Mechanisms underlying dental-derived stem cell-mediated ......Syed Shadab Raza1,5*, Aurel Popa...

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    Mechanisms underlying dental-derivedstem cell-mediated neurorestoration inneurodegenerative disordersSyed Shadab Raza1,5* , Aurel Popa Wagner2,6,7, Yawer S. Hussain3 and Mohsin Ali Khan4


    Background: Neurodegenerative disorders have a complex pathology and are characterized by a progressive lossof neuronal architecture in the brain or spinal cord. Neuroprotective agents have demonstrated promising results atthe preclinical stage, but this has not been confirmed at the clinical stage. Thus far, no neuroprotective drug thatcan prevent neuronal degeneration in patients with neurodegenerative disorders is available.

    Main body: Recent studies have focused on neurorestorative measures, such as cell-based therapy, rather thanneuroprotective treatment. The utility of cell-based approaches for the treatment of neurodegenerative disordershas been explored extensively, and the results have been somewhat promising with regard to reversing the outcome.Because of their neural crest origin, ease of harvest, accessibility, ethical suitability, and potential to differentiate into theneurogenic lineage, dental-derived stem cells (DSCs) have become an attractive source for cell-based neurorestorationtherapies. In the present review, we summarize the possible use of DSC-based neurorestoration therapy as analternative treatment for neurodegenerative disorders, with a particular emphasis on the mechanism underlyingrecovery in neurodegenerative disorders.

    Conclusion: Transplantation research in neurodegenerative diseases should aim to understand the mechanismproviding benefits both at the molecular and functional level. Due to their ease of accessibility, plasticity, and ethicalsuitability, DSCs hold promise to overcome the existing challenges in the field of neurodegeneration through multiplemechanisms, such as cell replacement, bystander effect, vasculogenesis, synaptogenesis, immunomodulation, and byinhibiting apoptosis.

    Keywords: Dental-derived stem cells, Cell replacement, Paracrine effect, Vasculogenesis, Synaptogenesis,Immunomodulation, Apoptosis

    BackgroundNeurodegenerative disorders caused by neurodegenera-tion encompass a broad range of diseases of the centralnervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system(PNS) and affect tens of millions of people worldwide[1]. Neurodegeneration is a progressive and irreversibleloss of neuronal structure and function; it can be acute(e.g., stroke and spinal cord injury (SCI)) or chronic(e.g., Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease).

    Currently, considerable neurological research is fo-cused on methods for regenerating and replacing thedegenerated nerve cells; thus, stem cell therapy may bethe most suitable clinical intervention for neurodegener-ative disorders. The nervous system has limited intrinsicrepair ability, because the endogenous population ofneural stem (or progenitor) cells is so small that it canbarely contribute to the structural repair of the brain orspinal cord [2–5]. Thus, therapies using exogenous stemcell sources may aid in alleviating various neurologicaldiseases [6]. However, the most suitable cell type andthe accurate timing and route of delivery need to be de-fined; most importantly, how a functional improvementfrom the behavioral perspective can be achieved remainsunanswered [7, 8].

    * Correspondence:; syedshadabraza@gmail.com1Laboratory for Stem Cell & Restorative Neurology, Department ofBiotechnology, Era Medical College & Hospital, Era University, Lucknow, UttarPradesh 226003, India5 Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, EraUniversity, Lucknow 226003, IndiaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

    © The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

    Raza et al. Stem Cell Research & Therapy (2018) 9:245

  • For cell therapy, various types of stem cells (e.g., em-bryonic, fetal, adult, and induced pluripotent cells) canbe obtained from various sources (e.g., the heart, skin,liver, and hair). Regardless of their type and source, allstem cells possess indefinite self-renewal capacity andcan differentiate into a specialized cell type [9]. In 2002,dental-derived stem cells (DSCs) were first isolated fromthe pulp of permanent teeth by Gronthos et al. [10] andwere named dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), indicatingthat dental tissue can be a potential source of stem cells.Later, stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth(SHEDs) [11], stem cells from the apical papilla [12],tooth germ progenitor cells [13], gingival mesenchymalstem cells (MSCs) [14], dental follicle stem cells [15], al-veolar bone-derived MSCs (ABMSCs) [16], and peri-odontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) [17] were isolatedand characterized (Fig. 1). Because of their transdifferen-tiation ability, DSCs have been extensively investigatedand have shown high potential for application in CNStherapy [18–22]. Cell-based and preclinical studies havedemonstrated that DSCs display neuroplasticity; theycan differentiate in response to environmental cues intovarious cell lineages, such as adipogenic [23], chondro-genic [10], osteogenic [24], myogenic [25], and neuro-genic lineages [26] (Fig. 1). DSCs have shown amigratory capacity toward the sites of neural damagewhere they differentiate into neurons [27], glia [28], andoligodendrocytes [20] as per the environmental cues,and they stimulate endogenous neurogenesis [29] and

    restore synaptic transmission [30]. Transplanted DSCsexhibit the restoration of functional outcome in rodents[20, 21]. Together the cellular and molecular data indi-cate that DSCs have the capacity to restore neuroplasti-city after differentiation (Fig. 2). With regard to DSCapplication in dental therapy, at least one clinical trialhas been completed and a few are ongoing (Table 1);however, no clinical trial on the neurological applicationof DSCs has been initiated thus far.The mechanism by which DSC transplants evoke CNS

    remodeling remains unknown. Nevertheless, the trans-planted DSCs are assumed to differentiate and integrateinto the damaged CNS [8] to provide protection at thecellular and molecular levels. However, recent evidencestrongly suggests that a range of other neurorestorativefactors, such as angiogenesis [31], synaptogenesis [32],immunomodulation [33], and apoptosis inhibition [34](Fig. 3), along with neural replacement, contributestoward recovery.In the present review, we focus on the therapeutic effi-

    cacy of the exogenous DSCs transplanted for treatingneurodegenerative disorders in various models (Table 2).We also emphasize the probable mechanisms by whichDSCs facilitate endogenous repair and plasticity in theCNS. Considering DPSCs and SHEDs, the two subtypesextensively studied and employed to study the neuro-logical restorative measures of cell integration, angiogen-esis, synaptogenesis, immunomodulation, and theapoptosis inhibition mechanism, we argue the

