Media Addiction PPT for AP Psych

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance or act characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal

the excessive use of any form of media that interferes with other aspects of daily life

• Total number of active users per month:

-• Total percentage of users ON THIS EARTH:

• Average amount of hours spent per month:

• Number of videos being viewed every day:


• Total number of hours spent each month:

• Total number of Instagram users (2013):


• Average number of photos uploaded every day:

• Number of unique visitors per month:

-• Average amount of Tweets per day:

• Number of Tweets per second:

• To gain approval or acknowledgementfrom peers

• Comfort with the superficial banter on social media sites

• Escapism: escaping from an unpleasant reality

• Obsessive thoughts about“friends”and the other aspects of social media

• Spending more than one hour daily at social media sites.

• Checking Facebook whenever possible

• Over-sharing

• Your family and friends are

• Interference with your offline social life

• Withdrawal symptoms in attempt to cut down on the time spent

• Losing sleep to go on Facebook or other sites

• A study from Tel Aviv University (Israel) reveals that social media can have a great negative effect on the user’s mental health.

• Three victims of intense virtual relationships:

- Psychotic episodes – delusions

- Perceivable hallucinations

• Great feelings of vulnerability and exposure

- Some report hallucinations of the person behind the screen physically touching them.

• One in every three Facebook users experience feelings of jealousy and envy after spending time on the site.

- Significant emotional damage done by looking at positive posts and

• The more time people spend on Facebook, the worse they feel about their own lives: this may lead to attitude problems such as...

- Rudeness

- Desire to suppress others

- Indifference towards real-life sentiment

- Inconsiderate behavior

• Spending too much time on social media will ultimately lead to a dysfunctional and disorganized offline lifestyle

- Possible development of social disorders

- Disability to focus on simple everyday tasks

- Interference with academic

• Changes occur in brain activity while accessing a social site that may remain active for long periods of time.

- A“need”is developed, and accessing the site becomes a method of restoring homeostasis.

• The Reward System provides motivation

- Follows the arousal theory of motivation

- Receiving a“like”from someone

• People strive to achieve self-actualization

• According to Maslow’s hierarchy of

needs: Strong emphasis on acceptance and social security.

• Incentives such as“Likes”encourage one to continue the behavior

- Positive reinforcement using secondary drive

• The positive reinforcement is continued with constant feedback, and the user develops a ‘habit of pleasure’

• Admit you have a problem! Do not deny it.

• Figure out exactly how much time you spend on social sites.

• Set a specific time schedule and make a strenuous effort to stick to it.

• Take some time away from social media.

• Just block the sites that are bothering you.