Medal of Honor Awards - 6th Infantry...378th Medical Service Detachment. 380th Bombardment Group...

Post on 03-Aug-2021

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SGOth Quartermaster Company (Cam. posite).

3BOth Station Hospital. 36lst Coast Artlllery Transport Detach.

ment. 36lst Station Hospital. 3626 Coast Artillery Transport De

tachxnent 362d Quartermaster Service Company. 3E2d Station Hospital. 3636 Coast Artillery Transport Detach

ment 3638 Station Hospital. 364th Coast Artillery Transport Detach

ment. 364th Station Hospital. 365th Coast Artillery Transport Detach

ment. 365th Harbor Craft Company, Trans

portation Coma 366th Coast Artillery Transport Detach

ment m t h Harbor Craft Company. Trans

portation Corps. 367th Coast Artillery Transport Detach

ment 367th Harbor Craft Company, Trans

portation Cams. 868th Harbor Craft Company, Trans

portation Corps. 36Qth Harbor Crnft Company, Trans

portation Corps. 369th Quartermaster Laundry Corn

paw. 870th Harbor Craft Company, mane

portation Corps. 370th Ordnance Motor Vehicle Assembl.

Company. 370th Quartermaster Bakery Compnn) 870th Replacement Company, Army Ai

Worces (Provisional). 310th Service Squadron. 371st Replacement Company. Army Ai

Forces (Provisional). 372d Replacement Company, A m y Ai

Forces (Provisional). 3736 Port Battalion, Transportatlo.

Corps, Headquarters and Headqua1 ters Detachment.

378d Replacement Company, Army Al Forces (Provisional).

AGO 296lB

174th Replacement Company, Army Alr Forces (Provisional) .

374th Service Squadron. 374th T rwp Carrier Group, Headqllar-

ters. 375th Troop Carrier Omup, Headquar-

ter& 376th Serviee Squabon. 377th Quartermaster Truck Company. 378th Medical Service Detachment. 380th Bombardment Group (Heavy),

Headquarters. B82d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 383d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 383d Avintion-Squadron. 3&?d Medical Service @ompany. 383d Quartermaster Truck Company. 384th Quartermaster Truck Company. 385th Medical Servlce Detachment. 380th Service Squadron. 387th Port Battalion, Transportation

Corps. Headqunrters and Headquar- ters Detachment.

388th Service squadron. 389th Antiaircrnft Artlllery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 380th Quartermaster Truck Company. 389th Servlce Squadron. 391st Avlation Squadron. 391st Engineer Depot Company. 39% Service Squadron. 394th Port Battalion. Headquarters

and Headqnartcrs Detachment. 396th Antlaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 3gSth Medical Collecting Commny. 386th Medical Serdco Detachment. 397th Medical Service Detachment 308th Medical Collecting Company. 398th Signal Company (Avlation). 398th Wedical Collecting Company. 400th Medlcal Collecting CompanY. 402d Wla r l a Smvey Unit. 403d Troop carrier Group, Headguar-

ters. 404th Englneer ComPnnY. 404th Signal Company (Aviation). 405th Signal Company (Aviation). 407th Medical Collecting Company. 408th Medical Collecting Company.

408th Service Sqnndron. 4WJth Medical Collecting Dompany. 400th S e r ~ i c e Squadron. 410th Medical Collecting Company. 410th Ortinnilre (Medium) Dlninte-

nance Company. 410th Signal Company (Aviation), 411th Bugineer Base Shop Battalion. 411th Medical Collectiug Company. 412th Xedical Collecting Company. 412th Quartermaster Platoon Air De-

pot Group. 412th Signal Radar Mailltcnarice Unit. 413rh Quartermaster Platoon, Air

Depot Group. 413th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit. 4i4th Engineer Dump Truck Company. 414th Sigllal Radar iifaintenauee Unit. 115th Army Service Forces Rand. 415th Quartermaster Platoon, Bir De-

pot Group. 415th Signal Compay (Aviation). 415th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit. 416th Army Service Forces Band. 41ELh Signal Radar Maintenance Unit. 417th Army Service Forces Band. 417th Bombardment Group (Ljght)

Heddquarters. 417th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit. 418th Night H'ighter Squadron. 419th Niiht Fighter Squadron. 420th Quartermaster Bakery Company. 421st Night Fighter Squadron. 424th Medical Collecting Company. 425th Quartermasler Platoon, Air De-

pot Group. 427th Port Company, Transwrtation

Corps. 427th Quartermaster Platoon, Air Dc-

pot Group. 428th. Port Company, Transportation

Corps. 429th Port Company, Transportation

Corps. 429th Signal (Heavy) Construction

Battalion (Aviation), Company B. 429th Signal (Heavy) Construction

Battalion. 430th Port Company. Transpartation

Corps. 431st Port Company, Tr~nsportiition


432d Port Company, Transportation Corps.

433d Troops Carrler Group, Headquar- ters.

434th Army Service Forces Band. Beth Aviation Squadron. 436th Signal (Heavy) Construction

Battalion (Aviation). 137th Aviation Squadron. 13Yth Engineer Dewt Cumpany. 140th Signal (Heavy) Construction

Bnllalion (Aviation). 141s Engineer Depot Company. 412d Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 142d Signal (Heavy) Construction Bat-

talion (Aviation). 145th Counter Inteliigence Corps De-

tachment. 446th Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachmeut. 147th Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 447th Engineer Rase Depot Company. M8th Counter Sutelligence Corps De-

taclimeot. 44))l.h Cuunter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 550th Counter Inteliigerlce CorIJS De-

tachmcnt. 451st Counter Intelligence Corps D e

tachment. 152d Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 453d Counter Intelligwce Corps De-

tachment. l53d Engineer Depot Company. 1a3d Qnilrtemaster Platoon, Air Depot

Group. I54th Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 155th Aviation Squadron. 155th Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachmcnt. 155th Service Squadron. 456th Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 157th Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 168th Aviation Squadron. SSth Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. AGO 29GiB

459th Counter Intelligence Corps D e tachmrot.

4FZd Parachute Field Artillery Bat- talion.

464th Amphihian Truck Company. 464th Engineer Depot Company. 4%th Amphibian Truck Company. 4Gth Field Artillery Battalion (&inch

Howitzer) (Tractor Drawn). 406th Amphibian Truck Company. 466th Antinireraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 466th Quartermaster T r w k Company. 467th Quartermaster Truck Company. 468th Antiaircraft Arlillery Antomxtic

Weapons Battalion. 46Dth Quartermaster Battnlion (Mo-

bile), Headquarters and Eeadquar- tern netnchment.

470th Antiaircrafl. Artillem Antomatic Weapons Rattalion.

472d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion.

472d Field Artillery Battalion (105-mm Howitzer) (Tractor Drawn).

4738 Counter Intelligence Corps De- tachmen t.

473~1 Quartermaster Group. Headqunr- ters and Headquarters Detachment.

473d Quartermaster Battalion (&lo- bile), Headquarten and Hcadqndr- ters Detachment.

474th Couuter Intelligence Corps De- tachment.

475th Counler Intelligence Corps De- tachment.

475th Fighter Group (Twin Emgine) Hendqnarters.

470th Antlaircraft Artillery Antumai.ic Weapons Battalion.

476th Counter Intelligence Corps Ue- tachment.

476th Port Gatlalion, Transportation Corps, Headquarters and Hcadquar- ters Detachment.

477th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion.

4Tith Counter lntelligence Corps De- tachment.

477th Engineer Maintenance Company. 478th Antjaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. A00 2Y61B 681720'-4-

178th Counter Intelligence Corps D e tachment.

178th Service Squadron. 178th Countcr Intelligence Carps De-

tachment. USth Service Squadron. 180th Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 180th ServIce Squadron. 18lst Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment i81st Quartermaster Platoon, Air Depot

Group. L81st Quartermaster Rebigerntion Com-

pany (Mobile). M a t Service Squadron. L82d Counter Iutelligrnee Corps De-

tachment. t82d Service Sqnadron. $836 Countcr Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. I836 Quartermaster Supply Depot De-

tachment. 184th (:ountcr Intelligence Corps De-

Lnchrnent. 185th Counter Intelligenee Corps De-

tachment. 4SGtl1 Counter Intelligence Corm De-

tachment. 87th Autiaircraft Artillcry Automatic

Weapons Battalion, 187th Caunrer Intelligenee Corps De-

tachlueut. 188th Counter Intelligence Coqm D e

tachmeut. 189th Amphibian Truck Compnny,

Transportatiou Corps. 189th Counter Intelligenee Corps D e

tachmmt. 189th Port Battalion, Transportation

Corps. Headqu~rters and Headquar- ters Dalachment.

1DOth Counter Intelligence Corps De- tacilmeut.

ISOth Engineer Base Equipment Com- van?.

i9lst Countcr Intelligence Corps De- tachment.

lalst Port Battalion, Transportation Corps, Headquarters and Headquar- ters Detachment.

491st Quartermaster Battallon, Head quarters and Headquarters Detach ment.

49% Engineer Base Equipment Corn wny.

493d Countor Intelligenci2 &rps De tachment.

493d Port Battalion, Transportatlor Corns, Hcadunnrters and Headauar ters Detachment.

495th Englneer (Heavy) Shop Corn. Puny.

4S5th Port Battalion, Transportatlor Corps, Headquarters and Headquar ters Detachment.

496th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat. taliou (Semimobile).

486th Port Battalion, Transportatlor Corps, Headquarters and Headquar. tera Detachment.

499th Engineer (Heavy) Shop Com- pany.

mist Arms Postul Unit 603d ~ r m ; Postal Unlt. 503d Parachute Infantry Regiment. BOBd Port Battalion, TransportatIoL

Corps, Headquarters and Headquar ters Detachment.

BO5th Medlcal Collecting Company. W t h Engineer (Light) Ponton Corn

paw. 506th Medlcal Collecting Company. SOBth Port Battalion, Transportatlor

Corps, Headquarters and Headquar ten3 Detachment.

W t h Antiaircraft Artillery Gun B a t tallon (Semimobile).

508th Antlalrcraft Artillery Gun Bat talion (Semimobile).

608th Ordnance (Heavy) Malntenaucc (Field Army).

510th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat. tallon (Semimobile) .

610th Engineer (Light) Ponton Com paw.

611th Ordnance (Heavy) Maintenancf Company (Field Army).

617th Ordnance (Heavy) Maintenance Company (Field Amy) .

52Sd Ordnance (Heavy) Mnintenane Campnny (Wield Army).

528th Antlalrcraft Artillery Gun Bat. tallon (Semimobile).

534th Englneer (Light) Ponton Com- pany.

E3lst Quartermaster Battallon, Head- quarters and Heaaquarters Detach- ment.

635th Engineer Drum Plant Company. 536th Quartermaster Salvage Repair

Company (Semimabile). 536th Signal (EIenvy) Construction

Company. 538th Signal (Heavy) Construction

Campans. 639th Quartermaster Battalion. Head-

quarters and Headquarters Detach- ment.

540th Quartermaster Battalion, Head- quarters and Headquarters Detach- ment.

5426 Siuual (Heavs) Construction Com- - ~ . . paw.

543d Quartermaster Battalion, Head- quarters and Headquarters ~ e t a c h - ment

643d Quartermaster Service Battalion, Company D.

544th Field Artillem Battalion (240.- Howitzer) ( ~ r a c t o r Drawn) .'

547th Night Fighter Squadron. 550th Night Fighter Squadron. 55lst Signal Radar Maintenance Unit 65Zd Signal Radar Maintcnanee Unit. 556th Engineer (Heavy) Ponton Bat-

talion. 557th Quartermaster Battalion, Head-

quarters and Headquarters Detach- ment.

557th Signal Aircraft Warning Bat- talion.

568th Ordnance (Heavy) Maintenance Company (Tank).

558th Quartermaster Rallhead Oom- paw.

565th Army Postal Uni t Wth Slgnnl Alrcraft Warnlng Bat-

talion. 667th Englneer Dump Tmck Company. 565th Ambulance Company (Motor-

ized). 569th Ambulance Company (Motor-

ized). A00 2MlB

570th Engineer Dump Truck Company 570th Quartermaster Battalion. Head

quarters and Headquarters Detach ment.

57h t Engineer Dump Truck Company 572d Quartermaster Railhead Com

p a n s 674th Signal Aircraft Warning Bat

talion. 576th Engineer Dump Truck Company 578th Ordoanec Ammunition Mainte

nance Company. 579th Ambulance Company (Motor

leed). m9th Ordnance .immunition Mainte

nancs Company. 680th Quartermaster Laundry Com

Dam. 586th ordnance Ammunition Campany 58% Quartermaster Battalion, Head

quarters and Headquarters Detach ment.

88311 Signal Aircraft Warning Bat tallon.

585th Engineer Dump Truck Company 586th Quartermaster Laundry Com

paw. 5SSth Quartermaster Laundry Com

paw. 590th Ordnance hmrnuuitiou Company 5938 Port Company, Transportatior

COl~S. 595th Ordnance Ammunition Comlmy. 595th Signal Aircraft Warning Bat

talion. 596th Signal Aircraft Warning Bat

talion. 597th Signal Aircraft Warning Bat

tallon. 800th Army Air Forces Baud. 6Olst Quartermaster Grave Registrn

tion Company. 6036 Clearing Company. OMd Part Company, Transportatlor

Corps. 604th Clearing Company. With Quartermaster Grave Regfstra

tion Company, 1st Platoon. 604th Port Company, mausportatio~

Corps. 606th Clearing Comwny.

606th Port Company, !lYansportaUon corps.

606th Port Company. Transportation Corps.

607th Clearinx Company. 607th Port Company, Transportation

corps. 608th Clearing Company. 609th Port Company, Transportation

Corps. 609th Port Comp!iny. Transportation

corps. 610th nrt Compmy, Tranqmrtntion

Corp~. 611th Ordnance Ammnnltion Corn-

puny. 611th Port Cumpnny, Transportation

&Ips. 612th Port Dompany, Transportation

Corps. 613111 Counter Intelligence Corps Ds-

taehment. 613th Port Company, Transportation

Corps. 614th Port ampanp , Transportation

Corps. 616th Engineer Base Equipment Com-

w w . 615th Ordnance Ammunition Company. 615th Port Conmany, Traavrmrrntion - ~

Corps. 61Fth Engineer Base Equipment Com-

pany. 616th Port Campany, Transportation

Corps. 617th Engineer Base Equipment Com-

pany. 617th Ordnance Ammunition Company. 617th Port C o m n s . 'I'ransPartation . .

Corps. B18th Engineer Base Equipment Com-

ran?. 618th Part Company, Transportation

corps. 619th Engineer Base Equipment Com-

pany. 619th Port Company, Transgortation 620th Port Company, Transportation

Corps. 621st Port Company, Transportation


AGO 2961B

GO 12 62

822d Engineer Base Equipment Com- p a w .

622d Ordnance Immunition Company. 622d Port Company, Transportation

Corps. F23rl Ordnnrlce -4mmunition Company. F23d Port Company, 'I'ransportatiou

Cnrps. 62Tlh Quartermaster Refrigeration

Company (Fixed). 628th Ordmncc hmmuniiion Company. 629th Ordnnncc Ammunition Company. 633th Ordnance Ammunition Cornpang, 630th Quartermaster Bnttaiion, Head-

quarters and Hearlqualiers Lhtach- mmt.

6112~1 Tank Destroyer Battalion. (Spe- cial).

BSth Ordnance Ammunition Company. 636th Ordnance AmmuuiLiou Company. C3ith Clearing Company. 633th Ordnance Arrimuoition Company. 6311th Qoartermnsler Laundry Com-

pany. 641st Engineer Camouflage Dompany

(Sepnmte). 64211 Engineer Camouflage Colnpany

(Separate). 6?2l Ordnnnce Ammunition Company. 04Rd Ordnance Ammunition Company. 649th Ordnance Ammuuitian Company. 680th Engineer Towgmphic Battalion. BjOttl Ordnnnee Ammunition Company. 650th Port Company, Transportation

Corps. B5lst Port Company, Transportation

Corps. 656th Medical Clearing Company. fistd *,,tiaircraft ~ ~ t i 1 ] ~ ~ ~ i\lachjne

Gun Battery (separnte) ( A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) . eAq,, ----

Gun Battery (Separate) (Airborne). 661th Antiaircraft Artillery Mnchine

Gun Battery (Separate) (Airborne). 605th Antiaircraft Artillery Machine

Gun Battery (Separate) (-4irborne).

67lst Englnecr Topograpliical Com- pany.

672~1 Antiaircraft Artillery Machine Gun Battery (Separate) (Airborne).

6736 Antiaircraft Artillery Machine Gun Battery (Separate) (Airborne).

li74th Antinircraft Artillery ' Machine Glzn Battery (Separate) (-4irborne)

675th Anliaircraft Artillery Machine Gun Bnttery (Separate) (Airborne)

676th Antiaircrnfl i r t i l lery Mnclline Gun Battery (Separate) (Airhome)

677th Antiaircraft Artillery Machine Gun Battery (Sepnmte) (Airborne)

678th Quartermaster Salvage Collecting Company.

678th Qnartermnster Salrage Collecting Comilnns.

6iBth Medical Collecting Company. 689th Engineer 'Base Equipment Com-

pany. 6SBth Signal Aircraft Warrlirlg Com-

pany. W2rl Engineer (Special) Shop Battalion. FY3d Quartermnster Truck Compmy. 6'14th Field Artillery Battalion (105-

mm Homitzcr) (Tractor Drawn). 895th Engineer Base Equipment Com-

pany. 695th Xedical Hospital Ship Platoon

iseparate). 69Sl.h Quartermaster Truck Company. 703d Army Postal Unit. 704111 Army Postal Unit. 704th Chemical Maintenance Company. 705th Army Postal Unit. 707th Antiaircraft Artillery Gnn Hat-

tery (Separate) (Alrburne). 708th Antiaircrnft Artillery Gun Bat-

tery (Separate) (Airborne). 708th Signal Aircraft Warning Corn-

p a w . 709th Antiaircr;lft Artillery

Gun Battery (Separnte) (Airborne). ilO, Army Unit, ilOth s ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ xircraft warning corn. ,,,,,

870th Antiaircraft Artillery Machin? Gun Battery (Sewrate) (Airborne).

670th Clearing Company. 1st Platoon. 671st Antiaircraft Artillery &lachine

Gun Bnttery (Separate) (Airborne).


711th Army Postal Unit. 712th Army Postal Unit. 713th Sanitary Dompany. 714th Army Postal Unit. '714th Snnitaly Company.

AGO 2981B

716th Tank Battalion. 17741h Engineer Dump Truck Company. 720th Miiifary Police Battalion. 776th Engineer Dump Truck Company. 721st Sanitary Com~any. 775th Tank Baltnlion.

. paw.

72ith A4mghihlan Tractor Battallon. 728th Sanitary Company. 735th Sanitary Company. 73Gth Engineer (Ileavy) Shop Company. 738th Engineer Base Depot Company. 738th Military Police Battalion. 740th Signal Aircrnft Warning Corn

pany. 741st Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battal.

ion ( Semimohile). 741st Signal Aircraft Warning Company 742d Miiltary Police Battalion. 7438 Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Baltal.

ion (Semimobile).

7220 sanitary Company. 723d Enxine~r Depot Company. 723d Signal Aircraft Warning Company. 724th Signal Aircraft Warning Com-

pany. 725th Sanltary Company. 725th Slvlal Aircraft Warnlng Com-

743d Engineer ( H ~ a v y ) Shop Company 744th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battal

778th Medical Hospital Ship Platoon (Separate).

78lst Engineer Pelroleum Distribution Company.

78% Engineer Petroleum Distribution Company.

783d Engineer Petroleum Distribution

Ion (Semimobile). 745th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battal.

ion i Semimohile). 745th Engineer (Heavy) Shop Company 746th Medical Hospital Ship Platoor

(Separate). 745th Sanitary Company. 747th Medical Hospital Shlp Platoor

(Separate). 747th Sanitary Company. 750th Counter Intelligence Carps D e

tachment. 757th Engineer Parts SuPpiy Company 753th Engineer Parts Supply C o m w y 759th Sanitary Company. 760th Field Artillery Battnlion (155-mu

IIowitzer) (Tractor Drawn). 764th Chemical Depot Company (Avia

tion). 760th Engineer Dump Truck Company 768th Engineer Dump Truck Company 760th Engineer Dump Truck Company 771st Engineer Dump Truck Oompany

Company. 784th Mllitnry Police Battalion 78jth ~ n t i a i ~ c r a f t Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battnlion. 795th Engineer Dump Truck Company. 796th Engineer Forestry Battalion, Com-

panies A, B, and C. 800th Military Police Dattalion. 801st Army Marine Ship Replacement

Com~any. 801st Medical Air Evacwation Squadron. 801st Military Police Battalion. 80% Armv Marine Shio Replacement . .

Company. 803d Army Marine Shlo Replacement . -

Company. 804th Army Marine Ship Replacement

Company. 804th Medical Air Evacuation Squad-

ron. 808th Amphibian Truck Company,

Transportation Corps. 808th Engineer Aviatlon Battallon. 809th Amphibian Truck Company,

Tlmsportation Corps. 809th Chemical Company (Air Opera-

tions). 810th Amphihian Truck Company,

TI'BILSPO~-tation COWS. 811th Amphibian Truck Company,

Transportation Corps. 812th Amphibian Truck Company,

Transportation Corps. 813th hmphibinn Truck Company,

Transportation Cows. 813th Nilitary Police Company. 814thNilitary Police Company. 815th 'rank Destroyer Battalion. 818th Ordnance Depot Company. 820th Amphibian Truck Company,

772d ~ n g n e e r Dump Truck Company. Transportation Corps. 773d Nnxineer Dump Tmcfr Company. I 820th Medical Btr Evacuation kuadron.

8226 Englneer Avlation Rattalion. 8236 Ordnance Base Depot Company. 824th Amphibian Trock Company

Transportation Corp. 825th Amphibian Truck Compnny

Transportation Corps. 826th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 828th Amphibian Truck Company

Tarnsportation Corps. 828th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 832d Signal Semice Battalion. 834th Quartermaster Gas Supply Com-


876th Medical Hospital Shlp Platoon (Separate).

530th Alrborne Engineer Avlatlon Bat- talion.

881st Medical Hospltal Ship Platoon (Separate).

882d Airborne Engineer Aviation Bat- talion.

a26 Signal Company Depot (Aviation). 886th Chemical Company (Ah' Opera-

tions). 888th Signal Depot Co~npany (Avi-

ation). -, ~ i t h Engineer Aviation Battalion. Company (Air Opera- 839th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 841st Engineer Aviation Batlalion. W d Engineer Aviation Battnlion. 849th Ordnance Depot Company. 849th Quartermaster Gas Supply Com-

pany. 890th Ordnance Depot Company. 852d Chemical Company (Air Opera-

tions). 855th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 856th Engineer Avlation Battalion, 867th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 8BOth Engineer Aviation Bxttaiion 862d Quartermaster Fumigation and

Bath Company. 863d Engineer Aviation Battalion.

%8th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) 868th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 869th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 870th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 870th Signal Secvlce Detachment (Avi

ntlon). 871ls Airborne Engineer Adntlon Bat-

talion. 872d Airbornc Englneer Aviation Bat

taiion. 873d Airborne Eneineer Aviation Bat.

. 8936 Clearing Company. 894th Ciianlcai Company (Air Opera-

tions). 894th Clearing Company. 895th CDemical Company (Air Ogera-

tiuns). 895th Ciearlng Company. 896th Medical Hospital Ship Platoon

(separate). 8 n t h Signal Company Depot (Avi-

ation), 901st Counter Intelligence Corpa Dd-

tachmmt. %?a Counter Intelliger~ce Corps De-

tachment. 864th Englneer Aviation Battalion. 865th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 866th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 867th Engineer Aviation Battalion.

- talion.

873d Ordnance (Heavy) Automotive

W2d Sianal Company Depot (Avi- ation).

QBd Counter Intelligence Corps De- tachment.

904th Counter Intelligence Corps De- tachment.

Q05th Engineer Alr Force Headquarters Company.

912th Signal Company Depot (Avi- ation).

914th Engineer Air Force Headquarters Company.

915th Ordnance (Henry) Automotive Maintenance Company;

919th Medical Hospital Shlp Platoon (Separate).

920th Army Postal Unit.

tallon. 875th Alrborne Engineer Avlation Bat.


-. Maintenance Company.

874th Airborne Engineer Avlatlon Bat- 5Mth Army Postal Unit. 928th Slgual Battalion (Uepamte),

Tactical Alr Command. AQO PSBlB

92121st Army Postal Unit 926th Army Postal Unit.

029th Army Postal Unit. 929th Engineers Aviation Regiment,

Headquarters and Service Company. 929th Quartermaster Petroleum Prod-

ucts Laboratory. 9 m h Signal Battalion (Separate), Tac-

tical Air Command. 930th Signal Battalion (Separate), Tac-

tical Air Command. 93lst Engineer Construction Group

(Aviation), Headquarters and Hea& quarters Company.

982d Engineer Construction Group (Avi- ation j, Headquarters and Ileadquar- ters Company.

