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Compiled by Ann Hudson

The Society for Medieval Archaeology

London 1993

Printed in Great Britain by W. S. Maney & Son Ltd., Hudson Road, Leeds LSg 7DL




This index covers volumes XXXI-XXXV (1987-91) ofMedievalArchaeology, inpursuance of the Society's policy of producing indexes at five-yearly intervals.

Volume numbers are given in bold type. A page reference in italic typeindicates a text illustration; a reference followed by 'ri' indicates a note; and areference in Roman numerals indicates a plate.

Alphabetization is word by word and is based on British Standard 1749. Placenames with two elements ofwhich the first is North, Greater, Upper, Old, and soon, are indexed under the second element. Counties given in the Index are asnewly constituted in 1974. Where the provenance of an object is unknown oruncertain it is indexed under the museum where it is now housed.



Aalsum (Netherlands), comb from, 32: 212-13,212

Abbey Dore (Heref. and Wore.), church, 31: 61,III

Abbeylaois (Laois), bcll fromvga: 21Sabbeys see monasteries and monastic sitesAbbeytown (Kilnamonagh) (Co. Galway),

ecclesiastical site, 34: 23 IAbels, Richard P., Lordship and Military Obli­

gation in Anglo-Saxon England, reviewed,33: 2 S1- 2

Aberdeen (Grampian)Bon Accord Centre, 32: 303Carmelite friary, 34: 264-SChapel Court, 31: 18SFranciscan friary, 33: 23 IGallowgate, 31: 18S-6, 32: 303Hadden Street, 32: 303King's Crescent, 35: 222Loch Street, 31: 18S-6, 32: 303Queen Street, John Smith's warehouse, 33:

23 1

St Paul Street, 31: 18S-6Upperkirkgate, 32: 303

Aberdour (Fife), St Filian's church, ?cross basefrom, 32: 302

Aberffraw (Gwynedd), fortifications, 35: 82Abergavenny (Gwent), castle, 35: 232Abingdon (Oxon.)

abbey, 34: 20S-7, 206; cemetery, 34: 20SAbingdon Vineyard Redevelopment, 34:

2°S-7,206Audlett Drive, 35: 180cemetery, early Anglo-Saxon, 32: 64, 66, 76,

9 1

church, estates, Anglo-Saxon, 3 1: 99Abington Pigotts (Cambs.), Downhall Farm,

tree-ring dates, 32: 172acre, unit of measurement, 35: 4Acton Court (Avon) see Iron ActonAdamnan, St (627-704), 34: 2-3, 4, S, 17Adare Castle (Co. Limerick), 32: 12SAddingham (W. Yorks.), church hall, 34: 222Africa, pottery from seepotteryAger, Barry, 'An Anglo-Saxon Supporting-Arm

Brooch from Eastry, Kent', 33: 148-S1Aghaboe (Co. Laois), abbey, 31: 179Aghadoe (Co. Kerry), Parkavonear Castle, 32:

120agriculture (see also bones, animal; dairying;

farm buildings; fish; granges; kilns,

corn-drying; kilns, malting; livestockproduction)

Saxon and post-Conquest, England andWales, 34: 267-9; Bryn Cysegrfan, 32:14g-S3; St Neots valley, 35: 2Sg-60

Ahrensfeld (Germany), water-mill, 33: 29Airlie (Tayside), souterrain, 35: 227Alcester (Warwicks.), 'sceatta ' from, 31: 16SAlcock, L., on Dinas Powys, 32: SIAlcock, N.W., and Buckley, R.J., 'Leicester

Castle: The Great Hall', 3 1 : 73-9Alderbury (Wilts.), roof tile industry, 35: 89-90,

91,94,9S-6,97,98,99Alemanni, chronology of, 33: 247-8Alexander, M.L., 'A "Viking-Age" Grave from

Cambois, Bedlington, Northumber­land', 31: 101-S

AlfredJewel, crystal panel, 33: 32-7, III, IVAlfriston (E. Sussex), cemetery, 32: 72All Cannings (Wilts.), roofing materials used at,

35:91Allington Hill (Cambs.), structures, Anglo­

Saxon, 35: 37Alloa (Central), Alloa Tower, 34: 240Almondsbury (Avon), Charlton, village site, 31:

116Alsace (France), archaeology, 35: 246-7Alstoe Mount (Leics.) seeBurleyAlt Lubeck (Germany), 33: 60-1, 35: 272-3Alton Castle (Staffs.), 33: 207amber

beads, in early Anglo-Saxon graves, 32: 63,64-6, 76-92

knife handles trimmed with, 14th cent., 35:IS2

amethyst see beadsAmsterdam (Netherlands), Rijksmuseum,

tripod ewers, 31: 89, 9 IAmt fiir Vor- und Fruhgeschichte (Boden­

denkmalpflege) der HansestadtLubeck, Lubecker Schriftenzur Archaologieund Kulturgeschichte 11-16, reviewed, 35:272-3

anchor stones, ?Saxon and post-Conquest, 32:260,33: 201, 34: 199,35: 173

Andover (Hants.)Angel Inn, 33: 188-9,35: 92Chantry Way, 33: 188-9High Street, 33: 188-9Newbury Street, 33: 189Portway, cemetery, 31: 19S-6



Andover (Hants.) (continued)roof tiles used at, 35: 95town hall, tree-ring dates, 32: 172

Andreas (1. of Man) (see also Rhendoo)finds from, 31: 174,32: 293

Andren, AndersDen Urbana Scenen. Stiider och Samhiille i det

medeltidaDenmark, reviewed, 31: 224and others (ed.). Medeltiden och arkeologin,

reviewed, 31: 223Andrews, David, books reviewed by, 34: 301-2Andrews, P. (ed.), The Coins and Pottery from

Hamwic, reviewed, 34: 253-5Angeln (Germany), pottery from, 3 1 : 94,.95Anglesey, promontory forts seePorth Trefadoganimal stamps and figures, on Anglo-Saxon and

Anglian pottery, 3 1: 94-6,95animals see animal stamps and figures; bear­

baiting; biological remains; bones,animal; dairying; fish; livestock produc­tion; mollusca; rabbit warrens

Annan (Dumf. and Gall.), Wcsthills, ewer from,3 1: 89-90

Anstey (Herts.), castle, 35: 167antefixes, Roman, ceramic, 32: 28,2.9,41antler seebone and antlerAntwerp (Belgium), ewers from, 31: 91Apley Castle (Salop.), 34: 208-9Apple Down (W. Sussex), cemetery, 3-1: 163-4,

)(,3 2: 278-80,35: 273-4Arbroath (Tayside), High Street, 31: 189arehaeometry, 34: 306-7Archibald, Marion M., and Blunt, C.E., Sylloge

of Coins of the British Isles, 34: British1..1useum Anglo-Saxon Coins, V, reviewed,31: 2 I I

architecture (see also building materials; castles;churches, chapels and cathedrals;dovecotes; farm buildings; guildhalls;manor houses; monasteries and monas­tic sites; palaces, episcopal; priests'houses; structures, excavated; towerhouses; towers)

ecclesiasticalpre-Conquest: Bosham, 33: 2 I 3-14;

Exeter, St Martin, 32: 238~9; Singleton,32: 281; Sompting, 32: 281; Wid­dington, Prior's Hall, 33: 178-9, 34:175; Wootton Wawcn, 31: 165-6,32:284,33:218

Saxo-Norman: London, St Martin Orgar,32: 247,247; Shimpling, 32: 262; York,St Mary BishophillJunior, 33: 258-60

post-Conquest: Bordesley Abbey, 31:141-2,32: 258, 33: 194,34: 190-1,35:165-6; Bury St Edmunds Abbey, 33:208; Exeter, cathedral, 31: 121,32: 238,33: 174,35: 140; Exeter, St Martin, 3 2:238-9; Fountains Abbey, 35: 197, VII;London, St Helen, Bishopsgate, 32:

245-6; London, St Martin Orgar, 32:247, 247; Oxford, St Michael's at theNorthgatc, 31: 156; Shimpling, 32: 262;Sompting, 32: 281; Wootton Wawen,31: 165-6,32: 284

timber framinggeneral: Chester Rows research project, 32:

233; conservation, 31: 216; dendro­chronology, regional chronology forSouthern England, 32: 166--74; hallhouses in Winchester area, 33: 268

12th-13th cent.: Exeter, bishop's palace,31: 121-2; Hereford, bishop's palace,31: 59-72, 60, 62, 64, 66, 70, III, IV;Leicester Castle, 3 1: 73-9, 75, V;Lubeck, 33: 66--70, 6'7-68, V

14th-15th cent.: Andover, Angel Inn, 33:188-9; Brentwood, Golden Fleece, 32:240; Handsacre Hall, 31: 158;Harmondsworth, Manor Farm, 32:250; Hereford, Church Street, 35:164-5; Hereford, Commercial Street,34: 189- 90, )(1; Leicester, Cross KeysInn, 32: 260; Oxford, New Inn, 31: 155;Southend, Victoria Avenue, 33: 177;York, Coffee Yard, 32: 292, 35: 198;York, Coney Street, 31: 17 I

15th-16th cent.: Beeston, Stank Hall barn,33: 222; Brentwood, Golden Fleece, 32:240

vernacular (see also timber framing)Pictish or pre-Norse, Lewis, Berie Broch,

32: 308-9post-Conquest: Exeter, Deanery Place, 35:

140; Lichfield, 32: 274; Korth YorkMoors, 32: 340-1; Norwich, 32: 263,264; Southampton, 32: 254; Wales, 31:47-58,35: 280-1

13th-16th cent., Lubeck, 33: 66-71, 69-70,V

post-Reformation, Glamorgan, 33: 264-5other

castellated houses and palaces, 33: 262-4English medieval architects, 31: 214maisonsfortes, 12th-15th cent., 35: 264-6Mamluk,Jerusalem, 32: 341?municipal, post-Conquest, Bridport, The

Chantry, 34: 122~43, [27, 129, []I,

[35-[36, 13:J-140,V-VIIArculf, Bishop (7th cent.), 34: 3,4Ardcree (Co. Sligo), Rath-aird-Craibhe, castle,

32: 123Ardfert (Co. Kerry), cathedral, 34: 234Ardingly (W. Sussex), water-mill, 33: 29Ardnakillen Lough (Co. Roscommon), fortified

site, 32: I IS

Argyll (Scotland) see StrathclydeArmagh

County Armagh Museum, brooch, 33: 18

GENERAL IJXDEX 9English Street/:vIarket Square, 34: 224-5,35:

199-200Armstrong, Peter, and Ayers, Brian, Excavations

in High Streetand Blackfriargate (Hull OldTown Report Series 5), reviewed, 33:252-3

Arne (Dorset), Wytch Farm Oilfield, 34: 173Arnold, C..J.

An Archaeology of the Eatly Anglo-Saxon King­doms, reviewed, 33: 242-3

books reviewed by, 33: 245-6arrowheads, Saxon, iron, 31: 18, 33<34Arundel (v\'. Sussex)

Dominican friary, 35: 193hospital of Holy Trinity (Maison Dieu), 35:

193Surrey Wharf, 34: 216town defences, 33: 2 I 3

Ash (Kent), Gilton, cemetery, 32: 66, 68Ashby de la Zouch (Leics.), castle, ewer from,

3 1 : 90

Ashmansworth (Hants.), roof tiles used at, 35:90

Ashtead (Surrey)City of London Freemen's School, 34: 213former Goblin Works (Esso House), 34: 2P-l

Ashwell (Herts.), Love's Farm, 3 1: 43Astill, G.G. (Grenville)

and Grant, Annie (ed.), The Countryside ofMedieoal England, reviewed, 33: 260-1

books reviewed by, 35: 268-9Aston, Michael

Interpreting the Landscape, reviewed, 32: 338(ed.), Aspects ofthe Medieval LandscapeofSomer­

set, reviewed, 34: 300-1(ed.), Medieval Fish, Fisheries and Fishponds in

England, reviewed, 33: 261-2and Iles, Rob (ed.), The Archaeology of Avon,

reviewed, 34: 300-1and others (ed.), The Rural SettlementsofMedi­

eval England, reviewed, 34: 270-2Atcham (Salop.), structures, Anglo-Saxon, 35:

36Athenry (Co. Galway), castle, 34: 231, 232Athlone (Co. Roscommon/Co. Westmeath)

brooch from, 34: 148ncastle, 32: 115

Augustinian order see monasteries and monasticsites, post-Conquest

Austin, D, Gerrard, G.A.M., and Greeves,T.A.P., 'Tin and Agriculture in theMiddle Ages and Beyond: LandscapeArchaeology in St Neot Parish' (CornishArchaeology, 28), reviewed, 35: 259-60

Austin. David'Exc'avations and Survey at Bryn Cysegrfan,

Llanfair Clydogau, Dyfed, 1979', 32:130 - 65

on deserted medieval settlements on Dart­moor, 32: 175-83

books reviewed by, 31: 208-10, 35: 239-42Austria (see also Rust)

tripod ewers from, 31: 88, 92Avebury Trusloe (Wilts.), settlement site, 31:

167Avon, archaeology of (see also individual places

by name), 34: 300-1Avoncroft Museum (Warwicks.), buildings,

tree-ring dates, 32: 172Axbridge (Som.), King John's Hunting Lodge,

tree-ring dates, 32: 172Ayers, Brian S.

and others, 'The Cow Tower, Norwich: ADetailed Survev and Partial Re­interpretation', 3'2: 184-207

books reviewed by, 33: 2:)7-8Aylesbury (Bucks.)

hospital, 33: 88Walton, tag from, 35: 109

Aylesham (Kent), pipeline site, 35: 170Aylsham (l\"orfolk), artisans from, 14th cent.,

32: 197Aynho (Northants.}, pottery from, 33: 203Ayr (Strath.)

High Street, 32: 306Stjohn's Tower, church, 31: 188,32: 306South Harbour Street, 31: 188-9

badges (see also pilgrim badges)post-Conquest, pewter, 35: 153

Ba-kkegard (Denmark), cemetery, 35: 245-6Baginbun (Co. Wexford) seeDundunnolfBagshot (Surrey), High Street, 32: 276,33: 210Bailey, Mark, books reviewed by, 35: 259-60Bailev, Richard N.

and Cramp, Rosemary, The British AcademyCorpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture,Volume 11: Cumberland, Westmorland andLancashire North-of the-Sands, reviewed,33: 248- 9

books reviewed by, 34: 304-5Balally (Co. Dublin), church and adjacent site,

35: 204buckle plate from, 35: 204,2°4

balances (see also weights)Saxon/post-Conquest, copper alloy, 3230, 39

Balblair (Highland) see ResolisBalcombe (W. Sussex), ewer from, 31: 87, 90Balgriffin (Co. Dublin), St Doulagh's, 34: 227-8Ballakilpheric (1. of Man) see RushenBallinasloe (Co. Galway) seeDun LeodaBallinderry Crannog (Co. OfTaly), brooches

from, 33: 7-8,8, j(}--16, 18, 1, IIBallisnahiney (Co. Mayo), castle, 32: 123balls, crystal, in early Anglo-Saxon graves, 32:

63,70-2,73,76-92,93Ballyhaunis Priory (Co. Mayo), 'Mote', 32: 122Ballykine (Co. Mayo), castle, 32: 123Ballylahan (Co. Mayo), castle, 32: 124-5


Ballyman (Co. Dublin), occupation site, 31: 177Ballymote (Co. Sligo), castle, 32: 121Ballymurphy (Co. Antrim), ?rath, 34: 224Ballynacarrach (Co. Mayo), ringwork, 32: 118Balvaird Castle (Tayside), 33: 237,35: 227Balvenie (Grampian), castle, 35: 222Bampton (Oxon.)

castle, 32: 268,269church precinct and Deanery, 32: 268

Banada (Co. Sligo), castle, 32: 125Banff (Grampian), High Street/Walker

Avenue, 34: 242banks seeboundaries; earthworksBanstead (Surrey), Preston Hawe, 32: 276-7Barby (Northants.), earthworks near castle, 33:

203Bardfield Saling (Essex), church, 32: 240Barford, Great (Beds.), bridge, 35: 132Barford, Little (Beds.), house, tree-ring dates,

32: 172

Barhobble (Dumf. and Gall.), church, 31: 184,32:301,33:229,34:240,35: 217-18

Barker, Philip, books reviewed by, 34: 277-80Barking (Gr. London)

abbey, 31: 126Abbey Road, 32: 245, 33: 179-80Gascoigne Estate, 32: 245new vicarage site, 31: 126St Margaret's church, 31: 126Town Quay, 32: 245

Barnet (Gr. London) seeFinchleybarns, post-Conquest: Beeston, 33: 222;

Harmondsworth, Manor Farm, 32:250; Skelton, 34: 224; Wales, 3 1: 49, 50,51,52-3

Barnstaple (Devon)Boutport Street, 31: 120Castle Mound, 31: 120High Street, 31: 120Joy Street, 31: 120Rackfield Lane, ?St Mary's priory site, 32:

237-8town defences, 31: 120Tuly Street, 31: 120,32: 238

barrels (see also casks and vats)6th-7th cent., evidence for, 34: 17wells lined with

middle Saxon, 35: 188-9post-Conquest, 33: 2 I 3, XII, 34: 248

Barrington (Cambs.), cemetery, 33: 172, 35:134

ring from, 32: 68Barrow Hills (Oxon.), structures, Anglo-Saxon,

35: 55, 56,61Barrow-in-Furness (Cumbria) see Furness

Abbey; Piel Castlebarrows

prehistoricincorporated in mottes, 35: I 13Saxon burials in, 35: 187

early Saxon, 35: 190

Barry, Terryand others

'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1986',31:110--91

'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1987',32:225-3 14

'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1988',33:161-241

books reviewed by, 35: 267-8Barry (S. Glam.), Atlantic Trading Estate

cemetery, 31: 190,190,32: 31 I

structures, 33: 238Barton, Kenneth J., 'A Piece of "Scarborough

Ware" Reassessed', 32: 219-21Barton (Hants.), roofing materials used at, 35:


Barton Bendish (Norfolk), churches, 32: 333-4Barton-on-Humber (Humberside)

Castledyke South, 35: 168church, tree-ring dates, 32: 172

Barton Seagrave (Northants.), church, 32: 264Bas-Rhone (France), pottery from, 32: 337-8Basingwerk (Clwyd), fortification, 32: 108Bassett, Steven, books reviewed by, 35: 256-7Baswich (Staffs.), St Thomas's priory, 32: 273Batey, Colleen E., 'A Viking-Age Bell from

Freswick Links, Caithness', 32: 213-16Bath (Avon)

brooch from, 33: 13Seven Dials, city ditch, 35: 131-2, IV

Batsford (E. Sussex), water-mill, 33: 26Batsford (Glos.), Cadley Hill, place name, 31:

98Battersea (Gr. London), ewer from, 31: 90Battisford (Suffolk), Stjohn's Manor, 33: 207Battle (E. Sussex), High Street, 35: 192Bayeux Tapestry, 31: 207-8Bazzana, Andre (ed.), Guerre, Fortification et

Habitat dans le Monde Mediterraneen auMoyen Age, reviewed, 34: 294-5

Beachamwell (Norfolk), church, 34: 202beads, in early Anglo-Saxon graves

amber,32: 63,64-6, 76-92amethyst, 32: 63, 64-8, 76-92crystal, 32: 70, 7I, 76-92

Beal Boru (Co. Clare), fortified site, 32: 118bear-baiting, evidence for, 16th cent., 34: 184Beaumont, Robert de, Earl of Leicester

(1104-68),31: 74bed burials, Saxon, 35: 134, 242-4Bedford, Newnham priory, 32: 231Bedlington (Northumb.) see CamboisBedminster (Avon), St John's Street/Sheene

Road, 33: 166Beeston (Norfolk), artisans from, 14th cent., 32:

197Beeston (W. Yorks.), Stank Hall barn, 33: 222Beeston St Mary (Norfolk), church, 33: 202Beeston Tor (Derbys.), brooch from, 35: 108


Belfast (Co. Antrim)Belfast Museum, tripod ewer, 31: 91Ulster Museum, brooch, Fowler's Type F3,

33: Il,18

Belgium (see also Mechelen)pottery from see potterytripod ewers from, 31: 88, 91

Bell, Martin, books reviewed by, 35: 23cr-42Bell,- R.D., and others, Wharram: A Study of

Settlement on the Yorkshire Wolds, vol.l1!,Wharram Percy: The Church ofSt Martin,reviewed, 33: 258-60

bell-casting pitspost-Conquest: ?Capel Maelog, 34: 50, 87;

London, 31: 128, 34: 176; TinternAbbey, 33: 117-21, Il9, 126, 127,127,VIII

post-Reformation, Emley, Bentley Grange,3 1 : ql

bells (see also bell-casting pits)Viking-Age, copper alloy, 32: 2 I 3-1 6,21414th cent., church bells, 31: 83

belt fittings (see also buckle plates; buckles;strap-ends)

6th-7th cent., bronze, 34: 18, 18post-Conquest

copper alloy, 33: 128, 130, 34: 73,74iron, 34:71,72

Bencard, Morgens (ed.), Ribe Excavations197(}--76, Vol.!, reviewed, 31: 222-3

Benedictine order see monasteries and monasticsites

Benefield (Northants.), Biggin Hall, 35: 178Beresford, G. (Guy)

'Three Deserted Medieval Settlements onDartmoor', 32: 175-83

Goltho: The Development of an Early MedievalManor, reviewed, 32: 317-18

Beresford, Maurice, and Hurst, John (ed.),Wharram Percy Deserted Medieval Village,reviewed, 35: 257-8

Bergh Apton (Norfolk), cemetery, 32: 64, 76, 78Berinsfield (Oxon.), cemetery, 33: 147nl, 148n6Bermondsey (Gr. London)

abbey, 31: 132,32: 251, 33: 186Abbey Street, 31: 132,32: 251, 33: 186Bermondsey Street, 35: 155Tower Bridge Road, 33: 186

Berrow (Heref. and Wore.), landholding, 34:104, 106

Bertelsen, Reider, and Urbanczyk, Przemyslaw,'The Storvagan Project 1985-86: Pre­liminary Report', 32: 221-3

Berwick, North (Lothian), High Street, 32: 305Betchworth (Surrey)

burials, 33: 210Church Street, tithe barn site, 31: 160-1The Street, 31: 161

Bettess, F., 'The Anglo-Saxon Foot: A Compu­terized Assessment', 35: 44-50

Beumann, Helmut, and Schroder, Werner(ed.), Die Transalpinen Verbindungen derBayern, Alemannen und Franken bis zumro.fahrhundert; reviewed, 33: 247-8

Beuningen, H.E.j. Van, pottery collection, 33:256-7

Beverley (Humberside)Beck View Road, 31:145,146priory, 31: 143,32: 258-9St Mary's Manor, 34: 193town ditch, 34: 193-4Wylies Road, 34: 193-4

Beversbrook (Wilts.), settlement site, 31: 167Bewdley (Heref. and Wore.), High Street, tree­

ring dates, 32: 172Bewick, New (Northumb.), Crubenhauser, 31:

154,35: 60,61Bexley (Gr. London), High Street, 32: 245Biddick, Kathleen, The Other Economy. Pastoral

Husbandry on a Medieval Estate, reviewed,34: 272-4

Bidford-on-Avon (Warwicks.), brooches from,31: 165

Bifrons (Kent), cemetery, 32: 70, 72, 76, 78Big Glebe (Co. Londonderry), fortified site, 32:

113, I I 7Binsey (Oxon.), enclosure round church, 32:

268-70Binstead (Hants.), roof tiles made and used at,

35:92,93biological remains (see also bones, animal; plant

remains)I r th-u yth cent., from Oslo, 33: 266-7

Birchanger (Essex), Pantile Farm, 31: 122BirgittaofVadstena, St see Bridget ofSweden, StBirka (Bjorko) (Sweden)

bells from, 32: 215brooches from, 33: 266

Birling (Kent), church, tree-ring dates, 32: 168,172

Birtsmorton (Heref. and Wore.), landholding,34: 106, 112

Bisham (Berks.), abbey, 31: 117Bishop Auckland (Durham), bishop's palace,

3 1: 63,67bishops' palaces see palaces, episcopalBishops Tachbrook (Warwicks.), Oakley

Wood, 31: 165Bishop's Waltham (Hants.)

bishop's palace, 31: 140; roofing materialsused at, 35: 87, 90, 9 1, 92-3, 95, 96, 97,100

roof tile industry, 35: 89,92-3,94,96,97,98stream, site of, 32: 253

Bishopsteignton (Devon), bishop's palace, 32:238

Bishopstone (E. Sussex), structures, Anglo­Saxon,35: 30, 32,40,41,55

units of measurement, 35: 17Bishopstone (Wilts.), roof tiles used at, 35: 91


bits, horses', post-Conquest, iron, 34:70, 72Bitterne (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 92Bjbrkb (Sweden) seeBirkaBlackburn, :V1.A.S., and Bonser, :VI.]., 'A

Viking-Age Silver Ingot from near Eas­ingwold, Yorks.', 34: 149-50

Blackburn, Mark, books reviewed by, 31: 222-3Blackgrave (Herefand Wore.) seeWythallBlackpool (Lanes.) seeStaining Hall FarmBlackslade (Devon), manor, 32: 181Blair,]ohn

'The r zth-Centurv Bishop's Palace at Here­ford', 31: 59-72

(ed.), Minsters and Parish Churches: The LocalChurch in Transition, 95()--[200, reviewed,34: 263- 4

Blaston (Leics.)Millfield, 32: 259-60Top Mill Field, 32: 259

Blekinge (Sweden), landscape history, 31:223-4

Bletchingley (Surrey)Little Pickle, 33: 210,34: 213.'\orth Park Farm, 34: 2 I 3

Bletchley (Bucks.), Rectory Cottages, tree-ringdates, 32: 168, 169

Blieck, G. (ed.), Travaux du GroupedeRecherches etd'Etudes sur la Ciramique dans le Nord-Pas­de-Calais, reviewed, 35: 285-6

Blindheim, :vI., and others (ed.), Kongens Maktog /Ere. Skandinauiske herskersymbolergjennom 1000 A T, reviewed, 31: 224

Bloomhill (Co. ()fIaJy), roadway, 31: 179-80Blunham (Beds.), cottage, tree-ring dates, 32:

172boat-burials, Saxon: Snape, 33: 209; Sutton

Hoo, 31: 160,32: 275-6, IX, 33: 209boats and ships (see also boat-burials)

4th-8th cent., from northern Europe, 35:244-5

Saxon, wood: from Hackney, SpringfieldPark, 32: 250; from London, ThamesExchange, 34: 179

13th ccnt., wood, from Kingston uponThames, 32: 251

replicas of, 34: 256-8Boddington, Andrew (Andy), books reviewed

by, 32: 333-4,34: 263- 4, 35: 274-5Bodiam (E. Sussex), castle, 35: 193

earthworks, 34: 155-7, [56Bodmin Moor (Cornwall) seeSt Xcots valleyBohola (Co. Mayo), platform rath, 32: I IS, JI6,

117, 121-2Bolton (N. Yorks.) seeCastle BoltonBolton Priory (N. Yorks.), textile processing,

33:49Bond,]ames, books reviewed by, 35: 257-8bone and antler

bone- and antler-workinggeneral, 31: 205-7

9th cent., Saxon, 31: 1609th-12th cent., Anglo-Norse, 31: 184,32:

30213th-15th cent., 32: 297

objects (see alsocombs; counters; handles; knifehandles; motif-pieces; pin-beaters; pins;spindle whorls; tabula sets), 31: 205-7

bones, animalgeneral

from rural sites, 33: 260-1from towns, 34: 274-5

by site: Brucato, 31: 203-4; Dinas Powys, 3 2:50-62; Lubeck, 33: 75, 77; Oslo, 33:266-7; Rhuddlan, Cledemutha. 31: 37-8;Schleswig, 34: 305-6; York, 31: 198

by speciescattle

pre-Conquest, 31: 37, 38, 3 2: 53-7, 59post-Conquest, 31: 38, 33: 138-4 113th-16th cent., Germany, 33: 75,77

cormorant, 13th cent., 33: 140, 141deer, post-Conquest, 31: 38, 33: 138-41,

260-1dog, Saxon, 31: 37fish

r r th-utith cent., Germany, 34: 305-6post-Conquest, 31: 38, 33: 139-41

fowl, post-Conquest, 33: 139-4 I

horseRomano-British, 31: 37

. post-Conqucst, 31: 38, 33: 138-40pIg

pre-Conquest, 31: 37,32: 51,53-5,57-8,59

post-Conqucst, 31: 38, 33: 138-41,26113th-16th cent., Germany, 33: 75,77

rabbit, 15th-16th cent., 33: 139-41sheep/goat

pre-Conquest, 31: 38, 32: 53-5, 57, 59post-Conquest, 33: 138-4 1

bones, human (see also inhumations)general, from towns, 34: 274-5early Saxon, with evidence of trephination,

from Oxborough, 35: 177post-Conquest: from High Wycombe, leper

hospital, 33: 82-9; from London, StNicholas Shambles, 35: 274-5

Bonser, M.]., and Blackburn, M.A.S., 'AViking-Age Silver Ingot from near Eas­ingwold, Yorks.', 34: 149-50

Bordeaux (France), pottery from, 34: 2 I

Bordesley Abbey (Heref. and Worc.), 31:141-2, 32: 258,33: 194-5,34: 190-2,35: 165- 6

Bornholm (Denmark) see Ba-kkegard;Glasergard

Bosham (\V. Sussex), church, 33: 213-14Botley (Hants.)

trade in slate, 35: 90woodland surveys, 35: 157


Botolphs (W. Sussex), early Saxon and Saxo­Norman site, 31: 162-3,32: 278,279

Bottesford (Lcics.), enclosure site, 33: 200-1boundaries (see also enclosures; fences; parish

boundaries; town defences)l sle of Man, land divisions, 33: 250-1QHa's Dyke, 32: 309, 34: 249, 35: 229Wat's Dyke, 32: 309-10, 35: 229

Bourges (France), province, towns, 35: 269Bourne (Lines.), abbey, 31: 149Bowcombe Down (1. of\Night), strap-end from,

31: 107Bowland area (Lancs.), textile processing, 33:

38-4 0

bowls seehanging-bowlsBoxford (Suffolk), church, 35: 185Boyle (Co. Roscommon), abbey, ?ringwork, 32:

125Boyne, river, and trade with Gaul, 6th-7th

cent., 34: 21Bozcat (Northants.), cottagc, tree-ring dates,

32: 172

bracelets, Roman, copper alloy, 32: 28,29Braddan (1. oL\1an), ?smithing site, 32: 293Bradwell (Bucks.), abbey, barn, tree-ring dates,

32: 168, 169Bramber (W. Sussex) (see also Botolphs)

castle, 32: 278Brandon (Suffolk)

Staunch Mcadow, 31: 159-60,33: 207-8, 35:185

structures, Anglo-Saxon, 35: 57Bransford (Heref. and Worc.), Leigh Court

Barn, tree-ring dates, 32: 172brass (see also latten)

definition and use of term, 35: 106mounts, loth cent., 31: 105-9, I06, VII

brasses, monumental, England, 32: 336-7Brassil, K., on mollusca from Rhuddlan.

Cledemutha, 31: 40 .Brayford Xorth (Lines.), Newland, 34: 201Breach Down (Kent), cemetery, 32: 66, 68,70Brechin (Tayside), cathedral, carved stone

from, 32: 308Brecon (Powys), Castle ofBrecon Hotel, 34: 250Brcedon on the Hill (Leics.), church, 32: 260Brenig 48 (Clwyd), structures, excavated, 32:

153Brentwood (Essex), Golden Fleece, 32: 240brewing, evidence for

post-Conquest, 33: 106, 124undated, 32: 305

brick, as building material: bishop of Winches­ter's estates, 33: 189; Europe, 3 1:216-17; Lubeck, 33: 66-71, 6:9-7°, V;Norwich, Cow Tower, 32: 184-207;Yarmouth, Great, 32: 263

Bride (1. of Man), Kimmcragh, vv'est, wall, 32:293

Bridge, M.C., 'The DendrochronologicalDating of Buildings in SouthernEngland', 32: 166-74

bridgesSaxe-Norman, wood, London, Fleet Vallcy,

34: 178,35: 150post-Conquest

stonc: Gloucester, 32: 244; Hathern, 34:200; Holt-Farndon, 35: 136; Kingstonupon Thames, 31: 1:11, 34: 184;Limerick, 32: 297; London, FlectValley, 35: 151

wood: Abingdon, 34: 207; Hathern, 34:200; Holme on Spalding Moor, 31: 146;?Kingston upon Thames, 31: 131;Monmouth, 33: 239

material not stated, Harrold, 35: 132Bridget of Sweden, St, pilgrim badges, 31: 223Bridgwater (Som.) see WembdonBridport (Dorset)

The Chantry, 34: 122-43, 127, [29, 1,]1,135-136,1'3.9-140, V-VII

harbour, 34: 135-7, 138Brinkworth (Wilts.), ridge-and-furrow, 31: 167Bristol (Avon)

Broad Street, Cyder House Passage, 34: 167,35: 132

Cannon Street. 34: 167-8castle, 34:167, 168cathedral (St Augustine's Abbey), 32:

229-3°,33: 166-7Cathedral School site, 32: 229-30Clifton, Jacob's Well Road, ?.Jewish ritual

spring, 32: 230Crcswicke Mansion, 35: 132Franciscan friary, 34: 168-9Lower Maudlin Street, 34: 168:'\ewgate, 32: 230pottery produced at, 33: 131, 132, 135, 1:17Rcdcliffc Street, 31: I 16, 34: 168St Augustine's Abbey seecathedralStjames Parade, 33: 167Stjames's priory, 33: 167,34: 167-8St Mary-le-Port, 32: 334-5Small Street, 35: 132tiles produced at, 33: 128town defences, 32: 230, 34: 168,35: 132U pper Maudlin Street, 34: 168-9Welsh Back, 32: 230

Britnell, W.J., 'Capel Maclog, LlandrindodWells, Powys: Excavations 1984-87',34: 27-96

Bri ttany (France), pottery from, 34: 2 I

Brittas (Co. Meath), Moynagh Lough, crannog,3 2: 298,33:224-5,34:236

Brixworth (Xorthams.), bypass site, 34: 203-4Broadstairs (Kent) (see also St Peter's)

cemetery, 32: 66, 68, 80


Broadway (Heref. and Wore.)Abbot's Grange, 35: 163- 4boundary and settlement sites, Anglo-Saxon,

3 1: 96-9church, 31: 98

Brockhampton-by-Ross (Heref. and Wore.),church, 35: 164

Bromham (Beds.), bridge, 35: 132Bromley (Gr. London) seeChislehurstBrompton (Powys), moated site, 32: 108Bromwich, West (W. Midlands), Manor

House, 32: 288Bronllys (Powys), Bronllys Moat, 34: 2S0Bronsil Castle (Heref. and Wore.), 35: 16S, Vbronze (see also copper alloys)

bronze-working, evidence for (see also bell-casting)

13th-14th cent., 3 1: 8(}--93, 33: 71,34: 178ISth-16th cent., 33: I IS, 126, 19S, 35: 187undated, 34: 4 1

definition and use of term, 35: 104, 106objects see belt fittings; brooches; buckle

plates; chatelaines; 'Coptic' bowls;discs; ewers; mounts; pendants; pins;sprinklers; vessels


from Anglo-Saxon graves, 33: 24Scopper alloy, 32: 28; T-shaped hinged, 31:


button, early 6th cent., gilded copper alloy,34: I44-S, 144

cruciform, early Saxon, copper alloy, 35:IOS-6

disc, 35: 17S, 176; 7th cent., gilt, 35: 134;9th cent., copper alloy with champleoeenamel, 31: 101-2,102,103-4; 9th-lothcent., pewter, 31: 109

equal-arm, Sth cent., 33: ISooval, Viking period, bronze, 33: 266penannular, copper alloy, 33: 1(}--16; Fow-

ler's Type F (pin from), 33: ISI-3, IX;Fowler's Type F3, 33: 7-20, 8-11, 13,I-II, 34: 147-8, IX; tinned, 31: IS8

ring, 4th-Sth cent., Central European,copper alloy, 33: 151-3, IX

saucer, 33: 244; bronze, 3 1: 141, 16Ssquare-headed, 31: 16Ssupporting-arm, sth cent., 33: 148-S I, 149;

gilt-silver, 33: 148-SI, 149, IXother: 'Celtic', from Anglo-Saxon graves,

33: 24S; copper-gilt with cloisonneenamel, late Anglo-Saxon, 33: IS3-S,155

post-Conquest, Anglo-Norman, copper-giltwith cloisonne enamel, 33: IS3-S, 155

Broomhill (E. Sussex), church, 31: 162,32: 277,33: 212-13,34: 214-IS

Brough (N. Yorks.), St Giles hospital, 33: 220,34: 217-18, 35: 196-7

Brougham Castle (Cumbria), 35: 139Broughton (Lanes.), Broughton Tower, 35: 173Broughton (S. Humberside) seeCastlethorpeBrown, Michelle P., on inscriptions on Type F3

pen annular brooch, 33: 16-18Brown, R. Allen

Castlesfrom theAir, reviewed, 34: 293-4(ed.), Anglo-Norman Studies: Proceedings of the

Battle Conference 1.987, reviewed, 34:291-2

Browne, S., on inhumation at Rhuddlan,Cledemutha, 31: 38

Brownsword, Roger'The Warwick Castle Cauldron', 35: 114-18and others, 'Medieval "Bronze" Tripod

Ewers from Wales', 31: 8(}--93Brti (Iceland), bell from, 32: 214Brucato (Sicily), settlement site, 31: 202-4Bryn Cysegrfan (Dyfed), rabbit warren and

structures, 32: 13(}--6S, 133-137, 139,141-148, IS0, 159, III, IV

Buckenham (Norfolk), artisans from, 14th cent.,3 2: 197

bucket bindings, 6th-7th cent., copper alloy, 34:146, VIII

Buckfastleigh (Devon), chapel, 35: 139Buckingham, hospital, 33: 88Buckland (Kent), cemetery seeDoverbuckle plates, t oth cent., bronze, 35: 204,204buckles (see also buckle plates)

Saxon/post-Conquest, copper alloy, 3230, 3914th cent., copper alloy, 31:.')'5, 36

Buckley, R.]., and Alcock, N.W., 'LeicesterCastle: The Great Hall', 31: 73-9

Buckley (Clwyd), Capel Spon, 34: 248Buckton, David, 'Late Anglo-Saxon or Early

Anglo-Norman CloisonneEnamel Broo­ches', 33: IS3-S

Budapest, Aquincum, ring-brooch from, 33:IS2

building materials see brick; cob; flint; lime;mortar; peat; plaster, wall; shingles;slates; stone; thatch; tiles; timber fram­ing underarchitecture; turf

buildings and structures see architecture; struc-tures, excavated

Builth Road (Powys) seeCwrt LlechrhydBuiston (Strath.), crannog, 35: 22S-6Bullingham, Lower (Heref. and Wore.), Sevin

Close Orchard, 35: 16SBuninna (Bunfinne) (Co. Sligo), ringwork,

32:116,123Bunnacranagh (Co. Sligo), Mulligar's Lands,

31: 180Bunratty (Co. Clare), medieval borough, 35:



Bur, Michel(ed.), La Maison Forte au Moyen Age, reviewed,

35: 264-6and others, Inoentaire desSites Archiologiques non

Monumentaux de Champagne, Volume III,reviewed, 35: 266-7

Burghal Hidage seeburhsBurghfield (Berks.), Reading Business Park, 31:

117Burgoyne, Michael Hamilton, Mamliik Jerusa­

lem: An Architectural Study, reviewed, 32:34 1

burhs, 31: 41-4, 35: 3, 24-5Cledemutha, 31: 13-46,14,17, I1)-21, 23-25

Hertford, 35: 167Newark-on-Trent, 33: 206Worcester, 34: 192

burials and graves see barrows; bed burials;boat-burials; cemeteries; charnel pits;cists; coffins; cremations; gravestonesand graveslabs; inhumations; mortuarystructures

Burley (Leics.), Alstoe Mount, 35: 113Burmington (Warwicks.), hall, 31: 76, 77-8Burrishoole (Co. Mayo), castle, 32: 123Burston (Norfolk) seeShimplingBurton Dassett (Warwicks.), Southend, 32:

282-4,283,33: 215-1 7, 216inscribed stone from, 32: 216-19,217, VI

Burton-in-Lonsdale (N. Yorks.), flax retting,33:49

Burton-on-Trent (Staffs.). Sinai Park, 33: 207Burwell (Cambs.), cemetery, 32: 66,70Bury St Edmunds (Suffolk)

abbey, 33: 208Babwell friary, 35: 186cross, 31: 22 I

Honey Hill, 35: 186St Saviour's hospital, 35: 186Saxon town, 33: 208

Bushmead Priory (Essex), tree-ring dates, 32:172

Bute (Strath.) seeDunagoil, LittleButler, L.A.S. (Lawrence)

'Domestic Building in Wales and the Evi­dence of the Welsh Laws', 3 1: 47-58

and Morris, R.K. (ed.), The Anglo-SaxonChurch, reviewed, 31: 192-3

books reviewed by, 31: 212, 32: 330, 336-7,35: 276-7, 280

Buttington (Powys), enclosure, 32: 103, 104,105 , 106 - 7 , 10 8

Bwlch-yr-hendre (Dyfed), structures, exca-vated, 32: 153 .

