Medical lesson 2 5

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Symptoms and Signs p.23:Big Wheel Game

**Complete 1A:

• Read the dialogue p. 22

• Split into groups of 5. Write questions you’d want to ask Robert’s parents. (10 minutes)

• In groups come and write your answers on the board.

Let’s Listen to the questions that Robert actually does ask!

Then compare with our answers.

Modals for Deduction p.22










This is a vegetable. What kind is it?

This is a banana?

These animals are mammals. What are they?

What is this?

What is this?!

What is this!?

This is a beautiful lady!?

What is this!?

What is this!?

What is this?

This was found in a Mayan Temple. How was it made?

How was this made?

This picture was taken of a lake. What is this?

Where is this?

This is a rabbit?

Complete Modals for Deduction Exercises p. 82


• Practice 1: Write “do you” questions

• Practice 2: Use modal verbs to write a possible deduction

Answers p.82

Practice 1:

2. Do you think he could take a pain killer?3. Do you think he may have hurt the tendon?

4. Do you think he might need tests?

Practice 2 (can have different answers):

2. She may have a ruptured appendix.3. She must have a cold.

4. It’s likely to be a percussion of a foreign body.

4D p. 22

After each piece of information give me a possible diagnosis using the modal verbs for

deduction we learnt.

On examination, Robert noticed:

• Retractions and nasal flaring.

• What is the diagnosis?

On further examination, Robert noticed:

• Percussion equal on both sides of the chest.

• What is the diagnosis?

During the examination Robert also noticed:

• Patient slightly cyanotic (blue colored lips)

• What is the diagnosis?

Robert did a radiography test as a part of his investigation.

Results: Normal.

What is the diagnosis?

Robert then runs a RSV Antigen Test

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a virus that causes respiratory illness. When in young children it is the most important cause of

bronchiolitis and pneumonia.

Results of RSV Antigen test: Positive

What is the final diagnosis?


Louis Has Bronchiolitis!

Bronchiolitis Videos

Watch and answer the questions for each of the following videos


Video 1:1. From smoking, inhaling chemical products, infections

2. Aioli. Emphysema is caused by the stretching of aioli sacks so that unnatural breathing occurs.

3. Bronchiole. Bronchiolitis is caused by mucus build up in bronchiole tubes.

4. Diagnosis is done through a chest x ray and breathing tests.

Video 2:1. Treatment for asthma and bronchiolitis using acupressure. 2. Cross your hands. Extend your middle finger and place the

thumb at it’s base. 3. Position the middle finger in ‘soft’ areas around the clavicle.

Breath in deeply and rotate the finger.


Treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers to specific pressure points on the body.

Chinese Medicine: Meridian Channels

Flow of energy (Chi)

• Meridians divided into Yin and Yang groups.

• The Yin meridians of the arm are: Lung, Heart, and Pericardium.

• The Yang meridians of the arm are: Large Intestine, Small Intestine, and Triple Warmer.

• The Yin Meridians of the leg are Spleen, Kidney, and Liver.

• The Yang meridians of the leg are Stomach, Bladder, and Gall Bladder.


• Reflex: Involuntary movement upon stimulus.

• Reflexology is an alternative medicine involving the physical act of applying pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion.

Take a minute to look at the paragraphs on the worksheet:

• Translate some of the vocabulary, especially the anatomy labels.

• Tell me what you understand.

Soaring Skyward

• 4 teams

• Whoever answers the question the quickest. Raise your hand to answer.



We will read an article. Which words are boring vs. which are interesting.

• Boring=

• Interesting=

Thinking twicePeople’s opinionAncient therapiesBack painPatientsEffectiveThings growing in popularityEnergy flowPain Medical problemsConventional

Ache/Pain Your Solution How effective?

Back pain




Stomach ache

Broken Heart

‘Pain’ Brainstorm

• Lets put our words into categories

Pressure vs. Puncture

Article: Acupuncture Good For A Bad Back (True/False)

• Doctors ask patients to think more than once before they use needles

• Acupuncture may be better than Western cures for treating bad backs

• Over four-fifths of us will have a bad back at some stage in our life

• A team of researchers based their results on 638 people

• Acupuncture isn’t as popular as it used to be.

• The acupuncture needles cause the patient a little bit of pain

• European and American doctors know why acupuncture is effective

• The World Health Organization approves the use of acupuncture.

Read the Article

• 15 minutes: Decide what the article is about?

• Afterwards we will go back and check our answers to the true/false questions

Read the Article Again

10 minute reading

Answer these questions:

1. What is acupuncture and how does it work?

2. Is acupuncture better or worse at relieving pain than conventional medicine?

3rd Reading:

5 minutes

• What do you do when you feel pain?

• Would you ever consider acupuncture treatment?

p. 24 New Case for Robert: Susan

We will listen to Robert talk to a patient named Susan.

Take notes on their conversation in 5A

Answers to 5A


• Loss of appetite 2 days ago, with fever

• Headache, severe, frontal bilateral (bad headache at front on both sides)

• Photosensitivity (sensitive to light, light hurts patient’s eyes)

• Stiff neck for 12 hours

Let’s think of a possible


What are some other questions we’d like to ask Susan?

• Spend 5 minutes thinking. Come up with at least one question.

My ideas for questions we could ask:

• Are you taking any medications at the moment?

• Did you hit your head recently?

• Have you ever had anything like this before?

• Have any friends or family had similar problems recently?

5C p. 24

• Sometimes the language doctors use is too technical.

• There are also some words that can make patients scared- “needles” or “cut out!”

Choose the most appropriate word for each sentence and check with a partner (5 min).

Answers for 5C

1. C

2. C

3. C

4. B

As an initial treatment:

Would you recommend that Susan try acupuncture? Why or why not. (5 min)

Acupuncture Video

Watch and answer these questions:

• How does Joanna feel after her acupuncture treatment?

• What does Prof. May say you can tell from the color and coating of your tongue?

• What are the surgeons in the video using acupuncture for?

Diagnosing Pain Acting Game

Pick a pain adjective card and a body part, noun card. Act out the pain (without speaking)! First

team to say the correct answer wins. Pain Continuum:

Body Part:

Example Answer:“You have a torturous pain in your knee!”


• Modals for Deduction

• Bronchiolitis Review

• Acupressure + Acupuncture

• Making Diagnosis

• Diagnosing Pain Game