Media Training Toronto: Interview Success in 9 Steps

Post on 24-Jul-2015

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Media Training Toronto: Interview Success in 9 Steps

Media Training Toronto: Interview Success in 9 Steps

As a public relations professional, you'll be called upon frequently to be the spokesperson for your organization, or to prepare others for that role. This means that you'll be the first contact for members of the media, and that your words will be repeated in print, on the web, on the radio and on TV. While most media training programs cover interviewing techniques.

1. Be Prepared

2. Know Your Message

You'll have a limited amount of time to get your message across, so it's essential that you know exactly what you want to say.

3. Know What you Want

What is the ultimate goal of giving this interview? What do you hope to accomplish? Whom do you hope to reach?

4. Be Positive

5. Know The Report's Audience

6. Speck to The Audience's Interests

7. Understand the Needs of the Reporter

Talk to the reporter about what he or she needs. What deadline is in place? How soon will he or she need information from you? If you can make the reporter's job easier, you'll quickly make an ally.

8. Encourage the Reporter to Follow Up

Give him or her your cell phone or pager number and emphasize that you will be happy to answer any additional questions or to help them with any extra information they might need.

9. Follow up Thank You Note or Email

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