Byland Abbey (N. Yorks.), grange of, 31: 171Bywell (Northumb.), village site, 31: 154Byzantine Empire, trading links with Britain,

33: 1-6

C.B.A. see Council for British Archaeology'Cada's minster' (Glos.) seeWillerseyCadbury-Congresbury (Avon), pottery from,

33: 2, 34: 13Cadley Hill (Glos.) see BatsfordCadw, Guides to Ancient Monuments,

reviewed, 34: 278-80Caer DIn (Powys), Iron Age site, 32: 108Caer y Twr (Gwynedd), fort, 35: 81Caergwrle (Clwyd), castle, 34: 248,35: 228-9Cahergal (Co. Kerry), fort, 35: 210cairns, prehistoric, incorporated in mottes, 35:

113Caister-on-Sea (Norfolk), castle, 32: 207Caistor St Edmund (Caistor-by-Norwich)

(Norfolk), cemeteries, 32: 68, 76,80Harford Farm, 35: 175; brooch from, 35: 175,

176Caldecotte (Bucks.), water-mills, 33: 29

tree-ring dates, 32: 168Camber (E. Sussex) see BroomhillCambois (Northumb.), grave, 'Viking-Age', 31:


Castle Ditch, 33: 172Fitzwilliam Museum, corn collection, 32:

315- 16King's College, 35: 134Kings Ditch, 33: 172Queens' College, 32: 207StBeneCschurch, 33: 172St Mary the Less church, 35: 134Trinity College, 35: 134-5

Camden (Gr. London)Ely Place, 35: 148-9Shorts Gardens, 34: 175-6

eames, post-Conquest, lead, 34: 74,75candlesticks, pricket, post-Conquest, rron,

34P, 73Canterbury (Kent)

Adelaide Place, 32: 259All Saints church, 31: 147All Saints Lane, 34: 196Best Lane, 33: 199,34: 197bishop's palace, 31: 63, 65,72Burgate, 33: 198-9castle, 35: 171Castle Street, 34: 196cathedral precincts, Linacre Garden, 'Meis­

ter Omers' and St Gabriel's Chapel, 35:278- 9

Christchurch College, 31: 148,35: 170DaneJohn Mound, 34: 197Greyfriars, 34: 196, 35: 170hooked tag from, 35: 109Ivy Lane, 33: 199Longmarket, 35: 170

Love Lane, 33: 199Mercery Lane, 34: 196Newingate, 33: 198


Canterbury (Kent)(continued)North Lane, 34: 197Northgate see St Gregory's pnory and

cemetervPound Lane, 33: 199; Barrett's Garage, pot-

tery kiln, 31: 148, VIIIRhodaus Town, 34: 197Ridingate, Watling Street, 31: 148Rosemary Lane, 33: 199St Augustine's Abbey, 35: 170; conduit

house, 33: 198, 34: 197St George's Gate, 33: Ig8St George's Place, 34: 197St Gregory's priory and cemetery, 33: Ig9,

34: 197~8, 35: 171StJohns hospital, 35: 171Stjohn's Lane, 31: 148St Margaret's church, 31: 148,34: 196St Margaret's Street, 31: 148-9St Mildred's Tannery, 32: 259St Peter's Street, 31: 147St Radigund's Street, 32: 259Station Road East, 34: 197,35: IIIStourStreet,3 1 : 149,33: 199,35: 171Sun Inn, tree-ring dates, 33: 95~7Tourtell Road, 34: 197town walls, 31: 148,33: 198-9Upper Bridge Street, 34: 197water supply systems, 33: 198,34: 197Westgate, 33: 199

Capel Maelog, Llandrindod Wells (Powys),church and cemetery, 32: 312-13,313,34: 27~g6,32,35,38, 42, 48,52,55, I-IV

finds from, 34: 58-78, 59, 64~66, 6g-p, 74-77Capelle, Torsten, 'Animal Stamps and Animal

Figures on Anglo-Saxon and AnglianPottery', 31: 94-6

Capheaton (Northumb.), hanging-bowl from,33: I I

Cardiff(S. Glam.), Grcyfriars, 35: 231Carew (Dyfed), castle, 31: 18g~90, 32: 310, 33:

238,34: 249Carlisle (Cumbria)

castle, 35: 279-80Castle Street/Long Lane, 35: 138Cathedral Treasury site: cemetery, 33: 174;

crucifix from, 33: 174, XILowther Street, 35: 138Scotch Street, St Alban's chapel, 33: 174town walls and ditches, 35: 138tripod ewers, 31: 9D-I

Carluke (Strath.), Hallbar Tower, 31: 189,32:306

Carmarehen (Dyfed), Greyfriars, 35: 229Carmelite order see monasteries and monastic

sites, post-ConquestCarno (Powys), Carneddau, 34: 250Carnsew, Hayle (Cornwall), pottery from, 34:

13Carreg-y-Llam (Gwynedd), fort, 35: 82

Carthage, pottery found at, 33: 3Carthusian order see monasteries and monastic

sites, post-Conquestcarvings seeinscriptions; motif-pieces; sculptureCashel (Co. Tipperary)

cathedral precinct, 34: 238Hall of Vicars Choral, 34: 238Main Street, 34: 238town wall, 34: 238

cashels (see also raths; ringforts)early Christian period, Rosshill Abbey, 35:

209undated, Rinnaraw (possible cashel ), 32:

295-6,34: 227,35: 203- 4casks and vats (see also barrels)

post-Conquest, wood, for keeping live shell-fish, 34: 195

Cass ny Hawin (1. of Man) , fort, 35: 83Castell Bryn Gwyn (Gwynedd), 35: 82Castell Collen (Powys), Roman fort, 34: 47,79,

87Castell Crwn (Gwynedd), ringwork, 35: 82Castle Bolton (N. Yorks.), castle, 35: 197-8Castle Bromwich (W. Midlands), Castle Brom-

wich Hall, 34: 217,35: 195Castle Donington (Leics.) seeHemington FieldsCastle ""Iaghten (Co. Roscommon), 32: 121Castle Rising (Norfolk), castle, 32: 262Castle Studies Group, 31: lID-II, 32: 225~6,

33: 161-2,34: 162, 35: 126~7

Castle Sween (Strath.), 34: 246-7Castle of Wardhouse (Grampian), 32: 303, 33:

232Castlebawn (Co. Kildare), brooch from, 33: 18,

ICastlecarra (Co. Mayo), castle, 32: 123~4

Castleconor (Co. Sligo), castle, 32: 123,124Castlelucas (Co. Mayo), castle, 32: 123Castlemore Barrett (Co. Cork), castle, 32: 120Castlemorton (Heref. and Wore.), settlement

patterns, 34: 102, 105, I IScastles (see also forts and fortresses; maisonsfortes;

ringworks; tower houses; towers)general

1Ith~15th cent., 35: 263-4Isth-I 7th cent., 33: 262-4

EnglandAnglo-Saxon, 33: 252post-Conquest, 32: 330, 34: 293~4; Alton,

33: 207; Anstey, 35: 167; Bampton, 32:268, 269; Barby, 33: 203; Bodiam, 34:155-7,156,35: 193; Bramber, 32: 278;Bristol, 34:167, 168; Bronsil, 35: 165, V;Brougham, 35: 139; Bywell, 3 1 : 154;Cambridge, 33: 172; Canterbury, 34:197; Carlisle, 35: 279-80; CastleBolton, 35: Ig7~8; Castle Rising, 32:262; Cawood, 31: 168, 32: 290; Chi­chester, 35: 193-4; Colchester, 31: 123;Dover, 35: Ill; Dudley, 31: 166-7,32:


286; Exeter, 31: 120-1, 35: 141; Eye,32: 275, 35: 186-7; Fineshade, 32: 264;Folkestone, 34: 198; Gloucester, 32:1-49, 2, 14, 47, I, II, 35: 146-7, 148;Goltho, 32: 317-18; Guildford, 35: 191;Halton, 32: 234-5; Harewood, 34:222-3,223; Hertford, 33: 196,34: 193;Kilton, 31: 119; Kingston upon Hull,33: 197; Launceston, 35: 137; Leicester,3 1 : 73-9,75, V, 35: 174; Lewes, 3 I: 162,32: 278; Lincoln, 32: 261, VII, 33:201-2, 34: 20[, 35: 175; Ludlow, 35:183-4; Melbourne, 34: 172-3; :\Tew­castle upon Tyne, 32: 281, 35: 194-5;Northampton, 33: 204; Norwich, 3 I:

151-2,32: 263,33: 202, 34: 202-3, 35:177; Oakham, 32: 260, 34: 20I; Piel, 34:172, 35: 138; Pirton, Great Bury, 33:197; PIes hey, 32: 24 1; Pontefract, 3 1:172-3; Reigate, 35: 192; SaffronWalden, 31: 124; Silchester, 34: 292-3;Skipsea, 32: 259; Southampton, 31:215-16; Stafford, 3 1: 159, 35: 185;Starkey, 35: 171-2; Sulgrave, 32: 267;Swavesey, 35: 135; Tintagel, 31: 119;Tiverton, 33: 175; Trowbridge, 31: 168,32: 289-9°; Tutbury, 33: 207; Wall­ingford, 31: 156; Wardour, Old, 35:196; Winchester, 32: 256, 35: 162;Windsor, 33: 171,34: 16g-70, 35: 133

France, Champagne, 35: 266-7Ireland: general, motte-and-bailey, 32:

110-29; Athenry, 34: 23 I, 232; CloughOughter, 32: 295; Dublin, 31: 177-8;Dundrum, 32: 296, 33: 223,34: 23 1, 35:208; Enniskillen, 35: 200; Limerick, 35:2 I 1-12; Roscrea, 34: 238, 35: 2 13

Isle of Man, Peel, 31: 174,32: 293-4Israel, r zth cent., Red Tower (al-Burj al­

Ahmar), 32: 342Scotland: Balvaird, 33: 237, 35: 227; Bal­

venie, 35: 222; Castle Sween, 34: 246-7;Castle of Wardhouse, 32: 303, 33: 232;Doune, 31: 183; Dundonald, 31: 189,32: 307, 33: 236; Dunstaffnage, 3 2: 307,33: 236,34: 247-8,247; Edinburgh, 33:233-4,34: 244-5; Fast, 3 1: 182; Glas­gow, Bishop's Castle, 32: 307, 33: 236,35: 226-7; Inverlochy, 34: 244, 245;Kinrara, South, 35: 223; Melgund, 35:228; Mugdock, 31: 183; Niddry, 32:305, 33: 234, 34: 246, 35: 223-4; Port­encross, 32: 3°7-8, 33: 237, 34: 246;Rattray, Old, 31: 186,32: 303, 33: 23 1,34: 242-3; St Andrews, 33: 230-I, 34:242, 35: 221-2; Stirling, 3 1: 183- 4;Stranraer, 34: 240

Wales, 32: 330; Abergavenny, 35: 232;Brecon, 34: 250; Caergwrle, 34: 248,35: 228-9; Carew, 3 1: 189-90,32: 310,

33: 238, 34: 249; Cathedine, CastellBlaenllynfi, 35: 233; Dolforwyn, 31:191,32: 312; Dryslwyn, 35: 230; HenDomen, 35: 236-8,237; Laugharne, 35:23 1; Neath, 33: 239; Pencoed, 35: 233;Swansea, 33: 239; Tomen Llan­santffraid, 35: 109-14, 1I1-1I2, 236, II

Castlethorpe (S. Humberside), village site, 33:198

Castletobin (Co. Kilkenny), ringwork, 32: 126Castleton (N. Yorks.), Castlehill ringwork, 33:

221Castleton (Tayside), ditched enclosure, 35: 228Cathedine (Powys), Castell Blaenllynfi, 35: 233cathedrals seechurches, chapels and cathedralsCatholme (Staffs.), structures, Anglo-Saxon,

35: 17,37-9Catpund (Shetland), quarry, 33: 236Catterick (N. Yorks.), quarry site, 32: 290, 33:

221cattle seebones, animal; dairyingcauldrons, 14th-17th cent., copper alloy, 35:

114- 18,116

causeways, paved, post-Conquest, 35: 226Cavan (Co. Cavan), brooch from, 33: 13Cawood (N. Yorks.), castle, 31: 168,32: 290Caythorpe, Low (Humberside), village site, 34:

196Cefn Graeanog (Gwynedd), structures, exca­

vated, 3 1: 55, 32: 153Cefn Hirgoed (Mid Glam.), rabbit warren, 32:

155Cefnllys (Powys), borough and castle, 34: 30-2,


in Britain, 32: 316-17Celtic objects from Anglo-Saxon graves, 33:

24.1- 6as maritime people, 35: 244-5

cemeteriescremation, early/middle Saxon, Raunds, 34:

2°4,35: 180inhumation

late Iron Age, Bornholm, 35: 245-6early Anglo-Saxon, 32: 63-96; Ashtcad,

34: 213; Barrington, 33: 172, 35: 134;Dover, Buckland, 33: 243-5; Ipswich,33: 209; Oxborough, 35: 177; Sewerby,3 1: 193-5; Watchfield, 34: 208

middle Anglo-Saxon: Apple Down, 32:280; Carlisle, 33: 174; Dover, Buckland,33: 243-5; Ipswich, 33: 209; Pontefract,31: 172- 3 .

late Anglo-Saxon: Carlisle, 33: 174; Hale,Great, 31: 150; Hamwic, 31: 137-8;Lincoln, 32: 335; London, Mitre Street,31: 128; Pontefract, 31: 172-3;Romscy,35: 1 18


cemeteries (continued)inhumation (continued)

Anglian/Anglo-Scandinavian: Barton-on­Humber, 35: 168; Newcastle uponTyne, 35: 194-5; Ripon, 3 1: 169, 32:290

early Christian: Barry, 31: 190, 190, 32:31 I; Colp West, 33: 227-8; Down­patrick, 31: 177,32: 295; Dunmisk, 3 1:177; Tintagel, 35: 138; Wembdon, 3 1:158,32: 273; Whithorn priory, 32: 301,34:241,35: 218, 219

other, pre-Conquest period: Caistor StEdmund, 35: 175; Capel Maelog, 32:312-13,3/3, 34: 27-96,32,34,52,55,I-TV; Langford Budville, 34: 210; New­castle upon Tyne, 34: 217; Peel Castle,31: 174, 32: 294; Resolis, Balblairchapel, 31: 187; Ruskington, 31: 151;Winchester, 34: 188,35: 163

post-Conquest: Abingdon, 34: 205; Bristol,34: 167- 8; Capel ~1aelog, 32: 312-13,313, 34: 28-96, 32, 34, 52, 55, I-IV;Chichester, 31: 163; Gloucester, 35:147; Hale, Great, 31: 150; Hertford, 35:167; London, Bermondsey Abbey, 31:132,32: 251; London, Blackfriars, 33:181; London, St Katherine Cree, 31:128; London, St Martin Vintry, 31:129; London, St Nicholas Shambles,35: 274-5; Ludlow, 3 1: 157; Mertonpriory, 34: 183; Newcastle upon Tyne,33: 215, 35: 194-5; Norwich, 32: 263,VIII; Peel Castle, 31: 174, 32: 294;Pontefract, 31: 173; Resolis, Balblairchapel, 31: 187; Rochester, 35: 171;Romsey, 35: 158; Thaxted, 34: 174;Tower Hamlets, Old Royal Mint site,31: 133,32: 252; Usk, 32: 312; Watford,34: 193; Welshpool, 31: 191; Whithorn,31: 185,32: 302, 33: 230; Winchester,34: 188; Wycombe, High, 33: 82-9;York, 31: 170-1,35: 198-9

mixed, early Anglo-Saxon: Andover, Port­way, 31: 195-6; Apple Down, 31:163-4, X, 32: 278-80, 35: 273-4; Clea­tham, 32: 313-14; Highdown, 32: 280,33: 214; Ipswich, 34: 211, 35: 188;Snape, 31: 160,32: 275, 33: 209, 35:190; Springfield Lyons, 3 1: 124, 32:242; Sutton Hoo, 31: 160, 32: 275-6,IX, 33: 209, 34: 212-13, XII, 35:190-1, VII

censers, 7th cent., copper alloy, 34: 209cess-pits, 12th-13th cent., wattle-lined with pri-

vacy screen, 34: 179Chaceley (Glos.), village, 34: 105, 115Chadshunt (Warwicks.), crop-marks, 31: 165Chailey (E. Sussex), Wapsbourne Farm, 34:


Chalton (Hants.)Manor Farm, tree-ring dates, 32: 172structures, Anglo-Saxon, 35: 30,40,41,55,57

Champagne (France), castles and seigneurialsites, 35: 266-7 .

champleoeenamel seeenamelChannel Islands, pottery from, 34: 2 I

chapels seechurches, chapels and cathedralscharcoal, from Gloucester. environmental evi-

dence from, 32: 42'charcoal burials: Barhobble, 35: 218; Capel

Madog, 34: 54; Oxford, 3 1: 155;Romsey, 35: 158; Winchester, 34: 188,35: 163

Chard (Som.), church, 35: 184Charles, F.W.B., and Charles, Mary, Conserva­

tion of Timber Buildings, reviewed, 31:216

Charlton (Avon) seeAlmondsburycharnel pits, 34: 39Charterhouses see monasteries and monastic

sites, pos t-Conq ues tchatelaines, 6th-7th cent., bronze, 34: 18,18Chatham Lines (Kent), cemetery, 32: 70, 72,

76, 80Cheam (Gr. London), Park Road, 35: 156Cheddar (Som.), structures, Anglo-Saxon, 35:

35, 36, :·37-9East Hall I, 31: 62, 63, 35: 17-18units of measurement, 35: 17-20, /8, 24

cheekpieces, late Saxon/early Norman, iron, 31:18,33,34

Cheglow (Wilts.), slates from, 35: 91Chelmsford (Essex), New Street, 34: 173Chepstow (Gwent)

Bank Street, 35: 232Gallery Hill, lead from, 33: 125Station Road, 35: 232

Cherry,]ohn, books reviewed by, 34: 302-3, 35:285- 6

Cherry Hinton (Cambs.), graves, 32: 70chert objects, mesolithic, 31: 41Chertsey (Surrey), abbey, 34: 303-4chess pieces

r zth cent., ivory, 34: 151-4, /52post-Conquest, lead, 3415, 78

Chessell Down (1. of Wight), graves, 32: 70, 72,9 1

ChesterAbbey Square, St Werburgh's Abbey, 35:

135-6Bridge Street, 33: 173Commonhall Street, 33: 173Crook Street, 35: 136Cuppin Street, 31: 118Dominican friary, 33: 172-3, XIForegate Street, 35: 136Lower Bridge Street, 35: 136Nicholas Street Mews, 33: 172-3, XIpottery from, 13th-16th cent., 31: 28


Rows research project, 32: 23'1Saddlers' Tower, 33: 173Stjohn Street, 33: 173town walls and ditch, 33: 173,35: 136

Chestcr-le-Strcct (Durham), St Cuthbert and,34: 26 1-3

Chesters (Northurnb.), water-mill, 33: 23Chichester (W. Sussex)

castle, 35: 193-4East Pallant, 35: 193East Street, 35: 193Franciscan friary, 34: 2 I 6, 35: 193The Hornet, 35: 193North Street, 31: 163; Assembly Rooms, 35:

193Priory Lane, 35: 193-4Swanfield Drive, hospital of Stjames and St

Mary Magdalene, cemetery, 31: 163Tower Street, 35: 194

Chiddingstone (Kent), Bore Place, 31: 149Chignall Stjames (Essex), occupation sites, 34:

173Chilbolton (Hants.), roofing materials used at,

35: 88,90,92

Chilmark (Wilts.), slates from, 35: 91, 96Chingford (Gr. London), St Paul's moated

manor, 34: 181Chingley (Kent), water-mill, 33: 26Chippenham (Wilts.) seeNash HillChipping Ongar (Essex), The Pleasance, 32:

240 - 1

Chirbury (Salop.), burh, 32: 103chisels, Saxon/post-Conquest, iron, 3230, :12Chislehurst (Gr. London), Scadbury Park, 31:

127,32: 245Christian sites (see also cemeteries; churches,

chapels and cathedrals; monasteriesand monastic sites)

pre-Conquestnear hill-forts, 31: 98on parish boundaries, 31: 96-101

post-Conquest, baptistry and holy well, 34:227-8

Christie, Neil, books reviewed by, 35: 269-71churches, chapels and cathedrals (see also archi­

tecture, ecclesiastical; hospitals; mon­asteries and monastic sites)

Anglo-Saxon, 31: 192-3, 34: 263-4; BartonBendish, 32: 333-4; Bosham, 33:213-14; Brandon, Staunch Meadow,31: 159; Bywell,3 1: 154;Cambridge,StBenet, 33: 172; Exeter, St Martin, 32:238-9; Eynsham, 34: 207, 35: 183;Framingham Earl, 32: 333-4;Hevsham, 35: 172; Hurley, 31: 117;Lincoln, St Mark, 32: 335; London, StOlaveJewry, 31: 129; Norton, 35: 137;Pontefract, 31: 172; Singleton, 32: 281;Sompting, 32: 281; Waltham Abbey,

3 1: 125, 34 : 175; Wharram Percy, 33:258-60; Widdington, Prior's Hall, 33:178-9, 34: 175; Wootton Wawen, 3 1:165-6,32:284,33:218;\Vorth,32:281;\Vroxeter, 31: Pj8

Ireland, pre-Conquest: Barhobble, 31: 184,33: 229; Rosshill Abbey, 35: 209;Waterford, 34: 238-9

Saxe-Norman: London, St Martin Orgar, 32:247, 247; Shimpling, 32: 262; Trow­bridge, 33: 220; York, St Andrew, 31:170; York, St Mary Bishophill Junior,33: 258- 60

post-Conquest: general,33: 258-60, 34: 263- 4;Scotland, 31: 214-15: Wales, 31: 49,54;Abbeytown (Kilnamonagh), 34: 23 I;Ardfert, 34: 234; Ayr, 31: 188,32: 306;Bampton, 32: 268; Bardfield Saling, 32:240; Barhobble, 34: 240, 35: 217- 18;Barking, 31: 126; Barton Bendish, 32:3')3-4; Barton Seagrave, 32: 264; Bea­chamwell, 34: 202; Beeston St Mary,33: 202; Bosham, 33: 213-14; Boxford,35: 185; Breedon on the Hill, 32: 260;Bristol, cathedral, 33: 166-7; Bristol,St Mary-Ie-Port, 32: 334-5;Brockhampton-by-Ross, 35: 164;Broomhill, 31: 162,32: 277,33: 2 I 2-13,34: 214- 15; Brough, 34: 217-18, 35:196-7; Buckfastleigh, 35: 139; Buckley,34: 248; Canterbury, 3 1: 147, 148,34:196; Capel Maelog, 32: 312-13,313, 34:27-96,32,35,38,48, I-IV; Carlisle, 33:174; Chard, 35: 184; Clonrush, 35: 201;Creevaghbaun, 34: 232; Crick, 33: 239;Dublin, 34: 230-1; Exeter, cathedral,3 1: 121, 32: 238, 33: 174, 35: 140;Exeter, St Loye's chapel, 35: 142;Exeter, St Martin, 32: 238-9; FarleighWallop, 31: 134, I'jj, VIII; Fram­ingham Earl, 32: 333-4; Glasgow,cathedral, 33: 237; Glastonbury(Som.), 32: 272; Gloucester, 35: 146,147; Goltho, 31: ISO; Hamble, 35: 161;Holland, Little, 33: 177; Horncastle,3 1: 150; Hurley, 31: 117; Itteringham,3 1: lSI, IX; Kersey, 35: 189; Killelton,32: 296-7; Killererin, 34: 234;Knebworth, 33: 196; Lambeth Palace,33: 184- 5, 35: 155; Leicester, AllSaints, 34: 200; Leicester, St Peter, 33:201; Lincoln, cathedral, 31: ISO; Lin­coln, St Mark, 32: 335; Liston, 32: 241;London, Guildhall chapel, 32: 246;London, St Alphage, 31: 129; London,St Bartholomew the Great, 33: 181;London, St Botolph-without-Aldgate,35: 152; London, St HelenBishopsgate, 32: 245-6, 35: 152London, St Katharine Cree, 33: 182


churches, chapels and cathedrals (continued)post-Conquest (continued)

London, St Martin Orgar, 32: 247,247;London, St Mary Axe, 35: 152;London, St Olave Jewry, 31: 129;Lubenham, 34: 200; Moyne, 33: 224;Newton Abbot, 33: 175; Norton, 35:137; Norwich, cathedral, 32: 263,33:202; Norwich, St Margaret in combusto,32: 263; Norwich, St Martin-at-Palace,33: 202; Oxford, Christ Church cathe­dral, 31: 155; Oxford, St Michael's atthe Northgate, 31: 155, 156; Peldon, 32:241; Pennant Melangell, 34: 252, 35:236; Raholp, 34: 225; Romney, New,Hope All Saints, 33: 200, 34: 198; StAndrews, St Leonard's chapel, 31: 185;Shimpling, 32: 262; Skye, St Columba'schapel, 33: 232; Somerton, West, 34:203; Sompting, 32: 281; Southwick, 33:193; Stevington, 33: 169-70; Thaxted,34: 174; Thurrock, West, 33: 178;Waltham Abbey, 3 1: 125, 34: 174;Warndon, 35: 166; Waterford, 31: 181,32: 300,33: 226-7; Wellington, 32: 273;Wells, cathedral, 34: 2 I I; WharramPercy, 33: 258-60; Wootton Wawen,31: 165-6,32: 284; Wroxeter, 31: 158;York, 31: 170-1,34: 222,35: 199

undated: Balally, 35: 204; Skeam WestIsland, 35: 202

Sweden, 34: 304Churchover (Leics.), cemetery site, 33: 201Cistercian order (see also monasteries and mon­

astic sites, post-Conquest)and introduction of vertical-wheeled water­

mill to Ireland, 33: 23, 24cisterns and tanks (see also casks and vats)

post-Conquest, 31: 140,33: 172, XI, 35: 149cists (see also coffins)

late Saxon, 31: 128Early Christian and Viking periods, 31: 10I,

103, 190post-Conquest, 31: 155, 166,34: 188undated, 33: 229, 35: 137

Clapham (Beds.), Ursula Taylor School site,3 2 : 23 1

Clarendon Palace (Wilts.), 31: 63, 34: 276-7roof tiles used at, 35: 88, 89, 96tile kiln, 35: 88, 89

Clark,John, and others'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1986', 31:

110-9 1'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1987', 32:

225-3 14Clarke, Helen, books reviewed by, 31: 218,

223-4Cleatham (Humberside), Cleatham House

Farm, cemetery, 32: 313-14Cledemutha seeRhuddlan

Cleeve (Avon), structures, post-Conquest, 31:116,3 2: 23 1,33: 167,34: 169

clergy, houses of seepriests' housesClerkenwell (Gr. London)

Aylesbury Street, 35: 154Berkeley House, 35: 154Cowcross Street, 34: 182Stjohn's Lane, 35: 154St John's priory (Knights Hospitaller), 31:

130-1,34: 182,35: 154Stjohn's Square, 31: 130-1,34: 182Stjohn's Street, 35: 154St Mary's nunnery, 32: 250-1

Cleveland (see also individual places by name)up to AD 1000,33: 249-50

Clifton seeBristolCliviger (Lanes.), textile processing, 33: 52n37Clogher (Co. Tyrone)

brooch from, 33: 13pottery from, 34: 14, 2 I

cloisonne enamel seeenamelClonmacnoise (Co. Offaly)

cross, 35: 2 I 3monastic enclosure, 34: 4occupation sites, 34: 237, 35: 2 I 2-1 3

Clonmelsh (Co. Carlow), possible site of'RathMelsigi', 34: 4

Clonrush (Co. Clare), church, 35: 201Cloonburren (Co. Roscommon), castle, 32: 117,

12I, 126Cloonmelane (Co. Kerry), castle, 32: 119Cloontycarthy (Co. Cork), water-mill, 33:22, 23Close ny Chollagh (1. of Man) , promontory fort,

35:80,83Closeburn (Dumf. and Gall.), ewer from, 31: 91cloth see textilescloth-working see textile processingclothing (see also shoes; textiles)

5th-7th cent., trade in, between Britain andIreland and the Roman world, 34: 16

Anglo-Saxon, 32: 327-8Clough Oughter Castle (Co. Cavan), 32: 295Cluniac order see monasteries and monastic

sites, post-ConquestClyde, river, and trade with Gaul, 6th-7th cent.,

34: 21Cnattingius, Bengt, and others, Linkopings dom­

kyrka, reviewed, 34: 304Coad,Jonathan, books reviewed by, 35: 279-80Coales, John (ed.), The Earliest English Brasses,

Patronage,Style and Workshops, 1270-135°,reviewed, 32: 336-7

Coates, Great (Humberside), village site, 34:194

cob, as building material, post-Conquest, 35:141

Cockersand Abbey (Lanes.), 33: 46, 48Coddenham (Suffolk), pits, Saxon, 33: 208-9Codford (Wilts.), A36 road improvement route,

35: 195


coffins (see also cists)prc-Conquest

lead, 34: 188,35: 163wood, 31: 174; from Capel Maelog, 34: 36,

37,52,53-4,55,57,68,83,85, IVpost-Conquest

lead, 34: 183stone, 31: 118, 132, 167,34: 183wood, 31: 132,213-14,34: 183,210; from

Capel Maelog, 3452, 53-4,55,57,68material not stated, 31: 138, 166

Cojiune (Heref. and Worc.), estate boundary,Anglo-Saxon, 31: 96

Coggeshall (Essex), Old Fire Station, 31: 122-3coin hoards, 15th cent., 35: 192coins (see also coin hoards; dies)

Roman, 3 1: 37, 32: 39-40from Anglo-Saxon graves, 33: 246

5th-loth cent., European, 32: 315-167th-8th cent., from Denmark, 31: 222-3Anglo-Saxon, 31: 165,211,32: 63, 76,33:

221,34: 253-313th cent., 31: 37, 32: 40, 34: 59-6014th cent., 34: 3g--60

Coker, East (Som.), Finchingfield, 35: 184Colchester (Essex)

Angel Yard, 31: 123castle, 31: 123Colchester and Essex Museum, brooch, 33:

153,134Crouch Street, 33: 176Museum Street, 31: 123Osborne Street, 33: 176St Botolph's priory, 31: 123

Colliford (Cornwall), house, 32: 176Collingbourne Ducis (Wilts.), cemetery, 32: 64Cologne (Germany)

ewer from, 31: 87, 92merchants from, London guildhall, 34: 177

Colp West (Co. Meath), cemetery and enclo­sures, 33: 227-8

Columba of Iona, St (c.521-97),34: 2-3columbaria, 14th cent., 34: 124, 125, 132, 141,

VIIColvin, Howard, books reviewed by, 34: 276-7Combe Bisset (Wilts.), roof tiles used at, 35: 91combs

?7th-8th cent., copper alloy, 32: 212-13,2129th-1 r th cent., bone and antler, 31: 102-5,

103,104,32: 30,3°, 3 1

Compton (Hants.), M3 extension site, 35: 157Compton (W. Sussex) see Apple DownCompton Bassett (Wilts.), Mill Pound Wood,

32 : 288conduit houses, post-Conquest, 31: 136,33: 198conduits and culverts, post-Conquest

earthworks, 33: 189stone-lined, 31: 155-6,32: 229, 230, 244, 33:

183, 35 : 147

Connacht (Ireland), fortifications, 32: I I I,

113-14,118,120--2Connor (Co. Antrim), St Saviour's church, 31:

174-5Constantinople, trade with Western Britain and

Ireland, post-Roman, 33: 4-5contextual archaeology, 34: 286-7Cook, Alison M., and Dacre, Maxwell M.,

Excavations at Portway, Andover 1973-1.975,reviewed, 31: 195-6

'cooking without fire', evidence for, 13th cent.,33: 241

copper (see also copper alloys)in copper alloys, 35: 104-7copper-working (see also bronze)

evidence for, 12th-14th cent., Trondheim,33: 159

objects see broochesores, from Germany, 35: I 17

copper alloys (see also bronze; latten)definition and use of term, 35: 104-7objects (see also balances; bells; belt fittings;

bracelets; bronze objects; brooches;bucket bindings; buckles; cauldrons;censers; combs; ewers; hanging-bowlsand escutcheons; harness fittings; knifehandles; mounts; needles; pins; rings;stirrups; strap-ends; weights)

Saxon/post-Conquest, from Gloucester,32:2.9--30, 39

post-Conquest: from Capel Maelog, 34: 73,74; from Rhuddlan, Cledemutha, 3135,36; from Tintern Abbey, 33: 128, 130

13th-16th ccnt., from Lubeck, 33: 77undated: from Porth Trefadog, 35:78, 79;

from Rhuddlan, Cledemutha, 3135, 36'Coptic' bowls, bronze, 32: 63, 66, 76, 93Corfe Castle (Dorset), Wytch Farm Oilfield, 34:


Barrack Street/French's Quay, 34: 225city wall, 35: 203Grattan Street, 35: 203harbour, and trade with Gaul, 6th-7th cent.,

34: 21Korman settlement, 32: 125

corn-drying kilns see kilns, corn-dryingCornwall (see also individual places by name)

pottery from, im ported, pos t-Roman, 34: I, 8,11-14,16

slate exported from, post-Conquest, 35: 90Correen Ford (Co. Roscommon), finds from,

34: 237Corse (Glos.), landholding, 34: 106Corsham (Wilts.), slates from, 35: 91Corwen (Gwynedd), ewer from, 31: 81, 84,

85-9,85-86, VICosgrove, Art (ed.), A New History ojIreland Vol.