    Fig. 1 The transformation of dental tissue into different dental-derived stem cell populations. Subpopulations can be categorized according totheir tissue of origin: dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs), stem cells from the apical papilla(SCAPs), tooth germ progenitor cells, gingival mesenchymal stem cells, dental follicle stem cells (DFSCs), alveolar bone-derived mesenchymalstem cells (ABMSCs), gingival fibroblastic stem cells (GFSCs), and periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs). The differentiation potential of dentalpulp stem cells into various cell types illustrating the plasticity of bone marrow-derived cells is illustrated above

    Raza et al. Stem Cell Research & Therapy (2018) 9:245 Page 2 of 15

  • advantages of using DSCs to treat various neurodegener-ative disorders.

    DSCs as a therapeutic choice inneurodegenerative disordersNeurodegenerative disorders are heterogeneous and in-volve inter-related pathophysiological metabolic cascades,unlike an ideal clinical condition. However, for functionalrecovery, stem cell therapy for neurodegenerative disordersrequires a cellular approach that has the potential to in-duce all neurorestorative processes. Various stem cell typesare available for neurodegenerative therapy, includingDSCs. The advantages of DSCs include that they are post-natal stem cell populations with MSC-like characteristics,including the capacity for self-renewal and multilineage dif-ferentiation, and this makes them a promising cell therapycandidate in neurodegenerative disorders; noninvasive

    isolation, ease of harvest, easy accessibility, and strongtherapeutic ability are the key advantages of DSCs. Theyhave no associated ethical concerns, which is a drawbackoften associated with other cell types such as inducedpluripotent stem cells [35], though, they have high im-munosuppressive activity [36, 37]. In the presence of spe-cific stimuli, both DPSCs and SHEDs can differentiate intoseveral brain cell types, including neurons and glia, thus in-dicating their neurogenic potential. Both DPSCs andSHEDs are derived from the neural crest, and thus have anorigin different from bone marrow-derived MSCs(BMMSCs), which are derived from the mesoderm [38,39]. Notably, DPSCs have clonogenicity and higher ex-vivoproliferative capacity [40, 41] compared with MSCs; theyare less prone to malignancy [42], and thus can generatesufficient numbers of cells for cell therapy. DSCs have ex-hibited increased neurogenesis [40, 43], and these cells can

    Fig. 2 The transdifferentiation-mediated neuroplasticity mechanism of dental derived stem cells in neurological diseases. hDSC human dental-derived stem cell

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  • Table






























































































































































































































































































































    Raza et al. Stem Cell Research & Therapy (2018) 9:245 Page 4 of 15

  • influence endogenous stem cell recruitment and neuro-sphere generation [44, 45]. SHEDs are more developed andmetabolically active than BMMSCs [46]. Compared withumbilical cord stem cells, DPSCs demonstrated delayedcellular senescence [47] which can be correlated to the in-creased expression of genes related to growth factors [48].The beneficial effects of DPSCs and SHEDs on angiogen-esis, neurotrophic secretion, and immunomodulation arewell defined. Notably, these cells demonstrated targetedmigration toward the lesion site [21, 49] which is also thetherapeutic target. Furthermore, with improved dental hy-giene, autologous transplantation of these cells is easy.

    DSCs and neurodegenerative disordersThe following sections discuss the potential use of DSCsin the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. Brainand spinal cord disorders are characterized by neurode-generation (the potential loss of neuronal architect andfunction) which cannot be adequately repaired by thehost. In this context, DSCs have become a focus as anovel alternative to salvaging or reconstituting the lostarchitecture or to stimulating host repair [21, 50–52].

    Because of their neural crest origin, the potential abilityof DSCs to directly perform neuronal replacement hasbeen recently explored; these cells could differentiateand integrate into the cells of the neuronal lineage in theCNS [22, 53]. However, the ability of DSCs to providebenefits by differentiating and integrating into the sys-tem has recently been challenged because, althoughDSCs integrate into the diseased brain or spinal cord,the number of transplanted DSCs is much lower thanthat required for the affected area. Thus, several othermechanisms, apart from cell integration, must beinvolved in the process of neurorestoration provided bythese cells.

