Media thriller openings- Brooke Short

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Media Evaluation- Brooke Shortt

Opening sequence Connotations: The film opens with the character running alone through the woods with the producers name on the screen. The names are written in bold and black which implies both danger and death , the font is written on top of the character which suggest that she will be overpowered by whatever she faces within the future and her life will be in danger. The text then abruptly cuts away before carrying on to the next scene. This creates a feeling of


Silence of the lambs

Opening sequence convention: Introduces the character with a full body shot. The fast paced music reflects her movement and shows the audience of the danger she will encounter in the future. It also gives an insight into both the character and narrative of the film. We learn that she is training which implies she has to be physically fit which suggest police of some description.

Genre convection: This scene shows all the empty space around the character which shows her isolation and the potential danger she could face. Also the use of dark lighting could also represent the mood of the film and the main characters inner turmoil.

Opening scene conventions: The character is doing an obstacle course which tells the audience about her without actually using dialogue. It signifies that she is physically fit and could also foreshadow future events and her overcoming obstacles in her way. It also shows her occupation to be physically demanding, shown by how she flips herself over

Genre convention: The dark and isolated setting creates a feeling of uneasiness for the audience. The camera is low down and looking up at these words which causes the audience to feel venerable and susceptible to these emotions. It also shows the themes that remain consistent through out the film and the main characters emotions

• Opening sequence/Genre conventions: The opening sequence sets off the scene by introducing the antagonist without actually showing them. The use of dark lighting and non diatonic asynchronous music create a feeling of tension and unsettling the audience as the music doesn’t match with the actions in the opening which causes discomfort.

Example: Se7en

Genre Convention: The use of fast paced editing causes the audience to feel nervous as everything around them is moving fast and they aren’t able to focus on one certain thing. The font of the writing is sharp and disorganised which connotes danger and signifies to the audience that they’re watching a serial killer without even being told this information

Close up of hands holding the blade. Shows dirty hands and cut nails which shows their self care and how they like to maintain a clean cut everyday looks but contrasts with the dirt on their hands which connotes uncleanliness. Their skin is rough and worn away which connotes they have done hard physical labour. In the next scene you the character start peeling away at their skin which suggests to the audience that they may have psychological issues and signifies that they are the killer without the audience knowing this information

Opening sequence conventions: The use of fast paced editing cuts between the characters actions. It shoes both the character and narrative of the film. The character’s obsessive and compulsive nature displayed by them writing lines all over the paper as how they’re are all even and equally spread. It also tells the narrative of the story as it suggests psychological issues which show the characters position of being a serial killer

The close up of the money, in specifics the word God, connotes religion and faith. This relates to the with the only words in the soundtrack “You won’t get any closer to God” as it relates to the idea of sin and the bible as the character is breaking religious rules.

Genre convention: The room is almost pitch black which representative of the characters state of mind. The only light shows the face of a boy with his eyes crossed out. This shows the characters intentions of murder and the light represents the focus of the killer, the victims are his light in the darkness which shows killing as his purpose

Opening sequence conventions: Shows the title of the film and how it fully transitions into it. The lines are also similar to prison bars and help foreshadow the future events of the film


Opening sequence conventions: Shows the name of the director, the white bold font contrasts against the pure black background. This completely draws the focus to their name and makes it more memorable as there is no other distractions

Opening sequence conventions: Shows the audience where the film is going to take place, establishes the environment. Again the font is the bold white and noticeable font

Opening sequence convection: Introduces that main character. The use of clothing and the setting of the room suggests secrecy and an affair. This shows the narrative and the motive for the characters actions.

Genre convention: The idea of an affair shows a sub genre of romance, suggesting it is also a romance thriller

Opening sequence convention: The opening sequence stars off with the Warner Bro pictures and the DC comics logos and titles which list the companies.

The Dark Knight Rises

Opening sequence conventions: The names that come up onto the screen are written in big and bold font. However they soon disappear with the rippling of the water and sync in time with the fast and booming music. The soundtrack is the classic and renowned “Batman” theme tune which tells the audience of the main character they’re going to see.

Opening sequence convention: Fast paced editing shows the tone and action of the film. The photo with metal going through the head shows danger and that they’re targets of the character. It shows the character as being deadly and trained as they are accurate with their actions.

Genre conventions: The metal through the head connotes violence and murder which are both to very common and prominent themes in thrillers

Opening sequence conventions: The use of the newspaper and the famous Batman logo shows the audience of the film and the characters they will see. This plus the additional swell of the soundtrack causes the audience excitement as it’s a well known franchise that everyone can identify

Opening sequence conventions: Cuts to a copy of a blueprint which connotes both intelligence and riches. This allows the audience to learn more about the character without seeing them.

Genre conventions: The dark lighting creates a feeling of mystery and causes the audience to wonder the identity of the character. It also represents the characters inner darkness and how they often struggle between good and bad, the light and the dark

Opening sequence: Here finally shows Batman’s outfit and finally confirms what the audience had previously figured out with the logo and soundtrack. There is very little in the frame with it which draws even more focus to it. Also the dark colour of black contrast with the white snow