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Post on 13-May-2015

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The Depiction of Women in the Media Through Teen Dramas

Krystina Ravazzano - 260379689

One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl

Popular teen dramas Set in a high school setting to begin with Focuses on the 'in' crowd of the school and how

others get in

Sexualization of Teen Girls The teens that are

shown on these dramas are girls that want male attention

Extremely sexually forward towards males

Very sexually experienced at a young age

Have to be willing to please a guy

Sexualization of Teen Girls To be 'accepted', one

must be sexually-open and experienced

Male characters love it when girls are sexually free

Sex is a huge part of a romantic relationship in high school

It's okay to sleep with multiple people casually

Makes STDs and pregnancies seem nearly impossible

Effects of Sexualization of Teen Girls Become sexually

active at a younger age in order to fit in

Believe it is the only way to get a guy

Think that EVERYONE is having sex

Make decisions on being sexually active without being well informed on STDs and risk of pregnancy

The Need for a Boyfriend

Willingness to put up with bad behaviour in hopes the guy will change

Giving chances after chances to a guy who is messing up constantly

Sacrificing friends for guys

The Need for a Boyfriend

Waiting around for the guy to come around

Pulling out all the stops to get a guy including trying to make him jealous

The Need for a Boyfriend/Guy

In every teen drama, every girl on the show has to be attached to a guy at some point or another.

The story lines are usually around specific relationships or the girls trying to get boyfriends.

Effects of Need for a Boyfriend/Guy

Put up with behaviour that is inappropriate and disrespectful

Go to great lengths to keep boyfriend Making him jealous Using sexual advances Sacrificing friends Sacrificing school

The Need for a Boyfriend/Guy and Sexualization of Teen Girls

“Here's my philosophy on dating. It's important to have somebody that can make you laugh, somebody you can trust, somebody that,

y'know, turns you on... And it's really, really important that these three people don't know

each other.”(Brooke Davis – One Tree Hill)

Relationships Between GirlsCliques (Gossip Girl)

Girls are in tight-knit groups lead by a specific girl

Girls are shown to be back-stabbing and that it is good

They would do anything to stay at the top and to have the group leader approval

Often copy everything their leader does including the way they dress

Relationships Between GirlsCliques (Gossip Girl)

In Gossip Girl, the story is behind a person who receives text messages from people, mainly

girls, who tip her off on the latest gossip going on in the main characters' high school. These

text messages are most of the time embarrassing, an invasion of privacy and cruel. However, the girls use them as revenge against other girls or ex-boyfriends, to climb their way up the social hierarchy or just to cause havoc.

Relationships Between GirlsFriends vs. Boyfriends (One Tree

Hill) Love triangles begin with two best friends and a common guy

Fights occur due to rights to a guy

Girl fights happen to make girls 'stay away' from their boyfriends

Friendships are broken Jealousy begins with

the slightest smile at the wrong time

Relationships Between GirlsFriends vs. Boyfriends (One Tree


Effects of Relationships Between Girls

Rise of girl fights within schools Rise of verbal tormenting Girls choosing guys over their friends Using violence or threats to keep girls away

from boyfriends or guys they like Horrible gossiping and rumours about girls Not developing strong relationships with girls

because of lack of trust and mean behaviour Jealousy is very prominent among girls

Sexist Remarks Made from Girl to Girl

Competition is brought up between girls Creation of jealousy Want to be the best and keep the title Putting down others to make yourself feel better Example:

“You're either on 'Team Brooke' or 'Team Peyton' and nobody wants to be on 'Team Peyton' because their captain is a big whore” (Brooke Davis – One Tree Hill)

Effects of Sexist Remarks Made from Girl to Girl

Allowing sexist remarks such as calling your friends whores, sluts, skanks, etc. Casually or to

insult other girls makes it seem as though it is fine for guys to use these words to describe girls. It denounces girls in various ways and

makes people think lowly of them.

Unrealistic Beauty Goals Not one overweight or

unattractive girl on the show

Always look put together at school and even on their worst days they wear make-up and still try to look pretty

All girls have flat stomachs and nice overall bodies

Boys on the show like their bodies

Attempts to Include Realistic Beauty Goals

One Tree Hill attempted this past week to encourage realistic beauty goals but the execution was done horribly. This girl may be wearing a shirt that says 'Zero is not a size' but she is not bigger than a size 2, which still reinforces the idea that bigger is bad.

Effects of Unrealistic Beauty Goals Increases anxiety about

appearances Increases rates of

eating disorders Increases chance of low

self-confidence and self-esteem

Increases divide between 'pretty' girls and 'ugly' girls

Makes it seem as though there is something wrong with normal body weight

Long-Term Effects of Teenage Girls Girls begin to believe

they are not good enough at anything

Makes girls seem like they have no control of anything

Allows girls to believe that they need to be 'perfect' to be accepted

Don't understand that the goals set by TV are unrealistic and unattainable

Why Having These Shows on TV Is Not Healthy

Gives an unrealistic idea of high school Makes girls think that they have expectations

about them that are impossible Causes stress among young girls Girls do not become educated on the problems

that can come with being sexually active, having a guy rule their lives, losing friends, and having unrealistic beauty goals

Get exposed to these ideas at a very young age including elementary school

What is Social Justice?

Social justice is equality between between people in society

Understanding that differences should not interfere with how we view others

Deals with human rights which includes freedom of thought, freedom of association, etc.

How Do Teen Dramas Effect Create Social Injustice Among

Women They are shown as one-dimensional characters Men are shown to be superior to women Does not celebrate the differences between

women but instead encourages women to be clones of each other

Does not celebrate a girl's talent or knowledge instead they are shown to only be able to throw a good party, be a fashion designer, be a teacher, etc. which are typical 'female' traits and jobs