Measuring Your SEO Value

Post on 23-Aug-2014

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My presentation on Measuring Your SEO Value from SMX Sydney 2014



SMX Sydney 2014

Jon Quinton

Agency Director


Ever done a great job, and been fired?

Yup. That.

Part One: Measuring value HAS to start at the


SEO Strategy vs. Service Strategy:

SEO Strategy Service Strategy

• Content Strategy • Technical SEO Issues • Keyword Research • Creative Campaigns • Traffic Increases • Rankings

• Revenue Targets • Key Stakeholders • Organisational

Structure • Budget Split • Branding Issues

Typical situations…

Pitching the pitch:

In house SEO team under pressure to deliver financial targets from business units.

Do you know precisely what that

number is?

Under pressure: Sometimes there’s fatigue around digital marketing.

Have you been hired to re-


Internal budgeting structure can have a huge impact on


Understand that budgeting split.

With that knowledge, setting the right KPIs

becomes easy.

Setting KPIs need be no more complicated than this:

Internal pressures / goals


Keep KPIs simple, specific and achievable.

For example:

− Grow Revenue via Organic by 50% year on year

− Increase entrances to ‘x’ categories by 100%

− Produce content that assists with the conversion path

Also be clear on where your responsibility ends – particularly when dealing with lead

gen or sites with a complex purchasing process.

This information must feed into our reporting.

Avoid reporting for reporting's sake.

Yes, make it replicable – but

always focus on your KPIs, pain points and your understanding

of expectations.

Data reporting:

Organic Traffic Revenue via Organic

Activity Reporting:

Have we done what we said we’d do, within the committed time


Reporting commentary should proactively answer questions.

Are we where we expected to be, and always providing a reason

‘why’ for any shifts.

Part Two: How?

All You Really Need.

Traffic & Revenue:

Use custom reports and dashboards in GA.

Project management:

Whatever you use, you need some form of system for tracking

changes, tasks and Q&A.

Rankings: AWR + Trusted Proxies = WIN

Present your points simply:

With the previously mentioned stuff set up, creating beautiful reports in Excel becomes easy.

Are my priority categories (by revenue) improving?

Using custom reports for quick access:

What action points can I derive?

Are people talking about my content?

Has our link building really been effective?

One last thing…

Simplicity is Beautiful Useful


Any Questions?

Jon Quinton

Agency Director
