MEd20 Character Creation Rules.pdf

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  • 8/12/2019 MEd20 Character Creation Rules.pdf


    MIDDLE-EARTH D20CHARACTER CREATIONRULESTo create characters for this campaign,

    players will use 25 points to purchase abilitiesaccording to the Purchase rules on pages 15-16of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game CoreRulebook. Then, character creation proceeds asdescribed in the Pathfinder Roleplaying GameCore Rulebook. Additionally, players will createa 2nd-level character, but the 1st-level must be abasic NPC class! Players may use the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Advanced Players Guide,Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat,and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic

    to create their characters. For all sources, usethe following rules modifications. In addition,the Variant Rules for Armor as DamageReduction, Called Shots, Piecemeal Armor,and Wounds and Vigor from PathfinderRoleplaying Game Ultimate Combat(pp. 191-207)are being utilized. Please note that these rulesare subject to change at any time without priornotice dedication to the Tolkien genreoutweighs game conventions!


    Dwarves as normal Dwarves, modified asfollows:o Replace ability score modifications with +2

    Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma.o Medium (4 to 5 tall).o +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft

    checks.o Free feats: Endurance and Great Fortitude.o +3 racial bonus on saves vs. fire.o Immune to natural heat.o Automatic Languages: Khuzdul and

    Westron.o Background Points:4.Elves, oldor (High Elves) as normal Elves,modified as follows:o Replace ability score modifications with +2

    Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2Wisdom, +4 Charisma.

    o Medium (6 to 7 tall).

    o +4 racial bonus on any Craft skill of theplayer's choice it should be noted thatoldor were legendary for their work withprecious metals and jewelry.

    o +2 racial bonus on any Perform (Sing)checks.

    o +2 racial bonus on saves vs. fire.o +2 racial bonus on saves vs. poison.o Immune to Aging: oldor Elves are

    immortal unless killed.o oldor Elves do not sleep, meditating

    instead for about three hours every day.o Immune to natural cold.o Immune to disease, mundane or magical.o Immune to scarring.o Movement unimpeded by snow or wooded

    terrain.o Immune to any fear effects caused by

    undead.o Cannot be turned into undead.o Can communicate silently by direct

    thought with other Elves, those with Elvenblood, Maiar and Valar [Range: 25 ft. + 5

    ft./2 levels]. Further, they may forge apermanent bond with a willing target(maximum number of forged bonds is1/level). Once the bond is formed, thiscommunication works over any distance.

    o oldor Elves glow with a faintluminescence, providing 0 to 30 normalillumination (or 5 to 60 dim illumination).oldor Elves may reveal the higherillumination at will and maintain it for thecharacters level in rounds a number times

    per day equal to one-half the characterslevel (round down).o Because of their dual nature as both

    physical and spiritual beings, oldor Elvescan see and interact with ethereal creaturesand objects.

    o Magical skills are considered class skills foroldor Elves.

    o Automatic Languages: Silvan, Sindarin,Quenya, and Westron.

    o Background Points:2.

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    o Level Adjustment:+3. Effective CharacterLevel (ECL) is a racial modifier applied tothe character's displayedlevel and is used todetermine the actualamount of XPs needed

    to advance to the next level. For example: alevel 3 oldor Elf character has an ECL of 6(character level of 3 plus an ECL modifierof 3). The character needs 35,000 XPs toreach 4th level instead of the normal 9,000XPs needed.

    Elves, Silvan (Wood Elves) as normalElves, modified as follows:o Replace ability score modifications with +2

    Dexterity, +2 Wisdom.o Medium (6 to 66 tall).o +2 racial bonus on any Perform (Sing) and

    Survival checks.o +2 racial bonus on saves vs. fire.o +2 racial bonus on saves vs. poison.o Immune to Aging: Silvan Elves are

    immortal unless killed.o Silvan Elves do not sleep, meditating

    instead for about three hours every day.o Immune to natural cold.o Immune to disease, mundane or magical.o Immune to scarring.o Movement unimpeded by snow or wooded

    terrain.o Immune to any fear effects caused by

    undead.o Cannot be turned into undead.o Can communicate silently by direct

    thought with other Elves, those with Elvenblood, Maiar and Valar [Range: 25 ft. + 5ft./2 levels]. Further, they may forge apermanent bond with a willing target

    (maximum number of forged bonds is1/level). Once the bond is formed, thiscommunication works over any distance.

    o Magical skills are considered class skills forSilvan Elves.

    o Automatic Languages: Silvan, Sindarinand Westron.

    o Background Points:4.o Level Adjustment:+1. Effective Character

    Level (ECL) is a racial modifier applied tothe character's displayedlevel and is used to

    determine the actualamount of XPs needed

    to advance to the next level. For example, alevel 3 Wood Elf character has an ECL of 4(character level of 3 plus an ECL modifierof 1). The character needs 15,000 XPs to

    reach 4th level instead of the normal 9,000XPs needed.

    Elves, Sindar (Grey Elves) as normal Elves,modified as follows:o Replace ability score modifications with +2

    Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2Charisma.

    o Medium (6 to 66 tall).o +4 racial bonus on Craft (Shipwright) and

    Profession (Sailor) checks.o +2 racial bonus on any Perform (Sing)

    checks.o +2 racial bonus on saves vs. fire.o +2 racial bonus on saves vs. poison.o Immune to Aging: Sindar Elves are

    immortal unless killed.o Sindar Elves do not sleep, meditating

    instead for about three hours every day.o Immune to natural cold.o Immune to disease, mundane or magical.o Immune to scarring.o Movement unimpeded by snow or woodedterrain.o Immune to any fear effects caused by

    undead.o Cannot be turned into undead.o Can communicate silently by direct

    thought with other Elves, those with Elvenblood, Maiar and Valar [Range: 25 ft. + 5ft./2 levels]. Further, they may forge apermanent bond with a willing target(maximum number of forged bonds is

    1/level). Once the bond is formed, thiscommunication works over any distance.o Magical skills are considered class skills for

    Sindarin Elves.o Automatic Languages: Silvan, Sindarin,

    Quenya and Westron.o Background Points:3.o Level Adjustment:+2. Effective Character

    Level (ECL) is a racial modifier applied tothe character's displayedlevel and is used todetermine the actualamount of XPs needed

    to advance to the next level. For example, a

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    level 3 Sindar Elf character has an ECL of 5(character level of 3 plus an ECL modifierof 2). The character needs 23,000 XPs toreach 4th level instead of the normal 9,000

    XPs needed.

    Gnomes as they do not exist in Middle-earth, this race is prohibited.

    Half-elves as normal Half-elves, but onlywith GM approval (as they are extremelyrare inMiddle-earth), modified as follows:o Replace ability score modifications with +2

    Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.o Medium (56 to 66 tall).o Immune to Aging:Half-elves who choose

    immortality are immortal unless killed.o Half-elves only need four hours of rest a

    day; meditating for those who chooseimmortality, sleeping for mortals.

    o Magical skills are considered class skills forHalf-elves.

    o Automatic Languages: Sindarin andWestron.

    o Background Points:4.o Level Adjustment:+1. Effective Character

    Level (ECL) is a racial modifier applied tothe character's displayedlevel and is used todetermine the actualamount of XPs neededto advance to the next level. For example, alevel 3 Half-elf character has an ECL of 4(character level of 3 plus an ECL modifierof 1). The character needs 15,000 XPs toreach 4th level instead of the normal 9,000XPs needed.

    Half-orcs as normal Half-orcs, but only with

    GM approval, modified as follows:o Medium (5 to 6 tall).o Automatic Languages: Black Speech,

    Orkish and Westron.o Background Points:3.Hobbits as normal Halflings, but only inpost 1st Age-dated campaigns, modified asfollows:o Small (3 to 36 tall).o +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks.

    o Replace the +2 vs. Fear saves with +2 onWill saves. This bonus stacks with thebonus granted by Halfling Luck.

    o Thrown Weapons and the Sling are deadlyin the hands of a Hobbit treat damagefrom their use as if wielded by a Largecreature.

    o Automatic Language:Westron.o Background Points:5.Humans (Beornings) as normal Humans,but only in 3rdAge-dated campaigns (after III2940), modified as follows:o Medium (6 to 66 tall).o The ruling class of the Beornings is 90%

    likely to be werebears.o +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (Nature)

    and Survival checks.o Automatic Languages: Waildyth and

    Westron.o Background Points:5.Humans (Black Nmenreans) as normalHumans, modified as follows:o +2 Charisma.o Medium (6 to 66 tall).o Free feat: Racial Heritage: Elf.o Automatic Languages: Adnaic, Black

    Speech and Westron.o Background Points:3.Humans (Common Men) as normalHumans, modified as follows.o Medium (6 to 6 6 tall).o Automatic Languages: Westron.o Background Points:5.