937th Quartermaster Petroleum Prod- U C ~ H Laboratory.

938th Quartermaster Petroleum Prod- ucts Laboratory.

947th Field Artillery Battalion (155-mm IIawitzer) (Tractor Drawn).

050th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion.

P50th Quartermaster Petroleum Prod- ucts Laboratory.

K l s t Counter Inteligence Corps D e tachnient.

951st Quartermaster Petroleum Prod. ucts Laboratory.

WZd Quartermaster Petroleum Prod. ucts Laboratory.

955th Engineer Topographical Companj (Aviation).

059th Ordnance (Heavy) Automati( Maintenance Company.

960th Eazineer Topographical Compaw ( ~ v l a d o n ) .

969th Quartermaster Service Company 9726 Engineer Maintenance Company. 978th Signal Service Company. 082d Ambulance Company (Motorized) 9838 Ambulance ~ompnny (hlotorized) W d Field Artillery Battalion (155-mn

Gun) (Tractor Drawn). 983d Quartermaster Service Company 984th Quartermaster Service Company 985th Quartermaster Service Company 986th Quartermaster Service Company 9813th Signal Bervice Company. 989th Signal Service Company. 99lst Quartermaster Service Compang DP2d Quartemuater Service Company AGO 206lB

33d Quartermaster Servlce Company. J4th Quartermaster Service ComPany. D7th Signni Service Company. DOlst Engineer Communications Zone

Section. O02d Engineer Communications Zone Section.

00% Engineering Communications Zone Section.

003th Signal Service Company Group. 004th Engineer Communications Zone

ScctIOU. m t h Engineer Comrnunlcations Zone

Section. 006th Signal Company Service Group. 007th Engineer Communications Zone

Section. 011th Engineer Treadway Bridge Com-

pany. 016th Signal Company Service Group. 022d Ordoance Company (Airborne). 023d Ordnance Company (Aviation)

(AD). . . 024th Signal Company Service Group. Cr27th Sianal Company Service Groug. 028th QFdnance &m&y ( ~ v i a t t o i )

( A s ) . OZ9th Ordnance Company Service

Croup. 0341h Siiaal Compnny Service Group. 037th Signal Company Service Group. .Moth Engineer Serviee Detachment. 041st Engineer Gas Generating Unit. ,041st Signal Company Service Group. -046th Engineer Gas Generating Unit. ,052d Engineer Port Construction and

Replacement, Headquarters and Headquarters Company.

1054th Envineer Port Cormtruetion and - Replacement, Headquarters and Headquarters Company.

1055th Engineer Port Construction and Replacement. Headquarters and Headquarters Company.

1055th Quartermaster Company Service Group (Aviation).

~059th Quartermaster Company Service ~ r o u p (Aviation).

1059th Engineer Port Construction and Replaeement, Headquarters and Headquarters Company.

10SDth Quartermaster Company Service Group (Aviation).

l W t h Engineer Port Construction and Kepiacement. Hcadriunrters and Headquarters Company.

lOBlst Quartermaster Company Service Group (Aviation).

10626 Quartermaster Company Service Group (Aviation).

1069th Signal Company Service Croun. 1079th Signal Company Service Group. 1088t.i~ Quartermaster Company Service

Gronp (Aviation). 1089th Signal Company Scrvice Group, 1090th Signal Company Service Group 1W3d Signal Company Service Group 1094th Signal Company Service Group 1096th Signai Company Scrviee croup 1098th Signal Company Service Group 1112th Engineer Constructilm Group

Headquarters and Headquarters Corn p a w

1118th Engineer Construction Group Headqunrters and Headquarters Com

1155th Quartermaster Company Service Group (Aviation).

1186th Quartermaster Company Service Group (Aciation).

1157th Quartermmter Company Service Group (Aviation).

1159th Quartermaster Company Service Croup (Aviation).

llFOth Quartermaster Company Service G r o w (Aviation).

l l iStb Engirleer Collstmrtion Group. Headnoarters and Headquarters Com- pany.

1178th Engineer Construction Group. Medical Detnchmmt.

1179th Engineer Conslruction Group. Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pany.

1180th Engineer Construction Group, Ilrndquarters and Headquarters Com- pany.

, 1225th Engineer Fire Pigllting Section. 1307th Engineers Gcneral Service Regi-

ment. pans. 1311th Engineers General Serv~ce Regi-

1113th Engineer Coustruction Group, mmt.

ation). 1131st Ililitar? Police Compnily (Ari-

ntioll). 1131th Qnnrterrnaster Company Service

G r o w (Aviation).

Me.dicai Detachment. 1123d Military Police Company (-4vi-

s t ion) . 1123d Quartermaster Coml~any Service

Group (Aviation). 1126th Militfny Police Company (Avi-

ation). 1127th Military Police Company (Avi-

ation). 112Stli Military Police Compally (Avi-

ation). I l B t h Military Police Company (Avi-

ation). 1130tb Military Police Company (hvi-

1136th Kngineer Construction Group, HCarlaunrtrrv and Headriudrters Com-

1312th Erlgineers General Service Kegi- ment.

1315th Engineers General Service Regi- ment.

1351st Engineer Dump Truck Company. 1351st Qmrtermaster Depot, Subsisterxe

(:ompany (Aviatioo). 13Z2d QuartecmasLer Depot, Subsistence

Com~nny (Aviation). 1354th Quartermaster Depot, Subsis-

l ~ r i e e Con~pany (Aviation). 1358th Quartermaster Depot, Subsis-

tenre Company (Aviation). ydelst ~ ~ ~ i , ~ ~ ~ ~ D~~~ ~~~~k company.

pany. 1137th Quartermaster Cornpaus Air - .

Service Gruirp. 1154th Quartermnster Company Service

Group (Aviation).

1375th Signnl Curnpxuy (Wing). 1383d Engineer Petroleum Distribution

Company. 138411 Ercgineer Petroleum Distribution

Company. 1401st Quartermaster D e p t Company.

Class I11 (.4vintion). 1404th Quartermaster Depot Company,

Class 111 (Aviation). 1411th Quartermaster Depot Cornpauy,

Class 111 (Aviation). AGO 2961B

GO 12 67

1412th Quartermaster Depot Company. Class 111 (Aviation).

1417th Engineer (Mobile) Searchlight Maintenance Unit.

1418th Engineer (Mobile) Searchlight Maintenance Unit.

1419th Engineer (Mobile) Searchlight Maintenance Unit.

1419th Engiueer Service Detachment (Mobile Searchlight Maintenance).

14Mth Engineer (Mobile) Searchlight Mnintenance Unit.

1420th Engineer Service Detachment (Mobile Searchlight Maintenance).

1426th Encineer (Mobile) Searchlieht

. Maintenance Unit.

14328 Engineer (Mobile) Searchlight Maintenance Unit.

14336 Engineer (Mobile) Searchlight Maintenance Unit.

1434th Engineer (Mobile) Searchlight Maintenance Unit.

1435th Engineer (Mobile) Searchlight blaintenance Unit.

1448th Engineer (Mobile) Searchllght Maintenance Unit.

1449th Engineer (Mobile) Searchlight Maintenance Unit.

1489th Engineer Maintenance Company. 1401st Engineer Maintenance Company. 1500th Engineer Eattalion Lithographic

Reproduction Platoon. 1504th ~ n g i n e e ~ wate r Supply Corn-

1539th Ordnance Supply and Mainte- nance Company (Aviation).

1640th Ordnance S u ~ p l y and Mainte nance Company (Aviation).

1541st Engineer Dnse Survey Company. l54lst Ordnance Supply and llainte-

nnnce Company (Aviation). 1543d Engineer hlnintenanee Team

(Type Number 5 ) . 1550th Army Air Forces Base Unit. 1552d Army Atr Forces Rase Unit. 1568th Ordnance (Medium') Mainte-

nance Company (Aviation) (Q). 1.5591.h Army Air Forces Base Unit. 1560th Army Air Forces Base Unit.

1615th Engineer Service Dataehment. 1615th Ordnance Supply and J la in te

nanca Company (Aviation). 16lBth Ordnance (Medium) Mainte-

nance Company (Aviation) ( Q ) . 16l8th Engineer Service Detachment. 1618th Ordnance Supply and Mainte-

nance Compnny (Aviation). 1619th Engineer Service Detachment. 1619th Ovdance Supply and Maiute

nance Cornpnny (A~ia t ion) . 1620th Ordnance Supply ~ n d Mainte-

nance Company (Aviation). 1621st Ordance (Medium) hfainte-

nnuec Company ( lvial ion) (Q). 1622d Ordnance Supply and Mainte-

nance Company (Aviation). 1623d Engineer Model-hldking Delach-

paw. 1518th ~ ~ g l ~ ~ ~ ~ water supply corn.

paw. 1521st Engineer Battalion Lithographic

Reproduction Platoon. m6th Army Air Forces Base Unit. 1536th Ordnance S W P ~ and Mainte-

nance Company (Aviation). 1537th Engineer Composite Service

rnent. 1625th Ordnance SUPP~Y and Mainte-

nance Cumpany (Ariation). 1637th Ordnance SupP1y and Mainte-

name Company (Aviation). 1638th Engineer Utilities Detachment. 1639th Engineer Utilities Detachment. l&lOth Engineer Utilides Detachment,

165% Ordnance Supply and Mainte nar,ce Commnv

Compauy. 1537th Ordnance Supply and Mainte-

nance Company (Aviation). 14538th Engineer Composite Service

Company. 1538th Ordnance Supply and Mainte

nance Company (Aviation).

A "

16551h Ordnance Supply and Mainte. nanee ~o~~~~~ ( ~ ~ i ~ t i ~ ~ ) ,

1664th Engineer Utilities Detachment. 1680th Engineer S u r ~ c y Liaison Detach.

ment. 1691st Ordnance Supply and Mainte

nance Company (Aviation). A00 2061B

1'7l4th Ordnance (Medium) M d n t e nance Company (Avlation) (Q).

1748th Ordnance Supply and Malnte nnnce Company.

1749th Ordnance Sumly and Malnte nance Company (Aviation).

1765th Engineer Parts Supply Platoon (Separate).

1767th Engineer Parts Supply Platoon (Separate).

1781st Engineer Parts Supply Platoon (Separate).

1794th Ordnance Supply and Malnte nance Company (Aviatlon).

1797th Engineer Service Detachment. 1798th Engineer Laundry Team. 1798th Ordnance Supply and Mnhte-

nance Company (Aviation). 1799th Englneer Service Detachment. 1801st Ordnance Supply and Malnte

nance Company (Aviatlon). 1804th Ordnance Supply and Malnte

nance Company (Aviation). 1805th Ordnance Supply and Malnte

nance Company (Aviation). 1810th Ordnance Supply and Malnte

nance Company (Avlation). 1811th Ordnance Supply and Malnte

nance Company (Aviation). 1818th Ordnance Supply and M a h t e

nance Company (Aviation). 1817th Ordnance Supply and Malnte

name Company (Aviation). 1818th Ordnance Supply and Malnte

name Company ( Aviatlon). 1820th Ordnance Supply and Mainte

nanee Company (Aviation). 1827th Ordnance Supply and Malnta.

nance Company (Aviation). 1828th Ordnance Supply and Maiute

nance Company (Avlntlon). 1B3lst Ordnance Supply and Malnte

nance Company (Avlation). 18328 Ordnance Supply and Mainte.

nance Company (Avlatlon). 1837th Ordnance Supply and Mainte

nance Company (Avlation). 1838th Ordnance Supply and Mainte

nance Company (Aviation). 187Lst Englneer Aviation Battalion. 1872d Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1873d Engineer Avlation Battalion.

1874th Hlngineer Avlntlon Battallon. 1876th Engineer Avlation Battalion. 1879th Englneer Avlation Battalion. 1881at Engineer Aviation Battnllon. 1892d Engineer Aviation Battallon. 1696th Englneer Aviation Battalion. 18DBth Ordnance (Medlum) Maints

nance e m p a n y (Avlation). 1897th Fineineer Avlation Battalion. - 19Mlth Dngineer Aviatlon Battalion. 1QWth Quartermaster Commny Service . .

Group (Avlatlon). leOgth Ordnance Ammunltion Company

(Aviation). 1910th Ordnance dmmunltion Company

(Avlation). 1912th Quartermaster Company Service

Group (Aviation). 1918th Engineer Avlatlan Battalion. 1013th Quartermaster Company Servlce

Qronp (Avlation). 1914th Quartermaster Company Service

Group (Aviatlon). 1818th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 1919th Ordance Ammunition Company

(Avlation). 1S20th Engineer Avlatlon Company. l w t h Quartermaster Truck Company

(Avlation). 1982d Quartermaster Ruck Company

(Aviation). 1938th Engneer Composite Company

(Avlation). 1937th Blngineer Composite Company

(Aviation). 1038th Hlnglneer Cornposit8 Company

(Avlation). 19436 Quartermaster Truck Company

(Avlatlon). 1954th Quartermaster 'I'ruck Company

( Aviatlon). 1955th Ordnance Depot Company

(Aviatlon). 1 W t h Quartermaster Truck ampany. 1962d Engineer Avlation Depot Com-

paw. 19e3d Quartermaster Truck Company

(Avlatlon). 1964th Englneer Aviation Depot Com-

pany. A00 2961B

1884th Qualtermaster Tmck Company (Aviation).

1998th Quartermfster Truck Company (Aviation).

2 W 4 t Quartermaster Truek Company (Aviation) .

2009th Quartermaster Truck Compnny ( Aviaflou 1.

2010th Ordnance Maintenance Company (Alr Rorces).

2011th Quartermaster l h c k Company (Aviation).

2012th Quartermaster Truek Company (Avhtion).

2013th Quartermaster Truck Company (Avlation).

2Ol5th Ordnance Maintenance Company (Air Forces).

2016th Quartermaster Truck Campany (Aviation).

2017th Ordnance Maintenance Company (Air Forces).

2017th Quartermaster Truck Company ( Avhtlou).

2020th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

2021st Quar te rmaar Truck Company ( Avlation).

2025th Quartermaster Truck Campang (Aviation).

2026th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

m 7 t h Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

2039th Quartermaster Truck Cornpan> (Aviation).

23524 Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

2058th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

2359th Quartermaater T r u e Company (Aviation).

20G6th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

2067th Quartermaster Tmck Company (Aviation).

207lst Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

2074th Quartermaster R u c k Company (h i a t i on ) .

20'75th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

AGO 2861B

2078th Quartermaater Truck Company (Aviation).

2079th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

L102d Quartermaster Tmck Company (Aviation).

2110th Ordnance Battalion (Aviation), Headquarters and Headquarters De- tachment

Zlllth Ordnance Battalion (Aviation), Headquartera and Headquarters De- tachment.

2112th Ordnance Battalion (Aviation), Headquarters and Headquarters De- tachment.

2201st Signal Operations Company (Provisional).

2202d Signal Operating Company (Provisional).

24626 Quartermaster l h c k Company (Aviation).

2475th Quartermaster Tmck Company (-4viation).

2479th Quarfermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

2484th Quartermaster Tmck Company (Aviation).

2496th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

2773d Engineer Baae Reproduction Compay.

2870th Engineer Service Detachment 2871st Endneer Service Deyartmenr 2924th Engineer Service Detachment 2939th Engineer Service Department. 3003d Ordnance Base Depot Company. 3013th Engineer Maintenance Corn- W Y .

3014th Engineer Maintenance Corn- paw.

3017th Ordnance Base Automotive Maintensnee Company.

3018th Ordnance Base Automotive Malntenanee Company.

5039th Ordnance Base Automotive Maintenance Company.

3064th Quartermaster Grave Reghtra- tiou Company (less 4th Platoon).

3073d Ordnance Service Company. Anti- aircraft Artillery Maintenance.

3074th Ordnance Serviee Corngosite Company.

3085th Ordnance Service Compositl Company.

31216 Signal Service Company. 3130th S i n a l Seraice Company. 3142d Ordnance (Medium) Automotivt

Maintenance Compmy. 31436 Ordnance (Medium) Automotivt

Maintenance Cumpany. 3144th Signal Service Detachment. 3153d Signal Service Compmy. 3163th Si,mal Service Battalion. 3165th Signal Service Battalion, De

tachment G. 3169th Signal Service Battalion. 3170th Signal Service Battnlion. 3291st Sigunl Base Depot Company

Headquarters and Headquarters Company.

3292d Signal Base Naintenance Corn. pang.

3293d Signal Base Depot Company. 3294th Signal Bnse Depot Company. 32CKth Sigunl Service Platoon. 3 S t . h Signal Service Platoon. 3316th Quartermaster Truck Company. 2236th Quartermaster Service Detach.

ment (Driver Augmentation). 3328th Quartermaster Scrvice Detach.

ment (Driver Augmentation). 3331st Quartermaster Service Detach.

ment (Driver Augmentation). 33528 Quartermaster Truck Company. 5164th Quartermaster Service Detach.

ment (Driver Aogmcutation). 3366th Quarlermastcr Service Detach.

ment (Driver Augmentation). 3367th Quartermaster Service Dctach.

ment (Dr iwr Augmentation) 3367th Signal Service Batlalion. 3368th Quartermaster Service Detaeh-

ment (Driver Augmentatiou). 3403d Quartermaster Service Detdch-

ment. 3425th Ordriance (Medium) Automotive

Maintenance Company. 3441st Quartermaster Truck Comgany. 34428 Quartermaster Truck Cornl~any. 3443d Ordnance (Medium) Automotive

Maintenance Company. 3445d Quartermnstcr Truck Company. 3444th Quartermaster Truck Company. 8445th Quartermaster Truck Company.

3448th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3417th Quartermaster Tmck Company. 3148th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3449th Ordnance (Medium) Automo-

tive blaintenance Company. 3449th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3450th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3451st Ordnance (Medium) Automotive

Maintenance Company. 3451st Quartermaster Truck Company. 3452d Quartermaster Truck Company. 34Wth Quartermaster Truck Company. 3469th Ordnance (Medium) Mainte

n a m e Company. 3474th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3475th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3476th Quartermaster Truck CornPany. 3477th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3481st Ordnance (Medium) Automotive

Maintenance Company, 3488th Ordnance (Medium) blainte

nancc Company. 3521st Qnartrrmnstcr Truck Company. 352% Quartermaster Truck Colnpany. 3523d Quarterrnaster Truek Company. 3524th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3625th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3526th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3527th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3528th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3529th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3530th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3531st Quartermaster Truck Company. 3532d Quartermaster Truck Company. 1536th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3538th Ordnance (Medium) Automo-

tive Maintenance Company. 3538th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3551st Ordnance (hledium) Automo-

tive Maintenance Compnny. 3579th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3608th Ordnance (Eleavy) Maintenance

Company (Tank). 3661st Qunrtermaute~ Truck Company. 3W2d Quartermaster Truck Company. 36ad Quartermaster Truck Company. 3864th Quartermnster Truck Company. 3609th Quartermaster Truck Company. 5670th Quartermaster Truck Comllauy. 3671st Quartermaster Truck Company. 3672d Quartermaster Truck Company. 368% Sigual Service Detachment.

AGO 206lB

3683d Signal Service Oetachment 3334th Signal Service Detachment. 3685th Signal Service Detaehment. 3686th Signal Service Detachment. 3687th Signal Service Detachment. 3688th Signal Service Detachment. 3689th Signal Service Detachment. 36Wth Signal Service Detachment. 3F91st Signal Service Detaehment. 369% Signal Scrvice Detachment. 36%d Signal Service Detaehmeut. 36Nth Signal Service Detachment. 3696th Signal Service Detachment. 3896th Signal Service Detachment. 3697th Signal Service Detachment. 3698th Signal Service Detachment. 3699th Signal Service Detachment. 3700th Signal Service Detachment. 3701st Signal Service Detachment. 37G2d Signal Service Detaehment. 37&% Signal Service Detachment. 3704th Signal Service Detachment 3705th Signal Service Detachment. 3706th Signal Service Detachment. 3707th Signal Service Detachment. 3708th Signal Service Detachment. 3709th Signal Service Detachment. 37lOth Signal Service Detachment. 3711th Signal Seruice Detachment. 3712th Sicoal Service Detachment

37428 Quartermaster Truck Company. 37438 Quartermaster Truck Company. 3744th Quartermaster Truck Compang. 3745th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3740th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3747th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3748th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3749th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3750th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3751st Quartermaster Truck Company. 3752d Quartermaster Truck Company. 3755th Quartermaster Truck Company. 37638 Signal Service Detaehment. 37G5th Signal Se r~ i ce Detachment. 3~181h Quartermaster Gas Supply Com-

pany. 381Lvth Quartermaster Gas Supply Com-

pany. 3841st Signal Service Detachment. a42d Signal Service Detachment. 3843d Signal Service Detaehment. 3844th Signal Service Detachment. 3845th Signal Service Detachment. 3846th Signal Sexvice Dctachment. 3847th Signal Service Dctachment 3853d Signal Service Detachment. 3858th Signal Service Detachmmt. 3859th Signal Service Detachment. 3M3d Quartermaster Gas Supply Com-

pany. 3874th Quartermaster Gas Supply Cam- 3713th ~ G n a l Service Detachment.

3714th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3714th Signal Service Detachmeut. 3716th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3716th Signal Service Detachment. 3717th Signal Service Detachment. 3718th Signal Service Detachment 3719th Signal Service Detachment. 3720th Signal Service Detachment. 3721st Signal Service. Detachment. 3722d Signal Service Detachment. 3723d Signal Service Detachment. 3724th Signal Service Detachment. 3726th Signal Service Detachment. 3726th Signal Service Detachment 3727th Signal Service Detachment. 3728th Signal Service Detachment. 3729th Signal Service Detachment. 3730th S i n a l Service Detachment. 3731st Signal Service Detachment. 3740th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3741st Quartermaster Truck Company. AQ0 2961B

pany. 3875th Quartermaster Gas Supply Com-

pany. 3876th Quartermaster Gas Supply Com-

ww. 38mth signal service ~ ~ t ~ ~ i , ~ ~ ~ t . 3857th signal Service Detachment. 3885th Signal Service Detachment. 4072d Quartermaster Service Company. 40g4th Quartermaster Service Company. 4095th Quartermaster Service Company. 4096th Quartermaster Service Company. 40Yith Quartermaster Service Company. 4137th Quartermaster Service Comgany. 4138th Quartermaster Service Company. 4139th Quartermaster Service Company. 4140th Quartermaster Service Company. 4164th Quartermaster Depot Company

(supply). 4186th Quartemaater Service Company. 4187th Quartermaster Service Company.

5219th Coast Artillery Battery(l55mm) ion (Provisional) Headquarters and (S~ecia l ) (Provisional). Headquarters Company.

4188th Quartermaster Service Company. 41fBth Quartermaster Service Company. 41Wth Quartermaster Service Company. 4281st Quartermaster Depot Compnnp

(supply). 4287th Quartermaster Salvage Repair

Company, Quartermaster Base Dcpot. 5200th Women's Army Cows Detach-

ment. 5201st Engineer Constructlon Brigafle,

Headquarters and Headquarters Com-

pany. 5202d Engineer Constructlon Brigade,

Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pany.

6202d Pipe Llne Operating Platoon (Prorislonal).

5203d Women's Army Corps Detach- ment.

5204th Amphibian Truck Company (Provisional).

5205th Detached Enlnllsted Men's ISst Band !Provisional) .

5205th Women's Army Corps Detach- ment.

5206th Engineer Service Command. 5207th Engineer Service Group Head-

quarters. 5208th Engineer Service Group, Head-

quarters. 5209th Signal Detachment (Provi-

sional). 5209th Engineer Service Group, Head-

quarters. 5210th Engineer Servics Group, Head-

quarttlrs. 5211th Engineer Steel Hull Assembly

Battalion (Provisional). 6212th Engineer Service Group, Head-

quarters. 5212th Photogra~hic Wing Reconnais-

sauce (Provisional). 5213th Service Drouh Head-

quarters. 6214th Women's Army Corps Service

Unit. 6216th signal ~ ~ t ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ t (pro,+


6221st Pipe Line Operating Platoon 6278th Airborne Fighter Control Center (Provisional). I (Provisional).

AGO 90618

522% P i p Llne Operating Platoon (ProI'isional).

5222d Women's A m y Corps Service Unit.

5223d Pipe Line Operating Platoon (Provisional).

5224th Pipe Line Operating Platoon (Provisional).

5225th Pipe Line Operatlng Platoon (Provisional).

5226th Pipe IAne Operating Platoon (Provisional).

5230th Com~osite Emergency Rescue Group (Provisional), Headquarters.

5230th Signal (Heavy) Consfruetion Company (Aviation) (Provisional).

5231st Weather Squadron (Provisional). 5240th Engineer Model-Making Detach-

ment (Provisional). 5240th Military Police Company (Avin-

tion) (Provisional). 5241st Quartermaster Bakery Platoon

(Provisional). 5242d Quartermaster Bakery Platoon

(Provisional). 6243d Quartermaster Bakery Platoan

(Provisional). 5244th Quartermaster Bakery Platoon

(Provisional). 5245th Signal Service Detachment. 5248th Air Cargo Resupply Squadron

(Provisional). 5250th Technical Intelligence Composite

Company (Separate) (Provisional). 525lst Engineer BaseDepot Group (Pro-

visional). Hendquarters and Head- quarters Company.

