21.7 0.21 0.58 0.21 52.0

29a R1 564 5.7 0.413 7.7 LOS A 3.0 21.7 0.21 0.58 0.21 52.2

Approach 600 5.3 0.413 7.5 LOS A 3.0 21.7 0.21 0.58 0.21 52.2

All Vehicles 1096 3.6 0.413 6.5 LOS A 3.0 21.7 0.22 0.55 0.22 53.1

Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).

Vehicle movement LOS values are based on average delay per movement.

Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all vehicle movements.

Roundabout Capacity Model: SIDRA Standard.

SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.

Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).

HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

proposed Mosque Page 15 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 2 OF 8)


Site: 1 [After Prayer EX - Blacktown Rd Round About]

Blacktown Road / Metella Road Existing conditions 30 minutes after prayer Site Category: (None) Roundabout

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

Turn Demand Flows Deg.

Satn Average

Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop. Queued

Effective Stop Rate

Aver. No. Cycles

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m km/h

South: Blacktown Road

1a L1 406 0.5 0.301 4.3 LOS A 2.2 15.4 0.13 0.47 0.13 54.8

3a R1 62 0.0 0.301 7.4 LOS A 2.2 15.4 0.13 0.47 0.13 54.5

3u U 4 0.0 0.301 10.1 LOS A 2.2 15.4 0.13 0.47 0.13 55.5

Approach 472 0.4 0.301 4.8 LOS A 2.2 15.4 0.13 0.47 0.13 54.8

NorthEast: Metella Road

24a L1 78 2.6 0.142 9.8 LOS A 0.9 6.1 0.76 0.79 0.76 50.9

26 R2 14 0.0 0.142 13.7 LOS A 0.9 6.1 0.76 0.79 0.76 50.9

Approach 92 2.2 0.142 10.4 LOS A 0.9 6.1 0.76 0.79 0.76 50.9

NorthWest: Blacktown Road

27 L2 58 3.4 0.591 5.0 LOS A 5.5 40.3 0.35 0.58 0.35 51.5

29a R1 770 6.2 0.591 8.0 LOS A 5.5 40.3 0.35 0.58 0.35 51.8

29u U 4 0.0 0.591 10.6 LOS A 5.5 40.3 0.35 0.58 0.35 53.0

Approach 832 6.0 0.591 7.8 LOS A 5.5 40.3 0.35 0.58 0.35 51.7

All Vehicles 1396 3.9 0.591 6.9 LOS A 5.5 40.3 0.30 0.55 0.30 52.7

Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).

Vehicle movement LOS values are based on average delay per movement.

Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all vehicle movements.

Roundabout Capacity Model: SIDRA Standard.

SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.

Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).

HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

proposed Mosque Page 16 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 3 OF 8)


Site: 1 [Before Prayer EX - Great Western Highway / Blacktown Rd / Clunies Ross Street ]

Great Western Highway / Blacktown Road / Clunies Ross Street Existing conditions 30 minutes before prayer Site Category: (None) Signals - Fixed Time Isolated Cycle Time = 130 seconds (Site Optimum Cycle Time - Minimum Delay)

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

Turn Demand Flows Deg.

