Medieval history of britain

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Presentation on Medieval Britain

Submitted to: Shahidul Islam Chowdhury

Department of English. Premier University.

Presented by:







Some Kings of Medieval Britain

1. Henry I (1100-1135) A.D2. Henry II (1154-1189) A.D 3. Richard I (1189-1199) A.D4. John (1199-1216) A.D5. Henry III (1216-1272) A.D 6. Edward I (1272-1307) A.D7. Edward II (1307-1327) A.D8. Edward III (1327-1377) A.D9. Henry IV (1399-1413) A.D10. Henry V (1413-1422) A.D11.Henry VI (1422-1461) A.D

Henry I (1130-1135) A.D

• Henry I has sometimes been called the “Lion of Justice” because he greatly improved the administrative and judicial systems.

Henry II (1154-1189) A.D

• Henry II was a man of remarkable enery both of body and mind

Richard I (1189-1199) A.D

• Richard’s reign saw the extension and popularization of the jury system.

John (1199-1216) A.D

• The Magna Carta secured the rights and privileges of every class and thus put an effective check upon king’s tyranny.

Henry III (1216-1272) A.D

• Henry III’s reign was the time of great religious revival and growth of universities as well as intellectual progress when people were welded together into one nation.

Edward II (1307-1327) A.D

• In 1327 Edward II was murdered at Berkeley castle.

Edward I (1272-1307) A.D

• Edward I was the greatest of the Plantagenet kings.

Edward III (1327-1377) A.D

• He was only 15 years old when he became king.

Henry IV (1399-1413)

• Henry IV’s title was parliamentary and not hereditary as he had no hereditary right to the crown and he was the 1st Lancaster king.

Henry V (1413-1422) A.D

• Henry was the noblest representative of the house of Lancaster as well as a brave soldier and wies

Henry VI (1422-1461) A.D

• His one lasting achievement was his fostering of education: he founded both Eton college and king’s college, Cambridge.

Cloth of Medieval Ages

Medieval dresses is still very attractive

• For the royal and the noble the materials they usually used are velvet and silk while the peasants only have access to common fabrics.

• Royal family’s dresses

• Velvet Medieval wedding Dress

Food of Medieval Ages

Weapons of Medieval Ages


Castles of Medieval Ages

The End