2, reviewed, 34: 275-6

22 GEl\'ERAL Il\'DEX

Cosmeston (S. Glam.), village site, 31: 190,32:311,33: 239

Coss, Peter R. (ed.), The Early RecordsofMedievalCoventry, reviewed, 32: 335-6

Cotesbach (Leics.), cemetery site, 33: 201Cotswolds, slate from, post-Conquest, 35: 96Cotton, West (:'-Jorthants.) seeRaundsCouncil for British Archaeology

Historic Buildings Committee, 31: I I I

Monastic Sites Working Party, 31: I I I

Urban Research Committee, 31: I I 1-12,32:226,33: 162,34: 162-3,35: 127

counters (see also tabula sets)Roman, bone, 32: 28.,32:29

Courtney, Paul'Excavations in the Outer Precinct ofTintern

Abbey', 33: 99-143on finds from Capel Maelog, 34: 59-78on finds from Rhuddlan, Cledemutha, 31:

27-37Coventry (W. Midlands)

Bayley Lane, 32: 285Fleet Street, 32: 285Gosford Street, 32: 285Much Park Street, 31: 166Parksidc, 32: 285records, 12th-13th cent., 32: 335-6Red Ditch, 31: 166St Anne's priory (Charterhouse), 31: 166,32:

286St Mary's priory, 32: 285town wall, 32: 285West Orchard, 32: 285

Cowbridge (S. Glam), High Street, 32: 3 I I

Cowdery's Down (Hants.). structures, Anglo­Saxon,35: 55,57,58

dimensions, 35: 29, 3(}-1, 32-3, 35, 36, :-37-9,42

units of measurement, 35:12,13-14Cowgill, J., and others, Knives and Scabbards,

reviewed, 32: 3 I g--2 I

cowrie shells, in early Anglo-Saxon graves, 32:63, 66, 72, 75, 76-92

Coy,Jenny, books reviewed by, 34: 305-6Cramond (Lothian), Roman fort site, 31: 187Cranbourne (Dorset), Penny's Head Mead, 32:

24°Cranham (Glos.), tiles made at, 32: 42Cranmore's Tower (Fife), 34: 24 1crannogs

Ireland, 32: 114, 127; Brittas, 32: 298, 33:224-5,34: 236

Scotland, Buiston, 35: 225-6\Vales, Llangorse, 33: 24 1, 34: 250-1, 35: 234,

235-6Crawley (Hants.), roofing materials used at, 35:

9°,92Crediton (Devon), Church Lane, 31: 120Crcevaghbaun (Co. Galway), church, 34: 232

Creggan (Co. Roscommon), finds from, 34:237-8

cremations (see also cemeteries, cremation)Anglo-Saxon, 33: 265

Roman and Celtic objects from, 33: 245-6cresscts, 14th ccnt., 34: 134, 141Cressing (Essex), Cressing Temple, garden, 34:

174Crewe, Sarah, Stained Glass in England, reviewed,

33: 268-9Criccieth (Gwynedd), castle, ewer from, 31: 84,

85,85Crick (Gwent), St Nyven's chapel, 33: 239Cricklade (Wilts.), burh and town walls, 31: 15,

41,42,43,35: 195Crinstown (Co. Kildare), bypass site, 32: 297Crockernhill (Hants.), pottery and roof tile

industries, 35: 89, 93, 94, 96, 99Crondall (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 89Cronk ny Merriu (1. of Man ), promontory fort,

35: 80,83Cronyn, J.M., and Horic, C.V., St Cuthbert's

Coffin, reviewed, 3 1: 213-14cross slabs

qth-u oth cent., 32: 308, 35: 228Early Christian, 33: 237post-Conquest, 31: 213

crosses (see also cross slabs; crucifixes)Saxon, stone, 34: 199, XIViking period, stone, 32: 234,234, VII13th cent., stone, 34: 193undated, stone, 32: 302, 35: 213

Crossley, David, books reviewed by, 31: 217-18Crosswood (Powys), Iron Age site, 32: 108Crowland (Lines.), Trinity Bridge, 31: 150Croxden (Staffs.), abbey, 31: 159Croydon (Gr. London) (see also Purley)

High Street, 34: 181Mint Walk, 35: 153Surrey Street, Grants, 34: 181Whitgift Street, 32: 250

crucifixes, 13th cent.,jet, 33: 174, XICrudcn, Stewart, Scottish Medieoal Churches,

reviewed, 31: 214-15Crumlin-Pedersen, 0., and Vinner, M. (ed.),

Sailing into the Past (The InternationalShipReplica Seminar Roskilde 1.984), reviewed,34: 256- 8

Crutched friars, 33: 176crystal (see also balls; beads)

intaglios, Carolingian, 33: 33panels, Roman, ?reused in Alfred jewel, 33:

32-7, III, IVCulbin Sands (Grampian), brooch from, 34:

147-8, IXCullentragh (Co. Meath), fortified site, 32: 118Cullompton (Devon), Manor House Hotel,

tree-ring dates, 32: 172culverts seeconduits and culverts


Cumbria (see also individual places by name)stone sculpture, Anglian and Viking, 33:

248-9up to AD 1000,33: 249-50

cupellation, evidence forpost-Conquest, Tintern Abbey, 33: I 15-17,

I16-II8, 125, 126, VII, VIII12th-14th cent., Trondhcim, 33: 159

Cuthbert, St (d.687), cofTin, 31: 213-14Cwrt Llechrhyd (Powys), moated site, 32:


Dagenham (Essex), Wangey House, 33: 176dairying

5th-7th cent., Dinas Powys, 32: 56-7, 59,60-1

Saxon and post-Conquest, PeterboroughAbbey estates, 34: 272-4

Dalby (Sweden), pottery from, 31: 218-19Dartmoor (Devon), settlement sites, deserted,

32: 175-83Darvill, Timothy, 'Excavations on the Site of the

Earlv Norman Castle at Gloucester,198i-84' , 32: 1-49

dating methods see dendrochronologyDavison, Alan, Six Deserted Villages in Norfolk,

reviewed, 34: 298-9Deer, Abbey of (Grampian), 31: 185deer (see also bones, animal)

parks, post-Conquest, 33: 189,214,260-1pounds, post-Conquest, 33: 210

Deer Park Farms (Co. Antrim) seeGlenarmdefences see burhs; castles; enclosures; forts and

fortresses; hill-forts; moats and moatedsites; raths; ringforts; ringworks;towers; town defences

Delaney, Tom, studies in memory of; 35: 232-3dendrochronology

Kent master dendrochronological sequence,33:90-3

regional chronology for Southern England,32: 166-74

Denford (Northants.), Westfield Spinney, 35:179

Denmarkcoins from, 7th-8th cent., 31: 222-3houses, 33: 257-3Roman imports, 33: 246-7towns, 31: 224, 33: 257-8

Derby, West (Mcrscyside), Meadow Lane, 34:202

Deroeux, D. (ed.), Terres Cuites Architecturales auMoyen Age, reviewed, 31: 216-17

Derrynaflan (Co. Tipperary), Lurgoe, 31: 180Devizes (Wilts.)

castle, 35: 91New Park Street, 35: 196town defences, 31: 167Wadham Stringer garage site, 31: 167

Devon (see also individual places by name)pottery from, imported, post-Roman, 34: I

Religious Houses Archaeological Survey, 31:122

slate exported from, post-Conquest, 35: 90Dicklcburgh (.\Iorfolk), artisans from, 14th

ccnt., 32: 197Didcot (Glos.), landholding, roth cenr., 34: 106die-stamps seedies; stampsDielenhauser. Lubeck, 33: 66-7 1,7°, Vdies, for coins, late Saxon, iron, 35: 174Dinas Dinlle (Gwynedd), fort, 35: 81Dinas Emrys (Gwynedd), ramparts, 35: 32Dinas Gynfor (Gwynedd), fort, 35: 81Dinas Powys (S. Glam.)

animal bones from, 32: 50-62pottery from, 33: 2, 34: 13, 14

Dinna Clerks (Devon), deserted settlement, 3 2:175-83

discs (see also brooches; hanging-bowls andescu tcheons)

6th-7th cent., gilt bronze, 34: 145-7, VIIIdispersed settlements seesettlement patternsditches see boundaries; conduits and culverts;

drains; enclosures; moats and moatedsites; ring-ditches; town defences

Dobson, R.B., and Donaghey, Sara, The Historyof Clementhorpe Nunnery, reviewed, 31:197-9

Docklow (Herd. and Wore.), WestingtonCourt, tree-ring dates, 32: 167, 172

docks seewaterfrontsDolaucothi (Dyfed), mine complex, pillow

mounds, 32: 161-3,162-3Dolbenmaen (Gwynedd), Cefn y fan, 3 1: 55Dolforwyn Castle (Powys), 31: 191,32: 312Domesday Book, reassessment of, 32: :)18-19Dominican order see monasteries and monastic

sites, post-ConquestDonaghfeighin (Co. Westmeath), Holy Pool,

33: 227Donington-le-Hcath (Leics.), manor house, 33:

201Doon Hill (Lothian), structures, 35: 36Dorchester (Dorset), southern bypass, 32: 240Dordon (Warwicks.), crop-marks, 31: 165Dorking (Surrey), Church Square, 34: 213Doune (Central), castle, 31: 183dovecotes, post-Conquest, stone, 31: 136, 34:

186-7,210-11,35: 158-9Dover (Kent)

Buckland, cemetery, 32: 68,74,76,80,93,33:243-5

castle, 35: 17 I

Russell Street Car Park, 34: 198Down, Alec, and Welch, Martin, Apple Down and

the Mardens, reviewed, 35: 273-4Downpatrick (Co. Down)

Cathedral Hill, 31: 176-7, 32: 295; RathChealtair. 34: 2 I

English Street, Denvir's Hotel, 33: 223


Downton (Wilts.), roof tiles used at, 35: 91drains (see also conduits and culverts; water­


stone-lined, Tintern Abbey, 33:II2, I 13wood, Bordesley Abbey, 34: 191

Draughton (N. Yorks.), flax retting, 33:47, 49Drayton (Norfolk), flint extraction, 3~: 196Drayton Bassett (Staffs.), moated site, 3~:


dress see clothingDresser, Q., radiocarbon dates from Rhuddlan,

Cledemutha, 31: 39-40Driffield (Humberside), cemetery, 3~: 72, 74,

80,9 1Driscoll, S.T., and Nieke, M.R. (ed.), Power and

Politics in Early Medieval Britain andIreland, reviewed, 34: 283-4

Driver, J .C., and others, The Archaeology ofCanterbury Volume IV: Excavations in theCathedral Precincts, 2, reviewed, 35:278-9

Drogheda (Co. Louth)Duleek Street, 33: 223St Mary d'Urso priory and hospital, 34: 236

Droitwich (Heref. and Worc.)Dodderhill, 33: 194Friar Street, 3~: 257,35: 164High Street, 33: 193-4Royal Exchange Hotel, tree-ring dates, 3~:

172Upwich, salt-working site, 34: 189

Dromiskin (Co. Louth), sou terrains, 33: 227Droxford (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 92Droxford Philip (Hants.), roof tiles used at, 35:

93Drumard (Co. Derry), water-mill, 33: 21Drumnaspar (Co. Tyrone), ewer from, 31: 91Dryslwyn (Dyfed), castle, 35: 230Dublin (see also Tallaght)

Arran Quay, 35: 205Bridge Street Lower, 34: 228castle, 31: 177-8; Corke Tower, 31: 178;

Powder Tower, 31: 178Castle Street, 31: 178Christchurch Place, 34: 228-9; bells from, 3~:

215city wall see town defencesEssex Quay, 35: 205Essex Street West, 35: 205Exchange Street Lower, 35: 205Genealogical Office, site near, 31: 178High Street, 34: 22g-30 , 35: 2°5-6; St

Audoen's church, 34: 23(}-1Merchant's Quay, 35: 206; Wood Quay

Ward, 34: 230mint, 34: 60Museum of Trinity College, tripod ewer, 31:


National Museum of Ireland: brooches, 33:7-20,8-.9, I, II; hand-pins, 33: 14

Nicholas Street, 35: 206--7Parliament Street, 35: 205Patrick Street, 35: 206--7Poddle river, 35: 206--7town defences, 3 1: 178,34: 228-9, 230 , 35:

205, 207Usher's Quay, 35: 207Winetavern Street, 34: 230,35: 206--7wooden objects from, Viking-Age, 34: 304-5

Dudley (W. Midlands), castle, 31: 166--7, 3~:

286Dumbarton Rock (Strath.), pottery from, 34:

14,21Dumfries, Irish Street, British Legion building,

34: 24°

Dun Leoda, Ballinasloe (Co. Galway), castle,3~: 114-15

Dunadd (Strath.), citadel, 34: 3finds from, 34: 19,2 I; mould, 34: 147-8, IX

Dunagoil, Little (Strath.), bell from, 3~: 2 I 5Dunbar (Lothian)

Castle Park, 33: 232-3, 34: 244Friarscroft, friary site, 3~: 305

Dundalk (Co. Louth), Clanbrassil Street, 35:212

Dundeady (Co. Cork), castle, 3~: 120Dundee (Tayside), Murraygate, 34: 248Dundonald (Strath.), castle, 31: 189, 3~: 307,

33: 2 36Dundonnell (Co. Roscommon), castle, 3~:II6,

122-3Dundrum (Co. Dublin), castle, 3~: 296, 33: 223,

34: 23 1, 35: 208Dundunnolf (Co. Wexford), fortified site, 3~:

119Duneight (Co. Down), castle, 3~: 118Dunfermline (Fife)

Malcolm Canmore's Tower, 33: 230Maygate, 'Abbot's House', 33: 230

Dunkerron (Co. Kerry), castle, 3~: 119Dunkeswell (Devon), abbey, 35: 13g-40Dunmisk(Co. Tyrone), 'Dunrnisk Fort', 31: 177Dunmore (Co. Galway), castle, 3~: 115, I 17Dunnamark (Co. Cork), fortified site, 3~: 120Dunnaval (Co. Down), ringfort or rath, 3~:II6Dunning, Robert, books reviewed by, 34: 30(}-1Dunstable (Beds.)

cemetery, 3~: 70, 72Dominican friary, 33: 169Middle Row, tree-ring dates, 3~: 168-9, 172

Dunstaffnage (Strath.), castle, 3~: 307, 33: 236,34: 247-8, 247

Durham (city)cathedral, St Cuthbert's coffin, 31: 213-14St Cuthbert and, 34: 261-3


Durham (county) (see also individual places byname)

cross-slab grave covers, post-Conquest, 31:213

up to AD 1000,33: 249-50Durness (Highland) see KeoldaleDurrington (Wilts.), roofing materials used at,

35: 87,9 1

dyeing see textile processingDyer, Christopher

'Dispersed Settlements in Medieval England.A Case Study of Pendock, Worces­tershire', 34: 97-12 I

and Palmer, Nicholas, 'An Inscribed Stonefrom Burton Dassett, Warwickshire',32: 216-19

Standards ofLiving in theLater Middle Ages. SocialChangein England C.I20o--I520, reviewed,35: 268-9

books reviewed by, 31: 202-4,32: 338-9, 34:274-5, 297-9

Dyrham (Avon), Christian site, Anglo-Saxon,31: 100

Dysart (Co. Kilkenny), church site, 34: 234-5

Eames, Elizabeth S., and Fanning, Thomas,Irish Medieval Tiles, reviewed, 34: 302-3

'ear-muffs', stone, in burials, 31: 155Earls Barton (Northants.), church, tree-ring

dates, 32: 172Earl's Bu (Orkney) seeOrphirearthworks (see also barrows; castles; deer

pounds; ditches; enclosures; forts andfortresses; hill-forts; rabbit warrens;raths; ringforts; ringworks; towndefences; villages and hamlets, desertedand shrunken)

early Saxon or Iron Age, Ullenhall, HobDitch Causeway, 31: 166,32: 284

?pre- and post-Conquest, Pendock, 34:/09,I ](}-I I

15th cent. or later, Bodiam Castle, 34: 155-7,I56

undated: Newton-Ie-Willows, Castle Hill, 32:261-2; Nico Ditch, 35: 157

Easingwold (K. Yorks.), ingot from near, 34:14g--50, I49

Eastbourne (E. Sussex), Cornish Farm, 34: 2 I 5Easter Kinnear (Fife), Leuchars cropmark com­

plex, 34: 241-2,35: 21g--20Eastnor (Heref. and Worc.), landholding, 34:

112Eastry (Kent), brooch from, 33: 148-51, I49, IXEbblesbourne (Wilts.), roof tiles used at, 35: 91Edenhope (Salop.), Nutwood, Offa's Dyke, 32:


Edinburgh (Lothian)Advocate's Close, 33: 233castle, 33: 233-4,34: 244-5

Huntly House Museum, excavation, 32: 305National Museum of Antiquities, tripod

ewers, 31: 88, 91Royal Museum of Scotland, brooches, 33:/0,

18St Bernard's Bridge, 33: 233

education seeliteracy; schools; universitiesEdward the Elder, king of England (d'924), 31:

13,15,41,43Edwards, Nancy

The Archaeol~gy of Early Medieval Ireland,reviewed, 35: 24g--50

and Lane, Alan (ed.), Early Medieval Settle­ments in Wales A.D. 4°0--/000, reviewed,34: 296-7

books reviewed by, 32: 316-17, 33: 248-9Edzell (Tayside), graveslab from, 33: 237effigies, sepulchral, 15th cent., stone, 35: 208,

228Ekroll, 0ystein, and McLees, Christopher, 'A

Drawing of a Medieval Ivory ChessPiece from the r cth-Centurv Church ofSt Olav, Trondheim, Norway', 34:151-4

elephant, ivory from (see also ivory), 32: 68,78Elgin (Grampian)

Butcher Lane, 31: 186Greyfriars Street, 34: 242

Ellel (Lancs.), textile processing, 33: 49Ellicott, Thomas (millwright, rqth cent.) , 33: 29Elmham, North (Norfolk) see Spong Hillelne, unit of measurement, 35: 3, 20, 25Elstow (Beds.), buildings, tree-ring dates, 32:


Elstree (Herts.), High Street, 31: 143Ely (Cambs.)

cathedral precincts, 35: 135claustral buildings, north range, 32: 232-3Waitrose site, 35: 135

Emley (W. Yorks.), Bentley Grange, 31: 171Emneth (Norfolk), church, tiles, 32: 262enamel

champleoe, late 9th cent., ?English or German,31: 101-2, /02

cloisonne, late Anglo-Saxon/early Anglo­Norman, 33: 153-5, I55

enclosures (see also boundaries; cashels; castles;deer pounds; forts and fortresses; hill­forts; moats and moated sites; rabbitwarrens; ring-ditches; ringforts; towndefences)

?Iron Age, Raffin Fort, 34: 236-7, 35: 212?Romano-British and later, Waltham Holy

Cross, Eldeworth, 33: 178 .4th-5th cent., Capel Maelog, 34: 32-4,32,38,

82-3Anglo-Saxon: Binsey, 32: 268-70; Norwich,

34: 203Early Christian: Downpatrick, 31: 176-7, 32:

295; Tallaght, 35: 207


enclosures (continued)roth cent. or later, Capel Maelog, 34: 30,32,

39-43,42,84-5post-Conquest: Bampton, 32: 268; Farleigh

Wallop, 31: 134,135; Graveley, 3 1: 143,144; Laleham, 34: 213-1 4, 35: 191;Lichfield, 32: 274; Marwell, 33: 189;Patcham, 34: 215; Slindon, 33: 214;Southwark, 33: 186,34: 184; WalthamHoly Cross, Eldeworth, 33: 178,35: 145

Enderby (Leics.), Leicester Lane, 35: 173Enfield (Gr. London)

Greentrees Hospital, 35: 153Larman Road, Aylands Allotments, 35: 153

Enford (Wilts.), roof tiles used at, 35: 91English, Old, language, 34: 295-6English Heritage, Guides to Ancient Monu­

ments, reviewed, 34: 278-80Enniskillen (Co. Fermanagh), Castle Barracks,

35: 200environmental archaeology see bones, animal;

landscape history and archaeology;mollusca; plant remains

Epping (Gr. London) seeChingfordEriswell, Little (Suffolk), cemetery, 32: 68Erris (Co. Roscommon), occupation sites, 34:

238Errol (Tayside), effigy from, 35: 228Esclusham (Clwyd), Offa's Dyke, 35: 229escutcheons seehanging-bowls and escutcheonsEsquieu, Yves (ed.), Viviers. Cite Episcopale:

Etudes Archiologiques, reviewed, 33:267- 8

Etretat (France), ewer from, 31: 92Evans, D.H., and others, 'The Deserted Medi­

eval Village of West Whelpington,Northumberland' (third report, parts I

and 2), Archaeologia Aeliana, reviewed,34: 265- 7

Evans Collection, brooch from, 33: 15Everitt, Alan, Continuity and Colonization: The

Evolution of Kentish Settlement, reviewed,35: 254-5

Everson, Pauland others, 'Bodiam Castle, Sussex', 34: 155-7books reviewed by, 32: 338

Evesham (Heref. and Wore.), church, estates,Anglo-Saxon, 31:'96, 98

Evison. Vera 1.Dove~: The Buckland Anglo-Saxon Cemetery,

reviewed, 33: 243-5books reviewed by, 35: 242-4

Ewart (Northumb.) seeGalewood Farmewers, tripod, post-Conquest, bronze and

latten, 31: 80-93, 82, 85-86, 89, VIexchange see trade and exchangeExeter (Devon)

bishop's palace, 31: 63, 78,121-2Bowhill House, 32: 172,239,33: 174,35: 141Bradninch Place, 31: 120-1

castle, 35: 141; ditch, 31: 120-1cathedral: bishop's throne, 32: 168; nave roof,

32: 172; south tower, 31: 121,32: 238,33: 174,35: 140; west front, 3 1: 121,32:238

Cricklepit Street, city wall, 32: 239Deanery Place, 35: 140Dunsford Road seeBowhill HouseExe Street, 31: 121Gandy Street, 31: 120, 121Lower North Street, 31: 121St Love's chapel, Rifford Road, 35: 142St Martin's church, 32: 238-9town defences, 32: 239tree-ring dates: Bishop of Crediton's resi­

dence, 32: 172; Bowhill House, 32: 172;cathedral, 32: 168, 172; The Close, 32:172; guildhall, 32: 169, 172; HighStreet, 32: 172; Polsloe Priory, 32: 172;quayside buildings, 32: 172; StThomas, 32: 172; w-« Street, 32: 172

Eye (Suffolk)castle, 32: 275, 35: 186--7Kcrrisons Folly, 35: 186--7

Eynsham (Oxon.) (see also Wintles Farm, New)abbey, 34: 207,35: 180-3,182

Fairford (Glos.), cemetery, 32: 70,91Fanning, Thomas, books reviewed by, 34:

296--7Fareham (Hants.) (see also Crockernhill;

Funtley)roof tile industry, 35: 89, 92, 93, 94

Farleigh Wallop (Hants.), Brighton Hill South,3 1 : 134,135, VIII

Farley, Michael'A Trewhiddle-Style Hooked Tag from High

Wycombe, Buckinghamshire', 35:107- 9

and Manchester, Keith, 'The Cemetery of theLeper Hospital of St Margaret, HighWycombe, Buckinghamshire', 33: 82-9

farm buildings (see also barns; granaries;granges, monastic)

post-Conquest: Burton Dassett Southend, 33:217; Skelton, 34: 224; Wales, 3 1: 49, 51

Farmer, D.H., books reviewed by, 35: 277-8farming seeagricultureFarndon (Cheshire), Holt-Farndon bridge, 35:

136Farnham (Surrey)

Bear Lane, town ditch, 33: 210-1 I

bishop's palace, 31: 63, 78roof tile industry, 35: 89, 90, 92, 98roofing materials used at, 35: 92, 95, 98

farriery, late Saxon/early Norman, 32: 13,38,39,45

Fast Castle (Borders), 31: 182

GEl'\ERAL INDEX 27Fastolf, Sir John (d.1459), house of, 3 1: 32,32:

2,)2,33: 185, 186Faversham (Kent), cemetery, 32: 66-8, 70, 74,

76,78,80Fawler (Oxon.) see Kingston Lislefeeding bottles, Anglo-Saxon, pottery, 35: 168Fehring, Gunter P., 'Archaeological Evidence

from Lubeck for Changing MaterialCulture and Socio-economic Condi­tions from the 13th to the ifith Century',33: 60-8 1

Fell, Christine, Women in Anglo-Saxon England,reviewed, 32: 332

Felmingham (Norfolk), ?holy-water sprinklerfrom, 35: 243

fences, r zth-u cent., wood, 33: 176Fenny Stratford (Bucks.), guildhall, hospital

and chantry of St Margaret and StKatherine, tree-ring dates, 32: 172

Fcrdiere, Alain, and Zadora-Rio, Elizabeth, LaProspection Archiologique, paysage et peu­plement, reviewed, 34: 295

fermtouns, post-Conquest, 32: 304Fern, S. Lloyd, on coin from Rhuddlan, Cledemu­

tha, 3 I: 37Fernie, E.C., 'Anglo-Saxon Lengths and the

Evidence of the Buildings', 35: 1-5Ferrycarrig (Co. Wexford), castle, 32: I 18, 126Fevrier, Paul-Albert, and Barral i Altet, Xavier,

Topographie Chretienne des Cites de laGaule. VII. Province Ecclesiastique de Nar­bonne, reviewed, 35: 269

Finchale Priory (Durham), 34: 173Finchley (Gr. London), Regent's Park Road, St

Mary's School, 35: 148Finds Research Group A.D. 700-1700, 3 I: I 12,

32: 226, 33: 163, 34 : 163, 35 : 127Fineshade (Northants.), abbey and castle, 32:

264Finglesham (Kent), cemetery, 33: 147nl-2,

148n7-8,148nlOFinlaggan, Isle of Islay (Strath.), Eilean Mor,

35: 226fish (see also anchor stones; bones, animal)

fisheries and fishponds, post-Conquest, 33:261-2; Fisher's Pond, 33: 189; LittlePickle, 33: 210; Northill, Home Wood,33: 169; Southwick priory, 32: 256

weirs, pre-Conquest, wood, 32: 260,33: 201,34: 199,35: 173

Fisher's Pond (Hants.), fishpond, 33: 189Flanesford Priory (Heref. and Wore.), 31: 141flax (see also linen)

retting pits and pools7th-8th cent., 35: 13312th-13th cent., 33: 38-52,43-45,47

Fletcher, Eric (Lord Fletcher ofIslington)obituary, 34: 160-1, Xbooks reviewed by, 32: 332

Flexham (Hants.), rooftilc industry, 35: 90

flintas building material, 32: 184-207objects

mesolithic, from RhuddJan, Cledemutha,31:41

undated, from Bryn Cyscgrfan, 32: 161Flint Mountain (Clwyd), Coed Llys, Wat's

Dyke, 32: 310Flixborough (Humberside), settlement site, 35:

168-9plaque and mount from, 35: 169, VI

Flixton (Suffolk), Flixton Park, 35: 187floor tiles see tilesFoard, Glen, books reviewed by, 35: 251-3Fojut, Noel, books reviewed by, 32: 332-3Folkestone (Kent)

Castle Hill, 34: 198Cheriton Hill, 34: 198Cherry Garden, 33: 199Eurotunnel Terminal site, 33: 199-200, 34:

Ig8fonts, lead plugs from, post-Conquest, 34: 73,75foot, unit of measurement, 35: 3-4, 5, 20-2, 24,

25,26,44-50Ford (W. Sussex), deserted village, 32: 280Fore (Co. Westmeath) seeDonaghfeighinforges seeiron-workingFortingall (Tayside), graveslab, 33: 237Fortrose (Highland), ewer from, 31: 87, 91forts and fortresses (see also cashels; castles;

hill-forts; promontory forts; raths; ring­forts; ringworks; towers; town defences)

England, Norman, London, ?Montfichet'sTower, 31: 127,33: 180-1,35: 151

Irelandpre- and post-Conquest, 32: 110-29, II6,

124post-Conquest, Waterford, 31: 180-1undated, Cahergal, 35: 210

Mediterranean, 5th-16th cern ., 34: 294-5Scotland

pre-Conquest, Traprain Law, 31: 187post-Conquest, Finlaggan, 35: 226

Wales, Dark Age, 32: 103-8, lOS; CwrtLleehrhyd, 32: 97-109,98, lOO, 105

Foster, Sally M., 'Early Medieval Inscription atHolcombe, Somerset', 32: 208-1 I

Fountains Abbey (~. Yorks.), 35: 197, VIIFramingham Earl (Norfolk), church, 32: 333-4France (see also Bayeux; Bourges; Etretat; Nar-

bonne; Rouen; St-Jean-de-Fos)castles and seigneurial sites, 35: 266-7

maisonsfortes, 12th-15th cent., 35: 264-6pottery from seepotterytrade with Britain and Ireland, 6th-7th cent.,

34: 1-26tripod ewers from, 31: 87, 88, 92

Franciscan order see monasteries and monasticsites, post-Conquest


Frankfurt am Main (Germany)Museum fur Kunsthandwerk, tripod ewer,

3 1 : 89Museum fur Vor- und Fruhgeschichtc,

mount, 31: 105~9, 106,VIIFranks

mercenaries, 6th-7th cent., 34: 6, 17, Igmigrants or merchants, ?in Britain, early

Anglo-Saxon period, 32: 92-4and trade between Gaul and Britain and

Ircland.fith-vth ceut., 34: 5-6, 17, 19Freckleton (Lanes.), enclosure, 35: 172Fremantle (Hants.), roof tiles used at, 35: goFreswick Links (Highland), bell from, Viking-

Age, 32: 213-16,214Friarhead C'\. Yorks), rabbit warren, 32: 155friaries see monasteries and monastic sitesFrisia (Netherlands), combs from, copper alloy,

32: 212-13,212Frisians, as maritime people, 35: 244-5Frome (Somerset), slates from, 35: 91Fulford, Michael G.

'Byzantium and Britain: A MediterraneanPerspective on Post-Roman Mediter­ranean Imports in Western Britain andIreland', 33: 1-6

The Silchester Amphitheatre, reviewed, 34: 292-3Fulham (Gr. London), Fulham Palace site, 31:


fulling, post-Conquest, 33: 219, 34: 181fulling mills, 33: 38, 40, 49-5 1,34: 270

funerary monuments (see also brasses, monu­mental; effigies; gravestones andgraveslabs )

unspecified, stone, from Brechin, 32: 308Funtley (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 89, 93,

% 96, 98Furness Abbey (Cumbria), 3 1: 119,32: 235, 34:

171-2,35: 138

Gadbury (Heref. and Wore.), hill-fort, 34: 102Gaimster, David R.M.