Satn Average

Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop. Queued

Effective Stop Rate

Aver. No. Cycles

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m km/h

South: Clunies Ross Street

1 L2 88 20.5 0.271 30.5 LOS C 2.6 21.1 0.89 0.76 0.89 39.3

2 T1 56 7.1 0.499 61.9 LOS E 5.6 42.2 0.99 0.78 0.99 29.5

3 R2 34 11.8 0.499 67.6 LOS E 5.6 42.2 0.99 0.78 0.99 29.9

Approach 178 14.6 0.499 47.5 LOS D 5.6 42.2 0.94 0.77 0.94 33.7

East: Great Western Highway

4 L2 12 66.7 0.497 48.5 LOS D 14.7 112.7 0.85 0.75 1.09 37.6

5 T1 870 9.2 0.497 38.7 LOS C 15.0 113.7 0.86 0.74 0.93 43.4

6 R2 276 3.6 0.495 37.7 LOS C 5.2 37.8 0.96 0.79 0.96 39.9

Approach 1158 8.5 0.497 38.6 LOS C 15.0 113.7 0.88 0.75 0.94 42.4

North: Blacktown Road

7 L2 418 6.2 0.325 8.2 LOS A 5.9 43.2 0.30 0.65 0.30 55.3

8 T1 54 3.7 0.186 36.7 LOS C 4.8 34.3 0.79 0.69 0.79 36.6

9 R2 146 2.7 0.186 42.4 LOS C 4.8 34.3 0.79 0.73 0.79 37.4

Approach 618 5.2 0.325 18.8 LOS B 5.9 43.2 0.46 0.67 0.46 47.7

West: Great Western Highway

10 L2 86 0.0 0.485 49.4 LOS D 10.3 75.6 0.91 0.82 1.13 36.5

11 T1 720 9.4 0.485 46.8 LOS D 11.1 83.7 0.92 0.78 0.96 39.4

12 R2 50 24.0 0.315 68.3 LOS E 3.1 25.8 0.97 0.75 0.97 29.6

Approach 856 9.3 0.485 48.3 LOS D 11.1 83.7 0.92 0.78 0.98 38.3

All Vehicles 2810 8.4 0.499 37.7 LOS C 15.0 113.7 0.81 0.74 0.85 41.4

Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).

Vehicle movement LOS values are based on average delay per movement.

Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all vehicle movements.

SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.

Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).

HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

proposed Mosque Page 17 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 4 OF 8)


Site: 1 [After Prayer EX - Great Western Highway / Blacktown Rd / Clunies Ross Street]

Great Western Highway / Blacktown Road / Clunies Ross Street Existing conditions 30 minutes after prayer Site Category: (None) Signals - Fixed Time Isolated Cycle Time = 135 seconds (Site Optimum Cycle Time - Minimum Delay)

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

Turn Demand Flows Deg.

Satn Average

Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop. Queued

Effective Stop Rate

Aver. No. Cycles

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m km/h

South: Clunies Ross Street

1 L2 62 16.1 0.228 33.8 LOS C 2.1 16.4 0.91 0.75 0.91 38.5

2 T1 64 6.3 0.692 70.4 LOS E 6.2 48.3 1.00 0.83 1.11 27.8

3 R2 26 30.8 0.692 76.3 LOS F 6.2 48.3 1.00 0.83 1.11 27.0

Approach 152 14.5 0.692 56.5 LOS D 6.2 48.3 0.96 0.80 1.03 31.1

East: Great Western Highway

4 L2 18 11.1 0.713 56.2 LOS D 22.0 163.8 0.96 0.84 1.18 35.4

5 T1 1102 7.4 0.713 47.5 LOS D 22.1 164.6 0.96 0.84 1.03 39.3

6 R2 330 3.6 0.684 43.8 LOS D 7.5 53.8 1.00 0.82 1.04 37.5

Approach 1450 6.6 0.713 46.8 LOS D 22.1 164.6 0.97 0.83 1.03 38.8

North: Blacktown Road

7 L2 584 6.2 0.440 9.1 LOS A 10.5 77.4 0.36 0.67 0.36 54.6

8 T1 86 4.7 0.251 30.7 LOS C 7.8 56.8 0.73 0.68 0.73 38.9

9 R2 256 6.3 0.251 36.4 LOS C 7.8 56.8 0.73 0.73 0.73 39.4

Approach 926 6.0 0.440 18.6 LOS B 10.5 77.4 0.50 0.69 0.50 47.7

West: Great Western Highway

10 L2 84 4.8 0.600 56.2 LOS D 12.4 91.0 0.96 0.84 1.16 34.2

11 T1 786 6.6 0.600 53.2 LOS D 13.1 97.0 0.97 0.81 1.00 36.9

12 R2 64 9.4 0.414 72.4 LOS F 4.1 31.4 0.99 0.76 0.99 28.8

Approach 934 6.6 0.600 54.8 LOS D 13.1 97.0 0.97 0.81 1.01 35.9

All Vehicles 3462 6.8 0.713 41.8 LOS C 22.1 164.6 0.84 0.79 0.88 39.5

Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).

