Meeting our Mandate. Retirement Markets in South Africa’s Social Protection System Part 1...

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Meeting our Mandate

Retirement Markets in South Africa’s Social Protection System

Part 1 Developing Agreement on the Big Picture

Rob Rusconi Jonathan Mort

Plan of research

Key policy papers considered1. The Taylor Commission of Inquiry

2. The Department of Social Development

3. The National Development Plan

4. National Treasury

Substantial agreement1. The existence of a Constitutional mandate

2. The need for holistic approach

3. Private-sector role and government oversight responsibility

4. Regulatory weakness

5. System inefficiency

6. Inadequacy of outcomes

7. Potential for progressive implementation

Careful attention to detail

Careful attention to detail

Careful attention to detail

Careful attention to detail

Careful attention to detail

Careful attention to detail

Careful attention to detail

Careful attention to detail

Differences exist and are helpful

1. Not everybody supports the wage subsidy

2. A mandatory defined benefit system is not universally liked

3. Differences in detail exist on the preservation mandate

4. Some would like to see tax incentives removed

Are we showing the leadership?

Are we taking responsibility?1. The existence of a Constitutional mandate

2. The need for holistic approach

3. Private-sector role and government oversight responsibility

4. Regulatory weakness

5. System inefficiency

6. Inadequacy of outcomes

7. Potential for progressive implementation

Retirement Markets in South Africa’s Social Protection System

Part 1 Developing Agreement on the Big Picture

Rob Rusconi Jonathan Mort