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MD Monthly – Aug 2009 Membership Development Report – Page 1

This membership development report is issued monthly on behalf of the IEEE Member & Geographic Activities Board. Source data is IEEE membership statistics. Contact: John Day,

MD Summary Page 2 Society & Special Interest Memberships Page 8-11

2010 Transition Page 3-5 MD Volunteers Update Page 12

First-Year Member Experience Page 6 Appendix: 2009 Membership Year-End Results Page 13-17

Active Membership by Region Page 7

Snapshot August

„09 vs. „08 % Change Aug „09 Aug „08 Jul „09

% Change Jul ‟09 - Aug „09

IEEE Membership

12,378 3.5% 367,613 355,235 359,195 3.5%

Honorary 1 3.7% 28 27 28 -

Fellow 167 2.7% 6,388 6,221 6,389 -0.0%

Senior Member 715 2.4% 31,104 30,389 30,913 1.1%

Member* 16,753 7.4% 242,744 225,991 227,863 6.5%

Associate Member* (2,772) -14.4% 17,097 19,869 15,949 7.2%

Graduate Student* (424) -1.6% 26,126 26,550 31,563 -17.2% Undergraduate


(2,062) -4.5% 44,126 46,188 46,490 -5.1%

Society Memberships (including Affiliates)

(1,687) -0.5% 310,106 311,793 307,415 0.9%

22 Societies up > 1% 7,047 Sum of respective Societies‘ gains and losses. 7 Societies +/- 1% (94)

9 Societies down > 1% (8,640)

* Notes An upgraded reporting methodology now recognizes August student member elevations in the reporting of August stats, rather than December; this will create an anomaly in year-over-year reporting for higher-grade vs. student membership for the months of Aug - Nov. More, page 5.

MD Calendar

Recommended MD Volunteer Activity Thank you to all volunteers committed to improving their MD success!



Membership Promotion: Individuals who join in September receive 16 months of membership for the price of 12. Incorporate message into outreaches. MD Officer – Discard outdated membership

brochures, and prepare to take delivery of membership recruitment kit.

Contest: Senior Member Upgrade: Grade elevation increases likelihood of member renewal. Begin a contest for nominating to Sr. Member grade. MD Officer – Collaborate with other

Section officers to conduct special communications, event and/or recognition for first-year members.

MD Portal PowerPoint

presentations on Membership

Statistical Reports

Virtual community

IEEE MD Manual

MD Supplies

Oct Membership Promotion: Individuals who

join in September receive 15 months of membership for the price of 12. Incorporate message into outreaches.

MD Officer – Collaborate with other

Section officers to conduct special communications, event and/or recognition for first-year members. Monitor renewal via SAMIEEE.


Membership Promotion: Individuals who join in September receive 14 months of membership for the price of 12. Incorporate message into outreaches.

MD Officer – Collaborate with other

Section officers to conduct special communications, event and/or recognition for first-year members. Monitor renewal via SAMIEEE.

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 2

MD Summary

MD Summary – August ‘09 We close the month and the 2009 membership year well-positioned to exceed the all-time membership record in IEEE history, by year-end December. As of August, our total membership stands at 367,613 members; or about 15,000 members away from the all-time record. Working together, we can deliver a parting gift for the IEEE‘s 125


anniversary, as we engage colleagues in discovering the mission and opportunities of membership. August Student Elevation & Reporting – In August, we elevated 14,344 students into higher-grade membership. Beginning this year, we have upgraded our reporting methodology to represent the August elevations in the August membership statistics (rather than December). The change has no impact on IEEE financials, or the year-over-year reporting of total membership—however, we will experience a short-term anomaly in intra-grade reporting (August through November). During this period, counts for higher-grade membership will track unusually higher year-over-year, as student counts track lower. All reporting will be reconciled (―true-up‖) in December, for 2009 and annually thereafter. More, page 5.

Renewal / Recovery – August offered only two weeks of recovery activity. Not surprisingly, our results were less than same-period last year, attributed to gains earlier in the year. Our total retention was 76.2%: An improvement in higher-grade retention was offset by a decrease in student retention. For 2009, total arrears recovery was 17,912, up 53% over last year. Kudos to Regions 6, 8, and 9 for achieving their designated retention goals (see page 15). Recruitment – Increases in student recruitment drove total recruitment gains in August; higher-grade recruitment, however, was down by 20%. For the entire membership year September through August, we recruited a total of 81,638 members, up 4.4% year-over-year. Total higher-grade recruitment, at 21,714, was down by 10.5%, with student recruitment, at 59,924, up by 11.1% year-over-year. Reinstatement – No surprises here. Successful results in prior months likely displaced results in August. For the entire membership year, September through August, we reinstated a total of 14,152 members, up 23% over last year. Society Membership – Society memberships showed some improvement in August, (-0.5%) versus (-0.6%) in July. As of August, Affiliates represent 78% of the year-over-year decline in total Society memberships; without the Affiliate losses, total Society memberships would be down by a mere (0.1%). Six Societies posted a double-digit percentage increase in their year-over-year membership (see table), compared to four Societies last month. The 9 Societies with declines exceeding 1% in August tipped the balance negative for total Society memberships, with Computer and Communications accounting for 84% of the decline (80% last month). Power & Energy, up 1,200 over last year, represented 14% of August‘s increase in total Society memberships (18% last month).