    Alzheimer’s diseaseAlzheimer’s disease is an incurable, progressive, multi-farious neurodegenerative disease. Thus far, no effectivetreatment to prevent, arrest, or reverse this disease hasbeen reported. However, advances in understanding theetiology of the disease and routine research on newtherapeutic measures have provided hope for improvedAlzheimer’s disease management. Recent findings

    Fig. 3 The mechanistic processes involved in dental-derived stem cell-induced neurorestoration in neurodegenerative disorders. Transplantedhuman dental-derived stem cells (hDSCs) activate an array of restorative events possibly through cell replacement, parenchymal secretion ofgrowth and trophic factors, angiogenesis, immunomodulation, and by inhibiting apoptosis. The remodeling can be achieved most likely throughbystander effects, except for the direct integration of the cells

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  • Table 2 Summary of dental-derived stem cell (DSC)-mediated neuroprotection




    Mechanism of action Model Reference



    DPSC Promoted regeneration of neuron cells by inducing cellproliferation, reducing apoptotic cell death, prolongation ofdendrites, and by inhibiting phosphorylation of tau protein

    Okadaic acid induced Alzheimer’sdisease in SH-SY5Y cells


    DPSCs cocultured with primary hippocampal and ventralmesencephalic showed high protection against β-amyloidprotein by secreting neurological factors such as NGF, GDNF,BDNF, and BMP2

    β-amyloid peptide (1–42)-treatedprimary culture of hippocampalneuron and mesencephalic cells



    SHED Serum-free conditioned medium derived from SHEDsimproved overall cognitive function by axonal elongation,neurotransmission, suppression of inflammation, and byinduction of anti-inflammatory M2-like microglia

    Aβ1–40 peptide infused inimprinting control region (ICR) mice


    Parkinson’s disease Invitro

    SHED SHED-derived exosomes prevented apoptosis by suppressingcaspase activity by approximately 80%

    6-OHDA-induced apoptosis inReNcell VM human neural stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons


    Conditioned medium from SHED and, SHED deriveddopaminergic neuron protected primary neurons against6-OHDA toxicity and accelerated neurite outgrowth byparacrine mechanisms

    Dopaminergic neuron [45]

    DPSC DPSC protected mouse dopaminergic neurons by the releaseof neurotrophins such as BDNF and NGF

    MPP+- or rotenone-treated mesencephalic cells


    Human dental pulp cells attenuated 6-OHDA toxicity throughexpressing neuronal phenotype and releasing NGF, GDNF,BDNF, and BMP2

    6-OHDA-treated primary culture ofhippocampal neuron andmesencephalic cells


    DPSCs through their immunomodulatory propertiesattenuated the proliferation and production of ROS and NO

    1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-treatedcoculture system of neuron andmicroglia

    [28, 138]


    SHED Dopaminergic neurons derived from SHED expressed BDNF,GDNF, NT3, and HGF when transplanted in Parkinsonian ratsand improved the dopamine level

    6-OHDA-induced Parkinsonian rat [45]

    SHED treatment prevented 6-OHDA-induced neuronal damage in rats contributing to the improvement of behavioraloutcome. Cells showed neuronal and glial expression; moreover, SHED-derived differentiated spheres had a better outcome suggesting predifferentiation could be a key step forParkinson’s Disease transplantation therapy

    6-OHDA-induced Parkinsonian rat [44]

    Spinal cordinjury (SCI)


    DPSC DPSC-laden microcapsules transplanted into an organotypicSCI model; the cells survived for 10 days and demonstratedcommitment to a neural lineage

    Organotypic SCI model [139]


    SHED SHED transplantation in traumatic SCI rats reduced the cysticcavity area and glial scar and increased the neurofilamentalong with lower expression of TNF-α

    Traumatic SCI in Wistar rats [47]

    SHED transplantation in SCI reduced early neuronalapoptosis, which contributed to tissue and motor neuronpreservation and hindlimb functional recovery

    Laminectomy followed by SCI inWistar rats


    Conditioned serum-free medium from SHEDs into rat injuredspinal cord during the acute postinjury period caused remarkable functional recovery which was attributed to the immunoregulatory activity that induced anti-inflammatory M2-like macrophages

    Laminectomy followed by SCI inSprague-Dawley rats


    SHEDs promote functional recovery when either SHED orSHED-induced neural cells were transplanted. The transplanted cells expressed neuronal and glial differentiationalong with an increase in myelin basic protein and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan NG2 and lower expression of GFAP

    Laminectomy followed by SCIin Wistar rats


    DPSC DPSC engraftment enhanced the number of surviving motorneurons in a hemisected spinal cord through secretingvarious neurotrophic factors, e.g., NGF, BDNF, and GDNF

    Laminectomy followed by SCIin Sprague-Dawley rats


    Raza et al. Stem Cell Research & Therapy (2018) 9:245 Page 6 of 15

  • indicate the use of stem cells, including DSCs, to cureAlzheimer’s disease symptoms [54, 55]. In 2017,Wang et al. reported regeneration of damaged neu-rons cocultured with DPSCs [56]. This observationfurther revealed enhanced viability and impedance ofapoptosis in neuroblastoma cells. Similarly, whencocultured with primary hippocampal and ventralmesencephalic neurons, DPSCs showed exceptional

    protection against the β-amyloid protein, indicating aneuroprotective activity in Alzheimer’s disease [57].The DPSCs expressed the neuronal phenotype andproduced neurotrophic factors to rescue primary neu-rons. Similarly, in another study [54], when SHEDswere transplanted in a mouse model of Alzheimer’sdisease, it engendered substantial cognitive functionimprovement attributable to multiple factors, such as

    Table 2 Summary of dental-derived stem cell (DSC)-mediated neuroprotection (Continued)




    Mechanism of action Model Reference

    DPSC inhibited the SCI-induced apoptosis of neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes, which improved the preservation of neuronal filaments and myelin sheaths. Paracrinemechanisms along with cell integration were the factorsfound in achieving recovery

    Laminectomy followed by SCI inSprague-Dawley rats


    DPSCs transplanted together with chitosan scaffolds resultedin the marked recovery of hindlimb locomotor functions. Thelevels of BDNF, GDNF, basic NGF, and NT3 were found to besignificantly higher in the DPSC/chitosan-scaffold group

    Laminectomy followed by SCI inSprague-Dawley rats


    Significant improvement of limb function was observedwhen DPSCs were transplanted in dogs with chronic spinalcord injuries

    Hemilaminectomy in dogs [140]

    DPSCs demonstrated potential in repairing the completelytransected spinal cord and promoting functional recoveryafter injury by inhibiting the expression of IL-1β, the expression of RhoA to promote neurite regeneration, and SUR1 expression to reduce progressive hemorrhagic necrosis, and bydifferentiating into mature neurons and oligodendrocytes

    Laminectomy followed by SCI inSprague-Dawley rats


    Stroke Invitro

    DPSC Human DPSCs showed superior neuroprotective, migratory,and in-vitro angiogenic effects versus human BMMSCs in acomparative study between the two cell types by blockingreactive gliosis, ROS production, and inflammatory mediators,e.g., IL-1 β

    Oxygen–glucose deprivation (OGD)-injured human astrocytes

    [36, 65]


    SHED Transplantation of SHEDs or the conditioned mediumsignificantly improved the neurological outcome byinhibiting the expression of proinflammatory cytokines, e.g.,TNF- α and IL-1 β, and apoptosis, and by enhancing theexpression of anti-inflammatory cytokines, e.g,. IL-4, IL-6, IL-10,IL-13, and by reducing tissue loss

    Hypoxia–ischemia brain injury wasinduced in postnatal day-5 mice


    SHED-derived conditioned medium enhanced neurogenesis,migration and differentiation of endogenous NPCs, inducedvasculogenesis, and ameliorated ischemic brain injury afterpermanent MCAO

    Permanent MCAO in Sprague-Dawley rats


    DPSC Transplanted human DPSCs compared with human BM-MSCsin a rat stroke model had greater reduction in infarct volume.Administration of DPSCs to rats with stroke significantlydecreased reactive gliosis compared with BM-MSCs

    MCAO in Sprague-Dawley rats [36]

    Dental pulp-derived side population stem/progenitor cellsenhance recovery of transient focal cerebral ischemia in ratsby promoting migration and differentiation of the endogenous neuronal progenitor cells and induced vasculogenesis

    Transient MCAO in Sprague-Dawleyrats


    Intracerebral transplantation of human DPSCs following focalcerebral ischemia in rats resulted in significant improvementin forelimb sensorimotor function at 4 weeks post-treatmentthrough cell replacement and the paracrine effect

    Transient MCAO in Sprague-Dawleyrats


    6-OHDA 6-hydroxydopamine, BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BMMSC bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell, BMP2 bone morphogenetic protein 2,DPSC dental pulp stem cell, GDNF glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor, GFAP glial fibrillary acidic protein, HGF hepatocyte growth factor, IL interleukin, MCAOmiddle cerebral artery occlusion, MPP 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium, NG2 neural/glial antigen 2, NGF nerve growth factor, NO nitric oxide, NPC neural progenitorcell, NT3 neurotrophin-3, RhoA Ras homolog gene family member A, ROS reactive oxygen species, SHED stem cell from human exfoliated deciduous teeth, SUR1sulfonylurea receptor 1, TNF tumor necrosis factor

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  • neuroprotection, axonal elongation, neurotransmis-sion, reduced inflammation, and microglial regulation.

    Parkinson’s diseaseParkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative disease, is char-acterized by the progressive death of substantia nigradopaminergic neurons, resulting in a regional loss of stri-atal dopamine. Accumulating evidence indicates that theDSCs provide therapeutic possibilities in Parkinson’s dis-ease. In 2011, Nesti et al. studied the neuroprotectiveeffects of DPSC against 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium(MPP+) and rotenone using an indirect coculture systemwith mesencephalic cell cultures [58]. They found that thecoculture significantly attenuated MPP+- orrotenone-induced toxicity in the dopaminergic neuron.Moreover, the conditioned medium derived from thesecells protected primary neurons from 6-hydroxydopamine(6-OHDA)-induced toxicity and enhanced neurite out-growth [34]. Similarly, through this attenuation of6-OHDA-induced toxicity and improved cell viability,DPSCs protected the primary neurons [57]. The neuro-protective potential of exosomes derived from SHEDs onhuman dopaminergic neurons revealed that the exosomessuppress 6-OHDA-induced apoptosis in dopaminergicneurons [34]. In-vivo results corroborated the in-vitro re-sults. In a rat model of Parkinson’s disease, the transplant-ation of dopaminergic neuron-like cells from SHEDsreduced the 6-OHDA-induced neurodegeneration [59].Similarly, Parkinsonian rats achieved neurological per-formance after SHED sphere transplantation; the sphereengraftment improved the apomorphine-evoked rotationof behavioral disorders in rats [60].

    Spinal cord injurySCI is a debilitating neurological disorder posing severeclinical and socioeconomic burden. SCI, coupled with arange of complex and long-term sequelae, considerablyreduces the quality of life of the affected individual. Inthis context, DSC-based transplantation strategies holdgreat potential. Dental pulp cells grafted in rat hemi-sected spinal cord could promote motor neuron survival[20]. DPSC transplantation in a completely transectedspinal cord considerably improved hindlimb locomotorfunctions, accompanied by improved preservation ofneural elements [61]. Moreover, the transplantation ofhuman DPSCs along with chitosan scaffolds into an SCIrat model showed substantial spontaneous functionalrecovery of the hindlimb [52]. Similarly, SHED trans-plantation in SCI rodents resulted in considerable im-provement in the behavioral outcome; this improvementwas attributable to a reduction of the cystic cavity andglial scar and to the enhancement of neurofilamentdensity near the lesion site [62]. Furthermore, in 2012Taghipour et al. indicated that the transplantation of

    undifferentiated and differentiated SHEDs promotedfunctional recovery in a rat spinal cord contusion injurymodel by differentiating into the cells of the neuronallineage [63].

    StrokeStroke triggers a cascade of events leading to the loss ofa large variety of neural cells and secondary neurodegen-eration, in many cases leading to permanent disability.Thus, the primary challenge in stroke therapeutics is toimprove functional recovery at the organismal, cellular,and molecular levels. Many recent studies have appliedcell therapy in stroke recovery models. Our group hasdeveloped several such therapies with limited success inaged animal models of stroke [64–67].Stem cell-based therapies for stroke use different cell

    sources. Therapeutic translational studies using DPSCsfor stroke treatment in a cerebral ischemic rodent modelhave provided promising results. Transplantation of aporcine CD31−/CD146− side population (SP) of dentalpulp cells accelerated neovascularization of the ischemiczone and enhanced neuronal regeneration [68]. Further-more, the intracerebral transplantation of human DPSCsafter focal cerebral ischemia in a rodent model consider-ably improved forelimb sensory motor function [69].Identical outcomes were observed after DPSC delivery inpermanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO)rats, where the grafted cells shrunk the peri-infarct le-sion and enhanced functional recovery [21]. Similarly,SHED engraftment into a hypoxic–ischemic injuredbrain resulted in remarkable neurological and patho-physiological improvement [70]. Intranasal administra-tion of conditioned media derived from SHEDs(SHED-CM) in a MCAO model promoted vasculogen-esis and endogenous neural progenitor cell (NPC)migration, as well as differentiation and amelioration ofischemic brain injury [19].

    PNS diseasesThe neural crest origin of DSCs makes them a perfectcandidate for cell therapy of PNS disorders. Recent find-ings indicate that DPSCs ameliorate diabetic polyneur-opathy by increasing impaired sciatic nerve blood flow,sciatic motor-sensory nerve conduction velocity, andcapillary number-to-muscle and intra-epidermal nervefiber density ratio [71]. When isolated from patients withneurofibromatosis type 1, DPSCs have a proliferationrate higher than that of normal cells; thus, DPSCs repre-sent a suitable model for neurofibromatosis type 1 [72].Moreover, DPSC-derived oligoprogenitor cells showedhigh therapeutic potential in an animal model of sciaticnerve injury [73], indicating its potential as a therapeuticfor amelioration of myelin injuries in the PNS [74].When SHED-CM was investigated for peripheral nerve

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  • regeneration, SHED-CM-treated Schwann cells exhibiteda significantly increased number of neuronal and angio-genesis related genes.In addition, SHED-CM stimulated neuritogenesis of

    dorsal root ganglia and increased cell viability [75]. Fur-thermore, poly(ε-caprolactone)/gelatin nanofibrousnerve guide seeded with DSCs for peripheral nerve re-generation were transplanted at the site of nerve injuryand resulted in nerve survival and axonal regenerationin rat sciatic nerves [76]. More recently, we assessed thepotential of three-dimensional printing in improvinglong-distance nerve guide regeneration strategies [77].

    Potential biomechanism underlying DSC-mediated functional recoveryWith the failure of neuroprotective strategies in salvagingor replacing injured CNS tissues, the focus on neurores-torative therapies has increased [78]. Neurorestorativetreatments encompass the delivery of exogenous stemcells or recruitment of endogenous cells [79]. In general,when exogenous stem cells are used, the transplanted cellsmay engraft, differentiate, and finally integrate into thedamaged CNS, thus replacing the lost neural cells [8]. Inaddition to cell replacement, numerous studies have inves-tigated the mechanisms that contribute to the recovery;these are summarized below.

    Cell replacementUnderstanding how DSC-based therapy may improvefunction in neurological disorders requires further re-search, although replacement has always been proposedas a primary salvage mechanism. In the above context,and because of their pluripotent nature, DSCs are widelyaccepted as a choice for transplantation since they differ-entiate and integrate into the recipient tissuepost-transplantation [22, 51, 80]. Substantial evidence in-dicates that, after transplantation, DSCs differentiate intoseveral neuronal cell types such as GABAergic, gluta-matergic [81], dopaminergic [60], neuronal, glial [82],and Schwann [83] cells. Notably, the engrafted cells ex-hibit tetradoxin-sensitive voltage-dependent sodium cur-rents and tetraethyl ammonium-sensitive delayedrectifier potassium currents [84, 85], suggesting the re-tention of electrophysiological characteristics by thesecells. When transplanted, the DPSCs express the earlyneuronal marker N-tubulin, the neuronal-specific inter-mediate filament protein NF-M, the postmitotic neur-onal marker NeuN, and glial fibrillary acidic protein(GFAP), indicating a population similar to neuronal sat-ellite cells [86]. Similarly, quantitative analysis of undiffer-entiated and differentiated SHEDs after 5 weeks oftransplantation shows expression of microtubule-associatedprotein 2 (MAP2), neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM),and nestin; also seen are a few Ki67-positive cells, the

    myelin basic protein marker S100, neural/glial antigen 2(NG2), and the astrocyte marker GFAP. A significant func-tional recovery was achieved which corroborated well withthe SHED integration [63], thus indicating that these cellscan be a suitable candidate for neurodegenerative diseaserecovery. Likewise, when transplanted into a completelytransected spinal cord, approximately 90% of the engraftedSHEDs differentiated into mature oligodendrocytes, ex-pressing antigen-presenting cells and the myelin basicprotein [20], again suggesting the beneficial effect of au-tonomous cell activities.Cell replacement can also be achieved by inducing

    endogenous stem cells to migrate to the diseased orinjured area. When transplanted into mice hippocampus,DPSCs influence the recruitment of endogenous neuralstem cells [44]. The long-term transplantation effectindicates that newly produced neurons undergo prolifer-ation to form NPCs and neurons at the graft site.SHED-CM could promote the migration of NPCs as perthe quantification of doublecortin (DCX)-positive neu-rons. In addition to replacing lost neurons throughpromoting migration, SHED-CM can also promote dif-ferentiation of endogenous NPCs in the ischemic brain[19]. A few studies reported the ability of the exogenousDSCs to stimulate endogenous neurogenesis [19, 44, 87],reinforcing the possibility of exploiting the process ofadult neurogenesis, and enhancing the neurogenic cap-acity of DSC.

