Mcommerce are Australians in or out? Australian mcommerce trends 2014 (info graphic)

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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In 2013 retail trade figures reported mCommerce in Australia as reaching $5.6 Billion in sales with 17% of Australians shopping via their mobile. Credit Card Selector set out to understand the drivers of these significant sales numbers, and provide some micro level insights on the behavior and motivations which site behind this surge in M-Commerce adoption. The findings from the survey conducted in January 2014, are summarised in the nifty infographic below. Points to note are that significant (64%) numbers of consumers who are changing their mind about purchases as a direct result of comparing prices on their mobile, and 70% changing their mind about a purchase after reading reviews on their mobile. On the flip side 51% of respondents sited poor load times as the primary reason they won’t be mobile shopping anytime soon, this was followed closely (42%) with the awkwardness of the shopping experience.