Vehicle movement LOS values are based on average delay per movement.

Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all vehicle movements.

SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.

Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).

HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

proposed Mosque Page 18 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 5 OF 8)


Site: 1 [Before Prayer FU - Blacktown Rd Round About]

Blacktown Road / Metella Road Future conditions 30 minutes before prayer Site Category: (None) Roundabout

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

Turn Demand Flows Deg.

Satn Average

Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop. Queued

Effective Stop Rate

Aver. No. Cycles

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m km/h

South: Blacktown Road

1 L2 34 0.0 0.316 4.7 LOS A 2.1 15.0 0.24 0.48 0.24 53.7

1a L1 366 2.2 0.316 4.6 LOS A 2.1 15.0 0.24 0.48 0.24 54.5

3a R1 42 0.0 0.316 7.6 LOS A 2.1 15.0 0.24 0.48 0.24 54.2

Approach 442 1.8 0.316 4.9 LOS A 2.1 15.0 0.24 0.48 0.24 54.4

NorthEast: Metella Road

24a L1 62 0.0 0.116 7.8 LOS A 0.6 4.5 0.64 0.72 0.64 51.9

26a R1 6 0.0 0.116 10.9 LOS A 0.6 4.5 0.64 0.72 0.64 51.6

26 R2 26 0.0 0.116 11.8 LOS A 0.6 4.5 0.64 0.72 0.64 51.9

Approach 94 0.0 0.116 9.1 LOS A 0.6 4.5 0.64 0.72 0.64 51.9

NorthWest: Blacktown Road

27 L2 36 0.0 0.434 4.6 LOS A 3.3 23.8 0.23 0.58 0.23 51.9

29a R1 564 5.7 0.434 7.7 LOS A 3.3 23.8 0.23 0.58 0.23 52.0

29b R3 26 0.0 0.434 9.4 LOS A 3.3 23.8 0.23 0.58 0.23 52.9

Approach 626 5.1 0.434 7.6 LOS A 3.3 23.8 0.23 0.58 0.23 52.1

West: Site Driveway

10b L3 2 0.0 0.006 6.7 LOS A 0.0 0.2 0.51 0.57 0.51 51.7

10a L1 2 0.0 0.006 6.3 LOS A 0.0 0.2 0.51 0.57 0.51 52.7

12 R2 2 0.0 0.006 10.3 LOS A 0.0 0.2 0.51 0.57 0.51 52.7

Approach 6 0.0 0.006 7.8 LOS A 0.0 0.2 0.51 0.57 0.51 52.4

All Vehicles 1168 3.4 0.434 6.7 LOS A 3.3 23.8 0.27 0.55 0.27 52.9

Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).

Vehicle movement LOS values are based on average delay per movement.

Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all vehicle movements.

Roundabout Capacity Model: SIDRA Standard.

SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.

Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).

HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

proposed Mosque Page 19 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 6 OF 8)


Site: 1 [After Prayer FU - Blacktown Rd Round About]

Blacktown Road / Metella Road Future conditions 30 minutes after prayer Site Category: (None) Roundabout

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

Turn Demand Flows Deg.