    Humans (Corsairs) as normal Humans,modified as follows.o Medium (5 to 6 tall).o +2 racial bonus on Profession (Sailor) and

    Craft (Shipwright) checks.o Automatic Languages: Adnaic and

    Westron.o Background Points:5.Humans (Dredain/Woses/Wild Men of theWoods) as normal Humans, modified as


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    o +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal andRide checks.

    o Automatic Languages: Varadja andWestron.

    o Background Points:4.Humans (Woodmen of Mirkwood) asnormal Humans, modified as follows.o Medium-size (56 to 6 tall).o +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (Nature),

    Profession (Woodcutter) and Survivalchecks.

    o Automatic Languages: Nahaiduk andWestron.

    o Background Points:5.Character Classes

    o Alchemists Alchemists are available as acharacter class only with GM approval. Ifapproved, they are created as written inthePathfinder Roleplaying Game AdvancedPlayers Guide.

    o Barbarians Barbarians are found in thewilder, untamed places in Middle-earthand are created as written in the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

    o Bards Bards are pretty common,especially at low levels; this fits the musicalnature of Middle-earth. The class, aswritten in the Pathfinder Roleplaying GameCore Rulebook, is available only to Valar,Maiar, Elves, or those with the blood ofthose races in their heritage, includingHalf-elves, Black Nmenreans, Dnedainand Nmenreans. For a non-spell castingvariant, instead create a Rogue with skill in

    Perform.o Cavaliers Cavaliers are found

    exclusively in Gondor; Dol Amroth inparticular seems a good home forCavaliers. They are created as written inthe Pathfinder Roleplaying Game AdvancedPlayers Guide.

    o Clerics Clerics are found in Middle-earth Elrond is quite evidently a cleric.However, these kinds of spellcasters seemto keep a low profile, and wouldn't think of

    themselves as priests or disciples of a deity

    instead, think of them as healers orwhite wizards. The class is available onlyto Valar, Maiar, Elves, or those with theblood of those races in their heritage,

    including Half-elves, Black Nmenreans,Dnedain and Nmenreans.

    o Druids Druids are present Radagastthe Brown is evidently a Druid. However,these kinds of spellcasters seem to keep alow profile, and wouldn't think ofthemselves as priests or disciples of a deity instead, think of them as healers orwhite wizards. The class is available onlyto Valar, Maiar, Elves, or those with theblood of those races in their heritage,

    including Half-elves, Black Nmenreans,Dnedain and Nmenreans.

    o Fighters Fighters are found everywherein Middle-earth and are created as writtenin the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game CoreRulebook.

    o Gunslingers Gunslingers are prohibitedas a character class!

    o Inquisitors Inquisitors are prohibited asa character class!

    o Magus Magus are prohibited as acharacter class!

    o Monks Monks are prohibited as acharacter class!

    o Ninjas Ninjas are prohibited as acharacter class!

    o Oracles Oracles are available as acharacter class only with GM approval. Ifapproved, they are created as written inthePathfinder Roleplaying Game AdvancedPlayers Guide.

    o Paladins Paladins are found amongstthe oldor Elves and in Gondor. DolAmroth in particular seems a good homefor Paladins. As such, this class is limited tothose of Valar, Maiar, Elves, or those withthe blood of those races in their heritage,including Half-elves, Black Nmenreans,Dnedain and Nmenreans.

    o Rangers Rangers are found anywhere inMiddle-earth from the Dnedain offorgotten Rhudaur to Orcs in the GreyMountains to Faramir's patrol area in

    Ithilien. Only Elves or those with the blood

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    of those races in their heritage, includingHalf-elves, Black Nmenreans, Dnedainand Nmenreans may use the Ranger aswritten in the Pathfinder Roleplaying GameCore Rulebook. All other races must use thevariant, Spell-less Ranger (see the Middle-earth d20 Variant Classessection below).

    o Rogues Rogues are found everywherein Middle-earth and are created as writtenin the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game CoreRulebook.

    o Samurai Samurai are prohibited as acharacter class.

    o Sorcerers Sorcerers are more commonthan Wizards, and do not have dragons as

    ancestors. Instead, the Sorcerer class inMiddle-earth is comprised of individualswho are Valar, Maiar, Elves, or those withthe blood of those races in their heritage,including Half-elves, Black Nmenreans,Dnedain and Nmenreans. Disallowedbloodlines include Aberrant, Abyssal,Accursed, Crossblooded, Djinni, Draconic,Efreeti, Elemental, Infernal, Marid,Rakshasa, Shaitan, Undead, andWildblooded.

    o Summoner Summoners are prohibitedas a character class!o Witches Witches are available as a

    character class only with GM approval. Ifapproved, they are created as written inthePathfinder Roleplaying Game AdvancedPlayers Guide. Also, the Witch class inMiddle-earth is comprised of individualswho are Valar, Maiar, Elves, or those withthe blood of those races in their heritage,including Half-elves, Black Nmenreans,

    Dnedain and Nmenreans.o Wizards Wizards are incredibly rare in

    Middle-earth, but can be found (Divinerand Illusionist specialists being the mostcommon). Necromancer specialists wouldalways be evil; the Nmenreans, prior tothe destruction of Numenor, produced anumber of Necromancers, and it can besurmised that the Black Nmenreansfrom Umbar favor this class. The class isavailable only to Valar, Maiar, Elves, or

    those with the blood of those races in their

    heritage, including Half-elves, BlackNmenreans, Dnedain andNmenreans.

    o Adepts Adepts are are the mostcommon spellcaster in Middle-earth andare much like the divine casters lowprofile and more of a village wise personthan a typicalspellcaster. In addition, this isthe onlyspellcaster class available to thosewho are not of Valar, Maiar, Elves, or thosewith the blood of those races in theirheritage, including Half-elves, BlackNmenreans, Dnedain andNmenreans.

    o Aristocrats Aristocrats can be foundmost commonly amongst Hobbits andHumans (Nmenreans). The Humans(Haradrim) and Humans (Easterlings) mayvery well have an Aristocratic social class.The Elves also have Aristocrats, as do theDwarves, but they don't seem as likely toadventure adventurers from these raceswould be of the PC classes. Humans (BlackNmenreans) are very likely to beAristocrats, since they are the ruling classof Umbar.

    o Mandatory Multiclassing Allspellcasters must alternate each levelbetween a spellcasting class and either anon-spellcasting class, one with secondaryspellcasting abilities (Bard, Paladin,Ranger), or one that uses a magic type(Arcane or Divine) opposite to that used bythe primary spellcasting class (that is,Divine spellcasters may multiclass into anArcane spellcasting class, and vice-versa).This requirement limits high-level spells to

    characters of very high levels. It also limitsthe number of beings capable of creatingmagical items.

    Prestige Classes

    Prestige classes from the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Core Rulebook and thePathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced PlayersGuide are only allowed only with GMapproval! As always, dedication to the Tolkien

    genre outweighs game conventions.

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    because they skirt along the edges of goingagainst the will of Eru.

    Spells such as bull's strength or cat's gracesimply enhance what is already in existence

    and which the recipient of the spell alreadypossesses.

    Spells that access other planes (except theEthereal Plane, called the Spirit World orthe other side in Middle-earth) do notfunction, since Middle-earth is not directlyconnected to any other planes of existence.Aman, or The Undying Lands, is not accessiblebecause it was closed off from any except forthose whom the Valar allow to find it. Aman isnot exactly another plane; it was once

    physically part of the same plane as Middle-earth, but was cordoned off millennia ago.

    Spells that have effects against Outsidersare either prohibited or rendered powerless,because there are technically no Outsiders inMiddle-earth. The Balrog, for example, is aMaia, one of the spirits that initially carried outthe will of Eru and helped create Middle-earth so, while he is now a twisted, demonicfigure, he is still considered a native of theworld he played a part in creating.

