Meehan: Natural Living

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JOUR3450- In this issue: Green Living, The benefits of the Paleo Diet, and much more.


1April 2014 Natural Living

naturalAPRIL 2014

&mind, bodyspirit

Become agreen yogiAlign your values on and off the mat

APRIL 2014

US $4.99 CAN $3.99

How to: Vegan

2 April 2014 Natural Living


15 Yoga poses for the less than flexible: A begin-ner’s guide

29 The Paleo Diet: What to know and what to buy, a complete guide

36 Kate Hudson Yogi Spotlight: Fearless, fun, fashion designing actress gives us insight to her pas-sion for yoga.

45 Mind, Body & Spirit: What’s a positive mind and body if your spirit is lacking?

57 The New Yogi: Aligning your values on the mat, with your lifestyle off the mat with these easy steps

57 The New Yogi: Aligning your values on the mat, with your lifestyle off the mat with these easy steps

57 The New Yogi: Aligning your values on the mat, with your lifestyle off the mat with these easy steps

3April 2014 Natural Living

naturalmeet the editors

Bringing you exactly what you need to maintain a positive and healthy mind, body, and spirit.

School of Media and CommunicationWest Hall 302Bowling Green, OH 43403419-372-8349Fax: 419-372-0202

Publisher: Taylor MeehanEditor: Kelly TaylorNutritionist: Courtney PearcePersonal Trainer: Jessica ThompsonGraphic Design: Taylor MeehanPhotographer: Kailey Carter

Fonts used: Cheddar Jack, Helvetica, Times, PanchoPhotos: Flickr, Google Images, Original photos by Taylor MeehanSoftware: InDesign, IllustratorPSA Information Source:

Natural Living strides to bring you the top stories and trends of a healthy mind, body, and spirit monthly, and is avaialble in stores or via subscription.

A monthly subscription costs $15.99 for the year: see for more information and deals.

© Natural Living 2014

4 April 2014 Natural Living4 April 2014 Natural Living

Written by: Courtney Pearce

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Cras quis eleifend nisi, vel ultrices enim. Vivamus vitae nisl fau ibus, semper mi et, tempus neque. Sed vitae dui ut mauris

aligning your values on and off the mat

5April 2014 Natural Living5April 2014 Natural Living

6 April 2014 Natural Living


6 April 2014 Natural Living

7April 2014 Natural Living

Why eating like a caveman may be the best thing to happen to your body

More efficient workouts

Noticeably cleared skin


Improved sleep patterns

Reduced allergies

Consistent energy

7April 2014 Natural Living

8 April 2014 Natural Living


90 percent of lung cancer

in men is directly related

to smoking and 80 percent

of lung cancer in women is

caused by cigarettes.

9April 2014 Natural Living 9April 2014 Natural Living

Classic never goes out of style.

10April 2014 Natural Living

Taylor MeehanTay, TayTay,

T, Meehan

veggie stir fryand couscous

Kris Letang

working for the National Hockey League

lululemon leggings!

anything EDM with a good beat

my EOS chaptstick