Satn Average

Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop. Queued

Effective Stop Rate

Aver. No. Cycles

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m km/h

South: Blacktown Road

1 L2 2 0.0 0.307 4.5 LOS A 2.2 15.7 0.14 0.45 0.14 54.1

1a L1 406 0.5 0.307 4.1 LOS A 2.2 15.7 0.14 0.45 0.14 55.2

3a R1 62 0.0 0.307 7.6 LOS A 2.2 15.7 0.14 0.45 0.14 54.9

3u U 4 0.0 0.307 10.3 LOS A 2.2 15.7 0.14 0.45 0.14 56.0

Approach 474 0.4 0.307 4.6 LOS A 2.2 15.7 0.14 0.45 0.14 55.2

NorthEast: Metella Road

24a L1 78 2.6 0.154 10.1 LOS A 1.0 6.9 0.79 0.81 0.79 50.6

26a R1 2 0.0 0.154 13.1 LOS A 1.0 6.9 0.79 0.81 0.79 50.3

26 R2 14 0.0 0.154 14.2 LOS A 1.0 6.9 0.79 0.81 0.79 51.0

Approach 94 2.1 0.154 10.8 LOS A 1.0 6.9 0.79 0.81 0.79 50.6

NorthWest: Blacktown Road

27 L2 58 3.4 0.625 5.3 LOS A 6.0 44.5 0.46 0.59 0.46 51.2

29a R1 770 6.2 0.625 8.3 LOS A 6.0 44.5 0.46 0.59 0.46 51.4

29b R3 2 0.0 0.625 10.0 LOS A 6.0 44.5 0.46 0.59 0.46 52.3

29u U 4 0.0 0.625 11.1 LOS A 6.0 44.5 0.46 0.59 0.46 53.0

Approach 834 6.0 0.625 8.2 LOS A 6.0 44.5 0.46 0.59 0.46 51.4

West: RoadName

10b L3 34 0.0 0.069 6.5 LOS A 0.4 2.5 0.55 0.66 0.55 51.8

10a L1 6 0.0 0.069 6.4 LOS A 0.4 2.5 0.55 0.66 0.55 52.8

12 R2 26 0.0 0.069 10.8 LOS A 0.4 2.5 0.55 0.66 0.55 52.8

Approach 66 0.0 0.069 8.2 LOS A 0.4 2.5 0.55 0.66 0.55 52.3

All Vehicles 1468 3.7 0.625 7.2 LOS A 6.0 44.5 0.38 0.56 0.38 52.6

Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).

Vehicle movement LOS values are based on average delay per movement.

Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all vehicle movements.

Roundabout Capacity Model: SIDRA Standard.

SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.

Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).

HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

proposed Mosque Page 20 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 7 OF 8)


Site: 1 [Before Prayer FU - Great Western Highway / Blacktown Rd / Clunies Ross Street]

Great Western Highway / Blacktown Road / Clunies Ross Street Future conditions 30 minutes before prayer Site Category: (None) Signals - Fixed Time Isolated Cycle Time = 130 seconds (Site Optimum Cycle Time - Minimum Delay)

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

Turn Demand Flows Deg.

Satn Average

Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop. Queued

Effective Stop Rate

Aver. No. Cycles

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m km/h

South: Clunies Ross Street

1 L2 88 20.5 0.261 30.1 LOS C 2.6 21.4 0.88 0.76 0.88 39.5

2 T1 56 7.1 0.499 61.9 LOS E 5.6 42.2 0.99 0.78 0.99 29.5

3 R2 34 11.8 0.499 67.6 LOS E 5.6 42.2 0.99 0.78 0.99 29.9

Approach 178 14.6 0.499 47.2 LOS D 5.6 42.2 0.93 0.77 0.93 33.8

East: Great Western Highway

4 L2 12 66.7 0.485 47.6 LOS D 14.5 111.3 0.84 0.74 1.08 37.9

5 T1 870 9.2 0.485 37.8 LOS C 14.9 112.3 0.85 0.73 0.92 43.8

6 R2 308 3.2 0.501 36.6 LOS C 5.7 41.1 0.95 0.79 0.95 40.4

Approach 1190 8.2 0.501 37.6 LOS C 14.9 112.3 0.88 0.75 0.93 42.8

North: Blacktown Road

7 L2 418 6.2 0.326 8.2 LOS A 5.8 43.1 0.30 0.65 0.30 55.3

8 T1 54 3.7 0.196 38.4 LOS C 4.9 35.1 0.80 0.70 0.80 36.0

9 R2 146 2.7 0.196 44.1 LOS D 4.9 35.1 0.80 0.73 0.80 36.7

Approach 618 5.2 0.326 19.3 LOS B 5.8 43.1 0.46 0.67 0.46 47.4

West: Great Western Highway

10 L2 112 0.0 0.498 46.4 LOS D 10.3 74.8 0.91 0.83 1.11 37.3

11 T1 720 9.4 0.498 46.6 LOS D 11.4 86.2 0.92 0.78 0.95 39.5

12 R2 50 24.0 0.293 67.0 LOS E 3.0 25.5 0.96 0.75 0.96 29.9

Approach 882 9.1 0.498 47.7 LOS D 11.4 86.2 0.92 0.78 0.97 38.5

All Vehicles 2868 8.2 0.501 37.4 LOS C 14.9 112.3 0.81 0.74 0.84 41.6

Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).

