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P re s e n t a t io n b y : Me c h De s ig n /RC F

Ou t l in e o f t h e P r e s e n t a t io n

Design issues reported by Railways Improvements in Designs Environmental friendly green toilets Development of new Coach



Ma in d o o r p iv o t s t u d s a r e g e t t in g lo o s e n f r e q u e n t ly (C R ly )

- Due to inadequate working space two pivot studs adjacent to door pivot pin could not be properly tightened

- Design modified – 29 mm gap increased to 44 mm to provide sufficient working space.

- In case of repeated problem of door loosening – Railways to replace the pivot mounting arrange as per new design


GAP Increased

Lu g g a g e c o m p a r t m e n t d o o r s (LHB ) a r e n o t g e t t in g lo c k e d a u t o m a t ic a l l y (C R ly )


• 3-way locking arrangement has been provided

• Locking levers and CAMs are spring loaded

• If automatic locking is not obtained, CAMs, levers and springs are to be inspected and replaced if found defective.

• Now design modified and conventional type loading door being provided

Dif f ic u l t ie s in p ro c u r e m e n t o f d o o r s t o p p e r s t o Drg No LA 5 1 1 2 5 a l t n i l & LA 5 1 1 2 6 a l t n i l (W R ly )


• Existing Teflon stoppers may be replaced with SS (AISI 304 grade). Dimensions may be referred from drawing no. LA51125 alt-nil and LA51126 alt-nil

• In the current design SS stoppers as per drawing no. LA51125 alt-b have been specified. However, these can not be used in old design



S t a n d a rd iz a t io n o f d e s ig n o f C DTS (C .R ly )

PLC Retention tank

design & mounting Lower slide valve Upper flapper valve Flushing valve

(integrated design) Control panels Lavatory pan Euro Bowl


Solenoid valves & valve block mounting

Pneumatic cylinders and mounting

Sealing rubber Air filter mounting Electrical

connection interfaces

GPS module & mounting

• CDTS parts identified for standardization:

• Drawings for these shall be frozen by Oct’2011

No n P ro v is io n o f NRV in C DT S a ir T a n k p ip e l in e s (C .R ly )

Design of Air Brake circuit is being reviewed.

NRV can be provided Feasibility of connecting

other sub-assemblies such as automatic door without effecting air brake operations being explored

RDSO and OEMs are being consulted


C u r t a in h o o k s b e in g p ro v id e d o n LHB c o a c h e s a r e t o o w e a k t o h o ld t h e lo a d o f t h e C u r t a in s (C .R ly )

The design of the curtain hooks has been reviewed and found having sufficient strength to support the curtain .

Load per hook is approx. 127 grams, whereas it can take up load upto 1000 grams.

If ordinary MS hook is used in lieu of SS, it may fail. Sturdier design of hook arrangement available off the shelf

being explored.


Aluminium pin Nylon Roller Stainless Steel hook

LHB Wa t e r T a n k - A ir Ve n t Va lv e g e t t in g d e f e c t iv e


•Wo rk in g P r in c ip l e :•When the water level

rises the float swims up and thus closes the valve-seat. When air enters into the valve body, water level goes down and valve seat opens to release the air.

LHB Wa t e r T a n k - A ir Ve n t Va lv eMa in t e n a n c e In s t r u c t io n s

1 0

1. Check the hygroscopic discs in the black "safety leak cap“

1. They should be DRY if everything is OK2. If they are WET and/or swollen, it indicates a leakage

and the complete valve should be changed.3. Normally the valves would work indefinitely, if they are

installed correctly4. It is not recommended to dismount the functional

elements as they are likely to be damaged if serviced. 5. It is recommended to change the complete unit.6. Please see "Installation Instructions“. • Installation instructions have been mailed to


• Lo n g it u d in a l J e r k s o c c u r d u e t o s la c k

• Slack between coupler heads:• Between E type of loco and H type of

coach• Between H Type Coupler Heads of

adjacent coaches • Slack in the coupler and draft gear

connection • Slack generation due to draft gear

action • High response time of the draft

gear phenomenon

P ro b le m o f J e r k s in c o a c h e s f i t t e d w i t h C B C

1 1

M/s Faiveley / M/s Escort coupler• Single pack draft gear• Connection between Draft gear and coupler head through pin