'A Late Medieval Cast Copper-Alloy Stirrupfrom Old Romney, Kent', 34: 157-60

and Nenk, Beverley, 'A Late MedievalHispano-Morcsque Vase from the Cityof London', 35: 118-23

and others'Medieval Britain and Ireland in Ig87', 32:


'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1988',33:161-24 1

'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1989', 34:162-252

and others (cd.), Zur Keramik des Mittelaltersund der beginnenden Neueei: im Rheinland.Medieval and Later Pottery from the Rhine­land and its Marks, reviewed, 34: 281-3

books reviewed by, 35: 246-7

Galewood Farm (Northumb.), burials, 35: 60Galway

castle, 32: I 15city wall, 34: 233-4,35: 208Merchant's Road, 34: 233,35: 208St Augustine Street, 35: 208Spanish Arch, 34: 233-4

gaming-boards and gaming-pieces see chesspieces; tabula sets

Gamla Lodose (Sweden), pottery from, 31: 223Gamlebyen (Norway) see Oslogardens, 15th cent. and later, 34: 155-7,156, 174garderobes (see also latrines)

13th-14th cent.: Bridport, The Chantry, 34:126, 128, 130, 134, 138, VI; Norwich,Cow Tower, 32: 18g, 190, 198; Water­ford, 32: 300

Garn Boduan (Gwynedd), fort, 35: 82garnets, in early Anglo-Saxon graves, 32: 63Garranes (Co. Cork), pottery and bronze

objects from, 34: 14, 18Garristown (Co. Dublin), church, tomb frag­

ments from, 35: 208Gaul, trade with Britain and Ireland, 6th-7th

cent.,34: 1-26Gelligaer Common (Mid Glam.), structures,

excavated, 32: 153gems, engraved, Carolingian, 33: 33Germany (see also Angeln; Cologne; Lubeck;

Munich; Rhineland; Schleswig; Suder­brarup)

brooches from, 31: 102,33: 149-50,149,152copper ores from, 35: I 17mounts and pendants from, r oth-u r th cent.,

31: 105~9, 106,108, VIIpottery from see potterytowns, I r th-ufith cent. (see also Lubeck), 31:

224tripod ewers from, 31: 87-8, 92units of measurement, 35: 3, 7, 22-3, 25water-mills, 33: 28, 2g

Gerrard, Christopher, books reviewed by, 34:265- 7, 35: 284- 5

Gerrard, G.A.M., on Bryn Cysegrfan, 32:158-63

Gilbertine order see monasteries and monasticsites, post-Conquest

Gilchrist, Roberta'A Reappraisal of Dinas Powys: Local

Exchange and Specialized LivestockProduction in 5th- to 7th-CenturyWales', 32: 50-62

and Mytum, Harold (cd.), The Archaeology ofRural Monasteries, reviewed, 35: 277-8

books reviewed by, 34: 272-4Gillingham (Dorset), Relief Road, 34: 173Gilmour, B.J.J., and Stocker, D.A., St Mark's

Church and Cemetery (The Archaeology ofLincoln, »t.sut-». reviewed, 32: 335

Gilton (Kent) see Ash


girdle-hangers see chatelainesGisborough see GuisboroughGlamorgan (see also individual places by name)

domestic architecture, post-medieval, 33:264- 5

Glasergard (Denmark), cemetery, 35: 245-6Glasgow (Strath.)

cathedral, 33: 237Cathedral Square, Bishop's Castle, 32: 307,

33:236,35: 226-7College Lane, 32: 307Nicholas Street, 32: 307Rottenrow, The Auld Pedagogy, 31: 189


in early Anglo-Saxon graves, 32: 63, 72-4,76-92

13th cent., Syrian, 33: 75window see windows

Glastonbury (Som.)abbey, 32: 272,34: 209; barn, tree-ring dates,

32: 168, 169; parchmark survey, 34: 209Convent Fields, 32: 27 1-2Fairfield, 32: 271-2,34: 209Stjohn's church, 32: 272

Glen, Great (Leics.), Orchard Lane, 35: 173-4Glen Parva (Leics.), graves, early Anglo-Saxon,

32:68Glenarm (Co. Antrim), Deer Park Farms, 31:

175-6,32: 294-5, XGlengormley (Co. Antrim), ringfort, 31: 176Glenluce Sands (Dumf. and GaIL), brooches

from,33:8-IO,IO, II, 14, 16, 18,34: 148Glenwherry (Co. Antrim), brooch from, 33:1I,


Alney Island, Pool Meadow, bridge, 32: 244Barbican Road, 35: 146-7Berkeley Street, 32: 244Blackfriars, 32: 3, 42Blackfriars Way, 35: 148castle, 32: 1-49,2, ]4,47, I, II, 35: 146-7, 148

Commercial Road site, 32: 1-49, 2, 4, 6, 8,10, ]2, ]4, ]6, ]8, I, II; finds from, 32:20-43, 24, 26-7, 2g--30 , 36, 38, 4]; tabulaset, 32: 15, ]7, 30, 31-2,33-35

cathedral precinct seeKing's Schoolcity walls see town wallsCollege Street, 35: 147colonia, Roman, 32: 3, 5-7,43Commercial Road see castleDean's Walk Inn, 31: 125Eastgate Street, 33: 179,35: 148fort, Roman, 32: 3, 5, 43Greyfriars, 32: 42Hare Lane, 33: 179King's School: boundary wall and playing

field, 31: 125, 126; playground site, 32:244

Kingsholm Road, 32: 244

Kingsholm Square, 31: 125L1anthony priory, 31: 125-6, 32: 244London Road see St Margaret's chapel; St

Mary Magdalene chapelOxford Street, 35: 147Podsmead Farm, 31: 126St Catherine Street, 32: 244,35: 147-8Stjohn's Lane, 35: 147St Margaret's chapel and almshouses, 35: 147St Mary Magdalene chapel, 35: 147St Mary's Street, 31: 126St Oswald's tilcry, 32: 29, 40, 43St Owen's church, 35: 146St Peter's Abbey, 31: 126,32: 244Southgate Street, 33: 179,35: 145-6town walls, 32:2, 3, 5,7,43-4,45,46,35: 148trade, 14th-15th cent., 34: 114Upper Quay Street, 35: 146WestgateStreet,3 1: 126,32:244,33: 179,35:

146,148Wotton see St Mary Magdalene chapel

goats seebones, animalGodalming (Surrey), Mint Street, 35: 191gold see coinsGolding, Brian, books reviewed by, 31: 221, 34:

291-2Goltho (Lines.), deserted village

bell from, 32: 215church, 31: 150manor site, 32: 3 I 7-18structures, 32: 178, 179,35: 19

Goring (W. Sussex) seeHighdownGortlownan (Co. Sligo), supposed motte, 32:

12 I

Gower (W. Glam.), ewer from, 31: 81, 82-4, 82,88,90, VI

Gracedieu (Co. Dublin), cemetery and enclo­sure, 33: 228

Graham, Brian, 'Medieval Timber and Earth­work Fortifications in \'\1estern Ireland',32: 110-29

Graham-Campbell, James, books reviewed by,33: 266

Graigue (Co. Galway) see LoughreaGraiguenamanagh (Co. Kilkenny), Duiske

Abbey, 35: 210grain-drying ovens seeovensgranaries, 13th-15th cent., 3 1: 49, 51, 33: 21 7granges, monastic, post-Conquest: Broadway,

35: 163- 4; Dysart, 34: 234-5; Emley,Bentley Grange, 31: 17I; Leigh Barton,Churchstow, 33: 174-5; MadeleyCourt, 32: 271; Musden, 31: 159; Roy­stone, 35: 276; Salehurst, 33: 213;Staining Hall Farm, 35: 172

Gransha (Co. Down), fortified site, 32: I 13, I 17brooch from, 33: 13

Granstedt (Germany), brooch from, 33: 150grave covers seegravestones and graveslabs


Graveley (Herts.), Graveley Hall Farm, 31:143,144

graves seeburials and gravesgravestones and graveslabs (see also brasses,

monumental; cross slabs; funerarymonuments)

Early Christian, 33: 237late r r th cent., 35: 19415th cent., 33: 237, 35: 208

graveyards seecemeteriesGreatorex, P.A., on finds from Gloucester, 32:

20-5,40-2Greece see Kenchreai'green man', 'depicted on tile, post-Conquest,

33: 180, XIIGreene, Patrick, Norton Priory, reviewed, 35:

261-3Grenoble (France), hemp processing, 33: 50Grew, F., and de Neergaard, M., Shoes and

Pattens, reviewed, 33: 253~4

Grey Abbey (Co. Down), ewer from, 31: 91Greystonegill (~. Yorks.), textile processing,

33:48,49Grierson, Philip, and Blackburn, Mark, Medi­

eval European Coinage, with a Catalogue ofthe Coins in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cam­bridge, Vol.!, reviewed, 32: 3 I 5- I 6

Grimsby (Humberside)New Baxtergate, 31: 146Victoria Street, 33: 197

Grindleton (Lancs.), textile processing, 33: 40,42~6, 43-44, 50

Groenman-van Waateringc, VV., andWijngaarden-Bakker, L.H. van (ed.),Farm Life in a Carolingian Village,reviewed, 35: 23g-42

Grosmont (Gwent)rectory site, 35: 232Well Farm, kiln, 33: 239Well Field Farm, 34: 250

Grubeuhauser see sunken-featured buildingsGrullydd ap Cynan (d.! 137), king of Gwynedd,

35: 79,82guest-halls, monastic, post-Conquest, 33:


Guestwick (Norfolk), church, 32: 333-4Guildford (Surrey), castle, 35: 191guildhalls, post-Conquest

Lincoln, 31: 151London: Cologne merchants' guildhall, 34:

177; Guildhall, 32: 246; Innholders'Hall, 34: 177; Tallow Chandlers' Hall,35: 152-3; Vintners' Hall, 34: 18o, 35:153

Guisborough (Cleveland), priory, 31: 119gunmetal, definition and use of term, 35: 106Gutierrez Gonzalez,]ose Avelino, and Bohigas

Roldan, Ramon (cd.), La CeramicaMedieoal en el Norte y Noroeste de laPeninsula Iberica, reviewed, 35: 284-5

Gwithian (Cornwall), pottery from, 34: I, 14Gwynedd, kingdom of, 35: 79,82-3

Hackney (Gr. London)Shoreditch High Street/Holywell Lane, 34:

181Springfield Park, boat from, 32: 250

Haddenham (Bucks.), house, tree-ring dates,32: 172

Haddenham (Cambs.), inhumations, 35: 135hafodsystem, Wales, 32: 135, 151-3Halden, High (Kent), church, tree-ring dates,

32: 169Hale, Great (Lincs.), cemetery, 31: 150Halesworth (Suffolk), Barclays Bank site, 35:

187-8Hall, David, books reviewed by, 34: 295Hall, R.A., books reviewed by, 35: 271-2Hallam, H.E. (ed.), The Agrarian History of

England and Wales. Volume 11, I042-1350,reviewed, 34: 267- 9

Halstow, High (Kent), church, tree-ring dates,32 : 173

Halton (Cheshire), castle, 32: 234-5Halton, East (Humberside), Baysgarth Farm,

34: 194Haltwhistle Burn Head (Northumb.), water­

mill, 33: 23,27, 28Hamble (Hants.), church, 35: 161Hambledon (Hants.), roofing materials used at,

35:90,92,97hamlets seevillages and hamletsHammersmith (Gr. London) (see also Fulham)

Winslow Road, distillery site, 35: 153Hampshire (see also individual places by name)

hall houses, post-Conquest, 33: 268roof tile industry, post-Conquest, 35: 86~103

Hampton Wick (Gr. London), Old BridgeStreet, 34: 184

Hamwic seeSouthamptonhand-pins, 6th-7th cent., Irish, 33: 14, 16handles (see alsoknife handles)

Saxon/post-Conquest, bone and iron, 32: 30,30, 32

Handsacre (Staffs.), Handsacre Hall, 31: 158hanging-bowls and escutcheons, 6th-7th ccnt.,

33: 11-13,14copper alloy, enamelled, 34: 145-6, VIII

Hangleton (E. Sussex), bypass site, 34: 2 I 5Hanley Castle (Herd. and Worc.), pottery

from, 34: 114Hanley Swan (Herd. and Worc.)

Horton Manor, 35: 164kilns, 34: 189, 35 : 164

Hanseatic Leaguemerchants, 34: 177towns seeLubeck

Hansen, Ulla Lund, Romischer Import im Norden,reviewed, 33: 246--7


harbours seeports and harbours; waterfrontsHarding, Vanessa, books reviewed by, 31: 220Hardwick, Philip (1792-1870), 3 1: 64, 65Hare,j.N., 'The Growth of the Roof-Tile Indus-

try in Later Medieval \Vessex', 35:86~103

Haresfield (Glos.), pottery from, 34: 106Harewood Castle (W. Yorks.), 34: 222-3, 223Hargrave (~orthants.),Rose Cottage, 35: 180Harke, Heinrich, 'Knives in Early Saxon

Burials: Blade Length and Age atDeath', 33: 144~8 .

Harmondsworth (Gr. London)Holloway Lane, 34: 182Manor Court, 34: 181Manor Farm, 32: 250, 33: 184

harness fittingsSaxon/post-Conquest

copper alloy, 32:j'0, 39iron, 31: 18,33,34

Viking-Age, 32: 2 I5Harrold (Beds.), bridge, 35: 132Harrow (Gr. London) (seealso Harmondsworth)

Harrow on the Hill, West Street, Yew Walk,35: 153

Harry Stoke (Avon), village site, 31: I I7Harston (Cambs.), cropmark complex, 35: 135Hartington Moor (Northurnb.), fieldwalking

project, 32: 268Hartlepool (Cleveland)

Franciscan friary, 33: 173,34: 170-1Middlcgate, 31: 119,32: 235Morrison Hall Car Park, 33: 173structures, Anglo-Saxon, 35: 57

Harvey, John, English Medieoal Architects,reviewed, 31: 214

Harwich (Essex), Church Street, 31: 123Haselbury (Wilts.), slates from, 35: 91Haslam, Jeremy (ed.), Anglo-Saxon Towns tn

Southern England, reviewed, 31: 20 1-2Haslingfield (Cambs.), graves, 32: 72Hastings (E. Sussex)

The Bourne, 33: 2I3, XIICentral Cricket Ground, 32: 277-8

Hatch (Hants.), 31: 134,135Hathern (Leics.), Zouch Bridge, 34: 200Hatt (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 92Haverfordwest (Dyfed), priory, 35: 230Haweswater (Cumbria) see MardalcHawick (Borders)

ewer from, 3 1: 87, 91Tower Hotel site, 34: 240

Hav-on-Wye (Powys)castle, tree-ring dates, 32: 172Hcol-y-Dwr, 35: 233-S

Hayfield, Colin, books reviewed by, 32: 322-4Hayle (Cornwall) seeCarnsewHealey, E., on lithic artefacts from Rhuddlan,

. Cledemutha, 31: 41

hearths (see also cupellation; iron-working;ovens)

industrial, post-Conquest, 33: I IS, 116Heidinga, H.A., Medieoal Settlement and Economy

North oj the Lower Rhine: Archaeology andHistory of Kootwijk and the Veluwe,reviewed, 35: 239-42

Heinrich, Dirk, Untersuchungen an mittelalterlichenFischresten aus Schleswig, reviewed, 34:30S-6

Hemington Fields (Leics.), mill site, 32: 260,33: 201, 34: 199,35: 173

Saxon cross fragments from, 34: 199, XIhemp, retting, 12th-13th cent., 33: 42, SoHen Caerwys (Clwyd), settlement site, 3 1: 55Hen Domen (Powys), 35: 236-8,237Henderson, Isabel, books reviewed by, 34:

283- 4Hereford

bishop's palace, 31: S9-72, 60, 62, 64, 66,68-70 , 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, III, IV

burh, 31 :69, 7 I

cathedral, cloister, 31:68, 69cathedral close, 34: 189Church Street, 35: I64-Scollege of vicars choral, 31: 67Commercial Street, open hall, 34: 189-90, XIpottery from, 34: 6 Istreet-pattern, medieval, 31:69,71town walls and ditch, 34: 189

Heron, C., phosphate analysis, Tintern Abbey,33: 127

Hertfordburh, 35: 167castle, 33: 196,34: 193Castle Street, 33: 196, 34: 193Millbridge, 33: 196,35: 167Railway Street, 34: 192,35: 167St Andrews Street, 35: 167St Mary's priory, 34: 192,35: 167

Hcslcrton, West (N. Yorks.), structures, Anglo­Saxon,35:40,4 1,5S,S6, S7

Heysham (Lancs.), chapel, 35: 172Heytesbury (Wilts.), A36 road improvement

route, 35: 195Hicks, Carola, books reviewed by, 31: 213-14,

3 2: 328-30, 33: 268-9, 34: 284-S, 35:283- 4

High Down (W. Sussex) seeHighdownHigham, Mary C., 'Some Evidence for r zth­

and 13th-Century Linen and WoollenTextile Processing', 33: 38-S2

Higham, NickThe Northern Counties to AD 1000, reviewed, 33:

249-SObooks reviewed by, 34: 270-2

Higham, Robert A., books reviewed by, 31:207~8, 2IS-16, 32: :'P7-18, 33: 2S1-2,34: 292-3,35: 263-4


Higham Ferrcrs (Northants.), settlement sites,35: I78

Highclere (Hants.)pottery industry, 35: 99roof tile industry, 35: 88, 89, 90, 91,94,95,97

Highdown (W. Sussex), cemetery, 32: 280, 33:214

brooches from, 33: 13,214glass vessels from, 32: 78

Hill, Rosalind, books reviewed by, 31: 192-3hill-forts

Christian sites near, 31: 98Wales, reoccupation in 5th-7th cent., 32:

58- 60Hillingdon (Gr. London) see Harmondsworth;

UxbridgeHills, Catherine M., books reviewed by, 35:

244-5,273-4Hilperton (Wilts.), Paxcroft Mead, 33: 220Hilton (Cambs.), brooch from, 33: 154Hindon (Wilts.), slates from, 35: 91Hinton, David A.

Archaeology, Economy and Society: England fromthe Fifth to the Fifteenth Century, reviewed,35: 267- 8

books reviewed by, 31: 21 I, 32: 33 1, 33:260-1,34: 255-6, 287-8, 35: 281-2

Hirsel, The (Borders), stable block, 35: 47, 48Hirst, Susan M.

An Anglo-Saxon Inhumation Cemetery at Sewerby,East Yorkshire, reviewed, 31: 193-5

books reviewed by, 31: 195-6Historic Buildings and Monuments Commis­

sion for England, recommendations to,by Society for Medieval Archaeology,31: 1-12

hoards see coin hoardsHodder, Ian

Reading the Past. Current Approaches to Interpret­ation in Archaeology, reviewed, 32: 324-5

(ed.), The Archaeology of Contextual Meanings,reviewed, 34: 286--7

(ed.), Archaeology as Long-term History,reviewed, 34: 286--7

Hodges, RichardThe Anglo-Saxon Achievement, reviewed, 34:

288-9Primitive and Peasant Markets, reviewed, 34: 290Wall-to- Wall History: The Story of Roystone

Grange, reviewed, 35: 276and Hobley, Brian (ed.), The Rebirth of Towns

in the West A.D·7oo-J050, reviewed, 34:255-6

books reviewed by, 32: 324-5hoes, post-Conquest, iron, 34:71,73Holcombe (Som.), church, 34: 210

inscription, 32: 208-1 1,20.9, VHolland see NetherlandsHolland, Little (Essex), church, 33: 177

Holme on Spalding Moor (Humberside), StrayFarm, 31: 146

Holne (Dartmoor), settlement site, 32: 180Holt, Richard, The Mills of Medieval England,

reviewed, 34: 26g-70Holt (Clwyd), Holt-Farndon bridge, 35: 136Holy Island (Northumb.) see Lindisfarneholy water see sprinklersHolyhead (Gwynedd) see Caer y Twr; Porth

RuffyddHolywell Row (Suffolk), cemetery, 32: 64Hooke, Della

'Two Documented Pre-Conquest ChristianSites Located upon Parish Boundaries',31: 96--101

(ed.), Anglo-Saxon Settlements, reviewed, 35:25 1- 3

books reviewed by, 33: 250-1,34: 295-6hooked tags, late Saxon, silver, 35: 107-9, J08,

IIHope (Clwyd), Wat's Dyke, 35: 229Horbury (W. Yorks.), Horbury Hall, 31: 171-2horn

horn-working, 31: 205-7,35: 136objects, 31: 205-7

Horncastle (Lines.), St Mary's church, 31: 150Horndon on the Hill (Essex)

High Street and Mill Lane, 34: 174South Hill Road, 33: 177

horsegear see bits; cheekpieces; harness fittings;horseshoes

horses see bones, animal; farrieryhorseshoes

post-Conquest, iron: from Capel Maelog, 34:67,7°, 72; from Gloucester, 32: 32,36,37-8,39

undated, iron, from Rhuddlan, Cledemutha,3 1 : 33,34

Horsham (W. Sussex)Burton's Yard Car Park, 32: 280Central Market site, 32: 280

Horsman, V., and others, Building and StreetDevelopment near Billingsgate and Cheap­side, reviewed, 34: 258-9

Horsmonden (Kent), Rectory Park, tree-ringdates, 33: 95-7

Horton, Mark, books reviewed by, 35: 272-3,286--7

Hortus deliciarum, illustration of water-mill, 33:28,28

hospitals, post-Conquest (see also leper hospi­tals): Arundel, 35: 193; Brough, 33:220, 34: 217- 18, 35: 196--7; Buck­inghamshire, 33: 88; Bury St Edmunds,35: 186; Canterbury, 35: 171; Chi­chester, 31: 163; Drogheda, 34: 236;London, St James the Less, 35: 157;London, St Mary Without Bishopsgate(St Mary Spital), 31: 129-30,33: 187,34: 185" 35: 149; Norwich, 34: 203;

GENERAL Il\'DEX 33Ospringe, 34: 198; Oxford, 31: 155-6,3~: 270-1, 270, 33: 206-7; Southamp­ton,3~:254;Soutra,3~:305,33:234-5;

Waterford, 35: 214Houndtor (Devon), deserted settlement, 32:

175-83Hounslow (Gr. London) see Isleworthhouses see architecture; manor houses; priests'

houses; structures, excavated; towerhouses

Hove (E. Sussex), Benfield Hill, 35: 193Hovingham (North umb.) seeWeltonHowletts (Kent), graves, 32: 78Huggate (Humberside), shrunken village, 35:

169Huggett,].W., 'Imported Grave Goods and the

Early Anglo-Saxon Economy', 32:63-96

Huggins, P.]., 'Anglo-Saxon Timber BuildingMeasurements: Recent Results', 35:6-28

Hughes, Michael, on vase from Cannon StreetBridge, 35: 121-2

Hull (Humberside) see Kingston upon HullHulton (Staffs.), abbey, 34: 211,35: 185Huncote (Leics.), Hall Farm, Cheney End, 35:

174Hungary seeBudapesthunting- lodges, post-Conquest, 34: 276-7Hurley, Maurice, and others

'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1989', 34:162-252

'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1990', 35:126-238

Hurley (Berks.), church, 31: 117Hurst, J.G., and others, Pottery Produced and

Traded in North-West Europe 1350-[650,reviewed, 33: 256-7

books reviewed by, 31: 219, 35: 260-1Hurst (Berks.), Lea Farm, 32: 231Hutholes (Devon), deserted settlement, 32:

175-83Hwicce, kingdom of, 31: 96, 35: 255-6Hywel Dda, Welsh prince (d·949/50 ) , 3 1: 43-4

Laws ofHywel Dda, 31: 48, 32: 59

Iceland, bells from, Viking-Age, 32: 214, 215Ightham Mote (Kent), tree-ring dates, 33: 92,

%95-7Ikerrin, barony of (Co. Tipperary), earthworks,

32: 121IIIington (Norfolk), cemetery, 32: 68, 76,80,91inch, unit ofmeasurement, 35: 19,21,25,26Inchaffray Abbey (Tayside), 3~: 308Inchmarnoek (Strath.), chapel site, carved

stones from, 32: 307industry and industrial sites (see also bell-casting

pits; bone- and antler-working; brew­ing; hearths; horn-working; kilns;


leather-working; malthouses; metal­working; mining; salt-working; tanningand tanneries; textile processing;tileries; water-mills)

unspecified5th cent., 32: 9late Saxon, 32: 288-9post-Conquest, 31: 168,32: 257, 288-9

ingots, Viking-Age, silver, 34: 149-50, [49inhumations (see also bed burials; boat-burials;

bones, human; cemeteries, inhumation;charcoal burials; cists; cofIins)

Roman: Much Wenlock, 31: 157; Newington,Dollands Moor, 34: 198

Longobard, 7th cent., 35: 269-}0early Anglo-Saxon, 32: 63-96, 33: 144-8,

245-6; Flixton, 35: 187; Haddenham,35: 135; Much Wenlock, 31: 157; New­ington, Dollands .\1oor, 34: 198; Read­ing, 33: 170; Wigber Low, 32: 236-7,236; Wimpole, 35: 135

middle Anglo-Saxon: Oxford, 31: 155; South­ampton, 31: 136,32: 254, 33: 191,34:188,35: 159

late Anglo-Saxon: execution victims, 34: 178,213; Ashtead, 34: 213; Ipswich, 31: 160;London, Fleet Valley, 34: 178; Oxford,3 1: 155; Romsey, 35: 158

Anglo-Saxon, not precisely dated: Littleton,35: 157-8; Southampton, 35: 159

'Viking-Age', Cambois, 31: 101-59th-1r th cent., Capel Maelog, 34: 36, 37, 39,

44,52,54,55,57, 82-:.1,85, IVI r th cent., Barhobblc, 34: 240post-Conquest: Bury St Edmunds, 35: 186;

Coventry, 31: 166, 3~: 285, 286; Dork-ing, 34: 213; Holcombe, 34: 210;Hulton Abbey, 35: 185; Ipswich, 35:189; Lincoln, 3~: 26 I; London, FleetValley, 34: 178; Oxford, 3 1: 155;Rh uddlan, Cledemutha, 31: 26-7, 38; StNeots priory, 31: 118; Sandwell priory,3 1: 167, 3~: 288; Wicklow, 35: 217

undated: Omey Island, 35: 209; Skeam WestIsland, 35: 202

Inishbofin (Co. Donegal), brooch from, 33: 7,09,10,18

Innermessan (Dumf. and GaiL) seeStranraerinns, monastic, post-Conquest, 34: 175inscriptions

6th cent., on stone, 35: 1376th-7th cent., Irish, on brooches, 33: 8,16-18Anglo-Saxon

on lead plaques, 35: 169, VIrunic, on brooches, 35: 175,176

Anglo-Saxon or Celtic, on stone, 32: 208-1 I,

209, Vr zth cent. or later, runic, on stone, 33: 53--9,

55-5614th cent., on tripod ewers, 31: 8 1,82-4,82


inscriptions (continued)14th-15th cent., on stone, 32: 216-19,217, VI

intaglios, Carolingian, 33: 33interrupted row settlements, pre/post-

Conquest, 34: 97-121, 101, 103, 107, 109,112

Inverlochy (Highland), castle, 34: 244,245Inverness (Highland)

Castle Street, 32: 304-5Friars Street, 31: 187High Street, 32: 304-5

lona (Strath.)bell from, 32: 2 I 4monastic settlement, 34: 2, 3, 35: 227

lorwerth ap Madog (13th cent.) , 31: 50Ipswich (Suffolk)

Boss Hall, 32: 275; cemetery, 34: 2 I 1,35: 188Butter Market, 32: 275, 33: 209Carmelite friary, 32: 275, 33: 209Cutler Street, 35: 188Fore Street, 35: 188; Neptune Quay, 34: 2 I 2Franciscan friary, 35: 189Franciscan Way, 35: 188-9Greyfriars Road, 31: 160,34: 212port, Anglo-Saxon, 32: 93, 94St Peter's Street, 31: 160St Stephen's Lane, 33: 209Sproughton Road seeBoss Hall

Ireland (see also individual places by name)archaeology and history, 34: 275-6, 35:

24g--50, 282-3art

Early Christian, 34: 284- 5Insular, 32: 328-30

bells from, Viking-Age, 32: 2 I 5brooches from, 6th-7th cent., penannular,

Fowler's Type F3, 33: 7-20,34: 147-8,IX

floor tiles, post-Conquest, 34: 302~3

fortifications, pre- and post-Conquest, West­ern Ireland, 32: I 10-29, 116, 124

kingship, pre-Conquest, 34: 283-4livestock production, pre-Conquest, 32: 57-8,

60motif-pieces from, 35: 283trade, 5th-7th cent.

with Byzantium and the Mediterranean,33: 1-6

with Gaul, 34: 1-26tripod ewers from, 31: 88, 91water-mills, 33: 21-3 1

. wood, decorated, Viking-age, 34: 304-5Iron

iron-working, evidence forDark Age and later, Isle of Man, 31: 173-4,

32 : 293Anglo-Saxon: Camden, Shorts Gardens,

34: 175; Gloucester, 32: 39; Hamwic, 3 1:138-9; Ipswich, 35: 189

post-Conquest, 31: 50, 53, 55; Ballyman,31: 177; Burton Dassett Southend, 33:2q; Castell, Po;th Trefadog, 35: 67, 73,74-6,75, 77; Edmburgh Castle, 33: 234,34: 245; Gloucester, 32: 39; Ipswich,35: 189; Monmouth, 35: 233; NiddryCastle, 33: 234; Stafford Castle, 31:159; Tintern Abbey, 33: 111-13, III,

123,12412th-14th cent., Trondheim, 33: 159undated: Capel Maelog, 34: 4 I; Rhuddlan,

Cledemutha, 3 1 : 37objects (see also arrowheads; belt fittings; bits;

candlesticks; cheekpieces; chisels; dies;handles; harness fittings; hoes; horse­shoes; keys; knife handles; knives; locks;nails; rasps; scramasaxes; seaxes; shieldbosses; sickles; strap-ends; swords;tools; vessels; weapons)

late Saxon/early Norman, from Gloucester,32: 32,36,37,38-9

post-Conquest, from Capel Maelog, 34:67-13, 69--71

undated: from Castell, Porth Trefadog, 35:77-9, 78; from Rhuddlan, Cledemutha,3 1:33,34

Iron Acton (Avon), Acton Court, 31: 116-q,33: 167- 9, 168, 34 : 169

Irthlingborough (Northants.), Crow Hill, 33:203

Isaac, P., on finds from Gloucester, 32: 28-40Isington (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 89, 92,

94Islay, Isle of seeFinlagganIsleworth (Gr. London), Church Street, 31: 130Islington (Gr. London) (see also Clerkenwell)

City Road, Honourable Artillery CompanyGround, 35: 154

Finsbury Pavement, 35: 154St Bartholomew's Medical College, Charter­

house site, 34: 182,35: 154Israel seeJerusalem; Red Tower; Sharon PlainItaly (see also Brucato)

Longobards, 35: 26g--7Ipottery from seepottery

Itchen Valley (Hants.), Little Hampage Wood,32 : 253

Itteringham (Norfolk), crop-marks, 31: 151, IXivory (see also chess pieces; rings), 31: 205-7Ixworth (Suffolk), brooch from, 33: 155

J ames, Edward, books reviewed by, 33: 267-8,35: 269

James, T.B., and Robinson, A.M., ClarendonPalace, reviewed, 34: 276-7

Jansson, Ingmar, Ovala spannbucklor, reviewed,33: 266

GENERAL INDEX 35Jarrow (Tyne and Wear)

St Paul's church, units ofmeasurement, 35: 3,47-50

Shell Oil Depot site, 35: 194Jedburgh (Borders), abbey, 35: 217Jerusalem, Mamluk architecture, 32: 341JervaulxAbbey (N. Yorks.), 31: 169,32: 290jet

crucifixes, 13th cent., 33: 174, XIknife handles trimmed with, rath cent., 35:


jetties seewaterfrontsjewellery (see also beads; bracelets; brooches;

discs; gems; hooked tags; pendants;rings; strap-ends)

Anglo-Saxon, 32: 327-8; Alfred Jewel, 33:32-7, III, IV

Jewish ritual sites, post-Conquest, 32: 230John of Brittany (14th cent.), 33: 50Johnstown (Clwyd), Harrington's, Offa's Dyke,

32 : 309Jones, G.G., on animal bones from Tintern

Abbey, 33: 138-4 1Jones, MJ., books reviewed by, 31: 201-2Jones, N.W., on finds from Capel Maelog, 34:

6o-n 78J ones, Stanley, and others, The Survey ofAncient

Housesin Lincoln. III: Eastgate, Priorygate,andJames Street, reviewed, 35: 280

J0rgensen, Lars, BtEkkegr1rd and Clasergdrd,reviewed, 35: 245-6

Jurby (1. of Man) seeNappin, West; RhendooJustinian I, Byzantine Emperor, 33: 5

Kablow (Germany), ring-brooch from, 33: 152Kealey, Edward j., Harvesting the Air. Windmill

Pioneers in Twelfth-century England,reviewed, 32: 338-9

Kebister (Shetland), occupation site, 31: 188Keekle (Cumbria), Bogholes, Keekle Bank and

Priestgill Farms, 35: 138-9Keene, Derek, books reviewed by, 34: 258-9,

35: 247-9Kells (Co. Meath), Townparks, 33: 224Kells Abbey (Co. Antrim), 31: 176Kelso (Borders)

abbey, 33: 228-9Springwood Park, 31: 182

Kelvedon (Essex), ring-brooch and brooch pinfrom, 33: 151-3, IX

Kempston (Beds.), cemetery, 32: 70Kenchreai (Greece), opussectile panels from, 33:

35Kendal (Cumbria)

Highgate, 34: 172,35: 139New Bank Yard, 34: 172

Kenfig (W. Glam.), ewer ?from, 31: 81, 84-9,85-86, VI

Kenilworth (Warwicks.), abbey, 33: 217

Kent (see also individual places by name)dendrochronological sequence, 33: 90-8Germanic settlement, 5th cent., 33: 150imported grave goods, early Anglo-Saxon,

32 : 63-96settlement patterns, 5th-13th cent., 35: 254-5

Kenward, H.K., and others, The Archaeology ofYork: EnvironmentalEvidencefrom a RomanWell and Anglian Pits in the LegionaryFortress, reviewed, 31: 197-9

Kenyon, John R.Medieval Fortifications, reviewed, 35: 263-4books reviewed by, 32: 342, 33: 262-4, 34:

294-5Keoldale (Highland), bell from, 32: 214Kersey (Suffolk), church, 35: 189Keswick (Cumbria)

Crosthwaite Museum, mounts from, 34:145-7, VIII

Pack Horse Yard, 34: 172Kett, Robert, rebellion of (1549),32: 191, 195,

202Kettlach enamels, 31: 102Keymer (W. Sussex), brooch from, 33: 150Keys, Lynne, books reviewed by, 31: 204-5keys (see also locks)

Saxon and post-Conquest, iron, 3230, 32, 34:68-72, 69

Kidderminster (Heref. and Wore.), CallowsLane, 35: 166

Kidson, Peter, on units of measurement, 35: 4-5Kilbeg Lower (Co. Galway) seeRosshill AbbeyKilbride, East (Strath.), Rough Hill motte, 35:

226Kilfeakle (Co. Tipperary), castle, 32: 119Kilkenny

Dean Street, 35: 210Pennyfeather Lane/PUdding Lane, 35:

210-1 I

town ditch, 35: 2 I I

Killelton (Co. Kerry), church site, 32: 296-7,33: 223

Killererin (Co. Galway), church, 34: 234Killorglin (Co. Kerry), castle, 32: 120Kilnamonagh (Co. Galway) seeAbbeytownKilnoon (Co. Monaghan), ewer from, 31: 89kilns (see also ovens) .

brick, post-Conquest, 33: 189bronze-smelting, post-Conquest, 34: 178corn-drying (see alsoovens, grain-drying)

5th cent., 31: 177r zth cent., 33: 211,35: 19213th-15th cent., 3 1: 49, 50, 51, 53-4, 55,

3 2 : 2 97lime, post-Conquest, 32: 194, 196malting, post-Conquest, 31: 159,32: 275potash, I zth-o 3th cent., 33: 38,40pottery

late Saxon, Lincoln, 34: 287-8


kilns (continued)pottery (continued)

12th-13th cent., southern France, 32:337-8

13th cent., Lubeck, 33: 71,72

post-Conquest, 35: 99; Barnstaple, 31: 120;Canterbury, 31: 148, VIII; Grosmont,33: 239; Lincoln, 32: 26 I; Rattray, Old,31: 186,32: 303; Stanion, 35: 180

tile (see also tileries)post-Conquest: Beverley, 31:145, 146; Bor­

desley Abbey, 31: 142; Hanley Swan,34: 189, 35: 164; Lincoln, 32: 261;Shenley Church End, 34: 170; Wessex,35: 86- 103; Worcester, 35: 166

unspecified, post-Conquest: Tintern Abbey,33: 117-21, II9, VIII; Wales, 3 1: 49,50,5 1,53-4

Kilpeck (Heref. and Wore.), churchyard exten-sion, 34: 190

Kilshane (Co. Dublin), cemetery, 33: 228Kilton (Cleveland)

castle, 3 1 : II9township, earthworks, 32: 235, 33: 174, 34:

171Kilton Thorpe (Cleveland), earthworks, 32:

235,33: 174Kimmeragh, West (1. of Man) seeBrideKing, D.]. Cathcart, The Castle in England and

Wales, reviewed, 32: 330King, Donald, studies in honour of, 35: 283-4King's Lynn (Korfolk), documentary sources,

31: 220Kings Sutton (Northants.), pottery from, 33:

203kingship, Britain and Ireland, pre-Conquest,

34: 283- 4Kingsland (Heref. and Wore.), water-mill, 33:

29Kingston (Kent), cemetery, 32: 66, 68, 70, 72Kingston Deverill (Wilts.), roofing materials

used at, 35: 87, 88Kingston Lisle (Oxon.), Fawler, Anglo-Saxon

'holy place', 31: 9g-IOOKingston upon Hull (Humberside)

Beverley Gate, 3 1: 147,33: 197Blackfriargate, 33: 252-3Blackfriars, 34: 194castle, 33: 197High Street, 33: 252-3, 34: 194-5; Blaydes

Staithe, 34: 195Queen Street, 34: 194

Kingston upon Thames (Gr. London)bridge, 31: 131,34: 184Charter Quay, 33: 184, 34 : 182,35: 155Eden Street, 34: 182-3Horsefair, 31: 131,32: 251Turk's Boatyard Thameside, 35: 155

Kinrara, South (Highland), ?motte and bailey,35: 223

Kintbury (Berks.), settlement site, 33: 170Kirkcaldy (Fife), Pathhead, Nairn Street/

Nether Street, 35: 220Kirkconnel (Dumf. and Gall.) , structures,

Anglo-Saxon, 35: 37Kirkham (Lanes.), Freckleton Street, 35: 172Kirkintilloch (Strath.), Union Street, 35: 227Kirkstall Abbey (W. Yorks.}, 31: 172

bell pits, 33: 120guest-hall, 33: 104, 124, 132

Kirkwall (Orkney), Broad Street, 31: 187-8,32:306

Kirton in Lindsey (Humberside) seeCleathamKnebworth (Herts.), church, 33: 196knife handles, bone, with copper alloy and iron,

14th cent., 35: 152Knights Hospitaller, Knights Templar seemon­

asteries and monastic sites, post­Conquest

Knightwick (Heref. and Wore.), AnkerdineFarmhouse, tree-ring dates, 32: 172

knives (see also knife handles; seaxes)general, iron, 31: 218early Saxon, iron, from burials, 33: 144-8Saxon/post-Conquest, iron, 32:3°, 32, 36,36,

37, 38, 39post-Conquest, 32: 319-21

iron, 34:7°, 72undated, iron, 31: 33,34, 35: 78,78

Kniveton (Derbys.) seeWigber LowKnockgraffon (Co. Tipperary), castle, 32: 119Knook (Wilts.), settlement site, 35: 195Knowsley (Merseyside) (see also Roby)

Kemble Street, 34: 201-2Knoyle (Wilts.), roofing materials used at, 35:

91 .

