Meditation mastery

Post on 25-May-2015

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  • 1. Meditation Mastery The Secrets

2. A New Approach To Personal Development 3. So Whats in it For Me? We all live busy lives with little time to step back and relax.I bet right now you are thinking about what you need to do next. Or I havent got time to meditate, I dont know how and it probably wont work for me anyway 4. What Is Meditation? Meditation is an altered state of awareness, or focused thought, towards a desired state or objective.There are many different types, each with their own proponents, yet essentially they are all very similar. You can learn the basics in minutes, yet study for a lifetime and still learn something new every day. The secret is, There Are No secrets. Once you have mastered the basics, you are free to explore the universe in your own way. 5. So Why Should You Choose Me? I love working with people and helping them overcome personal and business challenges.So many people I know are rushing here and there when what they are looking for is within their grasp. How you see yourself, determines your view of reality, it is satisfying to our ego to think we are the best, but what if you could be 50% better, a 100% better..What If? Imagine how liberating it would feel to let go of doubt and uncertainty, to feel so secure you can trust others with your feelings and transform your relationships. 6. How Does it Work? In our workshops we take you through a series of guided visualisations.We teach you how to clear old programming and limiting beliefs. We help you tap in to universal energy and rebalance your personal energy levels, to become fully grounded. We show you how you can access amazing resources, to meditate in minutes or even seconds, simply using your unconscious through Self Induced Relaxation. 7. What Will I Need? You will need an open and inquiring mind, a sense of fun and curiosity.Will I have to chant or sit on the floor or look silly in some way? No. All our workshops are in small friendly groups. All of the techniques we teach can be performed in complete silence, or with a musical background. MP3 recordings are provided as part of your workshop All you need to do is sit back and listen, and then join in by going through the exercises. 8. What Will I Learn? Each weekly session will recap on the previous, so new members will not feel left out.We have a group discussion about how things are working and what the group would like to gain from this weeks session. There will be a minimum of 2 meditations within each 2 hour workshop. Subject to available space, each member may bring one guest free. 9. How Much Does It Cost? Our online membership is 25 per month, which gives you an audio guide book, MP3 recordings and email support. Weekly sessions are 10 per week payable through Alternatively, you may book 10 sessions direct at a discounted rate of 80, 10. Discover Your Spiritual SelfFind us on 11. Questions? More Information? mike@mindzonetraining.com505, Hale End Road, Highams Park London E4 9PT 0208 531 8875