    Also, spells that are too flashy forMiddle-earth are considered prohibited. Someflashy spells will not be prohibited becausethere is either evidence in the films (or books)of their existence, or a spell that was similar indescription to a Pathfinder spell was actuallyused in the books. For example,fireballwas notexcluded because the assumption was madethat since Gandalf used a number of fire-basedeffects in the books (a fire seeds spell in TheHobbit, his fireworks, the sheet of flame which

    broke the bridge in Moria, etc.), he might wellhave had access to this spell. Even if he hadaccess to it through his wearing of the ElvenRing Narya, the Ring of Fire, the spell stillseems possible in Middle-earth, so it is notprohibited, however, it would rarely be used.

    Acid ArrowAll Chaos spellsAll Law spellsAnimate DeadAstral Projection

    BanishmentBeast Shape I-IVBlade BarrierClenched Fist

    CloneContact Other PlaneCreate Food and WaterCreate WaterCrushing HandDimensional AnchorDismissalElemental Body I-IVElemental SwarmEnlarge PersonEnlarge Person, Mass

    Flesh to StoneForceful HandForm of the Dragon I-IIIFreezing SphereGaseous FormGateGiant Form I-IIGrasping HandHelping HandHideous LaughterInstant SummonsInterposing Hand

    Irresistible DanceLevitateLimited WishMage's DisjunctionMage's Faithful HoundMage's LucubrationMage's Magnificent MansionMage's Private SanctumMage's SwordMagic JarMajor Creation

    Mark of JusticeMazeMeld Into StoneMinor CreationMiraclePhantom TrapPlanar AllyPlanar Ally, GreaterPlanar Ally, LesserPlanar BindingPlanar Binding, GreaterPlanar Binding, Lesser

    Plant Shape I-III

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    PolymorphPolymorph Any ObjectPolymorph, GreaterRaise Dead

    Reduce AnimalReduce PersonReduce Person, MassRefugeRegenerateReincarnateResilient SphereResurrectionReverse GravityRighteous MightRope Trick

    Secret ChestSecure ShelterSepia Snake SigilShadow ConjurationShadow Conjuration, GreaterShadow EvocationShadow Evocation, GreaterShadow WalkShapechangeShrink ItemSoul BindSpectral Hand

    Spider ClimbStatueStone to FleshTelekinesisTeleportTeleport ObjectTeleport, GreaterTeleportation CircleTime StopTiny HutTransmute Metal to Wood

    Transmute Metal to WoodTransmute Mud to RockTransmute Rock to MudTrap the SoulTrue ResurrectionWall of IronWind WalkWishWord of Recall

    Note: Some of the most powerfulspellcasters in Middle-earth the Wizards,

    Elves such as Galadriel may have access tosome of the spells intimated here. This is eitherdue to meddling in types of magic that arenormally forbidden or taboo due to their

    association with Sauron or Morgoth (asSaruman did), or due to a character beingamong the oldest and wisest people in Middle-earth (such as Galadriel).

    Restricted Spells

    Blasphemy There are no extraplanarcreatures in Middle-earth. Creatures thatwould be considered extraplanar in standardPathfinder such as the Balrog are, in fact,considered to be native to Middle-earth.

    Create Undeadand Create Greater UndeadThese spells are available only to Sauron.

    Dictum See the explanation forBlasphemy.

    New Magic Weapon SpecialAbility

    Sense: A sense weapon has the innate

    ability to detect certain types or subtypes ofcreatures. If there are creatures of the chosentype within 1000 ft., a sense weapon will emit ablue glow, which gets more intense the closerthe creatures are. Sense weapons do notindicate number or direction, only relativedistance. Only melee weapons may have thisability. This ability replaces the Ki Focus abilityon the Melee Weapon Special Abilities table(Table 15-9) in the Pathfinder Roleplaying GameCore Rulebook(p. 469).

    Magic Weapons

    Examples of magic weapons from thebooks and movies:o Sting +1 Goblinoid-bane, Goblinoid-

    Sense short swordo Glamdring +3 Holy Goblinoid-bane,

    Goblinoid-Sense longswordo Legolas' Bow +1 Enhancement, +2

    Mighty composite longbow

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    o Bilbo's Mithril shirt +1 Mithril chainshirt, medium fortification

    o Narsil (Anduril) Holy Avengero Sam's Elven Rope Rope of Climbing

    Examples of other appropriate magicitems:o Nearly any Minor Potiono Nearly any Scroll of 2ndlevel or lesso Any Minor Ringo Any Minor Rod, except Metamagic Rodso No Staveso No Wandso Most Minor Wondrous Items, except items

    like Pearls of Power that deal with

    spellcasting, or that duplicateinappropriate or flashy spells, likeNecklace of Fireballs

    o Some Medium and Major Wondrous Items evaluated on an individual basis!

    Character Traits

    When you create your character for theMiddle-earth d20 Campaign, select twocharacter traits from the Pathfinder RoleplayingGame Advanced Players Guide (pp. 326-333).When selecting traits, you may not select morethan one from the same list of traits (the fourbasic traits each count as a separate list for thispurpose).

    Background Points

    When you create your character for theMiddle-earth d20 Campaign, a new PC has acertain number of Background Points basedupon his race. Each point may be allocated forone of the following:o To reflect a hobby, increase one skill with a

    +2 bonus.o Increase starting Hero Points by one.o +1 Magic item (subject to GM approval).

    This item may not be sold in an attempt tocircumvent the Money table option!

    o The GM will roll twice on the followingMoney table.

    Roll Amount01-02 1 gp03-05 2 gp06-15 5 gp16-25 10 gp26-35 15 gp36-45 20 gp46-55 30 gp56-65 35 gp66-70 40 gp71-75 50 gp76-80 60 gp81-85 70 gp86-90 80 gp91-94 100 gp

    95-97 125 gp98-99 150 gp

    00 200 gp

    Hero Points

    The hero points system, described in thePathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced PlayersGuide(pp. 322-325), is included in the Middle-earth d20 Campaign to simulate the effects offate on principal characters (the PCs and majorNPCs) in Middle-earth. Fate can play a ficklerole in the events of Middle-earth, allowing themost unassuming people the chance toaccomplish great deeds.

    Hero points are meant to represent thehidden reserves of luck, confidence, anddetermination a character possesses, as well asa measure of a persons place in the naturalorder of Middle-earth. A characters heropoints will fluctuate over time, but allcharacters will have a chance to earn more by

    accomplishing goals in line with their moralphilosophies. As a character gains hero points,he becomes more capable of handling difficultsituations, but a shortage of hero points reflectsthat the characters time in Middle-earth mightbe drawing to an end.

    All characters start the campaign with anumber of hero points that is based upon theirrace and the age in which the character exists.By the Third Age, the Elves were a vanishingrace, no longer concerning themselves with the

    affairs of men or, to a large degree, Middle-

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    earth which is reflected as a smaller startinghero point pool. Conversely, humans arewaxing in the Third Age and are allowed tohave a larger number of hero points. Hobbits

    have a large number of hero points due to thesimple fact that they are extraordinarily lucky,and have great reserves of determination todraw upon. The following table lists the racialstarting values for hero points for each age inMiddle-earth.





    Dwarf 3 3 3 3Elf 5 3 2 2

    Half-elf 4 4 4 4Half-orc 4 3 3 2Hobbit 5 5 5Human (BlackNmenrean/Dnedain/Nmenrean)

    5 4 4 4

    Human (All Others) 4 5 5 5

    Once a hero point is spent, it is gone, andwill not return on its own. In order to earnmore hero points, a character must performactions that are in agreement with his ethical

    and philosophical outlook. For example, aRanger of the North might earn a hero point byhelping a village fend off an orc attack thatwould have resulted in the destruction of thevillage. Likewise, a servant of Sauron mightearn a hero point by slaying a particularchampion of good, or causing great destructionand suffering. The GM should use his

    judgment for awarding hero points, but shouldnot be too generous with them. Only one heropoint may be earned per adventure. Heropoints are powerful weapons in a characters

    arsenal, and should only be awarded forextraordinary deeds.

    Starting Equipment

    All characters start out with the followingStarting Equipment:o 20 gold pieces (gp)o 1 daggero 2 weapons appropriate to characters Race

    and Classo 1 set of piecemeal armor appropriate to the

    characters Race and Class (consult withGM for approval)

    o 2 outfits of clothing (specify color, type,etc.)

    o 1 pair of footwearo 1 cloak (specify color)o 1 bedrollo Flint and steelo Tinder boxo 7 days rationso Flasko Back packo 1 to 3 small sack(s)o 50 ft. ropeo Weapons maintenance tools (honing stone,

    oil, spare bowstring, etc.)

