Measuring Mobile Learning - EDLD 5315

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Measuring Mobile Learningat Lamar University

Created by: Brandi Livingston

Our Mobile Learning PlanOur mobile learning initiative can transform our learning environments and increase:



critical thinking

ownership of learning

How will we measure the success of our initiative?

How will we know our students are more engaged? How do we determine if they are using critical thinking skills? Are our students taking more ownership of their learning? Are our faculty integrating more mobile technology and apps to enrich curriculum and activities?

What is measurement?

According to Hubbard (2014), the definition of measurement is:

a reduction, not necessarily an elimination, of uncertainty based on several simple observations.

What are we really measuring?

Current utilization of mobile devices in teaching and learning - academics.

Feelings and perceptions of using mobile devices for learning and classroom activities.

Competency levels using mobile devices and educational apps

Where are we now? We need to determine the

following about Lamar faculty and undergraduate


Tape measure | by bradhoc @

The Method and Instruments

We plan to conduct a Mobile Learning Study to make observations about our faculty and students using simple random sampling methods.

A digital survey will be sent to faculty and undergraduate students followed by random interviews.

* Photo by NEC Corporation of America with Creative Commons license.

Mobile Learning Study Approval

Before the study begins, it’s required to seek approval from the IRB in order to conduct any research that involves human subjects.

Institutional Review Board

Ethical Considerations

The survey will ask some general demographic questions and some participants may choose to submit personal email addresses to participate in subsequent interviews. Participant information will remain confidential and no names or identifying information will be published.

A consent form will be created

and distributed to all study


The Survey Details

The survey will consist of several questions. The questions will consist of:

Likert scale questions

Multiple answer

Open-ended, short answer

Survey Design and Gathering the Data

The digital survey will be developed using a Google form which could then be easily shared out by email to faculty and students.

The Google Form will collect all the responses that can be exported out for further analysis.

Analyze, Discuss and Share the Data

Analyze and compare data findings with other mobile learning studies of similar institutions.

Draw conclusions from the data findings and make decisions with regards to the mobile learning initiative.

Share and discuss the findings with colleagues and other administration involved in the mobile learning initiative.

Publish and share the data findings and conclusions campus-wide, including students, faculty and staff.