Kolbein Hruga's Castle (Wyre, Orkney), 33:53, 58

Kolchin, B.A. (ed.), DrevnyayaRus. Gored, zamok,selo, reviewed, 31: 204-5

Kootwijk (Netherlands), settlement site, 35:23g-42

Kornbluth, Genevra A., 'The Alfred Jewel:Reuse of Roman Spolia', 33: 32-7

Kornsa (Iceland), bell from, 32: 214Krause, Gunter, books reviewed by, 34: 281-3

lace- tags seehooked tagsLackford (Suffolk), cemetery, 32: 68, 76,80,91Lacock Abbey (Wilts.), cauldron, 35: 114,

115-17Lacy family (Lanes., 12th-13th cent.), 33: 50Lagore (Co. Meath), crannog, finds from, 34:

17,18-19Lakenheath (Suffolk)

brooch from, 33: 154-5,155graves, 32: 74

Laleham (Surrey), Matthew Arnold School,'Caesar's Camp', 34: 213-1 4, 35: 191



leatherleather-working (see also tanning and tan-

neries)mid Saxon, 31: 137late Saxon/post-Conquest, 32: 13,37,39post-Conquest, 31: 161

objects (see also shoes)13th-16th cent., from Lubeck, 33: 78

Ledburr. (Heref. and Wore.) seeBronsil CastleLeeds \W. Yorks.) (see also Kirkstall Abbey;

Skelton)fulling mill, 33: 29

Leeuwarden (Netherlands), Friesmuseum,comb, 32: 212-13,212

Legarhill (Co. Armagh), ?church site, 34: 224Leicester

castle, great hall, 31: 63,73-9,75, V, 35: 174Castle House Gardens, 35: 174Guildhall Lane, 34: 200Highcross Street: All Saints church, 34: 200;

Cross Keys Inn, 32: 260Little Lane, 33: 201St Peter's Lane, 33: 201Trinity Hospital, cauldron, 35: 114, 115-17

Leicester, earls of seeBeaumontLeigh Barton (Devon), Churchstow, 33: 174-5Leighton Buzzard (Beds.), The Peacock, tree-

ring dates, 32: 172Leiston (Suffolk), abbey, Guesten Hall, 35:

189- 90

lengths seemeasurement, units ofLeominster (Heref. and Wore.), pnory, tree­

ring dates, 32: 172hospitals, post-Conquest: Buck­

inghamshire, 33: 88; Chichester, 31:163; Gloucester, 35: 147; St Andrews,32: 302; Wycombe, High, 33: 82-9

leprosy, evidence of, in human bones, 33: 82-9Letchworth (Herts.) see NortonLeuchars (Fife) seeEaster KinnearLeute, Ulrich, Archaeometry: An Introduction to

Physical Methods in Archaeology and theHistory ofArt, reviewed, 34: 306-7

Lewes (E. Sussex)castle, 31: 162,32: 278Franciscan friary, 31: 162,33: 213Friars Walk, 34: 215

Le Patourel, H.E.Jean, books reviewed by, 31:216-17,33: 255-6

Leach, Peter E., books reviewed by, 31: 216lead (see also pewter)

in copper alloys, 35: 104-7lead-working (see also cupellation)

post-Conquest, 31: 159mining, post-Conquest, 32: 156,33: 125objects (see also carnes; chess pieces; coffins;

plaques; plugs; plumb-bobs; water­pipes; weights)

post-Conquest: from Bordesley Abbey, 33:194; from Capel Maelog, 34: 73-8, 75;from Tintern Abbey, 33: 128, 130

Lambeth (Gr. London)Albert Embankment, Vauxhall Bridgefoot,

34: 183Lambeth Marsh, 34: 183, 35: 155Lambeth Palace, 31: 131; chapel, 33: 184- 5,

35: 155Lambeth Road, Norfolk House, 34: 183, 35:

155Rectory Grove, 31: 131South Lambeth Road, 34: 183Upper Marsh: Waterloo Bridge, 34: 183;

Waterloo Site E, 35: 155Lanark (Strath.)

Bloomgate, 32: 307High Street, 33: 237

Lancashire (see also individual places by name)stone sculpture, Anglian and Viking, 33:

248- 9Lancaster

Damside Street, 35: 172market hall, 35: 172-3

Lancing (W. Sussex), brooch from, 34: 144-5,144

landscape history and archaeology (see alsosettlement patterns)

general, 32: 338, 34: 295England, 32: 325-7, 33: 26(}-1

Anglo-Saxon, 35: 25 1-3post-Conquest: artificial landscaping,

Bodiam Castle, 34: 155-7, 156; landownership, Pendock, 34: 108, 113-16,118; Somerset, 34: 30(}-1

Isle ofMan, land divisions, 33: 25(}-1Sweden, r r rh-ufith cent., 31: 223-4

Lang,]. T. (James)Viking-Age Decorated Wood, reviewed, 34:

30 4- 5books reviewed by, 3 I: 2 I 3

Langford Budville (Som.), cemetery, 34: 210Langstone (Gwent), Langstone Villa moated

site, 35: 232- 3latrines and privies (see also cess-pits; garde­

robes)post-Conquest, 32: 277

latten see ewers; weightsLaugharne (Dyfed), castle, 35: 23 I

Launceston (Cornwall)castle, 35: 137St Stephens, 35: 137town wall, 35: 137

lavers seeewersLaverstock (Wilts.), pottery and roof tile indus­

try, 35: 99Lawkland Hall (N. Yorks.), textile processing,

33: 52n 37Laxton, R.R., and Litton, C.D., 'Construction

of a Kent Master DendrochronologicalSequence for Oak, A.D. I 158 to 1540',33:9(}-8

Layerthorpe seeYork


Lewis, Elizabeth, and others, Medieval HallHouses oj the Winchester Area, reviewed,33: 268

Lewis,].M.and others, 'Medieval "Bronze" Tripod

Ewers from Wales', 31: 80-93on pin from Rhuddlan, Cledemutha, 31: 36

Lewis (W. Isles)Berie Broch, 32: 308-9chess pieces from, 34: 151-2, 153, 154

Leyburn (N. Yorks.) seeCastle BoltonLichfield (Staffs.)

cathedral close, wall and south gate, 32: 274city ditch, 31: 159,32: 275Dam Street, St Mary's House, 32: 274Franciscan friary, 32: 274Friars Alley, 31: 159,32: 274St Chad's Cathedral School, 32: 274Stjohn Street, 31: 159,32: 274-5

limeas building material, 14th cent., 32: 193, 194,

196used for 'cooking without fire', 13th cent., 33:

24 1

LimerickBroad Street, 32: 297, 34: 235Charlotte's Quay, 34: 235Curry Lane, 34: 235Grattan Street, 34: 235John's Street, 32: 297KingJohn's Castle, 35: 211-12King's Island, 35: 2 I I

Merchants' Quay, 32: 297Newgate Lane, 32: 297St Mary's cathedral, 35: 2 I I

town defences, 32: 297, 34: 235, 35: 2 I I

Lincolnbishop's palace, 31: 63, 67, 72castle, westgate, 32: 261, VII, 33: 201-2, 34:

201,35: 175cathedral, 31: 150city wall seetown wallEastgate, 35: 280Flaxengate: coin-die from, 35: 174; pottery

from, 34: 287-8High Street, 34: 201, 35: 175Holmes Grainwarehouse site, bell from, 32:

214- 15J ames Street, 35: 280Lawn Hospital site, 32: 26 I

Monks Abbey, priory of St Mary Magdalen,3 1 : 150

Priorygate, 35: 280St Bartholomew's church, 32: 261St Mark's church and cemetery, 32: 335St Mark's Station, 31: 151,32: 26 I; friary site,

31: 151St Mark's Yard East, 32: 261St Mary's Guildhall, 31: 151Silver Street, kiln site, 34: 287-8

town wall, 31: 150Waterside North, 32: 261, 33: 202, 34: 201,

35: 175Wigford seeSt Mark's church and cemetery

Lincolnshire (see alsoindividual places by name)social and economic history, post-Conquest,

31: 220-1Lindahl, Anders, Information Through Sherds: A

Case Study ofthe Early Glazed Earthenwarefrom Dalby, Scania, reviewed, 31: 218-19

Lindisfarne (Holy Island) (Northumb.)Green Shiel, 32: 268St Cuthbert and, 34: 261-3

linen (see alsoflax)textile processing, I zth-s r 3th cent., 33: 38-52

linen-smoothers, undated, stone, 34:76, 78Linkiiping (Sweden), cathedral, 34: 304Linlithgow (Lothian)

Carmelite friary, 34: 264-5Linlithgow Palace, 32: 305

Linton (Cambs.), cemetery, 32: 64, 66, 72, 76,78,9 1

Lintrathen (Tayside), cross slab, 35: 228Lisleagh (Co. Cork), ringfort, 34: 225, 35: 201-2Lisnagun (Co. Cork), ringfort, 34: 225-7,226Liss (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 89, 92Liston (Essex), church, 32: 241literacy, 14th-15th cent., 32: 218-19Little Island (Co. Cork), water-mills, 33: 23,


Littleton (Hants.), Old Dairy Cottage, 35:157-8

Littleton, North and Middle (Heref. and"'\Tarc.), Blackminster, brooch from, 31:141

Litton, C.D., and Laxton, R.R., 'Constructionof a Kent Master DendrochronologicalSequence for Oak, A.D. 1158 to 1540',33:90-8

Liverpool (Merseyside) (see alsoDerby, West)museum, tripod ewer, 31: 83

livestock production (see also bones, animal;dairying; rabbit warrens)

5th-7th cent., 32: 50-62Saxon and post-Conquest, 34: 272-4

living standards, England, 13th-16th cent., 35:268-9

Llanbadarn Fawr (Powys), church, 34: 86--7Llanbadrig (Gwynedd) seeDinas GynforLlandefalle (Powys), ewer from, 31: 81, 84,

85-9,85-86, VILlandough (S. Glam.), Great House Farm, 35:

23 1- 2

Llandrindod Wells (Powys), churches (see alsoCapel Maelog), 34: 29-30, 82

Llandwrog (Gwynedd) seeDinas DinlleLlanelwedd (Powys) (see alsoCwrt Llechrhyd)

rabbit warren, 32: 155Llanengan (Gwynedd) see Pared MawrLlanfair Clydogau (Dyfed) see Bryn Cysegrfan

GENERAL INDEX 39L1anfynydd (Clwyd), Coed Isa, Offa's Dyke,

32:309L1angadwaladr (Gwynedd) seeTywyn y PareL1angorse (Powys), crannog, 33: 24 I, 34:

25O- I, 35:234, 235-6L1angynog (Powys) seePennant MelangellL1anidan (Gwynedd) seeCastell Bryn GwynL1anmaes (S. Glam.), structure, 31: 191L1anmartin (Gwent) seePencoed CastleL1anrhwydrys (Gwynedd) seeCastell CrwnL1anrwst (Gwynedd), ewer from, 31: 8I, 84,

8g-90, 89, VIL1ansantffraid Cwmdeuddwr (Powys), Tomen

L1ansantffraid, 35: IOg-I4, 1II-II2,

236, IIL1anthony Priory seeGloucesterL1antwit Major (S. Glam.) seeL1anmaesL1anwerne (Heref. and Wore.), church, tree-

ring dates, 32: 172Llyfr Colan, 3 1 : 49, 54Llyfr Ionoerth, 3 1: 48, 49, 50L1ys Edwin (Powys), fortification, 32: ro8locks (see also keys)

post-Conquest, iron, 34: 68, 69Loddekopinge, Scania (Sweden), brooch from,

33: 154Lofoten Islands (Norway) seeVagarLondon, Greater see Barking; Battersea; Ber­

mondsey; Bexley; Camden; Cheam;Chingford; Chislehurst; Clerkenwell;Croydon; Enfield; Finchley; Fulham;Hackney; Hammersmith; HamptonWick; Harmondsworth; Harrow; Isle­worth; Islington; Kingston uponThames; Lambeth; London and West­minster; Merton; Mitcham; Peckham;Purley; Romford; Rotherhithe; South­wark; Sutton; Tower Hamlets;Twickenham; Uxbridge

London and Westminsterbell-founding, 14th cent., 31: 83British Museum

Lothar crystal, 33: 33tripod ewers, 31: 83, 84, 91

brooch from, cloisonne enamel, Saxe-Norman,33: 155

building and street development, roth-I2thcent.,34: 258-9

city ditch, 31: 128,34: I78, 179city wall, 31: 129, 33: 183, 34: 176, In, 35:

15°Blackfriars extension, 32: 248, 33: 183, 34:

178knives and scabbards from, 32: 3Ig-21Lundenwic seeSaxon periodmetal-working, 14th cent., 31: 83, 88, 90mint, coins from, 13th cent., 34: 60Museum of London, tripod ewers, 31: 91Plumbers' Company, ingot of, 35: 153pottery from, London-type ware, 31: 219

Saxon period, 34: 258-9, 35: 247-9Lundenwic, 31: 133, 32: 252,35: 156

shoes and pattens from, 33: 253-4town defences seecity ditch; city wallVictoria and Albert Museum, tripod ewers,

31 : 91

bylocationAddle Hill, 34: 180Aldermanbury House, 32: 245Aldgate seeSt BotolphAmerica Square, 34: 176Angel Court, pottery from, 35: 120Apothecaries Hall, 32: 246Austin Friars, 32: 245, 33: 180, 34: I76, 35:

15°'The Barge', 34: 176Basinghall Street, 34: 176Bedford Street, 34: IS5Bedfordbury, 32: 253Bell Wharf Lane seeThames ExchangeBillingsgate, 34: 258-9Billiter Street, 34: 176Birchin Lane, 32: 245Bishopsgate (see also St Helen), 33: 180, 34:

I76,35: 149; tile from, 33: 180, XIIBlackfriars, Dominican friary, 32: 24S, 33:

lSI, IS3, 34: In, I7S, 35: 149Blackfriars Lane seeApothecaries HallBlackwell Hall, 34: 178Bow Street, 34: IS5Bucklesbury, Docklands Light Railway

Shaft, 34: 176Camomile Street, 33: ISOCannon Street, 31: 127, 33: ISO; Cannon

Street Bridge, pottery from, 35: I 18-23,II9

Cannon Street Station, 34: I 76-7Carter Court, 35: 149Carter Lane, 31: 127, 33: ISO-I, 34: In,

180, 35: 149Carthusian Street, 31: 127Charing Cross Road, 31: 133Cheapside, 32: 249, 34: 258-9Cloak Lane seeSkinners' Hall kitchenCloth Fair seeSt Bartholomew the GreatClothier Street, 35: 149Coleman Street, 31: 127, 12S, 33: lSICollege Street see Innholders' HallCologne merchants' guildhall, 34: InCoopers Row, 34: 176Copthall Avenue, 34: InCousin Lane, 34: I 76-7Covent Garden (see also Royal Opera

House); Floral Hall, 35: 156Crescent, 34: InCrosswall, 34: 176Crutched Friars, 32: 246Cutler Street, 35: 149Dominican friary seeBlackfriarsDowgate Hill, 35: 152-3


London and Westminster (continued)by location (continued)

Drury Lane, 33: 188,35: 156Durham House, 33: 188Eastcheap, 35: 149Farringdon Street, 31: 127Fenchurch Street, 33: 182Finsbury Circus, 32: 246,33: 182Fleet prison, 35: 150Fleet Valley, 34: 177-8, 35: 149-50Floral Street, 33: 188Friar Street, 34: 177Furnival Street, 32: 246Garlick Hill, 34: 179Golden Lane, 35: 150Gracechurch Street, 31: 127-8,35: 150Great Newport Street, 31: 133Great St Thomas Apostle, 35: 150Great Tower Street, 34: 178, 179Great Winchester Street, 35: 150Gresham Street, 31: 128,33: 182,34: 178,

35: 150-1Guildhall Yard, 32: 246, 34: 178; Guildhall

chapel, 32: 246, 34: 178High Timber Street, 35: 151Holborn, Barnard's Inn, 33: 182Holborn Viaduct, 31: 128,35: 151Holy Trinity priory, 31: 128,33: 182,35:

151Houndsditch, 34: 178,35: 149Innholders' Hall, 34: 177Ironmonger Lane, 31: 129,34: 178King Street, 33: 188King William Street seeSt Martin OrgarKing's Bench Walk, 34: 178King's College, 35: 156King's Wardrobe, 34: 180Leadenhall Court, 31: 127-8Leadenhall Market, 31: 127-8Leadenhall Street, 31: 127-8,33: 182,34:

176,35: 151Little Britain, 32: 247-8,33: 182Lombard Street, 32: 248London Wall, 32: 248, 33: 183, 34: 177;

pottery from, 35: 118-20,122, IIILothbury, Docklands Light Railway Shaft,

34: 178Ludgate Hill, 32: 248,33: 180-1,35: 151Maiden Lane, 31: 133Mark Lane, 34: 179,35: 151Marlborough House, 35: 157Middle Street, 35: 151Mincing Lane, 34: 179Minories, 31: 128Mitre Street, 31: 128Montfichet's Tower, 31: 127,33: 180,35:

151Moorgate, 31: 128, 32: 248-9; Moorgate

Hall, 34: 179National Gallery extension site, 32: 252

New Bond Street, 31: 128New Broad Street, 33: 183Northumberland Alley, 31: 128Old Bailey, 33: 183Old Broad Street, 35: 150Pall Mall see Marlborough HouseParliament Street, 32: 253Pemberton Row, 35: 151Philpot Lane, 33: 183Pilgrim Street, 32: 248, 33: 180-1, 183,35:

151-2Pinners Hall, 35: 150Plumtree Court, 31: 128Poultry, 32: 249Queen Street, 3 1: 129, 34 : 179Queen Victoria Street, 32: 249, 34: 179,

180Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, 34:

185,35: 156St Alphage, 31: 129St Alphage Garden, 31: 129St Andrew by the Wardrobe, 32: 249St Bartholomew the Great, 32: 248, 33:

181,182,35: 151St Benet's Place, 35: 150St Botolph, Aldgate, 31: 129, 35: 152St Helen, Bishopsgate, 32: 245-6, 35: 152St Helen's Place, 35: 152Stjames the Less hospital, 35: 157St Katharine Cree, 31: 128,33: 182,35:

151St Martin Orgar, 32: 247, 247St Martin Vintry, 31: 129St Martin's Lane, 31: 133St Mary at Hill, 35: 149St Mary Axe, 33: 183, 34 : 179,35: 152;

church, 35: 152

St Mary Spital seeTower HamletsSt Nicholas Shambles, skeletal remains

from, 35: 274-5St OlaveJewry, 31: 129StOlave'sCourt, 31: 129St Paul's cathedral, deanery, 35: 149Seething Lane, 34: 179Skinners' Hall kitchen, 33: 181Somerset House, 33: 188Southampton Street, 34: 185Steelyard, 34: 177Stew Lane, 35: 151Strand seeKing's College; Somerset HouseSun Street, pottery from, 35: 120Sunlight Wharf; 31: 130,33: 184Tallow Chandlers' Hall, 35: 152-3Thames Exchange, 34: 179-80Tower of London, tree-ring dates, 32: 168,

169Trafalgar Square, 32: 252,33: 187-8Trig Lane, pottery from, 35: 120, 122Tyburn, 33: 188


Upper Thames Street see Cannon StreetStation; Sunlight Wharf; ThamesExchange; Vintners' Hall; VintryHouse

Victoria Embankment, City of LondonBoys' School site, 32: 249-50

Vintners' Hall, 34: 180,35: 153Vintry House, 34: 180,35: 153Walbrook, 32: 249,33: 181, 183Wardrobe Place/Wardrobe Terrace, 34:

180\Natling Street, 31: 130Westminster Abbey: College Garden, 33:

188; estates, 34: 108; undercroft, 31:133-4

Whittington Avenue, 31: 127-8, 34: 180Wood Street, 31: 129,32: 248York Buildings, 33: 188York House, 33: 188

Long Crendon Manor (Bucks.), tree-ring dates,32: 172

Long Sutton (Som.), Court House, tree-ringdates, 32: 172

Longbridge Deverill (Wilts.), roof tile industryand roofing materials used at, 35: 89,9 1,94,99

Longbury Bank (Dyfed). settlement site, 33:238,34: 249-50

Longdon (Heref. and Worc.), settlement pat­terns, 34: 105, 106, 1I4,!I5

Longley, David, 'The Excavation of Castell,Porth Trefadog, A Coastal PromontoryFort in North Wales', 35: 64-85

Longobards, 6th-8th cent., 35: 269-7 ILongworth, 1., and Cherry,]. (cd.), Archaeology

in Britain since 1945, reviewed, 31: 222loom-weights, Saxon/post-Conquest, pottery,

32: 29,30, 31

lordship, in Anglo-Saxon England, 33: 251-2Lorrha (Co. Tipperary), motte, 32: 117, 126,

35: 113Losnich (Germany), water-mills, 33: 28Lothar crystal, 33: 33Lough Faughan (Co. Down), crannog, finds

from, 34: 17, 19Lough Foyle, and trade with Gaul, 6th-7th

cent., 34: 2 I

Lough Mannin (Co. Mayo) , castle, 32: 124Loughborough (Leics.), Holywell Hall, 35: 174Loughrea (Co. Galway)

Fairgreen, 32: 296Graigue, 35: 209

louvers, 13th cent., pottery, 31: 161Loveden Hill (Lines.), cemetery, bucket bind­

ing from, 34: 146, VIIILoyn, H.R., books reviewed by, 31: 210, 34:

261-3Lubeck (Germany), archaeological evidence

from, 33: 60-81, 62-63, 65-70 , 72-74,76--78, V, 35: 272-3

Lubenham (Leics.), church, 34: 200Ludgershall (Bucks.), hospital, 33: 88Ludgershall (Wilts.), palace, roofing materials

used at, 35: 89, ~JI, 96, 97Ludlow (Salop.)

Bull Ring, 34: 208castle, 35: 183- 4Corve Street, friary site, 31: 156--7town wall, 34: 208

Luggy, Lower (Powys), motte, 35: I 13Lundenwic see LondonLyminge (Kent), graves, 32: 70Lynch, Michael, and others (ed.), The Scottish

Medieval Town, reviewed, 34: 259-60Lynsted (Kent), Tudor Cottage, tree-ring dates,

33: 94, 95-7

McCarthy, Michael R.and Brooks, Catherine M., Medieoal Pottery in

Britain Alrooo-ttioo, reviewed, 33: 255-6and others, Carlisle Castle, reviewed, 35:

279-80Macclesfield (Cheshire), Town Hall Car Park

site, 32: 233McDonnell, G., X-ray fluorescence, Tintern

Abbey, 33: 126McGrail, Sean (ed.), Maritime Celts, Frisians and

Saxons, reviewed, 35: 244-5MacGregor, Arthur

The Archaeology of York: Anglo-ScandinavianFinds from Lloyds Bank, Pavement, andOther Sites, reviewed, 31: 197-9

Bone Antler Ivory and Horn, reviewed, 31: 205-7Machin, R., books reviewed by, 33: 268McKinnell,john, and Owen, Olwyn, 'A Runic

Inscription from Tuquoy, Westray,Orkney', 33: 53-9

Mackintosh, Charles Rennie (1868-1928), 34:125

McLees, Christopher'A Metal-working Complex in the Medieval

City of Trondheim, Norway', 33:156- 60

and Ekroll, 0ystein, 'A Drawing of a Medi­eval Ivory Chess Piece from the r zth­Century Church of St Olav, Trond­heim, Norway', 34: 151-4

Mac Niocaill, Gearoid, and Wallace, Patrick F.(ed.), Keimelia: Studies in MedievalArchaeology and History in Memory of TomDelaney, reviewed, 35: 282-3

Macreadv, Sarah, and Thompson, F.H. (ed.).Art and Patronage in the English Roman­esque, reviewed, 31: 2I 2

Madeley Court (Salop.), grange site, 32: 271Maelienydd (Wales), deanery and cantref of;

34: 29, 79-8 I, 82Maeshowe (Orkney), runic inscription from,



Magdeburg (Germany), bronze pendant from,31: 108, J08

Magonsa-tan, kingdom of the, 35: 255-6Maidenhead (Berks.), Holyport, Moor Farm,

tree-ring dates, 32: 172Mainman, A.J., Anglo-Saxon Potteryfrom Copper­

gate, reviewed, 35: 25Q-IMainz (Germany), mount from, 31: 105-9, J06,

VIImaisonsfortes, r zth-u yth cent., 35: 264-6Maldon (Essex)

The Chequers, 32: 241Elmcroft, 32: 241

Malew (I. of Man) , Stoney Mountain, hut sites,32:293

Malines seeMechelenMalmesbury (Wilts.)

abbeY,34: 217Postern Mill site, 31: 167-8,32: 288-9structures, Anglo-Saxon, 35: 30, 36, 39, 40, 4 1

malthouses, post-Conquest, 32: 267malting kilns seekilnsMalvern (Heref. and Wore.)

forest of, 34: 102, 108tiles made at, 32: 42, 33: 128,35: 166,229

Malvern, Little (Heref. and Wore.), priory, 34:108, 116

mammoth, fossil, ivory from, 32: 68Man, Isle of (see also individual places by name)

land divisions, 33: 25Q-Ipromontory forts, 35:80, 83

Manchester, Keith, and Farley, Michael, 'TheCemetery of the Leper Hospital of StMargaret, High Wycombe, Buck­inghamshire', 33: 82-9

Manley, J., "Cledemutha: A Late Saxon Burgh inNorth Wales', 31: 13-46

Mann,].£., books reviewed by, 33: 253-4manor houses and manorial sites (see also moats

and moated sites)pre-Conquest: Goltho, 32: 3 I7- I8; Raunds,

Burystead Manor, 31: 153,32: 265post-Conquest, 35: 264-6; Apley Castle, 34:

208-9; Bampton, 32: 268; Beversbrook,31: 167; Caythorpe, Low, 34: 196;Chingford, 34: 181; Cotton, West, 33:204-6, 205; Dartmoor, 32: 175--83;Donington-Ie-Heath, 33: 20 I; Goltho,32: 317-18; Graveley Hall Farm, 31:143; Harewood, 34: 222-3, 223; IronActon, Acton Court, 31: 116-17, 33:167-9,168,34: 169; Isleworth, 3 1: 130;I tteringham, 31: 15 I; London, 'TheBarge', 34: 176; Oldbury, 32: 288;Preston Hawe, 32: 276-7; Raunds,Burystead Manor, 31: 153, 32: 265;Risley, Old Abbey Farm, 35: 136-7;Rotherhithe, Platform Wharf, 31: 132;Sinai Park, 33: 207; Slough, UptonCourt, 33: 170; Southwark, Fastolf

Place, 31: 32, 32: 252, 33: 185, 186;Takeley, Colchester Hall, 31: 124;Wharram Percy, 31: 169; Witley Court,35: 166

Mansell Gamage (Heref. and Wore.), GarnonsHill, Offa's Dyke, 32: 309

Manton (Humberside) seeCleathamManton Common (Humberside), hanging­

bowl from, 33: 11-12,14manupes, unit of measurement seefootmanuscripts, illuminated, IOth-1 I th cent., Win­

chester Style, 31: 107Mardale (Cumbria), village, 34: 172Mardens (W. Sussex)

excavations, 35: 273-4North Marden, church, 35: 194North Marden Farm, 32: 280

Margeson, Sueand others

'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1988',33:161-24 1

'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1989', 34:162-252

'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1990',35:126-238

books reviewed by, 31: 205-7, 32: 319-21maritime archaeology (see also boats and ships)

4th-8th cent., northern Europe, 35: 244-5market buildings, 15th cent., 31: 127-8, 137Market Lavington (Wilts.), Grove Farm, 35:

196markets and market places (see also market

buildings)post-Conquest, 3 1: 124, 137,33: 212, 34: 17413th-16th cent., Lubeck, 33: 61-4

Marlborough (Wilts.), castle, roof tiles used at,35: 88

Marlow (Berks.) seeBishamMarshall, Anne, and Marshall, Garry, 'A

Survey and Analysis of the Buildings ofEarly and Middle Anglo-SaxonEngland', 35: 2g-43

Marston, North (Bucks.), St John's Manor,tree-ring dates, 32: 172

Marwell (Hants.)deer park, 33: 189roof tile industry, 35: 89, 92, 93-6, 97, 98, 99roof tiles used at, 35: 93, 97

Mathrafal (Powys), enclosure, 32: 104, J05, 108Maxey (Cambs.), structures, Anglo-Saxon, 35:

37measurement, units of, Roman and Anglo-

Saxon,35: 1-5,6-28,42,44-50Mechelen (Malines) (Belgium), cauldron made

at, 35: 115medicine (see also hospitals; leprosy)

post-Conquest, evidence from Soutra hospi­tal, 33: 234-5

Medieval Archaeology Research Group (Scot­land), 31: 112

GENERAL INDEX 43Medieval Pottery Research Group, 31: 112-13,

3~: 227, 33: 163, 34 : 163- 4, 35 : 127- 8Medieval Settlement Research Group, 31: 113,

3~: 227, 33: 163- 4, 34 : 164, 35 : 128Medieval Village Research Group, 31: 113Mediterranean, trading links with Britain, post­

Roman, 33: 1-6Meirion-Jones, Gwyn 1., books reviewed by, 35:

264- 7Melbourne (Derbys.), Castle Mills, 34: 172-3Melgund Castle (Tayside), 35: 228Melton Mowbray (Leics.)

Burton Street, 34: 200-1Norman Way, 35: 174

Mendham (Norfolk), artisans from, 14th cent.,3~: 197

Menis, G.C. (ed.), I Longobardi, reviewed, 35:270- I

Menmuir (Tayside), church, cross slabs, 3~:

308Meols (Merseyside), bell from, 3~: 214Meon, East (Hants.), roofing materials used at,

35:90,92,93,95Meopham (Kent), Nurstead Court, tree-ring

dates, 33: 95-7Mercer, Eric, books reviewed by, 33: 264-5Merrivale, Upper (Devon), mill, 35: 142Merton (Gr. London) (see also Mitcham)

High Street, Merton Bus Garage, 34: 183priory, 31: 131, 3~: 251, 33: 185, 34 : 183- 4,

35: 155metal-working, evidence for (see also bell-casting

pits; bronze; copper; cupellation; iron;lead; silver)

all periods, 31: 217-18pre-Conquest

Anglian, Wharram Percy, 34: 218,35: 198Ireland, Brittas, 3~: 298, 34: 236

post-Conquest, 31: 80-93; Bordesley Abbey,3 1: 142, 3~: 258; Canterbury, 33: 199;Monmouth, 35: 233; Peebles, 3 1: 183

12th-14th cent., Trondheim, 33: 156-60,158,X

metalwork (see also brass; bronze; copper;copper alloy; enamel; gunmetal; iron;latten; lead; pewter; silver; tin; tinbrass; zinc bronze)

late Anglo-Saxon, ornamental, 3 1: 105-9Metcalf, D.M., books reviewed by, 3~: 315-16mews, royal, Winchester, 35: 163Michelmersh (Hants.), pottery and roof tile

industry, 35: 89, 90, 92, 94-5, 96, 98, 99Micklehead Green (Merseyside), ?moated site,

3~:262Midsummer Hill (Heref. and Wore.), hill-fort,

34: 102Milborne Port (Som.), Church Street, 34: 210Milfield (Northumb.), settlement site, 35: 36,


military obligation, III Anglo-Saxon England,33: 251-2

mills (see also fulling mills; water-mills; wind­mills)

post-Conquest, England, 34: 269-70tin mills, 35: 142

Milne, Gustav, books reviewed by, 33: 252-3,34: 290-1

Milton (Kent), graves, 3~: 72Milton Keynes (Bucks.) seeShenley Brook End;

Tattenhoemining see lead; silver; tinminsters, Anglo-Saxon, 31: 97, 34: 263-4;

'Cada's minster', 31: 96-9; Eynsham,34: 207, 35: 183

Mitcham (Gr. London)Benedict Road Primary School, 34: 183Mill Green Road, 34: 185

moats and moated sites (see also castles; ring­works)

Dark Age, "Vales, 3~: 103-8, 105; CwrtLlechrhyd,3~:97-109,98,100, lOS

12th-15th cent., Europe, 35: 264-6post-Conquest: Abingdon Abbey, 34: 205-7;

Apley Castle, 34: 208-9; Ashwell,Love's Farm, 31: 143; Bodiam Castle,34: 155-7, lS6; Bronllys, 34: 250;Broughton Tower, 35: 173; Chid­dings tone, Bore Place, 31: 149;Chingford, 34: 181; Chislehurst, Scad­bury Park, 31: 127, 3~: 245; Compton,35: 157; Drayton Bassett, 3~: 273-4;Finsbury Court, 35: 154; Freckleton,35: 172; Halton, East, 34: 194; Hands­acre Hall, 31: 158; Ipswich, Boss Hall,3~: 275; Iron Acton, Acton Court, 31:116-17, 33: 167-9, 168, 34: 169; Isle­worth, 31: 130; Langstone, 35: 232-3;Oldbury, 3~: 288; Pendock, 34: 108,II 0-1 I; Risley, Old Abbey Farm, 35:136-7; Rotherhithe, Platform Wharf,31: 132; Sankey, Great, Barrow OldHall, 3~: 233; Sinai Park, 33: 207;Southchurch, 35: 144-5; Southwark,Fastolf Place, 31: 131-2, 3~: 252, 33:185, 186; Southwark, The Rosary, 33:185, 186; Staining Hall Farm, 35: 172;Takeley, 31: 124-5; Wythall,Blackgrave Moat, 31: 143

Mochrum (Dumf. and Gall.) seeBarhobbleMoesgard, Middelalderlige stenhuse i danske og

skanske kobstaeder, reviewed, 33: 257-8Molahiffe (Co. Kerry), castle, 3~: 119,120,126Molehill Green (Essex) seeTakeleymollusca (shellfish)

live tanks for, post-Conquest, 34: 195undated, from Rhuddlan, Cledemutha, 31: 40


monasteries and monastic sites (see alsoarchitec­ture, ecclesiastical; granges, monastic;guest-halls; hospitals; inns, monastic)

general: archaeology of, 35: 277; tile kilns, 35:98

Saxon, 35: 2:)5-6; Barking, 31: 126;Eynsham, 34: 207, 35:181, 182; Glas­tonbury, 34: 209; Wenlock, 31: 157

Anglian and Anglo-Norse, Whithorn, 31:184-5,33: 23°,35: 218

Early Christian period: Connor, 31: 174-5;Downpatrick, 31: 176-7,32: 295; Kells(Co. Meath), 33: 224; Rosshill, 35: 209;Sceilig Mhichil, 31: 179

post-ConquestAugustinian: Baswich, 32: 273; Bedford,

~ewnham, 32: 231; Bourne, 31: 149;Bristol, 32: 229-30, 33: 167; Canter­bury, St Gregory's, 33: 199,34: 197-8,35: 171; Clerkenwell, 32: 25(}-1; Col­chester, St Botolph's, 31: 123; Drogh­eda, 34: 236; Fineshade, 32: 264;Flanesford, 31: 141; Gloucester,Llanthony, 31: 125-6, 32: 244; Guis­borough, 31: 119; Haverfordwest, 35:230; Holywell (Hackney), 34: 181;Inchaffray, 32: 308; Jedburgh, 35: 217;Kells, 31: 176; Kenilworth, 33: 217;London, 31: 128,33: 182,34: 176,35:150, 151; London, St Mary vVithoutBishopsgate (St Mary Spital), 31:12g-30, 33: 187, 34 : 185; Merton, 3 1:131, 3 2: 25 1,33: 185, 34: 183- 4, 35:155; Norton, 35: 261-3; Oxford, ChristChurch, 31: 155; Rye, 34: 215; South­ampton, 31: 139; Southwick, 32: 256,33: 193; Waltham Abbey, 3 1: 125, 35 :145

Benedictine: Abingdon, 34: 205-7, 206;Barking, 31: 126,33: 179-80; Bristol,33: 167, 34: 167- 8; Bury St Edmunds,33: 208; Canterbury, St Augustine's,33: 198, 35: 170; Chertsey, 34: 303-4;Chester, 35: 135-6; Coventry, 32: 285;Ely, 32: 232-3, 35: 135; Eynsham, 34:2°7, 35:181, 182; Finchale, 34: 173;Glastonbury, 34: 209; Gloucester, 3 1:126,32: 244; Hertford, 34: 192; Kelso,33: 228-9; Lincoln, 31: 150; London, StHelen, Bishopsgate, 35: 152; Mal­mesbury, 34: 217; :'\uneaton, 31: 165,33: 218; Romsey, 35: 158; St Neots, 3 1:118, 35: 135; Sandwell, 3 1: 167, 32:286-8, 287, 33: 218; Shrewsbury, 3 1:157-8; Thetford, 35: 178; Usk, 32: 312;Walden Abbey, 32: 241-2, 243; West­minster, 31: 133-4; Winchester, Hyde,34: 188,35: 161; Wootton Wawen, 32:284,33: 218; York, St Mary's, 31: 171,32: 292,34: 219, 221-2

Carmelite, 34: 264- 5; Ipswich, 32: 275, 33:209; Lincoln, 31: 151; Ludlow, 31:156-7; Newcastle upon Tyne, 33: 215

Carthusian (Charterhouses): Coventry,3 1: 166,32: 286; London, 34: 182,35:154

Cistercian, 32: :339-4°; Bordesley, 31:141-2, 32: 258, 33: 194-5, 34: 19(}-2,35: 165- 6; Dunkeswell, 35: 13g-40;Fountains, 35: 197, VII; Furness, 31:119,32: 235, 34: 171-2,35: 138; Grai­guenamanagh, 35: 210; Hulton, 34:211,35: 185;Jervaulx,31: 169,32: 290;Kirkstall, 31: 172; Oxford, Rewley, 31:156; Syningthwaite, 31: 169; Tintern,33: 9g-143; Tower Hamlets, St MaryGraces, 31: 133, 32: 252, 33: 187;Whalley, 35: 173

Cluniac: Barnstaple, 32: 237-8; Berrnond­sey, 31: 132, 32: 251, 33: 186; Ponte­fract, 31: 173; Reading, 31: 118, 32:231-2,33: 17°,34: 169; Wenlock, 3 1:157

Crutched Friars, Colchester, 33: 176Dominican: Aghaboe, 31: 179; Arundel,

35: 193; Chester, 33: 172-3, XI; Dun­stable, 33: 169; Inverness, 31: 187;London, 33: 181,34: 177, 178,35: 149;Newcastle upon Tyne, 33: 215; Ponte­fract, 33: 222; Rhuddlan, 31: 22, 26, 32,37,38,42

Franciscan: Bristol, 34: 168-9; Bury StEdmunds, 35: 186; Carmarthen, 35:229; Chichester, 34: 216, 35: 193;Cleveland, 34: 17(}-I; Hartlepool, 33:173; Ipswich, 35: 189; Lewes, 31: 162,33: 213; Lichfield, 32: 274; London, StClare, 31: 133; ~orwich, 35: 177; Sher­kin Island, 35: 202-3; Southampton,3 1: 134-6,33: 193,34: 187; Ware, 35:167- 8

Gilbertine, York, 31: 170Knights Hospitaller (Knights of StJohn of

Jerusalem): Battisford, 33: 207; Cler­kenwell, 31: 13(}-1, 34: 182, 35: 154;Melton Mowbray, 35: 174; Waterford,35: 214

Knights Templar, Skelton, 34: 223-4Premonstratensian: Leiston, 35: 18g-90;

Torre, 32: 239, 33: 175-6; Whitham,3 1: 184- 5, 32: 302, 33: 229-30, 34: 24 1

Tiron, Hamble, 35: 161Trinitarian, Dunbar, 32: 305unspecified: Abbey of Deer, 31: 185; Bever­

ley priory, 31: 143, 32: 258-9;Harrnondsworth, 33: 184; Paisley, 35:227; Pluscarden, 35: 223

Monmouth (Gwent)bridge, 33: 239Glendower Street School, 33: 23g-40

GENERAL INDEX 45Monnow Street, 32: 311,33: 240-1, 34: 250,

35: 233StJames' Street, The Grange, 33: 239town defences, 35: 233

Monnas, Lisa, and Granger-Taylor, Hero (ed.),Ancient and Medieval Textiles: Studies inHonour of Donald King, reviewed, 35:283- 4

Montgomery (Powys) (see also Hen Domen)castle, pottery from, 34: 61Kerry Gate, 35: 238town ditch, 35: 238

Montrose (Tayside), Standard Press CloseSheltered Development site, 31: 189

Moorehouse Farm (1. of Man) see RushenMoorhouse, Stephen, books reviewed by, 33:

256-7Moran, Madge, books reviewed by, 35: 280-1Moreton (Merseyside), Hoylake Road, 34: 202Morett (Co. Laois), water-mill, 33: 23, 24~6, 25,


Morris, Carole A., on iron objects from Glouces-ter, 32: 32~9

Morris, Christopher D., books reviewed by, 33:249~50

Morris, Richard, books reviewed by, 32:3 18-19,334-5

Morris, Richard K., books reviewed by, 32:339~4°

mortars (grinders)rfith-u Bth cent., stone, 33: 128,129undated, stone, 34:77, 78

mortars and cements, Roman, 32: 41, 41Mortimer, Catherine, 'A Descriptive Classi­

fication of Early Anglo-Saxon Copper­Alloy Compositions: Towards aGeneral Typology of Early MedievalCopper Alloys', 35: 104-7

Mortimer family (12th-14th cent.), 34: 32,79-8 1,86

mortuary structures, early Saxon, 31: 164, X,32 : 27 8

Mote of Mark (Dumf. and Gall.)mould fragments from, 34: 146and trade with Gaul, 6th~7th cent., 34: 2 I

motif-pieces, bone and stone, from Ireland, 35:283

mottes see cas tlesMottisfont (Hants.) (see also Hatt)

abbey, 35: 98roof tile industry, 35: 89, 92, 94, 98

Moubray,John de (fl.13 68), 33: 49Moulden, .Joan, and Tweddle, Dominic, Anglo­

Scandinavian Settlement South- West oj theOuse, reviewed, 3 1: 197-9

moulds, for brooches, 6th-7th cent., clay, 34:147-8, IX

mounts6th-7th cent, copper alloy, 34: 145-7, VIIImiddle Saxon, gilt, 35:VI

roth cent., copper alloy, 31: 105~9, 106, VIIlate Carolingian/Ottonian, roth/r rth cent.,

bronze, 31: 107-8, 108Mountsorrel (Leics.)