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    Alignment:AnyHit Die:d10Class Skills: The Spell-less Ranger's class

    skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft(Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis),Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering)(Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int),Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis),Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Stealth (Dex),Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str).

    Skill Points at Each Level:6 + Int modifier

    Class Features

    Weapons and Armor Proficiency: A Spell-less Ranger is proficient with all simple andmartial weapons and with light armor andshields (except tower shields).

    Favored Enemy (Ex): See the Rangersection in Chapter 3 of the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

    Track (Ex): See the Ranger section inChapter 3 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

    Core Rulebook.Wild Empathy (Ex): See the Rangersection in Chapter 3 of the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

    Stealth Attack: If a Spell-less Ranger cancatch an opponent when he is unable to defendhimself effectively from his attack, he canstrike a vital spot for extra damage. Theranger's attack deal extra damage any time histarget would be denied a Dexterity bonus toAC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity

    bonus or not), or when the ranger flanks histarget. This extra damage is 1d6 at 2nd level,and increases by 1d6 every four levelsthereafter. Should the ranger score a critical hitwith a stealth attack, this extra damage is notmultiplied. Ranged attacks can count as stealthattacks only if the target is within 30 ft. Stealthattacks are possible only when the rangerwears light or no armor. A ranger can only usethis ability while in a favored terrain or againsta favored enemy.

    Combat Style Feat (Ex): See the Rangersection in Chapter 3 of the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

    Endurance: See the Ranger section inChapter 3 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying GameCore Rulebook.

    Nature's Healing (Ex): Beginning at 3rdlevel, the Spell-less Ranger gains a +2 bonus toHeal skill checks. If he can beat the appropriateHeal DC check, the ranger heals an additional1d6 hit points of damage plus 1 for every 3ranger levels. Nature's healing can only beused when a ranger is in one of his favored

    terrains. A ranger does not need a Healer's Kitin order to use this ability.

    Favored Terrain (Ex): See the Rangersection in Chapter 3 of the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

    Hunter's Bond (Ex): See the Rangersection in Chapter 3 of the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

    Ranger Talent:As a Spell-less Ranger gainsexperience, he learns a number of talents thataid him in combat and help him survive in the

    in the wilds.At 4thlevel, a ranger gains one ranger talent.

    He gains additional ranger talents as heincreases in level. A ranger cannot select anindividual talent more than once.

    Additional Animal Companion (Ex): ASpell-less Ranger with this ability may selectan additional animal companion. In addition,the ranger's effective druid level whenselecting this companion is equal to his rangerlevel.

    Low-Light Vision (Ex):A Spell-less Rangerwith this ability gains low-light vision. If healready has low-light vision, this ability has noadditional effect.

    Favored Enemy Critical (Ex):When scoringa critical threat on one of your favoredenemies, gain +4 bonus to the roll made toconfirm the critical.

    Trap Finding (Ex): When in a favoredterrain, a ranger with this ability can use thePerception skill to locate traps (see rogue).

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    Trackless Step (Ex):When desired, a Spell-less Ranger with this ability leaves no trail innatural surroundings and cannot be tracked. Aranger can also track others possessing the

    Trackless Step ability when in one of hisFavored Terrains, but suffers a -10 to the check.

    Improved Nature's Healing (Ex): A Spell-less Ranger with this ability uses his totalranger levels to calculate additional hit pointshealed, instead of the standard one point perthree ranger levels.

    Improved Tracking (Ex): A Spell-lessRanger with this ability adds his ranger levelto Survival skill checks made to follow oridentify tracks. If he exceeds the DC by 10 or

    more, he can learn additional informationabout his prey (including number and type ofcreatures tracked etc).

    Ranger Feat: Instead of a talent, the Spell-less Ranger may choose a feat that he qualifiesfor from his chosen combat style or from thefollowing list: Additional Favored Terrain*,Additional Favored Enemy*, Animal Affinity,Athletic, Dodge, Diehard, Favored TerrainExpert*, Nimble Moves, Run, Self-Sufficient,Stealthy, Toughness (an asterisk * indicates a

    new feat outlined in the Middle-earth d20 NewFeatssection below).

    Fast Movement (Ex): When in a FavoredTerrain, a ranger's base speed increases by +10ft at 5thlevel. At 12thlevel, this bonus increasesto +20 ft. These bonuses only apply when the

    ranger wears light or no armor.Woodland Stride (Ex): See the Ranger

    section in Chapter 3 of the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

    Swift Tracker (Ex): See the Rangersection in Chapter 3 of the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

    Evasion (Ex): See the Ranger section inChapter 3 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying GameCore Rulebook.

    Quarry (Ex): See the Ranger section in

    Chapter 3 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying GameCore Rulebook.

    Camouflage (Ex):See the Ranger sectionin Chapter 3 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying GameCore Rulebook.

    Improved Evasion (Ex): See the Rangersection in Chapter 3 of the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

    Hide in Plain Sight (Ex):See the Rangersection in Chapter 3 of the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

    Master Hunter (Ex): See the Rangersection in Chapter 3 of the PathfinderRoleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

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    Table: Spell-less Ranger

    LevelBase Attack





    1st +1 +2 +2 +0 1stfavored enemy, track, wild empathy

    2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Combat style feat, stealth attack 1d63rd +3 +3 +3 +1 1stfavored terrain, endurance, nature's healing4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Hunter's bond, ranger talent5th +5 +4 +4 +1 2ndfavored enemy, fast movement +10 ft6th +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 Combat style feat, stealth attack 2d67th +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 Ranger talent, woodland stride8th +8/+3 +6 +6 +2 2ndfavored terrain, swift tracker9th +9/+4 +6 +6 +3 Evasion, ranger talent10th +10/+5 +7 +7 +3 3rd favored enemy, combat style feat, stealth

    attack 3d611th +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +3 Quarry, ranger talent12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +4 Camouflage, fast movement +20 ft


    +13/+8/+3 +8 +8 +4 3rd

    favored terrain, ranger talent14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +9 +4 Combat style feat, stealth attack 4d615th +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +5 4thfavored enemy16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +10 +5 Improved evasion, ranger talent17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Hide in plain sight18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 4th favored terrain, combat style feat, stealth

    attack 5d619th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 Improved quarry, ranger talent20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 5thfavored enemy, master hunter

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    Religion pervades all society. Eru stands asthe One True God, the All Father, with manylesser beings being worshipped as lessergods/goddesses known as Valar. Divine

    classes dedicate themselves to a Valar and actas their servants. Devotion to a Valar grantsthe indicated bonuses.

    Name Information

    Aul Title:The SmithAlignment:Lawful GoodDomains:Artifice, Earth, Good, Protection, RuneBonus: Devotion to him grants a +2 bonus to Appraise, Craft (Stonemasonry), Craft (Armor) andCraft (Weapons) skill checks.Notes: One of the Aratar, the eight greatest of the Valar, Aul was the Vala concerned with the

    substance of Arda; rock and metal. As his name suggests, he was also the builder and inventor of theValar. Among his greatest creations were the race of Dwarves and the vessels of the Sun and Moon.

    Elbereth Titles:The Queen of the Stars, VardaAlignment:Chaotic GoodDomains:Charm, Community, Good, Magic, SunBonus:Devotion to her grants a +2 save bonus to spells cast by evil powers.Notes:Spouse of Manw and great among the Queens of the Valar. She set the stars in the sky, forwhich the Eldar of Middle-earth revered her, calling her by the name of Elbereth.

    Est Title:The Gentle HealerAlignment:Chaotic GoodDomains:Community, Good, Healing, Liberation, TravelBonus:Devotion to her grants a +4 to Constitution checks made to continue running and to avoid

    nonlethal damage from a forced march (as per the Endurance feat).Notes: A lady of the Valar, the spouse of Irmo, who dwells with him in the gardens of Lrien inValinor.

    Irmo Title:The Master of Visions and DreamsAlignment:Lawful NeutralDomains:Liberation, Luck, Madness, Trickery, TravelBonus:Devotion to him reduces by half the amount of complete rest needed to recover from beingfatigued.Notes:More commonly called Lrien, from the gardens of Lrien in Valinor where he dwelt with hiswife, Est.