Vehicle movement LOS values are based on average delay per movement.

Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all vehicle movements.

SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.

Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).

HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

proposed Mosque Page 21 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 8 OF 8)


Site: 1 [After Prayer FU - Great Western Highway / Blacktown Rd / Clunies Ross Street]

Great Western Highway / Blacktown Road / Clunies Ross Street Future conditions 30 minutes after prayer Site Category: (None) Signals - Fixed Time Isolated Cycle Time = 130 seconds (Site Optimum Cycle Time - Minimum Delay)

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

Turn Demand Flows Deg.

Satn Average

Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop. Queued

Effective Stop Rate

Aver. No. Cycles

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m km/h

South: Clunies Ross Street

1 L2 62 16.1 0.242 33.7 LOS C 2.1 16.5 0.92 0.75 0.92 38.5

2 T1 64 6.3 0.740 69.7 LOS E 6.1 47.4 1.00 0.86 1.18 27.9

3 R2 26 30.8 0.740 75.7 LOS F 6.1 47.4 1.00 0.86 1.18 27.2

Approach 152 14.5 0.740 56.0 LOS D 6.1 47.4 0.97 0.81 1.07 31.3

East: Great Western Highway

4 L2 18 11.1 0.745 56.9 LOS E 21.9 163.3 0.97 0.87 1.21 35.1

5 T1 1102 7.4 0.745 48.3 LOS D 22.0 163.9 0.98 0.86 1.07 38.9

6 R2 344 3.5 0.726 44.4 LOS D 7.9 56.7 1.00 0.84 1.09 37.2

Approach 1464 6.6 0.745 47.5 LOS D 22.0 163.9 0.98 0.86 1.07 38.5

North: Blacktown Road

7 L2 596 6.0 0.445 9.0 LOS A 10.3 75.6 0.36 0.67 0.36 54.7

8 T1 86 4.7 0.251 28.3 LOS B 7.6 55.8 0.72 0.68 0.72 39.9

9 R2 270 5.9 0.251 34.0 LOS C 7.6 55.8 0.72 0.73 0.72 40.4

Approach 952 5.9 0.445 17.8 LOS B 10.3 75.6 0.49 0.69 0.49 48.2

West: Great Western Highway

10 L2 94 4.3 0.658 55.2 LOS D 12.3 90.4 0.98 0.85 1.16 34.5

11 T1 786 6.6 0.658 53.4 LOS D 13.1 96.6 0.98 0.82 1.02 36.8

12 R2 64 9.4 0.434 70.8 LOS F 4.0 30.5 0.99 0.76 0.99 29.1

Approach 944 6.6 0.658 54.8 LOS D 13.1 96.6 0.98 0.82 1.03 35.9

All Vehicles 3512 6.7 0.745 41.8 LOS C 22.0 163.9 0.85 0.80 0.90 39.5

Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).

Vehicle movement LOS values are based on average delay per movement.

Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all vehicle movements.

SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.

Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).

HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

proposed Mosque Page 22 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 1 OF 4)


Site: 1 [PM Peak EX - Blacktown Rd Round About ]

Blacktown Road / Metella Road Existing conditions PM Peak Site Category: (None) Roundabout

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

Turn Demand Flows Deg.