Membership Segment

Variance ‟09 vs. „08

Aug Jul Jun May



+5.3% 3,502

+1.3% 3,360
















+ 3.5%







Total Society Memberships









Development Venue


„09 „08 „07 „06

Recovery 255 410 7 454

Recruitment 7,593 5,262 4,607 3,782

Reinstatement 621 837 17 174

Total 8,469 6,509 4,631 4,410

Society Gains

Percent Count

Professional Comm. 19.1% 203

Systems / Cybernetics 16.2% 578

Nuclear Plasma 12.4% 370

Geoscience / Remote 11.8% 323

Oceanic Engineering 11.4% 179

Product Safety 11.3% 69

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 3

2010 Transition

MD Focus: Recruitment / Renewal Monitoring We shift focus in September, with the kick-off of the 2010 membership year. While the primary focus of activity should be on recruitment, renewal is also underway. Four actions that every MD Volunteer‘s should consider over the next few months:

Recruitment – With MD Kits arriving, new promotional material will be available to you for dissemination in different venues, e.g., Section meetings, work, conferences.

Recuritment – Coordinate a membership presence at a confernece. Additional membership brochures and supplies can by requested online (at no cost), from the MD portal, at The MD Manual, also arriving in the MD Kits, provides recommended best practices for membership development at conferences.

Recruitment – Outreach to non-members who have recently attended local and/or chapter events.

Renewal – The renewal period for the 2010 membership has opened. Local reminders provide a local touch and augment the HQ renewal activity (see page 4 for campaign calendar).

Update: 2010 MD Kits Shipment As of the writing of this report, 2,000 MD Kits have shipped to their destinations worldwide. Priority attention was given to Kit shipments to Student Branches and Sections outside of the United States (sent the second and third week of August), to accommodate a longer timeframe for delivery. MD Kit contents:

2010 Membership Development manual

2010 ―Why We Joined IEEE‖ recruitment brochures

2010 membership posters

Student competition fliers

Member benefit product sheets

Student Transition & Elevation Partnership (STEP) Manual

Miscellaneous IEEE-branded giveaway items The MD Kits were mailed to all Section MD officers, Society MD officers, and Student Branch Counselors. For those Sections without a designated MD officer, the Kits are mailed to the Section Chair. A cover letter and manifest will introduce recipients to their Kit. We ask that recipients confirm delivery of their Kits, by e-mailing us at: The MD team extends a thank you to Staff colleagues in the IEEE warehouse and shipping department who, in addition to their daily duties, assembled and shipped the 2,000 MD Kits within four weeks.

MD Volunteer Emphasis / Priority

Jan – Apr

85% effort – Retention / Arrears Recovery

15% effort – Recruitment

May – Aug

85% effort – Recruitment

15% effort – Arrears Recovery

Sep – Dec

85% effort – Recruitment

15% effort – Renewal monitoring

/ proactive communications

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 4

2010 Transition (cont.)

Now Open: 2010 Membership Year Renewal

The 2010 online renewal application is now open for members and customers wishing to renew memberships, modify society affiliations, or change subscriptions. IEEE members may obtain renewal quotes at Invoice information for different renewal types is as follows:

Members—In early October, paper renewal invoices for members will begin mailing; however, members need not wait until receiving their paper notification to use the web renewal form.

Students—Students will receive an electronic invoice in place of the paper bill.

The IEEE Contact Center is available to serve members and staff with membership and renewal inquiries. Members wishing to reach a Contact Center representative regarding their membership renewal can do so 24 hours a day, five days a week, from 4:30 p.m. ET Sunday through 5:00 p.m. Friday. The expanded service hours, introduced late last year, are designed to help meet the needs of our global members and help them become more engaged in IEEE. The Contact Center has been also encouraging members to provide a designated ―call-back‖ time, to increase the likelihood of resolving issues.