M/s ASF coupler • Twin pack draft gear• Connection between draft gear and coupler head through pin

E x is t in g C o u p le r s

1 2

E n d e a v o r s m a d e s o f a r

CBC with Soft Side Buffers• Not recommended by RDSO

Reduced Pre-Load CBCs• Preload reduced to 30KN from 77 KN

Noticeable reduction in jerks

M/s Faiveley Double acting draft gear provided on 30 coaches

1 3

E n d e a v o r s m a d e s o f a r

M/s Dellner Couplers (Balanced Draft gear)• 22 Coaches to SCRly08 Coaches to WRLY

•Performance similar to Screw coupling coaches

•Single piece coupler -No connection between draft gear and coupler shank. No transversal and horizontal pivoting movement.•No slack generation due to draft gear action

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E n d e a v o r s m a d e s o f a r

M/s Escort Balanced Draft gear• Expected in future supplies

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B ra k e S y s t e m Is s u e s

At Cut Off angle cock BP/FP worked out / Leaky:

• Brackets being provided for additional security of cut off angle cocks

Damage of Brake indictor due to hitting because of over projection

• Examined found no infringement with MMD

• Possibility of infringement of IRSOD by civil structures

• Railways may check up

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Ho n e y C o m b P a r t i t io n F r a m e s

Back Pieces not found for mounting magazine bags :

• Back pieces provide in the drawings

• Can be located by using a simple magnet

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P ro b le m in a c h ie v in g b o g ie c l e a r a n c e s

P a ir in g o f S p r in g s : Each Flexicoil spring is provided

with following markings: Direction of alignment deviation Value of the alignment deviation Length of the spring under test load Month & Year of manufacture

Standard method of marking springs internationally

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Marking on Springs

• Al. Tape – Indicates positive direction of the alignment deviation

• Copper Band – Gives length of the spring under test load and the value of the alignment deviation

• Stamping on flat portion – Gives month & year of manufacture and running serial number.

Al. Tape



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A l ig n m e n t De v ia t io n( S p r in g P a ir in g - F IA T S p e c 1 7 .4 7 1 1 0 1 )

The difference between the alignment deviations of the two outer springs not to exceed 4mm and that of the inner springs 8mm.

A - B = 4 mm max, C - D = 8 mm max In addition, the outer and inner springs with the

greater alignment deviations must be situated in the same spring assembly, that is:

If A greater than B, C should be greater than D

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Re -a r r a n g in g m is s in g b a n d s In case, any band is found missing, the spring

number should be advised to the manufacturer The manufacturers will generate a new band

using spring information available with them. This process already being followed by

Western Railway & Eastern Railway. For quicker response, spring nos. & date of

manufacturing should be provided to the vendors along with a copy to RCF.

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Ru b b e r s p r in g t o u c h in g s p r in g c e n t e r in g d is c

The rubber spring in secondary nest works in series with the coil springs

There is a possibility of its coming into contact with spring centering disc in some of the coach variants – depending on the tare weight.

This is not to be considered a failure.

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C o n t ro l A rm C o r ro s io n & We a r :

Service limits set jointly by RCF, CAMTECH & RDSO.

M/s FIAT had recommended to use Swiss made Blasol-135 during fitment to minimize wear and to avoid corrosion. This needs to be ensured by zonal railways also.

Now a spec has been developed by RCF which is broadly based on the OEM product.

If wear observed beyond permissible values during POH, re-machining can be done with cut of 0.3 to 0.5 mm on the bottom face of control arm.

Proper torque to be ensured during tightening of bolts.

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Ma c h in in g & P a ir in g(c la r i f ic a t io n s s o u g h t b y C WM/P L)

Machining of new pieces is done in two halves separately

A circular go-no-go gauge to be utilized in case 3D CMM facility is not available – to be measured separately.

RCF has developed vendors for machining of control arm which may be approached by railways

Approved list for machined control arms is under preparation

Replacement should generally be in sets as it is difficult to mix and match worn out pieces However, re-machining to be done for pairs- which need to be

marked suitably Entire surface to be machined – wearing as well as non-wearing


C o r ro s io n in B o g ie F ra m e s

• RCF:– Frames being shot blasted– Sourcing of steel from global sources

initiated as per EN 10025 part 5 -2004 grade S355J2W+N

– Elastified High Build Paint being applied

• Zonal Railways– Proper & regular cleaning to remove dirt, grease

and scales – at least once a week– Use rust converters to IS:13515-92 such as

Rustcon– Paint with Elastified High Build Paint as per

MDTS-94 – after rust removal

P ro p o s e d s y s t e m f o r R e s t o r a t io n o f b o g ie f r a m e Two approaches are possible:

Building up the corroded bottom plate Provision of an additional bottom plate

Before taking up restoration, following to be ensured: Brake beam/seam less tubes are not corroded Welding of plates of bogie frame not affected Areas where machining has been done are not

damaged Plate thickness is worn between 2mm to 4mm

Restoration should be considered at each POH level

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B u ild in g u p t h e c o r ro d e d b o t t o m p la t e As explored by CWM/PL

Cleaning and rust removal Spray of material to build up thickness

M/s L&T have offered hot and cold spray solutions Details being collected by RCF

This system will seal corroded surface and add thickness to the plates to withstand further stone hitting etc.

2 7

P ro v is io n o f a n a d d i t io n a l b o t t o m p la t e

An additonal 3mm plate to be provided Cleaning and rust removal

Shot blasting /rust convertors Provision of an additional bottom plate as under:

This plate shall be of same material. The plate shall be of same contour as the original

bottom plate reaching upto control arm support bracket. The width of the plate shall be kept 20mm less so that

10mm space is available on each side for full welding. Application of primer and high build paint after

cleaning of weld surface.

B ra k e d is c i s s u e s 640 mm x 110 mm; Axle shaft mounted Wear on friction surface -7 mm max. Bolts to be checked for proper tightening

torque at least during IOH/POH Breakage of fins and damage to hub-ring

mounting interface to be examined during pit examination. Rejection to be done as per firm’s maintenance

guidelines Regular vendors at RCF are M/s Knorr

and M/s Faiveley with UIC approved brake pads from Bekorit and Zurid Some Zonal Railways procuring brake discs

and pads with non-standard design and from non-proven sources

New designs and sources to be considered after consultation with RDSO/RCF

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P ROC URE ME NT OF S P A RE S RCF procures from vendors who are tried,

tested & proven sources Zonal Railways have been observed to be

buying from new & untried sources without proper testing

These replacement parts may lead to premature failure & sub-optimal performance.

The list of vendors for critical item has been already circulated & updated list has been circulated again on 18/07/11

3 0

E X TE RIOR P A INT ING RCF is using paint as per RDSO specification for

conventional coaches which is duly tested before use. Still gloss and colour retention is not as per desired level.

The initial gloss values obtained on coaches at RCF is in the range of 75% to 85%. The specification needs to be reviewed and upgraded.

RDSO has been entrusted the responsibility of approval of vendors for paint vide letter no. 91/M(C)/137/23. Pt. II dated 17.12.2008.

MM has emphasised that only reputed paint manufacturers, having experience/expertise in painting requirements of Aviation, Automobile and Marine industry, beside Rail cars, should be included in the list.

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RCF is, exploring various options for improving the quality of exterior paint as under:

Polysiloxane Nano painting was tried out on two Shatabdi rakes in 2009.

PU paint from M/s Weilburger, Germany was tried out on two coaches in 2009.

Isocynate-free Polysiloxine paint from Asian Paints with anti-graffiti properties applied on six coaches in 2011.

RCF has moved a proposal for sourcing quality paint from reputed vendors based on functional requirements instead of RDSO specifications for 60 SS coaches.

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3 3

Modularisation of toilets3 4

P re a s s e m b le d d ro p d o w n m o d u la r t o i l e t in S S 3 0 4 p a n e l s : p r e f i t t e d w i t h a m e n i t ie s•Anti graffiti clear coating as per RDSO specn PCN127 on interior surface•Scrapper matting on the lav floor•Quality water taps : ( Jacquar, Marc, ESS ESS, AGMECO etc)•Mirror : Glass of Saint Gobain, TATA AIS , Modiguard•SS provides fire barrier in between two adjacent coaches

Au tom atic S lid in g Doo rs

Provided on Double Decker coaches (under mfr)

Opening is actuated through opening handle. Only a slight push of handle is required to initiate auto opening movement of the door.

Door closes automatically after a time delay of 3 to 5 seconds.

Sensors have been provided to detect any obstruction while closing and causing the door to retract to opening position.

In case of failure of pneumatic and electrical power supply, operation switches to auto closing door

On curvatures, door does not open against centrifugal forces.

3 5

P u r i f ie d Dr in k in g Wa t e r S y s t e m

Purified Drinking Water system based on Reverse Osmosis (RO) process being provided on DD coaches 5 Stage purification TDS less than 100 ppm Capacity 25 Liters / Hr Separate tap for RO water

over outside wash basin With AMOC & Spares

3 6

Air Springs In LHB coaches - Generator car - AC- 3T/EOG - Hot Buffet

In t r o d u c t io n o f A ir S p r in g s in LHB c o a c h e s

Fiat Bogie with air suspension

3 7

A ir S p r in g s

Fitted in Hybrid and DD coaches Helps in maintaining level of

coach under non-uniform loading Less failures as compared to

helical springs. Buffer height adjustments easy

3 8

TRA INING F OR A IR S P R ING S Training regarding functioning and maintenance of

air springs imparted by RCF at various coaching depots Amritsar, NDLS, Howrah, Sealdah, Santragachi,

Ernakulum, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Bhubaneswar depots covered

Training also imparted in several sessions to Zonal railway staff at RCF

Maintenance guidelines circulated by RCF to Zonal Railways through emails.

Maintenance guidelines also circulated by RDSO

3 9

F IB A S y s t e m

Air spring Failure cum Brake Application device (FIBA) works on principle of pneumatic pressure

In case of heavy leakage, FIBA system will give an audio/video signal along with brake application.

RDSO have approved following vendors for development orders: M/s ,Faiveley Transport ,Hosur M/s, Knorr Bremese Faridabad M/s ,Stone india Ltd. Kolkata

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F IB A FIBAIndicator

4 1

De v e lo p m e n t o f F IB A RDSO had issued approved design of FIBA system in

May 2011. RCF has procured FIBA device for three Duronto rakes

nominated by RDSO, presently running in ECR , NCR and CR.

Prototype fitment trial are under process at RCF. After trial of FIBA, Coach Alternation Instruction (CAI) will

be issued to Zonal Railways. However, FIBA will not be fitted on remaining Hybrid

coaches. For these coaches, RDSO are in the process of developing a new system called ASFI valve. Procurement and fitment of this ASFI valve will be done by

zonal railways after vendors and design are finalized by RDSO.

4 2

Te m p . m o n it o r in g s y s t e m

Temperature monitoring system supplied by M/s Timken has been provided on one coach no.08396/NR and sent for trials in the month of June 2009.

Feed back is awaited from Northern Railway.

4 3

T re a d c l e a n in g De v ic e

As advised by RDSO Tread Cleaning device has been fitted on two coaches as a trial, which may also help in reducing the wheel shelling.

Letter issued to N.R to send performance of TCD.

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45 OF 20

E n v iro n m e n t a l F r ie n d ly

G re e n T o i l e t s

4 5

E n d e a v o r s m a d e s o f a r

• Biological Sewage treatment toilet system - Microphor, USA by ICF in 1993

• Macerated & chemically treated toilet system-Rail Tech, Canada by RCF in 1998

• Controlled Discharge Toilet system (partial solution)-LHB and Conventional by RCF/ICF since 2001

4 6

T e c h n o lo g y b e in g p u r s u e d

• Aerobic type biological Toilet –M/s Aikon in Rewa Express

• Anaerobic bio-toilet - MoU with DRDE and IR

• Zero Discharge Toilet System – IIT, Kanpur water recycling project

• Global Tender for Multiple technologies

- Tender opened under finailisation

4 7

S u b s t a n c e s t o b e h a n d le d

• Fecal matter • Fecal matter is almost having 80% of bacteria.• Bacteria present in fecal matter are both

aerobic & anaerobic • Fecal matter is reducing in nature

• Water

• Non-degradable waste• Plastic bottles,pouches, napkins,

diapres, purses, clothings etc.

4 8

Wo rk in g o f A n a e ro b ic S y s t e m


Anaerobic Bacteria

(Liquid bacteria)

Liquid waste

CO2 + Methane gases released to atmosphere


Disinfected Liquid discharged to Land

System does not require Oxygen and also does not require regular cleaning

4 9

B r ie f a b o u t b a c t e r ia –a e ro b ic /a n a e ro b ic

• Aerobic Bacteria

• Growth rate of aerobic bacteria is higher • Requires forced aeration and large surface area• Large amount of bio-mass is generated • Disposal of bio-mass is again an environmental


• Anaerobic bacteria

• Developed by DRDE • Double its population within 6 to 8 hrs• Dominates and de-compose matter into liquid and


5 0

B r ie f a b o u t b a c t e r ia –a e ro b ic /a n a e ro b ic

• Anaerobic bacteria • Can be kept for two weeks at ambient


• Can withstand sub zero temperature as well as upto 70 degree centigrade

• Cold temperature would not affect the inside processing because:

• Anaerobic process is exothermic in nature thus in cold regions heat will be available inside the chamber because of chemical process.

5 1

S t a t u s o f DRDE B io -Dig e s t e r

• 23 Coaches fitted with 43 DRDE Bio technology toilets, turned out by RCF, are in service since19th Jan'11 in Bundelkhand Express (11107/11108), between Gwalior and Varansi. • Performance is generally as per defined levels.• 14 DRDE tanks 4th variant, with liquid-solid separator, on eight coaches (2-SCN, 4-GS and 2 DSLR) are under fitment at RCF. Coaches will be dispatched to NCR.• 300 toilets of this technology are planned for fitment in future

5 2

S t a t u s o f DRDE B io -Dig e s t e r

• Tender opened on 15th July-2011 (Tender no: 3112110150).

Allotment of Trains:

5 3

R ly B a s e De p o t

T ra in

NCR GWL GWL-INDB Express (11125/26)

NR NZM NZM-INDB Intercity Express (12415/16)CR CSTM CSTM-BSB Mahanagari Express (11093/94)WR INDB INDB-JAT Malwa Express (12919/20)NER LJN LJN-CSTM Pushpak Express (12533/34)

Dif f e r e n t v a r ia n t s t r ie d o u t

Variant –1• PLC, flapper valve with pneumatics and electrics

Variant –2• Manual Slider no pneumatics and electrics

Variant –3• Smaller dia- no valave no pneumatics and electrics

5 4

Dif f e r e n t v a r ia n t s t r ie d o u t

Variant –4• Flapper valve with Liquid –Solid separator; • No pneumatics and electrics• Can be operated manually from inside the lavatory

5 5

ZDT S -IIT K a n p u r

S o l id s e p a r a t o rE f f ic ie n c y : u p t o 9 8 %

S o l id m a t e r ia l e v a c u a t io n p o r t

S o l id S t o r a g e T a n kC a p a c i t y : 1 1 0 L

P -T r a p w i t h f l a p p e r v a lv e

5 6


5 7

LHB A C Do u b le De c k e r C o a c h (3 0 5 0 m m w id t h )

RCF manufactured LHB AC Double Decker coach with body width 3135 mm – 14 nos.

Due to platforms infringing MMD grazing with sidewall reported

Coach re-designed with reduced width of 3050mm – No need to modify platform

Layout also modified Reclining seats with snack table and bottle holder provided –

Earlier back-to-back fixed seats Seating Capacity 120 passengers – Earlier 128 passengers  Stair case area modified Automatic end wall doors and Automatic sliding doors for entrance to AC

area have been provided.   Provision has been kept for fitment of smoke detection system & fire alarm



5 8

LHB A C Do u b le De c k e r C o a c h (3 0 5 0 m m w id t h )

5 9

LHB No n -A C C h a ir C A R (LWS C Z)6 0

Seating capacity -106 Reclining seats with arm rests, snack table,

bottle holder LHB type luggage rack No. of Toilets - 2 Provision of mini-pantry

LHB EOG No n -A C 3 T ie r S le e p e r a n d G e n e ra l c o a c h e s

SCN Seating/sleeping Capacity – 78

General coach seating capacity 99

Conventional coach furnishing

Provision of under slung water tanks to increase water carrying capacity.

