MDID Assignment Request Form · Title: TDTS MSWG Charter Author: Mark Frey Subject: New Charter for...

Post on 06-Aug-2020

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MDID Assignment Request Form

An EPC Global Tag Identification memory bank shall contain an 8 bit ISO/IEC 15963 allocation class

identifier of E2h at memory locations 00h to 07h for EPC Global Applications. TID memory locations 08h to

13h contain a 12 bit Tag mask designer identifier (MDID) obtainable from EPCGlobal using this form.

Company: _________________________________________



City: _____________________________________________

Country: __________________________________________

Company Website: _________________________________

Product data sheets URL: ____________________________

Contact Person

First Name: _______________________________________

Family Name: _____________________________________

email: ___________________________________________

Tel: ____________________________

Upon receipt of this form EPCGlobal will assign two MDIDs to each mask designer, one with bit 08h set to one

and one with it set to zero and will publish all relevant information on its website at

After completion email the form to:

Date: _____________ Signature: ____________________________