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have you wondered what we watch all day - here's a small glimpseLink 120 120 185 185 5Then as now - nothing new under the sunLink 168 168 299 299 6Cheshvan 14, 5676 (October 1915) -Today, exactly one hundred years ago, Yitzhak Shamir, Prime Minister of I srael was born. https: / / 66 66 123 123 4https: / / 96 96 151 151 5Scenes of Rachel's tomb in color in 1935 and other locations that are in the news these daysLink 1046 1046 1811 1811 43Cheshvan 11- According to J ewish tradition, is the Memorial Day of Rachel, wife of Yaakov. I n this insert from the film The Land of Promise you can see the famous building marking her tomb in Bethlehem. https: / / 54 54 100 100 0Exhibition for 90th anniversary of Hebrew University - starts with a movie held by the ArchivePhoto 310 310 484 484 27Academic programs supported by J ewish Agency for J ewish students in I srael. http: / / PM9UiMgLink 85 85 135 135 8J ust for the name Link 696 696 1166 1166 37With my own Eyes - J ewish students who study in various I sraeli academic programs. http: / / 41 41 74 74 1Have a good and safe day Link 438 438 722 722 25The Highest Commandment - About the research conducted at the Hebrew University.Status 74 74 129 129 3Today starts the academic school year in I srael. I n the upcoming days we will upload here some films regarding academic life in I srael. First, how they used to study at the Hebrew University in the early years after the State of I srael was founded. http: / / 99 99 165 165 15.10.15 :ית מתחום מדעי הרוח או החברה לצורך עבודה במסגרת הארכיון. הגדרת התפקיד: 10 שעות שבועיות פלוס יום אחד בשבוע לצורך כתיבת מחקר על פריט אחד או יותר המצוי באוסף הארכיון נא לשלוח קורות חיים ל Statusמכריז על מענק מחקר מטעם קרן בלומנטל אשר יוענק לסטודנט\ 386 386 662 662 35Congratulations to staff member Benny Bar Yehuda on the publication of his article Re-fulfilling a Dream: Reconstructing Yossele Rosenblatt's Dream of My People (1934) in the J ournal of Film PreservationStatus 132 132 225 225 6Right after the end of Simchat Torah - Second Hakafot https: / / fdLzxK4vOvc?t=21sLink 230 230 344 344 7For Simchat Torah, the day that ends the Tishrei Holidays https: / / 8ZzQOkYh0?t=14m59sLink 1085 1085 1937 1937 43Tishrei 17, 5647 (October 1886) - David Ben Gurion is born. https: / / 400 400 703 703 25All you wanted to know about Etrog http: / / V2tV5Txc&feature=youtu.beLink 423 423 733 733 13Succot - A program for new Olim during the 1990s. http: / / 317 317 530 530 14A Letter from the Front http: / / I -osp9xaXYLink 111 111 168 168 4More on Yom Kippur War - A Time Between http: / / NALink 260 260 389 389 11To Change the Picture - Effects of the yom Kippur War on civilian population in I srael. http: / / 113 113 180 180 4They used to send those "Happy New Year" greetings by mail. This film shows how. Shana Tova, a sweet happy new year from the Steven Spielberg J ewish Film Archive. https: / / 222 222 329 329 9I n less than 24 hours the new year will begin. I n this film you can see J ews in Morocco singing the piyut (liturgical peom) Ahot Ketana, during the first minutes of the entering year. https: / / 87 87 109 109 2Greeting for the new year from the Chief Rabbis. https: / / 149 149 228 228 9Slichot in J erusalem, and preparing for Rosh HaShana. https: / / OFzYM84?t=4m28sLink 120 120 203 203 4Shana Tova from the archive staffPhoto 600 600 1030 1030 44J ewish school children in Morocco reciting the Book of Esther. From the film Edge of the West. https: / / 131 131 207 207 7The First Million - On providing better educational opportunities to I sraeli youth of lower socio-economic sectors. http: / / 149 149 233 233 8Education is for life http: / / 235 235 340 340 16Today marks the beginning of school year in I srael. During the day we will upload here some films shpwing school children, both in I srael and in J ewish