Media Ethics: Graphic News Coverage

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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JOMC 141 Group #12


Where is the line? Live Television News and the Coverage of Controversial Events•ELENA SANCHEZ•GLORIA SCHOEBERLE•ZACH SCIALES•CAROLYN STOTTS•BEN SWANSON•

Four philosophers walk into a bar…

The beginnings of graphic news…

Let’s discusss…

What makes another graphic tragedy appropriate to show?

Let’s sum everything up


• Try to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people

Aristotle- Golden Mean

• Strive for the balanced point between deficiency and excess

Kant- Categorical Imperative

• Act as if your actions will become universal law


• Seek the truth and tell a story to its fullest extent

In conclusion:Different graphic tragedies will be handled differently. Show what is absolutely relevant and use discretion with everything else, ensuring you are remaining vigilant during the broadcast. Keep scale, privacy, and your loyalty motivations in mind.

Questions or comments?

End.A big thanks to Ben for taking on all of the time-consuming video editing!