6 1

LHB DS LR Wit h Un d e r S lu n g P o w e r P a c k

• Need for U/slung DSLR: •Constraint of SG Equipment on Fiat bogies for AC coaches• Underslung DA set releases on board space for revenue.•14 ton luggage capacity•Guard and crew compartment.•Tender for DA set is under finalisation

Roof Mounted Radiator

U/slung Engine & alternatorFresh air intake


6 2

Ot h e r p ro je c t s o n h a n d

LHB Super AC Coach Seating cap: 44 Shells : by RCF Furnishing by Professional agencies at RCF/RBL

SS VPH 30 ton Design finalised

LHB Non AC Pantry Similar to LHB Hot buffet

LHB Power car with 775 KVA DA set

6 3

Maintenance related issues – ICF Bogie

Brake Gear Bushes Side Bearer Wearing Piece Hytrel Washer Anchor Link

6 4

Maintenance related issues – ICF Maintenance related issues – ICF BogieBogie

6 5

B ra k e G e a r B u s h e s

RCF has been using Phenolic bushes in non-critical locations and Composite bushes in critical locations

As per latest directives from Railway Board/ RDSO, new procurement shall be as under: 50% Composite Bushes and 50% HPPA bushes

in critical locations 100% HPPA bushes in other locations

It is understood some railways are already fitting HPPA bushes. Performance feedback is requested.

6 6

S e l f Lu b r ic a t in g We a r in g P ie c e RCF had fitted Self Lubricating Wearing Piece

in side bearers on around 200 coaches. No oil is required to be filled in side bearer

housing However, if oil is filled, it does not harm the

wearing piece In case of failure, the synthetic wearing piece can

be replaced with bronze piece after filling oil in the housing

Performance feed back is requested from railways

6 7

Hy t r e l Wa s h e r s

Hytrel washers were biting into axle box housing

The design has now been modified so that the outer surfaces are now plain

Railway may keep a watch whether the hytrel washers are still damaging the axle box housing

6 8

A n c h o r Lin k

As instructed by RDSO, RCF is shifting to non-injection moulded silent bloc type anchor link with slotted type fixing arrangement

RCF view is that we may go for non-injection type silent bloc but the fixing arrangement should be bolted type

Zonal railways requested to give their opinion to RDSO/PUs

6 9

CTRB type Bearings

Cartridge taper Roller bearings have a service life of 3 million km.

Railway have reported a total of 07 failures in three years (2 in 08-09,1 in 09-10 & 04 in 10-11).

Temperature monitoring system has been provided on one coach for trials Details are in subsequent slide.

7 0

Failure of Dampers

Proper fitment of end fittings with proper torque to be ensured.

Use proper corrosion resistant chemicals on threads left open after assembly

Plastic cap provided on primary dampers are found missing during inspection. An additional nut can be provided to cover the bare threaded portion.

Cleaning/washing of bogie at regular intervals Details of Dampers should be recorded by

railways upon receipt of new coaches & during replacement as these details are not readable afterwards. This will help during warranty replacement.7 1

Failure of Dampers

In the workshops, testing of dampers should be carried out during IOH/POH of the coaches.

Dampers should not be declared as failed without testing.

Arrangement should be made to stock spare rubber end fitting of dampers.

Zonal Railways to give feedback regarding installation of damper testing machine.

7 2

Wheel Shelling

This problem is currently under study with RDSO.

Following action has been taken: Brake cylinder pressure reduced to 3

bar from 3.8 bar Material of wheel upgraded to RDSO

spec R-19 rev 3. Fitment started with new specification since April 08

Tread Cleaning device has been fitted on two coaches

RCF has proposed to Rly. Board for procurement of 40 wheel discs from M/s Luchini, OEM with improved metallurgy.

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7 5