    Mandos Titles:The Judge of the Dead, NmoAlignment:Lawful Neutral

    Domains:Death, Liberation, Luck, Protection, ReposeBonus:Devotion to him grants 1 free Hero Point per gaming session. Note that this Hero Point maynotbe saved if it is not used during the game session in which it is granted, it is lost!Notes:The Doomsman of the Valar and keeper of the slain in his halls in the west of Valinor.

    Manw Titles:King of the Valar; Lord of Air, Wind and Skies; King of ArdaAlignment:Neutral GoodDomains:Air, Good, Knowledge, Nobility, WeatherBonus:Devotion to him grants a +2 bonus to one Knowledge skill and to all weather-related skillchecks.Notes:Greatest of the Valar, Manw is the spouse of Elbereth. He dwells in his halls on Taniquetil,highest of mountains, governing all with an affinity to the winds and airs of Arda.

    Melkor Titles:The Dark Lord, Morgoth

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    Name Information

    Alignment:Lawful EvilDomains:Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, WarBonus:None.

    Notes:Followers of evil cults throughout the ages have devoted themselves to Melkor, Sauron, andothers powerful in the darkest of arts. These cults are savage and brutal, exacting bloody rites andsacrifices to these gods of darkness. Devotees of these faiths do not garner any bonuses as Melkoris beyond the reaches of the world to affect it in any way until the End of Days.

    Nessa Title:The DancerAlignment:Chaotic GoodDomains:Charm, Community, Glory, Good, LiberationBonus:Devotion to her grants a +2 bonus to Perform skill checks.Notes: The spouse of Tulkas and sister to Orom, she delights in dancing on the green lawns ofValimar.

    Nienna Title:The Lady of MercyAlignment:Neutral GoodDomains:Good, Knowledge, Luck, Nobility, ReposeBonus:Devotion to her grants a +2 bonus to Sense Motive and Diplomacy skill checks.Notes: A Queen of the Valar, the sister of Mandos and Irmo, who dwells alone on the westernborders of the World. Nienna ranks as one of the eight Aratar, the most powerful of the Valar. Griefand mourning are Niennas province; in her halls in the distant west, she weeps for the suffering ofArda. Her part in the Music of the Ainur was one of deep sadness, and from this grief entered theworld in its beginning. The Maia Olrin, who was later to travel to Middle-earth as Gandalf, learnedmuch from her.

    Orom Title:The HuntsmanAlignment:Chaotic GoodDomains:Animal, Community, Good, Plant, TravelBonus:Devotion to him grants a +2 bonus to Ride, Survival, and Combat skill checks when hunting

    animals.Notes:Orom is one of the Aratar and the brother of Nessa. In ancient times, he rode often in theforests of Middle-earth, and it was he who first discovered the Eldar at Cuivinen.

    Tulkas Title:The ChampionAlignment:Chaotic GoodDomains:Glory, Good, Nobility, Strength, WarBonus: Devotion to him grants a +2 bonus to unarmed strikes, Combat Maneuver Bonus, andIntimidate skill checks while in combat.Notes:The last of the Valar to descend into Arda, and the most warlike; he did battle with Melkor inthe years when the World was young. It is said that he laughs more than anything, especially whilein battle, instilling great fear into his enemies.

    Ulmo Title:The Lord of Waters (Seas)Alignment:True NeutralDomains:Animal, Nature, Plant, Water, WeatherBonus:Devotion to him grants a +2 bonus to skill checks related to the sea (i.e., sea-craft, weather,Survival, etc.).Notes:One of the greatest of the Valar. In the dark days of the First Age, he kept watch and lentindirect aid to both Elves and Men while the others of his order remained in Valinor.

    Vair Title:The WeaverAlignment:Lawful NeutralDomains:Artifice, Community, Knowledge, Protection, RuneBonus:Devotion to her grants a +2 bonus to Knowledge (History) skill checks.Notes: She is a Queen of the Valar, spouse of Mandos, and the one who weaves the tales of thehistory of Arda.

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    Name Information

    Vna Title:The Ever-YoungAlignment:Neutral GoodDomains:Animal, Charm, Good, Plant, Trickery

    Bonus:Devotion to her grants a +2 bonus to Diplomacy skill checks.Notes:She is a lady of the Valar, sister of Yavanna, and spouse of Orom. Flowers were said to open,and birds sing, at her passing.

    Yavanna Title:The Giver of FruitsAlignment:Lawful GoodDomains:Animal, Good, Knowledge, Plant, WeatherBonus:Devotion to her grants a +2 bonus to Knowledge (Nature) skill checks.Notes:She is the Vala whose province was all growing things upon the earth. She was the spouse ofAul the Smith.

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    Bowmaster (e.g., Legolas)Hit Die:d8.Requirements:To qualify to become a Bow

    Master, a character must fulfill all thefollowing criteria:

    Base Attack Bonus:+5. Skills:Craft (bowmaking) 5 ranks. Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot,

    Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow,shortbow, or the composite version ofeither).

    Class Skills:The Bow Masters class skills(and the key ability for each skill) are Climb(Str), Craft (Int), Ride (Dex), Perception (Wis),and Swim (Str).

    Skill Points at Each Level:2 + Int modifier.

    Class Features

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: BowMasters gain no proficiency with any weaponor armor.

    Ranged Precision (Ex): As a standard

    action, a Bow Master may make a singleprecisely aimed attack with a ranged weapon,dealing an extra 1d8 points of damage if theattack hits. When making a ranged precisionattack, a Bow Master must be within 30 feet ofhis target. A Bow Masters ranged precisionattack only works against living creatures withdiscernible anatomies. Any creature that isimmune to critical hits (including undead,constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporealcreatures) is not vulnerable to a ranged

    precision attack, and any item or ability that

    protects a creature from critical hits (such asarmor with the fortification special ability) alsoprotects a creature from the extra damage.Unlike with a rogues sneak attack, the BowMasters target does not have to be flat-footedor denied its Dexterity bonus, but if it is, theBow Masters extra precision damage stackswith sneak attack damage. Treat the BowMasters ranged precision attack as a sneakattack in all other ways. The Bow Mastersbonus to damage on ranged precision attacksincreases by +1d8 every two levels. A Bow

    Master can only use this ability with a rangedweapon for which he has taken the WeaponFocus feat.

    Close Combat Shot (Ex):At 2ndlevel, a BowMaster can attack with a ranged weapon whilein a threatened square and not provoke anattack of opportunity. Further, the Bow Masteris allowed to make Attacks of Opportunityusing an arrow as a melee weapon.

    Greater Weapon Focus (Ex): At 4th level, aBow Master gains the Greater Weapon Focus

    feat with a single ranged weapon for which hehas taken the Weapon Focus feat even if he hasnot attained 8thlevel as a fighter.

    Sharp-Shooting:At 6th level, a Bow Mastergains the Sharp-Shooting feat (see below) evenif he does not meet the prerequisites.

    Extended Precision (Su): A 10th level BowMasters senses and feel for the shot becomeso attuned that he may make ranged precisionattacks (and sneak attacks, if he has the ability)at a range of up to 60 feet.

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    Table: The Bow Master







    1st +1 +0 +2 +2 Ranged Precision +1d82nd +2 +0 +3 +3 Close Combat Shot3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Ranged Precision +2d84th +4 +1 +4 +4 Greater Weapon Focus5th +5 +1 +4 +4 Ranged Precision +3d86th +6 +2 +5 +5 Sharp-Shooting7th +7 +2 +5 +5 Ranged Precision +4d88th +8 +2 +6 +6 9th +9 +3 +6 +6 Ranged Precision +5d810th +10 +3 +7 +7 Extended Precision

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    Dwarven Defender (e.g., Gimli)

    Hit Die:d12.Requirements: To qualify to become a

    defender, a character must fulfill all thefollowing criteria:

    Race:Dwarf. Alignment:Any lawful. Base Attack Bonus:+7. Feats:Dodge, Endurance, Toughness.

    Class Skills:The defenders class skills (andthe key ability for each skill) are Craft (Int),Sense Motive (Wis), and Perception (Wis).

    Skill Points at Each Level:2 + Int modifier.

    Class FeaturesAC Bonus (Ex): The Dwarven Defender

    receives a dodge bonus to Armor Class thatstarts at +1 and improves as the defender gainslevels, until it reaches +4 at 10thlevel.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: ADwarven Defender is proficient with all simpleand martial weapons, all types of armor, andshields.

