Media Kit 2018 - World Architecture MediaKit 2018-01R.pdf · Media Kit 2018 World Architecture ......

Post on 13-Apr-2018

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Media Kit 2018


Meet Share CompeteWith over 25,000 registered members from 170+ countries, our portal is the meeting place for truly global contemporary architecture.

Professionals and academics alike share over 10,000 proj-ects for all to see.

On its 27th Cycle, World Architecture Community 10+5+X Awards recognize the diverse projects of our fellow members.

2018 / January Edition

PickIntroducing World Architecture Materials, a new marketplace for architects to pick their Building & Construction materials for their next project.

Thousands of architects, architecture offices, students and academics are members of our portal where they can create their profile pages, and upload their projects and buildings. As a truly global platform, World Architecture Community is the place where international contemporary architecture is expressed from all horizons while providing an equal opportunity to those countries generally less covered by international media.

The mixture of exclusive and syndicated architecture news, published on World Architecture Community’s News section, was viewed over 80 million times, and projects posted by its members were viewed close to 45 million times in total, since 2008. With over 450,000 twitter followers, World Architecture Community is also quite active and followed on social media.

Finally, the WA Awards competition recognises the best projects and buildings in 3 different categories: Designed, Realised and Student. Up-to 10+5+X projects are awarded every cycle 3 times a year, since 27 cycles, in a totally democratic selection, made by a combination of the votes of honorary members and previous cycle winners (10), as well as the ratings of our community members (5). The X corresponds to those special projects our jury members sometimes want to highlight for their innovative aspects.

Since 2006, World Architecture Community provides a unique environment for architects, architecture students and academics around the globe to meet, share and compete.


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Key Analytics2017

Pageviews2,236k (-3.6%)

Sessions764k (+2.0%)

Visitors552k (-0.5%) Page/Session

2.9 (-5.5%)

Avg Session2:04 (-1.0%)

Top 10 Visiting CountriesAs a % of all Sessions

2017 2016India 23% 15%United States 18% 21%Turkey 5% 6%United Kingdom 4% 5%Italy 2% 2%China 2% 1%Germany 2% 2%Canada 2% 3%Australia 2% 2%France 2% 2%

Data based on Jan-Dec 2016 vs

Jan-Dec 2017


After a 77% increase in Sessions, a 75% increase in Visitors and a 44% increase in Pageviews, from 2015 to 2016, with the introduction of our new responsive redesign, the traffic seems to have plateaued in terms of Sessions, Visitors and Pageviews in 2017, with minor deviations.

However, with another redesign launched during the 1st week of January 2018, the numbers are off to a great start on a monthly average basis, with 65k visitors (+24% from Dec ‘17), 83k sessions (+20%) and 225k pageviews (+18%) for the first month of 2018.

Media Kit 2018 7

1 This map shows the % of pageviews per continent

and the % of visitors. One obvious finding is that Asian visitors consume more pages than any other continent. The other is that traffic from the southern hemisphere is still quite low, with a little less than 10% of visitors.

4 India, with its very large English speaking

population and good access to Internet, remained our top visiting country with 23% of our visitors in 2017, with 125 thousand visitors. In 2016, visitors from India were at 16% as second, with 86 thousand visitors.

2 Although the overall pageviews declined by

3.6% from 2016 to 2017, the pageviews of the Asia region increased from 51% to 58%, while the visitors increased from 41% to 46%, year-over-year.

5 The top 10 countries by visitors accounted for 61% of overall visitors vs 63% last year. In 2017, top 10 countries included China

for the first time, with close to 8,000 visitors, at the 10th place, a new market we are focusing on. Overall, we had visitors from 222 countries and territories in 2017.

3 The North American traffic remained at close to 24%

when compared to 25% in 2016, Europe’s shares, both in terms of pageviews and visitors declined from 25% on pageviews and 24% on visitors to 20% and 21% respectively.

World Architecture Community’s main differentiator from other portals and websites focusing on architecture, is probably the geographical composition of its visitors.

As WAC intentionally continues to focus on countries less covered by mainstream media, its audience is similarly more diverse.

Although our second most visitors in 2017 came from the United States (22%), 67% of our visitors and 79% of overall pageviews were from Eurasia, proving once more that World Architecture Community covers a different geographical space.

The democratization of the Internet, in particular through mobile devices in developing countries, coupled with our redesign efforts to make World Architecture Community comfortably accessible through all mobile devices has fueled this sustained traffic from those countries.