5252d Engineer Base D ~ o t Group (Provisional), Headquarters and Headquarters Company.

5253d port ~ ~ t t ~ ~ i ~ ~ (prorisional). 5254th Port Battalion (Provisional). 5255th Port Battalion (Provisional). 5256th Port Battalion (Provisional). 5275th Signal Aircraft Warning Comi

PW (Regional) !Provisional). 6n6th Signal Aircraft Warning Battal-

5280th Ordnance Battalion (Aviation) (Provisional).

5287th Ordnance Battalion (Aviation) (Provisional).

5291st Air Freight Forwarding Squad. ron (Provisional).

8292d Air Freight Forwarding Squadron (Provisional).

6295d Air Freight Forwarding Squadror (Provisional).

5294th Air Freight Forwarding Squad ron (Provisional).

5290th Far East Air Forces, Distribut. ins Platoon (Provisional).

5297th F a r East Air Porcea Chemicn' Training Company (Provisional).

5298th Trooll Carrier Wing (Provi sional) . Headquarters and Headquar. tera Squadron.

5299th Signal Servlce Company (Pro visional).

Airway Control Squadron, Control De tachment A 4 .

Airway Control Squadron, Control De. tachment C2.

Airway Control Squadron Control. De tnchment %2.

Casual Detachment 9291-E (Order ol Battle Team) (Japanese).

Central Mail Directory Detachment. Chemical Warfare Service Tralniug

Center. Depot Machine Accounting Compan]

Composite (Provisional). Detachment. Ship and Gun Orew Com

mand 1. Equipment Identiecation Team 7. Far East Air Forces Band (Pros1

sional). Far East Air Forces Combat Replace

mcnt and Training Center (Provi sional).

General Headquarters, Signal Opera tions Group (Provisional).

General Headquarters. Southwest P a cffic Area.

Headquarters, Bases A, B, D, E, F, Q H , K and M.

Headquarters and Headquarters Squad ron, Far East Air Forces.

Headquarters and Headquarters Squad ron, F a r East Air Service Command

AGO 2901B

Headquarters Detachment O, Fighter Wing (Special).

Headquarters Detachment H, Fighter Wing (Special).

Headquarters Detachmmt I, Fighter Wing (Special).

Headquarters, Regional ConLml and Weather Squadron (Provisional), Far East Air Forces.

Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pany, Army Servicc Command.

Headquarters, Intermediate Section, United States Arms Services of Supply.

Headquarters, Replacement Command, United States Army Forces in the F a r East.

Headquarters, Unlted States Army Forces in the Far Eas t

Headquarters, United Stntes Army Services of Supply.

Headquarters, Western Visayan Task Force (Provisional).

1 and E Detachment. United States Army Forces in the Far East.

Joint Supply Survey Detachment, Unlted States Army Forces in the Far East.

Nlght Fighter Squadron, Detachment k OQ 28 Target Airplane Detachment. Philippine Civil Affairs Units 1, 2, a, 4,

5, 6, 7, 8, and 11. Provisional Bakery Platoon. Provisional m a s t Artillery Harbor Pnr-

veillance, Detachment A. Provisional Coast Artillery Harbor Sur-

veillanee, Detachment U. Provisional Ordnance (Medium) Maln-

tenance Company. Port Detachments 8, B, 0, and E. Replacement Factor Unit, United States

Army Services of Supply. Senborne Communications Detachment,

United States Army Services of S u p ply (Provisional).

Signal Aircmft Warntng Detachments 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44.

Signal Corps Training School, United States Army Services of Supply.

Southwest Pacific Wing, Paciec Diri- sion, Air Transgart Command.

Speeial Communications Teams X-I, X-2, and X-3.

Station 20, I'ac~fic W n g , Air Transport Command.

Station 20, Pacific Wing, Air Transport Command.

Station 27, Pacific Wing. Air Transport Command.

Teams A-3, &5, A-8, A-I), A-10, A-11, A-12, B-1. B 3 , E 4 , B-7, U-11, E 1 2 , B-13, B-15, R-16. %I?, B-21, E 2 2 , B-24, E"5, and B-26.

Technical Air Intelligence Unit. Trailing Dog Detachment. United States Advance BaseDispensary. United States Army Scrvices of Supply

General Depot.

United States Section, Southwest Paeiflc Allied Forces, Headquarters.

Unitcd States Section, Far East Air Service Command.

United States Army Services of Sup&, Specialist Training Center.

Veterinary Scctions D, E, F, G, H, K, L , N . O , P , Q , S , a n d Z .

Women's Army Corps Detachment, Headquarters, F a r East Air Service Command.

Women's Army Corps Dctachment, Headquarters, Far East Air Forces.

Women's Army Corps Service Unit, United States Army Services of Sup- ply. -

XIILNORTHERN SOLOMOArS.-I. Announcement is made of units awarded bntlle particii~ation credit under the provisions of paragraph 21b(2), A B -10, 25 October 1944, in the Northern Solomons camrwipn. - . a. Combat zone.-Solomons Islands north and wcst of Russell Islands, Bismarck

Archiwlapo. and adjacent waters, cxceat that the Rismarck Archipelago and - . adjacent waters will^ be ineluded from %! February to 14 ~eccmber-1943 only. ElIective 1 October 1W4, the combat zone is limited to Bougainville Island and adjacent waters.

h. Time limitation.--22 February 1943 to 21 November 1944. Km.-Battle participation credit for this campaign may be awarded by the

theater eornmnnder to units or individuals who actually engaged the enemy niter 21 November 1914.

2. Wlxn entering individual credit on oflicers' qualification cards (WD AGO Forrns 6g-1 and FG2) or in the service record of enlisted personnel (WD AGO Form 24), this general orders may be citcd a s authority for such entries for personnel who were prcsent for duty as a member of or attached to a unit listed a t some time during the limiting dates of the Northern Solomons campaign.


1st Dattalion, 306th Engineers General Service llegirnent.

1st Jfaintenanee Platoon, 4728 Engineer iNaintenance Company.

1st Plntoon, Company B, 578th Signal Ail.craft Warning Hattalion.

2d Platoon, 49th Quartermaster Gmre Registration Cr~mpany.

36 Rattalion, 24th Infantry Regiment. 3d B3mbardmeot Group. 3d Mrdieal Composite Unit Malaria

Control. 3d Platoon, 10th Special Service Unit. 3d Radar Calibmtion Detachment.

4th Plaloon, Company A, 578th Signal Aircraft Warning Battalion.

4th Platoon, Company B, 578th Signal Aircraft Warning Battalion.

5th Army Air Forces Combat Camera Unit.

5th Narnbardmcnt Group (Heavy), Headquarters, XI11 Bomber Com- mand.

6th Army Air Forces Combat Camera Unit.

6th Night Fighter Squadron Detach- ment. 18th Fighter Group, XI11 Fighter Command

AGO 2961B

7th Tactical AIr Oommnnications 1 23d Buartermaster Truck Reeiment. Squadron. Company I.

8th Fighter Group (Twin Engine). 24th Field Hosoltal.

13th Airdrome Squadron (Special), XI11 Air Forces spnice Command, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron.

XIII Air Force Service Command, Head- quarters and Headquarters Sguadron.

13th Army Air Forces Comhat Camera --:L

- ~ . 8th Photographic Reconnaissance

Sqnadron. 8th Special Service Company, Detach-

ment 8. 9th Alr Service Squadron. 10th Combat Asstgnment Unit, l%lst

Signal Photographic Company. 11th Airdrome Squadron. 11th Bombardment (Heavy), Head-

quarters, XI11 Romber Command. 12th Fighter Squadron, 18th Fighter

Group, XI11 Fighter Command Division.

25th Quartermaster Company, 2bth In- fantry Division.

25th Quartermaster War Dog Platoon. 25th Signal Company, 25th Infantry

Ilivision. 25th Statistical Control Unit (Over-


25th Cavalry Reconnxissauce Troop, 25th Infantry Division.

25th Division Artillery. H e a d q ~ ~ a r t e r ~ and Headquarters Battery and Band.

25th Division, Headquarters and Head- quarters Company.

25th Infantry Division, Military Police Platoon.

25th Infantry Regimental Combat Team.

26th Liaison Squadron. 25th Medleal Battalion, 25th Infantry

and Headquarters Battery. 1 27th Suecial Service Comoanv.


XIIJ Bombcr Command, neadquarters. XI11 Fighter Command, Headquarters. 13th Troop Squadron, 403d

Troop Carrier Group. 14th Airdrome Squadron (Special). XIV Carpa, Artillery, IIcadquarters

26th Bombardment Squadron ( H e a ~ y ) , Bombardment XIII

Command, 26th Medical Composite Unit (Malaria

Control). 27th infantry Regiment, 25th Idan t ry


XIV Corps, Headquarters and Head- quarters Company.

XIV C o w , 214th Military Police Platoon.

17th Field Hospital. 17th Photographic Squadron, 4th Photo-

graphic Reconnaissance and Mapping Group (Light).

17th Weather Squadron, Detachment. 18th Fighter Group, Headquarters,

XI11 Fighter Command. 20th Airways Communications Squad-

ron, Detachments 6, 7. 8, and 9. 22d Bombardment Group. zzd Ordnance (Biedium) Maintenance

Company. 23d Bombardment Squadron (Hcavy),

5th Bumhardment Group (Heavy), XI11 Bomber Command.

23d Medical Supply Depot, Section I. Advance Depot Platoon.

A .~ 29th Service Group. 31st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy),

5th Bhmhardment Group (Heavy), XI11 Bomber Command.

34th Xedical Composite LTnit (Malaria Control)..

3Mh Fighter Group LSjngle E-ngine). 35th Infantry Regimkn~,'2jth'lnf;mlry

Division. 37th Cavalry Reconuaissancc Troop,

37th Infantry Division. 37th Counter Intelligence C o w De-

tachment. 37th Division Artillery, Headquarters,

Hfadwarters Battery and Hand. 37th Infantry Division. 37th Quartermaster Cornpany. 35th Bombardment Group. 35th Portable Surgical Hospital. 39th Military Police Comp'dny (less 3d

Platoon). AQ029ElB 681720.4-

42d Bombardment Group (Eiledium). Headquarters XI11 Bomber Com- mand.

42d Bombardment Squadron (Medium), l l t h Rombardment Group (Heavy), XI11 Boniber Command.

43d Bombardment Group (Heavy). 136 Infantry Division. 44th Fighter Squadron, 18th Fighter

Group, XI11 Fighter Command. 49th Coast Artillery Bntlalion (155~mm

Gun). 49th Fighter Group (Twin Engine). 49th Quartermaster Grave Registration

Company. 1st and 2d Plntonns. 51st Machine Records IJnit. 58th Fighter Group (Single Engine). 63rd Troop Carrier Squadron. 403d

Troop Carrier Gronp. 64th Field Artillery Battalion (105-mm

Howitzer), 25th 1nfantr.v 1)irisioo. 64th Troop Carrier S w h ' o n , 40%

Troop Carrier Group. 65th Engineer Battalion (Combatl,

25th Infantry Division. 67th Fighter Squadron, 347th Fighter

Group, XI11 Fighter Command. 68th Antiaircraft Artillev Brigade,

Headquarters and Headquarters Bat- tery.

68th Fighter Squadron, 347th Fighter Group, XI11 Fighter Command.

60th Baluhardment Squadron (Me diilm), 426 Bombardment Group (Medium), XI11 Roruber Command.

70th Antiaircraft Artillery Group, Headquarters and IIeadquarters Bat- tery.

70th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Rat- talion (Semimohile) (less Battery B).

70th ~ ~ ~ b ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ t Squadron I diurm), 42d Bombar&nent Group (Medium) XI11 Bomber Command.

70th Fighter Squadron. 18th Fighter Group, XI11 Fighter Command.

7 2 Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 5th Bombardment Group (Heavy), XI11 Bomber Command.

16th Bombardment Squadron (ME- dium), 42d Bombardment Group (Medium), XI11 Bomher Command.

76th Antiaircraft Artillcry Gun Rat- talion.

82d Chemical Battalion (Rlotorizedl, . Comimny B.

82d Chemical Mortar Cattalion. 88th Signal Battalion (Sl~eciall . 89th Field drtillerg BatValion (105-mm

Homitzer), 25th Infantry Dirision. 90th Bombardment Group (Heavy). 90th Ordnance (Heavy) hlaintenance

Company (Tank). 93d Counter Intelligence Corps Detach-

ment. 93d Infantry Diuision. 98ttl Rombartlment Squadron (Heavy),

11th Bombardmcnt Group (Heavy). XI11 Bomber Command.

100th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Sqnad. l01st Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 102d Ordnance Bomh Dispsa l Squad. 108th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 110th Medical Composite Unit (Malaria

Contrrrll. 112th Medical Rattnlion (less Com-

pany B ) , 37th Infantry Division. 117th Engineer Battalion (Combatl

(less Company Bl. 37th Infantry Di- vision.

129th .4rmy Ground Forces Band. 131st Engineers Regiment (Combat). 135th Field Artillery Battalion (103-

mm Howitzer), 37th Infantry Divi- sion.

136th Field Artillery Battalion (155- mm Llowilzer), 37th Infantry Divi- sion.

140th Field Artillery Battalion (1%- mm Howitzer), 37th Infantry Divi- sion.

144th Station Haspital. 145th Infantry Regiment (less Cannon

Company), 37th Infantry Division. 146th Antiaircraft Artillery Operations

Detachment. 147th Infantry Regiment. 148th Infantry Regiment (less Can-

non Company), 37th lufantry Divi- sion.

150th Army Airways Communications system Squad, Detachment 13.

lClst Infantry Regiment, 25th Infan- try Divisiou

AGO 2961B

Mist Signal Photogrsphic Company. Laboratory Unit.

161st Signal Photographic Comrany, General &ssignment Units 2, 3, 4, 7, and 9.

180th Army Ground Farces Rnnd. 182d Counter Intelligcvce C o r p De-

tachment. 1836 Chemical Service Platoon. 198th Antiaircraft Artillery Group.

Headquarters and Headquarters Bdt- tery.

213th Malaria Survey Uni t 214th Counter Inreiiigencc Corps. 214th Military Police Platoon. 217th Signal De1)ot Conlpnny (iess 1st

and 211 Detachments) . 221st Quartermaster Salvage Rwai r

Company, Detachment Company, Hendquartcrs and 1st Platoon.

2Wd Signal Operations Company. 250th Antiaircraft Artillery Search-

light Battalion (Semimobile), Bat- tery C.

25lst Antiaircraft Artillery Group, Headq~ar te r~s and Heddqunrters Battery.

264th Medical Battalion, Company A. 268th Quartermaster Service Battalion,

Company B. 27lst Signal Construction Company

(less 2d Platoon). 288th Army Ground Forces Band. 205th Joint Assault Signal Company. 307th Bombardment Group (Heavy),

Headquarters. XI11 Bombcr Com- mand.

310th Fighter Control Squadron. 320th Fighter Control Squadron, De

tachments A and B. 321st Service Group (Aviation). 339th Fighter Squadron. 347th Fighter

Group, XI11 Fighter Command. 345th Bombardment Group. 347th Fighter Group, Headquarters.

XI11 Fighter Com~nand. 348th Fighter Group (Single Engine). 362d Antiaircraft Artillery Search-

light Battalion (Type A), Eatterp A. 370th Bomhardmeut Squndrou

(Heavy), 307th Bombardment G r o u ~ (Heavy), XI11 Bomber Command.

AGO 2881B

:71st Antlalrcraft Artillery Scarch- light Battery (Type A).

171st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 307th Bombardment Group (Heavy), XIXI Bomber Command.

172d Bombardmcnt Squadron (Heavy), 307th Bombardment Group (Heavy), XI11 Bomher Command.

373d Antiaircraft Artillery Searchlight Battalion (Type A).

374th Antiaircraft Artillery Search- light Battalion ( T m n A).

i75th Troop Carrier Group. 580th Bomhnrdment Group. 390th Bombardment Squadron (Me-

dium), 42d Bombardment Group (Me- dium), XI11 Bombcr Command.

394th Bombardment Squadron ( H e a ~ y ) , 5th Bombardment Group (Heavy), XI11 Bomber Command.

f0lvl Nerlicai Composite Unit (NaIaria Surrey).

L03d Medical Composite Unit (Malaria Control).

103d Troop Carrier Group, Headquar tern.

U l s t Medical Composite Unit (Ma- laria Control).

122d hfcdical Commsite Unit. 123d Medical Campasite Unit (Malaria

Control). 124th Bomhardment Squadron

(Heavy), 307th Bombardment Group (Heavy), XI11 Bomber Command.

$20th Signal Construction Battalion (Aviation) (less Company B).

131st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 11th Bombardment Group (IIeavy), XI11 Bomber Command.

133d Troop Carrier Group. 140th Counter Intelligence Corps DP

tachment. 453d Army Postal Unit. 172th Fighter Group (Twin Engine). 4826 Quartermaster Refrigeration

Company, Detachment, 1st Platoon. 4Nst Quartermaster l k m t Company

(Supply). ig3d Quartermaster Battalion, Head-

quarters and Headquarters Detach- ment, with Attached Xedical Section

514th Eugioeer Depot (less 3 Platoons).

GO 12 68

544th Engineers Boat and Shore Regi- ment.

551st Signal Aircraft Warning Bat- talion.

579th Signal Aircraft Warning Bat- talion.

612th Ordnallce dmmunition Company. 670th Engineer Topographic Company

(Corps). moth Signal Aircraft Warning Com-

pany, Detachment (GCI 5%). 672d Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 686th ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~~k~~~ company

(less 3d and 4th Platoons). 7Md Signal Aircraft Warning Oom-

pnny, Plotting Platoon. 717th Army Postal Unit. 718th Army Postal Unit. 725th Ordnance Company (Light

Maintenance), 25th Irifantry Divi- sion.

736th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun at- talion.

737th ordnance ampany ( ~ i ~ h t ~ ~ i ~ - tenance), 3it11 infantry Division. 742d Sanitary Company.

746th A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , C J ~ ~ B ~ ~ . talion.

8@3+h Signal Service Company, Detach. ment.

826th Coast Artillery Battery (155-mm Gun).

Engineer Aviation 8g7th Quartermaster Laundry

paw. 903d Air Base Security Bnttalton. m t h Engineer Air Force, Headquarters

Company. Calnaufiage Detachment. 920th Air Base Security Rattalion.


925th Antiaircraft Alr Warning Bat- talion (Semimobile) (less Battery D) .

933d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion, Companies C and D.

945th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion (Semimobile).

95lst Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Wcawns Battalion (Semimobile).

W4th Signal Service Company. OTEth Service Oompany. 9Q2d Ordnance (nfedium) Automotive

Maintenance Company. 992d Signal Service Compnny, Detach-

ment, 1007th Ordnance Base Depot Company. 10426 Engineer Service Detachment

(Gas Generator). 11236 Quartermaster Company Service

Group (Aviation). 1421th Engineer Service Detachment

(Mobile Searchlight Maintenance). 1431st Engineer Service Dettchmeut

(mobile Searchlight Maintenance). 1520th Engineer Water Supply Corn-

P ~ U Y . 1748th Ordnance S ~ P P ~ Y and afaintc-

name Company (Aviation). 1740'h Ordnance and Mainte

nance Company (Aviation). 1884th Quartermaster Truck Company

3108th Signal Service Platoon. 3118th Quartermaster Service Company. 3465th Ordnance (Medium) Automotive

Maintenance C o m w y . Hendqiqnurters and Headquarters De-

tachment, Provisional, Service Com- mand, New Georgia.

Ordnance Detachment (Depot) 4092C.

Announcement is made of units awarded battle participation credit under the provisions of paragraph 2l1, (2 ) , AR 260-13, 25 October 18144, in the Eastern Mandates campaign.

a. Combat zone.--That portion of the Central Pacific Ares lying between loud- tude 180' and longitude 150' east, excluding the Gilbert Islands.

b. T i m limitation.-Air. 7 December 1943 to 18 April 1944 Ground, 31 Janu- ary 1944 to 14 June 1944

Nm-Battle participation credit for this campaign may he awarded hy the theater commander to units or individuals who actually engaged the enemy in the combat mae after 16 April 1944 (Air), or 14 June 1944 (Ground).

AQO 2861B

2. When entering individual credit on omcers' qualification cards (WD AGO Forms 66-1 and 662) or in the service record of enlisted personnel (WD AGO Form 24), this general orders may be cited as authority for such entries for personnel who were present for duty as a member of or attached to a unit listed at some time during the limiting dates of the Eastern Mandates campaim.


1st Platoon, Batter= B, 230 Antiaircrafl Artillery Searchlight Battalion.

1st ~tati'n Hospitai. 3d Army Defense Battalion, Headquar-

ters Detachment. 4th Army Defense Battalion, Head-

quarters Detachment. 4th Emergency Rescue Squadron. 5th Bombardment Group (Heavy). 5th Radar Calibration Detachment. VII Bomber Command, Headquarters

and Headquarters Squadron. 7th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop

(Mechanized). 7th Divfsion Artillery, Headonarterr

7th Infantry Division, Headquarters. 7th Infantry Division, Headquarters

Company. 7th Infantry Division. Headquarters,

Special Troops. 7th Infantry Division, Military Police

Platoon. 7th Medical Battalion. 7th Quartermaster Commny. 7th Signal Company. 9th Troop Carrier Squadron. l l t h Bombardment Grouo IIIeavv). . . 13Lh Engineer Battalion (Corps). l l t h Infantry Regiment. 17th weather Squadron. 26th Bombardment Sauadron (Heavy). 27th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy). 27th Signal Company, Detachment. 30th Bombardment Group (Heavy). 31st Field Artillery Battalion. 31st Field Hospital. 32d Infantry Regiment. 34th Engineer Battnlion, Company D. 36th Field Hosoital. 38th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy). 38th Reld Hospital. 41st ~ombnrdment Group (Medium) 46th Fighter Squadron.

AGO 2981B

48th Mghter Squadron. 47th Bombardment Squadron ( M e

dium). 47th Engineers Battalion iConstruc-

tion). 48th Bombardment Squadron ( M e

dium) . 48th Field Artillery Battalion. 49111 Ficld Artillery Battalion. Mth Engineers Battalion. 57th Field Artillery Battalion. 72nd H'ighter Squadron. 75th Joint Assault Signal Company. 37th Airhorne Squadron (Reinforced). Qlst Chemical Company (Motorized). D3d Ordnance Bomb IXspasal Squad. 96th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat-

talion. 37th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. P8th Antiaircraft Artillery Gnu Bat-

talion. Bath B~mbardmerlt Sqnaclron (Heavy). 100th Depot Supply Company iAPO

241), Detachment. lOlst Signal Battalion (APO 241), Ue

tachment, Comi~nuy A. IOlst Signal Battalion (Roi), Dctaeh-

ment. 10% Engineer Battalion (Corps), Con-

panp B. 102d Medical Battalion. Company 0. 102d Medical Battalion, Provisional

Clearing Company. lWth Engineer Battalion. 104th Field Artillery Hatlalion. 106th Infantry Regiment. 111th Infantry Regiment. 139th Antiaircraft Artillery Group,

Headquarters and Headquarters Bat- tery.

145th Field Artillery Battalion. 146th Army Airway Communictations

System Squadron. Detachment 28. 146th Army Airway Communications

System Squadrun, Detachment 29.

146th Army Airway Communications System Squadron. Detachment 30.

146th Amn~ Airway Communieatioul System Squadron, Headquarters.

1 Signal Photographic Compmy General Assignment Unit 7.

177tb Coast Artillery Battalion. 178th Coast Artillery Dattalion. 184th Infantry Regiment 230th Antiaircraft Artillery Searchlighl

Battalion, 1st Platoon, Battery B. 268th Station Ilospital. 2g0th Station Hospital. 295th Joint Assault Signal Company

Detnchment 296th Antiaircraft Searchlight Battal.

ion, Battery A. 307th Bombardment Group (Heavy). 318th Fighter Group. S3ith Station Hospital. 362d Bombnrdment Squadron (Heavy) 396th Bombardment Squadron (Me

dium). 4Wth Signal Company (Aviation). 4226 Subsistence Depot. 43lst Bombardment Squadron (Henvy) 439th Port Company. 443d Signal Construction Battalion, De

tachment, Company A. 494th Bornbardment Group (Heavy). K31st Fighter Squadron. 704th Signal Air Warning Company. 707th Ordnance C a m ~ a n v (Lidrt Main . - . -

tenance). 708th Anmhibian Tank Battalion 727th Ordnance Comp:lny, Detachment 753d Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat


759th Signal Air Warning Company. i86th Tank Battalion. i6 i th Tank Bnttaiion. 820th Bombardment Squadron (Me-

dium). 854th Engineer Aviation Battalion. W7th Autiaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 868th Bombardment Group (Heavy). U72d Signal Service Company, Pignal

Photographic Detachment. 1513d Army Air Forces Base U n i t 3117th Signal Service Battalion (APO

241). Detachment. 3117th Signal Service Battalion ( A P O

243). Detachment. Chemical Detachment (APO 243). Chemical Wnrfare Service Detachment

(APO 241). General A5signment Unit 7, 1E3d Signal

Photographic Company. Medical Detachment (APO 241). Medical Detachment (APO 243). Ordnance Detachment (APO 241). Ordnauce Detachment (APO W3) . Provisional Enginecr Headquarters

(APO 241). Provisional Portable Surgical Hospital. Provisional Signal Construction Pla-

toon. Quartermaster Detachment (APO 241). Qimrtermaster Detachment ( APO 243). Shore Based Forces. Central Paciflc

Area. Headquarters. Signal Detnchment (APO 241). Signal Detachment (APO 243).