Satn Average

Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop. Queued

Effective Stop Rate

Aver. No. Cycles

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m km/h

South: Blacktown Road

1a L1 600 2.3 0.450 4.4 LOS A 4.1 29.5 0.19 0.46 0.19 54.5

3a R1 98 0.0 0.450 7.5 LOS A 4.1 29.5 0.19 0.46 0.19 54.3

Approach 698 2.0 0.450 4.8 LOS A 4.1 29.5 0.19 0.46 0.19 54.5

NorthEast: Metella Road

24a L1 114 0.0 0.248 11.4 LOS A 1.7 11.8 0.87 0.89 0.87 49.8

26 R2 20 0.0 0.248 15.5 LOS B 1.7 11.8 0.87 0.89 0.87 49.8

Approach 134 0.0 0.248 12.0 LOS A 1.7 11.8 0.87 0.89 0.87 49.8

NorthWest: Blacktown Road

27 L2 66 3.0 0.710 5.5 LOS A 8.1 58.4 0.53 0.59 0.53 51.0

29a R1 900 2.9 0.710 8.5 LOS A 8.1 58.4 0.53 0.59 0.53 51.4

29u U 4 0.0 0.710 11.1 LOS A 8.1 58.4 0.53 0.59 0.53 52.4

Approach 970 2.9 0.710 8.3 LOS A 8.1 58.4 0.53 0.59 0.53 51.3

All Vehicles 1802 2.3 0.710 7.2 LOS A 8.1 58.4 0.42 0.56 0.42 52.4

Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).

Vehicle movement LOS values are based on average delay per movement.

Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all vehicle movements.

Roundabout Capacity Model: SIDRA Standard.

SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.

Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).

HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

proposed Mosque Page 23 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 2 OF 4)


Site: 1 [PM Peak FU - Blacktown Rd Round About]

Blacktown Road / Metella Road Future conditions PM Peak Site Category: (None) Roundabout

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

Turn Demand Flows Deg.

Satn Average

Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop. Queued

Effective Stop Rate

Aver. No. Cycles

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m km/h

South: Blacktown Road

1 L2 8 0.0 0.465 4.5 LOS A 4.2 30.2 0.21 0.45 0.21 53.8

1a L1 600 2.3 0.465 4.2 LOS A 4.2 30.2 0.21 0.45 0.21 54.9

3a R1 98 0.0 0.465 7.6 LOS A 4.2 30.2 0.21 0.45 0.21 54.6

3u U 4 0.0 0.465 10.4 LOS A 4.2 30.2 0.21 0.45 0.21 55.7

Approach 710 2.0 0.465 4.7 LOS A 4.2 30.2 0.21 0.45 0.21 54.9

NorthEast: Metella Road

24a L1 114 0.0 0.261 11.7 LOS A 1.8 12.6 0.89 0.90 0.89 49.6

26a R1 2 0.0 0.261 14.8 LOS B 1.8 12.6 0.89 0.90 0.89 49.3

26 R2 20 0.0 0.261 15.9 LOS B 1.8 12.6 0.89 0.90 0.89 49.9

Approach 136 0.0 0.261 12.3 LOS A 1.8 12.6 0.89 0.90 0.89 49.6

NorthWest: Blacktown Road

27 L2 66 3.0 0.725 5.7 LOS A 8.5 60.8 0.58 0.60 0.58 50.9

29a R1 900 2.9 0.725 8.6 LOS A 8.5 60.8 0.58 0.60 0.58 51.2

29b R3 4 0.0 0.725 10.4 LOS A 8.5 60.8 0.58 0.60 0.58 52.0

29u U 4 0.0 0.725 11.5 LOS A 8.5 60.8 0.58 0.60 0.58 52.6

Approach 974 2.9 0.725 8.5 LOS A 8.5 60.8 0.58 0.60 0.58 51.2

West: RoadName

10b L3 6 0.0 0.018 8.0 LOS A 0.1 0.7 0.67 0.65 0.67 50.7

10a L1 2 0.0 0.018 7.9 LOS A 0.1 0.7 0.67 0.65 0.67 51.6

12 R2 6 0.0 0.018 12.3 LOS A 0.1 0.7 0.67 0.65 0.67 51.6

Approach 14 0.0 0.018 9.9 LOS A 0.1 0.7 0.67 0.65 0.67 51.2

All Vehicles 1834 2.3 0.725 7.3 LOS A 8.5 60.8 0.46 0.56 0.46 52.4

Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).

Vehicle movement LOS values are based on average delay per movement.

Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all vehicle movements.