Data Analysis

North AmericaPageviews Visitors

11.8% 23.8%

Latin AmericaPageviews Visitors

4.3% 4.0%

AfricaPageviews Visitors

3.7% 3.4%

EuropePageviews Visitors

20.3% 20.9%

AsiaPageviews Visitors

58.3% 45.7%

OceaniaPageviews Visitors

1.4% 2.0%

EurAsiaPageviews Visitors

78.6% 66.6%

Data based on Jan-Dec 2017

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26%Social&OtherTwitter, Instagram, etc.


Students 32%

66%Age 18-34

34% 18-24 / 32% 25-34








Sources &Audience2017

Data based on Jan-Dec 2017

Media Kit 2018

World Architecture Community primarily focuses on Twitter and on Instagram but is also present on Flipboard, Facebook, Vimeo or Linkedin.

Social MediaStrong Footprint


450,000Twitter followers

as of Jan 2018.

120,000Instagram followers

as of Jan2018.An ever increasing targeted

audience on Social Media that you can reach through us for your next marketing campaign.

Followed by an international focus group,

WACommunity is a trusted source for architecture news, events, competitions and more.

Newly introduced Flipboard is

starting to get good traction, in particular with our US and UK based Audiences.

Our twitter account gets over 2 million

impressions, about 3-5 thousand new followers, over 20 thousand profile visits per month.

Twitter Instagram Flipboard Linkedin

@WACommunity @WACommunity @WACommunity World Architecture Community

Media Kit 2018

After the introduction of a responsive design on our portal during 2015, we have see tremendous increase in our mobile and tablet sessions.

While in 2015, our mobile traffic only represented 29% with 125 thousand of our sessions, in 2017 it has already reached 38% of our overall sessions with 290 thousand. That’s a 2.3 x increase over 2 years.

Responsive Effect:Increase in Mobile Traffic


In the meantime, the regular desktop/laptop sessions have also been steadily increasing as seen on the chart, passing from a flat 300k per year to about 480k per year at the end of 2 years, a 60% increase.

This January 2018, we have yet improved our portal’s infrastructure and look and feel to even further deliver a more responsive experience to our audience.

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Now on its 27h Cycle, the World Architecture Community Awards 10+5+X is a well-established

and recognised competition giving both its participants and winners, be it Architects or Students, a great opportunity to have their projects highlighted and recognised both among their peers and in the marketplace.

Given the International nature of World Architecture Community, participants from around the Globe and in particular from regions less covered by general or specialised media, get a chance to share and promote their projects, which would otherwise go unnoticed, while potentially initiating new and exciting questions or issues about Contemporary Architecture.

There are 3 categories in which the participants can compete: Designed, Realised and Student. While confirmed architects may compete in both the Designed and Realised categories, they can not

participate in the Student category which is reserved to Students, as per its name.

Awarding follows a very democratic procedure where all WA Jury members’ votes (for the 10) or World Architecture Community members’ ratings (for the 5) have equal weight and are effective in the final decision.

The WA Jury is composed of members of our 200+ Honorary Members and winners of previous WA Awards cycles (based on availability during that cycle).

The WA Awards runs 3 cycles per year and the winners are announced within month after the closure of the cycle.

More information on how to participate is available at the World Architecture Community portal.

10+5+X 26CYCLES


The winners of the WA Awards receive a tailor-designed print-ready poster that attests their WA Award that they can display in their offices or use as part of their marketing materials.

In addition to the WA Award poster, the winners also receive a custom made and digitally verified certificate they can use at their discretion, including as a reference for their curriculum vitae / resume.

Media Kit 2018 17

Since 2006, World Architecture Community provides a unique environment for architects, architecture students and academics around the globe to meet, share and compete. After over 10 years serving the architecture community around the globe, we are thrilled and excited to announce: World Architecture Materials, a new marketplace for architects to discover new materials, products and services around the globe, and to use in their next projects.

While the World has so many great building and construction materials and services to offer, our Community members, the architects, have limited time and resources to select the right ones for the right project. On the other hand the manufacturers and vendors face challenges to get their products and services in front of the architects, especially in international markets.Interestingly, World Architecture

Community's main differentiator from other architecture portals and websites offering similar services is in the geographical distribution of its visitors(1). Among the 600,000 unique visitors World Architecture Community welcomed in 2016, the Western World represented 51% (North America 25%, Europe 24% and ANZ 2%) of all visitors. The remaining 49% is a result of World Architecture Community's intentional focus on countries less or not covered by mainstream media and other

platforms, more specifically in Asia (41%), Latin America (4%) and Africa (4%).As a result, we cover a quite different geographical space and therefore reach an audience quite different from our competitors. World Architecture Materials opens a whole new market to those who choose to list their products, materials and services on our new marketplace. In other words, World Architecture Materials offers the perfect meeting point for all, whether they come from the West or the

East, as it is a nearly perfect 50-50 split between Western, and Eastern and Developing countries... This makes such a marketplace a great benefit for both sides to come together.

