Meeting Your Angels

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Meeting Your Angels

Who Are Angels?

•An angel is a supernatural being or spirit found in various religions and mythologies.•They are often depicted as benevolent celestial beings who act as intermediaries between Heaven and Earth• Guardian spirits or a guiding influence.

9 choir of angels

1. Angels2. Archangels3. Principalities4. Powers5. Virtues6. Dominions7. Thrones8. Cherubims9. Seraphims

Guardian angels

• We have 2 guardian angels • One is bold and loud• Other one soothes and comforts us.


• Arch- chief Angel-messenger of god• Archangels are the highest rank of angels in

heaven• They assist earth inhabitants.

Angels Help

• Say it• Think it• Write it• Visualize it• Affirm it

Invoke angels

• Ask god • Ask angels • Visualize angels

15 archangels

1. Michael 6. Jeremiel 11. Chamuel

2. Raphael 7. Ariel 12. Haniel

3. Gabriel 8. Azrael 13. Zadkiel

4. Uriel 9. Raziel 14. Metatron

5. Jophiel 10. Raguel 15. Sandalphon

Angel appearance

• Very beautiful• Breath taking• Awe inspiring• 100% light• Pure love• Large swan like wings• Wear opalescent chiffon clothings

What do their names mean?

• Michael :- he who is like god• Raphael :- god heals • Gabriel :- messenger of god • Uriel :- god is light• Jophiel :- beauty of god • Jeremiel :- mercy of god • Ariel :- lioness of god • Azrael :- whom god helps

What do their names mean?

• Raziel :- secrets of god• Raguel :- friend of god• Chamuel :- he who sees god• Haniel :- glory of god• Zadkiel :- righteousness of god• Metatron :- of god • Sandalphon :- syn- together adelphos-

brother (co-brother) or (co-worker)

Connecting with angels

• After you ask, they help immediaetly.• Directly intervene • Manifest desires• Give you signs• Give you guidance• Give you instructions

• Gut feeling• Tingling• Goose bumps• Intuitive hunch• Feel the presence of angel

Clearing and Shielding

Clearing :- clear any negative energies. Ask archangel michael to cut off the energetic ties.

Shielding :- Shield your spiritual protection. Imagine yourself in bright white light.

Increase clarity with angels

• Breathe • Relax• Follow guidance• Ask them for signs

Lights from angels

• Michael :- Bright blue/ cobalt blue• Raphael :- Emerald green • Gabriel :- Dark yellow• Uriel :- Light yellow• Jophiel :- Bright pink• Jeremiel :- Voilet • Ariel :- Pale pink• Azrael :- Beige

Lights from angels

• Raziel :- Rainbow colors• Raguel :- Blue aqua• Chamuel :- Pale green• Haniel :- Moonlight (pale almost white blue)• Zadkiel :- Dark blue• Metatron :- Green with dark pink• Sandalphon :- turquoise

Meditation using light

Angel numbers

• 0 :- message of love• 1 :- watch your thoughts• 2 :- keep faith• 3 :- ascended masters are with you• 4 :- angels are assisting you with the

situation• 5 :- positive changes are coming to you

Angel numbers

• 6 :- release fears. Balance your thoughts between heaven and earth.

• 7 :- your on the right path. Keep going.• 8 :- abundance is coming to you now• 9 :- get to work on lifes purpose

Angelic help

Michael• Protection. • Spiritual protection. • Courage and confidence • Safety • Life purpose guidance• Repairing items• Casts out lower energies.


• Immediate healing • Health care provider• Pain management• Travel help• Guiding healers• Call upon him for healing your loved ones


• Delivers clear and important messages• Nurturing children• Life purpose involving children • Helps parents with conception, adoption

and birth.• Clear messages • Helping other messengers


• Illuminates our mind with thoughts and ideas.

• Intellectual understanding • Epiphanies• Insights • conversations


• Angel of beauty • Beautifies our lives • Beautifies our thoughts • Helps make us feel better• Shifts our minds from negative to positive


• Path of lifes purpose• Guides to see ourselves through the eyes of

god.• Developing and understanding spiritual



• Environmental life purpose• Manifesting supplies• Connecting with nature • Guidance in environmental and animal



• Helps crossing over of souls• Takes soul of every person and returns it to



• Wisdom of other lifetimes • Helps us understand our divine mission• Undoes recurring negative patterns• Increase self esteem and self worth


• Brings forgiveness calm and peace• Healing arguments and misunderstandings• Builds relationship harmony• Maintains good friendship• Attracting wonderful new friends


• Finding angel• Finding whatever we are seeking• Helps find Universal and personal peace• Helps us locate lost things• Helps us if we are lost and afraid


• Womens emotions and physical health• Awakens spiritual gift of intuition• Healing and supporting womens health



• Supports students• Heals painful memories• Heals our minds• Helps us remember our divine mission


• Angel of highly supporting children• Esoteric healing works• Works with universal energies• Metatrons healing cube


• Angel of music • Receiving and delivering prayers• Helps us find divine love• Supports musicians

Careers with angels

• Michael :- police officers• Raphael :- doctors, spiritual healers• Gabriel :- teachers, journalists, actors• Uriel :- students councellors• Jophiel :- • Jeremiel :-• Ariel :- environmentalists, animal welfare• Azrael :-

• Raziel :-• Raguel :-• Chamuel :-• Haniel :- • Zadkiel :-• Metatron :-• Sandalphon:- musicians