Roundabout Capacity Model: SIDRA Standard.

SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.

Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).

HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

proposed Mosque Page 24 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 2 OF 4)


Site: 1 [PM EX - Great Western Highway / Blacktown Rd / Clunies Ross Street ]

Great Western Highway / Blacktown Rd / Clunies Ross Street Existing PM Peak Period Site Category: (None) Signals - Fixed Time Isolated Cycle Time = 142 seconds (Site User-Given Phase Times)

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

Turn Demand Flows Deg.

Satn Average

Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop. Queued

Effective Stop Rate

Aver. No. Cycles

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m km/h

South: Clunies Ross Street

1 L2 122 0.0 0.322 40.5 LOS C 5.8 40.5 0.89 0.77 0.89 35.4

2 T1 138 2.9 0.827 74.4 LOS F 12.0 88.3 1.00 0.93 1.22 27.1

3 R2 24 25.0 0.827 80.3 LOS F 12.0 88.3 1.00 0.93 1.22 26.7

Approach 284 3.5 0.827 60.3 LOS E 12.0 88.3 0.95 0.86 1.08 30.1

East: Great Western Highway

4 L2 26 0.0 0.803 38.6 LOS C 44.9 326.8 0.88 0.83 1.18 38.6

5 T1 2414 4.8 0.803 30.0 LOS C 45.2 329.1 0.88 0.82 0.98 40.3

6 R2 556 4.0 0.754 38.2 LOS C 11.6 84.1 1.00 0.86 1.05 36.6

Approach 2996 4.6 0.803 31.6 LOS C 45.2 329.1 0.90 0.83 0.99 39.5

North: Blacktown Road

7 L2 542 3.7 0.477 9.1 LOS A 10.6 76.9 0.34 0.67 0.34 51.5

8 T1 116 8.6 0.778 71.0 LOS F 11.6 85.9 1.00 0.89 1.14 27.6

9 R2 206 1.9 0.778 76.7 LOS F 11.6 85.9 1.00 0.88 1.14 26.7

Approach 864 3.9 0.778 33.5 LOS C 11.6 85.9 0.59 0.75 0.64 38.5

West: Great Western Highway

10 L2 98 0.0 0.364 38.5 LOS C 12.0 86.6 0.75 0.75 1.03 37.4

11 T1 968 5.4 0.364 32.9 LOS C 12.9 94.7 0.76 0.67 0.81 38.8

12 R2 132 4.5 0.744 77.2 LOS F 9.5 68.8 1.00 0.85 1.13 26.2

Approach 1198 4.8 0.744 38.3 LOS C 12.9 94.7 0.79 0.69 0.86 36.8

All Vehicles 5342 4.5 0.827 34.9 LOS C 45.2 329.1 0.83 0.79 0.91 38.1

Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).

Vehicle movement LOS values are based on average delay per movement.

Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all vehicle movements.

SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.

Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).

HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

proposed Mosque Page 25 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 2 OF 4)


Site: 1 [PM FU- Great Western Highway / Blacktown Rd / Clunies Ross Street]

Great Western Highway / Blacktown Rd / Clunies Ross Street Future PM Peak Period Site Category: (None) Signals - Fixed Time Isolated Cycle Time = 142 seconds (Site User-Given Phase Times)

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov ID

Turn Demand Flows Deg.