    Defensive Stance: When he adopts adefensive stance, a defender gains phenomenal

    strength and durability, but he cannot movefrom the spot he is defending. He gains +2 toStrength, +4 to Constitution, a +2 resistancebonus on all saves, and a +4 dodge bonus toAC. The increase in Constitution increases thedefenders hit points by 2 points per level, butthese hit points go away at the end of thedefensive stance when the Constitution scoredrops back 4 points. These extra hit points arenot lost first the way temporary hit points are.While in a defensive stance, a defender cannot

    use skills or abilities that would require him toshift his position. A defensive stance lasts for anumber of rounds equal to 3 + the characters(newly improved) Constitution modifier. Adefender may end his defensive stancevoluntarily prior to this limit. At the end of thedefensive stance, the defender is winded andtakes a 2 penalty to Strength for the durationof that encounter. A defender can only use hisdefensive stance a certain number of times perday as determined by his level (see Table: The

    Dwarven Defender). Using the defensive stancetakes no time itself, but a defender can only doso during his action.

    Uncanny Dodge (Ex):Starting at 2ndlevel, a

    Dwarven Defender retains his Dexterity bonusto AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (Hestill loses any Dexterity bonus to AC ifimmobilized.)

    If a character gains uncanny dodge from asecond class, the character automatically gainsimproved uncanny dodge (see below).

    Trap Sense (Ex): At 4th level, a DwarvenDefender gains a +1 bonus on Reflex savesmade to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to

    AC against attacks by traps. At 8thlevel, thesebonuses rise to +2. These bonuses stack withtrap sense bonuses gained from other classes.

    Damage Reduction (Ex): At 6th level, aDwarven Defender gains damage reduction.Subtract 3 points from the damage theDwarven Defender takes each time he is dealtdamage. At 10th level, this damage reductionrises to 6/. Damage reduction can reducedamage to 0 but not below 0.

    Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 6th

    level, a Dwarven Defender can no longer beflanked. This defense denies rogues the abilityto use flank attacks to sneak attack theDwarven Defender.

    The exception to this defense is that a rogueat least four levels higher than the DwarvenDefender can flank him (and thus sneak attackhim).

    If a character gains uncanny dodge (seeabove) from a second class the characterautomatically gains improved uncanny dodge,

    and the levels from those classes stack todetermine the minimum rogue level requiredto flank the character.

    Mobile Defense (Ex): At 8th level, aDwarven Defender can adjust his positionwhile maintaining a defensive stance. While ina defensive stance, he can take one 5-foot stepeach round without losing the benefit of thestance.

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    Table: The Dwarven Defender








    1st +1 +2 +0 +2 +1 Defensive Stance 1/day2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 +1 Uncanny Dodge3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 +1 Defensive Stance 2/day4th +4 +4 +1 +4 +2 Trap Sense +15th +5 +4 +1 +4 +2 Defensive Stance 3/day6th +6 +5 +2 +5 +2 Damage Reduction 3/ , Improved Uncanny dodge7th +7 +5 +2 +5 +3 Defensive Stance 4/day8th +8 +6 +2 +6 +3 Mobile Defense, Trap Sense +29th +9 +6 +3 +6 +3 Defensive Stance 5/day10th +10 +7 +3 +7 +4 Damage Reduction 6/

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    Additional Favored TerrainYou have additional Favored terrains.Prerequisite:Favored terrain class ability.Benefit:You may choose one additional favored terrain. All bonuses are at base amounts but may

    be increased following the favored terrain ability rules.

    Favored Terrain ExpertYou are especially at home in a specific favored terrain.Prerequisite:Favored terrain class ability.Benefit: You may specify one of your favored terrains. While in that terrain, you gain an

    additional +2 bonus to initiative and to Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival

    skill checks.

    Sharp-ShootingYour skill with ranged weapons lets you score hits others would miss due to an opponents cover.Prerequisite:Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +3.Benefit:Your targets only receive a +2 bonus to Armor Class due to cover. This feat has no effect

    against foes with no cover or total cover.Normal:Cover normally gives a +4 bonus to AC.Special:A fighter may select Sharp-Shooting as one of his fighter bonus feats.

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    At last reluctantly Gandalf himself took a hand. Picking up a faggot he held it aloft for a moment, and thenwith a word of command, naur an edraith amen!he thrust the end of his staff into the midst of it. At once a

    great spout of green and blue flame sprang out, and the wood flared and sputtered.If there are any to see, then I at least am revealed to them, he said. I have written Gandalf is herein signs

    that all can read from Rivendell to the mouths of Anduin. The Fellowship of the Ring

    In Middle-earth, spells and magic items broadcast that magic is being used to other parties.Anyone who wields magic can sense that broadcast. The Maiar, being creatures of the Sacred Flame,could feel the use of magic; this was the case with Sauron, who could feel its use easily anywhere inthe world. This sense functions similar to the spell, detect magic.

    To sense a broadcasting spell or use of a magic item, a Perception skill check is made. Any spell ormagic item used can be potentially noticed by spellcasters, Maiar, Istari, Elves, or those with Elvenblood. Too, these folk are potentially able to tell the identity of the caster and in what direction theyare from them, but not exactly where. Maiar, Istari, and oldor Elves gain a +4 bonus to this check;Sindar Elves, Wood Elves, and Dnedain/Nmenreans gain a +1 bonus to this check. Certain items(e.g., the Elven Rings) might dampen attempts to sense their use or their wearers use of magic, whileothers (e.g., the One Ring) might enhance them. The following formula is used to determine thePerception skill check DC:

    Perception DC = 30 Spells Functioning Spell Level or Items Caster Level + Distance Modifier

    Distance Modifier100 yards -4200 yards -3

    mile -2 mile -11 mile +0

    Distance Modifier2 miles +15 miles +210 miles +315 miles +425 miles +5

    Distance Modifier50 miles +6100 miles +7*250 miles +8*500 miles +9*

    1000 miles +10*

    * To sense for magic at distances over 50 miles, one must be actively sensing (a fullround action), and the appropriate distance penalty still applies.

    Thus, a relatively perceptive oldor Elf (Perception +8) will sense a 1stlevel spell being cast 100yards away on a roll of 13 or higher. The same Elf can sense a 4thlevel spell being cast automatically

    (by taking 10) at the same 100 yards. With sufficient time, the same Elf can sense the same spellbeing cast automatically (by taking 20) at a distance of up to 50 miles!

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    Middle-earth d20 Vitality and Wound Points

    The vitality and wound points damage system wasoriginally developed for the Star Wars Roleplaying Gameas a more cinematic method of handling damage than thetraditional hit point system. The system allows forcharacters to improve the amount of punishment they canwithstand as they go up in level, while still allowing for a

    single lucky attack to take down a character.Vitality Points

    Vitality points are a measure of a character's ability to turna direct hit into a graze or a glancing blow with no seriousconsequences. Like hit points in the standard D&D rules,vitality points go up with level, giving high-levelcharacters more ability to shrug off attacks. Most types ofdamage reduce vitality points.

    Characters gain vitality points as they gain levels. Just aswith hit points in the standard D&D rules, at each level acharacter rolls a vitality die and adds his Constitutionmodifier, adding the total to his vitality point total. (And,just as with hit points, a character always gains aminimum of at least 1 vitality point per level, regardless ofhis roll or Constitution modifier.) A 1st-level character getsthe maximum vitality die result rather than rolling, asshown on Table 4-6 below.

    Table: Vitality Points

    ClassVitality Points

    at 1stlevelVitality Die

    Barbarian 12 + Con mod d12Bard 6 + Con mod d6Cleric 8 + Con mod d8

    Druid 8 + Con mod d8Fighter 10 + Con mod d10Monk 8 + Con mod d8Paladin 10 + Con mod d10Ranger 8 + Con mod d8Rogue 6 + Con mod d6Sorcerer 4 + Con mod d4Wizard 4 + Con mod d4

    Wound Points

    Wound points measure how much true physical damage acharacter can withstand. Damage reduces wound pointsonly after all vitality points are gone, or when a characteris struck by a critical hit. A character has a number ofwound points equal to her current Constitution score.

    Critical Hits

    A critical hit deals the same amount of damage as anormal hit, but that damage is deducted from woundpoints rather than from vitality points. Critical hits do notdeal extra damage; for that reason, no weapon in thissystem has a damage multiplier for its critical hits.

    Any critical hit automatically overcomes a creaturedamage reduction, regardless of whether the attack counormally do so.