communities abroad. Happy new school year! https: / / 607 607 1004 1004 38More on Rav Kook on his day of departure: Speaking to J ewish pilgrims on Passover https: / / 136 136 220 220 7Elul 3, 5695 (September 1935) - Passing of Rav Avraham Yitzhak HaCohen Kook, first Chief Rabbi of Eretz Yisrael. https: / / _Gu-VLvl0UM?t=8m3sLink 117 117 178 178 4Rare Footage Of Young Holocaust Survivors On Their Way To BritainLink 389 389 626 626 35Elul 1, 5657 (August 1897) - First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. https: / / 187 187 272 272 17Av 30, 5730 (September 1970) - Black September clashes between PLO forces and the J ordanian Army. https: / / 224 224 391 391 11Seen here J ames McDonald who on the 12th of August 1948 became the first ambassador to I srael from the United StatesLink 143 143 236 236 13http: / / I nformation/CallforScholarshipAward/Pages/ZionotPrize2015.aspxLink 247 247 481 481 7Av 20, 5683 (August 1923) - Former President of I srael, Shimon Peres, is born. You can see him in this film, speaking to Labor youth movement members, at the age of 23. Happy Birthday! https: / / 322 322 559 559 17Av 17, 5689 (August 1929) - Outbreak of the 1929 Riots in Palestine. http: / / 436 436 739 739 25Av 15, 5703 (August 1943) - Outbreak of the Bialystock Ghetto rebellion. https: / / 199 199 297 297 20J uly 30, 1980 - The Knesset legislation defining J erusalem as the capital of I srael. The film here was produce in 1950, during the debate on transferring the official I sraeli institutions to the city. https: / / 172 172 273 273 9any one recognize this doctor who was on the last convoy to Mount Scopus in 1948?Photo 184 184 390 390 9Av 13, 5708 (August 1948) - Anglo-Palestine Bank publishes the first notes of I sraeli currency. I n this film you can see an Anglo-Palestine branch in action. https: / / 99 99 165 165 7Av 13, 5673 (August 1913) - Birth of Menachem Begin, sixth Prime Minister of I srael. https: / / 250 250 439 439 15I ndian J ews in Cinema Link 1418 1418 2578 2578 40Av 12, 5684 (August 1924) - The establishment of the moshava (rural settlement where all land and properties are private) of Magdiel, today part of the city Hod HaSharon. https: / / 129 129 228 228 5Av 11, 5708 (August 1948) - The establishment of Kibbutz HaLamed Heh, named after the 35 fighters who fell on their way to Gush Etzion. https: / / ryg?t=9m28sLink 127 127 202 202 7Av 9 - Mourning day on the destruction of both Temples and the loss of J ewish sovereignty. https: / / 275 275 492 492 21Preparations for the last meal before the Nineth of Av Fast, in Morocco. https: / / 148 148 227 227 7Steven Spielberg J ewish Film Archive shared their video.SharedVideo 288 288 433 433 34I n memory of Theodore Bikel (1924-2015) seen here trying to come back to I srael during the 6 Day War from EnglandVideo 451 451 760 760 54Av 5, 5730 (August 1970) - War of Attrition ends. https: / / NzrkkwSGGkLink 204 204 308 308 12Av 3, 5684 (August 1924) - Birth of J ewish-American author Leon Uris. https: / / 244 244 359 359 12Tammuz 29, 5700 (August 1940) - Passing away of Zionist leader and founder of the Revisionist Movement, Zeev J abotinsky, seen here walking with his mother Chava in the Old City of J erusalem. https: / / I &feature=youtu.beLink 136 136 217 217 11What new immigrants were receiving in 1957 and welcome to all the new immigrants who arrived this week via Nefesh B'NefeshLink 335 335 651 651 25Tammuz 23, 5707 (J uly 1947) - The ship Exodus 1947 lives Southern France en route to Mandatory Palestine, carrying mostly Holocaust survivors trying to break the British ban of J ewish Aliyah. https: / / 898 898 1605 1605 61Tammuz 23, 5694 (J uly 1934) - Passing away of National Poet Chaim Nachman Bialik. Seen here at his Tel Aviv home, located on the street named after him. https: / / 175 175 287 287 11


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