Satn Average

Delay Level of Service

95% Back of Queue Prop. Queued

Effective Stop Rate

Aver. No. Cycles

Average Speed Total HV Vehicles Distance

veh/h % v/c sec veh m km/h

South: Clunies Ross Street

1 L2 122 0.0 0.322 40.5 LOS C 5.8 40.5 0.89 0.77 0.89 35.4

2 T1 138 2.9 0.827 74.4 LOS F 12.0 88.3 1.00 0.93 1.22 27.1

3 R2 24 25.0 0.827 80.3 LOS F 12.0 88.3 1.00 0.93 1.22 26.7

Approach 284 3.5 0.827 60.3 LOS E 12.0 88.3 0.95 0.86 1.08 30.1

East: Great Western Highway

4 L2 26 0.0 0.803 38.6 LOS C 44.9 326.8 0.88 0.83 1.18 38.6

5 T1 2414 4.8 0.803 30.0 LOS C 45.2 329.1 0.88 0.82 0.98 40.3

6 R2 570 3.9 0.772 39.1 LOS C 12.1 87.7 1.00 0.87 1.07 36.3

Approach 3010 4.6 0.803 31.8 LOS C 45.2 329.1 0.91 0.83 1.00 39.4

North: Blacktown Road

7 L2 548 3.6 0.482 9.1 LOS A 10.9 78.5 0.34 0.67 0.34 51.5

8 T1 116 8.6 0.778 71.0 LOS F 11.6 85.9 1.00 0.89 1.14 27.6

9 R2 206 1.9 0.778 76.7 LOS F 11.6 85.9 1.00 0.88 1.14 26.7

Approach 870 3.9 0.778 33.3 LOS C 11.6 85.9 0.59 0.75 0.64 38.5

West: Great Western Highway

10 L2 116 0.0 0.370 37.4 LOS C 12.0 86.3 0.75 0.76 1.02 37.8

11 T1 968 5.4 0.370 32.8 LOS C 13.2 96.5 0.76 0.67 0.80 38.9

12 R2 132 4.5 0.744 77.2 LOS F 9.5 68.8 1.00 0.85 1.13 26.2

Approach 1216 4.8 0.744 38.1 LOS C 13.2 96.5 0.79 0.70 0.86 36.8

All Vehicles 5380 4.5 0.827 35.0 LOS C 45.2 329.1 0.83 0.79 0.91 38.1

Site Level of Service (LOS) Method: Delay (RTA NSW). Site LOS Method is specified in the Parameter Settings dialog (Site tab).

Vehicle movement LOS values are based on average delay per movement.

Intersection and Approach LOS values are based on average delay for all vehicle movements.

SIDRA Standard Delay Model is used. Control Delay includes Geometric Delay.

Gap-Acceptance Capacity: SIDRA Standard (Akçelik M3D).

HV (%) values are calculated for All Movement Classes of All Heavy Vehicle Model Designation.

proposed Mosque Page 26 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 1 OF 7)

B99 passing B99 at the site driveway

Tested @ 5km/h

Successful – Recommend site boundary measure at 5.5m in width

Blue – Vehicle Tyres

Green – Vehicle Body

Red – 300mm Clearance

proposed Mosque Page 27 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 2 OF 7)

B85 ENTRY / EXIT end space 1

Tested @ 5km/h

SUCCESSFUL – 3 Manoeuvres FORWARD IN / 2 Manoeuvres REVERSE OUT

Blue: Tyres

Green: Vehicle Body

Red: 300mm Clearance

proposed Mosque Page 28 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 3 OF 7)

B85 ENTRY / EXIT end space 2

Tested @ 5km/h

SUCCESSFUL – 3 Manoeuvres FORWARD IN / 2 Manoeuvres REVERSE OUT

Blue: Tyres

Green: Vehicle Body

Red: 300mm Clearance

proposed Mosque Page 29 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 4 OF 7)

B99 ENTRY / EXIT Turning bay

Tested @ 5km/h

SUCCESSFUL – 2 Manoeuvres REVERSE IN / 1 Manoeuvre FORWARD OUT

Blue: Tyres

Green: Vehicle Body

Red: 300mm Clearance

proposed Mosque Page 30 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 5 OF 7)

B99 turning in parking aisle

Tested @ 5km/h


Blue: Tyres

Green: Vehicle Body

Red: 300mm Clearance

proposed Mosque Page 31 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 6 OF 7)

B85 entering end parallel parking space

Tested @ 5km/h


Blue: tyres

Green: vehicle body

Red: 300mm clearance

proposed Mosque Page 32 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019


(SHEET 7 OF 7)

B85 entering and exiting end parallel parking space

Tested @ 5km/h


Blue: tyres

Green: vehicle body

Red: 300mm clearance

proposed Mosque Page 33 of 33 420 Blacktown Road, Prospect 18552.02FB - 29th May 2019