XIV..BISMARCK ARCRIPELAGO.-I. Announcement i s made of units awarded battle participation credit under the pravisions of paragraph 2 l b ( 2 ) , AR 260-10, 25 October 1944, in the Bismarck Arebipelago campaign.

a. Combat zone.-Bismarck Archipelago and adjacent waters. b. Tine Zimitation.-16 December 1943 to 27 November 1%4,

Nm.-Battle participation credit for this campaign may be awarded by the theater commander to units or indi-riduals who aetually engaged the enemy after 27 November 19.14.

2. W h w entering indioldual credit on officers' qualification cards (WD AGO Forms 6 6 1 and W 2 ) or in the service record of enlisted p+?rsonnel (WD AGO Form 24), this general orders may be cited as authority for such entries for pmonnel who were present for duty as a member of or attached to a unit listed a t some time during the limiting dates of the l3ismnrck Archipelago campaign.

'CfE -- , , *: . , J . .. . ., AGO 2961B ., ' 5 +-* .. . .. . .


1st Cavalry Division Special. 1st Platoon. 482d Quarternlaster Refrig-

eration Company. 2d Battalion, 50th Coast Artillery Kegi-

ment (1%-mm Mobile). 2d Engineer Special Brigade (Prori-

sianal), Supply Biittery. 2d Platoon, Company A. 88th Signal

Battalion. 2d Radio Carrier Terminal Team, 980th

Sigllal Service ComDany. 3d Bombardment Group (Light). 3d Platoon, 686th Quartermaster Bak-

ery Company. 3d Platoon, 8th Speciill Seryice Com-

paw. 3d Radar Calibrniion Detachment. 4th Platoon, 8th Special Serrice Com-

pans. 4th Reconnaissance Group. Fifth Air Force. Headquarters. 5th Army Air Forces Combat Camera

Unit. 5th Air Rome Service Command, Head.

quarters and Headquarters Squadron, 5th Bombardment Group (Heavy). V Bornher Command, Headquarters ant

Headquarters Squadron. V h'ighter Command, Headquarters ant

Headquarters Squadron. 5th Dlalaria Control Unit 5th Photographic Technical Squadron 6th Antiaircraft Artillery Group, Head

quarters aud Headquarters Battery Sixth Army Headquarters. 6th Combat Camera Unit. 6th Photographic Group (Reconnais

sance). 6th Portable Surglcal Hospital. 7th Evacuation Hosuital. 7th Technical Air Communicationf

Squadron. 8th Engineer Squadron. 8th Engineer Squadron (Provisional)

Survey Detachment. 8th Fighter Group (Twin Engine). 8th Photographic Laboratory Section. 8th Portable Surgical Hospital. 8th Signal Radar Calibration Detach


AGO 2961B

Ith Air Service Squadron. loth Combat Assignment Unit, 16lst

Signal Photographic Company. i0lh Radar Calibration Detachment. pith Army Air Forces Photographic In-

telligence Detachment. I'hirteenth Air Force, Headquarters. 13th Antiaircraft Artillcry Group,

Headqonrtem and dleadquarters Bat- tery.

L3th Bomber Command, Headquarters arid IIeadquarters Squadron.

13th l'ortable Snrgical Hospital. 15th Quartermaster Bakery Platoon. 14th Airdrome Squadron. 14th Antinircraft Artillery Group.

Headquarters and Headquarters Bat- tery.

15th Airdrome Squadron (Special). 15th Antiaircraft Artillery Qrouu,

Hendquarters and Headquarters Bat- tery.

15th Army Air Forces Emergency Re5 cue Boat Squadron.

16th Cavnlry Quartermaster Squadron. 16th Signal Operations Battalion De-

tachment. 18th Righter Group (Twin Engine). 19th Portable Surgical Hospital. 21st hledical Supply Platoon(Aviati0n). 21st Portable Surgical Hospital. 22d Bombardment Group. 23d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy ). 24th Field Hospital. 24th Portable Surgical Hospital. 25th Antiaircraft Artilleu Grouu,

Headquarters and Headquarters Bat- tery.

25th Army Air Forces Emergency &eS- cue Boat Crew.

25th Infantry Regiment. 25th Liaison Squadron. 25th Station Hospital. 25th Statistical Control Unit (Oversea). 26th Malaria Sumeg Unit. 27th Portable Surgical Hospital. 28th Army Air Forces Emergency Reo

cue Boat Crew. 28th lllalnrin Surrey Unit.

29th Army Air Forces Emergency Res cue Boat Crew.

29th Evacuation Hospital. 30th Portable Surgical Hospital. 30th Evacuation Hospital. 30th Portabel Surgical Hospital. 31st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) 3311 Fighter Control Squadron. &%I Malaria Surrey Unit. 35th Fighter Group (Single Engine). 35th Fighter Squadron (Twin Engine) 36th Malaria Control Unit. 36th Fighter Group (Single Engine). 38th Uombardment Group (Medium). 38th Medical Composke Unit (Nalarir

Control). 40th Counter Intelligence Corps Detach

ment. 40th Infantry Division. 42d Bombardment Group (Medium). 43d Bombardment Group (Heavy). 43d Coast Artillery Battalion (155-mm) 44th Tank Battalion. 49th Fighter Group (Twin Engine). 50th Coast Artillery Kegiment(l55-mm)

1Mobile). 2d Battalion. 60th Portable Surgical Hospital. 526 Malaria Control Gnit 62d Signal Dattalion, Detachment. Edtb Coast Artillery Surface Warnini

Battery. 54th Portable Surgical Hospital. 54th Troop Carrier Wing, Headquarter:

and Headquarters Squadron. 55th Malaria Control Unit. 55th Ordnance Ammunition CompanT. 56th Malaria Control Unit. 58th Evacuation Hospital. 68th Fighter Group (Single Engine). 69th Engineer Combat Company. 59th Malaria Control Unit. 59th SerTiee Group, Headquarters ant

Headquarters Squadron. 69th Station Hospital. 60th Signal Battalion Detachment,

Company A. 65th Malaria Control Unit 69th Engineer Topomphien1 Campans

(Corps), Survey Detachment. 71st Reconuaissance Group. 726 Bombardment Squadron (Heavy)

76th Antlalrcraft Artillery Gun Bat- talion (Semimoblle).

77th Xedical Composite Unit (Ma- laria Control).

82d Chemical Mortar Battalion. 85lh Chemleal Battalion (Motorized). 86th Malaria Control Unit. 87th Malaria Control Unlt. SOth Bombardment Group (Heavy). 91st Photographic Wing (Reconnais-

sance), Headquarters and Headquar- ters Squadron.

B3d Chemical Composite Company, D e tachment.

D3d Division Artillery, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery.

936 Infantry Division, Detachment, Headquarters.

93d Military Police Platoon, Detach- ment.

93d Signal Campany, Detachment 90th Signal Battalion, Company d 167th Statlon Hospital. 108th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad

(Separate). 112th Cavalry Regiment. 113th Ordnance (Medium) Mainte

nace Company. 1238 Quartermaster Bakerg Company. 136th Medical Regiment. 148th Field Artillery Battalion. 144th Antiaircraft Artillery Operations

Detachrnent. 146th SLntion Hospital, Hospital Ship

'l'a8malb 147th Field Artillery Battalion. 157th Station Hospital. 158th Finance Disbursin~ Section. - 1E8th Infantry Regiment. 159th Finance Disbursing Section. l6 l s t Signal Photographic Company,

10th Combat Assignment Unit. 162a Station Hospital. 164th Port Company. 163th Antiaircraft Artillery, Gun Bat-

lalion (Semimobile). 176th Signal Repair Company, D~ tach .

ment. 193.3 Quartermaster Battnlion. Head-

quarters and Headquartens Delach- ment and Medical Detachment.

196th Station Hospital. AGO 29618

M t h Army Postal Unit (Type F) . 1318th Engineer Battalion, Company 0. 207th Ordnance (Medium) Mainte 318th Medical Battalion, Company A.

nace Company. 1 318th Medical Battalion. Company 0.

237th -~nt ia i rc raf t Artillery Search- 35'24 ~uar te imas ter Bakery Company, light Battalion (Type C ) Battery. Detachment.

2Wth Quartermaster Gas Supply Com- pany. 2011th hntlalrcrait Artillery Auto- matic Weapons Battalion (Semi-mo- bile).

2 l l th Antlaireraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion (Semimobile).

218th Port Company. 221st Signal Radio Maintenance Unit

(Type C). 236th Antiaircraft Artillery Search-

light Battalion (Type A). 236th Quartermaster Salvage Collecting


320th Army Postal Unlt. 320th Fighter Control Squadron, De-

tachments A and B. 321st Service Group. Headquarters and

Headquarters Squadron. 323d Army Postal Unit. 324th Army Postal Unit 344th Air Service Squadron. 345th Bombardment Group (Medium). 347th Fighter Group. 347th Signal Company (Wing). 348th Fighter Group (Single Engine). 350th Engineers General Service Kegi-

ment. Companies C and F.

238th Antiaircraft Searchlight Battal- ion (Type C) Battery.

244th Port Company. 245th Port Company. 248th Port Com~anv.

360th Quartermaster Bakery Company, Detachment.

367th Quartermaster Service Cornpang: 369th Infantry Battalion. 370th Bombardment Sauadron (Heavy). - -

249th Port Company. 25lst Station Hospital 253d Ordnance Maintennnce Company,

Antlaireraft Detachment.

277th Port Compaiy. 398th Medical Collecting Company. 284th Coast Artillery Battery (156mm 1398th Signal Commny (Aviation).

371st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy). 372d Bombardment Squadron (Heavy). 374th Antiaircraft Artillery Search-

light Battalion (Type A). 260th Field Artillery Battalion. 263d Ordnance (bledium) Mainte-

nance Company. 261th Medical Battalion, Company C. 267th Ordnance (Medium) Mainte-

nance Company. Detachment. 276th Port Carnuany.

374th Troop Carrier Grouh Searchlight Battalion, Battery C.

375th Troop Carrier Group 380th Bombardment Group 388th Air Service Squadron. 3Q2d Air Service Squadron. ,Wth Bombardment Squadron (Heavy).

Gun). 286th Quartermaster Refrigeration

Company. Detachment. 287th Ordnance (Medium) Maint*

name Company. 288th Army Ground Forces Bund. rJ2d Army Ground Forces Band. 294th Port Company. 307th Bomhardment Group (Ueavy). 308th Bombardment Wing (Heavy),

Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron.

313th Port Company. 317th Troop Carrier Group. 318th Engineer Battalion, Company A.

399th Medical Collecting Company. 400th Medical Collecting Company. 4038 Engineer Depot Company. 403d Troop Carrier Group. 410th Medical Collecting Company. 410th Signal Commny (Aviation). 413th Signal Radio Maintenance Untt

(Tme D) . 418th Night Fighter Squadron. 419th Night Fighter Squadron. 421st Night Fighter Bqaadron (Sep

arate). 422d Nedical Composite Unit (Malaria

Survey). 424th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy).

AGO 2981B

4mth Signal (Heavy) Construction Battalion.

433d Troop Carrier Group. 447th Engineer Maintenance Company, 45% Engineer Degot Company. Detach-

ment. 455th Amphibian Truck Dompany. 460th Righter Squadron (Single En-

gine). 464th Engineer Depot Company. 466th Amphibian Truck Company. 400th Antiaircraft Artillery Automati(

Weapons Battalion ( Semimobiie). 466th Ordnance Ammunition Company 469th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion (Semimobile). 470th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatil

Weapons Battalion (Semimobiie). 471st Antiaircraft Artillery Automati(

Weapons Battalion (Semimobile). 475th Fighter Group (Twin Engine). 477th Engineer Maintenance Company

Detachment. 481st Port Company. 482d Quartermaster Relrigeration Com

pany, Detachment. 490th Quartermaster Battalion, Head

quarters and Headquarters Detach. ment.

49lst Quartermaster Depot Company 4926 Quartermaster Depot Supply Com

pany, Detachment. 4938 Quartermaster Depot Supply Com,

pany, Detachment. 529th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) 530th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) 533d Engineers Boat and Shore Regi

ment. 6436 Engineers Boat and Shore Regi

ment. 662d Engineer Boat Mrtintenance Bat

taiion, Detachment. 663d Engineer Boat Maintenance Bat,

talion, Companies B and C. Ksth Signal Aircraft Warning Bat

talion, Company A. 57% Engineer Dump Truck Company 580th Quartermaster Laundry Company

Detachment. 583d Signal aircraft Warning Battalion 584th Quartermaster Laundry Company

588th Quartermaster Laundry Company, Detachment.

588th Quartermaster Railhead Com- pany.

592d Engineers Boat and Shore Regi- ment

593d Engineers Boat and Shore Regi- ment. Companies B and Q.

593d Field Artillerg Battalion, 593d Joint Assault Signal Company. 594th Engineers Boat and Shu-e Regi-

ment. 595th Field Artillery Battalion. 596th Signal Aircraft Warning Bat-

talion, Company C, 600th Army Air Forces Band.

6(Mth Army Air Forces Band. Galst Quartermaster Grave Registra-

tion Company, Detaehment. 603d Medical Clearing Company. 604th Quartermaster Grave Registm-

tion Company, Detaehment. 611th Ordnance Ammunition Company. 617th Englneer Basc Equipment Com-

pany. 622d Ordnance Ammunition Company. 640th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Mlst Tank Destroyer Battalion. 658th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 670th Medical Clearing Company. 672d Amphibian Tractor Battaiion. 673d Antiaircraft Artillerv Machine

Gun Battery (Separate) (Airborne). 605th Quartermaster Truck Company. 712th Army Postal Unit. 718th Army Postal Unit (Type C) 725th Antiaircraft Artillery Search-

light Battery (Separate). 737th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat-

talion. 741st Antiaircraft Gun Battalion (Semi-

mobile), Uattery A. 742d Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat-

talion (Semimobiie). 742d Medical Sanitary Company. 756th Field Artillery Battalion. 782d Engineer Petroleum Distributing

Company. 80lst Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 801st Medical Air Evacuation Squadron. 804th Medical Air Evacuation Squadron.

AGO 296lB

898th Signal Depot Company, Detach- 1998th Quartermaster Truck Company. ment. (1998th Quartermaster Truck Company

620th Amphibian Truck Company, Transportation Corps.

821st Engineer Aviation Battallon. 826th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 832d Sign:rl Service Battalion. 17th

Radio Station Section. 832d Signal Service Battalion, 18th

Radio Station Sebion. 832d Signal Service Battalion, 19th

Radio Station Section. 832d Signal Service Battalion. 20th

Radio Station Section. 832d Signal Service Battalion, 21st

Radio Station Section. 836th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 841st Engineer Aviatlon Battalion. 842d Engineer Aviation Battaiion. 842d Signal Service ComPanY, Detach-

ment 8. 849th Signal Detachment (Provisional). 864th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 868th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy). 893d Medical Clearing Company. 894th Medical Clearing ComDanY.

1461st Englneer Maintenance Company, Detachment.

1517th Engineer Water Supply COm- P ~ Y .

1619th Engineer Water Snpply Oom- paw.

155lst-2 Y O~erat iug Snpply and Matn- t~nancc Company.

1748th Ordnance Supply and Mainten- ance Company (Aviation).

1749th Ordnance Supply and Mainten- ance Comgany (Aviation).

1837th Ordnance Supply and Mainten- ance Company (Aviation).

1838th Ordnance Supply and Mainten- ance Company (Aviation).

1879th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1906th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 1913th Engineer Aviation Battalion 1960th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 1984th Quartermaster Truck Company


912th Signal Depot Company (Avi- ation), Detachment.

912th Signal Supply Company ( h i - ation), Detachment.

925th Antiaircraft Artillem Automatic

(Aviation). 20Zlsi Quartermaster Truck Campany

(Aviation). 3007th Ordnance Base Depot Company. 3016th Eneineer Maintenance Comnanx

Weapons Battalion. 931st Engineers Aviation Regiment,

Headquarters and 8ervice Company. 933d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion (Semiuabile). HBOth Engin~wr Topograabic Company

(Aviation). MTth Artillery Gun B ~ ~ .

t a l i n n

-~~ ~u * - 3016th Engineer Maintenance Company. 3108th Service Detach.

and 2, 3118th Quartermaster SeniceCompany, 3466th Ordnance (Medium) Automotive

Maintenance Company. 352% Quartermaster Truck Company. 3526th Quartermaster Truck Company.


969th Quartermaster Service Company. 1002d Engineer Headquarters, Corn-

munications Zone Section. 1059th Quartermaster Company Service

Group (Aviation). 1079th Signal Company Service Group. 1W3d Signal Company Service Group. 1123d Quartermaster Company Service

Group. 1431st Engineer (Mobile) Srarchllght

Maintenance Section.

3808th Ordnance (Heavy) Maintenance ComPaW, Tank Detachment.

3607th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3818th Quartermaster Gasoline Supply

Company, Detaehnient. 3S73d Quartermaster Gasollne Supply

Company. 4072d Quartermaster Service Comwy. 4076th Quartermaster Servlce Company. 4189th Quartermaster SerTlce Company. 8204th Amphiblan Truck Company.

Bulk Petroleum, Detachment 5. I Service command (APO 293). Bulk Petroleum Detachmcnt 6. Trailing Dog Detachment.

5212th Photographic Wing Reconnais- sance (Provisional). Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron.

6294th Air Freight Foryarding Squad- ron (Provisionall.

XV.. WESTERN PACIFIC.-I. Announcement is made of units awarded battle

Detachment, A T I S Ordnance Eche- lon 2.

Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pany, Service Command (APO 198).

Headauarters and Headauarters Com-

participation credit nuder the provisions of paragraph 21b(2), AR mO-10, 25 October 1944, in the Western Pacific cnm~uign.

2d Provisional Air corps Sup& P~arge, 3d Troop Carrier ~ e r m i n i l Unit. Detachment (BCL-629). 4th Air Base Operutions Section.

(b Cmnbat z-.-That portion of the central Pacific Area lying west of longitude 150' east, lcss the main islands of Japan, the Bonin-Vnlcau, and the Ryukyn Island chains, and the immediately ndjxcent waters.

b. Time 1imitatim.-17 April 1W4 (Air) ; 16 June 1444 (Ground), to 2 Septem- ber 1945.

(1) 8 Januam 1945 i s t h e closing date for the area bounded as fallows: 0" latitude, 145' E., to 0' latitude, 130' E., thence to 18" N., 130' E., thence to 16' N., 138" E., thence to 10' N., 145" E., thence to start point.

(2) 18 February 1945 is the closing date for the area bounded as follows: 0' latitude, 15Q' E., to OD latitude, 145' E,, thence north and north- west along the easterly limit of area (1) to 140' E., thence nol'th to 22" N., 140' E., thence east to the east limit of the combat mne.

Nm-Battle participation credit for this campaign may be awarded by the theater commander to units or individuals who actually engaged the enemy in the combat zone after the closing dates have been established.

2. When entering individual credit on officers' qualification cards (WD AGO Forms W1 and 66-2) or in the service record of enlisted personnel (WD AGO Form 241, this general orders may be cited as authority for such entries for personnel who were present.for duty as a mcmher of or atinched to a unit listed at some time during the limiting dates of thc Western Pacific cam aim3 gE .jg.",? %S:


2d Provisional Signal Service Company, Maintenance Unit (Float- Detachment 10.


1st Air Base Operations Section. 1 s t Aircraft Rcpair Unit (Floating). 1st Battalion, 147th Infantry Regiment.

Detachment. 1st Bomber Squadron (Vcry Heavy). 1st Provisional Air Corps Supply Barge,

Detachment (BCIA27). 1st Provisional Engineer Constrnction

Group, Headquarters and Headquar- ters Company.

Zd Air Base Operations Section. Zd Aircraft Repair Unit (Floating). 2d Combat Cargo Gronu.

28 Signal Service Battalion, Detach- ment (APO 246).

2d Troop Carrier Terminal Enit. 3d Air Base Oprratianv Sqxulran. 3d Air Command Group. 3d Air Engineer Squadron. 3d Bombardment Group (Light). 38 Paciflc Ocean Area Transportation

Quartermaster Team. 36 Photographic Reconnaissance Ssuad-

ron. 3d Platoon, Companies A, B, and D, 5Gs

Signal Aircraft Warning Uattalion.

4th Aircraft Repair Unit (Floating). 4th Emergency Rescue Squadron (Ai:

Echelon). 4th Operational Analysts Sectio~

(Special). 4th Provlslonal Air Corps Supply

Barge Detachment (BC-1). 4th Reconnaissance Group. 4th Troop Carrier Terminal Unit 5th Army Air Forces Combat Camer;

Unit. 5th Bombardment Group (Heavy). 6th Bomber Squadron (Very HeaPy). 5th Emergency Rescue Group. 5th Provisional Air Corps Supply, Barg,

Detachment (BCIrB32). 5th Radar Calibration Detachment 5th Troop Carrier Terminal Unlt 5th Veterinary Detachment. 6th Aircraft Maintenance Unlt (Float

ing). 6th Bomber Group, Headquarters (Verl

Heavy). 6th Bomber Squadron, Headquarter! (Very Heavy).

6th Combat Camera Unit. 6th Night Fighter Squadron, Detach

ment of 2 fights. 6th Reconnaissance Group. 6th Troop Carrier Squadron. 7th Antiaircraft Artillery Automati,

Weapons Battalion. 7th Air Force Detachment of Historica

Omcers. 7th Air Force Detachment of Chaplains Seventh Air H'orce, Headquarters ant

Headquarters Squadron. 7th Air Forces Weather Station. VII Air Service Area Command, Head

quarters and Headquarters Squad Ton.

7th Army Air Forces Combat Camera Unit.

V11 Bomber Command, Headquarten and Headquarters Squadron.

7th Radio Security Section. 7th Weather Squadron, Detachments 54

55, 66, and 58. 8th Radio Squadron (Mobile) ( J ) . 8th Fighter Group (Twin Engine). 9th Army Air Forces Photographic In

telligence Detachment. AGO 29615

9th Bomber Group, Headquarters (Very Heavy).

9th Radar Calihratlon Detachment. 9th Statistical Unit (Oversea) (BeV-

propelled) (APO 244). Pth Statistical Unit (Oversea) (Self-

propelled) (APO 246). 10th Radar Calibraliou Detachment. l l t h Army Air Forces Combat Camera

Unit, Signal Detachment, Headquar- ters Ship (Type A).

l l t h Bomber Group, Headquarters (Very Heavy).

13th Air Sersice Qroup, Headquarters and Base Service Squadron.

13th Emergency Rescue Qmup. 14th Army Postal Unit. 15th Historical Unit. 15th Photographic Laboratory, Bom-

bardment Group (Very Heavy). 16th Photographic Laboratory, Bom-

bardment Group (Very Heavy). 17th Field Hospitnl. 17th Photographic Laboratory, Bom-

bardment Group (Very Heavy). 17th Radio Security Section (Very

Heavy). 17th Weather Squadron. 18th Army Postal Unlt. 18th Fighter Group (Twin Engine). 18th Historical Unit. 18th Medical General Laboratory, De-

tachment (APO 244). 18th Medlcal Supply Platoon (Avia-

tion). 18th Photographic Lahoratory, Bom-

bardment Group (Very Heavy). 18th Radio Security Section. 18th Signal Radar Maintenan- Unit

(Type A). 19th Bomber Group, Headquarters

(Very Heavy). 19th Fighter Squadron. 19th Photographic Laboratory, Bom-

bardment Group (Very Heavy). 20th Photographic Lahoratory, Bom-

bardment Group (Very Heavy). XXI Bomber Command, Headguarters

and Headquarters Squadron. 21at Photographic Laboratory, Bom-

bardmcnt Group (Very Heavy ). 21st Troop Carrier Squadron.

.. . - 24th ~ n f i n t r y Regiment. 39th Bomber Squadron. 24th Photogmnhic Laboratory. Bom- 139th General Hosuital.

226 Bombardment Group (Heavy). 22d Photographic Laboratory, Bom-

bardment Group (Very Heavy). 23d Qoarterrnaster Group. 236 Replacement Depot, Headquarters

and Headquarters Company. 24th Air Depot Group, Headquarters

and Headquarters Squadron. 24th Bomber Squadron (Very Heavy). 24th Corps Artillery, Headquarters and

Headquarters Battery. 24th Depot Repair Squadron. 24th Denat S u ~ n l v Sauadron.

bardment-~ioup (Very ~ e a - v y ) . 39th Mihtnry police Criminal Investi- 25th Air Derrot Groua Headauarters / ration'Section.

