McWhirter New Moon Analysis

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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The McWhirter New Moon Analysis Method

In 1937, astrologer Louise McWhirter

revealed her method for identifying critical

dates when the Dow Jones Average could

be expected to display price inflection


She drew on the fact the New York Stock

Exchange had been started on 17 May,

1792 with the Ascendant at 14 Cancer

and the Mid-Heaven at 24 Pisces.

At the New Moon date of each month she would

create a horoscope wheel showing the positions

of the planets.

McWhirter also drew on the notion that Mars and

Neptune are the two planets that “rule” the NYSE

natal horoscope.

In her monthly analyses, she would determine the

dates when the transiting Moon would pass by

the natal Mid-Heaven (24 Pisces) and the natal

Ascendant (14 Cancer) of the NYSE natal


She would also determine the dates when the

transiting Moon would pass by Mars and


Here is the


for the

New Moon

of Jan 9,


Note the New

Moon is 120

degrees to

Jupiter and 90

degrees to


Mars and

Neptune are

120 degrees

aspect to each


This implies a

volatile lunar

cycle to come…

Here is the Dow price performance for the January lunar

cycle. Note the critical dates identified by the very simple

McWhirter analysis and how they delivered price inflection


Now, ask yourself……is this purely a random occurrence or

are the money wizards on Wall Street using astrology to

manipulate the markets?

Whatever the case may be – by utilizing some very simple

astrology each month, you can take your trading and

investing to a whole new level.

My personal belief is that some

powerful wizards behind the curtain

on Wall Street are still using the

McWhirter method today.

This is why each year I publish the

Financial Astrology Almanac.

With some very simple astrology, you

can be in tune with how Wall Street

really functions. You can even use

astrology to identify price inflection

points on Wheat, Corn, Soybeans,

Currencies, Crude Oil, Bonds, Coffee,

Sugar and more…

I also publish a subscriber based newsletter called the

Astrology E-Alert in which I keep subscribers up to date on

astrological phenomena that are developing…..

Thanks for watching this short


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