    Most weapons retain their normal critical threat range. Ifweapon normally has a critical multiplier greater than xthe weapon's threat range expands by 1 point p

    additional multiplier, as indicated on the table below.

    Multiplier New Threat Range

    x3 19-20x4 18-20x5 17-20

    Injury and Death

    Vitality and wound points together measure how hardcharacter is to hurt and kill. The damage from eacsuccessful attack and each fight accumulates, droppingcharacter's vitality point or wound point totals until hruns out of points.

    Non-lethal Damage

    This system doesn't differentiate between lethal and nolethal damage. Attacks and effects that normally deal nolethal damage reduce vitality points, except on a critichit, in which case they reduce wound points.

    0 Vitality Points

    At 0 vitality points, a character can no longer avoid takinreal physical damage. Any additional damage he receivreduces his wound points.

    Taking Wound Damage

    The first time a character takes wound damage evensingle point he becomes fatigued. A fatigued charactcan't run or charge and takes a -2 penalty to Strength anDexterity until he has rested for 8 hours (or until thwound damage is healed, if that occurs first). Additionwound damage doesn't make the character exhausted.

    In addition, any time an attack deals wound damage tocharacter, he must succeed on a Fortitude saving thro(DC 5 + number of wound points lost from the attack) be stunned for 1d4 rounds. (During that time, any othcharacter can take a standard action to help the stunnecharacter recover; doing so ends the stunned condition.)

    0 Wound Points

    Wound points cannot drop below 0; any damage thwould cause a character's wound point total to drobelow 0 simply causes the character to have 0 wounpoints.

    At 0 wound points, a character is disabled must attemptDC 15 Fortitude save. If he succeeds on the save, he merely disabled. If he fails, he falls unconscious anbegins dying.

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    leaving the target with only 6 points of vitality damageremaining.

    NPCs and Monsters

    Vitality points are only granted by the "heroic" classes,such as the character classes in the Player's Handbook andvarious prestige classes. The NPC classes found in theDungeon Master's Guide adept, aristocrat, commoner,expert, and warrior grant no vitality points (either at 1stlevel or thereafter). Such characters have wound pointsequal to their Constitution score. Thus, a typical 1st-levelorc warrior has no vitality points and 12 wound points.All damage dealt to such creatures is applied to theirwound points.

    Most monsters, on the other hand, have both woundpoints and vitality points. For Small, Medium, and Largecreatures, a monster's wound point total is equal to itscurrent Constitution score. Creatures smaller or largerthan that have their wound point total multiplied by afactor based on their size, as indicated on the table below.

    Size Wound Point MultiplierFine x1/8

    Diminutive xTiny xSmall x1 (-2)

    Medium x1Large x1 (+4)Huge x2

    Gargantuan x4Colossal x8

    A monster's vitality point total is equal to the number ofhit points it would normally have, based on its type and

    Constitution score. The DM may choose not to assignvitality points to creatures that pose little or no threat toPCs, such as domesticated herd animals.

    Creatures without Constitution Scores

    Some creatures, such as undead and constructs, do nothave Constitution scores. If a creature has no Constitutionscore, it has no vitality points. Instead, it has woundpoints equal to the number of vitality points it would havebased on its HD and type. Such creatures are neverfatigued or stunned by wound damage.

    Bonus Hit Points

    If a creature would have bonus hit points based on itstype, these are treated as bonus wound points. (Forexample, a Medium construct gets 20 bonus woundpoints.) The same holds true for any permanent effect thatincreases a character's hit point total (such as theToughness feat, which adds 3 to the character's woundpoint total).

    Damage Reduction

    Damage reduction functions normally, reducing damagedealt by attacks. However, any critical hit automatically

    overcomes a creature's damage reduction, regardless whether the attack could normally do so. For example,critical hit against a skeleton (DR 5/bludgeoninovercomes the creature's damage reduction even if it whit with a weapon that does not deal bludgeonindamage.

    Fast Healing

    Creatures with fast healing regain vitality points at aexceptionally fast rate, usually 1 or more vitality poinper round, as given in the creature's description (fexample, a vampire has fast healing 5).

    If a creature with fast healing has no Constitution scorfast healing restores lost wound points at the same rainstead. The same doesn't apply to creatures that have nvitality points but do have a Constitution score (such ashuman warrior or a domestic animal). Such creatures gano benefit from fast healing.


    All damage dealt to creatures with regeneration is vitalipoint damage, even in the case of critical hits. The creatuautomatically heals vitality point damage at a fixed raper round, as given in the entry (for example, a troll hregeneration 5). A regenerating creature that runs out vitality points becomes fatigued just as if it had takewound point damage. Excess damage, however, does nreduce its wound points.

    Certain attack forms, typically fire and acid, automaticaldeal wound damage to a regenerating creature, thoughmay attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) convert this to vitality damage, which it can regeneranormally. Otherwise, regeneration functions as describein the Monster Manual and in individual monstdescriptions.

    Monster Challenge Ratings

    Increase the CR of any Gargantuan or Colossal creature b+1, unless the creature does not have a Constitution scor

    Monsters with fractional CRs move up to the next highefraction. The kobold (ordinarily CR ) becomes CR 1/for example, while the goblin (normally CR ) becomCR 1.

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    Behind the Curtain: Vitality and Wounds

    Characters using this system should be more wary in combat, which can turn deadly in the space of a few luckyrolls. But they can also bounce back from a fight much more quickly. For that reason, this variant is an idealsystem for low-magic campaigns or games where healing is otherwise rare.

    A very weak creature in this system tends to be tougher to kill than in a standard D&D game, since itsConstitution score is often higher than the number of hit points it might have had. Very big creatures are also

    more durable, due to their size modifier. This is reflected in the CR adjustments given in the variant rules.

    Creatures capable of dealing a large amount of damage on a single hit become significantly more deadly in thissystem, since a lucky attack roll can deliver a deadly blow to almost any character. For critical hits, considerreducing the additional damage from bonus damage dice (such as a flaming sword or a rogue's sneak attack) toonly 1 point per die. (Such attacks deal normal damage on non-critical hits.) That's still pretty scary whenfighting a high-level rogue, but not quite as terrifying as facing the possibility of an extra 5 or 10 dice of woundpoint damage with a successful sneak attack critical hit. You may find other places where damage needsadjustment in this system as well; don't be afraid to tinker when needed to keep your game fun and exciting.

    Constitution damage is especially deadly under this variant, since every point of Constitution damage reduceswound points by 1 and every 2 points of damage reduces vitality by a number of points equal to the character'sHD. If a character's Constitution is reduced to 0, he dies even if he has wound points remaining.

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    Middle-earth d20 Spell Points

    The spell point system presented here allows caster to more freely pick and choose which spellsthey cast each day.

    Every spellcaster has a reserve of spell points based on her class and level (see Table: Spell PointsPer Day). Characters also gain bonus spell points from a high ability score (just as normal spellcasters

    would gain bonus spells from a high ability score (see Bonus Spell Points and Bonus Spells). These spellpoints provide the magical power behind the caster's spells: She spends a number of spell pointsappropriate to the spell's level to cast the spell (see Casting Spells). Once spent, spell points areexpended until the caster has sufficient time to rest and prepare new spells (see Preparing Spells).

    Table: Spell Points per DayLevel Bard Cleric, Druid, Wizard Ranger, Paladin Sorcerer

    1st 0 2 0 32nd 0 4 0 53rd 1 7 0 84th 5 11 0 14

    5th 6 16 0 196th 9 24 1 297th 14 33 1 378th 17 44 1 519th 22 56 1 6310th 29 72 4 8111th 34 88 4 9712th 41 104 9 11513th 50 120 9 13114th 57 136 10 14915th 67 152 17 16516th 81 168 20 18317th 95 184 25 19918th 113 200 26 21719th 133 216 41 23320th 144 232 48 249

    Table: Bonus Spell PointsBonus Spell Points (by Maximum Spell Level)

    Score 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th

    12-13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 114-15 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 416-17 1 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    18-19 1 4 9 16 16 16 16 16 1620-21 2 5 10 17 26 26 26 26 2622-23 2 8 13 20 29 40 40 40 4024-25 2 8 18 25 34 45 58 58 5826-27 2 8 18 32 41 52 65 80 8028-29 3 9 19 33 51 62 75 90 10730-31 3 12 22 36 54 76 89 104 12132-33 3 12 24 38 56 78 104 119 13634-35 3 12 27 48 66 88 114 144 161

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    Score 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th

    36-37 4 13 28 49 76 98 124 154 18838-39 4 16 31 52 77 110 136 166 20040-41 4 16 36 57 84 117 156 186 22042-43 4 16 36 64 91 124 163 208 24244-45 5 17 37 65 101 134 173 218 26946-47 5 20 40 68 104 148 187 232 28348-49 5 20 45 73 109 156 205 250 30150-51 5 20 45 80 116 160 212 272 323

    and so on...