    Paracrine effectA recent paradigm shift has suggested that the beneficialeffects of stem cells [84], including DSCs, are at least inpart due to their paracrine actions. A stem cell-mediatedparacrine (or bystander) effect is a method of communi-cation in which trophic factors secreted by theimplanted cells modulate the molecular composition ofthe environment and evoke responses from residentcells. The trophic factors released by the stem cells areresponsible for the development, maintenance, repair,and survival of the neuronal population [88–92].In animal experiments, DSCs provide cytoprotection

    through secretion of neurotropic peptides, which con-tribute to neural repair and regeneration [26, 91, 93–96].The tissue concentrations of vascular endothelial growthfactor (VEGF), nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derivedneurotrophic factor (BDNF), glial cell-derived neuro-trophic factor (GDNF), ciliary neurotrophic factor, andneurotrophin-3 (NT3) were significantly increased afterDSC transplantation in various neurological disorders[20, 26, 60, 97], indicating that DCS-mediated improve-ment is at least partly contributed to via neurotrophinsecretion. Nosrat et al. showed that, when DPSCs inter-acted in vivo with the developing host nervous system,neuroplastic changes were observed which were

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  • attributed to the chemicals secreted by the DPSCs. Theauthors illustrated that this chemoattraction of avian tri-geminal ganglion axons toward implanted DPSCs wasmediated by stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF1) and itsreceptor, C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4)[98]. DPSCs when cocultured with trigeminal neuronspromoted the survival of trigeminal neurons and elabo-rated neurite outgrowth by secreting growth factors suchas NGF, BDNF, and GDNF. Furthermore, when trans-planted, cells ectopically innervated into the anteriorchamber of the eye of rats, indicating that DSCs pro-duced neurotrophic factors during development [98].When DPSCs or SHEDs were grafted in a SCI rodentmodel, high expression of neurotrophic soluble factorswas observed [20] which increased the number ofsurviving motor neurons [98], signifying a functionalbioactivity of the DSC-derived neurotrophic factors invivo. Furthermore, SHED transplantation caused consid-erable neurological and pathophysiological recovery inneonatal mice; however, after 8 weeks of transplantation,no new neurons, oligodendrocytes, or astrocytes wereobtained, indicating that the improvement achieved wasthrough non-neural replacement mechanisms [70].Taken together, the aforementioned results suggest thatboth DPSCs and SHEDs are a promising cell therapysource to understand neurotrophic factor-mediatedneurorestoration.

    VasculogenesisDespite having limited self-repair abilities [78], the CNScan achieve some degree of spontaneous recovery. Apromising field of investigation has focused on triggeringand stimulating the CNS self-repair system to regeneratenew neurons [79] or establish an effective vascularnetwork [99]. The formation of new vessels is a complexprocess involving various growth factors, chemokines,and mural cells (i.e., the cells involved in normal vascu-lature formation), all of which play different roles in pro-moting and refining this process [99]. DSCs areconsidered to establish therapeutic angiogenesis eitherthrough differentiation into vascular cells (e.g., endothe-lial cells) or through paracrine angiogenic growth factorsecretion [20, 100].The dental pulp tissue is a highly innervated and vas-

    cularized tissue; in other words, it contains blood vesselsand neuron precursor cells. Thus, DPSCs can differenti-ate into vascular and neuronal cells [101]. DPSCs releaseangiogenic factors and cytokines, such as VEGF, SDF,monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP1; chemokineC-C motif ligand 2), and platelet-derived growth factor(PDGF)BB [102]. The trophic factors expressed by stemcells are critical for vascular network remodeling; for in-stance, VEGF may be crucial in DSC-mediated vascularrepair [20, 53, 103] because it may facilitate DSCs to

    bypass the blood–brain barrier (BBB) [104]. DPSCs me-diate localized discontinuities in the BBB by upregulatingVEGFα expression, enabling their passage into the brainparenchyma. Similarly, the transplantation of a dentalpulp side population (SP) is essential when the trans-planted blood flow to the infarcted brain increasesthrough enhanced expression of VEGF [105]. Further-more, SHED-CM induces vasculogenesis in ischemicbrain injury after permanent MCAO, as revealed by highstaining of endothelial cell antigen in the peri-infarctarea [20], thus indicating the association of growth fac-tors with vascularization. Moreover, SHED-CM-treatedSchwann cells exhibited significantly increased prolifera-tion, migration, and expression of neurons, the extracel-lular matrix, and angiogenesis-related genes in a ratsciatic nerve injury model. The concentration of VEGFwas found elevated in SHED-CM [75].Notably, in 2015, Shen et al. [100] showed that

    DPSC-conditioned media can induce migration and tubeformation in vascular smooth muscle cells and humanumbilical vein endothelial cells, suggesting that DPSCscan produce vessel-like structures. Thus, it is reasonableto hypothesize that both DPSCs and SHEDs have vascu-logenic differentiation potential, and can enhance angio-genesis through various modes of action.

    SynaptogenesisStudies demonstrating the synaptogenic potential ofDSCs, either in vitro or in vivo, are rare; the first studyreporting neuroplastic changes in DPSCs was obtainedusing an avian embryonic model system where engraftedDPSCs secreted neurotrophic factors which coordinatedaxon guidance within the recipient host nervous system[91]. The secreted neurotrophic factors were responsiblefor maintaining the integrity and plasticity of neuronalcircuits through a process involving competition be-tween the synapses of different axons [106]. Similarly,enhanced neuroplasticity was observed when humanDPSCs were transplanted in ischemic [107] and hyp-oxic–ischemic [108] brains. The insulin growth factorreceptor 1/insulin growth factor 1 [107, 109] andCXCR4/SDF1α [107] signaling pathways, known tomodulate normal dendritic growth and synapse forma-tion, were found to be associated with the observed plas-ticity, as evident through neurite regeneration [107,110]. Furthermore, both human DPSCs and SHEDsmodulate synaptogenesis through the Sonic hedgehog(SHH) signaling pathway [111], a pathway with awell-documented role in synaptogenesis [112]. The geneontology analysis of DPSCs, PDLSC, and ABMSCs sug-gests that these cells possess a plasticity nature [113].Thus, DSCs may induce functional recovery by modulat-ing the synaptogenic mechanism.

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  • ImmunomodulationIn addition to lost neuron substitution, immunomodula-tion is a potential neurorestorative tool. The immunesystem is crucial in cell replacement. If the interactionbetween the transplant and the immune system is notconsidered, the implant may be rejected by the body,leading to detrimental clinical consequences. Recently,the immunomodulatory potential of DSCs has been ex-plored. Accumulating evidence indicates that DSCsaffect innate and adaptive immune cells through twopossible mechanisms: direct cell–cell contact, and therelease of various soluble factors. This section focuseson both paths through which immunorestoration can beachieved.The interaction between DSCs and immune cell types

    revealed that DSCs provide protection by downregulat-ing T cells [103] and B cells [114, 115] and increasingresistance to natural killer (NK) cells [114]. This inter-action may modulate the expression of transduction sig-naling mechanisms, thus augmenting the inhibition oflymphocyte and NK cell production; for instance, whenSHEDs were transplanted into an experimental auto-immune encephalomyelitis model, they inhibited the im-mune response by suppressing T cells and inducingregulatory T cells (Tregs) [33]. SHEDs can also inducethe immunoregulatory phenotype in monocyte-deriveddendritic cells and macrophages [33]. The aforemen-tioned immunomodulator activities indicate that SHEDscould be suitable for suppressing graft-versus-host reac-tions and treating neuronal autoimmune disorders of theCNS.DSCs modulate immunological responses by secreting

    a complex set of trophic factors that significantly con-tribute to injury repair [66, 92, 116, 117]. DPSCs inhibitstimulated T-cell proliferation, most likely throughtransforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 and interleukin(IL)-10 signaling [118]. This study illustrated that, whenCD4+ T cells were cocultured with DPSCs, the T cellsdemonstrated a high Treg expression. However, blockingTGF-β1 and IL-10 signaling resulted in a low Tregcount, indicating that DPSCs require stimulatory factorsto exert their effects. Similarly, SHEDs can nullify theproinflammatory effects by downregulating the expres-sion of proinflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-1β and tumornecrosis factor (TNF)-α) and upregulating that ofanti-inflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-4 and IL-10) [70].Most of these cytokines are involved in reactive astro-gliosis, a process that might contribute to protection[119–123]. Furthermore, SHEDs can change the polarityof microglia or macrophages from M1 to M2 to suppressproinflammatory mediators and enhance tissue repair.M2-like microglia or macrophages are cells responsiblefor promoting tissue repair through various pathways,including anti-inflammatory cytokine secretion [124],

    cellular debris phagocytosis [125], axonal elongation[126], and proliferation and differentiation of oligo-dendrocyte progenitor cells [127]. Thus, it is reasonableto say that DSCs exert immunorestoration through vari-ous mechanisms, and their immunosuppressive potentialprovides a distinctive advantage for the clinical manage-ment of neurodegenerative disorders.

    ApoptosisOne of the aims of stem cell therapy is to suppress apop-tosis to prevent early secondary cell death. Apoptosis ac-counts for approximately 90% of neuronal loss in CNSinjury models [128, 129], making it an important avenuefor treatment. Both SHEDs [130] and DPSCs [20] canreduce cell loss through apoptosis attenuation, thus con-tributing to tissue and motor neuron preservation.When SHEDs were transplanted in an SCI model, theyprevented early apoptosis [130]. Likewise, SHED-derivedexosomes and SHED-CM improved the neurologicaloutcome by inhibiting apoptosis in an in-vitro dopamin-ergic neuronal model [34] and in-vivo hypoxic–ischemicmodel [70], respectively, as revealed by the positive ex-pression of effector caspases 3 and 7 in both cases [34].The ability of DSCs to secrete cytokines, such as VEGFand MCP1, can also contribute to the restorativeprocess, as these cytokines can neutralize the effects ofapoptosis [102, 131]. For example, VEGF is instrumentalin preventing serum starvation-induced apoptosis byupregulating B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) expression invascular endothelial cells [132]. Similarly, DPSCs signifi-cantly reduce the cytotoxicity of β-amyloid peptide bystimulating the activity of the endogenous survival factorBcl-2 and reducing that of the apoptotic regulatorBcl-2-associated X protein (Bax) [133]. To prevent apop-tosis, DPSCs secrete classic apoptosis inhibitor proteinssuch as Bcl-2 [133] and downregulate the expression ofthe apoptotic regulator Bax. The Bcl-2/Bax ratio is crit-ical for the cells to obtain a pathological stimulus [134].High Bcl-2 expression prevents caspase inhibitor release,making the neuronal cells less likely to respond to apop-totic signaling [135]. Taken together, DPSCs and SHEDSmay achieve restoration by preventing apoptosis, andDSCs may have therapeutic potential specifically as astimulator and modulator of the local repair response inthe CNS.

    ConclusionDSCs are being explored as a new cell source for celltherapy in neurodegenerative diseases. Due to theiraccessibility, plasticity, and ethical suitability they havebecome an attractive source of ready-to-use autologoustransplantation cells in neurological disorders. However,a comprehensive understanding of the healing processesin the CNS tissue triggered by DSC-based therapies has

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  • not yet been achieved. Recent advancements in cell ther-apy technologies have revealed that these cells providebenefits through multiple mechanisms: cell integration, abystander effect, vasculogenesis, immunomodulation,and by inhibiting apoptosis. Numerous cellular andpreclinical studies have indicated the role of each ofthese mechanisms in achieving neurological recovery.However, many of these effects of DSCs have drawbacks;for example, transdifferentiation seems to occur at toolow a frequency to account for the meaningful improve-ment. Furthermore, the amount of secreted neurotropinsdoes not allow to exert an effect on the nearby vicinity.In addition it is not clear to what extent the abovediscussed mechanisms contribute to the functionalrecovery. There needs to be further elucidation of thefundamental biological mechanisms responsible for mo-lecular and functional recovery. To conclude, it is reason-able that DSC-mediated neurorestorative therapy has apromising future with applications in neural tissue regener-ation and neurological disorder management.

    Abbreviations6-OHDA: 6-Hydroxydopamine; ABMSC: Alveolar bone-derived mesenchymalstem cell; Bax: B-cell lymphoma 2-associated X protein; BBB: Blood–brainbarrier; Bcl-2: B-cell lymphoma 2; BDNF: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor;BMMSC: Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell; CNS: Central nervoussystem; CXCR4: C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4; DCX: Doublecortin;DPSC: Dental pulp stem cell; DSC: Dental-derived stem cell; GDNF: Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor; GFAP: Glial fibrillary acidic protein; IL: Interleukin;MAP 2: Microtubule-associated protein 2; MCAO: Middle cerebral arteryocclusion; MCP1: Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1; MPP: 1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium; MSC: Mesenchymal stem cell; NCAM: Neural cell adhesionmolecule; NG2: Neural/glial antigen 2; NGF: Nerve growth factor; NK: Naturalkiller; NPC: Neural progenitor cell; NSC: Neural stem cell; NT3: Neurotrophin-3;PDGF: Platelet-derived growth factor; PDLSC: Periodontal ligament stem cell;PNS: Peripheral nervous system; SCI: Spinal cord injury; SDF1: Stromal cell-derived factor 1; SHED: Stem cell from human exfoliated deciduous teeth;SHED-CM: Stem cell from human exfoliated deciduous teeth-conditionedmedia; SHH: Sonic hedgehog; SP: Side population; TGF: Transforming growthfactor; TNF: Tumor necrosis factor; Treg: Regulatory T cell; VEGF: Vascularendothelial growth factor

    AcknowledgementsWe thank the Department of Science and Technology - Science EngineeringResearch Board (Grant no. YSS/2015/001731), Government of India, and EraEducational Trust, Lucknow, India for providing us support to run the lab.We also thanks Romanian National Authority for Science Research andInnovation,CNCS - UEFISCDI, project numbers PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0340 andPN-III-CERC-CO-PED-2016.

    FundingThis research is funded by the Era Educational Trust, Lucknow, India.

    Availability of data and materialsThe sources for the information discussed in this review can be obtainedfrom the papers cited in the references.

    Authors’ contributionsAll authors contributed to the drafting of this manuscript. The manuscriptwas conceptualize and designed by SSR. SSR and APW critically edited thereview finally. All authors read and approved the manuscript.

    Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

    Consent for publicationNot applicable.

    Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

    Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

    Author details1Laboratory for Stem Cell & Restorative Neurology, Department ofBiotechnology, Era Medical College & Hospital, Era University, Lucknow, UttarPradesh 226003, India. 2Departmentof Dental Materials, RUHS College ofDental Sciences, Subhash Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302002, India. 3Departmentof Neurology, Chair of Vascular Neurology and Dementia, Essen UniversityHospital, Essen, Germany. 4Era Medical College & Hospital, Era University,Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226003, India. 5 Department of Stem Cell Biologyand Regenerative Medicine, Era University, Lucknow 226003, India. 6Centerof Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Medicine and PharmacyCraiova, Craiova, Romania. 7School of Medicine, Griffith University, Southport,QLD, Australia.

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    AbstractBackgroundMain bodyConclusion

    BackgroundDSCs as a therapeutic choice in neurodegenerative disordersDSCs and neurodegenerative disordersAlzheimer’s diseaseParkinson’s diseaseSpinal cord injuryStrokePNS diseases

    Potential biomechanism underlying DSC-mediated functional recoveryCell replacementParacrine effectVasculogenesisSynaptogenesisImmunomodulationApoptosis

    ConclusionAbbreviationsAcknowledgementsFundingAvailability of data and materialsAuthors’ contributionsEthics approval and consent to participateConsent for publicationCompeting interestsPublisher’s NoteAuthor detailsReferences