Leicester Road, 31: 149Market Place, 31: 149

Moynagh Lough (Co. Meath) see BrittasMoyne (Co. Mayo), graveyard, 33: 224Much Wenlock (Salop.)

Barrow Street, 31: 157Wenlock priory, 31: 157

Mucking (Essex)cemetery, 32: 70structures, Anglo-Saxon, 35: 29-30, 40, 41,

56, 61; units of measurement, 35: 7,g-I 1,22,24,25

Mugdock (Central), castle, 31: 183Mullingar (Co. Westmeath), McCurtain

Street / Austin Friar Street / PearseStreet, 35: 216-17

Munich (Germany), Bayerische Staatsbiblio­thek, Henry II Gospels, 31: 107

Munster (Ireland), fortifications, 32: I I I,113~14, 118, 119-20

Murray,j.C., books reviewed by, 34: 25g-60Musden Grange (Staffs.), earthworks, 31: 159Musson, C.R., and Spurgeon, C.]., 'Cwrt

Llechrhyd, Llanelwedd: An LriusualMoated Site in Central Powys', 32:97~109

Myres, j.X.L., The English Settlements, reviewed,3 1: 210

My tum, Harold, books reviewed by, 34:286-7,35: 249-50

Naas (Co. Kildare), church, 35: 210Nafferton (Humberside), deserted hamlet, 35:


nailspost-Conquest, iron, 34: 67-70, 70--71,72,73undated, iron, 35: 77, 78

Nantcribba Gaer (Powys), enclosure, 32:104- 6, 105, 108

Nappin, West (1. of Man), bell from, 32: 214Narbonne (France), province, towns, 35: 269Nash Hill (Wilts.), pottery and roof tile indus-

try, 35: 88, 99Natsworthy (Devon), manor house, 32: 181Nazeingbury (Essex), structures, Anglo-Saxon,

units of measurement, 35: 6,7Keath (W. Glam.), castle, 33: 239needles, ?Roman and undated, copper alloy,

3135,36Nenk, Beverley S.

and Gaimster, David R.M., 'A Late MedievalHispano-Moresque Vase from the Cityof London', 35: 118-23

and others, 'Medieval Britain and Ireland in1990',35: 126-238


Neston (Cheshire), church, stones, 32: 234,234,VII

Netherlands (see also Frisia; Kootwijk; Rijs;Rotterdam; Utrecht; Veluwe, the)

pottery from seepotterytripod ewers from, 31: 88, 89, 9 Iwater-mills, post-medieval, 33: 29

Xetley (Hants.), The Conduits, 33: 189Nettleton Top (Lines.), Saxon settlement, 32:


Newark-on-Trent (Notts.)burh, 33: 206Slaughter House Lane, town defences, 33:

206Newbury (Berks.)

castle, 35: 133Newbury Wharf, 33: 170,35: 133

Newcastle upon Tyne (Tyne and Wear)Bath Lane, 32: 28 IBlack Friars, cemetery, 33: 2 I5Carmelite friary, 33: 215castle, 32: 281, 34: 216--'7,35: 194-5The Close, 32: 281-2, 33: 215Croft Street, 34: 216Dog Bank, 34: 29G--IForth Street, 32: 281-2,33: 215Hanover Street, 33: 2 I5Quayside, 31: 164-5,32: 282Queen Street, 34: 29G--Itown defences, 32: 281-2, 33: 215,34: 216

Newhall Point (Highland), stone from, 31: 187Newham (Gr. London) seeRomfordNewington (Kent)

Biggins Wood, 33: 200Danton Farm, 33: 200Dollands Moor, 33: 200, 34: 198Eurotunnel Terminal site, 33: 199-200Mill House/Frogholt, 33: 200Peene, 34: 198Stone Farm, 33: 200

Newman Conor- 'Fowle~'s Type F3 Early Medieval Penannu­

lar Brooches', 33: 7-20'Further Notes on Fowler's Type F3 Penan­

nular Brooches', 34: 147-8Newport Pagnell (Bucks.), hospital, 33: 88:'\ewton Abbot (Devon), St Mary's chapel, 33:

175Newton Bay (Dorset), site of port, 32: 240Newton-in-Bowland (Lanes.), ftax-retting com­

plex, 33: 42-6, 45, 50Newton-Ie-Willows (Merseyside)

Castle Hill, 32: 261-2Middleton, 33: 42

Newtown (Co. Wexford), municipium site, 31:181

Nicholas of St Albans, coins minted by, 13thcent., 3 1: 37

Nidaros (Norway) see Trondheim

Niddry Castle (Lothian), 32: 305, 33: 234,34:246,35: 223-4

Norfolk (see also individual places by name)deserted villages, 34: 298-9settlement patterns, 34: 299-300

Norfolk, Dukes of, London residence, 33: 184Norfolk Archaeological Unit, Excavations Within

the North-East Bailey oj Norwich Castle,/97.9, reviewed, 31: 199-20 I

North York Moors, houses, post-Conquest, 3 2:34G--I

NorthamptonAbington Square, 33: 204Castle Station, castle site, 33: 204Frances' Jetty, 33: 204Freeschool Street, site ofSt Gregory's church,

35: 178Gold Street, 32: 264Guildhall Extension, 35: 179palace, Saxon, units of measurement, 35:

15-16, /5Peacock Way, 32: 264StJames's Place, 32: 264-5StJohri's Street, 35: 179St Michael's Car Park, 33: 204St Peter's Way, 32: 265Saxon settlement (see also palace), 32: 265, 35:

3 1

Swan Street, 34: 204town defences, 32: 265, 33: 204Woolmonger Street, 32: 265

Northill (Beds.), Home Wood, fishery complex,33: 169

Northop (Clwyd), Coed Llys, Wat's Dyke, 32:310

Northumberland (see also individual places byname)

up to AD 1000,33: 249-50Norton, Christopher, books reviewed by, 34:

303-4Norton (Cheshire), priory, 35: 261-3Norton (Cleveland), church, 35: 137Norton (Herts.), Green Lane, 33: 196--7Norway (see also Trondheim; Vagar)

ivory carving, 34: 153-4Roman imports, 33: 246--7

Norwich (Norfolk)Alms Lane, 31: 199-200Botolph Street sites, 31: 199-200Calvert Street, 34: 203castle, 31: 151-2,32: 263,33: 202, 34: 202-3,

35: 177; north-east bailey, Saxonchurch and cemetery site, 31: 199-201

Castle Mall, 32: 263,33: 202,34: 202-3, 35:175-7

cathedral, 32: 263, 33: 202Cow Tower, 31: 152,32: 184-207, /86-/90Franciscan friary, 35: 177hospital, 32: 191-2, 194, 195King Street, 31: 152; Dragon Hall, 32: 263

GENERAL INDEX 47Magdalen Street see St Margaret in combustoMaid's Head, 33: 203, 35: 177Oak Street, Great Hall, Flowerpot Court, 32:

264Old Cattle Market Car Park see Castle MallPottergate, 31: 199-200Prince of Wales Road, Mann Egerton, 35: 177Quayside see Maids HeadRiver Lane, 32: 264Royal Arcade, 33: 203St Benedict's Street, 33: 203St Benet's Abbey, brick- and tile-making, 32:

197St George's Street, 31: 152St Margaret in combusto; church and grave-

yard, 32: 263, VIIISt Martin-at-Palace, 33: 202St Simon and StJude, 33: 203Sprowston Road, Lazar House, 34: 203town defences (see also Cow Tower), 32:

191-2,194-5,197-8,264Westwick Street, 33: 203Whitefriars, 34: 203

Norwich Survey, Excavations in Norwich 1971-78,Part II, reviewed, 31: 199-201

Noughaval (Co. Clare), settlement site, 35: 201Nove, G. (ed.), Structures de l'habitat et occupation

du sol dans les pays mediterraneens,reviewed, 34: 301-2

nucleated settlements see settlement patternsNuneaton (Warwicks.), St Mary's priory, 31:

165,33: 218nunneries see monasteries and monastic sitesNunney (Som.), Coleman's Quarry, 35: 184

Oakham (Leics.), castle, 32: 260, 34: 201hall, 31: 63, 67

Oakhanger (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 89,90, 94

Oaksey (Wilts.), roofing materials used at, 35:91

O'Brien, Colm, and others, The Origins of theNewcastle Quayside: Excavations at QueenStreet and Dog Bank, reviewed, 34: 290-- I

O'Connor, T.P.The Archaeology of York: Selected Groups ofBones

from Skeldergate and Walmgate, reviewed,3 1: 197-9

books reviewed by, 33: 266-7Odiham (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 88-9,

9°,9 1-2,94,95,98Offa's Dyke, 32: 309, 34: 249,35: 229

forts associated with, 32: 104-8Old Mills Moat (Powys), moated site, 32: 104,

105, 106, 108Oldbury (W. Midlands), Church Street, 32: 288O'Mcadhra, U aininn, Early Christian, Viking and

Romanesque Art MotifPieces from Ireland.

2. A Discussion on Aspects of Find-Contextand Function, reviewed, 35: 283

Omey Island (Co. Galway), occupation andburial site, 35: 209

Oran (Co. Roscommon), fortified site, 32:116,125

organic remains see plant remainsOrphir (Orkney), Earl's Bu, 31: 188,33: 235,

34: 246,35: 224Orton, Clive, books reviewed by, 33: 265Oslo (Norway), excavations, 35: 271-2

biological remains from, 33: 266-7Ospringe (Kent), St Mary's hospital, 34: 198O'Sullivan, Deirdre, 'Two Earlv Medieval

Mounts from the Crosthwaite Museum,Keswick', 34: 145-7

Oswestry (Salop.), Wat's Dyke, 32: 3°9-10Otlet, R.L., radiocarbon dates from Rhuddlan,

Cledemutha. 31: 39-40Ottaway, P., on iron object from Rhuddlan,

Cledemutha, 31: 33Otterbourne (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 89,

93,94,95,96,97-8ovens (see also kilns)

bread, 13th-16th cent., Lubeck, 33: 71,73grain-drying, post-Conquest, Skelton, 34:

224Overbury (Heref. and Wore.), manor, 34:

104- 8Overton (Hants.), roof tiles used at, 35: 90Owen, Dorothy ~1. (ed.), The Making of King's

Lynn, reviewed, 31: 220Owen, Olwyn, and McKinnell, John, 'A Runic

Inscription from Tuquoy, Westray,Orkney', 33: 53-9

Owen-Crocker, Gale R., Dress in Anglo-SaxonEngland, reviewed, 32: 327-8

Owenagh (Co. Roscommon), ?castle site, 32:122

Oxborough (Norfolk), cemetery, 35: 177Oxford

Ashmolean Museum: AlfredJewel, 33: 32-7,III, IV; brooch, penannular, Irish,33:13,15-16; tripod ewer, 31: 88, 91

Broad Street, 31: 154-5Christ Church cathedral: chapter house, 31:

155; cloister, 3 1: 155citv walls see town wallsCa'rnmarket Street, 31: 155Magdalen College see St John the Baptist's

hospitalOseney Abbey, 34: 207Park End Street, 34: 207-8Rewley Abbey, 31: 156St Aldates, Shire Lake sites, 33: 206Stjohn the Baptist's hospital, 31: 155-6,32:

270--1,270,33: 206-7St Michael's at the Northgate, 31: 156;

churchyard, 31: 155, 156


Peebles (Borders)Bridgegatc, 31: 182-3Cuddyside Development, 34: 239Tolbooth, 31: 183,34: 239

Peel (1. of Man). castle, 31: 174, 32: 293~4bells from, 32: 214

Peldon (Essex), church, 32: 241Pembridge (Hcref. and Worc.), 'Clearbrook',

trec-ring dates, 32: 172Penally (Dyfed) seeLongbury BankPencoed Castle (Gwent), 35: 233pendants (see also harness fittings)

6th-7th cent., silver, disc, with ?Christiansymbolism, 33: 244

roth/r rth cent., bronze, from Germany, 31:108,108

Pendock (Hcref and Worc.)church, 34: 104, 106, I 15, I 16dispersed settlements, 34: 97-121, 101, /03,

107, II 2

Penhow (Gwent), pottery kiln, 33: 132Pcnmachno (Gwynedd), inscription from, 33: 5Penmaen ('IV. Glam.), Castle Tower, 35:80, 82Pennant Melangell (Powys), church, 34: 252,

35: 2 36Penrith (Cumbria) (see also Brougham Castle)

market hall, 35: 139Pentney (Norfolk), brooch from, 35: 108perch, unit of measurement (see also rod), 35:

2-5,6-7,20,21,24Pershore (Hcref. and Wore.), abbcy, 31: 96, 98,

35: 163Perth (Tayside)

Blackfriars Street, 32: 308Canal Street, 31: 189Carmelitc friary, 34: 264~5

New Row, 35: 228Scott Strcet, 34: 248town defences, 34: 248

Pesez, Jean-).;1arie, and others, Brucato. Histoireet archiologie d'un habitat medieval en Sicile,reviewed, 31: 202-4

Peterborough (Cambs.), abbey, 34: 272-4Pctcrsfield (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 89,

92,93,94~5,96,97,98Petcrsfinger (Wilts.), graves, 32: 78Petham (Kent), China Court, tree-ring dates,

33: 95~7Petherton, North (Som.), West Newton Manor,

tree-ring dates, 32: 172pewter see badges; broochesphosphate analysis, Bryn Cysegrfan, 32: 158--6 I

Picts, 32: 3:32-3Piel Castle (Cumbria), 34: 172,35: 138pigeon-houses see columbaria; dovccotespigs seeboncs, animalpilgrim badges, post-Conquest, 31: 223, 35: 153pilgrims, ?graves of, post-Conquest, 31: 167pillow mounds seerabbit warrens

padlocks seelockspaintings seewall paintingsPaisley (Strath.), Abbey Close, 35: 227palaces, post-Conquest

episcopal: Bishop's Waltham, 31: 140;Bishopsteignton, 32: 238; CawoodCastle, 31: 168, 32: 290; Ely Place, 35:148; Exeter, 31: 121-2; Glasgow, 32:307,33: 236, 35: 226-7; Hereford, 3 1:59-72, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68-70, III, IV;Lambeth, 33: 184- 5, 35: 155; Spynie,3 1: 186-7, 32: 303-4, 33: 23 1, 34:243-4, 243, 35: 223; Winchester, Wol­vesey Palace, 32: 257

other, Clarendon, 34: 276-7palm, unit of measurement, 35: 22, 26Palmer, Nicholas, and Dyer, Christopher, 'An

Inscribed Stone from Burton Dassett,Warwickshire'. 32: 2 I 6- I 9

Pannonia, Longobards, 35: 270-1Papa Stour (Shetland), house site, 32: 306,35:

225Papa Westray (Orkney), St Boniface church,

35: 224Pared Mawr (Gwynedd), fort, 35: 81Paris, ewers from, 31: 87, 92parish boundaries, Christian sites on, pre-

Conquest, 31: 96-101Parkavonear Castle (Co. Kerry) seeAghadoeparks seedeerParsons. David

(ed.),·Stone: Quarrying and Building in England,reviewed, 35: 276-7

books reviewed by, 33: 258-60pastoral husbandry see dairying; livestock pro-

ductionPatcham (E. Sussex), Eastwick Barn, 34: 215Pa treksfj ordur (Iceland), bell from, 32: 214, 2 I 5Patrick, St (c·390-c·460), 34: 3, 5Patrick (1. of Man), Rheast Buigh, ?shieling

mounds, 32: 293pattens, post-Conquest, wood, 33: 253-4Pearce, J acq ueline E., and others

A Dated TYee-Series of London Medieval. Pottery,Part 2: London-Type Ware, reviewed, 31:219

Surrey Whitewares, reviewed, 34: 280-1peat, as building material, pre-Conquest, 32:

177Pebworth (Heref. and W orc.), Ullington deser­

ted medieval village, 31: 141Peckham (Gr. London), High Street, 35: 156

Oxford (continued)Ship Street, 31: 154-5town walls, 31: 154-5, 1')6

Oxley, John (cd.), Excavations at SouthamptonCastle, reviewed, 31: 2 I 5-16

GENERAL IKDEX 49pin-beaters (thread-pickers), Saxon/post-

Conquest, bone, 32: 30,3°, 31pins (see also hand-pins)

Romanbone,32: 28copper alloy, 32: 28,29

Saxon,bonc,35: 15013th cent., copper alloy, 31:35, 36undated, bronze, 35: 77,78

Piperstown (Co. Louth), earthworks, 32: 297-8pipes seewater-pipesPirie, E.J.E., Post-Roman Coinsfrom York Excaca­

tions. reviewed, 3 I: 197-9Pirton (Herts.), Great Bury, Toot Hill Castle

and other earthworks, 33: 197piscinas, post-Conquest, 34: 130, 141

lead plugs from, 34: 5I, 73,75pits (see also bell-casting pits; cess-pits; charnel

pits; cisterns and tanks; saw-pits)flax retting, 7th-8th cent., 35: 133potash, 12th-13th cent., 33: 38, 40, 49,jOstorage, r zth cent. and later, stone-faced, 32:

299Pitt, E.E.H., and others, 'Medieval "Bronze"

Tripod Ewers from Wales', 3 1: 80--93PittencriefPark (Fife) see Cranmore's Towerplace names

England, 34: 296and location of textile processing sites, 33:

38-5 2

Wales, 34: 81-2plant remains (see also charcoal)

loth cent., from Rhuddlan, Cledemutha,31: 40I r th-u yth cent., from Oslo, 33: 266-7

plaques, middle Saxon, lead, inscribed, 35: 169,VI

Plas-yn-Dinas (Powys), moated site, 32: 104,105, 106, 108

plaster, wall, painted, Roman, 32: 40platforms, stone (see also crannogs; raths)

Ireland, 35: 2I 7Platts, Graham, Land and People in Medieval

Lincolnshire, reviewed, 31: 220- I

Plaxtol (Kent), tree-ring dates, 33: 95-7Pleshey (Essex)

castle, 32: 241Moat Cottage, 33: 177

plugs, post-Conquest, lead, ?from fonts orpiscinae, 34: 73, 75

plumb-bobs, post-Conquest, lead, 34: 73,75Pluscarden (Grampian), priory, 35: 223Pole (Wilts.), roofing materials used at, 35: 91Pollardstown (Co. Kildare), ringwork, 32: I 17,

118, 126ponds

fishponds see fishornamental, 15th cent. or later, 34: I5."r7, 156

Pontefract (W. Yorks.)Ass Hill, 31: 172The Booths, 31: 172


castle, 31: 172-3Castle Garth, 3 1: 173General Infirmary, Dominican friary site, 33:

222Micklegate, 31: 173Stjohn's priory, 3 1: 173Tanners Row, 33: 222

Portchester (Hants.)castle, roofing materials used at, 35: 90, 93structures, Anglo-Saxon, 35: 40, 41

Portencross (Strath.)Auldhill, 32: 307-8, 33: 237,34: 246Portencross Castle, 32: 308

Porth Ruffydd (Gwynedd), fort, 35: 81Porth Trefadog (Gwynedd), Castell, 35: 64-85,

65-66,68-7 I,1), 15-76,80, Ifinds from, 35: 77-9,78

ports and harbours (see also waterfronts)Anglo-Saxon, 32: 93-4; Lundenwic, 3 1: 133,

32 : 25 2

pre- and post-Conquest, Kirkwall, 31: 188post-Conquest: Bridport, 34: 122-43;

Grimsby, 31: 14613th-16th cent., Lubeck, 33: 61-4, 63

potashkilns seekilnspits, 12th-13th cent., 33: 38,4°,49,50

pottery (see also antefixes; feeding bottles; kilns;loom-weights; louvers; moulds; spindlewhorls; tiles)

ROMA:\/ROMA:-iO-BRITISHgeneral: from Anglo-Saxon graves, 33: 246bysite: Capel Maelog, 34: 58-9,59; Castell,

Porth Trefadog, 35: 78; Gloucester, 32:20-1, 22-3, 24, 25, 28; Pendock, 34:102-4; Rhuddlan, Cledemutha, 31: 27,28,29,3°

by type: black-burnished wares, 32: 20, 34:58,59, 103; Oxfordshire wares, 32: 20,28, 34: 58,59, 103; Severn Valley ware,3 2: 20, 34: 58-9,59, 103

SUB-ROMAN/'ROMANO-SAXON', 31: 2I I, 32:21-4,24,44

EARLY ANGLO-SAXON, 32: 21-4, 24; animalstamps and figures on, 31: 94-6, .95;cremation urns, 33: 265; wheel-thrown,32 : 74- 6

MIDDLE ANGLO-SAXON, 34: 253-5LATE ANGLO-SAXON, 33: 255-6, 34: 287- 8ANGLO-SCANDI'\lAVIA'\l, 35: 250- 1SAXO-NORMA'\l

from Gloucester, 32: I I, 23, 24, 25, 26'-27;Cheddar Class E ware, 32: 25

from Rhuddlan, Cledemutha, 31: 27, 28, 29,3°

POST-CONQUESTgeneral, 33: 255-6by site: Capel Maelog, 34: 60-7, 64-66;

Gloucester, 32: 2 I, 23, 25, 26-27;

GENERAL INDEX50pottery (continued)

POST-CONQUEST (continued)by site (continued)

Lincoln, 34: 287-8; Rhuddlan, Cledemu­tha, 31: 27-8, 29~31,3O-3I; Stanion, 35:180, 181; Tintern Abbey, 33: 128-38,133-135

by type: Bristol wares, 33: 132, 133, 135;Cistercian ware, 33:135, 137; HamGreen ware, 32: 25, 33: 132, 133, 135;London-type ware, 31: 219; Malvernwares, 33:/35, 137, 34: 61, 62, 65;Minety-type ware, 33:/33, 135; Scar­borough ware, 32: 219-21,220; Surreywares, 32: 25, 34: 280-1; Tudor Greenware, 33: 137; 'whistle-pots', 35: 180,181; Worcester wares, 32: 25


generalin early Anglo-Saxon graves, wheel­

thrown, 32: 63,74-92,93Mediterranean, post-Roman, 33: 1-6, 34:

I, 11-14,16-17,22produced and traded in north-west Europe,

14th-17th cent., 33: 256-7Africa, late Roman and post-Roman, 32: 21,

33: 1-4,34: 16,22France and Belgium

Class E, 6th-7th cent., 34: 1-26,7D ware (derivee sigillie paleochretienne), post-

Roman, 33: 3-4in early Anglo-Saxon graves, 32: 74, 91earthenware, 15th-16th cent., 33: 137Martincamp, 33: 137from north-east France and Pas-de-Calais,

35: 285-6Saintonge, 32: 25, 33: 137Sarnian, 31: 27,32: 20, 28, 34: 58,59, 35: 78from Uzege and Bas-Rhone, greyware, 32:


Anglian, 31: 94-6,95Badorfware, 35: 25 1from Lubeck, 13th-16th cent., 33: 71, 72,

74,75-7,78Pingsdorfware, 35: 25 1Rhineland, 33: 72, 77, 34: 281~3; Frechen

stoneware, 33: 138; Raeren stoneware,33: 137,35: 121; Siegburg stoneware,35: 121,III

Tating/black-burnished wares, 35: 25 1Italy

amphorae, Roman, 32: 25maiolica, 33:135,137-8

~etherlands, 15th-16th cent., 33:135, 137-8,35: 119

Spaincoarsewares, 8th-15th cent., 35: 284-5

Hispano-Moresque lustreware, 35:I 18-23, [19, III

Merida, 33:135,137Sweden, 13th cent. and later, 31: 2 I 8-19

Poulton, Rob, Archaeological Investigations on theSite of Chertsey Abbey, reviewed, 34:303-4

pounds seedeerPowys, kingdom of, fortifications, Dark Ages,

32: 102-8Poyntz family (14th~16th cent.), 31: 116, 33:

169Premonstratensian order see monasteries and

monastic sites, post-ConquestPrescot (Merseyside) seeKnowsleyPreston (Lanes.) (see also Broughton)

Fishergate, 34: 199Prevot, Francoise, and Barral i Altet, Xavier,

Topographic Chretienne des Cites de laGaule. VI. Province Ecclesiastique deBourges, reviewed, 35: 269

priests' houses, post-ConquestBridport, The Chantry, 34: 122-43,127,129,

131,1'35-136, 13!r140, V-VIIStretham, 35: 135

Pringle, DenysThe Red Tower (al-Bur) al-Ahmar); Settlement in

the Plain of Sharon at the Time of theCrusaders and Mamluks A.D.IOgf)-1516,reviewed, 32: 342

books reviewed by, 31: 214-15, 32: 341priories seemonasteries and monastic sitesprisons, post-Conquest, 35: 150Prittlewell (Essex), graves, 32: 70privies see la trinesProcopius, Gothic Wars, 33: 5promontory forts (seealso hi11-forts)

Isle of Man, 35:80, 83Wales, 35:80, 81-3; Carew, 32: 310; Castell,

Porth Trefadog, 35: 64-85, 65-66, 68-69,73,80, I

Proudfoot, Bruce, books reviewed by, 34: 275-6Proudfoot, Edwina V.W., books reviewed by,

35: 275-6Purbeck (Dorset)

Fitzworth Peninsula, 33: 176stone slates from, 35: 91,92

Purley (Gr. London)' High Street, 35: 153

quarries, stone5th-16th cent., 35: 276~7

post-Conquest, 33: 236,35: 184, 219quartz seecrystalquays seewaterfrontsQuemerford (Wilts.), settlement site, 31: 168Quentovic (France), 32: 93querns, undated, from Capel Maelog, 34:77, 78


rabbit warrenspost-Conquest: Bryn Cysegrfan, 32: 130-65,

I'Jj, 137,139, 14j-148, III, IV; Dolauco­thi, 32: 161-3,162-16'3

undated, Risca, 35: 23 Irabbits lee bones, animal; rabbit warrensRackham, Oliver, books reviewed by, 33: 261-2Radley (Oxon.) seeBarrow HillsRadnor, New (Powys), ?fort, 32: 104, 107, lO8RafIin Fort (Co. Meath), 34: 236-7, 35: 212Rahinanne (Co. Kerry), castle, 32: 120, 122-3Raholp (Co. Down), church, 34: 225Rahtz, Philip, books reviewed by, 3 1: 197-9,34:

269- 70

Rainham (Kent), Scott's Farm, tree-ring dates,32: 172

Ramore (Co. Sligo), mound, 32: 121rasps, late Saxon/early Norman, iron, 32: 32-6,

36, 39Rathbarry (Co. Cork), ringwork, 32: 120Rathdoony More (Co. Sligo), castle, 32: 121,

123, 126Rathmell (N. Yorks.), flax retting, 33:47,49Rathmullan (Co. Down), rath and motte, 32:

113, 117raths, Ireland (see also cashels; ringforts), 32:

IIO, 113-14, IJ6, 117-[8, 121-2, 125,[26; Ballymurphy, 34: 224; Glenarm,Deer Park Farms, 31: [75-6,32: 294-5,X

Rattray, Old (Grampian)burgh, 31: 186,32: 303, 33: 23[, 34: 243, 35:

222-3castle, 31: 186,32: 303, 33: 23 1, 34: 242-3

Raunds (Northants.) (see also Dcnford; Har­grave)

Burystead Manor, 31: 153,32: 265Cotton, \A/est, 31: 153-4,32: 266-7, 266, 33:

204-6, 20j, 34: 204, XII, 35: 179Mallows Cotton, 3 1: [52, 35: 17gPark Road, cremation cemetery, 34: 2° 4, 35:

180Raunds Area Project, 31: [52-4,32: 265-7,

33: 2°4-6,34:2°4, 35: 179-80structures, Anglo-Saxon, 35: 37,40,4[; units

of measurement, 35: 16Thorpe End, 32: 265, 33: 204

Ravel, Lough (Co. Antrim), brooch from, 33: 7,9, 15, [8, 20n3 2-3

Rayleigh (Essex), London Hill, 31: [23Reading (Berks.) (see also Burghfield)

abbey, Plummery Wall, 31: [18,32: 231-2,33: 17°,34: 169

Bridge Street East, 31: I 17Fobney Street, 31: I I 7Forbury Roundabout see abbeyHighbridge Wharf, 35: 133Kings Road, 31: 118Kings Street, 33: 170


Napier Road, 31: 118waterfronts, tree-ring dates, 32: 172

Reculver (Kent), Thanet Way, 34: 198-9Red Tower (al-Burj al-Ahmar) (Israel), 32: 342Reddish (Gr. Manchester), Nico Ditch, 35: 157Redditch (Heref. and Worc.) see Bordcsley

AbbevRedhill (Surrey)

Batts Hill Allotments, 35: 19IWiggie Farm, 35: IgI

Redknap, Mark, books reviewed by, 34: 256-8Redmarley (Glos.), landholding, 34: lO6, lO8Reigate (Surrey)

Bell Street, 32: 277, 33: 211-12,34: 214, 35:It) 2

castle, 33: 212, 35: 192Church Street, Old Vicarage, 32: 277Colley Hill, hoard from, 35: 192High Street, 33: 2I Ipriory, 35: Ig2

Reilly, Paul, ComputerAnarysis ofan ArchaeologicalLandscape: Medieual Land Divisions on theIsle ofl'v1an, reviewed, 33: 250-1

religious houses see monasteries and monasticsites

Resolis (Highland), Balblair chapel, 31: 187retting see flax; hempRewley Abbey see OxfordRhaeadr (Powys), town and castle, 35: 109Rheast Buigh (1. ofMan) see PatrickRhendoo (1. of Man) , iron-working site, 31: 174Rhineland

objects from, in early Anglo-Saxon graves,32:9 1

pottery from see pottery, continental andimported, Germany

Rhuddlan (Clwyd)Cledemutha. burh, late Saxon, 32: 103

excavations, 31: 13-46,14,17, Ig--21, 23-2j,I, II; finds from, 31: 27-41, 3(}--32, 34-36

friary, Dominican, 31: 22, 26, 32, 37, 38,42Rhuthun (Clwyd), Brynhyfryd Park, 34: 248Ribblehead (N. Yorks.), bell from, 32: 215Ribe (Denmark), coins from, 31: 222-3Richard II, king of England, badges of, 35: 153Richards, Julian D.

The Significance of Form and Decoration ofAnglo­Saxon Cremation Urns, reviewed, 33: 265

books reviewed by, 33: 242-3, 34: 260-1, 35:245-6

Richmond, Hugh, books reviewed by, 34: 304Richmond-upon-Thames (Gr. London) see

Hampton Wick; TwickenhamRiensforde (Germany), brooch from, 33:

149-5°,149Rievaulx (N. Yorks.), abbey, English Heritage

Guide, reviewed, 34: 278-9Rijs (Netherlands), strap-end from, 31: 1°7Rindown (Co. Roscommon), castle, 32: 124


ring-ditches, round burials, early Saxon, 31:164,X

Ringagrogy Island (Co. Cork), 32: 120ringforts (see also cashels; raths; ringworks)

Ireland, 32: 110, 113-14, 115, I16, 117-18,120, 121-7; Bunnacranagh, 31: 180;Glengormley, 31: 176; Lisleagh, 34:225, 35: 201-2; Lisnagun, 34: 225-7,226; Scholarstown, 'Fairy Fort', 3 1: 179

rings, fingerRoman, copper alloy, 32: 28,29in early Anglo-Saxon graves, ivory, 32: 63,

68-9, 76-92Anglo-Saxon/post-Conquest, copper alloy,

32:30 , 39ringworks (see also castles; ringforts)

England, 33: 221Ireland, 32: 110--29, I16, 124

Wales, 35: 82, 83-4Rinnaraw (Co. Donegal), Portnablagh, 32:

295-6,34: 227,35: 203- 4Ripon (N. Yorks.) (see also Fountains Abbey)

Ailey Hill, 31: 169, 32: 290Risca (Mid Glam.), Penrhiw Warren, 35: 23 1Risley (Cheshire), Old Abbey Farm, 35: 136-7ritual sites (see also Christian sites; mortuary

structures)springs, ?]ewish, post-Conquest, 32: 230

Rivenhall (Essex)settlement patterns, 32: 322-4structures, Anglo-Saxon, units of measure­

ment, 35: 6, 7rivers see watercoursesroads and streets (see also causeways; trackways)

middle Saxon, Hamunc, 31: 137-9pre- and post-Conquest, Cramond, 31: 187post-Conquest: Bloomhill, 31: 17g--80;

Staines, 33: 2 I 2; Tintern Abbey, 33:113- 15, I14, 123

Robertsbridge (E. Sussex), abbey, 33: 2 I 3Robinstown (Co. Westmeath), stone platform,

35: 217Roby (Merseyside), Roby Road, 35: 175Rocester (Staffs.), New Cemetery site, 31: 159,

32 : 2 75Rochester (Kent)

castle, English Heritage Guide, reviewed, 34:279

cathedral, 35: 171Rochford (Essex), Horner's Corner, 31: 124rock crys tal see crys talrod, unit of measurement (see also perch), 35:

2-3,6-28,46Roding, High (Essex), New Hall barn, tree-ring

dates,32: 167, 172Rodney Stoke (Som.), Barrow Wood Lane, 35:

184Rodwell, K.A., 'A Structural Analysis of The

Chantry, Bridport, Dorset', 34: 122-43

Rodwell, Warwick (W.J.)and Rodwell, K.A., Rivenhall: Investigations ofa

Villa, Church and Village, reviewed, 32:322-4

books reviewed by, 32: 335Roffia, E. (ed.), La Necropoli Longobarda di Trerro

Sull'Adda. reviewed, 35: 26g--70Rogerson, Andrew, and others, Three Norman

Churches in Norfolk, reviewed, 32: 333-4Romania, Carpathians and Rosia-Tal region,

water-mills, 33: 29Rome

Esquiline, crystal panels from, 33: 35Schola Praeconum, pottery from, 33: 3Vatican collections, crystal panels, 33: 35

Romford (Gr. London), Warren Farm, 33: 185Romney, New (Kent), Hope All Saints, church,

33: 200, 34: 198Romney, Old (Kent), stirrup from, 34: 157-60,

158Romsey (Hants.)