    With this variant, spellcasters still prepare spells as normal (assuming they normally preparespells). In effect, casters who prepare spells are setting their list of "spells known" for the day. Theyneed not prepare multiple copies of the same spell, since they can cast any combination of theirprepared spells each day (up to the limit of their spell points).

    For example, a 4th-level wizard with an Intelligence score of 16, when using the spell point system,would prepare four 0-level spells, four 1st-level spells (three plus her bonus spell for high Intelligence)and three 2nd-level spells (two plus her bonus spell for high Intelligence). These spells make up herentire list of spells that she can cast during the day, though she can cast any combination of them, aslong as she has sufficient spell points.

    Bonus Spell Points and Bonus Spells

    Any spellcaster who would normally receive bonus spells for a high ability-score receives bonusspell points instead. In effect, the character can simply cast more of her spells each day.

    To determine the number of bonus spell points gained from a high ability score, first find the rowfor the character's ability score on Table: Bonus Spell Points. Use whichever ability score would

    normally award bonus spells for the character's class (Wisdom for clerics and druids, Intelligence forwizards, and so forth).

    Next, find the column for the highest level of spell the character is capable of casting based on herclass level (even if she doesn't have a high enough ability score to cast spells of that level). At thepoint where the row and column intersect, you find the bonus spell points a character gains. Thisvalue can change each time her ability score undergoes a permanent change (such as from an abilityscore increase due to character level or one from a wish spell) and each time her level changes.

    For example, the 4th-level wizard with an Intelligence score of 16 is capable of casting 2nd-levelspells. The number on Table: Bonus Spell Pointsat the intersection of the 16-17 row and the 2ndcolumnis 4, so she has 4 extra spell points each day (in addition to the 11 points she gets from being a 4th-levelwizard). If her Intelligence were increased to 20 because of fox's cunning spell or a Headband of

    Intellect +4, she wouldn't gain any additional bonus spell points, since those effects producetemporary changes, not permanent changes. However, when she reaches 5th level, her bonus spellpoints would increase from 4 to 9 (since she is now capable of casting 3rd-level spells and thus usesthat column), and her overall total would increase from 15 to 25.

    A character who would normally receive bonus spells from a class feature (such as from wizardspecialization or access to a domain) can instead prepare extra spells of the appropriate levels,domains, and/or schools. The character doesnt get any extra spell points (and thus can't cast anymore spell than normal), but the added flexibility of being able to use the bonus spell more than onceper day makes up for that.

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    For instance, a specialist wizard can prepare one extra spell from the chosen school of each spelllevel that she can cast. A cleric can prepare one domain spell (chosen from among his domain spellsavailable) of each spell level that he can cast.

    For example, if the previous 4th-level wizard were an evoker, she could prepare one additionalspell per level, but that spell would have to be from the evocation school. Once it is prepared, she canuse that spell just like any of her other spells, casting it as often as she has spell points.

    Another example: At 1st

    level, a cleric gains a bonus 1st

    -level spell, which must be selected from oneof his two domains. Once it is prepared, he can use that domain spell just like any of his other spells,casting it as often as he has spell points.

    For class features that grant bonus spells of a nonfixed spell level (such as the dragon disciple'sbonus spells), the character instead gains a number of bonus spell points equal to twice the highestspell level he can cast, minus 1 (minimum 1 point) each time he gains a bonus spell. This is a fixedvalue it doesn't increase later as the character gains levels though later rewards may be larger asappropriate to the character's spellcasting ability.

    For example, a 4th-level fighter/4th-level sorcerer who gains a level of dragon disciple gets a bonusspell. Since the character is capable of casting 2nd-level spells, she receives 3 bonus spells points(2*2=4, 4-1=3).

    Spontaneous Spellcasting

    Characters who cast all their spells spontaneously such as bards and sorcerers don't have toprepare spells. They can cast any spell they know by spending the requisite number of spell points.

    Characters with the ability to cast a limited number of spells spontaneously (such as druids, whocan spontaneously cast a summon nature's ally spell in place of another spell of the same level) arealways treated as having those spells prepared, without spending any spell slots to do so. Thus theycan cast such spells any time they have sufficient spell points.

    Under this system, the Healing domain becomes a relatively poor choice for good-aligned clerics,since they gain less of a benefit for that domain.

    Regaining Spell Points

    Spellcasters regain lost spell points whenever they could normally regain spells. Doing thisrequires the same amount of rest and preparation or concentration time as normal for the class.Without this period of rest and mental preparation, the caster's mind isn't ready to regain its power.Spell points are not divorced from the body; they are part of it. Using spell points is mentally tiring,and without the requisite period of rest, they do not regenerate. Any spell points spent within the last8 hours count against a character's daily limit and aren't regained.


    Each spell costs a certain number of spell points to cast. The higher the level of the spell, the morepoints it costs. Table: Spell Point Costsdescribes each spell's cost.

    Table: Spell Point Costs

    Spell Level Spell Point Cost

    0 011st 12nd 33rd 5

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    Spell Level Spell Point Cost

    4th 75th 96th 117th 138th 15



    10-level spells cost no spell points to cast. If a spellcaster is capable of casting 0-level spells, she can cast a number of 0-level spells each day equal to three + the

    number of spell points gained by that class at 1st level.

    Spellcasters use their full normal caster level for determining the effect of their spells in thissystem, with one significant exception. Spells that deal a number of dice of damage based on casterlevel (such as magic missile, searing light, or lightning bolt) deal damage as if cast by a character ofthe minimum level of the class capable of casting the spell. Spells whose damage is partially based oncaster level, but that don't deal a number of dice of damage based on caster level (such as produceflame or an inflict spell) use the spellcaster's normal caster level to determine damage. Use the

    character's normal caster level for all other effects, including range and duration.For example, a fireball deals a number of dice of damage based on the caster's level, so when cast

    by a wizard using this system, it deals 5d6 points of damage (as if cast by a 5 th-level wizard, which isthe minimum level of wizard capable of casting fireball). A sorcerer who casts the same spell deals6d6 points of damage, since the minimum level of sorcerer capable of casting fireball is 6th.

    A character can pay additional spell points to increase the dice of damage dealt by a spell. Every 1extra spell point spent at the time increases the spells effective caster level by 1 for purposes ofdealing damage. A character can't increase a damage-dealing spell's caster level above her own casterlevel, or above the normal maximum allowed by the spell.

    For example, even at 7thlevel, a wizard's lightning bolt deals only 5d6 points of damage (just like a5th-level wizard) unless she spends extra spell points. If she spends 1 extra spell point (making the

    lighting bolt cost 6 points rather than 5), the spell deals 6d6 points of damage. A second extra spellpoint would increase the damage to 7d6 points, but she can't spend more points than this, since hercaster level is only 7th. Were she 10th level or higher, she could spend a maximum of 5 extra spellpoints on this spell, raising the damage up to 10d6, the maximum allowed for a lighting bolt spell.

    Similarly, her magic missile spell only shoots one missile unless she spends extra spell points. Anextra 2 spell points increases the caster level from 1 stto 3rd, granting her one additional missile. Shecan spend a maximum of 6 additional spell points in this manner, increasing her effective caster levelto 7thfor damage purposes and granting her a total of four missiles. If she were 9thlevel or higher, shecould spend a maximum of 8 extra spell points, granting her five missiles (just like a 9th-level caster).


    In the spell point system, a DM has two options for how to adjudicate metamagic effects. In eithercase, casters need not specially prepare metamagic versions of their spells they can simply choose toapply the metamagic effect at the time of casting. Doing this does not increase the spells casting time.

    The first option is to apply an additional spell point cost to any spell cast with a metamagic feat.This option allows a character maximum flexibility in her choice of spellcasting. Effectively, thecharacter must pay for the spell as if it were a higher-level spell, based on the adjustment from themetamagic feat. If the metamagic effect(s) would increase the spell's effective level above what she iscapable of casting, she can't cast the spell in that way.

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