2010 Membership Year – IEEE HQ Renewal / Recovery Campaign Schedule SEP-2009

< renewal opens for 2010 membership year >

Print invoice mails to HG members


E-mail renewal notice to all members


E-mail renewal reminder notice to all members


E-mail renewal reminder notice to all members


< membership becomes past-due for un-renewed members >

Print/postal past-due notice to all HG members un-renewed as of 1 Jan; E-mail past-due notice to all students un-renewed as of 1 Jan


E-mail reminder(s) to all members un-renewed, alerting of pending service deactivation

< service deactivation, 28 Feb >


Print/postal recovery post cards to HG members in Arrears; E-mail deactivation notices to all members in Arrears.

Telemarketing recovery outreach to all HG members in Arrears commences.


E-mail recovery outreach to all members in Arrears.

Commencement of telemarketing recovery outreach to all HG members in Arrears


E-mail recovery outreach to all members in Arrears.

Telemarketing recovery outreach to all HG members in Arrears


E-mail recovery outreach to all members in Arrears.

Telemarketing recovery outreach to all HG members in Arrears


< conclusion of 2010 membership year, 15 Aug >

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 5

2010 Transition (cont.)

Upgraded Reporting: August Student Elevations Student elevations occur twice a year, once in June for students graduating during the first-half of the year, and again in August for graduations occurring July through December. Similar to how we administer and represent the June elevations in the June membership statistics, we will now represent the August elevations in the August membership statistics. In years past, the reporting of August elevations was deferred until the December statistics reporting, which has caused our membership trending to skew over time. Impact: We will experience a short-term anomaly in our year-over-year reporting of higher-grade and student membership, August through November. All will be reconciled in December, as the August elevations have been traditionally represented in December‘s membership statistics. There will be no impact on rebate disbursements; these rewards are based on December year-end totals, by which time all counts related to grade elevation will be reconciled.

Student Elevations

Year Jun Aug TOT

‗09 14,579 14,344 28,923

‗08 12,645 13,987 26,632

‗07 11,563 12,699 24,262

‗06 10,983 10,648 21,631

‗05 10,589 9,906 20,495

‗04 12,356 9,114 21,470

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 6


IEEE “First -Year Member Experience” Update Many of the tools and resources mentioned below are available for download from the

MD Virtual Community, which is linked from the MD Portal, at

Best Practices Guide Arriving in the 2010 MD Kits… Best Practices Check List –

Configure your SAMIEEE dashboard to easily pull reports on new members that have joined your section.

Develop a process for welcoming new members via the welcome note cards you receive in the MD kits. Prepare your template so each month is just a simple mail merge with your downloaded SAMIEEE file.

Be sure to tell membes about the monthly orientation webinars and encourage them to register.

Add a section in your e-notices or other newsletters, and even on your section‘s website, for recognizing new members.

Host a quarterly event in your area to welcome new members. Depending on geography, possibly host in different locations.

Sample Letter –

Dear [Member Name],

On behalf of the [Section Name] Section, welcome to IEEE! You are now part of the world’s most

prestigious technical organization. I encourage you to get involved in some of our local activities as soon as

possible. You can learn more about our Sections’ activities online at [section URL].

Also, look for information via e-mail on the New Member Orientation held every month to help you get

started. If you have any questions or concerns about IEEE membership, please do not hesitate to contact me

at any time. Again, welcome!

Best Regards,


[Title], IEEE [Section Name] Section



Background -- First-year members are an at-risk group, with approximately 50% of first-year, higher-grade members leaving IEEE annually. The ‗first-year‘ member strategy incorporates Volunteer engagement, enhancements to IEEE operations, and evolving the functionality of our interactive products.Share your thoughts on the subject by logging into the MD virtual community, where a discussion string about the first-year experience is underway.

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 7

Active Membership by Region

Membership by Region August „09 Color Key: Green shading = year-over-year growth; Orange shading = year-over-year decline Note: Chart below reflects August student elevations in August membership statistics. See page 5.

Year-over-Year Sweep – August 2009 Recognizing MD efforts resulting in year-over-year gains across all columns: professional, graduate and undergraduate students.

Zhisheng Niu – MD Chair, Region 10

Contenders (2 of 3 columns) Region 2; Region 3; Region 4; Region 5; Region 6

Year-over-Year Sweep Scoreboard – 2009 Membership Year























MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 8

Society & Special Interest Memberships

Color Key: Green shading = year-over-year growth >1.0%; Yellow shading = +/- 0.99%; Orange shading = year-over-year decline > 1.0%

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 9

Society & Special Interest Memberships (cont.)

Color Key: Green shading = year-over-year growth >1.0%; Yellow shading = +/- 0.99%; Orange shading = year-over-year decline > 1.0%

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 10

Society & Special Interest Memberships (cont.)