Abbey United Reformed Church site, 35: 158roofing materials used at, 35: 96-7

Ronaldsway (I. of Man), brooch from, 33: 10,14,16,18

roofing materials seeshingles; slates; thatch; tilesrosaries, makers of, 13th cent., 33: 71Roscrea (Co. Tipperary), castle, 32: 121, 34:

238,35: 213Roskams, Steve, books reviewed by, 34: 290Rosshill Abbey (Co. Galway), 35: 209Rotherhithe (Gr. London), Platform Wharf, 31:

132,35: 156Cathay Street, 31: 132

Rothwell (W. Yorks.), mill sites, 31: 173Rotterdam (Netherlands), Museum Boymans­

van Beuningen, tripod ewers, 31: 91Rouen (France)

Musce des Antiquites, tripod ewers, 31: 92St Catherine's Abbey, 33: 184

Rowley-Conwy, P., on animal bones fromRhuddlan, Cledemutha, 31: 37-8

Royal Commission on the Ancient and HistoricMonuments of Scotland, Argyll. Volume6. Mid Argyll and Cowal: Prehistoric andEarly Historic Monuments, reviewed, 35:275-6

Royal Commission on Ancient and HistoricalMonuments in Wales, Glamorgan:Vol.IV. Domestic Architecture from the Re­

formation to the Industrial Revolution. PartII, reviewed, 33: 264-5

Royal Commission on the Historical Monu­ments of England

Excavation Index, 35: 123-5Houses of the North York Moors, reviewed, 32:

340--1Roystone Grange (Derbys.), 35: 276Ruabon (Clwyd), Tatham Road, earthworks,

32 : 309

GENERAL INDEX 53Runcorn (Cheshire) see Halton; Nortonrunes

Anglo-Saxon, on brooches, 35: 175,176rzth cent. or later, on stone, 33: 53-9,55-56

Rushen (1. of Man), Ballakilpheric andMoorehouse Farm, graves, 32: 293

Ruskington (Lincs.), cemetery, 31: 151Russia, archaeology in Rus, 31: 204-5Rust (Austria), Aquincum, 33: 152Ruthin (Clwyd) seeRhuthunRyan, Michael (ed.), Ireland and Insular Art

A.D.50o-1200, reviewed, 32: 328-30Ryder, Peter F., The Medieval Cross Slab Grave

Cover in County Durham, reviewed, 31:213

Rye (E. Sussex), The Monastery, 34: 215Rynne, Colin, 'The Introduction of the Vertical

Water-mill into Ireland: Some RecentArchaeological Evidence', 33: 21-3 I

Rynne, Etienne, Figures from the Past: Studies onFigurative Art in Early Christian Ireland inHonour oj Helen M. Roe, reviewed, 34:284- 5

sacraria, post-Conquest, 34: 50, 87Saffron Walden (Essex) (see also Walden Abbey)

castle, 31: 124StAlbans (Herts.), abbey, precinct wall, 32: 258St Andrews (Fife)

Alexandra Place, 35: 220castle, 33: 230-1, 34: 242,35: 221-2Church Square, Holy Trinity church, 35: 220Market Street, 35: 220-1North Street, 32: 302St Leonard's School, 31: 185,35: 222St Nicholas Farm, site ofSt Nicholas hospital,

32:302South Street, 35: 22 I

St Austell (Cornwall), 'Winning and WorkingArea', 35: 137

Saint-Denis (France), tombs, 6th-7th cent., 33:247-8

St Denys (Hants.), port, slate imports, 35: 90Saint-Jean-de-Fos (France), pottery from, r qth

cent., wrongly identified as Scar­borough ware, 32: 219-21,220

St Neots (Cambs.), priory, 31: 118,35: 135St Neots valley (Cornwall), tin mining and

agriculture, Saxon and post-Conquest,35: 259-60

St Peter's (Kent), cemetery, 32: 74, 76, 78, 80Salehurst (E. Sussex), Park Farm, 33: 213Salisbury (Wilts.)

Belle Vue House, 33: 219Brown Street, 31: 168,33: 219Gibbs Mew extension site, 32: 289Rollestone Street, 33: 219roofing materials used at, 35: 91, 95

town defences, 33: 219-20; Postern Towerand Curtain Wall, 33: 220

Winchester Street, 33: 2 I 9Sallay in Craven (X Yorks.), St Mary's Abbey,

33:49salt-working, evidence for

early and middle Saxon, 34: 189post-Conquest, 34: 173, 198-9

Samson, Ross, books reviewed by, 32: 327-8Sancton (Humberside), graves, 32: 80Sanday Pool (Orkney), mound, 32: 306Sandwell (W. Midlands), priory, 31: 167,32:

286-8,287,33: 218Sankey, Great (Cheshire), Barrow Old Hall, 3 2:

233Sarre (Kent), cemetery, 32: 66, 70, 72, 74, 76,

78, 93Sarum, Old (Wilts.)

bishop's palace, 31: 63, 65survey and excavation, 32: 289

Saucers town (Co. Dublin), occupation site, 33:228

saw-pits, post-medieval, Tintern Abbey, 33:123, VII

Sawyer, Peter Hayes(ed.), Domesday Book: A Reassessment,

reviewed, 32: 318--19essays in honour of, 35: 281-2

scabbards, post-Conquest, 32: :·P9-21Scadbury Park (GL London) see ChislehurstScalloway, Upper (Shetland), occupation site,

35: 225Scarborough (N. Yorks.)

The Bolts, 35: 198East Sandgate, 32: 291Leading Post Street, 33: 221, 34: 218museum, pottery wrongly identified as Scar-

borough ware, 32: 219-2 I, 220Paradise Estate, 33: 221,34: 218town defences, 33: 221,34: 218

Scarfe, Norman, Suffolk in the Middle Ages,reviewed, 31: 221

Sceilig Mhichil (Co. Kerry), monastic site, 31:179

Schia, Erik (ed.)De Arkeologiske Utgravninger I Gamlebyen, Oslo

(Bind 6) Hus Og Gjerder, reviewed, 35:271-2

'Mindets Tomt' - 'Sendre Felt': Animal Bones,Moss-, Plant-, Insect- and Parasite-Remains,reviewed, 33: 266-7

Schleswig (Germany), fish remains from, 34:305-6

Schnitzler, Bernadette (ed.), Vivre au Moyen Age.30 ans d'archeologie midievale en Alsace,reviewed, 35: 246-7

Schofield, Johnand Leech, Roger (ed.), Urban Archaeology in

Britain, reviewed, 32: 33 I

books reviewed by, 31: 199-20 I


Scholars town (Co. Dublin), 'Fairy Fort', 31:179

schools, 14th-15th cent., 32: 218-19Scilly Isles (see also T res co)

archaeology and history, 31: 208-10pottery from, post-Roman, 34: 8, 13, 14,

17-18scooped structures (see also sunken-featured

buildings)post-Conquest, 34: 241-2,35: 219- 20

Scotland (see also individual places by name)brooches from, 6th-7th cent., 33: I I, 16, 34:

147-8churches, post-Conquest, 31: 214~15

kingship, pre-Conquest, 34: 283-4towns, post-Conquest, 34: 259~60

trade, Gth-ytb cent., with Gaul, 34: I, 2-3, 8,10,14,19,21

tripod ewers from, 31: 83, 87, 88, 91water-mills, Roman, 33: 23

scramasaxes, early Saxon, iron, 33: 145Scull, Christopher

'Post-Roman Phase I at Yeavering: A Re­consideration', 35: 5 1-63

books reviewed by, 34: 288-9sculpture (see also chess pieces; crosses; effigies;

.gravestones and graveslabs; symbol­stones)

Anglian and Viking, stone, Cumbria andLancashire, 33: 248-9

Early Christian, Ireland, 34: 284-515th cent., stone: Ireland, 35: 208; Scotland,

33:233,35: 228undated, stone, Scotland, 32: 307, 308

Scurmore (Co. Sligo), motte, 32: 121Seafin (Co. Down), castle, 32: 125seal matrices, post-Conquest, 34: 208Searby (Lincs.), graves, 32: 78seaxes, early Saxon, iron, 33: 145Sedbergh (Cumbria), textile processing, 33: 42Selborne (Hants.) (see also Oakhanger)

priory, tile oven, 35: 103Serjeantson, D., and Waldron, T. (ed.), Diet and

Crafts in Towns, reviewed, 34: 274-5Seton (Lothian), church, 33: 234settlement patterns (see also towns; villages and

hamlets)Dartrnoor, 32: 175-83dispersed settlements, 34: 97-121, 101, 103,

107, 109, II 2

Kent, 35: 254-5and landscape, Anglo-Saxon, 35: 251-3Mediterranean, 34: 294-5, 301-2Norfolk, 34: 299-300north-east England, 35: 260-1nucleated settlements, 34: 97-9, I 17-18Pendock, 34: 108, 113-16, 118Raunds,3 1: 152-3,32:265,33:204Rivenhall, 32: 322-4rural, post-Conquest, 34: 270-2

Russia, 31: 205Sicily, 13th-14th cent., 31: 202~4

Suffolk, 32: 321-2and survey of structures, Anglo-Saxon, 35:

30 - 1,42

Sevenoaks (Kent), 21-25 London Road, tree-ring dates, 33: 95

Sewerby (E. Yorks.), cemetery, 31: 193~5

Shaftesbury (Dorset)' Bimport, 31: 122shaftment, unit of measurement, 35: 21~2, 26Shalford (Surrey), roof tile industry, 35: 92, 98Shannon, river, and trade with Gaul, 6th~7th

cent., 34: 2 I

Shapwick Manor (Som.), dovecote, 34: 21(}-1 I

Sharon Plain (Israel), settlement, 32: 342Sheeaunbeg (Co. Roscommon), ringfort, 32:

II 5, II6, I I 7sheep seebones, animal; woolShefford, East (Berks.), graves, 32: 78Sheldwich (Kent), Copton Manor, tree-ring

dates, 33: 95shellfish seemoll uscaShenley Brook End (Bucks.), Westbury, 33:

171,34: 170, 35: 133~4

Shenley Church End (Bucks.)hooked tag from, 35: 109tile kiln, 34: 170

Shepperton (Surrey)Saxon County School, 31: 161Shepperton Ranges gravel pit, swords from,

32: 277Sherborne (Dorset)' abbey, tree-ring dates, 32:

168Sherborne StJohn (Hants.), Beaurepeyr, 35: 90Sherkin Island (Co. Cork), friary, 35: 202-3shield bosses, ?Roman or sub-Roman, iron, 32:


Shillington (Beds.), Clawdershill Farm, tree­ring dates, 32: 172

Shimpling (Norfolk), church and tiles, 32: 262shingles, as roofing material, post-Conquest,

Wessex, 35: 87, 88, 90, 92, 96ship-burials see boat-burialsships seeboats and shipsShipton-under-Wychwood (Oxon.), Prebendal

House, 32: 271shoes (see also horseshoes)

r eth-irfith cen t., leather, 33: 78, 253-4Shrewsbury (Salop.)

abbey, 31: 157-8Market Street, Talbot Chambers, 31: 158Pride Hill, Bennet's Hall, 31: 158town wall, 31: 158

Shrewsbury, earls of, badges, 35: 153shrines seemortuary structures; ritual sitesShudy Camps (Cambs.), cemetery, 32: 66, 72Sibertswold (Kent), cemetery, 32: 66, 68Sicily seeBrucatosickles, undated, iron, 3 1: 33,34

GENERAL INDEX 55Sigglesthorne (Humberside), earthworks, 33:

198Silchester (Hants.), amphitheatre, 34: 292-3Silkstead (Hants.), roofing materials used at,

35: 87,88,90silver

mining and extraction (see also cupellation)r qth cent., 32: 156

objects (see also brooches; coins; hooked tags;ingots; pendants)

13th-16th cent., from Lubeck, 33: 77silver-working, Saxon, 31: 118

Silvester, R.].'Tomen Llansantffraid: A Motte near

Rhaeadr, Powvs', 35: IOg--14Norfolk Survey, Marshland and Nar Valley,

reviewed, 34: 29g--300Sims-Williams, Patrick, Religion and Literature in

Western England, 600--800, reviewed, 35:255-6

Singleton (W. Sussex), church, 32: 281Sittingbourne (Kent), Chilton Manor, tree-ring

dates, 33: 95-7Skeam West Island (Co. Cork), church site, 35:

202Skelton (W. Yorks.), Temple Thorpe Farm, 34:

223-4Skipsea (Humberside), castle, 32: 259Skye (Highland), St Columba's chapel, 33: 232Slaidburn (Lanes.), textile processing, 33: 40,


slates, roofingRoman, 32: I I, 40post-Conquest, Wessex, 35: 87, 88, 90-1,

92-3,94,96--7Sleaford (Lines.), cemetery, 32: 64, 66, 68, 70,

76,78,80,9 1Sledge Green (Heref. and Wore.), dispersed

settlement,34: 102, 110, III, 115, 116Slindon (W. Sussex), Slindon Park, 33: 214Slough (Berks.), Upton Court, 33: 170Small, Alan (ed.), The Picts: A New Look at Old

Problems, reviewed, 32: 332-3Smith, Peter, Houses of the Welsh Countryside,

reviewed, 35: 280-1Smith, Robert, and others, 'The Cow Tower,

Norwich: A Detailed Survev and PartialReinterpretation', 32: 184--':207

Smith, T.P., on the Cow Tower, ~orwich, 32:199--202

smithies see farriery; iron-working; metal­working

Smiths town (Co. Meath), souterrains, 33: 228Snape (Suffolk)

artisan ?from, 14th cent., 32: 197cemetery, 31: 160,32: 275,33: 209, 35: 190

Snoring (Korfolk), artisans from, r cent., 32:197

Society for Medieval Archaeologyannual conferences

1987 (Lund), 32: 223

1988 (Chichester), 32: 223-41988 (Isle of Man), 34: 1601989 (Leeds), 33: 160199 1 (Rome/Siena), 35: 125

recommendations to Historic Buildings andMonuments Commission for England,31: 1-12

Somerset (see also individual places by name)landscape history, post-Conquest, 34: 300-1

Somerton, West (Norfolk), church, 34: 203Sompting (W. Sussex), church, 32: 281souterrains

Ireland: Downpatrick, 32: 295; Lisnagun,34:2 2 6 , 227; Loughrea, 35: 209

Scotland, Airlie, 35: 227Southampton (Hants.) (see also Hamble;

Stoneham, South)Arcades, 33: 192Audit House, 32: 255Back ofthe Walls, 31: 134,33: 193,34: 186--7,

35: 158- 9Brinton's Road, 33: 191Broad Lane, 31: 137,33: 192,35: 160Canute's Palace, 31: 140castle, 3 1: 215- 16, 35: 159Castle Lane, 31: 139Castle Square, 3 1: 139Castle Way, 31: 140,33: 193'The Chantree', 32: 253Clausentum, 35: 159Compton Walk, 32: 255Conduit House, 31: 136Cook Street, 31: 136,32: 253-4, 33: 191,34:

187-8, 35 : 159The Deanery, 32: 253ewers from, 31: 90Forest View, 35: 159Franciscan friary, 31: 134-6,33: 193,34: 187French Street, 32: 254, 256, 34: 186,35: 160Gloucester Square, 33: 193God's House hospital, 32: 254, 34: 186, 187,

35: 158Hamwic, 31: 136, 137-9,138,14°,32: 93, 94,

253-4,33: 19 1; coins and pottery from,34: 253-5

Hawkeswood Road, 35: 159High Street, 31: 136--7,32: 255, 33: 192,34:

186,35: 160Holyrood church, 32: 255Lankesters Vault, 33: 193,34: 187Marsh Lane, 32: 255Nichols Road, Alpha Cottage, 32: 255North Walls, 34: 186,35: 160Porters Lane, 31: 140Priory Road, 31: 139roofing materials used at, 35: 90, 92St Denys priory, 31: 139St Mary Street, 3 1: 140,33: 193St Mary's Road, 32: 255,33: 191,35: 160St Michael's Square, 31: 137


Southampton (Hants.) (continued)Simnel Street, 33: 192; The Undercroft, 35:

160-1Six Dials, 31: 137-9,138,34: 188,35: 160slate imports, post-Conquest, 35: 90Supreme Warehouse site, 34: 187Taplins site, 34: 188,35: 160Threefield Lane, 32: 255Town Quay, Platform Tavern, 32: 255Town Quay Road, 34: 187town walls and ditch, 3 1: 134-6, 139,32: 254,

255, 33: 192, 193, 34: 186, 187, 35:158-9,160; Bargate, 35: 159; CatchcoldTower, 35: 159; Friary Gate, 31: 134-6,34: 187; half-round tower, dovecote, 31:136, 34: 186-7, 35: 158-9; PolymondTower, 31: 139,34: 186,35: 160; WaterGate, 32: 255

Tudor House museum, tree-ring dates, 32:172

'Tudor Merchant's Hall', 31: 137Upper Bugle Street, 31: 140Vincents Walk, 33: 192-3

West Marlands Road, Civic Centre Car Park,32 : 256

Western Esplanade: Mason's Yard, 32: 255;The Arcades, 32: 254

'Woollen Hall', 34: 186York Buildings, 31: 139,32: 254, 33: 192

Southchurch (Essex), Southchurch Hall, 35:144-5

Southend (Essex), house in Victoria Avenue,33: 177

Southwark (Gr. London) (see also Bermondsey;Peckham; Rotherhithe)

Abbot's Lane, 31: 131-2,32: 251, 33: 186Anchor Butter Factory, 33: 186Bankside, 31: 132,32: 251-2Bargehouse Street, 34: 184Bethel Estate, 33: 185Borough High Street, 34: 184Cherry Garden Pier, 32: 252Clink Manor (manor of bishops of Winches­

ter), 33: 186,34: 184Clink Street, Clink Wharf, 35: 155Fastolf Place (house of Sir John Fastolf), 31:

132,32: 252, 33: 185, 186Gun and Shot Wharf, 33: 185London Bridge City, Phase II, 33: 185-6Montague Close, Montague Chambers, 35:

156Morgan's Lane, 31: 132,32: 252,33: 186New British Wharf, 35: 155'The Rosary', 33: 185, 186St Thomas's Street, ?hospital site, 33: 186Skinmarket Place, 34: 184Southwark Street, 31: 132Symons Wharf, 33: 185- 6Union Street, 33: 186,34: 184

Southwick (Hants.)Belnay, chapel site, 33: 193Plant, chapel site, 33: 193priory, 33: 193,35: 98; fishponds, 32: 256roof tile industry, 35: 89, 93, 94, 98

Sou tra (Lothian), Sou tra Hospital, medievalhospital site, 32: 305, 33: 234-5

Spain, pottery from see potterySpeake, George, A Saxon Bed Burial on Swal­

lowcliffe Down, reviewed, 35: 242-4spindle whorls

Roman, bone, 32: 28,2.9undated

pottery, 34: 58-9,5.9stone, 34:76, 78, 35: 78, 78

Spong Hill (Xorfolk)cemetery, 32: 68, 70, 76, 78,80; pottery from,

stamped, 3 1 : 94structures, Anglo-Saxon, 35: 55, 56

Springfield (Essex), structures, Anglo-Saxon,35:39,40,41

Springfield Lyons (Essex)cemetery and settlement site, 31: 124,32: 242structures, Anglo-Saxon, units of measure­

ment, 35: 16springs, ritual, ?Jewish, post-Conquest, 32: 230sprinklers, for holy water, Saxon, bronze, 35:

242-3Sprouston (Borders), structures, 35: 35, 36, 37,

39Spurgeon, C.J.

and Musson, C.R., 'Cwrt Llechrhyd, Llanel­wedd: An Unusual Moated Site inCentral Powys', 32: 97-109

on Capel Maelog, 34: 78-81Spynie (Grampian), palace, 31: 186-7, 32:

303-4,33: 231,34: 243-4,243,35: 223Stafford, castle, 31: 159,35: 185Staines (Surrey)

Courage brewery site, 31: 161-2High Street, 33: 2 I 2,34: 214'Johnson and Clark' site, 31: 161Mackay Securities site, 34: 214market, 33: 212Market Square site, 33: 2 I 2

Penny Lane, 31: 161Staining Hall Farm (Lanes.), grange, 35: 172Stalley, Roger, The Cistercian Monasteries of

Ireland, reviewed, 32: 339-40Stamper, Paul, books reviewed by, 31: 220-1,


on pottery, Anglo-Saxon and Anglian, 31:94-6,.95

on roof tiles, Roman, 32: 28-9,2.9,40,43Stanion (Northants.), Little Lane, 35: 180

'whistle-pots' from, 35: 180,181

Stanlow (Cheshire), abbey, 35: 172Stansfield (Suffolk), timber hall, 31: 63

GENERAL INDEX 57Stansted (Essex)

Airport Social Club, 32: 242, 33: 178Duckend Farm, 33: 177-8Stansted Airport Project, 32: 242, 33: 177-8

Stanwick (Northants.)Grange Road, 34: 204West Street/Stanwick Hall, 34: 204

Starkey Castle (Kent), 35: 171-2Staxton (Yorks.), graves, 32: 72, 78Steane,]ohn, books reviewed by, 31: 222steelyard weights seeweightsStenholm, Lcifh, Riinderna Gar Aldrig Ur - en

bebyggelsehistorisk studie au Blekingesdansktid, reviewed, 31: 223-4

Stevington (Beds.), church, 33: 169-70Stewart, IJ., on tabula set from Gloucester, 32:

3 1- 2

Steyning (W. Sussex), Gatewick Farm, 33: 214,34: 216

Stirling (Central), castle, 31: 183-4stirrups, 15th-16th cent., copper alloy, 34:

157-60,158Stocker, D.A., books reviewed by, 31: 214Stockport (Gr. Manchester) seeReddishStoke Bruerne (Northants.), site by river Tove,

35: 180Stoke Gifford (Avon) seeHarry StokeStoke-on-Trent (Staffs.) seeHultonStoke-sub-Hamdon (Som.), Venn Bridge, 35:

184Stokesay Castle (Salop.), tiles, 31: 157stone

as building material (see alsobridges; conduitsand culverts; drains; flint; platforms;slates; structures, excavated)

Roman, Gloucester, 32: 40, 415th-16th cent., England, 35: 276-7post-Conquest, Gloucester, 32:41, 42

objects (see also anchor stones; cists; coffins;crosses; effigies; flint objects; grave­stones and graveslabs; inscriptions;linen-smoothers; mortars; motif-pieces;querns; sculpture; slates; spindlewhorls; symbol-stones; vessels;whetstones)

Mesoli thic, from Rhuddlan, Cledemutha, 31:41

post-Conquest: from Capel Maelog,34:76--77, 78; from Gloucester, 32 :41,42; from Tintern Abbey, 33: 128, 129

undated, from Newhall Point, 31: 187quarrying seequarries

Stoneham, South (Hants.), church, 32: 255Stonehenge (Wilts.), English Heritage Guide,

reviewed, 34: 279Stones,].A. (ed.), ThreeScottish CarmeliteFriaries:

Excavations at Aberdeen, Linlithgow andPerth 1980-86, reviewed, 34: 264-5

Stoney Mountain (1. of Man) see Malew

Stopford, ]., Recording Medieval Floor Tiles,reviewed, 35: 286-7

Storvagan Project (Norway) seeVagarStow, West (Suffolk), structures, Anglo-Saxon,

35:55,56,57units of measurement, 35: I I

Straker, Vanessa, on charcoal from Gloucester,32:42

Strangford Lough (Co. Down), and trade withGaul, 6th-7th cent., 34: 21

Stranraer (Dumf. and Gall.)castle, 34: 240Innermessan, ewer from, 31: 9 I

strap-endslate Anglo-Saxon, copper alloy, 31: 107post-Conquest, iron, 34:71, 72

strap-hooks seehooked tagsStrasbourg (France), archaeology, 35: 246-7Strata Florida Abbey (Dyfed), ewer ?from, 31:

81,84,85-9,85, VIStrathclyde (Scotland) (see also individual places

by name)Argyll, archaeological sites and monuments,

35: 275-6streams seewatercoursesStreeten, Anthony, books reviewed by, 35:

278- 9streets seeroads and streetsStretham (Cambs.), rectory, 35: 135structures, excavated (see also architecture;

barns; castles; churches, chapels andcathedrals; conduit houses; crannogs;dovecotes; farm buildings; forts andfortresses; granges; guildhalls; hospi­tals; malthouses; manor houses; marketbuildings; monasteries and monasticsites; mortuary structures; palaces;priests' houses; ringworks; scoopedstructures; souterrains; sunken­featured buildings; tower houses;towers; water-mills)


Roman, stone, Gloucester, 32: 7-13,8,10,12,19,40-1,43,44,45-6

early post-Roman, wood, Yeavering, 35:5 1- 63, 56

Northumbrian, 7th-8th cent., wood,Whithorn, 33: 229

?8th cent. onwards, turf-walled, Dartmoor,3 2 : 175-83

Anglo-Saxonunits ofmeasurement, 35: 1-5,6-28,12,15,


stone, 35: 45-6, 47-50wood, 35: 6-28, 12, 15, 18, 29-43, 45-6;

Brandon, Staunch Meadow, 33: 207-8;Brixworth, 34: 203-4; Cotton, West,33: 204, 34: 204, XII; Eynsham, 34:207, 35: 183; Flixborough, 35: 168--9;Hamioic, 31: 138; London, Vintry

tablets seewriting tabletstabula sets, I rth cent., bone and antler, 32: IS,

17,3°,3 1- 2,33-35tags seehooked tags


Sudbury (Suffolk)Gregory Street, Stour House, 34: 2 I 2Walnut Tree Lane, 35: 190

Siiderbrarup (Germany), pottery from, 3 1: 94,95

Suffolk (see also individual places by name)Saxon to post-Conquest, 31: 221, 32: 321-2

Sulgrave (Northants.), castle, 32: 267sunken-featured buildings (Grubenhauser) (see

also scooped structures)Anglian, Catterick, 32: 290Saxon: Abingdon, 35: 180; Blaston, 32: 2.')9;

Botolphs, 31: 162-3,32: 278,279; Ham­mersmith, 35: 153; Harston, 35: 135;Ipswich, 31: 160; Newington, 33: 200;Norton, 33: 196-7; Trowbridge Castle,32 : 290

late I rth cent., Waterford, 33: 225-6undated, Bewick, l\ew, 31: 154

Sutton (Gr. London) (see alsoCheam; Mitcham)High Strect, 34: 184-5St Nicholas Road, Sutton Place, 34: 185Throwley Way, 34: 185

Sutton (Merseyside) seeMicklchead GreenSulton (W Yorks.), rabbit warren, 32: 155Sutton, East (Kent), tree-ring dates, 33: 95-7Sutton Hoo (Suffolk), cemetery, 31: 160,32: 93,

275-6, IX, 33: 20g, 34: 212-13, XII,35: 190-1, VII

boat-burials, 31: 160,32: 275-6, IX, 33: 209,35: 243: coins from, 31: 221

hanging-bowlfi-om, 33: 11-13, 14Swalloweliffe Down (Wilts.), bed burial, 35:


Swansea (W. Glam.)castle, 33: 239Princess vVay, 35: 232

Swanton (Norfolk), artisans from, 14th cent.,32: 197

Swavesey (Cambs.), castle, 35: 135Sweden (see also Birka; Blekinge; Dalby; Gamla

Lodose; Link6ping)pilgrim badges from, 31: 223pottery from seepotteryRoman imports, 33: 246-7towns, I r th-u Gth cent., 31: 224

swords (see also scabbards)Anglo-Saxon, 32: 277

iron, 31: 218Sycharth Castle (Clwyd), motte, 35: I 1:1symbol-stones, Pictish, 34: 284Syningthwaite Priory (N. Yorks.), 31: I6gSyria, glass from, 13th cent., 33: 75

structures, excavated (continued)BRITAI"! (continued)

Anglo-Saxon, wood (continued)House, 35: 153; Wharram Percy, 35:198; Winchester, 31: 141, 34: I88-g,35: 163; Yeavering, 35: 5 1-63,56

late Norse, stone, Tuquoy, 33: 53-9, 5.5pre-Conqucst (not precisely dated), stone,

Holy Island, Green Shiel, 32: 268post-Conquest

brick, Yarmouth, Great, 32: 263cob, Exeter, Bowhill, 35: 141stone: Bryn Cysegrfan, 32: I3(}--65 , I')6,

142-144,15.9; Burton Dassett Southend,32: 282-4, 283, 33: 2I5-1 7,216; Castell,Porth Trefadog, 35:70-71, 71-2, 73-4, I;Colton, West, 32: 266-7; Coventry, 32:285; Cow bridge, 32: 3 I I; Easter Kin­near, 35: 220; Finlaggan, 35: 226; Hor­bury Hall, 31: 171-2; Kelso,Springwood Park, 31: 182; Leicester,34: 200; Little Pickle, 33: 210; London,31: 130; St Andrews, 35: 221; South­ampton, 31: 136-7, 32: 255, 33: 192,34: 186, 35: 16o; Sulton, 34: 184- 5;Tintern Abbey, 33: 9g-I43, 105 ,107-110, II4, VII; Winchester, 31: 140:Yarmouth, Great, 32: 263

wood:Cleeve,3 1: II6,32:231,33: 167, 34 :I6g; Cotton, West, 34: 204, XII; Hor­bury Hall, 31: 171-2; Kelso,Springwood Park, 31: 182; Salehurst,33: 213; SiJchester, 34: 292-3; Takeley,31: 124,33: 178; Wharram Percy, 34:297-8

unspecified, Winchester. 32: 257GERMA"!Y

brick, 13th-16th cent., 33: 66-71, 6Cj-70, Vwood, 12th-13th cent., 33: 66-70, 67-68, V


Early Christian period, wood: Downpatrick,32: 295; Glenarm, Deer Park Farms,31: 175,32: 294, X

I rth-I zrh cent.stone, Waterford, 33: 226, 35: 214,215wood: Dublin, 35: 206; Waterford, 32: 299,

35: 21413th-15th cent.

stone: Downpatrick, 32: 295; Waterford,32: 299, 300,33: 226,35: 214,215

wood, Waterford, 32: 299, 35: 214undated

mud-walled, Piperstown, 32: 298stone: Limerick, 35: 21 1-12; Rinnaraw, 32:

296,34: 227wood, Limerick, 35: 211-12


stone and brick, 33: 257-8wood, Oslo, 35: 271-2


GENERAL INDEX 59Takeley (Essex)

Bassingbourn Hall, 32: 242Colchester Hall, 31: 124Molehill Green, 31: I 24-SRound Wood, 32: 242, 33: 178The Wilderness, 32: 242

Talbot family, earls of Shrewsbury, badges, 35:IS3

Tallaght (Co. Dublin)Main Street, 35: 207occupation site, 34: 230Old Bawn Road, 35: 207town defences, 35: 207

tanks seecis terns and tankstanning and tanneries

Saxon, 32: 36post-Conquest, 31: 125, 186,3 2: 36,30313th-16th cent., Lubeck, 33: 71

Tattenhoe (Bucks.), village site, 33: 171-2,35:134

Tatton-Brown, Tim, books reviewed by, 35:254-5

Taunton (Som.)priory, 32: 272Tancred Street, 32: 272-3town defences, 32: 272-3

Taylor, --, map of Hereford (1757), 31: 63,6S, 67, IV

Taylor, C. C.~nd others, 'Bodiarn Castle, Sussex', 34:

155-7books reviewed by, 34: 299-300

Taylor, H.M., papers in honour of, 31: 192-3Tcan (Scilly 1.), pottery and bronze objects

from,34: 17-18,18Telford (Salop.) see Apley Castle; Madeley

CourtTemple Balsall (W. Midlands), hall of Knights

Templar, 31: 76, 77-8Templehouse Lake (Co. Sligo), earthwork, 32:

123Templemoyle (Co. Antrim) seeKells Abbeytenter banks, 12th-13th cent.; 33: 38,40,49,50Tenterden (Kent), Mans Shop, tree-ring dates,

33: 95-7textile processing (see also fulling; weaving and

spinning)7th-8th cent., flax retting pits, 35: 133early I r th cent., 34: 229post-Conquest, 33: 38-52, 203

dyeing, 31: 14°,33: 203flax retting pools, 33: 38-52,43-45,47hemp retting, 33: 42, 50

textiles (see also clothing; flax; hemp; textileprocessing)

all periods, 35: 283-4r r th cent., Bayeux tapestry, 31: 207-813th-16th cent., from Lubeck, 33: 78

Teynham (Kent), Lower Newlands, tree-ringdates, 33: 94, 95-7

thatch, as roofing material, post-Conquest,Wessex, 35: 87, 88, 92

Thaxted (Essex), ehurch, 34: 174Thetford (:~orfolk)

Brandon Road, 35: 177St George's nunnery, 35: 178St Nicholas Street, 35: 178structures, Anglo-Saxon, units of measure­

ment, 35: 25Thimbelby (Lines.), houses, 32: 179Thiriot, Jacques, Les Ateliers il1.edielJaux de Poterie

Grise en U;:.ege et dans Ie Bas-RhOne,reviewed, 32: 337-8

Thirlings (Northumb.), structures, Anglo­Saxon,35: 36, 39, 55, 57, 58,60,61

units of measurement, 35: 11-13,12Thomas, A.C. (Charles)

'''Gallici Nautae de Galliarum Provinciis" - ASixth/Seventh Century Trade withGaul, Reconsidered', 34: 1-26

CelticBritain, reviewed, 32: 3 I 6-[ 7Exploration ofa Drowned Landscape: Archaeology

and History of the Isles ofScilly, reviewed,31: 208-10

on post-Roman Mediterranean imports, 33:1,2

Thompson, M.W.The Decline ofthe Castle, reviewed, 33: 262-4books reviewed by, 34: 293-4

Thornton in Lonsdale (N. Yorks.), textile pro-cessing, 33: 40

thread-pickers seepin-beatersThrowley (Staffs.), occupation site, 31: 1')9Thurleigh (Beds.), Blackburn Hall, tree-ring

dates,32: 172Thurrock, West (Essex), church, 33: 178Tickencote (Leics.), oil pipeline site, 35: 174tileries, 14th cent., 31:145,146tiles (see alsokilns; tileries)

box-flue seefluefloor

general: Europe, 31: 216-17; Ireland, 34:302-3; method of recording, 35: 286-7

13th-14th cent., glazed/decorated, 31:32-3,32,157,32:41,42,33:202,35: 166

15th-16th cent., 32: 286; glazed/decorated,32:262,33:202,35:229

undated, 33: 128, 12.9; glazed/decorated,32: 262, 3°7,33: 180, XII

flue (box-flue), Roman, 32: 41roof

ceramic (see also antefixes; louvers):Roman, 32: 28-9, 2.9, 40-I, 43; post­Conquest, 31: 31,31, 146,32: 42, 33:128,129,35: 86-103

stone seeslatesTillyard, Margot, and others, 'The Cow Tower,

Norwi"ch: A Detailed Survey and PartialReinterpretation', 32: 184-207

timber seewood


timber framing seearchitectureTimoleague (Co. Cork), castle, 32: 119tin

in copper alloys, 35: 104-7mining and extraction

Saxon, 35: 259-60post-Conquest, 35: 259-60; streamworks,

35: 137; tin mills, 35: 142objects, 13th-16th cent., 33: 77trade in, post-Roman, 33: 4

tin brass, definition and use of term, 35: 106Tintagel (Cornwall)

castle, 31: 119,33: 2churchyard, 35: 137-8pottery from, 33: 2,34: I, II, 13-14, 16

