Measuring the true cost of data center downtime

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Measuring the true cost of data center downtime

From 2012 through 2013, 91% of all businesses

experienced a data center downtime event that lasted an average of 90 minutes * .


Data center outages and downtime have unfortunately become the

norm for many companies.

When downtime occurs, it causes devastation in many different

areas, including:


Downtime makes it impossible to access the data and applications your employees need to do their jobs, costing you precious time and productivity.

LOST:Sales Opportunity

In addition to your employees’ productivity, your entire sales process can be impacted by downtime as well.

This means the potential for lost sales is very high.


These add up to a greatly damaged reputation to your business as a whole.

When downtime occurs, your employees, customers, and everyone in between will feel the impact.

What does downtime look like in $$ figures?

Our online Downtime Calculator gives you a very specific indicator of how much money your business can easily lose after suffering a downtime event.

Check it out to see how you stack up!

How can data center downtime be prevented (or at least mitigated)?


A data center’s construction has a huge impact on how well it’s protected from a wide range of natural and man-made threats.

Redundant Infrastructure

2 or more pieces of all supporting infrastructure, including:

• Utility feeds• Backup generators• CRAC units• Water chillers• PDU’s

InfrastructureTesting & MaintenanceThat redundant infrastructure is useless if it doesn’t work.

Each piece of equipment should be tested on a regular basis, and maintained as needed. This helps ensure it will be functioning right when you need it.

Data center downtime impacts your business’ bottom line as well as its image.

It can be a devastating problem, but with the right measures in place, it doesn’t have to be.

In short: Downtime can cost you, but it doesn’t have to.

Copyright © 2015 Data Cave, Inc. All rights reserved.

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