Meiosis and Human Reproduction SPERMATOGENESISOOGENESIS.

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Learning Targets“I Can . . .”

-State the number of chromosomes in a typical human being.

-Name the two sex chromosomes in a human female.

-Name the two sex chromosomes in a human male.

-Define “nondisjunction.”



1. Human cells are diploid, meaning there are 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46.

2. Human sex cells are haploid. Each sex cell (gamete) has 23 chromosomes and only one copy of every gene.

Sperm (23) + Egg (23)

=A new human (46) !

Review3. Genes are located on chromosomes. The location where they are found on that chromosome is called a locus (pl. loci)

*Chromosome theory of heredity: Genes are located on the chromosomes and each gene occupies a specific place on a chromosome. A gene may exist in several forms called alleles, and each chromosome contains one allele for each gene.


4. Genes are swapped between homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis when chromosomes are paired as tetrads. This process is called crossing over

Sex Determination

1. Autosomes (22 pairs): chromosomes that are the same in males and females

2. Sex chromosomes (23rd pair): final “pair” of chromosomes that are different in males and females

a. Females are XX

b. Males are XY

3. Genes that are found on sex chromosomes are sex-linked.

Chromosome mutations: change in the number or structure of chromosomes

1. Inversion: a section of a chromosome is reversed in order

2. Translocation: non-homologous chromosomes swap regions

3. Deletion: part of a chromosome is removed4. Duplication: region of a chromosome is doubled5. Nondisjunction: chromosome pairs do not separate

during meiosis

*Many genetic disorders result from chromosome nondisjunction during meiosis (diagram, page 401)

Chromosome mutations: change in the number or structure of chromosomes

Chromosome mutations can be observed using a karyotype

1. Karyotype: the arrangement of homologous pairs of chromosomes

2. Common chromosomal defectsa. Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)b. Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18)c. Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13)d. Turner Syndrome (X)

e. ______________ Syndrome (XXY)

Karyotype for a person with Down Syndrome

Extra chromosome at the 21st position

Characteristics facial features such as widely-spaced eyes, flat noses, and large tongues

Mild to severe mental retardation

Down Syndrome

Edwards Syndrome

Edwards Syndrome

Patau Syndrome

Patau Syndrome

Sex Chromosome Disorders

Turner Syndrome

Klinefelter Syndrome






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