“World Architecture Materials brings the materials’ or

products’ Draft Technical Specifications

Documentation to the desk of the architect...”

One of the most painful activities for architects is the creation of Product Data and Draft Technical Specifications documents, which are needed by the contractors, who has to build the project in accordance to the requirements put forward by the architect.

We would like to inform those interested in the creation of internationally accepted Product Data and Draft Technical Specifications documents that our associated company Innocent (Innovation Centre for Design & Technology), in partnership with pro^GE, a well reputed project management firm, offers attractive rates to assist in that effort. Having those documents attached to the Manufacturers’ or Service Providers’ products, materials or services will increase the chances of architects picking those products and materials over others.

"World Architecture Materials offers a unique

marketplace for architects to chose their next

projects' materials from..."

Both For Manufacturers And Architects

The creation of such Product Data and Draft Technical Specifications documentation requires a certain level of experience and/or expertise, and both Innocent and pro^GE have over a decade of proven track-record and experience in project management and technical specifications.

They are ready to provide their services to both the manufacturers who are not comfortable with the creation of such documentation, and the architects who need such documentation to be ready for their next project.

Please contact for more information on this ser-vice.

EXCLUSIVE: Draft Technical Specifications Documents

Media Kit 2018 19

A Few Words from Our Editor-in-Chief

“We are delighted and very excited to announce the Country Editors/Reporters Program World Architecture Community launched as of 2017. We are inviting fellow community members from all around the World, to volunteer as the face of their country on World Architecture Community while being the voice of World Architecture Community in their country.

The idea is very simple: we call for volunteer community members to join the World Architecture Community’s news team. By enrolling these community members scattered around the globe and interested in sharing their countries’ architecture news, we are now expanding our ability to share exclusive and local news, which we trust will be a great addition and benefit to our Community.

Since we announced the program in mid-December 2016, there’s been great interest and we are receiving applications every week from every corner of the globe (see map). We will continue to call for more to join our team.”

Berrin Chatzi Chousein Editor-in-Chief, World Architecture Community

Country Editors/Reporters Program

Country Reporters and Country Editors are responsible for selecting, writing and submitting local architectural news, that are interesting and important enough to be published on the World Architecture Community’s News section. In addition, Country Editors have the authority to review and approve the articles written by the Country Reporters.

They are volunteer community members who have a desire to share their local architecture news with their country and the whole World through World Architecture Community, on a regular and sustained basis. It is citizen journalism applied to architecture; to our knowledge, a unique initiative.

• Canada• Mexico• USA

• Egypt• Kenya• Sudan

• Albania• France• Italy• Portugal• Spain• United Kingdom

• China• India• Iran• Turkey

Countries with currently assigned reporters highlighted and listed in this map.

Media Kit 2018

Advertising &SponsoredContentOpportunities



Directly on the home page of World Architecture Community, right below the main “teaser” slider section and the announcement boxes, there is a space for a wide banner for advertisement purposes.

WAC home page totals about 300,000 pageviews*, mostly from professional architects from all around the globe, so a truly targeted audience. The banner may link to an internal or external page where more information may be delivered to the target audience.

This would be a great spot for presenting a company and its services to our community members.

(*) source: Google Analytics - Full Year 2017







s Hea



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World Architecture Community’s News are the second most popular spot of our portal, both directly from within the site as well as through our twitter and other social accounts. As such, the main news page and the individual news article pages total close to 700,000 pageviews*, both combined.

What we offer for the “News Pack” is to have 1 box randomly placed in each of the 24 news boxes loaded as you scroll down.

In addition, a horizontal banner at the bottom of each news article will also be visible as part of this News Pack.

(*) source: Google Analytics - Full Year 2017

World Architecture Community’s Projects pages are, by far, the most viewed pages of our portal.

As such, when combined, the main projects page and the individual project pages total close to 1,000,000 pageviews*.What we offer for the “Projects Pack” is to have 1 box randomly placed in each of the 24 project boxes loaded as you scroll down through all projects.

In addition, a horizontal banner at the bottom of each project page’s description section, right before the other images of the project, will also be visible as part of this pack.

(*) source: Google Analytics - Full Year 2017

© 2006-2018 World Architecture Community. All rights reserved.World Architecture Community and its logo are registered trademarks of World Architecture Community.


World Architecture Community is a unique platform with a distinct targeted audience, suitable for any brand trying to reach international architects and architecture students. We understand everyone’s needs are different and are open to different types of campaigns or sponsorship offers that best fit your needs. Contact us at

Meet. Share. Compete.