33d Statistical Control Unit (Oversea). 34th Engineer Combat Battdion. 35th F~ghter Group (Single Engine). 35th Photographic Technical Unit. 35th Field Hospital. 36th Postal Regulating Section. 38th Bombardment Group (Medium). 38th Bomber Squadron (Heavy). 38th Field Hospital. 38th Military Police Criminal Investi-

gation Section. 33th Bomber Group, Headquarters

(Ground Echelon).

and Headquarters Squadron. 39th Special Service Company (less 3 25th Depot Repair Sooadron. I detachments). 25th Depot Supply Squadron. 25th Photographic Laboratory, Bom-

bardment Group (Very Heavy). 26th Bomber Squadron (Heavy). 28th Photographic Laboratory Group. 27th Bomber Squadron. 27th Infantry Division Artillery, Head-

quarters and Headquarters Bnttery. 27th Infantry Division Baud. 27th Infantry Division, Headquarters

and IIeadquarters Company and Special Troops.

27th Infantry Division ( I IT Team). 27th Infantry Division, Military police

Plataon. 27th Photographic Laboratory Group. 27th Quartermaster Company. 27th Reeonnaissnnce Group (Medium). 27th Signal Company. 28th Bomber Squadron (Very Heavy). 28th Photographic Reconnaissance

Squadron, B F l i ~ h t . 28th Photographic Reconnaissance

Squadron, C Flight. 29th Bomher Group, Headqnarters

(Very Heavy). 30th Bomber Group, Headquarters

(Very Heavy). 30th Bomber Squtldl.on (Very Heavy), 31st Air Service Group, Headquarters

and Base Service Squadron. 31st Field Hospital. &I Coast Artillery Battalion.

39th Special Service Company, 4th Platoon.

39th Station Hospital. 40th Bombardment Group. 40th Bomber Squadron (Very Heavy). 418t PorLabie Surgical Hospital. 42d Bombardment Group (Medium). 42d Boulbardment Squadron (Very

Heavy). 43d Bombardment Squadron (Very

Heavy). 44th Coast Artillery Battalion. 45th Coast Artillery Battalion. 46th Ordnance Battalion, Headquar-

ters and Headquarters Detachment. 47th Engineer Construction Battalion. 48th Bomber Squadron (Medium). 48th Coast Artillery Battalion. 49th Fighter Group (Twin Engine). 49th Signal (Heavy) Construction Bat-

talion, Company A. 51st Transportation Corps Harbor

Craft Crew. 52d Air Engineer Squadron. 52d Bomber Squadron (Very Heavy). 526 Engineer Combat Battalion. rAth Air Forces Weather Squadron. 54th Medical Supply Platoon (Avia-

tion). 54th Portable Surgical Hospital. 55th Air Depot Group, Headquarters

and Headquarters Squadron. 55th Air Forces Weather Squadron.

AGO 2981B

56th Depot Repeir Squadron. 81st Quartermaster Depot Company. 56th Depot Supply Squadron. 81st Reconnaissance Troop.

55th Reconnxissanco Squadron, Weather, Flight C.

58th Air Depot Group. Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron.

5Gtb Air Engineer Squadron. 56th Air Forces Weather Station.

77th Signal Company. 81st Infantry Division Band. 81st Infantry Divislon, Headquarters. 81st Infantry Division (IIT Team). 81st Medicol Supply Platoon (Ada-


Headquarters and ~eadquarters-Bat- 86th Combat Maming Squadron. tery. 186th D e ~ o t Suwly Squadron.

57th Air Service ~ r & , Headquarters and Base Service Squadron.

58th Air Farces Weather Station. 58th Fighter Group. 59th Antiaircraft Artillery Brimde.

81st Signal Company. 82d Quartermaster Depot Company. 86th Antiaircraft Artillery Group,

Headquarters and Headquarter8 Bat- tery.

ROth Bomber Squadron. (0th Quartermaster Depot Coulpauy. 61st Uombardment Squadron (Ground

Echelon). 62d Bombardmcnt Squadron (Ground

Echelon). 61th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat-

talion. 69th Fighter Squadron. 71st Reeonalssance Group. 73d Bombardment Wing, Headquarters

and neadquarters Squadron (Vcry Heavy).

73d Fighter Squadron. 74th Replamment Battalion. 75th Replacement Battalion. 70th Quartermaster Bakery Company. 77th Air Service Group, Headquarters

and Base Service Squadron. 77th Army Ground Forces Baud. 77th Infantry Division Band. 77th Infantry Division, Headquarters. 77th Infantry Division, Hcadqunrtera

Company. 77th Infantry Division, Artillery, 1Iead-

quarters and Headquarters Battery. 77th Infantry Division, Counter Intel-

ligence Detaciiment. 77th Infantry Division. Headquarters

Special Troops. 77th Infantry Division ( I IT Team). 77th Infantry Division, Military Police

Pintoon. 77th Nedicai Supply Platoon (Avfa-

tlon). 77th Quartermaster Company. 77th Kecouuaissance Troop (Medium).

AGO 29610

- - ~ -

88th chemical Mortar Uattaliou, Oom- panies A and D.

89th Air Service Group, Beadquarters Base Service Squadron.

90th Air Service Group, Headquarters Base Service Squadron.

90th Bombardment Group (Heavy). Blst Air Service Group, Headquarters

and Ume Service Squadron. %st Chemical Murtnr Company, De

tachrnent (Bloating). 920 Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 93d Bomber Sqoadron (Very Heavy). 94th Ordnanee Homb Disposal Squad. 95th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 95th Portable Surgical Hospital. 96th Ordnance Bomb Dhposal Squad. OGth Portable Surgical Hospital. 07th Ordnance Bomb Dispusal Squad. 97th Portable Surgical Hospital. 98th Bombardment Squadron (Very

Heavy). 98th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 98th Portable Surgical Hospital. mtll Bomhardment Squadron (Very

Heam). lWth Machine Records Unit (1%). lOlst Signal Battalion, Detachment A. lOlst Signal Battalion, Company 0. 102d Engineer Combat Battalion. 102d Infantry Kegiment. Detachment

(Radio and Wire Team). 102d Medical Battallon. 102d Signal Radar Maintenance Unlt

(Type Dl. 103~1 Ordr~ance (Medium) Dlaintenance


106th Infantry Regiment. quarters and Headquarters Detach- 106th Ordnance (Medium) Maintenance ment(attached Medical Detachment).

104th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 213th Quartermaster Bakery Company 105th Field Artillery Battalion. 105th In f an tq Regiment. 105th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 103th Wield hrtillerv Battalion.

14tjth Armg .ilrawgs <".,rnul!t~li~.>~ion* "-10th Ordnance .4mmunltion Company. System Souadroo, DC~lncl.mmta 32. I ?ell Enkdnwr Cnmhat Wttlillion.

(less Detachment). 217th Malaria Survey Unlt. 225th Field Artillery Battalion. 226th Quartermasters Battalion. Head-

Company. 111th Infantry Regiment. 115th Malaria Control Unit. 116th Medical Service Company (Com-

pany C). 129th Quartermaster Bakery Company. 130th Signal Radio Intelligence Com-

pany. 1326 Engineer Combat Battalion. 133d Ordnance (Medium) Maintenance

Company. 136th Radio Security Section 7. 146th Field Artillery Battalion.

227th Quartermaster Battalion, Head- quarters and Headquarters Detach- mcnt (attached Medical Detachment).

230th Antiaircraft Artillery Searchlight Battalion.

233d Army Postal Unit. 233d Engineer Combat Battalion 234th Army Postal Unit. 237th Army Postal Unit. 239th Army Postal Unit. 239th Medical Dispensary (Aviation). 239th Quartermaster Salvage Collecting


3-i. and 75.- 147th Armg Wrways Communicatiou

System Squadron. 147th Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion

(Detachment). 148th General Hospital. 148th Quartermaster Truck Company. 149th Quartermaster Depot Company. 149th Quartermaster Truck Comparry. 150th Quartermaster Truck Company. 151st Quartermaster Bakery Company

(less Detachment) (4th Platoon). 152d Engineer Combat Bnttalion. 154th Engineer 'Ombat

155th Engineer Combat Battalion. 105th Infantry Regiment. 166th Transportation Corps Boat Crew. 170th Station Hospital. 177th Coast Artillery Battalion.

244th Army Postal Unit. 245th Ordnance Service Plataou 246th Provisional Ordnance Service

Composite Platoon. 247th Qunrtermastei- Depot Campany,

3d Platoon. 249th Field Artillery Battalion. 254th Signal (Heavy) Construction

Company. 2Rlst Chemical Commsite Section. 264th Army Postal Unit. 2115th Armg postal unlt. 273d Quartermaster Rakery Company. 280th Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment. 281st Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment, 282d Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

178th Coast Artillery Battallon, 180th Coast Artillery Battalion. 192nd Quartermaster Gaa Supply Com-

paw. l B t h Port Company. l99th Ordnance Depot Company. 204th General Hosoital.

ment. 283d Ordnance Maintenance Company

(Antiaircraft Artillery). 283d Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment. 289th Station Hospital. 290th Port Company. -~ -

206th Ant ia i rc raf t '~ r t i1 le~ Automatic Weapons Battalion.

208th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit (TYW C).

292d Joint Assault Signal Company. 294th Antiaircraft Artillery Search-

light Battalion, 26 Platoon, Battery C. 295th Jolnt Assault Signal Company.

AGO 2961R

GO 12 82

458th Bombardment Squadron (Qround Echelon). Echelon). 510th Port Battalion.

459th Aviation Sauadron. 531st Field -4rtillery Battalion.

405th Ordnance (Medium) Maintenance Company.

407th Signal Service Company (Avla- tion).

410th Quartermaster Depot Company ( SllPPlY) .

418th Night Fighter Squadron (Sepa- rate).

419th Field Artillery G r o u ~ Headquar- ters and Headquarters Battery.

420th Fieid Artillery Group, Headquar- ters and Headquarters Battery.

421st Bombardment Squadron (Very Heavy).

421st Xlght Fighter Squadron. 4238 Quartermaster Platoon, Air Depot

Group. 424th Quartermaster Platoon, Air De-

pot Group. 425th Bombardment Squadron

(Heavy). 428th Ordnance Tire Repair Company. 431st Bomber Squadron (Heavy). 4326 Engineer Dump Truck Company. 433d Troop Carrier Group. 435th ~ ~ i ~ f i o n squadron (very

Heavy). 438th Port Company. 440th Port Company. 443d Signal (IIeavy) Construction at.

talion (Aviation). 444th Bombnrdrnerrt Group. 448th Quartermaster Piatoon, ~ i r ~ e .

pot Group. 452d Engineer Depot Company, 3d pkt.

toon, 722d Engineer Depot Company, 454th Amphibian Truck Company. 4Xth Amphibian Truck Company. 457th Aviation Squadron. 457th Bombardment Squadron (Ground


462d Quartermaster Laundry Com- pany.

466th Air Engineer Squadron. 46fith Service Squadron. 465th Bombardment Group. 474th Amphibian Truck Company. 475th Fighter Group (Twin Engine). 476th Eugineer Maintenance Company. 477th Amphibian Truck Company. 481st Amphibian Truck Company. 482rl Bombardment Squadron (Very

Heavy). 4836 Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic

W e a ~ m s Battalion. 483d Bomber Squadron (Very Heavy). 484th Bomber Squadron (Very Heavy). 489th Air Engineer Squadron. 494th Bumbardment Group (Heavy),

Headquarters. 494th Engineer (Heavy) Shop Com-

tlany. 497th Dombardmcnt Group, Headquar-

ters (Very Henry). 498th Bombardment Groun Headquar-

ters (Very Heavy). 499th hornbardmcnt Group, Hendquar-

ters (Very Heavy). 500th Bombardment Group, Headquar-

ters (Very I-leary). 501st Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bnt-

talion. 5Olst Air Mathriel Squadron. 8026 Air Engineer Squadron (less De-

tachment). 504th Bombardment Group, Headquar-

ters (Very Heavy). 505th Bombardment Group, Headquar-

ters (Very Heavy). 5E th Medical Battalion. 507th Air Mab5riel Squadron. 508th Air Engineer Squadron (less Air

- ~ ~

459th Bombardment Squadron (Ground Echelon).

460th Quartermaster Laundry Com- pany.

460th Signal (Heavy) Comtruction Battalion (less Company B).

46% Aviation Squadron. 462d Xombardmeut Group.

532d Field Artillery Battalion. 534th Air Engineer Squadron. 534th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 535th Air Engineer Squadron. 536th Quartermaster Salvage Repair

Campnny. 537th Quartermaster Salvage Repnir

Compauy. AGO 2961B

539th Air riel ~quadron. 655th Bombardment Squadron(Heary), 670th Air Engineer Suuadron. Weather Heconnaissance, Flight A.

638th Port Company. 539th Port Company. 539th Slgnal (Heavy) Construction

Company. 544th Quartermaster Depot Compnriy. With Night Tighter Squadron. 548th N i g h t F i g h t e r Squadron (1

flight). 5 S t h Army Air Forces Band. 56ith Air Materiel Squadron. 568th Air Enaiueer Souadron.

717th Nedical Sanitary Company, 1st Pintoon.

724th Military Police Battalion, Com- pany B.

726th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. -<, (-6th . Medical Detachment, 1st Auto

Mechanic Team (Type I ). 726th Medical Detachment, 2d Auto

Mechsnic Team (Type 1 ). 627th Qrrartermaster Battalion. 636th Engineer Camouflage Company.

p a w , 4th PPatoon. 718th Medical Sanitary Company. 690th Port Com~any. 717th Medical Sanitary Company, 1st

672d Air Matfriel squadron. 573d Air Mathriel Squadron. 574th Air Materiel Squadron. 575th Air Magriel Squadron. 576th Air Materiel Squadron. 579th Air Matkriel Squadron. 689th Quartermaster Lnundrv Com-

59lst Port ~ a m i a n i . 6P2d Joint Assault Signal Company. 599th Signal Air Warning Battalion

(less Company C ) . 604th Quartermaster Grave Registra-

tion Company. 26 Platoon. 804th Quartermaster Grave Registra-

tion Company, 3d Plutoon. 610th Air Matfriel Sqnadron. 012th Air Engineer Squadron. 612th Service Squadron. 613Lh Air Engineer Squadron. 013th Air 3lot6riel Squadron. 013th Service Squadron. 619th Air Materiel Squadron. 820th Air Jf:~t6riel Squadron. 620th Quartermaster Depot Cumyaily. M2d Air Xateriei Squadron. 627th Quartermaster Battalion.

680th Sigrlal Air Warning Company. a 4 t h Qu,~rtwmaster Battalion. 696th Signal Air Warning Company. 706th Tank Battalion. 708th Amphibian Tank Battalion. 710th Tank Hnttniion. 715th Amnhibian Tractor Battalion.

Platoon. 724th Military Pollee Ratlalion, Com-

pany B. 720th Amghibiao Tractor Battalion. 726th ~ & n l Detachment, 1st Auto

Nechanic Tcarn (Type 1) . 726th Medical Detachment, 2d Auto

hlechnnic Team (Type 2). 726th Medical Detachment 1st Motor

Ambuiance Section (Tyne 3). 726th Medical Detachment, 2d Motor

Ambulance Section. 726th Medical Delachment. 1st Supply

Team (Type 4) (AI'O 244). 720th Medical Detachment, 3d Medical

Ambulance Detachment. 726th Signal Air Warniog Company. 727th Ordnance (Light) Maintenance

Company. 636th Sngineer Camouflage Cornpan). GSSthBomhardment Squadron (Heavy).

Weather Reconnaissaoce, Flight A. 680th Signlti Air Warning Company. 694th Quartermaster Battalion. 696th Signal Air Warning Company. 706th Tank Uattaiioa. 708th Amphibian Tank Battalion. 710th Tank Battalion. 715th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 715th Medical Sanitary Company.

AGO 2961B

talion. 741st Engineer Base Equipment Com-

pany. 713d Medical Sanitary Cornpan?. 745th Military Police Battalion, Com-

panies U, C, and D. 7 4 W Signal .4ir Warniog Company. 75lst Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat-


7626 Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat. talion.

752d Chemical Depot Company (Avi- ation).

762d Tad= Battalion (less Company A and detachments), Headquarters and Headquarters and Service Company.

763d Signal Air Warning Company. 766th Tnnk Battalion, Company D. 771st Antiaircraft Artillers Gun Uat-

talion. 773d h u h i h i a n Tractor Battalion 776th Amphibian Tank Battalion, Com.

vany D. 7 7 i7ith (Light) klaintenance Company. 781st Ordnance (Lixht) Maintenance

Comy~ny. 801st Xetiical Air Evacuation Sqnad-

ron. 8Md Chemical Company (Air Opera.

tions). 804th Engiueer Aviation Battalion. 804th Xedical Air Evacuation Squad-

ron. 805th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 800th Engineer Aviation Battalion. SUth Military Police Compauy. 813th Chemical Company (Air Opera-

tions). BlSth Bomber Squadron (Very Heavy). 819th T ~ I & Deslroyer Battalion. 820th Medicnl Air Evacuation Squad-

ron. 848th Quartermaster Gas Supply Com-

pany. 854th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 864th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 864th Bombardment Souadrom (Very

Hcavy). 865th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 883th Uombcr Squadron (Very Heavy), 80Gth Bomber Squadron (Very Heavy), 867th Antiaircraft Artillery Autom-

tic Weapons Battalion, Batteries B and C.

867th Bombardment Squadron (Ven Heawl.

868th Antiaircraft drlillery Automati< Weapons Bnltalioa

868th Bombardment SquaBmn (Heaw) .

869th Bombardment Squadron (Very Heavy).

R7Oth Bombardment Squadron (Very Heavy).

870th Chemical Company (Air Opera- tions).

571st Bombardment Squadron (Very Heavy).

87Sd Bombardment Squadron (Very Heavy 1 .

874th Bombardment Squadron (Very Heavy)

8751 h Bombardment Squadron (Very Henry).

817th Bombaxdment Squadron (Very Heavy).

878th Bombardment Squadron (Very Heavy).

870th Bombardment Squadron (Very Heavy).

88lst Bombardment Squadron (Very Heavy).

882d Bombardment Squadron (Very Heavy).

183d Bombardment Squadron (Very I I e a v ~ ) .

887th Chemical Company (Air Opera- ttons).

887th Slgnal Depot Company (Avia- tion).

390th Engineer Avintiou Battalion. 891st Chemical Company (Air Opera-

tions). $Sbt Engineer Aviation Battalion. 90lst signal Depot Oowany (Avia-

tion). 90W Field Artillery Battalion. gC6th Field Artillery Battalion. @22d Sifnlll Dewt Company (Avia- -

tion). 933d Engineers Aviation Regiment,

Headquarters and Headquarters Service Company.

949th Engineer Aviation Topographic Company.

Jmth Engineer Maintenance Company, 2d Platoon.

98lst Qunrtermaster Service Company. 982d Quartermaster Service Company.

984th Medical Supply Detachment. 1039th Signal Company Service Group

(Aviation). 1045th Signal Company Service Group

(Aviation). 1076th Engineer Dredge Crew. ll65th Engineer Combat Group, D e ~

tachment, Headquarters and Head- quarters Company.

1176th Engineer Construction Group. Headquarters and Hendquxrters Company.

U43a Military Police Company (Avia- tion).

1251st Quartermaster Company, Serv ice Group (Aviation).

1252d Quartermaster Company, Serv- ice Group (Aviation).

132% Engineer Regiment (General Service).

1B?d Engineers Regiment (General Service) (less Detachment, Head- quarters and Service Company, 1st Bnttalion, and 1st Battalion Medical Seetion.

1341st Engineer Combat Battalion. 1356th Erieineer Dumo Truck Comvany - . ~

1370th Military Police Company (Avia- tion).

1384th Military Police Company (Avia- tion).

1386th Engineer Base Depot Company, 3d Platoon.

l397th Engineer Construction Bat. talion.

1398th Engineer Construction Bat. talion.

1383th Engineer Construction Bat. talion, Detachment, Compauy C.

1421st Ordnance Supply and Mainte nance Company (A~~ia t ion) .

1422d Ordnance Supply and Maiute nance Company (Aviation).

1423d Ordnance Supply nnd Mainte- nance Company (Avintion).

1424th Ordnance Supply and Mainte- nance Company (Aviation).

1447th Signal Wing Detachment. l m l s t Engineer Construction Group. 1636th Engineer Depot Company. 1537th Army A~I Forces Base Unit. 166lst Army Air Forces Base U n k

AQO 29818

1800th Quartermaster Car Company. 1769th Engineer Parts Supply Platoon. 1878th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1884th Engineer Aviation Battaiion. 1886th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1858th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1887th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1889th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1894th Engincer Avlation Battalion. 1895th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1899tb Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1918th Engineer Aviation Company. 1018th Engineer Aviation Colnyany. l933rl Ordnance Ammunition Comnarly

(.ktiation). 1039th Ordnance Ammunition Compny

(Aviation). 1943d Engineer Aviation Utllitfes De-

tachment. 1956th Oranance Depot Campany

(Aviation). 2016th Ordnance Maintenance Com-

pany (Army Air Forces). 2061st Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 2120th Quartermaster P u c k Conlpnny

(Aviation). 2272d Quartermaster Truck Cumpany

(Aviation). 2275th Quartermaster Truck ComIrnny

(.4viation). 2276th Quatermaster Truck C o m ~ a n y

(Aviation). L461st Quartermaster Trucb: Company

(A1,iation). 2751st Engineer (Heavy) shop Com-

pany. 2803d Engineer Battalion (General

Service). 2804th Engineer Battalion (General

Service j. ~ 8 0 5 t h Engineer Battalion (General

Service). 28Mth Engineer Battalion (General

Service). 3116th Signal Service Battalion, Pro-

visional Army Airways Communica- tions System Control Toner and VerS ~ i g h Frequency Link Team.

3178th Signal Service Battaiion, R'ddio Construction Toam 6.

S116th Signal Service Battalion (twc photographle msignmenl units).

3117th Signal Serrice Battalion, D e tachments 2 and 11.

3117th Signal Service Rattalion, D e tachment 11, Provisional Wire Oou. struetion.

3117th Sigllai Service Battalion, D e tachment (AF'O 244).

3117th Signal Service Battalion, Dc- tachment (APO 246).

3117th Signal Service Battalion, D e tachmcnt (APO 247).

3117th Signal Seruice Battalion, Pro- visional Detachment 2.

3117th Signal Senlce Battalion (Pro. visional) Company 11.

3117th Signal Service Battalion (Pro. visional) Company E.

3117th Signal Service Battalion (Pro. visional) Telcphone-Tclctype Team.

3117th Signal Service Battalion, Kadic Construction Detachment 75.

3117th Signal Service Battalion, Sub. marine Cable Tcam 1.

3117th Signal Service Battalion, Sub. marine Cable Team 2.

3117th Signal Serrice Battalion ( P r o visional) photographic Assignmenl Unit 10.

3241st Ordnance Depot Company. 3259th Quartermaster Servict? Com.

gany, 2d Platoon. 3291st Quartermaster Service Company 3605th Ordnance (Heavy) Automotivt

Maintenance Company. 3607th Ordnance (Heavy) Automotivt

Maintenance Company. 3697th Quartermaster Truck Company 3732d Signal Service Detachment. 3733d Signal Service Detachment 3734th Slgnai Service Dztachrnent. 3735th Signal Service Detachment. 3736th Signal Service Detachment. 3737th Signal Service Detachment. 3739th Signal Service Detachment. 3742d Signal Service Detnchment 37436 Signal Service Detachment. 3746th Signal Service Detachment. 3747th Signal Service Detachment 3748th Sibmal Service Detachment. 9749th Signal Service Detachment

3750th Signal Service Detachment 3751st Signal Senlce Detnchment 37R2d Signal Service Detachment. 3753d Signal Service Detachment 3755th Sienal Service Detachment - 3756th Signal Service Detachment 3757th Signal Service Detachment 3758th Signal Service Detnchment. 3759th Sienal Service Detachment. 3761st signal Serrice Detachment 376Zd Signal Service Detaehmeot. 3849th Signal Service Detachment. 38526 Simnl Service Detachment. 3889th signal Service Detachment. 3890th Signal Serrice Detachment. 3891st Signal Service Detachment. 4013th Qnarterrnaster Truck Company. 4209th Quartermaster Service Company. 4210th Quartermaster Service Company. Air Depot (APO 246). Army Air Forces Fighter Control, De-

tachments C, D, and E. Army Air Forces, Pacitic Ocean Area

Weather Control. Army Air Forces, Pacific Ocean Area,

Hendquarters and Headquarters Squadron.

Army Communications Service Detaeh- meot, SW Sector (APO 264).

Army Detachment, Commander in Chlef, Pacific Ocean Area (APO 244).

Army Garrison Force, ,Headquarters and Headquarters Company (APO 244).

Army Garrison Force, Headquarters and Headquarters Company ( A W 246).

Army Garrison Force, Headquarters and Headquarters Company (APO 247).

Army Garrison Force, Headquartern and Headquarters Company (APO 2G4).

Base Censorship Detachment (APO 247).

Counter Intelligence Corpa Detachment CAPO 247).

I IT Team, Hendquarters Company, Pacific Ocean Area (less detach- ments).

Joint Communicntion Signal Detach- ment

AQO 28-

Provisional Air Defense Command, Headquarters and Headquarters De- tachments.

Provisional Ammunition Cell (BR) . Provisional Army Postal Unit. Prorisional Aviation Engineer Group,

Headquarters and Headquarters Compauy.

Provisional Gas Generator Detachment.

Provisional Radio Construclion Team, Army Communications System

Provisional Radio Construction Team (Radio Link Repeater Terminal) (APO 246 ).

pr,isionai western Carolines Garri- son Air Force,

Radio Construction Detachment 4 (APO .

Provisional Grave Registration Com- p a w .

provisional G~~~~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ t ~ ~ t l ~ ~ corn. pany, 1st Platoon (less detachments) (APO 264).

Provisional Joint Communication Cen- ter Construction Team (APO 244).


Ship Signal Detachment, U S Fremonl. Strategic Air Force. Headquarters- T m ~ l a t o r - I n t e w = e t e = Team *. Head-

quarters, Central Pacitlr Area. Troop Port C o m ~ a n d (APO 2441. Veterinary Detachment JJ (FI) .

23d Replacement Dmot, Detachment ..-.....--.--.---.--- 28 June to 31 July 45. 59th Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade, Headquarters and

Headquarters Baitel7 ............................ 25 June to 1 Aug. 45. 69th Antiaircraft Artillery Group, Headquarters and Heod-

quartem R~lt t r rg ...................................... 28 June to 1 Bug. 45. 2OOth Antiaircraft Artillcry Automatic Weapons Battalion

(Icss Batteries C and D ) --___..__-._-.......----.-..- 25 June to 1 Aug. 45. 230th Antiaircraft Artillery Searchlight Battalion, B a t

t r y B ......................... 28 June to 1 Aug. 45. 134th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion 13 to 16 July 45. 738th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion .-_.-._-..----. 25 June to 1 Aug. 45. 865th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battnlion -._.....--.--..- 25 June to 1 Aug. 45.

XVILSOUTHERN P1fILIPPINES.-1. Announecment is made of units awarded battle participation crcdit under the ~rovisious of paragraph 210(2), AR 2&10, 25 October 1944, in the Southern Philippines campaign.

a. Comaat zvne.-The Philippine Islands, exclusive of Luzon, lying south of latitude 13'35' north, and the adjacent waters.

b. Pime lirnitation,l7 October ItN4 to 1 July 1945, except for the island of Miodanao. Final date for the island of Dlindanao, 4 July 1945.

Nm.-Battle participation credit for this campaign may be awarded by the theater commarlder to units or individuals who actually engaged the enemy after the dosing dates, 1 July 1945 and 4 July 1945, respectively.

2. When entering individual credit on uflcers' qualification cards (WD AGO Forms W%l and 6 5 2 ) or in the service record of enlisted personnel (WD AGO Form 24), thls general orders may be cited a s authority far such entries for personnel who were present for duty a s a member of or attached to a unit listed a t some time during the limiting dates of the Southern Philippines campaign.


1st Air Combat Control Squadron (Am- phibloua).

1st Aircraft Maintenance Unit (Float- ing).

1st Cavalry Division. 1st Cavalry Dirislon Artillery. 1st Convalescent Hospital.

1st Field Artillery Sound Ranging Platoon.

1st Field Hospital. 1st Fighter Control Squadron. I Fighter Wing (Special), Headquarters

and Headquarters Detachment. 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment.

AGO 2981B

36 Engine Overhaul Squadron. 5th Tactical Air ~ommanie&ons Squad- 3d Ficld Hospital. I ron.

1st Portable Surgical Hospital. 1st Radio Squadron Mobile (.Japnnese). 2d Airdrome Squadron. 2d Army Air Forces Photographic In-

telligencc Detachment. 2d Combat Cargo Group 2d Engineer Special Rrigade. 2d Engine Overhaul Squadron. 26 Field Hospital. 26 Operations Analysis St?ction. 26 Portable Surgical Hospital. 2d Reconnaissance Squadron, L o w

Range Photo. 2d Replacement Battalion, Headquar-

ters and Headquarters Delaehment. 3d Air Commands Group, Headqurlrters. 3d Alrcraft Repair Unlt (Floating). 3d Airdrome Squadron. 3d Bombardment G r o u ~ (Light).

3d Fighter Squadron (Commando). 6th -4ircraft Repair Unit (Floating). 36 Ooerations Analysis Section. 6th Air Service Group. Headauarters

5th Aircraft Maintenance Unit (Float- ing).

5th Aircraft Repalr Unit (Floating). Fifth Alr Force, Headquarters and

Headquarters Squadron. V Air Borce Service Command, Head-

quarters and Headquarters Squadron. 5th Army Air Forces Combat Camera

U n i t 6th Army Air Forces Depot Unlt, Army. 5th Bombardment Group (Heavy). V Bomber Command, Headquarters and

Headquarters Squadron. 5th Emergency Rescue Squadron. V Fighter Command, Headquarters and

Headquarters Squadron. V Fighter Command, Signal Headquar-

ters Company, Air Warning Service. 5th nfalaria Survey Detachment.

4th Depot Repair Squadron. 6th Malaria Survey Detachment. 4th Depot Supply Squadron. 6th Military Police Battalion (Phi l ip

3d festal Itegdatlons Section 3 d Signal Radar Maintenance Calihra-

tion Detachment. 3d Veterinary Detachment (Avlation). 4th Air Depot Group, Headquarters and

Headquarters Squadron. 4th Base Post Office. 4th Depot Overhaul Squadron, Detach-

ment 2.

4th Field Artillery Sound Ranging pine Scouts). Haloon. 6th Photographic Reconnaissance Group,

4 th Fiehter Sauadron (Commando). Headwarters.

and Headquarters Squadron. 6th Army Air Forces Combat Camera

Unit. Sixth Army, Headquarters end Head-

quarters Company. Sixth Army, Headquarters, Special

Troops. 6th Combat Cargo Squadron, 6th Malaria Control Detachment

- 4th Malaria Control Delachment. 6th ~ a ~ g e r Infantry Battalion. 4th Malaria Survey Detachment. 6th Troop Carrier Squadron. 4Lh Ordnance at tali on, Headquarters

and Headquarters Detachment with Medical Detachment.

4th Photographic Reconnaissance Group.

4th Portable Surgical Hospital. 4th Reconnaissance Squadron, Long

Range. Photographic. 4th Replacement Depot, Headquarters

and Headquarters Companj-. 4th Replacement Depot, 1st Detachment.

7th Antiaircraft ~ & l a r y Automatic Weapons Dattaliou.

7th Counter Intelligence Corps Detach- ment.

7th Infantry Division. 7th Infantry Division Artillery. 7th Malaria Control Unit. 7th Portable Surgical Hospital. 7th Radio Squadron (Mobile). 7th Tactical Air Cornmuhications Squad-

ron. A00 2961B

Eighth Army, Area Command, Head- quarters and Headquarters Company.

Eighth Army, Headquarters and Head- quarters company.

Eighth brmy, Headquarters, Spccial Troops.

8th Army Resupply Squadron (Pro- visional).

8th Combat Cargo Squadron. 8th Engineer Squadron. 8th Fighter Control Squadron. 8th Fighter's Group (Twin Engine). 8th Iuformation and Historical Service. 8th Malaria Control Detachment. 8th Pliotogmphic Reconnaissance Squad-

ron. 8th Photograph Technicnl Unit 8th Portable Surgical Hospital. 8th Signal Detachment, Headquarters

Ship (Type A). 8th Signal Kndar Maintenance Calibra-

tion Detachment. 8th Special Service Company. 9th V-Xail Detaehment. 10th Aircraft Maintcuance Uoit (Float-

ing). 10th Aircraft Repair Unit (Floating). 10th Air Service Squadron. 10th Antiaircraft Artilleq Group,

Headquarters and Headquarters Bat- tery.

X Carus Artillery, Headquarters and Headsuartcrs Battery.

X Corps, Headquarters and Headquar- ters Company.

X Corps, M~litary Police Platoon. 10th Historical Unit. 10th Portable Surgical Hospital. 10th R a d u Calibration Detachment l l t h Airborne Division. l l t h Airborne Division, Artillery. l l t h Air Cargo Resupply Squadron. l l t h hircraft Maintenance Unit (Float-

ing). l l t h Aircraft Repair Unit (I'loatirig). l l t h Airdromc Squadron, 11th Air Service Squadron, detachment. XI Corps, Artillery. Headquarters and

Headquarters Battery. XI Corps, Headquarters and Headquar-

ters Company.

11th Counter Intelligence Corps, De. tachment.

11th Field Artillery Battalion (152-mu1 Howitzer).

11th Historical Unft. Uth Malaria Control Detachment. 12th Aireraft Maintenance Unit (Float-

ing). 12th Airdrome Squadron. L2th Army Air Forces, Photographic

Intelligence Detachment. 12th Depot Repair Squadron. 12th Historical Unit 12th Portable Surgical Hospital. 12th Special Service Company. 13th Air Cargo Resupply Squadron. 13th Aircraft Maintenance Unit (Float-

ing). XIIS Air Force Service Command,

Headquarters and Base Service Squadron.

KIU Alr Force Service Command, Headauarters and Headauarters Squadron.

Phirteenlh Air Force. Headauarters and Headquarters Squadron.

13th Antiaircraft Artillery Group, Headquarters and Headquarters Bat- tery.

Lath Emergency Rescue Group. 13th Field Artillery Battalion (105-mm

Howitzer). XIIS Fighter Command, Headquarters

and Headquarters Squadron. XI11 Fighter Command, Signal Hcad-

quarters Company, Air Warning Service.

Lath Historical Unit. 13th Malaria Control Detachment. i3th Medical General Dispensary. 13th Portable Surgical Hos~ital . 13th Station ~osp f t a l . - 14th hircraft Maintenance Unit (Float-

ing). 14th Antlalrcraft Command, Liaison

Detachment, General Headquartcrs, Southwest PaciUc Area.

14th Emergency Rescue Squadron. 14th Malaria Control Detachment. 14th Portable Surgical Hospital. 14th Quartermaster Car Platoon.

. . 17th Radio squadron (B) . - 28th Quartermaster Car Platoon. 17th V-Nail Detnchment. 28th Rwlaeement Depot. Headquarters

14th Replacement Battalion, Headquar- t e n and Headquarters Detachment.

15th Aircraft Maintenance Unit (Float- ing).

15th Air Depot Gronp. Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron.

15th Airdrome Squadron. 15th Antiaircraft Artillery Group,

Headquarters and Headqunrters Bat- ter y.

15th Depot Repair Squadron. 15th Depot Supply Squadron. 15th Malaria Control Detachment. 15th Quartermaster Car Platoon. 15th Replacement Battalion, Headqoar-

ters and Headquarters Detachment. 16th Portable Surgical Hospital. 16th Signal Operations Battalion, 17th Field Hgspital. 17th Photographic Reconnaissance

Squadron. 17th Portable Surgical Hosnital.

18th Righter Gronp (Twin Engine). 18th Portable Surgical Hospital. 39th Infantry Regiment. 1Bth Portable Surgical Hospital. 20th Air Service Gronp, Headquarter!

and Headquarters Squadron. 20th Armored Group, Headquarters ant

Headquarters Corn~nay. 20th Portahic Surgical Hospltal. 20th Reconnaissance Squadron Long

Range Photo (RCN). 20th Statisticnl Control Unit (Oversea) 21st Infantry Regiment. 21st Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation) 21at Portable Surgical Hospital. 22d Bombardment Group (Heavy). 2% Portable Surgical Hospital. 23d Portable Surgical Hospital. 24th Cavalry Reconnaissance Trool

(&fcchanized). XXIV Corps Headquarters and Head-

quarters Company. XXIV Corps Artillery, Hcnclquart~rr

and Headquarters Battery. XXIV Corps, Nilitary Police Platoon 24th Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 24th Infantry Division.

24th Medical Battalion, 24th Military Police Platoon. 24th Quartermaster Company. 24th Signal Company. 25th Antiaircraft Artillery Group,

Headquarters and Headquarters Bat- tery.

25th Liaison Squadron (Commando). 25th Photographic Reconnaissance

Squadron. 26th Statistical Control Unit (Oversea). 26th Criminal Investigation Detach-

ment. 96th Medical Hospital Ship Platoon

(Separate). 26th Portable Surgical Hospital. 27th Engineer Construction Battalion. 27th Medical Laboratory, Army. 27th Portable Surgical Hospital. 28th Malaria Survey Unit. 28th Quartamaster Base Depot. Head-

u11arters and Headuuarters Com~an9.

and cadq quarters Company. - 29th Chemical Decontaminating Com-

paw. 2Pth Hospital Center, IIParlquxrterS and

Headquarters Detachment. 29th Malaria Survey Detachment. 29th Portable Surgical Company. 30th Evacnalion Hospital.

1 30th Portable Surgical Eospital. 31st Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 31st Infantry Division. 31st Infantry Division Artillery. 31st Malaria Survey Detachment. 32d Antlaircraft Arlillery Brigade,

Headquarters and Headquarters Bat- tery.

32d Counter Intelligence Corps Detach- ment.

32d Infantry Division. 32d Infantry Division Artillery. 32d Malaria Survey Detachment. 33d Malaria Survey Detachment 34th Infantry Hegiment. 34th Machine Records Unit (Mobile) 34th Malaria Control Detachment. 31th Malaria Survey Detachment. 34th lledieal Depot Company.


34th Statistical Control Unlt (Oversea). 35th Fighter Group (8ingle Engine). 35th Machine Records Unit ( k e Z)

(Mobile). 35th Malaria Control Unit. 35th Signal Detachmcnt, Headquarters

Ship (Type B). 36th Evacuation Hospital. 96th Field Hospital. 36th P h o t o g r a p h i c Recollnaissance

Squadron. 38th Signal Detachment USS Bpncer. 87th Field Hospital.

46th Air Service G r o u ~ , Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron.

46th Engineer Construction Battalion. 46th Transportation Corps Service Bat-

tallon, Heaaquarters and Headquar- ters Detachment.

46th Air Service Group, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron.

-17th Transportation Corps Service Bat- talion. Headquarters and Headquar- ters Detachment.

48th Quartermaster Battalion (Mobili- zation), Hcadauarters and Headquar-

38th Air Service Squadron. ters Detachment. 38th Bombardment Group (Medium). 48th Quartermaster Group. Headqnar-

- . 40th Antiaircraft Artillery Brigadc, 49th Transportation Corps Service Bat-

Headauarters and Headauarters Bat- talion. Hendauarters and Headauar-

38th Coast Artillery ~a t ia l ion . 38th Counter Intelligence Cargo De-

tachment. 38th Infantry Division. 38th Infantry Division Artillery. 38th Malaria Survey Detachment 39rh Ouartermaster War Doe Platoon.

ters and Headquarters Detachment. 48th Transportation Corps Service Bat-

talion, Headquarters and Headquar- ters Detachment.

49th Air Service Squadron. 49th General Hospital. 49th Giehter Groun (Twin Enanel .

tery. 40th Counter Intelligence Cargo Detach-

ment.. 40th Infantry Division. 40th Infantry Division Artillery. 40th Malaria Survey Detachment. 40th Quartermaster War Dog Platoon. 41st Counter Intelligence Co1.p~ DR

tachmcnt. 41st Infantry Division. 41st Inflrntry Division Artillery. 41st Infautry Scout Dog Platoon. 41st Malaria Surrey Detaclnueut. 41st Portable Surgical Hospital. 42d Bombardment Group (Medium). 43d Nombnrdmeut Group (Heavy). 43d Infantry Smut Dog Elatoon. 44th General Hospital. 44th Tank Battalion. 44th Transportation Corlls Amphibian

Truck Battalion, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment.

45th Coast Artillery Battalion (155-mm Gun).

45th Transportation Corps Servicc Dat- talion, Headquarters and Headquar- ters Detnchment.

tern Detachment. 50th Engineer Construction Battalion. 51st Portable Surgical Hospital. 6lst Transportation Corps Harbor &aft

Crew. 61st Transpartation Corps Service Bat-

talion, Headquarters and Headquar- ters Delachment.

52d Engineer Combat Battalion. 62d Field Artillery Battalion (105-mm

Howitzer). 52d Field Hospital. 526 Malaria Control Detachment 52d Portable Surgical Hospital. 52d Signal Battalion (SP). 54th Malaria Control Detachment. 54th Portable Surgical Hospital. 54th Quartermaster Salvage Repair

Platoon. 54th Tmop Carrier Wing, Headquarters

and Heallquarters Squadron. 54th Trans~ortation Corps Service

Group, IIeadquarters and Heariquar- ters Detachment

55th Malaria Control Detachment. 65th Heplacement Battalion, Headquar-

ters and &leadquarters Detacl~roent

AGO 2861B

56th Malaria Control Detachment. ' 71st Tactical Reconnaissance Group. 5Bth Replacement Battalion, Headquar- I 7% Army Postal Unit (Type J).

ters and Headquarters Detachment. 57th Doast Artillery Surface Warning

Battery. 57th Portable Surgical Hospital. 57th Replacement Battalion, Headquar-

ters and Headquarters Detachment. 58th Alr Service Group, Headquarters

and Headquarters Bquadron. 58th Evacuation Hospital. 58th fighter Group (Single Engine). 58th Malaria Control Detachment. 68th Replacement Battalion, Headauar-

73d Army Pnstal Unit (Tme J) 73d Field Hospital. 74th Medical Baso Depot Company. 75th Amphibian Truck, Transportation

Corps. 75th Army Postal Unit. 75th Joint Assault Signal Company. 75th Medical Depot Section. Detach-

ment. 76th Station Hospital. 77tb Counter Intelligence Corps Detach-

ment. ters and Headquarters Detachment.

59th Air Sewice Group, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron.

59th Medical Base Depot Company.

77th Infantry Division. 77th Infantry Division Artillery. 77th Nedical Base Depot Compnny, 78th Airborne Squadron.

59th Station ~osp i t a f , 60tB Malaria Control Detachment. 60th Signal Battalion, Company B. 61st Air Service Squadron. G2d Portable Surgical EIospital. fi3d Air Service Group, Hcadquarters

and Headquarters Squadron. 63d Fieid Artillery Battalion (105-mrn

Howitzer). 64th Portable Surgical Hospital. 04th Transportation Corps Harbor Craft

Oompany. 65th Air Engineering Squadron. 65th Army Ground Forces Band. 65th Malaria Control Detachment G t h Portable Surgical Hospital. 66th Air Service Squadron. 66th Malaria Control Detachment 67th Engineer Topogrnphicsl Company

(Caws). 67th Malaria Control Detachment. 67th Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile),

needquarters and Headquarters D e tncliment

T~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comwny (Corps).

fBth Weld Hospital. 71st Air 8ervlce Squadron. n s t Joint Assault Signal Company. 7lst Medical Battalion, Headquarters

and Headquarters Detachment. 71st Ordnance Depot Supply Platoon. n u t Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile),

Headquartera and Headquarters De tachment

78th Nalaria mntrol Detachment 78th Medical Base Depot Company. 78th Quartermaster Base D e w , Head-

quarters and Headquarters Company. 79th Airdrome Squadron. 79th Malaria Control Detachment. 79th Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile),

Ueadquarters and Headquarters D e tachmeut.

80th Chemical Mortar Bnttaiion. SDth Malaria Control Detachment 81st Counler Intelligence Corps Detach-

ment. 81st Infantry Division. 81st Infantry Division Artillery. 82d Engineer Sqwdron, Air Service

Group. 82d Malaria Control Detachment.

Quartemaater ~ ~ t t ~ l i ~ ~ ( ~ ~ h i l ~ ) , Headquarters and Headquarters De- tachment.

84th Airdrome 84th Malaria Cantrol Detachment. 64th Quartemaster Depot Company. 85th Chcmicnl Mortar Battalion. 85th Pigbter Wing. Air Defense Corn-

mand, Headquarters and Headquar- ters Squadron.

86th Malaria Control Detachment 87th Malaria Control Detachment 88th Chemical MorLar Battalion. 89th Malaria Coutrol Detachment. 90th Bombardment Group (Heavy). 90th Field Hospital.

A00 2001B

- I . .

t e n Detachment. 109th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 92d Air Service Sauadron. 109th Veterinnm Food Inmction De-

90th Malaria Control Detachment. Slst Cl~emical Weapons Company. 9J3t Malaria Control Detachment. Slat Quartermaster Railheall Company. 91st Reconnaissance Wing. Headquar-

ters and Headqnarters Squadron. 91st Rcplacemont Battalion, Army Air

Forces. Headouarters and Headouar-

9211 Malaria Control Detachment. 930 Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat-

talion. 9% Malaria Control Dctachment. B3d Replacement Battalion, Army Air

Forces (Provisional), Headqnarters and Headquarters Detachment.

93d Signal Radar Maintenance Unit 04th Antiaircraft Artillery Groun. Head-

104th Engineer Combat Battalion. l N t h Ordnance (Mecium) Maintenance

Company. 107th Chemical Process Company. 107th Quartermaster GraveRegistration

Platoon. 108Lh Ordnance (MeClium) Maintenance


A .

quarters and Hcadquarters Bnftery. Wth Portable Surgical HosDital (100th) . Wth Air Service Squadron. 80t11 Counter Intelligence Corps Detach-

ment. Nth l3ngineers General Service Eegi-

ment. 96th Infantry Division. 96th Infantry Division Artillery. 07th Antiaircraft Artillery Group. Head-

quarters and Headquarters Battery. 97th li'ield Artillery Battery (105-mm


tachment. 110th Engineer Combat Rattalion. 110th Quartermaster Grave Registration

Platoon. 111th Signal Radio Intelligence Corn-

Paw. 112th Hegimentnl Conihat Platoon. 113th Engineer Combat Battalion. 114th Engineer Combat Battalion. 116th Antiaircraft Artillery Group,

Headquarters and Hcadquarters Bat- tery.

116th Station Hospital. 117th Station Hospital. 118th General Haspiini. 119th Ordnance (Medium) Maintenance

Company. 120th Antiaircraft Artillery Group,

Headquarters and Headquarters Bat- tery.

120th Quartermaster Bakery Company. 121st Malaria Control Detachment.

97th Malaria Control Detachment. 12,W Quartermaster Bakery Company. 97th Veterinary Food Insnection Detach- 125th Signal Radio Intellieence Com-

ment. 98th Euacuation Hos~ital.

I paw. - 125th Station Hos~ital .

lOlst Quartermaster Grave Registration Platoon.

lOJst Signal J3attdion. l0lst Veterinary Rood Inspection De-

tachment. 102d Antfaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Uattalion. 102d Infantry Regiment, Comgang E.

135th Medical Group, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment.

136th Radio Sceurity Detachment, Radio Security Sections 8,13, and 16.

139th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat- talion.

l4lst Army Airways Communications Squadron.

145th Field Artillely Battalion (155-mrr Howitzer).

148th Antiaircraft Artillery Operations Detachment.

146th Station Hospital. 148th Field Artillery Battalion (105-mm

Howitzer). 148th Finance Disbursing Section. 151st Port Company. 15lst Quartermaster Bakery Company 162d Port Company. I&.% Engineer Construction Battalion. 154th Engineer Construction Battalion 155th Engineer Construction Battalion 155th Finance Disbursing Section. 157th Finance Disbursing Section. 157th Liaison Squadmn (Cornando). 158th Finance Disbursing Section. 158th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 159th Finance Disbursing Seetion. 169th Liaison Squadron (Comando). lBOth Liaison Squadron (Comando). 160th Port Company. 160th Quarternlaster Battalion (Ma.

bile), Headquarters and Headquar. ters Detnchment

161st Parachute Engineer Company. 16lst Port Company. lDlst Signal Photographic Company. 162d Port Company. 162d Station HospitaL 163d Port Company. 104th Military Police Prisoner of Wal

Process Company. 164th Port Compnny. 165th Quartcrmaster Truck Company. la j th Station Hospital. 166th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat

talion. 167th Evacuation Bospital (Semi

mobile). 167th Ordnance Battalion, Headqunr

ters and Headquarters Detachment. 163th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat

talion. 168th hacuation Hospital. 168th Ordnance Depot Company. 170th Engineer Combat Battalion. 170th Ordnance Battalion, Headquarters

and Headquarters Detachment. 170th Quartermaster Laundry Detach


171st Quartermaster ~ a u n d r y Detach- ment.

172d Station Hospital. 173d Engineer Combat Battalion. 174th Engineer Combat Battnlion. 174th Ordnance Service Detachment

(Bomb disposal). 174th Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment (Mobile). 175th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 176th Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment (Mobile). 177th Language Detachment. 177th Ordnance Depot Company. 178th Malaria Control Detachment. 179th Coast Artillery Battalion (155-mm

Gun). l79ttt Finance Disbursing Seetlon. 179th Ordnance Service Detnchment

(Bomb Disposal). 180th Chemical Service Platoon. 180th Language Detachment. 180th Ordnance Service Detachment

(Bomb Detachment). 181st Chemical Service Platoon. 181st Field Artillery Battalion (155-

mm). 181st Language Detachment. 181st Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 182d Counter Intelligence Corps Detach-

ment. 182d Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment. 1S"d Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. l83d Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 184th Chemical Service Platoon. 184th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad. 185th Army Gmmd Forces Band. 188th Finance Disbursing Section. 187th Finance Disbursing Section. 188th Finance Disbursing Section. 189th Finance Disbursing Section. 190th Finance Disbursing Section. B0th Quartermaster Gas Supply Oom-

p a w 190th Quartermaster Laundry Platoon. 1Wth Signal Radar Naintenanee Unit

(Type A). AGO 2961B

234th Quartermaster Salvage Collectin@ Company.

235th Army Ground m c e s Band. 235th Part Company. 236th Army Ground Forces Band. 236th Chemical Service Platoon. 236th Field Artillery Battalion (155

mm Howitmr). 237th Antiaircraft Artillery Searchlight

Battalion. 237th Army Qround Forces Band. 237th Medical Disposal (Aviation). 237th Military Police Company. 238th Army Postal Unit (Type F ) . 239th Engineer Construction Battalion, 240th Chemical Service Platoon. 240th Engineer Construction Hattalion, 240th Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment (Mohile). 241st Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment (Mobile). 2424 Engineer Combat Battalion. 242d Port Company. 246th Ordnance Battalion, Headquar.

ters and Headquarters Detachment. 247th Quartermaster Depot Company. 248th Siznal Radar Maintenance Unit

( ~ y p e - c ) . 251st Ordnance Ballistics Detachment. 253d Signal (Heavy) Construction Corn

p a w . 2Gth ordnance Service Battalion, Head.

quarters and Headquarters Detach. ment

269th Ordnance (Medium) Maintenance ComDanv.

259th Kepiacement company. 260th Replalacement Company. 261st Replacement Company. 262d Qunrtermaster Bakery mmpany. 262d Replacement Company, Army MI

Forcea. 2636 Medical Battalion, Company A. 266th Port Company. 266th Replacement Company, Army Ah

Wrcea 267th Ordnance Maintenance Compang

(Antiaircraft). 272d Chemical Service Platoon. 272d Replacement Company. 2733 Chemical Service Platoon, Pi3d Replacement Company.

274th Port Company. 274th Quartermaster Laundry Platoon. 274th Replacement Company. 274th Signal (Heavy) Construction

Company. 275th Port Company. 275th Replacement Company. 276th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit

(Type C) . 276th Finance Disbursing Section. 270th Port Company. 276th Quartermaster Battalion, Head-

quarters and Headquarters Detach- ment.

276th Replacement Company. 276th Signal (Heavy) Construction

Company. 276th Sigma1 Radar Maintenance Unit

(Type 0 ) . 277th Finance Disbursing Section. 277th Port Company. 277th Replacement Company. 277th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit

(Type c). 278th Finance Disbursing Section. 278th Sigma Radar llairlteuance Unit

(Type C). 279th Signal Radar Mairitenance Unit

( T w W. 280th Finance Disbursing Section. 280th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit

(Type C). 281st Finance Disbursing Section. 281st Signal Radar Maintenance Unit

( T y w C). 282d Finance Disbursing Section. 284th Ordnance (Heavy) Maintenance

Company (Tank). 287th Field Artillery Observation Bat-

talion. 288th Army Ground Forces Band. 289th Ordnance (Medium) Maintenance

Company. Blst Ordnance (Medium) Maintenance

Company. 292d Ordnance (Medium) Maintenance

Oornpany. 295th Joint Assault Signal Company. 298th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit

(Type 0 ) . 299th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit ~~ 0).

AGO 29610

GO 12 97

801st Quartermaster Railhead Comnauy. Airdrome Squadron.

304th Signal Operations Battalion. 3Mth Airdrome Squadron. 306th Counter Intelligence C o w De-

tachment. 3Wth Airdrome Squadron. 307th Bombardment Group (Heavy). 308th Airdrome Squadron. 308th Bombardment Wing (Heavy),

Headquarter8 and Headquarters Squadron.

308th Counter Intelligence Corps De- tachment.

808th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit. 310th Bombnrdment Wing (Medium),

Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron.

810th Ordnance Depot Company. 311th Ordnance Depot Company. 312th Bombardment Group (Light). 313th Headquarters IntelligenceDetach-

meot 313th Port Company. 316th Port Company. 316th Port Company. 316th Quartermaster Bakery Company,

1st Platoon. 316th Signal Company (Wing). 317th Port Company. 317th Troop Carrier Group. 318th Army Post Unit (Type J). 318th Port Company. 318th Troop Carrier Squadrou (Corn-

mando). 319th B'ighter Control Squadrou. 320th Fighter Control Squadron. 321st Alr SerTice Group, Headquarters

and Headquarters Squadron. 321st Quartermaster Truck Company. 3Bd Depot Repair Squadron.

Quartermaster T~~~~ company, 324th Airdrome Squadron. 328th Quartermaster Battalion, Head-

quarters and Headquarters Detach- ment with Medical Detachment.

331st Medical General Dispensary. 831st Transportation Corps, Composite

Company (Harbor Craft). 332d Quartermaster Battalion, Head-

quarters and Headquarters Detach- ment.

3 3 d Signal Company, Troop Carrier Wing.

334th Airdrome Squadron. 335th Airdrome Squadron. 335th Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment (Mobile). 336th Airdrome Squadron. 336th Air Service Squadron. 337th Airdrome Squadron. 338th Airdrome Squadrou. %&h Airdrome Squadron. 339th Engineer Construction Battalion. 341st Airdrome Squadron. 3438 Airdrome Squadron 343d Interrogation Team. 345th Bombardment Group (Medium). 346th Transportation Corps, Harbor

Craft Company. 347th Fighter Group (Twin Engine). 347th Signal Company (Wing). 348th Fighter Group (Single Engine). 350th Signal Company (Wing). 360th Transportation Corps, Harhor

Craft Company. 354th Quartermaster Laundry Detactl-

ment (Mobile). 356th Ordnance Maintenance Company

(Antiaircraft). 355th Quartermaster Laundry Detnch-

ment (Mobile). 556th Antiaircraft Artillery Searchlight

Artillery. 350th Quartermaster Laundry Dztach-

(Mobile,, 357th Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment (Mobile). 358th Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment (Mobile). 359th Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment (Mobile). 360th Quartermaster Bakery G m ~ a n y ,

4th Platoon. 301st HosPital. 3626 Special Service Company. 36Zd Transportation Corps, Harbor

Craft Company. 3G3d Medical Laboratory. 868th Regimental Combat Team (1 July

to 1 September 1ffl5). 368th Transportation Corps Harbor

Craft Company. AGO 29618 881T20a--461

m t h Transuortation C o r n Harbor 1394th Port Rattalion. Headquarters nud Crttft il0mpdr.y. Ucn2yu;trlt% D.t;wl.l~.ent wiUl ut-

37tJrlr Ordudnre b h r m Vehicle AssPmbls tnchrd h l d i v n l Dctr~cbment

Squadron. 411th Medical Collecting Company. 387th Port Battalion, Headauarters and 412th Nedical Collecting Campany.

Company. 3 n s t Interpreter Team. 3i3d Replneement Company, Army Air

Forces (Provisional). 374th Replacement Company, Army Air

Forces (Provisional!. 374th Transportation Corps Harbor

Craft Company. 374th Troop Carrier Group 375th Troop Carrier Group. 378th Air Service Squadron. 378th Medical General Dispensary. 378th Medical Service Detachment (Gen-

eral Dispensary). 378th Transportation C o w Harbor

Craft Company. 379th Medical General Dispensary. 330th Bombardment Group (IIeavy). 381st Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion

( Semimobile). 383d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 383d Aviation Squadron. 383d Quartennnster Truck Company. 384th Air Service Group, Hendqi~arters

and Headquarters Base Service Squadron.

384th Quartermaster Truek Company. 385th Air Service Group, Hcadquarters

and Headauarters Base Service

Headquarters Detachment with Mcdl- cal Detachment

388th Air Service Squadron. 388th Port Battalion, Headquarters and

Headquarters Detachment with Nedi- cal Detachment.

388th Translator Tcam. 389th Air Service squadron. 389th Qnnrtermnster Truck Comgany. 390th Quartermaster Truck Company. 391st Aviation Squadron. 391st Eogineer Depot Company. 3926 Air Service Squadron. =3d Air Servlce Squadron. 393d Quartermaster Truck Company. 394th Medical Clearing Company.

395th Medical Collecting Company. 396th Quartermaster Refrigeration

Truck Detachment. 3117th Quartermaster Refrigeration

Truck Detachment. 398th Quartermaster Refrigemtion

Truck Detachment. 3mth Medical Collecting Company. 399th Quartermaster Refrigeration

Truck Company. 400th nledical Collecting Company. 400th Quartermaster Refrigeration

Truek Company. 401st Nalaria Survey Detachment. 401st Quartermaster Refrigeration

Truck Company. 403d Malaria Survey Detachment 4036 Troop Carrier Group. 104th Ordnance (Medium) Naintenanee

Company. W t h Qdartermaster lat to oh, Air Depot

Group. 405th Quartermaster Refrigeration

Truck Detachment. 405th Signal Company (Aviation). 407th 3.ledical Collecting Cumpany. 409th Quartermaster Refrigeration

Truck ComPanY. 410th Quartermaster Refrigeration

Truek Company.

412th Quartermaster Platoon, Air Depot Group.

414th Engineer Dump Truck Company. 415th 3ignal Company (Aviation). 410th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit

(Type D). 117th Bombardment Group (Light). 417th Quartermaster Refrigeration

Truck Detachment. 418th Fighter Squadron. 418th Quartermaster Refrigeration

Truck Detachment. 419th Field Artillery Group, Headquar-

ters and Headquarters Battery. 418th Night Fighter Squadron. 419th Signal Company (Aviation).

AGO 2801R

420th meld Artillery Group, Headquar. tcrs and Headquarters Battery.

420th Qnnriermastcr Bakery Company 42lst Night Fighter Squadron. 426th Quartermaster Platoon, Air Depol

Gnmp. 429tb Signal (IIeary) Constructior

Battalion. 430th Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment (aIobilej. 431st Quartermaster Laundry Detach-

ment (Mobile). 432d Port Company. 433d Troop Carrier Groul,. 433th Signal (Heavy) Construction rat^

talion (Aviation). 438th Quartermaster Launch'y Detach.

ment (Mobile). 440th Signal (Heavy) Construction Bat.

talion (Aviation). 441st Counter Intcliigence Detachment

Advance Echelon. 441st Engineer Depot Camnx~s . 44% Signal (Heavy) Construction Corn.

pans (Aviation). 446th Malaria S n n e y Detachment. 446111 Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 45lst Counter Intelligence Corps Dc

tachment. 452d Amnhibian Truck Company, Tranb

portation Corps. 453d Engineer Depot Company. 453d Quartermaster Piatmu, Air Depot

croup. 455th Air Service Squadron. 458th Counter Intelligence Corps Dr

tachment. 459th Counter Intelligence Col-ps De-

tachment. 462d Parachute Field 4rtillers Bat tnl~

ion (75-mm Pack Hmviizer). 465th Fieid Artillery Battalion (Smm

Howitzer). 463th Signal (Hmvyj Cunstruetion

Company (Aviation j. 4F8th S:gnal Construction Company

(Aviation). 4 W h Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 4iO:h Antiaircraft Artillew Automatic

n'eapans Battdion.

AGO 29618

4726 Amphibian Truck Company. 473rl Quartermaster Battalion (&fabile),

Headquarters and Headquarters De- tachment.

475th Counter Intelligence Corps De- lach~neut.

475th Fighter Group (Single Engine). 476th Antiuirclaft Artillcry Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 4iGth Counter Intelligence Corps Ik-

taehment. 47ith Engineer Maintenance Company. 478th Air Service Squadron. 478th Antiaircraft Artiiiery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 479th Air Service Squndron. 473th Counter Intelligence Cor~w De-

tachment. 480th Air Service Squadron. 460th Amphibian Truck CompauP-,

Transportation Corps. 180th Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. 181st Air Service Squadron. 462.3 Air Service Squadron. 48211 Counter Intelligence Corps Detach-

ment. 483d Counter Intelligence Corps Detach.

ment. 486th Antiaircraft Automatic Weapons

Company. 486th Counter Intelligence Carps De-

tachment. 487th Antiaircraft Artillery Aulouatie

Weapons Battalion. 187th Counter Intelligence Corps De-

tachment. lSXth Counter Intelligence Corps DR

tnchment. 189th Amphibian Truck Company. 189th Counter Intetiigence Corps De.

tachment. 490th Engineer Base rnuipment Corn-

pany. i92d Couuter ~nteliigence Corps Detach-

ment. $32d Engineer Base Equipment Com-

p a w . 192d Port Battalion, Headquarters and

Headquarters Detachment with Medi- cal Detachment.

482d Quartermaster Battalion. Head. quarters and Headquarters Detach ment.

493d Port Battalion, Headquarters a d Headquarters Detachment with Medi. cal Detachment.

494th Bombardment Group (Heavy ). 494th Quartermaster Battalion, Head-

quarters and Headquarters Detach. meut with Medical Detachment.

495th Engineer (Heavy) Shop Company 495th Quartermaster Depot Company. 4116th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat-

talion. 490th Port Battalion, Headqnarters and

Headquarters Detachment with Xed> cal Detachment.

502d Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat- talion.

503d Parachute Infantry Regiment. 5G3ri Fort Battalion. 504th -4ntiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat-

talion. 504th Port Battaliou, Headquarters and

Headquarters Company. 506th Engineer (Light) Ponton Com-

pany. 506th Medical Collecting Company. 506th Port Battalion, Headquarters and

Headquarters Detachment with Meedi- cal Detachment.

508th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat- talion.

508th Ordnance (Heavy) Maintenance Company (Rield Army!.

508th Ordnance (Heavy) Maintenance Company (Rield Army).

509th Medical Hospital *hip Platoon. 510th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battnl-

ion (Separate). 513th Antiaircraft Artillery Rliu Bnt.

tallon. 523d Quartermaster Group, Headquar-

ters and Headquarters Detachment. 524th ~ u a r t e r m ~ s t e r Group, Headquar.

ters and Headquarters Detachment. 530th Engineer ( ~ i g h t ) Ponton Com-

pany. 531st Field Artillery Battalion (155-mm

Gun ) . 532d Engineers Boat and Shore Eegi-


532d Field Artillery Battalion (155-mm Gun).

533d Engineers Boat and Shore Rcgl- ment.

536th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 539th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 540th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 543d Engineers Boat and Bhore Regl-

ment. 547th Eight Fighter Squadron. 549th Ordnance (Heary! Automotive

Maintenance Company (Field Army). 550th Night Fighter Sqmdron. 551st Signal Air Warning Battalion. 558th Engineer (Heavy) Ponton Bat-

talion. 556th Motor Ambulance Company. 557th Mflitary Police Escort Guard Com-

pany. 558th Military Police Escort Guard Com-

PmW. 568th Ordnance (Deavy) Maintenance

Company (Tank). 568th Motor Ambulance Company. 570th Engineer Dump Truck Company. 571st Air Service Group, Headquarters

and Base Service Squadron. 572d Air Service Group, Headquarters

and Base Service Squadron. X74th Signal Air Warning Bxttalion. 578th Engineer Dump Truck Company. 578th Ordnance Ammunition Company. jmth Quartermaster Laundry Company. 583d Signal Air Warning Battalion. 385th Engineer Dump Truck Company. 588th Quartermaster Laundry Company. 589th Quartermaster Laundry Company. 592d Joint Assault Signal Company. 593d Jbint Assault Signal Company. 595th Medical Hospital Ship Platoon

(Separate). 595th Ordnance Ammunition Company. S95th Signal Air Warning Battalion,

Company C. 590th Signal Air Warning Battalion,

Company A. 597th Signal Air Warning Battalion. 500th Air Engineer Squadron Service

Group. XQth Army Air Forces Band. 60lst Air Engineer Squadron, Service

Group. AGO 2981B

6Olst Quartermaster Grave Registration Company.

603d Merlical Clearing Company. 605th Medical Clearing Company. 608th Air Materiel Squadron, S e r r i c ~

Group. 608th Military Police Battalion. 608th Port Company. 609th Air MatErie1 Squadron, Servicf

Group. 609th Port Company. 012th Ordnance Ammunition Company. 617th Port Company. MQth Engineer Base Equipment Com-

pany. 6l%h Port Company. 62% Engineer Base Blquipment Com.

paw. 623d Ordnance Ammunition Company. 6328 Ordnance Ammunition Company. 632d Tank Destroyer Battalion. 636th Ordnance Ammunition Company 636th Port Company. 636th Replacement Company. 637th Medical Clearing Company. 637th Replacement Company. 63Rtl1 Replacement Company. 639th Replacement Company. 640th Medical Hospital Ship Platoor

(Separate). 640th Replacement Company. 640th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Gllst Engineer Camouflage Company. 641st Replacement Company. 642d Engineer Camouflage Company. 642d Ordnance Ammunition Company. 642d Replacement Company. 643d Ordnance Ammunition Cornpan>: 643d Replacement Company. 644th Medical Collecting Comjmny. 644th Ordnance Ammunition Company 644th Replncernent Company. 645th Medical Collecting Company. 645th Replacement Company. 646th Replacement Company. 647th Replacement Company. W t h &placement Company. 649th Replacement Company. 650th Replacement Compang. 651st Replacement Company. 652d Replacement Company. 65% Replacement Company.

A00 296lB

GMth Replacement Company. 655th Field Artillery Battalion (8"

Howitzer). E5th Replacement Company. 656th Medical Clearing Cornlmny. 656th Replacement Cornnany. 657th Replacement Company. 658th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 658th Replacement Company. 669th Ordnance Ammunition Company. 670th Medical Clearlng Company. 67lst Engineer Topographical Comp'drly,

Corps. 6736 Antiaircraft Artillery Wachine Gun

Battery. 879th Medical Collecting Company. 689th Engineer Base Equipment Com-

paw. 089th Signal A h Warning Dattalion. 6'35th Quartermaster Truck Company. 703d Army Postal Unit (Type GI. 704th Chemical Maintenance Company

(Aviation). 706th Tank Battalion. 709th Army Air Forces Band. 710th Army Postnl Unit. 710th Tank Battalion. 712th Army Postal Unit (Type G). T 3 t h Medical Sanitary Company. 716th Tank Battalion. 717th Army Postal Unit. 718th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 718th Army Postal Unit. 7224 Engineer Depot Conlpany. 724th Military Police Battalion, Com-

pany B. 724th Ordnnnce (Light Maintenance)

Company. 727th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 728th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 728th &ledicnl Sanitary Company. 733d Medical Sanitary Company. 738th Military Police Battalion. 789th Antiaircraft Artillem Gun Bat-

talion. 739th iiledical Sanitary Company. 743d Engineer (Heavy) Shop Campany. 743d Veterinary Rood Inswetion De-

tachment. 744tl~ hlilitarr Pollce Battalion, Elead-

Quarters and Head~uartera Detach- ment.

Squndron. 821st Nugineer Aviation Battalion. 1 8 9 ~ ? % s m i c a l Comnany (Air O i r a -

GO 12

.~~ 822d ~ n i i n e e r Aviation Battalion. I tions).

AGO 2061B

745th Medical Hospital Ship Platoon (Separate).

746th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat- talion.

740th Army Air Forces Band. 747th Medical Sanitary Company. 747th Medical Hospitnl Ship Mntoon

(Separate). 748th Army Air Forces Band. 757th Engineer Parts Supply Company. 759th Engineer Maintenance Company. 759th Engineer Parts Supply Company. 763d Tank Battalion. 760th Engineer Dump Trnck Company. 767th Tank Battalion. 768th Engineer Dump Truck Company. 771st Engineer Dump T r w k Company. i75tll Railway Gmnd Division, Head-

quarters and Headquarters Company, Technical Corps.

776th Amphibian Tank Battalion. 780th Amphibian Taok Battalion. 781st Engineer Petroleum Distribution

Company. 783d Engineer Petroleum Distribution

Company. 788th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. 795th Engineer Dump Truck Company. 800th Military Police Battalion, Com-

pany A. Solst Counter Intelligence Corps D e

tachment. 80% Army Marine Ship Repair Com-

pany. 803d ~ r m y Marine Ship Repair Com-

pany. 804th marine Ship ~ ~ p ~ i ~ corn-

pans. 804th Medical Air Evacuation Squad-

ron. 808th Amphibian Truck Company,

Transportation Corps. 808th Engineer Aviation Battalion, 813th lmpllibian ~ r u c k company,

Transportntion Corps. 813th Military Police Company. 820th Amphibian Truck Company,

Transportation Corps. 820th Medical Aviation Evacuation


823d Amphibious Truck Company, Trnusi~ortat.ion Corps.

S%th Amphibious Truck Company, Trnnsportntion Corps.

825th Amphibious Tmck Company, Transportation Corps.

826th Amphibian Tractor Bnttalion. 826th Amphibian Trnck Company,

Transportation Corps. 827th Amghibian T r w k Company. 828th Amphibian Trnck Company. 832d Signal Service Battalion, Detach-

ment 1 (Photo). 8328 Signal Serriec Battalion, Detach-

ment 6. 832d Signal Servicc Compang, Radio

Station Section 1. 832d Signal Service Compang, Radio

Station Section 4. S32d Signal Service Company, Radio

Station 8. 839th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 842rl Engineer Avintion Bxttalion. 849th Quartermaster Gas Supply Com-

pany. 852d Chemical Company (Air Opera-

tions]. 852~1 Ordnance (Heavy) Automotive

Naintwarice Company. 857th Engineer Aviation Battalion. SBOth Engineer Aviation Battalion. 8626 Quartcrmastcr Fumigations and

Bnlh Company. 863d Engineer lviation Eattalion. 864th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 865th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 866th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battalion. 866th Eugineer Aviation Battalion. 867th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 868th Bombnl'nment Sqnodrrm. Moth Engineer Aviation Battalion. 8i2d Engineer Aviation Battalion. 8736 Engineer dviation Battalion. 879th Ordnance (Heavy) dutomotlve

&Iaiutennnce Company. 8S2d Airburne Engineer Aviation Bat-

talion. 886th Chemical Company (Air Opera-

GO 12 103

893d Medical Clearing Company. 894th Chemical Company (Air Opera-

tions). 895th Chemical Company (Air Opera-

tions). 89Srh Medical Hospital Ship Platoon

(Separate). 896th Medical Hospital Ship Piatoon

(Separate). DOOth Bnse Depot Company, Transports-

tion Corps. 911th Signal Company, Detachment

(Aviation). 914th Engineer Air Force, Headquar-

ters Company. 915th Ordnance (Heavy) Automotive

Naintenance Company. 920th Air Base Security Hnttalion. 925th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic

Weapons Battnlion. D25th Army Postnl Unit. 928th Sibma1 Battalion, Tactical Air

Command (Separate). 929th Engineers Aviation Regiment,

Headquarters and Service Company. 929th Signal Battalion, Tactical Air

Command (Seilnrnte). (WOth Signal Battalion, Tactical Air

Domrnand. 932d Army Postal Unit. 932d Engineer Group,

Headquarters Headquarters Company.

937th Quartermaster Petroleum Prod- ucts Laboratory (Base).

047th Field Artillery Battalion (155-mm Howitzer).

950th Antiaircraft Artillery Automalic Weapons Company.

95lst Quarternlaster Petroleum Prod- ucts Laboratory (Mobile).

955th Engineer Topographic Company (Aviation).

959th Quartermaster Products Labora- tory (Mobile).

IWOth Engineer Topographic Company (Aviation).

961th Antiaircraft Artillery Glln Bat- talion.

9mth Quartermaster Service Company. 975th Signal Service Company.

983d Reld Artillery Battalion (155-mm Gun).

983d Quartermaster Service ComPany. 986th Signal Service Company. DR9th Signal Service Company. 901st Quwrtermaster Service Company. 9928 Quartermaster Service Company. m4th Quartermaster Service Company. 1002d Engineer Forestry Battalion,

Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pan?.

l o l l s t Engineer Treadway Bridge Com- Paw.

1024th Signal Company, Service Group. 1034th Signal Company, Service Group. 1036th Air &fateriel Squadron. 1037th Air Materiel Squadron. 1040th Englneer Service Detachment

(Gas Generatinx). 1Mlst Engineer Gas Generating Detach-

ment. 1041st Quartermaster Gas Generating

Unit. 1046th Englneer Gas Generating Detach-

ment. 1052d Engineer Port Construction and

Repair Battalion, Headquarters and IIeadquartersCompany.

1052d Engineer Port Construction and Eepair Detachment.

1054th Engineer Port Construction and Repair Battalion. Headquarters an6 Hmdquarters Company.

1058th Signal Company, Service Group. la50th Quartermaster Company, bir

Scrvice Gronp. l0blst Quartermaster Company, Air

Service Group (Aviation). 1062d Quartermaster Company, Air

Service Group (Aviation). Dredge Crew,

1088th Quartermaster Company, Air service G~~~~ ( , ~ ~ i ~ t i ~ , , ) .

1089th Signal Company, Service Group. 1090th S ] ~ , , ~ I company, Service Gror~p. 1093d Signal Company, Service Group. IOQM Signal Company, Service Group. 10116th Signal Compnny, Service Group. 1111th Transportation Corps Port Ma-

rine Maintenance Company. -1112th Transportation Corpe Port Ma-

rine Maintenance Company.

dG0 2861B

. . paw. Class 111 (Aviation).

1118th Engineer Combat Groua. Head- 1412th Quartermaster Deoot CoDPilllY.

1112th Engineer Canstruction Group, Ilendqwarters and Headquarters Com- pany.

l1lSth Engineer Construction Group, Headquarters and Heaclauarters Corn-

quarters and Headquarters Company. 1 Class i11 (Aviation). - 1122d Engineer Combat Groun. Head- 1417th Engineer Searchlizht Dlainte-

13Wth Military Police Compny M i a - tion).

1400th Military Police Company (Avia- tion).

14434th Quartermaster Denot Comvanv.

quarters and Headquarters Company. nauce Detachment. 112Gth Military Policc Camvan: (Avia.\ 1418th Engineer Searchlight Mainte- - . .

tion). 1126th Military Police Company (Avia

tion). 1127th Military Police Company ( A d a

tion). 1128th Military Police Company (Avia

tionj. 1129th Military Police Company (Avia

tion). 1130th Military Police Company (Avia

tion). 1134th Quartermaster Company, Aii

Service Group (Aviation). 1136th Engineer Construction Croup.

Headquarters and Headquarters Corn Paw.

1138th Engineer Combat Group, Head quarters and Headquarters Conlpany

1140th Engineer Combat Grol l~. Head,

nance Detachment. 14Blst Engineer Maintenance Company. 146% Engineer Maintenance Company. 1485th Engineer Maintenance Company. 1488th Engineer Maintenance Company. 1489th Engineer Maintenance Company. 1491st Englneer Maintenance Company. 1539th Oxdnance Supply Maintenance

Company (Aviation). 1541st Engineer Base S u r ~ e y Company. 135Gth Army Air Forces Base Unit,

Southwest Paciflc Wing, Pacitlc Divi- sion, Air Transport Command.

1559th A m y Air Forces Base Unit, Southwest Paciflc Wing, Pacific Divi- sion, Air Trarisport Carnurand.

156Zd Engineer Depot Campany. 1603d Engineer Service Detachment

(Mar, Depot). quarters and Headquarters Company. 1611th Engineer Wrestry Company.

1154th Quartermaster Commny. Air 1613th Engineer Forestry Company. - - . Service Group (Aviation).

1158th Quartermaster Company, Ail Service Group (Aviation).

1159th Quartermaster Company, Ail Service Group (Aviation).

1179th Engineer Conslruction Groupl Headquarters and Eendquarters Com. Paw.

1226th Engineer Wire Fighting Platoon. 1322d Engineers General Service Regi.

ment. 1344th Engineer Combat Rattalion. 1350th Engineer Bass Depot Group.

Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pany.

1351st Engineer Dump Truck Cornpan?. 1351st Quartermaster Company Depot

Subsistency (Aviation). 1302d Engineer Dump Truck Company. 1884th Engineer Construction Battalion.

1615th Engineer Map Depot ~ e t a c h - ment.

1615th Ordnance Supply and Mainte- nance Company (Aviation).

1618th Ordnance Supply and Mainte- nance Company (Aviation).

1619th Engineer Map Depot Detach- ment.

1619th Ordnance Supply and Mainte name Company (Aviation).

16Bd Ordnance Supply and Jlainte- nance Company (Aviation).

1623d Engineer Service Detachment (Jlodel Making).

1655th Ordnance Supply and Rlainte nance Company (Aviation).

1679th Engineer Survey Liaison Detach- ment.

1B9lst Ordnance Supply and Mainte name Company (Aviation).

AGO 2061B

- ~

1816th Ordnance Suilply and blainte (Aviation). name Company -4viation). 1955rh Ordnance Depot Company (Avia-

GO 12 105

1715th Signal Service Battalion (Avia- Uoo).

171Wh Signal ServlceCompany (Wing). 172lst Signal Service Dattalion (Avia-

tion). 1766th Engineer Parts Supply Platoon. 1781st Engineer Parts Supply Platoon. 17823 Eneneer Parts Supply Platoon. 1797th Engineer Foundry Detachment. 1798th Ordnance Supply and Mainte-

nanee Company (Aviation). 1 W t h Ordnance Supply and 3lainte-

nance Company (Aviation).

1938th Ordnance Ammunition Company (Aviation).

1940th Enginecr Aviation Utility Corn- paoy.

Ig4lst Engineer Aviation ULilities Corn- pany.

194% Engineer Aviation Urilities Com- pany.

1M3d Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

1944th Eogineer Aviation Utilities Com- pany.

1934th ~uar te rmas tc r Truck Company

1817th 0rdnan& Supply and blainte- nnnce Company (Aviation).

1818th Ordnance Suppiy and Mainte nance Cornpans (Aviation).

1820th Ordnance Supply and Mainte name Company (Aviation).

1827th Ordnance Supply and Mainte- nance Dompany (.4viation).

1831st Ordnance Supply and Mainte nance Company (Aviation).

1&32d Ordnance Supply and Mainte nance Company (Aviation).

1837th Ordnance Supply and Maintp nanee Company (Aviation).

1838m Ordnance Supply and Mainte nance Company (Aviation).

1871st Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1874th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1879th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1881st Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1897th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1006th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 1 W t h Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 1913th Engineer Aviation Battalion. 19l3th Engineer Aviation Company. 1913th Quartermaster Truck Comyany

(Aviation). 1918th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). l93lst Engineer Aviatlon Company. 1936th Engineer Aviation Utilities Com-

pany. 1937th Engineer Aviation Utilities Com-

WnY. 1938th Engineer Aviation Utilities Corn-

pany. AGO ZOElB

tion). 1962rl Engineer Aviation Depot Corn-

pany. lm9th Engineer Aviation Reproduction

Detachment. 1984th Quartermaster Truck Comnany

(Aviation). 2010th Ordnance blalntenance Company

(Alr Wrces). 2011th Qllnrtermaster Truck OomPanY

(Aviation). 2012th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 2013th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 2018th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 2017th Quartermaster Truck Oompany

(Aviation). 202lst Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 2027th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Avlation). 2G39th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 2053d Quartermaster Truck ComDanY

(Aviation). 2059th Quarlermaster Truck Oompany

(Aviation). 2066th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 2CG7th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 2073d Engineer Aviation Utility Delaeh-

ment. 2074th Quartermaster Truck Company


2110th Ordnance Battalion (Aviation), 3347th Quartermaster Truck Company. Headouarters and Headauarters Com- 1 33512d Quartermaster Service Detach-

2078th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

2079th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation).

2102d Quartermaster Truek Companj (Aviation).

paw. ment (Drivers Augmentation). . 2201st SienalOverationsComgany (Pro- 3355th Quartermaster Drivers Detach-

3330th Quartermaster Drivers Detach- ment.

3330th Quartermaster Drivers Detach- ment.

3347th Quartermaster Drivers Detach rnent.

- ~

visional). ment. 2216th P L c bcean Area, Tmnsgorta- 1336'7th Signal Scrvice Battalion

tion Quartermaster Team. 2475th Qnnrtermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 2479th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 2483d Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 248Gth Qnartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 2495th Quartermaster Truck Company

(Aviation). 2773d Engineer Base Reproduction Com-

paw. 2812th Engineer Petroleum Distributing

Company. 2880th Engineer Dredge Crem. 2868th Eriziueer Uti l i tm Detachment.

3370th Quartermaster Drivers Detach- ment.

3372d Quartermaster Drivers Detach- ment.

3373d Qrrartermnster Drivers Detach- ment.

3374th Quartermaster Drivers Detach- ment.

337kh Quartermnster Drirers Dctach- ment.

3370th Quartermaster Drivers Dctach- ment.

3377th Quartermaster Drivers Detach- ment.

3415th Ordnance (Heavy) Automotive Maintenance Company.

3445th Qunrtermaster Truck CornPany. 2870th Engineer Utilities Detachment. 3008th Quartermaster Grave Registra-

tion Company, 1st Platoon. 3013th Engineer Mnintenance Company.

3240th Quartermaster Serricc Company. 3476th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3250th Quartermaster Service Comnanv. 3484th Ordnance (Mrdmrn) Automotive

3447th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3449th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3460th Quartermaster Truck Company. Mist Ordnance (Medium) Automotive

3064th Quartermaster Grave Registra- tion Comndny.

3107th Signal Service Platoon. 3114th Signal Service Platoon. 3144th Signal Service Platoon. 3168th Signal Service Platoon. 8169th Signal Service Platoon.

Maintenance Com~~any. 3461st Ordnance (Medium) Automotive

Maintenance Cornpnny. 3474th Quarternraster Truck Company. 3475th Ordnance (Medium) Mainte-

nance Company. 3475th Ouartermaster Truck Company.

and Headquarters Company. m d Signal Base Maintenance CQUI-

paw. 3283d Signal Base Depot Company. 3315th Quartermaster Truek Company. W t h Quartermaster Service Detach-

ment (Drivers Augmentation).

nanee Company. R521st Qunrtermaster Truck Company. 3528th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3746th Quartermaster Truck Company. 37526 Quartermaster Truck Company. 3770th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3778th Qunrtermaster Tl'uck Company.

19818th Quartermaster Gasoline Supply Cvmpauy, 1st Platoon.

3819lh Quartermaster Gasoline Supply Company.

3C48th Signal Switchboard Operating Detachment.

3949th Signal Switchboard Operating Detachuent.

3976th Signal Switchboard Operating Detachment.

3977th Signal Switchboard Operating Detachment.

31178th Signal Switdiboard Operating Detachment.

3979th Signal Switchboard Op?rating Drtachment.

398Jth Sigilal Switchboard Operating Detachment.

4025th Signal Service Group. 4060th Quartermaster Service Company. 4167th Quartermnster n e w t Company. 4169th Qusrtermaster Depot Company. 4186th Quartermaster Service Comuany.

4215th Quartermaster Service Company. 4297th Quartermaster Gasoline Supply

Company. 5200th Women's Almy Corps Detach-

m-nt. 5201st Engineer Construetlon Brigade

Headquarters, Headquarters Com paw.

52U2d Engineer Construction Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Corn, pan?.

5m5th Women's Army Corps Detach. ment

6206th Engineer Service Command Headquarters and Headquarters Corn pan?.

5209th Engineer Service Group, Head quarters and Headqunrters Company

5230th Signal (Heavy) Constructior Company (Provisional).

6235th Signal (Heavy) Con.onstructior Company (Provisional).

52371h Signal (Heavy) Constructior Company (Provisional).

5238th S i y a l (Heavy) Constructior Comnan.r (Provisional).

5250th-~uartelmaster Truck CompXnj (Provisional).

j25lst Engtneer Base Depot Group (Provisional). Headquarters a n d Headquarters Company.

j2ifjth Rescue Comnasite Group (Pro- visional).

5278th Bombardment Communications Squadron (Provisional).

Y279th Airborne Fighter Control Cen- ter (Provisional).

j281st Signal Service Compnny (Avia- tion) (Provisional).

j283d Signal Service Company (Avia- tion) (Provisional).

j2DBt.h War East Air Force Distributing Pla!.oon (Provisional).

Admncc Detachment, Southern Phi l ip pines.

Advance Echelon, Headquarters, Re- plaenuent Command, United States Army Forces in the Far East.

America1 Infantry Division. Army Courier Service, United States

Army h'orees in the Far East. Boat Building Cammand. Civil Censorship Detachment, United

States Army Forces in the Far East. General Ileadquarters, Signal Opera-

tions Group, United States Army Forces, Western Pacific.

General Headqoarters, Southwest Pa- cific Area.

Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pany, Base M,

Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pany, Base R.

Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pany. Base S.

Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pany, Base T.

Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pan3: Base X.

Headqunrters and Headquarters Com- pany and Headquarters Detachment, Base K.

Headqunrters and Headquarters Com- pany with attached Medical Detach- ment.

Headqunrters, Iwakig Penal Colony, Palauan Military Police Command, United States Army Forces, Western PaciBc.

AGO 2961B

GO 12

Headquarters, Masbate Province, Mili- tary Police Command, United States Army Forces, Western Paciflc.

Headquarters, Marinduque province, ?dilitary police command, united States Army Forccss, Western Pacific.

Headquarters, Mindere, lfilitary Police Command, United States A Forces, Western Paciflc.

Headquarters, Antique Province, Mili- tary Police Command, United States Army Forces, Western Pacific.

Headquarters, Bohol Province, Military Police Command, United States Army Forces, Western Pacific.

Headquarters, Capiz Province, Military Police Command, United States Army Forces, Western Pacific.

Headquarters, Cebu Province, Military Police Command, United States Army Forces, Western Paciflc.

Headquarters Detachment and Head quarters Uattnlion, General Hem. quarters, Southwest Pacific Area.

Headquarters Detachment and ~ e a d - quarters Battalion, United States Army Forces in the Fnr mast.

~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ &tachment, H righter Wing (Special).

Headquarters Detachment, nTing (Special), Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Air Support Communications.

Hcdilquarters and Headquarters Corn- pang, Army Service Command.

Headquarters and Headquarters Com- p a w and Headquarters Detachment, UrLited States army Of Sup ply.

Hcadquartcrs and Headquarters Squad- ron, Far East Air Forces.

Headquarters, Iloilc Province, Military Police Command, United States Army Forces, Western Pacific.

Headquarters, Lwte Provirice, Military Command, United states Army

Forces, Western Pacific. Headquarter.?, Mindanao Zone, Military

Police Command, United States Army Forces. Western Pacific.


Headquarters. Negros Accidental Prov- ince, Military PoliceCommand, United States A m y Forces, Western Pacific.

Headquarters, Palauan Province. Mili- t a v Police Command, United States Amy Western

Headquarters, Phllil~pioe Scouts Detach- ment, United States Army Forces, Pa- cific.

Heatlquarters, Samar Province, Military Police Command, United States Army Forces, Western Pacific,

Headquarters, Special Troops, United Army Services of S,,pp,y,

Heatlquarters, United states Wrces 111 the Par East.

Headquarters, Visayan Zone, mli targ Police Command, United States Army Forces, Western Pacific.

Headquarters, Western Visayan Task Force.

Joint Supply Survey Detachment, United States Army Forces in the Far Bast.

Leyte Engineer Command, United States Army Forces, Western Pacific.

Military Intelligence Service. X See- tion, United States mrccs in the Far East.

Motor Maintenance Detachment, United Statcs Army Forces in the Far East.

Office of Provost Marshal. Taclobsn. Order of Battle Teams 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13% 14, 15, 20' 23, and 37'

Philippine Civil Affairs Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30.

Photogmplric I n t e ~ r e t e r Team 101. Pho,ographic Interpreter Team 102. photographic Interpreter Teams 108, 108,114,115,ll6,117,119,120,121,122, 123, 1L14, 125, 12F, 127, and 130, and 159.

provisional Grave xegistration corn. pany,

Psychological Warfare Detachment, united States rorces, pacific.

Quartermaster Printing Plant, United States Army Servlces of Supply.

Radar and Radio Counter Measures Unit United States Army Forces fn the Far East.


United States Army Services of Supply, ncadquarters, Mindero Province, Mili- General Dewt. 1 tary Police Command, Uuitcd States

w ~ ~ ~ ~ % ~ army corm Detachment, Headquarters F a r East Air Forms.


Air Forces, Western P a e m . Headquarters, NPgros Oriental Prov-

ince, Military Police Command, united States ~ i r Forccs. Western

United States Army Forces, Western Pacific. Padflc. Technical Air Intelligence Unit. 3. In accordance v i th WD Circular 6%. 1944, as amended, and WD General

Orders 105, 1945, individuals nssigned or attached to any of the following-named detachments or provisional units and present for duty during any part of the time that such detachments or provisional units were stationed in the combat zone a re entitled to wear a bronze service s tar on the Asiatic-Pacific Theater ribbon for participation in the Southcrn Philippines campaibll.

AGO 2881B

Sd Medical Laboratory, Advance Section. 6th Special Service Company, 1st and 2d

Platoons. 6th Special Service Comwny, 2d Platoon. 27th Special Service Company, 1st and

2d Piafoons. 28th Special Service Company, 1st nnd

Zd Platoons.

. . 3d Platoon.

119th Quartermaster Bakery Company, 4th Platoon.

248th Quartermaster Depot Compnny, 1st Platoon.

343d Quarlerrnaster Depot Company, 3d Platoon.

870th Quartermaster Bakery Campaw, 4th Platoon.

44lst Counter Intelligence Corps Detach- ment, Advance Echelon.

536th Signal (Heavy) Construction Com- panp, 2d Platoon.

569l.h Quartermaster Railhead Company, 1st Platoon.

572d Quartermaster Railhead Company, 26 Platoon.

830th Quartermasler Laundry Company, 4th Platoon.

S?W Signal Service Battalion, Detach.. ment 1 (Photo).

3875th Quartermnster Gas Supply Com- pany, 1st Plnloon, Section 1.

5250th Quartermaster Truck Cornpany (Pvmisional).

Replacement Command, Advance Eche lon, Headquarters, IJnited States Army Farces in the Far East.

Southern Philippines Boat Building Command, Advance Detachment.

XVII..LUZON.-1. Announcement is made of units awarded battle participa- tion credit under the provisions of paragraph 21b(2). AR 260-10, 26 October 1944, in the Luzon campaign.

a. Combat #om.-The Island of Luzon, other Philippine Islands lying north of latitude 13"36' north, and the adjacent waters.

b. Time limitation.-9 January 1945 to 4 July 1945.

Nm-Batt le participation credit for this campaign may be awarded by the theater commander to units or individuals who actually engaged the enemy after 4 July 1945.

2. When entering individual credit on officers' qunliflcation cards (WD AGO Forms &l and 6432) or in the service record of enlisted personnel (WD AGO Form 24), this general orders may be cited a s authority for such entries for personnel who were present f a r duty as a member of or attached to a untt listed a t some time duringthe limiting dates of the Luzon campaign.

1st Air Combat Control Squadron (Am. phibian).

1st Aircraft Maintenance Uuit (Float. ins) .

1st Camp Battalion. 1st Cavalry Division. 1st Cavalry Division. Artillery. I Corps Artillery, Headquarters and

Ileadquarters Battery. I Corps, Headquarters and Headquar.

ters Company. I Corw, Military Police Platoon. 1st Machine Records Unit (Tppe Y)

(Mabile). 1st Malaria Control Detachment. 1st Military Police Battalion (Philip

pine Scouts). 1st Order of Battle Team. 1St Ordnance Battalion. Headquarters

and Headquarters Dctachment. 1st Philippine Civil Affairs Uuit. 1st Portable Surgical Hospital. 1st Radio Squadron (Mobile) (J). 1st Technical Supply Detachment (Ada.

tion). 2d Airdrome Squadron. Zd Air Service Squadron. 2d Combat Cargo GrouB 2d Malaria Control Detachment. 2d Military Police Battaliou (Philippine

Scouts). 2d Order of Battle Tram. 2d Philippine Civil M a i m Unit. 2d 'Technical Supply Detachment (Avia.

tion). 3d Air Cnrgo Cootrol Squadron. 34 Air Commando Group. 3d Aircmft Hepair Unit (Floating). 3d Airdrome Squadron. 3d Bombardment Group (Light). 36 Emergency Rescue Squadron. 3d Engineer Comhat Battalion, Com

pany C. 3d Field Hospital. 3d Fighter Squadron (Commando). 3d Malaria Control Detachment. 3d hlediral Concentration D e ~ n . Rend

quarters and Headquarters Detach. ment.

3d hlilitary Pollee Battaliou (Philippine Smuts).

3d Militaty Police Company (Philippine Army 1.

3d Philippine Civil Affairs Unit. 3d Portable Surgical Hospital. Sd Quartermaster Croup, Headquarters

and Headquarters Detachment. 3d Technical Supply Detachment (Avia-

tion). Id Veterinary Detachment (Aviation). Ith Air Cargo Resupply Squadron. Ith Air Depot Group, Headquarters and

Headquarters Squadron. 4th Camp Battalion. mendquarters and

Headquarters Dctachment. 3th Depot Repair Squadron. 3th Depot Supply Squadron. It11 Engineer Special Brigade. Ith Pighter Squadron [Commando). Lth Malaria Survey Detachment. 4th EiIedical Xluseum and Arts Detach-

ment. 4th Military Police Battalion (Philip-

pine Scouts). 4th Military Police Company (Philip-

pine Army). $th Order of Battle Team. 4th Philippine Civil Affairs Unit. 4th Portable Surgical Hospital. 4th Reconnaissance Squadron (Long

Range Photo). 4th Technical Supply Detachment (Avi-

ation). 5th Air Cargo Resupply Squadron. 5th Aircmft Maintenance Unit (Fiaat-

ing). 5th Aircraft Repair Unit. V Air Service Area Command, Heud-

quarters aud Uendquarters Squad- rou.

Fifth Air Force, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron.

V Air Force Service Command. Head- quarters and Headqunrters Squicdran.

5th Army Air Force Combat Camera Unit.

V Uomlw Gommand, Readquarters and Headqunrters Squadron.

V Fighter Comtnana, Headquarters nnd Hcndquarters Squadron.

V Fighter Command, Signal Headquar- ters Company (Air Warning Signal)

5th Banlbardment Group (Heavy). 5th Camp Battalion. 5th Elrwrgency Rescue Group. 6th Field Hospital. 5th Military Police Rattalion (Philip

pine Scouts). 5th Military Police Companp (Philip

pine Army). 5th Philippine Civil Affairs Unit. 5th Photogranhie Technical Squadron 5th Portable Surgical Huspikl. . 5th Replaccment Depot, Headquarterr

and Headquarters Company. 5th Tactical Air Communications Squad.

ron. 5th Technical Supply Detachment (Avi

ation). 6th Air Cargo Resupply Squadron. 6th Aircraft Repair Unit (Floating). 6th Antiaircraft Artillery Gruup. Head

quarters and Headquarters Battery 6th Army Air Forces Combat Camera

Unit. 6th Arn~y Air Forces Depot Unit, Army Sixth A m y , Headquarters and Head.

quarters Compnup. Sixth Army, Headquarters, Specla'

Troops. 6th Counter Intelligence Corps Detach.

ment. 6th Emergency Rescue Squadron. 6th I n f a n t q Division. 6th Infantry Division. Artillery. 6th Malaria Control Detachment. 6th Malaria Survey Detachment. 6th Miiiiary Police Cumpany (Philip

pine AImy). 6th Ordcr of Battle Team. 6th Pililippiue Civil Affairs Unit Gth Portable Surgical Hospital. 6th Ranger Infantry Battalion. 6th Reconnaissance Group. 6th Special Service Cumpany. 6th Technical Supply Detaclrment (Avi

ation I . 7th Air Service Gruup. Headquarters

and Headquarters Squadron. 7th Base Past Oace. AGO 2961B

7th Evacuatiou Eospital. 7th Malaria Control Detachment. 7th Military Police Battalion (Phi l ip

pine Scouts). 7th Philippine Civil Affairs Unit. 7th Purtahie Surgical Hospital. 7th Tactical Air Communications

Squadron. Eighth Army. Headquarters and Head-

quarters Company. Eighth Army. Headquarters, Special

Troops. 8th Engineer Combat Squadron. 8th bizhter Control Squadron. 8th Fighter Gruup (Twin Engine). 8th Information and IIislaricai Service. 8th Medical Laboratory. 8th Medical Museum and Arts Detach-

ment. 8th Military Police Battalion (Phi l ip

pine Scouts). 8th Order of Battle Team. 8th Philippine Civil Affairs Unit. 8th Photographic Technical Unit. 9th Malariw Control Detachment. 9th Order of Battle Team. 0th Ordnance Battalion, Headquarters

and Headquarters Detachment. 9th Tactical Communications Squadron. Dth Postal Reguinting Section. 10th Air Serrice Squadron. 10th Antiaircraft Artillery Group, IIead-

quarters and Ileadquarters Battery. 10th Historical Unlt. 10th Malaria Control Detachment. 10th Order of Battle Team. 10th Radar Cniibration Detachment. l l l h Airborne Division. l l t h Airborne Division, Artillery. l l t h Air Supply Resupply Squadron. XI Corm Artillery, Headquarters and

Headqunrters Battery. XI Corps, Headquarters and Headquar-

ters Company. XI Corps, Military Police Piatoon. 11th Counter Intelliger~ce Corps, De-

tachment. l l t h Historical Unit. 11th Malaria Control Detachment. 11th Order of Battle Team. 11th Philippine Civil Affairs Uni t l l t h Portable Surgical HospitaL