Color Key: Green shading = year-over-year growth >1.0%; Yellow shading = +/- 0.99%; Orange shading = year-over-year decline > 1.0%

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 11

Society & Special Interest Memberships (cont.)

Standards Association August „09

# %

Student 71 130 (59) -45.4%

Higher-Grade 6,541 7,440 (899) -12.1%

Affiliate 130 91 39 42.9%

Total 6,742 7,661 (919) -12.0%


This Month

'09This Month '08

Women in Engineering August „09

# %

Fellow 46 42 4 9.5%


Member124 126 (2) -1.6%


Member293 350 (57) -16.3%

Member 3,622 3,432 190 5.5%


Member340 314 26 8.3%


Member5,483 4,898 585 11.9%

Affiliates 3 - 3

Total 9,911 9,162 749 8.2%


GradeThis Month


This Month


# %

U.S. 2,976 3,080 (104) -3.4%

Canada 344 378 (34) -9.0%

Europe, Middle

East, Africa1,929 1,906 23 1.2%

Latin America 2,144 1,837 307 16.7%

Asia & Pacific 2,518 1,961 557 28.4%

Total 9,911 9,162 749 8.2%









# %

Female 6,052 5,707 345 6.0%

Male 3,003 2,686 317 11.8%

Not Provided 856 769 87 11.3%

Total 9,911 9,162 749 8.2%









MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 12

MD Volunteer Updates

Passing & Remembrance of Jack Sherman From: William Nartker, IEEE Chicago-Section Chair … August saw the passing of Jack Sherman, the recipient of the IEEE-Chicago Section's 2006 ―Distinguished Service‖ Award. Jack demonstrated a rare level of dedication and achievement through his long-time service and noteworthy contributions to the Section. He served the Chicago Section and its members for over 17 years in many capacities including: 1995, Chicago Section Chair, Membership Development Chair since 1995,

and as Chair for numerous incubating Chapters. His tireless service substantially contributed to advancing the work of the Executive Committee. In particular, Jack's work as the manager of the IEEE-Chicago

Section membership database has been invaluable. We will miss him greatly. From: John Day, Director, Membership Development …

Jack‘s passing came suddenly. Our MD group had personally received e-mails from Jack the day before his health failed, within 48 hours after hearing his voice on our monthly, membership development webcast. Jack‘s passion and dedication to engaging members—new, loyal, or indifferent—was a constant inspirational to me and the Staff who came to know and work with Jack over the years. He was persistent, and truly appreciated the fact that member engagement first requires member awareness. Jack embraced the philosophy that if you want someone to do something, you need to give them something to do. Jack‘s last communications to me included a reference to the IEEE Chicago Section‘s effort to expand its ―Welcome Wagon‖ initiative to technical chapters, an effort and outreach designed to improve member engagement in local technical activities. To that end, we endeavor to honor Jack‘s lifelong contribution.

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 13



2009 Renewal & Recovery Results

2009 Retention Goals & Progress

2009 Campaign Results – Direct Outreach

2009 Program Results – Member-get-a-Member

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 14 (Appendix)

2009 Membership Year-End Results

Renewal Status Snapshot August „09

Each Region‘s renewal ―opportunity‖ is based on their respective membership totals at the end of the 2008 membership year, in August. For example, when the 2008 membership year concluded in August, Region 3 had a total of 24,633 higher-grade members eligible for renewal. Through August 2009, 20,992 of those members (84.9%) had renewed their 2009 membership.

Arrears & Recovery August „09

REGION Total # Total %

Recovered Recovered AUG JUL JUN MAY APR MAR FEB

1 1,854 26.2% 5,227 5,249 5,309 5,472 5,715 6,071 7,081

2 1,438 24.5% 4,439 4,456 4,514 4,695 4,826 5,127 5,877

3 1,250 19.9% 5,017 5,037 5,087 5,232 5,354 5,630 6,267

4 930 20.5% 3,624 3,642 3,680 3,782 3,860 4,015 4,529

5 1,366 22.9% 4,588 4,611 4,679 4,875 4,969 5,220 5,954

6 2,948 24.4% 9,112 9,153 9,264 9,539 9,788 10,438 12,058

R 1-6 9,786 23.4% 32,007 32,148 32,533 33,595 34,512 36,501 41,766

7 748 21.8% 2,677 2,690 2,729 2,829 2,886 3,045 3,425

8 2,986 16.7% 14,943 14,902 15,050 15,393 15,668 16,367 17,847

9 879 11.7% 6,634 6,653 6,693 6,783 6,883 7,053 7,513

10 3,513 12.2% 25,224 25,270 25,429 25,769 26,122 26,899 28,737

R 7-10 8,126 14.1% 49,478 49,515 49,901 50,774 51,559 53,364 57,522

TOTAL 17,912 18.0% 81,485 81,663 82,434 84,369 86,071 89,865 99,288

Month-End Opportunity

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 15 (Appendix)

Appendix: 2009 Membership Year-End Results (cont.)

2009 Retention Goals

The 2009 membership year concludes in August. For 2009, our goal was to increase higher-grade retention by 2.0%, and student retention by 0.5%. All Regions can be proud of their accomplishments in light of the worst economic recession in decades. Congratulations to Regions 6, 8, and 9 in achieving retention goals.

IEEE measures its annual retention rate for membership in August, at the conclusion of the membership year. The goals and

progress in the chart above represent the desired improvements in retention based on (1) last year’s retention rate for each

Region, and (2) each Region’s renewal opportunity for 2009.

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 16 (Appendix)

Appendix: 2009 Membership Year-End Results (cont.)

Annual Campaign Results / Assessment – Direct Outreach, Recruitment & Reinstatement In 2009, the MGA MD Staff and partnering departments introduced and evolved several outbound campaigns to engage different audiences. MD Staff member Elyn Perez spearheaded the development and execution of several, MGA campaigns, and reports the following results. We‘re pleased to report these various membership campaigns delivered other purchasing activity (see table). A brief description of each campaign follows. Reinstatement Campaign – This outreach was evolved in 2009 into a sustained activity. The target audience was former members whose membership lapsed in ‘06 and ‘07. In 2009, our combined e-mail and print effort delivered 11,785 IEEE members, a 30% increase over 2008. Authors – Evolved in 2009, this outreach engaged IEEE authors who were not IEEE members. Incomplete Applications Campaign – Introduced in 2009, this new outreach leveraged IEEE‘s business management system through a series of campaigns to individuals who began the process of joining on-line but didn‘t complete the application. An e-mail effort exclusively, the campaign delivered 16,342 IEEE members in 2009.

Product Purchasers – Introduced in 2009, this outreach leveraged IEEE‘s business management system through a series of campaigns to individuals who purchased an IEEE product but were not members.

Direct Outreach Campaign


IEEE Memberships

Society Memberships


Other Products

Total Purchases

Reinstatement 11,785 9,740 1,190 4,423 27,705

Authors 393 370 32 64 859

Incomplete Applications

16,342 6,630 1,757 2,195 26,924

Product Purchasers

422 402 n/a n/a 824

total 28,942 17,142 3,514 6,682 56,312

MD Monthly – August 2009 – Page 17 (Appendix)

Appendix: 2009 Membership Year-End Results (cont.)

Annual Program Results / Assessment – Member-get-a-Member The IEEE Member-get-a-Member (MGM) referral program is a peer-to-peer recruitment activity offered exclusively to IEEE members. The 2009 membership year saw 11,577 new members join IEEE thru MGM, accounting for 14% of the year‘s total member recruitment. Total recruitment results from the MGM program was down year-over-year by 4%, likely due to the economic climate. As per a breakout by grade, MGM recruitment results lean toward student recruitment—7,517 (65% of the total MGM recruitment) were students. Despite recruitment results being down year-over-year, member participation in the program was actually up, by 7%. Expanded participation was likely driven by increased awareness; in 2009, personalized MGM business cards were included in mailings to all members, and promoted through the monthly Benefits Bulletin.

Year-over-Year Program Performance

Activity %

Change 2009 2008

Total MGM Recruits -4% 11,577 11,997

Student -14% 7,517

(65% of total)

8,774 (73% of total)

Higher-grade +26% 4,060

(35% of total) 3,223

(27% of total)

MGM Recruits % of Total Recruitment

-13% 14% 16%









MGM Recruitment by Region

IEEE Region

Members Recruited by 2009


% of Total 2009 MGM

MGM Recruits ‟09 vs. „08

Asia & Pacific (R-10)

5,400 46.6% -18.6%

Europe, Middle East, Africa (R-8)

3,033 26.2% -12.8%

Latin America (R-9)

1,863 16.1% -39.0%

Western USA (R-6)

256 2.2% +7.6%

Southeastern USA (R-3)

198 1.7% +23.0%

Eastern USA (R-2)

189 1.6% +45.0%

Northeastern USA (R-1)

176 1.5% -10.7%

Southwestern USA (R-5)

161 1.4% +26.8%

Central USA (R-4)

161 1.4% +76.9%

Canada (R-7)

140 1.2% +2.2%