Tintern Abbey (Gwent)English Heritage Guide, reviewed, 34: 278outer precinct, excavations, 33: 99-143, 103 ,

105, lo7-1I2, 1I4, Il6-120, 122, 127, VII,VIII; finds from, 33: 128-41, 12rr131 ,


Tiron, order of, 35: 161Titchfield (Hants.)

abbey, 35: 98roof tile industry, 35: 89, 93, 94, 96, 98tithe barn, tree-ring dates, 32: 172

Tiverton (Devon), castle, 33: 175Toberkyrky (Co. Roscommon) seeTulskTodd, Malcolm

on post-Roman Mediterranean imports, 33: 2books reviewed by, 33: 246-7

tolbooths, post-Conquest, 3 1: 183, 34 : 239tombs, tombstones and tomb-slabs see funerary

monuments; gravestones andgraveslabs

Tomen Llansantffraid (Powys) see Llan­santffraid Cwmdeuddwr

Tomlinson, P., on pollen from Rhuddlan,Cledemutha, 31: 41

Tongham (Surrey), roof tile industry, 35: 92, 98tools (see alsochisels; hoes; knives; rasps; sickles)

edge tools, iron, 31: 2 I 8Toronto, University of, Dictionary ofOld English,

Fascicle C, reviewed, 34: 295-6Torquay (Devon), Torre Abbey, 32: 239, 33:

175-6Totham, Great (Essex), Slough House Farm,

34: 174Tours (France), pottery from, 34: 2 I

Tower Hamlets (Gr. London)East Smithfield seeOld Royal Mint siteHaydon Street, abbey ofSt Clare, 31: 133Mile End Road, 35: 156Norton Folgate, 33: 187Old Royal Mint site: cemetery, 31: 133,32:

252; St Mary Graces Abbey, 31: 133,32: 252, 33: 187

St Mary Without Bishopsgate, priory andhospital of (St Mary Spital), 31:12g-30, 33: 180, 187, 34 : 185, 35 : 149

Spital Square, 31: 12g-30, 33: 187,34: 185;Stothard Place, 31: 12g-30

Trinity Square Gardens, 32: 252tower houses

rz th cent., Strctham, 35: 13514th cent., Portencross Castle, 32: 30815th-16th cent., Niddry Castle, 32: 305, 33:

234,34: 246,35: 223-4undated, Alloa, 34: 240

towers (see also castles; churches, chapels andcathedrals; forts and fortresses; towerhouses; town defences)

post-Conquest: Dunfermline, Malcolm Can­more's Tower, 33: 230; Norwich, CowTower, 31: 152,32: 184-207,186-190

undated, Carluke, Hallbar Tower, 31: 189,32:306

town defencesRoman: Canterbury, 33: 198; Exeter, 32: 239;

Gloucester, 32:2, 3, 5, 7, 43-4, 45, 46;London, 31: 129

Saxon: Bath, 35: 131-2; Canterbury, 33: 198;Chester, 33: 173; Cricklade, 35: 195;~ewark-on-Trent, 33: 206;~orthampton, 33: 204; Rhuddlan,Cledemutha, 31: 13-46,14,17, If)-21, 23;

Wareham, 32: 240; Warwick, 33: 218;Winchester, 35: 162; Worcester, 34:192

Viking: Dublin, 31: 178,35: 207; Waterford,33:226,34:239,35:214-16

post-Conquest, 35: 263-4; Arundel, 33: 2 I 3;Barnstaple, 31: 120; Bath, 35: 131-2,IV; Beverley, 34: 193-4; Bridport, 34:137; Bristol, 32: 230,34: 168; Canter­bury, 31: 148,33: 198-9; Carlisle, 35:138; Cashel, 34: 238; Chester, 33: 173,35: 136; Cork, 35: 203; Coventry, 3 1:166, 32: 285; Dublin, 3 1: 178, 34:228-9, 230, 35: 205; Exeter, 32: 239;Farnham, 33: 210-11; Galway, 34:233-4,35: 208; Gloucester, 3 2:2, 3, 5, 7,43-4,45,46,35: 148; Hereford, 34: 189;Kilkenny, 35: 2 I I; Kingston upon Hull,3 1: 147,33: 197; Launceston, 35: 137;Lichfield, 31: 158, 32: 275; Limerick,32: 297, 34: 235, 35: 2 I I; Lincoln, 31 :

150; London, 31: 128, 129,32: 248, 33:183, 34: 176, 177, 178, 179, 35: 150;Ludlow, 34: 208; Monmouth, 35: 233;Montgomery, 35: 238; Newark-on­Trent, 33: 206; Newcastle upon Tyne,32: 281-2, 33: 215, 34: 216;Northampton, 32: 265, 33: 204; Nor­wich, 32: 184-207, 264; Oxford, 31:154-5, 156; Perth, 34: 248; Salisbury,33: 21g-20; Scarborough, 33: 221,34:218; Shrewsbury, 31: 158; Southamp­ton, 31: 134-6, 139,32: 254, 255, 33:192, 193,34: 186, 187,35: 158-9, 160;


Tallaght, 35: 207; Taunton, 32: 272-3;Usk, 32: 31 1-12; Waterford, 31: 180-1,32: 299, 35: 2 I 6; Winchester, 31: 140,35: 162, 163; York, 32: 292, 34: 220

Towneley Hall (Lanes.), fulling mill, 33: 52n37towns (see also burhs; ports and harbours; town

defences)archaeology of, 32: 33 I

western Europe, 8th-1 r th cent., 34: 255-6England

Anglo-Saxon, 31: 201-2; Gloucester, 32:44-6; Hamwic see Southampton; Lun­denwic see London

r zth cent., Mountsorrel, 3 1: 1497Ireland, r zth cent., Newtown (Co. Wexford),

31: 181Russia, 9th-14th cent., 31: 205Scandinavia and Germany, 33: 257-8

8th-13th cent., Vagar, 32: 221-3, VII r th-ufith cent., kingdom of Denmark, 31:

22413th-16th cent., Lubeck, 33: 60-81, 62-63,

65-66,76Scotland, post-Conquest, 34: 259-60

trackways (see also roads and streets)middle Saxon, wood, 34: 189

trade and exchange (see also markets and marketbuildings)

primitive and peasant markets, 34: 290between Roman world and northern Europe,

33: 246-7C.5th-6th cent., between Byzantium and the

Mediterranean and Britain andIreland, 33: 1-6,34: I 1-17,22

5th-7th cent., Dinas Powys, 32: 50-626th-7th cent., between Gaul and Britain and

Ireland,34: 1-26early Anglo-Saxon period, shown by grave

goods, 32: 63-9613th-16th cent., Lubeck, 33: 61-4,72-514th-17th cent., in pottery, north-western

Europe, 33: 256-7Traprain Law (Lothian), 31: 187Tre ada (S. Glam.) see Whitchurchtree-ring dating see dendrochronologyTrefadog (Gwynedd) see Porth TrefadogTrelawnyd (Clwyd), Offa's Dyke, 34: 249Trellech (Gwent), iron-working site, 33: 241trephination, 35: 177Tresco (Scilly Isles)

Abbey Gardens, long-cist graves, 35: 137inscribed memorial stone, 35: 137

Tresmorn (Cornwall), structures, excavated,32 : 179

Trewhiddle style, hooked tags, 35: 107-9, 108,II

Trezza Sull'Adda (Italy), necropolis, 35:269-70

trial-pieces see motif-piecesTrim (Co. Meath), High Street, 32: 298-9

Trinitarian friars, 32: 305Trinity Gask (Tayside), kirkyard, graveslab,

33: 237

tripod ewers see ewersTrondheim (Norway)

metal-working, 12th-14th cent., 33: 156-60,158, X

St Olav's church, 34: 152-3; chess piece from,34: 151-4,152

Trowbridge (Wilts.) (see also Hilperton)castle, 31: 168, 32: 289-90, 33: 220; church

and graveyard, 33: 220; evidence ofearlier occupation, 32: 289-90

roofing materials used at, 35: 91Tulrohan (Co. Mayo), fortified site, 32: 127Tulsk (Co. Roscommon), Toberkyrky, platform

rath, 32: 121-2Tunisia, pottery from, post-Roman, 33: 1,2,3,4Tuquoy (Westray, Orkney), settlement site, 33:

235-6runic inscription from, 33: 53-9,55-56

turf, as building material, pre-Conquest, 32:175-83

Turkheim (Germany), Goldberg, bronze mountfrom, 31: 107-8,108

Turner, D.]., books reviewed by, 34: 280-1Tutbury Castle (Staffs.), 33: 207Tweddle, Dominic, The Archaeology ofYork: Finds

from Parliament Street and Other Sites in theCity Centre, reviewed, 31: 197-9

Twescard (Ulster), fortified site, 32: 121Twickenham (Gr. London), Church Street Car

Park, 33: 185Tylecote, R.F.

The Prehistory of Metallurgy in the British Isles,reviewed, 31: 217-18

and Gilmour, B.].]., The Metallography ofEarlyFerrous Edge Tools and Edged Weapons,reviewed, 31: 218

Tyne and Wear (see also individual places byname)

up to AD 1000,33: 249-50Tytherley (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 89,

90,92,94Tywyn y Pare (Gwynedd), fort, 35: 81

Uffington (Oxon.), boundary, Anglo-Saxon,31: 99-100

Uley (Glos.), West Hill, 31: 98Ullenhall (Warwicks.), Hob Ditch Causeway

and associated earthworks, 31: 166,32:284

Ullington (Heref. and Wore.) see PebworthUnited States of America, water-mills, colonial

and post-colonial, 33: 29universities, 15th cent., 31: 189Upton (Merseyside), Overchurch, 34: 202Upton (Northants.), Saxon settlement, 34: 205


L rach (Germany), Runder Berg bei, bronzependant from, 31: 108, ro8

U rbanczvk, Przemyslaw, and Bertelsen, Reider,'The Storvagan Project 1985-86: Pre­liminary Report', 32: 221-3

Urchfont (Wilts.), roofing materials used at, 35:9 1

Usk (Gwent)Maryport Street, town ditch, 32: 311-12St Mary's priory, 32: 312

Utrecht (Netherlands), town defences, 32: 207Uxbridge (Gr. London)

High Street, 34: 181,35: 153Oxford Road, 31: 130,32: 250, 33: 184Three Ways Wharf, 33: 184

l:zege (France), pottery from, 32: 337-8

Vagar (Vagan) (Norway), settlement site, 32:221-3,VI

Valencia (Spain), Hispano-Moresquelustreware from, 35: I 18--23, 119, III

Vatnsdal (Iceland) see Kornsa; Patreksfjordurvats seecasks and vatsVeluwe, the (Netherlands), settlement sites, 35:

239-42Vere, William de, bishop of Hereford

(1186-98),31: 59,61,62-3vermin traps, post-Conquest, 32: 141,141,15°,

155vernacular architecture seearchitectureVernacular Architecture Group, 31: 113vessels (see also cauldrons; glass; hanging-bowls;

pottery)late Saxon/early Norman, iron, 32: 32, 38,38,


bronze, 34: 73,74stone, 33: 236

13th cent., wood, from Lubeck, 33: 77Vienna, ewer from, 31: 92villages and hamlets

general, dispersed and nucleated settlements,34: 97-121, 101,1°3, 1°7, 1°9, 112

pre-Conquest, deserted: Cotton, West, 31:153-4, 33: 204-6; Dartrnoor, 3 2:175-83; Shenley Brook End, Westbury,35: 133-4

post-Conquest, deserted and shrunken, 34:98, 99, I07, 115, 117; Almondsbury,Charlton, 31: 116; Avebury Trusloe,31: 167; Beversbrook, 31: 167; Bull­ingham, 35: 165; Burton Dassett South­end, 32: 282-4, 283, 33: 215-17, 216;Castle Bromwich, 34: 21 7, 35: 195;Caythorpe, Low, 34: 196; Coates,Great,34: 194; Cosmeston, 3 1: 190,32:31 1,33: 239; Cotton, West, 3 1: 153-4,32: 266-7,266, 33: 204-6,205, 34: 204,XII; Dartmoor, 32: 175-83; Farleigh

Wallop, Hatch, 31: 134, 135; Ford, 32:280; Harry Stoke, 31: 117; Huggate, 35:169; Knook, 35: 195; Xaffcrton, 35:170; :"Jorfolk, 34: 298-9; Pirton, GreatBury, 33: 197; Shenlcy Brook End,Westbury, 33: 171,34: 170,35: 133-4;Tattenhoc, 33: 171-2, 35: 134; Ull­ington, 31: 141; Welton, 31: 154, 32:268; Wharram Percy, 31: 16g-70, 32:291,33: 221-2, 34: 218, 35: 198,257-8;Whelpington, West, 34: 265-7

Vince, A.G. (Alan)on pottery from Gloucester, 32: 21-4Saxon London: An Archaeological Investigation,

reviewed, 35: 247-9books reviewed by, 31: 2 I 8-19,32: 337-8, 34:

253-5,306-7,35: 250-1, 282-3Vinjum (Norway), holy-water sprinkler from,

35: 242Viviers (France), excavations, 33: 267-8Vowlan (I. of Man) , promontory fort, 35:80Vyner, B.E. (ed.), Medieval Rural Settlement in

North-East England, reviewed, 35: 260-1

\Vaddington (Lanes.), textile processing, 33:40,41

\Vaghevens, Peter (fl. I 500),35: I 15Wakerley (Norfolk), cemetery, 33: 147nl,

148n 7Walden Abbey (Essex), 32: 241-2,243Wales (see also individual places by name)

architecture, domestic, 31: 47-58, 35: 280-1livestock production, 5th-7th cent., 32: 50-62pottery from, post-Roman, imported, 34: 1,8,

13-14,21settlements, 5th-loth cent., 34: 296-7trade and exchange, 5th-7th ccnt., 32: 50-62tripod ewers from, 31: 80-93,82,85-86,8.9, VIWelsh Laws, 3 1: 47-58, 32: 59

Walker, A.j., radiocarbon dates from Rhudd­Ian, Cledemutha, 31: 39-40

Walker, Mj.C., on pollen from Bryn Cysegrfan,3 2: 157

wall paintings, post-Conquest, 34: 133, 142,VII, 35: 197, VII

Wallingford (Oxon.)burh, 31: 15,41,43,35: 3, 24castle, 31: 156St Nicholas's College, 31: 156

walls, town see town defenceswalrus, ivory from (see also ivory), 32: 68Waltham (Kent), tree-ring dates, 33: 95Waltham Abbey (Essex) see Waltham Holy

CrossWaltham Cross (Herts.), Eleanor Cross, 34: 193Waltham Holy Cross (Essex)

abbey, 31: 125, 34 : 174-5,35: 145Abbey Gardens, 34: 174-5,35: 145Abbey Mead, 31: 125


Baptist Church site, 35: 145Church Street/Leverton Way, 32: 242-4Eldeworth, 33: 178,35: 145

Walton (Bucks.) see Aylesbury; Wavendon GateWarners, Egon, 'A 10th-Century Metal Orna­

ment from Mainz , West Germany', 31:105- 9

Wandsworth (Gr. London) seeBatterseaWarblington (Hants.), roofing materials used

at, 35: 93Ward, Simon S., books reviewed by, 34: 264-5Wardhouse (Grampian) (see also Castle of

Wardhouse)fermtoun, 32: 304

Wardour, Old (Wilts.), castle, 35: 196Ware (Herts.)

Baldock Street, 34: 193Chaseside, 33: 197priory, 35: 167- 8

Wareham (Dorset)Bells Orchard, 31: 122; town defences, 32:


burh, 31: 15,41,43,35: 24Lady St Mary's church, inscription, 32: 209,

210Warndon (Heref. and Worc.), church, 35: 166Warneford (Hants.), hall, 31: 67Warner, Peter, Greens, Commons, and Clayland

Colonisation: The Origins and Developmentof Green-side Settlement in East Suffolk,reviewed, 32: 321-2

warrens seerabbit warrensWarwick

castle, cauldron, 35: 114-18, II6Castle Hill, 33: 2 I 8

Watchfield (Chon.), cemetery, 34: 208water-mills

general,vertical-wheeled, 33: 21-3 1,25,27,34:269~7°

Roman, 33: 23,27, 286th-loth cent., Ireland

horizontal-wheeled, 33: 2 1~6, 22, 25vertical-wheeled, 33: 21-3 1,25

late Saxon, Rothwell, 31: 173Norse, horizontal, Orphir, Earl's Bu, 34: 246,

35: 224Saxo-Norman, Cotton, West, 33: 204,34: 204post-Conquest, 31: 50, 51, 53, 54, 34: 26g-70;

Bordesley Abbey, 3 1: 142,32: 258, 33:194-5,34: 191-2; Compton Bassett, 32:288; Dublin, 35: 207; HemingtonFields, 32: 260, 33: 201, 34: 199, 35:173; Malmesbury, 32: 289; Rothwell,3 1: 173; Whalley, 34: 199,35: 173


lead, 34: 197wood, 34: 228

13th-16th cent., Lubeck, 33: 71

water supply see cisterns; conduit houses; con­duits and culverts; drains; ponds;springs; water-pipes; watercourses;wells

watercourses (see also conduits and culverts;moats and moated sites): Donaghfeig­hin, Holy Pool, 33: 227; Dublin, 35:206-7; Glastonbury Abbey, 32: 272, 34:209; London, Walbrook, 32: 249, 33:181; Oxford, 34: 207; Reading, 31:117-18, 35: 133; Reigate, 33: 21 I;Waltham Holy Cross, 35: 145

WaterfordArundel Square, 35: 214,215Bakehouse Lane, 32: 299, 300, 33: 226, 34:

239,35: 214- 16Castle Street, 35: 216finds from excavations, 33: 225Grady's Yard, 31: 180--1High Street, 32: 299hospital of Knights Hospitaller, 35: 214Lady Lane, 32: 299Manor Street, 35: 216Olaf Street, 32: 299,33: 225-6Peter Street, 31: 181,32: 299, 300, 33: 225,

34: 238-9,35: 214Railway Square, 35: 2 I 6St Peter's church, 31: 181,32: 300, 33: 226-7,

34: 238~9

town defences, 31: 180~1, 32: 299, 33: 226,34: 239,35: 214-16; Double Tower, 35:214; Watch Tower, 35: 216

waterfrontsIron Age and later, Kirkwall, 31: 188,32: 306Saxon: Droitwich, 34: 189; Gloucester, 31:

125; Lincoln, 32: 261, 33: 202; London,Cannon Street Station, 34: 177;London, Thames Exchange, 34: 179;London, Vintry House, 34: 180, 35:153; London, York Buildings, 33: 188;Oxford, 33: 206; Southampton, 33: 192

post-Conquest: Bristol, 32: 230; Canterbury,31: 149; Dublin (with timber revet­ments), 35: 205, 207; Gloucester, 31:125; Grimsby, 31: 146; Hartlepool, 31:119,32: 235; Ipswich, 34: 212; King­ston upon Hull (with timber revet­ments), 34: 195; Kingston uponThames (with timber revetments), 31:131,32: 25 1,33: 184, 34 : 182,35: 155;Kirkwall, 31: 188, 32: 306: Limerick,35: 21 I; London, Sunlight Wharf (withtimber revetments), 33: 184; London,Thames Exchange (with timber revet­ments andjetties), 34: 179-80; London,Victoria Embankment, 32: 249~50;

London, Vintry House (with timberrevetments), 35: 153; Newcastle uponTyne, 3 1: 164-5, 34: 290~1; Oxford, 33:206; Southampton, 32: 254, 33: 192,34:


waterfronts (continued)post-Conquest (continued)

187; Southwark (with timber revet­ments), 31: 131-2, 32: 25 1-2, 33:185- 6, 35: 155; Staines, 33: 212;Waltham Holy Cross, 32: 242-4; Wind­sor, 32: 232; York, 32: 292, 34: 222

Watford (Herts.), High Street, St Mary's vicar­age, 34: 193

Wat's Dyke, 32: 30g--1O, 35: 229forts associated with, 32: 108

Watts, Lorna, and Rahtz, Philip, Mary-le-Port,Bristol. Excavations 1962-1963, reviewed,32: 334-5

Wavendon Gate (Bucks.), settlement site, 33:172

Waverley Abbey (Surrey), guest-hall, 33: 124wax seewriting tabletsweapons (see alsoarrowheads; knives; swords)

iron, 31: 218weaving and spinning see loom-weights; pin­

beaters; spindle whorlsWebster,]., on brooch from Rhuddlan, Cledemu­

tha, 31: 36--7Webster, P.V., on pottery from Capel Maelog,

34: 58-9Wednesbury (W. Midlands), Market Place, 34:

217Weedon Lois (Northants.), excavation near

mottelringwork site, 32: 267weights (see alsobalances; loom-weights; plumb­

bobs)Saxon/post-Conquest, copper alloy,

steelyard, 3230, 39pas t-Conq ues t

latten, steelyard, 31: 83-4lead, 34: 73, 74,75

weirs, pre-Conquest, wood, 32: 260,33: 20 1,34:199,35: 173

Welch, Martin G.'A Ring-Brooch and Penannular Brooch Pin

from Kelvedon, Essex', 33: 151-3books reviewed by, 31: 193-5,21 I, 33: 243-5,

247-8Wellington (Sam.), Stjohn's church, 32: 273Wells (Som.)

bishop's palace, 31: 72cathedral, west front, 34: 2 I I

wellsSaxon, 34: 174

wood-lined, 35: 188-9post-Conquest, 34: 227-8

barrel-lined, 33: 2 I 3, XII, 34: 248stone-lined, 35: 226--7

Welsh Laws seeWalesWelshpool (Powys), Capel Llewelyn, grave­

yard, 31: 191Welton (Northumb.); deserted village, 31: 154,

32: 268

Wembdon Hill (Sam.), cemetery site, 31: 158,3 2 : 273

Wemyss, East (Fife), ?quarry site, 35: 219Wenham, L.P., and others, St Mary Bishophill

Junior and St Mary Castlegate, reviewed,33: 258-60

Wenlock Priory (Salop.) seeMuch WenlockWeobley (Heref. and Wore.), pottery kiln, 33:


West,].J., books reviewed by, 35: 261-3Westereave (Co. Dublin), cemetery, 33: 228Westhoughton (Gr. Manchester), flax retting,

33:46Westminster see London and WestminsterWestray (Orkney) seeTuquoyWexford

Bride Street, 33: 227North Main Street, 33: 227

Weybridge (Surrey), Brooklands, 35: 192Whalley (Lanes.), abbey, 35: 172, 173

cornmill,34: 199,35: 173Wharram Ie Street (N. Yorks.), village site, 33:

222Wharram Percy (N. Yorks.), village site, 31:

16g--7°,32:291,33:221-2,34:218,35:198, 257-8

peasant houses, 34: 297-8St Martin's church, 33: 258-60si tes: Site 5 I, Low House Courtyard, 31: 169,

33: 222; Site 54, Glebe North, 31: 170;Site 77, Glebe West, 31: 169,32: 291,33: 222, 34: 218; Site 78, Croft 6 West,31: 169; Site 81, Toft 10, 31: 169,35:198; Site 82-3, North Manor, 31: 169,32: 291; Site 82K, North Manor andToft 17,33: 221, 34: 218; Site 85, Toft10, 32: 29 I, 34: 218, 35: 198; Site 86,Croft 4 South, 32: 291, 33: 221-2; Site88, North Manor, 32: 291; Site 89,North Manor, 34: 218; Site 90, Toft 10,33: 221; Site 91, North Manor, 34: 218;Site 93, Toft 10, 34: 218, 35: 198; Site94, North Manor, 34: 218; Site 95,North Manor, 35: 198

wharves seewaterfrontsWhelpington, West (Northumb.), deserted vil­

lage, 34: 265- 7whetstones, undated: from Capel Maelog,

34:76, 78; from Castell, Porth Trefadog,35: n 78, 79

Whitby (N. Yorks.), combs fromantler, 31: 103copper alloy, 32: 2 I 2-1 3,212

Whitchurch (Hants.), roof tile industry, 35: 89Whitchurch (S. Glam.), Tre ada, motte, 35:

113White, AJ., 'Copper-Alloy Combs from Britain

and Frisia', 32: 212-13White, Roger H., Roman and Celtic Objects from

Anglo-Saxon Graves, reviewed, 33: 245-6


White, Sally, 'An Anglo-Saxon Button Broochfrom Lancing, West Sussex', 34: 144-5

White, William J., Skeletal Remains from theCemetery of St Nicholas Shambles, City ofLondon, reviewed, 35: 274-5

Whitehaven (Cumbria), museum, tripod ewer,3 1 : 90

Whithorn (Dumf. and Gall.), priory site, 31:184- 5, 32: 301-2, 33: 229-30, 34:240-1,35: 218-19

pottery from, 34: 14Whittock, Martyn]., The Origins of England

410-600, reviewed, 31: 21 I

Whybra, Julian, A Lost English County: Winch­combeshire in the Tenth and EleventhCenturies, reviewed, 35: 256-7

Wick, Lower (Heref. and Worc.). St Cuthbert's,tree-ring dates, 32: 168, 169

Wicken Bonhunt (Essex), structures, Anglo­Saxon,35: 39,40,41

units of measurement, 35: 16Wicklow, Ballynerrin Lower, Drumkay, 35: 2 I 7Widdington (Essex)

Prior's Hall, 33: 178-9,34: 175tithe barn, tree-ring dates, 32: 172

Wigan (Gr. Manchester), Hallgate, 35: 157Wigber Low (Derbys.), multiperiod site, 32:

235-7burials, Anglo-Saxon, 32: 236-7,236

Wigston Parva (Leics.), mill, 32: 338-9Willersey (Glos.)

boundary, Anglo-Saxon, 31: 96-9'Cada's minster', 31: 96-9

Williams, D., on plant remains from Rhuddlan,Cledemutha, 31: 40

Williams, George, on mounds at BrynCysegrfan, 32: 149

Williamson, T.and Bellamy, L., Property and Landscape: A

Social History of Land Ownership and theEnglish Countryside, reviewed, 32: 325-7

books reviewed by, 32: 321-2Wilson, David M.

on Lord Fletcher ofIslington, 34: 160-1The Bayeux Tapestry, reviewed, 31: 207-8

Wilson-North, R., and others, 'Bodiam Castle,Sussex', 34: 155-7

Wiltshire (see also individual places by name)roof tile industry, post-Conquest, 35: 86-103

Wimpole (Cambs.), inhumations, 35: 135Winchcombe (Glos.), The George, 34: 175Winchcombeshire, origins and extent, 35:

256-7Winchelsea (E. Sussex)

resistivity survevsv gg: 213,34: 215-16The Truncheons, 34: 215- 16, 35: 193

Winchester (Hants.)bishops of, estates, 33: 189; roof tile industry,

35: 87,88,90,9 1-3,96-8The Brooks, 32: 257

in Burghal Hidage, 35: 3, 24castle, 32: 256,35: 162cathedral: cathedral priory, estates, roof tiles

made and used on, 35: 87, 90, 98;cemetery, 35: 161; close, 35: 161; Pil­grims School extension site, 32: 256-7;south transept, tree-ring dates, 32: 169

Colebrook Street, 31: 14°,32: 257hall houses, post-Conquest, 33: 268High Street, 35: 161Hyde Abbey, 34: 188,35: 161; brooch from,

qth cent., 31: 101-2,102

King Alfred Place, 34: 188,35: 161Lawn Street, Godson House, 35: 161manuscript illumination, IOth-1 r th cent.

(Winchester Style), 31: 107minster (7th cent.), units of measurement, 35:

45Parchment Street, 35: 161-2Peninsula Barracks, 32: 256,35: 162roofing materials used at, 35: 88, 90, 92, 93,

95,97royal mews, 35: 163St Martin's Close, 31: 140-1St Peter's Street, 35: 162Staple Gardens, 34: 188-9,35: 162-3Station Hill, 35: 163strap-ends from, roth-u r th cent., 31: 107Sussex Street, 35: 163Tower Street, Tower Mound, 32: 256town defences, 31: 140, 35: 162; Westgate,

35: 163Walcote Chambers, 34: 188,35: 162-3Winchester College: estates, 33: 188-9; tiles

used at, 35: 93, 97Wolvesey Palace, 31: 67, 32: 257; roof tiles

used at, 35: 93, 97Worthy Lane, Lido, 31: 140Worthy Road, 'Dalzell', 35: 163

windmills, post-Conquest, England, 32: 338-9,34: 269- 7° ; Flixton, 35: 187

windows (see also carnes)glass, painted, post-Conquest, 33: 268-9

Windsor (Berks.)castle: Castle Hill, 35: 133; Round Tower, 33:

171,34: 169- 7° , 35 : 133Jennings Yard, 32: 232

wine trade, 5th-6th cent., between Britain/Ireland and Gaul and the Mediterra­nean, 34: 4,13,14, 16-q

Wingham (Kent), cemetery, 32: 72Winsbury (Salop.), motte, 35: 113Winterbourne Stoke (Wilts.), roof tiles used at,

35:9 1Wintles Farm, New (Oxon.), structures, Anglo-

Saxon, 35: 30, 55,61Wirral see Moreton; l:ptonWiston (Dyfed), borough site, 35: 231Witley Court (Heref. and Wore.), 35: 166


Wittenharn, Long (Berks.), cemetery, 32: 64,76,78,9 1

Wokingham (Berks.), Rose Street, 33: 171women, in Anglo-Saxon England, 32: 332Wood, Ian

and Lund, :'Jiels (cd.), People and Places inNorthern Europe joo-I6oo, reviewed, 35:281-2

books reviewed by, 35: 255-6wood (see also barrels; boats and ships; bridges;

casks and vats; coffins; crannogs; den­drochronology; drains; fences; pattens;shingles; structures, excavated; timberframing under architecture; trackways;vessels; water-pipes; waterfronts; weirs;wells; woodland)

Viking-Age, decorated, 34: 304-5Woodhay (Hants.), rooftile industry, 35: 89, 91,

92, 94woodland

management, post-Conquest, 35: 157and settlement patterns, 34: 97-12 I

Woodstock (Oxon.), hall, 31: 63wool, processing, I zth-er3th cent., 33: 38-52Wootton (Hants.), roof tiles used at, 35: 90Wootton Bassett (Wilts.), High Street, 31: 168,

32: 290

Wootton Wawen (Warwicks.) (see also Ull-enhall)

church, 31: 165-6,32: 284,33: 218houses, 33: 218- 19 .priory, 32: 284, 33: 218

Worcesterburhdefences, 34: 192cathedral priory, estates, 34: 102, 104, 105,

106, 108Deansway, 34: 192,35: 166; Bull Entry, 33:

195,34: 192; Powick Lane, 33: 195,34:192

St Martin's church, 31: 96St Peter's church, 31: 96Severn Street, 35: 166Silver Street, 35: 166tiles made at, 13th cent., 32: 42

Worth (W. Sussex), church, 32: 281\Vorthy Park (Hants.), cemetery, 33: 147nl,

148n8Wouldham (Kent) see Starkey CastleWrathmelL Stuart

Domestic'Settlement 2: Medieval Peasant Farm­steads (Wharram: A Study of Settlementon the Yorkshire Wolds, VI), reviewed,34: 297-8

books reviewed by, 32: 340-1Wraysbury (Berks.), Church Meadows, 32: 232Wright, Bryce M. (11.187°),34: 145Wright, Susan M., books reviewed by, 32:

. 335-6writing tablets, 14th cent., wax, 34: 22 I, XIIIWroxcter (Salop.), church, 31: 158

Wycombe, High (Bucks.)hooked tag from, 35: 107-9, lOB, IIhospitals, 33: 88; St Margaret's leper hospi­

tal, 33: 82-9, VIWye (Kent), Upper Bridge Street, 34: 199Wykeham, William of, bishop of Winchester

(13 24-14°4), building works, 35: 92,97-8

Wyre (Orkney) seeKolbein Hruga's CastleWytch Farm (Dorset), oilfield site, 32: 240, 34:

173Wythall (Heref. and Wore.), Blackgrave Moat,

3 1: 143

Y Felinheli (Gwynedd), 'Dinas', 35: 83yard, unit of measurement, 35: 3, 20, 22, 25, 45Yarmouth, Great (Xorfolk)

Howard Street South, 32: 263port, 32: 197

Yeavering (Northumb.), structures, post­Roman,35:29,31,36,37,39,42,51-63,56

units of measurement, 35: 4, 9, 24, 50Yeldham, Great (Essex), High Street, 33: 177Yeovil (Som.), Ashill, Rowland's Farmhouse,

tree-ring dates, 32: 172York

All Saints, Fishergate, 32: 291All Saints, Peasholme Green, 31: 170--1Back Swinegate, 35: 198-9Barbican Leisure Centre complex, 34: no-IBedern, chapel of college of Vicars Choral,

3 2: 293castle, 35: 198Church Street, 34: 220; Golden Lion, ewer

from, 31: 89-90citv walls see town wallsCl~menthorpenunnery, 31: 197Clifford Street, 34: 221, 35: 198Coffee Yard, 32: 292, 34: 220,35: 198coins from, 31: 197-9, 34: 60combs from, antler, roth cent., 31: 103Coney Street, 31: 171Coppergate, 34: 220; bell from, 32: 215;

pottery from, 35: 250-1Cromwell Road, 34: 22 I

Davygate, 32: 293, 34: 222ecclesiastical mint, coins from, 34: 60Eofonoic. 31: 170,32: 291, 34: 221Fetter Lane, 34: 219, 220Fishergate, 31: 170,32: 291Fishergate Bar, 34: 220Foss Islands Road, 34: 220Foss river, 32: 292Fossgate, 34: 222Franciscan friary, 34: 221,35: 198George Street, 35: 199Gilbertine priory, 31: 170Haymarket, 31: 170--1


Kent Street, 32: 291King's Fishpool, 32: 292, 35: 199King's Square, 32: 292Lawrence Street, 34: 220Layerthorpc, St Mary's church, graveyard,

31: 171legionary fortress, environmental evidence

from, 31: 197-9Lendal,judge's Lodgings, 34: 220Little Stonegatc, 35: 198-9Low Ousegate, 31: 171Low Petergate, 34: 220Micklegate, 32: 293, 34: 219-20Museum Gardens (see also Yorkshire

Museum), 32: 292Ogleforth, 32: 293,34: 220Old Baile, 34: 22 I

Ouse Bridge, St William's chapel, 31: 171Parliament Street, 31: 197-9,32: 293, 34: 222Pavement, 3 1: 197-9,35: 199Peasholme Green, 35: 199; All Saints church,

3 1: 170-1Piccadilly, 32: 292,34: 222St Andrewgate, 32: 292St Andrew's church, 31: 170St Benet's church, 34: 221, 35: 198-9St Crux church, 32: 293St George's chapel, 35: 199St George's Fields, 31: 170,35: 199Stjohn's church, cemetery, 31: 171St Mary Bishophilljunior, 33: 258-60St Mary Castlegate, 33: 258-60St Mary's Abbey, 31: 171,32: 292, 34: 219,

221-2St Michael's church, 34: 222

St Saviourgate, St Saviour's church, 31: 17 I

St Wilfrid's church, 34: 220Skeldergate, 34: 222; animal bones from, 31:

197-9Spurriergate, 34: 222Stonebow, 34: 222Stonegate see Coffee YardSwinegate, 34: 22 I, 35: 198-9; wax tablets

from, 34: 221, XIIItown walls, 32: 292, 34: 220Walmgate, 32: 292, 35: 199; animal bones

from, 31: 197-9Wellington Row, Stakis Hotel site, 32: 291,

34: 218-19, 35: 199Whip-ma-Whop-ma-gate, 32: 293York Crown Courts, 34: 22 I

Yorkshire Museum: excavations at, 31: 171,34: 219, 221-2; tripod ewers, 31: 90

York Archaeological Trust, publications,reviewed, 31: 197-9, 33: 258-60, 34:250 - 1

Youngs, Susan M., and others'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1986', 31:

110-9 1'Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1987', 32:

225-3 14

Zarnecki, G., and others, English Romanesque Art1066-1200, reviewed, 31: 212

zinc, in copper alloys, 35: 104-7zinc bronze, definition and use of term, 35: 106Zofingen (Switzerland), tombs, 7th cent., 33:
